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C\  V 



MOIR  of  Otterburne 
and  Abergeldie 

MOIR  of  Leckie 

MOIR  of  Invernettie 

at  Stoneywood  Works 

MOIR   of  Scotstown 

(See  pages   14-15) 

MOIR  of  Stoneywood 

MOIR   of  Hilton 





(     ifh-t'^y^- 






Copyright,  1913 
by  Alexander  L.  Moir 
i  Lowell^  Mass. 

Published  by  the  Author 

.'  ;  ;p1v1»  Hun'dred  Conies'  tjrintfed 

Press  of  the 

Union  Printing  Company 

Lowell,  Mass. 

Aberdeen  Advocates, 374 

Aberdeenshire  Sasine  Registers.     By  J.  G.  Burnett,  IJsq 286 

Aberneth}'  of  Mayen. 214 

Alexander  Wilson  Moir,   (civil  service) 348 

American  Soldiers  in  the  Revolutionary  War,  1775-1783 31 

Ancestry  of  Moirs  of  Scotstown  and  Barns.     By  J.  G.  Burnett,  Esq.   135 

Ancient  Ayrshire  Family,  An 351 

Andrew  Moir  I.   of  Overhill,   and  Descendants  ..,.-,.  .^j 114 

Archibald  Moir,  Banker,  Alioa.^ .;;,..,..'.  ^, ..'. .  ,.',.'':,.-. 335 

Armorial  Bearings  of  the  F^^Hy  9f  Jjii^ir  in-  Scdtland 14 

Auchterarder  Baptisms,  1700-1844 . , . ._.,.' ., \  .'/.' 90 

Banffshire  Moirs '</. '. . .',.'.' .  .  .' 187 

Bards  of  Bon  Accord,  The  ,,,    ,,    ; 

I.    George  Moir .\. .  .>.v.\V.'-  J". .... .    337 

II.    Rev.  John  Moir,  M.  A'.  ..'...■..  .! 337 

III.    William  Moir 338 

Blackford  Baptisms,  1700-1844 90 

Burgesses  of  Guild  and  Trade,  Aberdeen,  1399-1700 95 

"Bydand,"  The  Gordon  Motto 340 

Byres  of  Tonley.     By  A.  J.  Mitchell-Gill,  Esq 130 

Callander  Births,  1750-1775 88 

Captain  James  Philip  Moir,  D.  S.  O. 336 

Clackmananshire  Moirs 189 

Comrie  Baptisms,   1700-1844 90 

Corrections 492 

Correspondence  from  the  Stoneywood  Manuscript 152 

Crief  Baptisms,  1700-1844 90 

David  Macbeth  Moir,  M.  D.,  Family  and  Descendants 176 

Dedication,  "To  My  Father' ' 9 

Delta  Centenary,  The 

I.    David  Macbeth  Moir 327 

li .    The  Memory  of  Delta 330 

2  MoiR  Genea];ogy 

Descendants  of  James  Moir  of  Doune,  Perthshire 230 

Descendants  of  James  Moir,  Tarves,  Aberdeenshire 159 

Descendants  of  Robert  and  Ellizabeth  Moir,  Thornhill,  Perthshire. .  242 

Doune  and  Thornhill  Moirs 236 

Doune,  Perthshire 227 

Dr.  James  Moir,  Son  of  Rev.  George  Moir  and  Martha  Byres 123 

Dr.  John  Muir,  St.  James  Church,   Glasgow 364 

Dunblane  Testaments,   1665-1777 100 

Dunning,  Baptisms,  1700-1844 90 

Earl)'  American  Mores,  The.     By  Rev.  George  Mooar 30 

Edinburgh  and  Deith  Moirs 190 

Elginshire  Moirs 191 

Extracts  from  Maxwell  Wills,  Doune,  Perthshire 99 

Famil)'  of  Moir  and  More,  The,  Scotland,  by  Henry  Paton 82 

Family  Record 402  to  411 

Fif eshire  Moirs 218 

Finale 401 

Forfarshire  Moirs 231 

Frederick  L,.  M.  Moir 339 

George  Jameson 363 

George  Moir,  of  Belmont  St.  Congregational  Church,  Aberdeen 359 

"A  Sabbath  Morning  Reflection' ' 359 

George  W.  Moir,  Soldier 361 

Graham-Moirs  of  Deckie 282 

Great  American  Family,  A 200 

Hannah  More,  AuHid>ress  .■■.  .*,. ,'. ... ^.^. 350 

Henry  More,  Aut£®K*. .' .'.,.»  .  .^. . .  ."..^v.  *..ll.;.: 350 

History  of  the  Mores.  .  Sy.  Charle's  tlhtfrcll  More 25 

Hon.  James  Moir,  Scr^niqn,  P^.  :^.  .'....7 338 

Hon.  William  J.  Moir^,.  ^g/dqra,' 'I'oVa. .  : 347 

xiltistr3,tiotis •••«••«%  ••>«.«.i*.««...^.  •■•..•... ••••••*.••  6 

Index,  Moirs *•  •*•  •'••. .'..'.  J.\  .'.  i ..  I 439 

Index,  other  Names 466 

Index  to  Place-Names 427 

Interesting  Canadian  Branch,  An   212 

Introductory 10 

Invernesshire  Moirs 224 

James  Moir,  Fenton  House,  Alloa 334 

James  Moir-Marie  Scrougie,  Marriage  Contract 112 

Jay  Gould' s  Family 305 

John^Moir,   Blind  Poet  of  the  Feugh 341 

I.     Phases  o'  the  Feugh 341 

II.     Twenty-third  Psalm 342 

III.     Woman 343 

John  W.  Moir 339 

John  Muir,   Geologist,   etc , .- 361 

James  Moir,  M.  D. ,  Naval  Surgeon 348 

John  Wilson  Moir 347 

Kilmadock,  Doune,  Births  (Allied  Families)   1623-1843 66 

MoiR  Gsne;ai<ogy  3 

Kilmadock  Marriages,  1623-1854 79 

Kincardine  Births,  1843-1854 87 

Kincardine  Marriages,  1770-1854 78 

Kincardineshire  Moirs 234 

Kincardine,  Thornhill,  Births,   1691-1843 75,  77 

Lanarkshire  Moirs 226 

Lands  of  Cotton,  Aberdeenshire 105 

Leckie  House  and  Estate 275 

Kilmadock,  Doune,  Births,  1623-1843 58 

Letter  from  William  Moir-Bryce 125 

List  of  Emigrants  to  America 28 

List  of  Fiars  Jurors,  Aberdeenshire,  1604-1900 97 

Lonach  Society,  The,  Original  Members 98 

Methlick  Baptisms  and  marriages 55 

Moir  and  More  Graduates 36 

University  of  Aberdeen 39 

University  of  Edinburgh 40 

University  of  Glasgow 37 

University  of  St.  Andrews 41 

Moir  and  More  in  Scotland,  by  Henry  Paton 23 

Moir  Arms,  The,  at  Stoneywood  Works 15 

Moir  Memorials  : 291 

Aberdeenshire  Epitaphs 316 

Allenvale,  Aberdeen,  Burials 310 

Ann  Smillie  Moir 326 

Duncan  Moir 323 

Epitaphs,  St.  Clement's, Aberdeen 293 

Epitaphs,  '  'Thanage  of  Fermartyn" 320 

George  Moir,  LL.  D 295 

Isabella  MacLarty  Moir 325 

John  Moir,  Monquhitter 303 

John  Moir,  Woodside 321 

Margaret  Stewart  Moir 297 

Martha  Smith  Moir 323 

Methlick  Burials 297 

Moirs  in  "Aberdeen  Journal"  Obituary,  1748-1889 305 

Nellfield,  Aberdeen,  Cemetery 307 

Obituaries  prior  to  1800 396 

Patrick  Moir,  Epitaph 304 

Peterhead,    Aberdeenshire,    Churchj'ard 313 

Record  of  St.  Clements,  Aberdeen 291 

Scotstown's  Mausoleum,  Aberdeen 298 

St.  Clements,    Aberdeen,    Churchj'ard 312 

St.  Nicholas,  Aberdeen,  Churchyard 316 

St.  Peter's,  Aberdeen,  Churchyard 313 

Tarland  Churchyard 312 

William  Moir's  Memorial  Window 315 

Moir  of  Barnes 143 

Moir  of  Ferryhill 144 

Moir  of  Hilton 142 


Moir  of  Invernettie 140 

Moir  of  Ivonmaj' 141 

Moir  of  New  Grange 141 

Moir  of  Otterburn 145 

Moir  of  Stoneywood 146 

Moir  Memorials 291 

Moirs  and  Mores  in  Ancient  Charters 32 

David  II.,   (1329-1370) 32 

Robert  I.,   (1314-1328) 32 

Robert  II.,    (1370-1390) 34 

Robert  III. ,    (1390-1406) 34 

Robert,  Duke  of  Albany,   (1406-1419) 35 

Moirs  and  Mores  in  America,  The 26 

The  Moirs  and  Mores  of  Scotland,  The,  by  David  F.  More ....     20 

Moirs  of  Aberdeenshire,  by  Andrew  J.  Mitchell-Gill,  The 19 

Moirs   of   Cromar 155 

Moirs  of  England 209 

Moirs  of  Foveran 127 

Moirs  of  L/eckie 277 

Moirs  of  Scotland,  The,  Descended  from  Aberdeenshire  Moirs 373 

Moirs  of  Scotstown 138 

Moirs  of  Stoneywood,   from  the  Stoneywood  Book 370 

Moirs  of  Stonejrvvood,    The 106 

I.     From  ' 'Aberdeen  Free  Press" 106 

II.     From  "Scott's  Tales  of  a  Grandfather" 108 

More  of  Linley 366 

Mores  and  Mtires  of  Caldwell  and  Rowallan,  The 358 

Miires  of  Rowallan,  The,  an  Ancient  Family 351 

Mures,  The,  by  '  'G' '  in  Kilmarnock  Standard 356 

Muthill  Baptisms,  1700-1844 .... 90 

Official  Record,  War  Department,  Washington,  U.  S.  A 368 

Old  Beid  House,   Aberdeen 369 

Old  Greenburn  Market,  The 110 

Old  Mansion  House  of  Stoneywood,  by  James  Cruikshank ., 109 

Old  Records,    from  Tonley  Family  Bible 134 

Origin  of  Moir,  by  Hon.  James  Moir 17 

Origin    of    the    Moir    Coats    of    Arms,     by     Nathaniel    Holmes 

Morrison,  L^Iy.  D 13 

Origin  of  the  Surname,  by  Prof.  Cosmo  Innes . .     18 

Orkney  and  Shetland  Moirs 207 

Other  Aberdeenshire  Moirs 180 

Other  Moirs 211 

Other  Perthshire  Moirs , 268 

Passengers  on   the  Mayflower 27 

Personal,  Biographical  and  Historical  Notes 375  to  400 

Armorial  Families 381 

Articles  relating  to  Moirs  in  the  Glasgow  Exhibition  (1911). . . .   392 

Big  Moir  of  Culter 397 

Books  written  or  edited  by  Moirs 375 

Coming  of  age  of  L/ord  Moore 398 

MoiR  Geneai,ogy  5 

Grizel   More  of  Rothiemurcbus 383 

James  Moir  and  the  West  End  Park 385 

Mar's  '  'Wark' '    400 

Moirs   in  Aberargie,   Perthshire 382 

Moirs  in  Aberdeen 382 

Moirs  in  Braidbaugb 382 

Moirs  in  Edinburgh 382 

Moirs   in   Forres 382 

Moirs  in   Kirkaldy,  Fifeshire 382 

Moore  and  Mure  Book  Collectors 378 

Moore,    More  and  Muir  Silhouettes 380 

My  Lady  Honeysuckle 399 

Old  Song 387 

Robert  Murdoch  Lawrance 398 

Stonehaven  Engineer's  Heroism 398 

Tarty,  IvOgie-Bachan 393 

Place-Names,  Doune  and  Thornhill 228 

Powis  Papers,   Moir  References 216 

Registers  of  Buchanan,   Elginshire,  1699-1761 57 

Registers   of  Forres,  Elginshire,  1 675-1758 56 

Registers  of  Rothiemurcbus,  Inverness-shire,  1774-1800 57 

Registers  of  St.  Andrew's,  Aberdeen,    1775-1810 51 

Registers  of  St.  Nicholas,    Aberdeen,   1570-1700 42 

Renfrewshire  Moirs 272 

Rev.  Thomas  Moir,  M.  A. ,  of  Aberdeenshire 346 

Robert  Moir  of  Ontario 344 

Robert  Moir,  Merchant,  Oquawka,  Illinois 345 

Scotstown  Library  Notes 104 

Scotstown  Notes 105 

Sir  John  Moore 362 

Sir  Michael  Bruce,   Baronet 349 

Sir  Thomas  More,  Statesman 349 

Society  of  Friends,   Records 55 

St.  George's,  London,  England,  Marriage  Registers,   1573-1853 94 

Stirling  Births,  1671-1700 89 

Stirling  Volunteers 103 

Stoneywood  House 110 

Stoneywood  Notes 106 

Surname  of  Moir  or  More,  The,  by  A.  J.  Mitchell-Gill,  Esq 61 

Tulliallan  Births,  1855-1900 82 

William  Mitchell 364 

Wright's  and  Cooper's  Records,  1731-1911 99 

Alexander  J.  Moir  and  family  of  Worcester,  Mass 232 

Alexander  Moir  and  family,  Lowell,  Mass 251 

Alexander  Moir,  calico  printer,  l^owell.  Mass 9 

Alexander  Moir,  engineer,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia 152 

Alexander  Wilson  Moir,  civil  service 360 

Ann  Black  (wife  of  James  Moir,  blacksmith) ,  Annet,  Aberdeenshire.  168 

Archibald  Moir,  of  Alloa 344 

Arms  of  the  Scottish  Universities 40 

Bridge  of  Teith,  and  U.  F.  Manse,  Doune,   Perthshire 72 

Chapel,  King's  College,  Aberdeen 120 

Cross,  Main  St. ,  Doune,  Perthshire 72 

Cross  and  Municipal  buildings,  Aberdeen,  Scotland 88 

Culloden,  Graves  of  the  Clans 200 

David  Macbeth  Moir,  M.  D. ,  Scottish  Poet 328 

Delta's  Monument,  Musselburgh,  Scotland 328 

Denny,  U.  F.  Church,  Stirlingshire 392 

Doune  Castle,  Doune,  Perthshire 72 

Duncan  Moir,  merchant,  I^owell,  Mass 344 

Fdinbnrgh  University 392 

Forres,  Elginshire • 392 

Frederick  I^ewis  Maitland  Moir,  African  Pioneer  and  Traveler 392 

Gargunnock 312 

Gartincaber  House,  near  Doune,  Perthshire 88 

George  Jameson,   artist 24 

George  Moir,  blacksmith,  Uttle  Ardo,  and  Margaret  Calder,  his  wife.  168 

George  Moir,  of  Pro\'idence,  R.  1 72 

George   Moir,   tailor,   Methlick   (son   of  George  Moir,    blacksmith, 

L,ittle  Ardo) 168 

George  R.  Moir  and  his  blacksmith  shop,  British  Columbia 168 

Glasgow  University 88 

Gould  Memorial  Church,  Roxbury,  New  York 392 

Hannah  More,  authoress 376 

MoiR  Gbneaix>Gy  7 

Hon.  William  J.  Moir  of  Eldora,  Iowa 184 

House  of  Baillie  William  L/Ogan  and  Janet  Moir,  Old  Aberdeen 376 

Interior  St.  Andrew's  Episcopal  Church,  Aberdeen 56 

Isabella  Dobson  Watson  Moir 360 

Isabella  Byres,  in  group,  (Tonley  Collection) 40 

John  Milne,  Inspector  of  Poor,  Bucksburn,  Aberdeenshire 152 

John  Moir  and  family  of  Winnipeg,  Manitoba 280 

John  More's  Monument,  Roxbury,  New  York 40 

John  S.  Moir,  D.  O.,  of  Lowell,  Mass 280 

John  Russell  and  family  of  Glasgow 216 

James  Byres,  in  group,  (Tonley  Collection) 40 

James  Moir,  blacksmith,  Fedderate,  (son  of  Geo.  Moir,  Little  Ardo)-  168 

James  Moir,  blacksmith,  Annet,  Aberdeenshire 168 

James  Moir,  J.  P. ,  Alloa,  Clackmananshire 344 

James  Moir,  M.  A. ,  schoolmaster,  Savock  of  Deer 168 

James  oir  II  of  Stoneywood,   over   15  years  M.  P.  for  Aberdeenshire 

(Scougal,  Painter) 40 

James  Moir  IV  of  Stoneywood,  (from  the  painting  in  the  Skene  Col- 
lection)    120 

Janet  (Moir)  Byres,  in  group,  (Tonley  Collection) 40 

King  Charles  1 24 

King's  College,  Aberdeen 56 

Leckie  House,  Gargunnock,  Stirlingshire 152 

Loch  Shiel  and  Prince  Charlie's  Monument 200 

Lord  Lewis  Gordon 24 

Main  Street,  Thornhill,  Perthshire 88 

Major  James  Philip  Moir,  D.  S.  O 344 

Map  of  Doune,  Thornhill  and  Neighborhood 228 

Mark  W.  Moir  of  Eldora,  Iowa 184 

Marischall  College,  Aberdeen  University,  Aberdeen 56 

Marischall  College  previous  to  1840 120 

M.  Carland  and  wife,  Corunna,  Michigan 216 

Moir  of  Hilton  Coat  of  Arms  Frontispiece 

Moir  Coat  of  Arms  at  Stoneywood  Works " 

Moir  of  Scotstown  Coat  of  Arms " 

Moir  of  Invernettie  Coat  of  Arms " 

Moir  of  Stoneywood  Coat  of  Arms " 

Moir  Window,  Scotstown  Coat  of  Arms 136 

Moir  Window,  Invernettie  Coat  of  Arms , 136 

Moir  Window,  Three  Moir  heads 136 

Mrs.  Alexander  Moir  (Isabella  MacLarty)  of  Lowell,  Mass 9 

Mrs.  James  McLaren  and  Mrs.  Joseph  Kelley 312 

Old  Church  at  Muthill,  Perthshire 56 

Old  Machar  Cathedral : 312 

Old  Mansion  House  at  Stoneywood 104 

Old  Newton  House,  Doune,  Perthshire 72 

Original  Moir  Tail-Pieces 

104,  111,  159,  175,  199,  200,  206,  208,  21G,  215,  225,  229,  230,  235,  241, 
255,  267,  276,  281,  285,  291,  294,  299,  314,  318,  326,  333,  336,  357,  369, 
372,  373,  375,  376,  384,  400,  401,  412,  427,  439. 

8  MoiR  Genealogy 

Original  Tail-Pieces '. 

15,  16,  24,  34,  35,  36,  50,  54,  93,   94,   98,    109,   126,    154,   179,  227,  271, 

300,  301,  343,  355,  381. 

Otterburn  and  Abergeldie  Coat  of  Arms Frontispiece 

Palace  of  History,  (Glasgow  Exhibition,  1911) 392 

Patrick  Bj'res,  (from  the  Tonley  Collection) 40 

Patrick  Moir,  (from  the  Tonley  Collection) 40 

Prince  Charles  Edward  Stuart ; 24 

Rev.  George  Moir,  D.  D.,  Minister  at  Peterhead,  Aberdeenshire 40 

Robert  Moir  of  North  Carolina 184 

Robert  Moir  and  family  of  Bberts,  Ontario,  Canada : 248 

Robert  Moir  and  family  of  Denny,  Stirlingshire 252 

Robert  Moir  and  family  of  West  Kilbride,  Ayrshire 264 

Robert  Moir 's  house  at  Govan 264 

Robert  Smith  and  family  of  Pollokshields,  Glasgow 248 

Rorie  More's  Horn 392 

Scoto-English  Seal 24 

Scotstown's  Mausoleum,  St.  Peter's  Churchyard,  Aberdeen 296 

Seal  of  Aberdeen  University,  Aberdeen 56 

Seal  of  St.  Andrew's  University,  St.  Andrew's,  Fifeshire 392 

Sir  John  Moore  360 

St.  Nicholas,  West  Church,  Interior,  Aberdeen 56 

St.  Nicholas  Church,  (now  called  East  and  West  Church)  Aberdeen-  56 

Stoneywood  House,  Stoneywood,  Aberdeenshire •  •  152 

Stoneywood  Works,  Bucksburn,  Aberdeenshire 152 

Susan  (Moir)  Kelley  and  Janet  (Moir)  MacLaren  of  Vernon,  Mich-.  312 

Tablet  in  wall  of  Old  Beid  House,  Aberdeen 376 

Tonley  House,  Whitehouse,  Aberdeenshire 152 

William  Moir,  in  Group 40 

William  Moir,  iron  merchant,  Aberdeen 168 

William  Moir,  Sixth  Principal  of  Aberdeen  University  (1649-1661)-  •  40 

William  Moir,  jeweler,  New  York  City 312 

William  Moir's   Memorial   Window  in   Fifth   Avenue   Presbyterian 

Church,  New  York  City 312 






Z  Z 
















®n  Mji  3Fatlfpr 

In  loving  memory  of  him,  who  did  not  live  to  see  the  full 
completion  of  a  task  which  has  taken  much  time  and  study. 
Whose  whole  heart  was  in  this  work,  of  which  he  was  the 
originator,  whose  counsels  assisted  in  gathering  together  a 
vast  amount  of  information  concerning  his  own  branch  of  the 

This  volume  is  respectfully  dedicated  by 



In  compiling  this  work,  it  has  been  our  desire  to  bring 
together  scattered  facts,  relating  to  the  Moirs,  especially  those 
of  a  historical  nature,  and  have  them  registered  in  some  form  to 
produce  a  book  of  reference  with  vital  records  of  the  different 
families  wherever  found. 

It  is  on  account  of  the  valuable  assistance  we  have  received 
from  the  different  branches  recorded,  that  we  are  able  to  issue 
this  work.  Genealogical  data,  however,  does  not  appeal  to 
every  family,  with  the  result  that  several  branches  are  not 
given,  as  we  have  been  unable  to  obtain  the  desired  information. 

The  Moir  family  is  undoubtedly  one  of  the  oldest  of  Scottish 
families,  and  they  certainly  were  of  a  hardy  and  generally  pros- 
perous race  as  their  early  records  prove.  They  have  carried 
with  them  from  generation  to  generation  the  tra^ittions  and 
high  moral  tone  of  their  hardy  ancestors. 

The  family  formerly  were  in  many  lines  of  trade  or  pro- 
fessions, some  of  these  vocations  are  continued  in  the  same 
families  to  this  day.  Many  are  tillers  of  the  soil,  and  have 
in  many  cases,  extended  or  enlarged  their  estate,  or  the  younger 
members  of  the  family  have  bought  other  estates  to  "  grow  up  " 
on  —  a  good  thrifty  sign  —  which  is  general  among  nearly  every 
branch  we  have  recorded.  Into  whatever  branch  of  industry 
they  have  entered,  it  has  always  been  to  encourage  and  maintain 
an  honorable  standard  —  that  which  is  wholesome  and  pure  in 

At  first  it  was  intended  to  enter  in  connection  with  this 
work,  a  full  account  of  the  different  religious  bodies  with  which 
the  families  were  connected;  but  so  many  families  have  failed 
to  reply  to  this  part  of  the  family  record,  that  it  would  not  be 
fair  to  put  this  into  print.  It  is  quite  safe  to  say  that  a  vast 
majority  of  the  Moirs  are  Presbyterian,  while  the  Episcopalians 
are  a  good  second. 

Aside  from  the  different  Moir  families  of  Aberdeenshire, 
which  have  been  so  fully  and  admirably  set  forth  by  Mr.  Andrew 
J.  Mitchell-Gill,  in  his  book  "  The  Houses  of  Moir  and  Byres," 


and  which  are  herein  transcribed  with  the  kind  permission  of 
the  author,  and  to  which  we  have  added  the  registers  of  other 
localities  in  that  county  —  we  have  endeavored  to  show  a  full 
account  of  the  Doune  and  Thornhill  families  in  Perthshire,  and 
the  Leckie  Moirs  in  Stirlingshire  —  all  of  the  same  branch. 
The  official  records  of  these  localities,  (which  are  not  in  very- 
good  condition,  there  being  many  omissions),  dates  back  to  1623 
only,  and  it  is  a  lamentable  fact,  that  of  all  the  progeny,  that  were 
born  in  these  places,  there  are  now  very  few  of  our  name  in  the 
neighborhood,  many  having  gone  to  other  localities,  mostly  to 
foreign  shores,  where  they  have  generally  expanded,  and  now 
have  places  of  their  own.  Even  the  Moirs  of  Leckie  have  gone 
from  the  estate  at  Gargunnock,  the  Graham-Moirs  having  sold 
it,  and  the  last  owner  removes  to  Edinburgh,  and  even  drops 
the  name  of  Moir. 

Many  of  the  localities  from  which  other  families  of  Moirs 
originated  we  have  not  traced  to  their  origin,  but  we  have  been 
glad  to  receive  the  record  as  shown,  and  hope  these  will  be 
written  out  in  full  in  some  later  edition. 

We  have  also  endeavored  to  put  on  record  several  of  the 
individuals  of  the  family,  with  a  world-wide  reputation,  among 
whom  are  DAVID  MACBETH  MOIR,  M.  D.,  the  Scottish 
poet  and  literary  man,  whose  poetry  is  of  the  first  order,  and 
whose  wholesome  comic  story  of  "Mansie  Wauch,"  has  made 
much  hearty  laughter.  The  principal  facts  of  the  poet  were 
sent  by  his  daughter,  the  wife  of  the  late  Rev.  Professor  Milli- 
gan.  D.  D.,  now  of  Edinburgh. 

The  two  brothers,  FREDERICK  LEWIS  MAITEAND 
MOIR  and  JOHN  WILEIAM  MOIR,  who  made  their  mark  as 
pioneers  in  the  wilds  of  Central  Africa,  and  who  actively  assisted 
in  bringing  to  an  end  the  slavery  which  existed  there,  even  at  a 
great  self-sacrifice,  are  also  chronicled. 

Of  the  poets  of  our  clan  of  Aberdeenshire,  George  Moir,  Esq., 
is  one  of  the  most  prolific  and  prominent,  with  a  long  and  event- 
ful career,  and  John  Moir  "  the  blind  poet  of  the  Feugh,"  has 
written  some  fine  poetry,  the  Twenty-third  Psalm  in  broad  Scots 
being  a  good  specimen.  The  Rev.  John  Moir,  M.  A.,  and  William 
R.  Moir,  Esq..  have  also  written  many  and  valuable  additions 
to  poetical  literature. 

There  are  many  of  our  name  who  have  been  and  are  prom- 
inent individuals,  who  are  shining  lights  among  men;  magistrates, 

12  MOIR  Geneaxogy 

judges,  mayors,  clergymen,  lawyers,  leaders  in  their  various 
professions  or  branch  of  industry  in  which  they  may  be  engaged, 
as  is  herein  shown. 

The  illustrations  used  in  this  work  will  serve  to  give  some 
idea  of  the  people  and  locations.  We  have  inserted  views  of 
the  various  universities  of  Scotland,  because  there  have  been  a 
more  than  ordinary  share  of  graduates  of  our  patronymic  from 
these  institutions. 

The  writer  has  been  ten  years  at  work  on  this  genealogy 
(in  his  spare  time)  and  a  considerable  portion  of  the  collections 
that  follow  were  made  when  he  first  began  this  work,  and  in- 
formation concerning  the  additions  to  families  and  the  departures 
since,  have  not  been  as  fully  recorded.  One  needs  hardly  offer  an 
apology  for  knowing  and  therefore  registering  more  of  the  facts 
which  concern  his  own  immediate  family;  if,  as  to  some  other 
branches  of  the  family  the  record  is  proportionately  much  more 
complete,  thanks  are  due  the  correspondents  who  have  taken 
pains  to  make  it  so.  He  who  has  done  what  he  could  would  be 
glad  to  continue  the  work  farther  and  perfect  it,  as  there  may 
be  found  many  omissions  and  inaccuracies. 

The  author  begs  gratefully  to  acknowledge  valuable  assist- 
ance in  this  work  from  MR.  ANDREW  J.  MITCHELL-GILL 
of  Savock;  to  MR.  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE  and  MR. 
JOHN  GEORGE  BURNETT,  all  of  Aberdeenshire;  MR.  WIL- 
LIAM B.  COOK  of  Stirling  ;  REV.  WALTER  MacLEOD  and 
MRS.  ANNE  MILLIGAN,  daughter  of  DELTA  of  Edinburgh, 
and  REV.  GEORGE  MILLIGAN  of  Glasgow  University. 

In  case  of  any  errors  or  omissions  or  additional  informa- 
tion, in  the  event  of  a  supplementary  edition  being  printed,  they 
should  be  noted  and  sent  to  the  author  at  the  address  here  given, 
and  they  will  be  placed  in  their  proper  position. 


Lowell,  Mass.,  U.  S.  A. 


Provost  of  Peabody  Institute,  Bedtimore,  Md. 

It  is  asserted  that  Kenneth  Moir  was  one  of  the  brave 
soldiers  who  accompanied  Lord  James  Douglas,  or  "The  Good 
Sir  James  "  into  Spain  with  the  heart  of  King  Robert  the  Bruce, 
about  the  year  1330,  and  when  they  landed,  they  engaged  with 
Alonzo  XI.  of  Spain,  to  fight  on  the  Christian  side  against  the 
pagan  Moors.  Lord  Douglas  was  killed  in  attempting  to  rescue 
Sir  William  St.  Clair  of  Roslyn  ;  but  in  the  charge,  and  before 
this  happened,  Kenneth  Moir  slew  three  Moors  and  cut  off  their 
heads,  when  one  of  the  Scottish  host  exclaimed  "  One  Scottish 
Christian  Moir  can  kill  three  pagan  Moors."  It  is  believed  that 
this  incident  is  the  cause  of  the  origin  of  the  coat-of-arms  of  the 
Moirs  wherein  are  depicted  three  Moors  heads  with  the  blood 
dripping  from  the  neck. 

Similar  arms  are  matriculated  in  the  arms  of  the  Morrisons 
of  Preston  Grange  in  Midlothian. 

The  name  Moir  means  renowned,  famous,  a  mighty  one. 



Of  the  Family  of  MOIR  in  Scotland 
From  ihe  "  LYON  REGISTER  " 

I.  Dr.   William  Moir  of   Scotstowne,   bears  argent   three 
Registered     negroes'  heads.     Coupe,  proper,  with  a  ribband  or  scarf  about 

ye  brow  knit  behind,  of  the  first  ;  above  ye  shield  ane  helmet 
befitting  his  degree,  mantled  gules,  doubled,  argent.  Next  is 
placed  on  ane  torse  for  his  crest  a  mort  head  upon  two  leg  bones 
salty  re  ways,  proper.  The  motto  in  the  escroll — "  Non  sibi  sed 
cunctis." — (Not  for  self ,  but  for  all). 

II.  John  Moir  of  Stoneywood;  argent,  three  mouritannian 
Same  date    jjeads,   couped,   and  distilling  gutt  de  sang,   proper.     Crest  a 

mouritannian  head  couped  as  ye  former.  Motto — ' '  Major  opima 
ferat." — (Let  the  worthiest  carry  off  the  prize). 

III.  James  Moir  of  Invernethie,  Esquire,  paternally  de- 
scended from  the  family  at  Stoneywood;  argent,  three  Moors' 
heads  couped,  each  wreathed  with  laurel,  and  distilling  three 
drops  of  blood,  all  proper,  in  chief,  a  dexter  hand  pointing  with 
the  forefinger  towards  the  base  of  the  last  crest,  an  eye  proper. 
Motto — "Deusdedit." — (God  gave).  Matriculated,  27  Jan. 

IV.  Master  William  Moir  of  Hilton,  Advocate,  bears  or, 
1672-78    three   men's  heads   couped,    distilling  drops  of   blood   proper, 

wreathed  about  with  bay  leaves,  vert.  Crest,  a  dexter  arm 
issuing  from  the  shoulder  out  of  a  cloud,  and  holding  a  branch 
of  laurel,  slipped,  all  proper.  Motto — "  Virtute  non  aliter." — 
(By  virtue,  not  otherwise). 

V.  Thomas  Moir  of  Otterburne,  whose  grandfather  was  a 
second  son  of  ye  familie  of  Abergeldie;  argent,  three  negroes' 
heads,  couped,  proper,  within  a  bordure,  counter-indented, 
sable  and  or.  Crest,  a  negroe's  head,  as  the  former.  Motto  — 
"  Mediocriter." — (With  moderation). 

VI.  The  L,eckie  Moirs  matriculated  arms  in  1796  as 
follows : — (First  and  fourth  quarters)  Argent,  three  mouri- 
tanian  heads  couped  and  distilling  three  drops  of  blood  proper, 
banded  of  the  first,  a  pearl  in  each  ear  of  the  second,  in  the 
centre,  a  mullet,  gules,  for  Moir;  (Second  quarter)  Argent,  a 


MoiR  Genkai,ogy  15 

head  crowned  proper,  in  a  chief  sable  three  escallops,  or, —  for 
Graham  ;  (First  and  fourth  quarters  of  third  quarter)  Argent,  a 
galley,  sails  furled,  oars  in  action,  sable.  This  quarter  is  for 
Stewart  and  Campbell. 

For  crest,  a  falcon  proper,  armed  or  belted,  or,  perched  on 
a  heron  lying  on  its  back  proper,  beaked  and  membered  gules. 
Motto—"  Ne  Oublie."— (Not  forgotten). 


At  Stoneywood  Works 

This  is  a  large  casting  on  fine  metal,  built  into  the  solid 
masonry  of  a  wall,  near  the  ofl&ce  building  of  Stoneywood  Works 
at  Bucksburn,  Aberdeenshire. 

It  contains  the  Stoneywood  arms  in  conjunction  with  the 
arms  of  Scrogie.  This  coat-of-arms  must  have  originated  with 
James  Moir  II.  of  Stoneywood,  as  he  married  July  10,  1683; 
Mary,  daughter  of  Right  Rev.  William  Scrogie,  Bishop  of 
Argyll.     (See  marriage  contract): — 

Parted  her  pale,  two  coats  ;  first,  three  mouritanian  heads, 
couped,  distilling  gutt  de  sang,  proper.  Second,  azure,  a 
chevron,  or,  between  two  scroggs  (starved  branches),  in  chief, 
and  a  man's  heart  in  base,  argent.  Above  the  shield  a  helmet 
befitting  his  degree,  mantled  gules.  Crest,  a  mouritanian  head, 
couped,  distilling  gutt  de  sang,  proper;  and  the  motto  "  Major 
Opima  Ferat." 




By  the  evidence  of  ancient  charters,  the  orthography  of  this 
name  seems  to  have  been  so  various  as  to  occasion  some  difficulty  in 
distinguishing  the  different  families  who  bore  it,  as  we  fimd  Individuals 
of  the  same  family  promiscuously  designed  by  the  name  of  Moir, 
More,  Moor,  Moore,  Mure,  Muir,  sometimes  contracted  to  Mr  and 
even  Moreson,  Morrison  and  Mureson.  The  name  has  a  double  origin, 
from  Maure  or  Saracen,  borne  by  foreign  families  in  most  of  the  con- 
tinental countries  of  Europe,  varied  in  accordance  with  the  peculiar 
idiom  of  the  country,  and  in  Scotland  from  the  Gaelic  etymology 
MohP,  big  or  great,  allusive  to  remarkable  size  of  person. 

*Of  the  five  entries  of  arms  in  the  Lyon  Register,  to  families  of 
the  name  of  31oir  or  More  in  Scotland,  all  are  connected  with  Aber- 
deenshire, and  bear  the  three  Moors'  or  Saracetas'  heads. 

The  name  of  Morison  in  Scotland  bears  azure  three  Saracens' 
heads,  conjoined  in  one  neck  proper,  the  faces  looking  to  the  chief, 
dexter  and  sinister  sides  of  the  shield. 

The  family  and  surname  of  Mure  or  Mulr  is  much  mixed  up, 
and  often  confused  with  that  of  More  or  Moir.  The  principal  family 
of  the  surname  of  Muir  seems  to  have  been  the  Muirs  of  Rowallan, 
in  Ayrshire,  who  bear,  argent,  on  the  fesse  azure,  three  stars,  or; 
quite  different  bearings  from  the  name  of  Moir  or  More,  yet  there  are 
not  wanting  instances  where  two  or  more  families,  having  the  same 
surname,  and  tracing  to  a  common  ancestor,  bear  quite  distinct  arms. 

One,  if  not  the  most  ancient,  family  of  the  surname  of  More,  was 

N*  h*>f-'  t^3.t  of  Polkellie,  in  the  County  of  Renfrew.     Gilchrist  More  was  one 

Heraldry     °^  ^^®  Barons  who  swore  fealty  to  Edward  I  in  129  6.     The  heiress  of 

Polkellie,    Janet    More,    in    the    time    of   David    II    married    Sir    Adam 

Muir   of   Rowallan. 

The  late  Mr.  James  Skene  of  Rubislaw,  in  a  valuable  and  most 
interesting  manuscript  history  by  him  of  the  "Moirs  of  Stoneywoodi" 
family,  kindly  lent  me  by  his  son,  Mr.  Wm.  F.  Skene,  says:  "Sir  Gil- 
christ More  was  a  descendant  of  the  Irisih  O'Mores,  and  that  the  con- 
nection appears  fronn  the  grant  made  by  Sir  Gilchrist  Muir  of  Row- 
allan   (who   waa   knighted   at   the   Battle    of   Largs),    of   his   lands   of 

•There  is  a  sixth  entry  in  the  Lyon  Register  of  Moir— the  Arms  of  the  Moirs  of  Leckie, 
Stirlingshire,  given  herein. 


MOIR  GENBAI.OGY  17    ■ 

Polkellie  to  his  Irish  kinsman,  Ronald  More,  who  had  come  over 
to  assist  in  a  contest  with  the  Cumlttigs,  and  that  the  O'Mores  of  Ire- 
land bore  as  crest  the  Moire's  head  or  'Bluidy  Held,'  in  allusion  to  the 
family  name."  He  also  says:  "Several  faimilies,  possessing  property 
in  the  western  counties  of  Scotland,  branched  off  at  different  times 
from  that  of  Rowallan  and  Polkellie,  most  of  whom  adopted  the  name 
of  Mure,  although  More  was  the  original  orthography  used  in  Ireland 
and  Great  Britain." 

The  Moires,  marquises  of  Drohega,  in  Ireland,  have  a  Moor's 
head,  out  of  a  coronet,  for  crest,  and  their  arms  have  a  resemblance 
in  the  charges,  although  'not  in  the  tinctures,  to  those  of  the  family 
of  Muir  of  Rowallan. 

But  we  will  now  confine  ourselves  to  the  history  of  the  Moirs  or 
Mores  in  Aberdeenshire.  "The  introduction  of  the  name  into  that  Sliene's  MS. 
country  may  with  great  probability  be  assigned  to  tlie  circumstance 
of  the  extensive  possessions  acquired  there  by  Sir  Reginald  More,  the 
Chamberlain  in  David  II's  reign;  and  it  is  remarkaljle  that  while  the 
families  in  the  western  countries  have  almost  all  adopted  the  name  of 
Mure  or  Muir,  those  in  Aberdeenshire  have  as  uniformly  retained  the 
original  orthography  of  More  or  Moir."  In  the  older  records,  however, 
I  often  find  the  surname  of  the  Aberdeenshire  Moirs  spelt  also  More, 
and  Moire,  Moore,  and  so  forth,  and  in  a  very  few  instances,  Muire  and 



BY    HON.    JAMES    MOIR 
Ex-Mayor  of  Scranton,  Pa. 

"I  have  often  wondered  as  to  where  the  name  originated.  Many 
claim  that  the  construction  of  the  name  denotes  French  origin;  but 
my  impression  is  that  it  is  of  Norse  origin,  and  the  French  of  this  sur- 
name are  Norman-French.  The  Gaelic  name  More — or  more  prop- 
erly spelled  in  Gaelic,  Mhor — which  means  big,  large,  is  a  different 



(From  "Concerning  Some  Scottish  Surnames"  ) 

(Author  of  Innes'  Genealogy) 
(Written  in  1857  —  Printed,  Edinburgh,  1860  ) 

When  names  are  seeking,  people  are  naturally  called  by  the  name 
of  the  place  where  they  have  been  born  or  live,  so  that  you  cannot 
wonder  that,  in  our  own  dear  country,  we  have  many  Hills  and  Glens, 
Craigs,  Woods  and  Forrests.  Mountain  is  a  more  English  form  of 
Hill.  We  have  the  hills  too  near  and  like  them  too  well  to  give  them 
grand-sounding  names. 

The  Moor  has  given  names  to  families  in  all  the  three  kingdoms. 
With  us  (in  Scotland),  they  have  enjoyed  the  usual  license  of  spell- 
ing, but  the  origin  and  sense  of  the  word  is  the  same,  whether  it  is 
spelt  as  the  good  Sir  Thomas  More  used  it,  or  like  the  wish  anacreon 
Moore,  or  our  antique  Muir,  I  have  observed  that  in  all  its  shapes, 
the  name  connects  itself  with  literature.  One  of  our  best  (3-reek 
scholars  of  the  eighteenth  century  was  Professor  Moor  of  Glasgow. 
Our  foremost  Grecian  now  (1857)  is  Sir  William  Mure  of  Caldwell, 
the  accomplished  historian  of  Greek  literature — accomplished  in  a 
way  so  rare  among  Scotch  gentlemen.  (He  died  in  the  spring  of 
1860.)  The  author  of  "Zeluco"  and  his  more  illustrious  son  (Sir  John 
Moore)  added  an  "e"  to  the  name  "for  a  difference,"  and  some  such 
cause  has  produced  the  various  reading  Moir,  still  distinguished  for 
the  strong  propensity  to  literature. 



Author  of  Houses  of  Moir  and  Byres  (1885) 

It  will  be  seen  that  the  surname  of  Moir  or  More  can  fairly  rank 
as  one  of  the  oldest  in  the  County  of  Aberdeen,  even  without  entering 
into  the  debateable  question  of  Ranald  or  Reginald  More,  Chamber- 
lain of  Scotland,  being  pregenitor  of  the  Moirs,  as  well  as  the  Muirs, 
who,  as  will  be  seen,   had  large  grants  in  Aberdeeinshire  in   1328. 

As  land-owners,  however — with  the  exception  of  Patrick  More  de 
Belhelvie,  in  1647 — few  of  them  appear  before  the  seventeenth  and 
eighteenth  centuries,  and  previous  to  that  period,  the  heads  of  most 
of  the  different  families  (doubtless  all  originally  of  the  same  stock) 
seem  to  have  been  mostly  substantial   burgesses  of  Bon  Accord. 

Of  the  gallant  and  brave  Moirs  of  Stoneywood,  there  were  only 
four  generations — John  Moir  of  Kermuck,  afterwards  of  Stonej^wood, 
the  founder — keen,  honest  and  shrewd,  as  became  his  good  Burgess 
ancestry.  He  was  succeeded  by  his  son,  James  II  of  Stoneywood,  a 
learned  and  gallant  gentleman,  for  fifteen  years  M.  P.  for  his  county; 
whose  picture,  attributed  to  Scougall,  is  in  the  Tonley  Collection. 
His  son  was  James  Moir  III.  of  Stoneywood,  the  brave  and  staunch 
supporter  of  the  Prince,  who,  along  with  Lord  Lewis  Gordon  and  his 
kinsman  Moir  of  Lonmay,  was  among  the  most  important  of  Charles 
Stuart's  supporters  in  Aberdeenshire.  He  was  succeeded  by  his 
equally  good  and  brave  son,  James  Moir  IV,  and  last  of  Stoneywood, 
the  tried  friend  of  his  unfortunate  Prince.  With  this  worthy  son  of 
worthy  sires  ended  the  male  line  of  the  gallant  Stoneywoods,  whose 
representatives  through  the  female  line  are  the  Skexies  of  Rubislaw. 
Lands  and  houses  pass  away,  and  the  place  which  knew  them  shall 
know  them  no  more. 

Of  the  "broad  acres"  owned  by  the  name  of  Moir  in  Aberdeen- 
shire, only  tW'O  families  of  the  surname  hold  estates  in  the  county, 
viz. — ^Moir-Byres  of  Tonley,  whose  lands  (over  5000  acres)  came  to 
them  through  the  Byres  family;  and  the  old  family  of  Moir  of  Scots- 
town,  who  have  owned  that  property  for  at  least  eight  generations, 
and  who  were  much  connected  with  the  University  and  Old  Town  of 
Aberdeen.  Its  present  representative  (1885),  William  Moir,  is  a 
lieutenant  in  the  18th  Hussars,  and  will,  I  hope,  uphold  the  "auld 
hoose,"  and  add  to,  instead  of  diminish,  the  family  inheritance. 

Moir  of  Invernettie  had  aspired  to  "founding  a  family,"  and  reg- 
istered arms  on  that  account,  but  his  line  became  extinct  before  the 
parent  stem  of  Stoneywood,  and  Invernettie  reverted  to  that  family. 
Of  the  loyal  Moirs  of  Lonmay,  the  son  of  the  Prince's  brave  sup- 
porter sold  the  estate  and  bought  New  Grange  in  Forfarshire,  which 
was,   however,   soon   parted   with. 

William  Moir,  M.  P.,  of  Hilton,  although  also  wishful  to  "found 
a  house,"  and  between  1672-8  registering  arms,  endures  only  for  a 
few  years,  and  in  1682  there  is  another  laird,  and  even  the  name  of 
his  estate  is  changed. 

20  MOIR  Geneaxogy 

Moir  of  Barnes,  out  of  a  family  of  four  sons  and  nine  daughters, 
appears  at  his  decease  to  have  left  only  eight  daughters,  his  co-heir- 
esses, whose  husbands,  no  doubt,  carefully  and  quickly  divided  his 
estate  of  the  Abergeldie  Moirs.  I  have  no  particulars  excepting  of 
their  cadet  "Moir  of  Otterburne,"  of  whose  house  there  were  five 
lairds;  Tsut  in  1765,  their  estates  were  sold. 

Of  the  Tonley  Moirs,  we  have  first,  Andrew  Moir  of  Overhill,  who 
is  able  to  give  his  large  family,  by  two  wives,  each  a  comfortable 
"set-out"  in  the  world.  His  eldest  son,  likewise  Andrew  Moir,  fol- 
lows a  country  life,  and  devotes  himself  to  agriculture.  No  doubt,  his 
wife,  the  Laird  of  Thornton's  daughter,  brings  with  her  a  suitable 
dowry.  He  is  thus  able  to  place  his  sons  comfortably  in  the  world, 
and  to  give  each  of  his  four  daughters  such  a  tocher  as  will  not  de- 
crease their  attractiveness  in  the  eyes  of  a  fond  husband.  The  eldest 
son  of  the  last  couple,  the  Rev.  Andrew  Moir,  was  for  nearly  thirty 
years  the  minister  of  Ellon.  By  his  well-born  wife,  Jean  Forbes,  of 
the  family  of  Waterton,  he  had,  with  other  issue — the  Rev.  George 
Moir,  his  heir,  who  was  for  fifty-five  years  the  much-loved  and  re- 
spected minister  of  Peterhead;  his  wife,  Martha  Byres,  whom  he  mar- 
ried in  1766,  was  the  daughter  of  Patrick  Byres  of  Tonley,  the  "Jacob- 
ite Laird."  Two  of  this  fine  couple's  sons  married  their  cousins,  who 
were  sisters;  but  John  Moir,  the  younger  brother,  married  the  elder 
sister,  Catherine  Byres,  whose  descendants,  as  shown  in  the  sequel, 
now  hold  Tonley.  "WTiile  Janet  Byres,  the  younger  sister,  married  the 
elder  brother,  James  Moir,  M.  D.,  and  their  son,  Patrick  Moir-Crane, 
is  the  present  head  of  this  branch  of  the  Moir  family,  and  heir-pre- 
sumptive to  Tonley   (1885). 


(  Abridged  from  article  on  "Our  Ancestors"  ) 
BY    DAVID    F.   MORE 

Written  in   1900 

The  Moirs  and  Mores  have  lived  very  long  in  Scotland,  and  are 
scattered  into  almost  every  corner  of  it.  There  have  been  several 
ancient  and  honorable  families  bearing  the  "name,  five  of  whom  have 
registered  arms,  but  none  of  them  have  endured  in  full  vigor  until  the 
present  time.  All  these  honorable  families  resided  in  Aberdeenshire, 
on  the  extreme  eastern  side  of  the  couoitry;  yet  on  my  return  trip,  I 
met  a  fellow-passenger  spelling  his  name  the  same  way  we  do,  who 
resides  in  Islay,  a  large  island  off  the  western  shore,  and  who  said 
that  his  ancestors  had  resided  there  for  more  than  four  hundred 

One  great  difficulty  in  determining  relationship  is  the  multiplicity 
of  ways  of  spelling  the  name.  For  instance,  Sir  John  Moore,  who  died 
in  the  Peninsular  War,  was  born  in  Glasgow,  and  was  lineal  descend- 
ant from  Mure  of  Rowallan,  whose  name  is  always  spelled  Mure, 
while  the  name  of  the  daughter  of  Adam,  who  was  first  granted  the 

MoiR  Genealogy  21 

estate  of  Rowallan  by  King  Robert  II,  was  Elizabeth  More.  Many  of 
them  spell  the  name  Muir.  and  a  great  many  of  our  own  relatives  now 
in  Scotland,  spell  their  name  Moir. 

There  are  two  derivations  of  the  name  given  by  historians.  First 
from  Maiire,  meaning  Saracen,  and  second  from  Mhor,  Gaelic,  for 
big,  or  great,  and  having  reference  usually  to  largeness  of  body, 
although  sometimes  to  positions  to  prominence,  as,  for  instance,  the 
Duke  of  Argyle,  although  a  Campbell,  is  always  called  MacCalluni 

All  the  coats  of  arms  of  the  five  registered  families  of  Aberdeen 
bear  on  their  shields  three  Moor  or  negro  heads.  The  same  is  true  of 
a  number  of  families  of  our  name  in  England.  Just  what  it  means, 
no  writer  at  this  day  attempts  positively  to  state.  Some  say  that  the 
Moirs  might  have  been  of  Moorish  descent;  some  that  it  was  only  a 
play  upon  the  word  Moor;  others,  and  perhaps  the  nearest  the  truth, 
that  the  original  progenitor  procured  renown  in  fighting  against  the 
Moors,  in  the  conflict  which  finally  drove  them  out  of  Europe  in 
732   A.    D. 

Historians  of  Aberdeenshire  believe  that  all  the  prominent  Mores 
of  their  shire  were  descended  from  one  progenitor,  but  whether  it  was 
from  Sir  Adam  More,  who  lived  in  1338,  or  from  Reginald  or  Ronald 
More,  Chamberlain  of  Scotland,  or  from  some  other  prominent  man, 
they  cannot  tell. 

Besides  Mure  of  Rowallan,  there  were:  Moir  of  Stoneywood,  Moir 
of  Scotstown,  Moir  of  Hilton,  and  Moir  of  Braca,  of  whom  it  is  said 
that  he  was  so  wealthy  that  his  purse  stood  upon  one  end.  We  called 
in  Edinburgh  on  a  descendant  of  this  Moir,  one  Mary  Moir,  and  found 
her  to  be  a  single  lady,  ninety-three  years  of  age,  hale  and  hearty, 
bright  and  active,  in  full  possession  of  all  her  powers  of  mind  and 
body.  This  family,  like  so  many  other  prominent  ones,  only  lasted 
through  four  generations,  when  it  became  extinct  through  lack 
of  male  issue. 

We  found  our  family  name  in  many  prominent  positions  in 
Glasgow,  London,  and  other  cities  we  visited. 

I  think  we  should  give  due  credit  to  a  country  that  produces 
such  a  quality  of  people.  Bonnie  Scotland  is  worthy  all  the  love  and 
honor  her  sons  or  their  offspring  can  bestow  upon  her.  It  might  be 
said  of  her,  as  the  Psalmist  said  of  the  beloved  city,  Jerusalem: 
"Beautiful  for  situation,  the  joy  of  the  whole  earth,"  and  it  is  true 
of  her,  as  of  Jerusalem,  "God  is  known  in  her  palaces  for  a  refuge." 
The  country  may  not  be  salubrious,  nor  all  the  people  saints,  but 
there  is  a  general  average  of  both,  above  that  of  any  land  or  people 
I  have  seen. 


Abridged  from  article  by  HENRY  PATON,  Historian,  Edinburgh 

There  can  be  no  doubt  that  the  surnames  Moir,  More,  Moor, 
Moore,  Muir  and  Mure  are  iDUt  variations  of  one  and  the  same  patro- 
nymic. The  form  in  which  it  first  appeared  in  Scotland,  and  in  which 
it  persists  for  about  two  centuries,  is  More.  Even  those  from  whom 
the  most  considerable  famxilies  of  Muir,  such  as  the  Muirs  of  Rowal- 
lan,  of  Caldwell,  and  others,  are  almost  invariably  written  "More,"  in 
the  early  Scottish  registers  and  charters,  save  that  in  Latin  writs  the 
name  sometimes  occurs  in  the  Latinized  form  of  Mora. 

From  a  considerable  search  made  on  the  subject,  my  belief  is 
that  the  name  of  More  first  came  from  England.  In  Domesday 
Book,  which  contains  the  result  of  a  survey  of  England  made  by  Wil- 
liam the  Conqueror  in  1086,  mention  is  made  of  the  existence  in  that 
country  of  several  places  of  the  name  of  More,  particularly  in  the 
Counties   of  Devon,   Worcester,   Hereford  and   Norfolk. 

There  is  also  in  the  early  land  registers  of  England,  and  in  many 
parts  of  that  country,  persons  of  the  name  of  More  mentioned,  even 
as  far  back  as  the  reign  of  Henry  II,  which  began  in  1216,  and 
some  of  them  held  knightly  rank,  as  Sir  Henry  de  la  More.  This 
style,  "de  la  More,"  is  at  first  universal,  but  latterly,  towards  the  reign 
of  Queen  Elizabeth,  comes  dovim  to  plain  More,  and  later  to  Moir 
and  Muir.  It  was  in  the  form  "de  la  More"  or  "Mora"  that  the 
name  came  to  Scotland.  In  1213,  one  Adam  de  la  Mora  was  sent  by 
King  John  of  England  to  the  King  of  Scotland  with  a  gift  of  gir- 
falcons.  It  looks  as  if  he,  and  perhaps  some  others  of  his  name, 
had  then  settled  in  Scotland,  for  by  the  end  of  that  century,  when 
Edward  I.  was  dealing  with  the  Scots,  about  the  succession  of  the 
Scottish  Crown,  there  were  a  considerable  number  of  "De  la  Mores," 
including  an  Adam  de  la  More,  in  Ayrshire  and  Lanarkshire.  A 
century  later,  when  the  Laird  of  Rowallan  gets  a  confirmation  charter 
from  King  Robert  the  Third,  he  is  designated  Sir  Adam  More, 
Knight;  but  it  is  in  the  same  year  (1391)  that  the  first  transmuta- 
tion of  the  name  takes  place  into  "Mure,"  in  a  charter  of  pension 
granted  to  the  King's  uncle  Andrew  Mure,  he  being  a  brother  of 
Elizabeth  More  of  Rowallan.  After  this  date,  the  common  spelling 
of  the  name  is  Muir  or  Mure. 

The  first,  and  perhaps  the  most  eminent,  of  the  Mores  in  Scot- 
land— and  he  was  the  first  who  attained  to  eminence — was  Reginald 
de  la  More.  He  became  a  favorite  with  King  Robert  Bruce,  who 
employed  him  in  embassies,  and  gave  him  a  number  of  very  consider- 
able est8.tes  in  various  parts  of  Scotland,  one  being  that  of  Aber- 
corn,  in  Linlithgow;  another  being  the  Thanage  of  Formartyn,  which 
included  a  greater  part  of  Aberdeenshire.  He  was  made  Chamber- 
lain of  Scotland  in  1329,  and  held  that  office  until  his  death,  in  1341. 
One  of  his  sons  was  Sir  William  More  of  Abercorn,  and  another  was 
Gilchrist  More,  the  ancestor  of  the  Mures  of  Caldwell,  in  Renfrew- 

MoiR  Genealogy  23 

The  only  connection  which  the  royal  family  of  Scotland  had  with 
the  Mores  was  the  marriage  of  Elizabeth  More  of  Rowallan  to 
Robert,  the  High  Steward  of  Scotland,  who  afterwards  became  King, 
as  Robert  II,  on  the  death  of  David  II,  without  issue. 

The  word  "More,"  which  occurs  after  such  personages  as  Angus 
Mor,  Fergus  'Mor,  Loarn  More,  MacCullum  More,  is  not  at  all  a 
surname,  for  surnames  did  not  exist  in  Scotland  in  their  day.  In  all 
these  and  innumerable  other  cases,  it  is  merely  a  distinctive  appella- 
tion, "More"  being  simply  the  Gaelic  adjective,  meaning  great  or 
big,  or  the  Scotch  word  "muckle."  The  aspirated  form,  "mhoir,"  is 
the  feminine  gender.  So  in  the  case  of  Ben  More,  Loch  More,  Glen- 
more,  Strathmore,  and  so  forth,  what  is  denoted  is  merely  the  great 
mountain,  lake,  glen,  and  strath. 

There  is  no  "Clan  Mhoir."  This  is  just  another  instance  of  the 
use  of  the  adjective.  The  "Clan  Mhic  Gille  Mhoir,"  of  which  Dr. 
Brown  refers  in  his  history  of  the  Highlands,  is  explained  by  Sir 
Robert  Gordon,  the  contemporary  writer,  whom  he  is  quoting,  to  be 
merely   a   sept   or   branch    of   the    Clan    MacLeod. 

As  to  the  family  of  Moir  or  More  in  the  northern  counties  of 
Scotland,  it  is  possible  they  may  have  come  from  the  lowlands.  It 
is  also  quite  possible,  however,  that  they  may  have  been  of  Highland 
origin,  and  assumed  the  name  of  Moir  or  More  from  the  Gaelic 
adjective  just  referred  to.  Surnames  were  much  later  of  being 
adopted  in  the  Highlands  than  in  the  Lowlands,  and  they  were  by 
no  means  general  even  in  the  sixteenth  century.  But  this  possibility 
I  merely  suggest. 



Concerning  the  origin  of  the  forbears  of  the  MORE  FAMILY  of  America,  descended 
from  MOIRS  of  Rothiemurchus,  Elginshire 

In  the  early  part  of  the  sixteenth  century,  there  were  persons 
of  the  name  of  More  in  Strathavon  and  Strathdee,  1527.  (See  Praser's 
Chiefs  of  Grant  III,  pp.  68,  70.)  In  1622  and  1632,  there  were  Moirs 
in  the  service  of  the  Laird  of  Grant,  one  of  whom,  William  Moir,  was 
his  chamberlain  on  the  estate  of  Mulben,  w'hich  lies  about  half  way 
between  Keith  and  the  lower  Craigellachie,  in  Strathspey  (lb.  I., 
p.  274.)  But  later,  the  family  seems  to  have  greatly  spread  through 
Strathspey,  into  the  parishes  of  Moray  and  Banff,  and  also  Aberdeen- 
shire, for  in  1745,  there  were  the  Moirs  of  Stoneywood  in  the  parish 
of  Newhills,  and  Invernettie  near  Peterhead.  James  Moir  of  Stoney- 
wood took  part  in  the  rebellion  of  1745,  having  the  command  of  the 
Aberdeen  battalion  of  the  forces  raised  by  Lord  Lewis  Gordon  to 
assist   Prince   Charlie. 

The  Forres  registers  show  that  some  of  the  family  of  More  were 
resident   there   in    or   before   1690,    as   in   that   year    (16th    February) 


MOIR  Gbneai^ogy 

Agnes,    the    lawful    daughter   of   John    More   and    Margaret    More,    in 
Mondole,  was  baptised. 

In  Aberlour  Parish,  in  Strathspey,  they  appear  to  have  beeto 
numerous,  as  when  the  register  opens  in  1708,  the  name  is  of  frequent 
occurrence,  the  Christian  names  of  the  males  being  most  commonly 
John,  David,  William,  Alexander,  sometimes  George,  James,  Peter; 
and  of  the  females.  Christian,  Margaret,  Jean  and  Elizabeth.  In  the 
Parish  of  Alvie,  which  comprises  part  of  the  district  between 
Grantown  and  Kingussie,  the  name  Gregor  More  occurs  in  1719,  on 
17th  December,  of  which  year  a  son,  William,  was  baptised  to  Gregor 
More,  in  Invermarkie,  and  his  wife,  Janet  Fraser.  And  in  some  of 
the  surrounding  parishes,  the  registers  of  which  were  glanced  at  for 
the   purpose,   it  is  evident  that   the   name  was  in   considerable   force. 


Scoto-English  Seal 





President  of  JOHN  MORE  ASSOCIATION  of  New  York 

(Written  March  1,1905) 

In'  regard  to  the  past  history  jn  record  of  the  name  More,  I  have 
given  an  extended  investigation,  and  my  belief  is  that  the  original 
name  of  the  family  was  More.  And  I  trace  it  by  record,  history, 
tradition  and  oral  history  brought  down  in  Burton's  History  of  Scot- 
land, and  Irish  history  back  to  and  before  the  Christian  era  in  the 
chieftains  and  kings  of  the  Milanese  colony  who  settled  in  County 
Antrim,  Ireland,  coming  from  Egypt,  being  a  colony  from  Asia  Minor 
who  settled  there,  and  being  so  aggressive  and  prosperous  to  cause 
jealousy  of  the  Egyptians,  they  drove  them  out.  It  is  said  the  chief 
married  a  daughter  of  Pharaoh,  and  evidently  they  were  an  aggres- 
sive  and    a   race   of   ability,    as   manifested. 

Owing  to  political  difficulties  (after  these  people  settled  and  gave 
the  name  to  Scotland),  many  of  the  Mores  changed  their  names  to 
Moir,  Muir,  and  some,  who  went  to  Germanj',  to  Mohr.  I  think  they 
all  trace  back  to  the  dominant  rulers  of  that  migration.  And  the 
same  descent  in  Scotland  ruling  to  about  the  twelfth  century  in 
name  More,  as  Lorn  and  Fergus  More  were  the  first  rules  of  that 
name  in  Scotland,  and  their  descendants  to  the  twelfth  century,  where 
it  passed  from  the  name  More  to  the  maternal  side  and  came  to  the 
throne  by  Robert  Bruce,  who  was  the  rightful  heir,  although 
Edward  I  of  England,  as  overlord,  gave  it  to  John  Baliol,  second 
daughter's  descent;  "Bruce,"  first  daughter's;  and  Coimyn,  third. 
It  is  very  interesting  to  follow  the  landmarks  and  all  that  leads  up 
to  the  tracings  away  back  in  the  misty  past.  Yet  I  find  tracings  all 
along  the  way  that  leads  me  to  believe  in  the  "Stone  of  Destiny," 
which  is  held  so  sacred  by  the  Scots  and  English  now  with  such 
confidence.  It  was  the  one  on  which  Jacob's  head  rested  when  he 
saw  the  vision,  and  kept  sacred  by  his  descendants,  and  links  this 
family  with  its  history. 

Who  knows  they  were  not  his  descendants,  which  tradition  gives 
them  a  right  to  claim?  And  Queen  Victoria,  who  had  access  to  all 
the  records  in  the  kingdom  that  were  taken  by  Edward  I  to  London, 
when  he  overran  Scotland  in  the  twelfth  century.  Queen  Victoria 
traces  back  in  the  maternal  line  to  Robert  Bruce,  and  in  the  same 
line  back  to  King  David  of  Jerusalem. 

In   1900,   I  visited   James  Moir  of  Balinan,    near   Grant's  Town,   a 

lineal  descendant  of  a  brother  of  John  More,  a  man  then  eighty-three 

years  old,  and  knew  all  about  the  family,  and   John's  whereabouts  in 

America.      I    asked    him   which    was   the    family    name.    He    said    More 

was  the   name,   and   original   one,   and   way  to   spell   it.      When   a  boy, 

the    teacher   at   school    told    him    he    must   spell    it   Moir,    and    he    had 
always  done  so,  and  his  children  also. 

I   claim   that   More  is   the   correct   way   of   spelling   it,   and    it   has 

come   down   to   us   without   a   break,   so   far   as   I   can   trace,   notwith- 

26  MoiR  Genkai^ogy 

standing  the  vagaries  through  which  different  branches  have  been 
willing  to  digress  and  mix  it  in  way  of  spelling.  We  have  no  trouble 
tracing  so  far  as  the  public  records  show  in  Scotland.  Before  those, 
we  have  to  follow  the  line  by  tradition  and  oral  evidence,  aa  it 
appears  in  whatever  form.  I  failed  to  find  when  there  were  not  men 
by  the  name  3Iore  in  my  research.  Mr.  Randall,  in  charge  of  Holy- 
rood  Palace  at  Edinburgh,  and  a  historian,  confirmed  me  in  my  views 
when  I  visited  him  in  19  00.  I  know  the  Scotch  notion  is  that  More 
means  "muckle  or  big."  It  was  the  men  bearing  that  name  who  left 
their  impress  distinctly,  centuries  ago,  that  you  will  find  all  over  Scot- 
land as  More  this  and  More  that,  which,  if  you  eliminate  and  substi- 
tute Bisr,  would  mean  nothing. 


There  were  undoubtedly  a  great  many  of  the  name  of  More  who 
previous  to  the  Revolutionary  War  of  1776,  emigrated  to  America 
as  there  are  a  great  many  of  that  name  in  that  war,  and  we  will 
try  to  brieflS'^  describe  the  result  of  some  of  our  searches  through  the 
official  records,  a  great  many  of  which  are  obtained  from  "The  New 
England  Historic  and  Genealogical  Register,"  which,  however,  covers 
all  the  early  records  of  the  whole  countrj\ 

g'  ■%e^"'ste^  There  was  a  "More"   killed   in  King  Philip's  War  in   1676.      He   lived 

vol.44,  p.  7l'   in  Mansfield,  Mass. 

Mary  Palmer,      b.    June   28,    1713,      m.    William   More,      June    4,    1729. 

G.' Reg.',  vol.   Children:  Allen  More,  b.  Jan.  17,  1730;  Andrew  More,  b.  Jan.  6,  1735; 

50,  p.223  James  More,  b.  Mar.  21,   1738,  d.  Feb.   14,   1739;   Abeline  More,  Eliza- 

beth More,  Content  More,  William  More,  Mary  More. 

N.  E.  H.  and   Edmund    Moers,    Jr.,    lived    at    Newbury.    Mass.,    paying    taxes    on    an 
G.  Reg.,  vol. 

32,  p.  157  estate  there. 

N.  E.  H.  and   Rebecca    More,    admitted    to    full    communion    in    the    First    Church 

?3  p  207  ^°^'    of  Charlestown,  Mass.,  Feb.    8,   1740. 

N.  E.  H.  and  Willliam,   Archelaus,   Elizabeth,    Samuel   and    Sarah,    children   of   John 

G.  Reg.,  vol.   j^/fore,   baptised   Dec.    24,    1727,    at  Durham,   New   Hampshire,   by   Rev. 

33,  p.  345  and 

p.  348  Hugh   Adams. 

do.,    vol.   34,  Mrs.  More  struck  by  a  great  stream  of  fire  (lightning),  July  15,   1665. 

p.  163.  gYie  was  wounded  and  badly  hurt. 

p°271^°^"   ^^'  Enoch  More  paid  taxes  in  Charlestown  in  1688. 

do.,   vol.  34,  Mr.  Thomas  More's  vessel  cast  away  at  Cape  Cod   in  ye  storm,   four 

p.  298  persons  perished,  and  much  wealth  lost,  Feb.   14,  1668. 

do-,   vol.  35,   T.    J.    More   was   allotted    four    acres    of    land    on    Neponset    River,    in 

P-  "^^  Dorchester,   Mass.,    in   1637. 

do.,   vol.  36,   William  More,  impanelled  as  a  juror,  Sept.   10,   1686,  at  Exeter,  New 

P-  ^^^  Hampshire. 

p°'m°^'  ^^'   The  wife  of  John  More  died  Jan.   26,   1661,  at  Braintree,  Mass. 

MoiR  Genealogy  ,    27 

James,  ye  sone  of  Enoch  and   Rebeckah   More,   was  baptised   Apr.   4,   n.E.  H.  and 
1681,  in  the  First  Church  at  Charlestown,  Mass.  G.  Reg.,  vol. 

Thomas  Moire,  baptised  May  29,  1694,  at  Batlscan   (Canada).* 

April  25,   1778,  a  ship   (brig)   from  White  Haven,  Captain  More,  cap-   do.,  vol.    29, 

tured  by  the  Americans.   (It  would  appear  as  if  this  brig  were  a  fish-   P-  21 

ing   vessel;      it    was   afterwards   given    freedom).      Diary    of    Dr.    Ezra 

Green,  ship  surgeon  continental  "War  Ranger." 

John  More,  1669,  signed  a  contract  with  twenty- two  others  for  a  new  do.,  vol.    30, 
minister,  Mr.  Emerson  of  Mendon,  Mass.  P-  ^^ 

William   More   owned   land    on   the   south   side   of  York    River,    Maine,    do.,    vol.   31, 
Aug.    25,    1679.  P-  ^^• 

John  More  paid  taxes  in  Billerica.  Mass.,   1688.  ^^'io<^^^'    ^^' 

Andrew    Moir,    baker,    and    James    Moir,    carpenter    and    Joiner,    came  ^o      vol    63 

from   Westminster,    England,    ship    "Mermaid,"   to   Maryland,    Feb.    2  8,  P.  27 

From  the  Port  of  London,  on  the  ship  "Reward,"  Dec.  2  5,   1773,  Jane   do.,    vol.  62. 
Moir,  "lady,"  to  visit  her  friends.      (There  is  a  lady  of  this  name  who   P-  ^ 
is  married,   according  to  London   parish  registers,   in   1781.) 


Arriving  at  Plymouth,  Mass.,  1620 

Richard  More  and  his  brother  Jasper  More,  brought  by  Elder 
Brewster,  both  as  servants,  in  the  Mayflower,  16  20.  Jasper  died  the 
first  winter  from  the  severity   of  the  season  and   exposure. 

At  the  division  of  cattle  in  1627,  when  the  name  of  every  man, 
woman  and  child  is  given,  Richard  was  still  with  Elder  Brewster;  but 
by  Gov.  Bradford's  history,  p.  451,  we  are  taught  that  he  married, 
and  in  16  51  had  four  or  five  children  alive,  as  if  he  had  lost  one  or 
more.  It  is  vain  to  regret  that  the  Governor  did  not  mention  the 
names  of  the  children  or  the  mother.  Perhaps  he  removed  to  one 
of  the  newer  settlements,  for  Winsor's  "Duxbury"  tells  that  he  sold 
his  lands  in  1637,  and  I  am  convinced,  after  long  search,  that  he  is 
the  Richard  More,  by  Deane  in  History  of  Scituate,  as  the  four  other 
passengers  of  this  baptismal  name  were  then  all  adults. — (From  the 
Genealogical   Dictionary   of  New    England,   vol.    3,   p.    229.) 

*From  Dictionaire  Genealogique  des  Francais  Canadieno,  publ.  1871,  voL  28,  p.  159. 


List  of 

^'frica*^*°  Feb.    17,    1634,   from   London   in    sailing  vessel    "Hopewell,"   Alexander 

p.  41  More,  ag-e  2  4. 

p.  75  Thomas  More,  33,  sailed  from  London  for  the  Barbadoes,  May  2,  1635. 

p.  260  John  More,  age  3  6,   arrived  in  Virginia  in  the  "Bona  Nova,"   in   1620. 

p.  260  Elizabeth  More  arrived  in  Virginia  in  the  "Abigail,"  in  1622. 

p.  120  George  More,  age  25,  arrived  in  Virginia,  in  the  "Globe,"  Aug.  7,  163  5. 

p.  85   Henry  More,   age    19,    arrived   Bermudas   in   the    "Truelove,"    June    10, 

p.  136   Henrie  More,   arrived   in  Virginia,   in   the    "Constance,"    Oct.    24,    1635. 
p.  65   Isaac  More,  age  13,  arrived  New  England,  in  the  "Increase,"  Apr.   15, 

p.  257   James  More,  buried  in  Virginia,  in  1624. 
p.  38  and  39    John  More,  2  8,  and  John  More,   30,  arrived  at  the  Barbadoes,   Jan.   6, 
p.  43   John   More,    24,    (S.   Planter),    embarked    for   New   England,    Mar.    22, 

p.  62   John   More,    41,   left  London   for  New  England   in   barque   "Suzan  and 
Ellen,"  Apr.   14,    1635. 

p.  150   Hugh   Moir  passed   from  west  of  England   to  New   England,   Apr.    12, 

p.  468   Peter   More   buried   May   4,    1679,    at   St.    George,    Barbadoes. 
p.  93   Richard   More,    20,    (S.   Blessing),  .  for    New    England    from    London, 

June   17,   1635. 
p.  37   Robert  More,   19,    (S.  Bonaventure),    Jan.    2,    1634,   passed   to  Virginia 

from  London. 
p.  183   Robert  More,   "living"  in   Elizabeth  City,  Virginia,  Feb.    16,    162  3. 
p.  250   Robert  More    (50),  in  the  "Providence,"    1622,   mustered  at  Elizabeth 

City,  Va. 
p.  173   Sara   More,    "living"    at   Chaplain's   Choice,   Va.,    Feb.    16,    1623. 

72   Suzan  More  (S.  Ann  and  Elizabeth)   left  London  for  the  Barbadoes. 
p.  102   Thomas  More,    18    (S.   Transport),   from   London  for  Virginia,   July  4, 

p.  132  Thomas  More,    18,    (S.   Dorst),   from   London   for   Bermudas,   Sept.    30, 
•J37   Thomas  More,  26,    (S.  Constance),  from  London  for  Virginia,   Oct.   24, 
p   115   William  More,   16    (S.   Primrose),   from  London  for  Virginia,   July  27, 

p.  189   William  More  killed  at  "colledg"  with  four  others,  dead  Feb.  16,  1623. 
3g   Edward  Moir,  19    (S.  Bonaventure),  from  London  for  Virginia,  Jan.  2, 
p.  228  Thomas  de  la  Moir  mustered  into  service,   1624,  from  Virginia. 


Enoch   More,   mate  of  ship  "Success,"  aged   43,   in   1685    married   Re-  From 

becca  Converse,  Dec.   19,   1675   (died  Jan.  3,  1732,  age  83),  had  issue:  ^'3^3^'*°'^' 

1,  Enoch,  b.  1678;   2,  James,  b.  1681;   3,  Rebecca,  b.  1683;   4,  Susanna,  Genealogies 

b.   1684;    5,  Ruth,  b.   1687;   6  and  7,  James  and  William,  b.   1688,  both  p"6^^'^^*^^' 
died  same  year. 

John   More    of   Portsmouth,    New   Hampshire,   married    Hannah    Sias,  N.  E.  H.  and 

Mar.  15,1720.  %,Sa79'"''- 

Thomas    More    and    Abigail    Banfield    of    Portsmouth,    N.    H.,    Dec.    8,  vol.  23,  p.  272 

Rebecca,  Elizabeth,  Francis  and  Sarai  More  were  baptised  at  Charles- 
town,   Mass.,   in   1680. 

John  More  and  Susanna  Willard  of  Lancaster,  married  Mar.   19,   1724.    vol.17,  p.  72 

John   More  and   Dorothy  Stickney,    married   at   Bradford,   Mass.,   May   vol.  18,  p.  282 
17,   1758. 

There  is  an  article  on  the  Mores  of  Ireland,  beginning  in  the  fifteenth   vol.19,  p.  289 

century,    mentioning  the   O'Sullivan   Mores,   McCarthy   Mores. 

John  More  of  Braintree,  Mass.,  was  given  a  grant  of  land  in  Nipmug,    vol.  21,  p.  380 

near  Boston,  Mass. 

There  was  a  Robert  Moir  in  Major  Cutts'  company  at  the  Liouisburg   vol.  22,  p.  117 

(Cape   Breton)    Expedition,    in    1745. 

Samuel  More  owned  land  in  Portsmouth,  N.   H.,   in   1699.  vol.  51,  p.  44. 

Abigail  More,  wife  of  Simon,  buried  at  Long  Island,   July  21,   1758.        vol.53,  p.  175 

Ruth   Stanley   More,   daughter   of  Deacon   Isaac   and    Ruth   More,    was   vol.  53,  p.  87 

born  in  Norwalk,  Conn.,  Jan.   5,   1657. 

By  the   will   of  John   More   of  Kittery,   Maine,   probated   Apr.    2,    1736,    vol.54,  p.  387 

mentions   wife   Sarah;    sons,    Robert,   Jonadah,   John,    Edward,    Robert    ^^^JJ?^  ^^l'^* 

p.  0/0) 
2d,  Ebenezer;  and  daughters  Elizabeth,  Abigail  and  Mary. 

Hannah  More,  daughter  of  Jonathan,  bap.  May  21,  1710,  in  Waltham,    vol.54,  p.  223 


William   More  married  Ann   Goodwin,   Jan.    16,   1723,   in   Berwick,    Me.    vol.  55,  p.  311 

James  Moir  of  Boston,  Mass.,  a  "Scottish  Man,"  married  Feb.  6,  1657.    Genealogical 

Mary  Booth,   was  one   of  the  founders  of  the   Scottish   Charitable   So-    New'Erfg&nd 

ciety,  now  famous;   he  may  have  been  one  of  the  outcasts  of  the  Civil 

War  sold  here,  that  had  wealth  or  heart  enough  to  form  a  family. 

John  More   of  Roxbury,   Mass.,   freeman,   July   3,    1632,   by  the  church    do. 

records,  he  is  "old  John  More  of  99  years,  27  days  (Oct.,  1679)." 

Jonathan  More  of  Boston,  younger  son  of  William  and  Ann  More,  was   do. 

a   temporary  resident   there,   for   by  the   will   of   his  mother,   June    16, 

1656,    shortly    before    her    execution    for    the    preposterous    crime    of 

witchcraft,   speaks   of   him   and    his   brothers,    John   and   Joseph,   as  if 

all  were  in  England,  and  in  the  codicil  of  June  19,  1656,  acknowledged 

"the  more  than  ordinary  affection  and  pains  of  this  one,   in  the  time 

of    my    distress,"    as    he    had    arrived    to    attend    to    the    result    of    the 

execrable  fanaticism.     She  was  probably  the  richest  person  hanged  for 

witchcraft,  and  the  prejudice  long  slumbered. 

(There  is  an  additional  list  of  over  a  hundred  names  of  persons 
bearing  the  name  of  More,  who  seem  to  have  settled  in  th'-  United 
States,  principally  in  New  England,  previous  to  1750.) 

30  MoiR  Geneai,ogy 

N.  E.  H.  &G.  Extracts  from  Governor  Hutchinson's   (of  the  Massachusetts  Col- 

39??^380.  ^° '  ^^y^  original  papers,  and  may  furnish  some  light  in  respect  to  the 
prisoners  sent  to  the  colonies  and  sold  for  slaves,  no  doubt  by  order 
of  the  English  government,  as  a  sort  of  banishment  for  their  rebel- 
lion. It  is  probable  that  some  of  them  were  sent  to  the  Barbadoes, 
as  all  their  names  do  not  appear  in  the  governor's  list. 

"The  Scots,  whom  God  delivered  into  your  hands  at  Dunbarre, 
and  whereof  sundry  were  sent  hither,  we  have  been  desirous  (as  we 
could)  to  make  their  yoke  easy.  Such  as  were  sick  of  disease  have 
not  wanted  for  chirurgery.  They  have  not  been  sold  for  slaves  for 
perpetual  servitude,  but  for  six,  seven,  or  eight  years,  as  we  do  our 
own,  and  he  that  bought  many  of  them  buildeth  houses  for  them, 
for  every  four  an  house,  layeth  some  acres  of  ground  thereto,  which  he 
giveth  them  as  their  own,  requiring  three  days  a  week  to  work  for 
him,  and  four  days  for  themselves,  and  promiseth  as  soon  as  they 
can  repay  him  the  money  he  laid  out  for  them,  he  will  set  them  at 



Author  of  the  MOORS-MOOAR  Genealogy 

Early  immigrants  to  Massachusetts  of  the  name  of  Moor,  Moore, 
Mooers,  Moors,  Moir  and  More  were  not  few.  Such  was  Thomas  of 
Salem,  1636;  Francis  of  Cambridge,  1638;  John  of  Sudbury,  1640; 
Edward  of  Newbury,  1648;  and  Abraham  of  Andover,  probably  1680. 
It  has  been  thought  by  some  that  there  were  relationship  with  the 
Scotch-Irish  families  of  this  name  that  came  to  New  Hampshire  in 

The  spelling  in  names  is,  no  doubt,  a  rather  precarious  ground 
on  which  to  draw  genealogical  conclusions.  For  often,  among  de- 
scendants known  to  be  of  the  same  family  origin,  there  is  much 
variation  in  writing  the  name.  As  the  spelling  adopted  is  found  in 
use  almost  wholly  within  the  line  here  traced,  and  is  distinctive,  the 
occurrence  of  the  same  spelling,  in  the  stories  of  Mr.  Hall  Caine,  at 
least  piques  curiosity.  Once,  so  far  away  as  San  Francisco,  the  com- 
piler found  a  native  of  the  Western  Isles  that  lie  off  the  coast  of 
Scotland,  who  signed  his  name  Moar.  But  the  curiosity  even  of  an 
amateur  must  put  itself  within  limits,  and  we  have  left  to  others 
this  line  of  research,  which  stretches  backward  beyond  the  sea  that 
brought  our  ancestors  hither. 

'     'VQr-     ' 


In  the  Revolutionary  War 

The  following  list  of  soldiers  of  the  Revolutionary  War  of  Inde- 
pendence in  America,  1775-1783,  are  copied  from  the  official  records 
of  soldiers  and  sailors  contained  in  the  archives,  and  are  all  from  one 
state,  the  state  of  Massachusetts.  As  will  be  readily  seen,  many 
of  the  persons  named  are  from  England,  a  few  of  them  may  have 
originated  in  Scotland.  Sometimes  the  same  persons'  names  are 
spelled  in  more  than  one  way,  according  as  the  recording  officer  saw 
fit  to   record    them. 

The  original  record  contains  a  complete  list  of  soldiers  and  sailors, 
and  describes  fully  the  records  of  events,  how  long  in  the  service, 
with  date  of  same,  of  each  individual,  so  far  as  known.  The  volume 
was   printed    in    1903. 

Lieut.-Col.   More 
Capt.  Abner  More 
First  Lieut.  Abijah   More 
Private  Appolos  More 
Priva.te  Asahel  More 
Private  Bartholomew  More 
Serp-eant  Benjamin  More 
Private  Benjamin  More 
Private  Cambrid^-e  More 
Private   Charles   More 
Private  Comfort  More 
Private  Daniel   More 
Private  Daniel  More 
Private  David  More 
Private  Ebenezer  More 
Private  Edmund  More 
Private  Edward  More 
Private  Elias  More 
Private  Elijah  More 
Private   Elijah  More 
Private  Elijah  More 
Private  Elkins  More 
Private  Ezra  More 
Private  Frances  More 
Private  Gideon  More 
Private  Henry  More 
Private  Isaac  More 
Private  James  More 
Private  James  More 
Private  James-  More 
Private  James  More 
Private  John  More 
Private  John  More 
Private  John  More 

Private  John  More 
Private  John  More 
Private  John  More 
Private  John  More 
Private  John  More 
Sailor   John   More 
Private  John  More 
Private  Jonathan  More 
Private  Jonathan  More 
Private  Jonathan  More 
Private  Jonathan  More 
Private  Jonathan  More 
Second  Lieut.  Joseph  More 
Sergeant  Joseph  More 
Private  Joseph  More 
Drummer  Joshua  More 
Captain  Joshua  More 
Private  Josiah  More  . 
Private  Josiah  More 
Private  Josiah  More 
Private  Josiah  More 
Second  Lieut.   Josiah  More 
Private  Josiah  More 
Private  King  More 
Private  Kirley  More 
Private  Lawson  More 
Private  Luke  More 
Private  Mark  More 
Private  Moses  More 
Private  Nathan  More 
Private  Obadiah  More 
Private  Perez  More 
Private  Reuben  More 
Private  Reuben  More 


Captain   Reuben  More  Private   Timothy   More 

Private  Richard  More  Corporal  Timothy  More 

Private  Samuel  More  Private  Willard  More 

Private  Samuel  More  Major  Willard  More 

Private  Samuel  More  Private  William  More 

Private  Silas  More  Corporal  William  More 

Private  Simon  More  Private  William  More 

Private  Thomas  More  Second  Lieut.  William  More 

Private  Thomas  More  Private  William  More 

Ensign  Thomas  More  Captain  William  More 

Private  Thomas  More  Captain  "VMlliam  More 

Private  Thomas  More  Private  William  More 

Private  Thomas  More  Private  Zebulon  More 
Private  Thomas  More 

There    was   an    Abel    Moir  and    a   George   Moir    soldiers   in    "King 

Philip's  War"  of  1675-1678,  in  New  England.     The  latter  is  entered  as 

from  Newbury,  Mass.      (Pages  446  and  450,  "Lists  of  Soldiers  in  King 
Philip's   War.") 

Mr.  David  F.  More,  one  of  the  authors  of  the  ""More  Family 
History,"  in  a  letter  referring  to  the  list  of  ninety-two  Mores  who  are 
mentioned  in  the  Revolutionary  War  records  of  Massachusetts,   says: 

"Where  in  the  world  are  deccendants  of  these  ninety-two 
Mores?  Some  of  them,  I  presume,  lost  their  lives  for  their  country, 
some  probably  never  married,  but  it  would  seem  that  enough  of  them 
must  have  survived  to  have  had  an  extensive  progeny.  I  ask,  where 
are  their  descendants?  Well,  they  are  probably  scattered  all  over 
the  northern  half  of  our  country.  I  have  been  through  New  England 
considerably,  but  I  never  saw  in  directories  or  on  signs  but  a  few 
Mores.  Their  patriotic  and  enterprising  offspring  probably  helped 
to  people  more  western  states,  and  their  name — very  many  of  them — 
may  have  changed  to  Moore,  and  these  are  nuinerous  all  over  our 


Mentioned  in  Ancient  Charters 


(Reigned  1314-1328) 

Carta  to  Ade  More,  undated  and  unreadable. 

Carta  to  William  de  Mora,  of  the  lands  of  Kilmarnock,  Bondingtown, 

Hertfchaw,  and  so  forth,  in  vice  com.  Ayr. 
Carta  to  Malcolm,  Earl  of  Lennox,  of  the  half  of  the  lands  of  Lekkie, 

nearest  Buchaum,  in  Stirlingshire. 
Carta   to    Reginald    More,    of   the    lands    of   Templestoun    and    Sheills, 

given  to  him  by  Rudolphus  Lindsay,   dudum   magister  hospitalis 

S.  John  Jerosolomitum. 


(Reigned  1329-1370) 

Carta  to  Robert.  Great  Stuart  of  Scotland,  of  the  lands  of  Kintyre, 
with  the  advocation  of  the  Kirks  thereof  in  fee:  and  to  John 
Stewart,  his  son,  gotten  betwixt  him  and  Elizabeth  More,  daug-h- 
ter  of  Adam  (More,  Knight,  and  failzeing  of  John,  to  Walter,  his 
second  brother. 
Carta  to    Robert   Bodefield,   by  Sir   William    More,    of  all   his   lands   in 

Dumfries,  and  fourtie  acres  in  Traquair. 
Carta  Con.  given  by  William   More   of  Abercorne.   to   David   Meldrum, 
of   the   half   of   the    lands   of  West   Byres,    within   the    barony   of 
Carta  Alexandri  'More,  de  terris  de  Kynchubr. 

Carta     confirmationis     Davidi     de     -Melgdrum,     medietatis     terre     de 
Westbins,  in  baronia  de  Abercorn.  data  illi  per  Willielmum  More 
de  Abercorn;  apud  Melros.  28  Oct.  a.  r.  34. 
Carta   confirmationis   donationis   quam.      Willielmus    More,    Miles    fecit 
in     perpetuam     elemosinand     altari     Sancte     Marie     Virginus     in 
ecclesia,   parochial!   de   Edynburgli,   terre   de   Raylstoun    in   vie   de 
Edynburgh;   18  Septem.  a.  r.  34. 
Carta  to  Willilam   More   of  the   Barony   of  Abercorn,   by   the   resigna- 
tion of  John  Graham,  in  vice  com.   Edinburg'h. 
Carta    of   excambion   betwixt   Alexander    Livingstoun    of   that   Ilk,    and 

Ade   More,   Knight. 
Carta    toStevin  More  of  the  lands  of  Tullicultrie  in  vie.    de    Clackmanan, 
Carta  given  by  William  More  of  Abercorn  to  William  Touris  and  Hel- 
enor   Bruce,    Countess    of  Carrick,    of   the    lands   of    Dairy,    in   vie 
de  Edinburgh. 
Carta    to    Rannald    More,    Chamberlin.    of    the    lands    of    Formarteine, 
Akintoir,  Aboyn,  Meikle  Morfy,  Douny  and  Caverays.   which  was 
Isabel  Baliol's,  heir  to  Thomas  Baliol. 

There  is  a  missing  charter  by  David  II,  King  of  Scotland,  to 
Ranald  More,  Chamberlain  of  Scotland,  of  the  lands  of  Fermartyn, 
Akintor  and  Obeyne.      (Rob.  Index  of  Charters,  p.   17.) 

After  the  Chamberlainship  of  Ranald  More,  two  of  the  sisters  of 
King  David  had  the  Thanage  of  Fermartyn. 

In  the  Chamberlain's  rolls  of  accounts  for  1342,  a  payment  of 
£6,  12s.  6d.  occurs  to  Thomas,  son  of  Isaac,  until  otherwise  provided 
for.    (Exchequer  Rolls  I.   p.    510.) 

Also  in  the  accounts  of  Reginald  More,  Thane  of  Fermartyn  and 
Chamberlain  of  Scotland,  in  1332,  there  is  a  payment  of  £10  from  the 
prepositi  of  the  Burgh  of  Fyvie,  Aberdeenshire.  (Exchequer  Rolls  I. 
p.   459.) 


(Reigned  1370-1390) 

Charta  to  Murthac,  son  of  Malcolm,  of  the  half  lands  of  Leckie,  lyand 
near  Buchanan,  vie  de  Stirling,  resigned  by  Malcolm,  his  father. 

Charta  to  said  Murthac,  son  of  Malcolm,  of  two  fourth  parts  of  the 
land  called  Racheon  and  Akrenmoneyth  in  the  Lennox,  -with  the 
oifflce  of  ferjeandry  in  the  shire  of  Dumbretane,  on  the  resigna- 
tion of  Ma,lcolm  his  father. 

Carta  confirming  a  grant  by  William  More  of  Abercorne  to  Adam 
Forester,  Burgess  of  Edinburgh,  of  the  Mains  of  Corstorsine, 
vie  de  Edinburgh. 


(Reigned   1390-1406) 

Carta  to  Gilchrist  More,   of  the  lands  of  Kintumer,  in  the  Barony  of 

Stanehouse,  in  vice  com.  Lanerk. 
Carta   to    Gilchrist   More,    of   the  Barony  of  Stanehouse,  in  vice  com. 

Carta    to   Adam    More    of    Rowallan,    and    Danielstoun,    his 

spouse,  of  the  lands  of  Polnekill  Grey,  Dumblay,  Clunche,  Clony, 

Herber,    Darlache    Balgram,    in    the    Barony    of    Cuningham,    vie 

Air;  the  lands  of  Ayntslare,  by  resignation  of  Janet  Danielstoun, 

in  vice   com.   Lanerk. 
Carta  to  Adam  More  of  Rowalane,   of  the  lands  of  Rowalane,  in  the 

Barony  of  Cuninghame  and  Shire  of  Ayr,   on  the  resignation  of 

said  Adam. 


(Regent  1406-1419) 

Carta.  Confirmation  of  a  charter  by  John  de  Dolas  of  Estir  Leky, 
to  Murdoch  de  Leky,  of  the  lands  of  Estir  Leky,  in  the  Shire  of 
Stirling.  The  original  charter  is  dated  at  Leky,  10  Feb, 
1406-7.  Witnesses,  Duncan,  Earl  of  Levenax;  John  Gourlay 
and  Alexander  Post,  Burgesses  of  Stirling;  Patrick  Lindsay;  and 
John  Napier,  Donimo  de  Kilmehew.  The  charter  is  dated  in 
the  first  year  of  the   Regency. 

Carta.  Confirmation  of  a  grant  by  the  said  John  de  Dolas  to  the 
said  Murdoch  de  Leky,  of  the  foresaid  lands  of  Estir  Leky,  dated 
the  second  year  of  the  Regency. 

John  Mure  was  a  witness  to  a  charter  under  the  regency  of  Robert, 
the   Duke   of  Albany. 

Mmx  mh  Mart  ^rabuat^a 

(§f  tl|f  Imu^mttfjB  in  i>riitlatt!i 




(Kindly  furnished  by  PROF.  GEORGE  MILLIGAN  of  Glasgow  University) 



Born  at  Lockerbie,  28th  July,  1872.  Son  of  Peter  Moir, 
Draper.  Graduated  M.  B.,  Ch.  B.  1900.  Address,  Craig 
Dhu,  Kelty,  Fife. 


Matriculated  in  February,  168  5. 


Born  at  Glasgow,  10th  October,  1885.  Son  of  Francis  Moir, 
Grocer.  Graduated  M.  B.,  Ch.  B.  1906.  Address,  24  Hay- 
burn  Crescent,   Partick,   Glasgow.     Brother  of  No.   17? 


Matriculated  in  1675.  I 


Born  at  Welton,  near  Blairgowrie,  16th  January,  1841.  Son 
of  Alexander  Moir,  Farmer.  Admitted  Notary  Public,  1865; 
Law  Agent,  1875;  Member  of  the  Faculty  of  Procurators  in 
Glasgow,  1875.  Senior  partner  of  the  firm  of  Moir,  Forbes  & 
Guy,  Writers  in  Glasgow,  Professor  of  Conveyancing  in  Glas- 
gow University  since  1889.  Received  the  Honorary  Degree 
of  LL.D.  from  the  University  of  Edinburgh,  1901.  Address, 
9  University  Gardens,  Glasgow. 


From  Tullibody,  Clackmannanshire.  Born  circa  1852.  Son 
of  Peter  Moir,  Farmer.  Graduated  M.  B.,  C.  M.  1875. 
Address,  Ponsonby  Road,  Auckland,  New  Zealand.  Brother 
of  No.    18;    father  of  No.    16. 


Born  at  Dumbarton,  19th  January,  1882.  Son  of  John  Moir, 
Joiner.  Graduated  M.  A.  1903.  Address,  7  Latta  Street, 


Born  at  Cairneyhill,  Fife,  17th  October,  1889.  Son  of  No.  13; 
brother  of  No.  15.  Graduated  M.  A.  1908.  Insurance  Clerk, 
7  Kelvinside  Terrace,  West,  Glasgow. 

9.  MOIR,  JOHN 

Matriculated  in  1790.  Born  at  Falkirk.  Second  son  of  John 
Moir,  Joiner. 

38  MoiR  Geneai^ogy 

10.  MOIR,  JOHN 

Matriculated  in  1810.  Eldest  son  of  John  Moir,  Artificer, 
Paisley.  Died  while  a  Theological  Student  of  the  Secession 

11.  MOIR,   JOHN 

Matriculated  in  1815.  Eldest  son  of  John  Moir,  Artificer, 

12.  MOIR,    JOHN 

Matriculated  in  1831.  Eldest  son  of  David  Moir,  Merchant 
in   l^erth. 

13.  MOIR,    JOHN 

Born  at  Glasgow  circa  1848.  Son  of  John  Moir,  Spirit 
Merchant.  Graduated  M.  A.  1870,  B.  D.  1874.  U.  P  Minis- 
ter at  Cairneyhill,  Fife,  1876-95.  Died  there  4th  July,  1895. 
iFather  of  Nos.  8  and  15.  It  is  a  curious  coincidence  that  a 
John  More  (see  No.  23)  should  have  been  Minister  of  the 
same   congregation. 

14.  MOIR,    JOHN 

Born  in  Strathblane  Parish,  3rd  August.  1853.  Son  of  John 
Moir,  Farmer.  Graduated  M.  B.  30th  April,  1877.  Died  at 
Wester  Ledriegreen,  Strathblane,  17th  July  of  the  same  year. 


Born  at  Cairneyhill,  Fife,  7th  July,  1883.  Daughter  of  No. 
13;  sister  of  No.  8.  Graduated  M.  A.  1907,  B.  Sc.  1909. 
Address,   7  Kelvinside  Terrace,  West,  Glasgow. 

16.  MOIR,   PETER 

Born  at  Glasgow,  1st  January,  1877,  Son  of  No.  6;  nephew 
of  No.  18.  Graduated  M.  B.,  Ch.  B.  1900.  Address,  Ponson- 
by  Road,  Auckland,  New  Zealand. 


Born  at  Airdrie,  29th  May,  1868.  Son  of  Francis  Moir, 
Merchant.  Graduated  M.  B.,  C.  M.  1891.  Address,  Aber- 
chirder,  Banffshire.     Brother  of  No.   3? 

18.  MiOIR,  THOMAS 

Registrar  and  Assistant  Clerk  of  Senate  of  the  University  of 
Glasgow,  1863-86.  Died  at  Davieland,  Thornliebank,  near 
Glasgow,  10th  April,  1886,  aged  49.  Brother  of  No.  6;  uncle 
of  No.  16. 


Born  at  Maybole,  Ayrshire,  circa  1857.  Son  of  Rev.  James 
Moir.  Graduated  M.  B.,  C.  M.  1879,  M.  D.  1881.  Address,  53 
Bothwell  Street,  Glasgow. 


20.  MORE,    GAVIN 

Matriculated  in  1731.  Son  of  John  More  of  Cairnhill,  Monk- 
land  Parish,  Lanarkshire. 

21.  MORE,   JAMES 

Matriculated  in  1771.     Eldest  son  of  John  More,  Glasgow. 


Born  at  Dunoon,  16th  February,  1882.  Son  of  George  More, 
Teacher,  deceased.  Graduated  M.  A.  1903.  Licentiate  of 
the  United  Free  Church.     Address,  Heathcote,   Dunoon. 


23.  MORE.  JOHN 

Matriculated  in  1805.  Eldest  son  of  William  More,  Farmer 
in  Drymen  Parish,  Stirlingshire.  Secession  and  U.  P.  Min- 
ister at  Cairneyhill,  Fife,  1814-68.  Died  there,  2d  January, 
1868,  aged  79.  Father  of  No.  24.  It  is  a  curious  coincidence 
that  a  John  Moir  (see  No.  13)  should  have  been  Minister 
of  the  same  Congregation. 

24.  MORE,    JOHN 

Matriculated  in  1844.  Third  son  of  No.  23.  U.  P.  Minister 
at  Alloa,  1853-60.  Died  at  Algiers,  10th  November,  1860, 
aged  30. 


Born  in  Glasgow,  16th  July,  1884.  Daughter  of  William 
More,  Iron  Founders'  Assistant.  Graduated  M.  A.  1906. 
Teacher,   9  West  Princes  Street,   Glasgow. 

26.  MORE,    RICHARD 

Born  at  Johnstone,  Renfrewshire,  eirca  1848.  Son  of  Alex- 
ander More,  Clothier.  Graduated  M.  B.,  C.  M.  1882.  Ad- 
dress, West  Kilbride,  Ayrshire. 

N.  B. — ^The  foregoing  list  of  Moirs  and  Mores  is  complete,  so  far 
as  Graduates  of  this  University  are  concerned.  It  dotes  not  include  all 
Non-^aduate  Students,  as  there  are  no  properly  arranged  and  readily 
accessible  notes  regarding  them,  especially  for  the  period  after  1842. 

W.  INNES  ADDISON,  Registrar. 
University  of  Glasgow,  13th  December,   1911. 


(Kindly  furnished  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE  of  Aberdeen) 

The  following  list  of  Moir,  Moor  and  Mure  are  extracted 
from  the  Roll  of  Alumni  in  Arts  of  the  University  of  King's 
College  of  Aberdeen  — 1596-1860  — edited  by  Peter  John  Ander- 
son, M.   A.,  L,Iy.  B.,  Librarian  to  the  University  of  Aberdeen. 

1677.  Alexander  Moor,  Aberdonensis,  A.  M.  Litr.   1687. 

1731-35.  Alexander   Moir,   Aberdonensis,    1st,   Bursar,   A.    M. 

1735-39.  Alexander  Moir,   major,  Aberdonensis. 

1735-39.  Alexander  Moir,  minor,  Banfiensensis,  A.  M.,  M.  D.,  1763, 

1813-17.  Alexander  Moir,   Angusianus,   bajan,   semi. 

1837-41.  Alexander  Forbes  Moir,   Strathdon,  Aberdeenshire,   BaJan 

semi,  tertian,  magistrand. 

1679-83.  Guliemus  Moir,  Aberdonensis,  A.  M. 

1679-83.  Andrea  Moore,   Buchanensis,  accessit,  1682,  A.  M. 

1720-24.  Andrea   Moir,    Buchansensis,   bursar,   tertian,    magistrand. 

1749-53.  Andrea  Moir,  Perthensis,  accessit  1750,  bursar,  tertian. 

40  MoiR  Geneai^ogy 

1822-26  Andrea  Moir,  Aberdonensis,  bajan,  semi,  tertian,  magis- 
trand,  Hutton  prize;  M.  D.  1840;  lecturer  on  anatomy, 
1839  to  1844. 

1730-34.      Georgius  Moir,  Aberdonensis,  accessit  1731,  A.  M. 

1828-32.      Georgius  Moir,  Aberdonensis,  bajan,   semi. 

1647-51.     Jacobus   Mure,   Aberdonensis  (bajan  Mearischall  College), 
accessit,  1649,  A.  M.   (Morus). 
1697-1701.      Jacobus  Moor. 

1715-19.      Jacobus  Moir,  A.   M. 

1727-31.      Jacobus  Moir,  Banfensis,  bajan,  semi,  tertian,  magistrand. 

1845-49.  Jacobus  Moir  (St.  Nicholas  Parish  of  Town  of  Aber- 
deen), A.  M. 

1805-09.      Joannes  Moir,  Aberdonensis,  A.   M. 

1828-32.      Georgius    Moir,   Aberdonensis,    bajan,    semi. 

1844-48.      John    Moir,    Fintray,    Aberdonensis,    bajan,    semi,    tertian, 
magistrand,  A.  M.  Marischall  College. 
1809-1813.      Robertus   Moir,    Rossiensis    (bajan,    semi,    Marischall   Col- 
lege), accessit  1811.  A.  M. 

1679-83.      Guliemus  Moir,  Angusiensis,   semi. 

172  3-27.      Guliemus  Moir,  Aberdonensis,  A.  M. 

1849-53.      Guliemus  Moir,   Chapel   of  Larioch,   A.   M.,   M.   B.    1859. 

1823-27.      Alexander  Muir,  Angusensis,  bajan. 

1826-30.      Georgius    Muir,    Aberdonensis,    bajan,    semi,    tertian. 

1849-5  3.      Robert  Muir,   Ayr,   A.   M. 



Name  Graduated  in  the  year  Qualification 

Robert  Moir 1658  M.  A. 

John  Innes  Allan  Moir 1828  M.  D. 

William  Moir 1834  M.  D. 

Robert  Moir 1853  M.  D. 

Robert  Moir 1859  M.  D. 

David  Moir 1865  M.  A. 

T  t,     ^7-1         TVT  •  U866  M.  B.,  C.  M.  &in 

John  Wilson  Moir j  ^g^g  ^   ^' 

Byres  Moir  ^^^^  M.  B.,C.M.  &in 

Jiyres  moir ^  ^gg^  -^    ^ 

T^     -^  T\/r    1,  4-1,  Tv/r  •  5  1885  M.  B.,  C.  M.  &  in 

Davia  Macbeth  Moir j  ..  ggg  ^    .p.  ' 

Henry  Uddell  Moir 1887  M.  A. 

James  Moir 1857  M.  D. 

Note.— M.  A.,  stands  for  Master  of  Arts. 

M.  D.,  stands  for  Doctor  of  Medicine. 

M.  B.,  C.  M.,  stands  for  Bachelor  of  Medicine  and  Master  in  Surgery. 

M.  B.,  Ch.  B.,  stands  for  Bachelor  of  Medicine  and  Bachelor  of  Surgery. 

JAMES  MOIR  II.,  of  Stoneywood,  15  years  M.  P.  for  Aberdeenshire.     (Scougal,  Painter) 
PATRICK  MOIR,  Secretary  to  Lord  Minto,  Died  1810.     (Henry  Raeburn,  Painter) 

REV.  GEORGE  MOIR,  D.  D.,  55  years  Minister  at  Peterhead  (Painted  by  John  Moir    his  Son) 
WILLIAM  MOIR,  Sixth  Principal  of  Aberdeen  University,  1649-1661 

(All  from  the  Tonley  Collection) 


A3TO«,   LfNOX   AND 

JOHN  MORE  and 

Roxbury,   New  York 











Name  Graduated  in  the  year 

I/auticelot  Paxton  More 1891 

Paxton  St.  Clair  More 1891 

Francis  Watson  More \  ^^q^ 

John  William  More 1900 


Hugh  James  More J  1906 


M.  B.,  C.  M. 

C.  M. 

Ch.  B.  &  in 

M.  B. 

M.  B. 
M.  D. 

M.  A. 

M.  A.  &in. 

M.  B.,  Ch.  B.  &in 

M.  D. 


Graduates  since  1747  of  the  surname  of  MOIR 

David  Moir Entered  1835 

David  Moir Entered  1865 

David  Macbeth  Moir* Entered  1877  and  died  in  India 

George  Moir Entered  1850 

Henry  Paterson  Moir Entered  1880 

James  R.  Moir Entered  1868 

John  Moir Entered  1883 

Patrick  Moir Entered  1783 

William  S.  Moir Entered  1883 

William  Young  Moir Entered  1847 

(More  does  not  occur) 

*This  is  a  grandson  of  "Delta,  the  Scottish  Poet." 
Note.— M.  A.,  stands  for  Master  of  Arts. 

M.  D.,  stands  for  Doctor  of  Medicine. 

M.  B.,  C.  M.,  stands  for  Bachelor  of  Medicine  and  Master  in  Surgery. 

M.  B.,  Ch.  B.,  stands  for  Bachelor  of  Medicine  and  Bachelor  of  Surgery. 



(From    "HOUSES   OF   MOIR   AND   BYRES") 

(We  hope  these  registers  will  be  useful  in  assisting  families  descended  from  Moirs  in 
tracing  their  pedigree.  Throughout  all  of  these  registers,  the  original  spelling  is  used. 
Sometimes  the  same  word  may  be  spelled  differently.) 

From  Registers  of  St.  Nicholas,  Aberdeen,  1570-1700 

1570.  Feb.   4.      JAMES  KAY  and  MARGARET  MOIR  married. 

1571.  Feb.  17.     EYEGANE  AX,EXANDER  and  JANETT  MOIR  mar- 

1575.     Aug.   14.      ROBERT     BOYD     and     JANETT     MOIR     married. 
1   Archibald,    14   Aug.,   1575. 

1574.  June    20.      WALTER     MOIR     and     CHRICHTON     PATERSON 


1575.  Dec.  4.      RICHARD  MOIR  and  NANS  FRESAR  have  a  daugh- 

ter Xans  baptised. 

1578.  March  .3.      JOHN  GROITT  and  MARGARET  MOIR  married. 

1587.  July  2  5.      JOHN  MOIR  and  MARGARET  PAIP  married. 

1579.  Nov.    8.      WILLIAM    CARMYSHELL    and    MARGARET    MOIR 

have  Alexander  baptised. 
1581.      Jan.    11.      THOMAS    COWPER   and    KATHRIN   MOIR   have   a 

clan,  baptised. 
1583.      Sept.  15.     'WILLIAM  MOIR  and  CHRISTIAN  MORESON  have 

baptised  Alexander. 
1607.      Dec.    2  7.      PATRICK     FERGUSON    and     KATHERINE     MOIR 


1588.  May    17.     ALEXANDER    MOIR    and    ELSPET    CHEIN    have 

Patrick  baptised. 
PATRICK   or  PETER   MOIR      and      ELPET  ARMAND    have: 

1,   Margaret,    24   Nov.,    1632;    2,   Alexander,    8    Jan.,    1635;    3, 

John,  7  Apr.,  1637;  4,  William,  18  July,  1641;  Thomas  Boyes, 

etc.;   5,  a  son   (blank),  17th  Julj',  1644. 
1604.     Feb.    21.     ^'ALTER   MOIR,   a  dau.  baptised,   name  blank. 
1609.      Feb.    7.      ALEXANDER  MOIR  and  AGNES  WILSON  married. 

1612.  April    21.      JOHN   MOIR   and    MARGARET  ANDERSON   mar- 


1,   Elspet.    18    Sept.,    1608,   Alexander  Moir,    etc.;    2,   McoU,   4 
Apr.,  1613;   3,  George,  6  Aug.,  1615. 
1607.     July  5.      ALEXANT)ER  MOIR  and   MARIORIE  MARNO  mar- 
ried.     1.   Thomas,    15    Mar.,    1610;    2,    a   son,    11   Aug.,    1611; 
3,  Thomas.  16  July,  1613;   4,  a  son,  23  Feb.,  1616. 

1613.  November.      PETER    MOIR    and    ELSPET    CROSER    married. 

1,  Peter,  30  Sept.,  1616;  2,  Agnes,  26  Dec,  1618;  3,  Mariorie, 
1   Dec,    1628;    4,   Janet,  twin  with   last,    Mr.   Jas.   Moir,   etc.; 
5,  Elspet,  1  April,  1630;   6,  Christian,  23  Oct.,  1632;   7,  Mar- 
garet, twin  with  last. 
1618.      GEORGE  ANGUS  and  KATHERINE  MOIR  married. 

MoiR  Genealogy  43 

1620.      Sept.    11.      ANDREW    GRAY     and     MARGARET     MOIR     had 

1622.      Feb.    21.      Ai.EXANDER   STEINSON   and    MARGARET  MOIR 

had  a  daughter. 

1,   Samuel,      15   July,    1624;      2   Alexander,   24   March,    1629; 

3,  Patrick,  7  Sept.,  1631;  4,  Issobell,  28  Nov.,  1635;  5,  James, 

14  Mar.,  1639. 
WILLIAM    MOIR    and     ELSPET     MEASSONE     had    Susanna, 

3,   Nov.,    1637. 

1628.  MR.    WILLIAM    MOIR    and    JEAN   FORBES   m.    10    Aug.,    de-   Kennedy's 

signed   1639,   etc.,   baillie   (was  elected   to  the  Town  Council   Annals, p.223 
of  Aberdeen    1595-6,    or  at   least  a   Mr.   William   Moir  was). 
Principal  of  Marischall  College,  and  his  widow  Jean  Forbes 
is  alive  and  polled  in  1696.     1,  Agnes,  27  May,  1629;  2,  Jean,   Poll-book,  vol. 
29   June,    1630;    3,   Andrew,    2    Sept.,    1631;    4,   John,    16   Nov.    H.  p.  624  ' 
1632;     5,   Jean,     17    June,   1634;     6,   Patrick,     10   Mar.,    1638; 
7,   Issobel,    3    Dec,    1639;    8,    Elizabeth,    13    Oct.,    1648;    John 
More,  a  godfather. 

1629.  May     9.      JO.   GRAY  and   MARGARET  MOIR   had  William. 

1629.  June   14.      JOHN  ROBERTSON  and  MARGARET  MOIR  mar- 


1630.  Jan.    3.      JOHN    KNOWLLY    and      MARGARET      MOIR     had 

Janet.      (A   family   named    Knowles   owned   the   property  of 
Logierieve,  in  Parish  of  Udney,  in  the  end  of  the  16th  cen- 
1633.      JOHN  MOIR  and  CHRISTIAN  KINNAIRD  married. 

1,   Robert,    23    July,    1630;    2,    Agnes,    1   Nov.,    1631;    3,   Mar- 
aret,  30  Mar.,   1633;   4,  Jean,  30  Apr.,   1635. 

1633.  3d   Jan.      THOMAS   MOIR  and   JEAN  LAMB   married   3d.  Jan. 

1,  Walter,    14    Nov.,    1633,      Mr.    Walter    Moir   a   godfather; 

2,  Patrick,  30  April,  1635;  3,  Elspet,  8  Feb.,  1638;  4,  John, 
21   Oct.,   1640;   5,  Jean,   6  Apr.,   1643. 

1634.  2d    Dec.      MR.    JOHN    MOIR    and    MARIONE    EDIE    married. 

(She   had   probably  been  an  Aedie  of  Newark.) 

1636.  June   11.      MR.   WILLIAM   MOIR   and    ELSPET   FORBES   had 


1639.  Aug.     11.      GILBERT    MOIR    and     MARGARET    FERGUSON 

had  Jean. 
1638.      June    19.      ROBERT  CRUIKJSHANK   and    MARGARET   MOIR 

1645.      April    11.      UMQUHILL  GILBERT   MOIR  and   JANET  CLARK 

had  Het^tor  bap. 

1637.  Nov.  21.      GEORGE  MOIR  and  ISSOBELL  RICKART  married: 

1,  Christina,  1  Sept.,  1639;  Patrick  Moir,  a  godfather;  2, 
WiUiam,  1st  April,  1641;  Mr.  Wm.  Moir,  etc.;  3,  Agnes,'  18 
Jan.,  1652,  John  More,  etc.,  godfathers. 

1640.  Nov.     30.      GEORGE    DEWGETH     (DUGUID)     and    GRISELL 

MOIR  had  John. 

1641.  Dec.    21.     ANDREW   MOIR   and   ANNAS   LUMSDEN   married 

1,   William,    8   Apr.,    1642,    Wm.    Moir,    Bailzie,    and    Patrick 

44  MoiR  Gbneai,ogy 

Moir,   godfathers;    2,   John,    26   Apr.,    1649;    3,   Margaret,    1st 
July,  1651,  Robert  Moir,  etc. 

1  Elspet,  29  Oct.,   1654,  Alexander  More,  etc.;   2,  George,  11 
Sept.,   1656,  George  Boyes,  etc. 
1641.     July  27.     JAMES  ROB  and  JANET  MOIR  married.      1,  James, 
24  April,    1642. 

1643.  Feb.    9.      JAMES   MOIR   and    CHRISTIAN   SEL.BIE   married. 

1644.  June    18.      JOHN    MOIR    and    AGNES    SPINOLA   married. 

1647.  Feb.    9.      JOHN   MOIR   and   Mu4lRGARET   PURB    married. 
JOHN   MORE    and    ISSOBELL   FINDLAT.      1,    John,    31    Oct., 

1,  Janet.     John   More  a  godfather. 

1648.  Nov.    21.      JOHN  MORE   and   JANET  JOHNSTOUNE   married. 

1,  Alexander,  24  Sept.,  1649,  Alexander  More,  a  godfather. 
PATRICK  GELLIE  of  Balgerso  and  MARGARET  MORE: 
1,  WiiMam,  24  Sept.,  1648,  Wm.  More,  elder,  and  Jr.,  etc., 
godfathers;  2,  Alexander,  11  Aug.,  16  50,  Alexander  Jaffrey, 
Provost,  John  Jaffrey,  Baillie;  3,  Robert,  18th  May,  1652; 
4,  Faull,  15  Jan.,  1654;  5,  James,  8  Nov.,  1655;  6,  Issobell, 
12  Oct.,  1660. 

(The  Gellies,  who  were  considerable  merchants  at  Aber- 
deen, owned,  for  some  generations,  the  estate  of  Black- 
ford,   in    Aberdeenshire,   and  seemed  to  have  several  times 

T,  „ ,     ,       ,  intermarried    with    the    Moirs    and    Byres    families.      Alex- 

Poll-book,  vol. 

U,  p.  598  ander   Gellie    (appears   with   his  wife   and   family  as  alive 

T        Tj  1695-6)     of     Blackford,     1672-8,     bears   argent   an    ark    in 

the   waters  proper,   surmounted   of  a   dove   azure,    bearing 

Poll-book  vol  ^^  ^^^  beak  an  olive  branch  vert.      16  70,  Apr.   15,  Patrick 

n,  p.  626*  Gellie    (appears   in   same  record,   designed   "late   baillie"). 

Retours  ^®^^  °^  Patrick  Gellie,  merchant  burgess  of  Aberdeen,  his 

father,  in  the  lands  of  Balgerso,   Parish  of  Foveran.) 

ALEXANDER    MORE,    Baxter,    and    JANET    RUNSIEMAN. 

1,    Bessie,    25    Apr.,    1650;    2,    Janet,    13    Oct.,    1653,    Patrick 

More,   Baillie,   etc.;    3,  Alexander,   24   April,    1656. 

1652.     MR.    JOHN    CAMPBELL   married    JEAN    MOIR,    dau.    of   Mr. 

Wm.  Moir,  Principal,  and  Jean  Forbes,  14  June: 

I,  William,  20  Mar.,  16  54,  Mr.  Wm.  Moir,  Principal,  Patrick 
Moir,  Baillie;  2,  Elizabeth,  20  May,  16  58,  Wm.  Moir,  Prin- 
cipal and  Wm.  Moir,  godfathers;  3,  James,  30  Dec,  16  59;  4, 
John,  12  June,  1662;  5,  Robert,  28  June,  1663;  6,  Janet, 
19  Aug.,  1665;  7,  Patrick,  14  Jan.,  1667;  8,  Margaret,  16  Mar., 
1668;   9,  George,  16  Aug.,  1669;  10,  Margaret,  21  Sept.,  1670; 

II,  Anna,   11    July,    1674. 

1654.      Oct.   1.     WILLIAM   SMITH  and   EDRINE   MORE,   in   Oldtown 
Parish,   dau.  Janet. 

1654.  Dec.    31.      GILBERT    DAVIDSON    and    MARGT.    MORE    have 

Matthew  bap.,  Dr.  Wm.  More,  etc.,  godfathers. 

1655.  Mar.    27.      JOHN   MORE    and   AGNES    MORE,    Oldtown.    Bar- 

bara,  baptised. 
1655.     ALEXANDER    BURNETT,       designed    "Polls,"       and    AGNES 
MOIR   m.   June   26: 

MoiR  Genealogy  4S 

1,  Margaret,  20  Aug.,  1657,  Alexander  Burnett,  late  Baillie. 
Patrick  Moir,  etc.,  godfathers;  2,  Thomas,  16  Jan.,  1659;  3, 
Geils,  19  Feb.,  1661,  Robt.  Burnett  of  Colpnay,  etc.;  4, 
Agnes,  15  March,  1663,  John  Jaffrey,  late  Provost,  etc.;  5, 
Alexander,  2  Feb.,  1665;  6,  Marjorie,  14  Aug.,  1669;  7, 
Robert,  7  Mar.,  1672:  8,  John,  24  Apr.,  1673;  9,  John,  15. 
Aug.,  1674;  10,  David,  14  Mar.,  1676;  11,  George,  21  Aug., 
1677,  George  Skene  of  Fintray,  Provost,  Mr.  Geo.  Peacock, 
etc.,  godfathers;  12,  Andrew,  8  Jan.,  1679,  Wm.  Cuming 
of  Auchry,  etc.,  godfathers;  13,  Patrick,  7  Nov.,  1680,  Pat- 
rick Moire  and  Patrick  Gellie,  etc. 

(These    Burnetts   were    cadets    of      the    Leys    family,    and 

Alexander  Burnett,    b.    1665,   was   first   of   the   Burnetts   of 

Kirkhill,  now  represented  by  the  Bannermans  of  Elsick.) 

1657.     WILLIAM     MOIR     and     ISSOBELL     GILLANDERS,     married 

June   15. 

JOHN    BRANNES    (Brands)    and    JANET   MOIR: 

1,  Agnes,   29   Mar.,   1655,   Robt.   and   Geo.   More,   godfathers; 

2,  Margaret,  22  Dec,  1658,  John  Moir,  etc.;  3,  Johnne,  12 
June,  1662. 


1,  Marjorie,  12  July,  1665,  Mr.  Wm.  Moir  Principal,  Dr. 
Wm.  Moir  and  John  More,  godfathers;  2,  Alexander,  28 
Oct.,  1656;  3,  Janet,  24  Dec,  1657;  4,  Thomas,  16  Jan.,  1659; 
5,  John,  15  July,  1662;  6,  Andrew,  20  Sept.,  1663;  7,  Wil- 
liam,   13   Sept.,    1664. 

(Thomas    Mitchell,     a    baillie    in    Aberdeen,     whose    Bon 
Thomas,  b.  1659,  was  sometime  Provost  of  Aberdeen,  and 
first   of   the    Mitchells   of  Thanistone.) 
1655.     Nov.    6.      PATRICK   MOIR   and    ISSOBELL   KEINE,    Oldtown, 
dau.    ClirJstian   bap. 
JOHN    MOIR    and    MARGARET    CRUIKSHANK     (perhaps    a 
dau.   of  Robert  Cruikshank   of  Banchory,   Provost  of  Aber- 
deen,   1693-8): 

1,  George,  5  Dec,  1661;  2,  Jean,  9  Dec,  1662;  3,  Margaret, 
1st  Jan.,  1665;  4,  John,  8  Nov.,  1666;  5,  Alexander,  12  May, 
1668;  6,  Margt.,  16  Feb.,  1671;  7,  James,  11  June,  1673;  8, 

1663.  GEORGE  MOIRSONE,  Litster,  and  MARIONE  MOIR,  married 

August   4: 

1,  George,  12  May,  1663;  2,  Robert,  28  April,  1665;   3,  John, 
27   Aug.,    1667. 
1668.     June  16.      JAMES  BROWN  and  JEAN  MOIR,  married. 

GEORGE  MOIR  and  MARGARET  SMELLIE  married   14  July, 

1,  James,  5  July,  1676,  James  Moir,  in  Ferriehill,  Jas.  Car- 
neigie,  etc.;   2,  Issobell,  17  May,  1664. 

1664.  May    31.      JOHN   MOIR   and    JANET  BARNET.  married. 
1668.     April    16.      WALTER    STEWART,    Merchant,    Banff     (Provost 

1692-95)   and  JANET  MOIR  married. 
JOHN  MOIR  and  BESSIE  COLLISON  married  4  July,  1667. 
1,  Margaret,  26  Oct.,  1668;  2,  John,  3  Nov.,  1370,  John  Moir 
of  Stainiewood,   John  Moire   of  Barnes,   John  Moir,  son    of 


MoiR  Genealogy 









Bail'lie  Patrick  Moir,  etc.,  godfathers;  3,  Alexander,  21 
Sept.,  1672;  4,  WUliam,  15  Nov.,  1673;  5,  Jean,  9  Mar.,  1675; 
6,  George,  17  Mar.  1677;   7,  Thomas,  27  Oct.,  1678. 

ROBERT  MOIR  Litster  and  MARIE  PATON  married  Apr.  22. 

Dec.      12.      JAMES     SCHAND,     Cordiner,     and     JEAN     MOIR 

Dec.     12.      JAMES     SCHAND,     Cordiner,     and     JEAN     MOIR 

1,  Jean,  8  Jan.,  1670;  2,  James,  8  April,  1672;  3,  Thomas,  30 
April,  1673;  4,  Robert,  5  Apr.,  1674;  5,  Janet,  23  April,  1676; 
6,  Elizabeth,  8  Dec,   1678. 

June   2.     ANDREW  MOIR  and   JEAN  MACKIE   married: 
1,   Marjorle,   16   Mar.,    16  60,   Alexander  Moir,   elder  and   jr., 
godfathers;    2,    Wm.,    29,    June,    1667,    Dr.    Wm.    Moir,    Wm. 
Brannes,   etc.,   godfathers;    3,   Elizabeth,   8   Dec,    1678. 

July   30.     ANDREW   MOIR   and   HELLENE   KER   married: 
1,  Alexr.,   8  Sept.,   1671,  Alexander  Alexander,  Baillie,   Alex- 
ander Burnett  "Buchans,"  etc.;   2,  Anna,   3  Sept.,   1672,  Wm. 
Ker,  Jr.,  etc. 
.April    2  7,    ALEXANDER   HARDIE   and    BESSIE    MOIR,    mar- 

1,  John,  2  Sept.,  1672,  John  Moir  of  Wattertoun,  John 
Anderson,  etc;  2,  Jean,  25  Dec,  1673;  3,  James,  10  Oct., 
1675;   4,  Jean,  1  Dec,   1677. 

Aug.  13.  ROBERT  WEIR  and  ISSOBELL  MOIR  married. 
1,  John,  1  Aug.,  1675;  2,  Issobell,  4  Mar.,  1677,  Dr.  Wm. 
Moir,  Patrick  Moir,  etc.;  3,  Patrick,  10  Nov.,  1678,  Patrick 
Moire,  Baillie,  Patk.  Sibbald,  Patk.  Sandilands,  Patk.  Gellie, 
godfathers;  4,  Marg-aret,  23  Nov.,  1679,  David  Aedie,  Baillie, 
etc.;  5,  Robert,  20  Mar.,  1681,  Robert  Patrie  of  Portle- 
than,  etc.;  6,  Anna,  26  Sept.,  1689;  7,  Wm.,  4  Aug.,  1682;  8, 
"Walter,  26  Aug.,  1683,  Walter  Stewart,  Provost  of  Banff, 
etc.;  9,  Jean,  1  Jan.,  1688,  John  Moire,  Baillie,  etc.;  10, 
Wm.,  5th  May,  1689,  Dr.  Wm.  Moir,  Wm.  Souper,  Wm. 
Black,  etc. 

DONALD  RIACH,  weaver,  and  CHRISTIAN  MOIR,  m.  18  Dec. 
1,  Issobell,  19  Dec,  1680;  2,  Christian,  18  Dec,  1681;  3, 
Janet,  22  June,  1684;  4,  Margaret,  20  Sept.,  1685;  5,  Chris- 
tian, 10  Apr.,  1692,  Alex.  Strachan  of  Clerkseat,  etc.;  6, 
Patrick,    17    Mar.,    1695,    Patrick   Gelly,    etc. 

June    20.      WILLIAM   MOIR   and   JEAN   CLERK   married. 

ARCHIBALD  CAMPBELL  and  JEAN  MOIR  married  23  Nov. 
1,  Issobell,  29  Jan.  1682,  Patk.  Moir,  Baillie,  Dr.  Wm.  Moir, 

Aug.    30.      ROBERT    MOIR   and    ELSPET   MOIR    married. 

JOHN  MOIR,  merchant-burgess  of  Aberdeen,  designed  1684, 
"late  theasurer,"  1687  Baillie,  deceased  1699,  married  JEAN 
CAMPBELL,    29    April,    1683. 

1,  Patk.,  2  3  Dec,  1683,  Mr.  Patk.  Sandilands  of  Cotton,  Dr. 
Patk.  Chalmers,  etc.;  2,  John,  7  Dec,  1684,  John  Leslie  of 
Colpnay,  John  Souper,  etc.;  3,  Jean,  4  Apr.,  1686,  Wm. 
More,  Geo.  Leslie,  Provost,  Gilbert  Black,  Baillie,  etc.;  4, 
Wm.,  8  Nov.,  1687,  Dr.  Wm.  More,  Wm.  Souper;  5,  Issobell, 
10  Oct.,  1688,  Sir  Thomas  Burnet,  etc;  6,  Elspet,  25  June, 
1690,   Andrew    Fraser,    Sheriff-Depute,    etc.;    7,    Margaret,    2 


Sept.,  1691;  8,  John,  13  Nov.,  1692.  Mr.  John  Campell,  Jr., 
writer  to  the  ma.  signet,  John  Johnston  of  Newplace,  etc.; 
9,  Gilbert,  15  Dec,  1603,  Gilbert  Moir,  eldest  lawful  son  to 
the  late  Wm.  Moir,  Dr.  in  Physick;  10,  Patrick,  12  Oct., 
1695,  Mr.  Patk.  Chalmers,  Dr.  in  Medicine,  etc.;  11,  James, 
24  Mar.,  1698,  Mr.  James  Moir,  regent;  12,  Issobell  (post- 
humous child),  22  Dec,  1699,  Thos.  Mitchell,  Lord  Provost, 
presenter  of  child  in  place  of  deceased  father. 
1684.  Dec.  18.  JOHN  BLACK,  smyth,  and  JANET  MOIR  married. 
1683.  WILLIAM  MOIR,  messenger,  and  CHRISTIAN  RAY,  mar- 
ried   14   June. 

1,  Katlierine,  2  9  June,  1684,  John  Moir,  theasurer,  John 
Moir,  merchand,  Geo.  Keith,  etc.,  godfather;  2,  Jolin,  2 
May,  1686,  John  More,  theasurer,  John  More  in  Gellen  or 
Ellon,  Mr.  John  Moir,  Stainiewood's  brother,  John  More, 
merchand,  John  More,  student,  etc. 
1683.      Oct.    16.      GEORGE    MOIR,    miller,    and    CHRISTIAN    CRAIG- 

HEID,    married. 
1698.      May    30.      ALEXANDER    MOIR    and    JEAN    BURNETT    mar- 

Alexander   Moir,   younger,   and    Janet  Currie 

1,  Andrew,  23  April,  1657;  2,  Janet,  13  May,  1658;  3,  Elspet, 
12  May,  1660;  4,  Alexander,  29  June,  1662;  5,  Margaret,  23 
July  1663;  6,  John,  11  Mar.,  1666,  John  Moir  of  Barnes  and 
John  Moir,  Jr.,  godfathers;  7,  Agnes,  26  Nov.,  1668;  8,  Isso- 
bel,  6  Oct.,  1672;  9,  Alexander,  19  Oct.,  1673;  10,  James,  7 
Feb.,  1675;  11,  Margaret,  2  July,  1676;  12,  I.ssobell,  24,  Feb., 
1678,  Alexr.  Burnett  "Buchans,"  Patk.  Strinach,  etc.,  god- 

9  June,   1657. 

ANDREW  MOIR  and  JANET  CURRIE.  1,  Marjorie,  10  June, 

JOHN  MORE  and  MARGARET  PATERSON.  1,  Janet,  26 
Oct.,  1660,  Alex,,  Robt.  and  John  More,  godfathers;  2,  Mar- 
garet, 15  Feb.,  1663;  3,  John,  3  Sept.,  1665;  4,  Robert,  2 
Jan.,  1668,  Patk.  Moire  late  Bailie,  John  Moire  of  Barnes, 
and  John  Moire,   Jr. 

ALEXANDER  MOIR  or  MURE  and  ELSPET  COOK.  1,  Bes- 
sie, 13  Jan.,  1661;  2,  Issobell,  31,  July,  1662;  3,  Barbara,  2 
Dec,  1664,  John  Souper,  etc.;  4,  Margaret,  3  Feb.,  1667;  5, 
Matthew,  23  April,   16  69. 

JAMES  BROWN  and  JEAN  MOIR.  1,  Bessie,  6  Feb.,  1666; 
2  John,   25   Sept.,   1668. 

Jean,  2  June,  1691,  Patk.  Gellie,  etc.;  2,  Tliomas,  19  April 

JOHN   MOIRE  and   AGNES   MOIRE.      1,   Jean,   22   Nov.,    1673. 

JOHN  MURRAY  and  ISSOBELL  MOIRE.  1,  Jean,  19  Apr., 
1674,  James  Moire,  Alexander  Alexander,  etc.;  2,  Alexan- 
der,  20   Oct.,    1676,  Alexr.  Moire,   etc. 

PATRICK  MOIR  and  JANET  TORTREE.  1,  James,  27  Ap., 

48  MoiR  Genealogy 

GEORGE  MOIR  and  JANET  JAFFRET.      1,  Issobell,   3   Sept., 

1676,  John  Moire;    2,  Issobel,   3   Sept.,   1676,   Patrick  Moire, 

late  Bailie,   etc.;    3,  John,  4   May,   1678;    4,  Robert,  14  Mar., 

1680;    5,  George,  23  April,    1681. 
PATRICK   WALKER    and    ISSOBELL,    MOIR.     1.    Alexander, 

16  Feb.,   1675;   2,  George,   23  Dec,   1679. 
ADAM  SMITH  and  ELSPET  MOIR.        1,  Patk.,  16   May,   1675, 

Patk.   Moire,   Patk.   Gellie,    etc. 
ANDREW  YOUNG  and   JANET  MOIR.      1,   WilUam,   10   Mar., 

1676;   2,   Christian,    3   Aug.,    1678;    3,   George,    9    Feb.,    1680; 

4,   Nathaniell,   7   Feb.,   1682. 
WILLIAM    MOIR,    merchant,    and    MARIORIE,    dau.    of      late 

James  WALKER,  merchant,  married.        1,  James,   30   Mar., 

WILLIAM   MOIR,   elder,   merchant,   and  MARGARET,   dau.   of 

Gilbert  BLACK,  late  Baillie,  married   16  June,   1705. 
JOHN   MOIR,    merchant,     and     MARGARET     MOIR,     dau.    of 

the  late   Baillie  John  Motr,   married    14   Feb.,    1717. 
GEORGE    SIMSON,    merchant,    and    JEAN,    dau.    of      Gilbert 

MOIR,  Cooper,  m.  21  Mar.,  1719. 
ALEXANDER  MOIR  and  JEAN  SELBIE.        1,  Wm.,  28  April, 

1678;    2,   Jean,    21    Aug.,    1681,      Thos.    Mitchell,    lister,    John 

Moire,    etc. 
GEORGE    LARGG    and    MARGARET    MOIR.         1,    Margaret, 

8   Mar.,   1679,  George  Moire,   a  godfather. 
JAMES    SMITH    and    BESSIE    MOIRE.         1,    Elspet,    20    July 

1679,  John  Moire,  surgeon,  etc.;  2,  Christian,  25  Oct.,  1681; 
3,  Agnes,  6  Oct.,  1682;  4,  George,  7  Oct.,  1683;  5,  Margaret, 
27   Feb.,    1686. 

JAMES  ROBERTSON  and  MARY  MOIRE.        1,  Janet,  9  May, 

1680,  Thos.  Mitchell,  late  Bailie,  Walter  Robertson,  etc.; 
2,  Margaret,  15  Sept.,  1683,  Mr.  Geo.  Seaton,  etc.;  3,  Isso- 
bell, 26  Nov.,   1685. 

WILLIAM    MOIR    and    JANET    BEIDIE.         1,    Jean,    30    Sept., 

1681,  John  Moire,  Dr.  Jas.  Leslie,  Alexander  King,  and  John 
Anderson;  2,  Christian,  13  Mar.,  1687,  John  More,  merchant, 

JOHN  THOMPSON  and   MARIORE   MORES   had:    1,   Thomas, 
6   Nov.,   1681. 

WILLIAM   WELCH  and   ISSOBELL  MOIR   had:    1,  James,   19 
Feb.,   1684. 

A.  Aberdeen  was  dead  in  16  96,  when  his  widow  was  polled 
with  children,  John  and  Issobell.  He  was  probably  pro- 
genitor of  the  Aberdeens  of  Cairnbulg.)  1,  Issobell,  2  Aug., 
1685,  Sir.  Geo.  Skene  of  Fintray,  John  Moir  Theasurer,  John 
Ross.,  etc.;  2,  a  dau.,  15  Sept.,  1688,  John  Moir,  present 
Baillie,  and  Robert  Weir,  merchant. 
1687.  Aug.  21.  Mr.  THOMAS  JAFFRAY  of  Dilspro  and  ISSOBELL 
MOIR  married.  (This  Jaffrey  was  a  great  Quaker  family, 
long  connected  with  the  town,  and  owned  for  several  gen- 
erations the  estate  of  Kingswells.)  1,  Marie,  21  Aug.,  1687, 
Sir   George  Skene  of  Fintray,    John   More,   Bailie,   Dr.   Wm. 


Moir  and  Gilbert  Black,  late  Bailie;  2,  John,  10  Mar.,  1689, 
John  Moir,  late  Bailie,  John  Jaffrey,  son  to  the  deceast 
David  Jaffray,  merchant,  etc.;  3,  John,  2  5  May,  1690,  John 
Sandilands,  present  Bailie,  Capt.  John  Campbell  of  Moy, 
etc.;  4,  Margaret,  13  Oct.,  1691,  Wm.  Farquharson  of  Inver- 
cauld,  Mr.  Geo.  Chalmer,  Rector  of  Foord,  etc. 

WILLIAM  CHESSER,  "fermer,"  and  HELEN  MOIR.  1, 
John,  4  Mar.,  1693;  2,  WiUiam,  10  Feb.,  1695;  3,  James,  11 
Apr.,  1697,  Jas.  Syper;   4,  Margaret,  19  April,  1702. 

MR.  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  "writer"  and  "messenger,"  also 
designed  "merchant,"  and  ANNA  GORDON:  1,  John,  4 
June,  1693, John  Moir,  late  Bailie,  John  Moir,  Town's  Coun- 
cillor, and  John  Moir,  skipper,  etc.;  2,  Alexander,  24  July 
1694,  Mr.  Alexander  Moir,  Regent  in  Marischall  collection, 
Alexander  Orem;  4,  Wm.,  June  26,  1698,  Wm.  Moir, 
merchant  german  to  Stoneywood,  Mr.  Wm.  Moir,  messenger. 
Wm.  Bisset,  late  Dean  of  Guild,  and  Mr.  Wm.  Gordon,  son 
to  the  Earl  of  Aberden,  etc.;   5,  a  son,  Sept.,  1699. 

ALEXANDER  MOIR,  "burger  and  wright,"  and  MARJORIE 
WEBSTER.  1,  Janet,  18  Mar.,  1694,  Wm.  Moir  Messen- 
ger; 2,  Issobell,  12  April,  1696,  Wm.  Moir  Burges;  3,  Mar- 
garet, 28  Dec,   1697. 

ALEXANDER  MOIR,  "horsehyer,"  and  ISSOBELL  MATHE- 
SON:  1,  Jean,  9  Sept.,  1689,  Robt.  Gordon,  etc.;  2,  Mary, 
4  Feb.,  1691;  3,  Mathew,  21  Dec,  1692,  Mathew  McKaill, 
elder  and  jr.,  etc.;  4,  Isobell,  24  Mar.,  1695;  5,  John,  5  Mar., 

JAMES  GORDON,  brother  german  to  the  laird  of  Badenscoth, 
and  MARGARET  MOIR;  1,  Mary,  11  May,  1690,  Adam  Gor 
Inverbucket,  and  John  Moir,  late  Baillie,  etc.;  2,  (Blank) 
6,  Mar.,  1691;  3,  Anne,  25  Oct.,  1691,  Alexander  Gordon, 
late  Lord  Provost,  Adam  Gordon  of  Inverbrie,  etc.;  4, 
Helen,  16  Feb.,  1693,  Mr.  Geo.  Moir,  Regent,  etc.;  5,  Jean, 
1  Feb.,   1694,  John  Moir,   late  Bailie. 

GEORGE  FERGUSON  and  ELSPET  MOIR.  1,  Janet,  9  Nov., 
1690,   Patk.   Gellie,   etc. 

JOHN  STRACHAN,  merchant,  and  MARGARET  MOIR.  1, 
Alexander.  19  May,  1691,  Alex.  Strachan  of  Clerkseat,  late 
Dean  of  Gild;  2,  James,  3  July,  1692;  3,  W^m,,  Oct.  8,  1693; 
4,  Issobell.  16  Dec,  1694;  5,  Ann,  9  Mar.,  1697;  6,  Elizabeth, 
27    Dec,    1698. 

JAMES  MOIR,  Regent  in  Marischal  Coll.,  and  MARJORIE 
BURNETT,  probably  dau.  of  Alexr.  Burnett  and  Agnes 
Moir.  1,  Agnes,  16  Apr.,  1693,  Alexr.  Moir,  Regent,  etc.; 
2,  Janet,  2  Oct.,  1694,  Mr.  Thos.  Burnett,  advocate,  and 
John  Burnet,  designed  "Poles";  3,  Jean,  23  Aug.,  1695;  4, 
Janet  12  Jan.,  1698;  5,  Rachel,  11  Nov.,  1699,  Patk.  Gellie, 
late  Bailie,  Mr.  Alexr.  Moir,  Regent,  etc.;  6,  Alexr.,  14  Jan., 
1701,  Mr.  Alexr.  Moir,  regent,  and  Alexr.  Moir  of  Scots- 
toun,  etc.;  ,  7,  James,  31  July,  1702,  Jas.  Moir  of  Stoney- 
wood, Jas..  son  to  the  late  Bailie  John  Moir,  etc.;  8,  James, 
Apr.  8,  1703,  Mr.  Adam  Burnet,  minister,  and  Dr.  in  Phis- 
ick,  Thos.  Burnet  of  Kirkhill,  advt.  in  Edinburgh,  and  John 

50  MOIR  Geneai^ogy 

Burnet,  merchant,  "designed  Poles";  9,  Jean,  19  Mar.,  1705, 
Jas.    Moir   of  Stoneywood,   and   Wm.   Moir,    merchant. 

WILLIAM  FETTES,  burges  and  tailour,  and  ANNA  MOIR. 
1,  John,  12  July,  1694,  John  Moir,  tailor,  etc.;  2,  Anna,  1st 
Sept.,  169  5,  John  Lesley  of  Colpnay,  etc.;  3,  Margaret,  29 
Aug.,  1699,  James  Davidson  of  Tillymorgan,  etc.;  4,  James, 
6  Aug.,  1700. 

GILBERT  MOIR,  burges  and  Cooper,  and  MARGARET  BAR- 
CLAY. 1,  Margaret,  5  May,  169  5,  Wm.  Moir,  merchant,. 
Mr.  George  Leslie;  2,  Anna,  2  8  May,  1699,  Alex.  Aberdeen, 

GILBERT  MOIR  and  MARGARET  MOIR.  1,  Jean,  7  Mar., 

CAPT.  JOHN  ANDERSON,  merchant  and  skipper,  and  JANET 
MOIR.     1,  John,    16    Nov.,    1698. 

THOMAS  OREM,  Merchant,  present  master  of  the  Gild  Hos- 
pital, and  AGNES  MOIR.  1,  Margaret,  17  Aug.,  1701,  Mr. 
Thos.  Oram  of  Glasgow,  Alexr.  Orem,  present  Bailie;  2,  Wil- 
liam,  2  May,   1703;    3,  John,   12  Nov.,   1705. 

(probably  dau.  of  John  Moir  of  Barnes  and  Mary  Cochrane.) 
1,  Margaret,  12  October,  1701,  Adam  Gordon  of  Inverbrie, 
advt.,  and  William  Gordon  of  Old  Govell,  and  Patk. 
Gordon,  merchant;  2,  Issobell,  23  Oct.,  1702,  Mr.  Alex.  Gor- 
don, factor  in  Campheir,  and  William  Gordon  of  Kintore; 
3,  Christian,   27  April,   1704;    4,  Margaret,   7   Oct.,   1705. 


(Kindly  furnished  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE  of  Aberdeen) 

The  following  notes  and  extracts  are  from  the  registers  in  the 
possession  of  the  St.  Andrew's  Episcopal  Church,  Aberdeen.  These 
commence  8th  April,  1775,  and  have  been  searched  to  the  end  of 
1910.  There  are  thirteen  volumes  in  all;  these  were  kindly  extracted 
by  Mr.  R.  Murdoch  Lawrance,  at  Aberdeen. 

1798.      ALEXANDER     MOIR,      laborer,      and      CHRISTIAN     ROBB, 
Gilcomston,   had: 

1.  Alexander,  baptised   16th  May,   1798. 

2.  William,    baptised    2d   May,    1800. 
.3.      Isabel,   baptised   25th  July,    1802. 

4.     James,   baptised    17th   March,    1805. 
Christian  Robb  died  of  an  inward  complaint,  aged  53,  and  was 
buried   26th  January,   1819. 
1800.      GEORGE    MOIR,    vintner,    and    STRATTON.    Aber- 
deen,  had: 

1.  George,  baptised    15th  April,   1800. 

2.  Robert,   baptised    26th   May,    1801. 

George    Moir,    vintner,    died    of    gravelish    complaint,    in    great 

distress  from  some  stoppage  of  the  bladder;  buried  27th  May, 


1812.     JEAN  MOIR,  daughter  of   widow  MOIR,   died  of  consumption, 

aged    44,    and    her    mother    and    she    were    buried    together, 

Oct.     22,     1812.      Widow    Moir    in    Carmelite    Lane    died    of 

decline  some  years  past  seventy,   19th   October,    1812. 

1814.     ANN   MOIR,   from   Praserburg,   died    of  consumption,    aged   50, 

buried   8th  July,   1814. 
1819.      Mrs.    MARGARET    CUMINE,     widow    of    the    late    GEORGE 
MOIR,   ESQ.,  of  Scotstown,  died  at  Belmont  Street,  aged  75; 
buried   23d  Jan.,   1819. 
1819.      Miss  KATHERINE  MOIR,  daughter  of  the  late  William  Moir, 
Esq.,   of  Lonmay,  aged   84,  buried   22d  February,   1819. 

1819.  GEORGE    BYRES,    weaver,    and    ELIZABETH    MOIR,    Wind- 

mill Brae,    had 

1.  Robert,  baptised   12th  March,    1819. 

2.  Jean,    baptised    by    Rev.    William    Skinner,    26th    April, 

1821.      She    died    of    scarlet    fever,    aged    6%,    buried 
2d   November,    1827. 

3.  William,    baptised    by    Rev.    William    Browning    in    the 

chapel,   24th  August,    1825. 

4.  Alexander,  baptised  by  the  Rev.  William  Skinner,   30th 

May,    1827. 

1820.  MRS.  MARY   MOIR,  widow  of  the   late   Major  Ramsay  of  In- 

vernettie,  died  at  Union  Street,  aged  70  Vz,  of  mental  malady; 
buried   10th  November,  1820. 

52  MoiR  Gbneai^ogy 

1822.  AL,EXANI>ER  iMOIR,  weaver,  Gilcomston,  and  BRIDGET 
KELL.EY   had 

1.     Helen,    baptised    by    Rev.    William    Browning    in    the 
chapel,    22nd    October,    1822. 

1824.  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  ESQ.,  of  Scotstown,  late  sherriff  of  the 
County,  residing  at  Scotstown,  aged  63,  died  of  appoplexy, 
buried    26th   June,    1824. 

1826.  SIR  MICHAEL.  BRUCE,  Esq.,  of  Scotstown,  was  godfather, 
and  LADY  FORBES,  of  Castle  Forbes,  was  godmother  to 
Walter  Frederick  (died  December,  1827),  son  of  Honorable 
Walter  Forbes,  Esq.,  of  Brux,  by  his  wife  Horatia  Shaw,  bap- 
tised by  Rev.  William  Browning  in  the  chapel,  2  4th  Septem- 
ber,  1826. 

1836.  CHARLES  GORROD  of  this  parish,  labourer,  and  ANNE 
MOIR,  daughter  of  the  late  Robert  Moir,  dyer  in  Aberdeen, 
were  married  by  Bishop  William  Skinner,  10th  November, 
1836,  before  witnesses — David  Stephen,  P.  Moir,  and  John 
Anne  Moir,  wife  of  Charles  Gorrod,  Plaster,  Huntly,  died  of 
paralysis,  aged  56;  buried  6th  January,  1842. 

1840.  JAMES  MOIR,  M.  D.,  and  William  Skinner,  advocate,  in  Aber- 

deen, were  witnesses  to  the  marriage  of  Henry  Hill  of  Ken- 
sington, Middlesex,  and  Elizabeth  Thompson  of  Old  Machar, 
daughter  of  the  late  James  Thompson,  Esq.,  marriage  per- 
formed by  Bishop  William  Skinner,    27th  October,    1840. 

1841.  JANE    MOIR,    daughter    of    WILLIAM    MOIR,    ESQ.,    late    of 

Ceylon,   died  at  Chanonry  House,   Old  Aberdeen,   of  affection 
of  the  heart;   buried   1st  July,   1841. 
1841.      FREDERICK   MORE,    student   of   Medicine,   died    of  consump- 
tion at  Union  Street,  aged  18;  buried  17th  August,   1841. 

1841.  ROBERT  MOIR,  wine  merchant,  Adelphi  Court,  and  JUDITH 

1^     Greorge    William  Watts  Moir,  baptised  by  Rev.  William 
Skinner,   27th   October,   1841. 

1842.  CAROLINE   MORE,   daughter   of  the   late  Gilbert   More,   Esq., 

died  of  consumption  at  Crown  Street,  aged  20%;  buried  15th 
March,   1842. 

1843.  ANDREW  MENNIE,  dyer,  106  George  Street,  and  ANN  MOIR 


1.     Helen,  born  4th  May,  baptised  by  Rev.  William  Walk- 
er in  chapel,   14th  May,   1843. 
1843.      ANDREW  CASTELL  and  JEAN  MOIR  had 

1.  Andrew,   born  at   69   Virginia  Street,   baptised   by  Rev. 

William  Walker  in  chapel,   29th  October.   1843. 

2.  George,   born   at    69   Virginia   Street,    baptised   by   Rev. 

William   Bruce   in    chapel,    2  5th   January,    1846. 

3.  James,  born   at   48   Frederick  Street,   baptised   by  Rev. 

Charles    Wagstaff    in    chapel,    2  3d    July,    1848;    died 
there,   buried   23d   July,    1848. 
Andrew  Castell   was   an    engineer   1843-1846,   and   an    overseer 
1845.      CHARLES   MOIR,    Esq.,    son    of   the   late   William    Moir,    Esq., 
died  at  Union  Street  of  protracted  decline,  at  the  age  of  16; 
buried  24th  March,   1845. 

MoiR  Genealogy 


1848.  ANN    ISABELLA    MOIR,    daughter    of    the    deceased    William 

Moir,  Esq.,  of  Park,  died  at  28  Bon-Accord  Terrace,  aged  25, 
of  exhaustion  and  nervous  excitement;  buried  15th  February, 

1849.  CHRISTIAN  MOIR,    9   Blackfriars  Street,  aged    63,   was  buried 

16th  June,   1849. 

1850.  JEAN   MOIR,   widow   of  the    lat^^  William   M.   Shaw,    135    King 

Street,  died  of  goitre  and  decline,  aged  72,  24th  February, 
and  was  buried   1st  March,   1850. 

1850.  JOSEPH  DUNDAS,  Esquire  of  Carronhall,  and  Fingask  of  the 

Parish  of  Larbert,  in  the  County  of  Stirling,  and  MAR- 
GARET ISABELLA  MOIR  of  Old  Machar,  daughter  of 
George  Charles  Moir,  Esq.,  of  Denmore,  was  married  in  Den- 
more  House,  by  Bishop  William  Skinner,  27th  November, 
1850,  before  witnesses — James  M.  Haggart,  C.  S.  Camming 
Bruce,  Emmaline  Forbes,  Isabella  Moir,  and  Christina 
Frances  Forbes. 
The  above  Emmaline  Forbes  was  the  daughter  of  Henry 
Forbes,  Esq.,  of  Balgownie.  Married  Rev.  John  Gabriel 
Ryde,  29th  April,  1851,  and  her  marriage  by  Bishop  William 
Skinner  was  witnessed,   among  others,   by  Isabella  Moir. 

1851.  CHARLES    GEORGE    MOIR,    ESQ.,    of    Denmore,    died    there, 

aged   80,   of  a  paralytic  attack,   buried   15th   January,    1851. 
1851.     MAJOR    HENRY    KNIGHT    ERSKINE,    of    Pittodrie,    of    the 
Chapel    of   Garioch   and    of   the   Parish    of   Oyne,    and    MARY 
ANN  MOIR,   elder  daughter  of  the  deceased   George  Charles 
Moir   of  Denmore,   in   the  Parish   of  Old   Machar,   were  mar- 
ried  in   the   house   of   Scotstown,   by  Bishop   William   Skinner 
of  Aberdeen,   11th  June,   1851,  before  witnesses — J.  Hepburn, 
Isabella  Moir,  George  C.  Bruce,  and  Georgina  M.  A.  Forbes. 
1853.      GAVIN    GREIG,    gardiner,    Parkhill,    and    MARY    MOIR    had 
1.     Robert    Moir,    baptised    by    Rev.    John    Gabriel    Ryde, 
8th  April,  1853. 
fA  son  Gavin  was  born  at  New  Machar,   10th  February,   1856. 
Graduated    Master    of    Arts    at    Aberdeen    University,    1876. 
Appointed    Headmaster    of    Whitehill    Public     School,     New 
Deer,   Aberdeenshire,    187  9.      He   is   a   Fellow  of   the   Educa- 
tional Institute  of  Scotland,   and   a  Justice   of  the  Peace   of 
Aberdeenshire.  See  biographical  sketch  in  the  Buclian   Field 
Club's    work,    issued    in    1909,    entitled    "Twenty-one    Years' 
Research  in  Buchan,"  pp.  94-95.] 
1859.     ALEXANDER  MOIR,   farm  servant,   Longacre,  Aberdeen,  and 
1.     Allan,    born    29th   January,    baptised    18th    March,    1859, 
by  Rev.  George  Sutherland. 
1864.     WELLWOOD     MAXWELL     of     Sefton,    near    Liverpool,    and 
ISABELLA   MOIR    of   Old    Machar   were   married    in   church, 
by  Thomas   George   Suther,    Bishop   of  Aberdeen,    14th  April, 
1864,    before    witnesses — Margaret    Mary    Leith    and    William 
Maxwell,  Jr. 
1864.      DAVID   MOIR.    JUNIOR,    of  the   Parish    of  Dundee,   and   ISA- 
BELLA SINCLAIR,  of  the  Parish  of  Old  Machar,  were  mar- 
ried   by   Thomas    George   Suther,    Bishop    of   Aberdeen,    27th 

54  MoiR  Genealogy 

September,  1864,  before  witnesses — ^Thomas  Baxter  and  Mar- 
garet Baxter. 

1874.  GEORGE  MOIR,  labourer,  100  Spittal,  and  HELEN  CRAIG, 
10  Shiprow,  were  married  by  Rev.  F.  Kitchen,  12th  January, 
1874,    before    witnesses — William    Duff   and    Charles   Craig. 

1885.  GEORGE  MOIR,  journeyman  iron  moulder,  16  Kintore  Place, 

1.  William   Robertson,    baptised    by     Rev.     James     Myers 

Danson,  28th  June,  1885. 

2.  Jessie,    born    at    4    Kingsland    Place,    baptised    by    Rev. 

James    Myers    Danson,    26th    December,    1886. 
1890.      MANSFIELD    FORBES    MOIR     and      JESSIE    HENDERSON 
STEWART  were  married  at  41  Ash  vale  Place,  by  Rev.  James 
'Myers     Danson,     13th    January,     1890,      before     witnesses — 
William    James    Nicholson   and   Williamina  Ballantyne. 
1890.      ALEXANDER    BOYNE,    KEITH,      and     AGNES      MAITLAND 
MOIR,   also    of   Keith,   were   married   at   62   Hamilton   Place, 
24th   December,    1890,    by  Rev.    James  Myers  Danson,   before 
witnesses — ^James    Moir    and    P.  [orbesl     F.[raser]     Maitland 
[James  Moir,  son  of  James  Moir,  was  born  at  Kildrummy,   19th 
November,    1845.     He  was  rector   of  Banff  Academy,      Clas- 
sical Master,  Glasgow  Academy,  Rector  of  Grammar  School 
Aberdeen.      He  was  the  first  and  until  1905    (7th  April)   the 
only    Doctor    of    Letters    of    Aberdeen    University.      Died    at 
Bridge  of  Gairn,  16th  May,  1902.      M.  A.   1869,  LL.  D.  1891; 
D.    Litt.    1898.     His   brother   was    Forbes     Fraser     Maitland 
Moir;   was  born  at  Kildrummy,   1st  April,   1847;  died  at  143 
Union  Street,  Aberdeen,  26th  July,  1891.      M.  B.,  C.  M.  1873. 
Aberdeen   University.] 


(Kindly  furnished  by  JAMES  M.  A.  WOOD  of  Aberdeen) 

25th   March,    1698,    John    Moir,    Mill   of   Kelly,   a   daughter   Margaret, 

27th    January,    1723,    William    Moir,    Mill    of   Methlick,    a   son    Robert, 

30th  December,  1731,  Robert  Moir,  Truffhill,  a  son  George,  baptised. 
31st  December,   17  32,   William   Moir,   Mill  of  Methlick,   a  son  Robert, 

20th    August,  1735,  George  Moir,  Brainjohn,  a  daughter  Ann,  baptised. 
27th    May,    1744,    William    Moir,    Meikle    Methlick,    a  daughter   Isabel, 

14th  December,   1745,   Alexander  Moir,   Mill  of  Chapelton,  a  daughter 

Agnes,  baptised. 
13th  August,    1758,   William  :Moir,   Mill   of   Methlick.   a  daughter  Bar- 
bara, baptised. 
10th    October,    1762,     William     Moir,     Mill     of     Methlick,     a    daughter 

Margaret,    baptised. 
25th  October,  1768,  William  Moir,  Mill  of  Methlick,  a  daughter  Isobel, 

14th    January,    1772,    William    Moir,    Mill    of   Methlick,    a    son   Robert, 

15th    February,     1778,    William    Moir,    Brainjohn,    a    daughter    Jean, 


16th  November,   1719,  William  Moir  and  Margaret  Gibb,  both   of  the 

parish  were  married. 
22nd   July,   1744.  Alexander  Moir  of  the   parish  and   Barbara  Baxter, 

Foveran,   were  proclaimed   for  the   first  time. 
31st   December   1761,   James  Moir,    Tarves   Parish,   and   Helen   Fuller, 

Methlick   parish  were   married. 
22nd  January,   1764,  Alexander  Ivlrkton,  Tarves  parish  and   Margaret 

Moir,  Methlick  parish,   were  contracted,  and  were  married   8 

March,   1764. 
26th    December,    1775,    Jolm    Saint    and    Elspet    Moir,    both    of    parish, 

were  married. 


(Kindly  furnished  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE  of  Aberdeen) 

The  undernoted  Moor  and  More  references  are  extracted  from  a 
complete  register  of  Births,  Deaths  and  Marriages  of  all  members  of 
the  faith  down  to  1860.  The  register  contains  a  complete  summary  of 
all  Quakers  in  Scotland  and  a  transcript  which   is  in  beautiful  hand. 

56  MoiR  Ge;nbalogy 

•writing  is  housed  in  the  Aberdeen     Meeting    House,     Crown     Street, 


1.  Benjamin,  born  at  Prestonhaugh,  3d  April,  1674. 

2.  Elizabeth,  born  at  Prestonhaugh,  18th  September,  1678. 

3.  Margaret,  born  at  Litl  Marti,  10th  March,  1685. 

4.  Nathaniel,  born  at  Waughton,  15th  September,  1687. 

5.  Alexander,  born  at  Waughton,  7th  December,  1690. 

6.  George^  born  at  Waughton,   16th  January,   1692. 

— Edinburgh  Meeting  Records. 
JOHN  MORE,  farmer,  Keith  Hall,  Aberdeenshire,  and  his  wife 
Margaret  had: 

1.  Mary,  born  at  Kinmuck,  Keithhall  or  Mont  Kegree,  13th 

September,  1792. 

2.  John,  born  at  Kinmuck,  parish  of  Keithhall,  2  9th  May, 


3.  George,  born  at  Kinmuck,  8th  May,  1796. 

— Aberdeen  Meeting  Records. 


(Searched  from  1675  to  1758) 
(From  "History  of  the  More  Family") 

30th    March,    1721,    James,    son    of   Andrew    Moir,    Wheelwright,    and 

Jean  Hutcheon,  was  baptised. 
5th  May,   1723,  Jean,  dau.   of  Andrew  More  and   Jean  Hutcheon,  was 

baptised  by  Mr.  Squire.. 
20th  Nov.,  1726,  Robert,  son  to  Andrew  More  and  Jean  Hutcheon,  was 

27th   June,    1728,   L/odOTlc,  son   of  Andrew  More  and   Jean  Hutcheon, 

was  baptised. 
29th  August,  1736,    Jean,    dau.  of  John     Moir, Squarewright  in  town,  and 

Isobel  Duncan,  his  spouse,  was  baptised. 
3lst  July,   1740,  John  More  and  Isobel    Duncan,   in  town,     had  a  son 

baptised,  called  Alexander. 
3d  April,    1743,    John   More,    Squarewright,   and   Isobel   Duncan   had   a 

dau.  baptised,  called  Margaret. 

(The    birth    of    another   son   John,    progenitor   of   the    More 

family  of  Roxbury,  New  York,  born  Feb.   24,   1745,  is  here 

omitted,   through  neglect,   as  registration  at  that  time  was 

not  obligatory.) 

12th  May,  1748,  Christian,  dau.  to  John  More  and  Isobel  Duncan,  hia 

spouse,  was  baptised. 
12  Jan.,  1736,  John  Moir  and  Isobel  Duncan  were  married. 


ASTOR,  LENOX  AND         f 




(From  "History  of  the  More  Family") 
(Searched  from  1774  to  1800) 

JEAN,  dau.  to  Alexander  More  in  Tullochgrew,  and  Jannet 
McDonald,  his  wife,  born  7th  October  and  baptised  the  9th,  1774. 

CHRISTIAN,  dau.  to  Alex.  More  and  Jannet  McDonald,  his  wife.  Born 
24th  April  and  baptised    28th,   1778,  by  Mr.  Lev/is  Grant. 

DAVID,  son  to  John  More  and  Janet  Ross  at  Lochmellan,  was  bom 
16th  November,  1775. 



(From  "History  of  the  More  Family") 

(Searched  from  1699  to  1761) 

25th  July,  1724,  GEORGE  MOIR,  Schoolmaster  at  Salashie,  and 
HELEN  McPARLiAN  in  the  said  town,  both  parishioners,  gave  up 
their  names  to  be  proclaimed   in  order  of  marriage. 

(Note  in  Margin)— This  marriage  was  not  consummated,  she  went  off  and  mar- 
ried another  irregularly. 

14th  May,  1726,  GEORGE  MOIR  and  DOROTHY  BALFOUR,  both  in 
this  parish,  gave  up  their  names  to  be  proclaimed  in  order  of 

(Note  in  Margin) — This  marriage  was  not  consummated. 

24th    September,    1726,    GEORGE    MOIR,    schoolmaster    at   Leteraimh 

in  this  parish,  and  MARY  FERGUSON,  in  the  parish  of  Drymen, 

gave    up    their    names    to    be    proclaimed    in    order    to    marriage. 

Married   at   Drymen,   Sept.   27th,    1726,   by   Mr.    Jo.   Anderson. 
21st  Januarj',    1732.      GEORGE   MOIR,   schoolmaster  at  Salachie,  and 

MARY      FERGUSON,      spouses,  had  a  lawful  daughter  baptised, 

called  Mary. 
16th  October,  1735,  GEORGE  MOIR,  master  of  the  Charity  School  at 

Salachie,    and    MARY    FERGUSON,    spouses,    had    a    lawful    son 

baptised,  called  John. 



(Kindly  furnished  by  REV.  WALTER  MACLEOD  of  Edinburgh) 

162  5,  March  13th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Ihon  Moir.  The  bairne's 
name   is  Agnes.     Witnesses,   Robert  Bwy,   James  Finlason. 

1626,  October  11th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Ihon  Moir.  The  bairne's 
name   is  Marget.     Witnesses,   William   Ferguson,   William   Bwy. 

1627,  November  4th.  Ane  bairn  ibaptizet  to  Ihon  Moir.  The  bairne'g 
name  is  Ihon.     Witnesses,  James  Cadell,  Ihon  Murdoch. 

1629,  August  30th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  James  Moir.  The  bairne's 
name  is  Ihon.     Witnesses,  Ihon  Murdoche,  Ihon  Moir. 

1630,  February  21st.  Ane  bairn  Tjaptizet  to  Ihon  Moir.  The  bairne's 
name  is  Robert.  Witnesses,  Andro  Murdochston,  Archibald  Mur- 
dochston,  Robert  Moir  younger. 

16  30,  October  3rd.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Robert  Moir  younger  in 
Newtoun.  The  bairne's  name  is  Janat.  Witnesses,  Ro'bert  Moir 
elder,  Mr.  Walter  Moir. 

1631,  August  21st.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  James  Norie  (?).  The 
bairne's  name  is  James.     Witnesses,  NicoU  Muschet,  Finly  Spittell. 

1631,  December  18th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Mr.  Walter  Moir.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Marie.  Witnesses,  Ihon  Edmistoun  of  Newtoun, 
Herie  Hume  of  Argaties. 

1632,  July  8th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Ihon  Moir,  Tailzeor.  The 
bairni's  name  is  Robert.  Witnesses,  Andro  Mitschell,  William 
Amer   (?). 

1632,  October  14th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Ro'bert  Moir  younger.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Marget.  Witnesses,  Robert  Bwy,  Ihon  Hender- 
son, Ihon  Tailzer. 

1632,  October  28th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Ihon  Moir  in  Newton.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Marie.    Witnesses,  Robert  Moir,  Ihon  McHuchon. 

1633,  January  20th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Robert  Moir,  younger. 
The  bairne's  name  is  Marget.  Witnesses,  James  Moir,  Archibald 

Note — Another  Marget  supra  1632,  October,  only  four  months  between. 

1C33,    November    16th.     Ane    bairn    baptizet    to    Ihon    Moir,    Wobster. 
The  bairne's  name  is  Janat.     Witnesses,   Sanders  Steinson,  Andro 
Moir?    1634,    April   20th.     Ane   bairn   baptizet  to  Andro  Moyill.     The  bairne's 
name  is  Ihon.     Witnesses,  William  Mitschell,  Ihon  McKoy. 
No  entries  in  Register  August,  1634,  to  October,  1635.) 

1637,  February  26th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Johne  Moire.  The 
bairne's  name  Archibald.  Witnesses,  Robert  Moire  elder  and 

1638,  January  29th.  Ane  bairn  baptizit  to  James  Moir.  The  bairne's 
name   Robert.     Witnesses,   William   Cadell,   Archibald   Smith. 

(Blank  May,   1638,  to  October,   1641.) 
1643,    January   2  9th.     Ane   bairne   baptizet  to   Mr.   Walter   Moir.      The 
bairne's  name  is  Agnes.     Witnesses,  William  Cadell  and  William 

MoiR  Genealogy  59 

1643,  'March  12th.  Ane  bairne  'baptizet  to  James  Moir.  The  bairne's 
name  is  Archibald.  Witnesses,  James  Drumond  of  Milanab,  Mr. 
Walter  Moir. 

1643,  September  24th.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Robert  Moir.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Elspet.  Witnesses,  Mr.  William  Moir,  Johne 

1644,  January  28th.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Robert  Moir  in  Boghall. 
The  bairne's  name  is  Christane.  Witnesses,  Robert  Moir,  wobster, 
James    Moir. 

1644,  January  29th.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Robert  Moir  in  Neutoune. 
The  ^bairne's  name  is  Henrie.  Witnesses,  William  Cadell,  Mr. 
Walter  Moir. 

1645,  June  3rd.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Robert  Moir  in  Lanrik.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Robert.  Witnesses,  Andrew  Stewart,  John 

1645,  August  4th.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Johne  Moir.  The  bairne's 
name   is  Jaiues.      Witnesses,   Johne   Gillespie,    Thomas   Kennie. 

1646,  March  26th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Robert  Moir,  in  Newtone. 
The  hairne's  name  is  Isobell.  Witnesses,  Robert  Moir,  James 

1647,  May  9th.  Ane  bairne  baptiset  to  Mr.  Walter  Moir.  The  bairne's 
name  is  Anna.     Witnesses,  William  Cadell,   Robert  Moir. 

1647,  June  6th.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  James  Moir.  The  bairne's 
name  is  Market.     Witnesses,  Robert  Moir,  Williani  Cadell. 

1647,  July  25th.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Robert  Moir.  The  bairne's 
name  is  Robert.     Witnesses,   Robert  McEwne,   James  Moir. 

Note— 30th  August,  1647.    Mr.  Walter  Moir,  witness  to  child  of  William  Caddell. 

1647,  November  7th.  Ane  bairne  baptiset  to  Robert  Moir.  The 
bairne's  name  is  David.  Witnesses,  Maister  Walter  Moir,  Williani 

1648,  August  13th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Robert  Moir  in  Newtone. 
The  bairne's  name  is  Johne.  Witnesses,  Mr.  Walter  Moir,  James 

1649,  January  21st.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Robert  Moir.  The  bairne's 
name  is  Agnes.      Witnesses,   Robert  Moir,   James  Paterson. 

1649,  August  12th.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  James  Moir.  The  bairne's 
name  is  Walter.     Witnesses,  Mr.  Walter  Moir,  John  Farlane. 

1649,  October  31st.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Mr.  Walter  Moir.  The 
TDairn's  name  is  Marie.  Witnesses,  Harie  Home  of  Argatie,  Johne 

1649,  December  2  3rd.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Robert  Moir  in  Landrik, 
The  bairne's  name  is  Marlon.  Witnesses,  Mr.  Walter  Moir,  Androw 

1650,  December  3rd.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Robert  Moir  in  New- 
ton (?).  The  bairne's  name  is  Robert.  Witnesses,  Mr.  Walter 
Moir,  William  Caddell. 

1651,  November  8th.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Mr.  Walter  Moir.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Isobell.  Witnesses,  William.  Caddell,  Androw 
Stewart,    James   Moir. 

1652,  February  2nd.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  James  Moir.  The  bairn's 
name  is  Marie.  Witnesses,  James  Edmondstone  and  William 

Blank  June,  1652,  to  May,  1668,  and  several  leaves  imperfect 
after  latter  date. 


1668,  May.  Ane  bairne  baptize!  to  James  Moir*.  The  bairn's  name 
is  Joliiie.     Witnesses,  James  Smyth. 

1668,  November  9th.  Archbald  Moir  had  ane  child  baptized  in  Dum- 
blane,   called  . 

1669,  January  26th.  Jean,  daughter  to  Archbald  Moir,  in  Glenwhilk. 
Witnesses,  John  Moir  and  Robert  Moir  there. 

1670,  January  22nd.  David,  son  to  John  Moir,  in  Argitgentie.  Wit- 
nesses, William  Baxter  and  Robert  McHutchson. 

Note— 27th  November,  1670.  There  is  an  entry  of  Marion  and  Christian,  twins  in 
Lenrick,  but  the  father's  name  is  left  out.  There  v/as  a  Moir  in  this  place 
See  23rd  December  1649,  ante. 

1671,  April  2nd.  Robert  Moir,  witness  to  child  of  Andrew  Dunckison, 
in  Lenrick. 

1672,  May  19th.  Anna,  daughter  to  John  Moir,  in  Glenwhilk.  Wit- 
nesses, James  Keir  in  Kilbryde  and  Robert  Moir  in  Dunblane. 

Note— Moile  occurs  15th  November,  1672. 

1673,  January  11th.  Johiie,  son  to  Thomas  Moir  in  Row.  Witnesses, 
Johne  Moir  and  Patrick  Hendersone  there. 

1673,  September  27th.  "William,  son  to  Archbald  Moir,  in  Row.  Wit- 
nesses, Thomas  and  James  Moir  there. 

1675,  March  13th.  Walter,  son  to  John  Moir  in  Glenwhilk.  Witnesses, 
John  Greme  (?)   of  Bowtoune  and  James  Keir  in  Kilbryde. 

1676,  December  9th.  Katharine,  child  to  Thomas  Moir,  in  Row.  Wit- 
nesses, Archbald  and  William  Moirs  there. 

1676,  December  30th.  David,  sone  to  Archbald  Moir  in  Row.  Wit- 
nesses,  Thomas   Mitchell  and   Thomas   Moir  there. 

1677,  March  13th.  Robert,  child  to  Walter  Moir  in  Doun.  Wit- 
nesses, Harie  Ote  and  James  McNair  there. 

1677,  Nevember  27th.      Child  to  James  Moir  in  Lenrick  was  baptized 

at  Kincairdine.      Witnesses,  

1679,   February   8th.      Harie,  child   to  Walter   Moir   and   Janet   Ote,    in 

Doun.     Witnesses,     Harie  Moir  in  Newtoune     and     Harie  Ote  in 

1679,    August    15th.     Jean,   child    to    Harie    Moir   and    Marie    Moir   in 


1679,  October  25th.  Patrick,  son  to  Thomas  Moir  and  Hen- 
dersone, in  Row.  Witnesses,  James  Henderson  and  John  Moir 

Note — Only  fragments  of  two  leaves  at  1680.    On  one  of  these  Harie a  child 

Moir  of  .    Other  leaves  at  period  more  or  less  imperfect. 

1680,  September  4th.  Agnes,  daughter  to  Walter  Moir  and  Janet  Oat, 
in   Doune.     Witnesses,   Harie   Oat  and   David   Walnut  there. 

1682,  October  30th.     Jolin,  son  to  Robert  Moir  of  Lochfield,  and  Jonet 

Stewart.     Witnesses,    William    Stewart    in    Head and    James 

Stewart  in  Drumlithandy. 
1682,   November  22nd.      Harie  and   Margaret  Moirs**    in  Newtoune,   a 

child  baptized,  called  Agnes.     Witnesses,  Andrew  Smith  and  James 

Farland   in  Doune. 

Note— Some  leaves  misplaced  1683-85. 
1685,    April    19th.     Elizabeth,      daug^hter   to   Thomas   Moir    and    Janet 

Henderson.     Witnesses,  William  Moir  and  James  Henderson. 

*This  entry  is  bearly  illegible  and  the  surname  is  doubtful. 

**This  might  be  read  Moris,  but  see  1679  August  15th  (and  1687,  Oct.  8th).    The  wife's 
name  there  is,  however  ,Marie. 

MoiR  GenbaloGy  61 

1684,  December  1st.  Marjorie,  daughter  to  Harie  and  Marie  Moirs 
in  Newtoune.     Witnesses,  Banks  and  Andrew  Smyth. 

1687,  October  8th.     ,  daughter  to  Harie  and   Marie  Moirs  in 

Newtoune.     Witnesses,    Andrew    Henderson    and    James    CulUngs 

1688,  December  29th.  Robert,  son  to  Robert  Moir  and  Margaret  Mc- 
Hutcheon  in  Parktoune.  Witnesses,  James  Taylour  and  Harie 

1689,  January  5th.  Isabell,  daughter  to  Duncan  Moir  and  Christian 
McGregor  in  Down.     Witnesses,  Don.  Thomson  and  William  Clark. 

1689,  February  24th.  John,  son  to  James  Moir  and  Jonet  Stewart  in 
Lanrlk.     Witnesses,  Thorn,  and  John  Stewarts. 

1689,  November  20th.  Marg-aret,  daughter  to  Harie  and  Marie  Moirs 
(in)  Newtoune.  Witnesses,  Andrew  Smyth,  maltman  in  Down, 
and  John  Henderson  in  Newtoune. 

1691,  September  9th.     Robert,  gone  to  Harie  and  Marie  Moirs  in  New- 
toune.     Wiitnesses,   Andrew   Clark   and  Thomas   Mitchell. 
Blank   February,   1692,   to   March,    1694? 

1696,  March  5th.  Margaret,  daughter  to  Mr.  George  More  and  Mary 
in  Broich. 

1697,  April  25th.  John,  son  to  Finlay  Moir,  Shouldier,  and  Agnes 
Lawman.      Witnesses,    Robert  Thomson  and   William   Smith. 

Blank,  January,  1699,  to  November,  1701. 
1702,  January  8th.     James,  son  to  Harie  Moir,  Merchant  in  Doun,  and 

Agnes.     Harie  Moir  and   Robert  McClellan. 
1702,    August    2  3rd.     David,    son    to    Robert    Moir    of      Lochfleld    and 

Stewart  in   Doun.     Witnesses,   John   Moir   of  Crajdarnell 

and  Alexander  Stewart  of  Annat. 

1702,  July  29th.  Anna,  daughter  to  umquhile  Robert  Moir  and  Mar- 
garet McHutcheon,  in  Argattie.      Witnesses,  

Note— The  Registers  from  1691  to  1734  is  defective  and  partially  illegible. 

1703,  July  8th.  John,  son  to  David  Moir  and  Janet  Caddell,  in  Doun, 
Witnesses,    Robert   McFarlan  and  Hary  Moir  there. 

1705,  October  19th.  Alexander,  son  to  William  Moir,  son  to  Robert 
Moir  of  Lochfield  and  Katharine  Wreight.  Witnesses,  William 
Riddoch  in  Torry  and  John  Carmichell  there. 

1707,  March  8th.  3Iary,  daughter  to  John  Moir  of  Craigarnhall  and 
Florence  Fergueson.  Witnesses,  Mr.  George  Campbell,  minister 
at  Killmadock  and  Robert  Stewart,  chirurgeon  in  Doune. 

1708,  January  4th.  Henry,  son  to  Henry  Moir  and  Agnes  Moir  in 
Doun.      Witnesses,    Robert  and    Robert   Thomson   there. 

1710,  July  4t'h  (or  14th).     Baptised  Issobell,  daughter  to  John  Moir  of 

Craigarnhall   and    Ferguson.      Witnesses,    Robert   Stewart, 

Chirurgeon    in   Doun,   and   Keir,    Merchant   there. 

Note— About  end  of  November,  1711,  there  has  been  an  entry  probably  of  Moir— 
cdl  that  is  visible  of  it  being  Moir. 
1712,  May  1st.     Agnes,  daughter  to  Henry  and  Agnes  Moirs,  in  Down. 
Witnesses,   Hugh   Thomson   and   Archibald    Murdoch   there. 

1712,  May  18th.     Isobell,  daughter  to  Patrick  Moir  and  Jean , 

in  Dragonburn.     Witnesses,  Henry  ,  Merchants  in  Down. 

Note— 1713  April  4th.    Mary  Moir  spouse  to  Robert  Stuart,  chirurgeon,  a  child 
Jean.    The  Laird  of  Annat  and  John  Moir  of  Craigamell,  witnesses. 

1713,  Oirca,  June  2  6th.     Jean,  daughter  to  John  Moir  of  Craigamel, 

62  MoiR  Genealogy 

and    Florence    Ferguson,    his    spouse.     Witnesses,    Robert    Stu3>rt, 
chirurgeon  in  Doun,  Mr.   George  Brown,  Schoolmaster  there. 

Note— At  foot  of  page  prior  to  March  1719,  there  has  been  an  entry  of  a  child  t& 

David  More  or  Mores  and  Janet but  remainder  illegible. 

Circa  1720.  September  18th.  Archibald,  son  to  John  Moir  and  Janet 
Smith  in  Doun.  Witnesses,  David  Moir  there  and  Robert  Mur- 
doch in  Wardhead. 

1720,  December  27th.     John,  son  to  Patrick  Moir  and  Jane  

in  Greddon  Burn.     Witnesses,  Henry  Moir  and  Walter  Paterson. 

1720  (?)  (second  entry  after  above).  Katharin,  daughter  to  Johli 
Moir  and  Janet  Henderson  in  Raer  (?).  Witnesses,  John  Hender- 
sone  there  and  Patrick  Moir  in  Greddin  Burn. 

1721,  April  9th  (circa). .  .Archibald,  son  to  Archibald  Moir  and  Mar- 
garet Mclsaac  in  Deanstoun.     Witnesses,  Gourlie  in  Mc- 

Keanstoun  and  Alexander  Mc Thornhill. 

Note — Moir  is  doubtful. 

1722,  October  13th.  Margaret,  daughter  to  John  Moir  and  Janet 
Smith  in  Doun.  Witnesses,  Henry  Moir  there  and  Robert  McCul- 
loch  in  Sauchans. 

1723,  April  7th.  Robert,  son  to  John  Moir  and  Anna  Murdoch,  in 
Tigermuck.  Witnesses,  James  Turnbull  in  Down  and  John  Led- 
inoch  in  Wastoun. 

1730,   May  3rd.     Anne,      daughter  to   John  Moir  and   Janet  Smith   in 

Down.     Witnesses, 

McLellanC?)    1732,  Feb.   4th.     Janet,  daughter  to  Walter  Moir  and  Isabell  Mc 

in  Down.    Witnesses,  William  McLelane  and  Alexander  Robertson. 

1733,  May  11th.  Henry,  son  to  Walter  Moier  and  Isabell  McLellane 
in  Down.  Witnesses,  William  McLellan  there  and  Henry  Moir  in 

173  3,  June  3rd.  Anna,  daughter  to  Henry  and  Agnes  Moirs  in  Down. 
Witnesses,   David    Moir   and   Archibald   Murdoch   there. 

1734,  January  8th.  Henry,  son  to  James  Moir  and  Helen  Lennox  in 
Hole  of  Cambus.  Witnesses,  George  Shearer  and  James  Corsar  in 
Wester  Lundie. 

1735,  July  20th.  Alexander,  son  to  John  Moir  and  Ann  Murdoch  in 
Lanrick.  Witnesses,  George  Downie  in  Spittaltoun  and  James 
Turnbull  in  Down. 

1738,  May  10th.  James,  child  to  James  Moir  and  Helen  Lennox  in 
Hole.  Witnesses,  George  Shearer  and  Robert  Duncanson  in 
1738,  December  7th.  Margaret,  daughter  to  John  Moir  and  Ann 
Murdoch  in  Upper  Lanrick.  Witnesses,  James  Turnbull  and 
James  Taylor  in  Down. 
1740,  December  28th.  Anne,  daughter  to  John  Moir  and  Anne  Mur- 
doch in  Upper  Lanrick.  Witnesses,  Donald  McQueen  and  James 
Moir  there. 

Note— Mr.  James  Moir,  Writer,  Down,  was  witness  to  four  of  the  children  of 
Archibald   Murdoch  of   Gartincaber,  bom   respectively  9th   May  1751,   1st 
August,  1753,  Sept.  1st,  1754  and  3rd  January,  1757.    These  entries  occur  to- 
gether at  23rd  July,  1747. 
*1757.     John,  son  to  John  Moir  and  Janet  McArthur,  in  Torrie,   was 
born  4th  and  baptised  9th  December   (1  say)   January. 

•This  is  inserted  with  other  irregular  entries  after  June,  1746.  The  battle  of  Culloden 
in  1746,  caused  the  whole  country  to  have  many  irregularities,  and  many  places  had  no 
entries  of  births,  marriages  or  deaths  for  years  at  this  time.  Such  are  the  fortvmes  or 
misfortunes  of  v/as. 


1750,  April  1st.  Margaret,  daughter  to  James  Moir  and  Janet  Hender- 
son, in  Mains  of  Down,  'baptised  by  Mr.  Tclfer,  seceding  Minister. 
Witnesses,  Robert  Duncanson  and  Edward   Thomson  in  Down. 

1753,  February  28th.  Archibald,  son  to  James  Moir  and  Janet  Hen- 
derson, in  Mains  of  Down,  baptised  by  Mr.  Telfer,  Seceding  Minis- 
ter.     Witnesses,    Edward    and    John    Thomsons    there. 

1755,  October  5th.  James,  son  to  James  Moir  and  Jannet  Henderson 
in  Down.  Witnesses,  John  Herdman  there  and  Robert  Duncanson 

1756.  February  8th.  John,  son  to  James  Moir  and  Elizabeth  McFar- 
lan  in  Lanrick. 

1758,  September  16th.  Janet,  daughter  to  James  Moir  and  Elizabeth 
McKowan  in  Over  Lanerick.  Witnesses,  George  Buchanan  in  Tor- 
rie  and  William  Murdoch  in  Lanerick. 

1758,  December  10th.  Robert,  son  to  John  Moir  and  Margret  McFar- 
lan  in  Torrie.  Witnesses,  Robert  Moir  there  and  James  Moir  in 
Over   L/anerick. 

1760,  April  16th.  Helen,  daughter  to  Mr.  James  Moir,  Mrs.  Ann  For- 
est in  Down.  Witnesses,  Patrick  Edmonston  of  Newton  and  David 
Hume  Stewart  of  Argatie. 

Note— Dead  before  1776.    See  Dunblane  testaments. 

1760,  August  3rd.  John  Moir  and  Margaret  McFarlane,  his  spouse,  in 
Torrie,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Ann.  Witnesses,  Patrick  Fer- 
guson and  John  McKinlay,  both  there. 

*1777,  Robert  Moir  and  Agnes  Drummond,  his  spouse,  in  Upper  Lan- 
rick had  a  child  baptised  the  20ith  May,  called  David.  Witnesses, 
David  Moir  in  Upper  Lanrick  and  Alexander  McFarlane  in  Doune. 

1761,  January  25th.  James  Moir  and  Elizabeth  McEuen,  his  spouse, 
in  Over  Lendrick,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Henry.  Witnesses, 
Robert  Moir  there  and  John  Moir  in  Torie. 

1762,  January  27th.  Mr.  James  Moir,  Writer  in  Down  and  Mrs.  Ann 
Forrest,  his  spouse,  had  a  child  baptised  caWed  Elizabeth.  Wit- 
nesses, David  Hoome  Stuart  of  Argatie  and  Archibald  Murdoch 
of  Gartincaber.      The  child   was  born  26th. 

1762,  June  23rd.  John  Moir  and  Margaret  McFarlane,  his  spouse,  in 
Wester  Torrie,  had  a  child  baptised  called  Kathrine.  Witnesses, 
Patrick  Ferguson  and  John  McKinlay  there. 

1763.  May  27th.  Mr.  James  Moir,  Writer  in  Down  in  Mrs.  Ann  For- 
rest, his  spouse,  had  a  child  baptised  called  'John,  Witnesses, 
Mr.  John  Forrest  and  Archibald  Murdoch  of  Gartincaber.  The 
child  was  born  the  25th. 

Note— Dead  before  1776.    See  Dunblane  testaments. 

1763,  July  24th.  James  Moir  and  Elizabeth  McEuan,  his  spouse,  in 
Lanrek,  'had  a  child  baptised,  called  James.  Witnesses,  Robert 
and   David   Moirs  there. 

1764,  February,  Robert  Moir  and  Agnes  Drummond,  his  spouse,  in 
Over  Lanrick,  had  a  child  baptised  called,  Janet.  Witnesses,  Rob- 
ert Duncanson  and  David  Moir  there. 

1764,  July  29th.  John  Moir  and  Margaret  McFarlane,  his  spouse,  in 
Wester  Torrie,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Margaret.  Witnesses, 
John  McKinlay  there  and  Robert  Moir  in  Lanrek. 

*The  above  entry  appears  after  one  for  22nd  December,  1760.    The  name  More  in  the 
entry  might  be  read  Mur. 

64  MoiR  Genealogy 

1764.  Mr.  James  Moir,  "Writer  in  Do-vsti,  and  Mrs.  Ann  Forrest,  his 
spouse,  had  a  child  born  September  5th  and  baptised  7th  thereof, 
called  Robbina.  Witnesses,  Archibald  Murdoch  of  Gartincaber 
and  Mr.  John  Forrest,  brother  to  Mrs.  Moir. 

1766,  May  4th.  Robert  Moir  and  Agnes  Drummond,  his  spouse,  in 
Lanrek,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  John.  Witnesses,  James  and 
John  Moirs. 

1766,  November  10th.  John  Moir  and  Margaret  McFarlane,  his 
spouse,  in  Wester  Torry,  had  a  child  baptised  called  John.  Wit- 
nesses,  John  McKlnlay  and   Patrick  Ferguson,   both  there. 

1767,  March  1st.  James  Moir  and  Elizabeth  McEwn,  his  spouse,  in 
Upper  Danrek,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Ann.  Witnesses, 
David  Moir  there  and  John  Moir  in  Torrie. 

1768,  September  25th.  Robert  iMoir  and  Agnes  Drummond,  his 
spouse,  in  Over  Lanrek,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Henry. 
Witnesses,  David  Moir  there  and  Alexander  McFarlane  in  Down. 
The  child  was  born  24th. 

1770,  May  2  7th,  James  Moir  and  Elizabeth  McEwen,  his  spouse,  in 
Lianerk,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Margaret.  Witnesses,  Rob- 
ert and  John  Moir. 

1771,  March  31st.  Robert  Moir  and  Agnes  Drummond,  his  spouse, 
Ovir  Landrick,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  James.  Witnesses, 
David  Moir  there  and  Alexander  McFarlane  in  Down. 

Kizabeth(?)   1772,    June    14th.     James    Moir   and    Helen    McEwen,    his    spouse,    in 
Landrick,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  DaTid.     Witnesses,  Robert 
and  David  Moirs,  both  in  Lendrick. 
1773,  December  26th.     Henry  Moir  and  Margaret  Mitchell,  his  spouse, 
in  Sauchens,   had  a  child  baptised,   called  Ann.     Witnesses,   John 
Mitchell    in    Sauchen,    and    Alexander    McFarlan    in    Down. 
Note— See  1775  infra. 
1778,  August  30th.      Henry  Moir  and  Margaret  Mitchell,  his  spouse,  at 
Sauchens,  had  a  ^child  baptised,  called  James.     Witnesses,  Alexan- 
der Macfarlane  and  David  Mitchell,  both  there. 
1778,    Henry  Moir  and   Margaret  Mitchell,    his    spouse,   at    Sauchens, 
had   a   child   baptised   October   1st,    1775,    called   Archibald.     Wit- 
nesses, David  Mitchell  and  Alexander  McFarlan,  both  in  Down. 
Note— Entered  at  1778. 

1786,  February  12th.  James  Moir  and  Isabel  McKenzie,  his  spouse, 
at  Mains  of  Down,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  James.  Witnesses, 
Andrew  McFarlan  and  James  Cullins,   both  in  Down. 

1787,  September  23rd.  James  Moir  and  Isabel  McKenzie,  his  spouse, 
in  Mains  of  Down,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  William.  Wit- 
nesses, Andrew  McFarlan  and  James  Duncanson,  both  in  Down. 

1789,  October  15th.  James  Moir  and  Isabel  McKenzie,  his  spouse,  at 
Mains  of  Down,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Elizabeth.  Witnesses, 
Thomas  Duncanson  and  John  McFarlan,  both  in  Down. 

1791,  July  31st.  James  Moir  and  Isabel  McKenzie,  his  spouse,  at 
Mains  of  Down,  'had  a  child  baptised,  called  Janet.  Witnesses, 
Archibald  Moir  and  Andrew  McFarlane,  both  in  Down. 

1793,  February  24th.  James  Moir  and  Isabel  McKenzie,  his  spouse,  at 
Sauchens,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Isabel.  Witnesses,  Archi- 
bald Moir  and  John  McFarlan,  both  in  Down.  The  child  was  born 
the    17th   February. 

MoiR  Gbnkalogy  65 

*1794,  May  18th.  John  Moir  and  Janet  Stewart,  his  spouse,  in  Mac- 
keanstoune,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Robert.  Witnesses, 
William  Thomson  and  James  Chambers,  both  in  Mackeanstoune. 
The  child  was  born  the  7th  May. 

1795  (Feb.)  James  Moir  and  Isabel  McKenzie,  his  spouse,  in  Sauchens, 
had  twins  baptised,  called  Kathiine  and  Jean.  Witnesses, 
William  Dick  and  William  Johnstoun,  both  at  Gartincaber.     The 

twins   were   born  

(Above  is  between  two  entries  dated  1st  and  12th  February.) 

1796,  June  27th.      James  Moir  and  Margaret  Duncanson,  his  spouse,  at 

Bruch,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Elen.     Witnesses,  David  Moir  Braicb  (?) 
at  Camsay  and   Alexander  Stewart  at   Muirhead.     The  child   was 
born    the    2  5th    June. 

1796,  September  15th.     John  Moir  and   Janet  Stewart,   his  spouse,  at 
Mackeanstoune,    had    a    child    baptised,    called    Jean.     Witnesses, 
William  Thomson  and  Alexander  Steuart,  both  at  Mackeanstoun. 
Note— Inserted  at  September,  1797. 

1798,  April  27th.  James  Moir  and  Margaret  Duncanson,  his  spouse, 
at  Mackeanstoun,  bad  a  child  baptised,  called  Elin.  Witnesses, 
William  Thomson  at  Mackeanstoun  and  John  Moir  at  Daldorn. 
The  child  was  born  the  2  5th  April. 

1800,  September  12th.  James  Moir  and  Margaret  Duncanson,  his 
spouse,  at  Greenburn,  had  a  child  baptised  Margaret.  Witnesses, 
Mr.  Murray  at  Kilmadock  and  John  Mcintosh  at  Norristoun.  The 
child  was  born  the  5th  September. 

1802,  November  21st.  James  Moir  and  Margaret  Duncanson,  his 
spouse,  at  Gartinca.ber,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Ann.  Wit- 
nesses, John  and  William  Dick,  both  at  Gartincaber.  The  child 
was  born  the  13th  November. 

1805,  June  2  3rd.  James  Moir  and  Margaret  Duncanson,  his  spouse,  at 
Greenburn,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  John.  Witnesses,  Alexan- 
der Stewart  at  Ijanrick  and  Robert  Stewart  there. 

1811,  Oct.   13th.      Robert**   and  Elisabeth  Moir,  his  spouse,  at  Mead- 
owhead,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  George.     Witnesses,  William   j.  . 
Moir  and  Robert  Mitchell,  both  at  Sauchens.     The  child  was  born 
the  23rd  September. 

1812,  November  8th.      Robert  and  Elisabeth  Moir,  his  spouse,  at  Mead- 
owhead,   had   a  child   baptised,   called   Isabel.     Witnesses,   William         . 
Moir  at  Sauchins  and  Robert  Mitchell  at  Dulate.     The  child  was 
born   1st  November. 

1814.  Robert  Moir  and  Elisabeth  Moir,  his  spouse,  in  Meadowhead,  of 
Gartincaber,  had  a  son  named  James,  born  27th  January. 

1815.  Robert  Moir  and  Elisabeth  Moir,  his  spouse,  in  Gartincabber, 
had  a  child  called  Janet  born  2nd  and  baptised  15th  October. 
Witnesses,   Congregation. 

1817.     Robert  Moir  and   Elizabeth   Moir,  his  spouse,   in  Gartincabber, 

had  a  child  born  27th  April  and  baptised  11th  May,  called  Robert. 

Witnesses,  Congregation. 
1819.     Robert  Moir  and   Elizabeth   Moir,   his   spouse,    in   Gra,rtincaber, 

had  a  child  born  27th  January,  and  baptised  7th  February,  1819, 

called  WlUiam. 

♦Inserted  after  November  30th. 
**The  surname  of  the  father  is  omitted  but  Moir  is  in  the  margin. 

66  MoiR  Geneai^oGy 

1820.     John    Moir,    Liabourer,    and    Marrion    McLaren,    his   spouse,    in 
Torry,  had  Marrion  born  1st,  baptised  14th  December,   1820. 

1837.     Archibald    Moir   and    Agnes   McPherson,    spouses,    Doune,    had 
James,  born  16th  and  baptised  30th  November,  1837. 

1840.     Archibald    Moir    and    Agnes   McPherson,    spouses,    Doune,    had 
Agnes,  born  30th  January  and  baptised  12th  February,  1840. 
Searched   from   Beginning   of  Register   to   1843. 


1623-1843   (ALLIED  FAMILIES) 

(Kindly  furnished  by  REV.  WALTER  MACLEOD  of  Edinburgh) 

Mothers'  names  not  recorded  till  1677 

1623,  November  10th.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Walter  Farlan  in  Down. 
The  bairne's  name  is  Arctilbald.  Witneses,  Archibald  Stewart, 
James  Smythe. 

1624,  February  19th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  George  Stevart,  in  Kil- 
toryid.  The  bairne's  name  is  Elspet.  Witnesses,  Finlay  Magibbon, 
Thomas  Stewart. 

1624,   June   20th.     Ane   bairn   baptizet  to   James  Bryce   in    Garngaber. 

The    bairne's    name    is    Ilion.     Witnesses,     Ihon     MacRison,    Ihon 

1624,  July  14th.     Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Alexander  Stewart  and  Elspet 

Tailzeour.     The    hairne's    name    is    Margret.     Witnesses,     James 

Bryce,  Ihon  Tailzeour,  Ihon  Stevart. 

1624,  October  10th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  James  Stewart,  Chalmer- 
'lan.  The  bairne's  name  is  Alaster.  Witnesses,  Herie  Hwine,  Ihon 
Edmondston,  James  Don. 

1625,  January  13th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Andro  Stewart.  The 
bairn's  name  is  William.  Witnesses,  Andro  Magibbon,  Robert 

1625.  March  20th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Walter  Farlan.  The  bairne's 
name  is  James.     Witnesses,   James  Smyth,  Alexander  Chrystie. 

Eodem  Die.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Ihon  Stewart.  The  bairne's  name 
is  Ihon.     Witnesses,  Walter  Graham,  Robert  Stewart. 

1625,  May  15th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  James  Stewart.  The  bairne's 
name  is  Marget.     Witnesses,  Archibald  Forgesoiui. 

1625,  September  11th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Walter  Stewart.  The 
bairne's  name  is  .  Witnesses,  Ihon  Mitschell,  James  Hal- 

Eo.  Die.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Ihon  Stewart,  in  Makeinstoun.  The 
bairne's  name  is  William.  Witnesses,  William  Stewart,  Andro 


MoiR  GenkaIvOGy  67 

1625,  NovemlDer  7th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  James  Stewart,  Deput. 
The  bairnes'  name  is  Robert.*  Witnesses,  Ihon  Edmondstoun 
of  Newtoun,  Herie  Hume  off  Argatie. 

1625,  November  20th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  James  Bryce.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Marion.  Witnesses,  William  Eauen,  William 

1626,  January  22nd.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Ihon  Stewart.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Georg.     Witnesses,  James  and  Herie  Stewarts. 

1626,    March    26th.      Ane    bairn    baptizet    to    Alexander    Stewart.     The 

balirne's  name  is  Katlierin.     Witnesses,  Ihon  Stewart,  Ihon  Lamb. 
1626,    April    11th.      Ane    bairn    baptizet    to    Archibald    Stewart.      The 

bairne's    name    is   Issobell.     Witnesses,      Robert   Tailzeour,      Ihon 

Stewart,  William  Buchanan. 
1626,   October   11th.     Ane   bairn   baptizet   to   Ihon   Stewart,   Inbry,    off 

■Cambss.     The     "bairne's     name     is     Janet.     Witnesses,      William 

Mitchell,    Robert  Carmichell. 
1626,    November   26th.     Ane   bairn   baptizet   to   Walter   Stewart.     The 

bairne's  name  is  Ihon.     Witnesses,      James    Fogow,      elder      and 

younger,   Ihon   Mitchell. 

1626,  December  27th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Ihon  Makeinsk.  The 
bairne's  name  is  William.  Witnesses,  Thomas  McWillie,  William 

1627,  January  7th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  James  Bryce.  The  bairne's 
name  is  Nans.    Witnesses,  Ihon  and  James  Shawls,  Ihon  McNewar. 

1627,    January    11th.     Ane    bairn    baptizet    to    William    Stewart.     The 

bairne's  name   is  James.     Witnesses,   James  Stewart,   James  Fin- 

lason,    Ihon    Stewart. 
1627,  January  28th.     Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Ihon  Stewart.  The    bairne's 

name  is  Katherin.     Witnesses,   Ihon  Makertour,  Ihon  and   James 

1627,  July   15th.     Ane  bairn   baptised   to  Ihon  Stewart.     The  bairne's 

name    is   Janat.     Witnesses,    James    and    Thomas    Stewarts,    Ihon 

1627,  July  26th.     Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Walter  Farlane.     The  bairne's 

name  is  Dugall.     Witnesses,  James  Stewart,  Robert  Wyld. 
1627,  August  26th.     Ane     bairn     baptizet     to     Walter     Stewart.     The 

■bairne's    name    is    Catheran.     Witnesses,      Ihon    Mitschell,      Ihon 

1627,    September    2nd.      Ane    bairn    baptizet    to    Georg    Stewart.     The 

bairne's   name  is  Janat.     Witnesses,   Thomas  Stewart,    Ihon   Mur- 
doch e. 

1627,  October  14th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Ihon  Stewart.  The  bairne's 
name   is  Ihon.     Witnesses,    Robert  Balfour,   Robert   Buy. 

1628,  May  20th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Robert  Stewart,  younger.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Marie.     Witnesses,  Robert  and  Walter  Stewartis. 

1628,     October    19th.      Ane    'bairn     baptizet    to     James    Stewart.     The 

bairne's  name  is  Janat.     Witnesses,  Archibald  Stewart,  Alexander 

1628,     October     26th.      Ane    bairn     baptizet    to     Andro    Stewart.     The 

'bairne's    name    is   Janat.     Witnesses,      Robert      Stewart,      Robert 

1628,    November    16th.     Ane    bairn    baptizet    to    James    Bryce.     The 

bairne's  name  is  Nans.      Witnesses.  Ihon  Wither,  William  Faill. 

*The  name  Robert  is  blurred  as  if  meant  to  be  deleted. 


MoiR  Genealogy 

this  onwards 
Parents  are 

1628,  December  21st.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  William  Stewart.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Eduard.  Witnesses,  James  Finlasone,  Jhon 

1629,  March  15th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Jhon  Stewart  in  Watston. 
The  bairne's  name  is  Marget.  Witnesses,  Robert  Stewart,  Jhon 

Eodem  Die.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  James  Stewart,  in  Danrik.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Helen.  Witnesses,  Jhon  Moreson,  Robert  Stewart, 
in  Lanrik,   Robert  Stewart,  younger,   in  Broiche. 

1629,  March  29th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Jhon  Stewart,  in  Calechat. 
The  bairne's  name  is  Marloun.  Witnesses,  James  Bryce,  Alexan- 
der Stewart. 

1629,  June  7th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Don.  Stewart  Claak  of  Mon- 
teithe.  The  bairne's  name  is  James. .  Witnesses,  James  Muschett, 
Alexander  Chrystie. 

1629,  June  14th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Robert  Stewart  (not  designed). 
The  bairne's  name  is  Robert.  Witnesses,  Andro  Stewart,  James 

1629,  July  11th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Jhon  Stewart.  The  bairne's 
name   is  Helen.     Witnesses,    Robert   Squyar,   Robert  Morvell. 

N.  B.— From   1629,  August  23rd.     Ane     bairn     baptised     to     Duncan  Stewart.      The 
bairne's  name  is  Duncan.     Witnesses,  Robert  Bwy,  Jhon  Tailzeour. 
Eodem  Die.     Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Walter  Stewart.     The  bairne's  name 
is  Annabll.     Witnesses,    James   Stewart,    Jhon   Smythe. 

1630,  March  21st.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Jhon  Makenzie.*  The 
bairne's  name  is  Marget.  Witneses,  James  More,  William 

1630,  July  5th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Jhon  Stewart.  The  bairne's 
name  is  Robert.     Witnesses,   Robert  Stewart,   Andro  Kildow. 

1630  ,  October  31st.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Andro  Stewart.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Marget.  Witnesses,  Robert  Stewart,  elder  and 

1631,  February  3rd.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Thomas  Graham.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Margetj  Witnesses,  William  and  Patrick 
Grahames,    Robert  'Stewart. 

1631,    February    13th.      Ane    bairn    baptizet   to    James    Stewart.        The 

bairne's  name  is  Jhon.     Witnesses,  Jhon  AUoun,  Walter  Gourly. 
1631,  February  27th.     Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Robert  Stewart,  younger. 

The  bairne's  name  is  Jhon.     Witnesses,  Jhon  and  James  Stewartes. 
1631,  March  3rd.     Ane  (bairn)  baptizet  to  Alaster  Stewart,  son  to  Jhon 

Stewart,  in  the  Muir.       The  bairne's  name  is  Alaster.     Witnesses, 

Robert  Tailzeor,   John  Tailzeor. 
1631,  April  10th.     Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Jhon  Stewart.     The  bairne's 

name  is  Janat.     Witnesses,   James  Bryce,   Robert  Buchanan. 
1631,  June  3rd.     Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Georg  Graham.       The  bairne's 

name   is  Jhon.     Witnesses,   Archibald   Stewart,   William   Cadell. 
1631,   August   14th.     Ane   bairn   baptizet   to     William      Stewart.     The 

bairne's   name   is  William,     Witnesses,      John  Baxter,      Archibald 

1631,  August  31st.     Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Jhon  Stewart.     The  bairne's 

name  is  Jhon.     Witnesses,   William  Chalmer,   Herie  Stewart. 
1631,    November    27th.     Ane   bairn   baptizet   to    James    Stewart.     The 

bairne's  name  is  James.     Witnesses,  Jhon,  and  Thomas  Saters. 

*  Makenryk  (?) 

MoiR  Gbnealogy  69 

1632,    January    22nd.     Ane    bairn    baptizet    to    Robert    Stewart.      The 

bairne's    name    is    Janat.     Witnesses,      Thomas      Graham,       Jhon 

1632,  February  12th.     Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Thomas  Graham,  in  Dal- 

doran.     The      bairne's     name     is     Aiinabll,     Witnesses,     William 

Graham.,   Alexander  Naper. 
1632,   July  22nd.     Ane  bairn  baptizet  to   Jhon   Stewart.      The  bairne's 

name    is    Issobell.      Witnesses,    Robert  Noruell,   Robert   McNab. 
1632,    November    25th.      Ane    bairn    baptizet    to    Andro    Stewart.     The 

bairni's    name    is   Andro.     Witnesses,    Andro    Stewart,    Jhon    Mur- 


1632,  December  11th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Walter  Stewart  in 
Broche.  The  bairne's  name  is  Walter.  Witnesses,  Robert  Stew- 
art,  James  Haldan. 

1633,  January  6th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Robert  Stewart,  in  Broiche. 
The  bairne's  name  is  Catlirin.  Witnesses,  Walter  Stewart,  Jhon 

1633,  March  31st.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Thomas  Graham,  in  Dal- 
doran.  The  bairne's  name  is  Annas.  Witnesses,  William  Graham 
of  Boguhappell,  Alexander  Naper. 

1633,  August  25th.  Ane  bairn  baptised  to  James  Bryce.  The  bairne's 
name  is  Dauid.     Witnesses,  Thomas  Kirk,  Archibald  Clark. 

1633,  October  29th.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  James  Stewart,  of  Arne- 
worlit.  The  bairne's  name  is  James.  Witnesses,  Argatie,  William 
Stewart,  Archibald  Stewart. 

1634,  February  23rd.  Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Jhon  Stewart.  The 
bairn's  name  is  Marget.  Witnesses,  Jhon  Paterson,  William 

Eodem  Die.     Ane   bairn  baptizet  to   Jhon  Stewart,   in   Calechat.     The 

bairne's  name  is  Jhon.     Witnesses,  James  Bryce,  Jhon  Stewart. 
1634,  March  19th.     Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Jhon  Stewart.      The  bairne's 

name  is  Robert.     Witnesses,  Jhon  Stewart,   Jhon  Henryson. 
Eodem   Die.     Ane  bairn   baptizet  to   Thomas   Graham.      The      bairne's 

name    is   Catheiin.      Witnesses,   James   Dog,    Robert   Stewart. 
1634,  April  20th.      Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  Jhon   Stewart.     The  bairne's 

name   is  Dauid.     Witnesses,   Jhon   Murdoche,   Andro   Stewart. 
1634,  June  8th.     Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  William  Stewart.      The  bairne's 

name  is  Jhon.     Witnesses,  Finlay  Clark,  James  Dewar. 
1634,    July    13th.     Ane    bairn    baptised    to    Jhon    Stewart,      in    Lanrik. 

The   bairne's   name   is  Andro.      Witnesses,    John   Stewart,    Walter 

1634,    August    ^rd.     Ane    bairn    baptizet    to      Walter      Balfour.      The 

bairne's  name  is  Walter.     Witnesses,  John  and  Robert  Balfours. 
Edoem  Die.     Ane  bairn  baptizet  to  James  Stewart.     The  bairne's  name 

is  Walter.     Witnesses,  Walter  Farlan,  Walter  Stewart,  Jhon  Bwy. 
Blank  August,   1634,  to  October,   1635. 
1636,    February    27th.     Ane    bairn    baptizet    to    Archibald    Stewart,    in 

Argatie.     The  bairne's  name  is  Jean.     Witnesses,  James  Ttewart, 

Walter    Farlane. 
1638,    February    8th.     Ane    bairne    baptizet    to    Robert    Stewart.      The 

bairne's  name  Hearie.     Witnesses,  Johne  Stewart,  William  Clark. 
Blank  May,  1638,  to  October,  1641. 
1642,  April  17th.     Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Johne  Stewart.     The  bairne's 

name  is  Johne.     Witnesses,   Johne  Stewart,  Androw  Steuart. 


70  MoiR  GENEAI,0GY 

1642,   May   8th.     Ane   bairn   baptizit  to   James   Steuart.     The   bairne's 

name  is  James.     "Witnesses,  Walter  Farland,  Archibald  Smith. 
1642,  May  15th.     Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Johne  Steuart.     The  bairne's 

name  is  Marione.     Witnesses,  James  Mitchell,  James  Halden. 
1642,  July  4th.     Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Harie  Steuart.     The  bairne's 

name  is  James.      (Witneses)    Robert  Norvell,   Walter   Carmichell. 
1642,  July  24th.     Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Johne  Steuart.     The  bairne's 

name  is  James.      (Witnesses)   Robert  Norvell,  Waited  Carmichell. 
1642,    October    2  3rd.     Ane    bairne    baptizet    to    James    Stewart.     The 

bairne's   name     is   James.     Witnesses,      Johne      Stewart,      Robert 


1642,  December  2  5th.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  umquhile  Archibald 
Steuart.  The  bairne's  name  is  Marie.  Witnesses,  Thomas  Chalm- 
ers, Johne  Innes. 

1643,  February  13th.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Walter  Grahame  of  Bal- 
lochallan.  The  bairne's  name  is  Alexander.  Witnesses,  David 
iMuschet  of  Calichat,  Alexander  Napeir. 

1643,  May  7th.      Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  William  Steuart.      The  bairne's 

name  is  Walter.     Witnesses,  Johne  Steuart,  Murdoch  Reoch. 
1643,  May  21st.      Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Robert  Steuart.     The  bairne's 

name  is  Johne.     Witnesses,   Johne  Steuart,   Harie  Steuart. 
1643,    Aug-ust    27th.     Ane   bairne    baptizet    to      Robert      Steuart.      The 

bairne's  name  is  Agnes.     Witnesses,  John  Steuart,  William  Clerk. 
1643,    September    17th.     Ane   bairne   baptizet   to    James   Steuart.     The 

bairne's  name  is  Harie.     Witnesses,  James  Makisoune,  John  Rob- 


1643,  December  17th.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Johne  Steuart.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Margaret.  Witnesses,  William  Faill,  Johne 

1644,  Julj'^  15th.     Ane  bairne  baptised  to  Walter  Grahame  of  Balloch- 

allane.     The    bairne's    name    is    .     Witnesses,    Alexander 

Monteith,  William  Grahame,  Grahame  of  Boutoune. 

Note  —  23d  July  1644,  Harie  Grime  of  Argatie  and  Archibald  Stirling  of  Coldoch, 
witnesses  to  child  of  Colin  Campbell  of  Torrie. 

1644,  November  5th.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Johne  Stewart.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Androu.  Witnesses,  John  Mitchell,  younger, 
Robert  Steuart. 

1645,  January  6th.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Johne  Stewart.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Barbara.  Witnesses,  James  McQuein,  Androu 
Stewart,  Androu . 

1645,    February  21st.     Ane  bairne   baptizet      to     Hary     Stewart.     The 

bairne's    name    is   Jonett.     Witnesses,      Robert    Smyth,      Murdoch 

1645,  March  2nd.     Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  James  Stewart.     The  bairne's 

name    is   Walter.     Witnesses,    Mongo    Morisone,    Johne   Stewart. 
1645,    July    10th.     Ane    bairne    baptizet    to    Duncan    McFarlane.     The 

bairne's  name  is  Marie.     Witnesses,  Anton  and  Andrew  Balfours. 
1645,  July  13th.      Ane  bairne  baptised  to  Andrew  Stewart,  servitour  to 

David  Muschett,  of  Spitteltone.     The  bairne's  name  is  Elisabetli. 

Witnesses,  David  Muschett,  Walter  Mitchell. 
1645,  July  29th.     Ane     bairne     baptizet     to     Walter     Grahame.      The 

bairne's  name  is  Elisabeth.     Witnesses,  William  Graham,  Thomas 

1645,    December    4th.     Ane    bairne    baptizet    to    James    Stewart.     The 

MoiR  Genealogy  71 

bairne's  name  Is  Harie.     Witnesses.  Harie  Stewart,  Robert  Whatit. 
1645,   December   4th.     Ane  bairne  baptizet  to   Johne   Grahame.     The 

bairne's  name  is  Patrik.     Witnesses,  James  Clark,  James  Jack. 
1645,  December  7th.      Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Alexander  Stewart.     The 

bairne's  name  is  James.     Witnesses,  Androw  Stewart,  James  Clark. 

1645,  December  14th.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  James  Stewart.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Robert.  Witnesses,  James  Mackisone,  Patrick 

1646.  January  11th.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Alexander  Stewart.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Elspet.  Witnesses,  Robert  Talyior,  Androw 

1646,  January  30th.      Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Johne  Stewart,  in  Lanrik. 

The    bairne's   name   is   James.     Witnesses,   John  Stewart,    Robert 

1646,  March  8th.     Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Johne  Stewart.     The  bairne's 

name   is  Walter.     Witnesses,    Robert  Summer,    Johne   Smyth. 
1646,  May  4th.     Two  twinnes  baptizet  to  John  Farlane,  lawful  sone  to 

Walter  Farlane.     The  name  of  the  one  is  Walter,  the  name  of  the 

other   is   Georg.     Witnesses,    Johne   Watt,    Robert    Heart. 

1646,  May  23rd.      Ane  toairne  baptizet  to  Walter  Stewart  in  Balqd.   p.    Balquhid- 

dcr  (^) 
The  bairn's  name  is  Elspett.     Witnesses,  William  Chalmer,  Patrik 

1646,    July   19th.     Ane   bairne   baptizet  to    Robert  Stewart,   in   Broich. 

The  bairn's  name  is  Androw.     Witnesses,  Johne  Stewart,  Thomas 

1646,  August  16th,  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Johne  Stewart.      The  bairn's 

name  is  Johne.     Witnesses,   Robert  Norwall,  Walter  Stewart. 
1646,    October    18th.      Ane    bairne    baptizet    to    Johne    Stewart.  The 

bairne's    name    is    Johne.     Witnesses,    Thomas    Duncisone,    John 

1646,  December  20th.      Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Johne  Stewart,  Calichat. 

The  bairn's  name  is  James.     Witnesses,  James  McQuean,  Murdoch 


1646,  Decem'ber  31st.  Ane  bairnw  baptizet  to  Patrik  Grahame  in  Ces- 
sintone.  The  bairne's  name  is  Geilis.  Witnesses,  Johne  Dog, 
Johne  Stewart. 

1647,  January  3rd.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Johne  Stewart,  in  Over 
Lanrik.  The  bairne's  name  is  Archibald.  Witnesses,  Androw 
Stewart,  James  Si. 

1647,  January  31st.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  James  Stewart,  in  Wats- 
tone.  The  bairn's  name  is  Marion.  Witnesses,  Johne  Baccop, 
Johne  Stewart. 

1647,  February  28th.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  William  Stewart.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Robert.  Witnesses,  William  Clerk,  Johne 

1647,  March  14th.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  George  Grahame,  in  Kill. 
The  bairne's  name  is  Androw.  Witnesses,  Duncan  Campbell, 
Johne  Edmonston. 

1647,  March  28th.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Robert  Stewart.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Kathrtne.  Witnesses,  Johne  Stewart,  Androw 

1647,  May  2nd.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Donald  Stewart.  The  bairne's 
name  is  Isobell.     Witnesses,   James  Stewart,   Walter  Stewart. 

72  MoiR  Geneal,ogy 

1647,  July  17th.     Ane  bairne  ibaptised  to  Walter  Stewart.     The  bairne's 

name  is  Robert.     Witnesses,  William  Caddell,  Robert  Stewart. 
1647,  August  1st.     Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  James  Stewart.     The  bairne's 

name  is  Elspett.     Witnesses,  Mongo  Moressoune,  Johne  Stewart. 
Eo  Die.     Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Harie  Stewart.     The  bairne's  name  is 

Elspet.     Witnesses,  Robert  Hart,  Robert  Smith. 
1647,    October    10th.     Ane   bairne    baptizet    to      Johne      Stewart.     The 

bairne's  name  is  Jonett.     Witnesses,  James  Stewart,  James  Miller. 
1647,    October  24th.     Ane  bairne  baptizet     to      James     Stewart.      The 

bairne's    name    is    Jeane.     Witnesses,      Walter     Gourlay,     Walter 


1647,  October  31st.  Ane  bairne  aptizet  to  Donald  Stewart.  The 
bairne's  name  is  Cristane.  Witnesses,  Androw  Stewart,  James 

1648,  March  5th.  Ane  bairne  baptizet  to  Johne  Stewart.  The  bairne's 
name  is  Mariorie.     Witnesses,  Robert  Stewart,  John  Smyth. 

1753,  February  15th.  Da-vid,  son  to  Donald  Stewart  and  Katharine 
Ferguson,  in  Craigtoun.  Witnesses,  John  and  Patrick  Fergusons 

1753,  August  24th.  child  to  Alexander  and  Janet  Stewarts,  in 
Burn,  of  Cambus.     Witnesses,  

1754,  February  3rd.  Alexander,  son  to  John  and  Mary  Stewarts,  in 
Berry-hill.  Witnesses,  Hugh  Stewart  in  Ballicaish  and  John  Shaw 
in  Craigtoun. 

1754,  April  28th.  Archibald,  son  to  John  Stewart  and  Jean  McUlloch 
in  Earn.  Witnesses,  Archibald  and  Robert  McUllochs  in  Deans- 

1754,  May  26th.  Robert,  son  to  William  Stewart  and  Dorothy 
McCruer  in  Rosehall.  Witnesse,  Alexander  Buchanan  there  and 
Archibald  McCruer  in  Callibuckalzie. 

1754,  June  19th.  Janet,  daughter  to  Alexander  Stewart  and  Janet 
Stewart,  in  Bridge-end  of  Down.  Witnesses,  Hugh  and  James 
Stewarts  in  Ballicaish. 

1754,  July  21st.  Thomas,  son  to  William  Stewart  and  Margaret  Cad- 
dell, in  Lanrick.  Witnesses,  Thomas  McFarlan  and  Patrick  Fer- 
guson in  Down. 

17  54,  July  24th.  John,  son  to  Robert  Stewart  and  Agnes  Galbraith 
in  Annat.     Witnesses,  James  and  Hugh  Stewarts  in  Ballicaish. 

1754,  August  27th.  child  to  Patrick  Stuart  and  McRewar 

in  Callibuhallie. 

1754,  September  2nd.  Jean,  daughter  to  David  Bryce  and  Jean  Len- 
nox, in  Milton  of  Cambus.  Witnesses,  Alexander  Murdoch  and 
Robert  Bryce  there. 

*1754,  November  8th.  Duncan  McFarlan  and  Kathrine  McFarlan,  his 
spouse,  at  Strait  of  Ballachallan,  had  a  child  baptised,  called 
"Walter.  Witnesses,  George  McLeish,  Ballacrans,  and  the  Rev. 
Mr.   Stewart,  Minister,   Callander. 

1754,  October  27th,  Robert  and  Isabel,  twins  to  Robert  McFarlane 
and  Isabell  McGibbon,  in  Carse  of  Cambus.  Witnesses,  George 
McKewan  and  Hugh  Stewart  there. 

1754,  November  24th.  Jannet,  daughter  to  Robert  and  Isobel  Steuarts 
in  Broich.     Witnesses,  John  Henderson  and  Gilbert  Baxter  there. 

*Inserted  after  entry  for  September  23d. 

of  Providence,   R.   I. 

MoiR  Genealogy  73 

Eod.  Die.  Agnes,  daughter  to  John  McFarland  and  Helen  Yool  at 
Cambusmore.  Witnesses,  John  McLauchlan  and  John  Smith,  in 

1754,  December  22nd.  Katharine,  daughter  to  Donald  Steuart  and 
Ann  McGibbon,  in  Burn  of  Cambus.  Witnesses,  Archibald 
McArthur  and   Robert  Shaw  there. 

1755,  January  1st.  James,  son  to  Hugh  Steuart  and  Jannet  Duncanson 
in  Ballacaish.  Witnesses,  Robert  Steuart  in  Annat  and  James 
Steuart  in  Ballacaish. 

1755,  February  9th.  James  Steuart  and  Kathrin  Steuart,  in  Drum- 

1755,  February  16th.  Alexander,  son  to  James  Steuart  and  Christian 
Thomson,  in  Kirktown.  Witnesses,  Archibald  McArthur  and  John 
Mitchell  in  Buchanie. 

1755,  March  2nd.  Duncan,  son  to  Donald  Steuart  and  Katharine  Fer- 
guson,  in   Heads.      Witnesses,   John  and   Patrick   Fergusons  there. 

1755,  April  20th.  Jannet,  daughter  to  John  Stewart  and  Jannet 
Maqueen,  in  Wardhead.  Witnesses,  Edward  Thomson  there  and 
George   Shearer   in    Lundie. 

1755,  April  27th.  James,  son  to  Alexander  McFarland  and  Margaret 
Squyre  in  Down.  Witnesses,  James  McFarland  and  Thomas 
McFarlane  there. 

1755,  September  22nd.  Alexander,  son  to  Robert  McFarlane  and  Mar- 
garet Robertson,  at  Drumshogle.  Witnesses,  Alexander  Drum- 
mond  and  Thomas  Wingate,  both  at  Burnbank. 

1755,  December  27th.  Elizabeth,  daughter  to  Dougal  Stewart  and 
Helen  McCulloch,  in  Burn  of  Cambus.  Witnesses,  James  McCul- 
loch  and  Duncan  Balfour  there. 

1756,  January  11th.  John  Stewart  in  Iron  and  Jean  McCully. 

Note— Above  names  restricted  after  this  to  entries  where  allied  with  Moir. 

1756,  March  7th.  Alexander,  son  to  James  Steuart  of  Auchrig  and 
Katharine  Steuart  in  Argaty.     Witnesses,  John  and 

1765,  November  3rd.  Andrew  McFarlane  and  Kathrine  Moir,  his 
spouse,  in  Down,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Janet.  Witnesses, 
Archibald  Murdoch  and  David  Bain,  both  in  Down. 

1767,  July  22nd.  Andrew  McFarlane  and  Kathrine  Moir,  his  spouse, 
in  Down,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Archibald.  Witnesses, 
Stephen  Petrie,  Surgeon,  and  Archibald  Murdoch,  both  in  Down. 

1769,  May  31st.  Andrew  McFarlane  and  Kathrine  Moir,  his  spouse, 
in  Down,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Ann.  Witnesses,  John 
McFarlane  and  John  Petrie,  both  in  Down. 

1773,  November  7th.  Andrew  McFarlan  and  Kathrine  Moir,  his 
spouse,  in  Down,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Helen.  Witnesses, 
John  McFarlan  in  Down  and  Archibald  Moir,  Mains  of  Down. 

1778,  May  17th.  Andrew  McFarlane  and  Kathrine  Moir,  his  spouse, 
in  Down,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Archibald.  Witnesses, 
Archibald  and  James  Moir,  both  at  Mains  of  Down. 

Note— 26th  July,  1778,  Helen  Eadie  wife  of  John  Taylor  at  Hillside. 

1779,  August  8th.  Andrew  McFarlane  and  Kathrine  Moir,  his  spouse. 
in  Down,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  William.  Witnesses,  James 
Moir  at  Mains  of  Down  and  James  McGowane,  Down. 

1781,  June  10th.     Andrew  McFarlane  and  Kathrine  Moir,  his  spouse. 


in  Down,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Andrew.  Witnesses,  John 
Campbell  and  James  Thomson,  both  in  Down. 

1784,  April  2  5th.  Alexander  Stewart  and  Ann  Moir,  his  spouse,  at  New 
Biggins,  of  Lendrick,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Mary.  Wit- 
nesses, William  Murdoch  at  Lendrick  and  William  Murdodh  at 

1789,  October  18th.  Andrew  McFarlan  and  Kathrine  Moir,  his  spouse, 
In  Down,  had  a  child  baptised  called  Margaret.  Witnesses,  James 
Thomson  and  James  Campbell,  both  in  Down. 

1756,  February  15th.  Alexander  Stewart  and  Anne  Moir,  his  spouse, 
in  Biggins  of  Lanrick,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Elizabeth.  The 
child  was  born  8th  February. 

1757,  April  1st.  Andrew  McFarlan  and  Katherine  Moir,  his  spouse,  in 
Down,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Stephen.  Witnesses,  John 
McFarlan  at   Carse    of  Cambie   and   David   Square   at   Kilmadock. 

1789,  October  18th.  Andrew  McFarlan  and  Kathrine  Moir,  his  spoust, 
in  Down,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Katlirlne.  Witnesses, 
David  Kene  and  John  McFarlan,  both  in  Down. 

Note— 10th  October,  1790,  Robert  Eadie  and  Isabel  Sharp  at  Blackhill— Andrew 
other  children  later. 

1793,  October  27th.  Alexander  Stewart  and  Anne  Moir,  his  spouse,  at 
Upper  Lendrick,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Isabel.  Witnesses, 
John  McGregor  at  Upper  Lendrick  and  John  Moir  at  Dalhorn. 
The   child   was  born  the    18th   October. 

Note— There  is  no  entry  of  children  to  this  couple  between  1786  and  1793. 

1797,  March  12th.  Alexander  Stewart  and  Anne  Moir,  his  spouse, 
in  Lanrick,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Kathrine.  Witnesses, 
Robert  and  John  McGregor,  both  in  Lanrick.  The  child  was 
born   the    5th   instant. 

1802,  June  17th.  Alexander  Stewart  and  Anne  Moir,  his  spouse,  in 
Lanrick,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Jolui.  Witnesses,  John 
Marshall  and  Peter  Henderson,  at  Iron.  The  child  was  born  the 
7th  June. 

1804,  August  5th.  Alexander  Stewart  and  Anne  'Moir,  his  spouse,  at 
Biggins,  of  Lanrick,  had  a  child  baptised  called  Agnes.  Wit- 
nesses, John  Marshall  at  Iron  and  Robert  Stewart  at  Biggins. 
The  child   was  born  the   31st  July. 

1807.  Magnus  Cuming  and  Ann  Moir,  his  spouse,  at  Doune,  had  a 
child  baptised  the  17th  May,  called  Janet.  Witnesses,  John 
Mitchell  and  James  Henderson,  both  in  Doune.  The  child  was 
born  the  10th  May. 

1809,  April  30th.  Magnus  Cuming  and  Ann  Moir,  his  spouse,  at 
Doune,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  John.  Witnesses,  James  Hen- 
derson and  Thomas  Reid,  both  in  Doune.  The  child  was  born  the 
26th  April. 

1811,  June  10th.  Magnus  Cuming  and  Ann  Moir,  his  spouse,  at 
Doune,  had  a  child  baptised,  called  Archibald.  Witnesses,  John 
Mitchell  and  James  Henderson,  both  in  Doune.  The  child  was 
born  the  6th  July. 

1813.      Magnus  Cuming  and   Ann   Moir,    his   spouse,    in   Doune,   had    a 
child  called  James  born   12th  and  baptised   18th  October,   1813. 
Note— Inserted  between  January  and  April,  1814. 

1816.     Magnus  Cuming  and   Ann   Moir,   his  spouse,   in   Doune,   had   a 

MoiR  Gbnealogy  75 

child    called    William,    born    25th.     February   and    baptised    10th 

1818.     Magnus  Cuming,  Deanston  Works,  and  Anne  Moir,  his  spouse, 

(Doune),  had  Magnius,  born  24th  and  baptised   30th,  June,  1818. 
1820.     Magnus  Cuming,  Deanston  Works,  and  Anne  Moir,  his  spouse, 

Doune,  had  Robert  born    25th  June  and  baptised   6th  July,   1820. 
Note— The  two  immediately  preceding  entries  are  inserted  together  in  1820. 



(Kindly  furnished  by  REV.  WALTER  MACLEOD,  Edinburgh) 

1706,  January  9th.  Jean  Moir,  wife  of  Lieutenant  Colin  Fairfoull. 
a  daughter  named  Susanna. 

Note— Other  children  to  above  couple  occur  later.    One  of  the  witnesses  fre- 
quently to  the  baptisms  is  John  Graham. 

1711,    April.     Anna    Moir,    wife    of    MilngoodJ^**      a    daughter    Janet. 

1741,    April    26th.     Jean,     daughter     to     Robert     Moir     and      Grizi-11 

McArthur.     Witnesses,    Robert  and   Thomas   Stewarts,   Noristoun. 

1743,  February  27th.  James,  son  to  Robert  Moir  and  Grizall 
McArthur.      Witnesses,    Thomas    Ferguson    and    Thomas    Mitchell. 

1744,  November  4th.  Jolin,  son  to  John  Moir  and  Agnes  Drummond. 
Witnesses,  John  Spittall  and  George  Drummond. 

1746,  September  7th.  Thomas,  son  to  John  Moir  and  Agnes  Drum- 
mond.     Witnesses,    John    Drummond    and    Patrick    Moir. 

1748,  February  6th.  George,  son  to  Robert  Moir  and  Grizall 
McArthur.      Witnesses,    James  Chalmers   and    Joseph    McUlloch. 

1748,  December  14th.  Agnes,  daughter  to  John  Moir  and  Agnes 
Drummond.     Witnesses,   Patrick  Moir  and   George  Drummond. 

1769,  August  2  8th.  David,  son  to  John  Moir  and  Margaret  McFar- 
lane,   Doldoran. 

1770,  July   22nd.      George  Moir,   witness  to  child   of  James  Belch. 
1772,   August    9th.     James,    son    to   John    Moir    and    Margaret   McFar- 

lane,   Daldoran. 
*1775,    April    30th.      Jean,     daughter    to     John     Moir    and     Margaret 
McFarlane,    Daldoran. 

1776,  November  24th.  Alexander,  son  to  George  Moir  and  Janet 
Adam,   Bowhapple. 

1777,  August  17th.  Alexander,  son  to  John  Moir  and  Margaret 
McFarlane,    Daldoran. 

1778,  March  8th.  Robert,  son  to  George  Moir  and  Janet  Adam, 
Bowhapple  Moss. 

**Milngoody  witness  on  13th  May  1735  to  child  of  Lieutenant  Stewart  and  Susanna 
Fairfoul.  There  is  an  entry  on  17th  March  1710  of  the  marriage  of  George  Muschet 
parochiner  and  Anna  Moir  in  Stiriing.  1743,  June  1st,  George  Muschet  younger  of 

♦Interlined,  without  date,  between  April  30th  and  May  7th. 

yg  MoiR  Genealogy 

1782.  July  7th.     Isobel.  daughter  to  John  Moir  and  Margaret  McFar- 

1782!''De?emhT"29th.     Jean,    daughter    to    George    Moir    and    Janet 

1784^August  22nd.     George,  son  to  George  Moir  and  Janet  Adam. 
1786',  April   30th.     Janet,   daughter  to   George  Moir  and  Janet  Adam, 

Thornhill.  ,,   .  ,     ^ „ 

1787,  Au-ust   5th.     George,   natural    son    to    Henry    Moir    and    Jean 


1788,  February  14th.     Andrew,  son  to  George  Moir  and  Janet  Adam. 

Mosside.  ^    »  ^ 

1794    January  26th.     James,  son  to  George  Moir  and  Janet  Adam. 
1796'.   September  4th.     John,   son  to   John  Moir  and   Christian   Clark, 

179  6,   December   4th.     EUsabeth,  daughter  to  George  Moir  and  Janet 

Adam,   Bowhapple.  '  *; 

1798,  August   26th.     Margret,   daughter   to   John   Moir   and    *Margret 
Clerk,    Daldorn. 

1799,  May   5th.     EUsabeth,  natural  daughter  to   Margaret  Moir,   Dal- 

1801,   May  24th.     Ann,   daughter   to   John   Moir  and   Christian  Clark, 


1804,  April  29th.     James,  son  to  John  More  and  Christian  Clark,  Dal- 

1806,    September    17th.     Robert,    son    to    John    More    and    Christian 

Clerk,  Daldorn. 
1808,   January   22nd.     Janet,   daughter  to  James  More   and   Margaret 
Duncanson,    Thornhill. 

1808,  November   4th.     Christian,  daughter  to   John   More   and   Chris- 
tian Clerk,  Daldorn. 

1809,  April   30th.     Cathrine,    daughter   to   Alexander   Moir   and    Jean 
Hutton,  Mosside. 

1810,  August  2  6th.     David,  son  to  John  Moir  and  Marrion  McLaren, 

1810,    November    14th.     George,    son    to    Alexander    More    and    Jean 
Hutton,    Mosside. 

1812,  February   8th.     Mary,    daughter    to    John    Moir    and    Marrion 
McLaren,   Daldoran. 

1813,  January    29th.     William,    son    to    Alexander    Moir    and    Jean 
Hutton,  Mosside. 

1814,  November   11th.     Alexander,   son   to  Alexander   Moir   and   Jean 
Hutton,    Mosside. 

1814,   December   15th.     Katharine,   daughter  to   John  Moir  and   Mar- 
rion McLaren. 

1816,  January  7th.     George,  son  to  George  Moir  and  Jean  Stirling. 

1816,  September  1st.     Andrew,  son  to  Alexander  Moir  and  Jean  Hut- 

1816,  August  15th.     James,  son  to  John  Moir  and  Marrion  McLaren. 
Note— Misplaced  at  December. 

1818,    October    10th.     Jean,    daughter    to    Alexander    Moir    and    Jean 
Hutton,    Mosside. 

Note— Misplaced  at  December. 

*See  1796— Mother's  name  Christian. 


1819,  June  6th.     George,  son  to  Andrew  Moir  and  Isobel  Dougal. 

1820,  October  10th.     Robert,  son  to  Alexander  Moir  and  Jean  Hutton, 

1821,  June   24th.     Henry,  son  to   Andrew  Moir  and   Bell   Dougal. 

1822,  December  31st.     John,  son  to  Alexander  Moir  and  Jean  Hutton, 

1824,  November    5th.     Andrew,    son    to    Andrew    Moir    and    Isobella 

1825,  December  21st.     James,  son  to  Alexander  Moir  and  Jean  Hut- 

1827,  May  12th.     Alexander,  son  to  Andrew  Moir  and  Isobel  Dougal. 
1827,   September   16th.     James,   natural  son   to   John  Moir  and   Janet 

1829,    October    27th.     Mary,      daughter   to   Andrew   Moir    and     Isobel 

1833,    March    31st.     Janet,    daughter    to    Andrew    Moir    and    Isobell 

Dougal,  Thornhill. 

KINCARDINE  BIRTHS   (Perthshire) 


(Kindly  furnished  by  REV.  WALTER  MACLEOD  of  Edinburgh) 

Note.     The  names  in  the  margin  are  only  taken  when  in  conjunction 
with  Moir  or  More . 

1762,    May    16th.     Jean,    daughter   to    John    Mitchell    and    Jean    Moir.   Edy  or  Edie 

.  Comyns  or 

Witnesses,     Peter  McNab   and   James  Christie.  Cumins. 

1765.    May   12th.     Paul,   son   to   John   Doeg  and   Beatrix   Moir.     Wit-  j^^^pg^j^g 

nesses,  John  and  William  Christies.  Stirling 

1773,    January   10th.     Alexander,   son   to   Robert   McFarlane   and   G^r^aln 

Moir,  Daldoran. 

1792,  December  18th.     Agnes,  daughter  to  Alexander  Duncanson  and  ^cKenzie 

Janet    Moir.  Doeg 

1794,   October  12th.     John,  son  to  Alexr.  Duncanson  and  Janet  Moir,  Duncanson. 

Thornhill.  Clark 

1796,   August   16th.     IVfary,   daughter  to  Alexr.   Duncanson   and   Janet  Symmeis. 

Moir,  Thornhill.  McQueen. 

1800,  March  2  3rd.     Robert,  son  to  Alexr.  Duncanson  and  Janet  Moir, 

'  ,  ,      ,  ,     ^  Campbell. 

1810,    June    28th.     Stephen,    natural   son    to    Joseph    Clark    and    Jean 

More,  Daldoran. 

1815,  November  5th.     John,  son  to  John  Symmers  and  Jean  More. 

1820,  January  2nd.     Janet,  daughter  to  John  McQueen  and  Elis  Moir. 

1821,  July   29th.     Margaret,  daughter   to   William   Junkine  and   Mar- 
garet Moir. 

1822,  May  6th.     Archibald,  son  to  John  Campbell  and  Mary  Moir. 


(Kindly  furnished  by  REV.  WALTER  MACLEOD  of  Edinburgh) 

1776,  July  6th.  George  Moir  and  Janet  Adam,  both  parishioners,  hav- 
ing marriage  lines  bearing  date  November,  1773,  were  rebuked 
and  fined. 

1780,  May  21st.  James  Moir  in  Kilmadoke  and  Isobel  Thomson  in 
this  parish. 

Note-Entries  from  1st  May,  1784,  to  26th  February,  1785,  "  lost." 

1793,   October  19th.     John  Moir  and  Mary  Buchan,   parishioners. 

1793,  June  26th.  John  Moir  in  Kilmadok  and  Janet  Stewart  in  this 

1795,  July  25th.  John  Moir  in  this  parish  and  Christian  Clark,  Cal- 

1805,  June  30th.  John  More  in  Port  Parish  and  Janet  Marjoribanks 
in    this   parish. 

1807,  March  7th.  Alexander  Moir  and  Jean  Hutton,  both  in  this 

1809,  December  17th.     John  Moir  and  Marrion  McLaren,  Parishioners. 

1815,  August  20th.      George  Moir  and  Jean  Stirling,  parishioners. 

1829,  November   22nd.      John  Moir  and   Mary  Ferguson,   parishioners. 

1843,  September  3rd.  Andrew  Drummond  and  Elisabeth  Maxwell, 

1844,  October  13th.  Robert  Hutton  in  this  parish  and  Catharine 
'Moir  in  the  parish  of  Kilmadock. 

1845,  February  16th.     Andrew  Moir  and  Mary  Smith,   Parishioners. 

1845,  December  21st.     Henry  Moir  and  Christian  Stewart,  Parishioners. 

1846,  May  24th.  William  Moir  of  this  parish  and  Grace  McFarlane 
of   the   Parish   of  Port. 

1847,  May  23d.     Robert  Drummond  and  Margaret  Connel,  Parishioners. 
1847,  September  26th.     Archibald  Sands  and  Janet  McAlpine,  Parish- 

1S48,  April  23rd.  Andrew  Moir  of  Parish  and  Margaret  McQueen  in 
the  Parish  of  Port  of  Monteith. 

Note  in  Register  at  1853  that  the  record  is  defective  through  the  carelessness,  etc., 
of  the  Session  Clerk. 



(Kindly  furnished  by  REV.  WALTER  MACLEOD  of  Edinburgh) 

1624,  June  2  2nd.  Robert  and  Jhon  Moir,  witnesses  to  marriage  Jhon 
Tailzeour  and   Elspeth   Murdoche. 

1624,  Aug.  25th.  Robert  Moir,  witness  to  marriage  George  McCullie 
and  Marion  Bowie. 

1625,  June  21st.  Jhon  Moir,  witness  to  marriage  John  Robison  and 
Christian   McKray. 

1625,  November  4th.  Mariet,  Jhon  Murdoclie,  Geln  Moir.  Witnesses, 
Robert  Tailzeour,   Robert  Moir,   Robert  Stewart. 

162  5,  December  11th.  iMariet,  Jhon  Moir,  Miller,  Janat  Buchanan. 
Witnesses,  Alexander  Jack,   Archibald   Stewart. 

1626,  June  15th.  Mariet,  Jhon  Moir,  Katherin  Tailzeour.  Witnesses, 
Robert  Tailzeour,   William  Buchanan. 

*1627,  April  25th.  Mariet,  Archibald  Menzies,  Margret  Moir.  Befoir 
thir  witnesses,  Robert  Stewart;  William  Fergeson. 

1627,  December  18th.  Mariet,  Archibald  Gregour,  Agnes  Moir,  both 
in  this  parish,  befoir  thir  witnesses,  Andro  Thomson,  Jhon  Ferge- 

Blank  from  July,   1634,  to  15th  May,   1645. 
1645,  June  1st.      Mariet,  Johne  Dowgall,  Margrat  Moir,  both  parochin- 

ers,  witnesses  James  Wricht,  Johne  Moir. 
1647,  July  18th.      James  Moir,  witness  to  Marriage  Archibald  Menzies 

and  Jonet  Wyld. 

1647,  November  20th.  Robert  Moir,  witness  to  marriage  Cannioch 
and  McHutchone. 

1648,  October  26th.  Walter  Moir,  witness  to  marriage  Spittell  and 

1648,  November  28th.  Robert  Moir,  witness  to  Marriage  Smyth  and 

Blank  December  1650  to  February  1652,  and  June  1652  to 
June  1717,  except  one  entry  for  1666;  also  April  1720  to 
March  1722. 

1717,  June  21st.      James  Kanser  and  Isobell  Moir,  both  in  this  parish. 

1717,   November   29th.      James   Moir   and    Margaret   Dason    (?). 

1719,  November.     1    Moir    and    Janet    Pateron,    both    in    this 


1720,  January  1st.  John  Moir  in  this  parish  and  Anna  Murdoch  in 

1720,  January  2nd.  William  Mclson  and  Mary  Moir,  both  in  this 
parish,  gave  up  their  names. 

1721,  June  10th.  Walter  Moir  and  Isabell  McLellan,  both  in  this 

*See  Dunblane  testaments. 

80  MoiR  Geneai,ogy 

1733,    September    4th.      Walter    Moir    and    Isobell    Glass,    both    in    this 


Blank  November   1735   to   November   1756,   except   one   entry 

for  1747. 

1757.  Robert  Moir  in  this  parish  and  Janet  Fisher  in  Stirling  parish 
were  listed  18th  February  (to  be  proclaimed  in  order  to  mar- 

1757.  John  Moir  and  Margaret  McFarlane,  both  in  this  parish,  were 
listed  12  th  November. 

1761,  February  1st.  Mr.  John  Burns*  in  Stirling  and  Miss  Mary  Moir 
in  this  parish  declared  their  purpose  of  marriage  and  gave  to  the 
poor  Is.   8d. 

1763,  January  29th.  Robert  Moir  in  this  parish  and  Agnes  Drummond 
in  parish  of  Kincardine  declared  their  purpose  of  marriage  and 
gave  to  the  poor  1-8. 

1764,  August  12th.  Andrew  McFarlane  and  Kathrine  Moir,  both  in 
this  parish,  declared  their  purpose  of  marriage. 

1768,  November  12th.  James  Graeme  and  Jean  Moir,  both  in  this 
parish,  declared  their  purpose  of  marriage  and  gave  to  the 
poor  Is.    8d. 

1769,  January  28th.  Nicol  McLeran  and  Ann  Moir,  both  in  this 
parish,   declared  their  purpose  of  marriage. 

1773,  February  13th.  Henry  Moir  in  this  parish  and  Margaret 
Mitchell  in  parish  of  Lecropt  declared  their  purpose  of  marriage. 

1777,  January  11th.  James  Reid  in  this  parish  and  Jean  Moir  in 
Stirling  declared  their  purpose  of  marriage. 

1777,  May  31st.  John  McNee  and  Jean  Moir,  both  in  this  parish, 
declared  their  purpose  of  marriage. 

1780,  May  26th.  James  Moir  and  Isabel  Thomson,  both  in  this  parish, 
declared  their  purpose  of  marriage. 

1781,  June  2  3rd.  Robert  Oliver  in  Old  Gray  Friars  Quarter,  Edin- 
burgh, and  Margaret  Moir  in  this  parish  declared  their  purpose 
of  marriage. 

1782,  June  16th.  David  Moir  and  Ann  McArthur,  both  in  this  parish, 
declared  their  purpose  of  marriage. 

1783,  May  31st.  Alexander  Stewart  and  Ann  Moir,  both  in  this 
Parish,  declared  their  purpose  of  marriage. 

1784,  November  27th.  James  Moir  and  Isabel  McKenzie,  both  in 
this  parish,  declared  their  purpose  of  marriage. 

1789,  December  5th.  Mr.  James  Tod,  Borroustounness,  and  Miss 
Elizabeth  Moir  in  this  Parish  declared  their  purpose  of  marriage. 

1792,  February  25th.  Alexander  Duncanson  in  parish  of  Kincardine 
and  Janet  Moir  in  this  parish  declared  their  purpose  of  marriage 
and  married  16th  March. 

1793,  July  6th.  John  Moir  in  this  parish  and  Janet  Stewart  in  parish 
of  Kincardine  declared  their  purpose  of  marriage  and  were  mar- 
ried the  2  6th  July. 

1793,  September  29th.  'Mr.  Andrew  Cowan,  Merchant  Barony  Parish, 
Glasgow,  and  Miss  Robina  Moir  in  this  Parish,  declared  their  pur- 
pose of  marriage  and  were  married  the  1st  October. 

1795,  December  5th.     James  Moir  and  Margaret  Duncanson,   both  in 

*In  rubric  the  name  is  Bum.    It  does  not  appear  in  Stirling  Reg:ister. 


MoiR  Genealogy  81 

this  parish,  declared  their  purpose  of  marriage  and  were  married 
the   25th  December. 

1799,  August  2  3rd.  John  Symers  in  this  parish  and  Margaret  Moir  in 
the  parish  of  Kincardine  declared  their  purpose  of  marriage  and 
were  married  the  13th  September. 

1806,  June  7th.  Andrew  Moir  in  Parish  of  Kippen  and  Mary 
Monteath  in  this  Parish  declared  their  purpose  of  marriage  and 
were  married  27th  June. 

1811,  February  16th.  *Robert  and  Elizabeth  Moir,  both  in  this  parish, 
declared  their  purpose  of  marriage  and  were  married  the  1st 

1817,  January  11th.  John  Bryce  of  the  Parish  of  Renfrew  and 
Isabella  Moir  of  this  Parish  declared  their  purpose  of  marriage, 
and  having  been  proclaimed  pro.  1  mo.  and  2  do.  12th  pro.  3  tio. 
19th  January,   were  married. 

1831,  November  19th.  John  Gumming  of  this  Parish  and  Mary  Moir 
of  St.  Mary's  Parish,  Edinburgh,  declared  their  purpose  of  mar- 
riage, and  having  been  proclaimed  pro.  1  mo.  and  2  do.  20th  and 
pro.   3  two.   27th  November,  were  married   1st  December. 

1837,  August  12th.  Archibald  Moir  and  Agnes  McPherson,  both  of 
this  parish,  declared  their  purpose  of  marriage  and  having  been 
proclaimed  pro.  1  mo.  and  2  do.  13th  and  pro.  3  tio.  20th,  were 
married  24th  August,  1837. 

1841,  December  4th.  William  Maule  of  this  parish  and  Catharine 
Moir  of  the  parish  of  Kincardine,  declared  their  purpose  of  mar- 
riage and  having  been  proclaimed  pro.  1  mo.  and  2  do.  5th  and 
pro.  3  tio  12th,  were  married  16th  December,   1841. 

1844,  October  12th.  Robert  Hutton  of  the  Parish  of  Kincardine  and 
Catharine  Moir  of  this  parish,  declared  their  purpose  of  marriage, 
and  having  been  proclaimed  pro.  1  mo.  2  do.  and  3  tio.,  were 
married   15th   October,    1844. 

1846,  January  9th.  Robert  Moir  of  the  parish  of  Callander  and  Cath- 
arine McMartin  of  this  Parish  declared  their  purpose  of  marriage, 
and  having  been  proclaimed  pro.  1  mo.  3  do.  do  3  tio.,  were  mar- 
ried 12th  January,  1846. 

1S47,  May  15th.  David  Forrester  and  Ann  Moir,  both  of  this  Parish, 
declared  their  purpose  of  marriage;  and  having  been  proclaimed 
pro.  1  mo.  2  do.  and  3  tio.  16th,  were  married  21st  May,  1847,  by 
the  Revd.  Alexander  Leitch,  Free  South  Church,  Stirling,  wit- 
nesses, John  McFarlane  writer,  John  Forbes  Bookseller,  both  in 

1851,  April  26th.  James  Greenhorn  of  the  Parish  of  Stirliner  and  Ann 
Moir  of  this  Parish,  declared  their  purpose  of  marriage  and  hav- 
ing been  proclaimed  pro.  1  mo.  2  do.  and  3  tio.  27th  were  married 
28th  April,  1851. 

*Name  in  rubric— Moir. 


(For  Kincardine  on  Forth,  Perthshire) 


(Kindly  furnished  by  REV.  WALTER  MACLEOD  of  Edinburgh) 


1855.  No.  2.  Da^id  Drumxnond,  born  1855,  January  12th,  3  a.  m.  at 
Tulliallan.  Father,  David  Drummond,  Shoemaker,  age  35.  Birth- 
place, Tulliallan.  Married  1844  at  Glasgow.  Issue  2  boys  and  3 
girls  living.  Mother,  Agnes  Drummond,  maiden  name  Anderson. 
Her  5  child,  34  years.  Born  at  Tulliallan.  Informant  the  Father. 
Registered  1855,  January  22nd. 

1855.  No.  54.  John  Drummond,  born  1855,  August  11th,  at  New- 
town, Tulliallan.  Father,  Andrew  Drummond,  Sailor,  52  years, 
birthplace  Tulliallan,  married  1836  at  Clackmannan.  Issue  4 
boj's  and  2  girls  alive,  2  boys  deceased.  Her  eighth  child^ 
Mother,  Margaret  Drummond,  maiden  name  McQueen,  age  41 
years,  birn  at  Clackmannan.  Informant  the  mother.  Registered 
1855,  August  30th. 

1856.  No.  49.  Edward  Dinimmond.  Born  1856,  October  5th,  11.55 
p.  m.  at  Blackball,  Tulliallan.  Father,  Andrew  Drummond,  Cab- 
inetmaker. Mother,  Mary  Ann  Drummond,  maiden  name  Halley. 
Informant  the  Father.      Registered    185  6,   October   10th. 

1856,  No.  43.  Isabella  Dnmmiond.  Born  1856,  September  12th,  12 
midnight,  at  High  Street,  Kincardine.  Father,  Peter  Drummond,, 
Agricultural  Labourer.  Mother,  Betsy  Drummond,  maiden  name 
Johnston.  Informant  the  Father.  Registered  1856,  September 

1857.  No.  11.  Mary  Wrig'lit  Drummond.  Parents,  David  Drummond, 
Shoemaker,  and  Agnes  Drummond,  maiden  name  Anderson.  Born 
at  Elphinston  Street,  Kincardine.  Informant,  the  Father.  Regis- 
tered  5th  March,   1857,   at  Tulliallan. 

1857.  No.  45.  Margaret  Drumiuond,  born  1857,  August  23rd,  1.30 
P.  M.  at  Kirk  Street,  Kincardine.  Parents,  Andrew  Drummond, 
Agricultural  Labourer,  and  Margaret  Drummond,  maiden  name 
Dougall.  Informant,  the  Father.  Registered  1857,  September 
4th,  at  Tulliallan. 

1857,  No.  19.  Elizabeth  More.  Born  1857,  March  18th,  10  P.  M.  at 
Kirk  Street,  Kincardine.  Parents,  James  More,  Agricultural 
Labourer,  and  Jean  More,  maiden  name.  Home.  Informant,  the 
Father.      Registered    1857,   April    3rd. 

1857.  No.  31.  Stewart,  Robert  Rintoul.  Born  1857,  May  20th,  10.30 
A.  M.  at  Kirk  Street,  Kincardine.  Parents,  William  Stewart, 
General  Labourer,  and  Margaret  Stewart,  maiden  name  Anderson. 
Informant  the  Father.      Registered  June   4th  at  Tulliallan. 

1859.  No.  2.  Drununond,  Andrew  Malcolm.  Born  1858,  December 
30th,  6  a.  m.,  at  Blackball,  Tulliallan.  Parents,  Andrew  Drum- 
mond,   Cabinetmaker,    and    Mary   Ann    Drummond,    maiden    name 

MoiR  Geneai^ogy  83 

Halley.  Informant  the  Father.  Registered  1859,  January  14th, 
at  Tulliallan. 
1859.  No.  55.  Drumnjond,  George.  Born  1859,  August  19th,  9  P.  M. 
at  Elphinston  Street,  Kincardine.  Parents,  David  Drummond, 
Shoemaker,  and  Agnes  Drummond,  maiden  name  Anderson. 
Informant  the  Father.      Registered   1859,  August  13th. 

1859.  No.  26.  Moire,  Janet.  Born  1859,  May  6th,  6  P.  M.  at  Kirk 
Street,  Kincardine.  Parents,  James  Moire,  General  Labourer, 
and  Jane  Moire,  maiden  name  Home.  Informant,  James  Moire, 
the  father.      Registered  1859,  May  21st. 

1860.  No.  45.  Drummond,  Christian  Ann.  Born  1860,  September  21st, 
4  a.  m.  at  Blackball,  Tulliallan.  Parents,  Andrew  Drummond, 
Cabinetmaker  and  Mary  Ann  Drummond,  maiden  name  Halley. 
Informant  the  Father.  Registered  1860,  October  8th,  at  Tulli- 

1861.  No.  41.  MeKenzie,  George  Mercer.  Born  1861,  July  29th,  1 
p.  m.  at  Knowehead,  Kincardine.  Parents,  John  MeKenzie,  Agri- 
cultural Labourer,  and  Agnes  MeKenzie,  maiden  name  Mercer. 
Married  1860,  October  5th,  at  Kincardine.  Informant  the  Father. 
Registered  1861,  August  1st,  at  Tulliallan. 

1862.  No.  14th.  Elizabetli  Drummond.  Born  1862,  March  2nd,  at 
Elphinston  Street,  Kincardine,  Parish  of  Tulliallan.  Parents, 
David  Drummond,  Shoemaker,  and  Agnes  Drummond,  maiden 
name  Anderson.  Married  1844,  November,  at  Glasgow.  Inform- 
ant, the  Father.      Registered   1862,  March   18th,  at  Tulliallan. 

1862.  No.  70.  Johan  Gibb  Moir.  Born  1862,  December  19th,  5  p.  m. 
at  Newtown  Kincardine,  parish  of  Tulliallan.  Parents,  Walter 
Moir,  Engine  Keeper,  and  Helen  Moir,  maiden  name  Duncanson. 
Married  1862,  October,  at  Kincardine.  Informant,  the  Father. 
Registered   1862,  December  25th,   at  Tulliallan. 

1863.  No.  36.  Elizabeth  Drummond.  Born  1863,  July  4th,  3  a.  m. 
at  Brucefield,  Parish  of  Tulliallan.  Parents,  Andrew  Drummond, 
Railway  Labourer,  and  Margaret  Drummond,  maiden  name 
Dougall.  Married  1857,  January,  at  Auchterarder.  Informant  the 
Father.      Registered   1863,  July  17th,  at  Tulliallan. 

1863.  No.  44.  Janet  Johnston  MeKenzie.  Born  August  28th,  5.30 
p.  m.,  at  Kincardine,  Parish  of  Tulliallan.  Parents,  John 
MeKenzie,  Agricultural  Labourer,  and  Agnes  MeKenzie,  maiden 
name  Mercer.  Married  1861,  October,  at  Kincardine.  Informant, 
Agnes  MeKenzie,  Mother.  Registered  1863,  September  14th,  at 

1864.  No.  19.  William  Drunmiond.  Born  1864,  May  4th,  5  a.  m., 
at  Gartary,  Parish  of  Tulliallan.  Parents,  William  Drummond, 
Ploughman,  and  Helen  Drummond,  maiden  name  Ferguson.  Mar- 
ried 1858,  December,  St.  Ninians.  Informant  the  Father.  Regis- 
tered 1864,  May  12th,  at  Tulliallan. 

1864.  No.  7.  John  McFarlane.  Born  1864,  February  14t'h,  10  p.  m., 
at  West  Carse,  Parish  of  Tulliallan;  Parents,  Alexander  McFar- 
lane, Ploughman,  and  SaraTi  McFarlane,  maiden  name  Hamilton. 
Married  1852,  January,  at  Kippen.  Informant,  the  Father. 
Registered    February   23rd,    1864,   at  Tulliallan. 

1865.  No.  49.  Andrew  Drummond.  Born  1865,  August  11th,  1  p.  m., 
at  Brucefield,  Parish   of  Tulliallan;   Parents,  Andrew  Drummond, 

84  MoiR  Genealogy 

Railway  Labourer,  and  Margaret  DrummoncI,  maiden  name 
Dougall.  Married,  1857,  January,  Kincardine.  Informant,  the 
Father.      Registered  August  2  6th,  at  Tulliallan. 

1865.  No.  31.  Tiny  Drummond.  Born  1865,  April  25th,  2  a.  m.,  at 
Kincardine,  Parish  of  Tulliallan;  Parents,  David  Drummond, 
Shoemaker,  and  Agnes  Drummond,  maiden  name  Anderson. 
Married  1845,  November,  Glasgow.  Informant,  the  Father.  Reg- 
istered  1865,   May  10th,  at  Tulliallan. 

1865.  No.  2.  Arcblbald  Moir,  Born  1865,  January  4th,  6  p.  m.,  at 
Kincardine.  Parish  of  Tulliallan;  Parents,  Walter  Moir,  Labourer, 
and  Helen  Moir,  maiden  name  Duncanson.  Married  1862,  Oct., 
Kincardine.  Informant,  the  Father.  Registered  1865,  January 
11th,  at  Tulliallan. 

1865.  No.  30.  Janet  Anne  Sands.  Born  1865,  April  23rd,  10  a.  m., 
Kincardine,  Parish  of  Tulliallan.  Mother,  Janet  Sands,  Seam- 
stress. Informant,  Anne  Sanders,  Grandmother.  Registered 
1865,   May  2nd,   at  Tulliallan. 

1867.  No.  2  7.  Andrew  Drxunmond.  Born  1867,  May  4th,  6  p.  m.,  at 
Brucefield,  Tulliallan  Parish;  Parents,  Andrew  Drummond, 
Labourer,  and  Margaret  Drummond,  maiden  name  Dougall.  Mar- 
ried 1857,  Auchterarder.  Informant,  the  Father.  Registeired 
1867,  May  11th,  at  Tulliallan. 

1867.  No.  31.  Mary  McKenzie.  Born  1867,  May  12th,  1.40  p.  m.,  at 
Kincardine,  Parish  of  Tulliallan;  Parents,  Thomas  McKenzie, 
Ploughman,  and  Betsy  McKenzie,  maiden  name  Archibald.  Mar- 
ried 1864,  August,  at  Alloa.  Informant,  the  Father.  Registered 
1867,   May  31st,   at  Tulliallan. 

1867.  No.  58.  Thomas  Dnmimond.  Born  1867,  September  14th, 
7  a.  m.,  at  Kincardine,  Parish  of  Tulliallan;  Parents,  David  Drum- 
mond, Shoemaker,  and  Agnes  Drummond,  maiden  name  Anderson. 
Married  1843,  September,  Glasgow.  Informant,  the  Father. 
Registered  1867,   October  2nd. 

1868.  No.  72.  Peter  MeFarlane.  Born  1868,  November  16th,  4  a.  m.. 
at  Kincardine,  Parish  of  Tulliallan;  Parents,  Peter  McFarlane, 
carter,  deceased,  and  Jane  McFarlane,  maiden  name  Cameron. 
Married  1868,  February,  Auchterarder.  Informant,  Jane  McFar- 
lane, Mother.      Registered   186  8,  December  2nd,  at  Tulliallan. 

1869.  No.  46.  Alexander  McKenzie.  Born  1869,  July  23rd,  12  mid- 
night, at  Kincardine,  Parish  of  Tulliallan;  Parents,  Andrew 
McKenzie  PlougTiman,  and  Janet  Hutchison,  Agricultural 
Labourer.  Informants,  the  Father  and  Mother.  Registered  1869, 
August   4th,   at  Tulliallan. 

1869.  No.  61.  William  Buchanan  McKenzie,  Born  1869,  October 
16th,  10  p.  m.,  at  Gartary,  Parish  of  Tulliallan;  Parents,  David 
McKenzie,  shepherd,  and  Mary  Ann  McKenzie,  M.  S.,  Buchanan. 
Married  1868,  December,  at  St.  Ninians.  Informant,  David 
McKenzie,   Father.      Registered   1869,   October   28th,   at  Tulliallan. 

1871.  No.  52.  Isahella  Steedman  Sands.  Born  1871,  October  6th,  12 
hours  noon,  at  Kincardine,  Parish  of  Tulliallan,  female.  Father, 
Jolin  Sands,  Carpenter;  mother,  Isabella  Sands,  M.  S.,  King. 
Informant,  John  Sands,  Father,  not  present.  Registered  1871, 
October  13th,  at  Tulliallan.  Registrar,  Thomas  Buchanan.  Mar- 
ried   1871,    March,  at  Kincardine. 

MoiR  Genealogy  85 

1873,  No.  44.  Alexander  Drumiuond.  Born  1873,  September  27th, 
0  hours  30  minutes  a.  m.,  at  Dolanhamie,  Parish  of  Tulliallan. 
Father,  John  Drummond,  Ploug"hman;  Christina  Drummond,  M. 
S.,  Sinclair.  Married  1861,  May,  Dunfermline.  Informant, 
Christina  Drummond,  her  (x)  mark.  Mother.  Thomas  Buchanan, 
Registrar,  witness,   1873,   September   13th,   at  Tulliallan. 

1873.  No.  45.  Mary  Tait  Sands.  Born  1873,  September  20th,  6 
■hours  a.  m.,  at  Kincardine,  Parish  of  Tulliallan,  female.  Father, 
John  Sands,  wright,  and  Isabella  Sands,  m.  s-,  King.  Married 
1871,  March,  Kincardine.  Informant,  John  Sands,  Father,  not 
present.  Registered  187  3,  October  4th,  at  Tulliallan.  Thomas 
Buchanan,  Registrar. 

1874.  Agnes  Anderson  Drummond.  1874,  May  14th,  3  hours  30 
minutes  p.  m.,  at  Kincardine,  Parish  of  Tulliallan;  Parents,  John 
Drummond,  Commercial  Traveller;  Margaret  Drummond,  m.  s., 
Steele.  Married  1869,  December,  Kincardine.  Informant,  John 
Drummond,  Father,  not  present.  Registered  1874,  May  29th; 
Thomas  Buchanan,   Registrar. 

1875.  No.  58.  John  Sands.  Born  1875,  November  11th,  0  hours  30 
minutes,  at  Kincardine,  Parish  of  Tulliallan,  male;  Parents,  John 
Sands,  wright;  Isabella  Sands,  m.  s.,  King.  Married  1871,  March, 
at  Kincardine.  Informant,  John  Sands,  Father,  not  present. 
Registered  1875,  November  20th,  at  Tulliallan;  Thomas  Buchanan, 

1878.  No.  1.  Betsy  Moir.  Born  1877,  December  26th,  1  hour  30 
minutes,  at  Sands,  Parish  of  Tulliallan,  female;  Parents,  John 
Moir,  Gamekeeper;  and  Margaret  Moir,  m.  s.,  Reid.  Married 
1875,  February  4th,  at  Greenloaning,  Ardoch.  Informant,  John 
Moir,  Father,  present.  Registered  1878,  January  3rd,  at  Tulli- 
allan; Thomas  Buchanan,   Registrar. 

1879.  No.  15.  James  Moir.  Born  1879,  February  22nd,  10  hours 
15  a.  m.,  at  Sands,  Parish  of  Tulliallan,  male;  Parents,  John  Moir, 
Gamekeeper;  and  Margaret  Moir,  m.  s.,  Reid.  Married  1876, 
February,  at  Ardoch.  Informant,  John  Moir,  Father,  present. 
Registered  1879,  February  28th,  at  Tulliallan;  Thomas  Buchanan, 

1879.  No.  49.  James  Jeffrey  Sands.  Born  1879,  June  20th,  11  hours 
a.  m.,  at  Kincardine,  Parish  of  Tulliallan,  male;  Parents,  John 
Sands,  joiner;  Isabella  Sands,  m.  s..  King.  Married  1871,  March, 
at  Kincardine.  Informant,  John  Sands,  Father,  not  present. 
Registered  1879,  June  28th,  at  Tulliallan;  Thomas  Buchanan, 

1880.  No.  4.  Margaret  Drummond.  Born  1880,  January  5th,  7 
hours  p.  m.,  at  Broomknowe,  Parish  of  Tulliallan,  female; 
Parents,  John  Drummondd,  Farm  Servant,  and  Christina  Drum- 
mond, m.  s.,  Sinclair.  Married  1861,  May,  at  Dunfermline. 
Informant,  Christina  Sinclair  or  Drummond,  her  (x)  mark. 
Mother.  Thomas  Buchanan,  Registrar,  witness.  Registered  1880, 
January   23rd,   at   Tulliallan;    Thomas   Buchanan,    Registrar. 

1881.  No.  40.  John  Moir,  Born  1881,  August  9th,  6  hours  30  minutes 
a.  m.,  at  Sands,  Parish  of  Tulliallan,  male;  Parents,  John  Moir, 
Gamekeeper,  and  Margaret  Moir,  m.  s.,  Reid.  Married  1876, 
February    4th,    at    Ardoch.     Informant,    John    Moir,    Father,    not 


present.  Registered  1881,  August  IGth,  at  Tulliallan;  Thomas 
Buchanan,  Registrar. 
1881.  No.  56.  Adam  Laing  Sands.  Born  1881,  October  26th,  2  hours 
p.  m.,  at  Kincardine,  Parish  of  Tulliallan,  male;  Parents,  John 
Sands,  Joiner;  Isabella  Sands,  m.  s..  King.  Married  1871,  9th 
March,  Kincardine.  Informant,  John  Sands,  Father,  not  present. 
Registered  1881,  November  12th,  at  Tulliallan;  Thomas  Buchanan, 

1883.  No.  30.  Alexander  Reid  Moir,  Born  1883,  July  2nd,  4  Lours 
30  minutes  a.  m.,  at  Sands,  Parish  of  Tulliallan,  male;  Parents, 
John  Moir,  Gamekeeper;  Margaret  Moir,  m.  s.,  Reid.  Married 
1876,  February,  at  Ardoch.  Informant,  John  Moir,  Father,  not 
present.  Registered  1883,  July  14th,  at  Tulliallan;  Thomas 
Buchanan,    Registrar. 

1884.  No.  9.  Jeanie  King  Sands.  Born  1884,  February  15th,  6  hours 
30  minutes  p.  m.,  at  Kincardine,  Parish  of  Tulliallan,  female; 
Parents,  John  Sands,  Joiner;  Isabella  Sands,  m.  s..  King.  Inform- 
ant, John  Sands,  Father,  not  present.  Registered  18  84.  March 
1st,   at   Tulliallan;   Thomas   Buchanan,    Registrar. 

1885.  No.  28.  David  Moir.  Born  1885,  June  19th,  10  hours  10 
minutes  a.  m.,  at  Sands  Lodge,  Parish  of  Tulliallan,  male;  Parents, 
John  Moir,  Gamekeeper;  Margaret  Moir,  m.  s.,  Reid.  Married 
1876,  February  4th,  at  Ardoch.  Informant,  John  Moir,  Father, 
present.  Registered  1885,  July  8th,  at  Tulliallan;  Robert  Baxter, 

1886.  No.  10.  Helen  Sands.  Born  1886,  February  20th,  11  hours 
15  minutes  p.  m.,  at  Silver  Street,  Kincardine,  Parish  of  Tulli- 
allan, female;  Parents,  John  Sands,  Joiner;  Isabella  Sands,  m.  s., 
King.  Married  1871,  March  9th,  at  Kincardine.  Informant,  John 
Sands,  Father,  not  present.  Registered  18  86,  March  6th,  at  Tulli- 
allan.     George  Gibb,  Registrar. 

1893.  No.  2.  Jane  Hay  Brummond.  Born  1893,  January  4th,  4 
hours  30  minutes  a.  m.,  at  Regent  Street,  Kincardine,  Parish  of 
Tulliallan,  female;  Parents,  Alexander  Drummond,  Mason;  and 
Mary  Ann  Drummond,  m.  s.,  Raffan.  Married  1885,  September 
4th,  at  Urquhart.  Informant,  Alexander  Drummond,  Father, 
present.  Registered  1893,  January  21st,  at  Tulliallan.  George 
Gibb,  Registrar. 

1899,  No.  15.  Annie  Hiitton  Hunter  Dmnimond.  Born  1899,  February 
2  4th,  3  hours  4  5  minutes  p.  m.,  at  Newtoun,  Parish  of  Tulliallan, 
female;  Parents,  John  Drummond,  General  Labourer,  (Domicile, 
Mar  Place,  Sanchie)  and  Jane  Drummond,  m.  s.,  Meek.  Married 
1898,  November  4th,  at  Tulliallan.  Informant,  John  Drummond, 
Father.  Registered  1899,  March  11th,  at  Tulliallan.  George 
Simpson,  Registrar. 

KINCARDINE  BIRTHS   (Perthshire) 

(Kindly  furnished  by  REV.  WALTER  MACLEOD  of  Edinburgh) 

1843,   February   12th.     Isobella,  daughter  to  Thomas  Drummond  and 

Tsobella  Stewart. 
1843,   March   27th.     David,   son   to   Andrew  Drummond   and   Margaret 


1843,  June    12th.     Peter,    son    to    Alexander    Drummond    and    Rachel 

1844,  March  24th.     Katharine  Re'd,  daughter  to  Jolhn  Drummond  and 
Janet  McEwan,  Drip  Moss. 

1844,  August  26th.     George,  son  of  Andrew  Drummond  and  Elisabeth 
Maxwell,  Boguhapple. 

1845,  November    21st.     William,   son    to   John   Drummond   and    Janet 
McEwan,    Nailorslane. 

1846,  May  11th.      Ag-nes,  daug'hter  to  Andrew  Drummond  and  Elisabeth 
Maxwell,   Boguhapple. 

1846,  December    2  3rd.     Janet,    daug'hter    to    Thomas    Drummond    and 
Isabella  Stewart,  Kirklane. 

1847,  June    8th.     Duncan,    son    to    Andrew   Drummond    and    Margaret 
Drummond,   Nailorslane. 

1847,  September  2  5th.     John,  son  to  John  Drummond,  Janet  McEwan, 

1848,  March  3rd.     William,  son  to  Andrew  Drummond  and   Elisabeth 
Maxwell,    Boguhapple. 

1848,  April   15th.     Jane,   daughter   of  Andrew   Moir  and    Mary  Smith. 

1849,  December    4th.      George    Craig,    natural    son    to    Andrew    Moir 
and  Jean  Craig.  Thornhill. 

1859,   January   27t)h.     Janet,   daughter   to  John   Drummond   and   Janet 
McEwan,   Drip  Moss. 

1850,  March    12th.     John,    son    to   Andrew   Drummond    and    Elisabeth 
Maxwell,  Boguhapple. 

1850,  June  28th.      Alexander,  son  to  William  Moir  and  Grace  McFar- 
lane,    Mosside. 

1851,  March    27th.     Jolin,    son   to   Henry   Moir   and   Christian   Stewart, 

1852,  January    13th.      Hugh,     son     to     John     Drummond     and     Janet 
McEwan,  Drip  'Moss. 

1852,    January    26tJh.     Isabella,    daughter    to    Andrew    Drummond    and 

Elisabeth  Maxwell,  Boguhapple. 

1852,    June    29th.      Peter,   son   to    Henry    Moir   and    Christian   Stewart, 

1852,  August   5th.     John,  son  to  William  Moir  and   Grace  McParlane, 


N.  B.  There  is  note  in  Register  at  1853,  to  the  effect  that 
"the  Register  of  Births  for  1853  is  most  lamentably 
deficient  In  consequence  of  the  habitual  and  obstin- 
ate carelessness  and  inaccuracy  of  the  late  Session 


MoiR  Genealogy 

1854,    May    14th.     James,    son    of   Andrew    Drummond    and    Elisabeth 

Maxwell,  Boguhapple. 
1854,   June   16th.     Margaret  Ferguson,   daughter   of   John   Drummond 

and  Janet  McEwan,  Nailors  Lane. 
1854,  September  12th.     Isabella,  daughter  of  William  Moir  and  Grace 

McFarlane,  Moss-side. 







(Kindly  furnished  by  REV.  WALTER  MACLEOD  of  Edinburgh) 

1753,  George  Drummond  and  Margaret  Drummond,  in  Cuilt,  had  a  son 
born    22nd,    and    baptised    25th    December,    called    Alexander. 

1754,  George  Drummond  and  Janet  McArthur,  in  Maines,  had  a  son 
born   12th  and   baptised    13th  February,    1753,    called  Robert. 

1754,  George  Drummond  and  Janet  McArthur,  in  Maines,  had  also  a 
son  born   2  5th  February,  and  baptised   3rd   March,   called   George. 

Xote.     The    two    preceding    entries    occur    together    at    1754. 

1755,  Patrick  Drummond  and  Catharine  McKuinens,  in  Kilmahag, 
had  a  daughter  born  15th,  and  baptised  16th  May,  called  Cath- 

1756,  George  Drummond  and  Janet  McArthur,  in  Maines,  had  a  son 
born  12th,  and  baptised   13th  May,   called  Patrick. 

1763,  John  Drummond  and  Ann  Wood,  in  Cuilintoggle,  had  a  son  born 
6th,  and  baptised  7th,  called  James. 

At    1763    occurs    "Register    of    such    in    this    Parish    as    were 

married,  and  had  children  baptised  by  Episcopal  Ministers." 

Alexander    Stewart    of    Glenbucky,    in    this    Parish,    and    Mrs.    Janet 

Drummond     in     the     Parish     of     Kilmadock,    were    married    23rd 

January,    17  34. 

Then  follow  entries  of  six  of  their  children. 
Mr.  Duncan  Stewart,  Brother  to  Glenbucky,  and  Mrs.   Grissell  Drum- 
mond, daughter  to  Mr.  David  Drummond,  brother  to  John  Drum- 
mond  of  Culchuly,  were  married   in  the  year   1730. 
Then  follow  entries  of  four  of  their  children. 
John   Ferguson,    in   the   parish   of   Balquidder,    and    Catharine   Drum- 
mond, alias  McGrigor,  in  this  Parish,  listed  themselves  to  be  pro- 
claimed,   in   order   to   marriage,    6th   May,    1738,    and   before   their 
third  proclamation  were  married. 
John  Drummond,  alias  McGrigor,  and  Janet  Drummond,  alias  Do.,  in 
Achnahaird,  had  a  son  born   1st,  and  baptised   2nd  April,*   called 

1764,  Alexander  Drummond  and  Barbra  Drummond,  at  Damhead  of 
Deny,  had  a  son  born  12th,  and  baptised  14th  January,  called 

*No  year  given  for  this  entry,  the  preceding  one  is  December,  1749,  and  the  succeeding 
one  1748.  The  MacGregor's  of  Balquidder  are  of  the  same  clan  as  the  celebrated  Rob  Roy. 
Many  of  the  clan  changed  the  name  to  Drummond  after  1745,  for  obvious  reasons. 

MoiR  Gknbai,ogy  89 

1764,  John  Drummond  and  Anne  Wood,  in  Cuilantogail,  had  a  son 
born  23rd,  and  baptised  25th  of  November,  called  James. 

1766,  John  Drummond  and  Anne  Wood,  in  Cuilantoigel,  had  a  son 
born  the    23rd,  and  baptised  the  same  day  of  October,  called  John, 

1769,  Robert  Drummond  and  Mary  McLaren,  in  Dreppan,  had  a  son 
born   the   22nd    of  January,    and   baptised   the   28th   of  Do.,   called 


1769,  John  Drummond  and  Anne  Wood,  in  Cuilantoguil,  had  a  daughter 

born   the   16th   of  January,   and   baptised   the   29th   of  Do.,   called 

1771,  Robert  Drummond  and  Mary  McLeran,  in  Cosh,  had  a  daughter 

born   19th,   baptised   25th  August,   called  Janet, 
1771,  George  Drummond  and  Janet  McArthur,  in  Brebochastle,  had  a 

daughter  born   2  3rd,  baptised   29th  December,   called  Jean. 
1774,  Robert  Drummond  and  Mary  McLeran,  in  Cosh,  had  a  daughter 

born   19th,   and  baptised   21st  March,   1774,   called  Isabell.      (This 

under   1775.) 


MAY  1671-1700 

(Kindly  furnished  by  REV.  WALTER  MACLEOD  of  Edinburgh) 

No  record  of  births  from  March  1592,  to  May  1671 

1671,  July  1st.  Parents,  John  Moir,  Isobell  Burne,  child  David,  Wit- 
nesses,   James   Russel,   George   Lapslie. 

1672,  September  21st,  Johne  Moir,  Isobell  Burne,  Margaret.  Wit- 
nesses,   George   Lapslie,   Johne  Arroll. 

1673,  February  2nd.  Robert  Moir,  Jonet  Gillespie,  Mary,  Witnesses, 
Andrew  Thomson,  Johne  Duncanson. 

1671,  June  3rd.  William  Gilphillan — Jonat  Gilphillan,  Sibilla.  Wit- 
nesses, Thomas  Miller.  Thomas  Gilphillan. 

1671,  December  31st.  Thomas  Gilphillan — Jonat  Ewing,  Jonat.  Wit- 
nesses,   Thomas    Ewing,    Robert    Gardiner,    William    Gilphillan. 

1673,  January  16th.  Willliam  Gilphillan — Jonat  Gilphillan,  Sybilla. 
Witnesses,  Thomas  Miller,   Thomas  Gilphillan. 

1673,  July  19th.  Thomas  Gilphillan — Jonat  Ewing,  Thomas.  Wit- 
nesses, Thomas  Ewing,  William  Gilphillan. 

1672,  January  4th.  Johne  Sandis — Isobell  Wright,  James.  Witnesses, 
Johne  Sandis,  Merchand  burgess  of  Stirling;  John  Morison, 
Cowper,  younger,  and  James  Morison,  Couper,  elder. 

1806 — Married  on  24th  April,  at  Edinburgh,  WILLIAM  GLAS,  Esq.,  of   Marriage. 
Stirling,    to   MISS    JANE   MOIR,    dau.    of   the   deceased   John 
Moir,  Esq.,  of  Hillfoot,  writer  to  the  signet. 





John  More,  lawful  son  of  George  More  and  Janet  Smith,  in  the 
chapel  of  Struthill,  born  28th  June,  baptised  29th  June,  1700. 

Marg-aret  More,  lawful  daughter  of  Andrew  More  and  Agnes 
Harruer,  in  Drunlakinoch,  was  born  2  9th  Nov.,  baptised  1st.  Dec,  1701. 

James  More,  lawful  son  to  Thomas  More  and  Isabel  Tais,  in 
Drummond,  born  6th  March,  baptised   6th  March,   1703. 

Andrew  More,  lawful  son  to  Andrew  More  and  Agnes  Harruer, 
an  Drumlakinoch,  born  3d  May,  baptised  4th  May,   1704. 

John  More,  lawful  son  of  John  More  and  Isabel  Bryce,  in  Pett, 
was  born  the  12th  day  of  June,  and  baptised  17th  June,   1704. 

James  More,  lawful  son  of  John  More  and  Janet  Whyte,  in  Mut- 
hill,  born  10  Sept.,  baptised  same  day,   1704. 

Thomas,  son  to  Thomas  More  and  Isabel  Tais,  born  Oct.  13,  1705, 

baptised    Oct.   14,    1705. 

Margaret,  daughter  to  James  Gloag  and  Helen  More,  in  West 
Drummawhance,  born  Sept.  26,  baptised  Sept.  29,  1706. 

Mary,  daug'hter  of  Thomas  Moir  and  Isabel  Tais,  in  Drummond, 
born  April  17,  baptised  April  19,   1708. 

Helen,  daughter  of  Thomas  Gloag  and  Helen  More,  in  Wester 
Drummawhance,   born  Sept.    24,   baptised   Sept.    25,    1709. 

Jean,  daughter  to  Andrew  Moir  and  Agnes  Harruer,  in  Drum- 
lakenoch,  born  15  March,  baptised  same  day,  1710. 

Jean,  daughter  to  John  Brydie  and  Janet  More,  in  Easter  Borland, 
born  Sept.  11,  baptised  Sept.  12,  1711. 

Jean,  daughter  to  James  Gloag  and  Helen  Moir,  in  Wester  Drum- 
mawhance, born  March  2,  baptised  March  5,  1713. 

Patrick,  son  to  Patrick  Gibson  and  Janet  Moir,  in  Cultiheldech, 
born  Apr.  2,  1715,  baptised  same  day. 

Andrew,  son  of  James  Gloag  and  Helen  Moir,  in  Wester  Drum- 
mawhance, born  July  30,  baptised  Aug.  2,  1715. 

John,  son  of  Patrick  Gibson  and  Janet  Moir,  in  Cultiheldech,  born 
April   6,  baptised  same  day,  1716. 

Helen,  daughter  to  James  More  and  Janet  Clemmett,  in  L.adystoun, 
in  the  parish  of  Blackford,  born  April  3,  baptised  in  the  Miltoun  of 
Machany,  April   5,   1720. 

Margaret,  daughter  to  John  More  and  Isabel  Miller,  in  Daurside 
of  Machany,  in  the  Parish  of  Blackfoord,  born  July  6,  baptised  July  7, 

MoiR  Genealogy  91 

Agnes,  daughter  to  James  More  and  Janet  Clemett,  in  Ladytoun, 
of  Machany,  born  June  8,  baptised  June   10,   1728. 

Andrew,  son  of  John  More  and  Isabel  Miller,  in  Daurside,  of 
Machany,  born  Oct.  4,  baptised  Oct.  5,  1728. 

Margaret,  daughter  to  William  Maltman  and  Helen  More,  in 
Drumness,    born   Jan.    29,    baptised   same   day,    1731. 

David,  son  to  John  More  and  Isabel  Miller,  in  Damside,  in 
Machany,  born  July  23,  baptised  same  day,   1731. 

Andrew,  son  to  William  Maltman  and  Helen  More,  in  Drumness, 
born  Dec.  17,  baptised  same  day,  1731. 

Margaret,  daughter  to  Alexander  Ross  and  Ann  More,  in  Machany, 
born  June  24,  baptised  same  day,   1732. 

Margaret,  daughter  to  Andrew  More  and  Ann  Gray,  in  Drumlakin, 
born  July  15,  1732,  baptised  same  day. 

Margaret,  daughter  to  James  More  and  Janet  Clemmet,  in  Ladys- 
toun,  of  Machany,  born  May  17,  1734,  baptised  same  day. 

James,  son  of  James  Moir  and  Janet  Clemmet,  in  Lady'stoun, 
Parish  of  Blackfoord,  born  and  baptised  Jan.   21,   1736. 

Alexander,  son  of  Andrew  Moir  and  Ann  Grey,  in  Drumlakin,  born 
and  baptised  Oct.  10,  1736. 

Mary,  daughter  of  John  Moir  and  Isabel  Miller,  in  Half-Merkland, 
born  Jan.  29,  baptised  Jan.  31,  1739. 

Isabel,  daughter  of  James  Moir  and  Janet  Clemmet,  in  Ladytoun, 
Parish  of  Blackford,  born  March  30,  baptised  April  2,   1740. 

Andrew,  son  of  William  Maltman  and  Helen  Moir,  in  Drummess, 
Parish  of  Blackford,  born  Sept.  25,  baptised  Sept.  28,  1740. 

Andrew,  son  of  Andrew  Moir  and  Ann  Grey,  in  Crofthead,  of 
Farmtown,  Parish  of  Blackford,  born  Dec.  30,  1741,  baptised  Jan.  2, 

Janet,  daugliter  of  William  'Maltman  and  Helen  Moir,  in  Drum- 
mess,  Blackford  Parish,  born  9  August,  baptised  21  August,  1743. 

John,  son  of  Andrew  Moir  and  Ann  Grey,  in  Crofthead,  of  Farm- 
town,  Parish  of  Blackford,  born  August  31,  baptised  Sept.  2,  1744. 

(On  account  of  the  Civil  War  of  1745-46,  and  its  terrible  results, 

the   parisih   records  were  omitted   from   the   years   1746   to   1749.) 

March  20,  1750.  Helen,  lawful  daughter  of  Ann  Grey,  in  Croft- 
head, of  Farmtown,  born  March  18,  was  baptised  the  20th  day  of 
March,  1750.  With  such  excessive  severity  were  the  penal  laws 
executed  at  this  time,  that  Andrew  Moir,  having  neglected  to  keep  his 
appointment  with  me  at  my  own  house  this  morning,  and  following 
me  to  Lord  Rollo's  house,  but  I  was  obliged  to  go  under  the  cover  of 
trees  in  one  of  Lord  Rollo's  parks,  to  prevent  our  being  discovered, 
and  baptise  the  child  there. 

James,  son  of  William  McLeish  and  Mary  Moir,  in  Muthill,  born 
Nov.  16,  baptised  Nov.  18,  1750. 

Ann,  daughter  of  William  McNabb  and  Margaret  Moir,  In 
Drumduie,  born  Oct.  30,  baptised  Nov.  1,  1754. 

John,  son  of  William  McLeish  and  Mary  Moir,  in  Muthill,  born 
Dec.  3,  baptised  Dec.  8,   1754. 

Jean,  daughter  of  William  McNabb  and  Margaret  Moir,  in 
Drumduie,  born  Jan.  15,  baptised  Jan.  16,  1756. 

Isabel,  daughter  of  William  McLeish  and  Mary  Moir,  in  Muthill, 
born  March  19,  baptised  March  20,  1757. 


William,  son  of  Alexander  Moir  and  Janet  Dow,  in  Lentibbert, 
born  May  25,  baptised  May  27,  1758. 

Alexander,  son  of  Margaret  Moir  and  William  McNabb,  in 
Drumduie,   born  and  baptised  July   9,    1758. 

Mary,  daughter  of  William  McLeish  and  Mary  Moir,  in  Muthill, 
born  Dec.  12,  baptised  Dec.  14,  1759. 

Andrew,  son  of  Alexander  Moir  and  Janet  Dow,  in  Easter* 
Drummawhance,  born  June  21,  baptised  June  23,  1762. 

Margaret,  daughter  of  William  McNabb  and  Margaret  Moir,  in 
Drumduie,  born  July  1st,  baptised  July  5,  1763. 

William  and  Mary,  twin  children  of  James  Moir  and  Agnes 
Maltman,  in  Muthill,  born  and  baptised  Feb.   10,   1764. 

Andrew,  son  of  James  Moir  and  Agnes  Maltman,  in  Muthill,  born 
Nov.  3,  baptised  Nov.  10,  1765. 

Helen  Moir,  daughter  of  Andrew  Moir  and  Janet  Moir,  in 
Crofthead,  Parish  of  Blackford,  born  Jan.  26,  1767,  baptised  same  day. 

William,  son  of  Andrew  Moir  and  Isabel  Drummond,  in  Ladys- 
town,   Parish   of  Blackford,   born    October   17,   baptised    Oct.    30,    1768. 

James,  son  of  William  McNabb  and  Margaret  Moir,  in  Drumduie, 
born  and  baptised  Dec.   24,   1768. 

Margaret,  daughter  of  Andrew  Moir  and  Janet  Moir,  in  Crofthead, 
Parish  of  Blackford,   born  Dec.   10,   baptised   Dec.   18,   1770. 

James,  son  of  Andrew  Moir  and  Janet  Moir,  in  Crofthead,  Parish 
of  Blackford,  born  Jan.  2,  baptised  Jan.  15,  1773. 

William,  son  of  Andrew  Moir  and  Janet  Moir,  in  Crofthead, 
Blackford  Parish,  born  March  9,  baptised    20  March,    1775. 

Jean,  daughter  of  Patrick  Miller  and  Helen  Moir,  in  Kincardine, 
Crief,  born  Sept.  16,  baptised  Sept.  22,  177  5. 

Andrew,  son  of  Patrick  Miller  and  Helen  Moir,  in  Easter 
Tamakuvick,  Parish  of  Crief,  born  August  28,  baptised  Sept.  14,   1778. 

In  Muthill  Chapel,  John,  son  of  Jame*  Ouston  and  Janet  Brander, 
in  Inverness  Parish,  born  in  Crieff,  Nov.  12,  1783,  Helen  Moir,  in 
Crief,  being  sponsor. 

Ann.  daughter  of  John  Moir  and  Margaret  Gray,  in  the  Cavin, 
born  Nov.  23,  baptised  Nov.  27,  1789. 

Beatrix,  daughter  of  Andrew  Moir  and  Ann  Allan,  in  Muthill,  born 
Oct.  26,  baptised  Oct.   31,  1790. 

Andrew  John,  son  of  Andrew  Moir  and  Isabel  Clarke,  in  Auch- 
terarder,  born  April  3,  baptised  May  9,  1791. 

Andrew,  son  of  John  Moir  and  Margaret  Gray,  in  Cottertown,  in 
Drummawhance,   born   Oct.   18,  baptised   Oct.   21,    1791. 

Ann,  daughter  of  Andrew  Moir  and  Helen  Crawford,  Blackford 
Parish,  born  March  7,  baptised  March  28,  1792. 

Elizabeth,  daughter  of  John  Moir  and  Margaret  Gray,  in  East 
Mill,    of    Auchterarder,    born    August    30,    baptised    Sept.    5,    1793. 

Mary,  daughter  of  Andrew  Moir  and  Helen  Crawford,  in 
Crofthead,  of  Machany,  Blackford  Parish,  born  Jan.  28,  baptised 
Feb.  14,  1797. 

Ann,  daughter  of  William  Moir  and  Jean  Allan,  in  Muthill,  born 
Sept.  17,  baptised  Sept.  22,  1799. 

*The  famous  George  Buchanan,  educator  and  tutor  of  James  VI.,  and  also  of  the  Court 
of  Queen  Mary,  was  called  the  "  Laird  of  Dromwhassel."  He  and  his  forbears  lived  and 
died  in  this  neighborhood. 



James,  son  of  William  Moir  and  Jean  Allan  in  Muthill,  born 
July  13,  baptised  July  19,  1801. 

William,  son  of  William  Moir  and  Jean  Allan,  in  Muthill,  born 
Jan.  23,  baptised  Jan.  29,  1804. 

Thomas,  son  of  William  Moir  and  Jean  Allan,  in  Muthill,  born 
Feb.   18,   baptised   Feb.    23,   1806. 

Beatrix,  daughter  of  William  Moir  and  Jean  Allan,  in  Muthill, 
born  Jan.  14,  baptised  Jan.   20,  1811. 

Jane,  natural  daughter  of  Captain  Henry  Wilson  of  the  72nd 
Regiment,  and  Beatrix  Moir  (born  1790),  in  Muthill,  born  Sept.  8, 
1813.      William  Moir,  sponsor. 

Mary  Ann  Jane,  daughter  of  Charles  Stuart  Edward,  near  Kempo 
Castle,  and  Mary  Moir,  born  Dec.   3,  baptised  Dec.   13,  1819. 

Andrew,  son  of  Andrew  Moir  and  Jean  Allan,  in  Muthill,  born 
July  31,  baptised  August   1,   1813. 

31argaret,  daughter  of  Andrew  Moir,  wright,  in  Muthill,  and 
Margaret  Cramb,   born  Dec.   24,   1827,   baptised  Jan.   6,   1828. 

Martha,  daughter  of  Andrew  Moir,  wright,  in  Longshot,  and 
Margaret  Cramb,  born  May  29,  baptised  June  14,   1829. 

Helen,  daughter  of  Andrew  Moir,  wright,  at  Northgate,  of  Culdees, 
and  Margaret  Cramb,  born  Jan.  2,  baptised  Jan.  24,  1832. 

Mary,  daughter  of  James  Moir,  Farm  Servant,  at  Fuer,  in  Muthill, 
and  Helen  Robertson,  born  July  4,  baptised  Nov.   10,    18  33. 

Anna,  daughter  of  Andrew  Moir,  wright,  and  Margaret  Cramb, 
Porter  lodge  of  Culdees,  born  Oct.   26,   1833,  baptised  Jan.   12,   1834. 

Janet,  daughter  of  Andrew  Moir,  carpenter,  Westgate  of  Culdees, 
and   Margaret  Cramb,   born  Dec.    8,    1838,   baptised   March   30,    1839. 

Andrew  James,  son  of  Andrew  Moir,  carpenter,  and  Margaret 
Cramb,   born  at  Westgate  of  Culdees,    Oct.    1,   baptised   Dec.    12,    1840. 

By  the  Rev.  James  Moir  of  Brechin,  William  Moray,  son  of  the 
Rev.  Alex.  Meldrum,  Ep.  Minister  of  Muthill,  and  Jane  Catherine 
Wickham,  born  May  20,  baptised  June  6,   1841. 

Robert,  son  of  Andrew  Moir,  carpenter,  and  Margaret  Cramb, 
born  at  Machany   house,   Feb.    6,   baptised   March   27,    1844. 

There  are  also  13  Moir  entries  from  Jan.,  1847,  to  Nov.,  1886, 
in   the   same   Register. 




(From  published  lists  of  Baptisms  and  Marriages — 1573  to  1853) 

(No  baptisms  found) 

April    20,    1747,    GEORGE    MOIR    and    ELIZABETH    GREAY,    of    St. 

Martin's   in   the   Fields,    were    married     at     St.    George's     Chapel, 

Nov.  17,  1781,  EDWARD  STAFF  and  JANE  ELIZABETH  MOIR  were 

married    at   the   Parish   Church,     St.    George's,     Hanover    Square, 

Jan.  3,  179  5,  GEORGE  D'ALMAINE  of  the  Parish  of  St.  Paul,  Covent 

Garden,  London,  and  MARY  MOIR,  of  the  Parish  of  St.  Martin's 

in   the  Fields,   spinster,   minor,    were   married   by   Edward   Embry, 

Curate  of  St.   Paul's  Church.     Witnesses,   John  Moir  and  Thomas 

April  23,   1811,   DAVID  MOIR  and   ELIZABETH  MOSS  were  married 

at   St.    George's   Parish   Church,    Hanover   Square,    London. 
September   20,    1829,    ROBERT  HOWLETT  and  HELEN   MOIR   were 

married  at  St.  George's  Parish  Church,  Hanover  Square,  London. 
June  12,  1830,  JAMES  MOIR  and  MARY  PANKHURST  were  married 

at  St.  George's  Parish  Church,  Hanover  Square,  London. 
July   24,    18  3  3,     JAMES     RANDALL    and     ELIZABETH     MOIR     were 

married  at  St.  George's  Parish  Church,  Hanover  Square,  London. 
From  the  London  Times  of  September  25,  1903,  we  learn  that  Brevet 

Major  ALLAN  JAMES  GORDON  MOIR  married  a  Miss  Druce. 
(There  were  examined,  at  this  time,  the  records  of  four  other  London 

Parishes,  but  no  more  Moirs  were  noted.) 




(List  Furnished  and  Introduction  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE,  ESQ.) 

The  following  Moir  extracts  are  taken  from  the  f.rst  two  volumes 
of  the  Miscellany  of  the  New  Spalding  Club,  printed  for  the  Club  at 
Aberdeen,  1890  and  1908,  respectively.  The  editor  of  this  valuable 
compilation  from  the  Council  Registers  was  the  late  lamented  Mr. 
Alexander  Macdonald  Munro,  City  Chamberlain,  who  died  at  Aberdeen, 
26th  January,  1911.  The  register  was  prefaced  by  a  special  note  on 
the  names  of  the  register  occurring  ten  or  more  times,  by  one  of  our 
clan,  the  late  Mr.  James  Moir,  the  respected  Rector  of  the  Grammar 
School,  Aberdeen,  who  was  Convener  of  Committee  on  Church 
Records  to  the  Club  mentioned.  His  remarks,  so  far  as  the  Moir 
family  are  concerned,  may  be  put  on  record  here.  They  are  in 
comparison  with  the  issue  of  the  Aberdeen  Directory  of  1890-1891. 
We  find  Moir  31,  Muir  (added  to  Moir)  4,  and  the  name  Moir  appeared 
no  less  than  thirteen  times  in  the  Directory  already  mentioned.  The 
contractions  seen  at  the  end  of  extracts,  from  1633  onwards,  stand 
for: — 

g,  guild  burgess;  t,  trade  burgess. 

G,  honorary  burgess,   or  admitted  gratis  without  composition. 

J,  in  right  of  father's  burgess-ship. 

1400,  More,  Patrick.     (*  Cautioner,  Thomas  Amfrey.) 

1406-07,  More,  Duncan.    (Cautioner,  And.  Gifford  and  Thomas  Roule.) 

1466,  September  12.     More,  William. 

1481,    September    27.     More,   William    (dwelling    in    the    country). 

1493-4,  Moir,  Robert  (at  the  instance  of  the  Abbott  of  Arbrothok.) 

1503-4,  Moir,  Alexander. 

1507-8,   Moir,   Thomas.     (Composition    remitted    at    request    of    James 

1558-9,   Moir,    Andrew.    (Cautioner,    William    Robertsoune,    goldsmyt.) 
1596,  July,  Moir,  Andro  (baxter),  becaus  he  was  a  prenteis  within  the 

toun,  quha  gawe  his  ayth,  according  to  the  common  forme, 

and    forder,    that    he    suld    not    aspyr,    nor    seik    any    farder 

libertie,    nor   privelege. 
1560,   December    9,   Moir,   William. 

1567,  Moir,  William,   was  cautioner   to   Gilbert  Sengzeour. 
1598,  October  2  7,  Moir,  Mr.  William,  son  to  William  Moir. 
1600,    September    12,    Mr,    William   Moir   was    cautioner    to   Alexander 

1605,  September  13,  Mr.  William  Moir  was  cautioner  to  John  Chalmer, 

ex  gratia. 
1605,  September  24,  Mr.  William  Moir  was  cautioner  to  John  Watsoun, 

ex  gratia. 

*Cautioner  is  a  Scots  word,  meaning,  a  surety. 

96  MoiR  Geneai,ogy 

1606.  September  3,  Moir,  Alexander  ("Weaver). 

1607,  September  22,  Moir,  William,  eldest  son  of  Mr.  Willliam  Moir. 
1609,   September   22,   Moir,  Peter    (ex  gratia,   Cautioner,   Mr.   William 

Moir,  treasurer). 
1611,   September   24,   Moir,  William.     (Cautioner,   Mr.   William  Moir.) 

1614,  October  20,  Moir,  John    (simple  burgess). 

1615,  May  1,  Moir,  John,  eldest  son  of  the  late  Alexander  Moir   (for 

the  past  thirty  years  in  the  service  of  the  King  of  France). 
1615,   September   22,   Moir,   John    (pupil),   second   son   of   Mr.   William 

Moir,  treasurer. 
1617,  September  23,  Moir,  Henry,  third  son  of  Mr.  William  Moir,  dean 

of  guild. 

1619,  January   22,    Peter    Moir    was    cautioner    to    Alexander    Ross, 


1620,  September  25,  Moir,  William. 

1633,  July  10,  Moir,  Thomas,  weaver,  eldest  son  of  Alexander  Moir, 
weaver.  t.   J 

1647,  December  2  9,  Moir,  Alexander,  baker,  served  with  the  late 
Robert  Forbes.  t. 

1647,  December  22,  Moir,  Jon,  smith  in  the  Clintertie,  to  the  hammer- 

men craft,  in  respect  of  the  few  number  of  craftsmen  within 
this  burghe,  speciallie  of  the  lorimers,  and  that  sindrie  o£ 
the  said  trade  are  dead   of  the  plague  of  pestilence.  G. 

1648,  February  9,  Moir,  Alexander,  and  Ergo,  James,  smith,  in  respect 

of  the  few  number  of  craftismen,  speciallie  of  the  lorimers, 
and  that  sindrie  of  the  trad  ar  dead  of  the  plague  of 
pestilence.  t. 

1648,  April  4.  Moir,  George,  dyer.  t. 

1655,  August  1,  Moir,  Johne,  drywalker,  simple  burgess. 

1654,  March  8,  Mr.  John  Campbell,  Shereff  Clark  of  Aberdeen,  married 
eldest  daughter  of  Mr.  William  Moir,  Principal  of  the  New 
College  of  Aberdeen.  G. 

1657,  April    30,    Moor,    Alexander,    bookmaker    and    claspmacker.    in 

Montrose,  "employing  and  exerciseing  himselfe  in  macking 
of  hooks,  clasps,  and  any  other  workmanship  cf  that 
nature."  t. 

1658,  June  16.      Thomas  Moir,  couper's  servant,  Alexander  Mill.  t. 

1659,  January  18,  Moir,  John,  merchant.  g. 

1660,  March    21,    Moir,    John,    eldest    son    to    Patrick    Moir,    baillie    of 

Aberdeen.  g. 

1663,  June  24,  Moir,  John,  son  of  the  deceased  John  Moir,  weaver,  t. 
1667,    August    14,    Moir,    John,    merchant,    married    the    daughter    of 

Alexander  CoUisone,   burgess,   whose   predecessors  had   been 

magistrates.  g. 

1668    May  23,  Moir,  Patrik,  second   sone  to   the   deceast  Mr.   William 

Moir,   sometyme   baillie   of  Aberdeen,   and   principall   of   the 

college  of  the  samen.  g, 

1669,  August  20,  Moir,  James,  in  Ferriehill,  son  of  the  deceast  William 

Moir.  g. 

1676,  September  2  5,  Moir,  Gilbert,  second  son  of  William  Moir,  doctor 

of  medicine.  g, 

1682,  May   2i,  Moor,  Alexander,  buikmaker,   onlie  son   of  the  deceist 

Alexander  Moor,  buikmaker,  burgess.  t. 


1683,  September  25,  Moir,  Andrew,  merchant,  son  of  William  Moir,  in 

Broombrae,    at   request   of    George   Aidie,    dean    of   guild,     g. 

1688,  September  11,  Moir,  Andrew,  in  old  mill  of  Foverane.  g 

1688,  September  5,  George  Gordon,  of  Kirktown,  of  Dyce,  who  married 

a  daughter  of  Mr.  William  31oir,  doctor  of  medicine.  g. 

1689,  February   28,   3Ioir,   John     Mr  .   advocate,    son   of   the   late   John 

Moir,  of  Stonniewood,  burgess,  and  William  Moir,  his  fourth 
son.  g- 

1690,  December  27,  Moir,  Alexander    fourth  son  of  Mr.  William  Moir, 

doctor  of  medicine,  burgess.  g. 

1691,  September  22,  Moir,  Alexander,  wright.  t. 
1693,  August  23,  Moir,  Gilbert,  cooper.  t. 
1698,  July  9,  Muire,  John,  provost  of  Aire.  G. 
1698.  Ju^     9.  Mores,  John,  burgess  of  St.  Andrews.  G. 


List  of  FIARS  JURORS,   1604  to   1900 

(Kindly  furnished  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE  of  Aberdeen) 

The  undernoted  list  was  compiled  by  David  LittleJohn,  L.  L.  D., 
Sheriff-Clerk,  for  the  second  volume  of  the  "Miscellany"  of  the  New 
Spalding  Club,   issued   1908. 

Moir,    Alexander,    of   Scotstoun,    172  3    and    1729. 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Scotstown,  1793  and  1794. 

Moir,    George,    of   Scotstown,    1751-'76 — 10    times. 

Moir,   George,   miller,   Old  Aberdeen,    1678. 

Moir,  George,   of  Denmore,    1832   and   1833. 

Moir,  James,   in   Ferriehill,   also   of   Ferriehill,    1667-78. 

Moir,  James,  younger,  of  Stonywood,   1723. 

Moir,  James,  of  Stonywood,   1739. 

Moir,   (also  Moor  and  Muir) ;  Robert,  merchant  in  Aberdeen,   1720-33. 

Moir,  William,   in  Caberstoun,    1655. 

Moir,  William,  in  Slippiehillock,   1690. 

Moir,  William,  burgess,  now  in  Ferriehill,    1629. 

Moir,  William,  of  Ferryhill,   1655. 

Moir,  William,  of  Ferryhill,   1730-48. 

Muir,  Alexander,  of  Loirston,   1840. 



(Kindly  furnished  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE  of  Aberdeen) 

The  following  MOIRS  were  ordinary  members  of  the  Lionach. 
Highland  and  Friendly  Society,  inaugurated  1825.  Of  the  277 
members — 

No.  89.  John   Moir,    Senior,    Finnylost,    Strathdon. 

No.  90.  Arthur  Moir,  Finnylost,  Strathdon. 

No.  91.  John  Moir,  Junior,   Finnylost,   Strathdon. 

No.  79.  Alexander  Moir,  Finnylost,  Strathdon. 

No.  80.  James  Moir,  Faichley. 

This  interesting  gathering  is  still  held  annually  on  Donside,. 


OLD  ABERDEEN,    1731-1911 

(Kindly  furnished  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE  of  Aberdeen) 

George  Mores,  mentioned  in  the  records,  1769-1771. 
John  More,  mentioned  in  the  records,   1764-1766. 

Thomas  Mores,   mentioned   in   the   records,    1731-1735,   and   frequently, 

This  society  has  always  been  a  small  body,  and  probably  an 
off-shoot  of  the  Wrights  and  Coopers  of  Aberdeen,  one  of  the  seven 
Incorporated  Trades,  whose  oldest  minute  book  is  dated  1692.  The 
history  of  the  Incorporated  Trades  belonging  to  Aberdeen  was  written 
by  Ebenezer  Bain,  ex-master  of  Trades  Hospital,  in  1887.  From  his 
scarce  volume,   we  reproduce  entries   relating  to   the   Moirs — 

REV.  JOHN  MOIR'S  portrait,  by  Cosmo  John  Alexander,  hangs 
in  the  great  hall.  He  was  Rector  of  West  Tinfieild,  Yorkshire.  He 
mortified  in  1736,  1000  merks,  Scots  (present-day  value  £83:6:8)  for 
the  support  of  a  Philosophy  Bursar  at  Marischal  College,  Aberdeen, 
and  in  the  event  of  no  Tradesmen's  son  applying  for  the  said  Bursary, 
the  money  was  to  be  devoted  to  the  maintainance  of  decayed  Trades- 
men, preference  always  being  given  to  the  name  of  Moir. 

GILBERT  MOIR,  Cooper.  His  portrait,  by  an  unknown  artist, 
hangs  in  the  great  hall.     He  was  elected  Convener  of  Trades  in  1710. 

WILLIAM  MOIR.  He  appears  to  have  been  a  member  of  the 
Wright  and  Cooper  trade,  for  in  one  of  the  acts  of  the  Society  anent 
bitter  and  despiteful  speaking,  there  is  cited  a  breach  of  the  act: 
2nd  April,  1735.  The  court  considering  that  Adam  Baxter  called 
William  Moir  a  brute,  in  presence  of  the  court,  they  therefor  amerciate 
him,  the  said  Adam  Baxter,  in  Forty  shillings,  Scots,  to  be  paid  by 
him  to  be  trade,  for  use  of  the  poor,  for  the  said  transgression,  in 
terms  of  the  third  act  of  this  book;  and  debar  him  from  voting  in 
any  affair  of  the  trade  until  satisfaction  be  made  before  the  Court, 
which,  being  paid  by  the  said  Adam  Baxter,  the  trade  discharge  the 
above  amerciament,  and  ordered  the  sum  of  forty  shillings  to  be 
re-paid  to  him. 


(Kindly  furnished  by  HELEN  MOIR  MAXWELL  of  Doune) 

1713,     ALEXANDER    MOIR,    writer    in    Dunblane,    by   JOHN    MOIR, 

notary   public. 
1718.     Will   of  WILLIAM   MAXWELL,   written   by  JAMES   MOIR,    of 

Lochfield,     writer.      (Lochfield     is    a    farm    about    half-way 

between  Doune  and  Thornhill.) 
1727.      ROBERT  MOIR,  son  to  JAMES  MOIR,   writer  in  Doune.      By 

JOHN   MOIR,    notary   public. 
1767.      JAMES  MOIR,  writer  in  Doune.  ^  ^  a  c\—    ' 


(Kindly  furnished  by  REV.  WALTER  MACLEOD  of  Edinburgh) 


Dunblane  Testament,    Dative   and   Tnventary,    of   the   goods,    etc.,    pertaining 

Testaments  to  umquhile  MARGARET  MOIR,*  relict  of  Archibald  Menzies,  at  the 
vol.8.  Burns  of  Cessintullle,   within  the  parish   of  Kilmadock,   and   Commis- 

sariot  of  Dumblane,  the  time  of  her  decease  in  June,  1664.      Made  and 
given  up  by  Thomas  McHillie,    (?)    spouse  to   Jeonet  Menzies,   lawful 
daughter  to  said  defunct.      Debts  due  by  Humprie  Risk;    John  Bowie, 
in   Kingsboquhaple;    Jeonet   Clark,    at  the   Burn    of   Cessintullle;    John 
Symmer,   there;    Robert  Smyth,   in  Doune;    David   Dog,   of  Ballingrew; 
Walter  Graham,  in  Kingsboquhaple;   John  Spittel,  elder,  in  Noristoun; 
Captaine    David    Muschett;     William    Miller,     at    the    Miln    of     Doune; 
James  Wrycht,   at  the  Burne   of  Cessintullle;    John  Neill,   in   Eoghall; 
Mareoun    Kinloch,    in    Kingcairne;    Alexander    Muschett,    Messenger; 
John  Doig,  in  Murdochstoun;  William  Haldan,  in  Garncaber;   William 
Chalmer,  in  Cardrois;  Andrew  Dick;  Jeonett  Spittall;   Robert  Symmer, 
in  Denrick;   John  McEller,   in  Doune. 
Sum  of  the  Inventar — £118: 6: 8d. 
No  debts  owing  by  the  deceased. 
No  division. 

Confirmed,  19th  January,  1665,  ROBERT  MOIR,  in  Newtoune,  of 
Doune,  cautioner. 


Dunblane  The  Testament,  Testam.entar,    Inventary   and   Latter  Will,    of   the 

Testaments   goods,  etc.,  which  pertained  to  umquhile  JAMES  MOIR,  in  Aberargy, 

Vol.8.  within  the  parish  of  Abernethie,  and  Commissariot  of  Dumblane;   the 

time  of  his  decease  in  June,  1664.      Made  and  given  up  by  himself,  on 

13th    June,    1664,    before    these    witnesses, — ANDREW    MOIR.    eldest 

lawful  son  to  JOHN  MOIR  of  Aberargy. 

Sum  of  Inventar — £2  3. 

Debts  due  by  James  Poltie,  in  Cary;  Gilbert  Gairner,  in  Aberargy; 

Summa  patet. 

Debts  due  by  James  Poltie,  in  Cary;  Gilbert  Gairner,  in  Aberargy, 
Alexander  Burt,  tailor,  in  Loanhead  of  Balmanno;  William  Rentoule; 
John  Playfair,  in  Cairney;  William  Buist,  in  Pittindy. 

Sum  of  debts  owing  to  dead — £74:6:0. 

Sum   of  Inventar  and  debts — £97:6:0. 

To  be  divided  into  three  parts,  ilk  part. 

The  said  defunct,  by  his  Latter  Will,  nominates  DUNCAN  MOIR, 
his  eldest  lawful  son,  his  only  executor  and  intromittor,  with  his  goods 
and  geir,  and  to  pay  debts,  to  viz, — Agnes  Powrie,  his  spouse,  "mother- 

♦Married,  April  25th,  1627,  see  Marriage  Registers  of  Doune. 

MoiR  Genealogy 


in-law"  to  the  said  Duncan,  100  merks;  and  nominates  *JOHN  MOIR, 
of  Aberargy,  and  JOHN  MOIR,  his  lawful  brother,  tutors  and  overseers 
to  bairns;  and  what  shall  happen  to  be  over  and  above  the  said  100 
merks,  the  said  JOHN  MOIR,  of  Aberargy,  and  JOHN  MOIR,  his 
brother,  shall  deliver  among  his  whole  bairns,  viz:  Duncan,  Margaret, 
and  Helon  Moirs,  as  they  shall  think  it  expedient. 

Confirmed,  3d  November,  1664,  JOHN  MOIR,  in  Nether  Aberargy. 
is  cautioner. 


Testament,   Dative   and   Inventary   of  the   goods,    etc.,    which   per-    Dunblane 
tained  to  the  deceast  JOHN  MOIR,  Skinner,  in  Dumblane;   and  Helen    Testament^ 
Tindall,  his  spouse,  Indweller  in  Dumblane,  the  time  of  their  respective    Vol.18, 
deaths   as    follows,    viz:    the    first    in    the    last    day    of   June,    and    the 
second  on  14th  March,  both  in  the  year  1713.      Made  and  given  up  by 
ALEXANDER    MOIR,    Writer    in    Dumblane,    Executor,    Dative,    qua 
Creditor,   preferred   and   decerned   to   saids   Defuncts,   for   payment   or 
inter  alios,  sum,  in  Decreet,  at  the  instance  of  Mr.  Robert  McClelland, 
of    Barrclay,    Collector    of    Excise;    and    in    another    Decreet,    at    the 
instance   of  James  Watson,    of  Ormistoun,   against  said   JOHN   MOIR, 
for  rent  of  his  house.      Dated  12th  March,  1713. 

Sum  of  the  Inventary — £29:2:8. 

Confirmed,  2nd  June,  1715.  Robert  Finlayson,  Merchant  in 
Dumblane,  Cautioner. 


Testament,    Dative,     and     Inventary     of     the     goods,     etc.,    which    Dunblane 
pertained  to  the  deceased  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  Writer  in  Dumblane;    Testaments 
Made   and    given   up   by   Mr.    John    Primrose,    of   Tulliallan,    and    John   Vol.18. 
Bryce.  Merchant  in  Dumblane,  joint  Executors,  Creditors  decerned  and 
confirmed  to  the  said  Defunct. 

Summa —  ( ). 

Among  the  list  of  debtors  appears  the  following  Item  by  Sir 
David  Threapland,  of  Fingask,  and  JAMES  MOIR,  Writer,  £10:2:6. 
HENRY  MOIR,  Merchant  in  Down,  DAVID  MOIR  in  Low,  and 
Alexander  Moir. 

Confirmed,  9th  July,  1724,  Robert  Banks,  Merchant  in  Stirling,  is 


Tlie  Testament,   Dative,   and   Inventary   of  the  goods,   etc.,   which   Dunblane 
pertained  to  the  deceased  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  Writer  in  Dumblane,    Testaments 
in  the  parish  thereof,  the  time  of  his  decease  in  February  last.   Made   y°J:  ^^„ 
and   given   up   by   James   Cairns,    younger,    merchant   in    Dumblane,    as 
present    Treasurer     to    the     Corporation     of     Skinners    of    Dumblane; 
Executor,  Dative,  qua  Creditor,  decerned  to  said  Defunct,  for  payment 
to   him    as    Treasurer    foresaid     of    50     merks,     per    bill    dated     26th 
September,   1722.     Debts  due  by  Christopher  and    Robert   Finlaysonea, 
Merchants   in    Dumblane,    and    William   Ker,    Skinners   there,   Andrew 
Ker,  Bellmaker  in  Dumblane. 

Summa  patet —  ( ). 

Confirmed,  9th  July,  1724;  John  Gillespie,  Writer  in  Dumblane, 

Folio  226. 

*See  note  in  Appendix,  "  Moirs  of  Aberargie." 


MoiR  Geneai,ogy 


Dunblane  Testament,    Dative,   and   Inventary,    of  the   household    plenishing, 

Testaments   and  others,  which  pertained  to  the  deceased  HARY  MOIR,  in  Newtoun 

Vol.  19.  of  Doun,  and  MARGARET  PATON,  his  spouse,  within  the  parish    of 

Kilmadock,  the  time  of  their  deceases  in  May  last;  Made  and  given  up 

by  WALTER  MOIR,   wright  in   Doun,   brother    german    to    the    said 

Defunct,     only    Executor,     Dative,     qua     creditor,     decerned     to     said 

Defuncts,   for  payment  of  funeral  and  medical  attendance,   etc. 

Sum  of  Inventary — £177:13:0. 

Confirmed,  5th  June,  1740;  Walter  Paterson  in  Doun,  is  cautioner. 


Dunblane  Testament,   Dative   and    Inventary   of   the   debts,    etc.,    which    per- 

Testaments   tained  to  the  deceased  JAMES  MOIR,  Writer  in  Dumblane,  the  time 

Vol.  20 
Folio  96. 

Folio  133. 

of  his  decease  in  December,  1739;  Made  and  given  up  by  JEAN  MOIR, 
the  Defunct's  daughter,  spouse  of  Thomas  Duthie,  Writer  in 
Dumblane;  only  Executors,  Dative,  qua  nearest  in  kin,  decerned  to 
said  Defunct,  by  Decreet,  dated  1st  July  last. 

Debts  due  by  persons  therein  mentioned. 

Summa   Inventary —    ( ). 

Confirmed,  27th  January,  1743;  John  Duthie,  mason  in  Dumblane, 
is  cautioner. 

Elk,  given  up  by  said  Executors,  of  debts  due  by  persons  thereio 
mentioned,  omitted  furth  of  the  principal. 

Confirmed  Testament. — ^Dated  26th  January,  1744;  same  cautioner. 


Dunblane  Testament,   Dative,   and   Inventary,   of  the   goods,    etc.,    pertaining 

Testaments   to  the  deceased  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  in  Hillhead  of  Machany,  within 

Vol.  20 
Folio  104. 

the    parish    of   Blackford;    the    time    of   his   decease    in    the    month    of 

( )    last;   Made  and  given  up  by  George  Moir,   in  Hillhead  of 

Machany,  the  Defunct's  brother-german,  who  is  decerned  only 
Executor,  Dative,  qua  nearest  in  kin  to  said  Defunct. 

Debt  due  by  bond,  granted  to  Janet  Richard,  relict  of  Alexander 
Moir,  in  Hillhead  of  Machany,  by  said  GEORGE  MOIR,  dated  18th 
January.  1636;  Sum  in  Bill  by  said  Janet  Richard,  upon  James  Dawson 
at  Machany,  dated  2nd  January,  1641.  Sum  due  to  said  Janet,  by 
John  Richard,  in  Craig  of  Matherly,  her  brother;  Sum  due  also,  by 
Alexander  Richard  in  Craig  of  Motherby,  and  others  therein  men- 
tioned, to  all  which  sums  the  said  deceased  ALEXANDER  MOIR  had 
right,  by  Disposition  and  Assignation,  from  the  said  Janet  Richard, 
his  mother.  Dated  17th  April,  1741.  Registered  in  Stewart  Court 
Books  of  Strathearn,  19th  January,  last. 

Summa   Inventary — £216:5:0. 

Confirmed,  17th  February,  1743,  Mathew  Gentill. 


Dunblane  Testament,   Dative,    and    Inventary,    of   the   debt,   sum    of   money 

Testaments  which   pertained   to   the   deceased   ANN   MOIR,    daughter   of  the  also 

Vol.20  deceased  JAMES  MOIR,  Writer  in  Dumblane,  the  time  of  her  decease 

Folio  98.  jjj  January  last;   Made  and   given  up  by  JEAN  MOIR,  the  Defunct's 


sister-german,  spouse  of  Thomas  Duthie,  Writer  in  Dumblane,  only- 
Executors,  Dative,  qua  nearest  in  kin,  decerned  to  said  Defunct,  by 
Decreet,  dated  5th  August  last. 

Debt,  due  by  the  Honourable  Major  General  James  Campbell,  of 
Lawers,  per  Bond  granted  to  Defunct,  and  said  JEAN  MOIR,  dated 
31st  October,  last. 

Confirmed.  27th  January  1743,  John  Duthie,  mason  in  Dumblane, 
is  cautioner. 


Testament,  Testamentar,   and   Inventary  of  the  goods,   etc.,   which    Dunblane 
pertained    to    the    deceased    JAMES    MOIR,    Writer    in    Doune,    in    the   Testaments 
parish  of  Kilmadock,  the  time  of  his  decease  in  Oct.,  1776,  last.      Made,   Vol.23, 
and    given    up    partly   by   himself,     upon    2Gth   August,     1775,     and    by 
•ELIZABETH   and     *ROBINA    MOIRS,     only     children     of     the     said 
Defunct,   with  consent  of  John   Forrest,   of  Deanstaine,   their   only  ac- 
cepting,    and    acting    tutor,     and     curator,     for     his     interest;     Which 
ELIZABETH   and    ROBINA   MOIRS,    the   said    Defunct   nominated,    to 
be  his  only  Executors,  by  his  Assignation,  etc.     Registered  in  the  Court 
Books  of  the  said  Commissariot,  on  5th  December,  last. 

Sum  of  the  Inventary — £252:l:4d. 

Sum  of  debts  due  by  persons  therein  mentioned — £586:7:7.  The 
said  Defunct,  by  his  Registered  Assignation  and  Nomination,  conveys 
in  favor  of  said  ELIZABETH  and  ROBINA  MOIRS,  his  two  daugh- 
ters, and  only  children,  in  life,  procreate  betwixt  him  and  the  deceast 
Ann  Forrest,  his  spouse,  his  whole  goods  and  gear;  and  failing  of 
them,  to  John  Forrest,  and  his  foresaids.  With  the  burden  of  enter- 
taining and  maintaining  of  ISOBELL  MOIR,  his  sister.  He  appoints 
said  John  Forrest;  James  Maule,  factor  to  Earl  of  Murray;  Johanna 
Leslie,  daughter  of  deceased  John  Leslie,  Merchant  in  Edinburgh; 
George  Stewart,  younger  of  Argatie;  John  Buchanan,  of  Auchleshie; 
Mr.  James  Smith,  Minister  at  Kilmadock,  to  be  Tutors  and  Curators  to 
his  said  daughters.  Dated  at  Doune,  26th  August,  1775.  Witnesses — 
Allan  Stewart,  at  Bridgend  of  Death;  and  Malcolm  Wright,  and  William 
Key,  his  servants. 

Confirmed  6th  September,  1777.  William  McGruther,  Writer  in 
Doune,  is  cautioner. 



By  W.  B.  COOK,  Stirling 

Charles   Moir,   Wright,    Stirling,    joined    the    Corps    24    May,    1801.    Vol.  3,  p.  77. 
Thomas  31oir,  Maltman,  Stirling,  joined  the  Corps  24   May,   1801. 
Charles  Moir,  weaver,  Stirling,  joined   19th  April,   1803. 
Robert  Moir,  servant,  Livilands,  Joined  27th  Oct.,  1803. 

*See  Doune  Births,  1762  and  1764. 


(Kindly  lent  by  MAJ.  P.  MOIR-BYRES  of  Tonley) 

WILLIAM  MOIR,  elder,  of  Spittal  and  Scotstown,  was  principal 
of  Marischal  College  in  1658. 

WILLIAM  MOIR,  of  Scotstown,  appears  as  subscribing  to  King's 
College  in   168  8. 

(The  preceding  notices  are  from  Spalding  Club  publications.) 

GEORGE  MOIR  occurs  frequently  in  the  books.  The  earliest 
date  I  have  noticed  is  1726,  and  the  latest  1791.  The  handwriting  on 
the  earlier  volume  is  different  from  that  on  the  volumes  after  1733, 
and  suggests  that  possibly  there  were  two  of  the  same  name.  If  there 
were  two,  there  is  nothing  I  noticed  to  show  what  the  earlier  one  was, 
but  the  later  one  was  a  lawyer,  had  apparently  been  educated  in 
Holland,  and  from  the  books  acquired  was  a  man  of  accomplishments. 

ALEXANDER  MOIR  occurs  on  the  books  from  1771  downwards. 
He  was  an  advocate  at  the  Scottish  bar,  had  been  educated  in  Holland, 
appears  as  practicing  in  1786  and  1787.  Some  time  prior  to  1804, 
he  had  succeeded  to  Scotstown.  There  was  a  SHERIFF  MOIR  in 
Aberdeenshire,  in  the  beginning  of  the  nineteenth  century,  and 
probably  he  is  the  same  Alexander  Moir,  as  he  had  a  valuable  collec- 
tion of  books  on  Scottish  and  Roman  law,  which  appears  to  have  been 
kept  up  to  about  1820. 

On  the  more  recent  books,  the  only  names  I  have  noticed  are 
those  of  SIR  MICHAEL  and  LADY  BRUCE. 

(J.  D.  W.,  Scotstown,  Bridge  of  Don,  Aberdeenshire.) 


Whitehouse,  Aberdeenshire 


ONv  xoNHT  'aoxs* 

Advygn   ongnj 



Att  Aberdein,  24th  July,  1695,  years  in  presens  of  John  Allardes, 
ane  of  the  baillies  of  the  burgh — 

The  said  day,  it  was  judicially  verified  and  proven,  be  the 
depositions  of  Alexr.  Skein,  of  Dyee;  Gilbert  Black,  lait  baillie;  John 
Moir,  lait  baillie;  Mr.  James  Moir  of  Perriehill,  that  Gilbert  Moir, 
son  of  deceast  Dr.  William  Moir,  of  Scotstoun,  now  in  the  Kingdom 
of  Poland,  who  went  from  this  about  18  years  ago  or  thereby,  being 
then  about  the  age  of  ( — )  years,  or  thereby,  is  the  second  lawful 
son  of  the  said  deceased,  Dr.  William  Moir  of  Scotstoun,  procreat 
betwixt  him  and  Margaret  Skein,  his  spouse,  in  the  lawful  bonds  of 
matrimony;  and  that  the  said  deceased  Dr.  William  Moir  of  Scots- 
toun, principal  and  professor  of  mathematics  in  the  Marischall 
College  of  Aberdeen,  procreat  betwixt  him  and  Jean  Gordon,  his 
lawful  spouse,  daughter  of  the  deceased  Gilbert  Gordon  of  Gordons- 
mill,  of  the  family  of  Clunie;  and  that  the  deceased  William  Moir  of 
Scotstoun,   procreat  betwixt   him  and   Janet  Rae,   his  lawful  spouse. 

All  which  they  deponed  to  be  of  veritie,  by  virtue  of  their  great 
oath  sworn;  Whereupon  the  said  baillie  ordained  ane  testimonial  to 
be  extended,  in  ample  and  due  form. 


(Some  notes  furnished  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE  of  Aberdeen) 

1798.  Paid  MR.  MOIR  of  Scotstown,  laid  out  in  repairing  the  road 
from  Seaton  gate  to  the  Bridge  of  Don — £15:0:0. 

1808.  Paid  MR.  MOIR  of  Scotstown,  expended  by  him  in  repairing 
the  approaches  to  the  Bridge — £15:0:0. 

The  above  notes  relating  to  the  MOIRS  of  SCOTSTOWN  are 
extracted  from  air.  William  Paul's  "Notes  on  the  Early  History  of 
the  Brig  of  Balgownie"  [Aberdeen,  1876].  They  refer  to  the  accounts 
of  the  Bridge  of  Don  fund.  It  is  of  this  famous  bridge,  which  has 
been  built  over  six  centuries,  that  Lord  Byron  writes  in  "Don  Juan": 

Brig  o'  Balgownie  I   wicht  is  thy  wa', 

Wi'   a  wife's  ae  son   and   a   mare's  ae  foal, 

Doun  Shalt  thou  fa'. 



"Observe    below,    where,    with    becoming    pride, 
Fair  Stoneywood  stands  by  the  river  side, 
■^y/"hose  owner  still  maintains  our  ancient  laws. 
And  stood,  like  Cato,  in  his  country's  cause — 
Would  every  Scot  act  such  a  part  as  he. 
How  happy  still  might  Caledonia  be." 

(From    "Don,"    by    Forbes    of    Bnix,    published 
in  1655,  and  reprinted  with  additions  in  1742.) 

The  Author  of  "A  View  of  the  Diocese  of  Aberdeen,"  gives  it  as 
his  opinion  that  being  a  stoney  place,  and  having  a  fir  grove  hard 
by,  quhere  the  green  burn  falls  into  the  Don,  comes  the  name 



(From  Article  in  the  "ABERDEEN  FREE  PRESS,"  July  6,  1910) 

The  MOIRS  of  STONEYWOOD  flourished  for  a  century  only 
(1671-1784),  but  two  of  them  figured  conspicuously  in  the  two  great 
Scottish  events  of  that  period,  the  Jacobite  risings  of  1715  and  1745. 
The  first  of  the  family  was  Jolin  Moir,  second  son  of  *Mr.  WilUam 
Moir,  who  was  Treasurer  of  Aberdeen  in  1615.  He  became  proprietor 
of  the  estate  of  Kermuck  (or  Ellon),  on  Kennedy  of  Kermuck  being 
outlawed  for  fatally  wounding  Thomas  Forbes  of  Waterton  in  a  duel; 
but  he  sold  it  in  1688  to  Sir  John  Forbes  of  Waterton.  Three  years 
later,  he  purchased  from  Eraser  of  Muchalls  the  estate  of  Stoneywood, 
embracing  Waterton,  Clinterty,  and  Greenburn.  He  married  Jean 
Sandilands,  eldest  daughter  of  James  Sandilands,  town  clerk  of 
Aberdeen,  and  proprietor  of  the  estate  of  Cotton.  His  eldest  son, 
James,  who  succeeded  to  Stoneywood,  sat  in  Parliament  as  member 
for  .-berdeenshire  for  eighteen  years  (1689-1707),  and  was  also  one 
of  the  Commissioners  appointed  for  settling  the  Union  of  the  King- 
doms. The  Union  apparently  did  not  prove  to  his  liking,  for  he  and 
his  son  James  became  ardent  Jacobites,  and  actively  supported  the 
local  rising  in  favour  of  the  old  Pretender.  They  were  among  the 
gentlemen  who  entered  the  town  with  the  Earl  Marischal,  on  Septem- 
ber 20,  1715.  and  "with  drawn  swords,  rode  to  the  Cross,  where  the 
Sheriff   proclaimed   the   Chevalier."      The   elder  Moir  was  also   one   of 

*See  Mr.  Burnett's  article  on  "Ancestry  of  the  Moirs  of  Scotstown  and  Bams." 

MoiR  Geneai,ogy  107 

thA  Jacobite  Town  Council  elected  on  September  28.  At  his  death, 
in  1739,  he  was  succeeded  by  his  son  James,  who  married  a  daug'hter 
of  V/illiam  Erskine   of  Pittodrie. 

Their  eldest  son  James  (who  became  the  fourth  of  Stoneywood) 
was  the  most  prominent  member  of  the  family,  having  taken  a  very 
active  p  ,rt  in  the  1745  rebellion.  When  Lord  Lewis  Gordon,  who  had 
been  appointed  by  Prince  Charlie,  Lord  Lieutenant  of  the  counties  of 
Aberdeen  and  Banff,  made  his  appearance  in  Aberdeen  in  the  begin- 
ning of  November,  1745,  to  assume  the  direction  of  affairs,  he  wab 
accompanied  by  James  Moir  of  Stoneywood  and  William  Sloir  of 
Ijonmay,  James  Moir's  half-brother;  and  it  was  "Stoneywood"  who 
was  commissioned  to  execute  Lord  Lewis  Gordon's  order  on  the  town 
of  Aberdeen  and  the  gentlemen  of  the  county  to  "furnish  and  rigg  out 
a  number  of  able-bodyed  men  sufficiently  cloathed  and  arm  -d, 
answerable  and  effeiring  to  the  land  tax."  The  anti-Hanoverian 
sentiment  was  by  no  means  so  strong  in  174  5  as  it  was  thirty  years 
before,  and  there  was  difficulty  in  getting  either  the  men  or  the 
money.  "We  have  all  got  most  unthankful  business,"  Lord  Lewis 
wrote  to  "Stoneywood,"  "and  we  have  to  deal  with  a  sett  of  low- 
minded,  grovelling  wretches,  who  prefers  their  own  interest  to  the 
good  of  their  country,  or  the  indispensable  duty  they  owe  to  their 
lawful  Prince."  Moir,  however,  managed  to  raise  a  batallion,  which 
was  known  by  the  name  of  "Stoneywood's  Regiment,"  he  himself 
commanding  it  and  having  the  title  of  Colonel.  It  was  largely 
recruited  in  Aberdeen,  more  than  one  of  the  prisoners  captured  on 
the  collapse  of  the  rising  confessing  that  "he  putt  a  white  cockade 
in  his  hatt,  and  joyned  James  Moir  of  Stonnywood  and  other  rebels 
when  they  entered  the  town  and  made  a  parade  with  them  down  the 

Moir's  zeal  for  "the  cause"  was  very  marked,  and  it  is  said  that 
he  "stood  high  in  the  estimation  of  the  Prince,  and  to  the  warm 
interest  which  the  latter  showed  in  his  welfare  at  a  subsequent  period, 
he  was  considerably  indebted."  He  fought  at  CuUoden.  After  that 
fatal  conflict,  we  are  told,  Mr.  Moir  reached  his  house  at  Stoneywood, 
which  had  been  some  time  occupied  by  a  party  of  English  troops. 
He  narrowly  escaped  detection,  and  fleeing  into  the  district  of  Buchan, 
he  was  concealed  in  the  house  of  a  crofter  of  the  name  of  Bartlett,  in 
the  parish  of  Cruden,  a  retreat  which  had  been  prepared  for  him 
by  the  exertions  of  "a  faithful  retainer."  He  had  several  narrow 
hairbreadth  escapes  from  detection  and  capture,  and  he  had  recourse 
to  various  disguises  and  expedients.  The  story  of  his  adventures, 
indeed,  is  pretty  much  akin  to  the  better  known  account  of  Lord 
Pitsligo's  evasions  of  his  pursuers.  It  was  November,  1746,  before 
his  friends  managed  to  get  him  out  of  the  country,  and  he  then 
embarked  on  board  a  small  sloop  on  the  Buchan  coast,  which  was 
bound  for  Norway.  He  spent  fifteen  years  in  exile,  partly  in  Gothen- 
burg and  partly  in  Sweden,  and  eventually  obtaining  Royal  permission, 
he  returned  to  Stoneywood  in  1762.  His  estate  escaped  confiscation, 
owing  to' his  having  had  the  prudence  to  assign  it  to  some  of  his 
family  prior  to  "setting  out  for  the  wars."  He  died  in  1784,  aged  74. 
All  his  seven  sons  died  before  him,  and  he  left  only  two  daughters, 
the  elder  of  whom  married  George  Skene  of  Rubislaw.  She  is  referred 
to    in    the    recently-published    volume    of    "Memories    of    Sir    Walter 

108  MoiR  Geneat.ogy 

Scott,"  by  James  Skene,  as  "The  heiress  of  the  Jacobite  Moirs  of 
Stoneywood,  a  woman  of  character  and  eccentricity,  who  shocked  her 
contemporaries  by  such  extravagances  as  making  her  annual  Journey 
to  Edinburgh  on  horseback,   in  a  scarlet  riding  habit." 

The  Moirs  of  Stoneywood  cherished  a  valuable  relic  which  came 
into  their  possession,  namely,  the  Bible  whicli  Charles  I.  put  into  the 
hands  of  Bishop  Juxon  on  the  scaffold — described  by  Dr.  John  Brown, 
who  had  seen  it,  as  "a  quarto,  printed  in  1637,  bound  in  blue  velvet, 
and  richly  embroidered  and  embossed  with  gold  and  silver  lace. 
There  is  the  crown  and  the  Prince  of  Wales's  feathers,  showing  it  had 
belonged  to  Charles  II  when  Prince.  He  must  have  given  it  to  his 
hapless  father,  as  the  C.  P.  is  changed  into  C.  R."  A  little  history  of 
some  interest  attaches  to  this  relic,  which  passed  to  the  Skenes  of 
Rubislaw,  the  descendants  of  the  Moirs  of  Stoneywood.  Stoneywood 
itself  was  sold  by  Maria  Moir,  James  Moir's  second  daughter,  to  James 
Forbes  of  Seaton,  in  1789,  and  passed  by  succession  to  James  Gordon 
Hay  of  Seaton  (grandson  of  James  Forbes,  his  daughter  Elizabeth 
having  married  Lord  James  Hay).  In  May,  1877,  a  large  portion  of 
the  estate  was  purchased  by  Messrs.  Alexander  Pirie  and  Sons  from 
James  Gordon  Hay,  and  formed  into  a  new  and  separate  property 
known  as  the  estate  of  Waterton. 



From  Article  in  "THE  TALES  OF  A  GRANDFATHER" 

On  receiving  intelligence  of  the  approach  of  MacLeod,  with  four 
hundred  and  fifty  of  his  own  men,  and  two  hundred  Monroes,  and 
other  volunteers  commanded  by  Monroe  of  Culcairn, — Lord  Lewis 
Gordon  got  seven  hundred  men  under  arms,  chiefly  Lowland  men  of 
Aberdeenshire,  under  Moir  of  Stonej'wood,  and  Farquarson  of 
Monaltry,  with  a  proportion  of  the  Royal  Scots  regiment,  and  hastened 
against   the   enemy. 

It  is  remarkable,  on  the  occasion  of  the  action  which  immediately 
followed  at  Inverary,  that  those  who  appeared  for  the  government 
were  all  Highlanders,  in  their  proper  garb;  and  that  the  greater  part 
of  those  who  fought  for  the  Stewarts  wore  the  Lowland  dress,  being 
the  reverse  of  what  was  usually  the  case  in  the  civil  war. 

— Page  142,  Vol.  II,  third  series  (Parker's  Edition). 

On  page  16  8  of  the  same  history,  we  learn  that  "Moir  of  Stony- 
wood,  who  commanded  for  the  Prince,  was  compelled  to  retreat  to 
Fochabers,  he  being  in  charge  of  the  City  of  Aberdeen,  the  Duke 
of  Cumberland  being  his  opponent  at  this  time,  having  an  over- 
whelming force." 

On  page  185.  "At  the  final  line-up  at  Culloden  field,  Moir  of 
Stonywood's  batallion  was  assigned  to  the  left  wing  of  the  second  line, 
along  with  Sir  Alexander  Bannerman's  batallion." 




At  what  date  this  building  was  erected,  there  are  no  records  to 
authenticate.  The  Baron's  Fraser,  who  held  the  property  for  two 
centuries,  do  not  seem  to  have  made  this  part  of  the  country  their 
residence,  and  it  may  be  assumed,  therefore,  that  its  erection  dates 
from  a  period  subsequent  to  their  occupancy  of  the  estate.  In  1671, 
five  years  after  the  erection  of  Newhills  into  a  parish,  Stoneywood 
passed  from  the  Baron's  Fraser  and  became  the  property  of  the 
family  of  Moir.  They,  in  turn,  held  it  for  four  generations,  or  in 
other  words,  for  nearly  120  years.  As  all  of  the  four  lairds  made 
this  their  home,  it  is  likely  that  the  mansion  house  was  erected  during 
the  lifetime  of  the  first  laird,  in  proof  of  which  it  may  be  stated  that 
the  coat  of  arms  which  was  built  into  the  wall,  and  which  is  still 
preserved  at  Stoneywood  works,  was  that  of  the  Moirs. 

Only  one  wing  of  the  old  house  still  stands,  and  this  forms  part 
of  the  paper  works  of  the  Messrs.  Pirie,  who  now  own  the  estate, 
but  its  stout,  ashlar  walls  show  little  signs  of  decay. 

Tradition  still  points  to  the  room  where  "Steenie"  is  supposed  to 
have  slept,  on  the  night  of  his  return  from  Culloden.  It  is  an  under- 
ground oblong-shaped  apartment,  which  had  probably  been  the 
kitchen.  Thus,  this  remnant  of  old  Stoneywood  stands  in  our  midst 
as  a  memento  of  the  romantic  period  of  the  '45,  and  serves  to  remind 
us  how  close  was  the  connection  of  our  own  neighborhood  with  the 
stirring  events  then  enacted. 




The  following  is  an  advertisement  of  the  sale  of  Stoneywood 
Estate,    6th   September,    1784,    and   it   describes   Stoneywood   Mansion: 

"The  mansion  house  of  Stoneywood,  with  the  offices,  garden, 
pigeon  house,  and  that  part  of  the  estate  called  the  lower  barony  of 
Stoneywood,  with  the  salmon  fishing  on  the  River  Don,  belonging  to 
said  estate.  The  present  gross  rents  amount  to  £475  sterling.  The 
mansion  house,  which  is  modern  and  sufficient  to  accommodate  any 
family,  stands  on  a  beautiful  situation,  on  the  banks  of  the  Don, 
within  four  miles  of  Aberdeen.  The  garden  is  enclosed  with  stone 
walls,  and  well  stocked  with  fruit  trees,  and  there  is  a  complete  set 
of  farm  houses,  built  in  a  most  substantial  manner,  and  covered  with 
slated  and  tiled  roofs.  The  lands  hold  of  the  Crown,  and  will  entitle 
the  purchaser  to  vote  in  electing  a  member  for  the  County  of 
Aberdeen;  and  the  tiends  were  valued  many  years  ago  and  exhausted." 




The  following  is  an  extract  from  "Acta  Parliamentorum  Gutielmi 
1701,  vol.  X,  p.   233": 

"Act  in  favour  of  James  Moir  of  Stoneywood  for  two  yearly  fairs 
at  the  Greenburn  on  the  Lands  of  Stoneywood." 

"Our  Soveraign  Lord  and  Estates  of  Parliament,  Considering 
that  fairs  and  mercats  in  convenient  places  tend  very  much  to  the 
good,  and  to  the  advantage  of  the  inhabitants  thereof,  and  to  his 
Majestie's  other  leidges,  dwelling  near  thereto,  and  likewayes  to 
increase  trade  and  commerce  in  the  nation.  And  it  is  fit  for  these 
ends,  to  authorize  the  publick  fairs  following  at  Greenburn,  on  the 
Lands  of  Stoneywood,  Pertaining  to  James  Moir  of  Stoneywood,  and 
lying  in  the  Shire  of  Aberdeen, — do  therefor,  by  thir  presents. 
Appoint  the  publick  fairs  underwritten,  to  be  kept  and  holden  yearly, 
in  all  time  coming,  at  the  said  Greenburn,  One  upon  the  second 
Thursday  of  June,  to  be  called  "Hagg  fair";  and  another  upon  the 
last  Thursday  of  July,  to  be  called  "Bathie  fair,"  for  all  kinds  of 
merchandice.  And  have  given  and  granted,  and  hereby  give  and 
grant  to  the  said  James  Moir  and  his  heirs  and  successors  forever,  the 
right  and  privelege  of  keeping  and  holding  the  said  two  yearly  fairs 
and   the  haill  customes,   profits,   and   casualties   of   the  same,   and  all 



other  advantages  used  and  wont.  With  full  power  to  exact,  uplift, 
dispose  upon,  and  enjoy  the  same,  and  to  proclaim  and  ride  the  said 
fairs,  and  do  all  other  things  thereanent,  as  they  think  fit,  which  any 
having  the  privelege  of  keeping  fairs,  this  Kingdom  lawfully  do  or 
may  do." 

"The  Greenburn  market  having  been  for  a  long  time  discontinued, 
the  Messrs.  Pirie  (present  owners)  a  few  years  ago  kindly  enclosed 
the  stance  by  a  substantial  wall,  and  laid  it  out  for  the  use  of  the 
workpeople  and  tenants,  as  a  park  or  recreation  grounds." 

"That  the  five-shilling  notes  drawn  by  James  More  of  Stoneywood 
on  Robert  Byres,  at  Edinburgh,  continue  to  be  paid  by  him,  as 
formerly.  Any  who  want  twenty-shilling  notes  may  apply  to  Alex- 
ander Macraw,   at  Robert  Mitchell's,  vintner,   in  Aberdeen." 

(Aberdeen    Journal    Advertisement,    1763.) 

Moir  of  Ivcckie 


(Kindly  furnished  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE  of  Aberdeen) 

ATT  TIL.L.EFOUR — the  twentie  eight  day  of  Jany.,  XVI,  four 
score  three  years.  It  is  appointed,  contracted,  finnaly  ended,  and 
aggreed  between  James  Moar  of  Stonniewood,  one  the  ane  part,  and 
Marie  Scrougie,  daughter  to  the  deceist  William,  Bishop  of  Argyle, 
with  assent  of  Master  James  Scougall,  Commissar  of  Abd.  And 
Katherin  Scougall,  her  mother,  her  curators,  and  of  Master  Roberta 
MacKenzie  of  Killgiulloclruni,  now  husband  to  the  said  Katherin 
Scougall,  one  uther  part  in  manner  form  and  affect  as  after  followes — 
that  is  to  say  the  sd.  James  Moar  shall  God  willing  marie  spous  and 
take  to  his  lawful  wife  the  sd  Marie  Scrougie.  Lykeas  she  shall  accept 
and  take  to  her  lawfull  husband  the  sd  James  Moar  and  they  both 
solemnize  the  honorable  bond  of  m.atrimonie  with  uthers,  in  face  of 
holie  kirk,  be  the  words  of  the  present  tyme,  betwixt  the  date  heirof 

and  the  —  day  of  next  to  come.     And  thareafter  shall  love  and 

cherish,  treat  and  entertain  uthers  as  becometh  Christian  married 
persons  of  their  estate  and  rank  during  the  said  marriage.  In  con- 
templatione  of  which  marriage,  the  sd  Marie  Scrougie  with  consent  of 
her  fds,  curators,  sells  and  disposes  to  the  sd  James  Moar,  her  appar- 
ent husband,  his  airs  and  assignes,  all  and  sundrie  Lands,  heritages, 
fishings,  tenements  and  rents,  and  other  heritable  estate  and  fortune 
whatsomever,  either  properlie  pertaining  and  belonging  to  herselfe 
or  whereunto  she  has  or  may  have  right  as  anyways  representing  her 
sd  deceist  father.  And  makes  and  constitutes  the  said  James  Moar 
her  appearant  husband,  his  airs  and  assignes,  her  very  lawfull 
cessienors,  assignes  and  donators,  in  and  to  all  whatsomever  goods, 
gear,  debt,  soumes  of  money  and  other  moveable  estate  and  fortune 
whatsomever  pertaining  and  resting  awand  to  her,  either  properlie 
for  herselfe,  or  whereunto  she  may  succeed,  and  have  right  be  deceiss 
of  her  sd.  father.  In  any  manner  of  way,  and  in  and  to  all  contracts, 
dispositions,  heritable  or  moveable  bands,  charters,  infeftments, 
leasings,  precepts  of  clareconstat,  services  terbotts,  assignations, 
translations  and  all  other  wreitts,  evidentes  and  securities,  either  made 
or  conceaved,  in  the  sd  Marie,  or  in  favour  of  her  sd.  deceist  father, 
of  and  concerning  the  forsd  heritable  and  moveable  estate  and  fortune, 
with  all  that  has  followed  or  may  follow  thereupon.  With  power  to 
the  sd.  James  Moar  and  his  forsds,  to  the  empelment  and  fullfilling 
to  tohein  of  the  fds,  writts,  rights,  evidents  and  securities,  and  to  doe 
all  things  necessar,  anent  the  premises,  which  the  said  Marie  Scrougie 
might  have  done  herselfe,  before  the  granting  heirof. 

DECLARAND,  the  above  written  generall  disposition  and  assigna- 
tion to  be  above  (?)  valid  sufficient  and  effectual  in  Law,  to  the  sd. 
Jamies  Moar  and  his  Forsds.  as  if  every  particular  were  geiven 
expresslie  nominat,  ingrost  and  set  down.  With  the  not  inserting 
wherof  the  sd.  Marie  Scrougie  with  consent  of  her  Fds,  curators,  be 
thir  presents,  dispenses  for  ever.     And  the  sd.  Marie  Scrougie  be  thir 


presents  binds  and  obleidges  her  airs  excrs  and  successors  with  consent 
of  her  saids  curators,  to  warrand  the  above  written  disposition  and 
assignation  good,  valid  and  effectuall,  from  all  facts  and  deeds  done, 
or  to  be  done  to  her,  or  her  forsaids  that  may  be  hurtfull,  or  preju- 
dicial! hereunto,  in  any  sort,  excepting  from  the  said  warrandise,  any 
debts  and  soumes  of  money,  actualie  uplifted  be  the  said  Marie 
Scrougie,  or  her  tutors  or  curators,  before  the  dait  hereof,  where  or 
profitablie  employed.  Jae.  Moire. 

PROVIDING  allways,  lykeas  it  is  hierby  provided  and  declared, 
that  the  said  Katlierin  Scougall,  and  her  said  present  husband  their 
consent  to  the  above  written  disposition  and  assignatione  shall  noways 
prejudge  them  anent  the  fulfilling  to  them  of  the  oblidgments 
contained  in  the  contract  matrimoniall  part,  betwixt  the  said  deceist 
William,  Bishop  of  Argylle,  and  the  said  Katlierin  Scoiigall,  his  spous, 
whereunto  the  said  umqhelle  William,  Bishop  of  Arg'ylle  stood  theirbv 
bound  and  obleigt  to  the  said  Katherin  Scougall,  his  spouse,  in  any 
manner  of  way,  nor  to  any  other  provisions,  or  destinations  made, 
granted,  and  appointed  be  him  in  his  lyfe  tyme  in  favors  of  his  said 

AND  ONE  THE  OTHER  PART  the  said  James  Moar  of  Stonnie- 

wood  be  thir  presents  binds  and  obleidges  him,  his  airs  and  successors 

whatsomever    to    duly,    lawfullie    infeft    and    the    said    Marie 

Scrougie  his  appearant  spous  in  Lyfe-rent  dureing  all  her  days  of  her 
Lyfe  tyme.  In  all  and  haill,  the  towns  and  Lands  of  Mickell  Clintertie, 
Mouters,  Sequells  and  Gyashops,  of  the  same  with  the  houses,  biggings, 
yards,  tofts,  crofts,  outfitts,  infitts,  mosses,  moors,  middowes,  comontie, 
common  pasturage,  parts,  pendicles  and  pertinents,  of  the  forsaids 
haill  Lands,  and  Millne  Lyand,  within  the  Parrochin  of  Newhills,  and 
Sherriffdome  of  Aberdeen. 

And  that  be  severall  and  charters,  Infestments  and  maner  of 
Holdings,  And  theirof  to  beholden  of  the  said  James  Moar  and  his 
forsaids,  and  the  other  from  him  and  them  of  his  immediate  lawfull 
superior  of  the  forsaids  Lands,  Milne,  and  others  above  written,  both 
in  free  blemsh  for  yearly  payment  of  Ane  Pennie,  Scots  Money,  upon 
the  ground  of  the  saids  Lands  of  the  same  bees  required  allennorly  or 
otherwise  to — [Remainder  wanting.] 

The  southwest  corner  has  signatures.  [We  have  put  within 
brackets  the  part  amissing  owing  to  the  document  having  been  cut 
with  scissors  at  foot.] 


James  Scougall,  above-mentioned,  was  a  son  of  Patrick  Scougall, 
Bishop  of  Aberdeen.  He  was  made  a  Guild  Burgess  of  Aberdeen,  7th 
February,  1672. 

[The  original  document  is  in  the  possession  of  Robert  Murdoch 
Lawrance,  "Cairnchina,"  23  Ashley  Road,  Aberdeen  (who  has  sent  for 
this  book  many  valuable  manuscripts),  and  which  he  has  transcribed 
especially  for  insertion  in  the  family  history.  It  is  in  the  old  hand- 
writing, and  the  characters  were  difficult  to  transcribe.] 




By  A.  J.  MITCHELL-GILL  of  Savock 

(In  the  latter  half  of  the  seventeenth  century,  before  there  were 
so  many  outlets,  as  the  opening  up  of  the  Colonies,  etc.,  half  of  the 
best  farms  in  Aberdeenshire  were  in  the  hands  of  the  sons  and  near 
connections  of  the  gentry;  and  many  of  their  descendants  are  still  to 
be  found  occupying  the  same  lands.) 

Major  Opiina  Ferat. 

(Let  the  worthiest  carry  off  the  prize.) 

Andrew  Moir  or  3iore,  sometimes  IJalrd  of  Overhill,  the  direct 
progenitor  of  the  Moir-Byres  family.  Born  in  or  about  1621,  was  a 
wealthy  Burgess  of  Aberdeen  (admitted  11  Sept.,  1688),  and  resided 
for  many  years  at  Oldmill  (the  house  which  this  worthy  built,  lived 
and  died  in,  is  still  standing,  and  architecturally  speaking,  it  is  superior 
to  many  of  ths  Lairds'  houses  of  that  period),  in  the  parish  of  Foveran, 
in  that  county,  where  he  died,  at  the  age  of  73,  the  14  Dec,  1694,  and 
was  interred  in  the  parish  churchyard.  See  inscription  on  his  tomb- 

He  was  twice  married,  although  I  have  been  unable  to  ascertain; 
the  name  of  his  iirst  wife.  His  descendants  preserve  the  following 
tradition,  viz.,  "that  previous  to  his  second  marriage,  he  divided  his 
property  with  the  children  of  his  first  wife,  in  order  that  he  might  not 
do  them  injustice,  by  bequeathing  too  large  a  portion  of  his  property 
at  a  future  period  to  children  that  might  be  born  of  the  proposed 
marriage.  By  his  will  (Aberdeen  and  Banff  wills  were  nearly  all 
burned  before  1721),  made  1670-80,  he  left  his  wife  and  four  children 
of  the  second  marriage  30,000  merks  Scots — a  large  sum  in  those 
days."  Andrew  Moir,  who,  for  a  few  years  after  1681,  appears  in  the 
Foveran  Register  of  Baptisms,  designed,  "Of  Overhill," — this  had 
probably  been  the  farm  of  that  name,  now  on  the  property  of 
Blairythan,  in  the  parish  of  Foveran — married  in  1670,  1672,  for  his 
second  wife,  Agnes  Montgomerie,   (b.  1650,  died  March,  1730). 

ANDREW  MOIR  of  Overhill  and  Oldmill,  and  AGNES 
MONTGOMERIE  had  (Foveran  Regs,  of  Baptisms)  five  sons 
and  three  daughters  ;  — 

1.  Andrew;  of  him  again. 

2.  Gilbert,  bap.  12  Feb.,  1675.     V^itnesses,  Gilbert  Moir  in  Haddo,. 

and  Gilbert  Moir  in  Pitmillan.  W^as  Muster-Master  Depute 
in  Scotland,  and  is  so  designed  when  admitted  a  Guild 
brother  of  Aberdeen,   28   June,   1716. 

3.  George,  the  Rev.  M.  A.,  bap.  12  May,  1679.     Witnesses,  George 

Pirie  in  Savock  (probably  a  brother  of  Alexander  Pii*ie,  who 
married  Agnes  Moir),  and  George  Conon,  in  Newtyle.     Wa& 

MoiR  Geneai,ogy  115 

according  to  Scott's  "Fasti  Ecclesiae  Scoticanae,"  licensed 
31  Oct.,  1705;  called  to  Towie,  21  Nov.,  1708;  ordained 
20  July,  1709;  translated  to  Cluny,  3d  Oct.,  1717;  and  to 
Kintore,  9  Aug.,  1727  (all  in  Aberdeenshire);  and  died  there 
9  April,  1737.  Mr.  Moir  was  contracted  14  Dec,  1718,  and 
married  13  Jan.,  1719,  to  Joan  Forbes,  third  daughter  of 
Sir  Wm.  Forbes,  IV,  Baronet  of  Monyniusk,  in  Aberdeenshire, 
Tjy  his  wife,  the  Lady  Jean  Keith,  daughter  of  John  I.,  Earl 
of  Ivlntore.      Issue,  two  sons  and  two  daughters,  viz; 

1.  William   (born   1726,    d.   19   March,     1794),    the    Rev. 

M.  A.,  licensed  by  Presbytery  of  Ellon,  4  Oct.,  1748, 
and  presented  that  day  to  Fyvie,  in  Aberdeenshire; 
ordained  27  April  following  (Scott's  "Fasti"); 
married  22  Oct.,  1776,  Helen  Constable  (who  died  at 
Aberdeen  26  Feb.,  1817,  aged  67,  and  had  issue.) 

2.  George,   died   young,   unmarried. 

1.  Agne.s,   born    1723-9;    married   Alexander   Rose,    eldest 

son  of  Rose,  Laird  of  Lethuity,  Aberdeen- 
shire, and  died  in  1809  at  the  manse  of  Auchterless. 
Her  daughter,  Jane  Rose,  b.  1754,  married  1790,  the 
Rev.  Alexander  Rose,  minister  of  Auchterless,  also 
in  the  County  of  Aberdeen,  and  died  in  the  town  of 
that  name.  22  Sept.,  1820,  leaving  two  daughters.  1. 
Agnes  Rose,  b.  1795,  died  unmarried  in  1827;  and  2. 
Jane  Margaret  Rose,  b.  1796,  m.  1823  the  Rev.  John 
Johnston  of  Forgandenny,  in  the  County  of  Perth, 
and  died  26  Sept.,  1832,  leaving  two  sons  and  two 
daughters,  viz.:  1.  John  Robert  Johnston,  b.  1828, 
settled  in  New  Zealand,  married  1850,  and  died  1862, 
leaving  two  sons  and  four  daughters.  2.  Alexander 
Rose  Johnston,  b.  1832,  married  1866,  Pauluie  A. 
M.,  daughter  of  Alexander  Farquhar  of  Glenesk, 
Aberdeenshire.  Issue,  two  sons  and  four  daughters. 
1.  Jane  Taylor  Johnston  (eld.  daughter  of  Rev.  J. 
Johnston),  b.  1825,  m.  1881,  Andirew  Patterson  Reid 
of  Tighnamara,  Rosemeath  Co.  Dumbarton.  2. 
Agnes  Rose  Johnston  (2d  dau.),  b.  1830,  m.  1860. 
Donald  M.  Macandrew,  merchant,  Leith,  and  now 
of  Torquay. 

2.  Jean  Moir  (second  daughter  of  Rev.  George  Moir  and 

Jean  Forbes),  b.  1730,  m.  1751,  James  Jopp  of  Cot- 
ton (who  died  1794),  merchant  in  and  sometimes 
provost  of  (Aberdeen)  (from  Michaelmas,  1768  to 
1770,  again  1772  to  1774,  from  1776  to  1778,  from 
1780  to  1782,  and  in  1786).     Issue,  two  daughters. 

1.  Jean  Jopp,  b.  1755,  m.  24  Jan.,  1799,  Gavin 
Young  of  Liondon,  merchant,  and  died  18  36 
(no   issue). 

2.  Janet  Jopp,  married  John  Barnes,   of   East 

Flnehley,   Middlesex,   and  of  the  Stock   Ex- 
change, and   died   15   Nov.,   1848,   leaving  is- 
Samuel    (son    of   Andrew   Moir  I.    and    Agnes   Montgomerie) ,   Poveran 
bap.   21    June,    168  3;     witnesses,    Robert    Montgomerie    and   Registers 

116  MoiR  Genealogy 

Samuel  Forbes   (probably  the   same  person   who  afterwards 
succeeded   to   the  estate  and   became  II  Forbes,  Baronet  of 
5.     James,  bap.   17  Aug.,   1689.     Witnesses,  James  Widowson  and 
James  Sutherland. 

1.  *Margaret,  bap.  Feb.  18,  1677.    Witnesses,  James  Scott 

in  Haddo,  and  Thos.  Grig,  Liiiihead. 

2.  Marjory,    .bap.     April    18,     1681.     Witnesses,     Robert 

3Iontgomery  in  Groveshill,  Thomas  Grig  at  ye 
Liinhead,  and  Mr.  Daniel  Taylor,  Session-Clerk  at 
Foveran.      Buried    (at    Foveran)    12    Aug.,    1681. 

3.  Isabel,  bap.  Apr.  3,   1686.     Witnesses,  George  Webster 

and  Gilbert  Moir. 
Foveran   Agnes  Montgomerle,  Tenant  in   Oldmill,   is  polled   as   a  gentlewoman. 
Registers  "Her  proportione  of  the  valuatione  with  the  general  poll  is  £l:9s. 

Andrew     and     Margaret    Mores,      her    children." — Poll    book   of 

Aberdeenshire,  vol.  II,  p.  52,   1695-6. 

Copy  of  Inscription  on  Andrew  Moir's  Tombstone,  Foveran  Churchyard: 

**Here  lyes,  under  the  hope  of  a  blessed  Resurrection, 
Andrew  More,  Burgess  of  Abd.,  who  departed  this 
life  the  14  day  of  December,   1694,  and  of  his  age  73 
year — also  Agnes  Montgomery,  spouse  to  Andrew  Moir, 
who  died  March,  1730,  aged  80  years — likewise  And- 
rew Moir,  their  eldest  son,  who  died  May,  1733, 
aged  60  years — also  Elizabeth  Simpson,  his  Spouse, 
who  died  20  Sep.,  1761,  aged  86  years.     Likewise,  Isobel 
Moir,  his  daughter,  spouse  to  John  Meders,  Burger 
in  Abdn.,  who  died  the     ....     day  of  May,  1777,  aged  70. 

Represented  by  the  family  of  Moir-Byres  of  Tonley,  in  the  Parish  of 



ANDREW  MOIR,  born  in  or  about  1673;  died,  2d  May. 
1733.  See  tombstone  inscription  above.  Settled  at  Cutler- 
cullen,  in  the  parish  of  Foveran;  and  in  1728,  has  a  renewal 
of  the  tack  of  Oldmill,  from  Sir  Alexander  Forbes,  Bart.,  of 
Foveran.  He  married,  1699-1700,  Elizabeth  Simpson  (b.  1675, 
d.  20  Sept.,  1761),  daughter  of  Robert  Simpson  of  Thornton, 

Aberdeenshire;  and  had  issue,  four  sons  and  four  daughters,  viz: 

1.  Andrew  Moir,  his  heir,  b.   1703. 

2.  Robert  3ioir,  bap.   1st  Nov.,   1712.  Witnesses,  Robert  Moir  in 

*George  Catto,  tenant  and  gentleman  in  MonkshUl,  Foveran,  Margaret  Moir,  his  wife, 
and  Robert  Catto,  their  son.  She  may  have  been  the  eldest  daughter  of  Andrew  Moir  I.— 
See  above.  These  Cattos  were,  I  think,  the  progenitors  of  a  respectable  family  of  Aber- 
deen merchants,  who  were  intermarried  with  the  Dingwalls  of  Rannieston,  London,  etc. 

**It  will  be  observed  that  the  surname  is  first  spelt  More,  and  afterwards  Moir,  on  the 
tombstone.  1662,  7th  Feb.,  James  Catto  in  Upperhill  (overhill)  of  Foveran,  brings  an  action 
against  Andrew  Moir  of  Oldmill,  and  Gilbert  Clark,  at  the  Kirk  at  Foveran.  (Sheriff  Court 
Records  of  Aberdeen.) 


Greyshill,  etc.,  alive  (according  to  family  papers)  and 
resident  at  Little  Mill  of  Esslemont,  parish  of  Ellon,  in  1746. 

3.  George   Moir,    31.    A.,    "Mr."   "student  in   philosophy"    (so  de- 

signed in  fannily  papers),  bap.  by  Mr.  Alexander  Gordon, 
minister,  12  Dec,  1714.  Witnesses,  Robert  Moir  in  Grey- 
shill, and   Geo.  Pirie  in  Savock,  alive  1744. 

4.  Gilbeit    Moir,    bap.    2d    May,    1719,    an    eminent    merchant    of 

Aberdeen,  and  burgess  of  that  town,  acquired  the  property, 
and  built  the  still  existing  mansion  house  of  Raeden,  near 
Aberdeen;  married  in  June,  1745,  Helen  Shepherd  (who  died 
8  Jan.,  1791),  daughter  of  George  Shepherd,  merchant-  of  Aberdeen,  by  his  wife,  Helen  Thompson,  of  the 
family  of  "Thomson  of  Banchory.'*  County  Kincardine.  Mr, 
More — so  he  and  his  descendants  spelt  their  surname — died 
27  Nov.,  1796,  and  is  interred  along  with  many  of  his  family 
and  descendants  in  the  churchyard  of  St.  Nicholas,  Aberdeen, 
where  there  are  several  tombstones  of  the  family.  Issue, 
with  children  died  young  and  unmarried,  two  sons  and  two 
daughters,  viz: 

1.  George  II.  of  Raeden,  merchant-burgess  of  Aberdeen, 

and  provost  of  that  town,  from  Michaelmas,  1795,  to 
1797,  and  again  from  Michaelmas,  1807  to  1809, 
married,  first,  Jane,  (who  died  24  Feb.,  1794)  eldest 
daughter  of  Alexander  Innes  of  Breda,  Co.  Aberdeen, 
and  of  Cowie,  Co.  Kincardine,  advocate  in  and 
commissary  clerk  of  Aberdeen,  and  had  with  other 
issue,  Gilbert  More  of  the  Hon.  E.  I.  Co.'s  Civil 
Service,  who  died  at  Singapore,  unmarried,  25th 
Aug.,  1830.  Provost  More  married,  secondly,  Harriet 
Beauvais  of  Aberdeen,  (who  died  8  July,  1855,  aged 
82)  and  by  her  he  had,  with  other  issue,  George 
More,  major  in  the  Hon.  H.  E.  I.  Co.'s  Service, 
married  Jane  Mitchell,  daughter  of  James  Mowat  of 
of  Aberdeen,  manufacturer,  and  had  issue,  Cliarles 
More,  chief  engineer  of  the  Thames  Conservancy, 
and  of  90  Sutherland  Gardens,  Maida  Vale,  London, 
W.  Provost  More  had  by  both  his  wives,  fourteen 

2.  Alexander,   b.    circa     17  56;     sometime    merchant    and 

Dean  of  Guild,  of  Aberdeen.  Afterwards  collector 
of  customs  at  the  port  of  that  town;  married 
Margaret  (who  died  Jan.,  1815,  aged  42),  fourth 
daughter  of  Alexander  Innes  of  Breda  and  Cowie, 
and  had  issue.     Mr.  More  died  30  April,  1836. 

1.  EUzabetli,     b,     circa     1749,     married     Bailie     Charles 

Farquharson  of  Aberdeen  (who  was  in  Dec,  1809, 
accidentally  killed  by  an  explosion  of  gunpowder), 
and  died  April,   1831. 

2.  Catherine,    married    in   July,    1792,   James  Tliompson, 

advocate  in  Aberdeen,  and  cashier  of  the  Aberdeen 
Banking  Company,  known  by  the  soubriquet  of  "the 
Black  Prince,"  and  died  in  Aberdeen,  in  July,  1800, 
leaving  issue: 

118  MoiR  Genealogy 

ReS^  JEAN   MOIR  (eldest  daughter  of  Andrew   Moir  II.  and 

Elizabeth  Simpson  of  Thorntou),  bap.  at  Foveran,  14  Mar., 
1701.  Witnesses  Mr.  George  Moir  (the  child's  uncle,  afterwards 
minister  of  Towie),  and  William  Armand,  servitor  to  ye  said 
Andrew  Moir.  Married  (contract  dated  Aug.  14),  2d  Sept., 
1751,  William  Mitchell*,  of  Newburgh,  Aberdeenshire,  mer- 
chant, son  of  William  Mitchell,  of  Newburg,  merchant. 

Jean  Moir  —  Mrs.  Mitchell  —  was  interred  in  the  church- 
yard at  Foveran,  25  Jan.,  1792  (burial  register  of  the  parish); 
issue,  three  sons  and  two  daughters. 

1.  William  Mitchell,  bap.   13  Sept.,   1736,   m.   1st,  1759, 

Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Middleton;  she  died  without 
issue.    He  m.  2d,  1761-2,  May,  dau.  of  William  Fordyce. 

He  died  May  10,  1816;  had  issue: — 

1.  William  Mitchell. 

2.  Walter  Mitchell. 

1.  Mary  ]\litchell. 

2.  Elizabeth  Mitchell,  m.  William  Mitchell. 

3.  Margaret   Mitchell. 

4.  Helen  IMltchell,  b.   1778,   died  young. 

5.  Elliot  Mitchell,  b.  Aug.  12,  1782. 

2.  Andrew  Mitchell,  b.  1737,  d.  May  13,  1799;  m.  Margaret 

Cattenach,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  William  Mitchell,  killed  by  a  fall  from  his  horse. 

2.  Andrew  IMitchell. 

3.  Alexander  Mitchell,  b.   1769. 

4.  John  Mitchell,  b.  Dec.  20,  1771,  died  young. 

5.  GUbert  MltcheU,  b.  1774,  d.  1844. 

1.  Jean  ^Mitchell,  m.  1783,  John  Ligertwood. 

2.  3Iargaret   Mitchell,   m.    1798,   Alexander   Mitchell. 


GILL,  and  from  this  union,  four  sons  and  one  daughter,  two  of 

whom  are  DAVID  GILL,  LL.  D.,  F.  R.  A.  S.,  F.  R.  S.,  J.  P., 

etc.,  ASTRONOMER  ROYAL  at  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope,  and 

ANDREW   JOHN    MITCHELL   GILL,  the   genealogist,    and 

author  of  the  "HOUSES  OF  MOIR  AND  BYRES,"  a  great 

deal  of  which  is  entered  in  this  book  with  the    author's  kind 


2.     Agnes    Moir     (second     dauerhter     of    Andrew    Moir,    II,   and 
Elizabeth  Simpson  of  Thornton)  bap.  5  Feb.,  1705;  witnesses, 

*This  family  of  Mitchell  have  been  connected  with  the  district  for  at  least  300  years, 
and  are  of  the  same  stock  as  the  Mitchells  of  Tillygreig,  in  the  parish  of  Udney  (whose  arms 
are  sable,  a  fesse,  wavy,  between  three  mascles,  or),  afterwards  of  Thainstone  in  Kintore, 
and  as  Mitchell  of  Colpna,  now  called  Orrock,  in  Belhelvie,  and  were  long  connected  with 
trading  in  grain  and  merchandise,  at  the  small  shipping  port  of  Newburgh. 

MoiK  Genealogy  119 

Robert  Pittendreiftli,  yoimser,  and   George  Duff,  in  Oldmill; 

married,  (contract  dated  16  Nov.)  Dec.  10,  1732.  George 
Gray,  merchant  of  Boghouse,  parish  of  Tarves,  son  of  George 
Gray  in  Iladdo,  Foveran. 

3.  Isobel     Moir,     (third     daughter     of     Andrew     Moir     IT,)    bap. 

21  April,  1707;  witnesses,  Robert  Simpson  of  Thorntoune, 
the  child's  grandfather,  and  George  Duff  in  Oldmill;  married 
John  Meders,  burgess  of  Aberdeen;  and  died  in  177  7. 

4.  ELIZABETH  MOIR,  (fourth  dau.  of  Andrew  Moir  II,)  ba.i. 
6  Aug.,  1709;  witnesses,  Mr.  George  »Ioir,  minister  of  Towie,  the  child's 
uncle,  and  Robert  Simpson  of  Thornton:  m.  (contract  dated  26  May, 
17  44)  *  James  Gray,  sometime  of  Overhill,  and  afterwards  in  Mains 
of  Foveran,  another  son  of  George  Gray  in  Haddo,  issue,  at  least  one 
son  and   one  daughter. 

1.     George  Gray,   bap.    20   April,    17  4  5. 

1.  Elizabeth  Gray,  m.  James  Milne  of  Rosehearty,  merchant** 
and  had  a  son  George  Milne,  b.  1777;  m.  1821,  Margaret, 
dau.  of  William  Milne  of  the  same  place,  (she  died  1855) 
and  had  with  other  issue  George  Milne  of  Westwood,  banker 
in  Aberdeen,  b.  1826,  m.  1862,  Williamina,  third  dau.  of  the 
late  John  Panton,  in  Itnockiemill,  Turriff,  Aberdeenshire, 
and  has  issue. 


ANDREW  MOIR,  the  REV.  M.  A.,  (eldest  son  of  II,  Andrew  Moir,  of 
Oldmill  and  EUzabeth  Simpson  of  Thornton)  bap.  in  the  kirk  of 
Foveran,  13  Aug.,  17  03.  Witnesses,  Andrew  Moir,  in  Old  Aber- 
deen, and  Andrew  Jaffrey,  in  Cultereullen.  Was  according  to 
Scott's  "Fasti,"  licensed  9  August,  1727;  ordained  and  placed  at 
Towie,  11  Sept.,  1728;  translated  to  Methlick,  31  May,  1739;  and 
from  there  to  Ellon,  all  in  Aberdeenshire,  24  April,  1745;  of 
which  place  he  died  minister,  19  March,  1774;  and  was  interred 
with  his  wife  and  several  members  of  his  family  in  the  church- 
yard there.  On  outside  of  the  church  of  Ellon,  there  is  a  tablet 
to  his  memory  Mr.  Moir  married  7  Sept.,  1737,  Jean,  (who  died 
in  Oct.,  1789,  aged  74)  daughter  of  the  Rev.  WiUiam  Forbes  of 
Tarves  (a  younger  son  of  Sir  John  Forbes  of  Waterton,  Knight, 
by  his  wife,  Jean  Gordon,  sister  of  George  I,  earl  of  Aberdeen) 
by  Janet,  his  wife,  daughter  of  Prof.  James  Gregory,  inventor  of 
the  reflecting  telescope.  Issue,  three  sons  and  three  daughters, 
viz: —  • 

1.  George,  the  Rev.,  his  heir  (of  whom  again). 

2.  William,  b.  2  Nov.,  17  50,  who  died  in  London,  unmarried. 

3.  Andrew,  born  28  April,  1753. 

Of  the  daughters,  Janet,  (the  second)  born  10  Oct., 
1743,  died  unmarried,  and  Jane,  (the  third)  b.  8  Nov., 
1745,   also   died   unmarrieJ,    16   Sept.,    1816. 

*James  Gray,  in  Overiiill,  had  also  by  his  wife,  Elizabeth  Moir,  a  son;  George  Gray,  in 
Meikle  Haddo  (the  child's  grandfather)  and  William  Mitchell,  in  Bridgefoot  ahe  child's 
uncle),  witnesses.— [Foveran  Registers]. 

**0f  five  sons  and  two  daughters  of  James  Milne  and  Elizabeth  Gray,  all  died  unmarried 
or  without  leaving  issue,  excepting  the  third  son,  George  Milne,  b.  1777. 


ELIZABETH  MOIR,  (eldest  daughter  of  the  Rev.  Andrew  Moir  and 
Jane  Forbes)  born  6  Nov.,  17  39,  married  Robert  Gordon,  some- 
time designed  of  Grange  and  Clerkhill,  both  in  Aberdeenshire. 
Baron  Baillie  of  Peterhead,  and  advocate  in  Aberdeen  (admitted 
in  June,  1784).  The  register  of  Peterhead  gives  the  following 

1.  James    Garden.  ) 

2.  Alexander.  ) 

Twins,  born  4th  March,  and  bap.  6th,  1770.  Witnesses,  the 
Rev.  George  Moii',  (uncle  of  the  children)  and  Capt.  Harry 
Gilchrist,  in  Fraserburgh. 

3.  Frances  Garden,  bap.  2  3d  June,  1771.     Witnesses,  Rev.  George 

Moir  and  Alexander  Reid,  in  Blackhouse. 

4.  Robert  Garden,  bap.  June  5,  1763.     Witnesses,  James  Arbutli- 

not  and   Charles  Smith,   merchants,   there. 

5.  Andrew  Garden,  bap.  13th  Dec,  1765.     Witnesses,  Capt.  John 

Thomson,  shipmaster,  and  Dr.  Thomas  Gordon  of  Clerkhill. 

1.  Janet  Garden,  b.    28th  and   bap.   Nov.    30th,    1767.      Witnesses,. 

Rev.  George  Moir  and  Dr.  Thomas  Gordon  of  Clerkhill. 
Married  Major  Robertson  and  had  four  daughters: 

1.  Elizabeth  Robertson,  m.  Dr.  George  Fyfe. 

2.  Jessie  Robertson,   m.   Captain  Frances  Erskine  Loch, 

R.  X.,  fourth  son  of  George  Loch  of  Drylaw,  in  the 
county  of  Edinburgh,  and  has  issue. 

3.  Catherine  Robertson,   m.   Adam   Gibb  Ellis,    of   Edin- 

burgh, W.   S.    (no  issue). 

4.  Rachel     Robertson,      ni.      George     Brodie,      advocate 

in      Edinburgh,      and      Historiographer-General     for 

2.  Mary   Garden,   bap.    27    Dec,    1768.     Witnesses,    Rev.    George 

Moir  and  George  Gordon  of  Sheelagreen  (relative  of  Mrs. 
George  Moir's) . 

3.  Jean  Garden,  bap.   17  Aug.,   1764.     Witnesses,  George  Gordon 

of  Sheelagi'een,  and  Dr.  Thomas  Gordon  of  ClerkhUl. 

Of  the  sons  of  Elizabeth  Moir  and  Robert  Garden,  one  was  a 
colonel  in  the  army,  and  died  unmarried.  Another  son,  George 
Garden,  (not  in  above  list)  settled  as  a  merchant  in  Montreal,  married 
his  relative,  Euphemia,  daughter  of  William  Forbes  of  Echt,  Aberdeen- 
shire, and  had  at  least  two  sons,  viz:  Robert  Garden  of  London 
married,  (no  issue)  and  WUllam  Garden,  also  of  London,  and  has 

Of  the  other  daughters  of  Elizabeth  Moir  and  Robert  Garden,  one 
became  Mrs.  Garland  of  Catmton,  near  Fordoim,  and  had  issue; 
another,  wife  of  Lieut,  Forsyth,  R.  N.,  of  Harthill,  Aberdeenshire,  and 
had  issue;  another  married  Andrew  Nichol  of  Aberdeen,  of  the  same 
family  as  Nichol  of  Ballogie,  in  Aberdeenshire,  and  had  issue;  and 
another  became  Mrs.  Greig,  and  had  issue;  her  husband  was  a  farmer 
in  Forfarshire. 

The  Rev.  GEORGE  MOIR,  M.  A.,  (see  illustration)  born  at  Ellon,. 
5  April,  1741,  took  his  degree  of  M.  D.  at  Marischal  College,  Aberdeen; 
diploma  dated  1765,  was  according  to  Scott's  "Fasti,"  licensed  26  April, 


From  a  Painting  in  Possession  of  the  Skenes  of  Rubislaw 

Previous  to  1840 





'       "T'LOEN  FOUNDAT/ONS. 

MoiR  Genbalogy  121 

presented  by  George  III,  6th  May,  1765,  to  Peterhead,  and  ordained 
11  Aug.,  following.  Of  this  much-respected  gentleman,  who  was  for 
the  long  period  of  fifty-five  years  minister  of  Peterhead,  it  is  told  that 
he  had  at  the  same  place,  at  different  times,  "three  churches,  three 
manses,  and  thrice  an  augmentation  of  his  living."  Dr.  Moir  had  a 
sexton,  who  lived  in  the  Kirkton  of  Peterhead,  named  Mutch,  and  he 
was  fond  of  saying  "that  there  was  Mutch  in  the  Kirkton,  but  Moir 
(often  pronounced  More)  in  the  Manse."  He  wrote  "The  Statistical 
Account  of  the  Parish  of  Peterhead,"  which  is  very  valuable. 

*Dr.  Moir,  who  died  18  Mar.,  1818,  and  is  interred  at  Peterhead, 
married  7  August,  1766,  Martha,  third  dau.  of  Patrick  Byres  I,  of 
Tonley;  and  commenced  the  connection  between  the  Moirs  and  Byres, 
which   has  resulted    in   their  being  merged    into   one   family. 

Mrs.  Moir  died  in  Nov.,  1816,  aged  77,  and  was  buried  beside  her 
husband.     Issue,  eight  sons  and  two  daughters,  viz: — 

1.  Andrew,    bap.   June     12,     1767.     Witnesses,     Robert      Gardon,   Register  of 

baillie,     (the    child's  uncle   by  marriage)    and    Dr.     Tlioinas   Peterhead 

Gordon  of  Clerkhill;  an  oflficer  in  the  army;  died  in  India, 

2.  Patrick  or  Peter,     (so  called   in   Register)     bap.   July  5,   1769. 

Witnesses,  Peter  Buyers  of  Tonley,  and  George  Gordon  of 
Sheelagreen.  Was  secretary  to  Lord  Minto,  Gov.-Gen.  of 
India,  whom  he  accompanied  to  Bengal  in  1807,  and  was 
appointed  Commissioner  of  the  Court  of  Requests  at  Calcutta 
in  the  same  year;  a  trust  which  he  discharged  with  integrity, 
assiduity  and  ability,  to  the  time  of  his  decease,  which 
occurred  there,  5  Feb.,  1810.  For  inscription  on  his  tomb- 
stone, erected  by  his  friend  and  patron,  Lord  Minto,  see 
article  on  another  page. 

3.  James,     bap.     14     Nov.,     1770.     Witnesses,     George     Gorden, 

Sheelagreen,  and  Baillie  Robert  Garden  of  Clerkhill.  Of 
him  again. 

4.  Robert,   bap.   24    Mar.,    1772;     witnesses,     Mr.    David    Wilson, 

surgeon,  and  George  Gordon  of  Sheelagreen.  Died 

5.  John,  born  in  or  about  1775,  well  known  in  the  north-east  of 

Scotland  as  an  artist,  and  in  not  a  few  of  the  country  houses 
there  are  his  portraits  to  be  seen.  He  acquired  the  small  . 
property  of  St.  Catherine's,  near  Peterhead,  where  he  often 
resided,  and  died  28  Feb.,  1859,  and  was  interred  beside  his 
parents  in  Peterhead  Churchyard.  Mr.  Moir  married  in 
1800,  his  cousin-german,  Catherine,  eldest  daughter  of,  and 
co-heir  of  Captain  John  Byres,  R.  E.,  issue,  four  sons  and 
three  daughters,  viz: —  

1.  George,  born  at  Ambleside,  Westmoreland,   where  he 

died  an  infant. 

2.  Patrick  Moir-Byers,  IV,  of  Tonley. 

♦Copy  of  letter.  Earl  Marischal  to  Mr.  Moir,  Minister  of  Peterhead,  dated  from  Keith-hall 
lOOct.,  1763:  — 

"  Sir :  —  I  have  heard  from  all  who  know  you,  so  good  a  character  of  you,  that  I  am 
glad  the  good  town  of  Peterhead  has  you  for  minister,  and  I  daresay  you  will  be  recipro- 
cally pleased;  be  assured  of  the  esteem  with  which  I  am,  Sir,  your  most  humble  servant, 


122  MOIR  Genbalogy 

3.  James  Gregory  Moir-Byers  V.  of  Tonley. 

4.  George  Moir-Byres    VI,  and  now  of  Tonley  (1885). 

1.  Isabella,  died  unmarried. 

2.  Catherine,  married  first  John  Foster  Fraser,  issue  two 

sons,  viz:  John  Fraser  and  George  Patrick  Fraser; 
and  secondly,  William  Flndlay. 

3.  Stuart,      married    3d   April,      1849,     James     Balvaird- 

Bathgate  Junior,  and  has  one  son,  George  Moir 
Junior,  born  2d  Jan.,  1850. 

6.  William,   sometime   a    writer  in  Edinburgh,  went  to  Trinidad, 
and  died  there  unmarried  31  Aug.,  1802. 

7.  Forbes,  died  young. 

8.  Andrew,  of  Quebec,  merchant,  died  there  unmarried  in  1832. 


1.  JANET  MOIR    (eldest   daughter   of  the    Rev.    George    Moir    and 

Martha  Byres)  married  first,  Christopher  IVorton,  (son  of 
Christopher  Norton  of  Penkridge,  etc)  of  Penkridge  and 
Congrave,  in  the  County  of  Stafford,  to  whom  she  had  one 
son  and  two  daughters,  viz: — 

1.     James  Christopher  Norton,  a  Lieut,  in  the  Hon.  E.  I. 
Company,   died  in  India,   unmarried. 

1.  Liouise  Liatifer  Norton,   who   became  the  first  wife  of 

Alexander  Copland,  advocate,  Aberdeen,  son  of 
Professor  Patrick  Copland  of  the  same  place,  and 
had  issue. 

2.  Martha  Norton,  died  unmarried. 

Janet   Motr   married    secondly,    Captain   John   Davidson   of   Gotten- 
burgh,  to  whom  she  had  two  sons,  viz: — 

1,  George  Moir  Davidson,   minister  of     Watten,     in     Caithness, 

married  Isabella,  dau.  of  Rev.  John  Grant  of  Sandy,  in  the 
Island  of  Orkney.     Issue,  six  sons  and  two  daughters. 

1.  George   WUliam   Davidson,    born    1836,     Professor    of 

Anatomy  in  the  Veterinary  College,  Edinburgh,  died 

2.  John  Kerr  Davidson,  Doctor  of  Blackbnm,  Lancashire. 

married  Mary,  daughter  of  Captain  Woodruife,  R.  N., 
and   had   issue. 

3.  Patrick  Moir  Davidson,  Dr.  of  Congleton,  b.   3d  Feb., 

1844,  m.  first,  Anna  Phipps,  dau.  of  WlUiam  BoUean 
of  Dublin,  merchant,  and  secondly,  Emily  Stainforth. 

4.  James  Andrew  Davidson. 

5.  Robert  Davidson. 

Both  deceased. 

6.  Da\id    Charles     Davidson,     surgeon,     Indian     Army, 

married  Edith  F.  Meynell,  second  dau.  of  Major 
General  Clarke,   formerly  Commissioner   of  Oudh. 

1.  Jessie  Moir  Davidson,  died  1844. 

2.  Isabella  Davidson. 

2.  Patrick  Moir  Davidson,  some  time  an  offlcer  East  Indian  Mer- 

cantile Service,  married  Sophia,    daughter  of  Capt.    Charles 

2.  JANE  MOIR  (second  daughter  of  Rev.     George     Moir)     became 

first  wife  of  the  Rev.  William  Donald  of  Peterhead  (no 

MoiR  Genealogy  123 

JAMES  MOIR,  M.  D.,  (third  son  of  the  Rev.  George  Moir  and 
Kartha  Byers  of  Tonley)  bap.  at  Peterhead  14  Nov.,  1770,  was  some- 
time of  Johnston,  Rubislaw,  near  Aberdeen,  and  afterwards  of 
Braehead,  near  Old  Aberdeen.  Dr.  Moir,  who  was  one  of  the  leading 
physicians  of  his  day  in  Aberdeen,  died  there  in  Nov.,  1861,  and  was 
Interred  in  St  Nicholas  Churchyard,  in  the  vault  of  his  maternal 
ancestors,  the  Donaldsons  of  Auchmull.  (Inscription  on  tombstone — 
"Under  this  stone,  in  the  place  of  sepulture  appropriated  during  200 
years  for  her  maternal  ancestors  of  the  name  of  Donaldson,  the  last 
of  Auchmull,  are  deposited  the  remains  of  Janet,  wife  of  Dr.  Moir, 
Physician  in  Aberdeen,  who  died  in  the  17th  June,  1818,  aged  37.  Also 
of  their  son  James,  who  died  in  April,  1826,  aged  9  years;  and  of 
the  above  Dr.  Moir,  who  departed  this  life  4th  Nov.,  1861,  aged  91, 
etc.")  He  married  in  1802,  his  cousin-german,  Janet,  (who  died  1818, 
and  was  also  interred  in  the  Donaldson  vault)  youngest  daughter  and 
co-heir  of  Capt.  John  Byres,  R.  E.;  by  his  wife,  Isabel  Donaldson  of 

1.  James,  died  young,  b.  1817,  died  1826. 

2.  Patrick,  his  heir. 

1.     Janet,   (Jessie)   of  Bon  Accord  St.,  Aberdeen;   died  unmarried 


Son:of  REV.  GEORGE  MOIR  and  MARTHA  BYRES  of  Tonley 

BORN  1770,   DIED  1S61 
(From  Aberdeen  Journal,  November,  1861) 

We  observed  the  name  of  this  old  and  respected  citizen  In  our 
obituary  of  the  bye-past  week,  and  cannot  let  it  pass  without  some 
slight  notice  of  the  event.  Dr.  Moir  was  born  at  Peterhead,  in  1770, 
being  the  son  of  a  minister  of  the  parish;  and  having  received  the 
early  portion  of  his  education  there,  and  partly  at  the  Academy  of 
Maryculter,  under  the  charge  of  Dr.  Glennie,  he  entered  the  classeg 
at  Marischal  College,  and  passed  through  the  usual  course  of  study 
at  the  University.  Being  destined  for  the  medical  profession,  he 
became  a  pupil  of  the  late  Dr.  George  French,  who  was  Professor  of 
Chemistry;  and  while  thus  engaged,  he,  along  with  a  few  fellow- 
students,  among  whom  was  the  late  Sir  James  McGregor,  for  the  sake 
of  mutual  improvement,  met  together,  and  instituted  the  Medico- 
Chirurgical  Society,  on  the  15th  December,  1789.  He  subsequently 
went  to  Edinburgh,  and  completed  his  medical  education  under  the 
superintendence  of  his  relative,  Dr.  James  Gregory,  Professor  of 
Medicine  in  the  University,  and  graduated  there  about  the  year  1792. 
He  was  soon  after  attached  as  surgeon  to  the  Hopetoun  Fencibles,  and 
continued  with  this  corps  till  it  was  disembodied,  in  1798.  After  this. 
Dr.  Moir  settled  permanently  in  Aberdeen  as  a  medical  practitioner. 
He  was  elected  one  of  the  medical  officers  of  the  Royal  Infirmary,  in 
1808,  and  resigned  this  appointment  in  1814.  He  was  also  appointed 
surgeon  to  the  Aberdeen  Bridewell,  after    its    erection;    and    besides 

124  MoiR  Genealogy 

conducting  an  extensive  private  practice,  he  took  an  active  interest  in 
the  management  and  prosperity  of  the  various  public  charities  and 
instiutions  of  the  city.  Though  originally  of  a  strong  constitution, 
he  began  to  feel  the  infirmities  of  age  approaching,  and  after  a  long 
and  laborious  medical  career,  he  finally  retired  from  the  practice  of 
his  profession,  in  1843,  and  from  this  time  lived  in  the  quietness  of 
private  life  at  his  cottage  at  Braehead,  near  Balgownie,  enjoying  the 
respect  and  affection  of  his  friends  and  neighbors.  He  continued  to 
possess  remarkable  good  health,  and  was  seldom  confined  to  his  bed, 
till  within  a  few  days  of  his  death,  which  took  place,  without  a  struggle, 
on  the  4th  of  Nov.,  1861,  thus  wanting  only  six  days  to  complete  his 
ninety-first  year.  His  funeral  was  conducted  on  Monday,  the  11th  day 
of  November,  from  the  hall  of  the  Medico-Chururgical  Society,  in  King 
Street,  the  remains  being  preceded  by  the  president  and  members  of 
the  Society,  walking  in  procession  to  the  Churchyard  of  St.  Nicholas, 
out  of  respect  to  his  memory.  Any  lengthened  eulogium  on  the 
deceased  would  be  out  of  place.  His  habits  were  domestic  and  retiring, 
and  he  avoided  public  notice  and  display.  As  a  practitioner,  he  was 
much  esteemed  for  his  accurate  and  extensive  knowledge,  and  the 
kindness  and  consideration  he  showed  in  his  intercourse  with  his 
brethren.  The  same  qualities  were  no  less  felt  in  his  intercourse  with 
his  patients;  though  sometimes  he  might  startle  by  the  abruptness  of 
his  manner,  his  wonted  urbanity  soon  reconciled  them  to  him,  and  they 
came  to  regard  him  with  much  confidence  and  affection.  In  fact, 
under  a  certain  roughness  of  exterior,  there  lay  concealed  much 
tenderness  and  feeling,  too  often  called  forth  during  those  scenes  of 
affliction  and  distress  which  medical  men  are  so  frequently  obliged  to 
witness  in  the  course  of  their  professional  duties.  To  the  poor,  he 
gave  largely  of  his  time  and  skill,  without  the  least  expectation  of 
being  remunerated.  He  was  a  sincere  Christian,  and  kind  and 
benevolent  to  all. 


PATRICK  MOIR,  present  head  of  and  representative  of  this 
branch  of  the  Moir  family.  Born  1813.  Assumed  the  additional 
Burname  of  Crane  (the  sons  of  Mr.  Moir-Crane  drop  the  surname  of 
Crane)  and  is  now  of  Crowcroft,  Levenshulme,  Lancashire.  Married, 
1838,  Maria,  eldest  daughter  of  John  White,  merchant,  of  Quebec. 
Issue  seven  sons  and  three  daughters: — 

1.  George,    now    of    Stoneywood,    Victoria   Park,    Manchester,    b. 

23  April,  1839,  m.  11  Aug.,  1866,  Sophia  Matilda,  eldest 
daughter  of  Andrew  Hume  Bulteel,  of  Her  Majesty's  Customs, 
Liverpool.     Issue,  five  sons  and  two  daughters,  viz: 

1.  Patrick,  b.  10  Oct.,  186  9. 

2.  George  Bulteel,  b.  29  Sept.,  1870. 

3.  Edward  Byres,  b.  30  June,  187  3. 

4.  Douglas,  b.  31  Jan.,  1875. 

5.  James  Sandilands,  b.  28  July,  1881. 

1.  Sophie. 

2.  Mabel. 

2.  James,     born  1st  July,     1842;     merchant     of    Albany,     U.  S., 

married  20  Apr.,  1870,  Alice  Catherine,  daughter  of  Edward 
Andrews,  M.  D.,  of  Titchfield  Hants.  Issue,  (with  a  son 
Byres  and  two  daughters,  Alice-Maud  and  Mary-Helen,  died 
young)  two  sons  and  two  daughters. 

MoiR  Genealogy  125 

1.  James  Douglas,  b.  29  Aug.,  1871. 

2.  Gordon,  b.   27   Oct.,   1877. 

1.  Alice  Hilda. 

2.  Dorothea. 

3.  Douglas,  M.  D.,  of  Manchester,  born  15  June,  1844,  m.  6  Dec, 

1876,   Mary  Florence,   daughter   of  Edward  Wood   of  Man- 
chester,  merchant.     Issue,   two  sons  and   one  daughter,  vi«: 

1.  Edward,   born   14   Jan.,    1878. 

2.  Douglas,  b.   1st  Sept.,   1883. 
1.     Marjory  Douglas. 

4.  John,    born   27   July,   1848;     m.   30  June,   1880,    Esther    Anne 

Mallaber,  daughter  of  William  Lowndes- Yates  of  Congleton, 
Cheshire.      Issue,    2   sons: 

1.  Howard  Liowndes,  b.  7  Aug.,  1881. 

2.  John  Liowndes,  b.  20  Dec,  1882. 

5.  Patrick,    b.    22    March,    1850,    married    16    April,    1879,    Anne, 

daughter   of   Charles   Smith   Ross   and     Euphemia    Buchan 
Cruden,  both  of  Aberdeenshire. 

6.  Byres,    M.    B.,    of     Leinster    Square,     Bayswater,     London,    b. 

5  April,   1853. 

7.  Richard,  born  27  Jan.,   1855.    .  . 

1.  Jessie  Caroline,   m.    23   June.   1870.  John  Hill  of  Manchester, 

merchant.      Issue,  four  sons  and  two  daughters,  viz: — 

1.  Harold  James,  b.  6  Sept.,  1874. 

2.  Claude  John  Gomes,  b.  3  July,  1877. 

3.  Cyril  Patrick,  b.  28  June,  1879. 

4.  Francis  Joseph,   b.   15  Nov.,  1880,   d.  July  20,   1881. 

1.  Florence  Maria  White. 

2.  Evelyn  Rebecca,  died  young. 

2.  Caroline,     married     20     June,     1872,     James      Hutchinson     of 

Liverpool,  merchant,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Robert  Leonard,  b.  4  Isov.,  1876. 

2.  Allan  Moir,  b.   20   March,   1878. 

1.  Caroline  Maria. 

2.  Kathleen  Gilmour. 

3.  Margaret  Constance. 

3.  Maria. 



*The  author  received  the  following  communication: — 
Dear    Sir: 

I  have  your  letter  of  enquiry  regarding  the  origin  of  my  middle 
name,  "Moir.'*  M^-  name-father — there  are  no  god-fathers  In  our 
Scottish  Church — was  a  Mr.  Moir,  who  ultimately  succeeded  the  late 
General  Bryes  in  the  Estate  of  Tonley,  in  Aberdeenshire.     He  then 

♦This  gentleman  is  the  author  of  several  historical  and  genealogrical  Iwoks.— [A.  L.  M. 



See  p.  121. 
Art.  5,  John, 
etc.,  son  of 
Rev.  Geo. 
Idoir.  M.  A. 

took  the  name  of  Moir-Byres. .  .The  story  is  as  follows:  The  father  of 
this  Moir-Byres  was  a  portrait  painter,  who  never  attained  any 
distinctive  position  in  his  art.  He  was  engaged  by  the  old  General  to 
paint  a  portrait  of  his  only  child,  Miss  Byres,  with  whom  he  eloped. 
They  were  married,  of  course,  and  had  two  children.  The  lady  died 
in  giving  birth  to  the  second  son,  George,  who  succeeded  his  brother 
In  the  Estate.  I  was  born  in  1842,  and  at  that  time,  the  first  of  these 
sons,  who  wa3  brought  up  in  expectation  of  succeeding  his  grand- 
father, the  General,  was  very  hard  up,  and  received  much  kindness 
from  my  fatlier.  Personally,  I  have  no  recollection  of  seeing  him, 
and  he  disappeared  entirely  from  our  ken.  I  adopted  my  full  name 
in  distinction  to  that  of  my  father,  who  was  also  a  W.  M.  Byrce. 

Yours  truly, 

Edinburgh,  20th  Nov.,  1911. 



By  A.  J.  MITCHELL-GILL  of  Savock 

1574. .,30th  Novr.,  William  Moir,  in  Auchloun,  a  farm  now  on  the 
estate  of  Tillery. —  ("Sheriff  Court  Records  of  Aberdeen,  and 
Antiquities  of  the  Shire  of  Aberdeen,"  Spalding  Club.) 

1575.     Octr.,  Agnes  Moir  in  Meikle  Haddo.      (Ibid.) 

1596.  May  29,  John  Moir  of  Newburgh.      (Ibid.) 

1597.  21st  April,   Andrew    Moir,    Smyth,    in   Foveran   against  Helen 

Fraser,  tried  for  witch-craft  ("Miscellany  of  the  Spalding 
Club,"  vol.  1,  p.  108)  in  the  list  of  "Nomina  Assise"  (court 
held  at  Aberdeen),  (at  p.  110  ibid.)  the  names  of  William 
Moir  in  Balgeirscho  and  Andrew  Moir,  Smyth,  in  Foveran. 
Reg.  of  St.  Nicholas,  Aberdeen,  1613.  22d  June,  Arthur 
Udny — no  doubt  of  the  family  of  that  illt — and  Janett  Moir, 
married  at  Fowerane. 

WILLIAM  MOIR  of  Belhelvie  has  a  son: —  Reg^erof 

1.     Alexander,      bap.     4th     Jany.,      1659.     Witnesses,     Alexander  Baptisms 
Lindsay  of  Many,  and  Alexander  Lyon  of  Darahill.  Foveran* 

Alexander  Pirie  in  Auchnacant,  in  the  parish  of  Foveran,  after- 
wards in  Meichle  TIpperty,  in  the  adjoining  parish  of  Logie-Buchan,   Poll  Book 
md.  Agnes,  dau.   of  Andrew  Moir  I,   of  Oldmill.      (Andrew  Moir  I  of  226'aiid^L 
Oldmill  had,  I  think,  by  his  first  wife — with  James,  died  young — three 
sons  and   one   daughter:      1.     Alexander,   in   Newtyle.     2.     Gilbert,   In 

Haddo,   md.   1st and    2dly,     1681,    Janet    Forbes    of    Blackhall,  3. 

Robert,  of  Overhill,  1,  Agnes,  md.  Alexander  Pirie,  as  above,  and 
probably  more  children)  by  his  first  wife.  (b.  1668,  Mrs.  Pirie  died 
14th  Feb.,  1696,  tombstone  in  Foveran  Churchyard.)  Alexander  Pirie 
was  clerk  and  collector  of  the  poll  tax  for  Logie-Buchan,  1695-96. 
Issue: — 

1.  Andrew,  bap.   30th  June,   1686.     Witnesses,  Andrew  Moir  and 

Andrew  Sutherland. 

2.  Jean,  bap.  27th  April,  1688.     Witnesses,  Andrew  Moir,  child's 

grandfather  and  Robert  Moir,  probably  child's  uncle. 

3.  Agnes. 

4.  Barbara.      (The    four    children    all    mentioned    on    tombstone 

had  probably  died  young.)  The  George  Pirie  of  Savock, 
who  appears  as  witness  of  the  bap.  of  the  Rev.  George  Moir 
in  1679,  etc.,  had  been  probably  a  brother  of  Alexander's,  of 
Tipperty,  and  of  James  Pirie,  who  was  settled  at  Irewells,  in 
Udney  parish,  towards  the  end  of  the  seventeenth  century, 
who,  by  his  first  wife,  Helen  Mair,  was  father  of  William 
Pirie,  b.  in  1700 — the  first  of  the  name  who  settled  at 
Orchardton,  in  that  parish,  a  place  his  descendants  resided 
at  for  nearly  two  centuries;  who,  by  his  wife,  Flizabeth 
Lalng,  had  Patrick  Pirie,  who  m.  1st  March,  1778,  Margaret, 
dau.    of    Alexander  Smith,    papermaker,    Stoneywood;    and 

128  MoiR  Gbnbalogy 

thus  began  the  Pirle's  connection  with  paper  trade,  which 
their  descendants,  the  Piries  of  Stoneywood  and  Waterton, 
have  so  ably  conducted  and  extended.  The  younger  son, 
James  Plrie,  succd.  to  Orcbardton,  and  was  grandfather  of 
the   late   James  Pirie. 

ALEXANDER  MOIR  of  Newtyle  (perhaps  another  son  of  Andrew 
Moir  I,  by  his  first  wife)  had: — 

1.     Cliristian,    bap.    30    Jan.,    1659.     Witnesses,    John    Turing,    in 

Overhills,  and  George  Thomson  in  Pitmillan. 
1.     Liilian,  bap.   1st  Nov.,    16  63.     W^ltnesses,   George  Conan  there, 

and  Andrew  More  of  Oldniill  in  Foveran. 

3.     Janet,  buried   2 2d  March,   1660. 

Foveran  Besides  Agnes  Moir,  b.  1668,  Mrs.  Pirie,  Andrew  Moir  I,  of  Oldmill 

Burial        had   other   children.     A  son,  James  Moir,   was  baptised    6    Oct.,    1659. 

Registers   Witnesses,    Jas.    Scot,    in   Meikle   Haddo,    and    Alexander   Houston,   in 

Balgerseho,  and  buried  at  Foveran,  July  5,  1660. 

GLLBERT   MOIR,    of  PitmUlan,   described   as  tenant  and   gentle- 
man, with  his  wife  and  two  children. — Poll  book,  vol.  II,  pp.  150,  153. 

1.  Andrew,    baptised    2    Jan.,    1672.     Witnesses,    Andrew   Bloire, 

younger,  and  Andrew  Milne. 

2.  Robert,   bap.    10    May,    1678.     Witnesses,   Robt.  More,   in   Old 

Milne  and  Robt.  Milne  in  PetmUlan. 

3.  Barbara,  bap.   1st  June,   1680.     Witnesses,  Andrew  More  and 

Thomas  Grig. 

4.  Isobel,    bap.    27    Aug.,    168  3.     Witnesses,    Andrew    Moir    and 

George  Watson. 

5.  Alexander,    baptised     21    Aug.,    1686.     Witnesses,    Alexander 

Johnston  and  Alexander  Pirie. 

6.  Janet,  bap.  18  Nov.,  1687.     Witnesses,  Andrew  Moir,  Alexander 

GILBERT    MOIR    sometime    of    Haddo,    Foveran    (another    son, 
I  think,  of  Andrew  Moir  I,  of  Oldmill,  by  his  first  wife.)      (A  Gilbert 
Moir  was  M.  P.  for  Banff  in  1646-1647-1648.) 

Note — It  was  not  uncommon  about  this  period  to  have  two  members  of  a 
famUy  baptized  by  the  same  Christian  name,  and  in  one  instance,  three 
of  one  family  had  all  the  same  Christian  names— information  from 
Rev.  Walter  MacLeod  of  Edinburgh. 

Foveran  *•     Elizabeth,  bap.  July,  1675.     Witnesses,  James  Scott  and  John 

Register  of  Blair,   both   there. 

Baptisms  2.     Anna,    baptised    5    Jan.,    1678.     Witnesses.    James    Scott,    Mr. 

Alexander  Johnstone. 
3.     Alexander,    bap.     15     July,     1680.     Witnesses,     *Alexr.    Roae, 

son  of  **John  Rose,    and    James  Scott    in  Haddo,  and  Mr. 

Alex.  Burnett,   schoolmaster  at   Foveran. 

♦Alexander  Rose,  son  of  the  minister  of  Foveran,  may  have  been  the  ancestor  of  the 
Rose*  of  Lethinty.— Scotts  "Fasti,"  etc. 

**1667.  Minister  of  Foveran  (D.  D.  1684).  died  1690,  married  a  daughter  of  the  family 
of  Udny  of  that  Uk.  His  father,  the  Rev.  Alexander  Rose,  Laird  of  Insch,  in  the  Garioch, 
descended  of  Kilravock,  was  minister  of  Mons^musk.  Dr.  John  Rose,  of  Foveran,  succeeded 
to  the  paternal  property  of  Insch.  His  brother,  Alexander  Rose,  was  consecrated,  1686, 
Bishop  of  Moray,  and  in  1688,  Bishop  of  Edinburgh,  while  his  uncle,  Arthur  Rose,  was 
Bishop  of  Argyll,  1675,  of  Glasgow,  1679,  and  who,  in  1684,  became  Archbishop  of  St  An- 
drew's, and  Primate  of  Scotland. 

MoiR  Genealogy  129 

Gilbert  Moir  marries  secondly — contract  dated  9th  August,  1681 — 
Janet,  daughter  of  the  late  Patrick  Forbes,  sometime  of  Blackhall,  of 
the  ancient  family  of  Pitsligo. 

4.  James,  bap.  27  Sept.,  1682.     Witnesses,  James  Scot  and  James 


5.  William.     6.    Thomas.    Twins,  bap.  1st  June,  1684.     Witnesses, 

Will.  Gordon  and  Win.  Findlay;  Thomas  Forbes  and  Thomas 

Robert  Moir  of  Overhill   (probably  a  son   of  Andrew  Moir  I,   by 
hla   first   wife)    married.      [He   is  described   as   tenant   and    gentleman 
there,  with  his  wife,  1695-6.     Poll  book,  vol.  II,  p.  151.] 

1.  Agnes,    bap.     16    May.     1685.     Witnesses,    Andrew    Moir    and 

George  Webster. 

2.  Isobel,  bap.     12    Sept.,     1687.      Witnesses,    Andrew    Moir    and 

Robert  Temple. 

3.  Andrew,    bap.    16    Aug.,    1690.      Witnesses,    Andrew   More   and 

Andrew   Sutherland. 

4.  John,   bap.    25   March,    1693.       Witnesses,    John    Udny,     John 


5.  Elspet,  bap.   19  May,  1694.     Witnesses,  Alex.  Pirie,  Alexander 

The  Poveran  family  of  Moir  seem  to  have  had  daughters  married 
to  people  named  Catto,  Connon,  Johnston,  Fint([ay,  Webster,  etc.,  and 
over    two    and  a  half    centuries    ago,    appear    to    have    had    a    large 
connection  in  that  district. 

GEORGE  MOIR  in  Savock: 

1.  Barbara,  bap.  20  July,  1691.     Witnesses,  George  Conan,  Adam  poveran 

*lill-  Register  of 

2.  William,  bap.  27  June,  1693.  Baptisms. 

ALEXANDER   MOIR   in   Overhill   contracted    6th   April   and   md.    1st. 
May,   1705,   Janet  Milne. 

1.  John,  bap.   15  Nov.,   1705. 

2.  Issobel,  bap.  21  July,  1707. 

3.  Elspet,  bap.   15   May,   1709. 

4.  Barbara,  bap.  21  July,   1721. 

5.  Agnes,  bap.  — ,  1723. 

6.  Jean,  bap.  20  Dec,  1726. 

JAMES  MOIR,  in  Newtyle,  md.  1st  Jan.,  1704,  Margaret  Watson. 

1.  Janet,     bap.     16     Feb.,     1707.     Witnesses,     Gilbert     Moir     in 

Pitmillan,  and  William  Watson,    in  Minnes.      (Probably    the 
paternal  and  maternal  grandfathers.) 

2.  Susanna,  bap.   17  April,   1709.     Witnesses  as  before. 

Of  this  prolific  race  of  the  Foveran  Moirs,  none  known  to  be  of 
this   stock   are   now   in   the   district.     There   is   still   the    name   in   the  See  article, 
parish  Mr.  George  Moir,  in  Knockhall,  whose  progenitors    came  from  "Moirs  of 
Dyce,   and   the  Moirs  in  Tarty,   Logie-Buchan,    who   own   part   of   the  Tarty." else- 
estate  of  Auchleuchries,  in  the  parish  of  Cruden,  whose  descent  I  am  ^*»«''« "» *•»»• 


not  acquainted  with. 



By  A.  J.  MITCHELL-GILL  of  Savock 

"Marte  Suo  Tutns''   (Safe  by  his  own  exertions) 

PATRICK  BYRES,    (2d  son  of  Robert  Byres  of  Dublin  and  Jean 

Sandilands)  born  at  Dublin,  13  May,  1713,  I  of  Tonley — of  this  family — 

became,  through  the  extinction  of  the  elder  branch,  representative  of 

the  Byres  of  Coates,  in  the  County  of  Edinburgh,  and  as  such,  registers 

Family  bis  arms,    7    Feb.,    1755.     Mr.   Byres   m.    14    June,    1733,    his   relative, 

Bible.     Janet,  dau.  of  James  Moir,  M.  P.,  of  Stoneywood,  on  Donside,   by  his 

second  wife,  Jean,  dau.  of  Alexander  Abemethy  of  Mayen,  on  Deveron 

side — County     Banft — (See    family    of     Moir    of     Stoneywood);    and 

Oct.   8,  same  year,  settled  at  Tonley.     Mrs.  Byres  (who  was  buried  at 

Register    Tough,    in    which    parish    Tonley    is,    Sept.,    1787)    was    sister    of    Col. 

of  Tough  James  Moir  of  Stoneywood — ^see  that  family — one  of  the  most  zealous 

of   the    Stuarts'    adherents.     Patrick   Bjnres,    known    as   the    "Jacobite 

IJaird,"  was  "out"  in  the  "45,"  and  engaged  ardently  in  the  cause  of 

Charles    Edward    Stuart,    and    was  a  major    in    the    regt.    (known    as 

Stoneywood's    Regt.)     raised    by    his    brother-in-law,    the    above    CoL 

James  Moir. 

"After  fighting  at  the  battle  of  Culloden,  he  was  concealed  in  the 
Castle  of  Cluny,  near  Tonley,  by  his  friend  Gordon  of  Cluny,  until  he 
got  an  opportunity  of  escaping  to  France.  He  entered  into  the  regi- 
ment of  Royal  Scotch  in  France,  commanded  by  Cameron  of  liochiel, 
and  was  exempted  from  the  first  pardon,  and  would  have  lost  Tonley 
but  through  the  interest  of  his  friends,  it  was  made  to  appear  that  the 
offending  Jacobite  was  called  Patrick  and  not  Peter  Byres,  (as  his 
name  had  bean  entered  in  the  list)  therefore  his  estate  was  not  liable 
to  be  confiscated,  and  he  was  eventually  allowed  to  return  to  his 
Highland  home  in  Scotland." 

PATRICK  BYRES,  (who  was  in  June,  1741,  admitted  a  Burgess 
of  Guild  of  Aberdeen)  had  issue  by  his  wife,  Janet  Moir,  four  sons 
and  three  daughters,  viz: — 

1.     James,  bap.  7  May,  1734,  his  heir,  II  of  Tonley. 

Family  2.     Robert  of  Kincraigie,  bap.  12  Dec,  1740,  merchant  of  Memel, 

Bible.  in  Prussia,  and  London.     He  bought  the  estate  of  Kincraigie 

from  the  liCSlies,,  8  Dec,  1786,  which  adjoins  Tonley.      (But 

the  title  was  taken  in  favor  of  James  Byres  II,  of  Tonley, 

his  brother,  as  specified  in  a  deed  dated  Nov.,   1794.)      And 

the  old  mansion  of  Kincraigie,  with  additions,  is  the  present 

mansion-house   of  the   property.     "The   auld    hous,"    or   part 

of   it,    is   now   the   farm-house    of   Mains   of   Tonley;    and   a 

stone,  evidently  belonging  to  it,  bears  the  date  1735.     Robert 

Byres  married   his  relative,    (contract  dated   12   Nov.,   1770) 

Family  Margaret,    dau.    of   James   Burnett,    merchant   of   Aberdeen^ 

Papers  descended  of  the  Dalladies  branch  of  the  house  of  Leys.     He 

possessed    considerable   property   at   St.   Pierre,   Martinique, 


MoiR  Genealogy  131 

which  he  had  gone  to  look  after,  and  where  he  died, 
17  Nov.,   1799.     Issue,   two  sons  and   two  daughters: — 

1.  James.     "Sept.    24,    1794,    died,   son   of  Robert  Bjers,   Registerof 

brother  to  the  present  Mr.  James  Byers  of  Tonley.   ^^"®^°* 
The  death  of  this  young  man  was  occasioned  by  an 
accidental  discharge  of  a  fowling-piece  in  the  hands 
of  his  brother,  Patrick  Byres,  while  the  two  brothers 
were  in  the  field,  shooting  crows." 

2.  Patrick,   of  him   again   a^  ETI  Byres  of  Tonley. 

1.  Isabella,   m.    (as   2d    wife)    Lieiit.-Col.  James   Stewart, 

of  the  42d  Highlanders,  youngest  son  of  Charles 
Stewart  of  Shambellie,  in  the  Stewartry  of  Kirk- 
ondright;    no   issue. 

2.  Janet,  died  unmarried. 

3.  "William,  b.  29  Oct.,  1742.      "He  always  was  a  delightful  child. 

He  served  in  the  Navy,  was  appointed  one  of  the  King's 
surveyors,  and  dyed  in  St.  Vincent's,  in  1764-5.  He  always 
behaved  well." — See  Reg.  in  family  Bible.  Tablet  to  his 
memory  in  Church  of  Tough. 

4.  John,  born  31  March,  1745.      A  captain  Royal  Engineers,  Hon. 

East  India  Company's  Service.  He  made  a  fine  model  of 
Gibraltar,  which  is  now  in  the  Museum  of  the  Royal 
Engineers,  at  Chatham.  Captain  Byres  married,  (contract 
dated  1  Oct.,  1744)  Isobel,  dau.  of  James  Donaldson,  M.  D., 
of  AuchmuU,  by  his  wife,  Katherine  Gordon,  of  the  family 
of  Pitlurg,  and  died  17  Sept.,  1788.  Issue,  two  daughters 
and  co-heiresses: — 

1.  Katherine   Byres,    married,    1800,    her   cousin-german, 

John  Moir  of  St.  Catherine's,  Peterhead,  artist,  and 
had  issue. 

2.  Janet  Byres,  married,  1802,  her  cousin-german,  James 

Moir,  M.  D.,  elder  brother  of  John  Moir  of  St. 
Catherine's,  and  had  issue. 

1.  Jane,  born  6  July,  1735,  married  John  Dumo,  J.  P.,  of  Cattie, 

now  Whitehouse,  in  the  parish  of  Tough,  Aberdeenshire. 
Mr.  Dumo,  who  was  b.  in  1741,  was  an  advocate  in  Aberdeen. 
At  his  decease,  which  occurred  in  the  Island  of  Jamaica,  in 
Dec,  1816,  he  was  the  senior  member  of  the  Society  of 
Advocates  of  Aberdeen,  and  also  the  oldest  life  manager  of 
the  Royal  Infirmary  there.  A  brother  of  his  was  Sir  James 
Dumo,  Knight  of  Artrochie,  H.  M.  B.  Consul  at  Memel,  in 
Prussia,  who  died  in  1807.  Jane  Byres  or  Durno  died 
without  surviving  issue. 

2.  Isabella,  born  15  April,  1737,  m.  Robert  Sandilands.     He  was 

a  relative  of  his  wife,  a  Sandilands  of  the  Craibston,  or 
Cotton  families.  This  lady,  who  also  died  without  issue, 
was  killed  by  a  fall  from  a  pony  carriage. 

3.  Martha,   born   6   July,    1739,   m.   in   1766   the  Rer.  Dr.  George 

Moir  of  Peterhead,  and  had  issue. 

In  the  diary  of  the  Rev.  John  Bisset  of  Aberdeen,  of  which  part 
Is  printed  in  Vol  I  of  the  Miscellany  of  the  Spalding  Club,  occurs, 
under  date  Feb.  3,  1746,  the  following  paragraph:  "Yesterday  came 
In   here   from   the   South,   liOnmay    (William   Moir),   Tonley     (Patrick 

132  MoiR  Genealogy 

Byres  I  of  Tonley),  Robert  Sandilands,  Charles  Moir,  and  one  they 
call  Captain  Ferrier,  and,  I  am  told,  four  more  gentlemen  came  at 
night,  whose  names  or  designations  I  have  not  yet  got." 


"JAMES  BYRES  (eldest  son  of  Patrick  Byres  I  of  Tonley  and 
Janet  Moir  of  Stoneywood)  II.  of  Tonley,  born  7  May,  17  34,  and  bap. 
by  Mr.  Patk.  Laing;  my  IJord  Forbes,  godfather."  Like  his  father, 
this  laird  was  a  devoted  Jacobite,  and  was  for  some  time  an  officer  in 
liOrd  Ogilvie's  regiment,  under  the  French  king.  Beius:  mostly 
educated  in  France,  Mr.  Byres  adopted  the  Roman  Catholic  faith.  He 
was  much  devoted  to  the  fine  arts,  and  was  for  nearly  forty  years 
before  1790,  antiquarian  resident  at  Rome,  and  was  author  of 
"Hypogaei  or  Sepulchral  Caverns  of  Tarquinia,"  the  capital  of  ancient 
Etrurla.  The  engravings  in  this  work,  which  are  very  fine,  were 
executed  by  his  nephew,  IVir.  Christopher  Norton,  w^ho  lived  for  many 
years  with  his  uncle  at  Rome.  It  has  always  been  understood  in  the 
family  that  James  Byres  was  a  lay-cardinal  at  Rome,  and  a  fine  oil 
painting  of  him,  in  his  cardinal  robes,  is  at  Tonley.  There  is  also  at 
least  another  good  picture  of  him  there,  as  well  as  one  at  Castle 
Fraser,  the  seat  of  the  MacKenzie-Frasers,  near  Tonley.  But  the 
finest  portrait  of  this  gentleman,  by  Raeburn,  is  now  in  the  possession 
of  Mr.  David  Scott-Moncriefif  of  Edinburgh.  The  following  extracts 
from  "John  Leech  and  Other  Papers,"  by  John  Brown,  M.  D.,  the 
talented  author  of  "Rab  and  His  Friends,"  etc.,  are  interesting.  On 
Sir  Henry  Raeburn,  p.  420,  "Byres,  Barry's  antagonist,  gave  him  an 
advice  he  ever  after  followed,  and  often  spoke  about:  'Never  paint 
any  object  from  memory  if  you  can  get  it  before  your  eyes.'  "  Again, 
speaking  of  Sir  Henry  Raeburn's  pictures,  then  1882,  at  Charlesfield, 
Mid-Calder,  near  Edinburgh,  the  residence  of  Sir  Henry's  grandson, 
L.  W.  Raeburn,  at  p.  432,  Dr.  Brown  says:  "Besides  many  others,  over 
the  fireplace  is  a  life-size  portrait  of  Mr.  Byres  of  Tonley,  whom  we 
have  mentioned  as  at  Rome  with  Raeburn;  this  was  painted  longr 
after,  and  is  of  the  first  quality,  done  with  the  utmost  breadth  of 
felicity.  The  ruffles  of  his  skirt  are  still  of  dazzling  whiteness,  as  if 
bleached  by  the  burn  side." 

According  to  the  "Scots  Magazine,"  James  Byres  left  Rome  in 
1790,  and  died  at  Tonley,  3  Sept.,  1817,  in  his  84th  year.  From  Tough 
parish  register:  "1796,  Feb.  3,  James  Byres  of  Tonley,  and  Robert 
Byres,  Esq.,  residing  there,  were  witnesses  to  the  bap.  of  Patrick, 
son  of  the  Rev.  Alexander  Urquhart."  This  Laird  united  the  two 
properties  of  Tonley  and  Kincraigie,  and  entailed  them  on  a  series  of 
heirs,  besides  doing  much  to  beautify  and  improve  these  estates. 


PATRICK  BYRES  III,  of  TONLEY  (eldest  surviving  son  of 
Robert  Byres  of  Memel,  and  Margaret  Burnett)  born  circa  1778,  and 
was  a  major-general  In  the  Hon.  E.  I.  Co.'s  Service,  succeeded  to  the 
family  property  on  the  death  of  his  uncle,  James  Byres,  in  1817; 
married,  first,  Jessie,  dau.  of  Lieut.  Col.  Denny,  and  had  an  only  son. 

1.  James,  a  lieut.  in  the  First  Royals,  accidentally  drowned  at 
Athlone,  Ireland. 

The  General  married,  secondly,  in  April,  1834,  his  cousin-german, 
Margaret,    eldest    dau.    of    Lieut.    Col.    Joseph    Burnett    of    Cradgirth, 

MoiR  Gkneai,ogy  133 

Ayrshire,  without  issue,  and  died  1  Feb.,  1854,  and  was  interred  at 
Tough,  where  there  is  a  tombstone  erected  to  his  memory.  The 
succession  then  opened  to  the  next  heir  of  entail,  Patrick  Moir,  eldest 
son  of  Katherine  Byres,  cousin-german  of  Gen.  Byres,  and  her 
husband,  John  Moir,  of  St.  Catherine's. 


PATRICK  MOIR-BYRES  IV,  of  TONLEY,  (eldest  son  of 
Katherine  Byres,  and  her  husband,  John  Moir  of  St.  Catherine's) 
b.  1802,  succeeded,  1854,  his  cousin.  General  Byres,  and  assumed  the 
additional  surname  and  arms  of  "Byres  of  Tonley";  was  a  magistrate 
and  Commisssoner  of  Supply  for  Aberdeenshire,  died  at  Tonley, 
unmarried,  in  1863,  and  was  interred  at  Tough.  He  was  succeeded 
by  his  next  brother. 


JAMES  GREGORY  MOIR-BYRES  V.  of  TONLEY,  born  17  Nov.. 
1804;  m.  in  May,  1858,  Mary,  dau.  of  Henry  Prideaiix  Hensleigh, 
surgeon,  of  London,  by  Mary  Norrington,  his  wife,  and  relict  of  the 
Rev.  Thomas  Gordon  Torry  Anderson,  (who  was  son  of  Patrick  Torry, 
Bishop  of  St.  Andrew's,  Dunkeld  and  Dumblane,  of  Fawsyde,  Kin- 
cardineshire, sometime  incumbent  of  St.  Paul's,  Dundee  (to  whom 
she  had  one  son,  Alexander  Penrose  Torry  Anderson,  M-  D.)  Sir, 
Moir-Byres,  who  was  a  magistrate  and  Commissioner  of  Supply  for 
the  County,  bought  the  property  of  Fairley,  from  the  Thomsons,  in 
the  parish  of  Newhills,  Aberdeenshire,  and  died  in  Aberdeen,  6  Nov., 
1881,  and  was  interred  at  Tough,  leaving  an  only  daughter  and  heiress, 
viz:  Patricia  Byres  Moir-Byres,  of  Fairley,  m.  9  Dec,  1879,  Capt. 
Harry  Vesey  Brooke,  formerly  of  the  92d  Gordon  Highlanders,  second 
son  of  the  late  Sir  Arthur  Brinsley  Brookie,  Bart.,  of  Colebrooke, 
County  Fermanagh,  and  the  Hon.  Henrietta  Julia  Auson.  Issue,  a 

1.  James  Anson  Otho  Brooke,  b.  188..  This  Laird  was  succeeded 
by  his  next  brother. 


GEORGE  MOIR-BYRES  of  TONLEY  is  a  magistrate  and  Com- 
missioner of  Supply  for  Aberdeenshire,  born  1807;  married,  1854, 
Alleyne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Houghton  Fields,  of  Colby,  Lincolnshire,  and 
has  issue,   three  daughters,  viz: — 

1.  Alleyne  Catherine  Elizabeth,  m.   Dec,   1881,   Napier  MacLeod 

Wylie,   of  Edinburgh. 

2.  Stuart. 

3.  Jean. 

Mr.  Moir-BjTes  died  Dec.  30,  1909,  and  was  succeeded  by  Patrick 
Moir-Byres  VII,  of  Tonley,  a  retired  major  in  the  British  Army,  whom 
the  author  of  this  book  visited  in  1910,  and  was  welcomed  and 
accorded  special  privileges  at  the  Moir-Byres  homestead,  at  Tonley, 
Whitehouse,  Aberdeenshire. 


Copied  from  FAMILY  BIBLE  at  TONLEY 


1704,  in  September,  I  was  m£.rried  to  Mrs.  Jean  Sandilands, 
daughter  to  Patrick  Sandilands,  Esq.,  of  Cotton,  and  Nov.  4,  we 
arrived  at  Dublin.  1705,  Aug.  17,  my  wife  was  brought  to  bed  of  a 
daughter,  who  was  the  same  day  christened  by  the  name  of  Margaret. 
1706,  25  October,  my  wife  was  brought  to  bed  of  a  daughter,  who 
was  christened  Nov.  15,  by  the  name  of  Janett.  24  Dec,  our  eldest 
daughter,  Margaret,  dyed  of  chincough  and  teething,  and  was  buried 
under  the  chancell  at  St.  Mary's,  Dublin.  1709,  27th  (Jan.)  (?)  at 
night,  (at  11)  my  wife  was  brought  to  bed  of  a  son,  who  was  christened 
by  the  name  of  James.  February  5,  died  our  daughter  Janett,  and 
was  buried  by  her  sister,  in  the  Chancell  at  St.  Mary's.  She  died  of  a 
fever.  1711,  Monday,  24  September,  my  wife  was  brought  to  bed  of 
a  daughter,  who  was  christened  on  the  12th  of  October,  by  the  name 
of  Jean.  1713,  Wednesday,  13  May,  my  wife  was  brought  to  bed  of 
a  son,  twixt  9  and  10  at  night,  who  was  christened  Patrick,  on  the  1st 
of  June.  On  the  19  of  the  same  month,  died  our  eldest  son,  James, 
and  wag  buried  by  his  two  sisters,  under  St.  Mary's  Chancell. 


1733,  I  was  married  to  Janet  Moir,  daughter  of  James  Moir, 
Esq.,  of  Stoneywood,  and  October  the  8th,  we  came  to  Tonley,  N.  B. 
We  were  married  14  June.  1734,  May  7,  my  wife  wa.s  brought  to  bed 
of  a  son,  who  was  christened  by  the  name  of  James,  by  Mr.  Patrick 
IJaing,  my  Lord  Forbes,  godfather.  1735,  July  6,  my  wife  was  brought 
to  bed  of  a  daughter,  same  day  was  christened  by  name  of  Jane.  1737, 
April  15,  my  wife  was  brought  to  bed  of  a  daurrhter,  who,  same  day, 
was  christened  by  the  name  of  Isabella.  1739,  July  6,  my  wife  was 
brought  to  bed  of  a  daughter,  who  was  christened  by  the  name  of 
Martha.  1740,  Friday,  Dec.  12,  my  wife  was  brought  to  bed  of  a  son. 
Eg  was  next  day  christened  by  the  name  of  Robert.  1742,  Oct.  29, 
my  wife  was  brought  to  bed  of  a  son.  He  was  the  next  day  christened 
by  the  name  of  William.  He  always  was  a  delightful  child.  He 
served  in  the  Navy,  was  appointed  one  of  the  King's  surveyors,  and 
died  in  St.  Vincent's,  in  1764-65.  He  always  behaved  well.  1745, 
Mar.  31,  my  wife  was  brought  to  bed  of  a  son,  who  was  christened 
by  the  rame  of  John. 

The  author  of  tliis  Genealogy  personally  saw  and  read  th^e  notes  while  on  a  visit 
there  in  1910.  They  are  in  a  good  state  of  preservation,  of  a  fair  handwriting,  and  plainly 



By  JOHN  GEORGE  BURNETT,  Esq.,  of  Powis  House,  Aberdeen 

Appended  are  some  notes  as  to  the  early  Moirs,  which,  in  their 
conclusion,  differ  somewhat  from  the  hitherto  accepted  view. 

Mr.  Mitchell-Gill,  in  his  history  of  the  Moirs  (p.  71)  gives  under  From  printed 
the  head  of  Moir  of  Stoneywood— "iv.     Mr.  William  Moir,  M.  A.,  copy  in 
Burgess  of  Aberdeen,  married  Janet  Rae,  served  heir  to  his  father,  f'^^^gi^'JgiQ 
1602,    Treasurer   of   Aberdeen,    1615. 

1.  Henrie,  bap.  28th  May,  1605. 

2.  John,  born  1610  (tombstone);  of  him  again  as  Stoneywood's 
ancestor,    next   page. 

3.  William,  as  Scotstown's  progenitor  —  see  p.  75,"  etc.,  etc. 
"v.     John  Moir  I.  of  Stoneywood,  (eldest  son  of  Mr.  William  Moir, 

Burgess  of  Aberdeen,   and  Janet   Rae),   born    1610  (tombstone,   St. 
Nicholas'  Churchyard,  Aberdeen.)" 

Again  on  p.  75 — "v.  William  Moir  (whom  I  make  third  son  of 
Mr.  William  Moir,  Burgess  of  Aberdeen,  and  Janet  Rae  —  see  p.  71) 
I.  of  Scotstown,  Professor  of  Marischal  College,  Aberdeen." 

What  I  would  endeavour  to  prove  is  — 

(1)  That  the  first  proprietor  of  Scotstown  was  not  Principal 
William  Moir,  but  Treasurer  William  Moir,  his  father,  who  married 
Janet  Rae.  This  is  made  clear  by  —  (a)  An  extract  from  a  birth- 
brieve  quoted  from  "Spalding  Club  Miscellany,"  v.  362.  "And  that 
the  said  deceast  Dr.  William  Moir  was  eldest  lawf  ull  son  to  the  deceast 
Mr.  William  Moir  of  Scotstoun,  principall  and  professor  of  mathe- 
maticks  in  the  CoUedge  Marischall  of  Aberdein,  procreat  betwixt  him 
and  Jean  Gordon  his  lawf  ull  spouss,  daughter  to  the  deceast  Gilbert 
Gordon  of  Gordonsmill  .  .  .  ;  and  that  the  said  deceast  Mr. 
William  Moir  was  lawful!  son  to  the  deceast  Mr.  William  Moir  of 
Scotstoun  procreat  betwixt  him  and  Jannet  Rae,  his  lawf  ull  spouss; 
.  .  ."  (b)  "Sa,  to  Mr.  Wm.  Moir  burges  of  aberden  be  andro 
hervie  of  denstoun  On  the  tua  pt  Lands  of  Scottistoun,  dait  12  July 
1602,  Notter  Mr.  Wm.  Chalmer  Pnt.  Penes  augti  1602.  "  [Minute 
Book,  Aberdeenshire  Sasines.]  (c)  June  17,  1620  George  Pecok, 
Appothegar,  burgess  of  Abd.  v.  Thomas  Jamesone  in  Scottistoune, 
and  hil  mother  and  brother.  Cautioner  Mr.  Wm.  Moir,  burgess 
of  Abd.  Peats  in  the  Moss  of  Scotistoune  had  been  arrested  by  Pecok, 
as  proprietor  of  the  third  part  of  the  lands,  moss,  etc.  ["Sheriff  Court 
Records,"  ii,  242.]  (d)  "Renun  of  the  towne  of  scottistoune  maid 
be  george  peacock.  To  Mr.  Wm.  Moir  7  Septr.  1620."  [Minute  Book, 
Aberdeenshire  Sasines.] 

(2)  That  Principal  William  Moir  was  the  eldest  son  of  Mr. 
William  Moir.  (a)  Precept  of  sasine  2  May,  1623.  Mr.  William 
Moir  as  "legitimus  et  propinquior  heres  masculus  prefat.  quondam 
Magistri  Gulielmi  sui  patris"  of  the  lands  of  Calsayseat.     (b)     In« 

136  MoiR  GenkaIvOGy 

strument  of  sasine  following  thereupon  of  the  same  date,  in  which 
Mr.  William  Moir  is  described  as  burgend  de  Aberden  filius  primoe 
genitus  legitime  deseruitus  quondam  Magistri  Gulielmi  Moir  burgend 
dicti  burgu.  (c)  Instrument  of  resignation  dated  May  31,  1656, 
Mr.  William  Moir,  in  favour  of  his  eldest  son.  Dr.  William  Moir,  in 
which  Mr.  WUliam  Moir  is  described  as  "principall  of  the  new  coUedge 
of  aberdeen."     ["Powis   Papers."] 

(3)  That  Mr.  John  Moir  was  the  second  son  of  Treasurer  William 
Moir,  and  was  the  ancestor  not  of  the  Stoneywood  but  of  the  Barnes 
Moirs  —  (a)  [Burgess  Register  of  Aberdeen.]  "Sept.  22,  1615, 
Moir,  John  (pupil),  second  son  of  Mr.  William  (treasurer)."  ["New 
Spalding   Club    Miscellany,"    i.]  (b)     Instrument   of   sasine,  Mr. 

William  Moir,  Burgess  of  Aberdeen,  to  John  Moir,  of  a  tenement  and 
garden  near  the  Gallowgate,  May  24,  1615.  "propter  paternu  am- 
orem  quern  habet  et  gerit  erga  dilectu  filiu  suu  legitimu  secunde  genitu 
Joanem  Moir."  [Aberdeen  Sasine  Register.]  (c)  June  1,  1604. 
"Sa  to  \Vm.  Moir  burges  of  abd.  on  the  lands  of  Sonyside  &  spittle- 
hill  as  also  on  the  croftis  besyde  ye  Calsayseat  dait  1  Junij.  1604. 
Notar  Mr.  Win.  Chalmer,  [Minute  Book,  Aberdeenshire.  Sasines.  ] 
(d)  March  8,  1626.  "Sa  to  mr  Johne  Moir  burges  of  abd.  &  mariorie 
beans  his  spous  on  the  landis  of  sonysyidS  March  1628  James  Dauid- 
sone."  [Minute  Book,  Aberdeenshire  Sasines.]  N.  B.  "factum  et 
cocessum  per  magrum  gulielmu  moir  burgen  eiusdem  burgi  fratrem 
germanu  dicti  magri  Joannis  prefato  magro  Joanni  et  mariorie  beans 
sue  et  future  spouse."  [Aberdeenshire  Sasine  Register.]  (e)  Sept. 
25,  1628.  "Sa  to  mr.  Johne  Moir,  burges  of  abd.  and  Meriorie  beanes 
his  spouse  On  the  toune  and  lands  of  Stonysyid.  25  Sept.  1628,  mr. 
alex.  Reid,  not."  [Minute  Book,  Aberdeenshire  Sasines.]  (f) 
Extract  from  the  Aberdeen  Burgess  Register.  Feb.  1,  1654. 
John  Moir,  eldest  son  to  deceast,  Mr.  John  Moir,  burgess.  ["New 
Spalding  Club  Miscellany,"  ii.,  405.]  (g)  Extracts  from  register  of 
births.  John  Moir  and  Mariorie  Beanes,  a  son  John,  bapt.  May  17 
1631  ws.  Archibald  Beanes.  A  daughter  Christian  bapt.  Feb.  22,  1633. 
A  daughter  Mariorie  bapt.  Sept.  9,  1634.  [Old  Aberdeen  Parish 
Register.]  (h)  Instrument  of  sasine  following  on  Charter  to  Mar- 
jorie  Moir  and  Thomas  Mitchell,  burgess  of  Aberdeen,  her  husband, 
of  a  half  net's  fishing  in  the  Don.  John  Moire  "LawfuU  sone  to  the 
deceist  master  Johne  moire  burges  of  aberdene"  procurator  in  name 
of  bis  sister  Marjorie  Moire.  Dated  Jan.  28.  1654.  (i)  Service  of 
heirs,  June  24,  1685.  John  Moir  of  Barnes  burgess  of  Aberdeen 
heir  of  Mr.  John  Moir  burgess  of  the  said  burgh  his  father,  (j) 
Jan.  12,  1655.  Sasine  on  matrimonial  contract  between  Walter 
Cochrane  late  Baillie  of  Aberdeen  for  himself  and  "tackand  bur- 
dene  on  him  for  marie  Cochrane  his  second  laull.  daughter"  and  the 
said  Mary  for  herself,  and  Johne  Moir  "eldest  laull.  sone  to  the 
said  deceast  master  Johne  moir  burges  of  the  said  brugh  with 
consent  and  assent  of  meriorie  beans  his  mother"  and  the  said 
Marjori  for  herself  binding  themselves  infeft  to  John  Moir  and  the 
heirs  of  him  andMary  Cochrane  with  certain  lands  and  tenements  in 


at  Tonley  House 
Whitehouse,  Aberdeenshire 




MoiR  Genealogy  137 

Aberdeen.  [Aberdeen  Sasine  Register.]  (k)  Service  of  heirs,  April 
11,  1674.  5709  Janeta,  Marjoria,  Issobella,  Agneta,  Jeanna,  Mor- 
gareta,  Christina  et  Maria  Moires  haeredes  portionaria  Joannis  Moir 

de  Barnes  mercatoris  burgensis  de  Aberdcin  patris  (xxxii.,298,  "Inqu. 
Gen."]  (1)  Oct.  24,  1691.  Matrimonial  Contract  between  Master 
Alexander  Fraser  Regent  King's  College  on  the  one  part  and  Christian 
Moir,  daughter  and  coheir  of  the  deceast  John  Moir  of  Barnes  with 
the  consent  of  Mary  Cochrane  relict  of  the  said  John  Moir,  her 
Mother.  ["Powis  Papers."]  (m)  Extract  from  the  poll  book,  1696. 
"Mary  Cochrane  relict  of  John  Moire  of  Barns  whose  poll,  if  in  lyfe 
would  have  been  £9  6s."      ["Poll  Book,"  ii,  623.] 

(4)  That  Mr.  Henry  Moir  was  the  third  son  of  Treasurer  William 
Moir.  (a)  Extract  from  the  Aberdeen  Burgess  Register,  Sept.  23, 
1617.  Moir,  Henry,  third  son  of  Mr.  William  M.,  dean  of  guild. 
["New  Spalding  Club  Miscellany,"j]  (b)  Jan.  4,  1651.  Sasine 
of  John  Moir  "fiilij  Legitim  natu  maxirai  quondam  mri  Joannis  Moir 
burgen  dicti  burgi  ac  heredis  propinquioris  quondam  mri  henriceMoir 
fratris  Imediati  junioris  dicti  mri  Joannis  et  sic  patriu  dicti  Joannis 
on  a  tenement  of  land  on  the  east  side  of  theGallowgate.  [Aberdeen 
Sasine  Register.] 

To  sum  up  — 

Mr.  William  Moir,  son  of  William  Moir,  was  admitted  Burgess  of 
Aberdeen  in  1598.  He  was  Dean  of  Guild  of  the  city  in  1606  and 
1616,  and  Treasurer  in  1615,  etc.  He  had  sasine  on  two-thirds  of 
Scotstown  in  1602,  on  the  remainder  of  Scotstown  in  1620,  on  Calsay- 
seat  in  1603,  on  Sunnyside  and  Spittal  and  crofts  beside  Calsayseat  in 
1604,  also  on  land  on  the  east  side  of  the  Gallowgate  in  1608.  He  mar- 
ried Janet  Rae,  and  died  in  or  before  1623,  having  had  the  following 
eons  — 

1.  Mr.  William  Moir.  He  graduated  at  Marischal  College  in 
1616,  was  Baillie  of  Aberdeen,  Professor  of  Mathematics  1641-1661; 
and  Principal  of  Marischal  College  1C49-1661.  He  had  sasine  on 
Calsayseat  in  1623,  on  land  on  the  east  side  of  the  Gallowgate  in  1623, 
on  the  lands  of  Spittal  in  1628,  and  on  the  lands  and  milne  of  Gordons- 
Milne  in  1633,  and  on  the  north  lands  of  Kirktone  of  Hospitall  in 
1652.  He  married  Jean,  daughter  of  Patrick  Gordon  of  Gordonsmilne, 
and  was  succeeded  by  his  eldest  son,  Dr.  William  Moir  of  Scottstown. 
Another  son  Partick,  received  sasine  on  the  lands  of  Spiltall  in  1672. 

2.  Mr.  John  Moir.  He  graduated  at  Marischal  College  in  1617, 
was  admitted  burgess  in  1615.  He  received  sasine  on  land  on  the  east 
of  the  Gallowgate  in  1615,  and  on  Sunnyside  of  Spittail  in  1626.  He 
married,  1626,  Marjorie,  daughter  of  Archibald  Beanes,  burgess  of 
Aberdeen,  and  died  before  1651,    having  had  the  following  family: — 

(i.)     John  Moir  of  Barnes,  bapt.  May  17,  1631. 
(ii.)     Xtain,  bapt.  Feb.  22,  1633. 

(iii.)     Marjorie,  bapt.   Sept.   9,   1634,   mar.   to  Thomas  Mitchell, 
burgess  of  Aberdeen. 

3.  Mr.  Henry  Moir.  He  was  admitted  burgess  in  1617,  was  pos- 
sessed of  land  in  the  east  side  of  the  Gallowgate,  and  died  before 
1651,  s.  p. 



By  A.  J.  MITCHELL-GILL  of  Savock 
"Non  sibi  sedi  cunctis." — (Not  for  self,  but  for  all.) 
Skene's  V.     WILLIAM  MOIR,    (whom   I   make  third  son  of 

Mr.  William  Moir,  burgess  of  Aberdeen,  and  Janet  Rae) 
I.  of  Scotstown,  (the  estate  of  Spittal  seems  also  to  have 
gone  along  with  that  of  Scotstown  in  the  Moir  family.) 
tProfessor  in  Marischal  College,  Aberdeen.  Married 
JEAN,  dau.  of  GILBERT  GORDON  of  Gordonsmill, 
and   had   a   son. 

VI.  DR.  WILLIAM  MOIR,  II.  of  Scotstown,  married 
at  Dyce,  5  June,  1656,  JMARGARET,  (alive  1695-6), 
daughter  of  GILBERT  SKENE  of  Dyce;  and  died  1670. 

Issue: — 

1.  William,  his  heir,  bap.  9  Sept.  1658.  Ro.  Forbes,  baillie; 
Gilbert  Skene  of  Dyce;  Mr.  William  Moir,  principal; 
Patrick  Moir,  late  baillie;  Alexander  Skene  of  Dyce  Yr., 
Mr.  John  Campbell,  etc,  godfathers. 

2.  §Gilbert,  15  Feb.,  1663,  went  to  Poland,  1667. 

3.  Patrick,    10   Aug.,   1666. 

4.  Alexander,  8  May,   1668. 

1.  Jean,  11  June,  1857.  Patrick  Moir,  baillie;  and  Gilbert 
Skene  of  Dyce,  godfathers. 

2.  Margaret,  15  Dec,  1659. 

3.  Marjorie,  22  May,  1661. 

4.  Jean,  25  Apr.,   1670. 

5.  Issobell,  24  Dec,  1671. 

6.  Marie,   8  Oct.,   1676. 

7.  Elizabeth,  11  Apr.,  1680.  James  Moir  and  Robert  Patrick 
of  Portlathan,    godfathers. 

VII.  DR.  WILLIAM  MOIR,  III.  of  Scotstown,  b. 
1658,  m.  JEAN,  dau,  of  ALEXANDER  ABERNETHY, 
I.  of  Mayen;  she  remarried  as  his  second  wife,  JAMES 
MOIR,  II.  of  Stoneywood.     His  son  : — 

VIII.  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  IV.  of  Scotstown,  was 
served  heir  to  his  father,  26  Jan.,  1695;  married  MARY 

*For  Coat  of  Arms,  see  page  14.  tSee  Mr.  Burnet's  article,  "The  Ancestry  of  the 
Moirs  of  Scotstown  and  Barns.  tShe  is  polled  with  her  daughters,  Jean  and  Elizabeth, 
Poll-book,  Vol.  11,  p.  627.    §See  article,  "Lands  of  Cotton." 

MoiR  Genbai,ogy  139 

1721,  Aug.  19.    "Alexander  Moir  of  Scotstoune  and  Mary  Chal-  Retoursand 

I^ccistdTS  of 
mers,  his  spouse,  a  daughter,  Janet,  baptised;  James  Moir  Saint 

of  Stoneywood   and  Dr.  Patrick  Chalmers,  physician,    wit-  Nicholas 

1723,  Mar.  4.     Jean,    bap.,     William  Moir    of  Innernethy  and 
James  Moir,   merchant,   witnesses. 

1724,  May  16,  William,  bap.,  William  Moir,  son  of  James  Moir  of 
Stoneywood,   a  witness. 

Their  son  (IX.)  GEORGE  MOIR,   V.   of  Scotstown, 
married  twice;  by  his  first  wife,  he  had: — 

1.  Alexander,  his  heir. 

GEORGE  MOIR,  married  secondly,  MARGARET,  daughter 
of  GEORGE  CUMINE  of  Pittulie,  by  his  wife  and  cousin, 
Christian  Guthrie  of  King-Edward.     Issue. 

2.  George  Charles,   b.  10  Oct.,    1771,    sometime    merchant  in  Tombstones 

Babia,  afterwards  of  Denmore,  near  Aberdeen,  died   1851;  st.  Peter's 
having  married  Mary  Agnew,    only  dau.    of  the   late  Sir  Aberdeen'^^' 
William  Bruce,  IX.,  Baronet  of  Stenhouse.      Issue,  two 
daughters: — 

1.  Mary  Anne   Moir,     married   the    late    Lieut.  Col. 

Knight  Erskine,  of  Pittodrie.    Issue,  the  present 
(1885)  Laird,  and  a  daughter,   Mrs.   Flower. 

2.  Margaret  Isabella    Moir,   married  Joseph  E>undas, 

of  Carron  Hall  and  Fingask,  Stirlingshire  and 
has  issue. 

3.  William,   b.  1789,  of  Park,  on  Deeside,  m.  Mary  Elizabeth, 

(who  died  1868)  dau.  of  John  Forbes  of  Blackford,  by 
Margaret  Gregory,  and  died,  1843,  leaving  five  sons 
and  five  daughters,  of  whom 

1.  George  as  VIII,  of  Scotstown. 

2.  Mary  Christina,    m.    1795,  Alexander  Fraser,   IV. 

of  Fraserfleld  or  Balgownie,  of  the  noble  family 
of  Saultoun  and  had  issue. 
1.     Isabella,    m.    John   Urquhart    of  Craigston    and 
had  issue. 

X.  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  VI.  of  Scotstown,  b.  1764, 
for  many  years  Sheriff-Substitute  of  Aberdeen,  he  was 
major-commandant,    Roj'^al  Aberdeen   Volunteers,   1795- 

1796.     (His  portrait  is  given  in   Mr.  Donald  Sinclair's  From  note. 
"History  of  the  Aberdeen  Volunteer,"    published  by  the  R.Murdoch 
Aberdeen  Daily  Journal  office,  in  1907.)  d.  21  June,  1824,  Abl^een.' ° 


having  m.  MARGARET,  dau.  of  JAMES  GORDON, 
of  Leicheston,  in  Morayshire  and  had  by  her  an  only 
daughter: — 

XI.  ISABELLA  MOIR,  VII.  of  Scotstown,  b.  May 
1799,  m.  10  June,  1822,  SIR  MICHAEL  BRUCE, VIIL, 

140  MoiR  Genealogy 

Baronet  of  Stenhouse,  and  d.   19  Nov.,  1867,   (without 

XII.  GEORGE  MOIR,  C.  B.,  Co].  Bengal  Horse 
Artillery,  b.  March  1820,  VIII.  of  Scotstown,  (eldest  son 
of  William  Moir  of  Park,  and  Mary  Elizabeth  Forbes) 
succeeded  to  that  property  under  the  will  of  his  cousin, 
the  above  Lady  Bruce;  married  MISS  BEAN,  dau.  of 
COL.  BEAN,  and  died  in  India,  5  Feb.,  1870,  whose  son, 

XIII.  WILLIAM  MOIR,  IX.  and  now,  (1885),  of 
Scotstown,  is  a  Lieut,  in  the  18th  Hussars. 


By  A.  J.  MITCHELL-GILL  of  Savock 
Deus  Dedit. — (God  gave.) 
This   family    was    a    cadet   of    Moir   of   Stonej^wood, 
and  the  estate,  which  is  near  Peterhead,  reverted   back 
to  that  family,  on  the  extinction  of  the  Invernettie  line. 
*JAMES    MOIR    of   Invernettie,   matriculates   arms 
in    1792.      His    wife   probably    was    CATHERINE    AR- 
BUTHNOT,  as  a  James  Moir  of  Invernettie  marries  a 
sister  of  John  VI.,  Viscount  Arbuthnct. 
SandHand's         WILLIAM    MOIR,    (fourth    son    of    John    Moir    of 
andskene's  Stoncywood  and  Jean  Sandilands,)  a  merchant  in  Aber- 

Manuscnpt     ,  ,  ,  , 

deen,  bought  the  estate  of  Invernettie.  There  is  a 
charter  to  William  Moir,  dated  1708.  merchant  in  Aber- 
deen of  the  lands  of  Invernettie.  Mr.  Moir  was  suc- 
ceeded in  this  estate  by  his  nephew. 
Registers  1720,  21  Dec.  "William  Moir  of  Innernethie,  a  witness  to  the 
Nilhoras  bapt.  of  William,  son  of  Dr.  Mathew  McKaill,  Physician, 

and  Margt.  Black,  his  spouse." 

*For  Coat  of  Arms,  see  page  14. 

MOIR  OF  LONMAY,  Afterwards  of  NEW  GRANGE 

By  ANDREW  J.  MITCHELL-GILL  of  Savock 

I.  *WILLIAM  MOIR,  first  of  theMoirs  of  Lonmay, 
in  Buchan  (was  eldest  son  of  James  Moir  II.  of  Stoney- 
wood,  by  his  second  wife,  Jean  Abemethie.)  He  married 
a  sister  of  General  Fullerton  of  Dudwick. 

1.  William,  his  heir, 

1.  Isabella. 

2.  Catherine. 

3.  Jean,  m.  William  Cumine  of  Pittuiie  in  Buchan,  and  by  her 

had  Capt.  Adam  Cumine,  first   of  the  Cumines  of  Rat- 
tray, near  Peterhead. 

II.  t WILLIAM  MOIR  of  Lonmay,  sold  that  prop- 
erty and  bought  New  Grange,  in  Forfarshire.  He  m. 
WORTLEY,  eldest  dau.  of  JAMES  STUART  of  Blair- 
hall,  of  the  noble  family  of  Bute.     Issue: — 

1.  William. 

2.  James. 

1.  Mary. 

2.  Margaret. 

3.  Anne. 

III.  WILLIAM  MOIR  of  New  Grange,  married. 
Issue: — 

1.  William. 

2.  George. 

3.  Alexander. 

And  five  daughters,  one  of  whom,  Wortley  Cornelia  Anne 
Moir,  was  second  wife  of  Sir  James  Gardincr-Baird  V.,  Baronet. 

Captain  Moir,  lately  (1837)  tried  and  executed  in  London  for 
having  shot  a  person  who  was  trespassing  in  his  grounds,  near  London, 
was  the  representative    of  this  family." 

*The  estate  of  Whitehill,  Midlothian,  had  come  into  the  Stoneywood  family  ••hrough 
inheritance  from  the  Scougala.  The  Laird  seems  to  have  given  it  to  his  son  William, 
who  in  1727  has  a  charter  of  it  and  is  styled,  William  Moir  of  Whitehill.  and  by  a 
second  charter,  dated  1732,  this  William  seems  to  have  disposed  of  Whitehill  and 
purchased  Lonmay." 

tDouglas's  "Baronage,"  Skene's  Manuscript.  (Most  of  the  particulars  about  this 
family  taken  from  it.) 


By  ANDREW  J.  MITCHELL-GILL  of  Savock 
"Virtute  non  aliter."  —  (By  virtue,  not  otherwise.) 
Register  of        I.     WILLIAM  MOIR,  Advocate  in  Edinburgh,  mar- 
AbeSn^''  ried   21    May,    1666,    ISOBEL.    dau.    of   JOHN  ALEX- 
ANDER,   burgess    of   Aberdeen,   and    was   admitted   in 
Sept.   1670,  jure  paternitatis,  burgess  of  Aberdeen.     In 
1666,  he  bought  the  lands   of  Knaperna,  in  Udny  Par- 
ish;    in    1668,     those    of  Fisherie,      in    King- Edward, 
probably  from  the   Guthries  of  King- Edward;    and    in 
Lyon       1674,  from  the  Donaldsons  of  Hilton,  those  of  Hilton  in 
Ellon  Parish,  all  in  Aberdeenshire.    Between  1672-1678, 
he  matriculates  arms,  and  is  designed  "of  Hilton"  about 
1682,  he  sold  Hilton  to  the  Roses  of  Insch,  who  gave  it 
the  name  of  Rosehill.     This  family  again  sold  it  about 
1693,  to  the  Turners, — a  family  whose  progenitors  were 
farmers  in  the  Parish  of  Birse,  Aberdeenshire,  who  gave 
it  its  present  name  of  Tumerhall.     William  Moir,  who 
was  one  of  the  principal  clerks  of  Session,  was  M.P.  for 
Kintore,  1667,  Convention,  1669-74. 
Forster's  1672,  5th  July,  "He  was  by  order  of   the  Parliament, 

pSment?  sent  to  prisou  in  the  Tolbooth  of  Edinburgh,  during   the 
^'^^^  Lord  Commissioner's  pleasure,  for  some  words  uttered 

by  him  tending  to  the  subversion  of  the  constitution  of 
Parhament.     He  was  released  on  the  10th,  having  craved 
pardon  of  the  Commissioner  and  the  Parliament  on  his 
Issue: — 

Skene's  1.     William,  b.  1667. 

Manuscript  2.     James,  b.  1670;  godfather,  James  Moir  of  Ferryhill. 

3.  William,   b.    1671;   godfathers,  Dr.  Wm.  Moir  of  Scotstoun 

and  Wm.  Moir,  his  son. 

4.  George,  b.   1688. 

Registers  of  5.     Jeane,  20  June  1673;  John  Moir  of  Barnes,  godfather. 

St.  Nicholas  2.     Anna,  4  July,  1683,  after  Anna,  Countess  of  Aberdeen  and 

Lady  Anna  Gordon,  dau.    of  Sir  George,    Earl  of  Aber- 

*For  Coat  of  Arms,  see  page  14. 

MoiR  Ghnealogy  143 

deen  and  Lord  High  Chancellor  of  Scotland.  Mr.  William 
Moir,  Doctor  of  Medicine;  John  Moir,  Apothecarie;  Sir 
Geo.  Skene  of  Fintray;  godfathers. 


By  ANDREW  J.  MITCHELL-GILL  of  Savock 

"1678.     2d  April.    Wa  Iter  Reid,comperit  for  John  Moir  of  Barnes,  Sheriff  Court 
and  produced  ane  charter  grantit  be  ye  Earl  of  Mar  in  favour  Aberdeen 
of  Alexander  Erskine  of  Barnes  predecessor  of  the  said  John 
Moir,  dated  22d.  July,   1636." 

I.     *JOHN  MOIR  of  Barnes,  in  the  Parish  of  Premnay, 
Burffess  of  Aberdeen,  married  13  Feb.  1655,  at  Aberdeen,  Registersof 

St   Nicholas 

MARIE,  or  MARY  COCHRAN.  She  had  doubtless 
been  a  Cochran  of  Dumbreck.  [The  Cochrans  of  Dum- 
breck  were  long  connected  with  the  town  of  Aberdeen, 
Walter  Cochran  of  Dumbreck  was  a  provost  in  1691-93; 
and  his  son,  Walter  Cochran  was  Town-Clerk-Depute  Kennedy's 
in  1728.  They  intermarried  with  the  old  Gordons  of  Aberdeen" 
Newton,  Cruick shanks  of  Banchory,  Udneys,  etc. — 
Arms, — ermine,  on  a  chief,  gules,  a  stag's  head  erased, 
or,  between  two  mullets,  argent.] — (Lyon  Reg.) 

1.  Johne,  18  Sept.,  1660. 

2.  Walter,    14   Nov.,    1661. 

3.  Johne.  21  Apr.,   1663.  Jrelxactly'as 

4.  Waiiam,  2  Mar.,  1666.  recorded  in 

1.  Janet,  22  Nov.,  1665.     Wm.  Moir  and  Dr.  Wm.  Moir,  god-  Mo?r'and° 

fathers.  By-'^j 

2.  Marjorie,  12  Mar.,   1657,  became   second   wife  of  Geo.  Gor- 

don, II.  of  Sheelagreen. 

3.  Marie,  20  Jan.,  1659.     Mr.  John  Campbell,  etc.,  godfathers. 

4.  Isobel,  7  June,  1664. 

5.  Agnes,  20  April,  1667. 

6.  Jean,  9  July,   1668. 

7.  Margaret,  11  Nov.,  1669. 

8.  Christian,  4  July,  1671. 

9.  Mary,  26  April,  1673. 

"JOHN  MOIR  of  Barnes  by  his  wife,  MARY  COCHRANE,  has  Thange  of 
a  second  daughter,  Marjorie  Moir,  who  married  as  his  second  wife,     °""^  ^° 

*See  Mr.  Burnet's  article,  "The  Ancestry  of  the  Moirs  of  Scotstown  and  Bams." 

144  MoiR  Genealogy 

George  Gordon,  II.  of  Sheelagreen  in  Aberdeenshire;  by  whom  she 
had  a  son,  William  Gordon.  "He  left  the  estate  of  Rothney  to  Wil- 
liam, though  it  came  by  his  first  wife,  Helen  Erskine  the  mother  of 
George  Gordon.  William  Gordon  had  a  son  George,  who  in  1772,  is 
returned  heir  to  his  father.  The  descent  of  the  Gordons  of  Rothney, 
according  to  the  author  of  the  "Earldom  of  Garioch,"  is  now  extinct. 

(From  Thanage  of  Formartyn,  p.  265.) 

Index  of         "1674,  April  11,  Janet,  Marjory,  Isobel,  Agnes,  Jean,  Margaret, 

Retours  (Margaret    Moir   seems    to    have    married   Captain  James 

Gordon  designed  "of  Barnes")  Christian,  and  Marie  Moires, 

are  served  heir-portioners  of  John  Moir  of  Barnes,  Merchant 

Burgess  of  Aberdeen,  their  father. 

p     hnnie  "Mary  Cochrane,  relect  of  the  deceast  umquhill,  John  Moir,  some- 

Vol.  ii,  p. '623  tyme  of  Barnes,  is  aUve,  1695-6." 


By  ANDREW  J.  MITCHELL-GILL  of  Savock 

I.     JAMES  MOIRE,  who  has  in  1667  a  lease  of  Ferry- 
hill   (but  is  sometime   described  of  Ferryhill),    married, 
first,  I  think,  JEANE  MOIRE. 
Registers  of  !•     William,   8   Feb.,  1666;   Dr.    Wm.  Moire,  Mr.  Wm.  Moire, 

Abe'd^^^^^'  Advocat,  and  Robert  Burnet,  godfathers. 

2.  James,  19  Jan.,  1667;  Prof,  of  Philosophy  in  Marischal  CoU. 
Retours  1696,  Apr.  2,  served    heir    of    John  Moire    of   Ferriehill, 

his  father. 

3.  John,    19   Dec,  1668. 

1.     Marjorie,  24  Dec,  1669. 

JAMES  MOIR,  married  secondly,  RACHELL,  dau. 
Memoirof  of  CHARLES  DUN,  Litster,  of  Aberdeen,  sister  of  Sir 
unn  p^|^jj,j^  Bun,  Court  Physician,  at  Dublin,  and  niece  of 
Dr.  Patrick  Dun,  Principal  of  Marischal  College,  the 
munificent  founder  of  the  grammar  school  of  Aberdeen. 
The  Dunns  of  Tarty  in  the  Parish  of  Logie-Buchan, 
were  near  relatives  of  this  family.  James  Moir  and 
Rachel  Dun  had: — 

1.  Janet,   21   Jan.,  1673;   Robt.  Forbes,  Provost;  Thos.  Mit- 

chell, late  Baillie,  etc,  godfathers. 

2.  Margaret,  28  Jan.,  1674;  John  Moir  of  Stoneywood,  Patrick 

Gellie,  etc.,  godfathers. 

MoiR  Geneai/jgy  145 

3.  Catherine,  5  Oct.  1676. 

4.  Isobel,    1684,   James  Moir   of  Stoneywood,    James  Sandl- 

lands    of    Craibstone,     Mr.    Walter  Grahame,    Robert 
Burnet  of  Elrick,  godfathers. 
Rachel  Dune  or  Moire,  with  her  two  daughters,  Catherine  and  vo/1'fp''625 
Janet,  polled   1695-6. 



By  ANDREW  J.  MITCHELL-GILL  of  Savock 

"Mediocriter." — (With  moderation.) 

I.  MR.  THOMAS  MOIR,  minister  of  Morebattle, 
1610-33,  second  son  of  Moir  of  Abergeldie,  Co.  Aberdeen, 
married  Isabel  Ker. 

II.  MR.  WILLIAM  MOIR  of  Otterbiim,  in  the 
Parish  of  Morebattle,  was  served  heir  of  his  father,  29 
Oct.,  1639.  He  acquired  Corbethouse;  it  came  into  the 
possession  of  his  widow,  Dorothy  Ker,  18  Sept.,  1673, 
who  married,  6  Oct.,  1672,  Mr.  William  Galbraith, 
minister  of  Morebattle,  and  afterwards  of  Jedburgh, 
and  he  disponed  Corbethouse  to  her  son,  9  April,  1687. 

III.  THOMAS  MOIR  of  Otterbum  and  Corbethouse, 
registered  arms  about  1676,  and  three  sons  —  Thomas, 
Andrew,  Henry. 

IV.  THOMAS  MOIR  of  Otterbum,  died  in  May, 
1756,  was  succeeded  by  his  son: — 

V.  ANDREW  MOIR  of  Otterbum,  who  married 
ELIZABETH  ELLIOT,  and  had  a  son:— 

VI.  THOMAS  MOIR  of  Otterbum,  whose  estates 
were  sold  by  judicial  sale,  4  Dec,  1765,  Otterbum  to 
Gilbert  Elliott  in  Jedburgh,  Corbethouse  to  William 
Ker  of  Gateshaw;  and  Rannieston  to  Adam  Keir,  baker 
in  Edinburgh;  he  was  dead  s.  p.,  before  23  July,  1783, 
when  his  sisters,  Sarah,  Jean,  Barbara,  Charlotte, Chris- 
tina and  Elizabeth  were  his  co-heirs  of  provision  general. 

♦For  Coat  of  Arms,  see  page  14. 


By  ANDREW  J.  MITCHELL-GILL  of  Savock 

(For  an  interesting  and  beautiful  account  of  this  family,  see  "A 
Jacobite  Family"  by  JOHN  BROWN,  M.  D.,  the  talented 
author  of  "Rab  and  Kis  Friends,"  from  which  the  particulars 
given  are  taken.) 

*THEMOIRS  OF  STONEYWOOD  seem,  from  the  earliest  record 
down  to  their  close,  to  have  been  devotedly  attached  to  the  House 
of  Stuart;  and  inherited  through  Bishop  Patrick  Scougal  of  Aberdeen, 

(the  grandfather  of  Mary  Scroggie,  who  married  in  1683,  as  first  wife, 
James  Moir  11.  of  Stoneywood )  the  Bible  presented  by  Charles  I., 
when  on  the  scaffold,  to  his  faithful  friend  Bishop  Juson.  Bishop 
Juxon  was,  it  is  understood,  a  relative  of  the  Scougal  family.  The 
grandson  of  John  Moir  I.  of  Stoneywood   was: — 

JAMES  MOIR  III.  of  STONEYWOOD,  of  whom,  and  his  caird- 
servant  John  Gunn,  many  amusing  and  interesting  stories  are  told. 
The  best  of  these,  perhaps,  is  the  rescue  of  the  Earl  of  Winton  in  1715, 
then  under  sentence  of  death  in  the  Tower  of  London  for  his  concern 
in  the  Rebellion  of  that  period.  During  his  sojourn  in  the  Tower, 
the  authorities  allowed  his  books  and  family  papers  to  be  carried  to 
and  from  his  cell  in  a  hamper;  Stoneywood  who  happened  to  be  in 
London  with  his  servant,  went  to  visit  his  captive  friend;  John  Gunn, 
who  was  a  man  of  immense  size  and  strength,  undertook  if  the  Earl 
put  himself,  instead  of  his  charters  into  the  hamper  to  convey  him 
out  of  the  Tower.  This  feat  the  stalwart  Gunn  performed  with 
perfect  success.  Lord  Winton  retired  to  Rome,  where  he  died  in 
1740.     The  son  of  this  Laird: — 

JAMES  MOIR  IV.  of  STONEYWOOD,  b.  1710,  was  one  of  the 
Stuarts  keenest  supporters  in  the  North,  engaged  ardently  in  the 
Royal  cause,  and  raised  the  regiment  known  as  the  "Stoney woods," 
of  which  he  was  Lieut.  Col.;  defeated  at  CuUoden,  he  in  common 
with  his  companions,  was  proscribed,  and  roamed  for  some  time  in 
the  wilds  of  Aberdeenshire.  An  ancedote  is  told  of  his  taking  shelter 
with  a  cobbler  named  Clark,  under  the   name  of  James  Jamieson 

(a  ready  rendering  of  the  son  of  James,  his  father),  and  acquitted 
himself  so  well  in  this  new  line  of  life,  as  to  win  commendation  from 
the  old  man,  who  said,  "Jeems  my  man,  what  for  did  ye  no  tell  me, 
ye  had  been  bred  a  sutor?"  "And  so  I  was,  freend,"  replied  the 
Laird,  "but  to  tell  ye  God's  truth,  I  was  an  idle  loon,  gey  weel  faured, 

*The  estate  of  Stoneywood,  situated  on  the  River  Don,  in  Aberdeenshire,  four  miles 
_      ,  from  the  sea,  consists  of  properties  of  Stoneywood,  Waterton,  Clinterty  and  Greenbum, 

St.  Nicholas    ""i'^^d  in  one  barony.    It  was  originally  the  property  of  Fraser  of  Muckills,  or  Muchalls, 
Aberdeen        but  was  sold  by  Lady  Fraser,  in  1671,  to  John  Moir,  of  Kermuck,  or  EllonAb.  1610,  ob.  1671). 


and  ower-fond  o'  the  lassies,  so  I  joined  the  Prince's  boys,  and  ye 
see  what's  come  o't."  It  is  pleasant  to  add  that  Stoneywood  when 
brighter  days  came,  never  forgot  the  services  of  his  old  friends,  and 
maintained  the  widow  and  five  children  of  Bartlett  (the  cobbler 
in  question  having  died)  at  Stoneywood,  till  the  latter  were  able  to 
support  themselves. 

After  being  assisted  through  many  straits  by  his  faithful  wife, 
Margaret  MacKenzie,  of  Ardross,  and  his  equally  faithful  servant, 
Gunn,  who  with  his  gipsy  spouse,  acted  as  messengers  between  hus- 
band and  wife,  Stoneywood  followed  his  Prince's  example  and  escaped 
to  Norway  with  his  friends.  He  was  protected  by  the  King  of  Sweden 
who  conferred  on  him,  a  patent  of  nobility;  and  becoming  a  naturalized 
subject,  his  lady  joined  him  within  a  year  from  his  arrival  at  Gotten- 

In  Scotland,  meanwhile,  Moir  was  arraigned  before  the  Edinburgh 
High  Court  of  Justiciary;  but  even  the  testimony  of  adverse  witnesses 
only  went  to  prove  the  honour  and  humanity  displayed  throughout 
his  soldier  life  and  he  was  allowed  to  return  to  Stone5nYOod  in  1762 
where  he  died,  in  17S2,  leaving  a  widow  and  two  daughters;  his  seven 
sons  all  having  died  before  their  father.  Mrs.  Moir  survived  till 
1805,  dying  at  the  advanced  age  of  ninety-six  years. 


"Major  Opima  Ferat"  (Let  the  worthiest  carry  off  the  prize.) 

I.   JOHANNES  MOIR,    1470-1516. 

John  Moore,  Burgess  of  Aberdeen,  24  July,  1505,  fhTGre^lLi 
of  James  IV.,  whose  son  may  have  been: —  2595. p. 551 

II.  JOHN  MOIR,     Pie  died  before  his  son:  — 

III.  WILLIAM  MOIR,   Burgess    of    Aberdeen    1560,  Manuscript 

served   heir    to     John     Moir,    his  grandfather. 
His  son:  — 

IV.  *WILLIAM  MOIR,  M.  A.,  Burgess  of  Aberdeen, 

married  Janet  Rae,    served    heir  to   his    father 
1602,  Treasurer  of  Aberdeen,  1615.  Had  issue: — 

1.  Henrie,  bap.  28.  May,  1605.  Registers 

2.  John,  born  1610,    (tombstone);    of   him   again,    as  Nifho?is, 

Stoneywood's  ancestor.  Aberdeen 

3.  William  as  Scotstoun's  progenitor. 

4.  Patrick,    13   July    1615,     Baillie,     and    afterwards, 

(1648, )  Dean  of  Guild,  and  (1672, )  Collector  of 
Excise  of  Aberdeen,  married  4  Jan.  1637,  Isobell 
Gray  (twice  in  register  called  Grahame ).  Issue: — 

1.  William,  7  June,  1638. 

2.  Thomas,  20  May,  1640. 

3.  Patrick,  18  May,  1641. 

♦See  Mr.  Burnett's  article  in  this  book. 


MoiR  Genealogy 






of  the  fam- 
ily of  Forbes 
of  Waterton 

4.  James,  22  July,  1642. 

5.  George. 

6.  Issobell,  15  Dec,  1646. 

7.  Jean,  25  June,  1648. 

8.  Elspeth,  10  June,  1652. 

9.  Rachel,  25  Mar.,  1655. 
10.    Margaret,  10  Mar.,  1659. 

Sir  Robert  Farqhuar,  John  Leslie  Jr., 
etc.,  godfathers. 

V.  JOHN  MOIR  I.  of  Stoneywood,  eldest  son  of 
William  Moir,  Burgess  of  Aberdeen  and  Janet 
Rae,  born  1610,  is  said,  according  to  Skene's 
MS.  to  have  been  first  designed  of  Ferryhill, 
afterwards  of  Kennuck  or  Ellon,  and  in  1671, 
as  before  stated,  of  Stoneywood. 

"1657.  The  two  Kennedy's  flying  the  coun- 
try, make  over  their  estates  to  John  Moir, 
and  his  wife,  *J.  Sandilands,  and  the  longest 
liver  of  them.  He  has  a  charter  of  Caimmucks 
in  1665." 

"1668.  JOHN  MOIR  and  his  wife,  make 
over  to  Sir  John  Forbes  of  Watertown,  all  the 
lands  of  Ardgrain,  Caimmucks,  Broomfield, 
Kirkhill  and  other  property,  they  had  bought 
from  the  Kennedy's  for  £42,500.  Scots.'' 
By  which  it  would  appear,  the  estate  of  Ellon 
had  only  been  held  by  John  Moir  for  eleven 
years.  He  married  Jean  Sandilands,  b.  1636, 
d.  15  Aug.,  1687,  eldest  dau.  of  James  Sandi- 
lands I.,  of  Cotton,  by  Marjory  Burnett  of 
Count es swells,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  James,  1659. 

2.  John,  according  to  Skene's  MS.,  Civilist  of  King's 

Coll.,   and   an    advocate   in,    and  Town  Clerk  of 
Aberdeen  1689,  died  young. 

3.  William,  15  Jan.,  1669.      Dr.  Wm.  Moir,  Dr.  Wm. 

Johnstone,   Dr.  Wm.    Fraser    and   Wm.  Gellie, 
godfathers — first  of  the  Moirs  of  Invernettie. 

4.  Patrick,  bap.  Dec.  12,  1671. 

5.  Issobell,  31  Aug.,   1660. 

6.  Marjorie,  5  Jan.,  1665. 

7.  Jean,  21  Oct.,  1673. 

♦Jean  Sandilands  married  secondly,  on  Stoneywood 's  death,  William  Cumine  of 
Anchry  and  liad  issue.  Accordinfr  to  the  genealogy  of  the  family  of  Sandilands  of 
Craibstone  and  Cotton,  Alexander  Moir,  (fourth  son  of  the  above  John  Moir  and  Jean 
Sandilands)  was  Professor  of  Greek  in  the  Marischal  College  of  Aberdeen. 


VI.  JAMES  MOIR  II.  of  STONEYWOOD,   bap.    at  ^"embSsof 

Aberdeen  1st  Sept.,  1659,  John  Jafifray,  Pro-  ^.^2'm'"*'°'* 
vost,  James  Moir,  Mr.  James  Sandilands,  etc., 
godfathers;  who  sat  in  Parliament  for  fifteen 
years  as  member  for  Aberdeenshire,  1G89-1702, 
1702-1707;  was  also  one  of  the  Commissioners 
appointed  for  settling  the  Union  of  the  King- 
doms died  22  Nov.,  1739. 

JAMES  MOIR,  married  first,  10  July,  1683,  g^jj^tone^ 
MARY,    eldest    dau.    of   the     RIGHT     REV.  Churchyard. 


WM.  SCROGGIE,  Bishop  of  Argyll,  (elected 
1666,  died  1675,)  by  his  wife,  a  dau.  of  Patrick 
Scougal,  Bishop  of  Aberdeen,  who  was  a  son 
of  Sir  John  Scougal  of  that  ilk,  in  East  Lothian. 

1.  James,  his  hoir.  Poll-book 

2.  Rhoderick,     bapt.     at    Aberdeen,    25    Aug.,  1689, 

(whose  portrait,  clad  in  armour,  is  amongst 
the  Stoneywood  pictures, )  drowned  at  sea,  along 
with  his  cousin  James  Sandilands,  1713-14. 

3.  William,     an    Advocate    (? ),     and     probably    the 

inheritor  of  the  estate  of  Whitehill,  in  Mid- 
lothian, a  property  which  had  devolved  by 
inheritance  from  the  Scougal  family  to  that  of 

4.  Alexander,   Principal  of  St.  Andrew's  Coll.,  at  the  Skene's 

abolition  of  Episcopacy,  whose  descendants  are  Manuscnpt 
stated   to   have  inherited    the    estate    of  Inver- 
nettie  in  Buchan — •see  Moir  of  Invernettie. 

1.  Jean,  married  John  Abernethy,  II.  of  Mayen. 

2.  Katherine. 

3.  Marjory. 

VI.  JAMES  MOIR  II.  of  STONEYWOOD,  married 
secondly,  JEAN,  dau.  of  ALEXANDER  ABER- 
NETHY I.  of  MAYEN,  and  relict  of  William 
Moir  of  Scotstown. 

1.  William  of  Lonmay —  (see  that  family.) 

2.  John,  b.  1697,  died  19  April,  1720. 

3.  Patrick,  26  Feb.,   1707.  Alexander  Moir,  Regent,  a 


1.  Janet,  married  14  June,   1733,    Patrick  Byres  I.  of 

Tonley —  (see  that  family. ) 

2.  Isabella,   died  unmarried. 

VII.  JAMES  MOIR  III.   of  STONEYWOOD,   (eldest 

son    of  James    Moir,    by   his  first   wife,  Mary 

150  MoiR  Genealogy 

Scroggie),  one  of  the  keenest  of  the  Stuarts' 
supporters  in  the  North;  engaged  ardently  in 
the  Royal  cause;  raised,  and  was  the  Colonel  of 
"Stoneywood's"  Regiment;  and  as  before  stated, 
married  JEAN,  daughter  of  William  Erskine 
of  Pittodrie,  by  his  wife,  Mary  Grant  of 
Ballindalloch,  and  died  1782,  Issue,  five  sons 
and  two  daughters.: — 

1.  Jaraes,  his  heir,  b.  Sept.  29,  1710. 

2.  Thomas,    who    having    had      a   quarrel    with    his 

brother  James  when  they  were  both  young  men, 
took  it  so  much  to  heart  that  he  left  his  father's 
home  clandestinely,  and  went  to  sea,  having 
engaged  him«elf  as  a  sailor.  He  afterwards  settled 
as  a  merchant  in  Falmouth  (England.)    Issue:  — 

1.  Capt.  Thomas. 

2.  James,  a  Barrister. 

3.  A  dau.,  m.  Dr.  Vivian  cf  Falmouth. 

Skene's  _  JAMES    MOIR   IV.   of   STONEYWOOD,   having  lost   his  own 

anuscnpt  ggyg^  gons,  "was  very  anxious  to  form  a  nearer  connection  by  the 
marriage  of  his  daughter  Maria  to  her  cousin  James  Moir  (the  Bar- 
rister). He  intended  to  have  paid  a  portion  to  his  elder  daughter 
Mrs.  Skene,  and  to  settle  the  estate  of  Stoneywood  on  James  Moir 
and  his  daughter  Maria,  which  upon  the  eve  of  accomplishment 
was  defeated  by  the  underhand  machinations  of  Mr.  Dumo  —  see 
sequel  —  the  as  yet  unrevealed  enemy  of  the  family,  who  feared 
that  the  marriage  might  become  the  means  of  bringing  his  base  prac- 
tices to  light.  Accordingly,  he  found  means  to  persuade  Mr.  James 
Moir  that  his  uncle  was  deceiving  him,  and  had  given  a  false  state- 
ment of  his  affairs,  as  the  estate  was  drowned  in  debt,  and  he  only 
wanted  the  marriage  to  involve  Mr.  James  Moir  in  his  toils,  so  as 
to  get  him  to  reUeve  the  burdens  on  the  property.  Upon  obtaining 
this  information,  the  young  gentleman  thought  it  prudent  to  leave 
Aberdeen  and  when  he  reached  England,  wrote  to  his  uncle,  stating 
the  cause  of  his  desertion.  Miss  Moir  felt  it  very  severely  for  a 
long  time,  and  the  disappointment  occasioned  her  withdrawing  her- 
eeli  from  society;  while  her  father  was  so  offended  as  to  revive  again 
the  disunion  which  had  so  long  separated  the  two  famiUes." 

3.  Alexander, 

4.  William  —  both  died  abroad  unmarried. 

5.  Charles,  engaged  in  the  Rebellion  of  1745. 

1.  Mary. 

2.  Clementina,     named     after     queen     Clementina 

Sobiesky,  mother  of   Prince  Charles  Edward. 
Kennedy's  "1745.     In   the   beginning   of    November,   Lord    Lewis   Gordon, 

Aberdeen       ^^°  ^^^  '-'^^'^  appointed  by  the  Prince,  Lord  Lieutenant  of  the  counties 
Vol.1,  p.  229    of  Aberdeen  and  Banff,  made  his  appearance  in  the  town,  accom- 

MoiR  Geneat^ogy  151 

panied  by  Wm.    Moir   of  Lonmay  and  James  Moir  of  Stoncywood 

and  assumed  the  direction  of  public  affairs." 

IV.  JAMES    MOIR,    IV.     of    STONEYWOOD,     b. 
1710,  married  at  Ardross,  in  Ross-shire,  in  Sept,' 

1740,  his  cousin,  Margaret,  daughter  of  ( ) 

Mackenzie  of  Ardross;  and  had  fifteen  children,  Arms. see 

D.  14 

who  mostly  died  children,  excepting  Charles 
(the  eighth  son),  b.  1752,  entered  the  British 
Army  and  was  killed  in  America. 

1.  Jane,   m.   George  Skene    of    Rubislaw,   whose  de- 

scendants now  represent  this  family. 

2.  Maria,    married    Major    Ramsay,    of    the  Scotch 

Brigade,  a  son  of  Ramsay  of  Kinaldie,   in  For- 
farshire,   (without  issue. ) 
This  Laird,   was,   like  his  progenitors,    a  warm  supporter  of  the 

GEORGE  SKENE  of  Rubislaw,  left  the  following 
children  by  his  wife  JANE  MOIR,  who  died  in  Edin- 
burgh on  March  29,  1820,  aged  79,  having  been  44 
years  a  widow: — 

1.  Margaret  Skene,  b.  Sept.  4,   1767,    m.    Col.   Ramsay  of 

the  2d  or  Queen's  Regiment  of  foot,  and  had  issue. 

2.  Helen    Skene,    b.    Aug.    13,    1768,    remained   unmarried, 

and  died  in  Florence,  Italy,  in  1841. 

3.  Catherine  Skene,  b.  Oct.  20,  1769,  m.  Sir  Henry  Jardine, 

King's  Remembrancer  of  Exchequer,  and  had  issue,  she 
died   in    1838. 

4.  George  Skene,  b.  Dec.  14,  1770. 

5.  Jean  Skene,  b.  Dec.  5,  1771,  died  in  infancy  atRubislaw. 

6.  Maria  Skene,  b.  Dec.  22,  1773,   died  in  infancy  at  Aber- 


7.  James  Skene,  b.  Mar.  7,  1775. 


By  A.  J.  MiTCHELL-GILL  of  Savock 

Copied  from  Original  Letters  bound  into  the  Stoneywood  MS.,  in  the  possession 
of  W.  F.  Skene  W.  S.,  whose  father  compiled  it.    No.  1-58  (marked  "from  Capt.  Byres"). 

1745  I.     LETTER,   Patrick  Byres,  of  Tonley,  dated  from  Duffus  to  Coll'n  James  Moir,  of 

Stoneywood  att  Findhorn  1746,  Mar.  18. 

Dr.  Sir,  —  Before  I  coud  dispatch  the  Carts  and  the  Horses  into  Elgin,  Mr.  Moir 
arrived  here,  and  told  me  you  was  march'd  w't  a  part  of  the  Battalion  for  findhorn,  and 
proposed  that  I  should  meet  you  on  the  West  road  from  Elgin.  As  it's  impossible  for 
me  to  bring  the  men  to  findhorn  to-night,  having  sent  them  into  Elgin  w't  the  carts,  I 
thought  proper  to  send  the  bearer  to  know  if  I  should  join  you  tomorrow  there,  or  con- 
tinue the  party  at  Gordonston  till  further  orders.  If  I  be  to  join  you  at  ffindhom 
you'll  please  cau'd  (caused)  Raebum  goe  directly  from  you  to  Elgin,  and  cause  the 
Lieutennatt  or  Ensign  bring  them  up  there,  and  then  come  to  me  here,  but  if  the  party 
be  to  be  continued  at  Gordonstin  he  may  come  straight  here,  and  I  shall  bring  them  out 
here.    I  ever,  Yrs,  &c. 

(signed)     "PAT'K  BYRES." 

1747  11.     LETTER  No.   164.  —  From  last,  addressed  A.  Mons.  Monsieur  Jacques  Jameson 

(Stoneywood's  assumed  name,  and  a  ready  description  of  his  parentage,  James,  son  of 
James)  Negociant,  a  Gottenburgh  dans  la  Suede,  dated  Paris  18  May  1747. 

Sir;  —  Some  days  ago  I  received  yours  of  the  ISth  ultimo,  O.S.  Since  my  last  to 
you  the  prince  is  returned  from  M — d,  and  lives  at  present  in  a  village  called  Pessy,  about 
a  league  from  here.  In  consequence  of  yours  I  went  there,  and  communicated  youra 
to  Sir  Jo.  Graham,  who  told  me  what  I  knew  very  well  before,  viz:  that  though  the  Court 
of  France  had  approved  of  the  list  you  and  I  were  in,  and  had  ordered  the  Pay't  y'rof, 
and  although  on  the  faith  of  that  Mr.  Waters  had  advanced  above  4000  Livres,  yet  as 
the  demands  for  the  campaign  had  been,  and  still  continued  very  pressing,  the  intendant 
of  the  ffinances  had  not  as  yet  pay'd  in  any  part  of  the  money  ordered  by  that  list  of 
Mr.  Waters,  that  till  it  was  pass'd  he  would  advance  no  more,  but  that  he   had  writt 

to  the  Minister  the  very  day  I  spoke  to  him,    and    that   he   expected   the  money 

would  be  very  soon  pay'd  in  to  Waters.  That  how  soon  that  happened,  he'd  let  me 
know,  and  I  should  have  ane  order  for  yours  and  y'r  broyr's.  As  I  know  very  well  that 
every  word  of  the  above  was  true,  I  could  say  nothing  in  return:  only  I  told  him  that 
as  I  had  writt  you  in  Consequence  of  his  own  desire,  I  wish'd  he'd  give  me  ane  order  on 
Waters.  He  said  he  would  willingly,  but  he  was  sure  Waters  would  not  pay  it  (having 
refused  severall  before)  till  he  was  reimbursed  of  his  advance,  which  could  not  be 
long.  I  likewise  ment'd  you  and  Charlie  to  the  Prince  at  dinner,  who  expressed  his 
satisfaction  of  your  being  safe,  and  seemed  very  well  plesaed  when  I  told  him  that 
you'd  be  in  Scotland  among  the  first  of  his  friends.  When  that  will  be,  God  knows, 
tho'  we  hope  here  it  won't  be  long.  Please  make  my  compliments  to  Messres  Scot 
and  Carnegie,  and  tell  them  they  ere  in  the  same  list  with  us,  and  will  draw  1000 
Livres  each  when  the  money  is  pay'd,  being  insent  as  Captains.  Sir  James  Stewart 
and  his  family  have  been  at  St.  Seden  since  November  last.  Sir  James  Leslie  is  w't  the 
army  in  Flanders.  Lochell  is  and  has  been  here  since  the  pr.  (Prince)  arrived.  I  beg 
you'll  make  my  compliments  in  every  particular  way  to  Mr.  Baxter,  and  tell  him  when 
he  goes  home,  1  hope  he'll  be  so  good  as  to  lett  my  wife,  and  the  rest  of  my  friends  know, 
I  am  well,  for  tho'  I  have  writt  severall  times  yett  as  the  communication  to  Holland  is 
DOW  stopt,  I  doubt  very  much  if  we  can  expect  to  hear  from  Britt.  by  that  way,  and  let 
me  know  if  you  think  it  more  practicable  y'r  way.  As  to  business,  there  is  scarce  any 
possibility  of  success  here;  the  war  has  ruined  that  at  present.    So  that  the  army  is  the 







''"BLIC    LIEftAfty 

Inspector  of  Poor 

Bucksburn,  Aberdeenshire 


Halifax,  Nova  Scotia 

Pioneer  Engineer  and  Engine  Builder 
Extensive  Shops  at  Halifax 

MoiR  Genealogy  153 

only  resource  at  present,  which  I  am  not  as  yet  determined  to  follow.  Shall  be  glad  to 
know  what  scheme  youre  on,  and  how  you  propose  to  prosecute  it.  Severall  British 
letters  insist  positively  that  there  is  to  be  a  second  bill  of  attainder.  The  F.  are  carrying 
all  before  them  in  Dutch  Flanders;  they  have  taken  Sluice,  Sas  de  Grand,  fort  Phillyspiaee 
and  Hulst  but  have  lost  a  considerable  number  of  men  before  Hulst,  the  dutch 
having  defended  it  better  than  their  oy'r  towns  since  the  election  of  a  Stadhoulder.  We 
expect  daily  the  news  of  a  generall  action  in  flanders,  which  is  thought  unavoidable,  and 
if  the  Allies  be  beat,  It's  hard  to  foresee  what  may  be  the  consequence.  The  D — ke 
has  left  this  some  time  ago  privately,  and  where's  he  gone  is  a  secret.  Remember  me 
to  young  Gask.  and  to  honest  Generall  Gordon.  We  drink  all  your  healths  often.  L'd 
Lewis  is  on  this  side  the  water;  Sr.  Will  Gordon  is  here,  and  is  L.  Coll.  to  L'd  Ogil.  I 
am  Sir.  Y'r  Most  Humble  Servant,  (Signed)  "PAT  BYRES." 

P.S.  When  I  write  to  Scotland,  I  sign  Pat  Robertson  but  ther's  no  danger  twixt 
this  and  you.  I  sign  my  own  name. 

IIL     LETTER  No.  189.    From  last  to  same,  dated  Paris,  10  Aprile,  1747  N.S. 

"Sir,  —  I  received  yours  of  the  7th  ultimo  —  I  suppose  old  style  —  some  days  ago 
though  I  have  reasons  enough  to  excuse  my  declining  any  correspondence  w't  you  after 
the  usage  I  very  undeservedly  met  w't  from  you,  whereof,  though  you  make  no  mention 
I  make  no  doubt  of  youre  being  sensible,  yet,  as  it  was  always  my  principall  that  of  the 
two  I'd  rather  any  man  were  in  the  wrong  to  me,  than  I  to  him,  I  therefore  thought  it 
incumbent  on  me  to  acquaint  you  of  some  facts  which  concern  you.  You  must  know 
then  that  after  being  some  time  here,  on  hearing  that  your  brother  and  you  had  arrived 
at  Gotheburg,  as  there  was  a  list  of  the  prince's  friends  making  up,  in  order  to  be  given 
in  to  the  Court  of  france  .  I  waited  on  Sir  Jo.  Graham,  who  does  business  here,  for  the 
Duke  of  York,  and  told  him  that  your  Broy'r  and  you  were  arrived  in  Sweden,  and  de- 
sired that  he  would  put  you  in  the  List,  which  he  was  making  up  of  the  Prince's  friends. 
He  ask'd  what  Quality  you  had  served  in  I  told  him  you  as  Coll.  and  your  broy'r  as  Capt. 
of  Lord  L.  Gordon's  first  Batt.  He  said  he  would  insert  you  as  Lt.  Coll.  and  your  Broy're 
as  Capt.,  seeing  he  knew  that  you  had  acted  as  such.  Ld.  Lewis  having  been  Coll.  him- 
eelf.  which  was  accordingly  done;  and  now  the  Court  of  france  have  is.sued  money  for 
the  payment  of  that  List,  so  that  there's  1500  livres  for  you,  and  1000  for  Charlie,  which 
you  and  he  may  send  orders  to  any  one  of  your  friends  here  to  wait  on  Sir  Jo.  Graham, 
who  will  giveanyone  so  Impovvered  ane  order  on  Mr.  Waters,  the  Banq'r,  for  each  of  these 
sums.  You'll  need  also,  I  believe  send  at  same  time  y'r  recepts  to  Mr.  Waters  for  his 
exoneration  in  case  you  propose  to  draw  the  money,  and  directions.  What  way  to  apply 
or  remitt  it  after  .Mr.  Waters  pays  it.  1  believe  the  Court  of  france  mav  be  previiled 
on  to  make  some  more  pay'ts  in  the  same  way,  to  such  of  the  prince's  friends  as  are  not 
at  yett  oyrwise  provided  for,  although  I  doubt  much  of  their  being  continued.  I  have 
writt  to  Scotland  to  lot  Charlie  know  of  this,  in  case  he  should  be  still  there.  I  am  heartily 
Concerned  I  do  assure  you  for  the  loss  you  have  suffered  in  your  family  by  the  death 
of  your  two  sons.  If  Charlie  come  to  Sweden,  I'm  still  of  opinion  that  he  could  do  better 
here  than  anywhere  else.  However,  as  his  best  judge  of  that  is  him.self,  I  only  hint  it, 
that  he  may  have  it  in  his  eye.  Mr.  Ogilvie  of  Inshewnn,  who  is  just  now  w't  me,  desires 
to  be  remembered  to  you  —  I  am,  sir,  your  most  Humble  Servant 

(sig'd)  "PAT.  BYRES." 

P.S.  I  desire  that  Charlie  may  write  me  how  soon  he  arrives  in  Sweden,  and  if  you 
write  to  Scotland  that  you'd  fall  on  some  way  to  cause  him  to  write  me  from  there  if 
he  has  not  yett  left  the  country. 

IV.     LETTER  No.  190.  —  Patrick  Bvres  to  James  Moir,  Paris,  1st  Aug.,  1747. 

Sir,  —  At  last  after  being  obliged  to  be  severall  times  at  the  trouble  to  go  and  come 
to  the  prince's  Quarters  at  St.  Toin,  which  is  2  leagues  from  here,  1  Got  an  order  from 
Sr.  Jo.  Graham  on  Mr.  Waters  for  loOO  livres  for  you,  and  euoyr  for  1000  for  Charlie, 
and  on  giving  my  recopt  on  the  the  back  of  them,  Mr.  Wateis  has  pay'd  me  the  money, 
which  is  now  in  my  custody.  I  was  obliged  to  leave  your  orders  w't  Sir  Jo.  as  a  voucher 
to  him  before  he'd  give  mc  a  precept  on  Mr.  Waters,  so  on  recept  of  this  you'll  send  me 
a  recept  for  the  1500  livres.  As  mine  lyea  with  Mr.  Water.--,  and  in  the  meantime  i  thall 
endeavor  to  get  a  Bill  for  said  sum  on  UoUand,  payable  to  Mr.  Crawford,  tho'  1  could 
wish  to  hear  from  you  first,  as  pos.-ibly  you  may  have  altered  your  intention,  it  cost  nje 
about  five  and  twenty  or  thirty  livres  in  Coach  hire,  &c.,8olliciting  for  you,  which  I  sup- 
pose you  will  not  grudge.    We  have  had  here  Copies  of  ane  act  ol  the  Brittish  parl't  which 


MoiR  Geneai,ogy 

they  pretend  to  dignifie  w't  the  title  of  a  Bill  of  Indemnity,  tho'  in  my  opinion  it  ought 
rather  to  be  called  a  2d  Bill  of  Attaindre.  There  are  in  it  85  gentlemen  excepted,  beside 
those  already  attainted  of  wh.  number  yr.  unkle,  you,  and  I  are  three.  Besides  these,  85 
Excepted  by  name,  all  abroad,  all  in  foreign  service,  all  transported,  and  all,  any  man- 
ner of  way  concerned  in  the  late  rebe'-lioa  are  excepted  in  the  General  Clause,  so  that 
one  or  oyr.  Everybody  is  Included;  tho'  as  to  those  not  Excepted  by  name,  in  my  opinion 
I  think  they  may  w'out  any  danger  go  home  —  and  I  was  resolved  to  have  done  so  my- 
self had  I  not  been  Excepted.  I  had  a  letter  from  Robie  SandUands  two  or  three  posts 
ago,  to  which  I  wrote  him  ane  answer  the  23d  ulto  w't  my  thoughts  anent  what  he  should 
do,  which  I  see  no  reasons  hitherto  to  alter.  Please  remember  me  to  him,  and  tell  him 
that  I  have  gott  him  marked  down  as  a  Capt.  in  a  list  they  are  just  now  making  up  to 
be  given  in  to  the  Court,  but  when  it  wUl  be  given  in  or  when  paj''d  is  very  uncertain. 
Had  he  write  a  post  sooner,  he  had  been  in  a  list  just  now  given  in,  and  which  will,  I  be- 
lieve be  soon  payed.  He  wrote  me  your  Lady  was  come  over,  I  hope  she  is  well;  please 
remember  me  to  her.  The  only  news  here  are  that  the  french  have  been  sadly  defeat 
in  Italy,  and  have  lost  oyr  8000  men,  and  a  number  of  generall  offr's ;  out  of  28  Battal'n 
there  are  27  Colonells  slain,  along  with  Chev'ir  de  Belisle,  who  commanded  that  Corps, 
and  is  said  the  Marschall  de  Belisle  and  the  v.-hole  army  have  retired  to  the  frontiers 
of  pcovence,  which  if  true,  is  a  very  great  check.  Glenbuckett  arrived  here  two  or  three 
Days  ago  w't  Mr.  Menzies.  In  order  to  save  postage  I  have  writt  Charlie  on  this.  Hav- 
ing nothing  further  to  add — I  am  Sir  ,Your  Most  Humble  Servant 

(sig'd)   "PAT.  BYRES." 

V.     LETTER  No.  191.  —  Patrick  Byres  to  Mr.  Charles  Moir. 

Paris  1st  August,   1747. 

Dear  Charlie,  I  had  yours  from  Gotthburgh,  and  was  glad  to  ( )  you  had  got  safe. 

1  have  gott  your  1000  livres,  and  shall  remitt  or  employ  it  as  you  order;  in  my  opinion 
you  should  come  here,  as  yoiir  passage  to  Holland  would  cost  you  nothing.  Tarriebreeka 
you  know  pay't  no  freight,  and  when  in  Holland  you  should  gett  yourself  made  Burger 
atRotfd'm,  and  then  proceed  to  Ostend,  Dunkerque,  or  any  oyr  place  of  that  kind  and 
buy  a  prize  which  you  can  do  pretty  easy,  and  so  you'll  be  just  in  your  old  way  again, 
and  might  be  usefull  to  y'r  friends.  Your  being  made  burger  at  Rotterdam  'will  cost 
you  but  a  trifle  of  15  f .  or  20  f . ;  or  if  you  please,  you  may  gett  yourself  made  a  Burger 
of  Gottenburgh,  which  I  believe  would  be  better,  and  then  you  could  sail  your  vessell 
as  a  Swedish  ship,  for  in  all  probability,  the  Dutch  will  soon  be  in  war  w't  the  french. 
This  is  my  scheme,  but  if  you  have  any  better  of  your  own  you  know  Counsel's  not  Com- 
mand. When  you  write  me  how  to  order  your  1009  livres,  send  a  lecept  along  because 
mine  lyes  for  it.  I  heard  lately  from  y'r  aunt  all  is  weU  at  home;  and  she  writes  me  that 
you  had  left  Scotland  sometime  ago.  Make  my  compliments  to  all  friends,  and  I  ever 
am,  Dear  Charlie,  Yours  Most  Affectionately, 

(Sig'd^         While  PAT  BYRES. 
To  MR.   CHAS.  MOIR. 



With  an  Account  of  a  Relic  of  Culloden  and  its  Associations. 

By  GEORGE  GAULD,  Braes  of  Cromar 

About  the  period  of  the  Rebellion  of  1745,  there  lived  in  the 
near  vicinity  of  Loch  Kinnord,  a  stout  yeoman  of  the  name  of  Moir. 
Like  not  a  few  of  the  Cromar  men  of  that  eventful  time,  MOIR 
not  only  took  part  in  the  rising,  but  fought  in  the  ranks  of  the  un- 
fortunate PRINCE  CHARLIE  at  the  battle  of  Culloden,  under  hia 
chief,  JAMES  MOIR  of  Stoneywood.  After  that  disastrous  and 
decisive  defeat,  which  for  ever  sealed  the  fate  of  the  House  of 
Stuart,  MOIR  returned  to  more  peaceful  pursuits,  and  appears  to 
have  settled  down  somewhere  along  the  vale  of  the  Burn  of  Logic, 
in  his  native  Cromar.  Whether  he  was  wounded  in  the  battle  or 
not,  cannot  be  ascertained  at  this  late  period,  but  the  likelihood 
is  that  he  was,  seeing  that  the  tartan  plaid  which  he  wore  in  the 
action,  and  which  still  exists  in  a  wonderfully  good  state  of  pre- 
servation, shows  quite  unmistakably  the  mark  of  a  bullet  hole 
through  its  folds.  MOIR'S  wife  seems  to  have  died  some  time  in 
advance  of  him,  and  in  course  of  time  he  himself  was  called  upon 
to  pay  the  last  debt  of  nature.  On  his  deathbed,  he  confided  the 
care  of  his  family,  consisting  of  two  young  boys,  respectively ^ 
DONALD  and  JOHN  MOIR,  to  a  relative  of  his  own,  also  re- 
siding at  the  time  in  the  Burnside  of  Logie  district.  Nor  did  he 
intend  his  children  to  be  a  mere  unpaid  burden  on  the  charity 
of  his  friend,  as,  at  the  same  time,  he  handed  over,  along  with 
the  custody  of  the  boys,  what  was  then  considered  a  very  hand- 
some sum  of  money  for  their  proper  maintenance  and  education 
and  general  upbringing.  From  the  fact  of  the  children  being  so 
young  at  the  time  of  their  father's  death,  it  is  evident  that  MOIR 
must  either  have  married  late  in  life  or  else  died  a  comparatively 
young  man.  The  latter  assumption  is  probably  the  correct  one, 
as  probably  his  early  decease  might  have  been  hastened  by  the 
privations,  he  was  almost  certain  to  have  endured  in  the  course 
of  the  campaign,  or  from  the  effects  of  having  been  wounded  in 
the  battle  of  Culloden. 

Be  that  as  it  may,  his  friend  appears  to  have  been  the  sole 
and  only  guardian  appointed  by  him  to  have  charge  of  the  boys 
and  their  effects,  and  before  long  he  clearly  proved  himself  to  be 
most   incompetent    for    the  office.      He  speedily    developed    a    far 

♦This  well-written  article  by  G.  G.  (the  late  Mr.  George  Gauld,  Braes  of  Cromar, 
and  latterly  at  Hillhead  of  Findrack),  appeared  in  the  Aberdeen  Daily  Journal,  9th 
November,  1905.  and  was  re-printed  in  the  Aberdeen  Weekly  Journal,  Friday, 
December  27,  1912.  This  article  waa  furnished  for  this  work  by  R.  Murdoch  Lawrance, 
Esq.,  of  Aberdeen. 

156  MoiR  Genealogy 

greater  affection  for  the  money  of  his  dead  friend  than  for  the 
children,  and  used  them  so  harshly,  and  even  cruelly,  that  at 
length,  the  elder  boy,  DONALD,  ran  away  and  took  refuge  at  a 
farm  in  the  lower  end  of  the  "Howe"  of  Cromar,  nor  did  his 
guardian  —  so-called  —  ever  once  take  the  trouble  to  go  after  him 
or  make  any  inquiries  concerning  his  welfare.  Bye-and-bye,  when 
the  younger  boy,  JOHN,  had  grown  up  a  little,  he  also,  in  order  to 
escape  the  cruelty  and  oppression  of  his  guardian,  ran  away  out 
of  Cromar  altogether,  into  the  parish  of  Leochel-Cushnie,  and 
landed  at  a  farmhouse  in  the  evening  just  as  the  shades  of  night 
were  falling.  On  being  interrogated  as  to  who  he  was  and  where 
he  had  come  from,  he  was  too  young  to  give  a  satisfactory  answer, 
but  replied  that  he  "Cam'  in  o'er  the  tap  o'  yon  hill."  He  got 
supper  with  the  family  and  slept  with  the  farmer,  whom,  on  the 
following  morning,  he  assisted,  as  best  he  could,  in  the  very 
necessary  duty  of  "muckin'  "  the  byres.  The  poor  boy  was  kindly 
treated,  and  was  allowed  to  remain  at  the  farm  as  his  house  until 
he  grew  up.  In  course  of  time  the  worthy  farmer,  through  re- 
peated inquiries  made  during  his  visits  to  the  markets,  at  Tarland 
— then,  and  for  long  after,  gatherings  of  great  size  and  importance 
— not  only  discovered  the  boy's  history,  bat  also  the  residence  of 
his  brother  DONALD  in  Cromar.  It  is  not  recorded  that  any 
proceedings  were  ever  instituted  against  their  unnatural  guardian, 
who,  in  all  probability,  was  allowed  to  live  and  die  in  posssesion 
of  his  "ill-gotten  gear."  When  the  two  brothers  had  arrived  at 
manhood  they  put  their  earnings  together  and  became  joint 
tenants  of  the  half  of  the  farm  of  Bellastraid,  in  their  native 
district  of  the  Burnside  of  Logie,  in  Cromar,  and  later  on  took 
a  lease  of  the  adjoining  farm  of  Logie,  now  known  as  Mains  of 
Logie,  which,  together  with  Bellastraid,  now  forms  a  portion  of 
the  estate  of  Glendavan,  the  property  of  Professor  Ogston,  of 
Aberdeen  University. 

The  name  of  the  wife  of  the  above  DONALD  MOIR,  farmer 
in  Mains  of  Logie,  is  not  known,  but  he  left,  at  least,  a  family 
of  four  children,  who  survived  to  man  and  womanhood — two  sons 
and  two  daughters.  His  son,  JOHN  MOIR,  farmer  of  Monan- 
dawin,  married  Elizabeth  Henry  of  Dovin,  but  died  without  issue. 
His  second  son,  Donald,  was  a  cooper  to  trade,  and  his  wife's 
name  was  Anne  Robertson.  He  lived  latterly  in  Tarland,  and 
eventually  died  there.  He  left  an  only  daug'iter,  namsd  Anne 
Moir,  who  became  the  wife  of  John  Skeen,  late  innkeeper  and 
general  merchant  in  Tarland,  to  whom  she  had  a  family  of  tea 
children — five  sons  and  five  daag'iters.  One  of  her  sons,  the  late 
Deputy-Surgeon-General,  William  Skeen,  eventually  became  the 
possessor  of  the  tartan  plaid,  with  the  buUel-hole  throug'i  it, 
which  had  done  service  on  CuUoden  Mulr,  and  which  still 
remains  a  treasured  rtlic  in  his  family.  In  all  probability,  this  old 
tartan  phiid  was  the  whole — or,  at  anycate,  the  bulk — of  their 
father's  property  DONALD  and  JOHN  MOIR  ever  recovered  from 
their  greedy,  grasping  guardian. 

MoiR  Genealogy  157 

MARY  MOIR,  daughter  of  DONALD  MOIR,  farmer  in  Mains 
of  Logie,  married  George  Gauld,  farmer  in  MJgvie;  to  whom  she 
had  a  family  of  eleven  children,  nine  of  them  surviving  fo  man 
and  womanhood.  From  this  union  sprung  a  number  of  large  and 
well-known  families  in  Cromar,  namely,  the  Andersons  of  Bella- 
more,  the  Reids  of  Smiddyhill,  the  Grants  of  Blackmill,  the 
Raids  of  Migvie,  the  Gaulds  of  Tillykerrie,  the  Gaulds  of  Milton 
of  Whitehouse,  in  the  Braes  of  Cromar;  and  the  Gordons  of 
Littlemjll,  in  Glenn: uick. 

ISABELLA  MOIR,  seeond  daughter  of  DONALD  MOIR, 
farmer  in  Mains  of  Logie,  married  James  Tawse,  farmer  in 
Strathweltie,  near  Tarland,  to  whom  she  had  a  family  of  four 
children  —  three  sons  and  one  daughter  —  all  of  whom  died  un- 
married at  advanced   ages. 

The  name  of  the  wife  of  JOHN  MOIR,  joint  tenant  with  his 
brother  DONALD  in  the  farm  of  Mains  of  Logie,  is  not  known, 
but  he  left  at  least  one  daughter  of  the  name  of  ELSPET  MOIR 
who  married  a  man  of  the  name  of  Bunch,  in  the  county  of 
Forfar,  and  she  is  known  to  be  interred  in  the  churchyard  of 
Glamis.  Previous  to  her  marriage,  MRS.  ELSPET  MOIR  had  a 
natural  daughter  named  Anne  Carey,  but  who  was  known  all  her 
lifetime  by  the  Scottish  border  surname  of  Kerr,  although  her 
proper  name  was  really  the  English  one  of  Carey.  Anne  Carey's 
early  experience  of  life  was  remarkably  trying  —  beyond  that  of 
most  children  of  her  years.  She  used  to  relate  in  after  days  that, 
although  living  in  her  mother's  house,  where  she  might  have 
naturally  been  considered  safe  from  oppression  and  bad  usage,  her 
half-brother  and  sister  treated  her  so  harsh  that,  at  the  tender  age 
of  between  seven  and  eight  years,  she  ran  away  from  her  home, 
resolved  to  make  a  living  in  the  world  for  herself  rather  than 
endure  the  tyranny  of  her  youthful  persecutors  any  longer.  She 
may  have  been  prompted  to  take  this  step  through  hearing  her 
mother  relate  the  adventures  of  her  father  and  uncle,  in  this  same 
line  in  their  boyhood.  At  anyrate,  she  first  made  her  way  over 
the  hills  from  Forfarshire  to  Braemar,  and  having,  while  living 
with  her  mother,  frequently  heard  her  speak  about  her  relations 
in  Cromar,  in  Aberdeenshire,  she  made  up  her  mind  to  try  and 
reach  them.  She  stayed  for  a  period  in  Braemar  performing  such 
light  and  simple  duties  as  a  child  of  her  years  might  be  able  to 
execute,  and  then  gradually  worked  her  way  down  Deeside,  till 
she  reached  Glentanar,  where  she  acted  as  a  goatherd  for  a  con- 
siderable time.  She  eventually  reached  her  mother's  cousin,  the 
good-wife  of  Migvie,  in  Cromar,  in  whose  family  she  remained  a 
valued  servant  till  she  grew  to  womanhood.  Anne  Carey  was 
never  married,  and  finally  died  in  Tarland  on  19th  January,  1887, 
at  the  reputed  age  of  84,  although  generally  supposed  to  have 
been   much  older.     She  was  interred  in  Tarland  Churchyard. 

An   old     table-shaped    tombstone   in    the    west    end    of    Migvie 
Churchyard  in  Cromar,  bears  the  following  inscription: — 

"In    memory    of   George   Gauld,    farmer    in    Migvie,  who    died 
January    16th,    1822,    aged   70.      Also   of    his   daughters  Arm  and 

158  MoiR  Genealogy 

Mary,  who  died  in  infancy.  This  stone  is  placed  by  his  wife, 
MARY  MOIR,  daughter  of  DONALD  MOIR,  late  in  Logie,  and 
surviving  family,  John,  William,  George,  Henry,  Isobel,  Margaret, 
Jean,  Betty  aad  Helen.  The  said  William  Gauld  died  at  White- 
house,  Cromar,  on  the  19th  Nov.,  1866,  in  the  86th  year  of  his 
age.  Betty  Gauld,  relict  of  George  Gordon,  farmer  in  Littlemill, 
Glenmuick,  who  died  16th  June,  1866,  in  her  80th  year." 

The  base  supporting  the  east  end  of  the  stone  gives  the  date 
of  erection  — 1822;  and  that  supporting  the  west  end  bears  the 
following  addition  to  the  inscription  to  the  memory  of  George 
Gauld  on  its  face:  "His  father  Harry,  his  grandfather  Robert, 
and  his  great-grandfather  Alexander,  were  ail  successively  farmers 
in  Migvie."  At  least  eight  generations  of  the  family  are  known 
to  be  interred  around  this  stone. 

The  first  of  the  Gaulds  to  settle  in  Cromar  was  a  native  of 
the  parish  of  Glass,  where  the  name  is  still  a  common  one.  They 
are  said  to  have  originally  been  a  sept  of  the  Clan  Macpherson, 
the  name  of  Gauld  having  arisen  from  the  term  "Gault"  (said  to 
be  Gaelic  for  hillmen,)  being  applied  to  them  by  their  lowland 
neighbours  in  their  intercourse  together  when  the  former  descended 
from  the  hills  for  the  purpose  oi  trading  at  fairs  and  markets.  At 
these  and  all  similar  public  gatherings  they  long  held  the  reputa- 
tion of  being  boisterous  citizens,  who  did  not  hesitate  to  carry 
matters  with  a  somewhat  high  band  when  they  found  a  fitting 
opportunity  for  so  doing.  Be  that  as  it  may,  the  name  was — and 
still  is — common  in  the  parish  of  Glass,  as  witness  the  old  proverb: 
"The  Gaulds  of  Glass  for  fiddlers,"  while  nearly  everyone  of  the 
name  in  the  north  of  Scotland  seems  able  to  trace  his  and  her 
descent  in  a  more  or  less  direct  manner  back  to  the  common 
stock  in  this  rather  out-of-the-way  northern  parish. 

The  first  of  the  Migvie  Gaulds  had  his  ca*-tle  carried  off  by 
the  caterans  from  his  farm  in  the  parish  of  Glass — a  by  no  means 
infrequent  occurrence  in  those  troublesome  times.  He,  on  dis- 
covering his  loss,  followed  the  band  in  pursuit  as  far  as  Cromar, 
in  the  farm  of  Tillj'kerrie,  on  the  estate  of  Pronie,  and  near  to 
the  old  mansinn-house  of  that  name.  He  was  wont  to  relate  that 
shortly  after  taking  up  his  residence  at  Tillykerrie,  he  heard  the 
caterans  trying  to  break  in  through  the  hou^:e  in  the  night-time,  in 
order  to  take  his  life,  for  the  supposed  trouble  he  had  given  them 
in  trying  to  recover  his  own  propertj',  when  he  followed  them 
from  Glass  to  Cromar.  Whether  he  was  the  Alexander  men- 
tioned on  the  base  of  the  tombstone  in  the  churchyard  of  Migvie 
or  not  is  unknown;  but,  if  not,  then  his  successors  must  have  re- 
moved from  Tillykerrie  to  the  farm  of  Migvie,  before  very  long, 
as  an  old  receipt-book  still  in  existence  shows  the  Gaulds  as  tenant 
farmers  in  Migvie,  paying  rent  to  the  Farquharsons  of  Finzean, 
the  proprietors,  for  well-nigh  two  hundred  years  in  unbroken  suc- 





Collected  by  JAMES  M.  A.  WOOD,  ESQ.,  Aberdeen 


MOIR,    Blacksmith,   ANNET,    METHLICK 

JAMES  MOIR,  smith,  in  Tarves,  was  there  in 
1696  (Aberdeenshire  Poll  Book).  That  is  the  only  re- 
ference found  regarding  him.  As  the  Poll  Book  shows, 
he  was  married,  but  his  wife's  name  is  not  mentioned. 
It  is  not  known  when  they  died,  or  what  children  they 
had  other  than  their  son:  — 

George    Moir,    blacksmith,   Annet,    Methlick.       He 

was  born  about  1702.  He  married  Jean  Fife. 
He  died  on  12  March,  1784,  aged  82,  and  his  wife 
on  14  February,  1785,  aged  72.  They  were 
buried  in  Tarves  Churchyard  where  a  tomb- 
stone was   erected   by  their  sons   "in   memory  of 

160  MoiR  Genealogy 

their  regard  for  their  deceased  parents."  George 
Moir  and  Jean  Fife  had  children: — 

1.  James  Moir  (See  Chapter  II. ) 

2.  George  Moir  (See  Chapter  III. ) 

3.  WiUiam  Moir. 

4.  *Elspet   (or  Elsie )  Moir,  baptised   6  April,  1740.     Was 

married  and  had  issue. 

5.  *Elizabeth  Moir,  baptised  9  March,  1743.    Was  married 

and  had  issue. 

6.  Ann    Moir,    married   George  Findlater,  Coultercairn. 

She  died  December  1795,  aged    56.      There  was  issue 
of  the  marriage. 


JAMES  MOIR,  eldest  son  of  GEORGE  MOIR  and 
his  wife  JEAN  FIFE,  was  baptised  on  1st  January, 
1737,  (1738?).  He  was  twice  married,  (1)  to  JEAN 
MORRISON,  and  (2)  to  ANN  PATERSON.  He 
had  children:  — 

I.  GEORGE  MOIR,    Grandhome,    near  Aberdeen. 
Married  ANN  MOIR.     Children:— 

1.  William  Moir,  sometime  a  blacksmith  at 

New  Byth,  afterwards  in  Detroit.  Was 
twice  married,   (1)  to  Jean  Morrison 

and  (2)  to  ( ).     Children  of  first 

marriage:  — 

1.  Ann  Moir,    married    John   Hutchings, 

Detroit,  and  had  issue. 

2.  Isabella  Moir,  was  twice  married,    (1 ) 

( )   Carey,  and    (2  )    to  James 

Black,  Detroit.  Issue  of  both  mar- 

3.  George  Moir,    engineer,  Detroit.     Was 

in  Turriff  in  1888.  On  2nd  March, 
1888,  he  served  heir  to  his  uncle 
James   Moir,    banker,   Portsoy. 

4.  Mary  Moir,  died  unmarried. 

2.  Rev.   Robert  Moir,  minister,     of  Rothie 

May.     Was  married,  but  no  issue. 

3.  James    Moir,    banker,     Portsoy.      Was 

twice   married,    (1)    to  Barbara    Mor- 

*The  Records  of  the  Parish  of  Methlick  show  that  Elizabeth  Moir  married,  on  30 
December,  1773,  William  Riddell,  Brownhill,  Monquhitter.  Family  memoranda  have  it, 
however,  that  it  was  Elspet  or  Elsie  Moir  who  married  William  Riddell,  and  that  Eliza- 
beth Moir  married  Charles  Mair.  The  similarity  in  the  names  may  have  caused  some 
confusion.    There  was  issue  of  both  marriages. 

MoiR  Genrai^ogy  161 

rison,    and     (2)    to    ( )   Findlay, 

daughter  of  Colonel  Findlay,  Millbank, 
Nairn.  He  died  on  3rd  October,  1887, 
but  no  issue. 

4.  Jean  Moir,  married  George  King.     No 


5.  Ann   Moir,    died  unmarried. 

6.  Margaret  Moir,  married  Alexander  Mor- 

rison, merchant,  Turriff,  and  had  issue. 

7.  Mary  Moir,   was  twice    married,    (1)    to 

( ),    (2)     to    James    Mathieson, 

Hamilton,  Canada. 

8.  Helen   Moir,   died  young. 

II.   JAMES  MOIR,  bookseller,  Bristol.       Died  there, 

III.  JOHN  MOIR,  died  young. 

IV.  MARY  MOIR,  died  young. 

V.  ISABELLA  MOIR,  married  James  Daniel,  far- 
mer, Hillhead,  Pitfodels,  Aberdeen,  and  had 




GEORGE  MOIR,  blacksmith,  Annat,  son  of 
GEORGE  MOIR,  Annat,  Methlick,  and  his  wife 
JEAN  FIFE,  was  twice  married.  (1)  to  ANN  JACK 
on  1st  November,  1781,  she  died  Oct.  4,  1786,  aged  36; 
{Tombstone)  and  (2)  to  JANET  FLORENCE.  There 
was  a  daughter  of  the  first  marriage  and  seven  chil- 
dren of  the  second,   viz: — 

I.  ISABELLA  MOIR,  born  6  October,  1782.  Was 
twice  married,  (1)  to  GEORGE  HARVEY, 
Aquhadley,  Ellon,  and  (2)  on  19  August, 
1810,  to  JOHN  SIM,  shoemaker,  Flinthills, 
Methlick.     Children: — 

1.  Susan  Harvey. 

2.  Alexander  Harvey. 

3.  John  Sim. 

4.  George  Sim. 

II.    MARGARET    MOIR,    baptised    19    June,   1787. 

162  MoiR  Geneai,ogy 

Was  married  to  JAMES  BRUCE,  banker,  Old 
Meldrum.     Children: — 

1.  Elizabeth  Bruce,   married  William  Keith  and  had 


2.  James  Bruce,  banker,  Old  Meldrum.  Married  and 

had  issue. 

3.  John  Bruce,  banker,   Old  Meldrum.   Married  Jean 

Johnstone,  and  had  issue. 

4.  Margaret  Bruce,  married  and  had  issue. 

5.  Robert   Bruce. 

6.  Jean   Bruce,    married. 

7.  Alexander  Bruce. 

III.  BARBARA    MOIR,    baptised    15    April,     1789. 

Died  young. 

IV.  GEORGE    MOIR,    baptised     14   October,   1790. 

(See    Chapter    IV.) 
V.  JAMES     MOIR,    born     13th    and    baptised     16 
February,    1793.     (See   Chapter   VI). 
VI.  JEAN    MOIR,    baptised    11    August    1795.    Was 
married  to  JAMES  WALKER,  baker,    Huntly. 
Children: — 

1.  James  Walker,  died  in  infancy. 

2.  George  Walker,  bookseller,  Aberdeen.     Many  years 

a  Town  Councillor,  and  a  baillie  in  Aberdeen. 
Married  Jane  Craig.  He  survived  his  wife  and 
died  on  6  January,  1910,  aged  89.     No  issue. 

3.  Janet  Walker,  died  young. 

4.  Alexander  Walker. 

5.  William  Patterson  Walker. 

6.  John    Walker,  married  Mary   Ann  Hay,  and   had 


7.  Jean  Walker,  died  in  infancy. 

8.  Elspet  Walker,    married  George  Smith,     and  had 


9.  Margaret  Walker  married  and  had  issue. 

10.     Mary  Walker  married  John  Elliot,  and  had  issue. 

VII.  ELSPET  MOIR  married    JOHN    BLACK.      No 
VIII.    WILLIAM   MOIR,  Annat,  died  unmarried. 


GEORGE    MOIR,    blacksmith,    Ardo,     was    son    of 
GEORGE    MOIR,    Blacksmith,    Annat,     and    his    wife 

MoiR  Genealogy  163 

JANET  FLORENCE,  and  was  baptized  on  14  October, 
1790.  He  carried  on  business  for  some  time  at  Newseat, 
and  latterly  at  Ardo.  He  married  MARGARET 
CALDER  on  1st  July,  1813.  She  died  on  10  November, 
1866,  aged  75,  and  her  husband  on  24  March,  1871. 
Children: — 

I.    ELIZABETH     MOIR,    baptised    9   June,    1814. 
Died  3  April,  1869. 

II.  GEORGE     MOIR,     tailor,     Methlick,     baptised 

25  October,  1815.  Married  BARBARA  OF- 
FICER, on  15  November,  1849.  She  died  10 
January,  1895,  aged  67,  and  GEORGE  MOIR 
on  10  November,    1896.     Children: — 

1.  GEORGE  MOIR,   Glencaim,    Methlick, 

both  born  13  November,  1850.  Mar- 
ried MARY  CHRISTIE  on  25  August, 
1879.     Issue:— 

1.     George  Moir,  born   17  December,  1887. 

2.  JAMES    MOIR,     born    28    May,    1852. 

Married    and    had    issue. 

3.  PETER    ANDERSON   MOIR,    born   18 

June,    1854.       Married  and  had  issue. 

4.  MARGARET     MOIR,      born   28    July, 

1856.      Married  and  had  issue. 

5.  WILLIAM     MOIR,      merchant,     Auch- 

nagatt,  born  6  August,  1858.  Married 
tember,   1888.     Children: — 

1.  Christina  Jane  Smith  Moir. 

2.  Georgina    Moir. 

3.  Jane  Smith  Moir. 

4.  Elizabeth  Moir. 

5.  William  Moir. 

6.  Hugh  Cameron  Moir. 

7.  Mary  Christie  Moir. 

6.  MARY  FRASER  MOIR,  born  9  August, 

1860.  Married  EDWARD  BURNETT 
on  26  December   1896.     Issue. 

III.  JAMES  MOIR,  blacksmith,  Fedderate,  was  born 

2  February  and  baptised  10  March,  1817.  Mar- 
ried   AGNES    DUNCAN.      He    died    6    Feb- 

164  MOIR  Geneai^ogy 

ruary,  1890,    and  his    wife  on  28  March,  1899. 
Children: — 

1.  GEORGE  MOIR,  died  young. 

2.  JAMES    MOIR,    schoolmaster,     Savoch. 

(M.A.,    Marishal    College,    Aberdeen, 
1860.)      Married,  but  no  issue. 

3.  WILLIAM    MOIR,   sometime   in  Aber- 

deen, afterwards  in  Peterhead.  Mar- 
ried MARGARET  BIRNIE,  and  had 

4.  ANN     MOIR,     married     JAMES    OGS- 

TON,   wrigbt,   New  Deer.     Issue. 

5.  AGNES      MOIR,      married       ROBERT 

FORBES,  Fedderate,  New  Deer.  No 

6.  GEORGE     MOIR,      blacksmith,     Fed- 

derate, New  Deer,  born  10  June, 
1854.  Married  GEORGINA  SMITH. 
He  died   19    June,   1895.      Children:— 

1.  Jane  Helen  Moir,  died  young. 

2.  George  Robert  Moir,  blacksmith,  Mil- 

ner,  B.  C,  Canada,  born  10  Septem- 
ber, 1879.  Married  26  Oct.,  1906, 
Chrissie  Tarves,   had  issue: — 

1.     Georgiana    Ann      Moir,     born 
Sept.  2,  1908. 

3.  Christina  Agnes  Moir,  born  May,  1881. 

4.  James  William  Moir,  blacksmith,  Fed- 

derate, born  June,  1883. 

5.  LyallTom  Moir,  born  February,  1891. 

6.  Frank  Forbes  Moir,  born  March,    1893. 

7.  ROBERT    MOIR,     engineer.       Married 

and  had   issue. 
IV.   MARGARET     MOIR,    baptised     15    September, 
1818.     Married  CHARLES  WILL,   shoemaker, 
Methlick.     Children: — 

1.  Margaret  Will,  married  James  Michie,  Northfield, 


2.  Charles  Will,  married  Helen  Ewing. 

V.  BARBARA     MOIR,     baptised     26     July,     1820. 
Died   unmarried. 
VI.  ANN  MOIR,    born  at  Methlick    on    12  January, 
1822.     (See  Chapter  V.) 

MoiR  Gkneai.ogy  165 

VII.  WILLIAM  MOIR,  Blacksmith  of  Layton,  On- 
tario, b.  1826  in  Ardo,  Methlick,  Aberdeen- 
shire, m.  jfirst,  CHARLOTTE  GRANT,  dau. 
of  JOHN  GRANT,  (b.  1830,  d.  1872)  and  had 
issue:    (Mr.  Moir  died  in  1898.) 

1.  JOHN   GRANT  MOIR,  b.  Mar.  7,  1852, 

at  Little  Ardo,  Aberdeenshire.  Is 
now  a  clerk  at  Wakefield,  Nebraska. 
dau.  of  WILLIAM  SWEET,  of  Exeter, 
Ontario,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Nettie  Lorene   Moir,   b.  Mar.   2,    1882, 

in   Grand   Bend,    Canada. 

2.  John  Edgar  Moir,    b.  Oct.  4,    18S3,  in 

Thedfcrd,  Canada. 

3.  Harry  Grant  Moir,  b.  April  29,  1886,  in 

Wakefield,  Neb. 

4.  Anna  Louise  Moir,  b.  Oct.  24,  1889,  in 

Wakefield,  Neb. 

5.  Laura  Ruth  Moir,   b.Nov.    20,  1891,    in 

Wakefield,  Neb. 

6.  Dorothy    Elizabeth    Moir,    b.   Feb.   29, 

1894,  in  Wakefield,     Nab. 

7.  Margaret  Irene  Moir,  b.  Sept.  25,  1895, 

in  Wakefield,  Neb. 

8.  Kenneth    Nelly  Moir,  )      Twins 

9.  Alice  Katherine  Moir,  ) 

born    Sept.    2,   1897,    in     Wakefield, 

2.  JANE    or  JEAN  MOIR  of  Layton,  On- 

tario, born  Nov.  1855,  in  Greens, 
Monquhitter,  Canada;  m.  JAMES 
RENNIE,  farmer,  of  Layton,  Ontario, 

and  had  issue: — 

1.  John  Taylor  Rennie. 

2.  David  Grant  Rennie. 

3.  Jean  Ann  Rennie. 

4.  Margaret  Wilhelmina  Rennie. 

5.  Mary  Elizabeth  Rennie. 

6.  James  Charles  Rennie. 

7.  William  Alexander  Rennie. 

3.  WILLIAM  MOIR,   b.   1854,  d.  Sept.  16, 


4.  JAMES  MOIR,   b.  1856,  d.  1903. 

166  MoiR  Genealogy 

5.  MARGARET  MOIR,  b.   1858,   d.   1885. 

6.  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  b.  May  19,  1860, 

in  Aberdeen,  Scotland,  m.  June,  1884, 

( ),  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Charlotte    Moir,    b.  Feb.  24,    1885,    in 

Toronto,  Ontario. 

2.  Dugald  Alexander  Moir,  b.   March  25, 

1886,   in  Toronto,  Ontario. 

3.  John  Stewart  Moir,  b.   Dec.  4,1890,  in 

Wind  so  r,    Ontario . 

4.  George  Roy  Moir,  b.  Feb.  3,  1895,   in 

Windsor,  Ontario. 

5.  Gordon  Bruce  Moir,  b.   Dec.  31,    1897, 

in  Windsor,  Ontario. 

6.  Alice  Robina   Moir,   b.   Sept.   6,    1901, 

in  Windsor,  Ontario. 

7.  CHARLOTTE  MOIR,  b.   1862,    m.   and 

now  (1904)   living  at  Gresswell,  Ont. 

8.  WILLIAM    MOIR    m.    second,    ELIZA- 

RENNIE,  and  had  issue: — 

1.     Mary   Elizabeth  Moir,  of  Layton,  On- 
tario, b.  March  9,  1878,  in  Wick,  Ont. 

VIII.  JANE  MOIR,  married  GEORGE  MILNE,  tai- 
lor, Aberdeen.  They  had  only  one  son, 
GEORGE,  who  died  in  infancy. 
IX.  ALEXANDER  CALDER  MOIR,  of  Oelwein, 
Iowa;  b.  April,  1828,  in  Ardo,  Methlick, 
Aberdeenshire,  m.  June,  1847,  first,  JANE 
MILNE  and  had  issue:  (Mrs.  Moir,  d.  Jan. 

1.  Helen  Moir,  of  Des  Met,  South  Da- 
kota, b.  April  28,  1848,  m.  June,  1870, 
Donald  Swainson,  son  of  John  Swain- 
son,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  John  Swainson,   b.  March  16,    1871,    in 

Sonya.  Canada. 

2.  Jane  Milne  Swainson,  b.  Oct.  29,    1873, 

in  Balsoir,  Canada,  m  ( )  Grover, 

and  had  issue. 
3.     Mary   Swainson,    b.   Nov.   26,    1875,    in 

Victory    Road,   Canada,    m.   ( ) 

Siedschlaw,  and  had  issue. 

MoiR  Genealogy  167 

4.  George    Swainson,    b.     Mar.    26,     1877, 

in   Kirkfield,  Canada. 

5.  Margaret    Swainson,    b.  June   23,    1879, 

in  Kirkfield,  Canada,  m.  ( )  New- 
man, and  had  issue. 

6.  Alexander     Caldcr    Swainson,  b.    Sept. 

30,    1880,  in  Kirkfield,  Canada. 

7.  Flora    Swainson,   born     Oct.    27,     1882, 

in     Kirkfield,    Canada,     m.      ( ) 

Siverts,  and  has  issue. 

8.  Anna   S^ainscn     b.    Sept.    20,    1884,  in 

Arkona,  Canada. 

9.  Daniel   Swainson,    b.    June   5,    1886,    in 

Arkona,  Canada. 

10.  Edward   Swainson,   b.   April  3,  1888,   in 

Des   Met,  South  Dakota, 

11.  Helen  Moir  Swainson,   b.  Feb.  3,  1890, 

in  Des  Met,  South  Dakota. 

ALEXANDER  CALDER  MOIR,  m.  second,  Nov. 
1854,  ANN  REID,  dau.  of  JAMES  REID  of  Newdeer, 
Aberdeenshire,    and   had  issue: — 

1.  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  b.  Sept.  19,  1856, 

in  Ardo,  Methlick,  Aberdeenshire. 

2.  ANNA  SCOTT  MOIR,  b.  July  13,    1859, 

in  Northville,  Michigan,  m.  Dec.  30, 
1883,  WILLIAM  B.  JOY  of  Huron, 
South  Dakota,  and  had   issue: — 

1.  WiHiam  Reid   Joy,  b.  July  4,    1885,  at 

Huron,  S.  D. 

2.  Ethel  Alsina  Joy,   b.  Sept.   16,   1887,  at 

Huron,  S.  D. 

3.  Clarence  Moir  Joy,  b.  April  25,  1890,  at 

Huron,  S.  D. 

4.  James   Ray   Joy,   b.    Feb.    13,  1894,  at 

Huron,  S.  D. 

5.  Dorothy  Joy,  b.  Oct.  11,  1898,  at  Huron, 

S.  D. 

3.  GEORGE    EDWARD    MOIR,    b.    Dec. 

10,  1861,  in  Detroit,  Mich.,  now  a 
railway  mail  clerk,  stationed  at  Du- 
buque, Iowa.,  m.  Jan.  22,  1885, 
ANNA  Mac  ALLISTER,  dau.  of 
JOHN  Mac  ALLISTER,  and  had 
issue: — 

1.     Leo  Hughes  Moir,  b.  July  12,  1888,  in 
Plymouth,  Iowa. 


4.  MARGARET  JANE  MOIR,    of  North- 

wood,  Iowa,  b.  Mar.  22,  1864,  in  De- 
troit, Michigan,  married  WILLIS  W. 
HUNTER    of    Northwood,  Iowa,  and 

had  issue. 

5.  JAMES   WHYTE   MOIR,    of    Oelwein, 

Iowa,  b.   Feb.   6,   1868,  in  Northwood, 
Iowa,     m,    June     14,     1892,     ADDIE 
BACON,     dau.    of  Jerome    Bacon     of 
Medina,   Wisconsin.     No  issue. 
X.   JOHN      MOIR,      married      ISABELLA     LAW- 
RENCE, and  had  issue. 
XI.  ELSPET  MOIR,    married    JOHN    SANGSTER, 
Belhelvie.       She    died   on    23     January,    1891. 
They  had    issue. 
XII.    ROBERT    MOIR,    Blacksmith,     Ardo,     married 
ELIZABETH  CHEYNE.     He  died  on  9    De- 
cember, 1900.     They  had  issue. 
XIII.  JESSIE   MOIR,    born  9    December,  1830.     Died 
in  infancy. 



ANN  MOIR,  daughter  of  GEORGE  MOIR,  black- 
smith, Ardo,  and  his  wife,  MARGARET  CALDER, 
was  born  at  Methlick  on  12  January,  1822.  She  was 
married  to  JOHN  MILNE,  inspector  of  poor,  Bucks- 
bum,  Aberdeenshire,  on  16  December,  1845.  She  died 
9  January,  1891,  and  her  husband  on  17  September,  1895, 
both  being  buried  in  the  Churchyard  of  the  Parish  of 
Newhills.     Children: — 

I.   MARGARET  MILNE,    born    25   August,    1846. 

Was  married    to  JAMES  BROWN,    slater,    on 

18    June,    1869.     Children:— 

1.  Ann  Milne  Brown,  born  12  August,  1870. 

2.  John  Brown,  born  29  March,   1872. 

3.  Margaret  Brown,  born,   10  July,  1874. 

4.  Jane  Helen  Brown,  born  29  August,  1876. 

5.  James  Brown,  born    27  March,   1878. 

6.  William  Brown,  born  1  July,  1879. 

7.  Robert  George  Brown,  born  8  June,   1881. 

8.  Alexander  Milne  Brown,  born  9  March,  1883. 

9.  Joseph  Alexander  Brown,  born  30  August,  1884. 

Blacksmith,  Tarves,  Aberdeenshire 

1.  George  Moir  and  Wife  5.  James  Moir,  M.  A.,  Schoolmaster 

2.  George  Moir,  Tailor  6.  James  Moir,  Blacksmith,  Fedderate 

3.  James  Moir,  Blacksmith,  Annat  7.  Ann  Black,  Wife  of  No.  6 

4.  William  Moir,  Iron  Merchant,  Aberdeen 

(See  pages  159  to  175) 


3     N    FOUNDATIONS. 

General  Blacksmith 

i.-oi  I  i'l 

«  s    n 

:1.  L I 

^•'t-  •.  *. 


Milner,  B.  C.,  Canada 

(See  page  164) 

V  TtHE  new  YORK 


MoiR  Gkneai.ogy  169 

II.  JOHN  MILNE,  builder,  Aberdeen,  born  17 
April,  1848.  Married  MARTHA  TAYLOR 
VALENTINE   on  21  July,    1871.     Children:— 

1.  William  Gray  Milne,  born  12  April,  1872. 

2.  Mary  Ann  Milne,  born  21  November,  1873. 

3.  Robert  George  Milne,  born  21  October,  1875. 

4.  Alice  Milne,  born  4  March,   1878. 

5.  Louisa  Smith  Milne,    born  29  November,  1879. 

6.  John  Milne,  born  29  May,  1881. 

7.  Margaret  Milne,   born  9  August,  1884. 

8.  James  Milne,  born   24  October,  1886. 

III.  GEORGE  MILNE,   Waterford,    Ireland,    born  2 

March,  1850.     Married    MARY   PIRIE    VAL- 
ENTINE.     Children:— 

1.  Helen  Gray  Milne,    born  21  November,  1873. 

2.  Maggie  Jane  Milne,  born  5  June,  1875. 

3.  Agnes  Bruce  Milne,  born  2  August,  1876. 

4.  George  Milne,  born  20  July,  1878. 

5.  Edward  Milne,  born  20  April,   1880. 

6.  John  Milne,   born   8  December,    1881. 

7.  Alexander  Milne,    born    10  February,   1884. 

8.  Josephine  Milne,  born  11  May,  1886. 

9.  Robert  Milne,  born  1  April,    1888. 

10.  James  Brown  Milne,  born  27  April,  1891. 

11.  Ada  Valentine   Milne,  born    10  December,  1893. 

IV.  JAMES    MILNE,   born   22    March,    1852;      died 

14   February,   1867. 

V.  WILLIAM  MILNE,  Aberdeen,  born  28  July, 
1854.  Married  MARJORY  GRANT  ANDER- 
SON.    Children:— 

1.  Jane  Ann  Milne,  born  27  September,  1873. 

2.  Marjory  Brown  Milne,  born  21  May,  1875. 

3.  Williamina  Grant  Milne,  born  5  April,  1877. 

4.  Margaret    Helen    Bimie    Milne,    born    27    Feb- 

ruary, 1879. 

5.  James   Myers    Danson    Milne,    born    10    April, 


6.  Mary  Pirie  Milne,  born  15  August,  1883. 

7.  Joseph  Reid  Milne,  born  21   June,  1886. 

8.  Martha  Valentine  Milne,  born  18  October,   1888. 

9.  John  Milne,  born  18  November,  1890. 

VI.  ALEXANDER   MILNE,  born    10  August,  1856. 
Died  20  August,  1858. 

VII.  JOSEPH    MILNE,    Dublin,      born   29    October, 

170  MoiR  Genealogy 

1858.     Married  MARGARET  GEDDES  REID 
on  28  October,  1880.     Children:— 

1.  John  William  Milne,    born  September,  1881. 

2.  James  Milne,  born  November,   1882. 

VIII.  ROBERT  MILNE,  Glasgow,  born  5  October, 
1862.  Married  JANE  GIBSON  YOUNG  on 
26  December,    1883.     Children:— 

1.  Adeline  AnnabeUa  Gibson  Milne,  born  1  Novem- 

ber,  1884. 

2.  Percy  William  Milne. 

IX.   JANE  ANN   MILNE,    born    29    January,    1865. 

Died    8    August,    1865. 
X.  ANN     MOIR     MILNE,     born    27     May,     1868. 
Married    JAMES    MACINTOSH     on   25    April, 
1894.     Children:— 

1.  Frances  Alice  Macintosh,  born  3  March,  1895. 

2.  James  Archibald  Macintosh,  born  25  May,  1896. 

3.  Ernest  Graham  Macintosh,  born  10  May,  1901. 




JAMES  MOIR,  blacksmith,  Annat,  was  born  on  13 
February,  1793.  He  married  ANN  BLACK.  JAMES 
MOIR  died  on  13  October,  1875,  and  his  wife  on  20 
January,  1885,  aged  81.      They  had  family: — 

I.  ANNMOIR,  born  22  July,  1827;  died  16  January, 
II.  CHARLES  MOIR,  bookseller,  Aberdeen,  was 
born  on  15  November,  1828.  He  married 
ANN  WOOD  HOWARTH.  He  died  4  July, 
1899,  and  his  wife  on  21  March,  1905.  Chil- 

1.  Charles  Moir,   born  8  September,  1860. 

2.  Annie  Moir,  born  22  May,  1862. 

3.  Josephine  Moir,  born  26  July,  1864. 

4.  Jane  Walker   Moir,    born   28    November,    1867. 

Was   married    on     25   March,     1908,    to    Rev. 
John  Smith,  Friockheim,  Forfarshire. 

5.  James  Moir     ^ 

6.  Elsie    Moir       >  died  in  infancy. 

7.  Isabella  Moir  ^ 

MoiR  Genbai,ogy  171 

III.  JAMES    MOIR,    born    2     August,     1830.      (See 

Chapter  VII). 

IV.  WILLIAM    MOIR,    born    29  May,    1832.      (See 

Chapter  VIII). 

V.  MARGARET  MOIR,  born   15  April,  1834.     Was 

married      to      ALEXANDER      ANDERSON. 
They  have  an  only  son: — 

1.    Alexander  Anderson,  Montreal,  born  14  December, 

1858.       Married    on    4    April,     188S,     Marianne 

Thorn.     Children: — 

1.  James  Thorn   Anderson,    born    25   June, 


2.  Alexander  John  Anderson,  born  29  July, 


VI.  ISABELLA    MOIR,    born  29  June,    1836.     Died 

18  May,  1854. 
VII.  JEAN     MOIR,     born     12     June,      1838.        (See 
Chapter  IX). 
VIII.    GEORGE  MOIR,  born  27  December,  1840.  Died 
16  November,   1849. 
IX.  JOHN  MOIR,  born  29  June,   1843. 
X.   ELSIE   MOIR,     born    3   September,    1846.     Was 
married     on     30     July,      1874,     to     GEORGE 
MORRISON,      merchant,    Boghead,   Caimbie, 
Huntly.    Children: — 

1.  William  Moir  Morrison,  born  27  June,  1875. 

2.  George  Alexander  Morrison,  born  8  November, 


3.  Francis  Morrison,  born  16  July,  1879. 

4.  James  Morrison,    born   15  July,  1882.     Died  5 

April,  1889. 

5.  Elsie  Morrison,    born    19   October,    1884.     Died 

2  July,   1895. 

6.  Charles  Morrison,  born  7  February,  1888.     Died 

6    November,  1899. 
7.     Maggie    Charlotte    Morrison,    born    22    April, 

172  MoiR  Genbai,ogy 



JAMES  MOIR,  blacksmith,  Keithfield,  son  of  JAMES 
MOIR,  Annat,  and  his  wife,  ANN  BLACK;  was  born 
on  2nd  August,  1830.  He  married  ANN  KNOX.  He 
died  on  5  June,  1908,  and  his  wife  on  15  July,  1908. 
Children: — 

I.   WILLIAM    MOIR,    married    MARY    COUTTS, 
and  had  issue. 
II.  ELSIE      MOIR,     was     married     to     GEORGE 
PORTER.     Issue. 

III.  ANN   MOIR,  was    married   to    JAMES  THOM. 


IV.  MARY  MOIR,    was    married    to    JAMES  GOR- 

DON, sometime  carpenter,  Insch,  afterwards 
in  Toronto.  Issue. 
V.  JAMES  MOIR,  Keithfield,  Tarves.  Married  twice, 
(1)  to  ELIZA  TAIT  on  13  April,  1886.  She 
died  10  February,  1898.  (2)  MAGGIE  AN- 
DREW, on  9  June,  1903.  There  were  eight 
children  of  first  marriage  and  five  of  second, 
viz: — 

1.  Nellie  Moir,  married  John  Home. 

2.  James  Moir. 

3.  Charles  Moir,   married  Jessie  Kemp. 

4.  Annie   Moir. 

5.  Alexander  Moir. 

6.  John  Moir. 

7.  William  Moir. 

8.  Isabella  Moir. 

9.  Mary  Moir. 

10.  George  Moir. 

11.  Alice  Moir. 

12.  Elsie  Moir. 

13.  Thomas  Moir. 

VI.  ISABELLA   MOIR,   was   married   to    WILLIAM 

HORNE.     No  issue. 
Vn.  ALICE  MOIR,  was  married  to  JAMES  PRATT. 
VIII.   AGNES      MOIR,      was     married      to      JAMES 
STEPHEN.     Issue. 




WILLIAM  MOIR  was  the  third  son  of  JAMES  MOIR, 
blacksmith,  Annat,  and  his  wife  ANN  BLACK.     He  was 
born  at  Annat  on    29  May,   1832.     At  an  early  age  he  Wiiuam  Moir. 
came  to  Aberdeen,  and  entering  the  business  of  MESSRS.  yJ^rdeS  dSd 
GLEGG    &    THOMSON,     iron     merchants     there,     he  January  s'l. 
ultimately  became  a  partner  of  that  firm.     WILLIAM  J^tt^^rofj^ 
MOIR    married    at   Aberdeen    on    25th    October,    1860,  m.  a.  wood, 
HELEN    BOWMAN,    daughter    of    ANDREW    BOW-  ^;^^f '°"" 
MAN,   plasterer.     She   died   at  Aberdeen    on   10   June, 
1903,   aged  72.     They  had  family:— 

I.  HELEN  MOIR,  born  9  June,  1865.  Was 
married  on  4  June,  1889,  to  FREDERIC 
McCRAE,  Aberdeen.  He  died  21  October, 
1908,  aged   48.     Children:— 

1.  Elsie  McCrae,  born  2  July,  1891-      Died  8  Octo- 

ber, 1895. 

2.  William  Moir  McCrae,  born  13  June,  1894. 

3.  Elizabeth  Wilson  Thorn  McCrae,  born  26  June, 



iron  merchants,  Aberdeen,  born  23  April,  1868. 
Married  at  Keith,  Banffshire,  on  3  August, 
1898,  ISABELLA   McGREGOR.     Children:— 

1.  Helen  Bowman  Moir,    born  17  July,   1899. 

2.  William  Keith  Moir,  born  3  February,  1901. 

3.  Charles  McGregor  Moir,   born   9  March,  1903. 

4.  Mary  Frances  Lorimer  Moir,  born  22  May,  1907. 

5.  Janet  Isobel  Moir,  born  23,  August,  1911. 

III.  ELSIE  MOIR,  born  5  May,  1870.     Was  married 

on  18  July,  1901,  to  JAMES  M.  A.  WOOD, 
solicitor,  Aberdeen.  (Who  collected  and  kindly 
forwarded  these  notes  on  this  family.)  Chil- 

1.  Edward  James  Wood,    born  3  September,    1902. 

2.  Douglas  Moir  Wood,   born  4  January,  1907. 

3.  Elsie  Ethel  Anderson  Wood,  born  11  September, 


IV.  WILLIAM  MOIR,  born  12  August,  1872.     Died 

15  June,   1891. 

174  MoiR  Genealogy 




JEAN  MOIR  was  born  on  12th  June,  1838.  She  was 
married  to  FRANK  IRVINE,  (a  native  of  Methlick) 
who  settled  as  a  farmer  at  Seattersquoy,  Stenness, 
Orkney.     They  have  family:  — 

I.  JOHN  IRVINE,  Aberdeen,  born  26  July,  1858. 
He  married  ELSIE  JANE  REED.  Chil- 

1.  Mary  Ann   Reid  Irvine,    born    3    March,   1880. 

Wag  married  on  27  December,  1905,  to  George 
Coutts,  Wartle.    Children:— 

1.  John  Irvine  Coutts,  born  7  March,  1907. 

2.  Mary  Coutts,   born  3  November,   1908. 

3.  Alice  Benzie  Coutts,  born   25  January, 


2.  Jeannie  Moir  Irvine,  born   18   March,    1893. 

3.  Francis  Knox  Irvine,  born  13  November,  1897. 

4.  James  Moir  Irvine,  born  5  December,  1899. 

II.  JAMES  MOIR  IRVINE,  merchant,  Fordsburg, 
Transvaal,  South  Africa,  born  29  January, 
1860.     Married  ISABELLA  WOOD  OMAN. 

May,  1861.  She  was  married  on  7  Feb- 
ruary, 1889,  to  WILLIAM  ROBERTSON 
NORQUOY,  who  has  settled  as  a  farmer  in 
New  South  Wales.     Children:  — 

1.  Francis  Irvine  Norquoy. 

2.  Jeannie  Moir  Irvine  Norquoy. 

IV.   MARY  ANN  IRVINE,  born  17  May,  1863. 
V.  FRANCIS  KNOX  IRVINE,  Llanglaagte   Mines, 
South   Africa;    born    17  April,    1866.      Married 
MARY    McCRAE.     They  have  issue. 

VI.  JANE  MOIR  IRVINE,  born  2  June,  1868. 
Was  married  on  9  September,  1890,  to  the 
REV.  GEORGE  R.  MURISON,  minister  of 
the  Parish  of  Stenness,   Orkney.      Children:  — 

1.  Jeannie  Moir  Murison,  born  13  June,  1891. 

2.  Frank  Irvine  Murison,  born  4  June,  1894. 

3.  Mary  Irvine  Murison,  born  29  AprU,  1900. 

4.  Margaret    Irvine    Murison,    born    3    February, 


MOIR  Genrai^ogy 


5.  Isabella     Heriot    Gordon     Murison,     born      15 

September,    1904. 

6.  Elspeth  Alexandra  Murison,   born  14  September 


VII.   WILLIAM     MOIR    IRVINE,    born     20    Febru- 
ary, 1870.      Died  in  infancy. 
VIII.  ANN   ISABELLA    BLACK    IRVINE,     born    14 
June,  1871. 
IX.  CHARLES  WILLIAM  IRVINE,  born  4  October, 
1875.      Died  in  infancy. 
X.  CHARLES     WILLIAM     IRVINE,     Llanglaagte 
Mines,  South  Africa,  born   10  December,  1879. 
Married    ELNA    McFAYDEN,    and    has    one 
child  : — 

1.     Hector   McFayden  Irvine. 

XL    WILLIAM      MOIR     IRVINE,      Mashonaland, 

South  Africa,  born  31  January,  1882. 
XII.  ROBERT     BURGESS     IRVINE,     Llanglaagte 
Mines,  South  Africa,    born   31    January,   1882. 
Married    MARY    HUGHES.     Children:  — 

1.  James  Moir  Irvine. 

2.  Isabella  Irvine. 

DAVID  MACBETH  MOIR,  M.  D.,  (Delta) 



Kindly  Furnished  by  His  Daughter,  MRS.  A.   M.  MILLIGAN,  of  Edinburgh 

ROBERT  MOIR  of  Aberdeenshire,  m.  ELIZABETH 
MURRAY,  and  about  1730,  he  went  south  to  Ormistoii, 
East  Lothian,  where  their  two  sons,  ROBERT  MOIR 
and  JOHN  MOIR,  were  born.  What  ultimately  became 
of  JOHN  is  not  known,  but  ROBERT,  (b.  1761,  d. 
1817),  m.  ELIZABETH  MACBETH  (1762-1842),  and 
had  issue,  all  of  whom  were  born  at  Musselburgh: — 
I.   MARGARET  CHARTERIS    MOIR,   b.  1797,   d. 

II.    DAVID   MACBETH     MOIR,    b.    Jan.   5,    1798, 
and  was  a  physician  in  active  practice  at  Mus- 
selburgh,   from   his    manhood    until    his    death 
July    6,    1851.      His  family  record  follows. 

III.  HUGH     ROSS     MOIR,       1800-1852,     had     two 

sons,    both  of  whom  are  dead. 

IV.  CHARLES    SCOTT  MOIR,   1804-1858,  died  un- 

See  personal  Of   the    above   family,    DAVID    MACBETH    MOIR, 

g^tawJh  (Delta,)     m.    CATHERINE   ELIZABETH   BELL,    and 
portrait  on         their  family  were:  — 
anotherpage.  j    ELIZABETH    CATHERINE    MOIR,     b.    1830, 

d.  1904,  m.  THOMAS  R.  SCOTT,  M.  D.,  and 
had  issue. 

II.   ROBERT    MOIR,    doctor    of    medicine,    in    the 

Indian    Medical    Service;    latterly    practised  in 

St.     Andrews,     Fifeshire;    born    Musselburgh, 

October  23,  1831,  m.    Sept.  20,    1859,  ALISON 

PATERSON   of  Aberdeen,  and  had  issue:  — 

1.  David    Macbeth  Moir.     b.    June    30,     1860,    in 

Hyppa,    India,     m.  June   20,    1897,    and    died 
of  blood-poisoning  in  Calcutta  June  6,    1907. 

2.  Henry    Paterson  Moir,     b.     May     13,   1864,    in 

Benares,  India,    and  is  now    in  business    for 

MoiR  Genealogy  177 

Messrs.  Balfour,  Guthrie   &  Co.,  of  San  Fran- 
cisco, Cal. 
3.     Catherine    Moir,     b.    July    24,     1865,    in    Agra, 
India,     and    now     (1912),    in    secretarial    and 
school  work  in  St.  Andrews,  Fifeshire, 

4.  Alison    Moir,    born    Aug.    21,    1867,      in    Agra, 

India,  and  married  M.  R.  Jardine,  barrister-at- 
law  in    Bombay,  India,  and  has  issue. 

5.  Emily    Elizabeth  Moir,     born     June     4,      1872, 

in  Simla,  India,  and  m.  May  10,  1904,  E. 
O.  E.  Leggatt,  (retired),  of  the  Indian  Civil 

6.  Robert     Moir,    Jr.,      born     May     24,    1873,      in 

Simla,  India,  and  d.  in  St.  Andrews,  Fifeshire, 
Oct.  14,   1881. 

7.  John  Elliott  Moir,    born    Aug.    13,    1875,    in  St. 

Andrew's,  m.  Nov.  14,  1906.  He  is  a  Cap- 
tain in  the  Indian  Army.     He  has  issue. 

III.  CHARLES   BELL    MOIR,      b.     1833,    d.    1838, 

was  one  of  his  father's  favorite  children,  and 
the  one  of  whom  the  father  wrote  "Cassa 
Wappy,"  one  of  the    poet's   finest   productions. 

IV.  DAVID    MACBETH    MOIR,    JR.,     b.    1835,  d. 

V.   WILLIAM     BLACKWOOD     MOIR,      b.     1836,  Named  for  a 

member  of  the 
d.     1838.  famous  Pub- 

1838,  m.  MAJOR  GENERAL  T.  ORR,  and 
has  issue. 
VII.  ANNE  MARY  MOIR,  b.  1840,  at  Mussel- 
burgh, m.,  1859,  REV.  WILLIAM  MILLI- 
GAN,  D.D.,  professor  of  divinity  and  biblical 
criticism  in  Aberdeen  University,  (b.  1821,  d. 
1893,)  son  of  Rev.  George  Milligan,  D.D.,  of  Elie 
Fife,  (b.    1793,  d.  1858),  and  had  issue:  — 

1.  George   Milligan,  b.  1860,  at  Kilconquhar,  Fife, 

now  professor  of  divinity  and  biblical  criti- 
cism in  Glasgow  University,  (to  whom  the 
author  of  this  work  is  indebted  for  the  splen- 
did list  of  Moirs  and  Mores  who  graduated 
from  the  University  of  Glasgow),  m.  1891, 
and  has  issue. 

2.  David  Macbeth  Moir  Milligan,  b.  1861,  at  Mus- 

selburgh, now  an  advocate  in  Aberdeen,  m. 

3.  Catherine   Elizabeth   Milligan,   b.    1862,   at   Old 

178  MoiR  Geneai^ogy 

Aberdeen,  m.  1884,  Y.  W.  H.  TraU,  professor 
of  botany,  in  Aberdeen  University,  and  has 

4.  William  Milligan,  b.  1864,  at  Old  Aberdeen,  an 

M,  D.,  (specialist  in  ear  and  throat  diseases), 
m.  1890,  and  has  issue. 

5.  Janet    Frazer   Milligan,    b.    1870,    at  Old  Aber- 

deen,   now    (1912),    in    Edinburgh. 

6.  Anne  Mary  MiUigan,  b.  1868,   in  Old  Aberdeen, 

now     (1912),    in  Edinburgh. 

7.  Frederick    Patterson    MUligan,    b.    1871,  in   Old 

Aberdeen,    m.    1903.     He    is    now    (1912),    a 
Writer   to    the  Signet,  at  Edinburgh. 

8.  Wyndham  Anstnither  Milligan,  b.   1871,  at  Old 

Aberdeen,  an  M.  D.,  now  (1912),  in  London; 
m.   1903,  and  has  issue. 

9.  Emily  Mcir  MiUigan,  b.  1873,  at  Old  Aberdeen, 

m.  1910,  to  Ralph  HiU  Stewart,  actuary,  of 
Edinburgh,   and  has  issue. 

10.  Agnes  Charlotte  MUligan,  b.  1875,  at  Old  Aber- 

deen, m.  1900,  to  Godfrey  Mohun  Carey,  of 
Sherborne,    Dorset,    England,    and   has  issue. 

11.  Oswald  BeU   Milligan,    b.  1879,   at   Old    Aber- 

deen, now  (1912),  a  minister,  of  St.  Leonard's 

Parish  Church,  Ayr. 
VIII.    JANE  ORR  MOIR,    b.    1841,    m.    A.    OGILVIE 
SPENCE,  and  has  issue. 
IX.    JOHN    WILSON  MOIR,    b.    1843,    m.    HELEN 
FOWLER,  and  has  issue. 
X.    EMILY     ROBERTSON     MOIR,      b.     April     6, 
1845,    at    Musselburgh;    m.     Oct.    5,    1864,   to 
CHARLES   DUNCAN,     b.   Jan.    13,    1831,    d. 
Oct.  14,    1886.      Advocate  and  procurator-fiscal 
of    Aberdeenshire,    son    of    William    Duncan, 
shipowner,  Aberdeen,  (b.  July  28,  1788,  d.  June 
26,   1855);  and  Isabella  Matthews,  (b.  July  19, 
1801,  d.  Sept.  19,  1884.)     Emily  Robertson  Moir 
died  Dec.  15,  1898.     Had  issue:  — 

1.  WUliam    Oswald    Duncan,     b.  Jan.    3,   1865,  in 

Aberdeen,  since  1887  an  advocate  in  Aber- 
deen, and  a  soldier  in  the  4th  Gordon  High- 
landers for  24  years  (1912 ),  rising  to  the 
rank  of  major. 

2.  Macbeth    Moir    Duncan,   b.    Sept.    1,    1866,   at 

Aberdeen,  also  an  advocate,  and  a  major  in 
the  H.  D.  R.  F.  Artillery,  m.  June,  1906. 
(No  issue. ) 



3.  Katherine    Moir    Duncan,    b.    Jan    18,    1872,   at 

Aberdeen,  a  graduate  of  St.  Leonard's  and 
St.  Andrew's  Universities,  m.  Nov.  17,  1906, 
Hugh  De  Maine  Alexander,  (b.  Edinburgh, 
Oct.  23, 1872  ),  son  of  William  Black  Alexander, 
and  has  issue: — 

1.  Emily  De  Maine  Alexander,  b.  Nov.  1, 
1907,  at  New  Machar,  Aberdeen- 

4.  James  Matthews  Duncan,   b.  June  17,  1874,  at 

Fintray,  Aberdeenshire,  m.  April  11,  1901, 
Muriel  Skelton  Stephenson,  of  Grimsby,  and 
has  issue: — 

1.  William    Moir    Matthews    Duncan,  b. 

April  2,   1902,  at  Grimsby. 

2.  Charles    Matthews    Duncan,    b.     Dec. 

13,   1904,  at  Grimsby. 

3.  Delta    Muriel    Matthews    Duncan,    b. 

Dec.   13,  1904,   at  Grimsby, 

5.  Charlotte   Rose   Duncan,    b.   Nov.    7,    1878,  at 

Aberdeen,  m.  June  20,  1903,  James  George 
Paull,     advocate  of  Aberdeen,   and  has  issue. 

6.  Charles    Julian  Duncan,    b    Nov.     17,  1881,  at 

Murtle,  died  1912. 

7.  Emily  Robertson   Duncan,   b.   Oct.  25,  1883,^  at 

Murtie,  now    (1912),   at  Aberdeen. 

8.  Alexander  Bell  Duncan,     b.    Feb.    2,    1885,     at 

Murtle,  now  an  Indian  civil  servant,  in  India. 

XI.  OSWALD  BELL  MOIR,    b.    1847,    (now     1912,) 


This  lady  has 
written  some 
fine  poetry. 
(W.  M.  Moir 
of  Chicago.) 

tJOHN  MOIR,  grocer,  of  Duluth,  Minn.,  b.  Oct.  3, 
1867,  in  Bellrock,  Ontario,  son  of  George  Moir,  of  Cold- 
wells,  Aberdeenshire,  Scotland,  and  Margaret  Taylor, 
(died  May,  1912),  grandson  of  John  Moir,  of  Cold- 
wells,  Aberdeenshire,  Scotland,  and  Elizabeth  Scott; 
married  Nov.  30,  1890,  Florence  M.  Walker,  dau.  of 
Samuel  Walker,   of  Caldwell,  Kansas,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Ina    Pearl    Moir,    born    Oct.    16,    1892,    Duluth, 

Minn.,   d.   March  29,    1893. 

2.  Hazel  Muriel  Moir,    b.  Aug.  3.     1895,    Duluth, 


3.  Florence  Oliver  Moir,   b.  Apr.   1,   1898,  Duluth, 

Minn.,  d.    May    17,    1898. 

4.  Earl  Ray  Moir,  b.  Sept.  5,  1899,  Duluth,  Minn. 
JAMES  RIDDOCH  MOIR,  electric  lighting  inspector 

and  cable  tester  for  the  Corporation  of  Glasgow,  b.  March 
1st,  1869,  at  Hattencrook,  Oldmeldrum,  Aberdeenshire, 
son  of  George  Moir,  gamekeeper,  (b.  Whiterashes, 
Hattencrook,  Oldmeldrum,  Aberdeenshire),  and  Mar- 
garet Riddoch;  grandson  of  John  Moir,  blacksmith, 
Hattencrook,  and  Mary  Marr.  Married  June  23,  1893, 
Agnes  Muirhead,  dau.  of  Matthew  Muirhead,  of  Glas- 
gow, (b.  Co.  Armagh,  Ireland),  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Elizabeth    Muirhead    Moir,     b.    Mar.  17,    1894, 

Glasgow,   Scotland,   tie  and  scarfmaker. 

2.  George  Moir,  born  Jan.  16,  1899,    at  Bridgeton, 

Glasgow,  d.  Oct.,  1899. 

3.  Jeanie  Mcllroy  McGregor  Moir,  b.  Jan.  4,  1904, 

ALICE  MAY  MOIR,  formerly  governess  and  trained 
nurse,  of  San  Francisco,  California,  b.  May  21,  1868,  in 
Grange,  Banffshire,  Scotland,  dau.  of  Duncan  Moir, 
school-teacher,  of  Mile- End,  Aberdeen,  Scotland,  (brother 
of  William  M.  Moir,  of  Chicago,  Illinois,  and  Alex- 
ander Moir,  of  Indiana,)  and  Jane  McConachie;  grand- 

*It  is  quite  possible  some  of  the  following  families  may  be  able  to  trace  their 
lineage  through  the  material  contained  in  this  work.  There  certainly  ia  a  great 
amount  of  data   concerning  the  Moirs  of  this  county. 

tThis  gentleman  fully  intended  to  send  us  for  insertion  in  this  work  a  group 
photograph  containing  four  generations  of  Moirs,  but  the  death  of  the  elder  of  the 
four,  made  it  so  that  he  could  not   fulfill  his  obligation. 


daughter  of  Alexander  Moir,  and  *Elizabeth  Henderson 
Skene,  (who,  after  his  wife's  death,  emigrated  to  Indiana, 
U.  S.  A.,  having  sold  his  property  at  Mile-End,  Aberdeen, 
Scotland.)  Married,  Feb.  17,  1901,  Dr.  August  Fred  Rein- 
hold,  of  Berlin,  Germany,   and  had  issue: — 

1.     August  Fred  Skene  Rienhold,    b.    Mar.    31,   1902,    in    New 

York  City,  N.  Y.      (Dr.  Reinhold  died  about  1905,  in  San 

Francisco,  Cal. ) 

tWILLIAM  M.  MOIR,  carpenter,  (was  three  years  a 
private  in  the  Scottish  rifle  volunteers)  of  Chicago,  Illinois, 
b.  13  Sept.,  1838,  son  of  Alexander  Moir,  of  Aberdeen- 
shire, Scotland,  and  Elizabeth  Mennie;  grandson  of 
Alexander  Moir,  of  Mile- End,  Aberdeen,  Aberdeenshire, 
Scotland,  and  Elizabeth  Henderson;  m.  Dec.  30,  1861, 
Emma  Milne,  dau.  of  Andrew  Milne,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  William  M.  Moir,  Jr. 

2.  Elizabeth  Moir. 

3.  NelUe  Moir. 

4.  Alfred  Moir. 

5.  Emma  Moir. 

6.  Alexander  Moir  ) 

7.  Andrew  Moir        \  ^^^^  children. 

ALEXANDER  MOIR,  travelling  salesman,  of  Chicago, 
111.,  b.  Sept.  19,  1856,  in  Peterhead,  Aberdeenshire, 
Scotland,  son   of  Alexander   Moir,   of  Aberdeen,   and  Ann 

( );    married    Nov.    14,    1878,    Ellen     May    Kinyon, 

dau.  of  Benjamin  Kinyon,    of  Randolph,  Wisconsin,    and 

had  issue: — 

1.  Myrtle  A.  Moir,  b.  Nov.  3,  1880,  Britt,  Iowa. 

2.  Madeline  A.  Moir,  b.  Aug.  26,  1886,  Waterloo,  Iowa. 

JOHN  MOIR,  (son  of  John  Moir),  b.  1804,  in  Aberdeen, 
Scotland,  died  in  New  York  City  in  1895.  His  two  sons 
and  three  daughters  were  all  born  in  Aberdeen,  on  the 
spot  where  the  Aberdeen  Carnegie  Library  now  stands; 
he  m.  Agnes  Jane  Moir,  (born  Moir),  who  died  in  New 
York  City,  in  1865.      Had  issue: — 

1.     John  Moir,     m.  Mary    Jane  Van  Hoesen,    of    Calkill,  and 

had   issue: — 

*The  above  Elizabeth  Henderson  Skene  was  a  sister  of  Alexander  J.  C.  Skene,  M. 
D.  LL.D.,  of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  president  of  and  Dean  of  the  College  hospital,  one  of  the 
Skenes  of  Skene,  the  first  of  whom  slew  a  wolf  in  the  path  of  King  Malcolm,  and  did 
some  other  brave  acts  for  which  he  was  rewarded  by  getting  from  the  king  "as  much 
land  as  that  crow  flies  over,"  which  proved  to  be  an  extent    of   some    270  miles. 

(From  letter  of  Mrs.  Reinhold.) 

+The  above  W.  M.  Moir  had  a  brother  John  Moir  who  was  named  after  a  John  Moir 
of  Beniche  mountain,  near  Aberdeen,  and  Wm.  M.  Moir  was  also  named  after  another 
estate  owner,  —  "lang  Willie  Moir"  of  Begossie,  in  the  Highlands,  who  always  wore  kilts, 
and    who  "tied  his  garters  below  the  knee,  without  bending  his  back." 


1      Mary  Moir. 

2.  Jane  Agnes  Moir,  who  m.  Rev.  Henry  R.  WUson. 

Now    (1905, )    deceased. 

3.  John  Moir,  Jr.,  died  young. 

2.  Mirgaret  Moir,   m.  Thomas  Ward,  now,   (1904, )  deceased. 

3.  Jane  Moir,  who  died  unmarried. 

4.  Agnes  Victoria  Moir,  m.  John  Smith,  both,    (1904, )  deceased, 

and   had  issue: — 

1.  Agnes    Victoria    Smith,     married    John   Hobart,     (now 


2.  Frances  Preston  Smith. 

3      William   Moir  Smith,  (killed  in  civil  war,   1861-1865,) 
m.   and  had  issue: — 

1.     Agnes     Victoria     Smith,       (alive      1904), 
m.  to  Robert  Cratur,  1902. 
4.     James  Davis  Smith,  m.     ( ),    and    had    six   chil- 
dren,   three   of    whom  are    living    (1904),  including 
one  daughter  married. 

5.  *William    Moir,    born    Aug.     15,    1826,     died    in  New  York 

City,    March   21,    1898;    m.  Emily  Hun   Sexton,  and  had 
issue: — 

1.     Emilj'  Moir,  died  in  infancy. 

GEORGE  MOIR,  Aberdeen,  son  of  William  Moir 
and  Helen  Alexander,  b.  June  16,  1848;  m.  June  6,  1871, 
Elizabeth  Brebner,  now  (1912),  deceased,  dau.  of  George 
Brebner  of  Whitehill,  Aberdeenshire;  and  had  issue: — 

1.  George    Moir,    b.     Sept.    9,    1872,     at    Whitehill,    now   at 

Johannesburg,    South  Africa. 

2.  Isabella    Helen    Moir,  b.  April  1,   1874,   at  Stripeside,  Aber- 

deenshire, now   (1912),   at  Toronto,  Canada. 

3.  WiUiam  Moir,  b.  Jan.  9,  1875,  at  Stripeside,  Aberdeenshire, 

now  at  Killamey,  Ireland. 

4.  Robert  Moir,  b.  Sept.  26,  at  Stripeside,  now  deceased. 

5.  James    John    Moir,    b.    April   16,   1878,    at  Stripeside,  now 


6.  Jane  Moir,  b.  July  14,  1880,  at  Stripeside,  now  at  Aberdeen. 

7.  Alexander  Moir,   b.   Feb.   1,    1882,  at  Ballhill,  now  at  Barre, 


8.  Elizabeth  Moir,  b.  Mar.  20,  1885,  at  Ballhill,  Logie-Buchan, 

now  at  Aberdeen. 

9.  John  Shand  Moir,  b.  June  1,  1897,  at  Aberdeen. 

WILLIAM  WILSON  MOIR,  of  Toronto,  Ontario, 
born  Feb.  14,  1851,  in  Toronto,  son  of  George  Moir,  of 
Aberdeen,  (and  Canada),  and  Agnes  Petrie;  m.  Nov.  10, 
1880,  Frances   Maria  Rainey,    daughter   of   David  Rainey, 

♦This  William  Moir,  was  for  many  years  treasurer  of  the  Fifth  Avenue  Presbyterian 
Church  of  New  York  City,  and  a  beautiful  taemorial  window  was  there  erected  to  his  memory 
by  his  widow;  a  photo-engraving  of  the  window  is  published  in  this  book  under   Memorials. 

MoiR  Genkalogy  183 

of  Cookstown,  Ontario,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  William  Petrie  Sylvester    Moir,   b.    Aug.  21,    1881,     Cooks- 

town,    Ont. 

2.  Mary  Olive  Moir,   b.  Mar.  19,    1883,   Cookstown,   Ontario. 

3.  David  Wesley  Moir,  b.  June  25,  1885,  Cookstown,  Ontario. 

4.  Frances  Florence  Charlotte  Moir,   b.  July  19,  1898,  Toronto, 


JAMES  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  business  manager, 
of  London,  Ontario,  b.  May  4,  1877,  in  Princeton, 
Ontario,  son  of  James  Moir,  of  Elora,  Ontario,  and  Agnes 
Winters;    and   grandson   of    James    Moir,     of    Aberdeen, 

Scotland,  and   ( ),   m.   Nov.  11,  1903,  Addie  Calbeck, 

daughter  of  James  Calbeck,  of  Brantford,  Ontario,  and 
had  issue. 

JAMES  MOIR,  formerly  of  Aberdeen,  afterwards  of 
Brantford,  Ontario,  m.  ( ),  and  had  issue: — 

1.  William  Henry  Moir. 

2.  Laura  May  Moir. 

3.  James  Alexander  Moir. 

FORBES  MOIR,  of  West  Garafraxa,  Ontario,  b.  July  13, 
1851,  Crathie,  Aberdeenshire,  Scotland,  son  of  Forbes 
Moir  and  Elizabeth  McGregor;  and  grandson  of  William 
Moir,  of  Insch,  Aberdeenshire,  and  Janet  Copland; 
m.  Nov.  25,  1878,  Agnes  Gerry,  daughter  of  John  Gerry, 
of  Fergus,  Ontario,  and  had  issue; — 

1.  Elizabeth    Moir,    born    July   30,    1881,   in  West    Garafraxa, 


2.  Florence  Edna  Moir,  born   March  2,    1884,   in   West  Gara- 

fraxa,   Ontario. 

3.  Forbes  Byron   Moir,   b.  May  24,  1886,   in   West  Garafraxa, 


4.  Mary  Moir,  b.  Oct.  12,  1888,  in  West  Garafraxa,  Ont. 

5.  John  Charles  Moir,  b.    Feb.    19,    1891,    in  West  Garafraxa, 


6.  James  Gerry  Moir,  b.    May  20,    1893,    in   West  Garafraxa, 


7.  Alexander  Leith  Moir,  b.   Dec.  7,    1898,  in  West  Garafraxa, 


GEORGE  MICHIE  MOIR,  of  Sunnidale  Corners, 
Ontario,  b.  Sept.  18,  1839,  in  York,  Canada,  son  of  George 
Moir,  of  Aberdeen  and  Agnes  Petrie;  grandson  of  George 
Moir,  of  Aberdeen  and  Catherine  Macintosh;  m.  Jan. 
26,  1869,  Mary  Jane  McLennan,  daughter  of  Alexander 
McLennan,  of  Innisfail,  Ont.,  and  had  issue: — 

184  MoiR  Genealogy 

1.  Elizabeth   Ann    Moir,    b.    Nov.    26,      1869,     in     Sunnidale 

Corners,   Ont. 

2.  Agnes    Petrie   Moir,    b.    Dec.  21,  1871,    Sunnidale  Comers, 

Ont.,  died  there,  Mar.  5,  1895. 

3.  George    Moir,    b.    Sept.    7,     1873,    in    Sunnidale   Corners, 


4.  James  Alexander  Moir,    b.    Sept.    18,    1875,    in  Sunnidale 

Corners,  Ontario,  married  Dec.  28,  1904,  Miss  Lillian 
Townley,  of  Toronto,  dau.  of  John  A.  Townley,  of  Aurora, 
Ontario,  by  the  Rev.  J.  T.  Morris,  of  Toronto. 

5.  Mary  Emily  Moir,  b.  Sept.  24,  1877,   in  Sunnidale  Corners, 


6.  John   Archibald    Moir,     b.    Nov.    28,    1879,    in    Sunnidale 

Corners,  Ontario. 

7.  Walter  Gordon  Moir,  b.  July  18,  1883,  in  Sunnidale  Comers, 


WILLIAM  BOWMAN  MOIR,  of  Hamilton,  Ontario, 
b.  1858,  at  Aberdeenshire,  Scotland,  son  of  John  Moir 
and  Barbara  Ratray,  both  of  Ballater,  Aberdeenshire, 
married  1874. 

SARAH  MOIR  of  Nichol,  Ontario,  b.  Jan.  21,  1864,  in 
Nichol,  Ontario,  daughter  of  Alexander  Leith  Moir,  of 
Nichol,  Ontario,  and  Joan  Wilson;  and  grand-daughter 
of  Alexander  Moir,  of  Rayne,  Aberdeenshire,  and  Isabella 

JOHN  SHAW  MOIR,  of  Elora,  Ontario,  b.  Dec.  11, 
1848,  in  Township  of  Nichol,  Ontario,  son  of  Alexander 
Leith  Moir  and  Joan  Wilson,  grandson  of  Alexander  Moir, 
of  Old  Rayne,  Aberdeenshire,  and  Isabella  Bannerman; 
m.  Elizabeth  Cooper,  daughter  of  James  Cooper,  of  Wel- 
lington, Ont.,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  James  Alexander  Moir,  b.  Mar.  22,  1881,  in  Nichol,  Ont. 

2.  John  Frederick  Moir,  b.  July  20,  1883,  in  Nichol,  Ont. 

3.  Mary  EUzabeth  Moir,  b.  Aug.  22,   1885,  in  Nichol,  Ont. 

4.  William  Walter  Moir,  b.  Jan.  31,  1888,  in  Nichol,  Ont. 

5.  Florence  May  Moir,  b.  July  30,  1890,  in  Nichol,  Ont. 

6.  David  Nelson  Moir,  b.  Jan.  19,  1893,  in  Nichol,  Ont. 

7.  Forbes  Edward  Moir,  b.  Aug.  30,  1895,  in  Nichol,  Ont. 

8.  Annie  Catherine  Moir,  b.  Aug.  24,  1898,  in  Nichol,  Ont. 

ALEXANDER  MOIR,  of  Township  of  Nichol,  Ontario, 
b.  June  19,  1855,  son  of  Alexander  Leith  Moir,  of  Nichol, 
Ont.,  and  Joan  Wilson;  and  grandson  of  Alexander  Moir 
of  Old  Rayne,  Aberdeenshire,  and  Isabella  Bannerman. 

ELSIE  MOIR,  nurse,  of  Baltimore,  Maryland,  b.  June 
4,  1822,  in  Keith  Hall,  Aberdeenshire,  Scotland;  daughter 

HON.    WILLIAM    J.    MOIR 
of  Eldora,   Iowa 

9     j 





Kf          ^B 

f          Jt 


tf              ai"-               "^  M 




1  \ 

^'    flB^^^^^^^Ha 



of  Forres,    Elginshire 

Progenitor  of  a  long  list  of  Moirs  of 

North   Carolina 

(Seepage  191) 

Eldora,  Iowa 

(See  page  187) 


:  ,.;     FOONDA^ 

MoiR  Genealogy  185 

of  Alexander  Moir,  woodsawyer,  of  Aberdeen,  Scotland, 
and  ( )  Cassie,  dau.  of  John  Cassie;  and  grand- 
daughter  of  Alexander  Moir,  of  Aberdeen,  Scotland,  and 

( ).     (Alive   1910.) 

ALEXANDER  MOIR,  millwright,  of  Los  Angeles, 
California,  b.  Oct.  7,  1845,  son  of  James  Moir,  of  Aberdeen, 
Scotland,    and  Ann  Henderson,    and   grandson    of  James 

Moir,    of  Aberdeen,  Scotland,   and    ( )  Williams;  m. 

Dec.  25,  1878,  Harriet  Marcia  Allen,  dau.  of  Abner  W. 
Allen,  of  Highgrove,  California,  and  had  issue  :  — 

1.  Joseph   Waiiam    Moir,    b.    Sept.     14,    1880,     Worthington, 

Minn.      (See  below.) 

2.  Abner  Allen   Moir,    b.    Dec.    21,    1882,    Nonesuch,   Mich., 

d.  Sept.  6,   1886. 

3.  John  James  Moir,  b.  Sept.  29,  1884,  Worthington,  Minn. 

4.  Reuben  Crawford  Moir,  b.  Oct.   19,  1885,  Sious  City,  Iowa, 

d.   1888. 

5.  Jessie  Ann  Moir,  b.  Oct.  1,  1887,  Pasadena,  Cal. 

6.  Charles  Raymond  Moir,  b.  Nov.  29,  1892,  Highgrove,  Cal. 

7.  Margaret  Jean  Moir,  b.  Dec.  6,  1897,  Highgrove,  Cal. 

8.  Mildred  Ethel  Moir,  b.  Nov.  7,  1902,  Highgrove,  Cal. 

JOSEPH  WILLIAM  MOIR,  mechanic,  of  Los  Angeles, 
Cal.,  b.  Sept.  14,  1880,  in  Worthington,  Minn.,  son  of 
Alexander  Moir,  of  Los  Angeles,  Cal.,  and  Harriet  Marcia 
Allen;  and  grandson  of  James  Moir,  of  Aberdeenshire, 
Scotland,  and  Ann  Henderson;  m.  June  14,  1903,  Alice 
Catherine  Payne,  dau.  of  Richard  E.  Payne,  of  Colorado 
Springs,  Colorado. 

ALEXANDER  MOIR,  stone  cutter,  of  Quincy,  Mass., 
b.  1852,  in  Aberdeen,  Scotland,  son  of  James  Moir,  of 
Aberdeen,  Scotland,  and  Helen  Pirie;  m.  1874,  Isabella 
Moir,  of  Aberdeen,  Scotland,  and  had  issue:  — 

1.  Isabella    Moir,     b.     Mar.     11,     1875,    Aberdeen,     Scotland, 

school  teacher. 

2.  John  Moir,   b.   Nov.  2,   1878,   Aberdeen,  Scotland,    lawyer. 

3.  William  Reed  Milne    Moir,    b.    Oct.    16,    1880,  Aberdeen, 

Scotland,    book  buyer. 

4.  Helen  Rowena  Moir,  b.  Oct.  15,  1884,  Quincy,  Mass.,  music 


5.  Frederick   Ernest   Moir,    b.    1886,    Quincy,   Mass.,  student 

Harvard  College    (1905). 

DAVID  ANDREW  MOIR,  bookkeeper,  of  Fitchburg, 
Mass.,  b.  1873,  in  Aberdeen,  Scotland,  son  of  Alexander 
Moir,    of   Aberdeen,    Scotland,    and   Eliza  Jane  Webster 

186  MoiR  Genealogy 

Milne  Moir;   m.  *Barbara  Russell,  dau.  of  Patrick  Russell, 
of  Aberdeen,  Scotland,  and  had  issue:  — 

1.  Jean  Moir,  b.  1895,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

2.  La vinia  Robertson  Moir,  b.  1897,  Aberdeen,  Scotland,  d.  1899. 

3.  Cecilia  Ann  Moir,  b.   1898,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

CHARLES  H.  MOIR,  having  a  largo  sugar  and  coffee 
plantation  in  Guatemala  City,  Guatemala,  born  in  Aber- 
deen, Scotland,  having  two  brothers  and  one  sister  living 
(1913),  as  follows: — 

1.  John   Munro   Moir,    M.  D.,   practicing  in  Inverness. 

2.  William  Moir,   civil  engineer,  in  India. 

3.  Grace  A.  Moir,  in  Aberdeen,  unmarried. 

C.  H.  Moir  married  1904,  Concha,  elder  daughter 
of  Doctor  and  General  jFrancisco  Anguino,  and  had 
issue: — 

1.  Charles  Moir,  born  1906. 

2.  Graciela  Moir,  born  1908. 


From  the  County  Directory  of  Scotland,  for  1901-1904.) 

Rev.  A.  F.  Moir,  Baillie's  Wells,  Cults,  Aberdeen. 
Alexander  Moir,  farmer,  Brae,  Kintore. 
Alexander  Moir,  farmer,  Holland  Bush,  Glassel. 
Alexander  Moir,  farmer,  North  Artrochie,  Ellon. 
Alexander  Moir,  Snipfield,  Colpy,  Insch. 
Alexander  Moir,  farmer,  Waterton,  Ellon. 
Andrew  Moir,  Wardhouse,  Mains,  Insch. 
George  Moir,  Fedderate,  New  Deer. 
George  S.  Moir,  Jr.,  Knockhall,  Newburgh. 
James  Moir,  M.  A.,  Firs,  Kinharrochie,  Ellon. 
Robert  Moir,  Tarty,  Ellon. 

*Thi3  lady  is  a  noted  Scottish  singer,  with  a  good  reputation  in  her  own  circle, 
which  includes  several  states. 

fDoctor  and  General  Francisco  Anguino  is  one  of  the  principal  personages  in  the 
Republic  of  Guatemala;  speaking  politically,  legally  and  socially.  He  has  served  under 
several  administrations,  as  Magistrate,  Minister  successively  of  War,  Foreign  Relations, 
Justice  and  the  Interior.  He  has  been  Vice-President  of  the  Republic,  Minister  in 
Washington,  U.  S.  A.,  and  in  Mexico,  and  is  actually  Vice-President  of  the  National 
Assembly,  and  President  of  the  Council  of  State. 


*WILLIAM  J.  MOIR,  attorney-at-law  since  1856,  mem-  Particulars 
bar  of  legislature  two  terms;  mayor  of  Eldora,  Iowa,  two  fvom"Annai3 
terms;  treasurer  and  trustee  of  the  State  Industrial  School  of  of  lowa," 
Iowa,  for  thirty  years  (1904)    and   on  the  first  day  of  July,    "^* 
1903,  made    his    69th    semi-annual    report    as    treasurer  of 
Eldora  lodge,  I.  O.  O.  F. ;  was  born  October   19,    1824,    in 
Buchan,  Scotland,  son  of  John  Moir  of  Buchan,  Scotland, 
(who  came  to  Stanstead,  P.   Q.,  Canada,  in   1830,  and  who  I9i2. 
died  recently)  and  Mary  Morrison.      Married  October  27, 
1847,  Olive  Jane  Ball,  of  Stanstead,  Province  of  Quebec, 
and  had  issue  :  — 

I.  MARCUS  WILLIAM  MOIR,  tax  ferret,  now  of 
Eldora,  Iowa,  b.  May  11,  1851,  in  Bristolville, 
Ohio;  m.  1872,  Frances  Augusta  Graves,  dau.  of 
Harvey  Graves,   of  Eldora,  Iowa,  and  had  issue:  — 

1.  Clara  Luella    Moir,    of  Aberdeen,    South    Dakota, 

b.  1873,  in  Eldora,  Iowa;  m.  1895,  Samuel  Sher- 
man Foster,  hotelkeeper,  son  of  William  Har- 
rison Foster,  of  Mason  City,  Iowa. 

2.  Harriet  Jane    Moir,    of  Eldora,  Iowa,    b.  May    14, 

1878,  in  Eldora,  Iowa;  m.  Sept.  20,  1897,  George 
Harold  Brooks,  farmer,  son  of  William  Brooks, 
of  Joplin,  Missouri,  and  had  issue: — 

■''William  J.  Moir  was  born  in  Banffshire,  Scotland,  October  19,  1824.  He  came  to 
this  country  with  his  parents  in  1830.  He  was  educated  at  Derby  Academy,  Vt.,  and 
was  naturalized  at  Plymouth,  Ind.,  in  August,  1854.  At  the  latter  place  he  studied 
law  and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  1856.  He  settled  in  Eldora,  Hardin  county,  the 
same  year,  where  he  has  since  resided  and  practiced  his  profession.  He  has  twice  served 
— in  1862  and  1864 — in  the  Iowa  House  of  Representatives,  where  he  proved  himself  a 
useful  and  conscientious  member.  He  also  served  twelve  years  on  the  Eldora  school 
board,  and  was  twice  elected  mayor  of  that  city.  Mr.  Moir  was  the  leader  in  the  work 
of  founding  the  State  Reform  School  at  Eldora,  and  one  of  its  foremost  friends  and  pro- 
moters. He  served  as  one  of  the  Board  of  Trustees — with  the  exception  of  two  years — 
from  the  beginning,  until  it  was  taken  in  charge  by  the  Board  of  Control  in  1898.  He 
was  many  years  treasurer  of  the  institution,  during  which  time  he  disbursed  the  sum  of 
$1,228,557.25,  for  which  he  never  asked  nor  received  any  compensation  whatever.  His 
services  in  connection  with  the  Reform  School  have  always  met  with  hearty  approval, 
and  he  is  well  known  to  the  people  of  Iowa  from  his  long  and  eflScient  work  in  building 
up  that  institution. 

He  is  a  well-known  author  of  articles  for  the  press,  and  has  written  for  the  "Annals 
of  Iowa,"  an  historical  magazine  published  by  the  Historical  Department  of  Iowa,  an 
article  on  "Enoch  Worthen  Eastman."  William  John  Moir,  had  several  uncles,  (brothers 
of  his  father,)  viz: — William,  David  and  James  or  Robert  Moir. 

(From  "Annals  of  Iowa,"  July,  1904.) 
(See  portrait  inserted.) 

188  MoiR  Genealogy 

1.  Margery  Frances  Brooks,    b.   Jan.  18, 

1898,  Eldora,  Iowa. 

2.  Vivian    Harriett    Brooks,    b.    Apr.    7, 

1900,  Eldora,  Iowa. 

3.  Marcus  William  Moir  Brooks,  b.  Apr. 

26,  1901,  Eldora,  Iowa. 
3.     Mabel    CSiarlotte   Moir,   born    Oct.    27,     1881,    in 
Eldora,  Iowa. 
II.  GEORGE  J.  MOIR,  painter  and  decorator,  of  Eldora, 
Iowa,    born   Oct.   14,   1861,  in   Eldora,    Iowa;  m. 

1883,   ( ),    and  had  issue: — 

1.     *William  J.  Moir,  Jr.,   b.    1884,   Eldora,  Iowa,  and 
(1905)  is  attending  college  in  Des  Moines,  Iowa. 

JOHN  NICOL  MOIR,  of  GraniteviUe,  Quebec,  b.  May 

28,  1835,  in  Beebe  Plain,    Quebec,  Canada;   son  of  John 

(Buchan)  Moir,  of   Banff,    Scotland,    a    stone    mason,   (b.    Nov.    6, 

1797;  d.  Oct.  26,  1879,)  and  Sophia  Nicol.      Married   Sept. 

28,  1863,  Emma  Tryon,  of  Clarenceville,  Quebec,  and  had 

issue :  — 

1.     Mary  Ella  Moir,  b.  Dec.  20,  1866,  in  GraniteviUe,  Quebec, 

CHARLES  MOIR,  physician,  of  Louisville,  Kentucky, 
b.  1858,  in  London,  Ontario,  son  of  James  Moir  of 
Banffshire,  Scotland,  and  Mary  MandervUle,    daughter  of 

( )  Manderville,  of  County  Louth,  Ireland;    m.    1880, 

Clara  Jacques,  dau.    of  Louis    Jacques,    of  Belgium,  and 

had  issue  : — 

1.     Charles  Louis  Moir,  b.  1882,  Cincinnati,  Ohio. 

Both  father  and  son  are  graduates  of  the  Medical 
College  of  the  University  of  Louisville,  Kentucky.  The 
father  has  three  brothers  living,  one  John  Moir,  in 
London,  Ontario,  one  Frank  Moir,  in  Los  Angeles,  Cali- 
fornia, and  one  James  Moir  in  St.  Mary's,   Ontario. 


(From  the  County  Directory  of  Scotland,  for  the  years 

David  Moir,  Berry  drum,  Cornhill. 
Mrs.  MoLr,  Haugh,  Aberlour. 

Moir  Clochan,  )    at  Clochan,  Banffshire, 

m,  ) 

Moir  Homie,    )    two  and  one-half  miles  from  Port  Gordon. 

*A  note  from  this  young  man's  grandfather,  dated  Sei^t.  10,  1912,  states  that  William  J.- 
Moir  Jr.,  is  now  teaching  in  Lake  Forest  College,  near  Chicago,  Illinois. 


EDWARD  MOIR,  farmer,  of  Coalsnaughton,  Clack- 
mananshire,  married  Janet  Sharpe,  and  had  issue  among 
others  :  — 

Alexander  Moir,  miner,  b.  1810,  of  Coalsnaughton, 
Tillicoultry;  m.  Margaret  Harley,  and  had  issue.  (He 
died  1882,   and  she  died  1872). 

1.  Margaret    Moir,    b.    in  Scotland,  now    (1912)    in    Clinton, 


2.  Janet  Moir,  b.   in  Scotland,    now    (1912)  in   Clinton,  Mass. 

3.  Edward   Moir,   engineer,    b.    1844  in   TilUcoultry;   m.   1871; 

Ann  Ramsay,    dau.  of  James  Ramsay  of  Dumfries,   and 
had    issue: — 

1.  James   Alexander    Moir,    engineer,     for    15    years, 

(1912)  in  Clinton,  Mass.,  for  8  years  a  black- 
smith, in  Scotland,  b.  1872,  in  Dumfries;  m. 
Feb.  22,  1899,  Margaret  Harrower,  and  had 
issue : — 

1.  Edward  Alexander    Moir,     born    Dec.    4, 

1902,  in  Clinton,   Mass. 

2.  Margaret   Ramsay    Moir,    born    May    30, 

1911,  in  Clinton,   Mass. 

2.  Mary  Margaret    Moir,    born    1874,    at   Edinburgh, 

now    (1912)   in  Tillicoultry. 

3.  Robert   Ramsay    Moir,    engineer,     (stationary)     b. 

1876,  in  Edinburgh;  m.  1909,  and  was  killed 
accidently    by  an  engine,  Feb.  1911,  at  Glasgow. 

4.  Elizabeth  Hamilton   Moir,   b.   at  Dollar,  Scotland; 

m.   1909,  Robert  R.  Moir. 


(From  The  County  Directory  of  Scotland,  1902.) 
JAMES   MacARTHUR  MOIR,  Hillfoot,  Dollar,  Clack- 
manan  shire. 

S.  H.  MOIR,  Rowanbrae  Cottage,  Garelochead. 
MISSES  MOIR,  Benvue,  Kilcraggan. 


PETER  MOIR,  mariner,  of  Newport,  Rhode  Island, 
b.  1857,  Glasgow,  Scotland,  son  of  Edward  Moir  of 
Portobello,  Scotland,  and  Margaret  Dawson;  grandson 
of  Edward  Moir  and  Eliza  Burns,  of  Leith,  Scotland ;  m. 
1897,  Annie  Pullin,  dau.  of  Samuel  FuUin,  of  Dublin, 

WILLIAM  RALSTON  SOMERS  MOIR,  for  10  years 
captain  15th  Sept.  Co.,  of  New  York  regiment,  subway 
builder,  of  New  York  City;  b.  1867,  in  New  York,  N.  Y., 
son  of  William  Somers  Moir,  of  Edinburgh,  Scotland,  and 
Elizabeth  Chinscola;  grandson  of  William  Moir,  of  Edin- 
burgh, Scotland,  and  Jane  Somers;  m.  1889,  first,  Mabel 
Afton  of  Rochester,  New  York,  who  d.   1899,  and    had 

issue: — 

1.  Jesse  Moir,  b.  1891,  Bloomfield,  New  Jersey. 

2.  WilUam  Moir,  b.  1895,  New  York  City,  d.  1895. 

W.,R.  S.  Moir,  married  secondly,  Johanna  Geneva  Eberhardt, 
of  Germany,  dau.  of  Eide  H.  Eberhardt. 

The  above  W.  R.  S.  MOIR,  had  a  brother  and  sister  as  follows: — 

1.  Jesse  T.  Moir,  b.  1871,  in  New  York  City,  m.  1898;  he  is 

a  custom  house  weigher;   has  issue. 

2.  Jane    Somers     Moir,    b.    1869,   in   New  York  City,   m. 

1888    ( )    Knapp,    of    Newark,  New   Jersey,  and 

has  issue. 


(From  Scottish  County  Directory,  1902.) 
See  page  179.       OSWALD  B.  MOIR,  The  Elms,  Hillhead,  Laswade. 



The  family  of  ALEXANDER  MOIR  and  MAR- 
GARET   FORSYTH    of  Forres,    Elginshire,     Scotland, 

were  at  least  three  sons,  and  one  daughter,  namely: — 

1.  AGNES  MOIR,    who  married    a  Mr.  Petrie. 

2.  WILLIAM     MOIR. 

3.  JOHN  MOIR,   who  married  Mary  Lyle. 


Of  this  family,  three  are  known  to  have  been  born  in  Forres, 
Elginshire,  and  to  have  come  to  America  early  in  the  Nineteenth 
century;  John  Moir  and  Alexander  Anderson  Moir  went  south, 
settling  in  Virginia,  and  North  Carolina.  John  did  not  have  many 
children,  but  Alexander  Anderson  Moir  has  a  large  number  of  descend- 
ants now  scattered  throughout  the  territory  named. 

Alexander  Moir,  father  of  this  family,  had  a  younger  brother 
Robert,  who  also  has  a  large  posterity  in  Virginia  and  North  Carolina, 
many  of  whom  are  prominent  in  public  affairs,  and  successful  in 
business.  Of  this  family,  one  a  son  of  John,  met  another  Moir  (said 
to  have  been  a  cousin )  in  the  American  Civil  War,  one  as  a  soldier 
from  the  South,  and  one  as  a  prisoner  from  the  North,  and  through 
their  surname,  became  fast  friends,  the  soldier  aiding  the  prisoner 
at  every  opportunity.  And  there  is  a  record  of  friendliness  between 
the  two,  which  has  strengthened  family  relations  to  this  day. 

ALEXANDER  ANDERSON  MOIR,  b.  Forres,  m. 
Mary  Holt  Cogbill,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Lucy  Ann  Elizabeth  Moir,  b.  Apr.  26,  1826,  at 
Leaksville,  North  Carolina,  m.  July  29,  1846, 
Henry  Tuggle,  sheriff  of  Patrick  County,  Vir- 
ginia, son  of  John  Tuggle,  and  had  issue:  — 

1.  James    Edwin   Tuggle,    b.     Mar.     13,    1848,    in 

Stuart,  Virginia,  died  July  31,  1865,  unmarried. 

2.  Henry   Irving  Tuggle,    born    Sept.    1,    1849,    in 

Stuart,  Va.,  m.  Dec.  27,  1877. 

3.  Thomas  Alexander  Tuggle,  b.  Aug.  16,  1851,  in 

Stuart,  Va. 

4.  Mary  Elizabeth    Tuggle,    b.    May   22,   1853,  in 

Stuart,  Va.,  m.  May  23,  1875,  Rev.  D.  John- 
son Scales  and  had  issue,    six  children: — 
1.     Jessie    Evelyn    Scales,     born    Apr.     4, 
1879,  in  Patrick  County,  Va.,  married 

This  branch  ie 
quite  possibly 
related  to  the 
"More"  family 
described  in 
article  follow- 
ing this  family. 

192  MoiR  Gbnealogy 

Sept.    9,   1900,    ( )    Wood,    and 

had  issue. 

2.  Harriet  Mae  Scales,    b.   Feb.  14,   1880, 

in    Henry  County,  Va. 

3.  Marguerite  Lucy  Scales,  born  May  11, 

1882,  in  Henry  County,  Va. 

4.  Thomas   Henry    Scales,    b.    Sept.    27, 

1886,  in  Henry  County,  Va. 

5.  Nellie    Noel    Scales,    b.     Apr.   1,  1889, 

in  Henry  County,  Va. 

6.  Robert    Emmett     Scales,    b.   Sept.   11, 

1893,  in  Henry  County,  Va. 

5.  John  William  Tuggle,  deputy  sheriff  and  county 

treasurer  of  Portsmouth,  Virginia,  b.  May  7, 
1855,  in  Patrick  County,  Va.,  m.  Mary  Ann 
Putzel,  dau.  of  Sigmund  Putzel  of  Germany, 
and  had  issue: — 

1.  William  Henry  Tuggle,  b.  Jan.  2,  1882, 

in  MartinvUle,  Va. 

2.  John  Edward  Tuggle,  b.  Nov.  22,  1884, 

in  Martinville,  Va. 

3.  James  Beverly  Tuggle,    born  Mar.    30, 

1887,  in  Martinville,  Va. 

4.     Mary   Lucy  Tuggle,     b.  Jan.   23,   1890, 
in  Martinville,  Va. 

6.  Lucy    Emma    Tuggle,      b.    Aug.     16,     1868,    in 

Stuart,  Va. 

7.  Robert  Emmett  Tuggle,   born   June  3,    1861,   in 

Stuart,  Patrick  County,  Va. 

8.  Walter   Lee    Tuggle,    born    Sept.    21,    1863,  in 

Stuart,  Patrick  County,  Va. 

9.  Caroline  Margaret  Tuggle,  born  Oct.   28,  1865, 

in  Stuart,  Patrick  County,  Va.  m.  Feb.  9, 
1887,  Charles  H.  Hudspeh,  and  had  issue,  one 

1.     Bessie   Reed    Hudspeh. 
10.     Penelope  Noel   Tuggle,    born    Oct.    4,    1871,    in 
Stuart,    Patrick   County,    Va.,    m.    Oct.    26, 
1898,  Charles  James  Lightly.    (No  issue.) 

and  soldier,  of  Westfield,  North  Carolina,  b. 
1828,  in  Leaksville,  N.  C;  m.  1856,  Elizabeth 
Jane  Smith,  dau.  of  Jabez  H.  Smith,  of  Floyd, 

Va.,  and  had  issue:  — 

1.  Mary  Alice  Moir,  b.  1857,  in  Westfield,  N. 
C,  married  Oct.  12,  1892,  Henry  Clay  Allen, 
son   of    Baldwin   Allen,   of    Louisa,  Virginia, 

and  had  issue: — 

MoiR  Gbneai,ogy  193 

I.     Henry    Moir    Allen,    born    Feb.     18, 
1897,  in  Roanoke,    Va. 

2.  Edgar    Percival    Moir,    born    1859,    in   West- 

field,  N,  C,  m.  1883,    and  had  issue. 

3.  Lucien  Alexander  Moir,  b.  1861,  in  Westfield, 

N.    C,   and    died   when  two  years  old. 

III.  WILLIAM  WALLACE  MOIR,  public  com- 
missioner of  accounts,  of  Stuart,  Va.,  b.  1835,  in 
Stuart,  Va.;  m.  1859,  Carolina  Virginia  Martin, 
dau.  of  Thomas  S.  Martin,  of  Caroline,  Va., 
and  had  issue: — 

1.  Edwin  L.  Moir,  b.  1860,  in  Stuart,  Va. 

2.  Henry  M.  Moir,  b.  1861,  in  Stuart,  Va. 

3.  Virgil    Pearson   Mcir,    b.     1864,   in  Stuart,  Va., 

m.  1888,  Minnie  McCrary,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Witt  McCrary,  of  Nelson,  Va.,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Marion  McCrary  Moir,    born    1890,     in 

Stuart,  Va. 

2.  Virginia  Branch  Moir,  b.  1892,  in  Stuart, 


3.  William  Wallace  Moir,  b.  1900,  in  Win- 

ston-Salem, N.  C. 

4.  McCrary  Moir,  born  1903,    in   Winston- 

Salem,  N.  G. 

4.  Mary  E.  Moir,  b.  1866,  in  Danbury,  Va. 

5.  Thomas  Alexander  Moir,  b.  1868,  in  Stuart,  Va., 

and  died   1885. 

6.  Percival    Mac  Pherson     Moir,    master    of   laws, 

attorney-at-law,  1st  Sergeant,  of  Co.  D,  2d 
regiment  of  Virginia,  in  the  Spanish-American 
War,  later  was  treasurer  of  Cavite  Province, 
Philippine  Islands,  and  the  prosecuting  attorney 
Mountain  Judicial  District,  in  the  same  islands. 
Now,  (1912,)  of  Cervantes,  P.  I.,  b.  1870, 
in  Stuart,  Va.,  m.  Dec.  28,  1902,  Maude  H. 
Kirtland,  dau.  of  Edward  Mansfield  Kirtland, 
of  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

7.  Jepie  Moir,  b.  1870,  in  Stuart,  Va. 

8.  William  Wallace  Moir,  Jr.,  b.  1872,  in  Stuart,  Va. 

9.  Charles  R.  Moir,  b.  1874,  in  Stuart,  Va. 

IV.  CYBELLA  SUSAN  MOIR,  of  Chatham,  Va., 
b.  Dec.  3,  1840;  m.  1866,  Walker  Timberlake 
Noel,  of  Fluvanna,  Va.,  and  had  issue:  — 

1.     Julia  Fenwick  Noel,  b.  1868,  in  Stuart,  Va.,  and 
died   in  1870. 
2.      *Moir    Alexander    Noel,   b.    April    23,    1870,    in 

*Moir  Alexander  Noel,  Sr.,  in  1899,  was  in  Co.  F.  43rd  U.  S.  V.  Infantry,  and  later 
went  to  the  Philippines  where  the  regiment  served  for  nearly  two  years.  Afterwards 
followed  the  printer's  trade,  and  was  for  some  time  editor  of  a  newspaper  at  Dawson 
Springs,  Kentucky,   (The  Weekly  Oracle). 

194  MoiR  Genealogy 

Stuart,  Va. ;  m.  June  22,  1904,  Laura  S.  Ligen, 
dau.   of    Robert  C.  Ligen,   and  had  issue: — 

1.  Moir    Alexander    Noel,     Jr.,      b.     June 

29,  1905. 

2.  Robert  Walker  Noel,    b.  Jan.    18,  1907. 

3.  Lotta  Margaret   Noel,   b.  May  27,    1908. 

3.  Charles  Wallace    Noel,    b.     Apr.    2,     1872,     in 

Stuart,  Va.,  now  a  farmer  of  Chatham,  Va. » 
m.  Aug.  25,  1895,  Annie  Laurier,  dau.  of 
John  E.  Laurier,  of  Pittsylvania,  Va.,  and 
had  issue: — 

1.     Anna    Wallace    Noel,  b.    Dec.   30,    1896, 
in   Chatham,  Va. 

4.  Robert    Boisseau   Noel,   b.  Feb.    24,    1874,   is   a 

railroad  employee,  of  Chatham,  Va. ;  m.  Feb. 
8,  1898,  Anna  Virginia  Shields,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Langhorn   Shields,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Herbert  Moir  Noel,   b.  Oct.   1,   1899,  in 

Chatham,  Va. 

2.  Helen    Moir  Noel,  b.  Mar.     1,    1901,  in 

Chatham,  Va. 

5.  Walker  Timberlake    Noel,  b.    1877,    in    Stuart, 

Va.,  and  m.  1902,    ( — ),  and  had  issue. 

6.  Clayson  Beason  Noel,  b.  1880,  in  Stuart,  Va. 

7.  John  Forsyth  Noel,  b.   Feb.  17,  1882,  in  Stuart, 


V.  JOHN  WILLIAM  MOIR,  of  Rocky  Mount, 
Virginia,  son  of  Alexander  Anderson  Moir,  and 
Mary  Holt  Cogbill;  m.  Barbara  Adeline  Bur- 
nette,   and  had  issue:  — 

1.  Margaret  Moir,    of     Kingston,    N.     C,     m.    1887, 

Walter  Holdersby,  son  of  Richard  Holdersby, 
of    Danville,  Va.,  and  had  issue: — 

1.     Elise   Holdersby,   born  1891,     in  Chase 
City,  Va. 

2.  Ida  Moir,  v?ho  married  a  Mr.  Stephens.     She  died 

shortly  after  the  birth  of  her  only  son: — 
1.     Moir  Alexander  Stephens,    b.  1892. 

3.  James  Cogbill  Moir,     merchant,    of  Roanoke,  Va.> 

b.  1857,  in  Elamsville,  Va.;  m.  1887,  H.  May 
Tumbull,  dau.  of  Louis  Edward  Tumbull,  of 
Retreat,  Va. 

4.  John  William    Moir,    of  Kingston,      N.    C,    mer- 

chant, b.  1860,  in  Rocky  Mount,  Va. ;  m. 
1903,  Lula  Maud  Duncan,  dau.  of  WUliam 
Duncan    of  Amherst,    Virginia,    and   had   issue. 

VI.  JAMES  COGBILL  MOIR,    who    m.    Louisa    E. 
Carter,    was  a   merchant  of  Leaksville,   N.   C, 


they  had  at  least  two  children:  — 

1.  Mary     Alice     Cogbill     Moir,      of     Rocky    Mount, 

Va,,  b.  1850,  in  Elamsville,  Virginia. 

2.  John    Alexander   Moir,    merchant  and    farmer,    of 

Rocky  Mount,  Va.,  b.  1853,  in  Elamsville,  Va. ; 
m.  1887,  Bertha  Lee  Richards,  dau.  of  William 
A.  Richards,  of  Pittsylvania,   Va.     No  issue. 

SANDY   (?)   ALEXANDER   MOIR,  physician,   mer-  The fuU name 
chant  and  farmer,  of  Francisco,  North  Carolina,  graduate  ■«  exactly  as 

'  '  °  written  by 

of  the  University  of  North  Carolina,  b.  October  17,  1862,  himself,  and  is 
in  Francisco,  N.  C,  son  of  Robert  Forsyth  Moir,  of  Leaks-  ^he  name  he 

"  '  has  alv/ays 

ville,  N.  C,   and  Serena  Jane  Clark,   grandson  of  Alex-  been  known  by. 
ander  Anderson   Moir,    of  Forres,  Scotland,  and    Mary 
Holt  CogbilL     Married,  June    2,   1893,  Alpha  Dunkley, 
dau.  of  Samuel  Dunkley,    of    Patrick    County,   N.   C, 

and  had  issue: — 

1.  Robert  Dunkley  Moir,  b.  April  18,  1894,  in  Limerick,  N.  C. 

2.  Lucy  Serena  Moir,  b.  Oct.  28,  1897,  in  Limerick,  N.  C, 

3.  Samuel  Alexander  Moir,  b.  Nov.  18,  1898,  in  Limerick,N.  C. 

4.  Emma  Lillian  Moir,  b.  Jan.  31,  1901,  in  Francisco,  N.  C. 

ROBERT  MOIR,  tailor,  afterwards  farmer,  large 
planter  and  manufacturer,  was  a  brother  of  ALEX- 
ANDER MOIR  who  married  MARGARET  FOR- 
SYTH, both  of  whom  were  born  in  Forres,  Elgin- 
shire, Scotland.  At  the  close  of  the  Civil  War,  (1861- 
1865)  Robert  was  the  owner  of  over  fifty  slaves. 
Robert  was  born,  Oct.  15,  1796,  in  Forres,  he  came  to 
America  early  in  the  Nineteenth  century,  and  settled  in 
Rockingham  County,  North  Carolina.  He  m.  Elizabeth 
Perray  Porter,  on  July  1,  1819,  and  had  issue,  eleven 
children  as  follows:  — 

I.  MARGARET  MOIR,  b.  Mar.  23,  1820,  in  Rock- 

ingham Co.,  N.  C,    and    m.   Burrell  Roberts. 
(No  issue.) 

II.  JANET  MOIR,    b.    Feb.    19,    1822,  in  Rocking- 

ham Co.,  N.  C;  m.  George  Rejoiolds,  and  had 
issue,  one  son,  who  died  without  issue. 
III.  ELIZABETH    MOIR,      b.      Dec.     28,    1823,    in 
Rockingham  Co.,   N.   C,    m.   N.    D.    Sullivan 
of  Forsyth  Co.,  N.  C,  and  had  issue:  — 

1.     Sallie    Sullivan,     b.    in    Forysth    Co.,   N.   C,    m. 
P.  N.  Booe,  and  had  issue: — 
1.     Sarah  Clement  Booe. 

196  MoiR  GeneaIvOGY 

2.  Sullivan  Booe. 

3.  Elizabeth  Booe. 

4.  Lucy  Hodgin  Booe. 

5.  Phillip  Booe. 

6.  Alexander  Booe. 

2.     Elizabeth  Sullivan,    born ,   m.    W.  N.  Poin- 

dexter,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Nat.  S.  Poindexter. 

2.  Elizabeth  Poindexter. 

3.  William  Poindexter. 

IV.  DE  WITT  CLINTON  MOIR,  b.  Jan.  14,  1826, 
in  Rockingham,  Co.,  N.  C,  was  a  Confederate 
soldier  in  the  Civil  War  (1861-65),  and  was 
killed  in  battle. 
V.  PENELOPE  GEE  MOIR,  b.  Nov.  23,  1827,  in 
Rockingham  Co.,  N.  C,  m.  1850,  Walter  B.  John- 
son (who  d.  June  29,  1885).  She  d.  April  4, 
1912.     No  issue  from  this  union. 

VL  LUCY  PARTHENA  MOIR,  b.  Feb.  24,  1832, 
in  Rockingham  Co.,  N.  C,    m.    S.   H.  Hodgin, 

and  had  issue:  — 

1.  Anna   Hodgin,  b.  in  Forsyth  Co.,  N.  C,  and  m. 

J.  W.  Hanes,    of  Winston-Salem,   N.  C,   and 
had  issue. 

2.  James  Moir  Hodgin,   born  in  Forsyth   Co.,    N. 

C,   m.    Daisy  Maroney,   of  Salisbury,  N.  C, 
and    had  issue,  one  child: — 
1.     Moir  Hodgin. 

3.  George  D.  Hodgin,  b.    in  Forsyth  Co.,    N.    C, 

now  of  Winston- Salem,  N.  C. 

4.  Mary  Hodgin,  died  unmarried. 

federate soldier,  1860-1863,  served  in  the  57th 
N.  C.  Regiment,  now  a  farmer  (1905),  of  Rock- 
ingham, Va.,  b.  1834,  in  Rockingham,  N.  C, 
m.  1858,  Sarah  Elizabeth  Allen,  dau.  of  James 

Allen,  and   had   issue: — 

1.  Mary  Elizabeth  Moir,  m.  1879,   ( ),  d.  1896. 

2.  Jennie  Moir,  d.  1890. 

3.  Robert  Alexander  Moir,  Jr.,  d.  1898. 

4.  Lena  Tabitha  Moir. 

5.  Samuel  Whitfield  Moir. 

6.  James  Allen  Moir. 

7.  John  Fletcher  Moir. 

8.  Sallie  Dora  Moir. 

9.  Walter  Nathaniel  Moir. 

MoiR  Geneai,gy  197 

VIIj  ANNA  DELIGHT  MOIR,  b.  Aug.  4,  1836; 
died  young. 

IX.  JAMES  STEWART  MOIR,  farmer,  of  Walkers- 
town,  N.  C,  born  1838,  in  Leaksville,  N.  C, 
m.  1867,  Melvina  Van  Hoy,  dau.  of  Abram 
Van  Hoy,  of  Walkerstown,  N.  C,  and  had 
issue: — 

(J.  S.  Moir  was  a  Confederate  soldier,    1860- 
1863,  (is  alive  1912),  3d  Cavalry,  N.  C.) 
1.     De  Witt  Clinton  Moir,  b.   1869,    in  Walkers- 
town,  N.  C,  m.  1902,  Lillie  May  Dicks,  dau. 
of  Dr.  W.  P.  Dicks,  of  Walkerstown,  N.  C, 
and  had  issue: — 

1.  Margaret    Malvina    Moir,  b.  1903,  in 

Walkerstown,  N.  C. 

2.  Lillie  Demarius  Moir,    born   1870,  in 

Walkerstown,  N.  C. 

3.  Betty  Sullivan  Moir,    born    1873,    in 

Walkerstown,    N.   C,    and    married 
Robert   Christian,     and    had    issue. 
(She  died  1898,)  — 
1.     Bettie  Christian. 
4.     Thomas    Robert    Moir,    b.     1878,    in 
Walkerstown,  N.   C, 

X.  ROBINA  MOIR,   b.  May,    1840,  in  Rockingham 

Co.,  N.  C,   and  died  young. 

XI.  T^BITHA    INGRAM  MOIR,  born  October  25, 

1829,  in  Rockingham  County,  N.  C,  married 
Charles  B.  Ogbum,  of  Forsyth  County,  N.  C, 
and  had  issue:  — 

1.  Cora  Elizabeth  Ogburn,    b.    in   Forsyth   Co.,   N. 

C,  m.  WiUiam  P.  Hill,  of  Forsyth  Co.,  N.  C,  and 
had  issue: — 

1.  Charles  Gideon  Hill,  b.  in  Fors5^h  Co., 

N.  C,  m.  Mary  E.  Cannon,  of  Con- 
cord, N.  C,  and  had  issue,  two  chil- 

2.  William  P.  Hill,  Jr. 

3.  Eugene  HiU. 

4.  Elizabeth  Hill. 

5.  Ashton  Hill. 

2.  Robert   Edward    Ogbum,    b.    ( )    m.    Ella 

.   Masten,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Robert  M.  Ogburn. 

2.  Nathaniel  Ogbum. 

3.  J.  Fred  Ogbum. 

193  MoiR  Genealogy 

4.  Heniey  Ogbum. 
S.  Charles  DeWitt  Ogbum,  tobacco  manufacturer 
and  merchant,  of  Winston-Salem,  N.  C,  born 
April  25,  1S61,  in  Forsyth  Co.,  N.  C,  m.  Feb. 
12,  1895,  Carrie  C.  Shelton,  dau.  of  John 
F.  Shelton,  of  Forsyth  Co.,  N.  C,  and  had 
issue : — 

1.  Carl  De  Witt  Ogburn,  b,  Dec.   23,   1895. 

2.  Ralph  Belo  Ogbum,  b.  Dec.  14,  1897. 

•JOHN  MOIR  of  Forres,  Scotland,  and  MARY  LYLE 
had  at  least  two  children: — 

I.  MARGARET  MOIR,  of  Rockingham  County,  N. 

C,  b.  Forres,  Scotland,  Feb.  10,  1831;  m.  Mar. 
2,  1852,  Thomas  William  Field,  son  of  Rev. 
Benton  Field,  of  Randolph,  N.  C. 

1.  Mary  Lyle  Field,  b.    Feb.  6,  1853,  in   Rocking- 

ham Co.,  N.  C,  m.  Sept.  20,  1879,  James 
Madison  Price,  farmer,  tobacconist  and  in- 
surance, son  of  John  Pryor  Price,  of  Rocking- 
ham, N.  C,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Edgar   Field  Price,   born  June   30,   1872 

Rockingham  Co.,  N.  C,  m.  1899. 

2.  Mary  Eleanor  Price,    b.  Dec.  27,    1874, 

Rockingham    Co.,     N.    C,     a     music 

3.  Margaret  Moir  Price,   b.  Mar.  16,  1877, 

in  Henry  Co.,  N.  C. 

4.  Martha   Price,     b.    March   22,    1879,    in 

Henry  Co.,  N.  C,  died  July  22,  1880. 

5.  William  Pryor  Price,    b.   Aug.   5,    1881; 

in  Henry  Co.,  N.  C,  a  student  (1904), 
at  the  Philadelphia  Textile  School. 
6.     John  Moir   Price,    b.   Dec.   31,    1886,    in 

Rockingham  Co.,  N.  C. 
7.    James  Bruce  Price,  born  July  22,    1888, 
in  Rockingham  Co.,  N.  C. 

2.  A  daughter,  married  and  died  without  issue. 

3.  John  Benton  Field,  of  New  York  City,   b.  Nov. 

11,     1868,  in    Rockingham    Co.,    N.    C,    now 

(1905 )    a    bookkeeper  for  the    American  Cigar 

Co.,  at  New  York  City;  m.  Nov.  27,  1890,  Kate 

Collins,  of  PUot  Grove,  N.  Y.,  and  had  issue: — 

1.     Henry  Roe  Field,    b.  Sept.    7,    1891,  in 

Rockingham,  N.  C. 

II.  HENRY  CLAY  MOIR,  formerly  a    Confederate 

soldier,  of  the  93rd  North  Carolina  Regiment,  in 
the  American  Civil  War  of  1861-1865,   b.  April 

MoiR  Gknbalogy  199 

27,    1844,    in    Leaksville,    N.   C;    m.    April  27, 
1898,  Fannie  Wilson,  dau.  of  George  Griggs,  of 
Henry  County,  Va.      (No  issue.) 
This  soldier  was  one  of  those  who  on  being  taken  pris- 
oner, met  another  soldier  of  the  same  name,  (said  to  have 
been  a  cousin)  a  Union  soldier,  of  whom  he  writes,    "He 
was  more  than  kind  to  me  while  I  was  in  prison  at  Point 
Lookout,  Maryland,  for  thirteen  months  during  the  war." 

*ROBERT  MOIR,  of  Burlington,  Iowa,  son  of  WIL- 
LIAM MOIR  and  AGNES  PETRIE,  both  of  Forres, 
Elginshire,  Scotland,  born  October  30,  1824,  came  to 
America,  in  1833,  and  afterwards  settled  in  Oquawka, 
and  Burlington,  Iowa,  he  m.  1849,  Mary  Nicol,  and 
had  issue:  — 

1.  John  Moir,  b.   Mar.  2,   1850,   in  Oquawka,  111.,    married 

( ),  and  had  issue,  (he  d.  Oct.  13,  1896  )  :— 

1.  John  Moir,  Jr.,  now  deceased   (1904). 

2.  Mabel   Moir. 

3.  Robert  Moir,  now  deceased  (1904). 

2.  Martha  Moir,  b.  1852. 

3.  William  Moir,  b.  Feb.  23,  1854,  d.  Dec.  28,  1882. 

4.  Mary  Moir,   b.    1856,   m.  C.  B.  King,  of  Peoria,  III.,   and 

had  issue,   two  daughters: — 

1.  Helen  King. 

2.  Marie  King. 

5.  Robert  Moir,  b.  1858,  married   ( ),  and  had  issue: — 

1.     Margery   Moir. 

6.  James  Moir,  b.  1860. 

7.  Alexander  Moir,  b.  1862,  m.    ( ),   and  had  issue: — 

1.     Martha  Moir. 

8.  Ida   Moir,    b.   Aug.  17,    1866,   in  Oquawka,  111.,   m.  Oct. 

9,    1895,    George    Stone    Tracy,   of   Burlington,  Iowa. 
(No    issue.) 

*See  extended  account  of  this  gentleman  on  another  page. 


See  pages  56 
and  57  for 
records  of 
births,  etc. 

More  Family 
also  page  71 

JOHN  MORE,  of  Roxbury,  New  York,  was  born  Feb. 
24,  1745,  in  Forres,  JEIginshire,  Scotland;  died  Jan.    1, 
1840,  in  Roxbury,  New  York;  son  of  JOHN   MOIR,  and 
ISOBEL  DUNCAN;  grandson  of  GREGOR   MOIR  and 
ISOBEL  GRANT.     He  m.  June  9,  1770,  in  Elgin,  Scot- 
land,    (by    Rev.     David    Rentoul)     BETTY,     dau.     of 
ROBERT  TAYLOR  and  JEAN  INNES.     She  was  born 
1738,  in  Elgin,  and  d.  Oct.   13,  1823,  in  Roxbury,  New 
York.     John   came   to  America  in    1772,    (the  two   elder 
children  of  his  family  having  been  born  in  Scotland.)     He 
settled  shortly  after  in  Roxbury,  New  York.     Had  issue:  — 
I.   JOHN  TAYLOR  MORE,    b.   Feb.    27,    1771,    d. 
June     23,      1857,     married    1792,      ELEANOR 
LARA  WAY,   and  in  the  record  of  the  MORE 
FAMILY  printed   in  1893,  there  were  187    de- 
scendants, recorded  as  follows: — 
12  children, 
48  grandchildren, 
101  great-grandchildren,  and 
26  great-great-grandchildren. 

*The  particiilars  given  in  this  article  are  taken  from  the  "More  Family  History," 
published  in  Binghamton,  N.  Y.,  1893. 

tForres,  County  of  Elgin,  Scotland,  near  there,  a  famous  monument — no  one  knows 
its  origin — 25  feet  in  height,  made  of  the  hardest  granite  in  Scotland. 

MoiR  Genealogy  201 

II.   ROBERT   MORE,  b.   July  8,    1772,   d.   Feb.    19,  "MoreFamUy 


1849,    m.    SUSANNA   FELLOWS,    and   in    the    p.gexx.. 
records    of    the    MORE    FAMILY    of     1893,    and  page  i03 
there  were  147  descendants,   as  follows: — 

9  children, 
36  grandchildren, 
64  great-grandchildren,  and 
38  great-great-grandchildren. 

III.  ALEXANDER    TAYLOR    MORE,     b.    January  do. 

5,    1775,   died   March    11,    1854,   married   1795,  l^f^^^l^ 
NANCY  HARLEY.     According  to  the  MORE 
FAMILY  HISTORY  in  1893,  their  descendants 
numbered  204,  as  follows:  — 

14  children, 

57  grandchildren, 

96  great-grandchildren,    and 

37  great-great-grandchildren. 

IV.  JONAS  MOIR,  b.  March  22,  1778,  d.  March  5,  ^■ 

1852,  married  DEBORAH  PERSON.     In  1893,  SfpSi 
there  were  records  of  148  descendants,    in  the 
MORE   FAMILY  HISTORY  as  follows:  — 

9  children, 

34  grandchildren, 

65  great-grandchildren,  and 

40  great-great  grandchildren. 

V.  JEAN  MORE,    b.  April  3,  1780,  d.  June  5,  1861;    ^■ 

m.  in  1795,  DAVID  SMITH  of  Forres,  Scot-  anfpSis 
land,  and  there  were  in  1893,  according   to  the 
MORE  family  history,  a  total  of  202  descend- 
ants of  this  couple,  as  follows:  — 

12  children, 

57  grand-children, 

96  great-grand-children,  and 

37  great-great-grand-children, 

VI.  JAMES   MORE,   b.   Jan.    10,    1782,  d.    May    19,  do. 

1866;    m.    ROXANNA    BENJAMIN,  and    ac-  Indp™' 
cording  to  the  family  history  printed  in    1893, 
there  were  a  total  of  93  descendants,  recorded 
as  follows:  — 
7  children, 
25  grand -children, 
41  great-grand-children,  and 

202  MoiR  Genealogy 

"MoreFamiiy       VII.   DAVID  MORE,    b.   Jan.    11,    1786,  d.   Nov.  29, 
SgeSix..  1873;    m.    ELIZABETH    GOULD,    and  in  the 

and  page  255  MORE  history    of    1893,  there   is  a    record  of 

119  descendants,  as  follows:  — 

13  children, 

51  grand-children, 

50  great-grand-children,  and 
5  great-great-grand-children. 

DO.  VIII.  EDWARD    LIVINGSTONE    MORE,     b.     Aug. 

TafpS/  1'*'    ^^^^'  ^-   ^^S-   13,  1867;  m.   Jan.    1,    1808, 

CHARITY   STANLEY,    and    there    were   re- 
corded in  the  genealogical  record  of  the  family 
in  1893,  125  descendants,  as  follows:  — 
13  children, 

52  grand-children,  and 
60  great-grand-children. 

This  makes  a  total  of  1225  descendants  of  JOHN  MORE 
and  BETTY  TAYLOR  recorded  in  1893,  in  the  family 
record — most  remarkable  figures  for  one  family.  The 
record  is  illuminated  with  many  famous  names,  some  of 
whom  are  known  world-wide,  professional  men,  doctors, 
lawyers,  clergymen,  men  who  have  been  leaders  in  the 
finances  of  the  world. 

The  complete  record  of  this  family  fills  a  good  sized 
"book,  and  it  has  been  gotten  up  so  finely,  and  there  have 
been  a  number  of  supplements  printed,  appearing  periodi- 
cally, that  it  would  be  out  of  place  to  more  than  just  barely 
mention  the  family  in  this  manner.  The  family  are 
widely  scattered  now,  over  the  United  States  principally. 
From  first  to  last  this  is  an  honorable  and  upright  family 
and  a  credit  to  the  Moirs  from  whom  they  are  descended. 

The  Gould  Memorial  Church  at  Roxbury,  New  York,  was  pre- 
sented by  a  descendant  of  Jay  Gould,  and  is  a  memorial  to  his  mother 
—  Mary  More  Gould.      (See  illustration. ) 

The  More  family  had  a  great  re-union  in  1890  at  Rox- 
bury, New  York,  at  which  time  an  immense  granite  shaft 
was  erected  over  the  graves  of  JOHN  MORE  and  BETTY 
TAYLOR.  A  representation  of  the  monument  is  shown 

Since  1890  the  family  have  fully  organized,  and  meet 
at  Roxbury  every  five  years.  They  also  issue  periodi- 
cally, as  already  mentioned,  "The  Historical  Journal  of 

MoiR  Genbalogy  203 

the  MORE  family,"  containing  full  historical  informa- 
tion, as  well  as  bringing  the  genealogy  up  to  the  time  of 

Representatives  of  the  MORE  family  of   AMERICA,  who    continue   to 
spell  the  name  MOIR  in  SCOTLAND 

JOHN  MOIR  and  ISABEL  DUNCAN,  were  married  More  Family 
at  Forres,  Elginshire,  Scotland,  Dec.  22,  1735.     They  had  "^gex.'.and 
issue: —  page  23 

1.  JEAN  MOIR,  b.  Aug.  29,  1739,  m.  Nov.  12,  1766,  JOHN 

TORRIE,   and  had  issue. 

2.  ALEXANDER   MOIR,    b.  July  31,    1740,    married  but 

date  and  wife's  name  is  uncertain. 

3.  MARGARET  MOIR,  b.  Apr.  3,  1743. 

4.  JOHN      MORE,     b.   Feb.  24,   1745,    m.   1770,    BETTY 

TAYLOR,  dau.  of  ROBERT  TAYLOR,  and  had  issue. 

5.  CHRISTIAN  MOIR,  b.  May  12,  1748. 

6.  ISABEL  MOIR,  b.  Jan.  26,  1750. 

7.  JAMES    MOIR,    b.    Mar.    8,    1752,    m.    1778,    probably, 



(It  will  be  noticed  that  JOHN  in  the  above  family  is  the 
only  one  who  spells  his  name  More,  we  are  taking  the 
privilege  of  naming  the  others  Moir,  because,  1st,  the 
father's  name  is  Moir;  and  2d,  subsequent  descendants 
of  most  of  the  others  continue  to  spell  the  name  Moir. 
Even  in  the  parish  registers,  some  of  these  are  spelled 
More;  but  this  is  not  to  be  wondered  at,  when  the  name, 
whether  spelled  Moir  or  More  is  pronounced  More, 
especially  in  the  lowland  Scottish  dialect.) 

DAVID  MOIR,  a  brother  of  the  above-described 
JOHN  MORE,  had  two  sons,  GREGOR  and  PETER, 
and  two  daughters. 

PETER  had  six  sons,  JAMES,  JOHN,  GREGOR, 
PETER,  DAVID,  and  ALEXANDER,  and  three 
daughters,  ELLEN,  BARBARA  and  JANET.  BAR- 
BARA married  JAMES  GRANT,  and  her  grandson,  WIL- 
LIAM GRANT,  now  (1906),  resides  in  New  York  City. 

JAMES  had  one  son  PETER,  and  one  daughter, 


204  MoiR  Genealogy 

GREGOR,  son  of  PETER,  came  to  and  settled  in 

DAVID  MOIR,  brother  of  JOHN  MOIR,  who  mar- 
ried ISABEL  DUNCAN,  (both  of  Forres)  married 
HELEN  GRANT,  dau.  of  GREGOR  GRANT,  and  the 
pair  were  styled  "of  Drumcork,"  December  1788,  and 
they  had  issue,  at  least  two  children: — 

1.  Gregor  Moir,  b.  Dec.  1788. 

2.  John  More,  b.  June  28,  1790. 

In  Aug.  3,  1838,  there  was  married  at  Lynlish,  by  the 
Rev.  John  Clark,  PETER  MOIR  and  JANET  ROB- 
ERTSON, both  in  Balnaan  of  Muckrach,  and  on  Aug.  19, 
1839,  there  was  born,  GREGOR  MOIR  to  this  couple. 

The  above  PETER,  was  probably  a  son  of  the  DAVID  mentioned 
on  page  203. 

DAVID  MOIR  of  Liverpool,  England,  fourth  son  of 
PETER  MOIR  and  JANET  ROBERTSON  of  Balnaan 
of  Muckrach,  Grantown-on-Spey,  m.  ANNIE  FRANK- 
LIN, and  had  issue:  — 

1.  Annie  Ellen  Moir,  b.  July  5,  1879. 

2.  Ernest  Franklin  Moir,  b.  Nov.  25,  1880. 

3.  James  B.  Moir,  b.  Mar.  2,  1882. 

4.  Frederick  William  Francis  Moir,  b.  Oct.  30,  1884. 

5.  Barbara  Helen  Moir,  b.  Dec.  11,  1887. 

6.  John  Malcolmson  Moir,  b.  Jan.  20,  1890. 

7.  Thomas  Amos  Moir,  b.  May  1st,  1892. 

8.  Jessie  Irene  Moir,  b.  Feb.  15,  1895. 

Of  the  above  family,  JAMES  B.  MOIR,  obtained  a 
Bachellor  of  Science  degree  from  the  Liverpool  CoUege, 
and  he  is  now,  (1911),  assistant  master  of  the  Council 
School  at  Liverpool. 

FREDERICK  W.  F.  MOIR  also  won  a  degree  of 
Bachellor  of  Science,  and  also  a  Bachellor  of  Arts  degree 
at  London. 

JOHN  M.  MOIR,  also  won  a  Bachellor  of  Science 

(From  Scottish  County  Directory  for   1902.) 

J.  MOIR,  Aden  Villa,  Elgin. 

JAMES   MOIR,   farmer,  Balnaan,   Dulnain  Bridge, 
Grantown-on-  Spey. 


Great-great-grand-parents  —  JOHN   MOIR— ISABEL  Nfatemai 

Great-grand-parents  —  JOHN  MORE  —  BETTY 

Grand-parents  —ALEXANDER  T.  MORE— NANCY 

Parents— JOHN  B.  GOULD— MARY  MORE. 

JAY  GOULD'S  great-grand-parents  came  from  Forres, 
Elginshire,  Scotland,  in  1772,  and  landed  in  America; 
shortly  afterwards  were  pioneers  in  the  then  wilds  of 
western  New  York  state,  at  Moresville,  now  a  part  of 
Rochester,  New  York.  JAY  GOULD  was  b.  May  27, 
1836;  m.  Jan.  22,  1863,  HELEN  DAY  MILLER,  and  d. 
Dec.  2,  1892.     His  family  follows:— 

I.  GEORGE    JAY  GOULD,    born    1864,    m.   1886, 

EDITH  KINGDON  and  had  issue:— 

1.  Kingdon  Gould,  b.  1887. 

2.  Jay  Gould,  b.  1888,  m.  April  1911,  Annie  Douglas 

Graham.     Issue:  — 

1.     Eleanor  Gould,  b.  Jan.  31,  1912. 

3.  Marjorie  Gwynne  Gould,  b.  1890,    m.  April   19, 

1910,  Anthony  Drexel,  Jr.,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Edith  Kingdon  Gould  Drexel,    b.  1911. 

2.  A  son,   born  Dec.  9,  1912. 

4.  Helen   Vivien   Gould,   b.  1892,  m.  Feb.  7,  1911, 

Lord  Decies.     Issue: — 
1.     Eileen  Vivien  de  la  Poer  Beresford,  born 
Aug.,   1912. 

5.  George  Jay  Gould,  Jr.,  b.  1896. 

6.  Edith  Kingdon  Gould,  b.  1901. 

7.  Gloria  Anna  Gould,  b.  Mar.  31,  1906. 

II.  EDWIN  GOULD,    b.    1866,    m.    1892,    SARAH 

SHRADY,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Edwin  Gould,  b.  1893. 

2.  Frank  MUler  Gould,  b.  1899. 


MoiR  Geneai^ogy 

III.  *HELEN  MILLER  GOULD,  b.  1868,  m.  Jan.  22, 

1913,  FINLEY  J.  SHEPARD,  son  of  a  Clergy- 
man, and  Assistant  to  the  President  of  the 
Missouri  Pacific  Railroad. 

IV.  HOWARD  GOULD,   b.  1871,    m.  1898,    KATH- 


V.  ANNA  GOULD,  b.  1875,  m.  1895,  COUNT 
LANE  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Boniface  de  Castellan  e,  b.  1897. 

2.  George  de  Castellane,  b.  1898. 

3.  Jay  de  Castellane,  b.  1902. 

Married  second,  1908,  DUKE  De  TALLEY- 
and  had  issue  : — 

1.     Charles  Maurice  Jason  Howard,  Duke  deSagan, 

b.  1909. 

VI.  FRANK  JAY  GOULD,  b.  1877,  m.  1901, 
issue: — 

1.  Helen  Margaret  Gould,  b.  1902. 

2.  Dorothy  Gould,  b.  1904. 

Married  second,   1909,   EDITH  KELLEY. 


*Helen  Gould.  A  name  to  conjure  with  among  the  enlisted  men  of  the  Army  and 
Navy.  A  woman  of  great  wealth,  regarding  herself  as  a  trustee  of  her  riches  for  the  use 
and  benefit  of  others.  One  who  prompted  by  the  wholesome  dictates  of  a  kindly  heart 
and  a  sweet  natiire,  has  quietly  and  unostentatiously  brought  sunshine  and  happiness 
into  the  lives  and  homes  of  thousands.  A  philanthropist  who  has  aroused  no  an- 
tagonisms and  encountered  no  adverse  criticism.  Patriotic,  generous  and  devoted  to 
the  uplift  of  humanity,  she  has  won  the  admiration  of  the  American  people,  and 
richly  merits  the  tokens  and  expressions  of  appreciation  which  on  the  occasion  of  her 
marriage  have  come  to  her  from  people  in  all  walks  of  life,  and  from  the  press  of  the 
land.  From  "The  Human  Factor,"  March,  1913. 


ALBERT  EDWARD   MOIR  of  Albany,    New  York, 

hotel  clerk,  b.  April  1,  1877,  in  Buffalo,  New  York,  son  of 
Rev.  David  Stewart  Moir  of  Kirkwall,  Orkney  Islands, 
Scotland,  Episcopal  minister,  (formerly  bookbinder), 
who  claimed  distant  relationship  to  Washington  Irving, 
the  author,  and  had  three  sisters,  who  all  died  unmar- 
ried. He  left  Edinburgh  when  about  16,  soon  after  the 
second  marriage  of  his  father  Richard  Moir,  and  Eliza- 
beth Golding;  grandson  of  Richard  Moir  of  Edinburgh, 

Scotland,    and Stewart;    m.    Dec.  25,    1893,    to 

Maude  Almeda  Dalmadge,  dau.  of  Jacob  J.  Dalmadge 
of  Milford,  Ontario.     No  issue. 

JAMES  MOIR  of  Scranton,  Pennsylvania,  merchant 
tailor;  member  of  the  city  council  10  years,  mayor  3  years, 
at  present  (1911),  municipal  judge.  B.  Oct.  17,  1839,  in 
Forgue,  Aberdeenshire,  Scotland;  son  of  John  Moir, 
b.  1800,  in  Stromness,  Orkney,  Scotland,  and  Elspet 
Robertson,  grandson  of  John  Moir  of  Stromness, 
Orkney,  and  Elizabeth  Shurey;  m.  Dec.  1865,  Frances 
L.  Flint,  dau.  of  Francis  Flint,  of  Birmingham,  England, 
and  had  issue: — 

1.  James  Smith  Moir    of    Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  b.   Dec.   1866,  in 

London,  England,  m.   1889. — — . 

2.  John    William   Moir  of    St.    Louis,  Missouri,  b.   1868,    in 

Philadelphia,  Pa.,  blacksmith  and  now  detective. 

3.  Helen  F.  Moir,  trained  nurse,  b.  1870,  in  Philadelphia,  Pa., 

1893,   ( — )  living    in  Philadelphia. 

4.  Robert  Burns  Moir,  b.  1872,  in  Scranton,  Pa.,  d.  Feb.  1896, 

was  civil  engineer,  and  a  cadet  at  West  Point  military 
academy.  (See  official  letter  from  Washington,  D.  C, 
on  another  page. ) 

5.  Wallace  Moir,  b.   1874,  in  Scranton,  Pa.,  m.   1897 ; 

he  is  a  civil  engineer. 

6.  Franklin  Taylor  Moir,  of  Pittsburg,  Pennsylvania,  b.  1877, 

in  Scranton,  Pa.,  a  steam  fitter  and  plumber. 

7.  Wilfred  Stanley  Moir,  born    1880,   in  Scranton,   Penn.,   a 



8.  Flora  M.  Moir,  b.  1884  at  Scranton,  Pa. 

9.  Elsie  Sarah  Moir,  b.  1886,  in  Scranton,  Pa. 
10.     Fannie  L.  Moir,  b.  1889,  in  Scranton,  Pa. 

MR.  MOIR  belongs  to  a  number  of  societies,  among 
which  may  be  mentioned: — 

Peter  Williamson  Lodge,  F.  and  A.  M.;  A  A.  Scottish 
Rite;  Mystic  Shrine;  Robert  Bums  Lodge,  L  O.  O.  F.; 
Scrantonia  Canton;  Columbus  Commandery,  Knights  of 
Malta;  Knights  of  Honor;  ex-president  North  American 
United  Caledonian  Association;  a  winner  of  Champion 
cup  for  being  the  best  dressed  highlander;  was  a  captain 
in  the  13th  Pennsylvania  regiment,  for  over  seventeen 

John  Moir,  father  of  James,  had  at  least  two  brothers, 
Robert  and  David,  the  latter  was  never  married,  the 
first  had  two  sons,  but  their  present  residence  is  not 

James  mentions  one  peculiarity  of  the  Moirs,  espe- 
cially of  his  own  branch,  and  those  in  the  northeast  of 
Scotland — their  dark  hair  and  swarthy  complexion. 

JOHN  MOIR,  blacksmith,  of  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  b. 
July  1,  1852,  in  Lerwick,  Scotland,  son  of  John  Moir, 
of  Lerwick,  Shetland  Islands,  Scotland,  and  Margaret 
Robertson,  m.  Apr.  7,  1881,  Margaret  Harkness,  dau. 
of  Francis  Harkness  of  Greenock,  Scotland,  and  had 
issue: — 

1.  John  F.  Moir,  b.  Mar.  12,  1882,  in  South  Bend,  Ind. 

2.  Robert  C.  Moir,  b.  Nov.  5,  1884,  inYorkville,  111.,  d.  Dec. 

19,    1889. 

3.  James  T.  Moir,  b.  Dec.  14,  1886,  in  Bolivia,  111. 

4.  Margaret  E.  Moir,  b.  Oct.   4,  1889,  in  Minneapolis,  Minn. 

5.  Lilly  M.  Moir,  b.  May  6,  1893,  in  Minneapolis,  Minn. 

^ome:'  Moif<   j(c/\o   Cf{E$j6 


DAVID  MOIR,  of  Yonkers,  New  York,  b.  1867,  in 
Northumberland,  England,  son  of  David  Moir  of 
Northumberland  and  Elizabeth  Wilson;  married  Sept. 
14,  1889,  Isabella  Dickinson,  daughter  of  Peter  Dickin- 
son, of  Northumberland. 

HANNAH  MOIR,  of  Oakland,  California,  b.  1833,  in 
Falmouth,  England,  dau.  of  Alexander  Moir  of  Fal- 
mouth, Cornwall,  England  and  Elizabeth  Rice  Pomeroy, 

grand-daughter   of Moir    of   Falmouth,    England. 

Married  1859,  Thomas  Gardner,  son  of  Thomas  Gard- 
ner of  Kippen,  Stirlingshire,  Scotland,   and  had  issue: — 

1.  Thomas  Moir  Gardner,  cashier  firemen's  insurance  fund  of 

San  Francisco,   California,    b.    1860,   in    Sacramento, 
Cal.,   m.  1887  and  again  in  1897. 

2.  Robert  Kirk  Gardner,    cashier  Wells-Fargo    Express  Co., 

San  Francisco,  b.  1862,  m.  1890,  d.  1902. 

3.  Hannah  Elizabeth  Gardner,  b.  1863,  in  Sacramento,  Cal., 

d.    1866. 

4.  Charles    Harrison  Gardner,  private  sec'y  to   Pres.,  Wells- 

Fargo  Exp.  Co.,  New  York  City,  b.  1867,  in  Sacramento, 
Cal.,  m.  1892. 

5.  Frank   Pomeroy  Gardner,   b.    1869,  in  Sacramento,  Cal., 

d.  1874. 

6.  George   Hamilton   Gardner,   broker,   of  Cleveland,  Ohio, 

b.  1871  in  Sacramento,  Cal. 

7.  Florence  Althia  Gardner,  b.  1875,  in  Sacramento,  Cal. 

*EDWARD  JAMES   MOIR,    letter   carrier,  of  Phila- 

*The  above  Mr.  E.  J.  Moir,  had  an  uncle  who  lived  at  Cowes,  Isle  of  Wight,  England, 
who  was  the  principal  jeweler,  watch  and  clockmaker  there.  He  also  had  charge  of  and 
regulated  the  town  clock,  and  all  the  clocks  in  the  royal  palace  on  the  island.  Some  of 
his  descendants  still  reside  there.  His  son,  Thomas  Alexander  Moir,  in  1870,  Uved  in 
Omaha,  Nebraska;  a  daughter,  Mrs.  Louis  Bochmer,  lived  at  Council  Bluffs,  Iowa.  Ho 
abo  had  children  living  in  Australia.  One  son,  Robert,  wanted  to  see  the  world,  and  as  a 
sailor,  became  mate  on  an  English  vessel  bound  for  Philadelphia ;  on  the  voyage  the  crew 
mutinied,  killed  the  captain  and  one  mate,  but  as  Robert  was  well-liked  by  the  most  of 
the  crew  they  gave  him  the  privilege  of  walking  the  plank  overboard;  he  came  up  directly 
under  the  stearn  and  got  hold  of  the  rudder  chains,  and  hours  afterwards,  got  through  a 
window  into  the  cabin,  and  hid  in  the  hold,  where  one  of  his  sailor-friends  found  him  and 
fed  him  until  the  ship  reached  Philadelphia.  All  hands  were  there  arrested  and  finally 
sent  to  England  for  trial,  Robert  as  a  witness.  They  were  all  convicted.  Robert  after- 
wards returned  to  Philadelphia  for  a  short  time  as  a  house  and  sign  painter,  and  was 
doing  well;  when  he  suddenly  decided  to  go  to  New  Orleans.  This  was  previous  to 
1861.     He  was  never  after  heard  from. 


MoiR  Genealogy 

delphia,  Pennsylvania,  b.  May  4,  1840,  Falmouth,  Eng- 
land.    Possibly  a  descendant  of  Thomas  Moir,  who  left 
Stoneywood,  Aberdeen,  early  in  the  eighteenth  century, 
See  page  150.  and  settled  in  Falmouth,  who  had  issue  there: — 

1.  Capt.  Thomas  Moir. 

2.  James  Moir,  a  barrister. 

3.  A  daughter;  married  Dr.  Vivian  of  Falmouth. 

Son  of  Alexander  Moir,  of  Falmouth,  England,  and 
Elizabeth  Pomeroy;  m.  Jan.  7,  1864,  Eleanor  Klonegar, 
dau.    of    John    Campbell    Klonegar,     of    Philadelphia, 

Pennsylvania,    and  had  issue:— 

1.  Hamiah   Moir,  b.    Aug.   25,    1865,  in  Philadelphia,    Pa., 

married  Feb.  8,  1893, Fee. 

2.  John  Alexander  Moir,  b.  Jan.  22,  1868,  in    Philadelphia, 

Pa.,   d.  May  29,  1873. 

3.  Sallie  Klonegar  Moir,  b.  Apr.  30,  1873,  in  Philadelphia, 

Pa.,  d.  Dec.  20,  1889. 

4.  Eleanor  Francis  Moir,  b.   Jan.  13,  1879,  in  Philadelphia,, 

Pa.,    d.  Apr.  15,  1881. 


WILLIAM  MOIR,  of  Winnepeg,  Manitoba,  b.  1846, 
in   Elora,  Ont.,  son  of  James  Moir  of  Elora,  Ont.,  and 

Margaret  Pellek,  grandson  of  John  Moir  and  ( .) 

Married  1873,  Elizabeth  Livingston  McQueen,   dau.    of 
John  Duncan  McQueen,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Arthur  Homewood  Moir. 

2.  William  Reginald  Moir, 

3.  James  Bruce  Moir. 

4.  Isabella  Maude  Moir. 

5.  Jacqueline  Annie  Moir. 

6.  John  Duncan  Moir. 

7.  Harold  Wilson  Moir. 

8.  Alexander  Gartshore  Moir. 

9.  Leslie  Moir. 

A  brother  of  James  Moir,  father  of  William,  is  a  British  officer  in 
New  Zealand,  and  has  a  family  there. 

GEORGE  MOIR,  marine  engineer,  of  Manilla,  Philip- 
pine Islands,  b.  Glasgow,  Scotland ;  son  of  David  Moir  of 
"Scotland,"  and  Helen  Stewart;  m.  1883,  Christian 
MacPherson,  daughter  of  John  MacPherson,  of  Prince 
Edward's  Island  and  had  issue: — 

1.  William  Fred  Moir,  b.  June,  1885,  in  Taison,  California. 

2.  Anna    Margaret  Moir,  b.   1886,  in  Taison,   California,  a 
music   teacher. 

WILLIAM  JOHN  MOIR,  of  Bondhead,  Ontario, 
Canada,  born  Nov.  30,  1874,  in  Essa,  Canada,  son  of 
John  Moir  and  Sarah  J.  Coleman,  of  Cookstown,  Ont., 
and  grandson  of  George  Moir  and  Agnes  Petrie,  who 
came  to  Canada  from  Scotland  about  1855.  William 
J.  Moir  was  a  captain  in  the  36th  Peel  regiment  of. 
Ontario,  in  the  Boer  War. 

PETER  CAMPBELL  MOIR,  jewelry  salesman,  of 
Montreal,  Quebec,  Canada,  b.  1883,  in  Lachute,  Canada, 
son  of  George  Littel  Moir,  of  Beauhamois,  Quebec,  Can- 

*It  may  be  that  under  this  heading  some  of  the  Moirs  may  find  connections  with 
other  families  in  other  parts  of  the  Genealogy.  But  we  are  not  in  a  position  to  place 
them  there,  especially  when  the  writers  mention  "Scotland"  only  as  the  place  their 
forbears  originally  came  from.  (A.  L.  M.) 

212  MoiR  Geneai,ogy 

ada,  a  past  master  of  freemasons,  of  Lachute,  Quebec, 
and  Nellie  Armstrong;  grandson  of  Peter  Campbell 
Moir  and  ( )  Littel,  of  Beauhamois,  Quebec,  Canada. 

WILLIAM  HENRY  MOIR,  merchant,  (traveling  hat 
salesman)  of  Antigo,  Wisconsin,  b.  1872,  in  Princeton, 
Ontario,  son  of  James  Moir,  (wholesale  saddlery)  of 
Elora,  Ontario,  and  Agnes  Winters;  grandson  of  James 

Moir,    (retired  farmer)    of   Elora,    Ontario,   and ; 

m.  Belle  Lyon,  dau.  of  Wallace  L.  Lyon,  of  Brushton, 
New  York,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Wallace  Lyon  Moir,  b.  1900,  in  Antigo,  Wisconsin. 

2.  MUdred  Moir,  b.  1904,  in  Antigo,  Wisconsin. 

MR.  MOIR  was  formerly  three  years  in  the  Wisconsin  National 
Guard  and  was  first  sergeant. 


BENJAMIN  MOIR,  who  stood  beside  SIR  JOHN 
MOORE  at  the  battle  of  Waterloo,  and  one  of  the  early 
settlers  at  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia,  pioneer  in  the  biscuit 
and  confectionery  business  in  Canada,  one  of  the  largest 
in  their  line,  their  goods  being  sold  all  over  Canada,  had 
the  contracts  for  years  to  supply  the  British  Government, 
(Army  and  Navy)  at  Halifax,  with  bakery  supplies — 
among  others  had  a  son: — 

BENJAMIN  MOIR,  who  succeeded  to  the  business; 
he  married  ISABEL  CHURCH,  and  had  issue,  (all  born  in 
Halifax,  N.  S.) 

i    Two  sons,  who  died  young. 

3.  BENJAMIN  MOIR,  died  when  about  30  years  of  age. 

4.  W.  C.  MOIR,  who  succeeded  to  his  father's  business,  and 

died  1897. 

5.  JOHN  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  died  aged  39,  was  married 

and  had  issue  among  others: — 

1.  Isabel  Moir,  b.  Halifax,  N.,  S.,  m.  1876,  John 
Archibald,  son  of  WUliam  Archibald,  of  Mus- 
quodoh,  N.  S.,    and  had  issue: — 

1.  Howard    Moir  Archibald,     b.    Jan.  18, 

1884,    at  St.  John's,  Newfoundland, 
an  architect. 

2.  Louise  Victoria  Arcliibald,  b.   Feb.   18, 

1887,   in  Montreal. 

MoiR  Gknkai,ogy  213 

6.  *HENRY  MOIR,  a  piano  manufacturer,  who  left  for  the 

U.  S.  previous  to  the  Civil  War  in  1861,  and  never  was 
heard  from  afterwards,  probably  killed  in  battle. 

7.  GEORGE  MOIR,  a   piano    manufacturer,  pioneer  in   the 

line,  in  Nova  Scotia,  died  about  1892,  in  Truro, 
Nova  Scotia.  He  married  Adeline  Phinney  and  had 
issue,  among  others,  one  son,  Charles  C.  Moir,  music 
teacher,  dealer  in  pianos  and  accessories,  now  at 
830  Massachusetts  Avenue,  Cambridge,  Mass.  He  m. 
1909,  Laura  Lamprey  of  New  Hampshire  and  had 
issue;    one  child  born  1911. 

8.  JAMES  MOIR,  who  went  to  Colorado  about  1877,  and  has 

not  been  heard  from  afterwards. 

9.  ANNIE  MOIR,  died  unmarried  at  the  age  of  19  years. 
10.     ISABEL     MOIR,    married    a    military    man,    paymaster, 

named  Swabrick,  and  died  shortly  afterwards  without 

ALEXANDER  MOIR,  engineer,  of  Halifax,  N.  S., 
pioneer  in  the  business  of  making  marine  engines  and  ship- 
ping tackle  of  all  kinds,  making  marine  engines  for  the 

♦The  following  notes  from  a  Halifax  (Nova  Scotia)  newspaper  (1912)  refer  to  this 
family: — 

In  a  notice  of  the  recent  death  in  Truro  of  a  prominent  musician  there,  who,  some  years 
ago  —  in  the  sixties  —  had  been  engaged  in  the  manufacture  of  piano-fortes  in  Halifax, 
the  statement  was  made  that  he  had  taken  a  part  in  the  manufacture  of  the  first  piano- 
forte made  in  Nova  Scotia.  It  may  be  of  interest  to  recall  the  fact  that  there  was  a  piano 
manufactory  in  Halifax  upwards  of  sixty  years  ago.  H.  &  G.  Moir,  had  warerooms  at  the 
corner  of  Harrington  and  Duke  streets,  opposite  the  general  post  office. 

In  asking  the  public  to  encourage  native  industry,  theMoirs  called  the  attention  of 
music  lovers  to  some  new  pianos  of  their  own  manufacture,  which  for  beauty  of  style, 
delicacy  of  touch,  power  and  quality  of  tone,  surpassed  all  others  ever  made  in  this  country 
or  imported.  Their  tone  was  so  rich,  round  and  powerful,  as  entirely  to  preclude  the 
possibility  of  being  appreciated  without  being  heard.  These  instruments  were  of  remark- 
able strength,  made  in  the  most  durable  and  substantial  manner,  of  the  best  seasoned 
material,  with  improvements  made  by  the  Moriaon,  their  own  patent,  which  rendered 
their  instruments  more  substantial  and  kept  them  in  tune  longer  than  any  imported  article. 

AU  instruments  of  this  firm  were  warranted  to  stand  any  climate,  were  claimed  to  be 
equal  to  any  in  the  known  world,  and  the  Moirs  professed  their  willingness  to  give  security 
to  any  amount  to  the  same  effect.  They  sold  pianos  20  per  cent  lower  than  could  be 
imported,  either  from  England  or  the  United  States.  They  could  supply  pianos  from 
J35  to  $100.  The  Moirs  labored  for  some  years  in  trying  to  induce  the  public  to  give 
their  articles  a  generous  appreciation,  but  it  was  all  in  vain.  At  last  they  threw  up  the 
trade  in  disgust,  and  wiping  "the  dust  from  their  shoes,"  departed  for  other  lands  where 
the  policy  of  encouraging  home  industries  had  gained  a  deeper  foot-hold. 

The  Moirs  had  a  brother,  William  C,  who,  like  them,  was  filled  with  an  enterprising 
spirit.  He  was  engaged  in  the  trade  of  bread-making.  The  frowns  of  fortune  did  not 
dismay  him.  Meeting  with  untoward  circumstances  that  would  have  crushed  the  average 
man,  he  grasped  them  with  a  hand  of  mettle  and  threw  them  under  his  feet.  He  set  out 
in  life  to  lift  up  to  a  high  plane  in  Halifax  the  all-important  business  of  making  bread  for 
the  people  —  a  good,  clean  article,  wholesome  in  every  particular.  He  established  a 
manufactory  into  which  he  introduced  every  feature  of  machinery  that  inventive  genius 
had  devised,  to  improve  the  making  of  "the  staff  of  life."  The  establishment  which  he 
firmly  fixed  in  our  city  is  justly  the  pride  of  our  citizens  to  this  day. 

214  MoiR  Geneai^ogy 

British  Government,  starting  when  the  business  was  in 
much  demand,  when  it  was  young.  He  died  previous  to 
1893,  and  the  business  is  now  carried  on  by  two  of  his 
sons,  Alexander  and  William  Moir.  The  author  of  this 
Genealogy  called  in  1897  on  these  parties,  and  was 
entertained  there. 


From    "HOUSES    OF    MOIR    AND    BYRES" 

"Salus  per  Christum." — (Safety  through  Christ.) 

I.  ALEXANDER  ABERNETHY,  (a  cadet  of  the  Aber- 
nethies,  Lords  Saltoun)  of  Auchencloich,  in  the  parish 
of  Rothiemay,  Banfishire,  m.  Isobel,  (contract  dated 
30  Nov.,  1658,)  daughter  (and  co-heir  with  her  sisters, 
Christian  Hacket,  wife  of  Robert  Gordon  of  Chapel- 
toune,  and  Elizabeth  Hacket  of  Archibald  Dunbar 
of  Newton,)  of  Walter  Hacket  and  his  wife,  Janet 
Leslye,  who  had  a  charter  of  the  lands  of  Mayen  in 
1649.  Mr.  Abernethie  bought  up  the  interests  of 
his  sisters-in-law  in  Mayen,  and  became  sole  pro- 
prietor.    Issue : — 

1.  John,  his  heir. 

2.  William. 

3.  "Master"  George. 

1.  Jean  or   Joan,   m.  first,  Waiiam  Moir  of  Scots- 

toun,  and  secondly,  James  Moir  of  Stoney- 

2.  Christian,    m.  Alexander   Hay  of  Ambath,  who 

also  owned  the  estate  of  Tonley;  from  him  it 
was  bought  by  the  ancestors  of  the  Byres 
family,  8  April,  1720.  Mr.  Hay  engaged  in 
the  rebellion  of  1715,  and  was  forfeited;  although 
he  had  a  family  of  eight  children,  his  descend- 
ants are  now  extinct. 

*Most  of  the  facts  about  the  Abernethys  of  Mayen  were  sent  me  by  Captain 
Dunbar-Dunbar  of  Sea  Park,  and  were  taken  by  him  from  original  documents  in  the 
Mayen  Charter  Chest.  In  two  documents  therein  is  mentioned, — "1643,  4  July,  Cap- 
tain Thomas  Moore,  son  of  the  deceased  Thomas  Moore  in  Peterhead,  when  James 
Abernethie,  servitor  to  Mr.  Robert  Bruce,  Advocatt,  is  appointed  factor  and  commis- 
sioner for  him,  1644,  20  July — Thomas  Moore  is  designed  'GeneraU  Adjutant  of  ye 
Scots  Cavilrie,'  in  England,  when  he  gives  full  power  to  James  Abernethie,  Writer  and 
Advocate,  to  arrest  James  Ore  COrr)  in  the  Canongate." 

MoiR  Genealogy  215 

3.  Janet. 

4.  Elizabeth. 

5.  Isobel,  m.  Rev.  Alexander  Shand,  of  Insch. 

ALEXANDER  ABERNETHY  died    1683,  and  his  widow  Isobel 
Hacket,  thereafter  married  Alexander  Forbes  of  Blackstone. 

II.     JOHN  ABERNETHY    II.,  of  Mayen,  m.  Jean,  dau     of 
James    Moir    II.,    of    Stoneywood,  by    his    first    wife. 
Mary  Scroggie,   while    his  sister,    Jean   Abernethie,   is 
the  second  wife  of  his  father-in-law. 
1.     James,  his  heir. 

1.  Jean  or  Joan,  m.  William  Moir,  of  Spittal. 

2.  Elizabeth   m.  the  Rev.  Hugh  Innes,  of  Mortlach. 
III.     JAMES    ABERNETHY  III.,    of  Mayen,  m.  Jane,    dau. 

of  Alexander  Duff  I.,  of  Hatton.  Having  unfortunately 
shot  John  Leith,  ofLeith  Hall,  in  a  duel  fought  in  the 
streets  of  Aberdeen  in  Dec.  17G3,  he  fled  to  the  conti- 
nent, and  was  outlawed.     Issue: — 

I.     James,  his  heir,  IV.,  of   Mayen,  died  unmarried, 
and  intestate,  1785,  had  four  daughters,  viz.:^ 

1.  Jane,     (b.    1751,    died   1805),  m.  Major, 

afterwards  Colonel  Alexander  Duff,  58th 
Regt.,  generally  known  as  "Tiger  Duff" 
so-called  from  a  deep  seam  in  his  face 
inflicted  in  an  encounter  in  India  with 
a  tiger.  Their  son,  Gapt.  William  Duff, 
of  Mayen,  sold  that  property;  d.   1857. 

2.  Isobel  m.  Captain  William  Graham,  42d 

Regt.,  sometime  "Master  of  Ceremonies 
at  Edinburgh"  and  had  issue. 

3.  Helen. 

4.  Anne. 

Arms. — Or,  a  lion  rampant,  gules,  surmounted  of  a  ribbon,  sable. 
Crest. — A  parrot  feeding  on  a  bunch  of  cherries,  proper. 


By  JOHN  GEORGE  BURNETT,  Esq.,   of  Aberdeen. 

Nov.  27,  1602.  Instrument  of  resignation  by  Andrew  Brabner  junior, 
Burgess  of  Aberdeen,  of  that  portion  of  the  Commonty  of  the 
Burgh  called  Calseyseatt,  in  favour  of  Mr.  WUliam  Moir, 
Burgess  of  the  said  Burgh. 

Sept.  20,  1603.  Charter  by  the  Provost  Baillies,  etc.,  of  Aberdeen  to 
Mr.  William  Moir  and  his  heirs  male  of  Calseyseatt;  and 
Instrument  of  Sasine  following  thereupon  of  the  same  date. 

May  2nd,  1623.  Precept  of  Sasine  on  the  lands  of  Calseyseatt  in 
favour  of  Mr.  William  Moir,  legitimate  and  nearer  heir  of  hie 
Father,  the  late  Mr.  William  Moir  and  instrument  of  sasine 
following  thereupon  of  the  same  date. 

May  10, 1656.  Contract  Matrimonial  between  Mr.  William  Moir  and 
Margaret  Skene,  only  daughter  of  Gilbert  Skene  of  Dyce. 

May  31,  1656.  Instrument  of  resignation  Mr.  William  Moir,  Prin- 
cipal, to  Dr. William  Moir,  his  eldest  son,  and  Gilbert  Skene, 
of  Dyce,  on  behalf  of  his  daughter  of  lands  of  Calsieseat. 

June  3,  1656.  Charter  by  the  Provost,  etc.,  of  lands  of  Calsieseat  to 
Dr.  William  Moir,  Doctor  of  Medicine,  and  instrument  of 
sasine  following  thereupon  of  the  same  date. 

Oct.  20,  1688.  Disposition  by  Dr.  William  Moir,  in  favour  of  George 
Gordon,  Burgess  of  Aberdeen,  second  lawful  son  of  Henry 
Gordon,  of  Auehlyne  of  the  lands  of  Calsieseat. 

Nov.  8,  1688.  Instrument  of  resignation  by  George  Keith,  Advocate, 
Aberdeen,  on  behalf  of  Mr.  William  Moir  of  Scotstoune, 
heriditary  proprietor,  to  John  Gordone  Baillie,  on  behalf  of  the 
Provost,  etc.,  superiors,  of  the  lands  of  Calsieseat  in  favour  of 
George  Gordone. 

June  18,  1688.  Heritable  bond  George  Gordone,  2nd  son  to  Henry 
Gordon  of  Auehlyne,  to  Mr.  William  Moir  of  Scotstoune, 
Doctor  of  Medicine,  for  3500  merks  Scots  furth  of  the  croft 
of  land  called  Calsieseat. 

July  20,  1688.  Bond  of  provision  Dr.  William  Moir  to  Elizabeth  Moir, 
his  youngest  daughter  of  the  sum  of  2000  merks  Scots  being 
part  of  heritable  land  of  3500  merks  Scots,  reserving  to  him- 
self and  Margaret  Skeine,  his  spouse,  the  annual  rent  of  the 
said  2000  merks. 

Nov.  21,  1691.  Receipt  Dr.  William  Moir  from  George  Gordone  of 
Kirktone  of  Dyce  of  1000  merks  Scots,  being  part  payment 
of  the  above  bond.  Witness  John  Moir,  son  to  the  said 
Doctor  Moir. 

July  24, 1711.  Decreet  of  adjudication  at  instance  of  Elizabeth  Moir 
and  Mr.  John  Mulligan,  minister  of  the  gospel  at  Methlick,^ 


(See  page  242.) 






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against  Alexander  Moir,  eldest  son  of  Mr.  William  Moir, 
Doctor  of  Medicine  in  Elgin,  eldest  son  of  the  late  Dr.  William 
Moir  of  Scotstoune  of  above-mentioned  2000  merks,  Scots. 

Aug.  6.  1707.  General  charge  at  instance  of  Elizabeth  Moir  and  Mr. 
John  Mulligan,  her  spouse,  against  Alexander  Moir  his  tutors 
and  curators  to  enter  heir  to  his  grandfather  Dr.  William 
Moir  within  forty  days. 

May,  1703.  Contract  matrimonial  between  Mr.  John  Mulligan, 
minister  of  the  gospel  at  Methlick  and  Elizabeth  Moir, 
youngest  daughter  of  Dr.  William  Moir  of  Scotstoune. 

Dec.  23,  1713.  Disposition  and  assignation  Mr.  John  Mulligan  and 
Elizabeth  Moir  to  Alexander  Fraser  of  the  above-mentioned 
heritable  bond  on  Calsieseat. 

Oct.  24,  1691.  Matrimonial  contract  between  Master  Alexander 
Fraser,  Regent  of  King's  College  Aberdeen  and  Christian 
Moir,  daughter  and  one  of  the  co-heirs  of  the  deceased  John 
Moir  of  Barnes,  with  the  consent  of  Mary  Cochrane,  relict 
of  the  said  John  Moir.  (Mary  Cochrane  binds  herself  to  pay 
certain  sums  to  Mr.  A.  F.  and  Christian  Moir,  and  for  further 
security  to  have  herself  duly  and  lawfully  infeft  in  "All  and 
haill  that  sexth  pairt  of  the  sunne-half  of  the  maines  of  Barnes. 
Extending  to  three  pleughes  of  land,  the  sexth  pairt  of  the 
sun  half  of  the  milne  milnelands  mulbures  and  sequells 
thereoff.  The  sexth  pairt  of  the  sunne-half  of  the  lands  of 
Daes  and  sun  half  of  the  lands  of  west  bigging  with  the  man- 
ner place  of  Barnes,  town  and  lands  of  Earlsfield,  houses, 
biggings,  yeards,  and  ofts,  Crofts,  outsetts,  insetts,  an- 
nexes, connexes,  commonly  common  pasturage,  mosses,  mures, 
meadows,  tennants,  tenandrys  and  service  of  free  tennents 
pairts,  pendicles,  and  pertinents,  whatsomever  Lying  within 
the  parochin  of  Fremney  and  Shrefdome  of  Aberdein  which 
fell  and  appertained  to  the  said  Christian  Moir  and  of  the 
airs,  Portioners  of  the  said  deceist  John  Moir  of  Barnes,  her 

father And  sicklyke  in  all  and  haill   that  sexth 

pairt  of  the  Town  and  lands  of  Sunniesyde,  with  the  pairts, 
pendicles,  and  pertinents  of  the  same,  lying  within  the 
Barony  and  regality  of  the  Spitthill.") 

Disposition  made  on  the  advice  and  consent  of  Mr.  George 
Fraser,  sub-principal  King's  College,  (brother)  Mr.  William 
Fraser,  minister  at  Kilmorah;  (eldest  brother)  for  Mr.  Alex- 
ander Fraser,  and  of  Mary  Cochrane,  George  Gordon  of 
Rothmey  and  Mr.  George  Chalmers,  Parsone  off  ffoord  in 
England  for  .Christian  Moir. 



JAMES  MOIR,  M.  D.,  of  Edinburgh,  b.  1780,  son  of 
JAMES  MOIR  of  Fife,  and  WINNIFRED  JOHN- 
STONE; married  1805,  to  MARGARET  LAING  STEN- 
HOUSE;  volunteered  his  services  as  medical  officer  at 
the  time  of  the  British  wars  against  Napoleon  I.,  of 
France.  His  brig  going  down  channel,  was  driven 
ashore  on  the  coast  of  France,  and  all  hands  were  cap- 
tured. He  was  taken  prisoner  to  Verdun.  An  officer 
got  permission  to  have  his  wife  sent  there,  with  an 
attendant,  who  happened  to  be  MRS.  MOIR;  while 
still  practicing  his  calling,  and  a  prisoner,  the  mother 
gave  birth  to  JOHN  INNES  ALLAN  MOIR,  (afterwards 
M.  D.  of  Edmburgh)  born  April,  4,  1808.  In  1814, 
immediately  after  the  decisive  battle  of  Waterloo,  all 
the  prisoners  were  liberated,  and  returned  to  Scotland. 
He  had  at  least  three  sons: — 

I.  JOHN  INNES  ALLAN  MOIR,  M.  D.,  of  Edin- 
burgh, president  of  the  College  of  Physicians 
at  Edinburgh,  b.  April  4,  1808,  at  Verdun, 
LAND-HERIOT,  and  had  issue,  at  least  two 
sons: — 

1.  John  William  Moir,  who  with  hip  younger 
brother,  was  a  pioneer  in  British  Central 
Africa,  (see  extended  account)  b.  1851, 
at  Edinburgh;  m.  Helen  Elizabeth  Tod, 
dau.  of  Henry  Tod,  Writer  to  the  Signet, 
of  Edinburgh,  and  had  issue: — 

'   I  Two  born  in  Africa  and  died  young  there. 

2.  ) 

3.  Henry  Maitland  Moir,    b.     1887,  at  Edin- 

burgh,   a  medical  student. 

4.  Margaret  Louisa  Maitland  Moir,    b.  1891, 

at    Edinburgh. 

Moi&  Gbnbalogy  219 

2.  Frederick  Lewis  Maitland  Moir,  now  of 
Glasgow,  secretary  and  director  of  the 
African  Lakes  Corporation;  (an extended 
account  of  this  worthy  and  interesting 
gentleman,  and  his  elder  brother  John 
W.  Moir,  appears  in  this  volume)  born 
later  than  1851,  at  Edinburgh;  m.  Oct. 
4,  1885,  to  Jane  Fordyce  Beith,  dau. 
of  Gilbert  Beith,  M.P.,  for  Glasgow, 
Indian  merchant,  (born  Glenelg,  near 
Oban)  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Annie   Maitland  Moir,    b.   Feb.   2,    1887, 

at  Blantyre,  British  Central  Africa. 

2.  Dorothy  Caroline   Moir  )    rj,^.^^    g^^^ 

3.  Margaret  Louise  Moir     ) 

Oct.  9,  1891,  at  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

II.  JAMES  MOIR,  merchant  of  Edinburgh,  later 
coming  to  America  in  1836,  landing  at  New 
York  City,  where  he  m.  MARY  McELROY, 
dau.  of  REV.  JOSEPH  McELROY,  D.D.,f  or 
over  fifty  years  pastor  of  the  Scotch  Presby- 
terian Church,  New  York  City.  He  had  at 
least  one  son:  JOSEPH  McELROY  MOIR, 
a  retired  engineer,  of  Minneapolis,  Minnesota, 
b.  March  18,  1846,  in  New  York  City.  He  m. 
March  18,  1874,  AGNES  POND,  dau.  of  REV. 
GIDEON  HOLLISTER  POND,  pioneer  mis- 
sionary to  the  Indians  of  Minnesota,  and  had 
issue: — 

1.  Marion  Walker  Moir,  b.  April  28,  1875,  at  Bloom- 

ington,   Minn. 

2.  James  Moir,  cashier  in  the  offices  of  the  New  York 

Central  and  Hudson  River  Railroad,  at  Mount 
Vernon,  New  York;  born  Sept.  15,  1876,  at 
Bloomington,  Minn.,  m.  April.  11,  1901,  to  Sarah 
Charlotte  Spence,  dau.  of  William  Spence,  of 
New  York  City,  and  had  issue: — 

1.     Ruth   Spence   Moir,  born  April   18,    1902, 
at   Mount  Vernon,  New  York. 

3.  Joseph   McElroy   Moir,   Jr.,   b.   Jan.    15,   1878,   at 

Bloomington,  Minn. 

4.  William  Wildei-ming  Moir,   b.  March  26,  1881,  at 

Bloomington,    Minn.,    now  an  M.  D. 

220  MoiR  GeneaIvOGy 

5.  Dougald  Stuart  Moir,  b.  Aug.  26,  1884,  at  Bloom- 

ington,  Minn.,  d.    May    23,   1888. 

6.  Arthur  Duncan  Moir,  b.  Feb.  21,  1887,   at  Bloom- 

in  gton,  Minn. 

7.  Agnes  Pond  Moir,  born  Dec.  12,  1888,  at  Bloom- 

ington,  Minn. 

8.  John  Moir,  b.  Nov.  6,  1890,  at  Bloomington,  Minn. 

panion   of    the  Most    Distinguished    Order     of 

St.  Michael  and  St.  George,  created  in  1877; 
Club  St.  Georges;  for  over  40  years,  civil  service 
(British)  in  H.  M.  customs  at  Bahamas;  Pres- 
ident of  Turks  Islands,  Virgin  Islands,  Do- 
minica, and  St.  Kitts,  all  in  the  West  Indies; 
b.  March  28,  1825,  at  Edinburgh,  married  1852, 
ISABELLA  DOBSON  WATSON,  daughter  of 
REV.  JAMES  WATSON,  Presbyterian  min- 
ister,   and  died  April  6,  1897.      Had   issue: — 

1.  Isabella  J.  H.  Moir    i  rp    . 

2.  Margaret  A.  A.  Moir  J 

Born  April  7,  1854,  at  Kingston,  Jamaica. 
Both  live  at  St.  Mawes,  in  Cornwall,  England, 
the  latter  has  been  married  twice,  in  1879  and 
in  1887,  and  has  issue.  The  former  never  mar- 

3.  Elizabeth  Catherine  Moir,  born   Oct.  21,    1855,   at 

Belize,   Honduras,    (Brit.)     was    twice     married, 
1870-1885— now    (1912)  a  widow. 

4.  Amy  Alice  Anna  Moir,   b.    1857,   at   Belize,   Hon- 

duras, d.   1866. 

5.  James  F.  William  Moir,    b.    1859,    at  Belize,  Hon- 

duras, married  1886;  an  engineer  now  (1910)  in 

6.  Constance  M.  Louise   Moir,  b.  1860,  at  Kingston, 

Jamaica,  d.  1861. 

7.  Alexandra  Bertha  Christina  Moir,  b.  1864,  at  Turks 

Islands,  W.  I.,  m.  July,  1883,  d.  at  Antigua,  W.  I., 
April  17,  1884. 

*Hi3  diUL'hter  Isabella,  who  is  an  iava.Hd  and  is  livin?  at  St.  Mawes  in  Cornwall, 
writ'ss  of  her  father,  "i  am  sure  mv  father  w  ml  1  n<?\'er  have  oonsiderod  himself  a 
'prominent  persou,'  or'  seek  a  place  amon?  anch. — He  was  just  an  ordinary  man 
though  tall  and  good-looking,  and  with  a  very  pleasant  voice." 


JOHN  MOIR  of  Arbroath,  Forfarshire,  Scotland;  m. 

Mar.   13,   1802,   MARTHA   HARRIS,   and  had  issue:— 

1.  John  Moir,  b.  May  10,  1803,  Arbroath;  d.  May  24,  1803. 

2.  Alexander  Moir,b.  March  24,  1804,  Arbroath.   (Baker  and 

pastry  cook,  see  below.) 

3.  David  Moir,  b.  Oct.  7,  1805,  Arbroath;  d.  May  22,  1807. 

4.  Thomas  Moir,  b.  Mar.  3,  1808,  Arbroath. 

5.  Isabella  Moir,  b.  June  11,  1810,  Arbroath. 

6.  Margaret  Moir,  b.  Aug.20,  1812,  Arbroath ;  d.  Mar.  29, 1814. 

ALEXANDER  MOIR,  baker  and  pastry  cook,  of 
London,  England;  b.  March  24,  1804,  in  Arbroath,  Forfar- 
shire, Scotland;  son  of  JOHN  MOIR  and  MARTHA 
HARRIS  of  Arbroath,  Scotland;  m.  Sept.  23,  1830, 
SUSAN  WURR,  dau.  of  RICHARD  WURR,  and  had 
seven  children,   of  whom  the  following  are  the  two  who 

lived  longest: — 

1.  Alexander  G.  Moir,  b.  March  6,  1 837,  London,  England,  and 

had    issue.    (See    below).      Christened    at   St.   Luke's 
Church,  Chelsea. 

2.  Thomas  John  Moir,  b.  London,   England;  christened  at 

Trinity  Church,  Sloane. 
♦ALEXANDER  G.  MOIR,  carpenter,  builder,  painter, 
decorator,  for  35  years  Assessor  and  Highway  Commis- 
sioner, has  prospered,  having  a  large  farm  of  300  acres, 
well  supplied,  at  Temple,  New  Brunswick;  b.  Mar.  6, 
1837,  in  London,  England,  son  of  ALEXANDER  MOIR, 
of  Arbroath,  Forfarshire,  Scotland,  and  SUSAN  WURR; 
grandson  of  JOHN  MOIR,  of  Arbroath,  Scotland,  and 
MARTHA  HARRIS;  m.  Dec.  26,  1864,  HULDAH 
INGRAHAM,  daughter  of  MANUEL  INGRAHAM  of 
Canterbury,  England,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Frances  Mary  Moir,  b.  Dec.  9,  1865,  in  Temple,  N.  B.,  m. 

June  15,  1892,  John  Alfred  Patterson,  of  Woodstock,  N. 
B.,  and  had  issue. 

2.  George  Alexander  Moir,  b.  Dec.  8,  1867,  in  Temple,  N.  B. 

♦Alexander  G.  Moir  had  a  brother,  John  Moir,    who  left  London,  England,    many 
years  ago,    and   although  efforts  had  been  made  to  locate  him,  he  ha.-j  not  been  found. 

222  MoiR  Gbneai^ogy 

3.  Annie  Gertrude  Moir,  b.  Apr.  11,  1870,  in  Temple,  N.  B., 

m.  Oct.  15,  1902,  Asaph  H.   Faxon,  of  Gambridgeport, 

4.  Edith  Maud  Moir,  b.  Aug.  8,  1872,  in  Temple,  N.  B.,  m. 

Apr.  10,  1891,  Merrill  David  Green,   d.   Aug.  8,   1897, 
had  issue. 

5.  Susan  Isabella  Moir,  b.  Sept.  14,  1874,  in  Temple,  N.  B., 

m.  John  Murdoch  MacDonald,  of  St.  Louis,  Missouri, 
and  has  issue. 

6.  Charles  William  Moir,  b.  April  15,  1877,  in  Temple,  N.B., 

died  Feb.  15,  1901. 

7.  Percy  Miles  Moir,  b.  Mar.  20,  1882,  in  Temple,  N.  B. 

•DAVID  MOIR,  wine  merchant,  of  Edinburgh,  Scot- 
land, served  34  years  in  the  Queen's  Regiment  of  the 
Edinburgh  Rifle  Volunteers,  and  held  the  rank  of  Colour- 
Sergeant,  b.  Sept.  5,  1864,  in  Earlsferry,  Fifeshire,  son 
of  JAMES  WILKIE  MOIR,  schoolmaster,  of  Keir  Parish 
School,  Dumfries-shire,  (b.  Dundee,  Forfarshire,  July  1, 
1839),  and  MARGARET  GLOVER,  a  poetess,  (for  a 
biographical  notice  and  poems,  see  "Modem  Scottish 
Poets,"  fourth  series,  published  by  D.  H.  Edwards, 
Brechin,  1882.)  Grandson  of  DAVID  MOIR,  iron- 
founder,  and  ANNA  WILKIE,  both  of  Dundee,  For- 
farshire. Married  JANE  MILLER  STEWART,  dau. 
of  JOHN  STEWART,  butler,  of  Rait,  Perthshire, 
and  had  issue  : — 

1.  James  Wilkie  Moir,  b.  May  22,  1891,  in  Edinburgh. 

2.  Jean  Ehincan  Moir,  b.  Sept.  5,  1895,  in  Edinburgh. 

DAVID  MOIR,  SR.,  engineer,  of  Buffalo,  New  York, 
b.  June  22,  1849,  in  Dundee,  Forfarshire,  Scotland ;  m. 

Jan.    1st,     1874,    FRANCES   ( ),  and   had   several 

children.    MR.  MOIR  died,  July  14,  1903. 

JOANNA  JARVIS  MOIR,  of  St.  Joseph,  Missouri, 
b.  Jan  23,  1857,  in  Dundee,  Scotland,  daughter  of  JAMES 
MOIR,  of  Dundee,  Scotland,  and  MATILDA  GRAHAM, 
and  grand-daughter  of  JAMES  MOIR,  of  Dundee,  For- 
farshire, Scotland  and  ANNIE  PETRIE,  (has  a  half- 
brother  JAMES  MOIR,  in  Harbor  Springs,  Michigan^ 
and  a  nephew  WILLIAM  J.  MOIR,  in  Houghton,  Michi- 
gan.)   ^ 

♦The  above  David  Moir  had  5  brothers  and  5  sisters,  as  follows  — 3  brothers  in  Edia~ 
burgh,  1  in  India,  and  1  in  Ceylon;  3  sisters  in  Scotland,  and  2  in  South  Africa. 

MoiR  Genealogy  223 

GEORGE  MacLEAN  MOIR,  clerk,  of  14  Roseneath 
Place,  Edinburgh,  son  of  PETER  MOIR,  of  Kincreich 
Mill,  Forfarshire,  and  ISABELLA  ROBERTS,  grandson 
of  WILLIAM  MOIR, farm  overseer,  of  Nether  Hayston, 

Forfarshire,  and  ( )  NORRIE;  b.  Dec.  20,  1866,  at 

Kmcaldrum  Mill,  Forfarshire ;  m.  June  6,  1901,  MARY 
MacINTYRE,  dau.  of  PETER  MacINTYRE,  of  Vir- 
ginia, U.S.A.,   and  had  issue: — 

1.  Elizabeth  Stuart  Moir,  b.  Sept.  3,  1902,  at  Edinburgh. 

2.  George  Edward  Moir,  b.  Aug.  16,  1904,  at  Edinburgh. 

3.  David  Roberts  Moir,  b.  Nov.  26,  1906. 

4.  Isabella  Roberts  Moir,  b.  Mar.  3,  1909,  at  Edinburgh. 

5.  Andrew  Hill  Moir,  b.  Dec.  11,  1910,  at  Edinburgh. 

JAMES  MOIR,  bank  agent  of  Lenzie,  Glasgow, 
Scotland;  b.  Mar.  5,  1859,  at  Kirriemuir,  son  of  WIL- 
LIAM MOIR,  (b.  1834,  d.  Aug.  30,  1885)  and  ESTHER 
MAIDEN,  dau.  of  JAMES  MAIDEN;  grandson  of 
ROBERT  MOIR,  of  Brechin,  Forfarshire,  (died  Jan. 
1850,)  and  ELIZABETH  STEWART.  Married  Dec.  9, 
1884,  JANE  MUIR  PATON,  dau.  of  ROBERT  BATON, 
of  Kilwinning,  Ayrshire,  Scotland,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Jane  Muir  Moir,    born  Sept.    10,    1885,  at  Pollokshaws. 

(School  teacher.) 

2.  William   Moir,   b.   Dec.   18,    1886,   at  Pollokshaws.  (Bank 


3.  Robert  Paton  Moir,   b.  July  26,  1888,    at  Pollokshaws. 

(Mercantile  clerk.) 

4.  Esther  Maiden  Moir,  b.  May  28,  1890,  at  Pollokshaws. 

5.  Elizabeth  Stewart  Moir,  b.  Dec.  12,  1891,  at  Pollokshaws. 

6.  Janet  Ramsay  Paton  Moir,  b.  June  16,  1893,  at  Glasgow. 

7.  Catherine  Paton  Moir,  b.  Aug.  28,  1895,  at  Stepps  Rd., 


8.  Mary   Paton  Moir,   b.  July   1,   1897,   at  Lenzie,  Gadder, 


9.  Agnes  Paton  Moir,  b.   Feb.  8,   1899,   at  Lenzie,  Gadder, 



From  the  Scottish  County  Directory,  1902. 

PETER   MOIR,   New  Grange,   Kmcaldrum,    Forfar- 


GREGOR  MOIR,  upholsterer  and  bagpiper  of  New 
York,  N.  Y.,  born  Aug.  9,  1840,  in  Carrbridge,  Inver- 
nesshire,  Scotland,  married  Aug.  21,  1880,  SARAH 
ZULIEKA,  of  Kidderminster,  England,  came  to  America 
in  1883.  He  died  June  24,  1903,  in  New  York  City. 
He  was  a  member  of  the  Scottish  Clans.  Had  issue: — 
1.     Harriet  Moir,  b.  Oct.  30,   1882,  in  Liverpool,  England. 


agent,  of  Toronto,  Ontario,  b.  1878,  in  Aberdeen,  Scot- 
land, son  of  GEORGE  MOIR,  of  Drumlithie,  Kincardine- 
shire, Scotland,  and  MARY  PETERKIN,  grandson  of 
of  Scotland;  m.  1902,  ELIZABETH  LINALL,  daughter 
of  HARRY  LINALL,  of  Toronto,  Canada,  and  had 

cashier  of  Railway  Dept.  of  the  International  Cor- 
respondence Schools,  of  Chicago,  111,,  b.  Oct.  3,  1875,  in 
Erin,  Ontario,  son  of  JAMES  MOIR,  of  ( ),  Scot- 
land, and  MARY  M.  HUGHSON;  grandson  of  GEORGE 
MOIR,  of  Drumlithie,  Kincardineshire,  Scotland,  and 
( )  BARCLAY. 

GEORGE  MOIR,  clerk  to  the  French  Consulate  at 
Glasgow,  Scotland;  b.  1855,  in  Glasgow,  eldest  of  three 
children  of  DAVID  MOIR,  who  was  born  near  Law- 
rencekirk,  (Kincardineshire),  about  1825,  he  died  in 
Lawrencekirk  in  1874,  and  was  buried  in  the  family  lot 
at  Fettercairn.  GEORGE  was  a  grandson  of  DAVID 
MOIR,  who  was  married  twice. 

MoiR  Genealogy 


DAVID,  father  of  GEORGE,  was  from  the  first  wife, 
and  was  brought  J^up  by  the  grandmother,  he  came  to 
Glasgow  in  1853,  there  were  several  brothers  and  sisters 
in  the  family. 

GEORGE  MOIR,  paving  [block  cutter,  of  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y.,  b.  1868,  at  Kemnay,  Aberdeenshire,  son  of 
JAMES  MOIR,  of  Newton  Hill,  Kincardine,  (paving 
block  cutter)  and  Helen  Morris,  grandson  of  ALEX- 
ANDER MOIR,  farmer,  of  Stonehaven,  Kincardine- 
shire,   and  CHRISTINA    MOIR,   m.  1897  ( ),  and 

had  issue: — 

1.     Helen  ^Moir,    born    1899,    at  Furnace,   Argyleshire,  now 
(1912),  at  Woodside,  Aberdeen. 


WILLIAM  MOIR,  carpenter,  inventor,  of  New  York 
City,  b.  Dec.  20,  1854,  at  Glasgow,  Scotland,  son  of 
WILLIAM  MOIR  of  Gamkirk,  Lanarkshire,  near  Glas- 
gow, and  Isabella  Paterson. 

ROBERT  HORN  MOIR,  hotel-keeper  of  New  York 
City,  b.  Nov.  13,  1865,  in  Helensburgh,  Scotland,  son 
of  WILLIAM  MOIR  of  Garnkirk,  Lanarkshire,  Scot- 
land, and  ISABEL  PATERSON;  m.  1883,  ANNA.  M. 
of  Scarsdale,  New  York,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Isabella  Paterson  Moir,  b.  Sept.,  1884,  in  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

2.  William  Bergen  Moir,  b.  April,  1886,  in  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

3.  Robert  Moir,  Jr.,  b.  1888,  in  New  York  City. 

ALEXANDER  MOIR,  mechanical  engineer,  of  255 
Brunswick  St.,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia;  son  of  ALEX- 
ANDER MOIR,  mechanical  engineer,  (b.  Jan.  13,  1821; 
d.  Dec.  30,  1889),  and  HELEN  MOODIE;  grandson 
of  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  of  Lanark,  Scotland,  and 
MARY  McPHERSON;  m.  Oct.  28,  1878,  first,  MAR- 
GARET S.  HURLEY,   and  had  issue:— 

1.  Mary  Alice  Moir,    b.  Nov.  11,   1879,    at  Halifax  N.  S.,  d. 

Mar.  23,  1887. 

2.  John  Alexander  Moir,  b.  Mar.  11,  1881,  at  Halifax,  N.  S., 

(mechanical  engineer). 

3.  Elizabeth  B.  Moir,  b.  Dec.  24,  1882,  at  Halifax,  N.  S. 

4.  Helen  M.  Moir,  b.  Sept.  9,  1884,  at  Halifax,  N.  S. 

MR.   MOIR  m.  second,  July  3,    1889,   MARGARET 
A.   GAULT,  dau.  of  JOHN  GAULT,  and  had  issue:— 
1.     J^therine  W.  Moir,  b.  Nov.  28,  1891. 


(From  the  County  Directory  of  Scotland,  1902.) 

GEORGE    MOIR,    Westmount,    Dullatur,    Castlecary   Station, 

JAMES  MOIR,  Well  Bank  Cottage,  Campsie  Glen,  Glasgow. 


The  town  of  Doune,  in  Perthshire,  where  the  river  Teith  is  spanned 
by  a  noble  bridge,  the  work  of  one  who  though  by  craft  a  tailor,  was 
truly  noble  in  heart.  An  inscription  on  the  left  parapet,  and  tran- 
scribed more  legibly  on  the  other  side,  tells  us  that  "In  the  year  of 
God  1535,  founded  was  this  bridge  by  ROBERT  SPITTEL,  tailor 
to  the  most  noble  princess  MARGARET,  Spouse  to  JAMES  IV." 
Along  with  the  narrative,  he  boldly  blazons  a  pair  of  scissors,  en 

About  half  a  mile  below  the  bridge,  on  a  peninsula  formed  by  the 
junction  of  the  Ardoch  burn  with  the  Teith,  stands  the  old  castle  of 
Doune,  still  a  majestic  pile,  with  its  two  massive,  square  towers,  its 
turrets,  and  high  embattled  walls. 

Sir  Walter  Scott  spent  several  summers  in  his  youth  at  Cambus- 
more,  in  this  neighborhood;  and  naturally  he  speaks  of  its  beauty.  In 
the  "Lady  of  the  Lake,"  he  sketches  this  district,  mentioning  "Land- 
rick,"  and  "Deanstoun,"  where  Moirs  resided  for  several  genera- 
tions'   Canto  Fifth, 

"Along  thy  banks,  swift  Teith!  they  ride, 

And  in  the  race  they  mock  thy  tide; 

Torry  and  Landrick,  now  are  past. 

And  Deanstoun  lies  behind  them  cast : 

They  rise,  the  bannered  towers  of  Doune, 

They  sink  in  distant  woodland  soon." 


♦From  "Picturesque  Guide    to   the   Trossacha,  &o.,"   Edinburgh,  Adam  &  Charles 
Black,  1889. 


Doune,  Thomhill  and  Neighborhood 

Formerly  Occupied  by  MOIRS 
(By  the  late  W.  B.  COOK,  Esq.,  of  Stirling) 

SAUCHENS,—  is  the  saughs  or  willows. 
DEANSTON, — was  formerly  Sauchentxim. 

LOCHFIELD, — so  called  from  its  being  near  the  Loch  o'  Watson  of 

an  old  name.     It  is  mentioned  in  a  document  of  1492, 
along  with  other  estates  in  the  locality. 

♦GARTINCABER,— is  "the  enclosure  of  poles  or  speocks."  What 
the  tower  was  erected  for  is  unknown.  It  is  well 
known  that  this  estate  is  the  geographical  centre  of 

*The  site  of  the  centre  of  Scotland,  like  many  other  things,  is  a  disputed  point,  but 
the  common  belief  is  that  the  spot  is  in  the  neighborhood  of  Gartincaber,  which  ia  situated 
2  1-2  miles  southwest  of  Doune,  in  Perthshire.  A  tower  erected  there,  on  an  eminence,  is 
held  to  mark  the  exact  centre.  (From  the  "Scottish  American.") 

MoiR  Genkalogy 


MOSS-SIDE, — named  from  the  soft  moss  lands,  characteristic  of  this 
part  of  the  Forth  river. 

BOQUHAPPLE, — owes  its  name  to  the  chapel, —  "the  bothy  of 
the  Chapel,"  both  capel.  It  is  said  this  name  suggested 
to  Sir  Walter  Scott,  his  "Laird  of  Balmawhapple." 

MEADOWHEAD,— at  the  head  of  the  meadow. 

NETHERTON, — is  the  lower  town,  and  why  I  am  unable  to  say. 
This  farm  is  made  up  of  feuars  acres  and  a  number  of 
small  holdings.  One  of  the  fields  is  known  as  "Netherton 
of  Moss-Side,"  another  is  the  "Three  Neukit  Lea" 
and  a  third  is  "Dalwhilpert."  There  was  once  a  road 
leading  from  this  farm  to  the  village,  but  it  is  now  closed, 
and  there  is  not  much  sign  of  it  left,  although  it  can 
still  be  traced. 



The  early  baptismal  records,  and  also  the  marriage 
registers  of  Doune,  (parish  of  Kilmadock)  and  Thomhill, 
(parishes  of  Kincardine  and  Tulliallan)  are  very  incom- 
plete, as  will  be  seen  by  referring  to  the  extractable 
records  in  this  book;  there  are  a  great  many  omissions, 
and  at  places,  they  are  in  bad  shape  —  especially  is 
this  so  of  the  marriage  registers. 

They  prove,  however,  that  about  1625  there  were  in 
TER, AGNES,  and  JAMES  MOIR.  There  is  no  record 
of  the  birth  or  baptism  of  DAVID  MOIR  who  was  born 
at  Doune,  and  was  the  first  of  the  MOIRS  of  Leckie, 
(1668),  an  account  of  whom  is  given  under  that  head. 
Probably,  each  of  these  personages  were  related  to  the 

*The  account  of  this  numerous  and  interesting  family  are  taken  from  Private  Family 
Records  as  well  as  the  account  of  Births,  Marriages  &c.,  given  in  this  book,  pages  58  to 
89.     Many  individual  records  can  be  verified. 

MoiR  Genealogy  231 

Of  the  above,  JAMES  married,  but  the  name  of  his 
wife  is  not  known,  (the  estate  where  they  lived,  is  called 
Newton-of-Doune,)  he  was  probably  an  uncle  of  DAVID 
MOIR,  afterwards  "of  Leckie."  It  is  recorded  in  the 
Kilmadock  Kirk  Session  Records,  that  JAMES  and  voi. ii. pages 
his  brother  WALTER  were  members  of  the  session  of 
Kilmadock  Parish  Church,  in  1652,  and  later.  (From 
the  "Stirling  Antiquary,"  by  W.  B.  Cook.)  This  couple 
had  at  least  seven  children,  as  follows: — 

1.  JOHN  MOIR,  b.  Aug.  30,  1629. 

2.  JAMES  MOIR,  b.  Aug.  21,  1631,  he  m.  and  had  issue. 

3.  ROBERT  MOIR,  b.  Jan.  29,  1638,  he  witnessed  a  baptism, 

(Andrew  Duncanson),   1671. 

4.  ARCHIBALD    MOIR,   b.    Mar.    12,    1643,   afterwards  of 

"Glenwhilk."    (Of   whom   again.) 

5.  MARGARET  MOIR,  b.  June  6,  1647. 

6.  WALTER  MOIR,  b.  Aug.  12,  1649;  he  m.  JANET  OTE, 

and  had  issue,  at  least  three  of  a  family: — 

1.  Robert  Moir,   born  Mar.  13,  1677,   afterwards  of 

"Lochfield,"  m.  ( )  Stewart,  in  Doune,  and 

had  issue: — 

1,  Anna  Moir,  b.  July  29,  1702. 

2.  Alexander  Moir,   b.  Oct.  19,  1705. 

2.  Harrie  Moir,   b.  Feb.  8,    1679,    m.  Agnes   Moir, 

Doune;  and  had  issue,  at  least  two  children. 

1.  Henrj'  Moir,  b.  Jan.  14,  1708. 

2.  Agnes  Moir,  b.  May  1,  1712. 

3.  Agnes  Moir,  b.  Sept.  4,   1680. 

7.  MARIE    MOIR,  b.  Feb.  2,    1652,   m.    HARRIE    MOIR, 

of  Newton  of  Doune,  and  had  issue,  at  least  six  of   a 
family: — 

1.  Jane  Moir,  b.  Aug.  15,  1679,  m.  Lieutenant  Colin 

Fairfoull,    and     had    issue,    several    children, 
among  whom: — 

1.     Susanna  Fairfoull,  b.  Jan.  9,  1706. 

2.  Agnes  Moir,  b.  Nov.  22,  1682. 

3.  Marjorie  Moir,  b.  Dec.  1,  1684. 

4.  A  daughter,  b.  Oct.  8,  1687. 

5.  Margaret  Moir,  b.  Nov.  20,  1689. 

6.  Robert  Moir,  b.  Sept.  9,  1691. 

Of  the  above  family,  ARCHIBALD  married,  and 
there  is  no  record  of  the  name  of  his  wife,  they  had 
issue,  at  least  three,   as  follows: — 

1.  Jean  Moir,  b.  Jan.  26,  1669. 

2.  WiUiam  Moir,  b.  Sept.  27,  1673. 

3.  David  Moir,  b.  Dec.  20,  1676;  who  m.  Janet  Caddell,  the 

marriage  register  being  blank  from  1650  to  1717,  with 

232  MoiR  Geneai,ogy 

few  exceptions,  there  is  no  official  record  of  the  date  of 

the  marriage,  they  had  issue: — 

1.  John  Moir,  b.  July  8,  1703,  who  m.  Anna  Mur- 
doch, and  had  issue: — a  child,  b.  March,  1719. 
They  had  at  least  four  other  children: — 

1.  Robert  Moir,  b.   Apr.  7,   172.3,  and  m. 

Grizzall  MacArthur,  (of  whom  after- 

2.  .\lexander  Moir,  b.  July  20,  1735. 

3.  Margaret  Moir,  b.  Dec.  7,  1738. 

4.  Ann  Moir,  born  Dec.  28,  1740,  m.  Nicol 

MacLaren  and  had  issue . 

The  elder  son  of  this  family,  ROBERT  MOIR,  m. 
GRIZALL  MacARTHUR,  and  had  issue:— 

1.  Jean  Moir,  b.  April  26,  1741,  and  m.  Nov.  12,  1768,  James 

Graeme,  and  had  issue. 

2.  James  Moir,  b.  Feb.  27,  1743,  and  m.  May  26,  1780,  Isabel 


GEORGE  MOIR,  third  child  of  ROBERT  MOIR 
and  GRIZALL  MacARTHUR,  b.  Feb.  6,  1748;  m. 
JANET  ADAM,  and  this  couple  had  at  least  eight  of  a 
family,   as  follows: — 

1.  Alexander  Moir,  b.  Nov.  24,  1776. 

2.  Robert  Moir,  b.  Mar.  8,  1778;  m.  Elizabeth  Moir,  (of  whom 


3.  Jean  Moir,  b.  Dec.  29,  1782;  m.  Duncan  MacPherson,  (of 

whom  again). 

4.  George  Moir,    b.    Aug.  22,     1784;   m.  Jane    Stirling,    (of 

whom  again). 

5.  Janet   Moir,    b.   Apr.   30,   1786;    m.    John    Stewart,    (of 

whom  again). 

6.  Andrew  Moir,  b.  Feb.  14,  1788;  m.  Isabella  Dougall,  (of 

whom  again). 

7.  James  Moir,  b.  Jan.  26,  1794;  m.  Elizabeth  Forsyth,  (of 

whom  again). 

8.  Elizabeth  Moir,  b.    Dec.   4,    1796;   m.   John   MacQueen, 

(of  whom  again). 

HENRY  MOIR,   b.    1680,   it  is  not  known   who   his 
parents  were,  as  the  record  is  partly  illegible.     He  is  also 

Hermaiden    Called    HARRIE.      He   m.    AGNES    ( ),    of   Doune 

^^^'Tf .     and  had  at  least  three  of  a  family:— 

A.CX16S  A'l.oir 

si  p.  61      '        1.     JAMES   MOIR,    b.    Jan.  8,  1702,    m.  HELEN  LENOX,;  in 

"Hole  of  Cambus,"  and  had  issue: — 

1.     Henry  Moir,  b.  Jan.  8,  1734. 

2._._  James  Moir,  b.  May  10,  1738. 




1^  01 




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MoiR  Gkneai^ogy  233 

2.  HENRY  MOIR,    b,  Jan.  4,   1708,   m.    ACNES   MOIR,  and 

had  issue,  at  least  one  child: — 
1.     Anna  Moir,  b.  June  3,  1733. 

3.  AGNES  MOIR,  b.  May  1,  1712. 

JAMES  MOIR,  son  of  JAMES,  of  the  above  family, 
m.  ELIZABETH  MacEWAN,  and  had  issue:— 

1.  JANET    MOIR,    born     Sept.     16,     1758,     and 

m.  ALEXANDER  DUNCANSON,  and  had 

2.  HENRY  MOIR,  b.  Jan.  25,  1761. 

3.  JAMES  MOIR,  b.  July  24,   1763;  m.  ISABEL    see  below 

Mackenzie,    (of  whom   afterwards). 

4.  ANN  MOIR,  b.  Mar.  1,  1767,  and  m.  ALEXAN- 

DER STEWART,  and  had  issue:— 

1.  Mary  Stewart,  b.  April  25,  1784. 

2.  Elizabeth  Stewart,  b.  Feb.  15,  1786. 

3.  Isabel  Stewart,   b.   Oct.  27,  1793.      {^Note  in  the 

record, — "there  is  no  entry    of  children   to  this 
couple  between  1786  and  1793.") 

4.  Katherine,  b.  Mar.  12,  1797. 

5.  John  Stewart,  b.  June  17,  1802. 

6.  Agnes  Stewart,  b.  Aug.  5,  1804. 

5.  MARGARET    MOIR,    b.    May    27,    1770,    m. 

WILLIAM  JUNKINE,  and  had  issue. 

6.  DAVID  MOIR,  b.  June  14,  1772.     He  removed 

to  Campsie. 

JAMES  MOIR,  third  of  the  above  family  m.  Nov. 
27,  1784,  *ISABEL  MacKENZIE,  and  had  issue,  at 
least  seven  children: — 

1.  James  Moir,  b.  Feb.  12,  1786. 

2.  William  Moir,  b.  Sept.  23,  1787,  was  married,  and  went  to 

London,  was  coachman  to  Rev.  Alexander  Fletcher, 
there;  both  he  and  his  wife  died  of  cholera,  at  the  time 
of  the  great  plague. 

3.  Elizabeth  Moir,   b.  Oct.  15,    1789,   m.  Robert  Moir.    (See     Page  242 

account  of  his  ancestry,  of  whom  again). 

4.  Janet  Moir,  b.  July  31,  1791. 

5.  Isabel  Moir,  b.  Feb.  24,  1793,  m.  Jan.  19,  1817,  John  Bryce 

of  the  parish  of  Renfrew,    (a  copy  of  the  marriage  cer- 

*Isabel  MacKenzie  had  a  brother  who  lived  in  India,  and  who  amassed  a  large  fortune, 
when  he  died  suddenly,  leaving  forty  thousand  pounds  sterling;  several  of  the  family  at 
the  time  hired  a  lawyer,  (who  was  a  relative),  at  Edinburgh,  to  see  what  could  be  done 
towards  securing  the  fortune;  he  collected  several  fees  and  after  several  years,  he  died, 
without  securing  any  results  to  the  family.  Nothing  has  since  been  done  about  the  matter. 
Meantime  the  money  ia  in  Chancery  and  has  grown  to  prodigious  proportions. 


tificate  is  in  possession  of  the  author)  and  had  issue,  at 
least  two: — 

1.  Isabella  Bryce,  m.   to  James  Work,   an  engineer 

on  one   of   the   ocean   steamships    crossing  the 

2.  Helen  Bryce,  who  married  James  Lyle,  Glasgow, 

carpet  manufacturer. 

6.  Katherine  Moir   )  ^^j^^^  ^  p^^   1795 

7.  Jean  Moir  ) 

GEORGE  MOIR  and  JANET  ADAM,  had:— 
I.  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  born  Nov.  24,    1776.    (Of    see  page  236 
whom  again.) 

II.  ROBERT    MOIR,   born  March  8,   1778;   married    See  page  242 

ELIZABETH    MOIR;    and    had     at    least    12 
children.     (Of  whom  afterwards.) 

III.  JEAN  MOIR,  born  Dec.  29,   1782,  in  ThomhiU, 

m.    DUNCAN    MacPHERSON,   we    have  not 
been  able  to  trace  this  branch. 

IV.  GEORGE  MOIR,  b.  Aug.  22,  1784,  in  ThomhiU,    Morecompiete 

married  JANE  STIRLING.  George  came  to  foUot  ''"°'*^ 
America  in  1844,  and  settled  later  in  Hensall,  '^ter  on  ; 
Ontario.     From  the  twelve  children  mentioned  I 

below,   there   were  80    direct  children   in    1904, 
and  many  of  these  have  families  of  their  own. 

1.  George  Moir,  born  Oct.  2,  1817;  married  Elizabeth 


2.  Margaret  Moir,   born   Oct.   2,  1817;   m.  Alexander 


3.  John  Moir,  b.  Aug.  20,  1819;  m.  Mary  Anderson. 

4.  Alexander  Moir,  b.  Aug.  15,  1821;  m.  Jessie  Russell 

Ross.  H 

5.  Robert  Moir,  b.  Aug.  12,  1823. 

6.  James  Moir,  b.  April  30,  1825;  m.  Isabella  Murray. 

7.  Jean  Moir,  b.  July  31,  1827;  m.  James  Murray. 

8.  Janet  Moir,  b.  Apr.  29,  1829;  m.  Robert  Murray. 

9.  Peter  Moir,  b.  May  25,  1831. 

10.  Andrew  Moir,  b.  June  28,  1833.  i 

11.  Thomas  Robertson  Moir,  b.  Dec.  1,  1835;  never  was  K 

married,  now  (1904),  living. 

12.  WilUam    Moir,    b.    1837. 

V.  JANET  MOIR,  b.  April  30,    1786,   in  ThomhiU, 

m.  to  JOHN  STEWART,    had    a   familj^,    but 
we  have  not  been  able  to  trace  this  branch. 

VI.  ANDREW   MOIR,     b.    Feb.   14,    1788,  in  Thorn-    See  laterpai 


MoiR  Geneai,ogy  235 

hiU,  married  to  ISABELLA  DOUGALL,  lived 
at  Callandar,  Perthshire,  and  had  a  large  fam- 
ily, most  of  whom  later  settled  in  America. 
VIL  JAMES  MOIR,  born  Jan.  26,  1794,  in  Thomhill,  s**  p*** 
m.  to  ELIZABETH  FORSYTH,  and  had  issue; 
James  came  to  New  Brunswick,  in  1818,  and 
was  accidentally  drowned  in  St.  John's  ice- 
bound harbour,  in  1833.  one  stormy  night, 
while  trying  to   board   a  vessel: — 

1.  Robert  Moir. 

2.  James  Moir. 

3.  Mary  Moir. 

4.  Ruth  Moir. 

5.  George  Moir. 

6.  Sarah  Moir. 

VIII.  ^ELIZABETH  MOIR,  born  Dec.  4,  1796,  at 
ThomhiU,  m.  1819,  JOHN  MacQUEEN,  and 
had  issue: — 

1.     Janet  MacQueen,  b.  Jan.  2,  1820,  at  Thomhill. 

There  was  a  large  family  born  to  thia  couple, 
probably  all  the  others  were  born  in  America,  to 
which  place  they  emigrated.  The  descendants 
are  mostly  scattered  throughout  the  Province  of 
Ontario.  We  have  tried  to  follow  up  this  line, 
but  members  have  refused  to  reply  to  enquiries 

IX.  HELEN   MOIR,    |  ^he    date  of    birth    of  these 
X.   MARY  MOIR.       J 

two  have  not  been  ascertained,  but  it  is 
known  that  the  former  never  was  married,  and 
the  latter  died  young. 



The  descendants  of  GEORGE  MOIR,  b.  February 
6,  1748,  son  of  ROBERT  MOIR  and  GRIZALL  Mac 
ARTHUR;  who  m.  July  6,  1776,  JANET  ADAM,  of 
Boquhapple    Moss,     and     Moss-side   farm,    Thomhill. 

(There  are  a  great  many  descendants  of  this  couple, 
mostly  distributed  throughout  the  United  States  and 
Canada,  although  there  are  several  families  of  this 
branch  still  in  Scotland.)     They  had  issue. 


ALEXANDER  MOIR,  b.  Nov.  24,  1776,  at  Mains, 
Thomhill,  m.  March  7,  1807,  JEAN  HUTTON,  dau. 
of  WILLAIM  HUTTON.  He  was  a  burgess  of  Dun- 
fermline, (see  extracts  on  another  page)  and  was  ad- 
mitted October  24,   1809.     Had  issue: — 

I.  CATHERINE  MOIR,  born    April    30,     1809,    at 
Thomhill,   she    m.  Oct.   13,   1844,   ROBERT 
HUTTON,  and  had  issue,  she  died  in  Ire- 
II.   GEORGE    MOIR,    b.  Nov,  14,  1810,   at  Thom- 

III.  WILLIAM  MOIR,  b.  Jan.  29,  1813,  at  Thomhill, 
(Moss-side  farm,)  married  May  24,  1846, 
GRACE  MacFARLANE,  daughter  of  JOHN 
MacFARLANE,  of  the  Parish  of  Port,  Ker- 
buck,  Dunblane,   and  had  issue: — 

I  Two  sons,  who  died  in  infancy. 

3.  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  farmer,  b.  June  28,  1850,  at 
Moss-side  farm,  Thomhill,  m.  Mar.  22,  1874, 
James  Dick,  b.  Gartincaber,  near  Thomhill, 
and  had  issue: — 

1.  *William  Moir,  farmer,  b.  April  30, 1875, 

at  Moss-side   farm,   Thomhill. 

2.  James  Moir,  clerk,  born  Nov.  6,  1876,  at 

Nethercarse  farm,  Gargurmock. 

•William,    Alexander    and  Jean  G.  Moir    of  this  family    have    hired     another    farm 
called  Capel  Church  farm,  at  Folkstone,  and  are  doing  well,  according  to  report. 

MoiR  Geneai/)GY  237 

3.  *Alexander  Moir,  farmer,  b.  Jan.  6,  1879, 

at  Nethercarse,  Gargunnock. 

4.  John  Moir,  draper,  b.  Aug.  20,  1880,  at 

Nethercarse,  Gargunnock.  (He  served 
about  2  years  in  the  South  African 
war  in  the  Imperial  Yeomanry.)  He  ia 
now  1912,  at  Edmonton,  Alberta,  Canada. 

5.  *Jean  Galbraith  Moir,  b.  Aug.  20, 1882,  at 

Nethercarse  farm. 

6.  Robert  Moir,  farmer,    b.  June  27,   1884, 

at  Nethercarse  farm,  Gargunnock,  he 
died  May  21,  1904. 

7.  George  Moir,  b.  March  8,  1886,  at  Nether- 

carse farm,  Gargunnock. 

8.  Elizabeth  Grace  Macfarlane  Moir,   born 

Jan.  12,  1888,  at  Nethercarse  farm, 

9.  Isabella  Ann  Moir,    b.    Jan.    1,   1890,  at 

Nethercarse  farm,  Gargunnock. 

10.  David  Moir,  b.  Jan.  1.  1891,   at  Nether- 

carse farm,  Gargunnock,  died  there, 
Dec.  20,  1905. 

11.  Andrew    Moir,    born   April    19,   1892,   at 

Nethercarse  farm,  Gargunnock. 

12.  Mitchell  Archibald  Moir,  b.  Feb.  3,  1895, 

at  Nethercarse  farm,  Gargunnock,  now 
farming  with  an  uncle  at  Park  of  Keir, 
Dunblane,  Perthshire. 

13.  Peter  Moir,  b.  March  5,  1897,  at  Nether- 

carse farm,  Gargunnock. 

14.  Isaac  Dick  Moir,  born  July  17,   1898,   at 

Nethercarse  farm,  Gargunnock. 

4.  JOHN   MOIR,   b.   at  Thomhill,    died    March   15, 

1892,  at  Warquami,  New  Zealand. 

5.  A  daughter,  who   married  GEORGE  ADAM,   now 

of  11  Alexandria  Place,  Partick,  Glasgow. 

6.  WILLIAM  MOIR,  a  farmer   and   live-stock   mer- 

chant, having  a  farm  of  over  900  acres,  at  Thom- 
hill, called  "Netherton  farm,"  (where  the  author 
spent  a  day  in  1910.)  He  was  b.  at  Thomhill, 
and  married  1st,  JANE  SANDS,  and  had  issue:— 

1.  William   Moir,    born    1892,  at   Netherton 

farm,  ThornhUl. 

2.  Alexander  Moir,  born  1894,  at  Netherton 

farm,  Thomhill. 

3.  A  daughter,  now  deceased. 

*See  footnote  on  page  236. 


MR.  MOIR  m.  2nd,  JANET  SANDS,  a  sister 
to  the  first  wife,  and  had  issue: — 

4.  Margaret  Moir,  born  1901,  at  Netherton, 


5.  Grace    Moir,    born    1903,    at     Netherton, 


6.  John    Moir,     born    1906,    at    Netherton, 

JANET  SANDS-MOIR  died  in  1909. 

IV.   ALEXANDER  MOIR,  born  Nov.    11,    1814,  m. 
Jessie   Morrison,    and   had  issue: — 

1.  Alexander  Moir,    who  is  m.  and  living   (1912)  in 

Glasgow.  He  has  a  family.  One  son,  Alexander 
Moir,  is  now  in  London,  Ontario. 

2.  Jessie    Morrison    Moir,    who    m.    Apr.    12,    1862, 

Archibald  MacNicol,  in  Scotland,  and  who  came 
to  the  United  States,  and  died  in  Pawtucket, 
Rhode  Island,  Mar.  9,  1886;  had  issue. 

3.  Jane  Moir,  who   m.   Alexander  Montgomery,  died 

April  15,  1910,  and  had  issue,  several  children, 
among  whom,  one  daughter,  Jane  Montgomery, 
who  married  as  a  second  wife,  Archibald  Mac- 
Nicol, (who  had  previously  married  Jessie  M. 
Moir,  her  sister),  in  Lowell,  Mass.,  later  going  to 
Jewett  City,  Conn.,  and  had  issue,  several  chil- 
dren, among  whom: — 

1.  Archibald  MacNicol,  Jr.,    who  died  1910, 


2.  Alexander  Mac  Nicol,  b.  Jewett  City,  Conn. 

4.  George  Moir,   who  died  unmarried,    at  Thornhill, 


5.  Sophia  Moir,  who  m.  1860,  John  MacDonald,  who 

was  accidentally  killed  in  a  boiler-yard  in  Glas- 
gow in  1861.  She  came  to  America  in  1866, 
and  married,  secondly,  George  Kenyon  1868, 
living  (1912)  at  Pawtucket,  R.  I.,  and  has  issue. 

6.  Margaret  Moir,    who   m.    Mr.    Alexander   Nelson, 

and  lived  in  Paisley,  Scotland. 

V.  ANDREW  MOIR,  born  Sept.  1,  1816,  at  Thom- 
hill, married  Feb.  16,  1845,  MARY  SMITH  of 
Thomhill,  and  had  issue. 

VI.   JEAN  MOIR,  born  Oct.   10,  1818,  at  Thomhill; 
she  died  in  New  Zealand. 

VII.    ROBERT  MOIR,   born  Oct.  10,  1820,  at  Thom- 
hill, he  m.  and  has  issue. 

VIII.    JOHN    MOIR,    born   Dec.    31,    1822,    at  Thom- 
hill, he  also  m.  and  left  issue. 

MoiR  Genealogy  239 

IX.  JAMES  MOIR,  b.  Dec.  21,    1825,    at  Thomhill, 

he   m.   firstly,  ( ),    and    had   issue,    at   least 

one  son  James,  who   is   living  (1912)  in  Glas- 
gow, Scotland. 

He  married  secondly,  1869,  Catherine  Drum- 
mond,  both  husband  and  wife  died  within  a 
year  of  the  birth  of  a  son: — 

1.  Alexander  James  Moir,  b.  April,  1870,  at  Thom- 
hill, Perthshire,  at  the  decease  of  both  his  parents, 
he  was  brought  up  by  the  grandmother  on 
the  mother's  side.  He  afterwards  came  to  the 
United  States,  settled  at  Worcester,  Mass., 
where  he  learned  the  dry  and  fancy  goods 
business,  with  the  John  C.  Mac  Innes  Company, 
where  by  strict  attention  to  business,  and  other 
good  qualities,  he  rose  to  become  a  partner  in 
the  firm;  later  enlarging  and  doing  a  complete 
department  store  business.  He  m.  1893,  Bertha 
Day,  dau.  of  Edward  Day  of  Chester,  Mass., 
had  issue: — 

1.  Bertha  Day  Moir,  b.  1898,  at  Worcester, 

Mass.,  she  died  there  in  1909. 

2.  Chester  Drummond   Moir,   b.    1901,   at 

Worcester,  Mass. 


JAMES  MOIR,  stone  mason^  of  Port  Glasgow,  Scot-  see  page  235 
land,  afterwards  of  New  Brunswick,  son  of  GEORGE 
MOIR,  of  Thomhill,  and  JANET  ADAM;  b.  Jan.  26, 
1794,  at  Thomhill,  m.  1822,  ELIZABETH  FORSYTH. 
(MR.  MOIR  was  accidently  drowned  one  stormy  night 
in  1833,  while  attempting  to  board  a  vessel  in  the  ice- 
bound harbor  of  St.  John's,  New  Brunswick.)  Had 
issue: — 

I.    ROBERT  MOIR,  who  died  young. 

II.  JAMES  GILBERT  MOIR,  b.  Nov.  11,  1822, 
in  New  Brunswick,  m.  ANN  CATHERINE 
CHAPPEL,  and  d.  Mar.  19,  1901,  had  issue, 
at  least  one  son: — 

1.  Robert  Arthur  Moir,  farmer,  of  Mount  Whatley, 
New  Brunswick,  b.  Dec.  11,  1878,  in  Tidnish, 
Nova  Scotia,  he  married  1904,  Mabel  Gertrude 
Carter,  dau.  of  Samuel  Cyrus  Carter,  of  West- 
moreland Point,  New  Brunswick,  and  had  issue. 

240  MoiR  Geneai^ogy 

III.    MARY     MOIR,      m.    ROBERT     JACKSON    of 
St.  Martin's,  New  Brunswick,   and  had  issue. 

IV.  RUTH  MOIR,  b.  New  Brunswick,  1826,  died 
aged  69,  was  m.  and  had  issue. 

V.  GEORGE  BYRON  MOIR,  b.  July  5,  1828,  in 
Sussex,  New  Brunswick,  m.  Feb.  26,  1861, 
ANNA  BRANDER,  daughter  of  JAMES 
BRANDER,  of  Huntley,  Aberdeenshire,  Scot- 
land, and  had  issue: — 

1.  Joseph  William  Moir,  born  Dec.  5,  1861,  in  Mount 

Whatley,  New  Brunswick;  died  there,  Nov.  13, 

2.  Mary  Elizabeth  Moir,  b.  Jan.  13,  1863,    in  Goose 

River,  Nova  Scotia,  d.  Mar.  6,  1867. 

3.  Lilla  Ann  Moir,  b.  Jan.  10,  186.5,  in  Nappan,  N.  S.,  d. 

Nov.  7,  1865. 

4.  Lilly  Ada  Moir,  b.  Oct.  2,   1866,  in  Nappan,  N.  S., 

m.   Nov.  5,  1889,   Hugh  Armour,   son  of  Hugh 
Armour,  of  Johnstone,  Scotland,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  George  Hugh  Armour,   b.  Sept.  12,    1890, 

Banff,  N.  W.  T. 

2.  John  Armour,  b.  Nov.  25,  1892,  in  Regina, 

N.  W.  T. 

3.  William  Armour,    born  April  17.   1896,  in 

Regina,  N.  W.  T. 

4.  Martha  Armour,  b.  July  5,  1898,  in  Regina, 

N.  W.  T. 

5.  Robert  Armour,  b.  June  22,  1900,  in  Regina, 

N.  W.  T. 

6.  Alexander  Armour,    bom    June    19,    1904, 

in  Regina,  N.  W.  T. 

VI.  SARAH  ELIZABETH  MOIR,  born  May  17, 
1833,  in  Shepardy,  New  Brunswick,  m.  1850 
DAVID   FLINN,   of  KentviUe,    Nova   Scotia, 

and  had   issue: — 

1.  EUa  Flinn,  born  Jan.   10,   1851,  iin  St.  John's,  New 

Brunswick,    married  a   mechanic,    had  issue,   and 
died  in  1899. 

2.  William  Flinn,  b.  Dec.  9,  1853,  in  St.  Johns,  N.  B., 

married,  had  issue,  and  is  now  (1904,)  at  Villard, 

3.  Mary  Flinn,  b.  Dec.  16,  1857,  in  St.  John's,  N.  B., 

married  a  mechanic,  and  is  now,   (1904,)  living  in 
Norwich,  Conn. 

4.  Sarah  Flinn,  b.  Dec.  16,  1857,  Woodville,  N.  S.,  and 

d.  185?. 

MoiR  Geneai^ogy 


5.  George  Moir  FUnn,  born  Mar.  8,   1860,   in   Wood- 

ville,     N.    S.,    now    (1904,)    living    at    Medford. 

6.  Everett  Richardson  Flinn,  born   Dec.   10,   1862,  in 

WoodvUle,  N.  S. 

7.  Hermon  Alton  Flinn,     b.  June  6,  1865,   in  Wood- 

vUle, N.  S.,  d.  1885,  in  Norwood,  Mass. 

Descendants  of  ROBERT  MOIR,  (b.  1778)  who  mar- 
ried (1811),  *ELIZABETH  MOIR,  at  ThornhiU,  Perth- 
shire.    See  page  234. 

GEORGE  MOIR,  farmer  and  veterinary  surgeon, 
of  Alpena,  Michigan,  born  October  13,  1811,  at  Doune, 
Perthshire,  he  came  to  America  about  1840,  settling  in 
the  eastern  province  of  Quebec,  afterwards  going  west 
to  Alpena,  Michigan,  where  he  m.  1868,  ELIZABETH 
O'BRIAN.  MR.  MOIR  died  Mar.  6,  1893.  Had 
issue: — 

1.  Elizabeth  Moir,   dressmaker,  born    Nov.   5,  1869,  Alpena, 


2.  Robert  Moir,  b.  May  24,  1871,  in  Alpena,  Mich.,  died  March 

26,  1896. 

3.  Isabella  Moir,  b.  Sept.  9,  1873,  Alpena,  Mich. 


ISABELLA  MOIR,  born  Nov.  1,  1812,  in  Doune, 
Perthshire,  married  ROBERT  MONTEITH;  no  issue; 
died  in  Glasgow  in  1852,  the  same  year  as  the  death 
of  her  mother  in  America. 


JAMES  MOIR,  of  Denny,  Stirlingshire,  gardener  and 
beadle,  b.  January  27,  1814,  at  Doune,  Kilmadock  parish, 
and  m.  July  10,  1845,  MATILDA  MacKELLAR,  Denny. 
(Mr.  Moir  d.  May  19.  1894.)     Had  issue:— 


II.  ELIZABETH  MOIR,  b.  Feb.  20,  1849,  at  Denny, 
m.  July  14,  1871,  JOHN  RUSSELL,  plumber, 
of  Glasgow  (b.  Campsie),  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Matilda  MacKellar  Russell,  b.  July  20,  1872. 

2.  John  Russell,  b.  July  4,  1874. 

3.  Elizabeth  Russell,  b.  July  22,  1876. 

*See  account  of  her  ancestry  and  lineage. 

MoiR  Gknealocy  243 

4.  James  Moir  Russell,  b.  Dec.  13,  1878. 

5.  Robert  Moir  Russell,  b.  July  6,  1881;  m.  Aug.  28, 

1901,  and  has  issue. 

6.  William  Russell,    b.  Sept.  24,  1883. 

7.  Jeamiie  Russell,    b.    Dec.    11,    1885,     m.    1911,    a 

Mr.  MacPherson,  and  has  issue  ,  one  daughter. 
She  afterwards  removed  to  Auckland,  New  Zea- 

8.  Jessie  Russell,  born  Oct.  29,   1888,   m.   1910,  John 

Payton,  of  Lowell,  Mass.,  and  has  issue: — 
1.     Elizabeth  Payton. 

9.  Andrew  Moir  Russell,  b.  April  20,  1892. 
10.     Jenny  Russell,  b.  Sept.  9,  1894. 

III.  ROBERT  MOIR,    blacksmith    and    engineer,    of 

Denny,  Stirlingshire,  born  Mar.  27,  1851,  East 
Boreland,  Denny,  married  MARTHA  SMITH, 
Aug  22,  1873.  (Mr.  Moir  d.  1912.  Mrs.  Moir 
d.    Oct.   9,    1911.)     Had  issue:— 

1.  James    Moir,   ironmoulder,    b.    Feb.    17,    1874,    m. 

July  17,  1895,  Mary  Mac  Kerracher  Kemp,  Denny, 
and  had  issue: — 

1.  Catherine  Moir,  b.  Oct.  11,  1896. 

2.  Robert  Moir,  b.  May  15,  1898. 

3.  JamesMoir,  b.  May8,  1900;  d.  Jan.  21,  1901. 

4.  John  Moir,  b.  May  8,  1900. 

5.  James  Moir,  b.  Oct.  14,  1902. 

2.  Robert  Moir,  b.  April  3,  1875;  d.  Aug.  15,  1881. 

3.  Elizabeth  MacDonald  Moir,  b.    Dec.  23,    1876,   m. 

Charles  Grant,  a  police  officer  of  Kinrosshire  and 
had  issue: — 

1.  Martha  May  Grant,  b.  June  26,  1900. 

2.  Jessie  Clark  Grant,  b.  Nov.  2,  1904. 

And  two  others. 

4.  Matilda  MacKellar  Moir,  b.  Nov.  25,  1878;  married 

James  Grant,  a  contractor    and  builder,    now    of 
New  Haven,  Conn.,  and  has  issue. 

5.  John    Moir,    a    moulder,    b.    May    16,    1881,  now 

(1912),  in  Hamilton,   Ontario,  Canada. 

6.  George  Moir,  b.  Dec.  29,  1883,  m.  and  has  issue: — 

1.     Robert  Moir,   b.   April,  1911,  now  (1912),  at 
Rainy  River,  Ontario,  Canada. 

7.  Robert  Moir,  born  Oct.  1,  1888,  now  at  Rainy  River, 

Ontario,  Canada. 

8.  Alexander  Moir,  born  Feb.  13,  1891,  now  at  Rainy 

River,  Ontario,  Canada. 

IV.  JANET  MOIR,  born  Oct.  4,  1855,   at  East  Bore- 

land,    Denny,    married  Sept.    15,   1879,  HUGH 
SMELLIE  and  had  issue:— 

244  MoiR  Geneai,ogy 

1.  David  Smellie,  b.  Sept.  23,  1880. 

2.  James  Alesander  Smellie,  b.  April  30,  1883. 

3.  Hugh  SmeUie,  b.  June  14,  1887. 

4.  Robert  Smellie,  b.  Feb.  7,  1891. 

5.  William  Smellie,  b.  Aug.  4,  1893. 


JANET  MOIR,  of  Vernon,  Mich.,  b.  Oct.  2,  1815, 
in  Thomhill,  Perthshire,  Scotland,  m.  1842,  JAMES 
MacLAREN,  of  St.  John's,  New  Brunswick,  and  had 
issue: —    (She  died  1905.    He  died  some  years  previously.) 

1.  Elizabeth    MacLaren,  born  July   29,    1843,   in   Corumia, 

Mich.,    married    Oct.    12,    1872,    Michael  Garland,    of 
Ejnsale,  Ireland,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Bessie    Garland,    born   April  22,  1878,  Corunna, 


2.  Gharles   Sumner    Garland,   b.     Oct.    9,   1882,  in 

Gorunna,  Mich. 

2.  Archibald,    born   1848,    in  Vernon,   Michigan,    (deceased, 


3.  Gatherine,  b.  1851,  in  Vernon,  Michigan. 

4.  Mary,  b.  1853,  in  Vernon,  Michigan, 

5.  Robert,  b.  1858,  in  Vernon,  Michigan. 


ROBERT  MOIR,  blacksmith  and  farmer,  born  April 
27.  1817,  in  KHmadock  parish,  Doune,  Perthshire, 
Scotland,  m.  May,  1846,  in  Province  Quebec,  Canada, 
of  Montreal,  P.  Om  Canada,  and  had  issue  as  fol- 
lows:— (MR.  MOIR  died  Mar.  12,  1901).  (MRS. 
MOIR  died  Dec.  27,  1904.) 

1.     Robert  Moir,  (teacher),  b.  1847,  in  Port  Daniel, 

P.    Om     m-    Helen  Blake,   and    had  issue: — 

1.     Eva  Jane  Dawes   Moir,  born  Miramichi,  New 

Brunswick,    married  Dec.   22,    1900,  James 

Hamilton,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  James  Blake  Hamilton,  born  Oct.  15, 


2.  James  Douglas  Hamilton,  born  June, 


3.  Thomas  Dawes    Millar  Hamilton,   b. 

Aug.,  1906;  died  Sept.,  1907. 

MoiR  Geneal,ogy  245 

2.  Thomas    Dawes    Moir,     (farmer),     born  April, 

1849,  in  Lance  Aux  Beaufils,  P,  Qm  Canada. 


3.  Charlotte  Amelia    Moir,    born    1852,   in  Lance 

Aux  Beaufils,  P.  0-,  Canada;  married  1874, 
Peter  Gordon  Simpson,  carpenter,  (died 
1897),  and  had  issue- — 

1.  Annie   Elizabeth   Simpson,   born  July  26,  1875, 

in    Leamington,    Ontario;  married  March   26, 
1901,    to    Lemuel    Sloane,    and   had  issue: — 

1.  Bessie  Sloane,   born  June   12,  1902,  in 

Leamington,    Ont. 

2.  Mildred  Sloane,  born  July  11,  1905,  in 

Leamington,  Ont. 

3.  Baby  boy,   b.   Oct.    31,  1911,  in  Leam- 

ington,  Ont. 

2.  Allan    Gordon    Simpson,    printer,    of   Pittsburg, 

Pennsylvania,    born     1878,     in    Leamington, 

Ontario,    married    1st,    ( )    Wilson,  and 

had  issue: — 

1.  Mildred  Simpson,  b.  1905. 

Mr.  Simpson,  married  2d.  Eva  Hodgkins,  of 
Leamington,  Ontario,  and  had  issue,  one 
son: — 

2.  James   Simpson,    born  April,   1907,    in 

Detroit,  Michigan. 

3.  Bert  James  Simpson,  telegraph   operator,   born 

1881,   in  Leamington.  Ont.,  married  1906,  to 
Jean  Mc Curdy  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Donald   Simpson,    born    July,    1903,  in 

Glendale,  Oregon. 

2.  Allan     Simpson,    born    Jan.    1905,     in 

Glendale,   Oregon. 

4.  Elizabeth  Moir,    b.  April  5,   1852,    Lance  Aux 

Beaufils,  P.  Qm  died  June  15, 1865. 

5.  Mark  George  Moir,  of  Eberts,  Ontario,  farmer, 

born  1853,  in  Lance  Aux  Beaufils,  P.  Qm 
Canada,  married  1881,  Judith  Lenfesty,  of 
Perce,  P.  0>»  Canada,  and  had  isssue: — 
(Mrs.   Moir  died  Dec.  18,  1904.) 

1.  WUIiam   Alexander   Moir,    born    July   1882,    in 

Perce,  P.  0- 

2.  Ethel  Susan   Moir,    b.  Dec.  31,  1883,  in  Perce, 

Gaspe,  P.  0. 

246  MoiR  Gene;ai,ogy 

3.  Myrtle  Edith  Moir,  born  Feb.  4,  1886.  Tumer- 

ville,  Ont.,  married  Sept.,  1909,  William 
Oliver  Bower  of  Eberts,  Ontario,  who  shortly 
afterwards  removed  to  Saskatchewan. 

4.  Ernest  Raymond  Moir,    born  May  11,  1888,   in 

Tumerville,  Ont. 

5.  Lloyd  James  Moir,  b.  June  26,  1890,  in  Tumer- 

ville, Ont. 

6.  Ida  Amelia  Moir,  b.  June  20,  1892,  in  Tumer- 

ville, Ont. 

7.  Wilson  Irvin  Moir,  b.  May  2,   1896,  in  Tumer- 

ville, Ont. 

8.  Amy  Christina  Moir,  b.  July  21,  1898,  in  Tumer- 

ville, Ont. 

6.  James   Moir,    born   Sept.     24,    1855,   in  Lance 

Aux  Beauflls,  P.  Q.,  Canada,  died  there  Jan. 
31,  1881. 

7.  Joseph   Dawes   Moir,   of  Tumerville,    Ontario, 

merchant,  b.  July  18,  1857,  in  Lance  Aux 
Beaufils,  P.  Om  Canada,  m.  June  24,  1885, 
Ida  Adelia  Turner,  (born  July  16,  1861, 
Prince    Edward    County,    Ontario),  and  had 

issue: — 

1.  James    Percival   Moir,    born   April   1,    1886,    in 

Tumerville,  Ont. 

2.  Helen  Beryl  Moir,  b.  June  16,  1887,  in  Tumer- 

ville, Ontario,  married  Dec.  1909,  to  Samuel 
Herbert  Davies  of  Oxbow,  Sask.,  and  had 
issue : — 

1.     Marion  Hathaway    Davies,    born  Sept., 
1910,  in  Oxbow,  Sask. 

3.  Josie  May  Moir,  born  Jan.  16,  1889,  in  Tumer- 

ville, Ont.,  married  Dec,  1908,  to  Clarence 
Junk,  in  Oxbow,  Sask.,  and  had  issue,  one 
son: — 

1.     James  Moir     Junk,     born     1910,      in 
Oxbow,   Sask. 

4.  Sarah  Margaret  Moir,    born   Oct.    9,    1891,    in 

Tumerville,  Ont.  Married  1910,  to  Thomas 
HalliweU  of  England,  at  Oxbow,  Sask.,  and 
had  issue,  one  daughter: — 

1.     Madge  Halliwell,  born  1910,  at  Oxbow, 

5.  Annie  Marion  Moir,  b.  Oct.  31,  1896,  in  Tumer- 

ville, Ont. 

6.  Thomas  Dawes  Moir,  b.  Jan.  22,  1898,  in  Tumer- 

ville,   Ont. 

MoiR  Genkai,ogy  247 

7.     Malcolm    Moir,  born  Nov.  9.    1906,  in  Oxbow, 

8.  Lily   Jane  Moir,   of  Eberts,    Ontario,     b.    Feb. 

16,  1859,  in  Lance  Aux  Beaufils,  P.  Qm 

9.  Margaret    Moir,    b,    Dec.    15,     1860,    in  Lance 

Aux  Beaufils,  P.  O*.  Canada,  and  died  there, 
Sept.    1,    1896. 

10.  Alexander  William    Moir,   merchant   and    post- 

master,  of  Dawn   Mills,    Ontario,  born  Dec. 

6,  1863,  in  Lance  Aux  Beaufils,  P.  Q** 
Canada;    m.    Oct.     30,     1888,    to    Elizabeth 

Cassie    Turner,  of    Tumerville,    Ont.,     and 

had  issue: — 

1.  Raymond    Earl    Moir,    born    Jan.    31,    1890,    in 

Chatham,  Ont. 

2.  Robert  Claire  Moir,  b.  May  25,  1895,  in   Dawn 

MiUs,  Ont. 

3.  Allan  Leo  Moir,  b.  Mar.  2,  1897,  in  Dawn  Mills, 


4.  Kate  Veronica  Moir,  born  Feb.  2,  1899,  in  Dawn 

Mills,   Ont. 

11.  Edmund  Head  Moir,  merchant  and  postmaster 

of  Eberts,  Ontario,  born  Mar.  13,  1864,  at 
Lance  Aux  Beaufils,  P.  Om  Canada;  m.  Sept. 
27,  1894,  to  Estella  Grooms,  daughter  of 
John  Grooms,   and  had  issue: — 

1.     Lillian  Daisy  Marguerite  Moir,  b.  Sept.  19,  1895, 
in  Eberts,  Ontario. 

12.  Phoebe  Isabella  Moir,  b.  Aug.  22,  1866,  in 
Lance  Aux  Beaufils,  P.  0«»  Canada,  married 
Walton  Weddington  Grooms,  of  Eberts, 

13.     Annie   Moir,   of  Eberts,   Ontario,    b.    June    28, 
1868,  in  Lance  Aux  Beaufils,  P.  0  »  Canada; 

married  Aug.  22,  1904,  to  F.  James  Ball,  of 
Goderich,  Ontario,  and  had  issue: — 

1.     Annie  Evelyn  Ball,  born  Feb.  27, 1908,  in  Eberts, 


WILLIAM     MOIR,    school    teacher,    of    Cascapedia^ 
Province  of    Quebec,    born    1819,   in  Thomhill,  Perth- 
shire,  Scotland,   married  1862,  JANE  TAYLOR.      Had 
issue:—      (Mr.    Moir  died  Sept.  18,  1902.) 

1.  Robert  William  Hastwell  Moir,  b.  Dec.2,  1862. 

2.  Grace  Rebecca  E.    Moir,    born    Jan.    22,    1865; 

married  1890,  to  William  Carmichle,  and  had 
issue: — 

1.  March  Carmichle,   born  Mar.  3,  1891;  died  July 

7,  1894. 

2.  Ethel  Jane  Carmichle,  b.  July  13,  1892. 

3.  Eleanor    Sidgrave    Carmichle,    born    November 

28,  1893. 

4.  William  Clifton  Carmichle,   b.  Oct.  29,  1895. 

5.  Duncan  Forrest  Carmichle,    b.  May  8,    1898. 

6.  Robert  Hastwell  Carmichle.  b.  Feb.  28,  1900. 

7.  Mary  Mildred  Carmichle,    born    May  6,    1902, 

died  May  3,  1903. 

3.  David  Gordon  Moir,  b.   Jan.  31,    1867,  married 

June  2,   1903. 

4.  John  Wilby  Moir,    b.   June    23,    1869;   d.  1882. 

5.  George  Evenly  Moir,   b.  Dec.  23,  1870. 

6.  WilUam  A.  Moir,  b.  Apr.  3,  1873. 

7.  Lavinia  Jane  Moir,  b.   Aug.   10,   1875;  married 

April  4,    1900,    to    Isaac    Starrak,    and  had 
issue,  one  son: — 
1.     John  Starrak,  b.  Jan.  12,  1903. 

8.  James  Sydney  Moir,  sawyer,  b.  Sept.  23,  1877. 

9.  Lindsay  Moir,  b.  Oct.  15,  1881. 

10.     John  A.    Moir,  station   agent,   b.  July  30,  1884. 


SUSAN  MOIR,  b.  1822,  at  Denny,  Scotland;  m. 
JOSEPH  KELLEY  (who  died  1878),  in  Caledonia, 
Michigan.  No  issue.  She  died  in  1905,  in  Vernon, 

JOHN   MOIR,    b.    1823,    at   Denny,    Scotland,    died 
in  infancy. 


DUNCAN  MOIR,  blacksmith,  afterwards  marine  en- 
gineer,   of    Glasgow,    Scotland,     (where     he    died    27th 


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MoiR  Genealogy  249 

August,  1880),  b.  Feb.  10,  1824,  at  Carronhall,  near 
Denny,  Stirlingshire;  married  1849,  ANN  SMILLIE,  of 
Polmont,  (she  died  in  Glasgow,  Dec.  1910,)  and  had 
issue,    as   follows: — 

1.  Robert  Moir,    boat-builder,  of  Govan,  b.   Nov. 

21,    1849,  in   Polmont,    Stirlingshire,  married 
June    27,    1879,    Elizabeth  Hardie,    daughter 
of     Robert     Hardie,    farmer,     of    Fouldubs, 
Falkirk,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Mary  Nimmo  Moir,  born  Aug.  2,  1880,  in  North- 

gate,    Livingstone,     Linlithgow,  Scotland,    m. 

June     6,    1905,     ( )    Brebner;    and   had 

issue: — 

1.  Elizabeth  H.    Brebner,    born    April    10, 

1906,  in  Govan. 

2.  Arthur  G.  Brebner,  b.  Nov.  6,  1907,  in 


3.  Jane  C.  Brebner,  born  July  28,  1909,  in 


4.  Mary  Brebner,  b.  May,  1911,  in  Govan. 

2.  Duncan  Robertson   Moir,   born  June  6,  1882,  in 

Howden,  Midcalder,  Midlothian,  a  boat- 
builder,  bridge-builder  and  engineer,  at  present 
making  new  railways  and  building  bridges 
in  Cape  Colony,  South  Africa;  m.  18  Dec, 
1906,  at  Cape  Town,  Letitia  Craig-Caldwell, 
dau.  of  James  Craig-Caldwell,  Supt.  Carting 
Department,  Co-Operative,  Glasgow,  and  had 

3.  Ann  Smillie  Moir,    b.  Oct.  25,    1883,  in  Govan, 

Glasgow,  Scotland. 

4.  Robert   Hardie    Moir,    born    Nov.    28,    1887,    in 

Govan,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

5.  Alexander   Moir,    b.  Jan.    13,    1891,    in  Govan, 

Glasgow,  Scotland. 

2.  Alexander  Smillie    Moir,    marine   engineer,  and 

for  many  years  chief  engineer  of  the  steam- 
ship Alps,  one  of  a  line  of  steamships  plying 
between  New  York  and  South  America.  Born 
July  26,  1851,  at  Coatbridge,  m.  August, 
1878,  Margaret  Hardie.  He  died  about  1898, 
in  New  York  City;  no  issue. 

3.  Annie  Moir,  b.  Aug.   17,    1854,    at  Coatbridge, 

•  m.  1881,  George  Fraser,  hotel  proprietor  and 
manager,  of  Ayr,  Ayrshire.  (She  died  Nov. 
25,   1904.)     Had  issue:— 

250  MoiR  Genbai^ogy 

1.  John  Fraser,  b.  Dec.  21,  1882. 

2.  Annie  Smlllie  Fraser,  b.  July  9,  1884. 

3.  Duncan  Moir  Fraser,  b.  July  16,  1886. 

4.  Edith  Elizabeth  Fraser. 

5.  Alfred  George  Fraser,  b.  1891,  d.  Apr.  22,  1893. 

4.  Elizabeth    Moir,    born    9th    October     1858,    at 

Calderbank;  m.  July,  1882,  Robert  Smith, 
draper,  merchant,  house-factor,  and  insurance 
agent,    of  Glasgow,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Annie  Binnie  Smith,  b.  Oct.  9,  1885,  in  Glasgow. 

2.  Catherine  A.  Smith,  b.  Jan.  17,  1888,  in  Glasgow, 

married  Sept.  29,  1909,  at  Glasgow,  John  M. 
Milne,  an  artist  in  photo-engraving  work, 
now  in  Boston,  Mass. 

3.  Elizabeth   Moir    Smith,     b.     April    2,    1890,   in 

Glasgow,  now  a  school-teacher  at  Kilmarnock, 
Ayrshire  (1912). 

4.  Jeanie  D.  Smith,  b.  April  13,  1892,  in  Glasgow. 

5.  Mary    Moir    Smith,     born    Sept.    17,    1893,   in 


6.  Robert  L.  Smith,  born  July  9,   1895,  in  Glasgow. 

7.  Duncan   Robertson    Moir   Smith,    b.    July    21, 

1897,  in  Glasgow. 

8.  George  W.  Smith,  b.  Aug.  20,  1899,  in  Glasgow. 

5.  Duncan    Moir,     draper,    merchant,    b.  July  10, 

1864,  in  Glasgow,  Scotland;  m.  Mar.  5,1890, 
Jeanie  Kelso,  daughter  of  James  Kelso,  of 
Govan,   and  had   issue: — 

1.  Martha  Moir,  b.  June  21.  1893,  in  Govan. 

2.  Annie   Moir,    born   Sept.   18,   1895,   in  Glasgow. 

3.  Duncan  Moir,  born  Aug.    15,   1897,  in  Glasgow. 

6.  William  Moir,  draper's  clerk,  of  Glasgow,  born 

May  12,  1873,  in  Glasgow,  m.  June  26, 
1902,  Margaret  Downs,  dau.  of  John  Rae 
Downs,  of  Uddingston,  and  has  issue: — 

1.  Margaret  McDonald    Moir,  b.  May  24,   1904,  in 


2.  Annie  Smillie  Moir,   b.  April  14,  1907,  in  Ibrox, 


3.  Duncan  Rae   Moir,   b.    Mar.    5,  1909,  in  Ibrox, 


4.  John  Downs  Moir,  b.  Nov.    8,    1911,    in   Ibrox, 



Referred  to  on       ALEXANDER  MOIR,  calico  printer,  of  Lowell,  Mass., 
page  9  ^    g^  ^     l3_    April   17,    1826,    in    Denny,   Stirlingshire, 

■^v  ^tVi  YORK 

e\  ii 

252  MoiR  Genealogy 

Scotland;  m.  Mar.  13,  1856,  'ISABELLA  MacLARTY, 
b.  Paisley,  Scotland,  Nov.  15,  1831,  dau.  of  DUNCAN 
Mac  LART Y,  of  Campbelltown,  Argyleshire.  Mr.  Moir 
died  Feb.  3,  1911,  and  his  wife  Oct.,  1896,  and  had 
issue: — 

1.  Robert   Moir,  brass-finisher,   of  Lowell,    Mass., 

b.  Apr.  16,  1857,  in  Denny,  Stirlingshire, 
married  1883,  Florence  S.  Crowther,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Crowther  and  Emma  Jones,  and 
had  issue: — 

1.  Alexander  Thomas  Moir,  of  Ithaca,  N.  Y.,  born 

Lowell,  Mass.,  June  17,  1884,  he  is  assistant 
professor  of  liusbandry  in  Cornell  University, 
at  Ithaca,  N.  Y. 

2.  William  Duncan  Moir,  b.  Dec.  5,  1886,  in  Lowell, 

Mass.,  d.  there  Aug.  9,  1890. 

3.  Isabel  Henrietta    Moir,   born    July    1,    1891,  in 

Lowell,  Mass. 

2.  Annie  D.  Moir,  of  Lowell,  Mass.,  born  Sept.  12, 

1858,  in  Denny,  Stirlingshire;  m.  firstly  1882, 
John    Houston   Forsyth.      He  died  May.   5, 
1884,  and  had  issue: — 
1.     Alexander  George  Forsyth,  born  Lowell,   Mass., 
July  1st,  1884. 

^Duncan,  John,  Lionel,  Edward,  William,  Alexander  and  Martha,  were  childen  of 
Edward  MacLarty,  of  Campelltown,  Argyleshire,  Scotland. 

Alexander  MacLarty,  of  this  family  was  a  sea  captain,  and  m.  Nancy  ( ). 

Martha  MacLarty    married  Matthew  Gemmell,    of  Paisley,    Scotland,    and    their 
descendants  now  live  there. 

Duncan  MacLarty  married  Ann  Dixrrough,  dau.  of  ( ),  and  Marion  Durrough, 

and  had  issue: — 

1.    Isabella   Mac  Larty,   b.    Oct.    15,    1831,  in  Paisley,  Scotland,  m.  Mar.  13, 
1856,  at  Denny,  Stirlingshire,  Alexander  Moir,  and  had  issue  as  noted 
S.     Edward  MacLarty,  b.  1833,  Paisley,  Scotland,  came  to  America  in  the  early 
50's,  and  was  last  heard  from  in  1857  at  Carlton,  Indiana. 

3.  Margaret  MacLarty,  b.  1835,  at  Rothesay,  Scotland,  m.  Robert  Wild,  and 

had  issue,  one  son: — ^Robert  Wild.     She  died  about  1890,  at  Denny. 

4.  Duncan  MacLarty,  b.  1836,  at  Denny,  Scotland,  and  died  at  the    age    of 

five  years  at  Paisley. 
8.     John  Mac  Larty,  block  printer  on  linoleum  oil  cloth,  and  master  mechanic, 
b.  1838,   at  Denny,   m.    Nov.   22,    1867,  Mary  Galbraith,  dau.  of  Peter 
and  Marion   Galbraith,    and    had     issue,    at    least   four    children,   as 
follows: — 

1.  Marion  MacLarty,    b.    Oct.    29,    1869,    in  Linoleumville,  Staten 

Island,  New  York;  m.  Conrad  Zurcher,  and  had  issue,  four 
daughters: — Anna  Z.,  Marion,  Flora,  and  Helen  Galbraith. 

2.  Annie  MacLarty,  b.  LinoleumviUe,  New  York,  m.  James  Jeffrey. 

3.  John   D.  Mac  Larty,  of  the  Department  of  Education,  New  York 

City,  b.  Linoleumville,  New  York,  m.  Margaret  Sidgr eaves, 
and  had  issue,  two  daughters:  — Margaret  and  Thelma  Mac 

4.  Florence  MacLarty,  b.  Linoleumville,  New  York,  married  Charles. 


MoiR  Ghnbai^ogy  2$3 

She  m.    1888,   secondly,  Joseph   Johns,   car- 
penter, no  issue. 

3.  Elizabeth    Moir,     born    August     12,     1860,    in 

Thomliebank,  Renfrewshire;  married  Oct.  6, 
1880,  William  James  Hart,  master-mechanic, 
son  of  James  and  Elizabeth  Hart,  of  Lowell, 

Mass.,   and   had  issue: — 

1.  Frederick  James  Hart,  dentist,  b.  Jan.  3,   1882, 

graduated  from  Tufts  Medical  College,  with 
the  degree  of  D.  M.  D.,  class  of  1904,  now 
practising  his  profession  in  Boston,  Mass. 

2.  Belle  Hart,  born    1884,    in  Lowell,    Mass.,    now 

deceased,  died  young. 

4.  Duncan  Moir,  b.  Sept.  8,  1862,  in  Thomliebank, 

Renfrewshire,  Scotland,  and  died  Oct.  12, 
1892,  in  Lowell,  Mass.  One  of  the  firm  of 
Moir  Brothers,  in  the  dry  and  fancy  goods 
business;  a  very  promising  young  man.  (See 
memorials  on  another  page.) 

5.  Alexander    L.     Moir,    of    Lowell,    Mass.,    civil 

servant,  born  April  17,  1864,  in  Thomlie- 
bank, Renfrewshire,  is  the  author  of  this 
genealogy;  married  Feb.  27,  1889,  *Christina 
Morrison,  daughter  of  Finley  Morrison,  of 
Inverness,  Scotland,  and  Isabel  Mac  Kinnon, 
of  Cape  Breton,  Nova  Scotia,  and  had 
issue: — 
1.  Robert  Finley  Moir,  b.  May  1,  1890,  in  Lowell, 

^Duncan  Morrison  m.  Catherine  MacPhail,  and  had  issue,  among  others: — 

Malcolm  Morrison,  who  m.  Margaret  Morrison,  dau.  of  Finley  Morrison    and 

Catherine  Mac  Donald,  and  had  issue  among  others: — 
Finley  Morrison  of  Cape  Breton,  Nova  Scotia,  (coming  from  Inverness,  Scotland, 

with    his   parents    when    two  years    of   age  in  1822),  who   m.  first,  Isabel 

MacKinnon,  b.  1822,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Margaret  Morrison,  m.  Henry  Long,  of  Dracut,  Mass. 

2.  Flora  Morrison,  m.  Thomas  Gray,  of  Lowell,  Mass. 

3.  Annie  Morrison,  m.  Robert  H.  Canavan,  of  Windsor,  Nova  Scotia. 

4.  E9ie  Morrison. 

6.     Christina  Morrison,  m.  Alex.  L.  Moir,  of  Lowell,  Mass. 
Finley  Morrison  m.  secondly,  Mary  Graham,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Malcolm  Morrison,  m.  Susan  Ashley,  of  Lowell,  Mass. 

2.  Donald  John  Morrison. 

3.  Duncan  Archibald  Morrison,   m.   Rebecca  MacPherson,    now    at 

Whycocomagh,  Cape  Breton,  N.  S. 

4.  Isabel  Margaret  Morrison,   m.    Charles  Gilford    of  Concord,  New 


254  MoiR  Genealogy 

2.  Malcolm  Alexander    Moir,  born  Jan.   25,    1892, 

in  Lowell,  Mass. 

3.  Isabel  Morrison  Moir,    born   Nov.   25,    1893,   in 

Lowell,  Mass. 

4.  Kenneth  Eliot  Moir,  b.  May  27,  1908,  in  Lowell, 


6.  George   Moir,   of    Providence,     Rhode    Island, 

b.  April  15,  1866,  at  Thomliebank,  Ren- 
frewshire, department  store  manager;  m. 
Sept.  26,  1894,  Jennie  Macintosh,  daughter 
of  Andrew  Mac  Intosh,  and  Frances  Thomp- 
son, and  had  issue: — 

1.  Wallace  Andrew   Moir,    born  Nov.  22,  1897,  in 

Lowell,  Mass.,  now  deceased. 

2.  Helen  Marie  Moir,   b.  Jan.  26,  1900,  in  Lowell, 

Mass.,  now  deceased. 

3.  LucUle  Jeanette    Moir,    born  in  Lowell,  Mass., 

Apr.  21,  1902. 

4.  George  Moir,  b.  in  Lowell,  Mass.,  1905. 

7.  John  Stuart   Moir,    of  LoweU,  Mass.,  optician, 

born  May  9,  1868,  in  Parkhead,  Glasgow, 
a  graduate  of  Dr.  Kline's  Optical  College, 
of  Boston,  Mass.,  and  now  practicing  as  an 
optician  in  Lowell,  Mass. ;  m.  Nov.  25,  1891, 
Margaret  Thomas,  dau.  of  Hugh  Thomas, 
of  Lowell,    Mass.,    and   had  issue: — 

1.  Harry  Thomas  Moir  ^  Twins,  born  July  11,  1900, 

2.  Harold  Duncan  Moir  y  at  LoweU,   Mass. 

3.  Alexander  Hugh  Moir,   born  June  28,    1903,    at 

Lowell,  Mass. 

8.  James   Moir,    of    Roxbury,     Mass.,    travelling 

salesman,  for  the  Yale  and  Towne  Mfg.  Co., 
b.  Oct.  15,  1870,  in  Bridgeton,  Glasgow, 
Scotland;  m.  Sept.  22,  1897,  Catherine  F. 
Young,  dau.  of  Thomas  Young,  and  had 
issue: — 

1.     Christina  Isabel  Moir,  b.  May  28,  1903. 


ANDREW  MOIR,  of  Glasgow,  Scotland,  b.  1828, 
in  East  Boreland,  Denny,  Stirlingshire;  married  1853, 
MARGARET  STEWART,    and  had  issue:— 

1.     Robert  Moir,  marine  engineer,  of  West  Kilbride, 
Ayrshire,    born   Oct.    22,    1854,  in  Neilston, 

MoiR  Genealogy 


Renfrewshire,  Scotland;  married  first,  1881, 
Grace  Marie  Whannell,  daughter  of  Robert 
Whannell,  of  Glasgow.  (He  died  March 
19,    1910.)  Had  issue:— 

1.  Grace   Whannell    Moir,  born    Aug.    21,   1894,  in 

Hong  Kong,  China. 

2.  Robert    Stewart     Moir,    born  Aug.    27,   1896,  in 

Hong    Kong,    China.       (The    father    was    in 
business  there  for  several  years.) 

Mrs.  Moir,  died  Nov.  28,  1898. 

Robert  Moir,  married  secondly,  1901,  Margaret 
Craig  Boyd,  dau.  of  Thomas  Boyd,  of  West 
Kilbride,  Ayrshire,   and  had  issue: — 

1.  Margaret  Craig  Moir,  b.  Sept.  12,  1902,  in  West 


2.  George  Allan    Moir,    b.    Mar.   2,    1904,  in  West 


2.  Allan   Moir,  died  unmarried. 

3.  Jeannie  Moir,  married  Mr.  King  and  had  issue. 

4.  Margaret   Moir,    married    Mr.   Allan  Cunning- 

ham,   no  issue. 

5.  Andrew   Moir. 

6.  Elizabeth    Moir,    married   Mr.    Mac  Adam    and 

had  issue. 

JOHN    MOIR,    b.   1830,  Denny,    Scotland,  and   died 
at   the  age    of  seven    years.      (There   were   two   of  this 
name  in  the   family,  the  first  one  was    dead  before  the 
second  was  born.) 

256  MoiR  GeneaIvOGy 



See  page  234       GEORGE  MOIR,  farmer,  of  Huron,  Ontario,  b.  Thorn- 
hill,    Perthshire,    Scotland;    married,    ( )     JANE 

STIRLING;  came  to  America,    in  1845,    and  settled   in 
Huron  County,  Ontario,  had  issue: — 

See  below  1.     George  Moir,  b.  Jan.  7,  1816,  Thomhill,  Scotland,   m.  in 

Scotland  to  Elizabeth  Buchanan. 
2.     Margaret  Moir,  b.  Oct.  2,  1817,  in  Callander,  Scotland,  m. 
in  Scotland  to  Alex.  Buchanan,  died  Apr.  19,  1901. 
See  page  259  3.     John  Moir,  b.  Aug.  20,   1819,  in  Callander,  Scotland,  m. 

in  Scotland  Mary  Anderson,  died  1870. 
4.     Alexander  Moir,  b.  Aug.  15,  1821,  in  Callander,  Scotland, 
m.  Janet  Ross,  died  Sept.  18,  1898. 
See  page  262  5.     Robert  Moir,  b.   Aug.   12,   1823,   in  Callander,  Scotland, 

m.  in  Scotland,  to  Katie  McMartin. 
See  page  261  6.     James  Moir,  b.  Apr.  30,  1825,  in  Callander,  Scotland,  m. 

Isabella  Murray. 

7.  Jean  Moir,  b.  July  31,   1827,  in  Callander,  Scotland,  m. 

James  Murray,  died  June  31,  1903. 

8.  Janet  Moir,  b.  Apr.  29,  1829,  in  Callander,  Scotland,  m. 

Robert  Murray,  died  June  12,  1863. 

9.  Peter  Moir,  b.  May  25,  1831,  in  Callander,  Scotland,  m. 

Catherine  Elder. 

10.  Andrew  Moir,  b.  June  28,  1833,  in  Callander,  Scotland,  m. 

Isabel  Dougall,  died  June  5,  1860. 

11.  Thomas  Robertson  Moir,  b.  Dec.   1,   1835,  in  Callander, 

vScotland,  never  married,   (alive  1906.) 

12.  William  Moir,  b.  Oct.  28,  1837,  in  Callander,  Scotland,  m. 

Marion  Gibson. 
Each  branch  of  this  family  is  represented  further  on. 

GEORGE  MOIR,  farmer,  of  Thomhill,  Scotland,  b. 
Dec.  28,  1815,  son  of  GEORGE  MOIR  and  JANE 
STIRLING,  of  ThomhiU,  Scotland,  m.  1841,  ELIZA- 
of  Callander,  Scotland,  and  had  issue: — 

See  page  261  1.     Jane  Moir,  b.  1842,    m.  James  Armstrong,  Crystal  City, 


.2.     Margaret  Moir,  born  ( ),   m.  William  Trann,  Crystal 

City,   Man. 

3.  James  Moir,  b  ( ),  deceased. 

4.  George  Moir,  b.  ( ),  Traverse  City,  Mich. 

5.  John  Moir,  b.  (— — ).  Glendinning,  Manitoba. 

6.  Peter  Moir,  b.  ( ),  Hurondale,  Ontario. 

7.  Isabella  Moir,    b  ( ),  Hay,  Ontario. 

See  page  262  8.     Janet  Moir,  b.  ( ),  m.  John  Traquair,  of  Hensall,  Ont. 

Do.  9.     Agnes  Moir,  b.  (— ),  m.  John  Stewart,  of  Hensall,  Ont. 

MoiR  Geneai,ogy  257 

JANE  MOIR,  of  Port  Haney,  British  Columbia,  b. 
May  19,  1840,  in  Kildare,  Ireland,  dau.  of  GEORGE 
MOIR,  of  Thomhill,  Scotland,  and  ELIZABETH 
BUCHANAN;  grand-daughter  of  GEORGE  MOIR 
and  JANE  STIRLING,  of  Thomhill,  Scotland;  m.  Dec. 
22,  1870,  JOHN  REITH,  son  of  WILLIAM  REITH, 
of  Kincardineshire,   Scotland,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Isabella  Reith,  b.  Nov.  3,  1871,  in  Hensall,  Ont.,  a  school 


2.  George  Reith,  b.  Feb.  9,  1874,  Middlesex,  Ontario;  m.  June 

21,  1903,  to  Jessie  Wyland.  (Mr.  Reith  is  chief  clerk 
to  Gen.  Supt.  of  the  Chicago  and  Great  Western 
Railroad,  at    St.    Paul,    Minn.) 

3.  Elizabeth  Reith,  b.  Oct.  7,  1875,  in  Middlesex,  Ontario,  m. 

June  28,  1897,  Dr.  C.  E.  Stewart,  of  the  Battle  Creek 
Sanitarium,  Battle  Creek,  Mich.  (Mrs.  Stewart  was 
formerly    matron    of    this  Sanitarium.) 

4.  Jane  Reith,  b.  Nov.  15,  1877,  in  Huron  Co.,  Ontario.   Nurse 

at  Sanitarium,  Battle  Creek,  Michigan. 

5.  William  Reith,  b.  Aug.  28,  1881,  in  Huron  Co.,  Ont.,    m. 

( )   to  Alice  Nelson. 

6.  John  Reith,  b.  Sept.  10,  1883,  in  Huron  Co.,  Ont.,  at  Walla 

Walla  College,  Wash. 

7.  Margaret  Reith,  b.  Mar.  23,  1886,  in  Huron  Co.,  Ont. 

8.  Eleanor  Reith,  b.  Apr.  1,  1889,  in  Hensall,  Ont. 

9.  Harold  James  Reith,  b.  Aug.  26,  1891,  in  Hensall,  Ont. 

MARGARET  MOIR,  of  Bonnington,  Assinobia,  Can- 
ada, b.  May  25,  1848,  in  Kildare,  Ireland,  (canae  to 
Canada  in  1862),  dau.  of  GEORGE  MOIR,  of  Thomhill, 
Scotland,  and  ELIZABETH  BUCHANAN; grand-daugh- 
ter of  GEORGE  MOIR  and  JANE  STIRLING,  of 
Thomhill,  Scotland.  M.  Jan.  1,  1878,  RICHARD  WEIR, 
son  of  JAMES  WEIR,  of  Middlesex,  Ontario,  and  had 
issue: — 

1.  Elizabeth  Moir  Weir,  b.   Dec.  8,   1878,  in  Meadow  Lea, 


2.  Susan  Sutton  Weir,  b.  Aug.  9,  1880;  in  Carmen,  Manitoba. 

3.  Mary  Weir,  b.  Jan.  30,  1882,  in  Carmen,  Manitoba. 

4.  James  Weir,  b.  May  8,  1883,  in  Carmen,  Manitoba. 

5.  George  Weir,  b.  May  10,  1885,  in  Miami,  Manitoba. 

6.  Archie  Weir,  b.  Apr.  6,  1888,  in  Balmoral,  Manitoba. 

7.  Richard  Weir,  b.  July  13,  1892,  in  Ardock,  North  Dakota. 

8.  John  Alexander  Weir,  b.  Dec.  13,  1894,  in  Ardock,  North 

JOHN  MOIR,  carpenter,  of  Winnepeg,  Manitoba,  b. 
May  6,   1850,  in  County  of  Kildare,  Ireland.     Came  to 


Canada  in  1862,  son  of  GEORGE  MOIR,  of  Thomhill, 
Scotland,  and  ELIZABETH  BUCHANAN;  grandson 
of  GEORGE  MOIR  and  JANE  STIRLING,  of  Thom- 
hill, Scotland,  m.  MARGARET  LANG,  daughter  of 
JAMES  LANG  and  ANN  SIMPSON,  of  Scotland,  and 
had   issue  : — 

1.  George  Glendinning  Moir,  b.  Aug.  13,  1879,  in  Grand  Bend, 

Ontario,  a  photo-engraver,  went  to  South  Africa,  in 
the  Boer  war,  with  Baden- Powell's  mounted  police,  and 
served  eighteen  months'  active  service  there. 

2.  James  Hilton  Moir,  b.  Feb.  28,  1882,  in  Glendinning,  Mani- 

toba, a  school-teacher. 

3.  Elizabeth  Lavinia  Moir,  b.  Jan.  10,  1885,  in  Virden,  Man. 

4.  Annie  Winifred  Moir,  b.  Apr.  5,  1888,  in  Glendinning,  Man. 

5.  Jessie  Lang  Moir,  b.  Apr.  16,  1892,  in  Glendinning,  Man. 

6.  Colin  Argyle  Moir,  b.  July  10,  1894,  in  Glendinning,  Man. 

7.  David  Alexander  Moir,  b.  Sept.  30,  1896,  in  Glendinning, 


8.  Melvin  Russell   Moir,  b.  Apr.   3,    1901,   in  Glendinning, 


JANET  BUCHANAN,  of  Detroit,  Michigan,  b.  1845, 
in  Toronto,  Ontario,  dau.  of  ALEXANDER  BUCHA- 
NAN and  MARGARET  MOIR,  of  Hensall,  Ontario; 
m.  1863,  WALTER  SCOTT  GRIFFIN,  son  of  ALFRED 
GRIFFIN,    of   Gonanoque,    Ontario,    and   had  issue: — 

1.  Margaret  Griffin,  b.  1864,  in  Rodgerville,  Ontario. 

2.  Jennie  Griffin,  b.  1865,  in  Peterborough,  Ontario. 

JANE  BUCHANAN,  of  Hensall,  Ontario,  b.  Oct.  18, 
1849,  in  Usbome,  Ontario;  dau.  of  ALEXANDER 
BUCHANAN,  of  Glasgow,  Scotland,  and  MARGARET 
MOIR;  m.  Jan.  4,  1871,  BENJAMIN  SMILLIE,  son 
of  STEWART  SMILLIE,  of  Belfast,  Ireland;  and  had 
issue: — 

1.  Mary  Ann  SmilUe,  b.  Oct.  2,  1871,  in  Hensall,  Ontario,  m. 

July  6,  1892,  John  Elder. 

2.  James  SmiUie,  b.  Aug.  23,  1873,  in  Hensall,  Ontario. 

3.  Margaret  Alice  Smillie,  born  Oct.  3,  1875,  in  Hensall,  On- 


4.  Jane  Smillie,  b.  Feb.  10,  1878,  in  Hensall,  Ontario. 

5.  Alexander  Buchanan  Smillie,  b.  Mar.  6,  1880,  in  Hensall, 


6.  Emmaline  Eva  Smillie,  b.  Feb.  28,  1882,  in  Hensall,  On- 


7.  Benjamin  Stewart  Smillie,  b.  April  11,  1884,  in  Hensall, 


MoiR  Genealogy  259 

CHRISTINA  BUCHANAN,  of  Ashfield,  Ont.,  b. 
Apr.  29,  1853,  in  Usbome,  Ontario,  dau.  of  ALEXAN- 
DER BUCHANAN,  of  Glasgow,  Scotland,  and  MAR- 
GARET MOIR;  m.  July  13,  1882,  JOHN  COWAN, 
son  of  DAVID  COWAN,  of  Ashfield,  Ontario;  and  had 
issue: — 

1.  William  Arnold  Cowan,  b.  Oct.  18,  1883,  in  Ashfield,  On- 


2.  Margaret  Clarissa  Cowan,  b.  Jan.   12,  1885,  in  Ashfield, 


3.  John  Cowan,  b.  Jan.  15,  1888,  in  Ashfield,  Ontario. 

4.  David  Mervin  Cowan,  b.  Mar.  11,  1891,  in  Ashfield,  On- 


5.  Annie  Jane  Cowan,  born  Apr.  25,  1893,  in  Ashfield,    On- 


6.  Christian  Pearl  Cowan,  b.  Oct.  23,  1894,  in  Ashfield,  On- 


7.  Luella  Elizabeth  Cowan,  b.  June  8,  1897,  m.  in  Ashfield, 


DUNCAN  MOIR  BUCHANAN,  B.  A.,  clergy- 
man, of  Lanark,  Ontario,  b.  May  3,  1857,  in  Usborne, 
Ontario,  son  of  ALEXANDER  BUCHANAN  and 
MARGARET  MOIR;  m.  Feb.  23,  1881,  AMANDA 
Torquay,  Devonshire,  England;  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Mabel  Amanda  Buchanan,  b.   Dec.   16,   1881,  in  Kintail, 


2.  Charles  Garfield  Buchanan,  b.  Aug.  24,  1886,  in  Exeter, 


3.  Blanche  Oreanna  Buchanan,  b.  Feb.  3,  1890,  in  Toronto, 


4.  Victor  Alexander  Buchanan,  b.  May  24,  1891,  inToronto, 


5.  George  Randolph  Buchanan,  b.  July  6,  1896,  in  Lanark, 

Ontario,  d.  Aug.  6,   1902. 

Mr.  Buchanan  is  a  graduate  of  Toronto  University,  and 
Knox  College  of  Toronto,  in  1891. 

JOHN  MOIR,  stone  mason,  of  London,  Ontario,  b. 
1819,  in  Callander,  Scotland,  son  of  GEORGE  MOIR,  of 
Thomhill,  Scotland,  and  Jane  Stirling;  m.  1844,  MARY 
ANDERSON,  dau.  of  DAVID  ANDERSON,  of  Caith- 
ness, Scotland;  and  had  issue: —  (Mr.  Moir  died  in 

260  MoiR  Genealogy 

1.  George  Stirling  Moir,   b.  Glasgow,   Scotland,    m. 

( ),  and  now  lives  in   Kansas  City,   Mis- 
souri.    He  has  one  child: — 

1.     David  Anderson  Moir,  he  is  also  married,  and  haa 
one  child:  — 

1.     David  Stirling  Moir. 

2.  David  Anderson  Moir,   b.    1853,  Glasgow,    Scot- 

land;   m.    1883,  Amy  Lavina  Adams,  daughter 

of   Dr.    John  G.    Adams,     of   Acton,    Ontario. 

Mr.   Moir  in    1904,   had   been  for    28    years   a 

Methodist    Episcopal   Clergyman,    a    graduate 

of   Wesleyan  Theological  College,    and    McGill 

University,    Montreal;    has    been   President    of 

Hamilton    Conference     of    the    M.  E.    Church; 

also  has  filled   nearly   every  prominent  position 

in  the  Conference.     (No  issue.) 

GEORGE    MURRAY,    farmer,     of   Le  Mars,    Iowa, 

born  Nov.  27,  1852,  at  Hensall,  Ontario,  son  of  JAMES 

MURRAY    and    JEAN    MOIR,    of    Hensall,     Ontario; 

m.    Sept.    28,    1881,    MATILDA    Mc  LAREN,  dau.    of 

ROBERT  Mc  LAREN,  of  Glasgow,  Scotland;  no  issue. 

ROBERT  WELLESLEY  MURRAY,  school  teacher, 
of  Toronto,  Ontario,  b.  1855,  in  Tuckersmith,  Ontario, 
son  of  JAMES  MURRAY  and  JEAN  MOIR,  of  Hensall, 
Ontario;  married  1881,  JAMESINA  ROSS,  daughter  of 
WILLIAM  ROSS,  of  Caithness,  Scotland;  and  had 
issue: — 

1.  James  Ross  Gillespie  Murray,  b.  1882,  Pictou,  Ontario. 

2.  Robert  McCheyne  Murray,  b.  1884,  Pictou,  Ont.,  d.  1894. 

3.  George  Wilfred  Murray,  b.  1890,  Toronto,  Ont.,  d.  1894. 

4.  John  Grant  Murray,  b.  1893,  Toronto,  Ontario. 

5.  Lawrence  McCheyne  Murray,  b.  1895,  Toronto,   Ontario. 

JANE  MURRAY,  school  teacher,  of  Hensall,  Ontario, 
b.  1861,  in  Hensall,  Ont.,  dau.  of  JAMES  MURRAY 
and  JEAN   MOIR,  of  Hensall,  Ontario. 

THOMAS  MURRAY,  high  school  teacher,  of  Owen 
Sound,  Ontario,  b.  Aug.  28,  1869,  in  Rodgerville,  Ontario, 
son  of  JAMES  MURRAY,  of  Hensall,  Ontario,  and 
JEAN  MOIR,  (dau.  of  GEORGE  MOIR,  and  JEAN 
STIRLING);  m.  Dec.  19,  1900,  EDITH  REDFERN 
dau.  of  JOHN  WESLEY  REDFERN,  of  Owen  Sound, 


JAMES  MOIR,  farmer,  of  Hay,  Ontario,  b.  Apr.  30, 
1825,  in  Callander,  Scotland,  son  of  GEORGE  MOIR, 
of  Thornhill,  Perthshire,  Scotland,  and  JEAN  STIR- 
LING; m.  Aug.  25,  1852,  ISABELLA  MURRAY,  dau. 
of  JAMES  MURRAY,  of  Hay,  Ontario;  and  had 
issue: — 

1.  Jean  Moir,  born   July   26,    1853,    in    Paris,  Ontario;    m.    See  below 

James  Armstrong. 

2.  Margaret  Moir,  b.  July  8,  1855,  in  Osborne,  Ontario;  m. 

William  Trann. 

3.  James  Moir,  b.  Oct.  16,  1857,  in  Osborne,  Ontario;  died 

June   12,    1883. 

4.  George  Moir,  b.  July  26,  1859,  in  Osborne,  Ont.  (Do.) 

5.  John  Moir,  b.  Oct.  13,  1861,  in  Osborne,  Ont. 

6.  Peter  Moir,  b.  July  18,  1863,  in  Osborne,  Ont.  (Do.) 

7.  Isabella  Moir,  b.  June  25,  1865,  in  Osborne,  Ont.  See  p.  262 

8.  Janet  Moir,  b.  Oct.  11,   1867,  in  Osborne,  Ont.,  m.  Nov.  (Do) 

9,  1887,  John  Traquair. 

9.  Agnes  Moir,  born  May  30,  1870,  in  Osborne,  Ont.,  m.  Feb.    <Do) 

22,  1893,  John  Stewart. 

JENNIE  MOIR,  of  Crystal  City,  Manitoba,  b.  July 
26,  1853,  in  Paris,  Ontario,  dau.  of  JAMES  MOIR,  of 
Thornhill,  Scotland,  and  ISABELLA  MURRAY;  mar- 
ried JAMES  ARMSTRONG,  son  of  GEORGE  ARM- 
STRONG, of  Ireland;   and  had  issue:— 

1.  James  Armstrong,  b.  July  4,  1877,  in  Usbome,  Ontario. 

2.  Naomi  Armstrong,  b.  July  22,   1879,  in  Usbome,  Ontario; 

m.  July  22,  1898,  Sidney  Tarras,  and  had  issue: — 
1.     Earl  Moir  Tarras,  b.  July  21,  1900. 

3.  George  H.  Armstrong,  b.  June  29,  1881,  Usbome,  Ontario. 

4.  John  W.  Armstrong,  b.  Sept.  15,  1883,  Usborne,  Ontario. 

5.  Agnes  Leona  Armstrong,  b.  Aug.  18,  1891,  Goodland,  Mich. 

JOHN  MOIR,  farmer,  of  Glendinning,  Manitoba, 
b.  Oct.  13,  1861,  Osborne,  Ontario,  son  of  JAMES  MOIR, 
of  Thornhill,  Scotland,  and  ISABELLA  MURRAY; 
m.  1888,  MARTHA  SCOTT  CLEMENTS,  dau.  of 
JAMES  CLEMENTS,  of  Ireland;  and  had   issue:— 

1.  Lulu  Violet  Moir,  b.  Aug.  18,  1889,  Glendinning,  Man. 

2.  Clifford  James  Moir,  b.  Mar.  13,  1894,  Glendinning,  Man. 

3.  Gordon  John  Burnett  Moir,  b.  Dec.  27,  1898,  Glendinning, 


PETER  MOIR,  of  Usbome,  Ontario,  b.  July  18,  1863, 
Usbome,  Ont.,  son  of  JAMES  MOIR,  of  Thornhill, 
Scotland    and    ISABELLA     MURRAY;     m.    Jan.    23, 

262  MoiR  Genealogy 

1894,     JANET     CLARK,     daughter     of     MATTHEW 
CLARK,  of  Yorkshire,  England;  and  had  issue: — 

1.  James  Ira  Moir,  b.  Apr.  16,  1895,  Usbome,  Ontario. 

2.  Peter  Alvin  Moir,  b.  Sept.  29,  1896,  Usbome,  Ontario. 

3.  Jessie  Lila  Moir,  b.  Mar.  27,  1898,  Usbome,  Ontario. 

4.  John  Harold  Moir,  b.  Jan.  26,  1900,  Usbome,  Ontario. 

5.  Oran  Qark  Moir,  b.  Sept.  16,  1902,  Usbome,   Ontario. 

See  p.  261  ISABELLA  MOIR,  of  Hay,  Ontario,  b.  26  June,  1865, 
in  Usbome,  Ontario,  dau.  of  JAMES  MOIR,  of  Thorn- 
hill,  Scotland,  and  ISABELLA    MURRAY,    unmarried 


See  p.  261  JANET  MOIR,  of  Tuckersmith,  Ontario,  b.  Oct.  11, 
1868,  Usbome,  Ontario,  dau.  of  JAMES  MOIR,  of 
Thomhill,  Scotland,  and  ISABELLA  MURRAY;  m. 
Nov.  9,  1887,  JOHN  TRAQUAIR,  son  of  JOHN  TRA- 
QUAIR,  of  Scotland;  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Roy   Moir  Traquair,  [born  Aug.   13,    1889,  Tuckersmith, 


2.  Melvyl  John  Traquair,    b.   May  6,   1891,    Tuckersmith, 


3.  James  Albert  Traquair,    b.  ,Dec.  15,  1893,  Tuckersmith, 


See  p.  261  AGNES  MOIR,  of  Hensall,  Ont.,  b.  May  30,  1870, 
in  Usbome,  Ontario,  dau.  of  JAMES  MOIR,  of  Thom- 
hill, Perthshire,  Scotland,  and  ISABELLA  MURRAY; 
m.  Feb.  22,  1893,  JOHN  STEWART,  son  of  JAMES 
STEWART,  of  Thomhill,  Scotland. 

Seep. 234 for       ROBERT    MOIR,    farmer,    of   Usbome,    Ontario,    b. 
parentage      ^^^    ^2,   1823,  at  Farm  of  Boquhapple,   near  Callander, 

Perthshire,    Scotland;     son     of    GEORGE     MOIR,    of 

Thomhill,    Scotland,  and   JEAN    STIRLING;    m.    Jan. 

9,    1846,    CATHERINE    McMARTIN,    (b.    1820),    of 

Killen,  Ireland;  and  had  issue: — 

1.  George  Milton  Moir,  b.  1846,  at  Callander,  Scotland,  was 
principal  of  St.  Mary's  College,  and  was  for  nine 
years  editor  of  a  newspaper  at  Exeter,  Ontario.  He  m. 
1871,  N.  McCarter,  and  had  issue,  at  least  three  chil- 

1.  Mary  Felicia  Moir,  a  nurse. 

2.  Helen    Moir,    also    a    nurse,     at    Long    Island 

College  Hospital,  Brooklyn,  New  York. 

MoiR  Genealogy  263 

3.  Robert  Huntington  Moir,  of  Ottawa,  Ontario, 
b.  Aug.  18,  1873,  in  Blanchard,  Ontario; 
he  was  in  Lord  Strathcona's  Mounted  Rifles, 
and  saw  service  in  the  Boer  war,  1900-1903, 
mentioned  in  despatches  —  medal  and  five 
clasps.  He  m.  July  31,  1901,  Annie  Tolton, 
dau.  of  Albert  Tolton,  of  Geulph,  Ontario, 
and  had  issue: — 
1.  Douglas  Stewart  Moir,  b.  May  30,  1902, 
at  Thomwall,  Ontario. 

2.  Mary   Moir,   b.   1819,    at   Doune,    Perthshire,    Scotland, 

and  m.  1874. 

3.  Jane  Moir,   b.    1851,  at  Usbome,   Ontario,  and  m.  1877. 

4.  John  Moir,  b.  1853,  at  Usbome,  Ontario,  and  m.  1881. 

5.  Daniel  Moir,  b.  1855,  at  Usbome,  Ontario,  and  m.  1886. 

6.  Catherine    Moir,  born    1857,  at    Usbome,   Ontario,   and 

m. 1879. 

7.  Margaret  Moir,  born  1860,  at  Usbome,  and  m.  1881. 
GEORGE  ROSS   MOIR,    formerly  teacher,   now  far-  Page 23t for 

mer,  of  Orange  City,  Iowa,  b.  April  17,  1855,  in  Usbome  parentage 
Ontario,    son    of    ALEXANDER    MOIR    and   JANET 
RUSSELL    ROSS,    of  Thomhill,    Scotland;  m.    MARY 
of  Oakland,  California;  and  had  issue: — 

1.  George  Alexander  Moir,  born  Mar.  21,  1884,  in  Orange 

City,  Iowa. 

2.  Grace  Ella  Moir,  b.  Nov.  3,  1885,  in  Orange  City,  Iowa. 

3.  William  Rufus   Moir,   b.   Oct.   9,    1887,   in  Orange  City, 


4.  Bertha  Florence  Moir,  b.  June  15,  1894,  in  Orange  City, 


5.  Carl  Raymond  Moir,  b.   May  19,   1897,   in  Orange  City, 


6.  Leroy    Edison   Moir,   b.  Oct.  21,     1899,    in  Orange  City, 


7.  Hugh  Mervin  Moir,   b.  Sept.    20,   1902,  in   Orange  City, 


JANE  MOIR,  of  LeMars,  Iowa,  b.  Feb.  6,  1857,  in  Page 234 
Usbome,  Ontario,  dau.  of  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  of 
Thomhill,  Scotland,  and  JANET  RUSSELL  ROSS; 
grand-dau.  of  GEORGE  MOIR,  of  Thomliill,  Scotland, 
and  JEAN  STIRLING;  m.  Dec.  27,  1878,  RICHARD 
HAWKINS,  son  of  WILLIAM  HAWKINS,  of  Wick- 
low,  Ireland;  and  had  issue: — 

1.  William  George  Hawkins,  b.  July  23,  1880,  Usbome,  Ont. 

2.  Jessie  Amelia  Hawkins,  b.  Mar.  14,  1882,  Usborne,  Ont., 

m.   ( ),  Sept.  2,   1903. 

264  MoiR  Geneai^ogy 

3.  Richard  Alexander  Hawkins,   b.  Oct.   8,    1885,  Usbome^ 


4.  Martha  Jane  Hawkins,  b.  Apr.  30,  1890,  LeMars,  Iowa 

5.  Albert  Thomas  Hawkins,  b.  Mar.  22,  1897,  LeMars,  Iowa. 

Page234  JANET  MOIR,  formerly  teacher,  of  Bamesville,  Min- 
nesota, b.  Oct.  27,  1860,  dau.  of  ALEXANDER  MOIR, 
of  Thornhill,  Scotland  and  JANET  RUSSELL  ROSS; 
m.  1888,  FRANK  T.  EASON,  son  of  JAMES  EASON, 
of  England,   and  had  issue: — 

1.  Alexander  F.  Eason,  b.  Jan.  8,  1890,  in  Iowa. 

2.  George  Thomas  Eason,  b.  Dec.  23,  1896,  in  Iowa. 

Page234       GAVIN  MOIR,  farmer  of  Kent,   Minnesota,  b.  July 

10,  1862,    in  ( ),   Canada,    son   of   ALEXANDER 

MOIR,  of  Thomhill,  Scotland  and  JANET  RUSSELL 
ROSS;  m.  ELLA  TUCKER,  dau.  of  R.  K.TUCKER  of 
Ohio,  and  Oakland,  California;  and  had  issue: — 

1.  George  Rufus  Moir,  b.  Sept.  27,    1887,  in  Iowa. 

2.  Robert  Alexander  Moir,  b.  Dec.  15,  1890,  in  Iowa. 

3.  Jessie  Olive  Moir,  b.  Jan.  15,  1895,  in  Iowa. 

4.  Gavin  Albert  Moir,  b.  Dec.  23,  1898,  in  Iowa. 

5.  Eugene  Moir,  b.  April  21,  1901,  in  Kent,  Minn. 

Page 234  AGNES  MOIR,  of  Bamesville,  Minn.,  b.  May  6, 
1864,  in  Usbome,  Ontario,  dau.  of  ALEXANDER  MOIR, 
of  Thomhill,  Scotland  and  JANET  RUSSELL  ROSS; 
m.  May  22,  1885,  IRA  VAN  WECHEL,  of  Wisconsin; 
and   had   issue: — 

1.  Jessie  Lavina  Van  Wechel,  b.  July  19,  1886,  in  Sioux  Co., 


2.  Eunice  Ida  Van  Wechel,  b.  Jan.  16,  1888,  Plymouth  Co., 


3.  Frank  Alexander  Van  Wechel,  b.  Dec.  26,  1890,  Plymouth 

Co.,  Iowa. 

4.  Clarence  Aaron  Van  Wechel,  b.  Dec.  8,   1892,  Plymouth 

Co.,  Iowa. 

5.  Floyd  Lee  Arie  Van  Wechel,  b.  July  24,  1894,  Plymouth 

Co.,  Iowa. 

6.  Ethel  Margaret  Van  Wechel,  b.  Oct.  1,  1896,  Bamesville, 

Page234  RUSSELL  JOHN  MOIR,  farmer,  of  LeMars,  Iowa, 
b.  May  4,  1868,  in  Exeter,  Ontario,  son  of  ALEXANDER 
MOIR,  of  Callander,  Scotland  and  JANET  RUSSELL 
ROSS;  m.  Sept.  27,  1894,  LILLIE  HARRIMAN,  of 
Sioux  Rapids,  Iowa;  and  had  issue: — 

1.     Jessie  Lillie  Moir,  b.  May  2,  1896,  in  Maurice,  Iowa,  and 
d.  Feb.  5,  1902. 




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MoiR  Geneai,ogy  265 

MARY  LUCY  MOIR,  of  Larchwood,  Iowa,  b.  Aug.  Page 234 for 
7,   1870,    at  Hensall,   Ontario,    dau.    of   ALEXANDER  p«^«°tage. 
MOIR,  of  ThomhiU,  Scotland    and  JANET  RUSSELL  jessie(?) 
ROSS;m.  Nov. 30,  1892,  MERRIT  CASH  McMULLEN, 
eon  of  CALVIN  Mc  MULLEN,  of  Unionville,  New  York; 
and  had  issue: — 

1.  Jessie  Sarah  Mc  Mullen,  b.  Jan.  1,  1894,  in  Games,  Iowa. 

2.  Alexander  Edison  Mc  Mullen,  b.  Sept.  5,  1895,  in  Larch- 

wood,  Iowa. 

3.  George  Dewey  Mc  Mullen,  b.  Jan.  6,  1898,  in  Larchwood, 


4.  Iva  Mae  Mc  Mullen,  b.  Sept.  22,  1903,  in  Larchwood,  Iowa. 

ROBERT  STIRLING  MOIR,  farmer,  of  Kimball,  Page234 
South  Dakota,  b.  Aug.  22,  1872,  son  of  ALEXANDER 
MOIR,  of  Thomhill,  Scotland,  and  JANET  RUSSELL 
ROSS;  m.  Oct.  26,  1898,  FLORENCE  D.  LADEN- 
of  Glenbeulah,  Wisconsin,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Robert  Roy  Moir,  b.  Sept.  25,  1899,  in  Maurice,  Iowa. 

2.  Floyd  Eugene  Moir,  b.  May  25,  1901,  in  Maurice,  Iowa. 

PETER  WILLIAM  MOIR,  farmer,  of  Exeter,  Ontario,  Page234 
b.  Mar.  8,  1877,  son  of  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  of  Thora- 
hai,  Scotland,  and  JANET  RUSSELL  ROSS,  dau.  of 
GAVIN  ROSS;  m.  Mar.  14,  1900,  ALICE  OSBORNE, 
daughter  of  DAVID  OSBORNE,  of  Seney,  Iowa;  and 
had  issue: — 

1.     William  Lawrence  Moir,  b.  June  28,  1902,  in  Games,  Iowa. 

♦ANDREW  CLARKSON  MOIR,    farmer,  of  Cavite,  Page234 
South  Dakota,  b.  Feb.  14,  1880,  Usbome,  Ontario,  son 
of    ALEXANDER    MOIR,     of    Thomhill,    Perthshire 

and    JANET    RUSSELL    ROSS;    m.    ( ),    NELLIE 

WINTER,  daughter    of  MARTIN  WINTER,  and  had 
issue: — 

1.  Elmer  Edwin  Moir,  b.  April  8,  1901,  at  Gavite,  S.  D. 

2.  Walter  Wilfred  Moir,  b.  June  19,  1903,  at  Gavite,  S.  D. 

GEORGE  MOIR,  farmer,  of  Hensall,  Ontario,  b. 
May  ,21,  1819,  in  Thornhill,  Perthshire,  Scotland,  son 
of    ANDREW    MOIR,    of   Thomhill,    and   ISABELLA 

DOUGALL;  m.  ( ),  AGNES  ROSS,  dau.  of  GAVIN 

ROSS,  of  Cariuke,  Scotland,  and  had  issue: — 
1.     Andrew  Moir. 

♦This  A.  C.Moir  is  a  pioneer  farmer,  on  the  plains  of  South  Dakota,  talcing  a  home- 
stead in  1903;  and  mentions  starting  a  chvirch  in  his  house,  the  first  in  the  neighborhood. 

266  MoiR  Geneai^ogy 

2.  Gavin  Moir. 

3.  George  Ross  Moir. 

4.  Jane  Moir,  b.  Oct.  30,  1857,  at  Hensall,  Ontario,  m.  Sept. 

24,  1891,  Richard  Munroe,  son  of  William  Munroe, 
of  Woodstock,  Ontario,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  George  Moir  Munroe,    born    July  29,    1892,    at 

Inwood,  Ontario,  d.  Aug.  7,  1892. 

2.  Agnes  Ella    Munroe,   born   August  14,    1895,  at 

Inwood,  Ontario, 

3.  Ethel  Coutts  Munroe,  born  Nov.    13,    1898,  at 

Inwood,  Ontario. 

5.  James  Moir. 

6.  WiUiamC.  Moir,  of  Huntsville,  Ontario,  b.  Feb.  9,  1863,  in 

Hensall,  Ontario,  married  May  23,  1888,  Margaret 
Murray,  daughter  of  James  Murray,  of  Perthshire, 
Scotland,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Cassie  Jane  Ross  Moir,  born  March  7,  1890,  at 

Lamblin,   Ontario. 

2.  Agnes  Winnifred  Moir,  born  January  24,  1893,  at 

Lamblin,  Ontario. 

7.  Isabella  Moir,  b.  ( ),  m.  Robert  Dalrymple. 

8.  Agnes  Moir,  b.  ( ),  m.  Robert  D.  Young. 

Page234  THOMAS  ROBERTSON  MOIR,  retired  farmer,  of 
Hensall,  Ontario,  b.  Dec.  1,  1835,  in  Callander,  Scotland, 
son  of  GEORGE  MOIR  and  JANE  STIRLING, 
of  Thornhill,  Perthshire,  Scotland;  and  grandson  of 
GEORGE  MOIR,  and  JANET  ADAM,  of  Thornhill, 
Perthshire,  Scotland;  came  to  Canada  in  1845,  never 
married,  living  1904. 

Page234  JANE  MURRAY,  of  Blythe,  Ontario,  b.  Oct.  14,  1865, 
in  Hay  Township,  Ontario,  dau.  of  ROBERT  MURRAY 
and  JANET  MOIR;  m.  May  10,  1882,  THOMAS  WAN- 
LESS,  son  of  JAMES  WANLESS,  of  Varna,  Ontario,  and 

had  issue: — 

1.  Henry  Arthur  Wanless,  born  February  21,  1883,  in  Exeter, 


2.  Etta  May  Wanless,  b.  June  11,  1885,  in  Exeter,  Ontario. 

3.  Robert  Murray  Wanless,  born    August  16,  1890,  Paisley, 


4.  Lily  Maud  Wanless,  b.  Nov.  7,  1892,  Blythe,  Ontario. 

Page 234  WILLIAM  MOIR,  retired  farmer,  of  Hensall,  Ontario, 
b.  1837,  in  Callander,  Scotland,  son  of  GEORGE  MOIR 
and  JANE  STIRLING,  of  Callander,  Scotland;  m.  1876, 
MARION  GIBSON,  dau.  of  ROBERT  GIBSON,  and 
had  issue: — 



1.  Jessie  Stirling  Moir,  b.  1878,  in  Hensall,  Ontario. 

2.  Louise  Jane  Moir,  b.  1880,  in  Hensall,  Ontario. 

ALEXANDER  MOIR,  lace  and  muslin  manufacturer, 
(the  first  to  endeavor  to  get  lace  manufacturing  in  Scot- 
land,) of  Bearsden,  Dumbartonshire,  Scotland,  b.  1833, 
in  Maryhill,  Lanarkshire,  son  of  JOHN  MOIR,  contractor, 
of  Campsie,  Stirlingshire  and  MARGARET  STEWART; 
grandson  of  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  builder,  of  Doune,' 
Perthshire,  and  JANE  MacPHERSON;  m.  July  20, 
1872,  JANE  BOYD,  dau.  of  Robert  Boyd,  coal- 
master,  of  Langside,  Lanarkshire,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Jessie  Margaret  Moir,  b.  1873,  Glasgow,  Scotland;  m.  Apr. 

6,  1899. 

2.  Jane  Alexandrina  Moir,  b.  1875,   Glasgow,  Scotland. 

3.  Florence  Adamson  Moir,  b.  1876,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

4.  John  Stewart  Moir,  b.  1878,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

5.  William  Boyd  Moir,  b.  1880,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 





The  author 
called  on  this 
lady  in  1910. 
She  was  the 
means  of  add- 
ing a  great 
amount  of 
to  this  book. 

He  married  a 
Miss  Wilson, 
see  page  269. 

See  Alexander 
Moir  above 

ALEXANDER  MOIR,  of  MuthiU,  Perthshire,  Scot- 
land, m.  JANET  McLEICH;  and  had  issue:— 

I.  JAMES  MOIR,  who   m.   ELIZABETH   DRUM- 
MOND    and    had   issue  with  others: — 

1.  A    daughter,    who     died    young,     from    a 

burning  accident. 

2.  Alexander  Moir,    who    married  and  lived 

in  Ayr,  and  raised  a  large  family.  His 
grand-children  and  great  grand-children 
are  still  there. 

3.  James   Moir,    m.    ( )   Graham,    and 

came  into  possession  of  property  through 
his  wife's  mother,  a  Janet  Graham, 
the  property  having  been  in  that 
family  since  1488,  and  had  issue: — 

1.     Helen  Moir,  who  m.  ( )  Maxwell,  of 

Doune,  Perthshire,  and  had  issue. 

4.  John    Moir,     who    came    to    America,   in 

1790,  married,  and  had  a  family,  and 
afterwards  changed  his  name  to  Muir. 
John  went  into  the  lumber  business,  in 
Alexandria,  Virginia,  and  furnished  free 
to  the  U.  S.  Government,  the  mahogany 
wood  for  the  coffin  of  George  Washing- 
ton, the  American  Patriot,  who  died  in 
1799.  The  family  have  been  quite 
prominent  in  Alexandria,  at  least  one 
of  the  sons  being  mayor  of  the  city. 

JAMES  MOIR,  consulting  engineer  and  ship-sur- 
veyor, of  Pollok shields,  Glasgow,  Scotland,  b.  Dec.  12, 
1853,  in  Ayr,  son  of  JOHN  MOIR,  of  Muthill,  Perth- 
shire, Scotland,  and  MARGARET  LEVEN;  grandson 
of  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  of  Muthill,  Perthshire,  and 
CHRISTINE  PRENNAN;  great-grandson  of  ALEXAN- 
DER   MOIR,    of    Muthill,    Perthshire,    and    JANET 

MoiR  Gbnealogy  269 

McLEICH;  m.  13  March,  1889,  ALICE  CHALMERS, 
dau.  of  ALEXANDER  CHALMERS,  of  Bankfoot, 

ALEXANDER  MOIR,  b.  1770,  d.  Dec.  8,  1863;  grandfather  of 
the  above  JAMES  MOIR,  had  three  brothers  born  in  Muthlll,  viz: 
JAMES,  (b.  1768  and  d.  1840),  JOHN  and  WILLIAM.  John  married  See  page  268. 
a  Wilson  at  Blantyre,  near  Glasgow,  and  settled  in  America,  and  |^"^'fv  . 
changed  his  name  to  MUIR.  WILLIAM  was  a  miller  in  Dunblane, 
Stirlingshire,  afterwards  enlisting  as  a  soldier,  and  marched  to  the 
continent  of  Europe,  and  was  never  heard  from  after. 

*DAVID  MOIR,  of  Roxbury,  Mass.,  born  Glasgow, 
Scotland,  1844,  son  of  WILLIAM  MOIR,  of  Perth- 
shire, Scotland,  and  JANE  KAY,  a  grandson  of  DAVID 
MOIR  of  Perthshire,  Scotland,  and  JANE  LENOX; 
m.  1877,  MARGARET  CRAWFORD  BOYD,  dau.  of 
CRAWFORD  BOYD,  of  Largs,  Ayrshire,  Scotland,  and 
had  issue  : — 

1.  Alice  Wood   Moir,   born    1878,    in  Dunoon,   Argyleshire, 


2.  William  Moir,  b.  1879,  in  Dunoon,  Argyleshire,  Scotland. 

3.  Jane  Kay  Moir,  b.  1881,  in  Largs,  Ayrshire,  Scotland,  m. 

Conrad  Sorenson,  of  Norway,  and  had  issue: — 

1.     Dorothy  Hope  Sorenson,  b.   May   19,    1903,  in 
Roxbury,  Boston,  Mass. 

4.  Janet  Dickie  Moir,  b.  1883,  in  Roxbury,  Boston,  Mass. 

5.  Mary  Boyd  Moir,  b.  1884,  in  Roxbury,  Boston,  Mass. 

6.  Crawford  Boyd  Moir,  b.  1886,  in  Roxbury,  Boston,  Mass. 

7.  David  Moir,  Jr.,    born  1887,  in  Roxbury,  Boston,  Mass., 

died  1890. 

8.  Margaret  Boyd  Moir,  b.  1889,  in  Roxbury,  Boston,  Mass. 

9.  David  Moir,  2d,  b.  1891,  in  Roxbury,  Boston,  Mass. 

10.     Charles  Sutherland  Moir,   b.    1893,   in  Roxbury,  Boston, 
Mass.,  d.  1894. 

JOHN  STEWART  MOIR,  flour  miller,  of  Minne- 
apolis, Minn.,  b.  1853,  in  Perthshire,  Scotland,  son 
of  J  HENRY  MOIR,  of  Aberfoyle,  Perthshire,  and 
CHRISTINE  STEWART,  grandson  of  JOHN  MOIR,  of 

Aberfoyle    and  ( )  McNAB;  married  1884,  ELLEN 

ROCHFORD,  dau.  of  JOHN  ROCHFORD,  of  Kildare, 
Ireland,    and  had  issue: — 

1.     Mary  Stewart  Moir,  b.  1885,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 

♦Mr.  David  Moir  wa8  a  baker,  died    in  Roxbury  March  13,  1912. 

tA  brother  of  the  above  Henry  Moir,  namely  John,  went  to  California  in  1848,  at  the 
time  of  the  discovery  of  gold,  and  had  not  been  heard  from  since. 

270  MoiR  Gbnealogy 

I.  JAMES  MOIR,  of  Alloa,  a  banker  and  factor 
for  Lords  Mar  and  Abercrombie,  etc.,  who  with 
his  younger  brother  Archibald,  are  more  fully 
described  in  another  article  in  this  book,  both 
were  sons  of  JAMES  MOIR,  (b.  about  1760)  and 
MARGARET  WHITEHEAD,  of  Kippenrait 
farm,  near  Shenifmuir,  afterwards  of  Dun- 
blane, Perthshire.  James  Moir,  was  born  1801, 
and  at  an  early  age  his  family  removed  to  Alloa. 
He  m  Janet  Strang,  of  Alloa,  dau.  of  John 
See  page  218  Strang,  sea  captain,   ("who  was  imprisoned   in 

France  during  the  Napoleonic  wars,  his  ship 
being  captured,")  of  Gharleston-on-the-Forth, 
Scotland,  and  had  issue,  at  least  three  sons: — 

1.  The    elder  son    died   while  quite  a  youth, 

through    a   shooting   accident. 

2.  The  second  son,  James  Moir,  Jr.,  died  in 

1882,  leaving  four  of  a  family: — 

1.  James  Philip  Moir,  D.  S.  O.,  a  major  of  the 

Royal  Engineers,  (an  extended  account 
of  whom  with  portrait  is  given  in  an- 
other article),  b.  April  28,  1872,  in  Alloa, 
m.  Oct.  26,  1910,  Ida  Muriel  Goodwin, 
dau.  of  Harry  Arthur  Goodwin,  clergy- 
man, of  Sheffield,  England,  and  had 
issue : — 

1.  Jane  Morse  Moir,  born  Oct.  25, 
1911,  at  Lorraine,  Famsboro 
Park,  Hants,  England. 

2.  A  second  son  is  a  commander  in  the  royal 

navy  (1911). 

3.  WiUiam  Moir,  now  at  Alloa  (1911). 

4.  Mary    Jean    Moir,    now  at   AUoa    (1911). 
3-     William  Moir,  third  son  of  James   Moir 

and  Janet  Strang,  b.  May  8,  1843,  at 
Alloa,  "first  studied  law,  and  ended  at 
the  fine  arts;"  he  was  "highly  cultured 
and  a  great  conversationalist."  Married 
Nov.  29,  1906,  Maude  Orlebar  Moir, 
dau.  of  Robert  Moir,  who  was  b.  April 
1,  1838,  at  Dunblane,  Perthshire,  a 
civil  service  surveyor  of  taxes,  of  Bow- 
den,  Cheshire,  England,  where  he  died 
Jan.  11,    1898.     No  issue. 

MoiR  Genealogy 


II.  ARCHIBALD  MOIR,  brother  of  JAMES  came 
to  Alloa  from  Dunblane,  about  1835,  married 
SUSAN  MAIN,  dau.  of  DAVID  MAIN  and 
GRIZELL  BEGGS  ;  he  had  at  least  two 
sons: — 

1.     J.  W.  Moir. 

2.  Archibald  Patrick  Moir,    (both 

of    whom,    From  "Alloa. 
60  years  ago," 

now  carry    on    in    even    larger    measure,  ^yjames 
the  business  of  their  father  and  uncle;)   Archibald, 

Buchan  Bros. 

b.  Oct.   25,  1860,  at  Alloa,  he    m.    June 
4,     1889,    Margaret    Gifford,     daughter  Aiioa,  i9ii. 
of  Robert    Gifford,    gentleman,    of  Bal- 
bumock,  Wigtownshire,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  *Archibald  Gifford  Moir,  b.  Alloa. 

2.  Margaret  Gifford  Moir,  b.  Alloa. 

3.  *Robert  Gifford  Moir,  b.  Alloa. 

Arms  of  St.  Andrew's  Society,  New  York  City 

*AichibaId  G.  Moir  and  Robert  G.  Moir,  are  both  athletes  at  Fettes  College, 
Edinburgh,  and  cricket  and  football  players.  The  former  won  a  gold  medal  for  being 
the  best  all  round  athlete  of  his  year,  and  the  latter  holds  the  record  for  200  yards  run, 
wad  also  many  athletic  events  and  sports. — (From  letter  of  the  young  men's  father,  1912.) 


RICHARD    MOIR,    of  Pollokshaws,    Renfrewshire, 

Scotland,  b.  in  1808  there,  (died  April  17,  1866),  son  of 
JOHN  MOIR,  married  twice,  the  first  family  was: — 

1.  Mrs.  George  Maitland  IngersoU. 

2.  Agnes,  died  some  years  ago. 

3.  John  Moir  of  Haldimand  Co.,  Ontario,    b.  Jan.   22,  1836. 

(See  below.) 

4.  Mrs.  James  Patterson,  of  Oxford  Co.,  Ontario. 

See  page  273  5.     Mrs.  Lawrence  Ruddick,    of  Dorcliester  Station,  Ontario. 

The  second  family  was: — 

1.  William  Moir  of  Toronto. 

2.  Richard  Moir  of  Streetsville,  Ontario. 

3.  Sarah  Ann  Moir,  died  some  years  ago,  unmarried. 

JOHN  MOIR,  farmer,  of  Haldimand  Co.,  Ontario; 
b.  Jan.  22,  1836,  in  Orange  Co.,  New  York;  son  of 
RICHARD  MOIR,  of  Pollokshaws,  Renfrewshire,  Scot- 
land, and  AGNES  CLARK;  grandson  of  JOHN  MOIR; 
m.  Jan  23,  1860,  ANN  SILLARS,  dau.  of  DONALD 
SILLARS,  of  Argyle,  Scotland,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  Catherine  Elizabeth  Moir,  born  Oct.  28,  1860,  Wellington, 

Ontario.     Teacher. 

2.  Agnes  Moir  Clark,  b.  Aug.  24,  1862,  Wellhigton,  Ontario, 

m.  Aug.  2.3,   1892. 

3.  Margaret  Moir,  b.  June  2,  1864,  Wellington,  Ontario,  m. 

Jan.  1,  1889. 

4.  Mary  Ann  Moir,  b.  May.  27,   1866,  Wellington,  Ontario. 


5.  Isabella  Moir,  born  Dec.  11,   1867,  Wellington,  Ontario. 


6.  John    Alexander    Moir,    b.    Mar.    11,    1870,  Wellington, 

Ontario.     Clergyman. 

7.  Archibald  Moir,  M.  D.,  born  April  14,  1872,  Wellington, 

Ontario,  m.  Oct.  1,   1903. 

WILLIAM  MOIR,  grocer,  of  Boston,  Mass.,  b.  Jan. 
31,  1862,  in  Pollokshaws,  Scotland,  son  of  THOMAS 
MOIR,  of  Pollokshaws,  Renfrewshire,  Scotland,  and 
MARY    HETHERINGTON,    grandson    of    WILLIAM 

MoiR  Genealogy  273 

MOIR  of  Pollokshaws,  Renfrewshire,  Scotland,  and 
MARY  McLEAN.  M.  July  2,  1891,  MARGUERITE 
TERSBY,  of  Liverpool,  England;  and  had  issue: — 

1.     William    Stuart    Moir,     b.    May   20,     1892,    in    Boston. 

MARION  MOIR,  of  Scarboro  Township,  York  County, 

Ontario,  b.  June  18,  1841;  dau.  of  RICHARD  MOIR, 
(a  power  loom  weaver,  who  came  to  N.  Y.  City,  in  1830, 
and  removed  in  1840  to  Scarboro,  Ontario,  where  he  died 
in  1866,)  of  Pollokshaws,  Renfrewshire,  Scotland,  and 
AGNES  CLARK,  m.  Dec.  5,  1861,  LAWRENCE 
RUDDICK,  farmer,  of  Scarboro,  Ontario,  son  of  JOHN 
RUDDICK,  of  Armagh,  Ireland,  and  had  issue: — 

1.  John  .\rchibald  Ruddick,  b.  Sept.  3,  1862,  Oxford,  Ont., 

cheese  and  dair}'  inspector,  (see  next  article),  he  m.  Sept. 
8,  1886,  to  Harriet  E.  Congdon,  and  had  issue. 

2.  Agnes  Moir  Ruddick,  b.  Mar.  10,    1864,  Oxford,  Ont.,  m. 

Nov.  3,  1893,  to  ( ),  and  died  June  4,   1903. 

3.  Richard  Albert  Ruddick,  b.  Jan.  21,  1866,  Oxford,  Ont.,  a 

minister    of    the   Gospel,    now    (1904),  in     Wisconsin; 
m.  Oct.  1900,  to  ( ). 

4.  Mary  Ellen  Ruddick,  b.  Oct.  19,  1867,  in  Oxford,  Ont,  m. 

Oct.  31,  1888,  to  ( ). 

5.  James  Harrington  Ruddick,  born  Oct.  27,  1870,  in  Oxford, 

Ont.,  m.  Oct.  10,  1894,  to  (— );  he    is  a   tailor  by- 
trade  in  New  York  state. 

6.  Margaret  Isabelle  Ruddick,  b.  May  8,  1876,  in  Oxford,  Ont. 

A  school-teacher. 

7.  Lawrence  Ruddick,  b.  Dec.  10,  1879,  in  Oxford,  Ont.,  m 

Sept.  30,  1902,  to  ( ). 

JOHN  ARCHIBALD  RUDDICK,  engaged  in  the 
dairy  business  all  his  life,  becoming  expert  dairy  com- 
missioner for  the  Canadian  Government,  at  Ottawa,  as 
he  describes, — "the  most  important  position  in  the  world 
in  my  line;"  b.  Sept.  3,  1862,  in  Oxford,  County,  Ontario, 
son  of  LAWRENCE  RUDDICK  of  Scarboro,  Ontario, 
and  MARION  MOIR;  grandson  of  RICHARD  MOIR, 
of  Glasgow,  Scotland,  and  AGNES  CLARK.  M.  Sept. 
8,  1886,  HARRIET  EMILY  CONGDON,  daughter  of 
HENRY  CONGDON,  of  Fort  Covington,  New  York,  and 
had   issue: — 

1.     Marion  Ruddick,  b.  July  4,  1887,  in  Lancaster,  Ontario. 

274  MoiR  Genealogy 

MARGARET  MOIR,  of  Canfield,  Ontario,  b.  June  2, 
1864,  dau.  of  JOHN  MOIR,  farmer,  of  Orange,  New  York, 
and  ANNE  SILLARS;  grand-dau.of  RICHARD  MOIR, 
of  PoUokshaws,  (weaver  on  power  loom,  who  came  to 
New  York  City,  about  1830,  and  removed  in  1840,  to 
Scarboro,  Ontario;  b.  1810,  m.  1830,  d.  April,  1866,)  and 
AGNES  CLARK;  m.  Jan.  1,  1889,  to  JOHN  TURN- 
BULL,  (b.  Dec.  14,  1857,)  of  Canfield,  Ontario,  son 
had  issue: — 

1.  John  Andrew  TumbuU,  b.  July  22,  1890,  in  Seneca,  Ontario. 

2.  Alexander  TumbuU,  b.  Jan.  12,  1893,  in  Seneca,  Ontario. 

3.  Archibald  Moir  TumbuU,  born   Dec.  3,  1895,  in  Seneca, 


JOHN  MOIR,  farmer,  of  Dunnville,  Ontario,  b.  1836, 
in  New  York,  son  of  RICHARD  MOIR,  of  PoUokshaws, 
(who  came  to  New  York  City  in  1830,  was  a  power  loom 
weaver,  and  10  years  later  removed  to  Scarboro,  Ont., 
where  he  died  in  1866),  and  AGNES  CLARK;  m.  1860, 
to  ANNE  SILLARS,  of  Scotland,  and  had  issue:— 

1.  Archibald   Moir,   born  ( ),    of    DunnviUe,    Ontario, 

physician  and  surgeon;  married  Edna  Margaret  Byres, 
dau.    of  James  Douglas  Byres. 

2.  Catherine     Elizabeth    Moir,    teacher    high  school.    Port 

Hope,  Ont. 

3.  Agnes  Clark  Moir  Porteous,  (widow)  DunnviUe,  Ontario. 

4.  Margaret  Moir  TumbuU,  Canfield,  Ontario. 

5.  Isabella  Moir,  teacher,  DunnviUe,  Ontario. 

6.  John  Alexander  Moir,  Presbyterian  minister,  now  (1904), 

studying  in  Scotland. 

7.  Mary  A.  Moir. 

The  above  John  Moir,  has  two  brothers,  one  of  whom,  WUliam 
Moir,  of  Toronto,  Ont.,  m.  Miss  Sangster,  and  has  a  daughter,  BeUa, 
b.  1882;  another  brother,  Richard  Moir,  residence  unknown,  has 
three  or  four  of  a  family. 

He  also  has  four  sisters  younger  than  himself  as  follows:  1.  Mrs. 
George  Maitland,  who  had  three  sons  and  one  daughter;  two  of  who, 
were  married  in  1904.  2.  Mrs.  J.  Patterson,  who  has  a  large  family, 
now  mostly  married,  one  son  is  a  professor  at  McGiU  University. 
3.  Mrs.  L.  Ruddick,  who  also  has  a  family.  4.  Agnes  Moir,  who 
died  unmarried  many  years  ago.  Several  of  these  are  recorded  in 
this  book. 


By  the  late  W.  B.  COOK,  of  Stirling 

(See  illustration) 

The  estate  of  Leckie  comprises  a  large  area  of  rich  carse  land  along 
the  river  Forth,  behind  which  there  is  a  stretch  of  dryfield  land,  while 
still  further  to  the  south  the  property  rises  over  moorland  and  hill 
ground  to  a  height  of  1600  feet  above  sea  level.  The  slope  of  the  hill 
ground,  which  is  very  steep,  and  at  places  precipitous,  is  intersected 
by  a  number  of  streams,  which  in  their  progress  towards  the  Forth, 
produce  a  very  beautiful  and  diversified  landscape.  The  estate  ex- 
tends to  about  3038  acres,  whereof  about  260  acres  are  woodland, 
1778  acres  areable,  and  1000  acres  rough  pasture  and  hill  ground.  The 
old  house  of  Leckie  is  situated  about  300  yards  from  the  mansion- 
house,  and  forms  an  interesting  and  picturesque  feature  of  the  property. 
There  are  twelve  farms  on  the  estate,  and  eight  of  the  grass  parks, 
extending  to  155  acres,  are  let  for  the  grazing  season  to  the  farmers 
in  the  neighbourhood.  Three  of  the  old  place-names  on  the  estate 
are  interesting  from  an  antiquarian  point  of  view.  "Carleatheran" 
probably  indicates  the  site  of  an  ancient  fort  on  the  hill  slope,  or  on 
the  shore  of  the  loch,  while  "Craigtnakessock"  is  associated  with  St. 
Ressock,  or  St.  Kessag,  and  the  well  on  the  craig  was  not  improbably 
considered  a  holy  well  on  that  account.  Another  Celtic  saint,  St. 
Columba,  (or  is  it  St.  Colmoc?)  is  commemorated  by  St.  Colme's  Glen, 
behind  the  present  mansion-house. 

The  place-name,  Leckie — Leky,  Lekke,  Lekky,  are  old  forms  of  the 
name — is  not  to  be  found  in  Johnston's  "Place-Names  of  Scotland," 
and  it  is  also  omitted  from  the  same  writer's  "Place-Names  of  Stirling- 
shire," for  what  reason  it  is  impossible  to  guess,  as  its  derivation  is 
simple  enough.  The  first  known  owner  of  Leckie,  is  said  to  have  been 
a  certain  Malise  de  Leggie,  during  the  invasion  of  Edward  L  of  Eng- 
land, but  he  is  a  rather  mythical  personage,  and  besides,  at  that 
period  owners  more  usually  took  their  surname  from  the  lands  than 
the  lands  from  their  owners.  Sir  Herbert  Maxwell,  in  his,  "Scottish 
Land  Names,"  (p.  152)  says:  "Leacan,  a  derivation  of  leac,  a  flag- 
stone, is  occasionally  used  to  denote  a  sloping  hillside.  From  another 
variant,  leacach,  comes  Leckie  in  Stirlingshire,  most  appropriately 
named  from  its  position  on  the  north  flank  of  the  Lennox  range,"  We 
should  be  inclined  to  derive  Leckie  from  the  substantive  leacann,  the 
side  of  the  hill,  rather  than  from  the  adjective  leacach,  but  the  root- 
word  is  the  same.  Mr.  Matheson,  in  the  his  "Place-Names  of 
Elginshire,"  derives  Lekin  in  the  parish  of  Knockando,  from  the  Gaelic 
leacann,  steep,  shelving  ground  on  the  side  of  a  hill.  Leac,  the  root,  "Celtio  Place- 
originally  means  a  large  flat  stone,  especially  a  stone  placed  to  mark  a  john^Milne 
grave — a  smooth,  bare  hillside.  M.  A.,  LL.'d. 



The  lands  of  Leckie  were  Crown  property  till  the  reign  of  Robert 
the  Bruce,  who  granted  the  west  half  nearest  Boquhan,  to  Malcolm, 
fifth  Earl  of  Lennox,  in  recompense  for  the  lordship  of  a  carcucate 
or  ploughland,  of  Cardross,  in  Dumbartonshire,  where  the  King 
erected  a  castle,  in  which  he  died  in  1329.  The  terms  of  the  original 
charter  of  Wester  Leckie,  are  repeated  in  a  charter  granted  by  David 
II.  in  favour  of  Malcolm,  son  of  Duncan,  and  grandson  of  Murdoch, 
who  was  the  son  of  Core,  one  of  the  younger  sons  of  Alvv^yn,  second 
Earl  of  Lennox.  This  charter,  dated  31st  March,  1352,  narrates  the 
excambion  above  referred  to,  and  states  that  the  lands  were  surren- 
dered by  Donald,  Earl  of  Lennox.  *The  reddendo  is  a  pair  of  gilt  spurs 
at  the  feast  of  Pentecost  (or  Whitsunday,)  if  demanded.  tAnother 
charter  by  King  David  to  the  same  effect  and  dated  12th  March,  1356, 
is  preserved  at  Leckie. 

*Fraaer'8  the  Lennox  ii  —  409. 
tFraaer'a  the  Lennox  ii  —  411. 


By  the  late  W.  B.  COOK,  of  STIRLING 

DAVID  MOIR,  sheriff  clerk,  of  Stirling,  had  assisted  in  a  monetary 
way,  JOHN  LECKIE  of  that  ilk,  to  tide  over  financial  difficulties, 
and  in  1668,  MOIR  was  probably  his  law  agent.  At  all  events,  the 
crisis  ended  in  the  transference  of  the  estate  of  Leckie  to  the  lawyer, 
and  there  is  no  longer  a  Leckie  of  that  ilk,  although  the  dispossessed 
laird  continued  to  be  so  designed.  With  this  laird,  therefore,  ends  the 
long  line  of  LECKIE  of  Leckie. 

*David  Moir  of  Craigamhall,  seems  to  have  originally  belonged  to  See  reference, 
Doune.  A  Walter  Moir,  writer  there,  who  flourished  at  the  same  page 230. 
period,  may  have  been  his  brother.  tJohn  Moir,  eldest  son  of  this 
Walter,  succeeded  David  Moir  in  Craigamhall,  and  his  near  relatives, 
(probably  uncles)  were  James  Moir  in  Newton -of- Doune,  and 
Robert  Moir  in  Lanrick.  fCraigarnhall,"  was  originally  "Craig- 
amot."  It  is  included  among  the  lands  formerly  in  the  Earldom 
of  Strath  em,  and  granted  8th  February,  1442-3,  to  Michael,  Bishop 
of  Dunblane,  and  his  successors  in  office,  and  the  Chapter  of  the 
same  place.  It  afterwards  formed  part  of  the  Deanery  lands. 
At  the  Reformation,  these  lands  were  feued  out  to  different  per- 
sons, who  subsequently  became  their  proprietors,  and  it  ap- 
pears from  an  entry  in  a  manuscript  volume  in  the  Register 
House,  Edinburgh,  entitled  "Charge  of  the  Temporalities  of  Kirk- 
lands,  north  and  south  of  the  Forth,  1569,"  that  the  lands  of 
Cragamall  and  wood  thereof,  lying  within  the  parish  of  Dunblane, 
were  set  in  feu  to  James  Sinclair,  yr.  of  Bankis  Row,  the  yearly  feu- 
duty  amounting  to  £16  8s  4d  Scots.  **  A  royal  charter,  dated  2nd 
December, 1594,  grants  to  this  James  Sinclair,  the  lands  of  Craigamall, 
with  wood,  formerly  possessed  in  feu  by  the  Dean  of  Dunblane,  the 
reddendo  being  twenty-five  merks.  ttThe  place-name  is  changed  in 
the  next  recorded  charter,  which  is  dated  26th  December,  1642,  and 
grants  to  James  Stirling  of  Balwill,  and  William  Stirling,  his  eldest 
son,  the  lands  of  Craigamhall,  with  wood,  in  the  parish  of  Balmadock 
(sic)  and  county  of  Perth,  which  were  formerly  held  by  the  Dean  and 
Chapter  of  the  Cathedral  Church  of  Dunblane.  The  name  of  the 
parish  may  be  Kilmadock  in  the  original,  but  the  lands  are  now  in 
parish  of  Lecropt.  It  is  possible  that  some  fancied  connection  with 
Amhall,  an  old  mansion  belonging  to  the  Stirlings  of  Keir,  and  situated 

*The  records  of  Doune  are  incomplete,  and  do  not  mention  David's  birth. 
tDunblane  Decreets.      Also,  sec  page  227. 
tReg.  Mag.  Sig. 
*'Reg-  Mag.  Sig. 
HReg.  Mag.  Sig- 

278  MoiR  Geneai^ogy 

a  short  distance  to  the  south-west,  suggested  to  the  Stirlings  of  Balwill, 
cadets  of  the  Keir  family,  the  above-noted  change  of  the  place-name 
to  Craigamhall,  but  at  a  later  period  it  re-appears  in  oflBcial  deeds  as 
"Cragamal."  We  do  not  again  meet  with  what  was  probably  the 
original  name,   "Cragamot." 

David  Moir  was  owner  of  Craigamhall,  when  on  21st  January,  1659, 
he,  together  with  Marie  Stewart,  his  spouse,  were  infeft  in  Stirling  of 
Keir's  ludging,  at  the  foot  of  Broad  Street,  Stirling.  *By  a  sasine  dated 
8th  May,  1665,  David  Moir  had  himself  infeft  in  this  tenement  in  life- 
rent, and  his  scond  son,  James,  in  fee.  tFrom  certain  legal  proceed- 
ings which  were  necessary  in  1687,  we  learn  that  a  royal  charter 
was  presented  in  favour  of  David  Moir,  elder,  and  his  heirs,  dated  12th 
June,  and  instrument  of  sasine  dated  27th  June,  1668,  granting  to  them 
Easter  Leckie  and  Shirgartane,  with  half  of  Wester  Leckie;  also 
charter  by  Charles  II.  in  favour  of  the  said  David  Moir,  elder,  and 
Marie  Stewart,  his  spouse,  in  liferent,  and  David  Moir,  their  eldest 
lawful  son,  in  fee,  of  the  half  of  Wester  Leckie,  dated  12th  July, 
1670.  David  Moir,  senior,  Ukewise  obtained  seisin  of  the  lands 
of  Cambusbarron,  on  a  wadset  on  3rd  August,  1672.  jOne  of  the  new 
Laird's  first  actions  was  to  protest  against  the  proportion  of  men  the 
parish  of  Gargunnock  was  required  to  furnish  to  the  Stirlingshire 
Militia,  which  protest  the  Commissioners  admitted.  It  appears  that 
the  parish  had  also  to  supply  17  horses  out  of  73  required  for  the 
regiment,  the  Barony  of  Leckie's  share  being  one  horse.  **David, 
Moir  of  Leckie  is  named  as  a  Comissioner  of  Supply  for  Stirlingshire 
in  1678  and  again  in  1685.  Both  the  Laird  of  Leckie  and  his 
eldest  son  were  dead  before  16th  August,  1687,  when  James  Moir,  the 
second  son  was  served  heir  to  his  father  in  Easter  Leckie  and  Schir- 
gartane,  and  to  his  brother  David  in  Wester  Leckie,  but  these  services 
were  not  extended  or  retoured  with  Chancellarie,  "in  regard  that  ten 
days  thereafter  the  person  so  served  was  deceased."  tt  James  Moir, 
who  was  thus  so  suddenly  cut  off,  was  joint  Sheriff-Clerk  along  with 
his  father.  They  were  also  joint-Clerks  of  the  Lordship  of  Stirling 
and  Bailliery  of  the  Water  of  Forth.On  11th  January,  1688,  ttGeorge 
Moir,  third  son  of  David  Moir  of  Leckie  and  Marie  Stewart,  was 
served  heir  to  his  father  and  his  eldest  brother,  in  Easter  and 
Wester  Leckie.  ***David  Moir,  chirurgeon,  Stirling,  a  near  relative 
of  the  Laird  of  Leckie,  obtained  seisin  from  him  of  Keir's  ludging  in 
Stirling,  with  life-rent  to  Marion  Moir,  his  second  wife,  the  instru- 
ment bearing  date,  25th  June,  1698,   but  this  property  reverted  to 

♦Stirling  Burgh  Sasines. 

tCounty  Court  Book. 

tMinutes  of  Commissionera  of  Militia  for  Stirlingaliire. 

**Act3  of  Parliament. 

t+County  Court  Book. 

JI^George  Moir  of  Leckie  serves  heir  special  to  David  Moir,  his  brother-germain. 
Both  were  sons  of  David  Moir  of  Leckie,  George  being  the  sefond  son.  On  this  date, 
11  Jan.,  1688,  he  serves  heir  to  the  lands  of  Easter  and  Wester  Leckie.  (Special  Ser. 
II,  Stirling.)     He  also  terves  heir  in  general  to  hb  father  on  same  date. 

(Gen.  Ser.) 
***Stirling  Burgh  Sasines. 

MoiR  Genhalogv  279 

the  Laird  a  few  years  later.  Isabel  Moir,  sister  of  George  Moir, 
of  Leckie,  married  John  Graham,  of  Aberuthven,  afterwards  of 
Boquhapple,  through  which  marriage  the  Leckie  estate  eventually 
came  to  the  Grahams,  as  will  afterwards  be  seen.  *The  Laird  of  Leclde 
was  a  Commissioner  of  Supply  in  1696,  but  after  this  date,  there  ia 
no  record  of  him.  He  married  and  had  a  family,  but  the  name  of  hia 
wife  has  not  been  ascertained.  tHe  died  in  September,  1710,  and  was 
succeeded  by  his  eldest  son,  James. 

tt  James  Moir  of  Leckie  was  probably  under  age  when  he  succeeded 
to  the  estate;  certainly,  he  was  but  a  young  man,  as  three  years  previ- 
ously he  was  under  the  tutorship  of  Mr.  John  Graham,  of  Boquhapple, 
bis  uncle,  and  others.  He  had  a  younger  brother,  George,  but 
whether  his  father  left  any  more  of  a  family  we  do  not  know. 
tThe  Moirs  must  have  been  related  by  marriage  to  the  Setons  of 
Touch,  as  in  1738  the  Laird  of  Leckie  is  named  as  tutor-in-law  to 
James  Seton,  and  on  the  death  of  the  latter,  unmarried,  in  1742, 
JtGeorge  Moir,  brother  of  the  Laird,  was  appointed  one  of  the 
curators  of  Elizabeth  Seton,  heiress  of  Touch. 

Owing  to  physical  infirmity,  James  Moir,  who  remained  unmarried, 
felt  himself  obliged  to  surrender  Leckie  to  his  brother.  By  a  convey- 
ance, dated  1st  May,  1739,  he  disponed  his  heritable  estate  in  favour 
of  George  Moir,  his  brother-german,  who  was  then  in  Jamaica,  and 
as  his  (James's)  debts  and  funeral  charges,  and  other  privileged 
debts,  might  not  be  so  well  looked  after  as  if  the  heir  had  been  in  this 
country,  he  authorized  and  appointed  Moses  Buchanan  of  Glins,  to  take 
care  of,  manage,  and  regulate  all  the  affairs  that  might  concern  the 
estate,  until  his  brother's  return  to  the  kingdom,  or  a  commission  or 
factorage  under  his  hand  should  be  executed.  ***He  also  nominated 
John  Stirling  of  Garden,  William  Govan  of  Drumquhassel,  and 
William  Graham  of  Boquhapple  his  commissioners  to  give  instructions 
to  Buchanan.  The  date  of  James  Moir's  death  has  not  been  discov- 
ered, but  he  did  not  long  survive  the  demission  of  his  estate. 

t+tThe  new  Laird  of  Leckie,  after  settling  down  at  home,  married  a 
wife  who  brought  him  a  considerable  tocher.  The  facts  are  disclosed  in 
a  process  of  separation  and  aliment,  rendered  necessary  by  the  bad  con- 
duct of  George  Moir.  The  lady  was  Anne  Montgomerj',  niece  of  Sir 
Walter  Montgomery,  of  Kirktonholm,  in  Dumfries-shire,  who  gavr 
her  a  marriage  portion  of  ^2000,  and  made  a  settlement  by  which  she 
was  entitled  to  ^6000  after  his  death,  but  only,  it  appears,  if  she  had 
any  family.  It  v/as  also  a  condition  in  the  marriage  contract,  which 
was  dated  25th  February,  1745,  that  the  Laird  of  Leckie  should 
assume  the  name  and  arms  of  Montgomery,  in  addition  to  his  own. 
Two  of  the  witnesses  to  the  contract,  are  Home,  of  Argaty,  his  first 

♦Acts  of  Parliament. 
tServices  of  Heirs. 
ttStirlingshire  Bonds. 
tStirlinghire  Bonds. 
t+Reg.  of  Curatories. 
♦♦^Stirlingshire  Bonds. 
tttSeasion  Papers. 


cousin,  and  Wm.  Govan,  Jr.,  of  Drumquhassel,  his  second  cousin. 
In  accordance  with  the  condition  contained  in  this  marriage  contract, 
the  Laird  assumed  his  wife's  name,  styling  himself  George  Montgomery- 
Moir,  of  Leckie.  There  was  no  issue  of  the  marriage,  and  it  is  not 
unlikely  that  the  vanishing  of  all  chance  of  receiving  the  ^6000  be- 
queathed to  Anne  Montgomery,  accounts  in  some  degree  for  the  beha- 
viour of  her  husband,  which  compelled  her  to  institute  the  action  for 
separation  and  aliment. 

An  important  event  marked  the  first  year  of  this  unhappy  marriage. 
The  Jacobites  were  in  arms  under  the  leadership  of  Prince  Charles,  and 
the  Laird  of  Leckie  was  in  strong  sympathy  with  the  movement.  On 
the  13th  September,  the  Highland  army,  on  their  way  south,  crossed  the 
river  Forth  at  the  Fords  of  Frew,  and  made  a  halt  while  the  Prince 
went  up  to  Leckie  House.  The  Laird,  however,  was  not  there  to  re- 
ceive him.  The  Hanoverian  General,  Blakeney,  had  been  informed  by 
spies  that  Moir  of  Leckie  was  preparing  to  entertain  the  Prince,  and 
on  the  night  before  his  expected  arrival,  the  Laird  was  seized  in  his  bed 
by  a  party  of  dragoons  and  carried  prisoner  to  Stirling  Castle.  Not- 
withstanding this  contretemps,  the  Prince  and  his  suite  were  welcomed 
to  dinner  atLeckie,  and  not  only  they,  but  many  of  the  Prince's  friends, 
who  followed  soon  after,  were  entertained  in  a  most  hospitable  manner. 
From  Leckie  House,  Prince  Charles  addressed  his  famous  message  to 
the  City  of  Glasgow,  demanding  a  sum  of  £15,000,  besides  what  was  due 
to  the  Government,  and  whatever  arms  could  be  found  in  the  city. 

*The  Magistrates  paid  no  attention  to  the  demand;  but  shortly 
afterward  they  received  a  visit  from  a  body  of  the  insurgent  cavalry, 
accompanied  by  Glengyle,  and  his  clansmen  the  MacGregors,  which 
made  them  fain  to  compromise  the  claim  by  paying  ^5000  and  con- 
tributing about  ^500  worth  of  goods.  The  New  Statistical  Account 
of  Gargunnock  Parish,  and  also  the  local  histories,  state  that  the 
Prince  slept  at  Leckie  House  on  the  night  of  the  13th  September,  but 
that  is  a  mistake.  The  account  given  by  one  of  the  Prince's  follow- 
ers, and  published  in  the  tLockhart  Papers,  says: — "This  night  we 
lay  at  Touch,"  from  which  place  the  army  resumed  its  march  south- 
wards next  morning.  On  the  retreat  to  the  north  early  in  1748,  the 
Prince's  baggage  sent  on  in  advance,  was  deposited  at  Leckie  on  the 
25th  January,  and  on  the  1st  February,  the  army  recrossed  the  Forth 
by  the  Fords  of  Frew,  but  on  this  occasion,  there  was  no  time  to  spare 
for  dinner  at  Leckie  House.  Everything  was  in  confusion,  for  the 
Duke  of  Cumberland  was  on  the  Prince's  track,  and  several  guns  and 
carriages  had  to  be  left  behind. 

^George  Moir,  who  dropped  the  name  Montgomery,  after  the  legal 
proceedings  above  narrated,  was  a  witness  in  a  will  case,  tried  in  1765, 
when  his  age  is  given  as  50  years  and  upwards.  He  lived  till  1792,  when 
he  must  have  reached  his  78th  year.    Having  no  children,  he  executed 

•Historic  Scenes  of  Stirlingshire. 
tVol.  ii.,  486. 
JMorrison's  Decisions. 


of  Winnipeg,    Manitoba 

I  See  page  257) 

JOHN  S.  MOIR,  D.  O. 
Lowell,   Mass. 

I  n  L  i:-i  r,  v^.^ 



five  years  before  his  death,  an  entail  of  the  estate  of  Leckie,  under 
which  Dr.  Robert  Graham,  of  Boquhapple,  grandson  of  Isabel  Moir, 

succeeded  as  heir  of  tailzie  and  provision. 


By  the  late  W.  B.  COOK,  of  Stirling 

According  to  the  family  pedigree,  Dr.  Robert  Graham  of  Boquhapple, 
represented  a  cadet  branch  of  the  great  House  of  Montrose.  George 
Graham  of  Callander,  brother  of  the  first  Earl  of  Montrose,  had,  by  a 
daughter  of  Moray  of  Abercaimey,  four  sons,  of  whom  the  third  was 
Laurence,  who  married  a  daughter  of  Drummond  of  Borland, by  whom 
he  had  a  son  and  a  daughter.  Giles,  the  daughter,  married  her  kins- 
man, Graham  of  Garvock.  Her  brother,  John,  entered  the  ministry, 
and  was  parson  at  Aberuthven.  He  was  a  member  of  the  General  As- 
sembly of  1636,  which  deposed  the  Bishops.  He  himself  married  a 
grand-daughter  of  Archbishop  Hamilton,  of  St.  Andrews.  —  Giles, 
daughter  of  Hamilton  of  Blair.  By  this  lady,  he  had  two  sons  and  a 
daughter.  The  eldest  son,  John,  was  killed  in  assisting  to  rescue  his 
chief,  the  Marquis  of  Montrose,  when  he  came  over  from  France  to 
restore  Charles  H.  to  the  throne.  His  second  son,  Robert  Graham,  of 
Aberuthven,  married  Margaret  Hay,  of  Stronevay,  whose  brother 
became  the  husband  of  Robert's  sister.  Two  sons  and  a  daughter 
were  the  issue  of  Robert's  marriage.  Both  the  sons,  John  and  James, 
were  bred  to  the  Church,  but  gave  it  up.  John  succeeded  to  the 
wadset  of  Aberuthven,  with  burden  of  his  brother  and  sister's  por- 
tions. This  estate  was  purchased  by  the  Marquis  of  Montrose  in 
1702,  and  two  years  after,  John  Graham  bought  the  estate  of  Boqu- 
happle, which  had  previously  belonged  to  a  branch  of  the  Menteith 
Grahams.  This  circumstance  has  led  to  mistakes  in  certain  Graham 
pedigrees,  the  Montrose  Grahams  being  confounded  with  Menteith 
Grahams,  but  into  this  matter  there  is  no  occasion  to  enter  here. 
John  Graham,  of  Boquhapple,  as  we  have  already  seen,  married 
Isabel  Moir,  daughter  of  David  Moir,  of  Leckie,  by  whom  he  had  a 
family  of  four  sons  and  four  daughters.  James  Graham,  the  eldest 
son,  married  Catherine,  daughter  of  William  Govan,  of  Drumquhassel, 
by  whom  he  had  three  sons  and  nine  daughters.  John,  the  eldest 
son,  died  unmarried  in  the  East  India  Company's  service,  and  the 
youngest  son,  William,  also  died  a  bachelor.  Robert,  the  second  son 
of  James  Graham  of  Boquhapple,  studied  medicine,  and  took  the 
degree  of  M.D.*  He  appears  to  have  practised  in  the  town  of  Stirling. 
Under  a  deed  executed  by  George  Moir  of  Leckie,  on  22nd  Decem- 
ber, 1789,  his  heir  of  entail.  Dr.  Robert  Graham  of  Boquhapple,  physi- 
cian in  Stirling,  was  appointed  his  sole  executor,  and  a  disposition  of 
moveables  was  made  in  his  favour.**  In  accordance  with  the  deed 
of  entail.  Dr.  Graham,  on  succeeding  to  the  estate  of  Leckie,  dropped 

♦Family  Pedigree. 
•♦Stirlingshire  Bonds. 


the  name  of  Graham  and  took  that  of  Moir,  but  was  unable  to  aesuine 
the  arms  of  Moir  of  Leckie,  because  none  had  been  registered.  *The 
terms  of  the  entail  rendered  it  necessary  for  the  heir  of  Leckie  to  raise 
an  action  in  the  Court  of  Session  against  his  own  son,  Dr.  Charles 
Alexander  Graham,  and  others,  to  have  certain  questions  decided,  and 
the  record  of  the  case  in  Morrison's  "Decisions"  supplies  the  fol- 
lowing interesting  particulars: —  "George  Moir,  in  1787,  executed  an 
entail  of  the  estate  of  Leckie,  with  strict  irritant  and  resolutive 
clauses,  amongst  others,  that  it  should  not  be  in  the  power  of  the  heirs 
male  of  his  body,  or  others,  heirs  substituted  to  them,  to  increase 
the  rental  above  ^1000.  On  his  death  in  1792,  the  rental  amounted 
to  ;i^ll23,  without  including  rent  for  150  acres  in  his  natural  pos- 
session. Dr.  Robert  Moir  succeeded  him  under  the  entail,  and 
brought  an  action  against  the  substitutes  concluding  that  he  should 
be  at  liberty  to  keep  up  and  augment  the  rent  of  the  entailed  estate, 
as  if  this  clause  had  not  been  inserted.  It  was  held  by  the  Lords  that 
the  clause  was  to  be  held  as  discharged  by  the  entailer.  The  entail 
likewise  contained  a  clause  that  the  heirs  of  tailzie  should  be  bound 
to  use  the  name  and  title  of  Moir  of  Leckie  exclusive  of  every  other 
name  and  title,  and  to  carry  the  arms  of  Moir  of  Leckie  without  any 
addition,  diminution,  or  alteration  of  any  kind.  After  the  action 
came  into  Court  it  was  discovered  that  there  were  no  arms  of  Moir 
of  Leckie  matriculated  in  the  Lyon  Office.  The  pursuer  being  the 
heir  alioque  successoris,  only  in  one-fourth  of  the  estate  as  represen- 
tative of  one  of  the  four  heirs  portioners,  it  was  likewise  doubted 
whether  they  were  ascendible  to  heirs  of  entail,  or  whether  they  neces- 
sarily descended  jure  sanguine  to  Mr.  Moir's  heir  of  line.  The  Lords 
found  it  incumbent  on  the  pursuer  and  other  heirs  of  entail  to  follow 
out  the  tailzier's  appointment  in  carrying  the  name  and  arms  of 
Moir  and  Leckie,  and  for  that  purpose  to  obtain  from  the  Lyon  Office, 
arms  of  that  description  descendible  to  heirs  of  entail  of  Leckie." 

Dr.  Robert  Graham's  arms,  blazoned,  confirmed,  and  assigned,  14th 
December,  1764,  are  thus  described  in  the  family  pedigree: — Argent; 
a  man's  heart  gules,  ensigned  with  an  imperial  crown  proper;  on  a  chief 
sable  three  escallops  or ;  above  the  shield  a  helmet  befitting  his  degree 
with  a  mantle  gules  doubling  argent.  On  a  wreath  of  his  colours  is  set 
for  crest,  an  escallop  as  the  former.  This  motto,  Spero  meliora.  **In 
accordance  with  the  Lords'  decision  of  1794,  the  Leckie  arms  were 
matriculated  in  1796,  as  follows: — (1st  and  4th  quarters)-Argent; 
three  Mauritanian  heads  couped  and  distilling  three  drops  of  blood 
ppr.,  banded  of  the  first,  a  pearl  in  each  ear  of  the  second,  in  the  centre 
a  mullet  gu,  for  Moir;  (2nd  quarter)  argent,  a  head  crowned  ppr.  in  a 
chief  sable  three  escallops  or,  for  Graham.  (1st  and  4th  quarters  of 
3rd  quarter)  argent;  a  galley,  sails  furled,  oars  in  action,  sable.  This 
quarter  indicates  a  Stewart  and  Campbell  connection,  Dr.  Robert 
Moir's  wife  being  a  Stewart  of  Ardsheal.  The  Moir  arms  are  similar  to 
those  of  Moir  of  Hilton.     Moir  ofLeckie's  crest  was  a  falcon  proper, 

*p.  15.537. 

**Balfour  Paul's  Ordinary  of  Scottish  Arms,  pp.  84,  117,  146,  150. 

284  MoiR  Geneai,ogy 

armed  or  belted,  or,  perched   on  a  heron  lying  on  its  back  proper, 
beaked  and  membered  gu,  with  the  motto,  *"Ne  Oublie." 

Dr.  Robert  Moir  of  Leckie  married  Anne,  daughter  of  Charles 
Stewart  of  Ardsheal,  chief  of  the  Stewarts  of  Appin  and  Lorn,  by  whom 
he  had  five  sons  and  six  daughters: — James  Lennox  Moir,  the  eldest 
son,  died  in  infancy.  Charles  Alexander  the  second  son,  succeeded 
his  father,  and  will  be  noticed  below.  Of  James,  the  third  son,  no 
particulars  are  given  in  the  family  pedigree.  Robert,  the  fourth  son, 
was  Professor  of  Botany  in  Edinburgh  University,  and  died  7th  August, 
1845.  He  married  Elizabeth  Belches,  second  daughter  of  David 
Hamilton  of  Drumpellier,  and  left  a  family.  The  fifth  son  of  Dr.  Moir 
of  Leckie,  was  John,  a  captain  in  the  Royal  Navy.  The  Laird  of  Leckie 
died  in  August,  1819,  and  was  buried  in  Leckie.  The  Grahams  seem 
to  have  had  a  right  of  burial  in  St.  Andrew's  Chapel,  or  Garden  Aisle, 
at  the  West  Church,  Stirling,  but  none  of  the  Lairds  of  Leckie  are 
buried  there. 

Charles  Alexander  Graham  took  the  surname  of  Moir  on  succeeding 
to  Leckie,  in  the  Barony  of  which  he  was  infeft  on  8th  June,  1820.** 
He  was  a  doctor  by  profession,  and  practised  up  till  his  father's  death. 
He  built  the  new  mansion-house  of  Leckie  on  the  plan  of  an  old  Eng- 
lish baronial  mansion-house.  It  stands  on  a  higher  situation  than  the 
old  house,  and  has  a  commanding  view  of  the  Vale  of  Menteith.  Dr. 
C.  A.  Graham- Moir  married  Henrietta,  second  daughter  of  Robert 
Hay,  of  Drumelzier  and  Dunse  Castle,  and  Janet  Erskine,  eldest  dau. 
of  James  Erskine,  of  Cardross,  and  Lady  Christian  Bruce,  daughter 
of  the  Earl  of  Elgin.  The  issue  of  this  marriage  was  an  only  son 
and  three  daughters: — 

1.  Robert  Graham-Moir. 

2.  Janet  Erskine  Graham. 

3.  Ann  Stewart  Graham,  who  died  1846. 

4.  Isabella  Matilda  Graham. 

The  Laird  died  18th  August,  1845,  aged  73,  and  was  buried  in  the 
family  burying  ground  at  Leckie;  his  widow  died  6th  Aug.,  1854. 

Robert  Graham  Moir,  the  next  Laird  of  Leckie,  was  a  justice  of 
the  peace  and  Deputy  Lieutenant  of  Gargunnock;  he  m.  Anne  Eliza- 
beth, third  dau.  of  WiUiam  Hay  of  Dunse  Castle, Whittingham,  and: 
Drumelzier,  by  whom  he  had  two  sons  and  four  daughters  as  follows: — 

1.  Charles  William  Graham-Moir,  b.  26  July,  1858,  and  d. 

9  March,   1861. 

2.  Alastair  Erskine  Graham-Moir,  justice  of  the  peace,  b.  18 

July,  1863,  m.  Nov.  11,  1897,  Winnifred  Edith,  second 
dau.  of  Right  Hon.  Sir  Herbert  Maxwell,  Baronet,  P.  C.,, 
M.  P.,  and   has  issue: — 

1.  Charles  WUliam,  b.  30  Oct.  1898. 

2.  A  son,  born  Feb.  24,  1905. 
And  others. 

•Kirkwood's  Crests,  p.  53,  and  Fairbairn's  Crests,  335. 
••Stirlingshire  Sasines . 


1.  Henrietta  Florence  May  Graham-Moir. 

2.  Evelyn  Annie  Graham-Moir, 

3.  Marion  Clementina  Graham-Moir. 

4.  Mabel  Christian  Hay  Graham-Moir,  d.  Dec.  24,  1882. 
Robert  Graham-Moir  died  Mar.  3,  1864,  and  was  succeeded  by  hia 

infant  son,  *Alastair  Erskine  Graham-Moir,  who  lived  on  the  estate 
until  1906,  when  he  sold  the  property  to  Mr.  George  Younger,  of  Valley- 
field,  Kinross,  in  the  spring  of  that  year.  He  was  the  last  of  the  Lairds 
of  his  line,  and  seemed  to  be  in  want  of  the  usual  thriftiness  of  the 

Shortly  afterwards,  he  advertised  that  he  intended  to  drop  the 
name  of  Moir.     The  estate  of  Boquhapple  still  remains  in  the  family. 

Mr.  Graham-Moir  removed  to  Edinburgh,  after  selling  the  prop- 


(From  the  Scottish  County  Directory,  1902.) 
MR.  MOIR,  Airth  Mains,  Airth,  Larbert. 
ALEXANDER  MOIR,  Farmer,  Nethercarse,  Gargunnock. 
DAVID  MOIR,  Farmer,  Gateside,  Balfron,  Balfron  Station. 
DAVID  MOIR,  Lednabra,  Balfron  Station. 
JAMES  MOIR,  Park  of  Auchintroig,  Balfron  Station. 
JOHN  MOIR,  Carse  of  MacOrriston,  ThomhiU,  Kippen  Station. 
WILLIAM  J.  MOIR,  Netherton,  ThomhiU,  Kippen  Station. 

•The  Tutors  of  Alastair  Erskine  Graham-Moir,  (then  a  minor)  were  assessed  £3,077 
as  the  valuation  of  the  estate  of  Leckie  in  1880.  There  were  twenty-six  estates  in  Gar- 
gunnock, which  is  sis  miles  long  and  four  broad.     Leckie  being  the  largest. 

From  Nimmo's  History  of  Stirlingshire. 

Vol.  2.  page  268. 

286  MoiR  Genealogy 


Kindly   Furnished    by   JOHN    GEORGE    BURNETT,    ESQ.,    Aberdeen 

July  9,  1608.  Sasine  to  Mr.  William  Moir  on  the  Interior  land  on  the 
east  of  the  Gallowgate  conquered  from  William  Norie,  son 
and  heir  of  the  late  Robert  Norie. 

May  2,  1623.  Sasine  to  Mr.  William  Moir  on  the  Interior  land  on  the 
east  of  the  Gallowgate  conquered  from  William  Turing  of 
Foveran.  (Witness  Mr.  John  Moir,  brother  of  the  said 
William  Moir)  for  implement  of  his  marriage  contract  with 
Agnes,  daughter  of  Patrick  Gordon  of  Gordonesmylnes. 

May  24,  1615.  Sasine  Mr.  William  Moir,  Burgess  of  Aberdeen  to  his 
second  son  John  Moir,  on  a  tenement  and  garden  on  the  east 
of  the  Gallowgate,  where  the  road  goes  to  Aberdeen. 

June  29,  1638.  Sasine.  Mr.  WiUiam  Moir  on  the  tenement  of  Janet 
Forbes.     (Minute   book.) 

May  1,  1646.  Sasine.  Mr.  William  Moir  and  Janet  Forbes,  his 
spouse.     (Minute   book.) 

Jan.  3,  1650.  Sasine.  William  Moir  on  the  tenement  of  James 
Robertson.     (Minute  Book.) 

Jan.  4,  1651.  Sasine.  John  Moir,  eldest  son  of  the  late  Mr.  John 
Moir,  burgess  of  Aberdeen,  and  heir  of  Mr.  Henry  Moir  imme- 
diate younger  brother  of  the  said  Mr.  John  Moir,  and  so 
uncle  of  the  said  John  of  a  tenement  of  land  on  the  East  side 
of  the  Gallowgate. 

Jan.  4,  1651.  Sasine.  John  Moir  heriditary  proprietor  of  the  above 
land  with  consent  of  Baillie  Patrick  Moir  his  curator  of  the 
above-mentioned  lands  in  favour  of  Mr.  William  Moir, 
Principal  of  Marischal  College. 

Jan.  12,  1655.  Sasine  on  marriage  contract  between  John  Moir 
eldest  son  of  the  deceased  John  Moir  and  Marjorie  Beans, 
his  relict,  and  Mary  Cochrane,  second  daughter  of  Walter 
Cochrane,  late  Baillie  of  Aberdeen,  disponing  the  tenement 
on  the  East  of  the  Gallowgate,  reserving  to  Marjorie  Beans 
her  life-rent. 

June  4,  1656.  Sasine.  Mr.  William  Moir  and  Margaret  Skein,  his 
future  spouse,  of  the  inland  of  Mr.  William  Moir. 

July  24,  1657.  Sasine.  Patrick  Moir  of  the  lands  of  Master  Thomas 
Smith.     (Minute  book.) 

Reg.  Aug.  15,  1657.  Sa.  to  Mariore  Beanes  and  John  Moir,  her  son, 
off  ye  Pendicle  called  Corriedoune. 

Reg.  Aug.  27,  1658.  Sa.  to  John  Moir,  eldest  lauU  sone  to  Wm. 
Moir  of  Ferriehill  off  ye  lands  of  Ardgraine. 

Reg.  Aug.  28,  1658.  Sa.  to  John  Moir,  eldest  lauU  sone  to  Wm.  Moir 
of  Ferriehill,  of  ye  lands  of  Carnmucks. 

MoiR  Grnealogy  287 

Reg.  Aug.  12,  1657.     Sa.  to  Walter  Cochrane,  lait  Bailzie  of  Abd., 

John  Leslie,  burges  Yr.  and   Issobell    Cochrane,  his   spoua 

John  Moir  Mcht  Yr.  and  Marie  Cochrane  his  spous  off  ye 

barronie  of  Meanie.     Al.  forbes,  not. 
Reg.  Oct.  29,  1656.     Sa  to  Mr.  Wm.  Moir,   Doctor  of  Medicine  off 

thrie  rigis  or  croftis  of  land. John  Sandilands,  not. 

Reg.  Oct.  11,  1656.     Sa.  to  Mariore  Beanes  off    ane  ploughe  of  the 

lands  of  Auchintoull.      James not. 

Reg.  July  18,  1656  —  Sa.  to  John  Moir,  Mcht,    in   Abd.  and   Marie 

Cochrane    his    spous,     off    twa    ploughes    of    land   of  wast 

fintray. — Al.   Forbes,  notary. 
Reg.  June  6,  1656. — Sa.     Inst,    of    Resign,    be    Mr.    Wm.    Moir    In 

favours  of  Doctr.Wm.  Moir  his  sone,  of  the  Lands  of  Scottis- 

toune, — Al.   Forbes,   Nott. 
Reg. June  6,  1658.     Sa.  Inst,  of  Resign,  be  Mr.  Wm.  Moir  In  favours 

of  Doctr.  Wm.  Moir  his  sone.  Off  tenements  in  parochin  of  St. 

Reg.  June  6,  1656.     Sa.  to  Doctr.  Wm.  Moir  doctor  of  medicine,  and 

Margaret  Skeine,  his  spous  of  the  Lands  of  Kirkton  of  Dyce. 

—  Alex.  Irvine,  Nott. 
Reg.  April  19,  1656.     Sa.  to  Mr.  James  Moir  in  Wast  Atarive,  Off  the 

Lands  and  Mains  of  Auguhorthies. — George  baird,  nott. 
Reg.  Apr.  2,  1655.      Sa.  on  charter  to  Mariorie  Beanes,  relict  of  the 

deceist  John  Moir,  burgess  of  Abd.,  of  thetoune  and  lands  of 

Brodland. —  Wm.  Chalmer,  nott. 
Reg.  Sept.  8,  1654.     Sa.  to  Mariorie  Beanes,  relict  of  Mr.  John  Moare 

of  the  lands  of  brodland.       Wm.  Chalmer,  nott. 
Reg.  Jan.  28,  1654.    Sa.  to  Mariorie  Moir,  spous  of  Thomas  Mitchell, 

merchand  in  Abd.  of  the  half  nettes  salmond  fishing  on  the 

water  of  Done.     Wm.  Chalmer,  nott. 
Reg.  Oct.  4,  1652.     Sa.  to  Mr.  Wm.  Moir,  prinll.  of  the  Colledge  of 

new  Abd.,  and  his  spous.  off  the  north  Lands  of  the  Kirktone 

of  hospitall. — Patrick  Cruickshank,  nottar  thereto. 
Reg.  Mar..  18,  1651.     Sa.  to  Mr.  James  Moir,  minister  of  God's  word 

at  the  kirk  of  Tarves,   of  the  tounelands  of  Wedderlaires. 

George     baird,     not. 
Reg.  Feb.  3,  1663      Sa.     Mr.    William    Moir  and  his  spouse  of  the 

lands  of  Kirktoune  of  Dyce. — (54.) 
1664.     Sa.  Mr.  William  More,  of  the  toun  and  lands  of  Wed- 

derlaire  (son  of  James  Moir,  minister  of  Tarves.)     (539)  and 

Jan.  1,  1644.     Sa.  Dr.  William  More,  and  Margaret  Skene,  his  spouse, 

of  the  lands  of  Scotston.      (568.) 
1665.     Sa.  John  Moire  and  his  sons  of  the  lands  and  baronie  of 

argrais.      (456.) 
March  1666.     John  Moir  the  lands  of  Kinnellor  (403),   (406.) 
Reg.  May  15,  1672.     Sa.  Pairick  Moir  son  to  Mr.  Wm.  Moir,  prin'll 

off  the  coUedg  Maraschell,  Aberdene,  off  the  lands   and  bar- 
ronie of  Spittill.  registrat  15  May,  1672.     (505.)  (512.) 

288  MoiR  Geneai^ogy 

2  May,  1671.     Sa.  Joha  Moir,  of  Cairmucks  and  Joan  Sandilands  hia 

spous,  and  John  Moir  her  sone  of  Lands  of  Stoney  wood  regrat 

2   May  1671   (298). 
Aug..  1,  1672.     Sa.     John  Moir  of  Kermucks  of  the  half  lands  of 

Torre.     1  Aug.   1672. 
Nov.  26, 1673.     Sa.  John  Moir  of  Barns,  of  Milne  and  Milne  lands  of 

Corstrie.     26  Nov.   1673. 
On  the  29th  July  1673,  there   is    a    disposition    by    Andrew  Skene 

of  Rudrieston,  and  Christian  Skene,  his  spouse,  and  Robert 

and  Andrew  Skene  his  lawful  sons,  to  John  Moir,  of  the 

lands  of  Rudrieston. 
Sept.  30,  1674.     Sa.  John  Moir,  lands  of  Cooklaw. 
Nov.  21,  1677.     Sa.  Mr.  Wm.  Moir  of  Scotstown  the  lands  and  barony 

of  Spittell. 
March  3,  1635.     Sa.  to  Archibald  Beanes,  burges  of  Abd.  of  the  toune 

and  landis  of  Auchmenzie,  3  Marche,  1635. 
July  27,  1633.     Sa.  to  Mr.  William  Moir,  burges  of  Aberdene,  of  the 

landis  and  milne  of  gordonsmilne  27  July,  1633. 
Sept.  25,  1628.     Sa.  to  Mr.  William  Moir,  burges  of  Abd.  on  the  lands 

of  SpittalL— Mr.  Alex.  Reid,  not. 
Sept.  25,  1628.     Sa.  to  Mr.  John  Moir,  burges  of  Abd.  and  Meriore 

beanes  his  spouse.  On  the  toune  and  Lands  of  Sonysyd  Sept. 

25,  1628.     Mr.  Alex.    Reid,  not. 
Aug.  30,  1602.     Sa.  to  Mr.  Wm.  Moir,  burges  of  Aberdeen  be  Andro 

hervie  of  denstoun.     On  the  tua  pt.   Lands  of  Scottistoun 

dait    12     July,     1602.     Notter     Mr.    Wm.    Chalmer.     Put 

Peves  Augt.  1602. 
Aug.  20,  1602.     Sa.  to   Mr.  Wm.  Moir,  burges  of   Abd.,  be  Magr. 

Fduid  rait,  Prinll.  of  the  King's  College  of  auld  Abd.,  on  ye 

sone   halff    of   the   Spittell  in   auld    Abd.    dait     7.   Augti., 

1602.     Nottar,  Mr.  Wo.  Clark  Pnt.  20  Augti.  1602. 
June  1,  1604.     Sa.  to  Mr.  Wm.  Moir,  burges  of  Abd.  on  the  lands  of 

sonysyde    and    spittihill,  as  also  on  the  croftis   besyde  ye 

calseyseat,  dait  1,  Junij  1604.     Notar,  Mr.  Wm.  Chalmer. 
May  14,  1608.     Sa.  givin  to  Archbald  beanes  Litster  and  Christian 

Anand  his  spous     One  ye  —  and  haul  yards  of  Cukstoun. 

Pnted.  14  May,  1608.     nor.  George  Barrone. 
Sept.  7,  1620.     Renun  of  the  toune  of  Scottistoune  maid  be  George 

peacock  to  Mr.  Wm.  Moir  7  Sept.  1620. 
Nov.  22,  1620.     Sa  to  Mariorie  Moir,  relict  of  umqll.  Andro  forbes 

glasswright,     On  ane  tenement  of  land  in  Abd.  22  Novr. 

1620.     Mr.  Thomas  Mollesone,  Not. 
March  8,  1626.     Sa.  to  Mr.  Johne  Moir,  burges  of  Abd.  to  Mariorie 

beanis  his  spous,  on  the  landis  of  sonysyd,  8  March,  1626. 

James  Davidsone. 
May  15,  1679.     Sa.    Janet,  Marjorie,  Isobell,  Jean,  Margaret  and 

Christian  Moires,  as  aires,  portioners,  to  umqtt  John  Moir, 

burges  of  Abd.,  of  the  lands  of  Sunniesyd.     regrat.  15.  May, 


MoiR  Genealogy  289 

June  27,  1679.  Sa.  Janet,  Marjorie,  Isobell,  Jean,  Margaret  and 
Christian  Moirs,  Laull  daughters  and  airs  portioners  to 
umqll.  John  Moir,  merchant  burgess  of  Aberdeine,  of  three 
pleughes  of  the  sunn  halfe  of  the  maines  of  the  Lands  of 
Barnes  wt  the  crofts  yrof  and  sunn  halfe  of  dues  the 
manner  place  of  Barnes,  and  sunne  halfe  of  the  milne  of 
Barnes  and  sunn  halfe  of  west  bigging  fra  the  prinll,  and  in 
warrandice  yrof  of  the  Lands  of  Rothney  and  Hillocks, 
Regrat   27   June,    1679. 

April  20,  1680.  Sa.  Mr.  William  Moir  of  Scotstoune  doctor  of  medi- 
cine, of  the  Lands  andBarronie  of  Spittel,  called  the  hospital! 
of  Sanct.  Peter,— regrat  20  Aprill  1680. 

December  23,  1680.  Merjorie  Moir,  spous  to  George  Gorden  of 
Rothney,  of  the  Lands  of  Drumrossie,  both  sunn  and  shadow 
halves  yeof.  regrat  23  December  1681. 

May  11,  1681.  Sa.  to  Wm.  Moir,  eldest  Laull  sone  to  Mr.  Wm. 
Moir  of  Scotstoun,  of  all  and  haill  the  kirktone  of  Spittill 
Lyand  within  the  regalite  of  the  King's  College  of  Abd. .  .  . 

October  13,  1681.  Sa.  JamesMoirof  ferriehill  of  all  and  haill  the 
Tenement  of  Lands  rigg  or  croft,  consisting  of  the  twelve  ells 
of  breedth  Lyand  in  the  east  side  of  the  citie  of  old  aberdeine. 

August  23,  1683.  Sasine.  Wm.  Moir,  eldest  sone  to  Doctor  Wiliiatn 
Moir,  of  Scotstoune  and  Jeane  Abernethie  his  spous,  of  the 
sunne  south  pairt  of  yekirktoune  of  Spitthill  Lie  thehospitall 
of  sant  peter  Lie  the  outfaulds  thereof  as  also  the  shadow 
and  northmost  pairt  of  the  lands  of  Kirktoune  of  Spitthil 
Lyand  as  sd  is  —  regrat,  etc. 

June  16,  1685,  Sasine,  William  Moir  yonr.  of  Scotstoune,  of  the 
Lands  thereof.     Regrat  the  3d.  day. 

August  3,  1693.  Sa.  Wm.  Moir,  writer  in  Aberdeen,  off  Two  Crofts, 
about  Aberdein  called  Langlands  and  Cuttings.  —  Regrat. 
ye  3d.  of  August  Leif  368,369.     John  Anderson  N.  P. 

Dec.  6,  1697.  Sa.  Mr.  Alexander  fraser,  one  of  the  Regents  of  ye 
King's  CoUedge  of  Aberdeine  Off  twelve  Ruids,  of  Land 
(called  Pouis)  In  old  Aberdeine  .    .    .     Regrat  in  ye  1  Leif. 

December  6,  1697.  Sa.  Christian  Moire,  spouse  to  Mr.  Alexander 
ffraser   ....    (as  above)    .    .    .    Regrat  in  ye  4  leif. 

November  28,  1699.  Sa.  James  Gordon  of  Barnes  and  Margaret 
More,  his  spouse  of  the  Lands  of  Barnes  and  oyrs.  (and 
Rothey  in  warrandice.)  registrat  in  the  410  leaff  — William 
Johnston,  nottar  yrto. 

April  16,  1701.  Mr.  James  Moir  of  Ferriehill  and  Patrick  Milne  f'ter 
in  Aberden,  of  ane  a  rent  out  of  Langlands  and  Cutting. — 
Alex  Leslie  —  N.  P. 

June  18,  1705.  Marjorie  More,  spouse  to  George  Gordon  of  Knockes- 
pock,  one  Three  pleughs  of  Newtoun  of  Knockespock,  pro- 
duced the  eighteenth  day  of  June  1705.     Be  Robert  Irvine 

290  MOIR  Ghnealogy 

wreiter  in  Aberdein,  and  registrat  in  the  18  lea£f.  Mr.  Alex. 
Innes,  nottar  yrto. 

December  15,  1712.  Sa.  Alexander  Moir  of  Scotstown  on  the  sun 
and  shadow   halfs   of  Kirktown  of   Spitthill  produced  the 

fifteenth  day  of  December  1712 be  John  Gordon 

writer  in  Aberdein  and  registrat  10,  11,  and  12  leafs.  Patrick 
Sandilands,  nottar. 

February  3,  1663.  Instrument  of  seisin  following  on  charter  to  Dr. 
Wm.  Moir  and  Margt.  Skene,  his  wife  of  lands  of  Kirktoun 
of  Dyce,  3,  Feb.  1663. 

June  23,  1721.  Sa.  Mary  Chalmers,  spouse  to  Alexander  Moir  of 
Scotstoune  in  a  rent  on  the  sun  or  south  side  of  Kirktoun  of 
Spithill  .  .  .  And  during  the  conjunct  lifetyme  of  Jean 
Abernethie,  spouse  to  James  Moir  of  Stoniewood,  and  the 
said  Mary  Chalmers,  after  the  said  Alexr.  Moir's  decease  in 
case  they  happen  to  survive  him  on  Scotoun  Thackhetherhill 
and  Dubfoord  with  the  pendicle  yrof  called  silverburn  and 
Caniecroft  with  their  pertinents  Lying  within  the  parioch  and 
shereffdome  forsaid.  Presented  by  John  Maule  writer  in 
Aberdeen, —  and  registrate  the  139  and  140  leaves.  Wm. 
Hay,  Nottar  thereto. 

Dec.  11,  1728.  Sa.  William  Moir,  son  to  Jas.  Moir  of  Stony  wood 
on  toun  and  lands  of  Whitehill,  reserving  to  sd.  James  Moir 
his  life  rent  right  of  one-half  nets  salmon  fishing  proceeding 
on  ch  from  crown  in  favours  of  sd.  Wm.  Moir. 

July  2,  1741.  Sa.  Wm.,  Isobel  and  Janet  Moir,  children  of  deceist 
James  Moir  of  Stoney  wood  and  nearest  and  lauU  Joint  Heirs 
of  Provision  to  the  deceist  Patrick  and  Elizabeth  Moirs  their 
brother  and  sister  dated  the  25  June,  1741.  In  all  and  haill 
Lands  of  Muir  (?)   of  Stonywood. 

May  10,  1745.  Sa.  to  James  Moir,  now  of  Invernettie,  heir  served 
and  retoured  to  Wm.  Moir  of  Invernettie,  his  uncle  of  a  rent 
on  Stoneywood. 

August  29,  1746.  Sa.  Mrs.  Jannet  Moir,  spouse  to  Patrick  Byres 
of  Tonley,  of  town  and  lands  of  Findlatrie. 

August  3,  1752.  Sasine,  George  Moir  of  Scotstoune  and  Alexr. 
McDonald  mercht.  in  Abd.,  of  towns  and  lands  of  Arduthie. 

Dec.  12,  1752.  Sa.  George  Moir  of  Scotstoun  of  all  and  haill  lands 
and  toun  of  Scotstown. 

May  17,  1757.  Sa.  Wm.  Moir  of  Lonmay  as  heir  of  deed.  William 
Moir  of  Lonmay. 

June  19,  1757.  Contract  of  March  9,  dated  the  15th  of  June  betwixt 
George  Moir  of  Scotstoun,  Proprietor  of  the  lands  of  Sunni- 
side,  and  James  Bartlett  Farmer  in  Abdeen.  Proprietor  of 
the  Croft  of  Causewayend. 

Epitaphs  and  Burial  Records  of  St.  Clement's  Churchyard 

Footdee,  Aberdeen 

Kindly  Transcribed  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE 
Oan.  1st,  1855.   to  Dec.  31.  1911.) 

ALEXANDER  MOIR,  *Oyne,  Aberdeenshire,  aged  one  and  one-half 
years,  buried  4th  July,  1878. 

ANN  MOIR  or  Allardyce,  30  Park  St.,  Aberdeen,  aged  76,  buried  10th 
December,  1887. 

fANN  MOIR,  who  resided  in  67 Frederick  St.,  Aberdeen,  died  4th 
June,  1910,  at  the  Royal  Infirmary,  Aberdeen,  aged  71,  and  waa 
buried  7th  June,  1910. 

•Oyne  is  a  parish. 

tShe  was  a  daughter  of  Robert  Moir  and  Ann  Allardyce,  but  her  name  has  not 
been  inscribed  on  the  family  tombstone.  She  was  a  bright  woman  and  a  devoted 
ohurob  worker. 

292  MoiR  Geneai^ogy 

ANNIE  REID  MOIR,  Neptune  Terrace,  Aberdeen,  aged  four  and 

one-half  weeks,  buried  10th  November  1884. 
CALDER  MOIR,  128  Gallowgate,  Aberdeen,  aged  50,  buried  25th 

May,  1855. 
♦DANIEL  MEARNS  MOIR,  Neptune  Terrace,  Aberdeen,  aged  23, 

buried  19th  August,  1886. 
DANIEL  MEARNS   MOIR,   Neptune  Terrace,  Aberdeen,   aged  10 

months,  buried  3d  April,  1888. 
GEORGE  MOIR,  24  James  St.,  Aberdeen,  aged  86  years,  buried  22nd 

October,  1855. 
GEORGE  S.  MOIR,  3  Rosemont  Place,  Aberdeen,  aged  48,  buried 

26th  November,   1885. 
HENRY  A.  MOIR,  26  Hill  St.,  Aberdeen,  aged  10  months,  buried  9th 

October,  1884. 
H.  MOIR,  Lamont  Place,  Aberdeen,  had  a  child  buried  31st  October, 

ISABELLA  MOIR,  13  York  St.,  Aberdeen,  aged  22,  buried  6th  May, 

JAMES  MOIR,  12  Links  St.,  Aberdeen,  aged  78,  buried  27th  August, 

JAMES  MOIR,  156  West  North  St.,  Aberdeen,  aged  one  and  two- 
third  years,  buried  11th  May,  1878. 
JAMES  MOIR,  ropemaker,  74  Skene  Square,   Aberdeen,  died   10th 

November,  buried  14th  November,  1908. 
MARGARET  BAXTER  MOIR,    96  John  St.,  Aberdeen,  aged  one 

and  one-half  years,  buried  9th  December,  1871. 
MARGARET  MOIR,  King's  Crescent,  Aberdeen,  aged  72,  buried  13th 

April  1885. 
MARGARET  MOIR,  aged  86,  buried  3rd  February,  1886. 
MARGARET  MOIR,  21  James  St.,  Aberdeen,  aged   60,    buried  Ist 

October,  1865. 
MARY  MILNE  MOIR,  19  York  St.,  Aberdeen,  aged  five  and  one- 
quarter  years,  buried  4th  January,  1865. 
MARY  MOIR,  Royal   Infirmary,   Aberdeen,   aged  51,   buried  24th 

April  1895. 
tMAUDE  UNDERWOOD  MOIR,  87  Urquhart  Road,  Aberdeen,  died 

27th  December,  1902,  buried  30th  December,  1902. 
MOIR'S  CHILD  was  buried  from  46  Virginia  St.,  Aberdeen  26th  May, 

1871.     (No  age  given.) 
ROBERT  MOIR,  169  Gallowgate,  Aberdeen,  aged  52,  buried  13th 

June,  1855. 
SUSAN  MOIR,  James  St.,  Aberdeen,  aged  96,  buried  11th  February, 

THOMAS  MORE,  26  St.  Clements  St.,  Aberdeen,  aged  45,  buried 

15th  March,  1864. 

*Thi3  child  and  that  mentioned  below  was  named  after  Daniel  Mearna  who  was 
Lord  Provost  of  Aberdeen  1895-1898.  A  brother  of  this  Daniel  Mearna  died  at  Aber- 
deen February,  1913. — Scottish  American. 

tShe  was  the  wife  of  John  Moir,  Jr. 

MoiR  Genealogy  293 

WILLIAM  MOIR,  aged  74,  buried  27th  April  1855. 

WILLIAM  B.  MOIR,  13  Neptune  Terrace, Aberdeen,  aged  20,  buried 

29th  October,  1881. 
WILLIAM  KENNEDY  MOIR,  21  Carmelite  St.,  Aberdeen,  aged  5 

months,  buried  12th  November,   1862. 
WILLIAMINA  MOIR  or  PETRIE,  15  Allan  Street,  Aberdeen,  aged 

34,  buried  10th  January,  1888. 
WILLIAM   MOIR  GOLDIE,  43  Jopps  Lane,  Aberdeen,   aged  one 

and  one-half  years,  buried  20th  March,  1866. 
WILLIAM  MOIR,  21   Berry   Lane,  Aberdeen,  aged  47,  buried  13th 

June,  1857. 
WILLIAM  MOIR,  21  Spring  Garden,  Aberdeen,  aged  21,  buried  26- 

Sept.,   1864. 

(Note.)     The  burial  records  are  missing,  7th  July,  1857,  to  22  Aug., 


I.     A  granite  headstone  is  inscribed: — 

"Erected  by  loving  friends,  in  memory  of  WILLIAM  W. 
MOIR,  who  died  22nd  September,  1864,  aged  21  years; 
also  his  father,  ROBERT  MOIR,  who  died  11th  June, 
1855,  aged  52  years,  and  his  mother,  ANN  ALLARDYCE 
MOIR,  who  died  7th  December,  1887,  aged  76  years." 
II.     A  granite  headstone,  bears  the  following: — 

"The    burying    ground    of    JAMES    MOIR,     rope-maker, 
III.     A  headstone,  the  lettering  at  base  of  which  on  the  obverse  side 
is  much  decayed,  bears: — 

"Erected  by  Henry  Jamieson,  late  in  the  78th  Regiment 
of  Foot,  in  memory  of  his  step-children — JOANNA  MOIR, 
who  died  in  1805;  JEAN,  died  1813;  JESSY,  died  1820; 
all  in  the  7th  year  of  their  age;  and  Mary  who  died  28th 
Sept.,  1828,  aged  14  years;  also  of  his  nephew  —  John 
narrower,  who  died  in  1825,  aged  3  years.  The  aforesaid 
Henry  Jamieson  died  9th  May,  1850,  aged  51  years.  Ann 
Wilson,  his  spouse,  died  17th  Nov.,  1843,  aged  67  years. 
JAMES  MOIR  who  died  14th  August,  1847,  aged  56 
years.  WILLIAM  MOIR  died  11th  June,  1857,  aged 
47  years." 

The  reverse  side  is  inscribed : — 

"Also  SYMON  MOIR,  who  died  6th  Deer.,  1830,  aged 
11  months;  JAMES  MOIR  died  15th  July,  1848,  aged  7 
years.     ANN    MOIR  died  25th  July,   1848,  aged  15  years; 

294  MoiR  Genealogy 

WILLIAM  MOIR  died  29th  August,  1848,  aged  13  years; 
ISABELLA  MOIR  died  7th  September,  1848, .  aged  1  year 
and  6  months;  HENRY  MOIR  who  died  13th  May,  1862, 
aged  33  years,  and  MARY,  died  in  infancy.  W.  K.  MOIR, 
aged  5  months,  grandson  of  the  aforesaid  WILLIAM 
MOIR;  CATHERINE  F.  MOIR,  died  May,  1862,  aged 
60.  MARY  A.  D.  MOIR,  died  10th  Dec,  1884,  aged  48, 
also  her  children — MAGGIE  and  JAMES.  Her  husband, 
G.  S.  MOIR,  died  Nov.  22,  1885,  aged  48." 


IV.     A  Tablestone  bears: — 

"In  memory  of  Ann  Ross,  spouse  of  GEORGE  MOIR, 
vintner,  'Old  Ship,'  Aberdeen,  who  died  29th  April,  1792, 
aged  38  years.  Also  GEORGE  and  ISOBEL  their  infant 
children.  Also  Mary  Baxter,  from  Wigton  in  Cumberland, 
second  spouse  of  the  said  GEORGE  MOIR,  who  died  13th 
of  March,  1797,  aged  about  44  years.  Likewise  the  said 
GEORGE  MOIR,  died  27th  May  1813,  aged  63  years.  Also 
his  daughter,  JANE  MOIR,  widow  of  William  Maxwell 
Shaw,  sometime  teacher  of  music  in  Aberdeen,  who  died 
24th  February,  1850,  aged  72  years.  This  tribute  to  the 
memory  of  a  most  amiable  and  affectionate  sister,  is 
inscribed  by  her  surviving  brothers,  GEORGE  (afterwards 
Sheriff    of    Stirlingshire,)    and  ROBERT  MOIR." 

*GEORGE   MOIR,    LL.D.,  Sheriff  of   Stiriingshire 

By  JAMES  FORBES  GEORGE,  Journalist 

In  none  of  the  biographies  of  this  distinguished  Aberdonian  that  I   Contributed  to 
have  seen  is  the  occupation  of  the  father  stated.  "   Mr.  A.  F.  Pollard,    ^^J Qutdes'l^y 
in  the  "Dictionary  of  National  Biography,"  simply  says,  "he  was  the   j.  f.  George, 
son  of   GEORGE   MOIR,   of  Aberdeen."     Now  this  GEORGE  was   April  1902. 
neither  an  obscure  nor  impecunious  citizen.     He  however,  belonged   Page  150. 
to  a  calling  which  like  that  of  "General  Merchant,"  and  messenger-of- 
arms,  has  not  maintained  its  ancient   repute,  and  is  now,  "sair  awa' 
wi't,"  in  the  estimation  of  the  "genteel."    Hence,  possibly,  the  sup- 
pression.   MOIR  was  in  fact,  a  member  of  "the  trade,"  a  prosperous 
vintner,    and  landlord  of  the  "Old  Ship,"  who  thought  very  well  of 
himself  and  his  environment,  and  was  able  to  "count  kin"  to  his  own 
satisfaction,  with  the  MOIRS   of  Stoneywood. 

GEORGE  MOIR,  the  younger,  graduated  M.  A.  at  Marischal 
College  in  1817,  at  the  age  of  17;  ROBERT  MOIR,  a  brother,  was  a 
bajan  in  Waterloo  year,  but  did  not  graduate.  In  1824,  ROBERT 
was  a  wine  merchant,  carrying  on  business  in  Adelphi  Court,  and  living 
in  Peacock's  Close.  This  address  now  sounds  like  a  music  hall  joke. 
So  do  the  addresses  of  many  other  and  more  eminent  citizens  of  that 
period.  The  Close,  which  became  notoriously  "deboshit,"  in  its  old 
age,  was  then  in  its  infancy,  dating  from  about  1820,  when  the  first 
house  was  built  by  Frances  Peacock,  the  celebrated  dancing-master. 
One  of  ROBERT  MOIR'S  class-fellows,  was  Alexander  Tower,  son  of 
Baillie  George  Tower,  and  subsequently  a  merchant  at  Santa  Cruz. 
Another  was  George  Ronald,  Junior,  son  of  the  host  of  the  far-famed 
"Lemon  Tree,"  in  Huxter  Row.  The  house  with  the  kindly  hostess, 
Mrs.  Ronald,  is  still  a  pleasant  memory  to  the  older  citizens,  and 
is  even  known  to  such  of  the  younger  generation  as  had  fathers  and 
grandfathers  not  averse  from  cards,  late  hours,  and  whisky-punch. 
Some  of  the  associations  are  amusing  if  not  edifying.  One  morning, 
after  a  long  sitting  in  this  inn,  might  have  been  seen  the  interesting 
spectacle  of  one  baillie  staggering  home,  with  a  liquor-logged  brother 
magistrate  on  his  back.  It  is  to  be  hoped  that  history  will  not  repeat 
itself  in  this  fashion.  ROBERT  MOIR  was  afterwards  a  banker  in 

The  "Dictionary  of  National  Biography"  does  not  give  the  name 
of  SHERIFF  MOIR'S  wife.  Carlyle,  in  a  letter  written  in  1833,  with 
several  characteristic  depreciatory  snarls,  mentions  ROBERT  MOIR 
was  then  living  in  Northumberland  St.,  Edinburgh,  with  a  wife  and 
two  or  three  infants.     MRS.  MOIR  was  Flora  Tower,  who  belonged 

*Kindly  furnished  by  R.  Murdoch  Lawrance,  Aberdeen. 

296  MoiR  Geneai,ogy 

to  the  influential  Aberdeen  family  of  that  name.  The  sheriff's  daughter, 
ANNE  TOWER  MOIR,  is  the  present  Countess  of  Drogheda,  having 
married  in  1879,  Ponsonby  William  Moore,  who  in  1892,  succeeded 
to  Moore  Abbey,  with  the  earldom  and  other  minor  honours,  on  the 
death  of  his  kinsman,  Henry,  3rd  and  last  Marquis  of  Drogheda. 

Of  the  Sheriff's  brother-in-law,  WILLIAM  MAXWELL  SHAW, 
we  have  received  the  following  facts  of  his  musical  career  from  MR. 
ROBERT  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE,  a  promising  young  author 
and  genealogist  in  Aberdeen. 

"After  competitive  trial  on  13th  December,  1797,  MR.  WILLIAM 
MAXWELL  SHAW,  who  came  to  Aberdeen  from  Dingwall,  was 
elected  to  the  office  of  precentor  of  the  West  Parish  Church,  Aberdeen, 
and  teacher  of  vocal  music  in  the  city,  at  a  salary  of  ^20  for  precentor 
and  £5  as  teacher  of  vocal  music."  It  is  somewhat  doubtful  whether 
Mr.  Shaw  was  a  native  —  some  authorities  maintain  he  was,  while 
others  seem  equally  determined  he  was  not  —  but  he  at  least  was  of 
Scottish  extraction.  For  about  eight  years,  Mr.  Shaw  "took  up  the 
line,"  in  the  West  Kirk,  and  then  left  for  America,  where  at  Boston, 
Mass.,  in  July,  1805,  —  the  year  in  which  he  resigned  office  —  he  died. 
He  is  spoken  of  as  "one  of  the  first  vocalists  of  his  time,  as  weU  as  an 
excellent  instrumentalist."  His  singing  of  the  Psalms  was  so  much 
admired  that  "the  Congregation  accompanied  him  verj'  softly,  that 
they  might  be  able  to  hear  his  beautifully  round  and  manly  voice, 
which  appeared  to  fill  the  church  without  any  exertion  or  disagreeable 
hardness."  MR.  SHAW  edited,  about  1800,  a  collection  of  Church 
Tunes,  —  thirty-one  in  number  —  of  which  six  were  composed  by 
himself.  Everything  points  to  the  precentor  having  been  a  really 
cultured  musician,  and  considerably  ahead  of  his  time.  MR.  SHAW 
was  a  pupil  of  Urbani. 


From  "MUSGRAVES  OBITUARY"  prior  to  1800. 
By  SIR  WILLIAM  MUSGRAVE,  6th  Baronet,  Cumberland,  England 

ALEXANDER  MOIR,  Bursar  at  King's  College,  Aberdeen,  died  1766. 

(S.  M.  615.) 
GEORGE  MOIR,  of  Leckie,  died  27  Oct.,  1792,  aged  85. 

(G.  M.  1056.) 
JACOB  MOIR,  painter  at  Rome,  died  1793. 

(S.  M.  IV.  619.) 
JAMES  MOIR,  at  Kensington,  (London),  16  May,  1752. 

(G.  M.  241.) 
REV.  JOHN  MOIR,  (Anecdotes,  Living  Authors.)  (No  date  given.) 

(E.  M.  IV.  126.) 








•    -O 

MoiR  Ghnkalogv  297 


Kindly  furnished  by  JAMES  M.  A.  WOOD.  Esq.,  Solicitor,  Aberdeen 
12th  Feby.,  1675.    GEORGE  MORE,  husband  of  Marion  Byres,  was   !=-ee  Genealoior 

buried.  <>t  this  Branch, 

29th  Septr.,  1677.     JANET  MORE  was  buried.  paaeeisa  to  176 

25th  Jany.,  1755.     WILLIAM  MOIR,  a  child  in  Meikle  Methhck,  was 
buried .     Died  of  small  pox. 

22  June,  1756.    BEATRIX  MOIR,  spouse  of  Robert  Gibb,  in  Balna- 
goak,  was  buried. 

13th   March,    1762.     ROBERT  MOIR,   Tarves   parish,   was  buried. 
(He  must  have  been  a  native  of  Methlick  parish.) 

26th  July,  1777.     ALEXANDER  MOIR,  son  of  WILLIAM  MOIR, 
Brainjohn,  was  buried. 

3rd  Jany.,  1782.     MARGARET  MOIR,  daughter  of  ALEXANDER 
MOIR,  Brainjohn,  was  buried. 

18th  June,  1795.     WILLIAM  MOIR,  in  Brainjohn,  was  buried. 

In  Loving  Memory  See  reference, 

of  page  254 

Beloved  Wife  of  Andrew  Moir, 

who  died  on 

Saturday,  28th  February,  1903; 

Aged  71  years. 

Glasgow,  Scotland. 

'Twill  comfort  mourning  hearts  to  know 
Her  sufferings  all  are  o'er. 

And  in  her  Saviour's  presence 
She  doth  dwell  for  evermore. 

Whate'er  we  fondly  call  our  own 
Belongs  to  heav'n's  great  Lord, 

The  blessings  lent  us  for  a  day 
Are  soon  to  be  restor'd. 


Kindly  Transcribed  and  Furnished  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE  of  Aberdeen 

According  to  Mr.  William  Brodie's  "Aberdeen,  Its  Traditions  and 
History,"  p.  26,  "the  site  of  the  Mausoleum  of  the  Moirs  of  Scotstown 
in  St.  Peter's  Cemetery  in  Old  Aberdeen,  was  formerly  the  site  of  the 
chapel  that  formed  part  of  the  hospital  buildings,  founded  by  Matthevf 
Kyninmonde,  Bishop  of  Aberdeen,  about  the  year  1197."  An  illustra- 
tion of  the  Mausoleum  will  be  found  in  this  book. 


The  illustration  is  a  sketch  of  the  front  entrance  to  the  Mau- 
soleum in  St.  Peter's  Cemetery,  Aberdeen,  as  obligingly  drawn  by 
Mr.   William  Stuart   Milne,   architect,  Aberdeen. 

The  following  is  a  complete  transcript  of  the  inscriptions  on  the 
tombstones,  etc.,  within  the  enclosure,  to  members  of  the  family  of 
MOIR  of  Scotstown. 

A  wall  monument  on  the  north  side  bears : — 

Sacred  to  the  memory  of  George  Charles  Moir,  Esq.,  of 
Denmore.  Born  A.  D.  October  10th,  1771,  died  January 
12th,  1851.  Mary  Agnes  Bruce,  widow  of  the  above,  only 
daughter  of  the  late  Sir  WUliam  Bruce,  Baronet  of  Sten- 
house.  Born  11th  May,  1803;  died  at  Leamington,  28th 
January,  1882. 

George  Charles  Moir,  was  the  eldest  son  of  George  Moir  of  Stoney- 
wood,  and  his  wife,  Margaret,  daughter  of  George  Cumine,  of  Pitulie. 
(Temple's  "Thanage,"  p.  646.) 

There  are  four  wall  tablets  on  the  south  side  as  follows : — 


To  the  memory  of  George  Moir,  C.  B.,  of  Scotstown, 
Colonel  of  the  Royal  Bengal  Horse  Artillery.  Born  at 
Aberdeen,  13th  March,  1820,  died  at  Umballah,  India,  5th 
February,  1870. 

Colonel  George  Moir,  was  the  eldest  son  of  William  Moir  of  Park, 
brother  of  George  Charles  Moir  (1771-1851). 

♦This  article  has  been  printed  in  the  "Notes  and  Queries"  of  the  Aberdeen  V/eekly 
Journal.    See  Genealogy  of  this  branch,  pages  13S  to  140. 




Sacred  to  the  memory  of  William  Moir,  who  died  25th 
May,  1843,  aged  63.  Also  of  his  widow,  Mary  Elizabeth, 
died  6th  January,  1868,  aged  72.  And  of  their  children  — 
Alexander,  died  30th  January,  1826,  aged  six  weeks;  Charles, 
died  20th  March,  1845,  aged  15;  Anne  Isabella,  died  10th 
February,  1848,  aged  25;  Margaret,  20th  January,  1903. 

William    Moir   was   the   father   of   Colonel  George  Moir,  C.  B., 

Scotstown,  mentioned  on  page  298.  He  married  Mary  Elizabeth 
Forbes,  daughter  of  John  Forbes,  of  Blackford.  (Temple's  "Thanage," 
p.  646.) 


In  memory  of  Louisa  Moir,  wife  of  John  Bell  Sedge- 
wick,  died  in  London,  18th  February,  1883.  Also  of  Isabella 
Moir,  wife  of  Wellwood  Maxwell,  died  at  Holmfield,  Liver- 
pool, 4th  June,  1898. 


In  memory  of  William  Moir,  born  in  Aberdeen,  9th  May, 
1824;  died  in  London,  24th  March,  1872.  And  of  John 
Forbes  Moir,  born  in  Aberdeen,  5th  June,  1821;  died  in 
London,  28th  April,  1890. 

A  sarcophagus  on  the  east  side  has  at  base: — 

'Non  Sibi  Sed  Cunctis" 


MoiR  Gbnsai^ogy 

On  the  right-hand  side  of  the  sarcophagus,  facing  the  east,  there  is 
a  small  cross,  inscribed : — 

The  initials  "W.  M."  stand  for  William  Moir  of  Park,  son  of 
George  Moir  of  Stoneywood,  who  died  29th  April,  1789,  and  "M.E.M." 
for  Mary  Elizabeth  Moir,  daughter  of  John  Forbes  of  Blackford.  (See 
inscription  on  south  side  No.  2,  page  299.) 

A  wall  tablet  on  the  east  side,  surmounted  by  the  Moir  coat-of-arms 
and  motto,  "Non  sibi  sed  cuncti3,"(Not  for  one,  but  for  all)  bears  the 
following  inscription: — 

"Sacred  to  the  memory  of  Alexander  Moir,  Esquire,  of  Scotstown, 
Sheriff  of  Aberdeenshire,  who  died  21st  June,  1824,  aged  64.  And 
Isabella  Moir,  only  child  of  Alexander  Moir,  of  Scotstown,  and  wife 
of  Sir  Michael  Bruce,  Baronet  of  Stenhouse,  born  14th  May,  1799; 
died   19th   November,    1867." 

Alexander  Moir  of  Stoneywood,  born  1760,  (not  1764  as  inadvert- 
ently stated  by  Mr.  A.  J.  Mitchell -Gill  and  Rev.  William  Temple) 
was  the  only  son  of  George  Moir  of  Scotstown  and  Spittal,  whose  first 
wife's  name  cannot  be  ascertained  from  the  Burial  Registers,  as  these 
covering  the  period  1730  to  1769  have  been  lost. 

In  any  case,  she  died  1760,  (see  plan  furnished  on  page  302), 
probably  after  having  given  birth  to  her  illustrious  son. 

Interesting  information  concerning  the  connection  of  Alexander 
Moir  of  Scotstown,  with  the  old  volunteer  force,  is  given  by  Mr. 
Donald  Sinclair  in  "The  History  of  the  Aberdeen  Volunteers,"  published 
by  the  "Aberdeen  Journal"  Office,  1907.  An  excellent  portrait  re- 
produced in  that  serviceable  volume,  belonged  to  Lieutenant-Colonel 



Knight  Erskine,  of  Pittodrie,  who  married  his  niece,  Mary  Anne  Moir. 

The  original  portrait  is  now  in  the  poaseasion  of  Rev.  James  Smith, 
minister  of  St.  George's  in  the  West,  Aberdeen. 

I  find  that  Sheriflf  Moir,  as  a  patron  of  local  literature,  subscribed 
to  the  first  edition  of  Francis  Douglas's  "General  Description  of  the 
East  Coast  of  Scotland,"  published  by  Alexander  Weir,  Paisley,  1782; 
and  to  "Poems  of  Ossian,"  edited  by  Hugh  and  John  Mc  Galium, 
published  at  Montrose,  1816. 

A  small  granite  cross  on  the  west  side  is  inscribed:  — 


"G.  C.  M."  represents  George  Charles  Moir,  and"M.  A.  M."  Marjr 
Agnew   Moir,    his    wife,    only    daughter   of    Sir  William   Bruce,    of 

Stenhouse.    (Temple's  "Thanage  of  Fermartyn,"  p.  646.)     They  were 
married  10th  June,  1828. 

At  the  end  of  the  second  register  of  St.  Peter's  Churchyard,  Aber- 
deen, there  is  a  finely  drawn  bird's  eye  plan  of  the  old  MOIR  MAUSO- 
LEUM, which  occupies  a  prominent  position  on  the  mound  in  the 
centre  of  the  older  portion  of  the  graveyard.     It  is  headed: — 


MoiR  Genealogy 


(1)     A  dead   bom    child    of 

Scotstown,  1777. 

Mrs.     Jean     Ramsay, 

Mrs.  Jean  Innes,  1765. 

(2)  Mrs.  Mackenzie,  1785. 

Lady  Scotstown,  1760. 
(11)     Scotstown,  1789. 

(3)  Lady  Scotstown,  1819. 

Mrs.    Betty   Chalmers, 

(4)     Mrs.    Janet    Chalmers, 


Jean,  Scotstown' s  sec- 
ond  daughter,    1731. 

Mary,  his  third  daughter, 

Janet,  eldest  daughter 

(5)  Mrs.  Gordon    of    Glas- 

trruni,  1811. 

Scotstown,   1732. 
Lady  Scotstown,  1767. 

(6)  Lady  Scotstown,  1800. 

(7)  Scotstown,  1824. 

(8)  Alexander   Moir,     infant 

son    of   William  Moir, 
Esq.,  of  Park,  1826. 

William  Moir  of    Scots- 
town,  1737. 

(9)  Lady  Pitully,  1785. 
(10)  Miss  Lidderdale,  1786. 
(12)  Lady  Dudwick,  1805. 

See  reference, 
page  300;  also 
pages  138  to  140 

In  order  to  identify  the  persons  here  mentioned,  I  have  examined 
the  first  register,  13th  April,  1769,  to  30  December,  1797;  and  the 
second  register,  5th  January,  1798,  to  31st  July,  1831.  The  following 
is  the  result: — 

(1)  1777.  December  21.  A  dead  born  child  of  George  Moir, 
Esq.,  of  Scotstown, 

(2)  Mrs.  Mackenzie  (I  can  not  identify  this  personage  in  the 
register) . 

(3)  1819.  January  23.  Mrs.  Margaret  Cumine,  75  years,  relict 
of  George  Moir  of  Scotstown.  (She  was  the  second  wife  of  George 
Moir  of  Scotstown,  who  died  29th  April,  1789.— (Temple's  "Thanage 
of  Fermartyn,"  p.  646.)  The  name  of  George  Moir's  first  wife,  who 
apparently,  died  in  1760,  is  not  known  to  me.) 

MoiR  Genealogy  303 

(4)  1783.  December  29.  Mrs.  Janet  Chalmers  interred  in  the 

(5)  1811.  March  1.  Mrs.  Isabel  Gordon,  80  years,  rehct  of 
James  Gordon,  of  Glastirum,  and  mother  of  the  late  Mrs.  Margaret 

(6).  1800.  January  22.  Mrs.  Moir  of  Scotstown.  (Margaret 
Gordon,  daughter  of  James  Gordon  of  Leicheston,  Morayshire.) 

(7)  1824.  June  26.  Alexander  Moir,  Esq.,  of  Scotstown,  Advo- 
cate 1782,  Sheriff  Depute  of  Aberdeenshire  from  1795  to  1822. 

(8)  1826.  February  4.  Alexander  Moir,  2  months,  son  of 
William  Moir,  Esq.,  of  Park. 

(9)  1785.     March  26.     Mrs.  Cummine  of  PituUy. 

(10)  1786.  Mrs.  Lidderdale.  (lean  not  identify  this  person  in 
the  register.) 

(11)  1789.  May  2.  George  Moir,  Esq.,  of  Scotstown  interred  in 
the  tomb.  (He  was  the  second  son  of  Alexander  Moir  of  Scotstown 
and  his  wife,  Mary  Chalmers  (Temple's  "Thanage  of  Fermartyn," 
p.  646). 

(12)  1805.  April  13.  Mrs.  Mary  Guthrie,  87  years,  relict  of  the 
late  John  FuUerton,  Esq.,  of  Dudwick,  in  tomb. 


MR.  JOHN  MOIR,  farmer,  Millfield,  Monquhitter,  died  on 
Saturday  afternoon.  Deceased,  who  was  52  years  of  age,  had  been  in 
indifferent  health  for  some  time. 

Mr.  MOIR  was  a  native  of  Monquhitter  parish,  having  been  born 
in  Cuminestown  Village.  At  a  comparatively  early  age  he  commenced 
a  carting  business  on  his  own  account.  Gradually  his  connection 
extended,  and  subsequently  he  acquired  the  small  farm  of  Kirkton  of 
Teuchar,  which  he  held  for  a  number  of  years  in  conjunction  with  his 
hiring  business.  Eleven  years  ago  when  the  extensive  and  desirable 
farm  of  Millfield  came  in  the  market,  MR.  MOIR  leased  the  holding, 
and,  ever  of  a  progressive  turn,  he  soon  converted  it  into  a  dairy  farm, 
keeping  a  herd  of  some  50  cows.  Millfield  was  considered  to  be  one 
of  the  best  equipped  milk  distributing  agencies  in  the  district,  supply- 
ing as  it  did  the  neighbouring  villages,  besides  sending  a  regular  daily 
supply  to  Aberdeen.  Some  years  ago  MR.  MOIR  added  the  farm  of 
South  Teuchar  to  his  already  extensive  acreage,  thus  becoming  the 
largest  tenant  farmer  in  the  parish. 

The  deceased  took  an  active  interest  in  everything  pertaining  to 
the  welfare  of  the  community.  In  politics  he  was  a  staunch  Con- 
servative, and  for  a  time  was  a  member  of  Monquhitter  School  Board. 
He  was  also  a  leading  member  of  Garmond  Athletic  Society,  and  was 
repeatedly  made  the  recipient  of  presentations  from  that  body.      MR. 


MoiR.  Genealogy 

MOIR'S  striking  personality  and  courteous  manner,  will  be  missed 
by  a  wide  circle  of  agricultural  friends  as  well  as  by  his  extensive 
clientele  with  whom  he  was  daily  coming  in  contact. 

Deceased  leaves  a  widow,  daughter  of  the  late  Mr.  Charlea 
Sangster,  Burnside  of  Teuchar,  and  a  large  family.  The  funeral 
takes  place  to-day,  to  Monquhitter  Cemetery. 

From  the  "Aberdeen  Journal,"  Jan.  19,  1912. 

Alao  named 
Peter  in 
Register.    Refer 
to  page  121 


From  the  "HOUSES  OF  MOIR  AND  BYRES" 
By  ANDREW  J.   MITCHELL-GILL,  of  Savock 

Eldest  son  of  DR.  GEORGE  MOIR,  parish  minister  of  Peterhead, 
died  in  India,  in  1810.  The  Aberdeen  Journal  of  12  August,  1812, 
contains  the  following  reference  to  him: — 


This  highly  respected  gentleman,  the  eldest  son  of  the  REV.  DR. 
MOIR  of  Peterhead,  died  at  Calcutta  more  than  two  years  ago.  His 
friend  and  patron,  LORD  MINTO,  paid  the  last  tribute  to  his  worth 
in  the  following  epitaph,  in  which  his  character  and  merits  are  most 
happily  dedicated: — 

&arrrii  to  tijf  Memory  of 

jpatrirk  iEntr,  Ssrimrp. 

Who  died  at  Calcutta  on  the  5th  February, 
A.  D.  1810. 
in  the  41st  year  of  his  age- 
In  1806  he  filled  the  office  of  Secretary  of  LORD  MINTO,  at  that 
time  President  of  the  Board  of  Commissioners  for  the  Affairs  of  India, 
whom  he  accompanied  to  Bengal  in  the  year  1807,  and  was  appointed 
a  Commissioner  of  the  Court  of  Requests,  at  Calcutta,  in  the  same 
year,   a    trust  which   he   discharged   with   Integrity,    Assiduity    and 
Ability,  to  the  time  of  his  decease. 

His  Virtues,  Talents,  and  Accomplishments, 

all  of  the  highest  order, 

enhanced  by  a  singular  Simplicity 

and  Modesty  of  Character, 

had  attracted  in  an  eminent  degree 

the  Esteem  and  Regard 

of  the  World. 

His  gentle  but  cheerful  Manners, 

his  benevolent  and  warm  Affections 

endeared  him  to  numerous  Friends, 

whose  tender  but  sorrowful  Recollections 

will  long  survive  him. 

He  lived  Respected  and  Beloved, 

and  died  Deservedly  and  Universally  Deplored. 

MoiR  Genealogy  305 

Soft  on  thy  Tomb,  shall  fond  Remembrance  shed 

The  warm  but  unavailing  Tear, 
And  purple  Flowers,  that  grace  the  virtuous  dead, 

Shall  strew  thy  loved  and  honored  Bier. 


(Kindly  furnished  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE,  ESQ..  of  Aberdeen) 

1749,  Nov.  7,  On  Saturday,  died  in  the  85th  year  of  her  age,  much 
regretted,  Jean  Abemethie  (Lady  Stoneywood),  eminent 
through  the  course  of  a  well-spent  life,  for  all  the  Christian 
and  social  virtues. 

1766,  Nov.  6,  Died  here,  of  this  date,  Jean  Erskine  (Lady  Stoney- 
wood), in  the  84th  year  of  her  age. 

1768,  Feb.  Ist,     Died  of  this  date,  Mr.  Alexander  Moir,  merchant. 

1774,  July  10,     Died  of  consumption,  of  thus  date,  Mr.  Charles  Moir, 

preacher  of  the  gospel. 

1775,  Jan.  28,     Died  at   Invemettie,    of  this    date,    Mrs.    Moir    of 

Invemettie,  relict  of  James  Moir,  Esq.,  of  Invemettie,  and 
sister  of  the  viscount  of  Arbuthnot. 

1777,  Feb.  15,     Died  here  of  this  date,  in  the  79th  year  of  her  age, 

Mrs.  Isabel  Moir.  daughter  of  the  deceased  James  Moir,  of 

1778,  March  22,     Died  of  this  date,  at  his  house,   near  Peterhead, 

William  Moir,  of  Invemettie. 
1784,  Oct.  1st,     Died  at  Stoneywood,  of  this  date,  James  More,  Esq., 

of  Stoneywood. 
1789,  April  29th,     Here,  George  Moir,  Esq.,  of  Scotstown. 
1792,  Nov.  14th,     At  Invemettie,  James  Moir,  Esq.,  of  Invemettie. 
1794,  Mar.  19th,     Rev.  William  Moir,  minister  of  the  gospel,  at  Fyvie. 
1798,  Jan.  19th,     Here,  Mr.  Robert  Moir,  stocking  manufacturer. 
1800,  Jan.    17th,     Here,  Mrs.  Moir,  of  Scotstown. 

1807,  Sept.  nth.  At  Essingham,  Surrey,  George  Moir,  Esq.  of  King- 
ston, Jamaica,  only  son  of  the  late  Rev.  William  Moir,  minister 
of  Fyvie, 

1805,  Dec.  6th,     Here,  Mrs.  Moir,  of  Stoneywood. 

1815,  Jan.  9th,  Here,  in  her  43rd  year,  Mrs.  More,  wife  of  Alexander 
More,  Esq.,  Collector  of  Customs,  Aberdeen,  and  daughter 
of  the  late  Alexander  Innes,  Esq.,  of  Cowie. 

1817,  Jan.  26th,  Here,  Mrs.  Helen  (Constable)  Moir,  relict  of  Rev. 
William  Moir,  minister  of  the  parish  of  Fyvie. 

306  MoiR  Genealogy 

1819,  January  18th,     Died  here  of  this  date,  Mrs.  Moir,  of  Scotstown. 

1824,  March  7th,  Here,  James  Moir,  aged  101,  he  was  brother-in- 
law  to  the  Veteran  McDougall,  who  supported  General  Wolfe, 
after  he  received  his  mortal  wound  on  the  Plains  of  Abraham 
at  Quebec.  The  wife  of  James  Moir  was  buried  on  Sunday 
last,  aged  81,  and  her  husband  died  within  an  hour  after  she 
had  been  laid  in  the  grave. 

1824,  June  21st,     At  Scotstown,  Alexander  Moir,  Esq.,  of  Scotstown. 
1828,  March  14th,     Here,  George  More,  Esq.,  of  Ralden,  in  his  77th 

1828,  July  20th,     Here,    Miss    Helen    More,    daughter    of   the   late 

Gilbert  More,  of  Ralden. 
1836,  April  29,     At  Sunnybank,  Alexander  More,  Esq.,  late  Collector 

of  Customs,  aged  80. 

1839,  Feb.  1st,     Mr.  Robert  Moir,  Tartj',  farmer,  aged  67. 

1843,  Nov.  10th,  At  Asseeghur,  Major  George  More,  24th  Regiment, 
Bombay,  H.  I.,  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Provost, 
George  More,  of  Aberdeen. 

1851,  Jan.  31st,  At  36  Schoolhill,  Crombie  More,  daughter  of  the 
late  Mr.  George  More,  of  Ralden. 

1851,  Nov.  10th,     At  his  house,  103  Gallowgate,  Mr.  Alexander  Moir, 

late  hosier,  in  his  84th  year. 

1855,  Mar.  31st,  Mrs.  Urquhart  (Isabella,  daughter  of  George  Moir, 
of  Scotstown),  widow  of  John  Urquhart,  Esq.,  of  Craigston, 

aged  79. 

1857,  Feb.  28th,  At  St.  Catherine's  Cottage,  near  Peterhead,  John 
Moir,  Esq.,  aged  82. 

1862,  Dec.  14,     At  Scotstown,  Sir  Michael  Bruce,  Bart,  of  Stenhouse, 

in  his  67th  year. 

1870,  Feb.  5th,     At  Umballah,  India,  Colonel  Moir,  of  Scotstown, 

Royal  Horse  Artillery. 

1878,  April  20,  At  150  Crown  Street,  Aberdeen,  Helen,  eldest  daugh- 
ter of  the  late  Alexander  More,  Collector  of  Customs,  aged  80. 

1881,  November  6,     At  Aberdeen,  James  Gregory  Moir-Byres,  Esq., 

of  Tonley,  in  his  78th  year. 

1883,  June  27th,     At  Aberdeen,  James  Moir,  surgeon,  aged  65. 

1886,  August,  At  EUesmere  Lodge,  Malvern,  Alexander  More,  Esq., 
only  son  of  Alexander  More,  sometime  Collector,  H.  M. 
Customs,  Aberdeen,  aged  89. 

1888,  September  22,  At  Free  Church  Manse,  Woodside,  Elsie  Hay, 
wife  of  Rev.  Alexander  Forbes  Moir. 

1882,  Jan.  28,     At  Leamington,  Mary  Agnew,  widow  of  George  Moir, 

Esq.,  of  Denmore,  in  her  79th  year. 

1880,  March  17,  At  the  manse,  Rothiemay,  Rev.  Robert  Moir,  M.  A., 
aged  78. 


(Kindly  furnished  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE.  ESQ.,  of  Aberdeen) 

A  wall  monument,  lair  46,  section  1 ;  a  square  granite  slab,  inserted 
into  wall: — 

"ALEXANDER  MUIR  of  LOIRSTON,  Advocate,  Aberdeen, 
born  21st  Novr.  1793;  died  13th  Novr.  1850;  and  several  of  his  family 
P.  K.  M.,— M.  A.  C.  K.,— J.  B.  F." 

(Alexander  Muir  of  Loirston,  died  at  Loirston,  Nigg,  Kincardine- 
shire,  aged  57,  and  was  buried  18th  November,  1850.  He  was  a  son 
of  GEORGE  MUIR,  Slains,  Aberdeenshire,  became  an  advocate  in 
Aberdeen,  1817.  He  was  a  fiars  juror  in  1840.  His  son,  Patrick  Kil- 
gour  Muir,  born  at  Aberdeen,  died  at  Queen  Street,  Aberdeen,  aged 
3  years,  10  months,  buried  18th  May,  1836.  Alexander  Muir  of 
Loirston  was  twice  married;  (1)  Mary  Ann  Catherine  Kilgour,  born 
at  Montrose,  died  at  Queen  Street,  Aberdeen,  aged  29,  buried  3d 
May,  1837.  (2)  Jane  B.  Ferguson,  born  at  Old  Machar  Parish, 
Aberdeen,  died  at  Bon- Accord  Street,  Aberdeen,  aged  26;  buried  26th 
January,  1849.) 

A  finely  carved  granite  wall  monument,  lair  50,  section  1,  is  in- 

"In  memory  of  JOHN  MOIR,  manufacturer,  Aberdeen,  who  died 
8th  December  1833,  aged  67  years.  Also  his  children,  PETER  MOIR, 
surgeon,  East  Linton,  who  died  here,  6th  February,  1837,  aged  33 
years;  ELIZABETH  MOIR  who  died  2nd  February,  1867,  aged  72 
years;  BENJAMIN  MOIR,  manufacturer,  Aberdeen,  who  died  27th 
March,  1872,  aged  65  years;  and  AGNES  MOIR,  who  died  3rd  April, 
1876,  aged  77  years."     At  foot  of  each  base  "B.  M."  in  monogram. 

(PETER  MOIR,  surgeon,  was  born  at  Inveresk,  and  died  at 
Canal  Terrace,  Aberdeen.  ELIZABETH  MOIR,  was  described  as 
"ELIZABETH  MOIR  or  ERSKINE,"  in  burial  register.) 

A  freestone  memorial  at  lair  761,  section  1,  bears: — 

"Erected    in    memory    of    CHARLES    MOIR,    who    died    25th 

August,   1881,  also  his  wife  ELSPET  BADENOCH,  who  died  May 

1867,  and  their  son  JAMES,  who  died  Feb.  1846." 

(CHARLES  MOIR,  who  was  68  years  of  age,  was  buried  27th 

August,  1881.) 

A  granite  headstone,  lair  896,  section  1,  bears: — 

"Sacred  to  the   memory  of  ANN,    daughter    of   FRANCIS   and 

JULIA  MOIR,   late  Mains  of  Cookney,  who  died   15th  June,  1859, 

aged  2  years.      Also,    AGNES,    wife    of  WILLIAM   ANDERSON, 

Bumhead,  Cookney,  who  died  10th  February,  1S90,  aged   38  years. 

308  MoiR  Geneai^ogy 

Also  the  said  FRANCIS  MOIR,  who  died  25th  July,  1891,  aged 
72  years.  Also  his  wife  JULIA  TROUP,  who  died  26th  March, 
1910,  aged  80  years." 


(FRANCIS  MOIR  was  the  father  of  ALEXANDER  A.  S.  MOIR, 
merchant,  Aberdeen,  JULIA  TROUP,  widow  of  FRANCIS  MOIR, 
farmer,  Muchalls,  Kincardineshire,  died  at  Paradise  Gardens,  In- 
verurie, Aberdeenshire.     Cockney  is  in  Kincardineshire.) 

A  headstone,  on  lair  1246,  section  1,  has: — 


"Erected  by  WILLIAM  MOIR,  merchant  in  the  Green,  Aberdeen; 
in  memory  of  his  sons,  JOHN,  died  at  Keith,  aged  6  years;  NORMAN, 
carpenter,  died  at  Honkong,  aged  28  years;  ANDREW,  carpenter, 
lost  in  Algoa  Bay,  with  the  ship,  "Princess  Charlotte,"  aged  33  years; 
JAMES,  carpenter,  lost  with  the  ship  "John  Taylor,"  on  her  passage 
from  China,  aged  29  years.  Also  his  wife  *ANN  LAWRENCE,  who 
died  16  March,  1868,  aged  70;  also  WILLIAM  MOIR  who  died  26 
Jan.,  1884,  aged  86  years." 


"Also  JOHN  MOIR,  merchant,  died  4  Octr.,  1868,  aged  37;  JESSIE, 
died  14th  December,  1869,  aged  40  years;  ELIZABETH,  died  Blst 
Deer.,  1877,  aged  51  years;  JOHN  HAY  MOIR,  who  died  atKimberley, 
South  Africa,  24  July,  1882,  aged  20  years.  Also  MARY  B. 
MITCHELL,  wife  of  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  who  died  22  March, 
1885,  aged  25;  also  the  said  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  who  died  6th 
October,  1888,  aged  30  years;  also  **MARGARET  MUCKLE,  wife 
of  WILLIAM  D.  MOIR,  who  died  25th  Deer.,  1901,  aged  72  years." 

A  headstone,  lair  254,  section  2,  bears: — 

"In  memory  of  CONSTANCE  NISBET  MALCOLM,  born  9th 
July,  died  18th  December,  1883;  daughter  of  ALEXANDER  MAL- 
COLM, merchant  in  Aberdeen,  and  in  memory  of  his  son  AN- 
DREW MOIR  MALCOLM  (died  at  30  Skene  Ter.,  Aberdeen), 
student  of  medicine,  born  13th  April,  1875,  died  5th  April,  1893. 
And  of  the  said  tALEXANDER  MALCOLM,  born  at  Kemnay, 
12th  June,  1835,  died  at  Aberdeen,  18th  March,  1897,  and  of 
his  wife  JLOUISA  MOIR,  born  at  Aberdeen,  5th  July,  1841, 
died  at  Foveran,  17th  May,  1907." 

*ANN  LAWRENCE  was  a  couain  of  Jessie  Lawrence,  wife  of  WILLIAM  SPEEDMAN, 
Sacrist,  King's  College,  Aberdeen. 

**Died  at  35  Forbes  Street,  Aberdeen. 

+Died  at  30  Skene  Terrace,  Aberdeen,  wine  merchant  at  John  Street,  Aberdeen. 
He  was  for  many  years  a  traveUer  to  Mr.  A.  Ogston  and  Sons,  Loch  Street,  Aberdeen, 
and  in  1874  he  started  business  on  his  own  account  in  John  Street,  Aberdeen.  In  1893, 
he  disposed  of  the  proviaion  business  to  Hurry  and  MacPherson,  Aberdeen.  He  was 
an  excellent  business  man,  of  the  most  sterling  qualities,  and  while  he  was  of  a  rather 
reserved  disposition,  he  had  a  host  of  friends,  by  whom  he  was  held  in  the  highest  reapeet 
and  esteem.     He  was  survived  by  a  son  and  a  daughter. 

tDied  at  United  Free  Church  Manse,  Foveran,  Aberdeenshire. 

MoiR  Geneai^ogy  309' 

A  headstone  in  lair  454,  section  two,  bears: — 

"The  last  resting  place  of  SARAH  WHITE,  relict  of  the  late 
ALEXR.  MOIR,  ESQ.,  of  Granitehill,  who  died  4th  January,  1882, 
aged  81  years." 

(Granitehill  is  near  Aberdeen.  MRS.  MOIR  was  buried  9th 
January,  1882.) 

A  small  stone  on  lair  572,  section  2,  bears  the  simple  inscription, 
"Never  Forgotten,  1886."     The  lair  belonged  to 

JOHN  MOIR,  who  died  at  the  Royal  Infirmary,  Aberdeen,  28th 
Septr.  1893,  aged  54,  buried  1st  October,  1893.  Of  this  family,  (1> 
ALEXANDER  DUNCAN  MOIR,  10  months,  buried  28th  Sep- 
tember, 1870;  (2)  JOHN  MOIR,  9  months,   buried  24th  April,  1872, 

(3) MOIR,  non  age,    buried    18th   April,  1876;    (4)  WILLIAM 

MOIR,  8,  buried  5th  April,  1886. 

A  headstone  on  lair  612,  section  2,  bears: — 

"In  memory  of  JANE  MOIR,  who  died  Octr.  30,  1897."     (She 
was  68  years  of  age,  and  was  buried  3d  November,  1897.) 

A  wall  monument,  lair  163,  section  3: — 

"The  Burial  Ground  of  WILLIAM  MOIR.  In  memory  of  his 
mother-in-law  MARY  LEONARD,  who  died  at  Perth,  4th  Aug.,  1905, 
aged  83."  

A  wall  monument,  lair  165,  section  3: — 

"The  family  burying  ground  of  ALEXR.  A.  S.  MOIR,  merchant, 
Aberdeen.  Francis,  who  died  in  infancy."  (FRANCIS  MOIR,  aged 
2  days,  was  buried  3rd  November  1896.) 

JAMES  MOIR,  baker,  Aberdeen,  is  lairholder  of  lair  333, 
section  3.  His  wife,  MARY  A.  MILNE,  died  at  55  Esslemont 
Avenue,  Aberdeen,  aged  56,  buried  15th  November,  1910.  His 
8on,   William  Moir,  aged  1  year,  1  month,    buried  8th  May,   1885. 

There  is  a  memorial  in  lair  983,  section  3: — 

"ALEXANDER  MOIR,  engine  driver,  Caledonian  Railway,  Aber- 
deen, died  15th  March,  1909.  Buried  18th  March,  1909.  EVA 
MOIR,  3  days,  buried  30th  December,  1893;  and  CHRISTINA 
MOIR,  aged  23,  died  at  51  Balmoral  Place,  Aberdeen,  9th  Deer.,  1909, 
buried  12th  December,   1909." 

CHARLES  MOIR,  is  lairholder  of  lair  1643,  section  3. 
Of  his  daughters: — 

JANE  TOUGH  MOIR,  aged  1  year,  10  months,  was  buried  10th 
May,  1893. 

EDITH  DAVIDSON  MOIR,  died  at  "The  Bush",  Peterculter, 
Aberdeenshire,  aged  1  year  and  3  months,  4th  May,  1900;  buried 
5th  May,  1900. 


(Transcribed  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE,  ESQ..  Aberdeen) 
The  first  interment  in  this  cemetery  took  place  17th  March,  1874; 
and  up  to  8th  September  1912,  there  has  been  9,731  interments. 

1879.  Isabella  Michie,  wife  of  Alexander  Moir,  stonedresser,  born 
at  Echt,  Aberdeenshire,  24th  March,  1841,  died  at  205  Barron 
Street,  Woodside,  15th  February,  buried  17th  February, 

1879,  Jemima  Home  Moir,  daughter  of  James  Moir,  farm  servant. 
South  Mile  End  Avenue,  Aberdeen,  born  there,  February, 
died  there  4th  May,  buried  6th  May,  1879. 

1881.  James  Moir,  insurance  agent,  born  at  Brechin,  29th  March, 

1820,  died  at  Prospect  Cottage,  Holburn  Place,  Aberdeen, 
20th  April,  buried  25th  April,  1881. 

1882.  Isabel  Moir,  wife  of  T.  H.  Moir,  60  Powis  Place,  Aberdeen; 

born  at  King  Edward,  Aberdeenshire,  2nd  March,  1863,  died 
at  60  Powis  Place,  Aberdeen,  4th  March,  buried  8th  March, 
1886.  Mary  Moir,  at  school,  born  at  Millbrex,  Aberdeenshire,  10th 
August  1876,  died  at  5  Mount  street.  West  Aberdeen,  31st 
January,  buried  3rd  February,   1886. 

1886.  James  Moir,   merchant,  Aberdeen,  born   1853,   died  at  Isla 

cottage,  Broomhill  Terrace,  Aberdeen,  4th  July,  buried  7th 
July,   1886. 

1887.  Christina  Moir,    late  dressmaker,  born  at  Insch,  Aberdeen- 

shire, 1815,  died  at  27  Skene  street,  Aberdeen,  19th  June, 
buried  22nd  June,  1887. 

1887.  Alexander  Moir,  clerk,  born  at  Glasgow,  1842,  died  at  216 
Union  Street,  Aberdeen,  17th  October,  buried  21st  October, 

1887.  Elsie  Ross  or  Moir,  wife  of  Alexander  Moir,  Granitehill, 
Caimcry,  Aberdeenshire,  born  at  Premnay,  Aberdeenshire, 
1845,  died  at  Granitehill,  30th  November,  buried  3rd  Decem- 
ber,  1887. 

1889.  Jane  Moir,  residing  at  19  Richmond  Terrace,  Aberdeen;  born 
at  Millbrex,  Aberdeenshire,  1838,  died  at  Drumlithie,  Kin- 
cardineshire,   15th   February,    buried  19th  February,  1889. 

See  next  page    1891.     Forbes  Fraser  Maitland  Moir,  M.  B.,  C.  M.,     died  at  143 

Union  Street,  Aberdeen,  26th  July,  buried  29th  July,  1891. 
He  was  the  second  son  of  the  late  respected  Mr.  James  Moir, 
Blinkbonny,  Keith;  whose  death,  at  the  age  of  77  years, 
occurred   1890.     Dr.   Moir  was  born  in  the  Parish  of  Kil- 

MoiR  Ghnealogy  311 

drummy,  Aberdeenshire,  1st  September,  1847,  and  graduated 
M.  B.,  G.  M.,  at  Aberdeen  University  in  1873.  He  married 
a  Miss  Cruiclishank,  by  whom  he  had  an  only  son, — Forbes 
Maitland  Moir,  who  died  at  Aberdeen,  2d  September,  1910. 
For  a  splendid  obituary  notice  of  Dr.  Moir,  accompanied  by 
a  full-page  portrait,  see  "In  Memoriam,"  1881.  pp. 163-167. 

1892.  John  Moir,  son  of  Alexander  Moir,  123  Barron  Street,  Wood- 
side,  was  born  at  Woodside,  3rd  March,  1874,  died  at  Royal 
Infirmary,  Aberdeen,  13th  September,  aged  19,  buried  16th 
September,  1892. 

1894.  Emslie  Douglas  Moir,  son  of  W.  Moir,  4  Rosemount  House, 
Aberdeen,  born  there,  27th  November,  1893,  died  there, 
25th  February,  buried  27th  February,  1894. 

1894.  Christina  Beaton  Moir,  daughter  of  George  and  Jane  Moir, 
born  at  Monquhitter,  Aberdeenshire,  1879,  died  at  9  Rich- 
mond Terrace,  Aberdeen,  30th  March,  buried,  2d.  April,  1894. 

1894.  Elizabeth  Ross,  wife  of  James  Moir,  181  George  Street,  Aber- 
deen, born  at  Geylon,  1826,  died  at  181  George  Street,  14th 
February,  buried  18th  February,   1894. 

1896.  Agnes  Elizabeth  Moir,  daughter  of  Robert  Moir,  Royal  Arsenal, 
Woolwich;  born  in  Kent,  1881,  died  at  1  View  Terrace, 
Aberdeen,    15th   September,  buried    18th   September,    1896. 

1896.  Harold  James  E.  Moir,  child  of  J.  A.  Moir,  born  at  12  Ferryhill 

Terrace,  Aberdeen,  14th  September,  died  there,  8th  October, 
buried  11th  October,  1896. 

1897.  Alexander  Moir,  stonedresser,  born   at  Aberdeen,    1830,  died 

at  661  Great  Northern  Road,  Aberdeen,  4th  March,  buried 
6th  March,  1897. 

1898.  William  Moir,  shop  porter,   born  at  Premnay,  Aberdeenshire, 

1859,  died  at  54  Ashvale  Place,  Aberdeen,  23rd  November, 
buried  26th  November,  1898. 

1900.  Mary  Moir,  child  of  William  T.  Moir,  29  Broad  Street,  Aber- 
deen, born  there,  1898,  died  there,  30th  December,  1899, 
buried  2nd  January,  1900. 

1902.  James  Moir,  rector  of  Aberdeen  Grammar  School,  residing  at  See  page  310 
Gordonsdale  Road,  Aberdeen,  brother  of  Dr.  Forbes  Fraser 
Maitland  Moir,  and  son  of  James  Moir,  Blinkbonny,  Keith, 
was  born  at  Clova,  Kildrummy,  Aberdeenshire,  19th  Novem- 
ber, 1845,  died  at  Bridge  of  Gavin,  16th  May,  buried  19th 
May,  1902. 

He  graduated  M.  A.,  1869,  at  Aberdeen  University, 
L.L.D.,  conferred  1891,  D.  Litt.,  in  1898.  Rector  of  Banff 
Academy;  Classical  Master,  Glasgow  Academy,  and  Rector  of 
Aberdeen  Grammar  School,  from  which  he  resigned,  owing 
to  failing  health  1899.  He  was  the  first,  and  until  7th  April, 
1905,  the  only  Doctor  of  Letters  of  Aberdeen  University. 
For  biography,  see  "In  Memoriam, "  1902.  pp.  95-99,  accom- 
panied by  portrait.  He  was  survived  by  two  sons — James 
Mou-,  M.  A.,  BS.  C.  (1897),  and  William  Iravride  Moir,  M. 
B.,  Ch.  B.    (1898),  both  graduates  of  Aberdeen  University. 

See  reference  to 
another  Tartan 
Plaid  in  "Moira 
of  Cromar," 
page  155 


Kindly  furnished  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE,  ESQ.,  Aberdeen. 

An  obelisk  bears  the  names  of  JOHN  SKEEN  and  his  wife  ANN 
MOIR,  who  both  died  in  1870,  at  the  respective  ages  of  76  and  71. 
SKEEN  was  a  merchant  and  stamp  distributor  at  Tarland.  He  had 
a  large  family  of  sons  and  daughters;  two  of  the  former  studied  medi- 
cine, and  both  entered  Queen  Victoria's  service,  in  which  the  elder  was 
staff  surgeon,  and  the  other  was  in  India. 

An  oak  panel,  initialed  — 

A    :  M   :  :  I  :  L 
and  dated   1696,   which  was  brought  from   the  old   Kirk   of  Logie- 
Coldstone,  and  is  now  in  possession  of  SKEEN  of  Tarland,  is  said  to 
have   reference   to  an   ALEXANDER    MOIR,   and   his   wife  JEAN 

The  same  family  have  also  a  Tartan  Plaid  said  to  have  been  worn 
by  one  of  the  MOIRS  at  CuUoden. 

{Jervice's  Epitaphs  and  Inscriptions,  Vol.  II.,  p.  267.) 



From  the  OLD  REGISTERS,  Preserved  in  the  Register  House,  EDE^URGH 

Transcribed  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE,  ESQ.,  of  Aberdeen. 

From  Jan.  1,  1789  to  Dec.  31,  1854. 

1799 — June  21,  Miss  More,  daughter  of  Mr.  Geo.  More,  Aberdeen. 

1802 — Aug.  9,  Mr.  Moir  from  Peterhead. 

1803— Aug.  29,  John  More,  a  child. 

1803 — Dec.  21,  Johanna  Moir,  a  child,  Aberdeen. 

1805 — Aug.  5,  May  Moir,  Footdee,  Aberdeen. 

1807 — Aug.  7,  Jane  Moir,  a  child. 

1813 — June  1,  George  Moir,  vintner,  Aberdeen,  aged  63. 

1831— Oct.  28,  William  Moir,  aged  9  months. 

1840 — June  13,  Helen  Moir,  Yeats  Lane,  aged  2. 

1841— July  2,  Miss  Moir,  *01d  Town,  aged  26. 

1842 — Mrs.  Smith,  residing  at  Moir's  Close,  Footdee,  aged  71,  was 

buried  22  March  1842. 
1842 — June  14,  Joseph  Moir,  Canal  Lane,  aged  1. 
1847 — Aug.  18,  James  Moir,  East  North  street;  36  yrs. 
1848 — July  18,  James  Moir,  Berry  Lane,  7  yrs. 

*01d  Town,  means.  Old  Aberdeen. 



His    Memorial    Window     in     Fifth     Avenue 
Presbyterian    Church,     New    York    City — 

{Erected  by  his  widow) 

(Photo   of  Window    by    Courtesy    of  Tiffany   &  Co., 

New  York) 





MoiR  Genealogy  313 

1848 — July  27,  Ann  Moir,  Berry  Lane,  15  yrs. 
1848— Aug.  31,  William  Moir,  Berry  Lane,  13  yrs. 
1848 — Sept.  8,  Isabella  Moir,  Berry  Lane,  1%  yrs. 
1849 — Mar.  5,  William  Moir,  (from)  Infirmary,  74  yrs. 
1849— Mar.  19,  Margaret  Moir,  Wellington  Street,  85  yrs. 
1850 — Mar.  1,  Mrs.  Jean  Moir,  or  Shaw,  King  Street,  72  yrs. 
1852 — Jan.  28,  Budget  Moir,  (from)  Infirmary,  21  months. 
1852 — June  15,  Mary  Moir,  (from)  Deadhouse,  50  yrs. 
1852 — Aug.  24,  Thomas  Moir,  St.  Clements  Street,  7  weeks. 
1853 — Jan.  1,  James  Moir,  Harriet  Street,  79  yrs. 


A  tablestone,  adjoining  the  old  MOIR  family  mausoleum,  bears: — 
"In  memory  of  JOHN  MOIR,  mason,  Abd.  who  died  15th  Deer. 
1817,  aged  63  years;  also  of  his  son,  JOHN  MOIR,  shipmaster,  who 
died  at  Aberdeen  5th  September,  1832,  aged  43  years.  And  of  his 
mother  JEAN  MICHIE,  spouse  of  JOHN  MOIR,  mason,  who  died 
6th  April,  1834,  aged  78  years.  Also  of  HELEN  MOIR,  spouse  to 
WILLIAM  WILLIAMSON,  butcher,  Abdn.,  who  died  30th  Octr. 
1848,  aged  48  years." 

According  to  MR.  CHARLES  MICHIE'S  privately  printed  book, 
"Michie,"  JEAN  MICHIE  was  a  daughter  of  ALEXANDER 
MICHIE,  Eastertown,  Glenbucket,  Aberdeenshire. 


An  old  tablestone  bears  the  following  inscription: — 

"Under  this  stone  is  interred,  in  hopes  of  the  resurrection  to  eternal  See  page  140 
life,  the  body  of  James  Moir  of  Invernettie,  who  was  born  28th  March, 
1703.  He  married  Katherine  Arbuthnott,  lawful  daughter  to  the  Hon. 
John  Arbuthnott  of  Fordoune,  in  the  year  1744,  with  whom  he  hved  in 
all  the  happiness  of  that  state  till  it  pleased  God  to  call  him  off  this  Hfe 
on  the  2l8t  May,  1765.  As  also  the  body  of  their  son,  James  Arbuth- 
nott, who  was  born  the  15th  July,  1753,  and  died  the  16th  of  January 
next  after.  As  a  testimony  of  regard  to  the  memory  of  her  most  loving 
and  dear  husband,  and  beloved  son,  the  disconsolate  widow  and  sor- 
rowful mother  hath  caused  this  to  be  placed  here,  who  departed  this 
life  the  28th  of  January,  1775,  in  the  59th  year  of  her  age,  and  her 
remains  are  also  interred  under  this  stone.  Also  those  of  her  niece, 
Jean  Arbuthnott,  spouse  to  Alexander  Gordon,  of  Invernettie,  who  died 
11th  of  March,  1826,  aged  71." 

The  estate  of  Invernettie  from  an  early  period  belonged  to  the  Earls 
Marischal.  About  1708,  William  Moir,  merchant,  Aberdeen,  (a 
younger  son  of  John  Moir  of  Stoneywood,  and  his  wife,  Jean  Sandi- 
lands  of  Cotton)  purchased  it  for  some  ^500  stg.  He  was  succeeded 
by  his  son  James  Moir,  who  married  Katherine  Arbuthnott.  This 
lady  was  the  sister  of  John,  sixth  Viscount  Arbuthnott  —  her  mother 


MoiR  Genealogy 

being  Margaret,  daughter  of  James  Falconer  of  Phesdo,  one  of  the 
Lords  of  Session.  Her  niece,  Jean  Arbuthnott,  was  the  daughter  of 
Dr.  Thomas  Arbuthnott  of  Balglassie.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Moir's  nephew, 
William  Moir,  succeeded  to  Invernettie.  He  married  Jean,  daughter 
of  Colonel  Lewis  Hay.  She  died  25th  December,  1770,  in  her  50th 
year.     (Tombstone  in  St.  Nicholas  Churchyard,  Aberdeen.) 




"In  memory  of  MR.  WILLIAM  MOIR,  who  was  treasurer  of  the  See  page  182 
First  Presbyterian  Church,  Fifth  Avenue  and  Eleventh  Street,  for  23 
,years,  a  memorial  window  designed  at  the  Tiffany  studios,  has  been 
placed  by  his  widow.  It  is  in  three  openings  and  it  represents  three 
stages  in  the  life  of  Columba,  the  apostle  of  the  Picts.  The  left  panel 
illustrates  Columba  about  to  leave  for  Scotland.  The  ship  is  seen 
with  sails  flying  and  Columba  standing  at  the  shore  with  his  travehng 
staff.  In  the  centre  opening,  the  apostle  is  seated  before  a  group  of 
people  preaching  the  Gospel.  The  scene  is  in  Scotland.  The  third 
scene  shows  Columba,  just  before  his  death,  standing  beside  his  couch 
listening  to  the  church  bells.  The  moon  which  is  partly  hidden  by  the 
clouds,  throws  enough  light  over  the  picture  to  make  the  object 
visible.  The  upper  section  of  the  window  which  is  placed  above  the 
gallery,  is  composed  of  three  richly  colored  medallion  panels  and 
tracery.  The  panels  contain  the  coat-of-arms  or  insignia  of  the  town 
of  Aberdeen,  Kingdom  of  Scotland,  and  the  Presbyterian  Church.  At 
the  base  of  the  window  appears  a  crown  and  sceptre  and  an  inscription 
to  the  memory  of  MR.  MOIR. 

The  deceased  was  at  one  time  a  well-known  Scottish  jeweler  on 
Hudson  Street  and  on  Sixth  Avenue." 

— Scottish  American,  Jan.  4,  1911. 

Mr.  Moir  was  born  15th  August  1826,  at  Aberdeen,  Scotland,  came 
to  New  York,  when  a  lad,  first  established  in  business  in  Hudson  Street, 
then  the  "uptown"  store,  cor.  23rd  St.  and  Sixth  Avenue,  where  for  20 
years  he  was  successful  in  the  jewelry  business.  For  twenty-two  years 
he  was  treasurer  of  the  First  Presbyterian  Church ;  for  many  years,  was 
trustee  of  the  Presbyterian  Hospital.  He  was  a  Director  of  Green- 
wich Bank  and  also  Greenwich  Savings  Bank.  Member  of  St. 
Andrew's  Society  of  New  York. 

Copy  of  tombstone  of  WM.  MOIR,  who  died  in  London,  England,   See  page  269 
in  1875.     This  WM.  MOIR  is  a  brother  of  the  DAVID  MOIR,  of 
Roxbury,  Mass.,  and  whose  record  is  herein  shown: — 

Erected  by  DAVID  MOIR 

of   Glasgow 

In  Memory  of 

His    Brother 


(Late  of  Perth) 

Who  died  Jan.  Slst,  1875 

Aged  32  years 
Much  and  deeply  regretted 

316  MoiR  Geneai<ogy 

"At  St.  Nicholas  Churchyard,  Aberdeen,  JAMES  MOIR,  M.  D. 
third  son  of  REV.  GEORGE  MOIR  and  MARTHA  BYRES  of 
TONLEY,  who  died  4th  November  1861,  aged  91  years.  Born  at 
Peterhead.  Also  under  this  stone,  in  the  place  of  sepulture  appro- 
priated during  200  years  for  her  maternal  ancestors  of  the  name  of 
DONALDSON,  the  last  of  Auchmull;  are  deposited  the  remains  of 
JANET  wife  of  DR.  MOIR,  physician  in  Aberdeen,  who  died  in  the 
17th  of  June  1818,  aged  37.  Also  of  their  son  JAMES,  who  died 
in  April  1826,  aged  9  years." 

From  "A.  J.  Mitchell-Gill's  Moir  &  Byres." 

ST.  NICHOLAS  CHURCHYARD,  Aberdeen.— Section  D. 
From  "ABERDEENSHIRE  EPITAPHS,"  by  John  A.  Henderson 

On  a  fiat  stone,  (7  ft.,  6  in.  by  4  ft.  8  in.)  lying  on  the  ground  imme- 
diately below  the  Blackwell  tablet  there  is  inscribed: — 

"Here  lyes  lohn  Moir  of  Stonywood — who  departed  this  life  the 
XV  of  November— MDCLXXIV  and  of  his  age  the  LIV  year— 
Also  Jean  Sandflands  his  spouse — who  died  the  V  of  August 
MDCLXXXVII — and  of  her  age  the  LI  year — Here  lyes  lames  Moir 
of  Stonywood— who  died  the  XXII  of  November  MDCCXXXIX— 
and  of  his  age  the  LXXXI  year — Also  John  Moir  of  Stonywood — who 
died  the  XIX  of  April  MDCCXX— and  of  his  age  the  XXIII  year. 

At  Glenbuchat  a  tablestone — on  which  is  cut  the  representation 
of  a  heart,  flanked  by  the  initials  J.  M.  and  B.  H.  bears  the  inscription — • 

"Here  lyes  the  dust  of  JOHN  MOIR,  some  time  farmer  in  Kirk- 
town  of  Glenbucket,  who  died  August  29th  1767,  aged  56  years.  Also 
BARBARA  HAY,  his  spouse,  who  died  June  8th,  1781,  aged  66  years; 
also  his  children  JOHN,  JAMES,  WILLIAM,  JEAN,  JEAN  2,  and 

"In  memory  of  JOHN  MOIR,  late  farmer  in  Buchan,  who  died 
December  12,  1828,  aged  85  years.  Also  his  spouse  who  died  May  6, 
1824,  aged  62  years. 

Done  by  the  care  of  his  sons,  JOHN,  JAMES,  and  ALEXR. 
MOIRS."  (The  ancestor  of  this  family  was  in  Invernettie  in  1696. 
(Poll  book)  and  afterwards  at  Badenyon.) 

"At  Peterhead,  in  memory  of  DR.  MOIR,  during  55  years  minister 
of  this  parish,  who  died  18th  of  March,  1818,  aged  77  years.  And  his 
wife  MARTHA,  who  died  on  the  17th  November,  1816,  aged  77. 

Sacred  to  the  memory  of  JOHN  MOIR,  ESQ.,  who  died  on  the 
28th  February,  1857,    aged  82  years." 

(This  is  a  son  of  DR.  MOIR'S  above.) 

MoiR  Genealogy  317 

A  railed  in  grave  at  Aboyne,  has  a  headstone  bearing  the  inscription: 
"In  loving  memory  of  the  REV.  A.  HENDERSON  MOIR,  for  28 
years,  the  faithful  and  esteemed  Minister  of  the  Free  Church,  Aboyne; 
who  died  Ist  March  1899,  aged  54  years,  also  of  his  only  child  HENRI- 
ETTA ELIZABETH,  who  died  29th  October  1897,  in  the  13th  year 
of  her  age." 

(This  REV.  A.  H.  MOIR  was  the  son  of  JOHN  MOIR,  messenger- 
at-arms,  Aberdeen,  and  after  completing  his  divinity  course,  he  acted 
for  a  short  time  as  assistant  at  Birkenhead  and  Paisley,  being  inducted 
as  Free  Church  minister  of  Aboyne  in  1871.) 

A  tablestone  at  Foveran,  displaying  a  skull  and  crossbones,  spade, 
mattock,  and  sand-glass,  has  the  inscription: — 

"Here  lyes  under  the  hope  of  a  blessed  resurrection,  ANDREW 
MORE,  Burgess  of  Aberdeen,  who  departed  this  life  on  the  14th  day 
of  December,  1694,  and  of  his  age  73  years.  Also  AGNES  MONT- 
GOMERY, spouse  of  ANDREW  MOIR,  who  died  March  1730,  age^ 
80  years.  Likewise,  ANDREW  MOIR,  their  eldest  son,  who  died 
May  1733,  aged  60  years.  Likewise,  ISABEL  MOIR,  his  daughter, 
spouse  to  JOHN  MEDERS,  Burgess  in  Aberdeen  who  died  30th  of 
May  1777,  aged  70  years. 

(The  above  ANDREW  MORE  or  MOIR,  sometime  LAIRD  of 
OVERHILL,  was  the  direct  progenitor  of  the  MOIR-BYRES  family 
of  TONLEY.) 

At  Fyvie— "In  memory  of  the  REV.  WILLIAM  MOIR,  who  died 
at  the  Manse  of  Fyvie,  March  19,  1794,  in  the  68th  year  of  his  age,  and 
the  45th  year  of  his  ministry  there. 

And  HELEN  CONSTABLE,  his  spouse,  died  at  Aberdeen  26th 
February,    1817,  aged  67  years." 

(This  REV.  WILLIAM  MOIR  was  the  son  of  REV.  GEORGE 
MOIR  of  KINTORE,  whose  father  ANDREW  MOIR  left  an  estate 
(personal)  representing  30,000  merks  Scots.) 

ERSKINE  of  Pittodrie,  Lieut.  Col.  Royal  Aberdeenshire  Highlanders. 
Born  15th  March  1829,  died  22.  Aug.  1896." 

(She  was  the  daughter  of  GEORGE  MOIR  of  DENMORE.) 

A  railed  in  grave  at  New  Machar,  in  a  corner  of  the  churchyard 
inscribed: — 

"Erected  by  the  parishioners  and  members  of  the  Free  Church, New 
Machar,  in  memory  of  REV.  GEORGE  MOIR.  He  was  ordained 
minister  of  this  parish  in  1840.     At  the  disruption  in  1843,  he  became 


MoiR  Genealogy 

minister  of  the  Free  Church.  His  ministrations  were  faithful,  zealous, 
and  acceptable,  and  not  without  fruit.  He  died  respected  and  beloved 
on  the  17th  June  1857,  aged  47  years. 

'Blessed  are  the  dead  who  die  in  the  Lord.'  " 

EDITH  EMMA  MOIR,  born  Oct.  31,  1856,  died  May  13,  1860, 

Ellen  Shebby,  wife  of  REV.  GEORGE  MOIR,  born  Nov.  30,  1822, 
died  June  24,  1896,  buried  at  Workingham,  Berkshire. 

(REV.  GEORGE  MOIR,  who  went  out  at  the  disruption,  became 
the  first  minister  of  the  New  Machar.  A  son,  ALEXANDER  DYCE 
DAVIDSON  MOIR,  died  at  Townsville,  Queensland,  8th  January, 

At  Kinaldie— "WILLIAM  MOIR,  late  farmer,  Begsley,  who  died 
the  31st  of  March  1822,  aged  61  years.  Also  of  their  son  JAMES, 
who  died  5th  January,  1820,  aged  24  years. 

How  still  and  silent  now  we  rest. 

Lie  mouldering  here  in  kindred  dust. 

Have  left  the  friends  we  loved  so  dear. 
And  dropping  down  unshed  a  tear." 

MoiR  Gbnbai^ogy  319 

From  Epitaphs  and  Inscriptions  from  burial  grounds  and  old 
buildings  in  the  North  East  of  Scotland,  by  Andrew  Jervice,  F.  S. 
A.  Scot.     Edinburgh,    David  Douglas,  1879. 

At  METHLICK  — ROBERT  MOIR,  merchant,  Aberdeen,  died 
1798,  aged  66  years. 

By  sobriety  and  industry  he  acquired  a  small  fortune,  which  he  left 
to  nearest  relatives,  except  ^1700  for  public  charities,  ^300  of  which 
to  the  Kirk  session  of  Methlick.  The  interest  of  ;^700,  of  this  amount 
was  left,  to  annually  assist  in  the  education  of  ten  poor  scholars  of  the 

Upon  a  plain  headstone  at  Kirkden  orldvies: — "Here  lies  interred 
the  body  of  REV.  JAMES  MOIR,  who  was  ordained  minister  of  the 
gospel  at  Kirkden  the  30th  April  1735,  and  died  28th  January,  1753." 
A  plate  for  collecting  the  offering  bears  his  name  and  the  date    1735. 

His  initials  also  appear  upon  a  slab  (built  into  the  gate  eaatside  of 
the  Kirkyard)  along  with  the  couplet: 

M.   I.  M. 
"All  ye  who  enter  at  this  gate, 
Oh  now  prepare  for  your  last  state." 

—  1739  — 

At  Kinkell,  churchyard,  Aberdeenshire,  1832.  Erected  by  JAMES 
MOIR,  mail-guard,  in  memory  of  his  father,  who  departed  this  life, 
2d  February,  1829,  aged  72  years. 

"Stop,  stranger,  stop,  don't  walk  along, 
Stop  one  moment  and  read  my  stone; 
And  as  you  read  the  end  of  me 
Be  sure  for  death  prepared  to  be  — 
Death  did  to  me  short  warning  give, 
Be  mindful  therefore  how  to  live. 

Now  slain  by  death,  who  spareth  none. 
And  lies  full  low  under  this  stone — 
Rotting  in  dark  and  silent  dust, 
Prepare  for  death,  for  die  thou  must. 
Life  is  uncertain, — death  is  sure. 
Sin  is  the  wound, — Christ  is  the  cure." 

A  fiat  slab  in  the  Churchyard  at  Mortlach,  which  lay  in  the  passage 
towards  the  west  end  of  the  church  in  1811,  (now  in  churchyard  near 
the  south  wall)  presents  a  shield  in  the  centre  with  the  MOIR  aad 
REID  arms  impaled.  The  following  inscription  is  round  the  sides  of 
the  stone: — 

"heir  .  lyes  .  ane  .  honest  .  man  .  called  .  JOHNE  .  MOIR 
.   husband   .   to   .   ELSPET   .    REID   .   who   .   was   .   killed    .     .     . 

320  MoiR  Gen:sai,ogy 

....  efence  .  of.  his  .  own  .  hovs  .  at  .  the  .  valk  .  miln 
.  of  .  Bolvenie  .  the  .  13  .  day  .  of  .  October  .  1660  .  mem- 
ento  .   mori." 

According  to  tradition,  MOIR,  who  was  reputed  rich,  was  attacked 
by  "the  Cateran  band,"  and  killed  by  a  gun  shot,  while  barricading 
the  door  of  his  house.  The  house  was  till  lately,  and  probably  still 
is  pointed  out  by  the  peasantry  as  that  in  which  MOIR  was  shot. 
Whether  "Johne,"  had  been  an  ancestor  of  DR.  ALEX.  MOIR,  a 
native  and  once  schoolmaster  of  Mortlach,  who  so  generously  left  the 
interest  of  ^600  for  educational  purposes  to  the  parish,  is  uncertain, 
though  by  no  means  improbable. 



In  the  Churchyard  of  Tarves,  Aberdeenshire,  there  is  a  tablestone 
as  follows: — 

"Here  resteth  the  remains  of  *GEORGE  MOIR,  late  blacksmith 
in  Annat,  died  March  12,  1784,  aged  82,  and  of  JEAN  FIFE,  his 
spouse,  who  died  Feb.  14,  1785,  aged  72. 

This  stone  is  erected  by  their  sons  in  testimony  of  their  regard  for 
their  deceased  parents. 

Also,  ANN  JACK,  spouse  of  their  son,  GEORGE  MOIR  in  Annat, 
who  died  4  October,  1786,  aged  36;  and  ANN  MOIR,  spouse  of 
GEORGE  FINDLATER  in  Coultie's-Cairn,  who  died  Dec.  24, 1793, 
aged  56." 

(The  above  from  the  oldest  of  several  tombstones,  relates  to  a 
family,  who  according  to  Jervise,  have  been  blacksmiths  in  this  district 
from  before  1696.) 

In  the  churchyard  of  Ellon,  Aberdeenshire,  a  stone  records  that 
the  "REV.  ANDREW  MOIR,  minister  of  Ellon,  for  thirty-two  years, 
died  February  1774,  aged  73.  His  wife,  JEAN,  died  October  1779, 
aged  74.  Their  daughter  JANE  MOIR,  erector  of  the  tablet,  died 
16.  September,  1816,  aged  70." 

MR.  MOIR  married  Miss  Byres  of  Tonley  —  through  this  mar- 
riage, the  present  family  succeeded  to  the  estate. 

Another  stone  in  the  same  Kirkyard,  records  "MARGARET 
MOIR,  wife  of  Silvester  Falconer,  some  time  of  Fechil,  afterwards  of 
Cross-stone,  who  died  June  26,  1787,  aged  52;  also  their  sons,  GEORGE 
FALCONER,  died  at  Kinloch,  St.  Fergus,  11  April,  1836,  aged  74; 
Silvester  Falconer,  died  at  Oldyards,  Auchmacoy,  11  October,  1838, 
aged  79." 

*A  full  account  of  this  family  is  given  in  this  book,  pages  159  to  175. 

MoiR  GbneaIvOGy  321 

A  tombstone  in  the  churchyard  at  Foveran,  Aberdeenshire,  reads 
"In  memory  of  ELSPET  HARVEY,  wife  of  GEORGE  MOIR,  of 
Knockhill,  died  1842,  aged  21. 

Likewise  of  DAVID  MOIR,  son  of  GEORGE  MOIR  and  ELSPET 
HARVEY,  died  10  March  1844,  aged  2  years. 

WILLIAM  MOIR,  minister  of  the  Church  of  FYVIE,  Aberdeen- 
shire, a  son  of  GEORGE  MOIR,  minister  of  Kintore,  and  presented 
by  the  tutors  of  HON.  WILLIAM  GORDON  of  Fyvie  in  November 
1748.  He  died  19  March,  1794,  in  his  68th  year,  and  45th  of  his 
ministry.  He  married  22  October,  1776,  HELEN  CONSTABLE, 
who  died  in  Aberdeen,  26  February,  1817,  aged  67,  and  had  a  son 
George  Moir. 

A  tablestone  to  the  above  REV.  WILLIAM  MOIR,  and  also  one 
to  his  wife  HELEN  CONSTABLE  is  in  the  Churchyard  at  Fyvie. 

There  is  a  tablestone  to  JACOBINA  MOIR,  spouse  of  JAMES 
CLARK  who  died  at  Fyvie,  Aberdeenshire  Dec.  22,  1877,  aged  70 
years,  in  the  Fyvie  Churchyard." 

Within  an  enclosure,  a  monument  is  "erected  by  parishioners  and 
members  of  the  Free  Church  congregation,  Newmachar,  Aberdeenshire, 
in  memory  of  REV.  GEORGE  MOIR,  minister  of  the  parish  in  1840. 
At  the  Disruption  in  1843,  he  became  minister  of  the  Free  Church. 
His  ministrations  were  faithful,  zealous,  and  acceptable.  He  died 
respected  and  beloved  on  17  June,  1857,  aged  47  years. 

'Blessed  are  the  dead  which  died  in  the  Lord.'  " 

(A  daughter)  EMMA  EDITH  MOIR,  b.Oct.  31,  1856,  died  May 
13,  1860." 


From  "ABERDEEN  EVENING  EXPRESS,"  July  27.  1912 

"Died  at  Gladstone  Bank,  Don  Terrace,  Woodside,  Near  Aberdeen 
25  July,  1912. 

Buried  at  St.  Peter's  Cemetery,  Aberdeen,  29  July,  1912. 

As  briefly  indicated  in  yesterday's  'Express,'  many  in  the  north- 
eastern counties  will  regret  to  hear  of  the  death  of  Mr.  John  Moir, 
farmer,  which  took  place  on  Thursday  night.  Deceased,  who  was  70 
years  of  age,  was  only  ill  for  a  comparatively  short  period.  Born  at 
Nochtyside,  Strathdon,  he  was  a  man  of  progressive  ideas,  was  of  a 
very  cheery  disposition,  and  ever  ready  to  do  a  kindly  turn  to  those  who 
deserved  it.  For  many  years  Mr.  Moir  carried  on  the  business  of  a 
cattle  dealer,  being  a  regular  attender  at  markets  in  the  North.  About 
17  years  ago,  he  became  tenant  of  Woodside  farm,  which  he  occupied 
at  his  death.  He  was  for  long  a  member  af  the  Royal  Northern  Agri- 
cultural Society,  was  a  Liberal  in  politics,  and  an  elder  in  Hilton  United 
Free  Church." 

322  MoiR  Genealogy 

In  all  matters  pertaining  to  the  welfare  of  the  agricultural  industry, 
Mr.  Moir  took  a  highly  intelligent  interest.  He  was  a  capable  judge 
of  stock.  As  a  young  man  he  was  a  very  prominent  and  successful 
athlete,  having  drawn  on  three  occasions  with  the  famous  Donald 
Dinnie,  in  putting  the  stone  and  tossing  the  caber.  Mr.  Moir  possessed 
quite  a  number  of  medals  and  other  prizes  for  his  prowess  in  the  field 
of  sports.  Fifteen  to  twenty  years  ago,  Mr.  Moir  was  reckoned  among 
the  foremost  of  quoiters. 

Deceased  is  survived  by  a  widow  and  grown-up  family.  The  eldest 
son,  John,  is  the  well-known  manager  of  the  Central  Mart  company, 
Ltd.;  Alexander  is  in  the  employment  of  the  same  company,  and  in 
charge  of  the  Turriff  branch;  Frank  is  at  Woodside  farm,  and  was 
associated  with  his  father;  and  James  is  tenant  of  Green  Croft,  Auch- 
nagett.  Of  four  daughters,  the  eldest  is  married  to  Mr.  Robert  Chap- 
man, Mains  of  Hatton,  Auchterless." 

Privates  A.  MOIR,  G.  MOIR  and  R.  MOIR  are  among  the  men 
of  the  Gordon  Highlanders  who  lost  their  lives  in  the  South  African 
war  (1899-1902),  a  list  of  whom  with  all  others  of  that  regiment  are 
inscribed  on  a  huge  granite  monument  at  Edinburgh  castle.  The 
author  of  this  book  saw  this  monument  in  the  summer  of  1910,  when 
on  a  visit  to  Scotland. 

MOIR  of  LONMAY  are  among  the  official  list  of  names  of  soldiers 
who  were  fighting  for  Prince  Charles  Edward  Stuart,  in  the  "rebellion" 
of  1745. 

In  the  ancient  burying  ground  at  Kilchrenan,  near  Taycreggan, 
on  the  western  side  of  the  lake,  a  massive  granite  monument  has  been 
erected  by  the  Duke  of  Argyll,  in  memory  of  his  ancestor  *CAILEAN 
MOR,  who  distinguished  himself  in  forays  against  the  neighboring 
clans,  and  in  particular  against  the  Macdougals  of  Lorn.  The  monu- 
ment is  inscribed: — 

"Cailean  Mor,  slain  on  the 
Sreang  of  Lome,  A.  D.  1294. 
Erected  by  George  Douglas  Campbell, 
8th  Duke  of  Arygle,  28th  Baron  of  Lochow." 

*Cailean  Mor,  on  the  Sreang  of  Lome,  A.  D.,  1294. 



"In  Loving  memory  of 
MARTHA  SMITH  MOIR  (wife  of  ROBERT  MOIR),  Page  243 

who  died  on  Monday  9th  Oct.,  1911; 
aged  60  years." 

Denny,  Stirhngshire. 
133  Stirling  Street 

"We  saw  her  fading  day  by  day, 
We  could  not  bid  her  stay; 
She  was  nursed  with  tenderest  care, 
Till  the  Lord  called  her  away. 

A  sudden  change,  and  in  a  moment  fell. 
And  had  not  time  to  bid  her  friends  farewell; 
Think  nothing  strange,  death  happens  unto  all, 
Her  lot  today,  tomorrow  you  may  fall." 

Died  Oct.    17,  1805,  at  Stirling,    Mrs.  Moir,   widow  of  the  late 
John  Moir,  Esq.,  Writer  to  the  Signet. 

(From  the  Dundee  Weekly  Advertiser.  Nov.  3,  1806.) 

DUNCAN     MOIR  Page  253 

Lowell,  Mass. 
Sept.  8,  1862.     Oct.  12,  1892. 

"He  being  dead,  yet  speaketh." 

A  man  of  men,  in  Christ,  steadfast,  content, 
Pure  as  the  morning  dew,  life's  time  well-spent — 
Thy  life  below,  thy  living  monument. 

One  of  the  tried  and  true,  the  frank  and  free, 
True  living  thy  chief  aim,  its  fruit  we  see; 
Death  only  adds  new  glory  unto  thee. 

Whilst  here  thy  life  gleamed  forth  its  sparkling  light, 
Thy  memory  now  renews  itself  with  might — 
Now  thou  art  safe  beyond  where  all  is  bright. 

324  MoiR  Gknea.i,ogy 

'Twas  diligence  that  made  thee  unsurpassed, 
Through  diligence  thy  influence  was  cast, 
And  that  keeps  on  increasing  to  the  last. 

Sweet  are  the  lessons  thy  life  here  hath  taught, 
Influence  glows  from  each  theme  thou  hast  sought, 
Shines  from  each  virtue,  and  gleams  from  each  thought. 

Thy  thoughts,  thy  words  and  acts,  are  fertile   seeds 
Thou'st  left  behind,  do  help  supply  our  needs. 
They  live  and  think,  they  say  and  do  their  deeds. 

Thy  life  in  Christ,  the  only  perfect  way, 
Led  through  this  world  to  everlasting  day, 
Where  love  eternal,  joy  and  peace  hold  sway. 

Thou'st  gone  to  make  our  homeward  welcome  sweet ; 
We  follow  in  thy  course,  and  soon  will  meet 
No  more  to  mourn  or  part,  our  joy  complete. 

A.  L.  M. 

Page  253  DUNCAN     MOIR 

Lowell,  Mass. 
Sept,  8,  1862.     Oct.  12,  1892. 

The   years  glide  on,  and  as  they  glide, 
We  think  of  thee  when  thou  wert  here. 
We  think  of  thee,  when  at  our  side 
Thy  joyful  presence  filled  with  cheer. 

Too  soon,  in  manhood's  early  prime. 
The  branch  didst  lose  its  fairest  flower ; 
Too  soon,  the  falling  sands  of  time 
Proclaimed  thy  flight  in  sorrow's  hour. 

We  think  of  all  thy  pleasant  ways. 
Thy  cheerful  voice  still  speaks  to  us ; 
Thy  face  still  sheds  in  sunny  rays, 
Thy  light  still  shines  aU-glorious. 

Thy  words  and  deeds  still  live  and  glow, 
Still  cheers  us  and  impels  us  on 
To  live  as  thou  hast  lived  below, 
To  rise  and  shine  as  thou  hast  shone. 

MoiR  Genealogy  325 

The  songs  which  thou  hast  sung,  impart 
To  us  a  charm,  the  accents  clear 
Still  find  an  echo  in  our  heart, — 
Still  bring  to  us  a  wholesome  cheer. 

The  seeds  which  thou  hast  sown,  still  grow, 
The  lessons  thou  hast  taught,  endure — 
These  are  thy  monument  below. 
These  show  thy  worth,  these  prove  thee  pure. 

A.  L.  M. 


Lowell,    Mass.,    1831—1896 


Thou  has  gone  to  thy  home,  fraught  with  blessed  delight, 
Thou  hast  gone,  and  we  miss  thy  loved  face  from  our  sight — 
And  we  study  the  path  thou  hast  chosen  —  and  know 
'Twas  thy  beautiful  life  that  constrained  thee  below. 

Thou  hast  gone  to  thy  joy,  and  we  seek  to  attain 
The  same  pureness  of  life  which  on  earth  thou  didst  gain — 
And  the  love  thou  hast  giv'n,  may  it  teach  us  to  be 
The  more  loving,  more  tender,  the  better  for  thee. 

Thou  hast  gone,  but  we  still  hear  thy  voice  day  by  day, 
And  it  charms  and  delights  us  whate'er  it  may  say — 
And  with  love  in  each  word,  doth  rehearse  by-gone  tales. 
With  a  lesson  and  moral  which  each  one  inhales. 

Thou  hast  gone,  but  thy  love  and  thy  kindness  remain, 
Thou  hast  left  these  behind,  to  relieve  and  sustain; 

Thy  kind  voice  still  doth  speak  and  thy  thoughts  doth  take  root, 
Thy  pure  love  in  our  lives,  still  will  grow  and  bear  fruit. 

Thou  hast  gone,  to  thy  rest,  and  we  wish  we  could  go, 
Just  to  share  in  thy  presence,  the  joys  thou  dost  know — • 
Just  to  know  thou  art  near  us  and  hear  thy  kind  voice, 
Just  to  love  thee  and  with  thee  forever  rejoice. 

Thou  hast  gone  and  e'er  long  we  shall  follow  thy  way. 
And  so  gladly  we'll  meet  at  the  close  of  life's  day; 
And  we'll  try  so  to  live  as  thou  didst  when  below. 
And  bestow  the  same  kindnesses  thou  didst  bestow. 



MoiR  Genealogy 

Thou  hast  gone  to  thy  joy — to  thy  radiant  home, 
Where  no  sorrow  invadeth,  no  trouble  can  come; 
Thou  hast  won  the  reward  of  the  righteous  and  true, 
Thou  hast  gained  the  eternal  —  the  life  ever  new. 

Thou  hast  gone  to  commune  with  the  saints  ever  blest, 
Where  the  good  are  at  home  and  the  weary  at  rest; 

Where  the  angels  doth  praise  and  exultantly  sing; 

Where  the  Lamb  is  the  Light,  and  where  Love  is  the  King. 

A.  L.  M. 

Page  249 

In  Loving  Memory  of 


ReUct  of  the  late  DUNCAN  MOIR, 

Who  fell  asleep  on  Thursday,  8th  December,  1910. 

In  Her  81st  Year. 

Interred  in  The  Southern  Necropolis,  Glasgow. 

Now  the  labourer's  task  is  o'er, 
Now  the  battle-day  is  past; 
Now  upon  the  further  shore 
Lands  the  voyager  at  last. 

Father,  in  Thy  gracious  keeping 
Leave  we  now  Thy  servant  sleeping. 




Jan.  5,  1798  (A)  Jan.  5,  1898 
By  the  REV.  JAMES  SHARP,  Minister  of  Inveresk 
(From  "LIFE  AND  WORK."  a  Parish  Magazine) 
January.  1898 

One  of  the  first  objects  of  interest  that  arrest  the  attention  of  the 
visitor  to  Musselburgh  is  the  statue,  at  the  end  of  what  is  known  as 
"the  Mall,"  erected  to  the  memory  of  DAVID  MACBETH  MOIR; 
it  is  the  work  of  the  famous  scupltor,  Mr.  Handasyde  Ritchie,  and  is 
acknowlegded  to  be  a  striking  likeness  of  the  poet.  The  subscribers 
to  the  permanent  memorial  included  the  names  of  the  most  famous 
literary  men  of  Britain  in  the  first  half  of  the  nineteenth  century. 
The  statue  represents  Dr.  Moir  in  the  classical  robe  and  appropriate 
attitude  of  the  poet,  with  a  scroll  in  one  hand,  the  other  being  in  the 
act  of  inscribing  his  thoughts.  The  pedestal  bears  the  following 
inscription  from  the  pen  of  Professor  Aytoun: 




BORN  5th  JANUARY,  1798, 
DIED  6th  JULY,  1851." 

As  will  be  seen  from  the  inscription,  the  centenary  of  the  birth  of 
"Delta,"  occurred  on  Jan.  5th,  1898.  The  event  was  not  allowed  to 
pass  without  suitable  celebration.  The  inhabitants  of  Musselburgh 
— the  place  of  his  birth  and  the  scene  of  his  labours — as  well  as  many 
admirers  of  his  works,  scattered  far  and  wide,  made  preparations  to 
revive  his  memory,  and  to  acknowledge  his  service  to  literature.  There 
are  still  many  left  with  us  who  remember  the  stately  form  and  the  well 
poised  head  of  the  gentle  poet,  and  there  are  more  to  whom  the  memory 
of  the  "amiable  Delta"  is  a  rich  and  rare  possession. 

The  subject  of  our  sketch  received  his  early  education  at  a  school 
in  Musselburgh  which  his  biographer  considers  of  little  note.  But  it 
must  be  said  in  passing  that  Musselburgh  during  the  greater  part  of 
this  century  has  been  famous  for  its  schools.  At  the  age  of  thirteen 
he  became  an  apprentice  to  Dr.  Stewart,  a  medical  practioner  in 
Musselburgh,  and  during  the  last  year  of  his  apprenticeship  he  was 
permitted  to  begin  his  medical  studies  at  Edinburgh  University.  He 
passed  as  surgeon  in  1816,  when  he  had  reached  his  eighteenth  year. 
A  year  later  his  father  died,  and  young  Moir  rose  at  once  to  the  sup- 

328  MoiR  Genealogy 

port  and  comfort  of  his  mother  and  the  other  members  of  his  family, 
and  it  must  have  been  a  rich  reward  to  his  exertions,  that  the  mother 
was  spared  to  rejoice  in  the  literary  achievements  of  her  noble  and 
devoted  son.  Soon  after  leaving  the  University,  he  became  a  partner 
with  Dr.  Brown  in  a  very  extensive  practice  in  Musselburgh  and  dis- 
trict. Even  before  this,  however,  he  had  ventured  to  put  himself  in 
print.  At  the  early  age  of  fifteen,  he  had  sent  a  contribution  to  "The 
Cheap  Magazine,"  a  Haddington  publication,  and  subsequently  his 
essays  appeared  in  the  "Scots  Magazine."  It  was  at  the  age  of  nine- 
teen, however,  that  he  formed  his  literary  connection  with  "Black- 
wood's Magazine,"  and  during  the  remainder  of  his  career  he  was  the 
warm  friend  of  the  Blackwood  of  his  day  and  of  the  charmed  literary 
circle  of  which  "Delta"  was  not  the  least  distinguished  ornament. 

About  the  close  of  1824  he  published  in  a  separate  volume  "The 
Legend  of  Genevieve,  with  other  Tales  and  Poems,"  which  he  had 
from  time  to  time  contributed  to  "Maga"  under  the  nom-de-plume 
of  "A"  "Delta."  This  publication  was  received  with  public  favour, 
and  the  author  was  hailed  as  a  poet  of  merit.  More  poems  appeared, 
until  he  completely  caught  the  ear  of  the  public  in  the  mournful 
dirge  of  "Gasa  Wappy,"  the  self-given  name  of  a  dear  child  gone  home. 
It  was  the  out-pouring  of  a  stricken  heart,  and  as  such,  has  brought 
comfort  and  consolation  to  many  called  by  the  same  dark  way. 

"Do  what  I  may,  go  where  I  will. 

Thou  meet'st  my  sight; 
There  dost  thou  glide  before  us  still  — 

A  form  of  light, 
I  feel  thy  breath  upon  my  cheek. 
I  see  thee  smile,  I  hear  thee  speak. 
Till  Oh,  my  heart  is  like  to  break, 
Gasa  Wappy. 

"And  though  perchance,  a  smile  may  gleam 

Of  casual  mirth, 
It  doth  not  own,  whate'er  may  seem, 

An  inward  birth; 
We  miss  thy  small  step  on  the  stair; 
We  miss  thee  at  thine  evening  prayer; 
All  day  we  miss  thee  everywhere, 
Gasa  Wappy. 

As  an  illustration  of  how  "Delta's"  poetical  works  became  known 
and  prized  even  in  the  highest  circles,  we  quote  the  following  from 
"The  Edinburgh  Courant"  of  30  January,  1858.  "In  moving  an 
address  of  congratulation  on  the  marriage  of  the  Princess  Royal  at  a 
Gourt  of  Gommon  Gouncil  in  London  on  Tuesday,  Mr.  Under-Sheriff 
Parker  said,  'We  shall  always  remember  our  Princess  Royal.  Though 
she  may  continue  in  the  Prussian  dominions  for  many  years  to  come, 
as  we  hope  she  will,  to  attract  by  her  graces  and  win  by  her  virtues, 
still  shall  we  say  in  the  words  of  her  own  favourite  poet,  the  late  Dr. 

DAVID    MACBETH    MOIR— Scottish    Poet 





MoiR  Geneai,ogy  329 

Moir  of  Musselburgh,  to  whose  elegant  compositions  it  is  understood 
Her  Majesty's  family  are  greatly  attached  — 

'The  thoughts  of  thee  are  as  a  pleasant  dream, 

Soft,  soothing,  holy,  beautiful  and  bright. 

As  of  a  star  that  sparkles  o'er  a  stream, 

Gemming  the  dewy  coronal  of  night.'  " 

The  poems  of  "DELTA,"  especially  in  the  "Domestic  Verses," 
which  are  unquestionably  the  best  of  his  poetical  pieces,  are  remark- 
able for  their  "smoothness  and  facility  of  style."  There  is  a  graceful 
fancy,  and  there  is  a  tenderness  and  a  pathos  rarely  surpassed.  Pro- 
fessor Wilson  has  said  truly,  "DELTA  has  produced  many  original 
pieces  which  will  possess  a  permanent  place  in  the  poetry  of  Scotland." 
And  Jeffrey  ascribed  to  his  poems,  "more  genuine  pathos  than  any- 
thing almost  he  had  ever  read  in  verse." 

In  October  1824,  he  began  in  the  pages  of  Blackwood,  "*The  Auto- 
biography of  Mansie  Wauch:  Tailor  in  Dalkeith,"  a  book  which  alone 
would  establish  and  perpetuate  the  fame  of  its  author  for  all  time 
coming.  It  may  be  new  to  some  when  it  is  told  that  although  the  scene 
of  the  story  is  laid  in  Dalkeith,  the  whole  of  the  characters  were  well 
known  to  everybody  at  the  time,  and  remembered  by  many  in  the 
present  day  to  be  genuine  natives  of  Musselburgh.  This,  of  course, 
intensely  increased  the  local  interest  of  the  story.  The  original  of 
Mansie  was  a  well-known  tailor,  and  Deacon  Paunch  and  Cursecowl 
were  well-known  butchers  in  the  "Honest  Toon."  Their  names  could 
even  now  be  given,  but  they  are  withheld  for  obvious  reasons.  The 
"Resurrection  Scene"  was  enacted  in  a  house  within  Inveresk  Church- 
yard and  the  eating  of  the  cigars  at  the  famous  dinner  took  place 
in  a  well-known  mansion  in  this  parish.  For  genuine  humour  as  well 
as  deep  pathos  —  as  witness  the  death  of  "Mungo  Glen" —  there  is 
nothing  better  in  the  language.  Maginn  has  characterised  this  work 
as  "admirably  descriptive  of  a  class  of  persons  fast  wearing  out  even 
in  that  land  of  originals,  Scotland,  as  well  as  of  manners  that  are  no 
longer  common." 

"DELTA'S"  position  as  a  critic,  rests  upon  the  "Sketches  of  the 
Poetical  Literature  of  the  Past  Half-Century,"  being  an  admirable 
estimate  of  a  period  through  which  he  had  lived.  He  also  edited 
the  "Poems  of  Mrs.  Hemans,"  wrote  a  "Life  of  John  Gait"  and 
"OutUnes  of  the  Ancient  History  of  Medicine."  One  of  the  most 
erudite  of  his  works  is  his  essay  on  the  "Roman  Antiquities  of 
Inveresk,"  read  before  the  Antiquarian  Society  in  the  year  1850.  In 
all  he  wrote  more  than  350  articles  and  poems  during  his  comparatively 
short  life. 

If  "DELTA"  was  admired  as  a  poet  and  a  delineator  of  Scottish 
character,  he  was  also  beloved  as  a  man.  His  private  virtues  may  be 
understood  from  his  "Domestic  Verses."  As  a  physician,  he  passed 
through  the  terrible  visitations  of  cholera,  ministering  fearlessly  to  the 
physical  needs  of  his  patients,  while  at  the  same  time  endeavouring  to 

*"The  Autobiographic  of  Mansie  Wauch:  Tailor  in  Dalkeith,"  has  been  printed 
(1913)  in  the  Scottish  American  published  in  New  York  city. 

330  MoiR  Genealogy 

soothe  their  sufferings  with  the  consolations  of  the  Gospel.  His  letters 
on  the  cholera  contagion,  were  widely  read  and  his  views  much  can-' 
vassed  at  the  time. 

The  whole  of  DR.  MOIR'S  work  was  permeated  with  a  truly 
religious  spirit.  Notwithstanding  his  busy  professional  and  literary 
life,  he  took  an  active  part  in  the  work  of  the  Church,  of  which  he 
was  ordained  an  elder  in  1844,  and  from  1846  till  his  death,  he  was  the 
representative  for  the  Burgh  of  Annan  in  the  General  Assembly.  It 
is  a  tradition  that  during  many  years  of  his  life  he  saw  his  minister, 
and  esteemed  friend,  almost  every  day  to  discuss  matters  affecting  the 
social  and  moral  welfare  of  the  town  and  parish. 

His  end  came  all  too  soon,  on  6th  July  1851,  when  he  was  on  a  visit 
to  Thomas  Aird,  his  friend  and  biographer,  at  Dumfries.  When  it 
was  apparent  that  his  end  was  near,  certain  members  of  his  family,  as 
well  as  Mr.  Blackwood  and  the  Rev.  J.  G.  Beveridge,  hurried  to 
Dumfries.  He  was  much  comforted  by  their  presence.  He  died  as  he 
had  lived,  in  a  deeply  religious  faith  and  hope.  "And  now  may  the 
Lord  my  God,"  he  prayed,  "not  separate  between  my  soul  and  body, 
till  He  has  made  a  final  and  eternal  separation  between  my  soul  and 
sin,  for  the  sake  of  my  Redeemer."  The  inhabitants  of  his  native 
town  —  a  town,  which,  notwithstanding  many  tempting  offers,  he 
steadfastly  refused  to  leave  —  voted  him  a  public  funeral,  and  now 
he  sleeps  in  Inveresk  churchyard  —  one  of  the  most  beautiful  of  all 
resting-places  in  our  land.  "The  world,"  says  Fraser,  "has  but  the 
moiety  of  a  notion  of  a  little  part  of  his  worth,  when  it  thinks  that 
his  poetry  comprehends  all  the  merit  which  entitles  him  to  the  praise 
and  good-will  of  our  courteous  readers." 

"O  were  I  laid 

In  the  greenwood  shade, 
Beneath  the  covert  of  waving  trees; 

Removed  from  woe. 

And  the  ills  below. 
That  render  life  but  a  long  disease!" 



(In  honour  of  the  hundredth  anniversary  of  the  birth  of  DR.  DAVID 
and  the  author  of  "MANSIE  WAUCH,"  a  banquet  was  held  Jan.  5, 1898, 
in  Inveresk  Parish  Hall.) 

After  the  loyal  toasts  had  been  honoured,  Emeritus-Professor 
Masson.  gave  the  toast  of  the  evening,  "THE  MEMORY  OF 
DELTA."     It    was,    exactly    a  hundred  years    ago    since    the    man 

*Thi3  appreciative  article  was  published  in  an  Edinburgh  newspaper,  Jan.  6,  1898, 
and  was  kindly  furnished  by  Mrs.  A.  M.  Milligan,  a  daughter  of  "Delta." 

MoiR  Genealogy  331 

was  born  whose  name  and  reputation  had  brought  them  together 
that  evening.  He  was  born  in  Musselburgh  on  the  5th  January  1798, 
and  a  remarkable  peculiarity  of  his  life  was  that  so  long  as  he  re- 
mained in  the  world  he  was  connected  with  Musselburgh.  He  re- 
mained in  Musselburgh  all  his  life,  and  no  allurement  could  draw 
him  more  than  a  few  days  at  a  time  away  from  Musselburgh.  He 
was  for  thirty-four  years,  of  his  life  a  medical  man  in  Musselburgh, 
and  through  those  years,  he  performed  according  to  all  records,  the 
duties  of  a  physician  of  a  locality  with  admirable  hard  work  and 
with  admirable  bravery.  He  was  an  indefatigable  and  able  phy- 
sician, who  showed  peculiar  bravery  at  a  time  when  bravery,  even 
in  the  practice  of  medicine,  was  specially  necessary.  If  there  were 
no  other  reason  whatever  for  remembering  that  man,  there  would  be 
this  one  —  that  he  was  a  good  physician  at  Musselburgh  for  so 
long  a  period.  It  might  perhaps  be  that  there  were  inhabitants 
of  Musselburgh  still,  it  might  be  that  even  in  that  company  there 
were  some  who  could  remember  the  man  himself,  as  he  walked 
about  or  rode  about  their  country  roads.  There  was  much  more 
by  which  to  remember  Dr.  Moir  than  that  he  was  a  good  phy- 
sician at  Musselburgh.  From  his  boyhood  he  was  seized  with 
literary  propensities  and  tastes,  and  about  1817,  he  began  to  be  known 
as  a  man  of  letters  and  a  contributor  in  prose  and  in  verse  to  various 
Edinburgh  periodicals,  and  most  especially  of  all  after  the  foundation 
of  Blackwood's  Magazine,  as  a  contributor  to  that  periodical.  (Ap- 
plause.) He  seemed  to  have  been  one  of  the  most  prolific  possible 
contributors,  for  it  had  been  computed  that  his  contributions  in  prose 
and  in  verse  amounted  altogether  to  370  special  articles,  which  was  at 
the  rate  of  one  for  every  number  of  Blackwood  through  the  whole 
period  of  his  connection  with  it.  (Applause.)  But  not  only  was  he  the 
most  prolific  of  contributors,  but  he  was  one  of  the  most  conspicuous 
and  most  liked  and  most  beloved  contributors.  (Hear,  hear.)  Their 
great  reason  for  remembering  him  now  was  that  he  was  a  man  of  letters, 
and  that  he  had  left  literary  remains  in  verse  and  in  prose.  The  best 
means  of  judging  him  now,  judging  his  poetical  remains,  judging  him 
as  a  poet,  was  through  the  two  volumes  of  his  so-called  poetical  works, 
which  were  published  in  1852  —  the  year  after  his  death  —  by  his 
friend  Thomas  Aird,  with  a  memoir.  He  (Professor  Masson)  thought 
the  two  volumes  contained  about  130  pieces.  Now,  if  they  compared 
130  pieces  with  the  370  contributions  to  Blackwood  —  without  our 
being  able  to  say  how  many  other  contributions  to  other  periodicals — 
they  would  see  that  these  two  volumes  contained  but  a  specimen,  a 
selection  of  his  poems.  Still,  they  were  the  most  accessible  means  for 
people  now  to  judge  of  his  poetical  powers."  After  quoting  from 
"DELTA'S"  works,  various  examples  of  his  poetic  genius.  Professor 
Masson  proceeded:  "Somehow,  because  he  abstained  from  certain 
higher  walks  of  imagination  represented  in  later  poets,  somehow  on 
that  account  he  remained  as  a  tradition,  as  a  name,  as  the  gentle 
"DELTA,"  the  amiable  "DELTA,"  the  man  of  fine  melodious  nature, 
who  was  not  now  generally  read.     Generally  read  !     Who  after  fifty 

332  MoiR  Geneai^ogy 

years,  was  or  ever  would  be  generally  read  ?  (Applause.)  In  prose 
or  verse  the  man  who  schemed  his  literary  life  so  as  to  be  gener- 
ally read  fifty  years  after  he  was  dead,  staked  his  life  on  an  improb- 
bility.  (Applause.)  The  true  test  was  capability  of  being  read  after 
fifty  years  —  (Applause)  — and  of  finding  hearts  that  would  respond 
to  what  they  read.  (Applause.)  And  that  was  true  of  "DELTA," 
yet,  and  would  be  true,  because  he  hit  the  affinities  of  human  nature, 
which  were  not  temporary,  but  were  everlasting.  (Applause.)  Another 
thing,  and  a  more  important  thing,  was,  there  had  been  a  mistake  in 
fact  in  representing  "DELTA,"  as  merely  the  melodious,  the  graceful, 
the  plaintive,  the  gently  melancholy.  He  did  rise  higher  than  that. 
He  did  exemplify  imaginative  power  of  the  higher  kind,  and  that  they 
would  see,  by  referring  to  the  two  volumes  of  his  collections.  He 
mentioned  a  few  of  the  most  important  poems  in  which  "DELTA" 
rose  above  what  was  usually  the  plaintive,  the  finely  graceful,  the 
merely  melodious,  and  dared  higher  strains.  He  was  not  sure,  were 
he  asked  to  name  that  poem  of  "DELTA'S"  which  all  in  all,  was  his 
greatest,  his  most  impressive  verse  performance,  he  would  name  "The 
Dark  Wagon."  Often  as  poets  and  prose  writers  had  nibbled  at  that 
theme,  he  did  not  know  that  it  had  been  so  well  seized,  so  poetically 
conceived,  as  in  that  poem  of  "DELTA'S."  (Applause.)  Among 
the  poems  that  he  had  mentioned  as  illustrating  his  higher  imaginative 
power  there  was  a  set  of  a  different  kind,  where  he  touched  on  what 
they  might  call  the  weirdly  and  ghastly  vein,  the  gruesome.  What 
he  meant  by  that  was  not  only  representing  something  old  in  Scottish 
history,  but  giving  a  totally  romantic  poem.  Professor  Masson  went 
on  to  notice  the  religious  beliefs  underlying  all  the  author's  works, 
whether  in  prose  or  verse.  That  these  beliefs  were  sincere  in  Dr. 
Moir  was  exemplified,  he  said,  in  his  life,  and  in  some  of  his  poems 
he  definitely  expressed  them,  while  in  others  of  them  there  was  a  tinge 
of  these  Christian  beliefs  very  apparent,  and  yet  unobtrusive.  It 
would  be  wrong,  in  speaking  of  "DELTA,"  to  leave  that  sacred 
topic  totally  unmentioned.  (Applause.)  After  paying  a  tribute  to 
"DELTA"  as  a  prose  writer,  Professor  Masson  said  there  was  scarcely 
a  trace  of  humour  in  "DELTA'S"  verses,  and  yet  they  were  told  about 
him  personally  that  he  over-flowed  with  humour,  and  that  sometimes 
he  plunged  into  a  revel  of  fun.  They  should  never  have  thought  that, 
from  reading  his  two  volumes  of  poems,  and  it  would  be  a  good  thing 
if  some  one  were  to  ransack  the  old  volumes  of  "Blackwood"  and 
bring  out  some  of  the  relics  of  "DELTA,"  in  the  capacity  of  a 
humourist.  Fortunately,  however,  they  had  one  specimen,  the  immor- 
tal "MANSIE  WAUCH"—  (applause)  —  which  was  certainly  a 
masterpiece  of  comic  invention  and  comic  literature.  If  they  took 
the  work  merely  as  a  succession  of  scenes  of  the  adventures  and 
situations  of  Mansie,  how  laughable  it  was.  There  could  be  taken 
from  that  book,  extracts  say  for  comic  reading,  that  would  vie  with 
any  in  Dickens'  novels.  (Applause.)  He  remembered  reading  the 
book  as  a  boy  and  laughing  at  it,  but  he  had  read  it  since,  and  he 
now  saw  in  it  higher  qualities  of  exquisite  writing.     Its  characteristic 

MoiR  Genbalogy 


had  been  said  to  be  artlessness,  but  in  his  view  it  was  consummate 
artlessness.  There  was  the  exquisite  Scottish,  not  broad  Scottish, 
but  the  Scottish  quite  fitted  for  the  character  of  Mansie.  And  then 
the  character  of  Mansie  himself  was  unique  among  Scottish  comic 
creations.  There  was  not  one  among  them  that  was  quite  the 
same  as  Mansie  Wauch.  (Applause.)  He  had  said  enough  to  show 
that  "DELTA"  was  remembered  in  the  British  Islands  on  account 
of  his  distinction  in  literature,  and  especially  in  the  literature  of 
Scotland,  in  that  age  that  included  the  last  year  of  Sir  Walter 
Scott,  and  the  afterglow  that  followed  his  death.  The  day  on  which 
they  met,  ought  at  least  to  be  remembered  and  would  be  remembered 
in    Musselburgh,    which   "DELTA"   loved   so   well.    (Applause.) 

From  a  Memoir  of  "DELTA,"  published  in  1860  by  PROF.THOMAS 
AIRD,  we  learn  that  "the  poet  was  tall,  well-formed  and  erect.  His 
hair  was  light,  almost  sandy,  his  features  were  regular  and  handsome, 
eyes  grey-blue,  always  ready  for  a  twinkle.  His  voice  was  kindly. 
His  life  was  simple  but  practical.  He  signed  his  poems  and  papers 
with  a  (A)  DELTA,  which  sufficed  to  give  him  the  nickname  of 
'DELTA.'  'THE  AMIABLE  DELTA,'  has  been  a  common  phrase 
for  a  series  of  years." 


From  "ALLOA,  SIXTY  YEARS  AGO."  by  James  Archibald 

Mr.  James  Moir  was  connected  with  the  town  of  Alloa  for  over 
fifty  years.  He  took  a  conspicuous  part  in  all  its  projected  useful 
schemes  and  movements,  and  exercised  from  first  to  last,  an  important 
influence  on  local  affairs.  Mr.  Moir  was  tall,  broadly  built,  a  portly 
looking  gentleman,  who  from  his  appearance,  proclaimed  him  to  be  a 
leader  among  them.  Mr.  Moir  came  to  Alloa  when  quite  a  young 
man  from  the  neighborhood  of  Dunblane.  He  in  1817,  entered  the 
office  of  Mr.  John  Jamieson,  writer  and  Sheriff-Clerk  of  the  County. 
Mr.  Jameson  was  at  this  time  an  old  man,  but  he  took  kindly  to  his 
young  apprentice,  James  Moir.  Mr.  Jamieson  died,  but  his  son 
Robert  carried  on  the  business,  assisted  by  James  Moir,  Mr. 
Jamieson  being  agent  for  the  Paisley  Bank,  which  business  the  Com- 
mercial Bank  ultimately  took  over,  and  in  1850,  transferred  their 
premises  to  the  modern  building  in  Bank  street,  with  Mr.  Moir  as 
its  agent,  where  it  has  been  ever  since,  with  a  MOIR  as  its  agent.  As 
years  passed  on,  other  appointments  followed,  Mr.  Moir  having 
such  an  aptitude  for  business  that  through  time  so  many  offices, 
honours,  and  duties  flowed  in  on  him,  that  left  nothing  to  desire.  To 
enumerate  all  the  posts  he  held  would  be  tedious.  He  was  factor  to 
three  Earls  of  Mar,  also  factor  to  Mr.  Johnstone  of  Alva,  and  during 
the  minority  of  Lord  Abercromby,  he  looked  after  the  Abercromby 
estates.  Mr.  Moir  was  connected  with  so  many  appointments  and 
duties  that  really  his  life  was  one  continuous  labour,  but  still  he  man- 
aged to  keep  a  grasp  of  all  his  work.  At  the  starting  of  the  town,  he 
took  an  important  part,  he  held  the  post  of  senior  magistrate  for  eight 
years,  and  on  his  retiral  from  office,  he  was  entertained  at  a  dinner 
given  in  public,  in  recognition  of  his  long  and  faithful  services  to  the 
burgh.  He  also  managed  to  take  a  deep  interest  in  the  affairs  and 
management  of  the  Church  he  was  connected  with,  namely,  Townhead 
U.  P.  Church,  Rev.  P.  McDowall,  minister.  He  often  presided  at 
business  meetings.  As  we  have  noticed,  Mr.  Moir  was  tall  and 
strongly  built,  and  seemed  likely  to  have  a  long  career  before  him;  but 
how  often  do  we  see  exemplified  the  fact,  that  the  race  is  not  to  the 
swift  nor  the  battle  to  the  strong.  At  the  end  of  a  week  he  did  not 
feel  quite  so  well,  but  thought  he  would  be  all  right  on  Monday;  the 
illness  developed  so  rapidly  that  he  died  on  the  Monday,  March  1st, 
1875.  The  sad  event,  in  its  suddenness,  took  the  town  quite  by 
surprise,  and  it  was  soon  felt  that  a  prince  and  a  great  man  had 
fallen  in  their   midst,  as  was   evidenced    by  the    great   company   of 

*For  genealogy  of   this  gentleman,  of    Archibald   Moir,   and  of  James  Philip  Moir, 
immediately  following,  see  pages  270  and  271. 

MoiR  Genkai^oGY  335 

gentlemen  who  camn  from  all  quarters,  to  follow  hia  remains  to  their 
last  resting  place,  thus  adding  their  last  testimony  of  respect  and 
esteem,  to  one  who  was  so  widely  known  and  respected." 


From  "ALLOA,  SIXTY  YEARS  AGO,"  by  James  Archibald 

Archibald  Moir  was  a  younger  brother  of  James,  and  he  came 
to  Alloa  from  Dunblane  about  1835.  He  began  as  clerk  in  the 
office  of  Robert  Jamieson,  afterwards,  he  became  connected  with 
the  Commercial  Bank,  where  he  became  accountant  under  his 
brother  James,  who  was  bank  agent.  On  the  death  of  James  in 
1875,  Archibald  in  connection  with  his  nephew  James  Moir, 
Jr.,  became  joint  agents,  and  a  year  or  two  later,  Mr.  James 
Moir  having  gone  abroad,  Archibald  became  sole  agent  of  the 
bank,  and  factor  to  the  Earl  of  Mar  and  Kellie.  He  held  the  bank 
agency  up  till  1892,  when  his  son,  Mr.  J.  W.  Moir  received  the 
appointment.  Mr.  Moir  had  for  many  years  been  factor  for 
Lord  Mar,  after  retiring  from  the  bank,  he  still  held  his  factorship 
of  the  Alloa  estates,  and  several  other  positions  of  trust.  He  was 
best  known  to  the  public,  for  the  active  interest  he  took  in  all 
philanthropic,  charitable,  and  benevolent  societies.  His  large  and 
generous  heart  went  out  in  true  sympathy  to  all  classes  of  suffering 
humanity.  He  was  identified  with  every  institution  that  was  cal- 
culated to  help  the  poor,  the  afflicted,  or  the  suffering.  At  public 
meetings,  he  was  a  fluent  and  ready  speaker,  his  utterances  being 
often  interspersed  with  a  rich  vein  of  humour,  which  always  secured 
for  him  a  ready  hearing.  From  the  interest  he  took  in  the  Town- 
head  (now  Moncrief)  church,  made  him  really  the  right-hand  man 
to  all  its  ministers.  For  long  years,  he  conducted  the  senior  class  in 
the  Sabbath  school,  and  even  after  he  retired  from  the  work,  he  was 
always  ready  to  fill  a  gap,  to  come  back  for  a  time.  He  was  church 
treasurer  for  over  fifty  years,  and  to  mark  that  event,  he  was  pre- 
sented with  his  portrait  in  oil,  and  a  tea  service  for  Mrs.  Moir, 
on  which  occasion  abundant  testimony  was  borne  to  the  love  and 
esteem  in  which  Mr.  Moir  was  held  by  minister  and  people.  His 
readiness  to  help  the  widow  and  orphan  was  often  amazing. 

It  would  be  difficult  to  exhaust  all  the  good  Mr.  Moir  crowded 
into  his  long  life,  which  was  a  record  of  continuous  activity  and  use- 
fulness, blended  with  exalted  piety.  He  died  suddenly,  being  taken 
during  the  night  of  November  17,  1898,  aged  81  years.  Amongst  the 
roll  of  Alloa's  leading  men,  there  can  hardly  be  a  finer  example  of  a 
genial,  happy  Christian  gentleman  than  Archibald  Moir. 

Of  the  two  sons  of  James,  the  eldest  went  abroad,  the  younger 
did  not  enter  a  business  career,  but  studied  art;  while  the  sons  of 



Archibald,  —  J.  W.  and  A.  P.  Moir  now  carry  on  all  agencies 
and  clerkships  in  even  larger  measure  than  was  the  case  in  their 
father's  and  uncle's  time. 



From  "BRETT'S  COMPANIONAGE"  in  Boston  Public  Library 

See:page270  "Captain  James  Philip  Moir,  D.  S.  O.,  (Distinguished  Ser- 
vice Order)  son  of  James  Moir  of  Grange  Place  and  Fenton  House, 
Alloa,  Clackmananshire,  a  noted  banker,  (described  elsewhere  in  this 
work),  born  1872,  educated  at  Fettes  College,  and  at  the  Royal  Military 
Academy,  Woolwich,  England;  entered  Royal  Engineer,  1892,  and 
became  Captain  in  1902.  Served  with  Nile  Expedition  1898;  present 
at  battle  of  Atbara,  (medal, — Egyptian  medal  with  clasps)  and  in  the 
South  African  war  1899-1902,  was  present  at  battles  of  Belmont 
and  Modder  River,  Relief  of  Kimberly,  and  battles  of  Paardeberg, 
Johannesburg,  Diamond  Hill,  and  Belfast.  Mentioned  in  despatches 
for  bravery;  (Queen's  medal  with  seven  clasps,  and  King's  medal 
with  two  clasps,  D.  S.  O.)  was  employed  in  South  Nigeria  as  Super- 
intendent of  telegraph  lines,  1905-1908.     c.  r.— D.  S.  O.  1900." 


Kindly  furnished  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE,     ESQ.,   of  Aberdeen 


*George  Moir.  Born  in  Aberdeen,  1799,  and  educated  at  Aberdeen 
University.  Became  a  proficient  linguist,  acquiring  German,  French, 
Spanish,  and  Italian,  and  soon  became  recognized  as  an  elegant  trans- 
lator. Passed  as  advocate  in  1825.  Contributed  to  the  "Edinburgh 
Review,"  in  1824,  an  article  on  Spanish  literature  and  Spanish  lyric 
poetry,  with  many  beautiful  specimens,,  such  as  Manrique's  elegy,  "Oh, 
let  the  soul  its  slumbers  break,"  Luiz  Ponce  de  Leon's  "Noche 
Serena,"  and  the  songs,  "Bright  Eyes,"  "Oh,  Broad  and  Limpid  River," 
and  "Blow  Light,  thou  Balmy  Air,"  set  to  music  as  a  glee  by  W. 
Horsley.  Translated  Schiller's  "Wallenstein"  in  1827,  and  Schiller's 
historical  works,  for  Constable's  Miscellany.  Goethe  inquired  of 
Carlyle  about  the  translator  in  1828,  and  Carlyle  replied,  describing 
Moir  as  a  man  of  small  bodily  stature;  "he  seemed  to  me  a  little 
polished  crystal,  nearly  colourless  for  the  present,  but  in  which  at 
some  hour  the  sun  might  come  to  be  retracted,  and  reflected  in  a 
fine  play  of  tints."  Moir  visited  Craigenputtoch,  in  1829,  and 
made  several  pictures  of  the  house.  He  visited  Germany  the  same 
year  and  passed  through  Weimar,  but  Goethe  was  absent.  Carlyle 
gave  him  one  of  the  four  medals  which  Goethe  had  sent.  Moir 
wrote  articles  on  Tasso,  Calderon,  and  Camoens,  and  for  the  7th 
edition  of  the  Encyc.  Britt..  edited  by  Macvey  Napier,  the  articles 
on  poetry  and  romance.  Appointed  1838,  professor  of  rhetoric  and 
belles-lettres,  in  the  University  of  Edinburgh,  but  resigned  in  1840 
on  obtaining  the  sheriffship  of  Ross-shire,  and  subsequently  of  Stir- 
lingshire. In  1854,  wrote  a  eulogy  on  Professor  Wilson  in  "Black- 
wood's Magazine."  In  1864,  appointed  Professor  of  Scots  Law  in 
Edinburgh  University. 

(From  Aberdeen  Newspaper.) 

"Moir  honorably  maintained  the  traditions  of  Edinburgh  law. 
He  was  a  man  of  very  wide  reading,  and  fastidious  taste,  alive  to 
very  various  degrees  and  kinds  of  excellence  in  literature.  He  died 
16th  October.  1870,  aged  71." 

From  Encyclopedia  Brittanica,  IX.  edition,  vol.  16,  p.  608. 


REV.  JOHN  MOIR,  M.  A. 

Rev.    John    Moir,    M.    A.       Episcopal  clergyman,   an    alumnus 

of  Aberdeen  University,   where  he  obtained  his  degree.     Settled  in 

London,  and  got  a  lectureship  in  St.  Dionis  Church.   He  published  in 

*See  page  295 — Article  "George  Moir,  LL.D.,  Sheriff  of  Stirlingahire." 

338  MoiR  Genealogy 

1788,  two  volumes  of  "Gleanings,  or  Fugitive  Pieces,  consisting  of 
Essays,  Sketches,  Verses,"  etc.  Had  previously  issued  two  volumes 
of  sermons,  one  in  1775  and  another  in  1786.  Wrote  also  on  "Female 
Tuition,"  "History  of  the  Life  and  Public  Services  of  C.  J.  Fox,"  and 
"Transactions  in  Ireland  from  1760  to  the  present  time,  1787."  He 
stated  that  his  books  were  published  for  the  support  of  a  sickly  wife 
and  numerous  family,  and  that  he  had  taken  a  lease  of  Dr.  John's 
house  in  Bolt  Court,  in  the  hope  of  letting  it  out  for  lodgings.  These 
particulars  are  gleaned  from  the  Gentleman's  Magazine.  I  failed  to 
discover  the  subsequent  history  of  this  unfortunate  Aberdonian, 
whose  fate  resembles  that  of  Andrew  Macdonald,  so  pithily  de- 
scribed by  Isaac  D'Israeli  in  his  "Calamities  of  Authors." 



William  B.  Moir.  Born  1842,  at  Fedderate,  Aberdeenshire, 
and  educated  at  New  Deer,  bookkeeper  to  a  manufacturing  firm  at 
Peterhead.  Poet,  lecturer,  and  newspaper  correspondent.  Twice 
paid  visits  to  South  Africa.  Died  20th  February,  1910,  aged  67.  (See 
Edwards'  "Modern  Scottish  Poets,"  \ol.  1.) 


(Scranton,  Pa.,  Newspaper.) 

Refer  to  Captain  Moir,  of  Scranton,  Pa.,  has  written  a  great  many  arti- 

page  207  g|gg  f^j.  ^jjg  press  of  his  home  city,  among  these  were  a  number  on  the 
"Celts,"  and  the  "Celtic  Bards."  These  articles  of  Captain 
Moir's  show  him  in  a  new  light;  that  of  literary  man.  His  versa- 
tility has  not  been  appreciated  as  it  ought.  A  modest  tailor,  he  spent 
evenings  away  from  his  sartorial  labors,  in  the  midst  of  a  well-stocked 
library  of  books,  such  as  are  found  in  few  homes.  Conversation 
betrayed  the  great  literary  stores  of  his  mind, and  an  occasional  literary 
allusion  in  the  after-dinner  speeches,  full  of  Celtic  wit  and  humor 
revealed  his  literary  taste  and  intellectual  quickness. 

Many  have  known  JAMES  MOIR,  the  MAYOR,  the  MILITARY 
but  not  all  were  acquainted  with  JAMES  MOIR,  the  WRITER,  the 
HISTORIAN,  the  LITERATEUR,  the  best  side  of  this  many- 
sided  man. 


From  "THE  BAILLIE."  Glasgow,  Scotland 

Frederick  Lewis     Maitland     Moir     and    John     William    Moir, 

both  now  of  Glasgow  (1912),  had  practically  the  same  education,  as 
both  graduated  from  the  same  schools,  and  from  Edinburgh 
University  and  also  a  college  in  Germany.  In  early  life,  both  served 
a  very  complete  commercial  apprenticeship. 

Learning  while  they  were  still  young,  that  the  late  Sir  William 
MacKinnon  had  conceived  the  idea  of  constructing  a  road  from  the 
Zanzibar  Coast,  to  Lake  Nyassa,  both  volunteered  their  services,  to 
assist  in  furthering  the  scheme.  Their  offer  was  accepted,  and  sailing 
for  Zanzibar,  they  spent  a  tropical  rainy  season  under  canvas,  during 
which  they  succeeded  in  laying  out  some  twenty  miles  of  the  road. 
For  want,  however,  of  government  support,  the  enterprise  was  ulti- 
mately   abandoned. 

Happily,  another  and  more  fertile  field  immediately  presented  itself. 
In  1878  the  African  Lakes  Company  was  organized,  partly  to  follow 
out  Dr.  David  Livingstone's  great  project,  to  suppress  the  slave  trade, 
then  prosecuted  so  lucratively  by  the  Arabs.  Many  hand  to  hand 
fights  occurred  between  the  slavers  and  the  forces  of  this  company,  of 
which  the  two  brothers  were  part  managers.  Leading  his  men  on  one 
occasion  in  an  assault  upon  a  bullet-proof  stockade,  Frederick, 
was  shot  through  the  right  arm  and  the  bone  shattered.  He  came 
home  to  Scotland,  where  he  was  obliged  to  have  the  elbow  excised, 
an  operation  which  proved  so  successful  that  it  was  regarded  as  a 
triumph  of  surgery. 

Many  adventures  befell  these  brothers  in  the  course  of  a  residence 
of  fifteen  years,  not  the  least  exciting  of  these  was  the  crunching  to 
pieces  of  a  small  boat  —  in  which  Frederick  was  travelling  —  by 
a  hippopotamus,  he  saving  himself  by  swimming  to  the  bank  of  the 
swift  and  deep  river  Shire,  which  flows  out  of  Lake  Nyassa,  and  joins 
the  Zambezi  some  hundred  miles  from  its  mouth.  On  another 
occasion,  on  Lake  Tanganyika  with  Mrs. Moir  their  two  dhows  were 
driven  ashore  by  a  gale  in  the  dangerous  country,  to  the  north  of 
Karema.  At  sundown,  they  were  treacherously  attacked  by  hostile 
natives,  and  had  to  load  their  goods  and  ivory  and  put  out  to  the 
lake  under  a  heavy  fire,  the  band  of  Mrs.  Moir's  hat  being  shot 
off  by  one  of  the  bullets  aimed  at  the  boat. 

Both  of  the  brothers  can  speak  several  languages,  Frederick 
having  a  working  knowledge  of  three  African,  besides  three  Conti- 
nental languages.  Both  have  in  the  course  of  their  travels,  shot  many 
elephants,  rhinoceroses,  hippopotami,  buffaloes,  and  other  big  game. 

*For  genealogy,  see  pagea  218  and  219. 


Both  are  possessed  of  business  principles  of  the  highest  integrity, 
and  endowed  with  a  kindly,  generous,  and  modest  nature,  and  both 
have  a  wide  circle  of  friends. 

Both  have  served  the  Dark  Continent  well,  the  prosperity  of  the 
Nyassaland  country  in  particular,  being  attributable  in  no  small 
degree  to  their  enterprising,  well-conceived  and  even  heroic  work. 

John  W.  Moir  states,  that  in  Old  Orange  Free  State  and  near 
Kimberley,  he  met  several  Moirs,  burgermeisters,  who  were  doing 


(The  Gordon  Motto) 

Adapted  from  David  Macbeth  Moir,  "Delta," 
By  W.  O.  DUNCAN,  ESQ.,  of  Aberdeen 

Scotland,  dear  to  us  is  Scotland, 
In  her  sons  and  in  her  daughters, 

In  the  Highlands,  Lowlands,  Islands, 
Wind  swept  Links  and  dancing  waters. 

In  the  glory  of  her  story, 

When  her  Tartans  fire  the  field. 

Dear  to  us  the  Gordon  watchword, 
"Byding,"  what   come  time  may  yield. 

Ever  dear  her  Doric  language, 
Mither  tongue  gey  pawky  kind. 

Dear  her  Sabbath,  for  then  faither 
Hath  a  rest  day  tae  his  mind. 

♦"Bydand"  (The  Gordon  motto),  is  the  title  of  a  new  song  of  more  than  ordinary 
local  interest,  in  that  the  words  from  'Delta"  (D.  M.  Moir),  have  been  adapted  by 
Lieutenant-Colonel  W.  O.  Duncan,  4th  Battalion  Gordon  Highlanders,  (T.  F.)  and  the 
music  is  composed  by  F.  Campbell  Oddy,  bandmaster  of  the  battalion.  The  words 
rhyme  clearly  in  telling  the  story  of  the  old-fashioned  Scots  word  "byding,"  and  the 
music  is  singularly  melodious  with  a  nice  simple,  flowing  accompaniment.  As  a  regi- 
mental song,  it  should  at  once  take  its  place  among  the  other  music  inseperable  to 
various  regiments  of  the  service.  The  song  is  the  composer's  property,  but  is  pub- 
lished by  Messrs.  Boosey  and  Company,  Regent  street,  London,  and  the  coat  price  is 
28  net.  (Aberdeen  Evening  Express,  5th  Maroh,  1913.) 

Inserted  with  the  kind  permission  of  the  author  A.  L.  M, 


Kindly  furnished  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE,  ESQ.,  of  Aberdeen 

The  following  tribute  was  paid  by  an  anonymous  writer  to  John 
Moir,  blind  poet,  in  the  Frazerburgh  {Aberdeenshire)  Herald,  June 
22,  1909.     He  says: 

Some  short  time  ago,  the  remains  of  John  Moir,  better  known  as 
the  "Blind  Poet  o'  the  Feugh,"  were  laid  to  rest,  and  the  visitors 
now  look  in  vain  for  the  blackboard  which  hung  at  the  cottage  door, 
and  on  which  was  recorded  daily  a  verse  of  poetry,  perhaps  in 
a  patriotic  strain  over  some  event  during  the  Boer  War,  or  simply 
recording  some  local  event,  or  picturing  in  his  mind's  eye  some  scene 
on  the  Feugh.  On  paying  a  visit  to  the  cottage  where  he  lived,  laboured 
and  spun  his  rhyme,  I  was  heartily  entertained  by  his  son,  who, 
although  inheriting  little  of  his  illustrious  father's  rhyming  powers, 
has  the  same  public  spirit  and  hospitality.  From  my  bed-chamber, 
and  where  the  poet  must  have  often  slept,  I  could  hear  the  splashing 
of  the  Feugh  as  it  rushed  over  the  waterfall  at  the  bridge,  and  could 
well  imagine  how  the  sounds  must  have  awakened  a  responsive  chord 
in  the  heart  of  the  blind  poet,  and  drawn  from  his  well-spring  of  poetry 
the  following  lines : 


When  springs  are  at  their  lowest  ebb. 
And  mountain  streamlets  gone  to  rest. 
The  Feugh  is  like  a  little  child 
Asleep  upon  its  mother's  breast. 

But  when  these  springs  began  to  rise, 
And  babbling  brooklets  gem  the  ground, 
The  Feugh  is  like  a  maiden  shy. 
So  softly  slipping  rocks  around. 

When  hghtnings  flash  and  thunders  roll, 
When  mimic  cascades  sing  for  joy. 
The  brawling  Feugh  takes  up  the  song, 
And  frolics  like  a  madcap  boy. 

When  fierce  rain  clouds'  usurping  power, 
To  deluge  earth  would  fain  conspire, 
The  Feugh  is  like  an  angry  man, 
Loud  growling  in  deep  tones  his  ire. 

*Feugh,  bum  (brook)    with    wooded  banks,   (from    "Celtic  Place-Names  in    Aber- 
deenshire," by  John  Milne,  M.A.,  LL.D.) 

342  MoiR  GeneaIvOGY 

The  storm  o'er-past,  forth  dart  sunbeams, 
Anon,  all  clouds  are  put  to  flight, 
Foam-garland 'd  rocks  their  heads  uprear, 
Arrayed,  like  bridal  maid  in  white. 

When  Luna  climbs  the  southern  sphere, 
And  smiles  adown  Feugh's  festooned  glade, 
Then,  lo!  a  more  enchanting  scene 
Was  ne'er  by  pen  or  brush  portray'd. 

21  September.  1901. 

Although  the  poet  was  blind  for  many  years  before  his  death,  he 
still  cherished  fond  memories  of  the  enchanting  stream  that  mean- 
dered past  his  cottage  door,  and  never  seemed  to  tire  conjuring  up  the 
scenes  around  his  native  Banchory.  As  is  rightly  recorded  in  the 
preface  to  his  little  booklet,  "Feugh  Spray,"  (published  1898 — pp.56) 
he  was  not  much  in  sympathy  with  the  romantic  school  of  poets,  of 
whom  Sir  Walter  Scott  may  be  said  to  be  the  chief.  Rather  did  he 
prefer  to  tell  a  simple  story  in  simple  and  homely  language.  He  was 
undoubtedly  nature's  poet  —  the  rustling  of  the  trees  in  Autumn,  the 
mariner  of  a  Highland  burn,  touched  his  heart  and  found  vent  in  such 
poems  as  "To  the  Tourist,"  "Phases  o'  the  Feugh,"  "Pure  Possible 
Pleasures,"  etc. 

Mr.  Moir  was  a  great  bookworm  from  his  earliest  days,  and 
collected  a  large  library,  and  after  he  was  deprived  of  sight,  he  taxed 
the  energies  of  all  his  friends  reading  to  him  the  events  of  the  day,  or 
interesting  passages  of  his  favourite  authors.  He  was  an  ardent 
politician,  and  a  staunch  supporter  of  the  late  Mr.  John  William 
Crombie,  Liberal  Member  (of  Parliament)  from  Kincardineshire.  Few 
had  such  a  grasp  of  the  Scots  dialect,  as  his  Scotch  version  of  the 
Twenty-Third  Psalm  will  show: — 


"Wha  is  my  Shepherd,  weel  I  ken  — 

The  Lord  himsel'  is  he; 
He  leads  me  whaur  the  girse  is  green 

And  burnies  quaet  be. 

"Aft  times  I  fain  astray  wad  gang, 

An'  wanner  far  awa'. 
He  fin's  me  oot;  he  pits  me  richt. 

And  brings  me  hame  an  a'. 

"His  guidness  an'  His  mercy  baith, 
Nae  doot  will  bide  wi'  me; 

While  faulded  on  the  fields  o'  time, 
Or  a'  eternity." 

MoiR  Genealogy  343 


Were  earthly  homes  of  woman  void,  ' 

Sweet  homes  they'd  prove  no  longer, 
Mere  shelters,  and  naught  else  beside, 
Nor  love,  nor  joy  could  they  provide. 
For  which  man's  heart  doth  hunger. 

Then  let  us  prize  her  presence  there, 
And  count  the  prize  our  treasure, 
Life's  blessings  with  her  seek  to  share, 
To  make  her  happiness  our  care, 
Nor  find  a  greater  pleasure. 

Behold  what  love  a  mother  shows. 
What  genuine  emotion; 
Her  courage  dangers  to  oppose, 
Afflictions  but  still  more  disclose — 
Unselfish,  true  devotion. 

With  loving  care,  her  gentle  hands 
Do  minister  in  sickness; 
We  listen  to  her  grave  commands, 
Assured  our  safety  such  demands — 
Her  strength  is  ours  in  weakness. 

We  sing  but  half  her  noble  deeds. 

Her  virtues,  charms  and  graces, 

Her  faith  in  pure,  domestic  creeds, 

Her  wise  foresight  forestalls  our  needs, 

Her  presence,  grief  effaces. 

27  September,  1901. 

No  less  interesting  were  the  verses  that  appeared  daily  on  the  black 
board,  usually  of  an  advertising  nature,  and  inviting  passers  by  to 
purchase  the  small  wares  he  kept  in  his  little  shop  adjoining  the 

"Green  peas  and  ducklings  are  trysting  to  meet. 
Bought  they  must  be  e'er  the  tryst  is  complete; 
They're  in  splendid  ply, 
Who'll  come  and  buy?" 

344  MoiR  Genealogy 


Kindly    furnished    by    his    Son,    ROBERT   MOIR 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  near  Stirling,  Scotland,  about 
the  year  1817.  Twenty-three  years  in  Scotland,  thirty-seven  years 
in  the  Province  of  Quebec  and  twenty-three  in  Ontario,  may  be  taken 
as  marking  three  distinct  periods  of  his  life. 

In  Scotland  he  was  known  as  a  youth  who,  though  slight  of  build 
and  far  from  robust  in  constitution,  was  so  early  and  so  tensily  em- 
ployed, as  to  leave  barely  time  for  a  little  schooling  in  the  three  R's. 
At  the  age  of  seventeen,  he  commenced  his  apprenticeship  as  a 
blacksmith,  and  from  the  fact  he  was  selected  to  assist  in  making  the 
instruments  required  for  experimental  purposes  by  his  master's  son, 
then  a  student  at  college,  v/e  must  infer  that  he  was  a  favorite 
with  his  employer.  It  was  while  thus  employed,  that  he  gained  a 
knowledge  of  the  construction  of  optical  instruments  and  the  pro- 
perties of  lenses,  that  was  to  be  of  use  to  him  in  after  years.  Often 
has  he  told  us  of  the  spare  hours  used  in  experimenting  with  a  rotary 
steam  engine  which  he  and  the  student  referred  to  above  invented. 
After  its  power  had  been  tested  in  various  ways  and  proven  to  be 
quite  remarkable,  it  came  suddenly  to  grief  by  the  explosion  of  its 
boiler, — an  old  copper  still. 

This  aptitude  for  mechanical  experiment,  together  with  an  ardent 
love  of  nature  and  the  study  of  natural  law  in  the  things  around, 
mark  him  as  one  whose  thoughts  flowed  in  no  ordinary  channel. 
After  a  brief  period  spent  in  the  City  of  Glasgow,  he  embarked  for 
America  and  about  the  year  1842,  commenced  work  in  what  was  then 
considered  an  extensive  blacksmithing  establishment,  near  Montreal. 
Here  again  he  seems  to  have  found  time  and  scope  for  experiment. 
The  proprietor  wished  to  have  a  small  cannon  made  for  saluting 
purposes.  A  "hooped  cannon"  was  forged,  which  fortunately  or 
unfortunately  burst  into  pieces  the  first  time  it  was  discharged. 
His  inventive  skiU  was  soon  after  turned  to  better  account  in  the 
engine-room  of  one  of  the  river  steamers;  which,  even  at  that  early 
stage  in  Canada's  development,  were  taking  the  place  of  the  slug- 
gish batteau  and  the  "Durham  boat."  When  all  efforts  of  the  en- 
gineers had  failed  to  start  the  huge  rusted  crank,  the  young  Glasgow 
mechanic,  in  less  than  an  hour,  released  the  stubborn  piece  of  metal. 
Amid  the  cheers  of  the  crew,  he  was  carried  from  the  wharf  on  their 

Immediately  after  his  marriage  in  1846,  he  accepted  a  position  with 
a  lumber  firm  operating  in  Eastern  Quebec.  He  had  no  intention  of 
spending  more  than  two  or  three  years  on  the  shores  of  the  Gulf  of  St. 
Lawrence,  yet  he  was  destined  to  live.for  upwards  of  thirty  years  amid 
conditions  so  primitive,  and  to  aU  appearance  so  uncongenial,  that  we 
wonder  why  a  change  was  not  made  long  before  it  did  take  place. 
Here,  however,  he  set  up  in  business  for  himseK,  only  to  find  that  his 

*For  Genealogy,  see  page  244. 

-^  'V,'a: 

(See  pages  334  and  335) 

Captain  JAMES  PHILIP  MOIR,  D.  S.  O. 

Grandson  of  James  Moir,  Banker, 


(See  page  336) 


Lowell,  Mass. 

(.Se;  page  253) 

ASTOR,   Lc 
.DEN    FOl' 

MoiR  Gkneaix)GY  345 

poor  fisher  neighbors  made  but  scanty  use  of  iron,  in  the  construction 
of  their  boats  and  fishing  gear.  Need  we  be  surprised,  that  as  the  years 
went  by,  the  forge  was  found  oftener  locked  than  open,  and  its  owner 
encouraged  by  the  returns  of  a  really  fertile  farm,  toiling  in  his  fields 
rather  than  at  the  anvil.  As  a  farmer  then,  he  was  among  the  pioneers 
of  that  region  in  the  establishment  of  an  Agricultural  Society.  P'ifteen 
years  rolled  by,  ere  a  grist  mill  was  built  at  all  worthy  of  the  name. 
Until  that  time  the  grist  had  to  be  taken  in  boats  a  distance  of 
nearly  fifty  miles.  But  the  limit  of  agricultural  pursuits  in  Eastern 
Quebec  is  soon  reached,  its  winter  extending  over  nearly  seven  months 
of  the  year,  and  its  chilling  Gulf  winds  retarding  vegetation  till  June, 
render  profitable  farming  impossible.  So  about  the  year  1877,  when 
large  numbers  of  the  English  speaking  population  were  leaving  for 
locations  in  that  vast  New  West,  that  Canada  had  so  recently 
acquired,  he  removed  to  a  fertile  farm  in  Ontario's  finest  fruit  belt. 
And  there,  surrounded  by  his  sons  and  daughters,  who  had  all  found 
spheres  of  useful  occupation  in  that  prosperous  peninsula,  we  find 
him  spending  the  declining  years  of  his  long  life;  his  chief  delight 
being  to  walk  about  his  orchard  and  to  study  the  habits  of  the  birds 
that  annually  come  to  build  their  nests 

"In  tree  and  shrub  or  leafy  bower." 

He  had  scarcely  passed  the  allotted  span,  when  his  health,  hitherto 
so  even,  began  to  fail.  A  bronchial  trouble  set  in,  under  which  he 
gradually  grew  weaker,  till  Feb.,  1901,  when  he  passed  away  so  quietly, 
that  the  watchers  by  his  bedside  could  scarcely  tell  when  the  summons 
came.  For  many  years  previous  to  his  death,  he  had  been  a  consistent 
member  of  the  church  of  his  early  days.  Liberal  in  all  his  views,  he 
warmly  supported  whatever  he  considered  might  in  any  way  promote 
the  weKare  of  the  community  in  which  he  dwelt. 

Never  can  his  children  forget  that  in  him  was  exemplified,  the 
immense  advantage  of  plain,  simple  living,  temperate  habits,  and 
that  regard  for  system  and  regularity  which  his  early  training  had 
made  part  and  parcel  of  his  very  being. 



From  Burlington,  Iowa,  Newspaper 

Robert  Moir,  of  Oquawka,  111.,  was  born  at  Forres,  Elginshire,  Page  i 
Scotland,  Oct.  30,  1824.  His  mother  was  one  of  seven  children,  none 
of  whom  survived  over  40  years  of  age,  except  herself,  who  lived  to  be 
over  90;  and  Robert  Moir  was  the  only  one  of  her  children  who 
reached  the  age  of  50  years.  Mr.  Moir  came  to  the  United  States 
in  1833,  locating  in  New  York,  remaining  there  until  1849,  when  he 
settled  in  Oquawka,  111.  He  married  Mary  Nicol,  May  25,  1849. 
He  has  been  connected  with  the  mercantile  firm  of  Robert  Moir 
&   Co.,    since    he    was    married.      The  firm    originally    consisted    of 


MoiR  Genealogy 

four  brothers: — William  who  died  in  1856,  James  who  died  in  1863, 
Alexander  who  died  in  1868,  besides  Robert  who  died  in  1904. 

Mr.  Moir  was  one  of  the  leading  financiers  of  his  locality,  and 
was  well-known  in  business  circles  throughout  the  west.  He  possessed 
great  mental  vigor,  tireless  energy  and  application,  of  shrewd  and 
unerring  business  judgment,  which  enabled  him  to  manage  large  and 
varied  business  enterprises,  and  render  them  successful  beyond  the 
measure  of  men.  He  believed  in  punctuality  to  be  an  essential  element 
in  business  promises  and  relations,  and  ever  practiced  and  exacted  it. 
He  was  positive  in  his  opinions,  but  his  seeming  sternness  was  softened 
by  the  courtesy  of  the  old  regime.  He  was  a  great  reader  with  a 
remarkable  memory,  and  well-posted  in  general  affairs.  He  was  an 
interesting  conversationalist,  sociable  in  his  nature,  and  took  a  friendly 
interest  in  the  welfare  of  his  friends.  He  was  ever  attached  to  hia 
home  and  family,  where  he  was  loved  and  revered.  He  was  very 
modest  in  his  tastes  and  unostentatious  in  his  private  and  business 
life.     To  be,  and  not  to  seem,  was  a  dominant  element  in  his  nature. 



Kindly  furnished  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE,  ESQ..  of  Aberdeen 

Rev.  Thomas  Moir,  M.  A.,  was  the  fourth  minister  of  Cruden 
(Aberdeenshire)  United  Free  Church.  He  was  the  son  of  Adam  Moir, 
a  farmer  in  Udny,  and  was  educated  at  Aberdeen  University,  and 
the  Free  Church  College  of  the  same  city.  During  his  fourteen  years 
ministry  in  Cruden,  he  did  excellent  work.  He  was  a  faithful  preacher 
and  pastor,  who  won  and  retained  the  affection  of  hia  flock.  Unfortu- 
nately, he  was  cut  off,  after  a  lingering  illness,  at  the  early  age  of  46. 
He  was  buried  at  Cruden  Parish  Churchyard,  amidst  universal  regret, 
and  the  handsome  obelisk  which  the  Free  Church  congregation  have 
erected  to  his  memory,  tells  its  own  story  of  work  nobly  done  and  of 
affection  proved  and  tried.  He  is  the  only  minister  of  the  Free  Church 
of  Cruden  who  has  died  in  office.  On  the  obelisk  mentioned,  there  is 
4he    following    inscription: — 

"Erected  by  the  Free  Church  Congregation 
of  Cruden,  in  memory  of  Thomas  Moir,  M. 
A.,  their  faithful  minister  in  church  for 
thirteen  years.  Born  at  Udny,  March  9, 
1831.  Died  at  Aberdeen,  June  22,  1877. 
His  last  message  to  his  people — 
'Come  to  Jesus;  come  all.'" 

His  portrait  is  given  in  Rev.  Adam  MacKay's  "Cruden  and  its 
Ministers,"  printed  at  the  Buchan  Observer  Works,  Peterhead,  1912. 

MoiR  Genealogy  347 


Kindly  furnished   by  R.    MURDOCH   LAWRANCE,   ESQ.,  of  Aberdeen 

Son  of  "Delta",  was  elected  a  member  of  the  Round  Table  Club,    Page  17S 
January,  1871.    He  was  one  of  the  surviving  members,  January,  1900, 
M.D,     (Edinburgh),   once    in   practice  in    Musselburgh,   now  in   St. 
Andrew's,  Fifeshire. 

The  "Annals  of  the  Round  Table  Club"  were  edited  by  John 
Gray  McKendrick,  M.  D.,  (Aberdeen);  LL.  D.  (Aberdeen  and 
Glasgow);  F.  R.  C.  P.  E.,  F.  R.  S.,  F.  R.  S.  E. 

Thirty-five  copies  only  were  issued  in  1908,  and  the  original  proof 
copy  is  now  in  the  possession  of  R.  Murdoch  Lawrance,  Esq.,  of 
Aberdeen.  The  club  included  many  distinguished  men  in  the 
medical  profession,  and  was  inaugurated  8th  of  December,  1868. 



From    "AhfNALS   OF   IOWA."   July    1904,    (p.  416) 

William  J.  Moir  was  born  in  Banffshire,  Scotland,  Oct.  19,  Page  187 
1824.  He  came  to  this  country  with  his  parents  in  1830.  He  was 
educated  at  Derby  Academy,  Vermont,  and  was  naturalized  at  Ply- 
mouth, Indiana,  in  Aug.  1854.  At  the  latter  place  he  studied  law  and 
was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  1856.  He  settled  in  Eldora,  Hardin  County, 
Iowa,  the  same  year,  where  he  has  since  resided  and  practiced  his 
profession.  He  has  twice  served,  in  1862  and  1864  —  in  the  Iowa 
House  of  Representatives,  where  he  proved  himself  a  useful  and  con- 
scientious member.  He  also  served  twelve  years  on  the  Eldora  school 
board,  and  was  twice  elected  Mayor  of  that  city.  Mr.  Moir  was 
the  leader  in  the  work  of  founding  the  State  Reform  School  at  Eldora 
and  one  of  its  foremost  friends  and  promoters.  He  served  as  one  of 
the  Board  of  Trustees  —  with  the  exception  of  two  years  —  from  the 
beginning,  until  it  was  taken  in  charge  by  the  Board  of  Control  in 
1898.  He  was  many  years  treasurer  of  the  institution,  during  which 
time  he  disbursed  the  sum  of  .$1,228,557.25  for  which  he  never  asked 
nor  received  any  compensation  whatever.  His  services  in  connection 
with  the  Reform  School  have  always  met  with  hearty  approval,  and 
he  is  well-known  to  the  people  of  Iowa  from  his  long  and  efficient  work 
in  building  up  that  institution. 

William  J.  Moir,  of  Eldora,  Iowa,  in  Feb.,  1905,  was  serving 
his  seventy-first  term  as  treasurer  of  Odd  Fellows  lodge  there. 

He  has  twice  represented  the  district  in  the  State  legislature,  and 
is  one  of  the  pioneer  lawmakers  of  Iowa.  Before  the  inauguration  for 
the  government  of  state  institutions,  Mr.  Moir  was  for  years  a  mem- 

348  MoiR  Geneajlogy 

ber  of  the  board  of  the  Iowa  Industrial  School  for  Boys.  For  many 
years  he  was  manager  of  the  Opera  House  at  Eldora.  Mr.  Moir 
is  a  lawyer.  He  probably  will  continue  to  hold  the  oflSice  he  occupies 
in  the  order  of  Odd  Fellows  for  the  balance  of  his  life." 

Special  newspaper  despatch,  Feb.  1st,  1905. 




Page  220  Alexander    WUson    Moir,     C.  M.  G.,    b.  March  28,   1825,   was 

the  son  of  James  Moir,  surgeon  in  the  royal  navy,  (of  whom 
an  account  is  given  in  this  volume)  was  for  over  forty  years  in  the 
British  Colonial  civil  service,  being  in  charge  of  customs,  was  president 
of  Turks  Islands,  (Bahamas),  Torlota  (Virgin  Islands),  Dominica 
(Leeward  Islands,  West  Indies)  and  St.Kitts  (West  Indies).  He  was 
created  Companion  of  the  Distinguished  Order  of  St.  Michael  and  St. 
George,  in  1877.  In  later  life  he  retired  to  Jersey,  England,  where  he 
died  April  6,  1897.  He  married  Isabella  Dobson  Watson  in  1852, 
and  seven  children  blessed  the  union. 



Page2is  James  Moir,  M.  D.,  a  young  married  doctor  of  Edinburgh, 
Scotland,  volunteered  his  services  as  medical  oflBcer,  at  the  time  of  the 
British  wars  against  Napoleon  I.  of  France.  His  brig  going  down 
channel,  was  driven  ashore  on  the  coast  of  France,  and  all  hands  were 
captured;  he  was  taken  prisoner  to  Verdun.  An  officer  got  permission 
to  have  his  wife  sent  there  with  an  attendant,  who  happened  to  be 
Mrs.  Moir  (Margaret  Laing  Stenhouse).  While  still  practicing  his 
calling  and  a  prisoner,  John  Innes  Allen  Moir  (afterwards  M.  D.,  of 
Edinburgh),  was  born,  April  4,  1808.  In  1814,  immediately  after 
Waterloo,  all  were  liberated  and  returned  to  Scotland. 

MoiR  Genealogy 




Kindly   furnished    by    R.    MURDOCH    LAWRANCE,  ESQ.,  Aberdeen 

Sir  Michael  Bruce,  who  married  Isabella  Moir,  of  Scotstown,  Pagea  139 
June  10,  1822,  was  one  of  a  number  of  Aberdeen  city  gentlemen,  who  ^'^  ^^ 
formed  a  guard  of  honour  at  the  landing  of  Queen  Victoria,  at  Aber- 
deen Harbour,  8  September,  1848.  The  late  Mr.  Peter  Cleveland, 
artist,  made  it  a  "famous  local  picture,"  afterwards  engraved,  and 
now  extremely  scarce.  He  is  described  in  the  key  to  the  portrait  as 
follows: — 

24.  SIR  MICHAEL  BRUCE,  Baronet  of 
Stenhouse  and  Scotstown,  Dean  of  the  Faculty 
of  Marischal  College,  and  Deputy  Lieutenant 
of  the  County.  Sir  Michael  is  wearing  the 
badge,  suspended  by  tawney  orange  ribbon,  of 
the  Baronets  of  Scotland  and  Nova  Scotia. 

(He  died  Dec.  14,  1862.) 



Sir  Thomas  More,  Lord  Chancellor,  one  of  the  most  illustrious 
men  of  his  age,  was  born  in  Milk  St.,  in  the  City  of  London,  Feb.  7, 
1478.  Son  of  Sir  Thomas  More,  a  barrister  and  justice  of  the 
Court  of  the  King's  Bench,  in  London.  He  graduated  from  Oxford 
University,  1496.  After  which  he  studied  law.  Under  Henry  VII., 
he  filled  various  prominent  positions.  After  the  accession  of  Henry 
VIII.  in  1523,  he  was  chosen  Speaker  of  the  House  of  Commons;  in 
1529,  he  succeeded  Cardinal  Wolsey  as  Lord  Chancellor.  He  resigned 
in  1532.  In  1534  he  was  commanded  to  swear  obedience  to  the  act 
of  succession.  Upon  his  refusal,  he  was  committed  to  the  tower, 
where  he  remained  a  year.  On  July  1,  1535,  he  was  brought  before 
the  high  commission.  The  trial  was  a  summary  one;  More  was 
found  guilty  and  sentenced  to  death  by  beheading,  and  he  was  exe- 
cuted July  6,  1535. 

He  wrote  a  great  many  poems  in  Latin,  which  have  passed  through 
many  editions;  he  also  wrote  many  works  in  English,  but  his  beat 
known  work  is  "Utopia,"  which  describes  an  ideal  social  condition  of 
the  world.  There  are  also  several  historical  articles  by  More, 
notably,  "History  of  Richard  III,"  a  fragment. 

350  MoiR  Geneai<ogy 



Hannah  More,  the  authoress,  was  born  at  Stapleton,  near  Bristol, 
England,  in  1745.  She  was  the  youngest  but  one  of  five  daughters  of 
Jacob  More,  a  scion  of  a  landed  Norfolk  family,  who  taught  school  in 
Stapleton  and  Gloucestershire. 

She  made  three  reputations  in  the  course  of  her  long  life;  first 
as  a  clever  verse-writer,  and  witty  converser  in  the  circle  of  Johnson 
Reynolds  and  Garrick;  next,  as  an  animated  writer  on  moral  and 
religious  subjects  on  the  Puritanic  side;  and  lastly,  as  a  practical 

Among  the  literary  efforts  may  be  named  "A  Search  for  Happi- 
ness," "Eldred  of  the  Bower,"  "Thoughts  on  the  Manners  of  the 
Great,"  "Sacred  Dramas,"  and  a  great  many  others.  In  one  year 
two  million  were  circulated  of  her  spirited  rhymes  and  prose  tales, 
to  counteract  the  doctrines  of  the  French  Revolution. 

In  her  serene  old  age,  philanthropists  from  all  parts  of  the  world 
made  pilgrimages  to  her  home.  She  died  at  Clifton,  September  7, 
1833,  at  the  mature  age  of  eighty-seven. 



Henry  More  was  born  at  Grantham  in  Lincolnshire,  England  1614. 
His  father  was  "Alexander  More,  Esq.,  a  gentleman  of  fair  estate 
and  fortune,"  highly  spoken  of  by  his  son.  He  was  graduated  from 
Christ  College,  London,  in  1639,  obtaining  several  degrees.  He  died 
Sept.  1st,  1687,  and  was  buried  in  the  chapel  of  the  college. 

He  wrote  "Opera  Theologica;"  "Opera  Philosophica;"  "Opera 
Omnia;"   "Apology;"   and  "Philosophical   Poems." 

*Her  portrait  given  herewith,  is  from  a  picture  painted  by  Opie,  in  1786.  This 
portrait  is  prefixed  to  volumes  of  the  Memoirs  of  the  Life  and  Correspondence  of 
Hannah  More,  by  William  Roberts.,  Esq.,  Third  Edition,  revised  with  an  additional 
preface,  3  vols.  Published  by  R.  B.  Seely  and  W.  Burnside,  and  sold  by  L.  B.  Seely  & 
Sons,  Fleet  street,  London.     MDCCCXXXV. 


From   the   "KILMARNOCK    STANDARD."    June    22,    1912 

The  late  Colonel  Mure  of  Caldwell,  whose  death  occurred  with 
startling  suddenness,  on  the  evening  of  14th  inst.,  belonged  to  an 
ancient  Ayrshire  family,  the  Mures  of  Rowallan,  much  light  was 
thrown  upon  the  genealogy  of  this  family  by  the  publication,  in  1825, 
of  "The  Historic  and  Descent  of  the  House  of  Rowallane,  by  Sir 
William  Mure,  Knight  of  Rowallane,  written  in  or  prior  to  1657." 

According  to  the  author  of  the  "Historic, "  Rowallan  had  been  in 
possession  of  the  Mures,  previous  to  the  reign  of  Alexander  III.,  from 
which  they  were  dispossessed  by  the  powerful  house  of  Cuming,  and 
the  owner.  Sir  Gilchrist  More,  was  "redacted  for  his  safety  to  keep 
close  in  his  castle  of  Polkellie."  After  the  battle  of  Largs,  however, 
upon  which  occasion  Sir  Gilchrist  received  the  honour  of  Knighthood 
in  reward  for  his  bravery,  he  "was  reponed  to  his  whole  inheritance." 
"Sir  Gilchrist,"  continues  the  author,  "for  preventing  of  more  occasion 
of  trouble,  and  for  settling  of  his  owne  securitie  and  firmer  peace,  made 
allyance  with  this  partie  of  power,  and  married  Isabell,  his  onlie 
daughter  and  heire,  by  accession  of  whose  inheritance,  to  witt  of  the 
lands  of  Cumingside,  Draden,  and  Harwoods,  his  estate  being  en- 
larged." The  editor,  however,  remarks,  that  it  is  "fully  as  probable, 
even  from  his  own  showing,  that  Polkelly  was  the  more  ancient  inheri- 
tance of  his  family,  and  that  Rowallan  was  acquired  solely  by  the 
marriage  of  the  heiress,  Isabell,  as  is  generally  held."  But  to  follow 
our  author  — "After  the  death  of  Sir  Walter  Cumine,  Sir  Gilchrist 
now  secured  not  onlie  in  the  title  and  full  possession  of  his  old  inheri- 
tance, but  also  in  his  border  lands,  quherin  he  succeeded  to  Sir  Walter 
forsaid  within  the  Sheref dome  of  Roxburgh,  being  sensible  and  mind- 
full  of  the  deserving  of  his  friends  and  followers  in  time  of  his  troubles, 
deals  with  all  of  them  as  became  a  man  of  honour,  bestowing  upon 
each,  parcell  of  land  according  to  his  respect,  interest  or  (happly) 
promise  to  the  persone.  He  disponed  to  his  kinsman  Ranald  More, 
who  had  come  purposlie  from  Ireland  for  his  assistance  in  time  of  his 
troubles  and  tooke  share  with  him  of  the  hazard  of  the  battell,  the 
lands  of  Pokellie,"  &c.  Now  there  is  evidently  a  complete  jumbling 
of  time  and  circumstances  here.  In  the  reign  of  David  II.,  Maurice 
Murray  had  a  charter  "of  the  waird  of  Walter  Cuming  of  Rowallan, 
in  vie.  de  Roxburgh,  with  the  lands  thereof."  It  is  thus  apparent  that 
the  Rowallan  lands  in  Roxburghshire  were  not  in  possession  of  Sir 
Gilchrist  at  this  period;  and  it  is  next  to  impossible  that  the  same  Sir 
Gilchrist  Mure,  who  fought  at  the  battle  of  Largs,  could  have  been 
alive  in  the  reign  of  David  II.  Indeed  he  is  stated  by  the  author  to 
have  died  in  1280.  No  reliance,  therefore  is  to  be  placed  on  the 
"Historic"  by  Sir  William  farther  back  than  can  be  corroborated  by 

352  MoiR  Genbalogy 

concurrent  testimony.  The  immediate  ancestor  of  Sir  Gilchrist, 
appears  to  have  been  "David  de  Moore,"  mentioned  in  a  charter  by 
Alexander  II,  between  1214  and  1249,  who  is  stated  to  have  been  "the 
head  of  the  house  of  Rowallane."  This  is  extremely  probable,  at  least 
he  is  the  first  on  record.  That  he  possessed  Rowallan,  however,  is 
doubtful,  though  the  lands  of  Polkelly,  chiefly  in  Renfrewshire,  may 
have  belonged  to  him.  He  was  probably  succeeded  by  Sir  Gilchrist, 
who  fought  at  the  battle  of  Largs.  Archibald,  who  was  slain  at 
Berwick,  where  the  army  of  Baloil  was  wholly  routed,  in  1298.  Wil- 
liam, heir  and  successor,  is  honourably  mentioned  in  an  indenture 
truce  with  England,  in  the  non-age  of  King  David,  wherein  he  ia 
designed,  Sir  William.  "Sir  Adam,  who  having  been  bred  a  long  time 
in  his  father's  auld  age,  with  the  management  and  weight  of  all  his 
affaires  both  private  and  more  publick,  in  these  rougher  times,  found 
the  less  difficultie  to  apply  himself  by  a  more  easie  method  to  main- 
taine  the  Ictt  and  fortoune  left  by  his  predecessors,  now  in  his  own 

It  appears  from  the  "Historic"  (says  Paterson),  that  the  family 
had  suffered  considerably  during  the  war  of  independence,  maintained 
first  by  Wallace,  and  afterwards  by  Bruce;  and  Sir  Adam  is  eulogized 
for  his  prudence  in  having  improved  and  enlarged  their  dilapidated 
inheritance.  Sir  Adam  is  said  to  have  married  Janet  Mure,  grand- 
daughter of  Ronald  More,  heiress  of  Polkellie,  by  which  the  latter 
estate  was  rejoined  to  Rowallan.  By  this  marriage,  he  had  two  sons 
and  a  daughter,  Elizabeth,  married  to  Robert,  the  High  Stewart, 
afterwards  King  of  Scotland.  There  existed  at  one  time  much  dubiety 
as  to  the  reality  of  this  marriage.  All  our  early  historians,  down  even 
to  Buchanan,  were  of  opinion  that  the  union  had  never  been  legalized 
by  marriage.  The  author  of  the  "Historic,"  however,  quoting  from  a 
"Deduction  of  the  Descent  of  the  House  of  Rowallane,"  collected  by 
Sir  John  Lermonth,  chaplain  to  Alexander,  Archbishop  of  St.  Andrews, 
says  "That  Robert,  Great  Stewart  of  Scotland,  having  taken  away 
the  said  Elizabeth,  drew  to  Sir  Adam,  her  father,  ane  instrument  that 
he  should  take  her  to  be  his  lawfuU  wife,  which  myself  hath  seen,  saith 
the  collector,  as  also  ane  testimonie,  written  in  Latine,  by  Roger 
M'Adame,  priest  of  our  Ladie  Marie's  Chapell."  Mr.  Lewis  Innes, 
Principal  of  the  Scots  College  at  Paris,  first  completely  proved  the 
fallacy  of  Buchanan's  account  of  King  Robert's  marriages,  by  pub- 
lishing in  1694,  a  charter  granted  by  him  in  1354,  which  charter  showed 
that  Elizabeth  More  was  the  first  wife  of  Robert,  and  made  reference 
to  the  dispensation  granted  by  the  Pope  for  the  marriage.  That  dis- 
pensation was  long  sought  for  in  vain,  but  was  at  length  discovered 
in  1789,  at  which  time  a  dispensation  for  the  marriage  of  Robert  II. 
with  Euphame  Ross  was  also  found."  Ample  proof  of  the  union  exists 
in  the  Crown  charters.  For  example,  there  is  a  charter  by  David  II. 
"to  Robert,  Great  Stuart  of  Scotland,  of  the  lands  of  Kintyre,  with 
See  page  33  the  advocation  of  the  Kirks  thereof  in  fee  and  to  John  Stewart,  his 
son,  gotten  betwixt  him  and  Elizabeth  More,  daughter  to  Adam  More, 
Knight,  and  failzeing  of  him,  to  Walter,  his  second  brother."     Also 


MoiR  Genealogy  353 

a  charter  by  Robert  III.  "to  Andrew  Muir,  uncle  to  the  King,  of  ane 
pension  of  £20  sterling  furth  of  the  great  customs  on  both  sides  of  the 
Forth,  until  said  Andrew  or  his  heirs  should  be  heritably  seized  in  a 
£20  land  in  some  convenient  place."  Elizabeth  More,  the  first  wife 
of  Robert  II.,  is  said  to  have  been  a  woman  of  great  beauty,  and  to 
have  attracted  the  attention  of  the  High  Stewart  during  the  troublous 
times  of  Edward  Baloil,  when  he  was  frequently  compelled  to  seek 
safety  in  concealment.  Dundonald  Castle,  then  the  chief  residence 
of  the  -"tewarts,  was  no  doubt  the  "scene  of  King  Robert's  early 
attachment  and  nuptial  with  the  fair  Elizabeth."  From  this  union 
are  descended  the  existing  race  of  British  sover  igns,  as  well  as  most 
of  the  crowned  heads  of  Europe. 

Robert  Mure  of  Rowallan,  is  described  as  a  frequenter  of  the  "court 
in  the  minoritie  of  King  James  the  Third.  He  was  ane  man,  black 
hared,  and  of  ane  hudge  large  stature,  therefore  commonlie  called  the 
Rud  of  Rowallane.  The  king  in  his  bearne  head  proponed  to  round 
with  him,  and  as  ho  offered  swa  to  doe,  dang  out  his  eye  with  the  spang 
of  ane  cocle-shell.  He  was  a  man  who  regarded  not  the  well  of  his 
house,  but  in  following  court  and  being  unfit  for  it,  waisted,  sold,  and 
wadset  all  his  proper  lands  of  Rowallane,  quhilk  may  be  an  example 
to  all  his  posteritie." 

Mungo  Mure  of  Rowallan,  appears  to  have  greatly  improved  the 
old  fortalice  of  Rowallan,  having  "  aisit  ths  hall  vpone  four  vouttia 
(vaults),  and  laiche  trance,  and  completit  the  samen  in  his  awin  tyme." 
He  is  described  as  a  "man  of  singular  valour,  and  very  worthie  of  his 
hands,  quherof  he  gave  good  proofe  in  divers  conflicts."  It  was  this 
laird  of  Rowallan  who,  with  Robert  Boyd,  Guideman  of  Kilmarnock, 
gave  the  Duke  of  Hamilton  such  signal  assistance  at  the  skirmish  called 
the  "Field  of  Glasgow." 

John  Mure  of  Rowallan,  is  said  to  have  taken  "great  delyte  in 
policie  and  planting.  He  builded  the  fore  wark,  back  wark  and  woman 
house,  frome  the  ground."  Ano  her  account  states,  that  "he  plaintit 
the  orcharde  and  gairdein,  sett  the  vppir  banck  and  nethir  bank,  the 
birk  zaird  befoir  the  zett."  He  is  said  to  have  "lived  gratioulsie"  yet 
from  a  "Letter  of  Sleance,  by  Alexander  Cowper,"  it  would  appear  that 
he  was  not  saikless  of  the  feuds  of  his  time.  He  was  on  friendly  terms 
with  the  Kilmarnock  family,  and  assisted  them  materially  on  various 
occasions,  particularly  when  the  Laird  of  Knockdolian  attempted  to 
hold  the  Baillie;  Court  of  Grougar. 

The  Laird  of  Rowallan,  had  a  letter  addressed  to  him  by  Queen 
Mary,  on  her  escape  from  prison  in  1568;  but  as  he  subscribed  the 
"Band"  in  support  of  the  Reformation  in  1562,  in  which  year  he  also 
sat  in  Parliament,  it  is  not  probable  that  he  attended  the  summons. 

William  Mure  is  described  as  "of  a  meik  and  gentle  spirit,  and 
delyted  much  in  the  studie  of  phisick,  which  he  practised  especiallie 
among  the  poore  people  with  very  good  success.  He  was  one  religious 
man  and  died  gratiouslie  in  the  yeare  of  his  age  69,  the  yeare  of  our 
Lord  1616."  His  latter  will  was  "Subscryvit  at  Rowallane,  the  third 
day  of  September,  1616  zers." 

354  MoiR  Geneai^ogy 

Sir  William  Mure  succeeded  his  father.  "This  Sir  William,"  says 
the  "Historic,"  of  which  he  was  the  author,  "was  pious  and  learned, 
and  had  ane  excellent  value  in  poyeise;  he  delyted  much  in  building 
and  planting;  hebuilded  the  new  wark  in  the  north  syde  of  the  close, 
and  the  battlement  of  the  back  wall,  and  reformed  the  whole  house 
exceedingly.  He  lived  religiouslie  and  died  Christianlie  in  the  years 
of  (his)  age  63,  and  the  yeare  of  (our)  Lord,  1657." 

Some  further  notice,  however,  of  Sir  William,  the  author  of  "The 
True  Crucifixe,"  seems  only  a  just  tribute  to  his  memory.  He  appears 
to  have  early  cultivated  a  taste  for  the  muses,  and  some  verses  in  Latin 
on  the  death  of  his  grandfather,  occur  amongst  his  juvenile  pieces. 
His  manuscript  poetry  is  considerable.  Among  the  larger  pieces  is  a 
translation  of  some  books  of  Virgil;  a  religious  poem  which  he  calls 
"The  Joy  of  Tears,"  and  another,  "The  Challenge  and  Reply."  Several 
of  his  pieces  have  been  published.  In  the  "Muse's  Welcome,"  a  col- 
lection of  poems  and  addresses  made  to  King  James,  on  his  visiting 
Scotland  in  1617,  there  is  a  poetical  address  to  the  King  at  Hamilton, 
written  by  Sir  William  Mure  of  Rowallan.  In  1628,  he  published  a 
poetical  translation  of  the  celebrated  "Hecatombe  Christiana"  of  Boyd 
of  Trochrig,  together  with  a  small  original  piece  called  "Doomesday." 
In  1629  he  published  "The  True  Crucifix  for  True  Catholikes."  For 
some  years  after  1629,  he  seems  to  have  been  employed  on  a  version  of 
the  Psalms,  which  was  much  wanted  in  Scotland  at  that  time.  The 
old  English  version  was  not  popular,  and  the  one  executed  by  King 
James,  and  Sir  W.  Alexander,  of  Menstrie,  was  so  disliked  that  the 
Bishops  would  not  press  it  upon  the  Church.  King  James'  version 
was  not  sanctioned  by  the  Assembly,  and  some  expression  in  it  gave 
offence  to  the  people,  e.  g.  the  sun  was  called  "The  lord  of  light," 
and  the  moon  "The  pale  lady  of  the  night."  Though  this  version  was 
rejected,  still  many  wished  that  the  old  one  should  be  improved,  or  a 
better  one  substituted  in  its  place.  Several  gentlemen  attempted 
particular  psalms;  but  a  version  of  the  whole  was  undertaken  by 
Sir  William  Mure  of  Rowallan,  which  he  seems  to  have  finished  in 
1639.  Principal  Baillie,  who  attended  the  Westminster  Assembly, 
as  Commissioner  from  the  Church  of  Scotland,  in  a  letter,  dated  at 
London,  January  first,  1644,  says,  "I  wish  I  had  Rowallan's  Psalter 
here,  for  I  like  it  better  than  any  I  have  yet  seen."  It  does  not,  how- 
ever, appear,  that  Sir  William's  version  was  transmitted  to  the 
Assembly;  Mr.  Rous',  which  was  recommended  by  the  English 
Parliament,  was  finally  adopted;  and  has  ever  since  been  used  in 
Scotland;  but  the  committee  appointed  to  revise  Mr.  Rous'  version, 
was  instructed  to  avail  themselves  of  the  help  of  Rowallan's.  The 
attention  of  Sir  William,  was  not  entirely  devoted  to  literary  pur- 
suits. He  took  his  share  in  the  burden  of  the  duties  of  civil  life, 
being  a  member  of  the  Parliament  held  at  Edinburgh,  June  1643, 
and  of  the  "Committee  of  Warre,"  for  the  sheriffdom  of  Ayr,  in  1644. 
He  was  also  with  the  Scottish  army  in  England,  in  1644,  and  was 
present  in  some  engagements  between  the  royal  and  parliamentary 

MoiR  Gbnbai,ogy  355 

forces.  Sir  William  was  also  one  of  the  Rcmonstrators,  who  "brunt 
the  Gaite  of  Drumlanrig,  and  plundered  and  waistcd  the  lands,"  in 

William  Mure  of  Rowallan,  the  last  lineal  representative  of  the 
family,  succeeded  his  father  in  1686.  He  was  entered  a  student  at  the 
University  of  Glasgow  in  1660.  His  name  frequently  occurs  in  the 
records  of  the  parish  of  Kilmarnock.  He  is  mentioned  there,  for  the 
last  time,  in  1695,  in  a  commission  to  defend  a  process  of  translation 
before  the  Synod. 

Dame  Jean  Mure  of  Rowallan,  his  only  surviving  daughter,  and 
sole  heiress,  succeeded.  This  lady  married,  first,  William  Fairlie,  of 
Bruntsfield,  afterwards  designed  of  Fairlie.  to  whom  she  had  issue. 
She  married,  secondly,  David,  first  Earl  of  Glasgow,  by  which  marriage 
she  had  three  daughters,  Jean  Mure,  Countess  of  Glasgow,  died 
Sept.  3,  1724,  and  was  succeeded  by  her  eldest  surviving  daughter  of 
the  second  marriage: — 

Lady  Jean  Boyle  Mure  of  Rowallan.  She  married  the  Hon.  Sir 
James  Campbell,  of  Lawers,  K.B.,  third  and  youngest  son  of  James, 
second  Earl  of  Loudoun.  He  entered  the  army  at  an  early  age,  and 
served  on  the  Continent,  under  the  Duke  of  Marlborough.  He  com- 
manded the  British  horse  at  the  battle  of  Fontenoy,  30th  April,  1745, 
when  he  was  mortally  wounded,  one  of  his  legs  being  carried  off  by 
a  cannon  ball.  He  expired  soon  afterwards,  and  was  buried  at  Brussels. 
He  had  a  daughter,  Margaret;  and  a  son  who  succeeded  him: — 

James  Mure  Campbell,  born  11th  February,  1726.  He  assumed  the 
name  of  Mure  on  succeeding  to  the  estate  of  Rowallan;  he  was  elected 
Member  of  Parliament  for  the  county  of  Ayr  in  1754; — succeeded 
his  cousin  John,  fourth  Earl  of  Loudoun,  on  the  27th  of  April,  1782, 
and  died  on  the  28th  April,  1786,  being  then  a  Major-General  in  the 
army.  He  married,  in  1777,  Flora,  eldest  daughter  of  John 
Macleod,  of  Rasay,  and  by  her,  who  died  in  1780,  he  had  an  only 

Flora  Mure  Campbell,  born  in  August  1780,  Countess  of  Loudoun, 
Baroness  Manchline,  &c.,  &c.,  who  succeeded  to  the  ancient  patri- 
monial inheritance  of  her  ancesters,  the  Mures  of  Rowallan.  Her 
Ladyship  married  12th  July,  1804,  Francis,  Earl  of  Moira,  Marquis  of 
Hastings,  by  whom  she  had  issue. 


By  "G."  in  "KILMARNOCK  STANDARD."     (Published  1892) 

The  orthography  of  the  name  Mure  has  passed  through  a  great 
many  changes.  Both  in  the  "True  Crucifix"  and  the  "Cry  of  Blood" 
(British  Museum),  Sir  William  spelled  it  "Moore,"  probably  because 
Mure  was  more  of  a  local  name,  and  when  he  began  to  publish, he  pre- 
ferred the  spelling  which  would  be  the  more  easily  pronounced  by  Eng- 
lish readers.  I  think  there  is  no  doubt  that  the  Gaelic  "More,"  mean- 
ing "great  or  big,"  is  the  original,  whether  imported  from  Ireland,  or 
whether  it  was  Strathclyde-British,  need  not  matter.  The  probability 
is,  that  the  family  owned  Polkellie  long  before  the  time  of  Sir  Gilchrist, 
as  the  name  is  to  be  found  in  a  charter  in  the  reign  of  King  Alexander 
II.  and  the  "Historic"  states  that  Sir  Gilchrist  was  buried  with  his  an- 
cestors in  the  Mute's  aisle,  at  Kilmarnock,  in  the  year  1277.  When  the 
spelling  More  was  altered  to  Mure,  I  think  it  was  pronounced  Moore 
It  is  common  enough  to  do  so  at  the  present  time.  The  spelling 
Mair,  which  is  common  in  this  district,  is  just  the  Lowland  Scottish 
pronunciation  of  More.  A  century  ago,  when  Latin  was  so  much  in 
vogue,  it  was  often  written  Meuros,  and  there  was  a  publisher  in  Kil- 
marnock of  that  name.  Besides  nearly  all  the  parish  of  Fenwick,  and 
a  large  part  of  Kilmarnock,  a  large  area  of  land,  used  to  be  owned  by 
branches  of  the  family  all  over  Scotland. 

I  have  seen  the  name  written  Meyer  or  Moir.  Patrick  Moyre  or 
Mure,  of  Annandstone  (Upper  Ward),  witnesses  charters  in  1493  and 
1508,  and  this  family  at  one  time  held  the  Barony  of  Thankerton,  in 
Upper  Ward.  Samuel  de  la  More  deThangarston,  signed  the  Ragman 
Roll  in  1296.  The  same  family  held  the  Barony  of  Symington  (Upper 
Ward),  John  Muir,  of  Anistoun,  was  served  heir  to  his  father,  in  the 
barony  of  Symontown,  with  the  patronage  of  the  church  in  1646. 
More,  de  Mora,  de  la  More  (Delmore),  Mure,  Moore,  Moor,  Moir, 
Muire,  Muir,  Mueros,  Mair,  Murison,  and  Moyre,  are  all  just 
different  ways  of  spelling  the  same  patronymic,  and  I  think  I  may 
safely  say,  that  there  is  hardly  another  surname  that  has  been 
so  variously  spelled.  I  have  a  settled  account  in  my  posession  of 
"Peeter  Mour,  carpenter  in  Kilmarnock,"  dated  1741.  The  name 
Gilmore,  the  servant  or  vassal  of  More,  seems  to  have  changed 
in  spelling  along  with  More.  It  used  to  be  Gilmure,  and  now  is 
commonly  written  Gilmour. 

The  Moors  of  Corsewall,  who  are  descended  from  Captain  Alexan- 
der, second  son  of  the  poet,  Sir  William,  still  spelled  it  Moore.  They 
are  the  real  nearest  male  representative  of  the  old  house  of  Rowallan, 
and  seam  also  to  have  inherited  a  large  share  of  the  genius  and  amiable 
disposition  of  their  ancestor.  Sir  William,  as  witness,  General  Sir  John 
Moore,  and  his  father.  Dr.   Moore. 

MoiR  Genealogy 


The  armorial  bearings  of  the  different  families  of  the  name  in  Eng- 
land, Scotland,  and  Ireland,  bear  some  family  resemblance  generally, 
a  Saracen  or  Moor's  head,  frequently  alluded  to  as  the  "Bluidy  Held 
of  Rowallan."  There  is  a  tradition  that  the  crest  and  motto,  were 
adopted  in  consequence  of  some  exp)loit  in  the  Holy  Land,  during  the 
Crusades,  but  it  is  quite  possible,  that  the  name  may  have  suggested  it. 
All  families  of  consequence,  adopted  some  heraldic  distinction  about 
that  period.  The  motto  of  the  Mures,  is  "Duris  Non  Frango,"  and 
again  it  is,  "Durum   Patientia  Frango." 

In  "Fairbairn's  book  of  Crests,"  I  find  Muir,  of  Riccarton,  Bart., 
and  can  not  think  what  family  this  could  be.  My  notion  is  that  Ric- 
carton is  an  error  for  Rowallan.  The  great  estate  formerly  held  by 
the  Mures,  have  mostly  passed  into  other  families,  through  faUing  to 
heiresses,  who  failed  to  observe  the  old  Hebrew  law  of  success  on 
enacted  by  Moses  (Numbers,  XXXVI).  It  reminds  one  of  what  King 
James  Fifth  said  about  the  crown  of  Scotland, — "It  would  gang  by 
a  lass." 




The  Mures  of  Caldwell,  County  Ayr,  are  immediately  descended 
from  Sir  Reginald  More,  of  Abercorn  and  Cowdmas,  who  appears  to 
have  been  Chamberlain  of  Scotland  as  early  as  1329,  the  first  year  of 
the  reign  of  David  II.  The  name  appears  at  various  periods — 
More,  Mure,  Muir,  Moor,  &c.,  and  from  the  correspondence  of  the 
armorial  bearings,  seems  to  be  the  same  originally,  as  that  of  the 
Moores,  of  Moore  place,   Kent. 

The  arms  of  Muir,  of  Caldwell,  and  Muir,  of  Rowallan,  being 
then  the  two  chief  houses  of  the  name  in  Scotland,  are  exhibited  on 
page  46  of  the  Scottish  Heraldry,  emblazoned  by  Sir  David  Lindsay, 
Lord  Lyon,  about  the  year  1540.  Those  of  Caldwell,  present  the  plain 
shield  of  the  Mores,  "Three  Mullets  on  a  bend,"  while  on  the  shield 
of  Rowallan,  are  quartered  the  wheat  sheaves  of  the  Comyns. 

The  most  ancient  of  the  name  on  record  are  the  Mores  of  Polkelly, 
near  Kilmarnock  in  Ayrshire;  one  of  whom,  David  de  More,  appears 
as  witness  to  a  charter  of  Alexander  II.  The  direct  male  line  of 
Polkelly,  becoming  extinct,  the  estate  passed  by  marriage  of  the  female 
heir  to  the  Mores,  of  Rowallan,  cadets  of  the  family  of  Polkelly, 
who  had  acquired  the  neighboring  estate  of  Rowallan  from  the 
Comyns,  its  ancient  Lords. 

Gilchrist  More  (younger  son  of  Sir  Reginald  More,  of  Abercorn, 
one  of  the  commissioners  appointed  A.D.  1340,  to  treat  with  the 
Lords  Percy,  Mowray,  and  Nevill,  on  a  truce  between  the  two 
nations),  became  the  male  representative  of  the  house  of  Abercorn, 
at  the  death  of  his  older  brother  William.  To  him  descended  the 
property  of  Cowdans. 

The  estate  of  Caldwell,  in  the  shires  of  Ayr  and  Renfrew,  he  is 
supposed  to  have  acquired,  by  marriage  with  the  heiress  of  Caldwell 
of  that  ilk,  then  a  family  of  some  note,  having  given  a  chancellor 
to  Scotland  in   1349. 

Between  1340  and  1539,  the  family  nams  of  More  was  changed  to 
Mure,  at  which  latter  date,  John,  son  of  John  Mure,  inherited  the 
estates  of  Caldwell,  in  Ayrshire. 


Arg.  on  a  fesse,  az.  three  mullets,  of  the  first,  within  a  border,  angr. 
Crest.      A  Saracen's  head,  ppr. 
Motto.     "Duris  non  f ranger." 


Transcribed  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE,    ESQ..  Aberdeen 

The  founder  and  first  deacon  of  the  Church,  now  known  as  Belmont 
Street  Congregational  Church,  Aberdeen,  was  a  native  of  Skene, 
Aberdeenshire,  and  was  born  on  the  29th  June,  1764.  He  came  to 
Aberdeen  as  a  boy  of  thirteen,  and  was  afterwards  in  the  employment 
of  Provost  Abercrombie,  Aberdeen,  who  was  a  stocking  manufacturer 
in  1799. 

Thj  Provost's  business  gave  way,  and  Mr.  Moir  appears  to  have 
taken  up  the  retail  hosiery  trade,  on  his  own  account.  For  that  period 
he  seems  to  have  received  a  good  education,  a  circumstance,  coupled 
with  his  early  establishment  in  business,  which  points  to  the  comfort- 
able circumstances  in  which  he  had  been  reared.  He  became  a  burgess 
of  Guild  in  1796.  There  is  abundant  evidence  that  he  was  a  thought- 
ful, intelligent,  man,  fairly  entitled  to  the  often  loosely  awarded 
epithet,  "well  read."  He  also  had  the  habit  of  the  pen,  and  has  a 
good  claim  to  authorship,  although  his  works  have  never  been  printed. 
They  consist  of  an  "Occasional  Diary,"  of  much  interest,  and  an 
incomplete  series  of  letters  designed  for  children,  on  the  subject  of 
Religion,  and  entitled,  "A  Poor  Father's  Legacy."  These  were 
methodically  classified  under  distinctive  headings,  a  storehouse  of 
readily  available  subject  matter — the  tabulated  gleanings  of  a  man 
at  once  reflective  and  cultivated.  Mr.  John  Bulloch,  the  historian, 
of  Belmont  Street  Congregational  Church — the  first  Congregational 
Church  in  Aberdeen — possesses  a  manuscript  volume  entirely  of 
George  Moir's  own  composition.  In  it  there  are  no  fewer  than  fifty- 
three  poetical  pieces.  The  following  is  a  fair  sample  of  his  muse. 
It  is  entitled: — 


Once  more,  the  blessed  day  I  se^, 
When  Jesus  Christ,  who  died  for  me, 

Arose  triumphantly — 
The  dreary  regions  of   the  dead 
Could  not  confine  my  living  Head, 

Or  else  my  hopes  would  die. 

Awake,  my  eyes;  arouse,  my  heart, 
Dull  drowsiness  away  depart. 

For  Jesus  early  rose — 
At  early  dawn,  He  left  His  grave, 
And  all  His  en'mies  did  outbrave, 

And  vanquished  all  my  foes. 

360  MoiR  Genealogy 

The  pious  Mary  early  sought, 

This  Jesus  who  their  pardon  bought, 

Before  the  shadows  fled, 
To  the  S'pulchre  where  he  lay, 
They  took  the  solitary  way, 

And  thought  He  still  was  dead. 

But  lo!  an  angel,  blazing,  bright. 
In  vestments  of  the  purest  white. 

Addressed  the  plaintive  pair — 
Ye  seek  the  Lord,  be  not  afraid, 
He  now  is  risen — as  He  said; 

Come,  see,  the  Lord  lay  there. 

But  go  and  tell  His  friends  the  same, 
And  mention  Peter  out  by  name. 

Lest  He  be  sore  cast  down. 
Though  sin  may  hide  His  face  awhile. 
When  sinners  weep,  the  Lord  will  smile, 

'Tis  force  that  makes  Him  frown. 

But  am  I  sure  that  He  was  raised ! 
Yes,  for  the  Galileans  gazed. 

While  up  to  Heaven  He  flew. 
And  I  am  sure  He'll  come  again  ! 
Yes,  for  His  promise  must  remain 

A  truth — if  God  be  true. 

So  early  as  1792,  George  Moir,  was  favorably  known  as  a  public- 
spirited  man,  a  man  of  practical  benevolence.  In  that  year  he  had  the 
honor  to  found  a  charity  under  the  quaint  title  of  "The  Sick  Man's 
Friend  Society."  Among  the  many  ways  in  which  George  Moir 
helped  the  church  in  its  early  years,  was  in  placing  his  home  at  the 
disposal  of  the  numerous  "supplies,"  who  came  to  officiate.  What 
kind  of  a  home  that  was,  may  be  gleaned  from  a  verse  of  the  poem, 
"Wrote  when  I  took  up  House." 

"Oh,   let  this  humble  house  of  mine, 

Be  under  Thy  peculiar  care; 
And,  as  a  little  church  of  Thine, 

Be  daily  sanctified  with  prayer." 

In  the  midst  of  this  good  man's  many  activities,  and  interests,  the 
heavy  hand  of  disease  and  death  was  laid  on  him.  After  a  protracted 
illness  on  the  16th  November,  1802,  at  the  comparatively  early  age 
of  38,  he  closed  a  career,  poor  in  years,  but  rich  in  experiences,  and  in 
service.  He  was  predeceased  by  three  children,  and  survived  by  two, 
a  son  and  a  daughter,  the  latter  was  a  member  of  the  church  till 
her  death.  The  first.  Captain,  in  connection  with  the  church  of  which 
George  Moir  was  the  founder,  is  thus  registered  under  date  22nd 


(Civil  Service  over  40  Years' 

President  of  Turks  Islands  (Bahamas) 

Torlota  (Virgin  Islands)  Dominica  and  St. 

Kitts,  (West  Indies) 

'A.  Orange,  Photo.  Edinburgh) 


wife  of 


(Stuart  Photo.  Glasgow) 

(See  page  348) 

See  page  3621 

PUBLIC     H'^ 


MoiR  Genealogy  361 

April  1799. — "This  day,  George  Moir,  hosier  in  Aberdeen,  and  Ann 
Smith,  his  wife,  both  members  of  this  cliurch.had  a  son  born,  named 
George,  baptised  by  Mr.  Moseley  of  Longbuckley,  Northamptonshire. 
The  ordinance  was  performed  in  the  chapel  in  the  forenoon." 

(From  Mr.  John  Bulloch's  "Centenary  Memorials  of  the  First 
Congregational   Church,   Aberdeen.") 



Kindly  furnished  by   HON.  WILLIAM  J.  MOIR,  of  Eldora,  Iowa. 

George  W.  Moir,  patriot  soldier,  born  1839,  in  Stanstead, 
Province  of  Quebec,  son  of  John  Moir  of  Banff,  Scotland,  and  Sophia 
Nicols.  He  was  brother  to  John  Nicol  Moir  of  Stanstead,  P.  Q.,  and 
half-brother  to  William  J.  Moir,  of  Eldora,  Iowa.  He  enlisted  in  the 
12th  Iowa  Volunteer  Infantry,  and  was  elected  2nd  lieutenant  of  that 
company — was  in  the  Battle  of  Fort  Donaldson,  and  on  the  Gth  of 
April  1862,  in  the  Battle  of  Shiloh,  was  slain  while  leading  Company 
"A."  He  was  buried  at  Eldora,  Iowa.  He  had  previously  taught 
school  for  two  years  in  Iowa. 

"He  was  a  good  man,  mentally,  morally,  physically;  as  brave  a 
man  as  ever  drew  a  sword,  and  as  good  a  brother  as  ever  God  gave  to 


(See  official  letter  elsewhere  in  this  book,  from  the  War  Department   Page  368 
at  Washington,  in  reference  to  this  gentleman. 



From  "WHO'S  WHO  IN  AMERICA."  1912 

John  Muir  was  born  at  Dunbar,  East  Lothian,  Scotland,  21st 
April,  1838,  a  son  of  Daniel  and  Anne  (Gilrye)  Muir.  He  came 
to  America  in  1849,  with  his  father,  who  settled  in  Fox  River, 
Wisconsin,  and  cleared  a  farm.  He  entered  the  University  of  Wis- 
consin when  22,  and  graduated  in  1864.  He  commenced  his  lonely 
journeys  through  Canada,  Eastern  and  Western  States,  the  North 
and  the  South;  in  1868  after  exploring  the  Yosemite  Valley,  he  settled 
there,  living  alone  on  the  mountains  ten  years,  and  making  a  particular 
study  of  glacial  terraces  in  the  Sierra  Nevada — on  this  subject  he  wrote 
letters  to  newspapers  beginning  in  1871.  He  discovered  in  the  High 
Sierra,  65  residual  glaciers.     He  made  his  first  trip  to  Alaska  in  1879, 

362  MoiR  Genealogy 

discovered  Glacial  Bay,  and  Muir  Glacier,  and  explored  the  upper 
courses  of  the  Yukon  and  MacKenzie  rivers,  and  in  1880,  accompanied 
the  DeLong  search  expedition  in  the  ^'Corwin"  to  the  Arctic. 

He  has  written  much  for  periodicals,  urging  the  formation  of 
National  parks,  and  forest  preservation;  the  Sequoia  and  Yosemite 
National  Parks  are  due  to  his  efforts. 

He  was  given  the  honorary  degree  of  A.  M.  at  Harvard  University, 
1896;  LL.  D.  from  University  of  Wisconsin  1897;  L.H.D.  from  Yale 
University  in   1911. 

He  is  editor  of  "Picturesque  California,"  and  has  written  many 
books  of  great  scientific  value.  He  travelled  in  Russia,  Siberia, 
Manchuria,  India,  Australia,  New  Zealand,  South  America  in  1911, 
and  in  Africa  1911-12. 

His  address  is  Martinez,  California,  U.  S.  A. 


Abridged  from  "THE  LIFE  OF  SIR  JOHN  MOORE" 
By  his  brother,  J.  C.  MOORE,  published  1833 

Sir  John  Moore  was  born  in  Glasgow,  November  13,  1761. 
He  was  a  son  of  *Dr.  John  Moore,  well-known  as  the  author  of 
"Zeluco."  They  were  descendants  of  the  Muirs  of  Rowallan  in 
Ayrshire,  and  the  Mures  of  Caldwell  in  Renfrewshire  —  whose 
ancestor  was  Elizabeth  More,  the  queen  of  King  Robert  IL,  of 

Sir  John  was  appointed  tutor  to  the  young  Duke  of  Hamilton, 
and  this  appointment  was  the  means  of  procuring  for  him  educa- 
tional advantages,  by  which  he  profited  so  much  as  to  be  called 
in  after  life,  "The  Most  Cultivated  Officer  in  the  Army."  He 
accompanied  his  father  and  the  young  Duke  from  court  to  court, 
to  all  the  chief  capitals  of  Europe.  While  travelling,  he  was  sud- 
denly called  in  1777,  to  join  the  51st  regiment.  At  this  time  he 
was  16  years  of  age.  He  served  in  America,  till  the  peace  in  1783. 
A  year  later,  he  was  returned  as  a  Member  of  Parliament  for  the 
united  boroughs  of  Selkirk,  Peebles  and  Linlithgow.  In  1790,  he 
resigned  his  seat  in  Parliament,  and  got  an  appointment  as  a 
Lieutenant-Colonel  in  the  Army,  afterwards  rising  through  merited 
promotion  to  be  Brigadier-General.  In  1792,  he  went  to  Corsica, 
in  the  Mediteranean;  in  1796,  he  was  called  to  the  Barbadoes  in 
the  West  Indies.  Two  years  later  he  took  part  in  the  Irish 
Rebellion,  and  was  active  in  the  battles  of  Wexford  and  Vinegar 
Hill.     In  1799,  he  joined  the  expedition  to  Helder  in    Holland,  and 

*Dr.  John  Moore  was  born  in  Stirling  in  1730,  and  died  in  London  in  1802. 
"Zeluco"  was  published  in  1789.  He  was  the  first  of  his  line  to  spell  his  name 
"Moore."  the  spelling  was  changed  "for  a  difference." 

MoiR  Genealogy  363 

the  following  year  he  accompanied  Abercromby  to  the  Mediter- 
ranean. He  was  some  time  in  Egypt,  diHtinguishing  himself  at  the 
battle  of  Alexandria.  He  afterwards  was  prominent  in  Spain, 
Portugal  and  Sweden,  and  again  in  Spain,  where  he  made  his  famous 
retreat  from  Napoleon,  falling  back  quickly,  fighting  every  day  and 
invariably   with  success. 

It  was  on  the  16th  January,  1809,  that  Sir  John  Moore  fought 
his  last  battle;  he  fell  early  in  the  day,  and  knew  at  once  that  his 
wound  was  mortal.  His  last  hours  were  cheered  with  the  knowledge 
of  victory,  and  were  spent  in  recommending  his  old  friends,  Graham 
and  Colburne,  to  the  notice  of  his  Government. 

Sir  H.  Hardinge's  description  of  these  hours  is  in  its  way 
inimitable,  and  in  it  must  be  studied,  how  a  modern  Bayard 
should  die  in  battle,  every  thought  being  for  others,  and  none  for 
himself,  or  the  pains  his  wounds  gave  him. 

He  was  buried  wrapped  in  a  military  cloak,  in  a  hastily  made 
grave,  at  midnight  the  same  day,  in  the  ramparts  of  Corunna, 
Spain.     A  monument  has  since  been  erected  on  the  spot. 

The  well-known  poem,  "The  Burial  of  Sir  John  Moore,"  by 
Charles  Wolfe,  contains  eight  stanzas,  of  which  the  following  are 
two: — 

"Not  a  drum  was  heard,   not  a  funeral  note. 
As  his  corse  to  the  rampart  we  hurried; 
Not  a  soldier  discharged  his  farewell  shot 
O'er  the  grave,  where  our  hero  was  buried. 

Slowly  and  sadly,    we  laid  him  down, 

From  the  field  of  his  fame,  fresh  and  gory; 

We  carved   not  a  Hne — we  raised  not  a  stone, 
But  we  left  him  alone  in  his  glory." 


Abridged  from  "HOUSES  OF  MOIR  AND  BYRES" 

By  ANDREW  J.  MITCHELL-GILL,  of  Savock 

Gilbert  Anderson  of  Finshaugh,  (descended  from  a  very  old 
burgess  race  of  "Bon  Accord,"  appears  to  have  been  connected  with 
the  town  of  Aberdeen,  so  far  back  almost  as  any  of  the  records  of 
the  town  extend),  married  at  Aberdeen,  29th  May,  1576,  Janet 
Moir,  (who  died  4th  May,  1601),  and  had  at  least  three  children. 
Marjory,  the  younger  of  the  three,  married  Andrew  Jameson,  an 
architect  in  Aberdeen.  Their  son  was  George  Jameson,  born 
1588,  the  celebrated  painter,  termed  "The  Scottish  Vandyke,"  who 
married  12th  March,  1624,  Isobel  Toasch,  and  had  a  large  family, 
one  of  whom,  Mary,  married  Prof.  James  Gregory. 

364  MoiR  Genealogy 

"He  (*George  Jameson)  was  endowed  by  nature  with  an 
uncommon  genius  for  portrait  painting,  which  he  discovered  at  an 
early  period  of  life.  After  passing  through  the  usual  course  of 
education  at  schools  and  college  of  the  place,  he  went  abroad  and 
studied  at  Antwerp,  being  fellow-student  with  Vandyke,  under  the 
celebrated  Rubens." 

He  painted  many  portraits  of  Charles  I,  and  many  eminent 
men  who  flourished  in  the  beginning  of  the  17th  century,  and  many 
of  his  works  are  to  be  found  in  the  possession  of  the  principal 
families  of  Scotland.  The  finest  collection  of  his  works  is  at  Tay- 
mouth  Castle,  the  seat  of  the  Earl  of  Breadalbane.    (See  illustration.) 


Of  DR.  JOHN  MUIR,  a  very  able  man  of  byegone  days,  some 
good  stories  have  been  told.  It  was  said  that  he  used  to  mark  his 
"heads"  in  shorthand  on  his  finger  nails,  and  this  led  to  the  saying, 
he  has  his  sermon  "on  his  finger  ends."  During  the  ten  years  con- 
flict, he  was  a  non-intrusionist,  and  went  to  the  very  edge  of  coming 
out,  but  drew  back  at  the  last  hour,  joining  the  famous  "forty  thieves," 
led  by  Dr.  Leishman  of  Govan.  DR.  MUIR  was  quite  equal  to  the 
occasion,  for  on  the  Sabbath  after  the  Disruption,  he  preached 
from  2  Samuel  XV:  ii,  "And  with  Absalom  went  two  hundred  men 
out  of  Jerusalem,  that  were  called;  and  they  went  in  their  simpUcity, 
and  they  knew  not  any  thing." 

tWILLIAM  MITCHELL,  Baptized  13  September,  1736 
From  "HOUSES  OF  MOIR  AND  BYRES,"  by  A.  J.  MITCHELL-GILL  of  Savock 

A  stone  which  bore  the  annexed  incomplete  inscription,  could  not 
be  found,  when  Mr.  Robert  Murdoch  Lawrance  visited  Newhills 
Churchyard,  near  Aberdeen,  May,  1908: — 

"There  are  also  here  interred,  Mr.  William  Mitch eU,  merchant, 

*George  Jameson,  born  1588,  died  1644.  He  acquired  large  practice  as  a  por- 
trait painter,  and  had  among  his  sitters,  many  of  the  most  celebrated  Scotsmen  of  hia 
time.  Among  them  James  VI.  and  Charles  I.,  Sir  Archibald  Johnston  (Warriston), 
the  great  Marquis  of  Montrose,  and  the  first  Marquis  of  Argyle.  According  to  his 
correspondence  with  Sir  Colin  Campbell  of  Glenorchy,  his  price  for  bust-size  portraits, 
was  20  merks,  or  with  a  gold  frame  £20  Scots,  and  he  engaged  to  turn  out  16  por- 
traits in  a  period  of  three  months.  He  was  buried  in  Greyfriars  churchyard,  Edinburgh. 
His  pictures  have  suffered  much  from  re-painting,  varnish  or  neglect.  Perhaps  the  best 
examples  of  his  work  were  seen  in  his  portraits  in  the  Glasgow  Exhibition,  1911,  of  the 
Second  Marquis  of  Huntley  and  his  wife;  also  the  portrait  of  himself  by  himself  at  the 
same  place,  now  in  possession  of  the  Countess  Dowager  of  Seafield. 

tKindly  furnished  by  R.  Murdoch  Lawrance,  Esq.,  of  Aberdeen. 


Aberdeen,  who  died  10th  May,  1816,  aged  80.  And  of  Mrs.  Mary 
Fordyce,  his  spouse,  who  died  13th  April,  1824,  aged  82.  James 
Lawrance,  who  died  10th  April,  1843,  aged  66.  Also  Elliot  Mitchell, 
his  spouse,  who  died  20th  November,  1854,  aged  74.  Also  Elizabeth 
Mitchell,  spouse  of  the  late  David  Morison,  hat  manufacturer,  Mon- 
trose, who  died  12th  April,  (date  worn  off).  Also  Mary  Campbell, 
who  died  12th  January,  1886,  aged  74." 

James  Lawrance,  above  mentioned,  was  the  father  of  Walter  Law- 
rance, Fleet-Surgeon,  Royal  Navy,  retired,  who  died  at  5  East  Craib- 
stone  Street,  Aberdeen,  17th  January,  1902,  aged  82,  and  was  buried 
at  AUenvale  Cemetery,  Aberdeen.  Surgeon  Lawrance  was  a  native 
of  Aberdeen.  He  was  educated  at  the  Grammar  School,  and  at 
Marischal  College.  {Records  of  Marischal  College,  II.,  p.  493.) 
Whence  he  passed  into  the  Royal  Navy  in  1841.  He  was  promoted  to 
Surgeon  in  1852,  Staff-Surgeon  in  1854,  and  Fleet-Surgeon  later, 
retiring  with  that  rank,  1871.  Surgeon  Lawrance  had  an  exceedingly 
interesting  career,  in  the  service  of  his  country.  During  the  30  odd 
years  in  which  his  name  figured  in  the  active  list  of  the  British  Navy, 
he  served  practically  in  all  parts  of  the  world.  At  various  stages  of 
his  career,  he  served  on  board  over  a  dozen  different  vessels — on  the 
West  African,  Australian,  and  other  stations — and  naturally  during 
the  long  and  interesting  period  which  covered  his  connection  with  the 
navy,  he  was  an  active  participant  in  many  important  changes  in  the 
first  line  of  defence.  His  service  in  the  Australian  Station  was  during 
a  very  lively  epoch  in  the  history  of  that  colony,  and  he  had  many 
interesting  recollections  of  his  experiences  in  that  quarter  of  the  globe. 
He  took  out  the  last  batch  of  convicts  to  Australia. 

It  may  be  interesting  to  mention  that  the  last  vessel  on  which  Fleet- 
Surgeon  Lawrance  served,  was  H.  M.  S.  "C/ycfe,"  at  Aberdeen,  in 
the  early  seventies.  Personally,  Surgeon  Lawrance  was  of  a  most 
genial,  kindly  disposition,  and  his  friendship  was  appreciated  by  a 
wide  circle  of  acquaintances.  He  was  a  keen  conservative  in  politics, 
and  a  member  of  St.  James'  Episcopal  Church,  Aberdeen.  He  was 
survived  by  his  wife,  who  is  still  (1912),  hale  and  hearty.  His  portrait 
in  uniform  is  given  in  "/w  Memoriam,"  1902. 

I.     Andrew  Moir  (1673-1733),  and  Elizabeth  Simpson  of  Thornton 

IL     Jean    Moir,    eldest    daughter    (1701-1792),    married    William 
Mitchell,  Newburgh. 

III.  William     Mitchell     (1736-1816),     merchant-burgess,     married 

secondly,  Mary  Fordyce  of  Aquhorties. 

IV.  Elliot  Mitchell  (1780-1854),  married  James  Lawrance,  manu- 

facturer (1777-1843),  at  27  Albyn  Place,  Aberdeen. 
V.     Elliot  Lawrance  died  Ist  August,  1886,  aged  72,  married  18th 
December,    1834,    Alexander  Ogston,    manufacturer,   Aber- 
deen.      They    had    issue.      Alexander    Ogston     was    born 
9th  May,   1799,  and   was    afterwards    of    Ardoe,    died    11th 
December,    1869,   both   were  buried    in  Banchory- Devenick 
(Walter  Lawrance.     He  married  without  issue,  Hannah  Bennet, 
daughter  of  Francis  Bennett,  M.  A.,  of  Brigg,  Co.  Lincoln.) 



Richard  (or  according  to  Camden,  Thomas)  De  La  More,  came 
from  Normandy  with  Duke  William,  and  lost  his  life  at  the  battle  of 
Hastings,  leaving  a  son,  Sir  Thomas  de  la  More,  who,  to  use  the  words 
of  Camden,  "built  faire  houses  at  Launceton  in  Cornwall;  Halton  in 
Cheshire;  and  More  in  Shropshire,  giving  to  the  latter  place  his 
paternal  name."  He  married  Constance,  daughter  of  Robert  de 
Unfrevil,  Lord  de  Tours,  and  was  ancestor  to  the  Mores  of  More,  Co. 

William  More,  Esq.,  of  Larden,  in  1491,  (grandson  of  Richard  More, 
of  More  and  Larden)  m.  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Berkeley,  and  had 
two  sons,  viz:  Edward,  his  heir,  and  Thomas  of  Needham  in  Suffolk, 
whose  son  Robert,  returned  to  Shropshire  and  was  of  Linley;  he  was 
buried  at  More,  Mar.  20, 1604,  leaving  a  son  Richard,  of  whom  presently. 
The  elder  son,  Edward  More,  Esq.,  of  Orleton,  had  three  sons,  viz: 
1,  Thomas,  his  heir;  2,  John,  clerk  of  the  exchequer,  father  of  Sir 
Edward  More,  Knight  of  Oldham  in  Hampshire,  and  Eustice,  the 
eldest  son.  Thomas  More,  Esq.,  who  succeeded  his  father  at  Larden; 
m.  and  left  at  his  decease  a  son  and  successor,  Jaspar  More,  Esq.,  of 
Larden,  who  died  in  1613,  leaving  three  daughters  only,  one  of  whom 
m.  Samuel  More,  the  parliamentarian.  The  More  of  Larden  estates 
passed  to  his  cousin,  Richard  More,  Esq.,  of  Linley,  who  thus  re-united 
the  ancient  estates  of  the  family,  being  styled  of  More,  Linley  and 
Larden;  he  m.  a  sister  of  Sir  Thomas  Harris,  of  Boreatton,  Bart.,  was 
sherriff  in  1619,  and  represented  the  town  of  Bishop's  Castle  in  the 
long  or  fatal  parliament  of  Charles  I.  The  part  he  took  was  decidedly 
anti-monarchial,  and  he  appears  early  among  the  most  active  partisans 
of  the  parliament  within  the  county,  but  he  died  Dec.  6,  1643,  before 
the  triumph  of  his  party,  and  was  succeeded  by  his  eldest  son,  Samuel 
More,  Esq.,  of  More,  Linley  and  Larden,  who  took  a  leading  part  in 
the  civil  commotions  of  Shropshire.  He  had  scarcely  paid  the  last 
rites  to  his  father,  when  he  was  called  upon  to  take  command  of 
Hampton  Castle,  one  of  the  fortresses  in  Shropshire,  which  were  at  that 
time  in  the  interest  of  parliament;  and  he  gallantly  sustained  a  month's 
seige,  with  but  thirty-one  men,  against  five  hundred  horse  and  foot. 
Subsequently,  events  crowned  with  success  the  party  espoused  by  Col. 
More,  as  he  is  generally  called;  and  he  was  actively  engaged  through- 
out the  Interregnum  in  the  internal  regulations  of  Shropshire,  of  which 
he  was  returned  to  be  one  of  the  four  representatives  to  the  parliament 
summoned  by  Cromwell  for  Sept.  1656.  His  first  wife,  a  dau.  of  his 
kinsman,  Jaspar  More,  brought  him  three  children.  By  a  second  mar- 
riage he  had  three  sons  and  four  daughters,  one  of  whom  m.  Sir  John 
Turton,  a  puisne  judge  of  the  King's  bench.  The  sons  were:  1,  Richard 
his  heir;    2,  Thomas,  a  medical  doctor,  d.  unmarried  in  1697,  aged 

MoiR  Geneai^ogy  367 

69;  3,  Robert  of  Linley,  who  m.  Sarah,  dau.  of  John  Walcot,  of 
Walcot,  in  Salop,  and  he  had  an  only  son,  Robert,  successor  to  his 
cousin,  Thomas  More  of  More  and  Larden,  the  eldest  son. 

Richard  More,  Esq.,  of  More  and  Larden,  b.  1627,  Member  of 
Parliament,  for  Bishop's  Castle  from  1688  to  his  death  10  years  after. 
M.  in  1659,  Ann,  dau.  of  Isaac  Pennington,  Lord  Mayor  of  London 
in  1643,  by  this  lady,  from  whom  he  was  divorced,  he  had  no  issue.  He 
m.,  secondly,  Dorcas  Owen,  and  had  with  a  younger  son  Richard,  slain 
in  battle  in  1709,  another  son. 

Thomas  More,  Esq.,  of  More  and  Larden,  at  whose  decease  in  1731, 
his  estates  passed  to  his  cousin-germain,  only  son  of  Robert  More  of 
Lindley,  (Third  son  of  Col.  More),  Robert  More,  Esq.,  of  Linley, 
M.  P.,  F.  R.  S.,  b.  in  1703,  who  was  highly  distinguished  as  a  naturalist. 
He  m.  first  in  1750,  Ellen,  dau.  of  Thomas  Wilson,  Esq.,  of  Trevallyn, 
and  had  by  her:  1,  Robert,  his  heir;  2,  Thomas  of  Larden  Hall,  who 
m.  in  1795,  Harriett,  dau.  of  Thomas  Mytton,  Esq.,  of  Shipton,  Co. 
Salop,  and  dying  in  1804,  left  issue,  Robert  Henry  Gayer  More,  in  holy 
orders,  now  of  Larden  Hall,  Co.  Salop,  b.  20  June,  1798.  Harriott 
Mary,  m.  to  her  cousin.  The  Rev.  Thomas  Frederick  More.  Mr.  More 
m.  secondly,  Catherine,  dau.  of  Thomas  More,  Esq.,  of  Milliehope, 
which  lady  d.  without  issue  in  1792.  He  died  himself  Jan.  5,  1780, 
and  was  succeeded  at  Larden  by  his  second  son,  Thomas,  and  at  Linley 
by  his  eldest  son,  Robert  More,  Esq.,  of  More,  Linley  and  Shelve,  who 
was  high  sheriff  of  Salop  in  1785;  he  m.  4.  Aug.,  1781,  Eliza,  dau.  of 
James  Taylor,  Esq.,  of  Much  Hadham  Herts,  and  had  issue:  1, 
Robert  Bridgeman  of  Linley  Hall,  high  sheriff  1822,  b.  29  April 
1788,  d.  unmarried  1851.  2,  Thomas  Frederick,  now  of  Linley  Hall, 
minister  of  the  gospel,  A.  M.,  b.  Jan.  19,  1790,  m.  1831  his  cousin, 
Harriet  May,  dau.  of  Thomas  More,  Esq.,  and  has  issue — Robert 
Jaspar  More,  and  Harriet  Louisa  More.  3,  Henry,  an  officer  in  the 
Peninsular  war,  d.  in  1814;  also  four  daughters:  —  1,  Catherine 
Louisa,  m.  12  Feb.  1811,  Thomas  White,  M.  D.,  of  Glastonbury 
and  Exeter.  2,  Charlotte,  m.  Arthur  Neale,  Esq.,  barrister-at-law 
Bellevue  Co.,  of  Stafford,  and  died  1828.  3,  Laura  Octavia,  deceased. 
4,  Olivia.     Henry  died   12  Jan.   1818. 


Sa.  a  swan,  close,  ppr.  beaked,  gu.  all  within  a  border  engc.  arg. 
Crests,  1st,  an  eagle,  arg.  preying  upon  a  hare,  sa.  2d,  out  of 
Ducal  coronet,  is  a  swan's  head  and  neck  ppr. 




Washington,  D.  C,  Oct.  12,  1903. 
Hon.  Buti^er  Ames, 

Sir: — Referring  to  your  letter  of  the  8th  inst.,  in  which 
you  request   for   Alexander    L.    Moir    of    Lowell,  Mass., 
certain  information  from  the  military  records,  I  have  the 
honor  to  advise  you  as  follows: 
sepagesei.  It  is  shown  by  the  records  that  GEORGE  W.  MOIR 

mnamjMoir    ^^^   mustered  into  service  with   Co.  A,    12th   Iowa  In- 
agei87  fantry,   as  Second  Lieutenant,  November  25,   1861,   and 

that  he  was   "killed  at  the  battle  of  Pittsburg,  Tenn., 
April  6,   1862." 
See  page  203       It  is  further  shown  by  the  records   that  one  ROBERT 
BURNS  MOIR  was  admitted  to  the  Military  Academy 
at  West  Point  as  a  Cadet,  June  17,  1890. 

Very  respectfully, 
Chief,  Record  and  Pension  Office. 



(See  Illustration) 

This  tablet  in  Latin  is  on  a  building  known  as  the  Beid  house,  Old 
Aberdeen,  which  was  built  in  1676,  the  building  taking  the  place  of  a 
very  old  building  of  the  twelfth  century  known  by  the  same  name. 

The  Old  Beid  House,  Aberdeen  (See  illustration). 
In  1604,  this  property  was  "resigned"  by  Sir  Thomas  Gordoune  of 
Cluny,  Knight,  and  John  Gordoune,  Apparent  of  Avochie,  by  Peter 
Blackburn,  then  Bishop  of  Aberdeen,  in  favor  of  Alexander  Lillie,  then 
tenant;  the  croft  of  40  roods  or  ells,  lies  in  the  east  of  the  territory  of 
Seattoun,  on  the  east  side  of  the  road  leading  from  Old  Aberdeen  to 
the  Bridge  of  Don.  From  1604  to  1670,  no  tenements  stood  on  these 
"40  roods."  The  tenant  of  Bishop  Blackburn's  time  became  possessor 
and  his  heirs  sold  the  subject  to  one  of  the  magistrates  of  the  Burgh 
who  we  find  by  a  stone  tablet  in  the  wall  near  the  inner  door  of  the  house 
has,  in  Latin,  recorded  the  fact  that  he  Baillie  WILLIAM  LOGAN 
and  JANET  MOIR,  his  lawful  wife,  ordered  this  house  to  be  built 
in  the  year  of  our  Lord  1676.  Just  one  hundred  and  ten  years 
afterward,  1786,  the  property  came  into  the  possession  of  Forbes  of 
Seaton,  and  in  that  year  he  gave  it  with  other  tenements  and  lands, 
for  Bishop  Dunbar's  Hospital,  hard  by  the  Cathedral  gate.  It  is 
numbered  19  and   21    Don   Street. 



The  Moirs  are  a  very  old  family  in  Aberdeenshire,  for  they  are 
Reigned  supposed  to  have  settled  in  the  County  in  the  reign  of  *David  II. 

'  The  tMoirs  of  Stoneywood  were  descended  from  a  burgess  family 

of  that  name,  who  appear  in  the  records  of  the  burgh  about  the  middle 
of  the  15th  century.  The  first  of  the  Moirs  mentioned  on  the  tomb- 
stone, John,  was  the  son  of  jMr.  WiUiam  Moir,  burgess,  and  in  1615 
Treasurer  of  Aberdeen,  by  his  wife,  Janet  Rae.  John  Moir  was  born 
in  1620,  and  was  first  designed  of  Ferryhill  and  afterwards  of  Kermuck 
or  Ellon.  This  estate  was  conveyed  to  Moir  by  the  Kennedys,  when 
they  fled  the  country  in  1657,  and  was  sold  in  1688  for  the  sum  of 
^42,500  Scots.  In  a  delightful  sketch  of  the  family,  under  the  title 
of  "**A  Jacobite  Family,"  contributed  to  the  ^^ North  British  Review," 
by  the  late  Dr.  John  Brown,  author  of  "Rab,  and  his  Friends,"  it 
is  stated  that  the  estate  of  Ellon  was  sold  by  Moir  while  in  his  cups, 
to  BaUlie  Gordon,  a  wealthy  Edinburgh  merchant,  at  a  price  greatly 
under  its  true  value. 

About  1670,  Moir  entered  into  an  agreement  with  Eraser,  of  MuchaUs, 
now  Castle  Eraser,  for  the  purchase  of  that  estate,  but  was  afterwards 
persuaded  to  take  instead  the  estate  of  StonejAvood,  embracing  Water- 
ton,  CUnterty,  andGreenbum.  This  was  in  1671.  Previous  to  this, 
however,  he  had  married  Jean,  a  daughter  of  James  Sandilands,  Town 
Clerk  of  Aberdeen,  by  his  wife  Marjory  Burnett,  and  the  issue  of  this 
marriage  was  at  least  four  sons  and  three  daughters.  Of  this  family 
James  succeeded  his  father  in  Stoneywood,  John  became  an  Advo- 
cate, and  for  a  time  filled  the  office  of  Town  Clerk,  formerly  held  by 
his  grandfather,  and  William  became  the  progenitor  of  the  Moirs  of 
Invemettie.  John  Moir  died  on  the  15th  November,  1674,  in  his 
54th  year,  and  his  widow  married  as  her  second  husband,  William 
Cumine  of  Auchry,  and  died  as  recorded  on  5th  August,  1687. 

James,  II.,  of  Stoneywood,  born  in  1659,  was  one  of  the  Members 
of  Parliament  for  the  Shire,  from  1689-1707,  and  acted  as  one  of  the 
Commissioners  who  were  appointed  for  settling  the  Union.  He  was 
twice  married,  first  on  10th  July,  1683,  to  Mary,  the  eldest  daughter 
of  Bishop  William  Scroggie  of  Argyle,  and  a  grand-daughter  of  Patrick 
Scougal,  Bishop  of  Aberdeen.  Of  this  marriage,  there  was  issue,  four 
sons  and  three  daughters,  of  whom  James  succeeded  his  father  in 

*Miscellany,  Spaulding  Club,  I.,  p.  79. 

tHouses  of  Moir  and  Byres.     See  pages  106  and  146. 

JRefer  to  Mr.  Burnet's  article,  "Ancestry  of  the  Moirs   of  Scotstown  and  Barns," 
page  135. 

**The  sketch  of  this  Family  appeared  in  the  March  number  1866,  and   afterwards 
in  the  (Horae  Subsecivae),  3rd  series. 

MoiR  Geneaix)Gy  371 

Stoneywood,  Roderick  was  drowned  at  eea,  1713-4,  William,  and 
Alexander  who  became  Principal  of  St.  Andrew's  College. 

James  Moir's  second  marriage  was  with  Jean,  a  daughter  of 
Alexander  Abernethy  of  Mayen,  and  the  widow  of  William  Moir  of 

Scotstown,  and  the  issue  of  this  marriage  was  three  sons  and  two 
daughters.  Of  the  sons,  William  became  proprietor  of  Lonmay,  and 
John,  as  recorded  on  the  tombstone,  died  in  1720,  at  the  early  age  of 
23  years. 

The  Moirs  were  all  ardent  Jacobites,  and  in  the  '15,  both  father  and 
son  took  a  part,  though  evidently  not  of  such  prominence  as  to  lead 
them  into  very  serious  trouble.  Among  the  persons  who  "cam  into 
Town  with  Earl  Marchall  the  20th  Septr.  and  wer  at  the  Proclama- 
tion" mention  is  made  of  "Ja.  Moir  of  Stoniewood  elder  and  j'ounger," 
while  the  elder  Moir  is  further  indicted  as  one  of  those  "that  mett  in 
Mist.  Hepburns,  vintners,  and  afterwards  came  and  insulted  the 
Majestrates,  and  tooke  possessione  of  the  Armes  and  Amunitione," 
etc.  The  laird  of  Stoneywood  would  thus  appear  to  have  taken  no 
inconsiderable  part  in  connection  with  the  local  rising,  and  on  the 
29th  September,  1715,  in  the  New  Church  (East),  when  the  election 
of  a  Town  Council  was  proceeded  with,  he  was  chosen  one  of  the 
number.  At  his  death  in  1739,  he  was  succeeded,  as  already  stated, 
by  his  son,  James  III.,  of  Stoneywood,  who  had  by  his  wife,  Jean 
Erskine,  James  IV,,  of  Stonejrwood,  born  1710,  who  took  such  an 
active  part  in  the  1745  rebellion,  having  been  constantly  with  the 
Prince  from  his  landing  till  the  disastrous  field  of  CuUoden.  Stoney- 
wood was  much  sought  after  by  the  Government,  but  he  managed 
to  elude  his  pursuers,  and  the  story  of  his  wanderings  and  privations 
forms  the  bulk  of  Dr.  Brown's  interesting  sketch.  He  at  last  managed, 
by  the  assistance  of  his  wife,  Margaret  Mackenzie  of  Ardross,  to  get 
to  Norway,  where  he  remained  till  1762,  when  he  was  permitted  to 
return  to  Stoneywood,  where  he  died  in  1782,  leaving  a  widow  and 
two  daughters. 

*The  estate  of  Stoneywood  passed  away  from  the  Moirs  in  1789, 
when  Maria  Moir,  with  consent,  disponed  the  lands  to  James  Forbes 
of  Seton.  The  family  is  now  represented  by  Dr.  William  F. 
Skene,  Historiographer  Royal,  who  is  descended  from  Jane,  the  other 
surviving  daughter  of  James  IV.,  and  last  laird  of  Stoneywood. 

An  interesting  story  is  told  by  William  M.  Moir,  of  Chicago, 
Illinois;  (who  claims  descent  from  a  branch  of  the  Stoneywood 

At  the  rising  in  1745,  Stoneywood  declared  his  intention  of  follow- 
ing Prince  Charles — his  wife  objected,  and  said  he  would  lose  his 
estate,  and  maybe  his  head;  the  laird  was  determined,  however,  and 
called  for  his  riding  boots  and  his  best  horse.  His  wife,  either  through 
accident  or  design,  emptied  the  contents  of  a  kettle  of  boiling  water 
on  the  legs  of  the  laird,  who  leaped  and  roared.     (Dr.  John  Brown 

*Annala  of  Woodside,  Morgan,  p.  174. 



in  his  "Jacobite  Family,"  mentions  this  burn  on  the  leg.)  The  Laird 
afterwards  raised  his  tenants  to  fight  against  King  George.  An  insult 
to  one  of  his  largest  tenants  made  him  mad,  and  the  King's  men  came 
to  their  farm,  and  took  away  all  their  horses  and  cattle.  Mrs.  Moir 
went  to  the  Commander-in-Chief  and  begged  for  their  stock,  he  turned 
out  an  old  mare  to  her,  and  told  her  to  go  and  peddle  fish  with  it. 
This  was  too  much  for  Stoneywood,  who  at  once  headed  all  his  friends 
and  tenants  of  his  estates  to  fight  the  King,  everyone  who  had  strength 
to  carry  a  gun,  or  who  could  draw  a  dagger. 

The  Prince's  cause  failed,  and  Stoneywood  had  to  leave  the  country 
for  a  time,  but  finally  he  returned  and  declared  allegiance  to  the  king, 
in  heart  unwilling,  which  went  to  show  force  not  subdued,  as  told 
when  they  went  to  family  worship,  a  lady  offered  prayer,  he  spread 
his  tartan  plaid  for  her  on  the  floor,  she  prayed  for  King  George, 
when  he  gently  pulled  the  plaid  from  her,  and  said,  "Na,  Na,  my  fine 
leddy,  ye'U  no  pray  for  Geordie  on  my  new  plaidie." 


By  ANDREW  J.  MITCKELL-GILL  of  Auchinroath,  Rothes,  N.  B. 

(Written  Mar.  7,  1904) 

Of  the  armorial  bearings  for  the  name  in  Scotland,  there  are  in  all 
five  matriculations  given  in  my  book  (pp.  46  and  47),  and  are  all  the 
Aberdeenshire  families — more  or  less  connected  —  when  I  say  all — 
there  is  a  sixth  matriculation,  1796,  not  noticed  by  me,  viz.,  Moirs  of 
Leckie,    Stirlingshire — 

"Argent,  three  mouritanian  heads,  couped  and  distilling  three 
drops  of  blood,  proper,  banded  of  the  first,  a  pearl  in  each  ear  of  the 
second,  in  the  centre  a  mullet  gules."  I  should  say  that  this  family 
is  probably  a  cadet  of  some  of  the  Aberdeenshire  branches.  (As  far 
back  as  the  records  go,  this  has  not  been  proved — A.  L.  M.)  The 
present  Moir  of  Leckie,  is  paternally  a  Graham  (1904),  and  inherits 
through   a  female. 

The  point  I  want  to  draw  to  your  attention,  is  that  all  the  promi- 
nent persons  of  that  name  in  Scotland,  who  were  all  more  or  less 
connected,  belonged  to  Aberdeenshire;  consequently,  "it  was  the 
cradle  of  the  race"  from  a  genealogical  and  statistical  point  of  view; 
of  course,  at  the  same  time,  we  must  also  bear  in  mind,  that  it  is  a 
surname  that  may  have  been  assumed  by  different  people,  in  no  way 
related  to  each  other. 

In  Aberdeenshire,  the  families  of  Moir  of  Stoneywood  and 
Scotstown,  were  the  most  important  in  the  17th  and  18th  centuries, 
there  were  some  30  or  40  separate  landed  families  in  Aberdeenshire 
and  district,  of  this  number,  only  one  —  Moirs  of  Scotstown,  is  still 
Laird  of  the  old  acres. 


(Edited  for  the  New  Spalding  Club  (1912),  by  John  Alexander  Henderson  F.  S.  O..  Scot) 
Kindly  furnished  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE,  ESQ.,    of  Aberdeen 

Moir,  William,  admitted  24th  July,  1744,  apprenticed  to  Thomas 
Burnett  ( 1722) ,  died  before  13th  April,  1764. 

Moir,  William,  admitted  8th  December,  1853,  third  and  youngest 
son  of  John  Moir,  farmer,  Peterculter,  and  Agnes  Middleton,  his 
wife.  Educated  at  grammar  school,  Aberdeen,  Alumnus,  Marischal 
College,  1838-40.  Apprenticed  to  James  Edmond  (1821).  Member 
of  General  Council,  University  of  Aberdeen,  Married  Jane  Shaw, 
with  issue: — 

1.  William|Moir,    M.B.,  CM.,  Aberdeen,  1883,  afterwards  in 

practice  in  Australia. 

2.  John  Moir. 

3.  Agnes  Moir,  married  at  Aberdeen,  Dr.  Eddie,  and  died  in 


4.  Elsie  Moir. 

William  Moir  died  at  Aberdeen,  11th  December,  1882. 

Pages  265  Moir,  George,  was  an  apprentice,  but  did  not  enter  the  Society. 

and  337  gQ^  of  George  Moir,  vintner,  Aberdeen.  Born  1799,  M.A.,  Marischal 
College,  1817,  apprenticed  to  WUliam  Stuart,  (1804),  from  November, 
1817.  Member  Faculty  of  Advocates,  admitted  5th  July,  1825. 
Professor  of  Rhetoric,  Edinburgh,  1838-40,  and  of  Scot's  Law,  1864. 
Sheriff  of  Ross-shire,  1840-58,  and  of  Stirlingshire,  1858-68.  Author. 
Married  12th  July,  1830,  Flora  Tower  (died  31st  October,  1858), 
daughter  of  George  Tower,  Aberdeen.     He  died  19th  October,  1870. 

Muir,  Alexander,  admitted  19th  November,  1817.  Third  son  of 
George  Muir,  farmer,  Nether  Leask,  Slains,  and  Mary  Gray,  his 
wife.  Born  at  Slains,  21st  November,  1793.  Alumnus  Marischal 
College,  1809-12.  Apprenticed  to  Thomas  Sangster  (1802).  Some- 
time in  partnership  with  James  Mair  (1823),  firm  being  Sangster 
and  Muir,  and  finally  with  John  Allan  (1841),  firm  being  Muir  and 
Allan.  Fiars  Juror,  1840.  Proprietor  of  Loirston,  Nigg.  Married 
first,  11th  August,  1831,  Mary  Ann  Catherine  Kilgour  (died  at 
Aberdeen,  27th  April,  1837,  aged  29),  daughter  of  Patrick  Kilgour  of 
Woodside,  with  issue: — 

1.  Patrick  Muir,  died  13th  May,  1836,  in  infancy. 

2.  George  Falconer  Muir,   writer. 

Alexander  Muir  married  second,  at  Aberdeen,  28th  December, 
1847,  Jane  B.  Ferguson  (died  at  Aberdeen  21st  January,  1849,  aged 
26),  eldest  daughter  of  James  Ferguson,  advocate  (1816). 

Alexander  Muir  died  at  Loirston  House,  13th  November,  1850. 

♦There    are   other  Moir  references,  than  those  given  here,  in    the   volume.       Some 
advocates  had  a  Moir  as  their  mother,  or  were  near  related  by  inter-marriage. 

R.  M.  L. 

Mostly  furnished  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE,    ESQ.,  Aberdeen 

JAMES  MOIR,   Editor, 

"Henry,  the  Minstrel,"   or  "Blind  Harry,"  Author:— 

"The  Actis  and  Deidis  of  the  lUustere  and  Vailzeand  Campioun, 

Schir  William  Wallace  of  Ellerslie." 

(Printed  Edinburgh,  1889,    567  pages.) 

"Hector  Boethius."  Edited  and  translated  by  JAMES  MOIR  of 


(Aberdeen,  1894.  210  pages.     New  Spalding  Club.) 

REV.   JAMES   MOIR:  "Gaston  Lichenstein,"    "When  Tarbaro 
was  Incorporated";  "Edgecombe  Changes  Her  County  Seat." 

(Richmond,  Va.,  1910,  27  pages.) 

JANE  F.  MOIR:  "A  Lady's  Letters  from  Central  Africa;  a  Journey 
from  Mandala  Shire  Highlands  to  Ujiji,  Lake  Tanganyika,  and  Back. 

(Glasgow,  J.  Maclehose  &  Sons,  1891,  91  pages.    Illustrated.) 


MoiR  Genealogy 

JOHN  MOIR:    "Female  Tuition;   or   an  Address  to  Mothers 
on  the  Education    of    Daughters." 

(London,  Murray  and  Highley,  1800,  288  pages.) 

FRANK  L.  MOIR  is  the  author  of  a  number  of  well  known  popular 
songs,  among  them  being: — "By  a  Distant  Sea,"  "Down  the  Vale," 
"Love  is  the  Star,"  "Only  Once  More,"  "Somewhere,"  and 
"Where  Norah  Dwells." 

The  Scottish  Text  Society,  publishes  "The  Works  of  Sir  Wil- 
liam Mure  of  Rowallan;  Edited  with  Introduction,  Notes,  and 
Glossary,  by  William  Targh,  M.  A.,  F.  S.  A.,  Scot."  (Vol.  I.  and 
II.,  1898.) 

The  Maitland  Club  of  Glasgow,  publishes  in  a  volume  of  mis- 
cellany:—  "Obligation  by  John,  Earl  of  CassUlis  to  Make  Certain 
Payments  to  his  Brother  Hugh  Kennedy,  of  Brunston,  Upon  Taking 
the  Laird  of  Auchindrain's  Life,  Anno,  MDCIL  John  Muir  of 
Auchindrain,  was  Suspect  of  the  Recent  Assassination  of  Sir 
Thomas  Kennedy  of  Cullean." 





Tablet  in   Wall  of  Old  Beid  House,  Old  Aberdeen 


MoiR  Genealogy  377 

The  Maitland  Club  also  publishes  the  family  papers  of  the  Mures 
of  Caldwell,   known   as   the  "Caldwell    Papers,    Dating   from    1496 

Onwards."     They    contain    many    plates    of   illustrations,  only    100 
copies  were  printed  for   private   circulation. 

HENRY  MOIR,  F.  F.  A.,F.  I.  A.,  of  New  York  City,  is  the  author 
of  a  book  used  in  Schools,  Colleges  and  Universities,  giving  a  complete 
course  of  instruction  on  Life  Assurance,  and  the  title  to  the  book  is 
"Life  Assurance  Primer,  a  Text  Book,  Dealing  with  the  Practice 
and  Mathematics    of    Life  Assurance." 

There  are  twelve  lengthy  chapters  and  an  appendix,  the  titles  to 
some  of  which  are,  "Principles  of  Life  Assurance,"  "Different  Kinds 
of  Life  Assurance,"  "Mortality,"  "Interest,"  "Investments,"  "An- 
nuities," "Probability  of  Life,"  "Net  Premiums,"  etc.,  etc. 

The  above  HENRY  MOIR  is  Actuary  of  the  Provident  Life 
Assurance  Society  of  New  York,  and  is  a  member  of  the  Actuarial 
Society  of  America. 

"A  Jacobite  Family,"  by  JOHN  BROWN,  M.D.,  of  Edinburgh, 

was  published  first  in  the  North  British  Review  of  March  1866,  and 
afterwards  as  a  section  of  "Horae  Subsecivae,"  published  in  various 
editions  later.  It  is  a  very  full  account  of  the  Moirs  of  Stonej^wood 
from   first  to  last. 

JOHN    MacCRAE    MOIR,    Editor, 
Mittermaier,  Carl  Joseph  Anton,    "Capital   Punishment,  based 
on  Professor  Mittermaier's  Todesstrafe." 

(London,  Smith  Elder  &  Co.,  1865.  266  pages.) 


"Some  Things  That  Trouble  Young  Manhood." 

(New  York,  1899,  213  pages.) 

WILLIAM  MOIR,  butler  to  Sir  H.  Wilson  of  Leigh  Hall  in  Derby- 
shire, England,  is  the  author  of  the  book:  "Brewing  Made  Easy. 
Being  a  Compendium  of  All  that  Has  Been  Written  on  that  Art."  With 
directions  for  the  making  and  preserving  of  made  wines.    (8vo.  1802.) 

(From  "Biographical  Dictionary  of  Living  Authors,"  printed  for 
Henry  Colburn,  London  1816,  p.  236.) 


Kindly  furnished  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE.  ESQ.,  Aberdeen 

A  correspondent  informs  us  that  the  family  have  been  great  book 
collectors.  This  is  borne  but  by  the  fact,  that  when  the  late  Julian 
Marshall,  Esq.,  of  Belzie  Avenue,  London,  W.  C,  had  his  extensive 
and  valuable  collection  of  book-plate  sold  by  Messrs.  Sotheby,  Wilkin- 
son &  Hodge,  London,  occupying  four  days,  28th  to  31st  May,  1906, 
there  were  93  different  Moore,  and  5  different  Mure  plates,  exposed 
for  sale.  Only  the  following  were  mentioned  in  the  catalogue,  viz: — 
I.     Sir  Charles  Moore,  Jacobean. 

II.     Moore  or  More,  anonymous,  Chippendale,  lozenge,   a  rar6 
plate,  not  mentioned  by  Miss  Labouchere. 

III.  Henry  Moore,  Jacobean. 

IV.  Step.   Moore,   Marlfield,   Jacobean. 

V.     Richd.  Moore,  LL.  B.,  Chippendale. 

VI.     Right    Honourable      Charles     Moore,     Lord     Tullamore, 

VII.  Edward  Loftus  Moore,  Chippendale. 

VIII.  Rev.  Fowke  Moore,  Chippendale. 

IX.  William  John  Moore,  Chippendale. 

X.  Will.  Moore,  Chippendale. 

XI.  Henry  William  Moore,  Chippendale,  two  states. 

XII.  Nathl.  F.  Moore,  festoon,  by  Maverick  (Allen  No.  586). 

XIII.  Earl  of  Moore,  Drogheda,  Chippendale. 

XIV.  Jas.  Mure,  ch.  ch.  Chippendale. 
XV.  Mr.  Baron   Mure,  Chippendale. 

Subscribers  to  "Poems,  chiefly  in  the  Scottish  Dialect,"  by  Andrew 
Shirrefs,   A.    M.      (Edinburgh,    1790.) 

MR.  GEORGE  MOIR,  Aberdeen. 
REV.  GEORGE  MOIR,  Peterhead. 
MR.  JOHN  MOIR,  printer,  Edinburgh. 

Subscribers   to   "James  Fordyce's   Hymns."     (This  was  printed 
for  the  publisher,  at  Aberdeen,  1787,  by  A.  Leighton.) 
MR.  MOIR,  baker,  Peterhead. 
WILLIAM  MOIR,  Aberdeen. 
JAMES  MOIR,  Aberdeen. 
GEORGE  MOIR,  Aberdeen. 
GEORGE  MOIR,  Fraserburgh. 


From  an  old  and  very  scarce  book:  "Aberdeen  Municipal  Elec- 
tion Poll  Book  of  the  2nd  Ward,  1842,"  the  following  Moirs  are  regis- 

ALEXANDER  MOIR,  hosier. 

ANDREW  MOIR,  surgeon. 

BENJAMIN  MOIR,  provision  merchant. 

DAVID  MOIR,  tailor. 

ROBERT  MOIR,  wine  merchant. 

Of  William  John  Moir,  (whose  genealogy  ia  to  be  found  on 
page  187)  an  amusing  incident  is  thus  related.  He  got  his  second 
name  from  a  girl  by  the  name  of  Harriet  Bates,  when  he  attended 
the  Academy  at  Derby  Centre,  Vermont.  When  Norcross,  the 
principal,  on  the  first  day  of  the  school  term,  was  calling  for  the 
names  of  the  pupils,  she,  sitting  beside  Moir,  said,  "When  the  prin- 
cipal calls  for  your  name,  you  say  'William  J.  Moir,'  "  so  to  please 
her,  he  did  so.  On  leaving  the  room,  he  asked  what  name  he  was 
indebted  to  her  for,  she  said  Jehosophat,  he  demurred  at  that  name, 
so  to  please  him,  she  said,  if  he  did  not  like  that  name,  he  might 
take  the  name  of  his  father,  and  that  pleased  him,  he  has  retained 
the  name  of  William  John  Moir  to  this  day. 


Kindly  furnished  by  R.   MURDOCH  LAWRANCE,   ESQ.,  of  Aberdeen 

Moore,  Frances  Moore,  Esq.,  (London,  11th  May,  1829.) 

Moore,  General,   (Bath,  1827.) 

Moore,    George   James,   Esq.,     (9  Pall  Mall,   East,    London,   19th 

March,  1829.) 
Moore,    Harriett,  nurse  to   Robert  Burslem's  family,   (Cheltenham, 

29th  July,  1836.) 
Moore,  Lieutenant-General  P.,  (Bath,  16th  March,   1827.) 
Moore,  Master  Charles,  Coulfield,  (Cheltenham,  6th  October  1829.) 

Two  portraits. 
Moore,  Mrs.   F.,  (Bath  16th  March,  1827.) 
Moora,   Mrs.    Elizabeth,     Turnham    Green,     (London,    24th   April, 

**Moore,  Ponsonby,  Esq.,  (Cheltenham,  15th  October,  1827.) 
Moore,  Rev.,    of  Limerick,   Ireland,   two  portraits.       (Cheltenham, 

11th  and  12th  August,   1829.) 
Moore,  Rev.  Dr.,  Rector  of  St.  Poncras,  London,  (Cheltenham,  6th 

September,  1829.) 

Moore,  Rev.  William,  Brimsfield  Rectory,   (Cheltenham,   6th   Oct., 

Moore,  Richard,  Esq.,  (Bath,  26th  February,  1827.) 
More,    Master    Thomas,  adopted  by    Mr.   and    Mrs.    Edmond    P. 
Patershall,   of    Allensnore    House,  Herefordshire,   (Chelten- 
ham, 29th  July,  1829.) 

More,  Miss,  (Edinburgh,  Ist  February,  1830. ) 

Muir,  Miss  Susan,  (Liverpool,  3rd  June,  1837.) 

Muir,  Robert,  Esq.,  22  St.  Vincent  Street,  (Glasgow,  30th  January, 

Muir,  Thomas,  Esq.,   Muir  Park,  (Cheltenham,  3rd  October,  1836.) 

The  list  given  above,  are  those  of  the  names  aforementioned,  who 
were  silhouetted  by  the  celebrated  August  Edouart,  (1789-1861), 
silhouettist  to  the  Royal  Family  of  France,  and  to  H.  R.  H.,  the 
Duke  of  Gloucester.  Edouart  practiced  his  art  chiefly  in  the  British 
Isles  and  in  America. 

*The  odd  art  of  silhouetting  is  practically  dead  now;  but  early  in  last  century, 
before  photographing  was  discovered,  silhouetting  was  quite  popular. 

♦♦This  gentleman  is  mentioned  elsewhere  in  this  book. 

MoiR  Genealogy  381 

He  not  only  wrote  the  name  of  every  sitter,  date  when  taken, 
but  also,  place  where  taken.  He  also  cut  each  portrait  in  duplicate 
from  black  folded  paper.  A  list,  numbering  some  5200,  was  pub- 
lished by  Messrs.  Debenham  and  Freebody,  of  Wigmore  and  Walbeck 
Streets,  London,  W.,  in  1913. 


Kindly  furnished  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE,  ESQ..    Aberdeen 

In  1902,  Arthur  Charles  Fox-Da  vies  sent  out  a  circular,  seeking 
information  on  various  gentlemen,  legally  entitled  to  bear  arms. 
Amongst  them,  the  undernoted: — 

I.     Moor,  Henry  Isaac,  East  Grinstead,  Co.  Sussex. 
II.     Moore,  Blandford  Forum,  Co.  Dorset. 

III.  Moore,   Langley  Lodge,   Gerard's  Cross,   Co.   Bucks,   and 


IV.  Moore  of  Corswall  (1851). 

V.     Moore,  Hon.  Charles,  Moorecourt,  Springwood,  Blue  Moun- 
tains, New  South  Wales. 
VI.     Moore,  John  (formerly  Mulcail),  of  the  City  of  Dublin. 
VII.     Moore,  John,  of  Bristol,  and  of  Ireland. 

VIII.     Moore,   William  Cameron,   Manchester,   and  of  Bamford, 
Co.  Derby. 
IX.     Moore,  Gordon,  of  Mooresfort,  Co.  Tipperary. 
X.     Muir  of  Cassencary  (1773). 
XI.     Muir  of  Deanstown,  Lord  Provost  of  Glasgow  (1892). 
XII.     Mure  of  Caldwell  (1779). 
XIII.     Mure,  James,  London  (1868). 

MOIR,  JOHN,  "History  of  the  City  of  Aberdeen."   (Edinburgh, 


MOIR,   JOHN,    "A  Short  History  of  the  City  of  Aberdeen." 

(Edinburgh,    1825.) 

The  foregoing  items  are  mentioned  at  page  four,  in  a  "Concise 
Bibliography  of  the  History  of  the  City  of  Aberdeen  and  its  Institu- 
tions," by  James  Fowler  Kellas  Johnstone,  Aberdeen,  April,  1903. 

382  MoiR  Genkai,ogy 


These  articles  were  furnished  by  JAMES  M.  A.  WOOD,  ESQ.,  of  Aberdeen 

"JOHN  MOIR,  Burgess  of  Forres,  in  1578,"  (Reg.  Privy  Council, 
II.,  667).  "His  goods  are  escheated  alone,  with  those  of  the  Sheriff 
of  Morey,  and  others,  for  unlawfully  committing  and  doing  dili- 
gence against  Alex'r.  Winsister,  Minister  of  Elgin,  whom  they 
accused  of  slaughter  of  Elizabeth  Dunbar,  21  April,  1578." 

(Reg.  Privy  Council,  II.,  686.) 


"22  June,  1566,  DAVID  MOIR,  in  Braidhauch,  was  mutilated  by 
Alex'r.  Forbes  of  Auchintowill.  He  was  mutilated  of  his  left  arm, 
and  compeared  before  the  Council  on  22  June,  1566,  and  the  Lords  of 
Secret  Council  in  respect  of  his  poverty,  and  of  the  oppression  done 
to  him  by  Forbes,  ordains  the  latter  to  inf eft  by  charter  and  sasine, 
the  said  DAVID  MOIR,  his  heirs  and  assignees  in  all  and  haiU,  the 
lands  of  Braidhauch  with  the  pertinents,  held  by  the  said  Alexand^ 
Forbes,  blench  for  payment  of  one  penny  allenarly,  if  it  be  required 
at  the  feast  of  Whit-Sunday,"  (Reg,  Privy  Council  I,  469.) 


"*JOHN  MOIR  of  Aberargie,  was  married  to  Isabella  Kinnaird, 
daughter  of  John  Kinnaird,  portioner  of  Inschmichael.  JOHN 
MOIR  and  his  wife  were  both  alive,  on  7th  July,  1661." 

(Special  Ser.  II.,  Perthshire.) 

"In  March,  1643,  JOHN  MOIR  serves  heir  general  to  his  father, 
JOHN  MOIR,  in  Aberargie."  (Gen.  Ser.) 


"31  July,  1630,  ROBERT  MOIR  in  Plains  de  Kirkcaldie,  serves 
heir  special,  to  his  father  JOHN  MOIR,  in  tenements  "terrae  con- 
tinente  rudam  terrae  intra  territorium  de  Kirkcaldie  et  re  Salitatem 
de  Dumferling,  prope  finem  arientalem  appido  de  Kirkcaldie  E.  18d," 

(Special  Ser.  I.,  Fifeshire.) 


"JONETA  MOIR,  spouse  of  Robert  Murray,  between  14  Nov., 
1632,  and  8  Jan.,  1633,  serves  heir  special  to  her  brother  JOHN 
MOIR  in  an  annual  return  of  300  merks  (Scots),  from  a  tenement  in 
Edinburgh."  (Special  Ser.  I.,  Edinburgh,  711.) 

*See  Dtmblane  Testamente;  the  Aberargie  Moirs  were  a  branch  of  the  Doune 
Moirs.     Pages  100  to  103. 

MoiR  Gknkai,ogy  383 



'4  May,  1630,  MARIOLA  MOIR,  Bervea  heir  portioner  in 
general  to  her  brother  JOHN  MOIR,  burgess  of  Aberdeen  (Gen. 
Services).  JONETA  MOIR,  her  sister  who  was  wife  of  Robert  Murray 
at  Christ's  Church,  also  serves,  on  same  day,  heir  portioner  general  to 
her  brother,  the  said  JOHN  MOIR."  (Gen.  Ser.,  II.) 


There  is  an  incident  thus  recorded  in  the  Farr  Collections: — 
"During  the  troubles  of  1688-9  (The  Covenanters),  the  family  of 
Rothiemurchus  and  some  of  the  neighbors  were  obliged  to  take  refuge 
in  the  castle  of  Loch-an-Eilean,  their  own  property.  During  their 
residence  there,  they  were  attacked  from  the  shore,  while  a  smart  fire 
of  musketry  was  kept  up  from  the  castle  to  carry  on.  Grizel  More, 
the  Lady  Rothiemurchus,  who  was  a  clever,  active  woman,  was 
busily  employed  all  the  time  of  the  attack,  in  casting  leaden  balls 
for  the  defence." 

There  is  a  fine  painting  of  Grizel  More  at  the  Doune,  owned  by 
the  late  William  Patrick  Grant,  of  Rothiemurchus.  She  is  described 
as  a  lady  of  great  size,  and  she  lived  to  a  very  advanced  age. 

(From  "Inverness,  Parish  by  Parish."  by  Charles  Frazer  Mac- 
intosh, F.  S.  A.) 

Another  story  of  Grizel  More  of  Rothiemurchus  may  be  given: — 
"Quite  unexpectedly,  two  great  men,  one  Catholic,  the  other  Pro- 
testant, accompanied  by  their  Chaplains,  arrived  at  the  Doune  to 
dinner.  Grizel  was  at  her  wits  end  which  of  the  Chaplains,  to  avoid 
offence,  should  be  asked  to  say  grace.  The  difficulty  was  solved 
by  her  saying  grace  herself,  and  in  Gaelic,  but  unhappily,  her  words, 
probably  unique,   are  not  recorded." 

(From  "Inverness,  Parish  by  Parish,"  by  Charles  Frazer  Mac- 
intosh, F.  S.  A.) 

In  the  records  of  Marischal  College,  and  University;  Vol.  3  of  the 
New  Spalding  Club  publications,  there  is  a  colored  illustration  of  the 
Heraldic  Ceiling  in  the  old  Marischal  College,  circa  1682,  from  the 
painting  by  Alexander  Dingwall  Fordyce,  Esq.,  circa  1833 — previous 
to  the  demolition  of  the  old  building. 

The  key  to  the  plate  says,  "6a  Sinister,  or  Western  Row, — 
William  More  of  Hiltone,  benefactor;  and  a  plate  containing  the 
arms  of  Moir  of  Hilton,  with  date,  1681."  There  is  a  blue  wreath 
circling  the  head,  and  where  the  neck  ends,  red. 



Mr.  James  Cruickshank,  of  the  official  staff  of  the  Messrs.  Pirie, 

who  now  own  the  Stoneywood  Estate,  says  of  the  cut  produced  in  this 
book  of  the  Old  Stoneywood  Mansion  House: —  "This  is  a  fair  repre- 
sentation of  the  old  building,  judged  by  such  documents  as  are  still 

Thomas  George  Dundas,  of  Carronhall  and  Fingask,  son  of  Joseph 
Dundas  (who  died  at  Carronhall  in  1872),  by  Margaret  Isabella, 
youngest  daughter  of  GEORGE  MOIR,  ESQ.,  of  Denmore,  Aber- 
deenshire, was  born  in  1853,  and  is  a  lieutenant  in  the  52nd  Foot.  The 
name  of  Dundas  is  very  ancient,  it  may  be  traced  to  Cospatrick,  first 
Earl  of  March.  Sir  John  Dundas  of  Fingask,  in  Perthshire,  who 
flourished  about  the  middle  of  the  sixteenth  century,  was  descended 
from  Alexander,  eldest  son  by  a  second  marriage  of  James  Dundas, 
of  Dundas,  eleventh  from  Earl  Cospatrick,  with  Christian  Stewart, 
daughter  of  John  Dominus  de  Innermeath  et  Lorn.  This  lady  was 
aunt  to  the  Black  Knight  of  Lorn,  who  married  Jane,  Queen  of  Scot- 
land, daughter  of  John,  Duke  of  Lancaster,  son  of  Edward  IIL,  and 
relict  of  James  L 

(From  article  "County  Aristocracy,'"  History  of  Stirlingshire  by 
William  Nimmo,  Vol.  II.,  p.  111.) 



"The  Town  Council  yetserday,  by  the  very  unmistakable  majority 
of  38  to  4,  rejected  MR.  MOIR'S  motion  for  that  which  might  result 
in  the  promiscuous  use  of  the  West  End  Park,  and  adopted  a  proposal 
made  by  BaillieGemmill,  to  remit  the  matter  to  the  consideration  of 
a  committee.  Having  recently  dealt  with  this  subject  pretty  fully, 
we  need  not  now  do  more  than  express  the  opinion  that  the  Council 
has  come  to  a  very  judicious  conclusion.  We  truly  believe  that  MR. 
MOIR  does  not  desire  that  the  park  should  be  used  in  such  a  manner 
as  to  be  destructive  to  its  beauty  and  amenity;  but  his  motion  was 
urged  in  such  a  dogmatic  and  brow-beating  style  that  it  had  a  danger- 
ous look  about  it,  and  the  Corporation  very  properly  asserted  its  dignity 
by  rejecting  his  proposal  in  a  manner  very  decided.  MR.  MOIR 
tells  us  that  he  will  make  use  of  the  park  in  spite  of  the  restrictions 
with  which  it  has  been  surrounded  for  the  public  benefit,  and  that  he 
will  figure  upon  the  grass  this  day  at  twelve  o'clock,  where,  if  he  likes, 
he  may  dance  a  fandango  by  way  of  asserting  his  own  rights  as  a 
proprietor  of  the  soil,  as  well  as  proclaiming  and  showing  off  the  privi- 
leges of  a  much  abused  and  long-suffering  community.  We  would 
advise  him  to  stay  at  home.  Even  though  he  should  take  a  caper  on 
the  grass,  and  throw  down  his  mitten  in  token  of  defiance,  we  do  not 
think  the  Magistrates  will  make  a  martyr  of  him  for  his  agility.  If 
he  does  go  as  the  embodiment  of  a  grievance,  which,  by  the  way,  has 
not  yet  been  felt,  he  will  only  take  a  leaf  out  of  the  book  of  the  petted 
body,  who  made  a  fool  of  himself  for  the  amusement  of  other  people." 

(From  "The  Glasgotv  Herald,"  July  20,  1860.) 

"We  regret  to  find  from  an  extract  published  today,  that  "The 
Glasgow  Herald"  of  1860,  was  not  sound  upon  the  proper  use  of  public 
parks.  It  devoted  nearly  a  column  leader,  to  chastising  Mr.  Moir, 
in  terms  politely  sorrowful  —  for  Mr.  Moir  was  a  councillor  of  ap- 
proved public  service  —  because  he  advocated  a  fuller  use  of  the 
recently  acquired  Kelvingrove,  by  which  he  evidently  intended  the 
uprooting  of  warnings  to  "Keep  Off  the  Grass."  Mr.  Moir,  whose 
liberal  views  shocked  the  Council  and  the  press,  startled  both  still 
more,  by  going  to  the  park  and  rolling  down  the  grass  banks,  by  wa}' 
of  protest  against  peddling  restrictions.  We  doubt  of  any  councillor 
would  do  so  to-day.  But  the  complaint  was  recently  made  here,  and 
so  far  as  we  are  aware,  it  has  not  been  redressed,  that  a  large  part  of 

*The  above  Baillie,  Hon.  James  Moir,  was  a  tea  merchant,  and  there  was  a  atreft 
named  after  him,  formerly  called,  "James  Moir  Street;"  the  street  is  now  named 
"Moir  Street."    It  is  not  far  from  Bridgeton  Cross. 

386  MoiR  Genealogy 

the  grass  in  Queen's  Park  is  shut  to  the  citizen,  in  order  that  it  may 
earn  a  very  few  pounds  a  year  for  grazing  rent.  That  is  a  penny  wise 
policy,  which  should  be  abandoned." 

(From  "The  Glasgow  Herald."  July  20,  1910. 

The  curious  square  belfry  of  three  unequal  stories  in  the  old  church 
at  Muthill,  Perthshire,  in  some  of  the  upper  windows  of  which  there 
are  traces  of  Norman  or  Romanesque  architecture,  is  an  entire  and 
interesting  object  of  antiquity.  The  remaining  walls  and  pillars  of 
the  old  church,  which  is  said  to  have  been  erected  by  Bishop  Ochiltree 
of  Dunblane  (1430-1445),  are  good  examples  of  the  architecture  of 
the  period,  and  under  their  shadow  lie  several  stone  effigies,  the  refuted 
figures  of  the  lords  and  ladies  of  Stratheam.  Four  miles  south  of 
Muthill,  is  a  Roman  Camp  at  Ardoch.         (See  illustration.) 

"The  Associate  Congregation  of  Menteith,  now  the  Bridge  of 
Teith  Congregation,  at  Doune,  originated  at  a  service  conducted  by 
the  noted  preacher  Rev.  Ebenezer  Erskine,  at  CessintuUy  in  1740. 
McKelvie  states  that  a  tent  having  been  set  up  at  the  end  of  Thornhill, 
Moir  (?)  on  land  belonging  to  the  Earl  of  Moray,  MR.  MORE,  his  factor, 
applied  to  the  Sheriff  of  Dunblane,  to  interdict  its  use  and  have  it 
removed.  He  appeared  eta  the  ground  with  the  interdict  in  his  pocket 
as  the  people  were  engaged  singing  these  lines  which  the  preacher 
had  given  out: 

'Why  rage  the  heathen,  and  vain  things 
Why  do  the  people  mind?' 
He  retired  without  serving  the  interdict,  and  refrained  from  molest- 
ing the  seceders  ever  afterwards." 

(From  "The  Stirling  Antiquary") 

Mitchell's  "Scotsman's  Library,"  page  24,  contains  the  following 
anecdote: — 

"MOIR  of  STONEYWOOD,  having  obtained  a  pardon  and  the 
restoration  of  his  estates  after  the  rising  of  the  '45,  returned  home. 
Soon  after,  meeting  one  of  his  tenants,  he  was  asked,  'Weel  Laird, 
what  sail  it  be  noo  ?     Sail  it  be  Steeny  wud  or  Wud  Steeny  ?'  " 

Charles  Stewart,  the  young  Chevalier  dined  on  the  afternoon  of 
Sept.  13,  1845,  at  Leckie  House,  the  seat  of  a  Jacobite  gentleman 
named  MOIR,  who  had  been  seized  on  the  preceding  night  in  his  bed 
and  hurried  to  Stirling  Castle  by  the  dragoons,  on  suspicion  that  he 
was  preparing  to  entertain  the  Chevalier. 

{"Rebellion  in  Scotland,"  P.  73,  by  Robert  Chalmers.) 

MoiR  Genhaix)GY  387 

"There  is  a  story  of  a  lover  who  was  to  win  his  mistress  by  carrying 
her  to  the  top  of  a  mountain,  and  how  he  did  win  it,  and  how  they 
ended  their  days  on  the  same  spot." 

This  story  forms  the  subject  of  DAVID  MACBETH  MOIR'S 
poem  of  "Genevieve." 

(From  ''Casquet  of  Literature,"  Vol.  3,  page  243.) 


From  a  Manuscript  in  the  Handwriting  of  MR.  JAMES  RETTIE 
("W."  in  ABERDEEN  WEEKLY  JOURNAL,  June  23,  1911.) 

[The  following  song,  as  an  item  of  local  lore,  and  illustrating  the 
jolly-good-fellowship  of  citizen  life  in  a  generation  long  gone  by,  is 
I  think,    worth  preserving.     The   date    is   somewhere   about    1840-5. 

ROBERT  MOIR,  wine  merchant,  who  lived  long  in  Peacock's 
Close,  Castle  Street,  built  very  excellent  and  extensive  premises  in 
the  shape  of  wine  cellars,  etc..  No.  23  Adelphi  Court.  He  gave  a 
dinner  in  the  cellars  to  his  friends  as  a  sort  of  fire  kindling.  The  fol- 
lowing song  was  written  for  the  occasion  by  William  Allardyce,  wine 
merchant,  and  was  sung  by  John  Angus,  advocate,  town  clerk. 
Most  of  the  worthies  (wine  merchants)  named  in  the  song,  were 
present.     The  air  is  an  adaptation  of  "Langolee. ") 

"Hail  to  our  host!  who  in  business  advances, 

Onward  till  first  he  will  be  in  the  line; 
Long  may  his  roof-tree,  as  well  as  finances. 
Flourish  and  prosper,  supported  by  wine. 
Heaven  send  it  paid  when  due. 
Orders  for  Old  and  New — 
Gaily  he'll  bottle  and  crusted  stock  grow; 
While  every  dealer  then 

Sends  back  for  Moir*  again, 
Moir's  Wine  for  ever !     O,  ho  !  iero ! ! 

There  is  no  liquor  mixed  up  from  the  fountain. 

Bottled  in  autumn,  in  winter  to  fade; 
From  the  Cape  to  the  Hermitage,  on  to  the  mountain, 
Moir  shall  be  found  to  exalt  him  in  trade. 

Claret  as  well  as  Hock, 

Port,  what  a  noble  stock. 
Thicker  he  crusts  him  the  older  it  grows, 

From  Moray  to  Angus  then. 

Echo  his  praise  again, 
Moir's  Wine  for  ever !     O,  ho !    iero ! ! 

♦Formerly  pronounced  "More,"  the  original  form  of  the  name. 

388  MoiR  Genealogy 

Loudly  his  circular  threatens  all  ruin, 

And  *Bannerman's  hands  they  will  quickly  be  tied; 
tHacket  and  Allardyce  smoke  what  is  brewin', 

And  the  stock  of  JGeorge Thomson  lies  dead  by  his  side; 

**Blaikie  must  quit  the  trade, 

ttForbes  shall  lose  our  aid. 
And  tJDuthie,  his  old  master,  and  ***Calder  &  Co.; 

tttBlack  and  JttJohn  Lumsden  then 

Quake  when  they  hear  again, 
Moir's  Wine  for  ever !     O,  ho !  iero  ! ! 

Now,  my  lads,  fill  ye  a  bumper,  good-fellows. 

Pledge  me  his  health  in  the  rosy-red  wine; 
O  were  the  Bacchante  that  graces  his  cellars 

Some  nymph,  by  the  torch-light  of  Hymen  to  shine; 

Oh  that  some  seedling  gem. 

Worthy  of  such  a  name. 
Honoured  and  blessed  in  their  nursery  might  grow; 

Loud  should  the  deepmost  bin, 

Send  the  shout  back  again, 
Moir's  Wine  for  ever!     O,  ho!  iero!!" 

[Another  edition  of  this  song  (whether  by  Allardyce  or  not,  is  not 
known),  was  also  sung  by  Mr.  Angus,  at  a  meeting  of  the  Mary 
Culter  Club,  when  Mr.  Moir  was  in  the  chair.  ] 

(From  "Aberdeeen  Weekly  Journal,"  23  June,  1911.) 

The  following  notice  appeared  in  an  Edinburgh  newspaper  in  1896: 
"Information  wanted  of  ALEXANDER  MOIR,  last  heard  from 
in  Washington,  D.  C,  U.  S.  A.,  address  his  mother,  MRS.  MOIR, 
8  Minister  Lane,  Aberdeen,  Scotland." 

Another  notice  appeared  Feb.  1912,  in  a  Boston,  Mass.,  newspaper 
as  follows:— "Information  wanted  of  CHARLES  A.  LE  MOIR,  wife 
and  three-year  old  baby.  Last  known  in  May  last,  at  48  Union  Park, 
Boston.     Important."  

"ANDREW  MDIR,  who  left  Scotland,  in  1903,  is  inquired  for  by 
his  mother,  who  lives  (1912),  in  Glasgow.     When  last  heard  from,  he 

was  in  Washington,  D.  C." 

{Scottish  American,  Oct.  16,  1912.) 

♦Bannerman's  business  was  in  Mariachal  Street,  Nos.  59  and  60. 

tHacket  and  Allardyce,  40  Union  Street.     Mr.  Allardyce  lived  at  TuUoa. 

JGeorge  Thomson,  21  Regent  Quay. 

♦*Blaikie  {?)  at  Causewayend. 

ttForbes,  38  Castle  Street. 

ttDuthie,  lived  at  Broadford  Place. 

***Calder  &  Co.,  Green. 

tttBlack,   Concert   Court,   Broad   Street. 

tttj.  Lumsden,  95  Union  Street, 

MoiR  Gbnbai,ogy  389 

MR.  GEORGE  MOIR,  artist,  who  drew  one  of  the  four  pictures 
etill  preserved  to  posterity,  in  1814,  of  the  Castlcgate  in  Aberdeen. 
His  view  was  selected  to  be  reproduced  in  the  historical  work  "Abet- 
deen  in  Bygone  Days,"  published  by  Robert  Anderson  in  1910. 

Allan  Ramsay,  in  his  "Selected  Writings,"  pp.  282-284,  mentions 
among  other  old  time  merchants,  who  did  business  in  the  Narrow 
Wynd  of  Aberdeen,  early  in  the  nineteenth  century, — "JOHNNY 
MOIR,  a  grocer  with  pigtail,  white  neckcloth,  and  Hessian  boots  with 
dangling  tassels."  

"MURE  of  ROWALLAN,"  is  mentioned  in  James  King  Hewi- 

son's  book,  on  "The  Covenanters  of  Scotland."  Vol.  2,  p.  187,  as  one 
of  a  number  of  "some  Westland  gentlemen  most  likely  to  lead  the 
Covenanters,  if  occasion  served"  and  was  with  the  others,  "ordered 
to  be  incarcerated  in  fortresses."     The  date,  10th  Feb.,  1666. 

In  the  same  volume  p.  367,  is  an  account  of  a  Captain  Kilpatrick, 
an  oflBcer,  at  Thomhill,  Perthshire,  where  a  number  of  MOIR  an- 
cestors record  their  birth,  "was  accused  by  two  merchants  of  that  town, 
David  Ralston  and  Robert  Young,  of  stealing  their  packs  and  money, 
binding  them,  and  despatching  them  to  prison  in  Edinburgh.  A 
process  was  ordered,"  another  case  of  the  same  kind  is  recorded  in 

Various  petitions  prove  that  many  men,  women,  mothers,  babes, 
and  youths  lay  for  long  periods  without  being  charged,  some  dying 
of  neglect,  and  others  from  the  foulness  of  the  dungeons."  All  in  the 
name  of  religion. 

WILLIAM  MUIR  of  Glanderston,  afterwards  of  Caldwell,  while 
sympathetic  with  the  non-conforming  party,  or  covenanters,  Muir 
had  lived  regularly  and  orderly,  keeping  out  of  the  clutches  of  the 
despots.  Unhappily  he  took  fever.  His  household  sent  for  a  respect- 
able apothecary  in  Paisley,  of  the  unfavorable  name  of  Sprewl,  to 
bleed  him  in  his  unconsciousness.  That  was  enough.  Sprewl  was 
a  registered  suspect,  and  the  Council  would  bleed  more  if  need  be. 
Muir  was  sent  to  prison  and  to  the  bar  of  Justiciary  Court,  on  8th 
August,  1682,  from  which  he  was  discharged,  the  indictment  being 
departed  from. 

(From  "The  Covenanters  of  Scotland,  from  the  Reformation  to  the 
Revolution."    Vol.  2,  p.  388.     by  James  K.  Hewison.) 

"JAMES  MUIR  was  one  of  three  men  who  were  hanged  22d 
February,  1684,  for  refusing  to  say  "God  save  the  king,"  in  the 
prelatic  sense  of  acknowledging  the  absolute  authority  of  the  King 
in  all  causes."  (From  Hewison's  "Covenanters  of  Scotland,"  Vol.  2, 
p.  418.) 


John  Stirling,  one  of  the  Covenanters  of  Edinburgh,  one  of  a  num- 
ber of  ministers  of  good  stern  quality,  who  with  other  clergymen, 
was  arrested  by  the  soldiers  of  King  Charles  I.,  for  his  adherence  to 
the  National  Covenant,  and  committed  to  prison  in  Edinburgh  Castle 
It  was  this  man  who  wrote  from  his  prison  cell  to  his  Kirk-session, 
"Yet  this  is  my  comfort,  that  whatever  the  world  say  or  believe,  the 
cause  I  sufFer.for  is  the  Lord's,  and  no  less  than  the  avowing  of  His 
marriage  contract  in  a  sworn  covenant  betwixt  the  three  Kingdoms." 

This  gentleman  (runs  a  tradition  in  the  family)  was  an  ancestor 
of  JANE  STIRLING  of  Doune,  who  was  the  beloved  wife  of 
GEORGE  MOIR,  and  who  raised  a  large  family,  whose  descendants 
are  now  scattered  over  Scotland  and  America. 

WILLIAM  MURE  of  CaldweU,  was  Captain  of  the  82nd  British 
Regiment  during  the  American  Revolutionary  War.  He  was  twice 
taken  prisoner,  the  second  time  at  the  surrender  of  Yorktown.  He 
was  rector  of  Glasgow  University  1793-1794;  as  rector,  he  is  often 
referred  to  as  one  of  the  foremost  Greek  scholars  of  his  time.  He 
was  a  friend  from  boyhood  of  Sir  John  Moore.  He  married  Ann, 
daughter  of  Sir  James  Hunter  Blair,  and  died  in  1831. 

Robert  Bums,  the  Scottish  poet,  presented  to  Mrs.  Robert  Muir 
of  Tarbolton,  Ayrshire,  a  pair  of  silver  sugar  tongs,  which  were 
exhibited  at  the  Glasgow  Historical  Exhibition,  1911. 

In  looking  through  the  baptismal  registers  of  Muthill,  Perth- 
shire, there  was  noted  the  registration  of  (afterwards  Baroness) 
Caroline  Oliphant  Naime,  the  gifted  Scottish  poetess,  the  daughter 
of  Lawrence  Oliphant,  of  the  "Auld  hoose  of  Gask."  She  was  born 
16th  August,  1766.  Her  father  was  one  of  the  most  ardent  sup- 
porters of  the  Jacobite  Cause,  and  she  was  named  Caroline,  in  memory 
of  Prince  Charlie.  She  wrote  some  of  the  very  best  Scottish  songs, 
nearly  all  of  which  have  a  Jacobite  ring  to  them. 


There  is  a  lengthy  ballad  of  fifty  verses  of  four  lines  each,  entitled 
"Lang  Johnny  Moir,"  printed  in  the  "Ballad  Minstrelsy  of  Scot- 
land."    The  opening  verse  has  a  fine  ballad  ring  about  it,  thus: — 

"There  lives  a  man  in  Rynie's  land, 

Another  in  Auchindore, 
The  bravest  lad  amang  them  all 

Was  Lang  Johnnie  Moir." 

(The  present  day  spelling  of  Rynle  is  Rhynie,  and  that  of  Auchin- 
dore is   Auchindoir.) 

MoiR  Ghneai.ogy  391 

According  to  a  correspondent,  "LANG  JOHNNIE  MOIR"  had 
his  castle  at  the  foot  of  Benachie  mountain,  near  Aberdeen,  and  there 
are  a  number  of  MOIRS  now  near  that  locality  who  claim  rolation- 
ahip  to  him,  and  a  characteristic  of  the  branch,  is  the  exceptional 
height — above   six   feet. 

DAVID  MOIR,  D.  D.,  Bishop  of  Brechin,  succeeded  to  the  Parish 
church  of  St.  Matthews,  Meldnim,  Aberdeenshire,  in  1862.  During 
his  incumbency,  the  present  beautiful  church  of  St.  Matthew's  was 
built,  and  consecrated  on  St.  Matthew's  day,  1863,  by  the  Right  Rev. 
Thomas  George  Suther  D.  C.  L,,  Bishop  of  Aberdeen.  MR.  MOIR 
also  serves  as  minister  of  All  Saints,  Whiterashes,  a  beautiful  little 
church  built  by  Major  John  Ramsay  of  Barra  and  Straloch." 

(Thanage  of  Fermartyn,  p.  271.) 

In  Dr.  William  Findlay's  "Robert  Burns  and  the  Medical 
Profession,"  published  by  Alexander  Gardner,  Paisley,  in  1898, 
there  is  the  following  references: 

Chapter  III.  Dr.  John  Moore,  London,  son  of  an  Episcopal 
Clergyman  at  Stirling,  pp.  35-50.  With  Portrait,  by  kind  permission 
of  Blackie  and  Son,  Glasgow;  and  another  from  an  old  painting  by 
Sir  Thomas  Lawrence,  P.  R.  A.,  with  kind  permission  of  James  L 
Caw,  Esq.,    of  the  Scottish  National  Portrait  Gallery. 

Chapter  VI.  Dr.  David  Macbeth  Moir,  (Delta).  Page  91.  With 
Portrait,  by  kind  permission  of  Blackie  and  Son,  Glasgow. 

There  is  also  a  reference  to  a  Robert  Muir,  Kilmarnock,  (page 
15)  Dr.  Wilh'am  Moore,  Kilmarnock  (page  15);  and  Colonel  Mure  of 
Caldwell,  author  of  "Travels  in  Greece,"  (page  96.) 

-JOHN  FORBES  MOIR,  son  of  the  late  WILLIAM  MOIR  of 
Park,  Aberdeenshire,  died  28th  April,  1890,  at  16  Clanricarde  Gardens, 

From  the  "Free  Press,"  Aberdeen  May  1,  1890. 

*The  name  ia  mentioned  in  the  Moirs  of  Scotstown.     See  page  139. 



1.  Rorie  More's  Horn,  date  1610.  This  Horn  is  one  of  the  Family  Treasures 
at  Dunvegan  Castle  in  the  Isle  of  Skye.  In  ancient  days  it  was  con- 
sidered a  Test  of  the  Manhood  of  a  MacLeod  at  his  coming  of  age 
that  he  should  be  able  to  drink  its  contents  at  one  draught.  It  dates 
from  about  1600,  when  the  chief  was  Roderick  or  Rorie  MacLeod, 
who  was  knighted  by  James  VI.  Sir  Roderick  built  a  considerable 
part  of  the  existing  Castle  of  Dunvegan,  and  the  Waterfall,  near  the 
Castle,  is  known  as  the  "  Nurse  of  Rorie  More,"  from  the  tradition 
that  its  sound  acted  as  a  lullaby  to  the  chief. 

(Lent  by  MacLeod  of  MacLeod.) 

2.  Testimonial  from  Thomas  Carlyle,  dated  6th  May,   1861,  to  the  late 

John  Macrae  Moir.  (Lent  by  Mrs.  J.  L.  Eskdale.) 

3.  Captain  Robert  Moir.     The  oflScers  of  the  3rd  Battalion,  Gordon  High- 

landers, lent  to  the  Glasgow  Kxhibition,  1911,  the  Presentation 
Sword  to  Captain  Robert  Moir,  Aberdeenshire  Militia,  by  the  non- 
commissioned officers  and  privates  of  his  company,  10th  May,  1805. 

4.  Painting  of  Willam  Marshall,  violinist  and  composer,  born  at  Fochabers, 

1748;  died  1833.     Painted  by  "Moir." 

(Lent  by  Miss  Cruickshank. ) 

5.  Two  views  of  Rowallan  Castle,  Ayrshire,    a  very  picturesque  old  house, 

built  by  John  Muir  in  1562.  A  much  older  tower,  in  a  ruinous  con- 
dition, forms  part  of  the  buildings,  and  was  the  residence  of  the 
Muirs  from  a  very  early  date.  Rowallan  was  the  birthplace  of 
Elizabeth  More  or  Muir,  first  wife  of  King  Robert  II.,  of  Scotland. 

6.  "Celtic  Literature."     A  Gaelic  book  on  the  Sacrament  of  Jesus  Christ, 

printed  in  1794.     Written  by  J.  Moir. 

7.  "  Stuart  and  Jacobite  relics,"  James  Moir  of  Stoneywood,   (From  a  Por- 

trait belonging  to  Miss  Skene,  a  great  grand-daughter). 

'.'I'SKprv^-^-sr..:-  jy-^r-. 



Glasgow,    Scotland 


),ft7? ^^'  i^"^"''^'?'?^;,  Sc^J^rlC^^ 




MoiR  Gknkai,ogy  393 

8.  Rev.   Professor   William   Milligan,  D.  D.,    Minister   of   Kilconquhar, 

1850;  Professor  of  Biblical  Criticism,  University  of  Aberdeen,  See  page  177 
1862.  One  of  the  Company  of  the  Revisers  of  Authorized  Transla- 
tion of  New  Testament;  Distinguished  Commentator,  and  Author 
of  valuable  books  on  "The  Resurrection,"  "Ascension  and 
Heavenly  Priesthood  of  our  lK)rd,"  etc.;  first  President  of  Scot- 
tish Church  Society,  1892;  Moderator  of  the  General  Assembly 
of  1882;  father  of  Rev.  Professor  George  Milligan,  Glasgow  Uni- 
versity. William  was  a  son-in-law  of  Delta,  (A)  David  Macbeth 
Moir,  the  Scottish  Poet. 

9.  "Sports  and  Pastimes,"    Archery  Medal  of  James  Moir,  1673. 

(Lent  by  the  Rector  of  the  Aberdeen  Grammar  School.) 


"This  mansion  house  is  situated  about  a  mile  south  of  Logie-Buchan 
parish  church;  this  estate  was  owned  for  over  150  years  by  the  Dun's 
of  Tarty,  the  wife  of  the  first  Dun,  was  burned  as  a  witch  in  1597. 

Some  time  after  1746,  it  was  acquired  by  George,  third  Earl  of 
Aberdeen.  After  his  death  in  1801,  it  was  owned  by  his  son,  Hon. 
William  Gordon;  and  after  his  death  in  1846,  it  came  by  entail  to 
Alexander  Gordon  of  Ellon;  and  it  was  sold  by  his  trustees  in  1890, 
to  its  present  owner,  MR.  ROBERT  MOIR  of  Tarty." 

(Thanage  of  Fermartyn,  p.  540.) 

REV.  ANDREW  MOIR,  grandson  of  ANDREW  MOIR,  burgess 
of  Aberdeen,  and  nephew  of  GEORGE  MOIR,  minister  of  Towie, 
was  appointed  to  the  parish  of  Towie,  Aberdeenshire,  "jure  devoluto." 
He  was  minister  of  the  parish  church  of  Methlick,  Aberdeenshire, 
translated,  May  31,  1739;  and  afterwards  to  Ellon,  April  24,  1745. 

'REV.  JAMES  MOIR  was  appointed  minister  of  the  parish  of 
Tarves  in  Aberdeenshire  during  the  times  of  the  Covenanters,  by 
King  Charles  I.     He  remained  till  1659." 

(Thanage  of  Fermartyn,  p.  371.) 

MOIR  Family,  93. 
MOIR  Family,  649. 
JAMES  &  SOPHIA  MOIR,  8357. 
The  above  are  among  a  list  of  names  advertised  in  Chancery. 
(From    "Index    to  Heirs-at-Law,    Next-of-Kin,    Owners  of  Unclaimed 
Money,"  Ijondon,  England,  p.  259.) 

There  were  MOIRS  of  Chesterberry,  seven  miles  from  the  banks  of 
the  Dee  in  Aberdeenshire,  who  sheltered,  supped,  and  housed  King 
James  VI.  of  Scotland,  who  received  a  historic  name  and  estate. 

(Note  from  A.  Moir,  303  West  Erie  St.,  Chicago,  111.) 


Mackintosh's  "Collection  of  Gaelic  Proverbs  and  Phrases, "  published 
in  1785,  mentions  one  Finley  More,  a  chieftain  of  the  Clan  of 
Farquharson  —  whose  lands  bounded  on  Aberdeenshire — who  bore 
the  Scottish  Royal  Standard  at  the  battle  of  Pinkie  in  1547. 


"GEORGE  MOIR  is  Buchan  born  and  bred,  his  birthplace  being 
ELXiaps,  Rora,  Longside.  Moir  was  a  farm  servant  for  fifteen  years. 
His  athletic  career  has  been  an  extensive  one.  For  over  thirty  years, 
Moir  has  competed  in  England  and  all  over  the  north  of  Scotland. 
He  is  an  aU-round  heavy  weight  athlete,  and  heavy  enough,  in  all 
conscience,  weighing  17  stone  (238  lbs.)  George  has  won  an  assort- 
ment of  prizes  and  medals  beyond  most.  He  was  perhaps  best  at 
caber,  wrestling  and  hammer.  In  his  prime,  Moir  was  up  against  a 
lot  of  talent.  He  had  to  compete  against  G.  H.  Johnstone,  Sandy 
Mc  CuUough,  Kenneth  Me  Rae,  G.  M.  Ross,  Anderson  of  Stirling,  and 
latterly  J.  S.  Erven;  this  being  the  case,  he  could  not  expect  to  win 
many  first  prizes  against  such  formidable  athletes.  But  he  always 
held  his  own  in  Dee  and  Donside,  and  when  visiting  Mintlaw,  which 
he  did  for  long. 

Some  of  Moir's  records  are  good,  to  show  he  was  a  class  athlete: — 
16  lb.  hammer,  109  feet;  17  lb.  hammer,  104  feet;  24  lb.  hammer,  77 
feet;  28  lb.  weight,  53  feet,  3  inches;  big  Geordie  Moir,  stands  six  feet 
two  inches,  and  weighs  17  stone.  We  always  found  him  modest  and 
manly,  in  his  travels,  and  competitions.  He  was  a  general  favorite 
with  his  contemporaries." 

(From  Buchan  Athletes  and  Games  by  Archie  Campbell,  New 
Deer,  Aberdeenshire,  in  the  "Buchan  Observer,"  July  16,  1912.) 

Marriage  certificate  of  WILLIAM  MOIR  and  JEAN  KAY,  mar- 
ried by  REV.  JOHN  MOIR,  a  brother  of  William.     This  William 
Page  269   Moir  is  father  of  David  Moir  of  Rosbury,  Mass.,  who  is  a  brother  of 
the  William  Moir  who  died  in  London  1875: — 

?Barang  of  (glaHgatn 

"That  William  Moir,  mason,  Blythswood  Ground,  and  Jean  Kay 
residing  there  —  have  been  three  separate  and  distinct  Sabbaths, 
lawfully  proclaimed  in  the  several  Parish  Churches  of  Barony  in  order 
to  marriage,  and  no  objections  offered,  is  attested  by  David  Mac 
Brayne,    session    clerk. 

I  hereby  certify  that  the  above   named   parties  were   married  by 
me  at  8  Douglas  Street,  this  30th  day  of  April,  1838. 

John   Moir,   minister  of   Congregational  church,  Hamilton." 

(Copy  of  original). 

MoiR  Geneai.ooy  395 

Of   the   family   of    ROBERT    MOIR   and  ELIZABETH  MOIR,    Pages 234 
(born  Moir)  who  lived  at  Thomhill  and  afterwards  removed  to  Denny   and  242 
in  Stirlingshire,  several  of  the  sons   were  unfortunate  in  the  loss  of 
limbs: — 

WILLIAM  lost  an  arm  while  at  work  at  Lisk's  paper  mills,  Denny,    Pagc  24« 
but  it  did  not  deter  him  from  studying  and  afterwards  becoming  one 
of  the  most  learned  of  teachers  following  the  profession  in  America 
to  which  he  removed,  becoming  head-master. 

DUNCAN  lost  a  foot  in  a  place  where  a  gasometer  had  been  moved   Page  249 
from,   but   he   being  a  blacksmith,   afterwards  became   a  proficient 

JAMES  lost  a  leg  in  Duniven  print  works  while  at  work  in  a  steam   Page  242 
boiler.     He  after  became  a  master  hand  at  gardening,  and  for  many 
years  was  beadle  of  Denny  Free  Church. 

Rev.  John  Brown  of  Haddington,  the  eminent  divine,  and  old  light 
burger,  born  1722,  died  1787,  author  of  "Self  Interpreting  Bible," 
was  grandfather  of  Dr.  John  Brown  of  Edinburgh,  author  of  "A  Jacobite 
Family,"  an  account  of  the  life  of  James  Moir  of  Stoneywood. 

Two  important  firms  doing  a  world-wide  business  —  their  goods 
selling  in  nearly  every  market,  are  the  well  known  firms  of  JOHN 
MOIR  &  SON,  Limited,  of  London,  Aberdeen,  and  Seville;  dealers 
in  jams,  jellies,  marmalades,  etc.,  and  the  firm  of  MOIR,  WILSON 
&  CO.,  of  Aberdeen,  Fish  Merchants,  and  Preserved  Provision  Manu- 
facturers. The  former  now  has  no  MOIRS  connected  with  or  inter- 
ested in  the  firm;  the  latter  MR.  MOIR  has  sold  out,  and  is  also 
unconnected  with  the  company  in  any  way,  but  has  removed  with 
his  family  to  Sydney,  Australia. 

Both  firms  still  do  business  under  the  old  name ! 

A  great  grandfather  of  WILLIAM  M.  MOIR  of  Chicago,  was  a 
tenant-farmer  on  the  entailed  estate  of  Fettemear  in  the  north  of 
Scotland,  who  became  ultimate  heirs  of  the  property.  The  nearest 
heir  came  to  prepare  his  claim  to  the  estate,  and  was  ruled  out  by  the 
court  at  Edinburgh  because  he  was  born  in  a  foreign  land;  he  traced 
up  the  record  of  the  family  and  found  that  Alexander  Moir,  the  tenant 
was  the  true  heir  of  the  property;  at  the  close  of  the  case,  the  con- 
testants, defeated,  bribed  the  session-clerk  of  the  parish  for  five  hun- 
dred pounds  to  tear  off  the  leaf  of  the  record  of  the  registry  book;  the 
session-clerk  confessed  on  his  death-bed. 

Alexander  Moir,  being  a  Protestant,  and  the  contestants  were 
Roman  Catholics.  He  joined  the  Cameronians,  staunch  and  true  to 
the  last,  and  fought  the  last  battle  of  wild  Killicrankie : 

396  MoiR  Genealogy 

"Where  the  sword  and  the  Bible,  is  seen 

Engraved  on  the  stone  where  the  heather  grows  green, 
And  the  souls  that  come  out  of  great  tribulation, 
Have  mounted  the  chariots  and  steeds  of  salvation." 

A  relative  of  his  who  was  Bishop  Moir,  left  a  Covenanter's  bible,  in 
which  the  Bishop's  and  Mrs.  Moir's  names  are  written  in  red,  the 
blood  of  the  Covenanters,  dated  1742,  and  which  is  now  in  the  hands 
of  W.  M.  Moir  of  Chicago. 

There  was  an  "S.  MORE"  among   the  followers  of  William  the 
Conqueror;  came  over  from  Normandy  with  him,  in   1050,   A.  D. 

(Vol.  1,  p.  424,  Hist,  of  Norman  Conquest.) 

In  the  famous  "House  of  Somerled"  genealogical  tree,  there  are 
a  number  of  descendants,  whose  name  is  MOIR.  It  is  from  this  house 
that  several  branches  of  the  royal  family  are  descended,  as  well  as 
several  aristocratic  families  of  Scotland  and  England. 

The  arms  of  MORE  of  Surrey,  England,  are:  azure,  on  a  cross, 
argent,  five  martlets,  sable;  crest:  on  a  ducal  coronet,  an  antelope, 

1623,  Sir  Robert  More  of  Lothesley,  in  the  parish  of  St. 
Nicholas,  near  Guldeford  in  County  Surrey,  Knight,  married  Frances, 
dau.  of  Sampson  Leonard  and  Margaret  Fines,  Baroness  D'acres, 
and  had  issue: —  Sir  Poynings  More  of  Lothesley,  Baronet,  who  mar- 
ried Elizabeth,  daughter  of  William  Fitch,  and  had  issue: — 

Sir  William  More  of  Lothesley,  Baronet,  1662. 

(From  a  visiting  of  Surrey  County  in  1662,  to  1668,  by  Sir  Edward 
Bysshe,  Knight,  King  at  Arms.) 

In  the  biographical  sketch  of  the  ancestor  of  the  More  family, 
John  More,  who  came  to  America  in  1772,  and  whose  descendants 
erected  a  fine  monument  to  his  memory  in  1892  at  Roxbury,  Delaware 
County,  New  York — it  is  stated  in  the  splendid  history  of  that  family 
(printed  in  1895,)  that  when  in  the  year  1770  he  proposed  to  Betty 
Taylor  to  marry  him,  and  told  her  he  intended  to  go  to  America,  she 
replied  by  turning  to  the  first  chapter  of  Ruth,  sixteenth  and  seven- 
teenth verses: — "And  Ruth  said,  entreat  me  not  to  leave  thee,  or  to 
return  from  following  after  thee;  for  whither  thou  goest,  I  will  go;  and 
where  thou  lodgest,  I  will  lodge;  thy  people  shall  be  my  people;  and 
thy  God  my  God;  where  thou  diest,  I  will  die,  and  there  will  I  be 
buried;  the  Lord  do  so  to  me,  and  more  also,  if  ought  but  death  part 
me  and  thee." 

MoiR  Gbneai^ogy  397 


Details  have  reached  Stonehaven  of  the  heroic  part  taken  by  a 
native  in  queUing  a  disastrous  fire,  which  broke  out  on  board  the 
Weir  Liner  "Poleru,"  an  ex-Cunarder  of  8000  tons  during  an  Atlantic 
voyage.  The  vessel  was  sulphur-laden,  and  this  made  the  grim 
struggle  to  subdue  the  flames  all  the  more  unequal.  The  chief 
engineer,  Mr.  Thomas  Moir,  belongs  to  Stonehaven,  and  on  him 
fell  the  brunt  of  the  fire-fighting.  By  the  time  Engineer  Moir 
had  got  an  effective  stream  through  the  pumps  the  fire  had  spread 
with  alarming  rapidity,  and  hour  by  hour  the  tongues  of  flame 
licked  round  the  inflamable  cargo,  and  slowly  but  surely  threatened 
the  sea-worthiness  of  the  liner. 

With  32,000  bags  of  sulphur  aboard,  and  with  a  hurricane 
blowing  to  imperil  the  fire-fighting,  the  plight  of  the  officers  and 
crew  of  the  "Poleru"  can  readily  be  imagined.  The  gale  swept  the 
men  off  their  feet  and  the  decks  were  so  aglow  as  to  be  almost 
unbearable  for  the  crew,  but  still  they  fought  with  dogged  deter- 
mination. Twice  the  "Poleru"  was  on  her  beam  ends.  For  ninety-six 
hours  the  grim  struggle  was  fought  out,  and  in  the  end  the  liner 
reached  port  battered  and  begrimed.  Chief  Engineer  Moir  played 
a  conspicuous  part  in  the  fire-fighting,  and  is  to  be  congratulated 
on  surviving  a  thrilling   experience. 

From  the  "Aberdeen  Evening  Express."  March  3,  1913. 

Hon.  Edward  Peacock's  "Index  to  English  Speaking  Students 
who  have  Graduated  at  Leyden  University."  List  was  published 
by  Longman's  Green  &  Co.,  1883: — 

Moir,  Gulielmus,  Scotto-Britannus,  29  Maii,  1676. 

(Marischal  College,  Aberdeen,  1672-76.) 
Moir,  William,  Scotto-Buchanus,  12  Dec,   1753. 

(Marischal  College,  Aberdeen,   1740-44.) 
Moore,  Henricus,  Jamaica-Britannus,  23  Mart.,  1731. 
Moore,  Henricus,  Londinensis,   27  Aug.,  1738. 
Moore,  Johannes,  Britannus,  23  Sept.,   1729. 
Moore,   Peirce,  Hybernus,  24  July.  1736. 
Moore,  Samuel,   Hybernus,  4  Oct.,  1729. 
More,  Robertus,  Anglo-Britannus,  4  Oct.,  1728. 
More,  Robertus,  Anglus,  22  Feb.  1642. 
Mure,  Guilielmus,  Scotto-Britannus,   12  Sept.,   1740. 

Iron  was  his  chest. 
Iron  was   his  door. 
His  hand  was  iron. 
And  his  heart  was  More. 
From  "Fugitive  Poetry,    1600-1876."     P.  563. 
By  J.  C.  Hutchieson.  Stoneywood,    (near  Aberdeen.) 

398  MoiR  Genealogy 


Kindly  furnished  by  R.  MURDOCH  LAWRANCE,    ESQ.,  Aberdeen 

Lord  Moore,  eldest  son  of  the  Earl  of  Drogheda,  came  of  age 
yesterday.  Maternally,  he  is  the  grandson  of  George  Moir,  LL.D., 
Sheriff  of  Stirlingshire,  a  native  of  Aberdeen,  who  is  well  remembered 
as  a  friend  of  Thomas  Carlyle  and  a  translator  of  Goethe.  Sheriff 
Moir's  wife  was  a  Tower — a  grand-daughter  of  John  Tower,  some- 
time convener  of  the  Incorporated  Trades  of  Aberdeen. 
See  page  380  The   present  and   ninth    Earl   of  Drogheda,    who  was  formerly 

known  as  Mr.  Ponsonby  William  Moore,  succeeded  his  cousin,  the 
third  and  last  Marquis  of  Drogheda,  in  the  minor  honour  in  1892. 
He  was  a  great  grandson  of  the  fifth  Earl,  and  his  grandfather  mar- 
ried Lucie,  daughter  of  James  Currie,  M.  D.,  of  Liverpool,  who  is 
known  to  fame  as  the  first  biographer  of  the  poet,  Robert  Burns 
(1759-1796).  The  earldom  dates  from  1661,  and  the  family  seat  is 
at  Moore  Abbey,  Monastervan,  County  Kildare,  Ireland. 

(From  the  "Aberdeen  Evening  Express,"  23rd  April,  1904). 


This  gentleman,  who  has  been  of  material  assistance  in  the 
compiling  of  this  book,  is  a  well-known  genealogist  and  historian  of 
Aberdeen,  Scotland.  He  has  added  to  our  book  an  immense  amount 
of  material,  especially  with  reference  to  the  city  and  shire  of  Aber- 
deen. Because  of  the  abundance  of  his  writings,  it  behooves  us  to 
give,  briefly,  an  account  of  his  genealogy. 

He  was  born  at  Aberdeen,  Scotland,  9th  August,  1879,  served 
as  a  sapper  in  the  First  Volunteer  Battalion,  Royal  Engineers, 
Aberdeen,  from  5th  September,  1898,  to  9th  January,  1902. 
Admitted  a  member  of  the  Rymour  Club  of  Edinburgh,  12th  May, 
1906,  being  proposed  by  Mr.  J.  Macbeth  Forbes,  J.  P.,  banker, 
Edinburgh;  and  seconded  by  Mr.  David  Mac  Ritchie,  C.  A.,  Edin- 
burgh. His  portrait  was  painted  by  Mr.  Allen  N.  Sutherland, 
artist,  Aberdeen,  July,  1912.  Residence,  "Cairnchina,"  23  Ashley 
Road,  Aberdeen. 

Mr.  Lawrance  has  written  a  genealogy  of  his  family,  and 
traces  his  pedigree  back  to  John  Lawrance,  who  was  born  in  1667, 
at  Barnyards  of  PhUorth,  near  Fraserburgh.  It  is  interesting  to 
note  the  long  ancestral  line,  of  which  Robert  is  the  eighth  genera- 
tion; each  branch  is  recorded,  and  full  information  is  given. 

Robert  Murdoch  Lawrance  is  a  son  of  Robert  Scott  Law- 
rance, who  was  a  master  mariner,  born  at  Peterhead,  15th  Sept., 
1845.  Died  at  Port  Said  Hospital,  13th  July,  1885,  and  was  buried 
in  the  British  cemetery  there.  His  mother  was  Mary  Ann  Mur- 
doch, eldest  daughter  of  Robert  Murdoch,  farmer,  Glack  of  Migvie, 
Tarland,  and  Isabella  Brodie. 

MoiR  Geneai,ogv  399 

The  following  poem,  by  one  of  our  clan,  appeared  March, 
1912,  in  the  Pall  Mall  Magazine:— 


Rocked  on  the  branches,  swayed 

In  cradle  wise, 
My  Lady    Honeysuckle's  couch  is  laid, 
And   as  she  sighs. 
Stirring  in   sleep, 
There  comes  to  us,  who  peep 
From  window  under  which  her    home    is   made, 
Scent  of  her  loveliness 

About  our  faces, 
Like  a  caress 
From  far-off  fairy  places ! 

R.  Charles  Moir. 

Mr.  Walter  MacGilvray  Moir,  a  native  of  Woodside  (near 
Aberdeen),  has  been  appointed  a  special  justice  of  the  peace  at 
Warrenton,  South  Africa. 

Mr.  Moir  is  a  son  of  Rev.  Alexander  Forbes  Moir,  a  native  of 
Strathdon;  he  has  had  a  very  successful  career  since  he  went  to 
South  Africa,  and  the  news  of  the  further  honour  which  has  been 
conferred  upon  him  will  give  the  warmest  satisfaction  to  his  friends 
in  Scotland.  The  appointment  is  an  important  one,  and  corresponds 
to  the  British  magistrate  or  judge. 

"Aberdeen  Evening  Express.^'  6th   March,   1913. 

Alexander  Moir,  of  the  Island  of  Saint  Croix  (Santa  Cruz, 
West  Indies),  was  the  founder  of  the  Moir  Bursary,  by  a  will 
made  14th  February,  1783.  He  left  six  hundred  pounds  to  King's 
College,  University  of  Aberdeen,  for  the  support  of  poor  students, 
in  that  College.  He  was  M.  A.,  1735,  and  M.  D,.  1783.  In  1857, 
there  were  sixteen  bursaries  on  the  foundation.  Four  received  ;^17; 
ten,  ^15;  and  two,  ^13  each. 

(Abridged  from  note  received  June,  1913,  from  R.  MurdocL- 
Lawrance,  Esq.)  

Maria  Barclay  Forbes,  wife  of  William  Moir,  labourer.  North 
of  Scotland,  Orkney  and  Shetland  Steam  Navigation  Co.,  Aber- 
deen, died  at  74  St.  Clement  Street,  Aberdeen,  19th  April,  1913, 
aged  52.     Buried  at  St.  Clement's  Churchyard,    23rd  April,  1913. 

John  Moir,  Mariner  j    are  mentioned  in  a  "List  of  Burgesses 

Robert  Moir,   Merchant     1    of  Guild   in   the  City    of  Aberdeen," 

qualified   to  vote  at  the  election   of   the   Dean   of   Guild    and    his 

assessors,  4th  November,  1833. 

The  list  contains  703  names,   and  was   printed   by  D.  Chalmers 

&  Co.,  Aberdeen. 


MoiR  Genealogy 



The  above  couplets  are  taken  from  lettering  carved  on  stone 
on  the  building  near  Stirling  Castle,  called  "Mar's  Wark,"  built  by 
John,  Earl  of  Mar,  Regent  of  Scotland,  in  1570.  The  building  also 
contains,  carved  on  masonry,  the  Royal  Arms  of  Scotland,  and  other 
important  inscriptions. 

The  atones  from  which  this  "Ludging"  was  built,  were  taken 
from  some  ecclesiastical  building,  probably  Cambuskenneth  Abbey 
which  was  demolished  about  this  time.  The  first  two  couplets  are 
on  front  of  the  building,  the  latter  is  on  the  back.  A  modern  reading 
of  the  inscriptions  follow: — 

The  more  I  stand  on  open  height, 
My  faults  more  subject  are  to  sight. 

I  pray  all  lookers  on  this  Lodging, 
With  gentle  eye  to  give  their  judging. 

Esspy  speak  forth  and  spare  not 
Consider  well,  I  care  not. 


"  GiflF  thou  desire  thy  house  lang  stand, 
And  thy  successors  bruik  thy  land, 
Above  all  things,  live  God  in  fear, 
Intromit  nought  with  wrongous  gear  ; 
Nor  conquess  nothing  wrongously, 
With  thy  neighbor  keep  charity. 
See  that  thou  pass  not  thy  estate. 
Obey  duly  thy  magistrate  ; 
Oppress  not  but  support  the  puire, 
To  help  the  common  weill,  take  care. 
Use  no  deceit,— meddle  not  with  treason. 
And  to  all  men  do  right  and  reason  ; 
Both  unto  word  and  deed,  be  true  ; 
All  kinds  of  wickedness  eschew. 
Slay  no  man,  nor  thereunto  consent, 
Be  nought  cruel,  but  patient. 
Ally  ay  in  some  guid  place 
With  noble,  honest,  godly  race. 
Be  humble,  haunt  guid  companie, — 
And  all  the  vicious  vices  flee, — 
Help  thou  thy  friend,  and  do  no  wrang — 
And  God  shall  cause  thy  house  stand  lang," 
CFrom  Barclay  of  Mather's  advice  to  his  son.     Written  circa  1500.) 


MoiR  Genbalogy  403 






406  MoiR  Genealogy 


MoiR  Genbalogy  407 


408  Mom  GBK BAI<OGY 


MoiR  Genealogy  409 




Mora  G^ifHALOGY  411 


Moir,  A.,  1251  California  Street,  San  Francisco,  California. 

Moir,  Adam,  1932  South  18th  Street,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Moir,  A.  D.,  c.  o.  W.  R  Wade,  451  Columbus  Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  A.  Ellen,  56  Aubrey  Street,  Liverpool,  England. 

Moir,  A.  E.,  364  Notre  Dame  Avenue,  Winnipeg,  Manitoba. 

Moir,  A.  F.,  C  o.  Mrs.  Black,  3  Irvine  Place,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir,  A.  F.,  (Rev.).,  Baillies  Wells,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir,  A.,  17  George  Street,  Leith,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Agnes,  49  Rue  De  Lisbonne,  Paris,  France. 

Moir,  A.  G.,  Vancouver,  British  Columbia. 

Moir,  A.  H.,  382  Highland  Avenue,  West  Somerville,  Massachusetts. 

Moir,  A.,  104  Kingston  Street,  Boston,  Mass. 

Moir,  Albert  E.,  Cashier,  Ten  Eyck  Hotel,  Albany,  New  York. 

Moir,  Albert,  603  West  124th  Street,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  Alexander,  35  Arthur  Street,  Windsor,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Alexander  Bearsden,  Fairmount,  Near  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Alexander,  255  Brunswick  Street,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  Alexander,  1  Brigen  Street,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 

Moir,  Alexander,  BurUngton,  Iowa. 

Moir  Alexander,  Couture  Hotel,  St.  Boniface,  Manitoba,  Canada. 

Moir,  Alexander,  2915  Dickson  Street,  St.  Louis,  Missouri. 

Moir,  Alexander  W.,  Eberts,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Alexander,  Faribault,  Minnesota. 

Moir,  Alexander,  Brae,  Kintore,  Aberdeenshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Alexander,  Holland  Bush,  Glassel,  Aberdeenshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Alexander,  North  Artrochie,  Ellon,  Aberdeenshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Alexander,  Waterton,  Ellon,  Aberdeenshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Alexander  M.,  c.  o.  Free  Press,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Alexander  G.,  Temple,  New  Brunswick. 

Moir,  Alexander,  419  Hancock  Street,  Quincy,  Mass. 

Moir,  Alexander,  6452  Kimbark  Avenue,  Chicago,  Illinois. 

Moir,  Alexander,  123  Lauriston  Place,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Alexander,  Nethercarse,  Gargunnock,  Stirlingshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Alexander  J.,  6  Newton  Avenue,  Worcester,  Mass. 

Moir,  Alexander,  Nichol,  Wellington  County,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Alexander,  Oelwein,  Iowa. 

Moir,  Alexander,  Oquawka,  Illinois. 

Moir,  Alexander,  Perry,  Oklahoma. 

Moir,  Alexander,  Rainy  River,  Ontario. 

MOIR  Grnbalogy  413 

Moir,  Alexander  R.,  Craig  Dhu,  Kelty,  Fife,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Alexander,  40  River  Street,  Newark,  New  Jersey, 

Moir,  Alexander,  Snipfield,  Coply,  Inach,  Aberdeenshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Alexander,  Stanley,  York  County,  New  Brunswick. 

Moir,  Alexander,  25  Starr  Street,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  Alexander  T.,  Roanoke,  Virginia. 

Moir,  Alexander,  815  Walnut  Street,  St.  Louis,  Missouri. 

Moir,  Alexander  W.,  Dawn  Mills,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Alexander,  West  Quincy,  Mass. 

Moir,  Alexander,  Winnipeg  Medical  College,  Winnipeg,  Manitoba. 

Moir,  Alexander  A.  S.,  50  Ashley  Road,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Alexander,  3  Hilton  Street,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Alexander,  938  Euclid  Avenue,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 

Moir,  Alexander,  48  French  Street,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Alexander  G.,  50  Congress  Street,  Boston,  Mass. 

Moir,  Alexander  G.,  40  Water  Street,  Boston,  Mass. 

Moir,  Alexander,  50  Henry  Street,  Victoria,  British  Columbia. 

Moir,  Alexander,  51  Hoadley  Street,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 

Moir,  Alexander,  c.  o.  John  Thompson  Grocery  Co.,  Denver,  Colorado. 

Moir,  Alexander  L.,  Fergus,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Alexander,  1716  Cordova,  Los  Angeles,  California. 

Moir,  Alexander  M.,  R.  1220  South  5th  St.,  Denver,  Colorado. 

Moir,  Alexander,  125  Spruce  Street,  Paterson,  New  Jersey. 

Moir,  Alexander,  Township  of  Nichol,  Wellington  Co.,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Alexander,  484  Convent  Avenue,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  Alexander,  98  West  Street,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Alice,  599  Young  Street,  Winnipeg,  Manitoba. 

Moir,  Allen  J.  G.,  Brevet  Major,  The  Royal  Scots,  War  Department,  London,  England. 

Moir,  Andrew,  Cavite,  South  Dakota. 

Moir,  Andrew,  Eugene,  Oregon. 

Moir,  Andrew,  Hensall,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Andrew  J.,  285  High   St.,  West  Detroit,  Michigan. 

Moir,  Andrew,  133  Morris  St.,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  Andrew,  5  South  Oxford  Street,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Andrew,  351V^  Stark  Street,  Portland,  Oregan. 

Moir,  Andrew,  Wardhouse  Mains,  Insch,  Aberdeenshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Andrew,  303  West  Erie  Street,  Chicago,  Illinois. 

Moir,  A.,  Newport,  Rhode  Island. 

Moir,  Angus,  5942  Ellsworth  Avenue,  Pittsburg,  Pennsylvania. 

Moir,  Ann,  584  Twentieth  St.,  Oakland  California. 

Moir,  Anna  M.,  584  Twentieth  Street,  Oakland,  California. 

Moir,  Arm,  5827  Lasalle,  Chicago,  111. 

Moir,  Annette  E.,  5827  La.salle,  Chicago,  Illinois. 

Moir,  Annie  L.,  528  Kennedy,  Oakland,  California. 

Moir,  Annie,  622  Valdez,  Oakland,  California. 

Moir,  Archibald,  145  Abbott  Avenue,  Westmount,  Montreal,  Canada. 

Moir,  Archibald,  298  Byres  Road,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Archibald,  M.  D.,  C.  M.,  10  Hartford  Street,  Newton  Highlands,  Mass. 

Moir,  Archibald,  M.  D.,  Dunnville,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Archibald,  M.  D.,  Sick  Children's  Hospital,  Toronto,  Canada. 

Moir,  Archibald,  Northfield,  Blairlogie,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Archibald,  76  Somerville  Avenue,  Westmount,  Montreal,  Canada. 

Moir,  Archibald,  360  Townhill  Road,  Burnbrae,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  A.,  Risdon  Iron  Works,  San  Franscico,  California. 

Moir,  Arthur  H.,  455  Elgin  Avenue,  Winnipeg,  Manitoba. 

Moir,  Arthur  H.,  382A  Highland  Avenue,  West  Somerville,  Mass, 

Moir,  Arthur  H.,  19  Milk  St.,  Boston,  Mass, 

Moir,  Arthur,  J.,  Ten  Eyck  Hotel,  Albany,  New  York. 

Moir,  A.,  15  W.  Richmond  Street,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Barbara  H.,  56  Aubrey  St.,  Liverpool,  England. 

Moir,  Catherine  E.,  Port  Hojje,  Ontario. 

Moir  «fe  Co.,  Limited,  4  West  Regent  Street,  Glasgow.  Scotland. 

414  MoiR  Geneai,ogy 

Moir  &  Co.,  81  Saint  Vincent  St.,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir  &  Co.,  26  Schoolhill,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir  &  Co.,  360  Townhill  Road,  Bumbrae,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Charles  A.,  8  Dalhousie  Terrace,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Charles  B.,  Lome  Terrace,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  Charles  C,  830  Massachiisetts  Avenue,  Cambridge,  Mass. 

Moir,  Charles  E.,  85  State  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 

Moir,  Charles  E.,  36  West  117th  St.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  Charles  G.,  326  Princeton  Place,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Moir,  Charles  H.,  4A  Avenida,  Sur  No.  3,  Gautemala,  Central  America. 

Moir,  Charles  M.,  AUoa,  Clackmananshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Charles,  M.  D.,  2403  Third  St.,  Louisville,  Kentucky. 

Moir,  Charles  R.,  Roanoke,  Virginia. 

Moir,  Charles  S.,  33  Bigelow  Street,  Cambridge,  Mass. 

Moir,  Charles  W.,  626  Spadina  Avenue,  Toronto,  Canada. 

Moir,  Charlotte,  35  Arthur  St.,  Windsor,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Christina,  584  Twentieth  St.,  Oakland,  California. 

Moir,  C.  Lewis,  M.  D.,  2403  Third  St.,  Louisville,  Kentucky. 

Moir,  Colin,  Hensall,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Crawford  B.,  2  Madison  Court,  Roxbury,  Mass. 

Moir,  CybeUa  S.,  Rockymount,  Virginia. 

Moir,  Daniel,  St.  Marj-'s,  Ontajio. 

Moir,  David,  Ashington,  Northumberland,  England. 

Moir,  David,  56  Aubrey  Street,  Liverpool,  England. 

Moir,  David,  Auld  House,  East  Killbride,  Ayrshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  David  A.,  45  Mount  Vernon  St.,  Fitchburg,  Mass. 

Moir,  David  A.,  (Rev.),  Hensall,  Ontario. 

Moir,  David  A.,  R.  1115  Columbine,  Denver,  Colorado. 

Moir,  David  B.,  145  Abbott  Avenue,  Westmoimt,  Montreal,  Canada. 

Moir,  David,  Berrydrum,  Comhill,  Banffshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  David,  Esq.,  61  Ladysmith  Road,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Moir,  David,  Gateside,  Balfron,  Balfron  Station,  Stirlingshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  David  G.,  Little  Cascapedia.,  Province  of  Quebec,  Canada. 

Moir,  David  G.,  Vancouver,  British  Columbia. 

Moir,  Da^-id,  Jr.,  101  Maple  Street,  Buffalo,  New  York. 

Moir,  David,  Jr.,  622  Valdez,  Oakland,  California. 

Moir,  David,  23  Ladysmith  Road,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Moir,  David,  Lednabra,  Balfron  Station,  Stirlingshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Da^-id,  115  Linden  Street,  Yonkers,  New  York. 

Moir,  David,  19  Lockwood  Avenue,  Yonkers,  New  York. 

Moir,  David,  31  McAslia  Street,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  David,  2  Madison  Court,  Roxburj',  Mass. 

Moir,  David  W.,  14  Cameron  Street,  Toronto,  Canada. 

Moir,  David,  101  Maple  Street,  Biiffalo,  New  York. 

Moir,  David  W.,  Erie,  Pa. 

Moir,  David,  WoUesay  Lane,  Toronto,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Dewitt  C,  Walkertown,  North  Carolina. 

Moir,  Douglas,  40  Morningside  Avenue,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  Drucilla,  3283  Highland  Ave.,  SomerviUe,  Mass. 

Moir,  D.,  131  Dundee  Street,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Dugald  A.,  35  Arthur  Street,  Windsor,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Duncan  R.,  4  Dnimoyne  Terrace,  Govan,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Duncan,  465  Paisley  Road,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Edgar  P.,  Greensboro,  North  Carolina. 

Moir,  Edmund  H.,  Eberts,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Edward  J.  Esq.,  Philadelphia.  Pa, 

Moir,  Edward  H.,  215  West  23rd  St.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  Edward  J.  2  Lauriston  Park,  Edinbiirgh,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Edward,  MarceUus,  New  York. 

Moir,  Edward,  450  Old  South  Building,  Boston,  Mass. 

Moir,  Edwin,  Davieland,  Giffnock,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Edwin  L.,  Roanoke,  Virginia. 

MoiR  Gbnealogy  415 

Moir,  E.  F.,  61  Argyle  Place,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir,  E.  F.,  56  Aubrey  Street,  Liverpool,  EnKland. 

Moir,  Elizabeth,  4  Bridge  Street,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Elizabeth,  Brock,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Elizabeth,  Layton,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Elizabeth,  .518  Lockwood  St.,  Alpena,  Michigan. 

Moir,  Elizabeth,  Sunnidale  Corners,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Elsie,  Aged  Women's  Home,  Baltimore,  Maryland. 

Moir,  E.,  4  and  .5  North  Bank  Street,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Ernest  W.,  507  Fifth  Avenue,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  Ernest  W.,  10  Victoria  St.,  Westminster,  London,  England. 

Moir,  Forbes,  146  Buchanan  St.,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Forbes  B.,  West  Garafraxa,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Forbes,  Spire^j,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Frances,  M.  D.,  Prestia,  Soccondie,  West  Africa. 

Moir,  Francis,  833  Michigan  Street,  Buffalo,  New  York. 

Moir,  Frank,  214  Swan  Street,  Buffalo,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  Franklin  T.,  841  Madison  Ave.,  Scranton,  Pa. 

Moir,  Frani,  1527  West  27th  St.,  Los  Angeles,  California. 

Moir,  Frank,  229  West  148th  St.,  New  York. 

Moir,  Frederick  R.,  Calico  Printer,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Frederick,  L.  M.,  16  Kensington  Gate,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Fred,  303  West  Erie  Street,  Chicago,  Illinois. 

Moir,  Frederick  W.  F.,  56  Aubrey  Street,  Liverpool,  England. 

Moir,  F.  W.,  M.  D.,  Jesmond,  West  Cults,  England. 

Moir,  Gavin,  Huntsville,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Gavin,  Kent,  Minnesota. 

Moir,  Gavin  R.,  c.  o.  Boss  Company,  Quebec,  Canada. 

Moir,  George,  584  20th  St.,  Oakland,  California. 

Moir,  George,  142  Adelaide  Ave.,  Providence,  Rhode  Island. 

Moir,  George  A.,  54  George  IV.  Bridge,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Moir,  George  A.,  R.  F.  D.  No.  2,  Orange  City,  Iowa. 

Moir,  George  Anderson,  36  Buccleuch  Place,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Moir,  George,  Ashington,  Northumberland,  England. 

Moir,  George  A.,  Temple,  York  County,  New  Brunswick. 

Moir,  George,  Bellrock,  Ontario,  Canada. 

Moir,  George  B.,  357  Lasalle  Ave.,  Chicago,  Illinois. 

Moir,  Goerge,  Burngraines,  Methlick,  Aberdeenshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  George  B.,  1733  Washington  Street,  Boston,  Mass. 

Moir,  George  B.,  623  Yakima  St.,  Tacoma,  Washington. 

Moir,  George  E.,  Cabano,  P.  Q  ,  Canada. 

Moir,  George  E.,  New  Richmond,  P.  Q.,  Canada. 

Moir,  George  E.,  Priceville,  P.  Q.,  Canada. 

Moir,  George  E.,  1230  Main  St.,  Dubuque,  Iowa. 

Moir,  George,  131  West  Regent  St.,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  George,  Fornety,  Ellon,  Aberdeenshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  George,  Fedderate,  New  Deer,  Aberdeenshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  George  F.,  61  Prince  Regent  St.,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Moir,  George,  General  Delivery,  Brooklyn,  New  York. 

Moir,  George,  Gray  Street,  The  Lodge,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir,  George,  631  Holburn  Street,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Goerge,  10  Home  Street,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 

Moir,  George,  Huntsville,  Ontario. 

Moir,  George,  Jackson  Street,  Dubuque,  Iowa. 

Moir,  George  J.,  Des  Moines,  Iowa. 

Moir,  George  J.,  Eldora,  Iowa. 

Moir,  George,  14  Keith  Street,  Hamilton,  Ontario. 

Moir,  George  K.,  (Rev.)  The  Melanesian  Mission,  Florida,  (British)  Solomon  Islands,  Via 

Sidney,  New  South  Wales. 
Moir,  George,  357  Lasalle  Avenue,  Chicago,  lUinos. 
Moir,  George  L.,  1380  Nelson  Avenue,  New  York  City. 
Moir,  George  L.,  447  West  54th  St.,  New  York  City. 


Moir,  George,  1025  Folaom  St.,  San  Francisco,  California. 

Moir,  George,  M.  D.,  Zurich,  Ontario. 

Moir,  George,  9  Mid  Street,  Clacknaharry,  Inverness,  Scotland. 

Moir,  George  M.,  14  Rosemeath  Place,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Moir,  George,  c.  o.  Mrs.  Hugh  Armour,  Regina,  Saskatchawan. 

Moir,  George  M.,  Sunnidale-Corners,  Ontario. 

Moir,  George,  Oil  Springs,  Ontario. 

Moir,  George  O.,  4  Leslie  Street,  Pollokshields,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  George,  Rainy  River,  Ontario,  Canada. 

Moir,  George  R.,  Milner,  British  Columbia. 

Moir,  George  R.,  Kent,  Minnesota. 

Moir,  George,  12  Royal  Crescent,  Queen's  Park,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  George  R.,  R.  F.  D.  No.  2,  Orange  City,  Iowa. 

Moir,  George  S.,  4722  East  9th  Street,  Kansas  City,  Missouri. 

Moir,  George  S.,  Knockhall.  Newburgh,  Aberdeenshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  George  S.,  33  Miller  Street,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir,  George,  626  Spadina  Avenue,  Toronto,  Canada. 

Moir,  George,  121  Spruce  Street,  Paterson,  New  Jersey. 

Moir,  George,  Sunnidale-Corners,  Ontario. 

Moir,  George,  41  Mount  Street,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir,  George,  Traverse  City,  Michigan. 

Moir,  George,  Virden,  Manitoba. 

Moir,  George,  Westmount,  Dullatur,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  George.  131  West  Regent  St.,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  George  W.,  285  High  Street,  Detroit,  Michigan. 

Moir,  Gertrude,  Blaine,  Maine. 

Moir,  G.  F.  B.,  629  Railway  Exchange,  Chicago,  Illinois. 

Moir,  Grace  A.,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Guy,  146  Buchanan  Street,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Harry  G.,  Wakefield,  Nebraska. 

Moir,  Harriet,  1120  Washington  Ave.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  Harry  C,  150  Dearborn  St.,  Chicago,  Illinois. 

Moir,  Harry  C,  Manager,  Hotel  Morrison,  Chicago,  Illinois. 

Moir,  Harry,  Winnipeg,  Manitoba. 

Moir,  Harry  M.,  Stuart,  Virginia. 

Moir,  Harry,  5I8I/2  Seventh  St.,  Oakland,  California. 

Moir,  Harry  S.,  Acadian  Hotel,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  H.,  256  Broadway,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  H.  D.,  175  South  Ninth  Street,  Brooklyn,  New  York. 

Moir,  Helen  F.,  841  Madison  Avenue,  Scranton,  Pa. 

Moir,  Helen,  419  Hancock  St.,  Quincy,  Mass. 

Moir,  Helen,  Long  Island  College  Hospital,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Moir,  Helen,  30  Starr  St.,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  Helen,  40  Starr  St.,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  Helen,  Woodside,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Herbert,  General  Post  Office,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Herbert  M.,  Roanoke,  Virginia. 

Moir,  Henry,  346  Broadway,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  Henry  D.,  195  Avenue  B.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  Henry,  Leaksville,  Virginia. 

Moir,  Henry,  London,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Henry  M.,  Stuart,  Virginia. 

Moir,  Henry  R.,  2639  California  St.,  San  Francisco,  California. 

Moir,  H.  L.,  Rev.,  St.  John's  Church,  Montrose,  Scotland. 

Moir,  H.  L.,  28  Somerville  Ave.,  Westmount,  Montreal,  Canada. 

Moir,  Hugh,  55  Gardner  St.,  Partick,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Hugh,  15  May  St.,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  Hugh,  360  Townhill  Road,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Hugh  W.,  M.  B.,  Ch.  B.,  24  Heyburn  Crescent,  Partick,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Isabella,  DunnvUle,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Isabella,  419  Hancock  St.,  Quincy,  Mass. 

Moir,  Isabella,  Hay,  Huron  County,  Ontario. 


Moir,  Isabella  J.  H.,  Braeside  Cottage,  St.  Mawes,  Cornwall,  England. 

Moir,  Isabella,  518  Lockwood  St.,  Alpena,  Michigan. 

Moir,  Isabella,  Newtonville,  Mass. 

Moir,  Isabella,  Toronto  University,  Toronto,  Canada. 

Moir,  J.,  Aden  Villa,  Elgin,  Elginshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  J.,  Sydney,  Australia. 

Moir,  James  A.,  Elora,  Ontario. 

Moir,  James,  Lenzie,  Cadder,  Lanarkshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  James,  B.  Sc,  56  Aubrey  Street,  Liverpool,  England. 

Moir,  James,  9  Cheever  Street,  Hamilton,  Canada. 

Moir,  James  C,  7  Lotta  St.,  Dumbarton,  Scotland. 

Moir,  James,  137  Devon  Street,  Roxbury,  Mass. 

Moir,  James,  Midmar,  Aberdeenshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  James,  Elora,  Ontario. 

Moir,  James,  Balnain,  Grantown-on-Spey,  Elginshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  James,  Park  of  Auchintroig,  Balfron  Station,  Stirlingshire,  Scotland . 

Moir,  James  G.,  63  Broad  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 

Moir,  James  G.,  Erie,  Pa. 

Moir,  James,  Harbor  Springs,  Michigan. 

Moir,  James,  Hon.,  Scranton,  Pa. 

Moir,  James,  Huntsville,  Ontario. 

Moir,  James  M.  A.,  Kinharrochie,  Ellon,  Aberdeenshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  James,  Ponsonby  Road,  Auckland,  New  Zealand. 

Moir,  James  M.,  Hillfoot,  Dollar,  Clackmananshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  James  M.,  M.  A.,  7  Kelvinside  Terrace,  W.,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  James,  Oil  Springs,  Ontario,  Canada. 

Moir,  James,  26  Pamrapo  Ave.,  Jersey  City,   New  Jersey. 

Moir,  James  P.,  D.  S.  O.,  Royal  Engineers,  Aldershot,  England. 

Moir,  James  S.,  841  Madison  Ave,  Scranton,  Pa. 

Moir,  James  S.,  Walkerstown,  North  Carolina. 

Moir,  James  S.,  Vancouver,  British  Columbia. 

Moir,  James  T.,  Andover,  South  Dakota. 

Moir,  James,  Toronto,  Ontario. 

Moir,  James,  443  Victoria  Road,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  James  W.,  Olewein,  Iowa. 

Moir,  James  W.,  19  Edinburgh  Street,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  James,  Well  Bank  Cottage,  Campsie  Glen,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  James,  26  West  Tenth  St.,   New  York  City. 

Moir,  James,  599  Young  Street,  Winnipeg,  Manitoba. 

Moir,  Janet  D.,  2  Madison  Court,  Roxbury,  Mass. 

Moir,  J.  A.,  Yarmouth,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  J.  C,  Blaine,  Maine. 

Moir,  Miss  Jean,  Layton,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Jean,  30  Starr  Street,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  Jepie,  Winston-Salem,  North  Carolina. 

Moir,  Jesse,  377  Sleeker  St.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  Jessie  F.,  98  Falcon  St.,  East  Bo.ston,  Mass. 

Moir,  Jessie  I.,  56  Aubrey  Street,  Liverpool,    England. 

Moir,  J.,  Rock  Valley,  Iowa. 

Moir,  Johanna  J.,  1851  Clay  Street,  Saint  Joseph,  Mo. 

Moir,  John  A.,  2.55  Brunswick  St.,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  John  A.,  Little  Caacapedia,  Province  of  Quebec,  Canada. 

Moir,  John  A.,  (Rev.)  Dunnville,  Ontario. 

Moir,  John,  Blaine,  Maine. 

Meir,  John,  Carse  of  Mac  Ormiston,  Thornhill,  Perthshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  John  D.,  526  Third  Ave.,  S.  E.,  Minneapolis,  Minnesota. 

Moir,  John  D.,  3frl  Notre  Dame  Ave.,  Winnipeg,  Manitoba. 

Moir,  John,  Dunnville,  Ontario. 

Moir,  John,  Exeter,  Ontario. 

Moir,  John  E.,  Wakefield,  Nebraska. 

Moir,  John  F.,  Elora,  Ontario. 

Moir,  John  G.,  175  South  Ninth  St.,  Brooklyn,  New  York. 

418  MoiR  GenbaIvOGY 

Moir,  John  G.,  Wakefield,  Nebraska. 

Moir,  John,  200  High  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 

Moir,  John,  Holland,  Manitoba. 

Moir,  John,  Hurondale,  Ontario. 

Moir,  John  J.,  Glendinning,  Manitoba. 

Moir,  John,  Kinnellar,  Scotland, 

Moir,  John  M.,  56  Aubrey  St.,  Liverpool,  England. 

Moir,  John  M.,  Graniteville,  P.  Q.,  Canada. 

Moir,  John,  81  Morris  Street,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  John  Munro,  (M.  D.)  Inverness,  Scotland. 

Moir,  John,  93  Northcote  Avenue,  Toronto,  Canada. 

Moir,  John,  Oakland,  California. 

Moir,  John,  Postville,  Iowa. 

Moir,  John,  2  Railway  Terrace,  Inverness,  Scotland. 

Moir,  John  S.,  Fergus,  Ontario. 

Moir,  John  S.,  Aoirenbeg,  Eglinton  Road,  Ardrossan,  Scotland., 

Moir,  John  S.,  342  Mammoth  Road,  Lowell,  Mass. 

Moir,  John,  30  Starr  Street,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  John,  690  Toronto  St.,  Winnipeg,  Manitoba. 

Moir,  John,  644  Tremont  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 

Moir,  John  W.,  2944  Locust  Street,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Moir,  John  W.,  841  Madison  Ave.,  Scranton,  Pa. 

Moir,   John,   599  Young  Street,  Winnipeg,  Manitoba. 

Moir,  Joseph  D.,  Turnerville,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Joseph  M.,  1819  Emerson  Avenue,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 

Moir,  J.  W.,  Alloa,  Clackmananshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  J.  W.,  Vancouver,  British  Columbia. 

Moir,  Katherine,  Hensall,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Katie,  14  West  Ninety-Fourth  St.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  Kirkwood  &  Co.,  75  Virginia  St.,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Laura,  Cookstown,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Laura  M.,[23  WeUington  St.,  Brantford,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Lavinia  J.,  Harooiirt,  New  Bruns-wick. 

Moir,  Leopold  H.,  250  Lockman  Street,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  Leslie  G.,  Buckland,  Betchworth,  Surrey,  England. 

Moir,  Lily  J.,  Eberts,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Lindsay,  Vancouver,  British  Columbia. 

Moir,  Louise,  Hensall,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Louise,  285  High  St.,  West  Detroit,  Michigan. 

MoLr,  L.,  Vancouver,  British  Colximbia. 

Moir,  Mabel,  Oquawka,  Illinois. 

Moir,  MadeUne  A.,  6452  Kimbark  Avenue,  Chicago,  lU. 

Moir,  Margaret  B.,  7  Kelvinside  Terrace,  W.,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Margaret,  Canfield,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Margaret,  Hope  Street,  Thomlea,  BeUshill,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Margaret  21  Johnson  Street,  Lynn,  Mass. 

Moir,  Marguerite,  1  Mountfort  Street,  Boston,  Mass. 

Moir,  Margaret  R.,  7  Kelvinside  Terrace,  W.,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Margaret,  Sydney,  Australia. 

Moir,  Maria  A.,  30  Huxley  St.,  Toronto,  Ontario. 

MoHT,  Marie,  10  West  Sixteenth  St.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  Marion  2  East  120  Street,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  Marion  W.,  1819  Emerson  Ave.,  S.,  Minneapolis,  Minnesota. 

Moir,  Mark,  Eberts,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Mark  W.,  Eldora,  Iowa. 

Moir,  Martha  A.,  115  Linden  St.,  Yonkers,  New  York. 

Moir,  Martha,  Oquawka,  Illinois. 

Moir,  Mary  A.,  Barrie  College  Institute,  Barrie,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Mary  A.,  Canfield,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Mary  A.,  DunnvUle,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Mary  A.,  Rockymount,  Virginia. 

Moir,  Mary  B.,  2  Madison  Court,  Roxbury, 































































MoiR  Gknbalogy  419 

Mary  E.,  Elora,  Ontario. 

Mary  E.,  Graniteville,  P.  Q.,  Canada. 

Mary  E.,  Layton,  Ontario. 

Mary  E.,  Roanoke,  Virginia. 

Mary  J.,  Alloa,  Clack inananshire,  Scotland. 

Mary,  599  Young  St.,  Winnipeg,  Manitoba. 

Mattie,  38  Elm  St.,  Quincy,  Mass. 

Maud,  191  Bank  Street,  Newark,  New  Jersey. 

Milton,  Saint  Mary's,  Ontario. 

Mitchell  Archibald,  Park  of  Keir,  Dunblane,  Perthshire,  Scotland. 

Miss,  Barrie,  Ontario. 

Miss,  57  Bedford  Place,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Miss,  Beechgrove  Place  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Miss,  18  Beechgrove  Street,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Miss,  Danvers,  Massachusetts. 

Misses,  29  Belvidere  Court,  Aberdeen.'Scotland. 

Misses,  Benvue,  Kilcreggan,  Dumbartonshire,  Scotland. 

Miss,  651  George  Street,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Miss,  33  Manor  Place,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Miss,  Port  Hope,  Ontario. 

Miss,  45  Powis  Terrace,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Miss,  146A  West  Regent  St.,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Mr.,  Airth  Mains,  Airth,  Larbert,  Scotland. 

Mr.,  Barrie,  Ontario. 

Mr.,  Lovat,  Ontario. 

Mr.,  Paisley,  Ontario. 

Mr.,  Campden,  Ontario. 

Mr.,  Exeter,  Ontario. 

Mr.,  Hotel  Moir,  Racine,  Wisconsin. 

Mr.,  c.  o.  J.  R.  Booth,  Ottawa,  Ontario. 

Mr.  M.,  68  Watt  St.,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Mr.,  Rock  Valley,  Iowa. 

Mrs.,  4  Bridge  St.,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Mrs.,  30  Buccleuch  Place,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Mrs.,  52  Castle  Street,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Mrs.  C,  410  Great  Western  Road,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Mrs.,  4  Cockburn  St.,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Mrs.,  Haugh,  Aberlour,  Banffshire,  Scotland. 

Mr.,  Sidney,  Australia. 

Mrs.,  Kinear  Road.  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Mrs.,  52  Loanhead  Terrace,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Mrs.  L.  W.  T.  R.,  607  St.  Antoine,  Westmount,  Montreal,  Canada. 

Mrs.  M.  E.,  127  N.  Market  St.,  Wichita,  Kansas. 

Mr.,  Smith's  Falls,  Ontario. 

Mrs.  M.  J.,  22  Barony  St.,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Mrs.  M.  J.,  53  Harrison  Street,  East  Orange,  New  Jersey. 

Mrs.,  8  Minister  Lane,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Richard,  Toronto,  Ontario. 

Mrs.  R.  T.,  Schenectady,  New  York. 

Mrs.  S.,  145  Abbott  Street,  Westmount,  Montreal,  Canada. 

Mrs.  T.,  47  Gardiner  St.,  Partick,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Mrs.,  3  Trafalgar  Street,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Mrs.,  68  Whitehall  Road,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Mr.,  Otterburne,  Manitoba. 

Mr.,  (Teacher),  Minnessing,  Ontario 

Mr.,  Truro,  Nova  Scotia. 

Mr.,  c,  o.  Water  Bailiff,  Montrose,  Scotland. 

Munro,  M.  D.,  4  Ardross  Terrace,  Inverness,  Scotland. 

Myrtle  A.,  6452  Kimbark  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

Nettie  L.,  310  Pearl  St.,  Sioux  City,  Iowa. 

Nettie  L.,  Wakefield,  Nebraska. 

Oswald  B.,  Hillhead,  Lasswade,  Scotland. 

420  MoiR  Genealogy 

Moir,  P.  C,  19  Manafield,  Montreal,  Canada.  a 

Moir,  Percy,  Cavite,  Philippine  Islands.  ^ 

Moir,  Penross,  Kingeoroft,  Jedburgh,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Peter,  813  Collier  St.,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Moir,  Peter,  Davieland,  Giffnock,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Peter,  Hay,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Peter,  Hensall,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Peter,  Hurondale,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Peter  L.,  42  Stanley  Place,  San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Moir,  Peter,  Ponsonby  Road,  Auckland,  New  Zealand. 

Moir,  Peter,  New  Grange,  Kincaldrum,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Peter,  Orange  City,  Iowa. 

Moir,  Peter,  1932  South  18th  St.,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Moir,  Peter,  Usbome,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Peter,  462  Thames  St.,  Newport,  Rhode  Island. 

Moir,  Peter,  Waterside,  Dunblane,  Perthshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Peter,  2  West  Richmond  St.,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Peter  W.,  Exeter,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Richard,  DunnviUe,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Richard,  Queensville,  Ontario. 

Moir,  R.  Leslie,  Turner  Hospital,  Leith,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Robert  A.,  LeaksvUle,  North  Carolina. 

Moir,  Robert  A.,  Mount  Whatley,  New  Brunswick. 

Moir,  Robert,  2130   Arap,  Denver,  Colorado. 

Moir,  Robert  A.,  R.  F.  D.  No.  3,  Reidsville,  North  Carolina. 

Moir,  Robert  A.,  5  Thompson,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  Robert,  424  Bay  Ridge  Avenue,  Brooklyn,  New  York. 

Moir,  Robert,  Boisavain,  Manitoba,  Canada. 

Moir,  Robert,  4  Dnimoyne  Terrace,  Govan,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Robert,  74  Comely  Park,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Robert  E.,  285  High  Street,  Detroit,  Michigan. 

Moir,  Robert,  (Foreman,)  15  Chestnut  Row,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Robert,  Glendin,  Minnesota. 

Moir,  Robert,  Graniteville  House,  Rubislaw,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Robert,  H.,  Custom's  Department,  Ottawa,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Robert,  Hensall,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Robert  H.,  47  Muirpark  Gardens,  Partick,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Robert  H.,  53  Vesey  Street,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  Robert,  Jr.,  Oquawka,  Illinois. 

Moir,  Robert,  Kimball,  South  Dakota. 

Moir,  Robert,  2  Little  Belmont  St.,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Robert,  Mill  of  Ardoch,  Brace,  Perthshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Robert,  Rainy  River,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Robert,  Reidsville,  North  Carolina. 

Moir,  Robert,  59  Ritchie  St.,  West  Kilbride,  Ayrshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Robert,  Rubislaw  Den,  South,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Robert,  Tarty,  Ellon,  Aberdeenshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Robert,  Tottenham,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Robert,  44  Vamum  Street,  Lowell,  Mass. 

Moir,  Robert  W.  C.  A.,  Little  Cascapedia,  P.  Q.,  Canada. 

Moir,  Robert,  2052  West  24th  Place,  Chicago,  Illinois. 

Moir,  Robert  W.,  Aberchirder,  Banfishire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Robert  W.  H.,  New  Westminster,  Canada. 

Moir  Robert  W.,  40  N.  Market  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 

Moir,  Robert  W.,  Marshall  Cottage,  Lyle  Road,  Greenock,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Robert,  W.  78  Woodbine  St.,  Auburndale,  Mass. 

Moir,  R.  T.,  Schenectady,  New  York. 

Moir,  Russell,  Jr.,  LeMars,  Iowa. 

Moir,  S.  A.,  36  Broughton  St.,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Moir,  S.  Alexander,  M.  D.,  Francisco,  North  Carolina. 

Moir,  Sarah,  Fergus,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Sarah,  134  West  165th  St.,  Bronx,  New  York  City. 

MOIR  Genbalogv  ^21 

Moir,  S.,  c.  o.  George  R.  ^loir,  Milner,  BritiKh  Columbia. 

Moir,  S.  H.,  Rowanbrae,  Cottage,  Garelochead,  Dumbartonshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Son  &  Co.,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  Thomas  A.,  56  Aubrey  St.,  Liverpool,  England. 

Moir,  Thomas,  9  Broomfield  Terrace,  Springburn,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  Thomas,  Eberts,  Ontario,  Canada. 

Moir,  Thomas,  97  Hamilton  St.,  Albany,  New  York. 

Moir,  Thomas,  2  Heathfield  Terrace,  Springburn,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,   Thomas,   HensaU,   Ontario. 

Moir,  Thomas,  412  Leavenworth  St.,  San  Franci-sco,  California. 

Moir,  Thomas  M.,  115  Linden  St.,  Yonkers,  New  York. 

Moir,  Thomas  R.,  Walkerstown,  North  Carolina. 

Moir,  Virgil  P.,  Winston-Salem,  North  Carolina. 

Moir,  Wallace,  1122  Fifty-Seventh  St.,  Brooklyn,  New  York. 

Moir,  Wallace,  Scranton,  Pennsylvania. 

Moir,  Walter  G.,  Sunnidale-Corners,  Ontario. 

Moir,  Walter  McGilvray,  Warrenton,  South  Africa. 

Moir,  W.,  210  BuiUngton  St.,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  W.  C,  Ariel,  Ontario. 

Moir,  W.  C,  10  Jubilee  St.,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  W.  D.,  Lilybank,  Cardwell  Road,  Greenock,  Scotland. 

Moir,  W.  H.,  Antigo,  Wisconsin. 

Moir,  Wilfred  S.,  Scranton,  Pensylvania. 

Moir,  Wilfred,  214  Swan  St.,  Buffalo,  New  York. 

Moir,  William  A.,  2169  Charles  St.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  William  A.,  Dawn-Mills,  Ontario,  Canada. 

Moir,  William  A.,  506  East  163rd  St.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  William,  Alloa,  Clackmananshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  William,  73  Argyle  Place,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir,  William  A.,  2037  Second  Avenue,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  WUliam,  Ashington,  Northumberland,  England. 

Moir,  William,  81  Atlantic  St.,  Jersey  City,  New  Jersey. 

Moir,  William,  1046-1048  Avenue  D,  Bayonne,  New  Jersey. 

Moir,  William,  10  Twenty-Second  Avenue,  Paterson,  New  Jersey. 

Moir,  William,  Yarmouth,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  William,  645  Barton  St.,  East  Hamilton,  Ontario,  Canada. 

Moir,  William,  Belgrave  Sq.,  Darwin,  Lancaster,  England. 

Moir,  William  B.,  53  Bothwell  St.,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  William,  307  Brunswick  St.,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  William,  Capel  Church  Farm,  Folkstone,  Perthshire,  Scotland. 

Moir,  William  C,  Huntsville,  Ontario. 

Moir,  William,  322  East  82nd  St.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  William,  153  East  86th  St.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  William,  135  East  63rd  Street,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  William  F.,  204  St.  Charles  St.,  New  Orleans,  La. 

Moir,  William  F.,  584,  20th  St.,  Oakland,  California. 

Moir,-  William  G.,  91  Charles  St.,  Hamilton,  Canada. 

Moir.  WUliam  G.,  98  Charles  St.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  WiUiam  G.,  601  West  176th  St.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  WiUiam,  48  Gloucester  Gardens,  London,  W.,  England. 

Moir,  WUUam,  HaU  Forest,  Kintore,  Scotland. 

Moir,  WUliam,  HensaU,  Ontario. 

Moir,  WUliam,  26  Heriot  HiU  Terrace,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Moir,  WiUiam  J.,  (Hon.,)  Eldora,  Iowa. 

Moir,  WiUiam,  5  Linden  Street,  Brooklyn,  New  York. 

Moir,  WUliam,  H.,  32  Lynde  St.,  Maiden  Mass. 

Moir,  William,  HuntsviUe,  Ontario. 

Moir,  WUliam  H.,  42  West  53rd  St.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  WUliam,  98  Jackson  St.,  HamUton,  Canada. 

Moir,  WiUiam  J.,  Bondhead,  Ontario,  Canada. 

Moir,  WUliam  J.,  Cookstown,  Ontario. 

Moir,  WUliam  J.,  Jr.,  Lake  Forest  CoUege,  Near  Chicago,  Illinois. 

422  MoiR  Geneai,ogy 

Moir,  William  J.,  364  Notre  Dame  Avenue,  Winnipeg,  Manitoba. 

Moir,  William  Jr.,  307  Brunswick  St.,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia. 

Moir,  William,  Layton,  Ontario. 

Moir,  William,  Little  Cascapedia,  P.  Q.,  Canada. 

Moir,  William,  288  Main  St.,  Maryhill,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Moir,  WiUiam,  1  Mountfort  St.,  Boston,  Massachusetts. 

Moir,  William,  76  Nelson  St.,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir,  William,  New  Westminster,  British  Columb'a. 

Moir,  William  P.  S.,  Port  Arthur,  Ontario. 

Moir,  WiUiam  R.,  70  Bank  St..  New  York  City. 

Moir,  William  R.,  419  Hancock  St.,  Quincy,  Mass. 

Moir,  William  R.,  364  Notre  Dame  Avenue,  Winnipeg,  Manitoba. 

Moir,  William,  11  Rodney  St.,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Moir,  William  R.  S.,  Subway  Builder,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  William  R.,  306  West  4th  St.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  William  S.,ril3  Albert  St.,  Dundee,  Scotland. 

Moir,  William,  San  Jose,  California. 

Moir,  William  S.,  51  Bedford  St.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  William,  3  Sciennes,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Moir,  WiUiam  S.,  2  Lord's  Avenue,  Weaste,  Manchester,  England. 

Moir,  WUliam,  Toronto  University,  Toronto,  Canada. 

Moir,  WiUiam,  622  Valdez  St.,  Oakland,  California. 

Moir,  WUUam,  417  Washington  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 

Moir,  WUUam  W.,    14  Cameron  St.,  Toronto,  Canada. 

Moir,  WiUiam  W.,  1819  Emerson  Avenue,  S.,  Minneapolis,  Minnesota. 

Moir,  WUUam,  299  West  Erie  St.,  Chicago,  lUinois. 

Moir,  WUliam  W.,  303  West  Erie  St.,  Chicago,  lUinois. 

Moir,  WUliam,  331  West  14th  St.,  New  York  City, 

Moir,  WUUam,  6  West  20th  St.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  WUliam,  518  West  47th  St.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  WiUiam  W.,  Jr.,  Stuart,  Virginia. 

Moir,  WiUiam  W.,  (Rev.)  26  West  Tenth  St.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  WUUam,  565  Yonge  St.,  Toronto,  Ontario,  Canada. 

Moir,  W,  J.,  Houghton,  Michigan. 

Moir,  W.  J.,  Jr.,  Des  Moines,  Iowa. 

Moir,  W.,  c.  o.  Mrs.  Eraser,  307  George  St.,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Moir,  W.  R.,  51  Bedford  St.,  New  York  City. 

Moir,  W.  W.,  1819  Emerson  Avenue,  Minneapolis,  Minnesota. 

Moir,  W.  W.,  Stuart,  Virginia. 

Moir,  W.  W.,  243  WeUington  St.,  Toronto,  Ontario. 

Adam,  Mrs.  George,  11  Alexandria  Place,  Partick,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Allen,  Mrs.  Alice,  Roanoke,    Virginia. 

Allen,  Mrs.  Henry  C,  409  Roanoke  St.,  S.  W.  Roanoke,  Virginia. 

Alexander,  Catherine  M.,  c.  o.  W.  O.  Duncan,  Esq.,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Archibald,  Mrs.  Isabel  M.,  4115  Sherbrooke  Street,  Westmount,  Montreal,  Canada. 

Armes,  Mrs.  C.  M.,  Roanoke,  Virginia. 

Armour,  Mrs.  Hugh,  Regina,  N.  W.  T.,  Canada. 

Armstrong,  Mrs.  James,  Crystal  City,  Manitoba. 

BaU,  Mrs.  F.  James,  Eberts,  Ontario. 

Barr,  James,  Esq.,  Knockintiber,  Cross  House,  Ayrshire,  Scotland. 

Blatchford,  Mrs.  Frank,  HensaU,  Ontario. 

Booe,  Mrs.  P.  H.,  Walkertown,  North  CaroUna. 

Boulelin,  Mrs.  Powhattan,  Stuart,  Virginia. 

BritneU,  Albert  H.,  241  Yonge  Street,  Toronto,  Ontario. 

Brooks,  Mrs.  George  H.,  Eldora,  Iowa. 

Buchanan,  Andrew,  HensaU,  Ontario. 

Buchanan,  Dr.  George,  Zurich,  Ontario. 

Buchanan,  Mrs.  Alexander,  HensaU,  Ontario. 

Buchanan,  Rev.  Duncan  M.,  HensaU,  Ontario. 

CaU,  Mrs.  Wm.,  Ford's  MUla,  Harcourt,  New  Bruswick. 

MoiR  Gbnbalogy  423 

Carey,  Mrs.  Godfrey  Mohun,  Sherborne,  Doraet,  EaglaQcl. 

Garland,  Miss  Bessie,  Gorunna,  MichiRan. 

Garland,  Mrs.  Gharles,  Gorunna,  Michigan. 

Garland,  Mrs.  M.,  Gorunna,  Michigan. 

Garmichle,  Mrs.  William,  E.scuminac,  P.  Q., 

Gase,  Mrs.  .Joseph,  Toronto,  Canada. 

Cogbill,  Mary  Alice,  Rockyinount,  Virginia. 

Corwin,  Mrs.  Mary  C.  R.  E.,  69  Summer  Street.  Somorville,  Masa. 

Coville,  Dr.  Luzerne,  Ithaca,  New  York. 

Cowan,  Mrs  Christina,  Kintail,  Ontario. 

Craig,  Mr.  Thomas,  Bookseller,   117  King  Street,  Kilmarnock,  Scotland. 

Cunningham,  Mrs.  Allan,   Hollywood,  Elmbank  St.,  Bellshill,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Dalrymple,  Mrs.  Isabella,  Moosejaw  Assa.,  N.  W.  T.,  Canada. 

Duncan,  Dr.  James  Matthews,  Grimsby,  England. 

Duncan,  William  O.,  Advocate,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Eason,  Mr.  Frank  T.,  Barnesville,  Minnesota. 

Elder,  Mrs.  John,  Hensall,  Ontario,  Canada. 

Faxon,  Mrs.  Asaph  H.,  Gambrid^eport,  Mass. 

Fei,  Mrs.  Hannah  M.,  1017  North  2Sth  Street,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Fiddes,  Mr.  Edward,  The  University,  Birmingham,  England. 

Fiddes,  Rev.  Andrew,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Field,  Mr.  John  B.,  American  Cigar  Company,  New  York  City. 

Fitch,  Prof.  Edward,  Hamilton  College,  Clinton,  New  York. 

Flinn,  David,  Faribault,  Minnesota. 

Flinn,  Everett  R.,  Faribault,  Minnesota. 

Flinn,  George  M.,  Medford,  Minnesota. 

Flinn,  William,  Villiard,  Minnesota. 

Flynn,  Mrs.  David,  Medford,  Minnesota. 

Folsom,  Agnes  Petrie,  Council  Bluffs,  Iowa. 

Forbes,  John,  Hillside,  Montrose,    Scotland. 

Foster,  Mrs.  Clara  L.,  New  Aberdeen,  South  Dakota. 

Gardiner,  George  H.,  Cleveland,  Ohio. 

Gardiner,  Mrs.  Hannah  M.,  Oakland,  California. 

Gardiner,  Thomas  M.,  Wells-Fargo  Express  Co.,  New  York  City. 

Gilfillan,  William,  Saint  Ninian's,  Stirlingshire,  Scotland. 

Gould,  Frank  J.,  Esq.,  New  York  City. 

Gould,  George  J.,  Esq.,  New  York  City. 

Graham,  Alastair  E.,  9  Glaremont  Terrace,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Grant,  Sydney,  Bellrock,  Ontario. 

Griffin,  Mrs.  Janet  B.,  42  Russell  Street,  Detroit,  Michigan. 

Grooms,  Mrs.  Walton  W.,  Eberts,  Ontario. 

Hadden,  Mrs.  George,  Wick,  Ontario. 

Hamilton,  Eva  J.  D.  M.,  Tottenham,  Ontario. 

Hamilton,  Mrs.  George,  Tottenham,  Ontario. 

Hart,  Mrs.  William  J.,  602  East  Seventh  St.,  South  Boston,  Maas. 

Hawkins,  Mrs.  H.  J.,  Maurice,  Iowa. 

Hawkins,  Mrs.  R.,  LeMars,  Iowa. 

Hodgin,  George  D.,  Kingston,  North  Carolina. 

Holdersby,  Mrs.  W.  L.,  Kingston,  North  Carolina. 

Howard,  Mrs.  Marj'  J.,  Harriston,  Ontario. 

Hudspeth,  Mrs.  Caroline  M.,  Blackstone,  Virginia. 

Hunter,  Mra.  Willis  W.,  Northwood,  Iowa. 

Ingham,  Mrs.  Gelia  I.,  Moline,   Illinois. 

Isham,  Norman  M.,  1013  Banigan  Building,  Providence,  Rhode  Island. 

Jackson,  Mrs.  Robert,  St.  Martin's,  Ne.v  Brunswick. 

Johns,  Mrs.  Joseph,  246  Concord  Street,  Lowell,  Masa. 

Johnson,  Mrs.  Nellie,  Winston-Salem,  North  Carolina. 

Joy,  Mr.  William  B.,  Huron,  South  Dakota. 

Keator,  Dr.  Bruce  S.,  Asbury  Park,  New  Jersey. 

Keator,  Dr.  Harry  M.,  107  E.  70th  St.,  New  York  City. 

Keator,  Frederick  R.,  New  York  City. 

King,  Mrs.,  G.  B.,  103  Roanoke  Ave.,  Peoria,  Illinoia. 

424  ,  MoiR  Gbneai^ogy 

Lightly,  Mrs.  Penelope  N.,  Midlothian,  Virginia. 

Lumree,  Mrs.  Ira.,  Stayner,  Ontario. 

Lyle,  Mrs.  Alexander  P.,  Glendelvin,  Perthshire,  Scotland. 

MacDonald,  Mrs.  John,  Saint  Louis,  Missouri. 

MacQueen,  John,  Lumley,  Ontario. 

Maitland,  Mrs.  G.,  IngersoU,  Ontario. 

Malcolm,  Miss  Jeanette,  "The  Sentinel,"  Toronto,  Canada. 

Maxwell,  Mrs.  Helen  M.,  The  Cross,  Doiine,  Perthshire,  Scotland. 

McClure,  Mrs.  WiUiam,  Greenock,  Scotland. 

McCiirdy,  Miss  L.  Isabel,  2&i  Merrimack  St.,  Lowell,  Mass. 

McGiU,  Colin,  Moropano,  Manitoba. 

McLaren,  Miss  Mary,   Vernon,  Michigan. 

McLaren,  Miss  Catherine,  Vernon,  Michigan. 

McLaren,  Robert,  Vernon,  Michigan. 

McLarty,  John  D.,  377  Heberton  Ave.,  Port  Richmond,  New  York. 

McMullen,  Mrs.  M.  C,  Larchwood,  Iowa. 

McNichol,  Mrs.  Archibald,  Jewett  City,  Connecticut. 

Milligan  , Frederic  P.,  W.  S.,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

MiUigan,  George,  1  Florentine  Gardens,  Hillhead,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

MiUigan,  Mrs.  A.  M.,  39  Royal  Terrace,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Milligan,  Rev.  Oswald  B.,  St.  Leonards,  Ayrshire,  Scotland. 

Milligan,  William,  M.  D.,  Manchester,  England. 

Milligan,  Wyndham,  A.,  M.  D.,  London,  England. 

Milne,  John  M.,  45  Bay  State  Avenue,  West  Somerville,  Mass. 

Moore,  Mrs.  Emily,  Lincoln,  Nebraska. 

More,  Charles  C,  Poughkeepsie,  New  York. 

More,  Charles  C,  University  Station,  Seattle,  Washington. 

More,  Claire  E.,  Chicago,  Illinois. 

More,  Dr.  David  H.,  530  West  144th  St.,  New  York  City. 

More,  James  W.,  Heathcote,  Danson,  Scotland. 

More,  John  G.,  Walton,  New  York. 

More,  Miss  Margaret  B.,  9  West  Regent  St.,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

More,  Otis  P.,  Roxbury,  New  York. 

More,  Rev.  James  H.,  Polo,  Illinois. 

More,  Richard,  West  Kilbride,  Ayrshire,  Scotland. 

Morrison,  David  M.,  180  Broadway,  New  York  City. 

Muir,  BaUlie,  Howard  Street,  KUmamock,  Scotland. 

Muir,  Hon.  John,  Hollywood,  California. 

Muir,  James  F.,  603  King  Street,  Alexander,  Virginia. 

MulhoUand,  Mrs.  William,  Hensall,  Ontario. 

Mure,  Mr.,  of  Rowallan,  26  Hans  Place,  London,  S.  W.,  England. 

Mure,  WiUiam,  HaU  of  Caldwell,  Uplawmoor,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Murray,  George,  Le  Mars,  Iowa. 

Miirray,  James,  Exeter,  Ontario. 

Murray,  James,  Toronto,  Ontario. 

Murray,  James,  Hensall,  Ontario. 

Miirray  James  R.  G.,  12  Maitland  Place,  Toronto,  Ontario. 

Murray,  Miss  Jane,  Hensall,  Ontario. 

Murray,  Mrs.  Thomas,  Owen  Sound,  Ontario. 

Murray,  R.  W.,  Normal  School,  Toronto,  Ontario. 

NickeU,  Mrs.  WiUiam,  Port  Arthur,  Texas. 

Noel,  Charles  W.,  Chatham,  Virginia. 

Noel,  Clayton  B.,  Worth,  West  Virginia. 

Noel,  John  F.,  Worth,  West  Virginia. 

Noel,  Moir  A.,  Dawson  Springs,  Kentucky. 

Noel,  Mrs.  BeUe  M.,  Martinsville,  Virginia. 

Noel,  Robert  B.,  Vivian,  West  Virginia. 

Noel,  Walter  T.,  Eimis,  West  Virginia. 

Norman,  Mrs.  J.  J.,  Winston-Salem,  North  Carolina. 

Ogbum,  Charles  D.,  Winston-Salem,  North  Carolina. 

Paterson,  James  R.,  Woodstock,  New  Bnmswick. 

Paton,  Mrs.  Andrew,  Sherbrooke,  P.  Q.,  Canada. 

Mora  Genealogy  425 

Patterson,  Mrs.  J.,  IngeraoU,  Ontario. 

Petrie,  James  P.,  Chicago,  Illinois. 

Petrie,  Mrs.  Agnes  Moir,  Oquawka,  Illinois. 

Porteous,  Mrs.  George,  Danville,  Ontario. 

Price,  Mrs.  J.  M.,  Leaksville,  North  Carolina. 

Reith,  George,  C.  &  G.  Railway,  St.  Paul,  Minnesota. 

Reith,  Jane,  Columbia,  Washington. 

Reith,  John,  Walla-Walla  College,  Washington. 

Reith,  Miss  Isabella,  Port  Haney,  British  Columbia. 

Reith,  Miss  Margaret,  219  Manchester  St.,  Battle  Creek,  Michigan. 

Reinhold,  Mrs.  Dr.  Aug.  Fred,  825  Grove  St.,  San  Francisco,  California. 

Rennie,  Mrs.  Jane,  Layton,  Ontario.. 

Reith,  Mrs.  J.,  Erie,  British  Columbia. 

Reith,  Mrs.  William,  Waneta,  British  Columbia. 

Rose,  Mrs.  Welsley,  Sunnidale  Corners,  Ontario. 

Ruddick,  James  H.,  Dept.  of  Agriculture,  Ottawa,  Canada. 

Ruddick,  John  A.,  Dept.  of  Agriculture,  Ottawa,  Ontario. 

Ruddick,  Lawrence,  Dept.  of  Agriculture,  Ottawa,  Canada. 

Ruddick,  Mary  E.,  Dept.  of  Agriculture,  Ottawa,  Canada. 

Ruddick,  Miss  Margaret  I.,  Dorchester,  Ontario. 

Ruddick,  Mrs.  L.,  Dorchester,  Ontario. 

Ruddick,  Richard  A.,  Dept.  of  Agriculture.  Ottawa.  Canada. 

Russell,  Mrs.  John,  71  Garscube  Road,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Scales,  Mrs.  Mary  E.,  Martinsville,  Virginia. 

Shepard,  Mrs.  Finley  J.,  Irvington,  New  York. 

Simpson,  A.  J.,  Leamington,  Ontario. 

Simpson,  Allan  G.,  Pittsburg,  Penn. 

Sloan,  Mrs.  Lemuel  S.,  Leamington,  Ontario. 

Smellie,  Hugh,  4  Donaldson  Place,  Uddingston,  Scotland. 

Smillie,  Alexander  B.,  M.  D.,  Hensall,  Ontario. 

SmiUe,  Emaline  E.,  General  Ho.spital,  Toronto,  Canada. 

Smillie,  James,  Hensall,  Ontario. 

Smillie,  Mrs.  Jane  B.,  Hensall,  Ontario. 

Smillie,  Mrs.  Margaret  A.,  Hensall,  Ontario. 

Smith,  Annie  B.,  45  Bay  State  Avenue,  West  Somerville,  Mass. 

Smith,  Mrs.  R.  W.,  Lower  Shinninicac,  Nova  Scotia. 

Smith,  Robert,  27  St.  Andrew's  Drive,  PoUokshields,  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Sorenson,  Mrs.  Conrad,  3  Duncan  St.,  Roxbury,  Mass. 

Starrak,  Mrs.  Isaac,  Harcourt,  New  Brunswick. 

Stewart,  Mrs.  Dr.  C.  E.,  219  Manchester  St.,  Battle  Creek,  Michigan. 

Stewart,  Mrs.  John,  Hensall,  Ontario. 

Stuart,  Mrs.  Ralph  B.,  Edinburgh,  Scotland. 

Stuart,  Mrs.  William,  Mountreal,  Ballyclare,  County  Antrim,  Ireland. 

Swainson,  Mrs.  Helen  M.,  De  Smet,  South  Dakota. 

Syer,  Mrs.  Charles,  Lindsay,  Ontario. 

Thompson,  Miss  A.  H.,  Hamilton,  Manitoba. 

Thompson,  Mrs.  George,  Glendinning,  Manitoba. 

Thompson,  Mrs.  J.  B.,  Hamiota,  Manitoba. 

Thompson,  Mrs.  Samuel,  Kippen,  Ontario. 

Towler,  Miss  J.,  112  Union  Grove,  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Tracy,  Mrs.  George  S.,  Burlington,  Iowa. 

Traill,  Professor  T.  W.  A.,  Aberdeen  University,  Old  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Traquair,  Mrs.  John,  Hensall,  Ontario. 

Trann,  Mrs.  William,  Crystal  City,  Manitoba. 

Tuggle,  Henry,  Martins\'ille,  Virginia. 

Tuggle,  James  B.,  Portsmouth,  Virginia. 

Tuggle,  John  E.,  Portsmouth,  Virginia. 

Tuggle,  John  W.,  Portsmouth,  Virginia. 

Tuggle,  Lucy  E.,  MartinsvUle,  Virginia. 

Tuggle,  Mrs.  Henry,  Martinsville,  Virginia. 

Tuggle,  Robert  E.,  Martinsville,  Virginia. 

Tuggle,  Thomas  A.,  Huntington,  West  Virginia. 

426  MoiR  Genbai,ogy 

Tuggle,  Walter  L.,  Pinner's  Point,  Virginia. 

Tuggle,  William  H.,  Portsmouth,  Virginia. 

Tumbull,  Mrs.  John,  Canfield,  Ontario. 

Von  Aide,  Mrs.  Captain,  War  Department,  Berlin,  Germany. 

Van  Wechell,  Mrs.  Ira,  Bamesville,  Minnesota. 

Wanless,  Mrs.  Thomas,  Blythe,  Ontario. 

Weir,  Elizabeth  M.,  Dundurn,  Assinobia,  Canada. 

Weir,  George,  Regina,  Assinobia,  Canada. 

Weir,  James,  Regina,  Assinobia,  Canada. 

Weir,  Mary,  Regina,  Assinobia,  Canada. 

Weir,  Mrs.  Richard,  Bonnington,  Assinobia,  Canada. 

Weir,  Susan  S.,  Regina,  Assinobia,  Canada. 

Williams,  Elijah,  7  Hampstead  Lane,  Highgate,  London  S.  E.,  England. 

Wills,  Mrs.  William,  Layton,  Ontario. 

Wood,  James  M.  A.,  Esq.,  31  Beechgrove  Avenue,  Aberdeen,  Scotland . 

Wood,  Mrs.  Alfred,  36  Hall  Avenue,  West  Somerville,  Mass. 

Wood,  Mrs.  Jessie  E.,  Stuart,  Virginia. 

Young,  Mrs.  Agnes,  Neepawa,  Manitoba,  Canada. 

Aberargy  or  Aberargie,  100,  101,  382 

Abercairney  282 

Aberchirder,  38 

Abercorne,  22,  33,  34,  358 

Aberdeen,  23,  40,  42,  43,  44,  45,  46,  51,  52, 
53,  54,  55,  56,  95,  105,  106,  107,  108,  110, 
111  112,  113,  114,  115,  117,  119,  120,  122, 
123,  127,  130,  131,  133,  135,  136,  137, 
138,  142,  144,  146,  147,  148,  149,  150,  155, 
159,  160,  161,  162,  164,  166,  169,  170, 
173,  176,  177,  178,  179,  180,  181,  182,  183, 
185,  186,  210,  215,  216,  217,  224,  225, 
286,  287,  288,  290,  291,  292,  293,  294,  295, 
296,  298,  299,  301,  302,  303,  304,  305,  306, 
307,  308,  309,  310,  311,  312,  313,  314,  315, 
316,  317,  319,  321,  337,  340,  341,  346,  347, 
349,  359,  361,  363,  364,  365,  369,  370,  374, 
375,  378,  383,  387,  388,  391,  393,  398,  399. 
Aberdeenshire,  23,  33,  44,  53,  56,  97,  104, 
105,  106,  108,  110,  114,  115,  116,  118,  119, 
120,  125,  127,  131,  133,  135,  136,  142,  144, 
149,  157,  159,  165,  166,  167,  168,  176,  178, 
179,  180,  181,  182,  183,  184,  185,  207,  225, 
240,  291,  297,  300,  303,  307,  308,  309,  310. 
311,  312,  313,  317,  319,  320,  321,  338,  341, 
346,  359,  370,  373,  384,  391,  392,  393,  394. 
Aberdeen,  South  Dakota,  187 

Aberdeen  University,  39,  53,  54,  156,  177, 
178,  311,  3.37. 

Allenvale,  3io,  365 

Allensnore,  380 

Alloa,      39,   84,   270,   271,   334,   335.   336 




20,  145 


24,  188 




279,  282 

Aboyn,  Aboyne, 

33,  317 

Abraham,  Plains  of, 




Acton,  Ontario, 


Aden  Villa,  Elgin, 



218,  219,  362 

Agra,  India, 






Airth  Mains, 


Akintor,  or  Akintoir, 






Albany,  New  York, 

124,  207 

Alberta,  Canada, 


Alexandria  Virginia, 

268,  363 



Algoa  Bay, 


Alpena.  Michigan, 


Alvie,  Parish  of, 

Ambleside,  Westmoreland, 

Amherst,  Virginia, 

Andover,  Mass., 



Annandstone,  „„„ 

Annat,  Methlick,  61,  72,  73,  161,  162,  170. 

172,  173,  174,  320 

Annet,  Methlick, 

Antigo,  Wisconsin, 

Antigua,  West  Indies, 




Aquhadley,  Ellon, 





Ardgrain,  or  Ardgraine, 


Ardock,  North  Dakota, 

Ardoe,  „„„ 

Ardo,  Methlick,  162,  163,  165,  166.  167. 168 

Ardross,  147,  151.  371 

Ardsheal,  283.  284 

Arduthie,  290 

Argatie  or  Argaty.  58,  59,  61,  63,  66,  69, 

70,  73,  103,  279. 



15,  21,   112,   113,   119, 

e        242 

38,  334 












148,  286 

85,  86,  227,  386 






128,  272,  322,  364. 


Arkona,  Canada, 

Armagh,  Ireland, 





Ashfield,  Ontario, 

Asia  Minor, 


Assinobia,  Canada, 


Athlone,  Ireland, 

225,  252,  269 


180.  273 







Auchindore,  or  Auchindoir, 













Auchnagett,  or  Auchnagatt, 





Auckland,  New  Zealand, 


Aiirora,  Ontario, 


123,  131,  316 





83,  84.  90,  92 

115,  322 




Australia,  209,  362,  365,  374 

Avochie,  369 

Ayntslare  34 

Ayr  97,  178,  249,  354,  355 

Ayrshire,  22,  34,  38,  39,  133,  223,  249,  250, 
254,  255,  269,  351,  358,  262,  392. 








220,  348 



Balgerscho,  or  Balgeirscho,         44,  127,  128 

Balgerso  in  Foveran,  44 

Balglassie,  314 
Balgownie,                                      53,  124,  139 

BalgowTiie,  Brig  of  105 

Balinan,  25 

BaUacrans,  72 

Ballater,  184 

BaUhiU,  „    182 

Ballicaish,  72,  73 

Ballindalloch,  150 

Baliingrew,  100 

BallochaUan,  70,  72 

Balmadook,  277 

Balmanno,  100 

Balmoral,  Manitoba,  257 

Balnaan,  204 

Balnagoak,  297 

Balquidder,  or  Balquhidder,  71,  88 

Balsoir,  Canada,  166 

Baltimore,  Maryland,  13,  184 

Bal^v-ill,  277,  278 
Banchorjs                               45,  143,  341,  342 

Banchory-Devenick,  365 
Banff,  23,  107,  114,  128,  130,  150,  173,  180, 
187,  188,  214,  240,  347,  361. 

Banff,  N.  W.  Territory,  240 

Bankfoot,  268 

Bankhead,  109 

Bankis  Row,  277 
Barbadoes,                                        28,  30,  362 

BarnesviUe,  Minnesota,  264 
Bams,  or  Barnes,   20,    106,    135,    137,   142, 

143,  144,  217,  288,  289,  370. 

Barnyards  of  Philorth,  398 

Barra,  391 

Barre,  Vermont,  i»^ 

Bath,  380 

Batisoan,  Canada,  27 

Battle  Creek,  Michigan,  257 

Bayswater,  125 

Bearsden,  ^o7 

Beauharnoia,  211,  212 

Beebe  Plain,  188 

Begossie,  181 

Begsley,  "*i° 

Belfast,  258,  336 

Belrium,  188 
Belhelvie,                                    118,  127,  168 

Belize,  220 

Bellamore,  157 

Bellastraid,  156 

Bellevue,  367 

Bellrock,  Ontario,  180 

Belmont,  336 

Benachie  Mountain  181,  391 

Benares,  India,  176 

Bengal,  304 

Benvue,  Kilcraggan,  189 

Berkshire,  318 

Berlin,  Germany,  181 

Bermudas,  28 

Berrydrum,  Cornhill,  188 

Berryhill,  72 

Berwick,  352 

Ber-wick,  Maine,  29 

Biggins,  Lanrick,  74 

Biiierica,  Mass.  27 

Binghampton,  N.  Y.  200 

Birkenhead,  317 

Birmingham,  207 

Birse,  142 

Bishop's  Castle,  367 

Blackburn,  122 

Blackford,  Aberdeenshire,  44 
Blackford,  Perthshire,  90,  91,  92,  102,  139, 

299,  300. 
BlackhaU  or  Blackhill,    74,  82,  83,  127,  129 

Blackhouse,  120 

Blacknull,  157 

Blackstone,  215 

Blackwood,  328 

Blair,  282 

BlairhaU,                              '  141 

Blanchard,  Ontario,  263 

Blantyre,  219,  269 

Blinkbonny,  Keith,  310,  311 

Bloomfield,  New  Jersey,  190 

Bloomington,  Minn.,  219 

Blythe,  Ontario,  266 

Blysthwood,  394 

BoghaU,  59,  100 

Boghead,  Cairnie,  171 

Boghouse,  119 

Bolivia,  lU.,  208 

Bolvenie,  320 

Bombay,  India,  177,  306 

Bon  Accord,  19>  123 

Bondhead,  Ontario,  211 

Bondingtown,  32 

Bonnington,  Canada,  257 

Boq\iham,  276 
Boquhapple,  69,  87,  88,  229,  236,  262,  279. 

281,  282,  285. 

Boreatton,  366 

Boreland,  282 

Borroustounness,  80 
Boston,  Mass.,  29.  250,  253,  254,  269,  272, 

296,  336,  388. 

Boutoune,  70 

Bowden,  n^   Vh 

Bowhapple,  75,  76 

Bowtoune,  °0 

Braca,  21 

Bradford,  Mass.  29 

Braehead,  123,  124 

Brae,  Kintore,  186 

Braemar,  157 

Braes  of  Cromar.  155,  157 

Braich,  65 

Braidhaugh,  -Jg^ 

Brainj ohn,  55,  297 

Braintree,  Mass.,  26,  29 

Brantford,  Ontario,  183 

Breadaline,  363 

Brebochastle.  „,„   „89 
Brechin,                                222,  223,  310,  391 

Breda,  117 

Bridgefoot,  ^^ 

Bridgend  of  Leath,  103 

Bridgeton,  Glasgow,  180,  254 

Brigg,  365 

MOIR  Gknkalogy 




Carnes,  Iowa, 


Bristol,  England, 

161,  3.50 



Bristolville,  Ohio, 


Caroline,  Virginia, 


British  Central  Africa, 

218,  219 



British  Columbia, 


CJarronhall,                             53 

.  139, 

,  249,  384 

Britt,  Iowa, 


Carse  of  Cambus, 

72.  74 







( ':isHil  ia, 


Broiche,  or  Broioh,        61,  08, 


71,  72,  74 


Brooklyn,  New  York, 


,,  225,  262 





Cisilc  Iwirbes, 




(':isi,lc  I'luser, 

132,  370 



CaHtl<^g;ilc,  Aberdeen 







83,  84 






290,  388 





Brushton,  New  York, 






Cavite  Province,  P.  I. 


Buchan,               107,  141,  149, 

,  18'; 

',  316,  394 

Cavite,  South  Dakota, 




Central  Africa, 


,  339,  375 



Cervantes,  P.  I. 








Cessintullie  or  Cessintully, 

100,  386 




222,  311 

Buffalo,  New  York, 

207,  222 



BurUngton,  Iowa, 

199,  345 

Chaplain's  Choice,  Virginia, 






Burne  of  Cessintullie 


Charleston-on-the-Fortb , 




Charlestown,  Mass., 

26,  27,  29 

Burn  of  Cambus, 

72,  73 

Chase  City,  Virginia, 






Burnside  of  Logie, 

155,  156 

Chatham,  Ontario, 




Chatham,  Virginia, 

193,  194 









,  270,  366 



Chester,  Mass., 




Chicago,  180,  181,  188,  224, 






CairneyhiU,  Fife, 

37,  38,  39 


255,  308 



Christ  College, 



148,  288 

Cincinnati,  Ohio, 






,  189,  336 







,  176,  304 

Clarenceville,  Quebec, 





120,  121 

CaldweU,                18,  22,  351, 


1,  362,  391 


46,  49 

Caldwell,  Kansas, 


Cleveland,  Ohio, 


Caledonia,  Michigan, 




Calechat  or  Calichat, 


69,  70,  71 

Clinterty  or  Clintertie        96, 

,  106, 

113,  370 

California,    177,    180,    181,    185, 

188,   209, 

Clinton,  Mass., 



Clochan,  Banffshire, 






Callander,   72,   78,   81,   88,   235, 

256,  259, 



261,  262,  264,  266,  282. 



CallibuhaUie  or  CaUibuckalzie, 


Cluny  or  Clunie,  Castle  of,   105, 

115,    130, 

Calsayseat  or    Calsieseat,    135, 

136,    137, 


216,  217,  288. 











Cambridge,  Mass., 

30,  213 



Cambridgeport,  Mass. 


Colby,  Lincolnshire, 



72,  73 














185,  213 

Campsie  or  Camsay, 


;  242,  267 

Colorado  Springs, 


Campsie  Glen, 



50,  118 

Canfield,  Ontario, 


Colpy,  Insch, 






Canterbury,  England, 


Concord,  N.  C. 


Cape  Breton,  Nova  Scotia, 

29,  253 

Concord,  N.  H., 


Cape  Cod, 



122,  125 

Cape  Colony,  South  Africa, 




Cape  Town, 




240,  243 

Cape  of  Good  Hope, 


Covent  Garden, 




Cookstown,  Ontario, 



276,  284 


307,  308 





Carlton,  Indiana, 


Cornell  Univeraity, 








Cornwall,  England, 


220,  366 


MoiR  Geneai<ogy 













Corunna,  Mich., 



220,  348 

Corunna,  Spain, 


Don,  Bridge  of, 

105,  369 



Dorchester,  Mass., 




Dorchester,  Ontario, 


Cotton,                         106,  115 

,    134: 

,  148,  313 


178.  381 



Doune,  Perthshire,  11, 


60,  61,  62,  63, 



64,  66,  72,  73,  74,  75, 



102,   103, 

Council-Bluffs,  Iowa, 


227,  228,  230,  231,  232, 



244,  256, 



263,  267,  268,  277,  383, 


County  Kildare,  Ireland, 




County  Louth, 






Dracut,  Mass., 


Cowes,  England, 





117,  305 









Drip  Moss, 



277,  278 

Drogheda  or  Drohega, 


,  296,  378 

Cragarnot  or  Craigarnot, 

277,  27S 



CraigarnhaU  or  Craigarnell, 


,  277,  278 















Craig  of  Motherby, 






,  139,  306 






224,  310 

CressweU,  Ontario, 





90,  92 




91,  92 



Cromar,                        155,  156 

,    157: 

,  168,  312 







,  280,  282 







,  129,  346 



Crystal  City,  Manitoba, 

256,  261 








88,  89 


39,  57 







Dublin,            122,   130, 



169,   190 



Dubuque,  Iowa, 





141,  303 

Culloden,  107,  108,  109,  130, 


155,  156, 

Duff  us. 


312,  371. 













,  280,  294 

Duluth,  Minn., 





34,  37,  115 




267,  276 


116,  119 



Daldorn  or  Daldoran, 

65,  ( 

38,  76,  77 



,  189,  330 




222,  279 




30,  361 









i,  133, 

222,  323 



Dunblane,  60,  63,  99, 



102,   103, 

Damhead  of  Leny, 


133,  236,  237,  269,  270, 

,  271. 

,  334, 

335,  382 



Dundonald  Castle, 


Danbury,  Virginia, 


Dunfermline  or  Dumferling, 


,  236,  382 

DanvUle,  Virginia, 








Darlache,  Balgram, 




Daursude  of  Machany, 


Dunn\'iUe,  Ontario, 





38,  269 

Dawn  Mills,  Ontario, 


Dunse  Castle, 


Dawson  Springs,  Kentucky, 


Dunvegan  Castle, 


Deanston,    62,    72,  75,  103, 


227,  228. 

Durham,  New  Hampshire, 



Dyce,           97,  105,  129, 



287,  290 


1-39,  157 

Delaware  County,  N.  Y., 




Denmore,  53,  97,  139,  298, 


317,  384 



Denny,  242,  243,  248,  249, 


252,  254, 

East  Boreland, 

243,  2.54 

255,  323,  395. 

Easter  Drummawhance 


Derby  Centre,  Vermont, 


Easter  Leckie, 

35,  278 

Derbyshire,  England 


Easter  Tamakuvick, 


Derby,  Vermont, 

187,  347 



Des-Met,  South  Dakota, 

166,  167 

East  Finchley, 


Des  Moines,  Iowa, 


East  Grinstead, 


Detroit,  Michigan,    160,  167, 


245,  258 

East  India, 




East  Linton, 



22,  259 

East  Lothian, 


176,  361 



East  Mill, 




Eberts,  Ontario,  245,  246,  247 

Echt,  310 

Edinburgh,  11,  12,  18,  21,  22,  33,  34,  49, 
56,  5S,  06,  75,  77,  78,  79,  80,  81,  87,  88, 
89,  103,  ill,  120,  122,  125,  126.  128.  130, 
132,  133,  142,  145,  176,  178,  179.  189.  190, 
207.  215,  218,  219.  220,  222,  223.  227.  233. 
271,  277.  312.  319,  322,  330.  331.  347.  348, 
354,  364.  370,  374.  375.  377,  378.  380,  382. 
388.  389,  390,  395.  398. 
Edinburgh  University,  37,  40,  327,  337,  339 
Edmonton,  237 

Egypt,  25,  363 

Elamsville,  Virginia,  194.  195 

Eldora.  Iowa.  187,  188.  347,  348,  361 

Elgin,  152,  217.  284,  382 

Elginshire.  56,  57,  191,  195,  199,  200,  203. 
204,  205.  275,  345. 

Elie.  177 

Elizabeth  City,  28 

Ellerslie.  375 

Ellon,  20,  106,  115,  117,  119,  120,  142,  148, 
161,  186,  320,  370,  393. 

Elms,  Hillhead,  190 

Elora,  Ontario,  183,  184,  211,  212 

Elrick,  145 

England,  22,  25,  31,  94,  150,  178,  179,  204, 
207,  209,  210,  213.  214.  217,  220,  221,  224. 
246,  259,  262.  264.  270,  273.  274,  275.  315. 
336,  348,  350,  352,  354,  357.  393,  394.  395, 

Erin,  Ontario,  224 

Essa,  Canada,  211 

Essingham,  305 

Esslemont,  117 

Eustice,  366 

Exeter,  New  Hampshire,  26 

Exeter,  Ontario,  165,  252.  262,  204.  265, 
266,  307. 






37,  249 


150,  209,  210 










163,  164,  186,  338 



Fergus,  Ontario, 




Fermartyn,  22,  33,  301,  302,  303,  320,  391 

Ferryhill,     45,  96,  97,  105,   142,   144,   148, 

286,  289,  370. 

Fettercairn,  224 

Fetternear,  395 

Fettes  College,  271,  336 

Faugh,  Brig  o',  340 

Fife,  177,  218 
Fifeshire,             176,  177.  218,  222.  347,  382 

Findhorn,  152 

Findlatrie,  290 

Findrack,  155 

Fingask,  53.  101,  139,  384 

Finshaugh.  363 

Fintray,  143,  179 

Finzean,  158 

Firs,  Kinharrochie,  186 

Fitchburg,  Mass.,  185 

Flanders,  153 

Flinthills,  161 

Floyd,  Virginia,  192 

Fluvanna,  Virginia.  193 

Fochabers.  392 

Folkstone.  236 

Fontenoy,  355 

Foord,  49 

Footdee,  Aberdeen,  291,  312 

Fordoun,  120,  313 

Fordsburg,  South  Africa,  174 

Forfar,  157 
Forfarshire,  120,  141,  157,  170,  221,  22.  223 

Forgandenay,  116 

Forgue,  207 

Forres,  23,  56,  199,  200,  201.  203,  204.  205, 

Forsyth,  N.  C,  195,  190,  197,  198 

Fort  Covington,  273 

Fort  Donaldson,  361 

Forth,  229,  275,  280 

Fort  Phillyspince,  153 

Fouldubs,  249 

Foveran,  55,  97,  114,  115,  116.    118.     119, 

127,  128,  129,  286.  308,  317,  321. 

Fox  Uiver,  Wis.,  361 

France,  90,   130,   152.   153.  218.  270.  282, 
348,  380. 

Francisco,  N.  C,  195 

Fraserburgh,  51,  119,  341,  378,  398 

Fraserfield.  139 

Frew.  280 

Friockheim,  170 

Fuer,  93 

Furnace,  225 

Fyvie,  115,  305,  317,  321 

Gadgirth,  132 

Gairn.  54 

Garden.  279 

Garelochead,  189 

Gargunnock,  11,  236,  237.  278,  280,  284,285 
Garioch,  53,  128,  144 

Garnkirk,  226 

Gartary.  83.  84 

Gartincaber.  62,  63,  64,  65,  66, 100,  228,  236 
Garvock,  282 

Gaspe,  P.  Q.,  245 

Gateshaw,  145 

Gateside,  285 

Gavin.  311 

Gerard's  Cross,  381 

Germany,  25.  181,  190,  192,  337,  339 

Geulph,  Ontario,  263 

Gibraltar,  131 

Gilcomston,  52 

Glacial  Bay.  362 

Glack  of  Migvie,  398 

Glamis,  157 

Glanderston  389 

Glasgow,  18,  20,  21,37,38.39,50,81,  83,84, 

128,  170.  180,  189,  190,  211,  219,  223,  224, 
225.  234,  237,  238,  239,  242,  249,  250.  254, 
258,  259,  260.  267,  268,  269,  273,  280,  297, 
310,  315,  326,  339,  344,  347,  353.  355,  362, 
364.  376,  380,  385,  386,  388  390  391,  393, 
Glasgow  University,  12,  37,  38,  39,  177,  390 
Glas-sel,  186 
Glass,  158 
Glastirum,  302,  303 
Glastonbury,  367 
Glenbeulah,  Wis.,  265 
Glenbucket,  88,  154,  313.  316 
Glencairn,  163 
Gendale,  Oregon,  245 
Glendavau  156 
Glendinning,  256,  258,  261 
Glenelg,  219 
Glenesk,  115 
Glenygle,  _  280 
Glenrnuick,  157,  158 
Glenorchy.  304 
Glentanar.  157 
Glenwhilk.  60 
Glins,  279 
Gloucester.  350.  380 
Goderich,  Ontario,  247 
Gonanoque,  Ontario.  258 
Goodland,  Michigan,  261 
Goose  River,  240 
Gordonsmilne  105,  135,  137,  138.  286.  288 
Govan.  249.  250.  364 
Gottenburgh.  107,  122,  147,  152,  153,  154 
Gordonston,  152 
Grand  Bend,  Canada,  165,  259 
Grandhome,                                                160 


MoiR  Geneai^ogy 

Grange,  Aberdeenshire,  120 

Grange,  Banffshire,  180 

Granitehill.  309,  310 

Granitev  lie,  Quebec,  188 

Grant,  23 

Grantham,  350 

Grantown,  24 

Grantown-on-Spey,  204 

Grant's  Town,  25 

CJreddon  Burn,  62 

Greece,  391 
Greenburn,                   65,  106,  110,  111,  370 

Green  Croft,  322 

Greenloaning  85 

Greenock,  208 

Greens,  165 

Greyshill,  117 

Grimsby,  179 

Grougar,  353 

Guatemala  City,  186 

Guildeford,  396 

Gyashops,  113 

Haddo,  114,  116,  119,  127,  128 

Haddington,  395 

Haldimand,  Ontario  272 
Halifax,  Nova  Scotia,               212,  213,  226 

Halton,  366 

Hamilton,  394 
Hamilton,  Canada,  161,  184,  243,  353,  354, 


Hampton  Castle,  366 

Hampshire,  366 

Hanover  Square,  94 

Hants,  270 

Harbor  Springs,  222 

Harthill,  120 

Harvard  University,  362 

Harwoods,  351 

Hastings,  355,  366 

Hattencrook,  180 

Hatton,  Mains  of,  215,  322 

Haugh,  Aberlour,  188, 
Hay  Township,  Ontario,  256,  261,  262,  266 

Heads,  60,  73 

Helder,  HoUand,  362 

Helensburgh,  226 

Henry  County,  N.  C,  198 

Henry  County,  Virginia,  192,  199 
HensaU,  Ontario,  234,  256,  257,  258,  260, 

262,  265,  266,  267. 

Hillgrove,  California, 
HUlhead  of  Machany, 

HoUand  Bush, 


Holyrood,  Palace 


Hong  Kong,  China, 



Hudson  River, 



Huntsville,  Ontario, 

Huron  Coimty, 


Huron,  South  Dakota, 

Hyppa,  India, 


22,  380 


89,  189 


102,  155,  161,  190 



14,  19,  21,  142,  283,  321 

152,  153,  154,  362 





255,  308 

162,  171,  240,  364 

256,  257 

Indiana,  180,  181,  347 

Innermeath,  384 

InnisfaU,  Ontario,  183 
Insch,       128,  142,  172,  183,  186,  215,  310 

Inschmichael,  382 

Inshewan,  153 

Inverary,  108 

Inverbrie,  49,  50 

Inverbucket,  49 

Invercauld,  49 

Inveresk,  307,  327,  330 

Invermarkie,  24 

Inverness,  92,  186,  253 

Inveraesshire,  224 

Invernettie  14,  19,  23,  51,  139,  140,  148, 
149,  290,  305,  313,  370. 

Inverurie,  308 

Inwood,  Ontario,  266 
Iowa,  166,  167,  168,  181,  185,  187,  188,  199, 
209,  260,  263,  264,  265,  345,  347,  348,  361 

Ireland,  29,  132,  169,  180,  182,  188,  190, 
236,  244,  257,  258,  259,  261,  262,  263,  269, 
273,  357. 

Irewells,  127 

Iron,  73,  74 

Isle  of  Wight,  209 

Ithaca,  New  York,  252 

Jamaica,  Island  of, 


Jersey,  England, 


Jewett  City,  Conn  , 




Joplin,  Missouri, 


Kansas  City,  Missouri, 

Keir,  Park  of, 
Kemps  Castle, 
Kent,  Minnesota, 

KentviUe,  Nova  Scotia, 
Kildare,  Ireland, 
Killarney,  Ireland, 
KUlen,  Ireland, 
Kilmadock,  58,  61,  65,  66,  74,  78,  79, 
100,  102,  103,  230,  231.  242,  244,  277. 

131,  220,  279,  305 



21,  25,  364 


182,  336 


39,  240 





277,  278 


23,  173,  308,  310,  311 


56,  121,  184 


225,  308 


52,  296 

264,  358 

188,  192 



106,  148,  288,  370 


60,  66 


177,  393 


257,  269 

54,  310,  311 





Ibrox,  250 

Idvies,  319 

Illinois,  180,  181,  188,  208,  224,  345,  371 
Inbry,  67 

India,  121,  122,  140,  176,  177,  179,   186, 
215,  222,  233,  298,  304,  312,  362. 

32,  250,  353,  356,  358,  391 
308,  336,  340 
151,  318 
Kincardineshire,  75,  77,  78  79,  80,  81,  82, 
83.  85,  86,  87,  92,  117,  133,  224,  225,  230, 
257,  307,  308,  310,  342. 
Kincraigie,  130,  132 

Kincreich  MiU,  233 






KimbaU,  S.  D., 



Kincaldrum  MiU, 


MoiR  Gbnealogy 



King  Edward, 


King's  College, 

Kingston,  Jamaica, 

Kingston,  N.  C., 








Kinsale.  Ireland, 

Kintail,  Ontario, 


139,  142,  310 


217,  296,  308 

220,  305 











Kintore,       50,  115,  118,  142,  186,  317,  321 

Kintumer,  34 

Kintyre,  33,  352 
Kippen,                                   81,  83,  209,  285 

Kippenrait,  270 

Kirkaldie,  Plains  de,  382 

Kirkaldy,  382 

Kirkcudbright,  131 

Kirdken,  319 

Kirkfield,  Canada,  166 

KirkhiU,  45,  148 

Kirklane,  87 
Kirkton,  73,  97,  121,  137,  216,  287,  290, 
303,  316 

Kirktonholm,                                  '  279 

Kirkwell,  207 

Kirriemuir,  223 

Kittery,  Maine,  29 

Knaperna,  142 

Knaps,  394 

Knockando,  275 

Knockdolian,  353 

Knockespock,  289 

Knockdolian,  353 

Knockhall,  129,  186 

Knockhill,  321 

Knockiemill,  119 

Knowehead,  83 

Knox  College,  259 

Kynchubr,  33 

jte,  Canada, 



90,  91,  92 

Forest  College, 





339,  375 

)lin,  Ontario, 


rk,  Ontario, 


rk,  Scotland, 

34,  63,  64,  226 

Lanarkshire,  22,  38,  223,  226,  267 

Lancashire,  122,  124 

Lancaster,  384 

Lancaster,  Ontario,  29,  273 

Lance  Aux  Beaufils,  Canada,  245,  246,  247 
Landrick,  or  Lanrik   59,  61,  62,  63,  64    65, 

68,  69,  70,  72,  74,  227,  277. 
Langside,  Lanarkshire,  267 

Larbert  53,  285 

Larchwood,  Iowa,  265 

Larden,  366,  367 

Larga,  16,  269,  351,  352 

Las  wade,  190 

Launceton,  366 

Lawrencekirk,  224 

Layton,  Ontario,  165,  166 

Leaksville,  North  Carolina,  191,  192,  194, 
195,  199. 

Leamington,  Ontario,  245,  298,  306 

Leckie,  11,  14,  34,  111,  230,  231,  275,  277, 
278,  279,  280,  281,  282,  283,  284,  285,  296, 
373.  386. 

Lecroft,  80,  277 

Lednabra,  285 

Leeward  Islands,  348 

Leicheston,  Morayshire,  139,  303 

Leigh  Hall,  377 

Leith,  115,  190 

Leith  Hall,  215 

Lein.ster  Square, 

Le  Mars,  Iowa, 


Lenrick  or  Lendrick, 











Leyden  University, 


Limerick,  N.  C. 





Linley  Hall, 



Litl  Marti, 

Little  Ardo 

Little  Mill  or  Littlemill, 


260,  263,  264 

275,  27(S 

60,  64,  74,  HX) 







115,  128 

115,  128 







133,  350 


366,  367 


249,  362 




117,  157,  158 

Liverpool,  124,  125,  204,  224,  273,  380,  381 , 


Liverpool  College,  204 

Livilands,  103 

Livingstone,  249 

Llanglaate  Mines,  174,  175 

Loanhead,  100 

Loch-an-Eilean,  383 

Lochow,  322 

Lochfield,  60,  61,  99,  228,  231 

Lochiel,  130 

Loch  Kinnord,  156 

Lochmillan,  57 

Loch  o'  WatsoD,  228 

Lockerbie,  37 

Logie,  156,  158 

Logie-Buchan,  144,  182,  393 

Logie-Coldstone.  312 

Logie,  Mains  of,  156,  157 

Loirston,  97,  307,  374 

Loirston,    Nigg,  374 
London,  21,  25,  27,  28,  94,  118,  119,  120, 

125,  130,  133,  141,  146,  178,  204,  220,  221, 
296,  299,  315,  328,  337,  349,  362,  367,  376, 

377,  380,  381,  391,  393,  395. 

London,  Ontario,  183,  188,  238,  259 

Longacre,  53 

Longbuckley,  361 

Long  Island,  29,  262 

Longshot,  93 

Longside,  394 

Lonmay,   19,  51,   107,  131,   141,   149,   151, 
290,  322,  371. 

Lorn  or  Lome,  284,  322,  384 

Lorraine,  270 

Los  Angeles,  California,  185,  188 

Lothesley,  396 

Loudoun  355 

Louisa,  Virginia,  192 

Louis\ille,  Kentucky,  188 

Low,  101 

Lowell,  Mass.,  12,  238,  243,  250,  252,  253, 
254,  323,  324,  325,  368. 

Lundie,  62,  73 

Lynlish,  204 

Machany,  91,  93,  102 
Mackeanstoun,  or  McKeanstoun,  62,  65,  66 

MacKenzie,  River  362 

MacOrriston,  Carse  of,  285 

Maida  Vale,  117 

Maines,  88 

Mains,  Insch,         _  186 

Mains  of  Corstorsine,  34 

Mains  of  Down,  63,  64,  73 

Mains,  ThornhiU,  236 


MoiR  Genealogy 






124,  125 






160,  165,  303,  304,  311 




68,  78 


211,  256,  257,  258,  261 

Mont  Kegree, 


Mansfield,  Mass.,  26 

Many,  127 
Marischal,  99.  105,  120,  123,  135,  137,  138, 
286,  287,  349,  365,  383. 

Marlborough,  355 

Marlfield,  378 

Martinez,  California,  362 

Martinique,  130 

Martinville,  Virginia,  192 

Maryoulter,  123 

Maryhill,  287 

Maryland,  27,  184,  199 

Mashonaland,  South  Africa,  175 

Mason  City,  Iowa,  187 
Massachusetts,  30,  31,  32,  185,  189,  213, 
222,  238,  239,  241,  243,  250,  251,  252,  253, 

Maurice,  Iowa,  264,  265 

Maybole,  38 
Mayen,                130,  138,  149,  214,  215,  371 

McGiU  University,  260 

Meadow  Lea,  Manitoba,  257 

Meadowhead,  65,  229 

Meannie,  287 

Medford,  Minnesota,  241 

Medina,  Wisconsin,  168 

Meichle  Tipperty,  127 

Meikle  Haddo,  127,  128 

Meikle  Methlick,  297 

Meikle  ]\Iorfy,  33 

Meldrum,  391 

Melgdrum,  33 

Memel,  130,  131,  132 

Mendon,  Mass.,  27 

Menstrie,  354 

Menteith,  386 

Mentieth,  Vale  of,  284 
Methlick,  55,  159,  160,  161,  163,  164,  165, 
166,  167,  169,  173,  216,  217,  319,  393. 

Mexico,  186 

Miami,  Manitoba,  257 
Michigan,  167,  168,  185,  222,  242,  244, 
248,  256.,  257,  258,  261. 

Mickell,  113 

Midcalder,  132,  249 

Middlesex,  115 

Middlesex,  Ontario,.  257 

Midlothian,  141,  149,  249 

Migvie,  157,  158 

Milanab,  69 

Mile-End,  180,  181 

Milford,  Ontario,  207 

Millbank,  161 

Millbrex,  310 

MiUfield,  303 

Milliehope,  367 

Mill  of  Kellv,  55 

MiU  of  Methlick,  55 

Milner,  B.  C,  .              164 

Milton,  157 

Milton,  of  Cambus,  72 

Miltoun  of  Machany,  90 

Minneapolis,  Minn.,  208,  219,  269 

Minnes,  129 
Minnesota,  180,  185,' 208,  219,  220,  240, 
241,  269. 

Mintlaw,  394 

Miramichi,  244 
Missouri,                    187,  206,  207,  222,  260 

Modder  River,  336 

Moira,  355 

Moir  Clochan,  188 

Moir  Homie,  188 

Moir's  Close,  312 

Monaltry,  108 

Monandawin,  156 

Monastervan,  389 

Moncrief,  335 

Montreal,     120,  171,  211,  212,  244,  260,  244 
Montrose,  96,  282,  301,  264,  365 

Monymusk,  115,  128 

Moore  Abbey,  398 

Moore  Place,  358 

Moray,  23,  128,  386 

Morayshire,  139,  303 

Morebattle,  145 

More,  County  Salop,  366,  367 

More,  Shropshire,  366 

Moresville,  205 

Mortlach,  215,  319,  320 

Mosside,  76,  77,  87,  88,  229,  236 

Mount  Vernon,  219 

Mount  Whatley,  239,  240 

Mouters,  113 

Muchalls,  308,  370 

IMuch  Hadham,  367 

Muchrach,  204 

Muir  Glacier,  Alaska,  362 

Muirhead,  65 

Muir  Park,  380 

Mulben,  23 


Musquodoh,  N.  S.,  212 

Musselburgh,  176,  177,  178,  327,  328,  329. 
331,  347. 
Muthill,  90,  91,  92,  93,  94,  268,  269,  386,  390 


Murtle,       * 

Nailor's  Lane, 




Nappan,  N.  S., 



165,  209 







Nelson,  Virginia, 


Nether  Aberargy, 




237,  285 

Nether  Leask, 



229,  237, 

238,  285 

Nether  Hayston, 


Newark,  New  Jersey, 


New  Biggins,  Lendrick, 


New  Brunswick,  134,  221,  222,  225,  235, 
239,  240,  244,  373.     .- 

Newburgh,  118,  127,  186,  365 

Newbury.  Mass.,  26,  30,  31 

New   Byth,  160 

New  College  of  Aberdeen,  96 

New  Deer,  53,  164,  167,  186,  338,  394 

New  England,  28,, "32 

Newfoundland,  212 

New  Grange,  19,  141,  223 

New  Hampshire,  30,  213,  253 

New  Haven,  Conn.,  243 

Newhills,  23.  105.  109.  113,  133,  168,  364 
New  Jersey,  190 

New  Machar,  53,  179,  317,  318,  321 

New  Orieans,  209 

Newplace,  47 

Newport,  R.  I.,  190 

Newseat,  163 

New  South  Wales,  174 

Newton  or  Newtoun,  58,  59,  60,  61.  63,65. 
66,  86,  100,  101,  143,  214.  225,  231.  277.  289 
Newton  Hill,  Kincardine  225 

Newton-of-Doune,  231,  277 

Newtoun,  TulUallan,  86,  102 

Newtown,  Kincardine,  83 

Newtvle,  114,  127,  128,  129 

New  York,  25,  56,  181,  182,  190,  198,  200, 
202,  203,  205,  207  209,  212,  219.  222,  224, 
225,  226,  249,  252,  262,  265,  271,  272,  273, 
274,  315,  345,  377. 

New  Zealand,  37,  38,  115,  211.  237,  243.  362 
Nichol,  Ontario.  184 

MoiR  Genealogy 




Nonesuch,  Michigan, 





North  Artrochie, 

North   CaroHna, 

197,  198,  199. 

North  Dakota, 





Northwood,  Iowa, 

Norwalk,  Conn., 


Norwich,  Conn., 

Norwood,  Mass., 

Nova  Scotia,  212,  213,  239,  240,  241, 




65,  75, 

191,   192,   194,   195, 


107,  147,  269, 



Oakland,  California, 



Oelwein,  Iowa, 


209,  263,  264 



166,  168 

184,  188,  209,  264 

Old  Aberdeen,  52,  97,  119,  123,  136,  178, 
298,  312,  369. 

Old  Govell,  50 

Old  Gray  Friars  Quarter,  Edinburgh,  80 
Old  Greenburn,  110 

Oldham,  366 

Old  Machar,  52,  53,  307 

Old  Meldrum,  162,  180 

Old  Milne,  114,  116,  119,  127,  128 

Old  Orange  Free  State,  340 

Old  Rayne,  Aberdeenshire,  184 

Old  town  or  Old  Town,  44,  45,  312 

Oldyards,  320 

Omaha,  Nebraska,  209 

Ontario,  165,  166,  180,  182,  183,  184,  188, 
207,  211,  212,  224,  2.34,  2.35,  2.38,  243,  245, 
246,  247,  256,  257,  258,  259,  260,  261,  262, 
263,  264,  265,  266,  267,  269,  272,  273,  274, 
344,  345. 

Oquawka,  Illinois,  199,  345 

Orange  City,  Iowa,  263 

Orange  Co.,  New  York,  272,  274 

Orchardton,  127,  128 

Oregon,  245 

Orkney,  122,  174,  207,  399 

Orleton,  366 

Ormiston  or  Ormistoun,  101,  176 

Orrock,  118 

Osburne,  Ontario,  261 

Ostend,  154 

Ottawa,  Ontario,  263,  273 

Otterburne,  14,  20,  145 

Oudh,  122 

Overhill,  20,  114,  119,  127,  128,  129,  317 
Over  Landrick,  63,  64,  71 

Owen  Sound,  Ontario,  260 

Oxbow,  Sask.,  246,  247 

Oxford  Co.,  Ontario,  272,  273 

Oxford  University,  349 

Oyne,  291 

Paardelberg,  336 
Paisley,  38,  2.38,  252,  301,  317,  334,  389,  391 

Paisley,  Ontario,  266 

Pall  MaU,  399 
Paris,                                     152,  153,  154,  352 

Paris,  Ontario,  261 

Park,  139,  140,  270,  298,  300,  302,  303,  391 

Parkhead,  Glasgow,  254 

Parktoune,  61 

Pasadena,  Cal.,  185 

Partick,  237 

Patrick  County,  Virginia,  191,  192,  195 

Pawtucket,  Rhode  Island,  238 

Peebles,  362 

Peel,  211 

Peadicle,  280 

Penkridge,  122 

Penn.sylvarua,  207,  208,  210,  226.  245 

Peoria,  Iltinoi.s,  199 

Pierce,  Canada,  245 

Perth,  38,  115,  277,  309,  315 

Perth.shirc,  75,  77,  78,  82,  87,  90,  100,  222, 
227,  228,  230,  235,  237,  238,  239,  242,  244, 
248,  256,  261,  262,  263,  205,  206,  268,  209, 
270,  384,  386. 

Peterculter,  374 

Peterborough,  258 

Peterhead,  20,  23,  120,  121,  122,  123,  131, 
140,  141,  164,  181,  214,  304,  305,  306,  312, 
313,  316,  338,  346,  378,  398. 
Pett,  90 

Pessy,  152 

Phesdo,  314 

Philadelphia,  198,  207,  209,  210,  220 

Philippine  Islands,  193,  211 

Pictou,  Ontario,  260 

Pilot  Grove,  N.  Y.,  198 

Pitfodels,  ifil 

Pitlurg,  131 

Pitmillan,  Petmillan,  114,  128,  129 

Pitsligo,  129 

Pittindy,  100 

Pittodrie,  53,  107,  137,  150,  301,  317 


Pittsylvania,  Va., 

Pitulie  or  Pituly, 

Plymouth,  Mass., 

Plymouth,  Ind., 

Plymouth,  Iowa, 

Plymouth  County, 

Point  Lookout,  Md., 






Polnekill  Grey, 

Port  Daniel, 

Port  Haney, 


Port  Glasgow, 

Port  Gordon, 

Port  Hope,  Ontario, 




Port  Said, 

Portsmouth,  N.  H., 

Portsmouth,  Va., 





Preston  Grange, 


Prince  Edward  County, 

Prince  Edward's  Island, 

Princeton,  Ontario, 


Providence,  R.  I., 


207,  245 

194,  195 

139,  141,  298,  303 

27,  347 





10.5,  138 

351,  352,  356,  358 

223,  272,  273 

268,  274 











78,  236 







143,  217.  310,  311 





183.  212 



130,  131 

Quebec,  122, 124, 187, 188, 211, 212, 242, 244, 
Quebec,  122,  124,  187,  188,  211,  212,  242, 
244,  245,  246,  247,  248,  306,  344,  345,  361 
Queensland,  318 

Quincy,  Mass.,  185 




Rainy  River,  Ontario, 



Randolph,  N.  C, 

Randolph,  Wis., 



llo.  145 











Regina,  N.  W.  T., 



81,  233,  358 

Renfrewshire,  39,  253,  254,  255,  272,  273, 

352,  362. 

Retreat,  Virginia,  194 

Rhode  Island,  190,  238,  254 

Ricoarton,  357 

Richmond  Virginia,,  375 

Roanoke,  Virginia,  193,  194 

Rochester,  New  York,  190,  204 

Rockingham,  Virginia,  196 

Rockingham,  N.  C,  195,  196,  197,  198 

Rocky  Mount,  Virginia,  194,  195 

RodgerviUe,  Ontario,  258,  260,  262 

Rome,  132,146,296 

Rosehearty,  119 

RosehiU,  142 

Rosemeath ,  115 

Roslyn,  13 

Rossi-Shire,  151,  337,  374 

Rothes,  373 

Rothey,  289 

Rothiemay,  160,  214,  306 

Rothiemurchus,  57,  383 

Rothmey,  217,  289 

Rothney,  144 

Rotterdam,  154 

Row,  60 
Rowallan,  16,  17,  20,  22,  23,  34,  351,  352, 

353,  354,  355,  356,  357,  358,  362,  376,  392 
Rowanbrae,  189 
Roxburgh,  351 
Roxbiu-ghshire,  351 
Roxbury,  Mass.,  29,  254,  269,  315,  394 
Roxbury,  New  York,  56,  200,  202,  396 
Rubislaw,  16,  19,  107,  108,  123,  151 
Rudrieston,  288 
Russia,  362 
Rynie,  or  Rhynie,  390 

Sacramento,  209 
St.  Andrews,  97,  128,  133,  176,  177,  271, 
282,  284,  315,  347,  352. 

St.  Andrews'  University,  41,  149,  179 

St.  Catherine's,  121,  131,  133,  306 

St.  Clement's,  291,  312 

St.  Colme's  Glen,  275 

St.  Croix,  399 

St.  George,  Barbadoes,  28 
St.  John's,  New  Brunswick,  235,  239,  240, 

St.  John's,  Newfoundland,  212 

St.  Joseph,  Missouri,  222 

St.  Kitts,  220,  348 

St.  Lious,  Mo.,  193,  207,  222 

St.  Martin's,  240 

St.  Paul,  Minnesota,  257 

St.  Pierre,  Martinque,  130 

St.  Mary's  College,  262 

St.  Mary's,  Ontario,  188 

St.  Mawes,  220 

St.  Nicholas,  Aberdeen,  40,  42,  117,  123, 
124,  127,  135,  314,  316. 

St.  Ninians,  83,  84 

St.  Seden,  152 

St.  Toin,  153 

Stuart,  Virginia,  191,  192,  193,  194 

St.  Vincent's,  131,  133 

Salashie,  58 

Salem,  Mass.,  30 

Salisbury,  N.  C,  196 

Salop,  366,  367 

Sancte  Marie,  Virginia,  33 

Sands  Tulliallan,  85,  86 

Sandy,  122 

San  Francisco,              30,  177,  180,  181,  209 

Santa  Cruz,  W.  I.,  295,  399 

Sas  de  Grand,  153 

Saskatchewan,  246, 247 

Sauchens,  62,  64,  65,  228 

Sauchentum,  228 

Saultoun,  139 

Savock,   12,   114,    117,   127,   129,   130,   138, 
140,  141,  142,  164,  304,  363,  364. 
Scarboro  Township,  273,  274 

Scarsdale.  New  York,  226 

Scotland,  22,  23,  25,  30,  31,  33,  53,  55,  56, 
57,  114,  120,  128,  130,  143,  147,  153,  158, 
166,  180,  181,  182,  183,  184,  185,  186,  187, 
188,  189,  195,  198,  199,  200,  201,  203,  204, 
205,  207,  208,  209,  211,  218,  219,  221,  222, 
223,  224,  226,  227,  236,  238,  239,  240,  244, 
248,  249,  250,  251,  253,  254,  255,  256,257, 
258,  259,  260,  261,  262,  263,  264,  265,  267, 
268,  269,  270,  272,  273,  274,  293,  297,  301, 
315,  319,  322,  329,  339,  340,  344,  347,  348, 
349,  352,  354,  356,  357,  358,  361,  362,  364, 
373,  384,  386,  388,  393,  394,  395,  396. 
Scots  CoUege,  Paris,  352 

Scotstown  or  Scotstoune,  14,  21,  49,  97, 
105,  106,  135,  137,  138,  139,  140,  142,  147, 
214,  216,  217,  287,  288,  290,  298,  299,  300, 
302,  303,  305,  306,  349,  370,  371,  373,  391. 
Scranton,  Pa.,  17,  207,  208,  338 

Seafield,  364 

Sea  Park,  214 

Seattersquoy,  174 

Sefton,  53 

Selkirk,  362 

Seneca,  Ontario,  274 

Seney,  Iowa,  265 

SequeUs,  113 

Sequioa  National  Park,  362 

Seton  or  Seaton,  108,  369,  371 

SeviUe,  395 

Shambellie,  131 

Sheelagreen,  120,  121,  143,  144 

Shetfield,  England,  270 

SheiUs,  32 

Shepardy,  N,  B.  240 

Shelve,  367 

Sherborne,  178 

Sherrifmuir,  270 

Shetland,  207,  399 

Shetland  Islands,  208 

Shiloh,  361 

Shipton,  367 

Shirgartane,  278 

Shropshire,  366 

Siberia,  362 

Sierra  Nevada,  361 

Silverburn,  290 

Simla,  India,  177 

Singapore,  117 

Sioux  City,  Iowa,  185 

Sioux  Rapids,  Iowa,  264 

Skene,  181,  359 

Slains,  Aberdeenshire,  307,  374 

SlippiehUlock,  97 

Sloane,  221 

Sluice,  153 

Smiddyhill,  157 

Snipfield,  186 

Sonya,  Canada,  166 

South  Africa,  174,  175,  182,  222,  237,  249, 
258,  308,  322,  338. 

South  America,  249,  362 

South  Bend,  Ind.,  208 

South  Dakota,  166,  167,  187,  265 

South  Nigeria,  336 

South  Teuchar,  303 

Spain,  13,  363 

Spittaltoun,  62,  70 

Spittel,  104,  137,  138,  215,  288,  289 

SpittlehiU,  136,  217,  287,  288,  289,  290 

Stafford,  122,  367 

Stanstead,  187,  361 

Stapleton,  350 

Staten  Island,  252 

Stenhouse,  139,  140,  298,  300,  301,  306,  349 
Stenness,  174 

Stirling.  12,  35,  80,  81,  89,  101,  103,  228, 

MoiR  Genealogy 


275,  276,  277,  278,  280,  282,  284,  344,  362, 
386,  389,  391,  394. 

Stirling  Castle,  280,  400 

Stirlinsshire.  32,  35,  39,  53,  139,  209,  242, 
243,  248,  249,  250,  252.  254,  269,  275,  27.S, 
279,  282,  284,  285,  294,  295,  323,  337,  373, 
374,  384,  395,  398. 

Stonehaven,  225,  397 

Stonevwood,  14,  19,  21,  23,  45,  49,  50,  97, 
106,  107,  108,  109,  110,  111.  112.  124.  127, 
128,  130,  132,  134.  135.  136,  138.  139,  140, 
146,  147,  148,  149.  150.  151,  155.  210,  214, 
215,  288,  290,  295,  298.  300.  305.  313.  316, 
322,  370,  371,  372,  384,  386,  392,  397. 

Stoneywood  Works, 

Stony  sy  id, 









Strath  weltie, 

Streetsville,  Ontario, 





Sudbury,  Mass.. 










98,  321,  399 

102,  277.  386 


23,  24 










183,  184 



Toronto,  Canada,  166,  172,  182, 



224,  258,  260,  272,  274. 

Toronto  University, 


Torry  qr  Torrio.      61.  62.  63.  66 

,  70. 





Tou-h,                          110.  130.  131, 



Towio,                                    115,  118, 





,  335 







Traverse  City,  Michigan. 










Truro,  Nova  Scotia, 





Tulliallan.            82,  83.  84,  85.  86, 









Turks  Lsland, 





Turnorville,  Ontario, 



Turriff,                                           119, 





Sunniside,  Sunniesyde.  136,  137,  217,  290 

Sunnybank.  306 

Surrey,  305 

Sussex.  381 

Sussex,  New  Brunswick,  240 

Uddingston,  250 

Udny,  118,  127,  142.  346 

Umballah,  India,  298,  306 

Unionville,  New  York,  265 

University  of  North  Carolina.  195 

Upperhill.  116 

Upper  Lanrick.  62.  63,  64,  74 

Usborne,  Ontario.    258,  259,  261,  262,  263, 
264.  265. 

Sweden.                                 107.  147,  153,  363 



Sydney,  Australia,                                        395 

Varna,  Ontario, 


Symington  or  Symontown,                         356 


218,  348 



,  187 

,  347,  379 

Taison,  California,                                        211 

Vernon,  Mich., 

244,  248 

Tarbolton,                                                      390 

Victoria  Park, 


Tarland,                                156,  157,  312,  398 

Victory  Road,  Canada, 


Tarquinia,                                                       132 

Villard,  Minnesota, 


Tarty,                           129,  144,  186,  306,  393 

Vinegar  Hill, 


Tarves,  55,  119,  159,  172,  287,  297,  320,  393 

Virden,  Man., 


Taycreggan,                                                   322 



,  223 

,  268,  375 

Taymouth,                                                     363 

Virgin  Islands. 

220,  348 

Teignmouth,                                                  295 

Teith,                                                      227,  386 

WakeSeld,  Nebraska, 


Temple,  New  Brunswick,                   221,  222 



Templestoun,                                                   32 

Walkerstown,  N.  C, 


Teuchar,                                                 303,  304 

Walla  WaUa. 


Thackhetherhill,                                           290 

Waltham,  Mass., 


Thainstone,  Kintore,                                    118 


62,  73 

Thankerton,                                                   356 

Wardhouse  Mains, 


Thedford,  Canada,                                       165 

Warquami,  New  Zealand, 


ThornhiU,  Perthshire,    11,   62,   75,   76,   77, 



87,  99,  228,  230,  234,  235,  236,  237,  238,  239, 

Warrenton,  South  Africa 



242,  244,  248,  256,  257,  258,  259,  261,  262, 

Washington,  D.  C,  186, 



361,  368, 

264,  265,  266,  285,  386,  389,  395. 


Thornliebank,                              252,  253,  254 



Thornton,                      20,  116,  118.  119,  365 

Waterford,  Ireland, 


Thornwall,  Ontario,                                     263 

Waterloo,                     181, 



,  295,  348 

Three  Neukit  Lea.                                        229 

Watertown,  20,  46,  106, 



128.  148, 

Tidnish,  Nova  Scotia,                                239 

186,  370. 

Tigermuck,                                                       62 


68.  71 

Tighnamara,                                                115 



Tillery,                                                            127 



Tillicoultry,                                                 189 



Tillygreig,                                                       118 

Well  Bank, 


Tillykerrie,                                             157.  158 

Wellington,  Ontario, 

184,  272 

Tillymorgan,                                                    50 

Wells,  Cults, 


Tipperty.                                                        127 



Titchfield,                                                       124 

West  Aberdeen, 

301,  310 

Tonley,  19.  20,  104.  116,  121,  122,  123,  125, 

West  Africa, 


130,  131,  132,  133,  134,  149,  152,  214,  290, 

West  Atarive, 


306,  316,  317,  320. 

West  Byres, 


Torlota,  Virgin  Islands,                              348 



Torquay,                                             115,  259 

West  Carse,  Tulliallan. 



MoiR  Genealogy 

West  Dnimmawhance, 


West  Fintray, 


West  Indies, 


West  Kilbride, 

254,  265 

West  Kirk, 


Wester  Leckie, 


Wester  Ledriegreen, 


Wester  Lundie, 


Western  Isles, 


Wester  Torrie, 

63,  64 

Westfield,  North  Carolina, 


West  Garafraxa, 




West  Indies, 

220,  348 

West  KUbride, 






Westmoreland  Port, 




West  Tinfield, 






Whitehill,                              141, 

149,  182,  290 

Whitehouse,                         131, 

133,  167,  158 


180,  391 







Wick,  Ontario, 




Windsor,  Nova  Scotia, 

Windsor,  Ontario, 

Winnepeg,  Manitoba, 

Winston-Salem,  N.  C,   193, 

Wisconsin,  168,  181,  212,  264^ 

Wisconsin,  University  of, 

Woodside,  105,  226,  306,  310, 

371,  374,  399. 

Woodstock,  New  Brunswick, 

Woodstock,  Ontario, 

Woodville,  N.  S., 


Worcester  County, 

Worcester,  Mass., 


Worthington,  Miimesota, 

Yale  University, 

Yonkers,  New  York, 

York,  Canada, 

York  River, 



Yorkville,  Illinois, 

Yosemite  VaUey, 

Yukon  River, 







211,  257 

196,  197,   198 

,  265,  273,  361 

361,  362 

311,  321,  322, 


240,  241 

311,  336 

153,  183 


99,  262,  273 



361,  362 

The  date  opposite  names  refer  to  date  of  birth  or  earliest  known 
reference;  if  preceded  by  "m.,"  it  denotes  date  of  marriage,  or  may 
refer  to  date  of  birth  of  first-born  child  ;  if  preceded  by  "d.,"  it  denotes 
date  of  death,  if  earlier  dates  are  not  known. 

If  a  person's  name  is  entered  more  than  once  on  the  same  page, 
there  may  be  but  one  reference  to  same  in  the  index.  There  may  be 
more  than  one  reference  to  the  same  personage,  for  various  reasons, 
this  is  done  for  easy  reference. 

Moir,  Abel,  in  King  Philip's  war,  32 

Moir,  Abner  Allen,  1882,  185 

Moir,  Abner  AUen,  son  of  Alexander,  185 

Moir,  A.,  d.  1899,  322 
Moir,  Adam,  married  Christian  Forbes,   43 

Moir,  A.  F.,  Rev.,  1901,  186 

Moir,  Agnes,  1733,  62 

Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  Alexander,  55 

Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1668,  47 

Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1723,  129 

Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1705,  118 

Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  Archibald,  1840,  66 

Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  George,  1652,  43 

Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  Harie,  1682,  60 

Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  Harrie,  1682,  231 

Moir,  Agnes,  2,  dau.  of  Harrie,  1712,  231 

Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  Henry,  1712,  61 

Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  Ihon,  1625,  58 

Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  James,  1693,  49 

Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  John,  1667,  143 

Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  John,  1748,  75 

Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  John,  1748,       75,  143 
Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  John,  1799,  307 

Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  Peter.  1618.  42 

Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  Rev.  George,  1723,  115 
Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  Richard,  272 

Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  Richard,  274 

Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  Robert.  1649,  59 

Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  Robert,  1685,  129 

Moir,  .\gnes,  dau.  of  Walter,  1643,  58 

Moir,  .\gne3,  dau.  of  Walter,  1680,  60 

Moir,  Agues,  dau.  of  Walter,  1680,  231 

Moir,  Agnes,  dau.  of  WiUiam,  1629,  43 

Moir,  Agnes  Elizabeth,     dau.   of  Robert, 
1881,  311 

Moir,  Agnes,  in  Haddo,  1575,  127 

Moir,  Agnes  Jane,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1865,  181 
Moir,  Agnes,  m.  1679,  231,  307 


MoiR  Genealogy 

Moir,   Agnes   Maitland,   of  Aberdeen,   m. 

1890,  54 

Moir,  Agnes,  of  Aberdeen,  1655,  44 

Moir,  Agnes,  of  Doune,  1702,  61 

Moir,  Agnes,  of  Doune,  1708,  61,  62 

Moir,  Agnes,  of  Doune,  m.  1625,  230 

Moir,  Agnes,  of  OverhiU,  1679,  114,  127 
Moir,  Agnes,  or  Anderson,  d.  1890,  307 
Moir,  Agnes,  or  Eddie,  dau.  of  William  374 
Moir,  Agnes,  or  Forbes,  dau.  of  James,  164 
Moir,  Agnes,  or  Gray,  1633,  43 

Moir,  Agnes,  or  Gregour,  m.  1627,  79 

Moir,  Agnes,  or  Oram,  1701,  50 

Moir,  Agnes,  or  Petrie,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

Moir,  Agnes,  or  Rose,  1723,  115 

Moir,  Agnes,  or  Stephen,  dau.  of  James,  172 
Moir,  Agnes,  or  Stewart,  1870,  256,  261, 
Moir,  Agnes,  or  Stewart,  1870,  256,  261,  262 
Moir,  Agnes,  of  Van  Wechel,  1864,  264 

Moir,  Agnes,  or  Young,  dau.  of  George,  266 
Moir,  Agnes  Paton,  dau.  of  James,  1899,  223 
Moir,  Agnes  Petrie,  dau.  of  George, 

1871,  184 

Moir,  Agnes  Pond,  dau.  of  James,  1888,  220 
Moir,   Agnes   Victoria,    or   Smith,   dau.   of 

John,  d.  1904,  182 

Moir,  Agnes  Winnifred,   dau.   of  William, 

1893,  266 

Moir,  A.  Henderson,  Rev.  1899,  317 

Moir,  Albert  Edward,  of  Albany,  1877  207 
Moir,  Alexander,  393 

Moir,  Alexander,  1503,  95 

Moir,  Alexander,  1588,  42 

Moir,  Alexander,  1609,  42 

Moir,  Alexander,  1648,  96 

Moir,  Alexander,  1690,  97 

Moir,  Alexander,  1696,  312 

Moir,  Alexander,  1707,  217 

Moir,  Alexander,  1764,  139 

Moir,  Alexander,  1841,  310 

Moir,  Alexander,  1855,  184 

Moir,  Alexander,  1856,  167 

Moir,  Alexander,  1860,  166 

Moir,  Alexander,  1862,  199 

Moir,  Alexander,  1874,  311 

Moir,  Alexander,  1894,  237 

Moir,     vUexander,     Aberdeen     University, 

1735,  39 

Moir,     Alexander,    Aberdeen    University, 

1813,  39 

Moir,  Alexander,  A.  M.,  Aberdeen  Uni- 
versity, 1731,  39 
Moir,  Alexander,  A.  M.,  M.  D.,  Aberdeen 

University,  1735,  39 

Moir,     Alexander     Anderson,     of     Forres, 

191,  194,  195 
MoLr,  Alexander  A.  S.,  Merchant,  308 

Moir,  Alexander,  baker,  1647,  96 

Moir,  Alexander,  baker,  1804,  221 

Moir,  Alexander,  builder  of  Doune,  267 
Moir,  Alexander,  buyer  and  wright, 

1694,  49 

Moir,  Alexander,  burgess,  1647,  96 

Moir,  Alexander,  burgess,  1648,  96 

Moir,  Alexander,  burgess,  1691,  97 

Moir,  Alexander,  bursar  of  King's  College, 

d.  1766,  296 

Moir,  Alexander    Calder,    son    of    George, 

1828,  166,  167 

Moir,  Alexander,  d.  1766,  296 

Moir,  Alexander,  d.  1768,  305 

Moir,  Alexander,  d.  1824,  302,  303 

Moir,  Alexander,  d.  1826,  299 

Moir,  Alexander,  d.  1826,  302,  303 

Moir,  Alexander,  d.  1851,  306 

Moir,  Alexander,  d.  1868,  346 

Moir,  Alexander,  d.  1878,  291 

Moir,  Alexander,  d.  1882,  309 

Moir,  Alexander,  d.  1885,  308 

Moir,  Alexander,  d.  1888,  308 

Moir,  Alexander,  d.  1909,  309 

Moir,  Alexander,  Dr.,  of  Mortloch,         320 

Moir,  Alexander,  Dr.,  schoolmaster,  320 
Moir,  Alexander  Duncan,  d.  1870,  309 

Moir,  Alexander  Dyce  Davidson,  d. 

1905,  318 

Moir,  Alexander  Elder,  witness,  1660,  46 
Moir,  Alexander,  engine  driver,  d.  1909, 

Moir,  Alexander,  engineer,  213 

Moir,  Alexander,  engineer,  1821,  226 

Moir,  Alexander,  father  of  Alexander, 

1682,  96 

Moir,  Alexander,  father  of  Andrew.  1762,  92 
Moir,  Alexander,  father   of  Andrew, 

1816,  76 

Moir,  Alexander,  father  of  David  A.,  185 
Moir,  Alexander,  father  of  David  A.,  185 
Moir,  Alexander,  father  of  Isabella,  300 
Moir,  Alexander,  father  of  James,  1825  77 
Moir,  Alexander,  father  of  James,    LL.  D., 

Moir,  Alexander,  father  of  Jean  in  Mosside, 

1818,  76 

Moir,  Alexander,  father  of  John,  1822,  77 
Moir,  Alexander,  father  of  John,  1892,  311 
Moir,  Alexander,  father  of  Margaret, 

1782,  297 

Moir,  Alexander,  father  of  Robert,  1820,  77 
Moir,  Alexander,  father  of  WUham, 

1758,  92 

Moir,  Alexander,  father  of  William, 

1813,  76 

Moir,  ^Uexander,  Finnylost,  98 

Moir,  Alexander  Forbes,  Rev.,  399 

Moir,  Alexander  Forbes,  Rev.,  1888,  307 
Moir,    Alexander    Forbes,     University    of 

Aberdeen,  1837,  39 

Moir,  Alexander  G.,  1837,  221 

Moir,  Alexander  Gartshore,  211 

Moir,   Alexander,   G.,   married  to   Huldah 

Ingraham,  1837,  221 

Moir,  Alexander,  Granitehill,  1887,  310 
Moir,  Alexander,  heir  of  Dr.  William, 

1707,  217 

Moir,  Alexander,  "horseshyer,"  1689,  49 
Moir,  Alexander,  hosier,  379 

Moir,  Alexander  Hugh,  son  of  John, 

1903,  254 

Moir,  Alexander,  in  Ayr,  268 

Moir,  Alexander,  in  OverhUl,  m.  1705,  129 
Moir,  Alexander  James,  of  Worcester, 

1870,  239 

Moir,  Alexander,  Jr.,  1660,  46 

Moir,  Alexander  Leith,  son  of  Alexander, 

Moir,  Alexander  Leith,  son  of  Forbes, 

1898,  183 

Moir,    Alexander    L.,     of    Lowell, 

1864,  253,  368 

Moir,  Alexander,  m.  1588,  42 

Moir,  Alexander,  m.  1607,  42 

Moir,  Alexander,  m.  1609,  42 

Moir,  Alexander,  m.  1670,  47 

Moir,  Alexander,  m.  1678,  48 

MoLr,  Alexander,  m.  1691,  47 

Moir,  Alexander,  m.  1698,  47 

Moir,  Alexander,  m.  1744,  55 

Moir,  Alexander,  merchant,  1768.  305 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Aberdeen,  181 

Moir,  Alexander  2,  of  Aberdeen,  185 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Aberdeen,  51 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Aberdeen,  1830,  311 
Moir,  Alexander  of  Aberdeen,  1858,  308 
Moir,  Alexander,  of  Aberdeenshire,  181 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Blackford,  1743,  102 
Moir,  Alexander,  of  Brainjohn,  1782,  297 
Moir,  Alexander  of  Dunblane,  1713,  99 
Moir,  Alexander,  of  EUon,  186 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Forres,  191 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Forres,  191,  195 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Fabnouth,  209,  210 
Moir,  Alexander,  of  Fetternear,  395 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Folkstone, 

1879,  236, 237 

MoiR  Genealogy 


Moir,  Alexander,  of  Gargunnock,  285 

Moir,    Alexander,  of  Gargunnock, 

1879,  230,  237 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Gilcomston,  52 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Glasgow,  1842,  310 
Moir,  Alexander,  of  Glassel,  186 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Granitehill,  d. 

1882,  309 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Halifax,  N.  S.,  213,214 
Moir,  Alexander,  of  Halifax,  N.  S.,  226 

Moir,  Alexander,  2,  of  Halifax,  N.  S.,  226 
Moir,  Alexander,  of  Indiana,  180,   181 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Insch,  186 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Kintore,  186 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Lanark,  226 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Longacre,  1859,  53 
Moir,  Alexander,  of  Machany,  1741,  102 
Moir,  Alexander,  of  Mains,  Thornhill, 

1776,  232,  234,  236 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Methlick,  1745,  55 

Moir,  -Alexander,  of  Methlick,  1856,  167 
Moir.  Alexander,  of  Muthill,  268 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Muthill,  268,  269 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Muthill,  1770,  268,  269 
Moir,  Alexander,  of  Oyne,  d.  1878,  291 
Moir,  Alexander,  of  Rayne,  184 

Moir,  Alexander  , of  Scotstown,  1701,  49 
Moir,  Alexander,  of  Scotstown,  1712,  290 
Moir,  Alexander,  of  Scotstown,  1721,  290 
Moir.  Alexander,  of  Scotstown.  1723,  97 
Moir,  Alexander,  of  Scotstown,  1771,  104 
Moir,  Alexander,  of  Scotstown,  1793,  97 
Mojr,  Alexander,  of  Scotstown,  300 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Scotstown,  d.  1824,303 
Moir,  Alexander,  of  Scotstown,  d.  1824,  306 
Moir,  Alexander,  of  St.  Andrews,  371 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  St.  Croix,  300 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Stonehaven,  225 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Stoneywood,  1700,  300 
Moir,  AJexande.-,  of  Tarland,  1696,  312 

Moir,  Alexander,   of  Thornhill,  265 

Moir,  Alexander,  of  Washington,  1896,  388 
Moir,  Alexander,  of  Waterton,  Ellon,  186 
Moir,  Alexander,  or  Mure,  m.  1661,  47 
Moir,    Alexander,   Principal   St.   Andrew's 

College,  1713,  371 

Moir,  Alexander,  Regent,  49 

Moir,  Alexander  Reid,  son  of  John,  1883,  86 
Moir,   Alexander   Robert,   M.   B.,  Ch.  B., 

University  of  Glasgow,  37 

Moir,  Alexander,  Sheriff  of  Aberdeen,  d. 

1824,  52 

Moir,   Alexander  Smillie,   son    of  Duncan 

1851,  249 

Moir,  Alexander,  soldier,  1745,  322 

Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Alexander,  181 

Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Alexander,  214 
Moir,  Alexander,  2,  son  of  Alexander,  214 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Alexander,  238 
Moir,  Alexander,  2,  son  of  Alexander,  238 
Moir,  Alexander,  3,  son  of  Alexander,  238 
Moir,  Alexander,  4,  son  of  Alexander,  238 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Alexander,  1662,  47 
Moir,  Alexander  2d,  son  of  Alexander, 

1673,  47 

Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Alexander,  1694,  49 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Alexander, 

1798,  51 

Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Alexander, 

1814,  238 

Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Alexander, 

1856,  167 

Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Alexander, 

1856.  181 

Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Alexander  L., 

1855,  184 

Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Andrew,  127,  128 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Andrew,  1671,  46 
Moir,    Alexander,    son    of    Andrew, 

1736,  .        77,  91 

Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Dr.  Williams 

1668,  138 

Moir,  Alexander,  eon  of  Dr.  William, 

1695,  138.  139 

Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Dr.  William, 

1711,  217 

Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Edward,  1810,  189 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  GeorKC,  139 

Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  George,  1776,  75 
Moir,    Alexander,    son    of    George, 

1776.  78,  236 

Moir,    Alexander,    son    of    George. 

1776,  232,  234 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  George,  1821,  234 
Moir,  Alexander,  2,  son  of  George,  1821, 

Moir.    Alexander,    son    of    George. 

1821.  256.  263,  264 

Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  George,  1882,  182 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Gilbert,  1680,  128 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Gilbert,  1686,  128 
Moir.  Alexander,  son  of  James,  149 

Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  James,  150 

Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  James.  172 

Moir.  Alexander,  son  of  James.  185 

Moir.  Alexander,  .son  of  James,  1701,  49 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  James,  1845.  185 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  James,  1852,  185 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  James,  1886.  172 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  John.  316 

Moir.  Alexander,  son  of  John.  1668  45 

Moir.  Alexander,  son  of  John.  1672.  46 

Moir.  Alexander,  son  of  John.  1696.  316 
Moir.  Alexander,  son  of  John,  1707, 

62.  148,  149 
Moir.  Alexander,  son  of  John,  1735,  62 

Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  John,  1735,  232 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  John,  1740.  203 
Moir.  Alexander,  son  of  John.  1770,  269 
Moir.  Alexander,  son  of  John.  1777.  75 

Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  John,  1S04,  221 
Moir.  Alexander,  son  of  John.  1833,  267 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Patrick  or  Peter, 

1635  42 

Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Robert.  1705,  231 
Moir,    Alexander,    son    of    Robert, 

1826,  9,  250,  252 

Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Robert,  1826,  250 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Robert,  1862,  199 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Robert,  1891,  243 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  Robert,  1891,  249 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  William,  141 

Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  William,  1583.  42 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  William,  1629,  43 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  William,  1636.  43 
Moir.  Alexander,  son  of  William.  16.59.  127 
MoLr,  Alexander,  son  of  William.  1690,  97 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  William,  1705.  61 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  William,  1777,  297 
Moir.  Alexander,  sons  of  William,  1826,  303 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  %Ailliam,  1850,  87 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  William,  1850,  236 
Moir.  Alexander,  son  of  William,  1860,  166 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  William,  1894,  237 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  William,  d. 

1777.  297 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  William  M.,  181 
Moir,  Alexander,  son  of  William  M., 

1838,  181 

Moir,  Alexander,  stonedresser,  1830,  311 
Moir,  Alexander  Thomas,  son  of  Alexander 

A.,  1828,  192 

Moir,  Alexander  Thomas,  son  of  Robert, 

1884.  252 

Moir.  Alexander,  weaver,  1606  96 

Moir,  Alexander  William,  son  of  Robert, 

1863.  247 

Moir.    Alexander   Wilson,    son    of    James. 

M.  D.,  1825.  220 

Moir.    Alexander,  weaver,  1606,  96 

Moir,  Alexander,  witness,  49 

Moir,  Alexander,  woodsawyer  185 

Moir,  Alexander,  wright,  1691,  97 

Moir,  Alexander,  writer,  1713,  101 

Moir,  Alexander,  writer,  d.  1724,  101 


MoiR  Genealogy 

Moir,  Alexander   writer,  Dunblane, 

1713,  97 

Moir,  Alexander,  writer,  of  Aberdeen,  49 
Moir,  Alexandra  Bertha  Christina,!  dau.  of 

Alexander  W.,  1864,  220 

Moir,  Alfred,  son  of  William  M.,  181 

Moir,  Alice,  dau.  of  James  172 

Moir,  Alice  HUda,  dau.  of  James,  125 

Moir,  Alice  Katherine,    dau.    of   John   G., 

1897,  165 

Moir,    Alice    May,    or   Reinhold,   dau.    of 

Duncan,  1868,  180,  181 

Moir,  Alice,  or  Pratt,  dau.  of  James,  172 
Moir,    Alice,    Robina,   dau.    of   Alexander, 

1901,  166 

Moir,   Alice   Wood,    dau.   of   David, 

1878,  269 

Moir,  Alison,  or  Jardine,  dau.  of  Robert, 

1867,  177 

Moir,  AUan  James  Gordon,  Brevet  Major, 

m.  1903,  94 

Moir,  Allan  Leo,  son  of  Alexander  W., 

1897,  247 
Moir,  Allan,  son  of  Alexander,  1859,  53 
Moir,  Allan,  son  of  Andrew,  255 
Moir,  AUaster,  soldier,  1745,  322 
Moir,  Amy  Alice  Anna,   dau.    of  Alexander 

W.,  1857,  220 

Moir,   Amy   Christina,   dau.   of   Mark   G., 

1898,  246 
Moir  and  More  in  Scotland,  22,  23 
Moir,  Andrea,  Aberdeen  University, 

1679,  39 

Moir,  Andrea,  Aberdeen  University, 

1720,  39 

Moir,  Andrea,  Aberdeen  University, 

1749,  39 

Moir,  Andrea,  M.  D.,  Aberdeen  University, 

1822,  40 

Moir,  Andrew,   1673,  365 

Moir,  Andrew,  1792,  92 

Moir,  Andrew,  1833,  256 

Moir,  Andrew,  1903,  297 

Moir,  Andrew,  baker,  1596,  95 

Moir,  Andrew,  baker,  of    Maryland, 

1774,  27 

Moir,  Andrew,  burgess,  1558,  95 

Moir,  Andrew,  carpenter,  1838,  93 

Moir,  Andrew  Clarkson,  son  of  Alexander, 

1880,  265 

Moir,  Andrew,  father  of  George,  1819,  77 
Moir,  Andrew,  father  of  Henry,  1821,  77 
Moir,  Andrew,  father  of  James,  1773,  92 
Moir,  Andrew,  father  of  Jane,  1848,  87 
Moir,  Andrew,  father  of  Janet,  1839,  93 
Moir,  Andrew,  father  of  John,  1744,  91 
Moir,   Andrew,  father  of  Margaret, 

1770,  92,  93 

Moir,  Andrew,  father  of  Martha,  1829,  93 
Moir,  Andrew,  father  of  Mary,  1797,  77,  92 
Moir,  Andrew,  father  of  Robert,  1844,  93 
Moir,  Andrew,  father  of  William,  1768,  92 
Moir,  Andrew  HiU,  son  of  George  M., 

1910,  223 

Moir,  Andrew,  in  Aberdeen,  m.  1670,  46 
Moir,  Andrew,  in  Blackford,  1741,  91 

Moir,  Andrew,  in  Crofthead,  1767,  91,  92 
Moir,  Andrew,  in  Drumlakenoch,  1710,  90 
Moir,  Andrew,  in  Drumlakin,  1736,  91 
Moir,  Andrew,  in  Foveran,  1597,  127 

Moir,  Andrew,  in  Foveran,  1687,  128,  129 
Moir,  Andrew,  in  Foveran,  1688,  97 

Moir,  Andrew,  in  Kincardine,  1829,  77 
Moir,  Andrew,  in  Muthill,   1790,  93 

Moir,  Andrew,  in  Muthill,   1813,  93 

Moir,  Andrew  James,  son  of  Andrew, 

1840,  93 

Moir,  Andrew  John,  son  of  Andrew, 

1791,  92 

Moir,  Andrew,  m.  1641,  43 

Moir,  Andrew,  m.  1659,  46 

Moir,  Andrew,  m.  1848,  78 

Moir,  Andrew,  merchant,  1683,  97 

Moir,  Andrew,  of  Aberargie,  1664,  100 

Moir,  Andrew,  of  Aberdeen,  m.  1670,  47 
Moir,  Andrew,  of  Kincardine,  m.  1819,  77 
Moir,  Andrew,  of  Kincardine,  m.  1845, 

78,  238 
Moir,  Andrew,  of  Kippen,  m.  1806,  81 

Moir,  Andrew,  of  Mains,  Insch,  186 

Moir,  Andrew,  I.  of  Oldmill,  127,  129 

Moir,  Andrew,  of  Otterburn,  1756,  145 

Moir,  Andrew,  of  Overhill,  1673,  317 

Moir,  Andrew,  I.  of  OverhiU,  1621, 

20,  114,  115,  116 
Moir,    Andrew,    II.    of    Overhill.    son    of 

Andrew  I.,  1673,     114,  116,  117,  118,  119 
Moir,    Andrew,    III.    of    Overhill,    son    of 

Andrew  II.,   1703,  116,  119,  120 

Moir,  Andrew,  of  Thornhill,  265 

Moir,  Andrew,  of  Thornhill,  1788, 

77  2.32  234  235 
Moir,  Andrew,  of  Thornhill,  1816,'  '  238 
Moir,  Andrew,  of  Washington,  1903,  388 
Moir,  Andrew,  Rev.  393 

Moir,  Andrew,  Rev.,  1774,  320 

Moir,  Andrew,  Rev.,  of  Ellon,  20 

Moir,  Andrew,  "Smyth."  1597,  127 

Moir,  Andrew,  soldier,  1745,  322 

Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  Alexander,  1672,  128 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  Alexander,  1762,  92 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  Alexander,  1816,  76 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  Alexander,  1892,  237 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  Alexander  Jr., 

1657,  47 

Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  Andrew,  255 

Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  Andrew,  1673,  116 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  Andrew,  1733,  317 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  Andrew,  1742,  91 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  Andrew,  1813,  93 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  Andrew,  1824,  77 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  Andrew,  III.  of  Over- 
hill, 1753,  119 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  Dr.  Moir,  1767, 

121,  122 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  George,  265 

Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  George,  1788,  76 

Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  George,  1833,  234 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  George,  1833,  234,265 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  Gilbert,  1672,  128 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  James,  1765,  92 

Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  John,  1791,  92 

Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  John,  1832,  122 

Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  Robert,  1690,  129 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  Robert,  1828,  254 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  Robert,  1828, 

254,  297 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  Thomas,  1676,  145 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  William,  308 

Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  William,  1631,  43 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  William,  1657,  47 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  WilUam,  1683,  96 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  William,  1686,  127 
Moir,  Andrew,  son  of  William  M.,  181 

Moir,  Andrew,  surgeon,  379 

Moir,  Andrew,  witness,  1672,  128 

Moir,  Andrew,  witness,  1683,  128 

Moir,  Andrew,  witness,  1686,  127 

Moir,  Andrew,  witness,  1690,  129 

Moir,  Andrew,  witness,  1703,  119 

Moir,  Andrew,  wright,  1833,  93 

Moir,  Andro,  "baxter,"  1596,  95 

Moir,  Anna,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1672,  46 

Moir,  Anna,  dau.  of  Gilbert,  1678,  128 

Moir,  Anna,  dau.  of  Henry,  1733,  62 

Moir,  Anna,  dau.  of  John,  1672,  60 

Moir,  Anna,  dau.  of  Robert,  1702,  61 

Moir,  Anna,  dau.  of  Robert,  1702,  231 

Moir,  Anna,  dau.  of  William,  1683,  142 

Moir,  Anna  Delight,  dau.  of  Robert, 

1836,  197 

Moir,  Anna  Louise,  dau.  of  John  G., 

1889,  165 

Moir,  Anna  Margaret,  dau.  of  George, 

1886,  211 

Moir,  Anna,  or  Muschet,  m.  1711,  75 

MoiR  Genealogy 


Moir,  Anna  Scott,  or  Joy,  dau.  of  Alexander 

C,  1859,  167 

Moir,  Ann,  d.  1848,  313 

Moir,  Ann,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1792,  92 

Moir,  Ann,  dau.  of  Franeia,  d.- 1859,  307 
Moir,  Ann,  dau.  of  George,  1795,  100 

Moir,  Ann,  dau.  of  George,  d.  1795,  1(50 
Moir,  Ann,  dau.  of  George  y.,  1833,  293 
Moir,  Ann,  dau.  of  Henry,  1773,  64 

Moir,  Ann,  dau.  of  James,  1802,  65 

Moir,  Ann,  dau.  of  James,  1827,  170 

Moir,  Ann,  dau.  of  James,  writer,  1743,  102 
Moir,  Ann,  dau.  of  John,  1760,  63,  92 

Moir,  Ann,  dau.  of  John,  1767,  64 

Moir,  Ann,  dau.  of  John,  1801,  76 

Moir,  Ann,  dau.  of  Robert,  1836,  52 

Moir,  Ann,  dau.  of  William,  160 

Moir,  Ann,  dau.  of  William,  1799,  92,  160 
Moir,  Anne,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1834,  93 

Moir,  Anne,  dau.  of  John,  1730,  62 

Moir,  Anne,  dau.  of  John,  1740,  62 

Moir,  Anne,  dau.  of  William,  141 

Moir,  Anne  Isabella,  d.  1848.  299 

Moir,    Anne    Mary,    or    Milligan,    dau.    of 

David  M.,  1840,  177 

Moir,  Anne  Tower,  or  Moore,  Countess  of 

Drogheda,  1879,  296 

Moir,   Annie   Catherine,  dau.   of  John  S., 

1898,  184 

Moir,  Annie,  dau.  of  Benjamin,  213 

Moir,  Annie,  dau.  of  Charles,  1862,  170 
Moir,  Annie,  dau.  of  Duncan,  1895,  250 
Moir,  Annie,  dau.  of  James,  172 

Moir,  Annie  D.,  or  Forsyth,  dau.  of  Alex- 
ander, 1858,  252 
Moir,  Annie  D.,  or  Johns,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1858,  252 

Moir,   Annie  Ellen,   dau.   of  David, 

1879,  204 

Moir,  Annie  Gertrude,  or  Faxon,  dau.  of 

Alexander  G.,  1870,  222 

Moir,  Annie   Maitland,   dau.   of  Frederick 

L.  M.,  1887,  219 

Moir,  AJinie  Marion,  dau.  of  Joseph    D., 

1896,  246 

Moir,  Annie,  or  Ball,  dau.  of  Robert, 

1868,  247 

Moir,   Annie,  or  Fraser,   dau.  of  Duncan, 

1854,  249 

Moir,  Annie  Reid,    of    Aberdeen,  d. 

1884,  292 

Moir,  Annie  Smillie,  dau.  of  William, 

1907,  250 

Moir,  Annie  Winifred,  dau.  of  John, 

1888,  258 

Moir,  Ann.  in  Dunblane,  d.  1743,  102 
Moir,  Ann,  in  Kilmadock,  1769,  80 

Moir,  Ann,  in  Kilmadock,  m.  1851,  81 

Moir,  Ann,  in  MuthiU,  1799,  93 

Moir,  Arm,  in  Torrie,  1760,  63 

Moir,  Ann  Isabella,    dau.    of    William,    d. 

1848,  53 

Moir,  Ann,  of  Aberdeen,  1811,  291 

Moir,  Ann,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1848,  313 

Moir,  Ann,  of  Aberdeen,  m.  1843,  52 

Moir,  Ann,  of  Fraserburg,    d.  1814,  51 

Moir,  Ann,  of  Grandhome,  160 

Moir,  Arm,  of  Kilmadock,  m.  1847,  81 

Moir,  Ann,  or  AUardyce,  d.  1887,  291,  293 
Moir,  Ann,  or  Cuming,  of  Doune,  1816,  74 
Moir,  Ann,  or  Findlater,  dau.  of  George, 

1795,  160,  320 

Moir,   Aim,   or   MacLaren,   dau.   of   John, 

1740,  232 

Moir,  Ann,  or  Milne,  dau.  of  George, 

1822,  164,  168 

Moir,  Ann,  or  Ogston,  dau.  of  James,  164 
Moir,  Anne  or  Skeen,  of  Tarland,  156,  312 
Moir,  Ann,  or  Stewart,  dau.  of  James, 

1767,  74,  80,  233 

Moir,  Ann,  or  Stewart,  m.  1784.  74 

Moir.  Ann,  or  Thorn,  dau.  of  James,       172 

Moir,   Ann  Smillie,  dau.  of   Robert, 

1883.  249 

Moir,  Ann,  wife  of  George,  160 

Moir,  Archibald  Gifford,  mod  of  Archibald 

P.,  271 

Moir,  Archibald,  in  Deanston,  1721,  62 
Moir,  Archibald,  in  Doun(!,  in.  1H37,  81 
Moir,  Archibald,  in  Glenwhilk,  1069.  60 
Moir,   Archibald,  in   Row,   1070,  60 

Moir,  Archibald,  M.  D.,  son  of  John,  274 
Moir,  Archibald,  M.  D.,  son  of  John, 

1872,  272 

Moir,  Archibald,  of  Alloa,  1835,  271 

Moir,  Archibald,  of  Doune,  1837,  66 

Moir,  Archibald,  of  Kilmadock.  1668,  60 
Moir,    Archibald   Patrick,    of    Alloa, 

1860,  271,  336 

Moir,  Archibald,  son  of  Archibald,  1721,  66 
Moir,  Archibald,  son  of  Henrj',  1778,  64 
Moir,  Archibald,  son  of  James,  1043,  59 
Moir,  Archibald,  son  of  James,  1643,  231 
Moir,  Archibald,  son  of  James,  1753,  63 
Moir,  Archibald,  son  of  James,  1835, 

270,  271,  335 
Moir,  -Archibald,  son  of  John,  1720,  62 
Moir,  Archibald,  son  of  Walter,  1863,  83 
Moir,  Archibald,  witness,  1676,  60 

Moir,  Archibald,  witness,  1791,  64 

Moir,  Arthor,  of  Aberdeen,  m.  1608,  42 
Moir,  Arthur  Duncan,  son  of  James, 

1887,  220 

Moir,  Arthur,  Finnylost,  98 

Moir,  Arthur  Homewood,  son  of  William, 

Moir,  A.,  soldier,  1899,  322 

Moir,  Barbara,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1664,  47 
Moir,  Barbara,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1721,  129 

Moir,  Barbara,  dau.  of  George,  1691,  129 
Moir,  Barbara,  dau.  of  George,  1789,  162 
Moir,  Barbara,  dau.  of  George,  1820,  164 
Moir,  Barbara,  dau.  of  GUbert,  1680,  128 
Moir,  Barbara,  dau.  of  Thomas,  1783,  145 
Moir,  Barbara,  dau.  of  William,  1758,  55 
Moir,  Barbara  Helen,  dau.  of  David, 

1887,  204 

Moir,  Barbara,  or  Grant,  dau.  of  Peter,  203 
Moir,  Barbara,or  Hay,  d.  1781,  316 

Moir,  Beatrix,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1790,  92 
Moir,  Beatrix,  dau.  of  William,  1811,  93 
Moir,  Beatrix,  in  ICincardine,  1765,  77 

Moir,  Beatrix,  or  Gibb,  d.  1756,  297 

Moir,  Bella,  dau.  of  John,  1882,  274 

Moir,  Bella  Jean,  dau.  of  James,  203 

Moir,  Benjamin,  manufacturer,  d.  1872,  307 
Moir,  Benjamin,  of  Halifax,  212 

Moir,  Benjamin,  provision  merchant, 

1842,  379 

Moir,  Benjamin,  son  of  Benjamin,  212 

Moir,  Benjamin  2,  son  of  Benjamin,  212 
Moir,  Bertha  Day,  dau.  of  Alexander  J., 

1898,  239 

Moir,  Bertha  Florence,  dau.  of  George  R., 

1894,  263 

Moir,  Bessie,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1661,  47 
Moir,  Bessie,  of  Aberdeen,  m.  1671,  46 

Moir,  Betsy,  dau.  of  John,  1878,  85 

Moir,  Betty  S.,  or  Christian,  dau,  of 

DeWittC,   1873,  197 

Moir,,  covenanter,  396 

Moir,  Bridget,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1842,  313 
Moir-Bvres,  Alleyn    Catherine     Elizabeth, 

m.   1881,  133 

Moir-B3-re3,  family  of,  126 

Moir-Byres,  family,  of  Tonley,  19,  317 

Moir-Byres,  George,  VI.,  of  Tonley, 

1807,  ^        122,  133 

Moir-Byres,  James  Gregory,  V.  of  Tonley, 

1804,  122  ,133,  306 

Moir-Byres,  Jean,  dau.  of  George,  133 

Moir,  Byres,  M.B.,  CM..  M.D.,  1876,  40 
Moir,  Byres,  M.B.,  son  of  Patrick,  1853, 125 


MoiR  Genealogy 

Moir-Byres,  Patricia  Byres,  1879,  133 

Moir-Byres,  Patrick  III.,  of  Tooley, 

1778,  132 

Moir-Byres,  Patrick,  IV.,  of  Tonley, 

1802,  121,  133 

Moir-Byres,  Stuart,  son  of  George,         133 

Moir,  Calder,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1855,  292 
Moir,   Carl   Raymond,   son  of  George  R., 

1897,  263 
Moir,  Caroline,  dau.  of  Patrick,  m. 

1872,  125 

Moir,  Cassie  Jane  Ross,  dau.  of  William  C, 

1890,  266 

Moir,  Catherine,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1809,  76 
Moir,  Catherine,  dau.  of  James,  1676,  145 
Moir,  Catherine,  dau.  of  James,  1896,  243 
Moir,  Catherine,  dau.  of  John,  122 

Moir,  Catherine,  dau.  of  Robert,  1857,  263 
Moir,  Catherine,  dau.  of  Robert,  1865,  177 
Moir,  Catherine,  dau.  of  William,  141 

Moir,  Catherine  Elizabeth,  dau.   of  John, 

1860,  272 

Moir,  Catherine  Elizabeth,  of  Port  Hope, 

Moir,  Catherine  F.,  of  Aberdeen,  d. 

1862,  294 

Moir,  Catherine,  or  Findlay,  dau.  of  John, 

Moir,  Catherine,  or  Fraser,  dau.  of  John, 

Moir,  Catherine,  or  Hutton,  dau.  of  Alex- 
ander, 1809,  236 
Moir,  Catherine,  or  Hutton,  of  Kilmadock, 

m.  1844,      _  _      78,  81 

Moir,  Catharine,  or  Maule,  of  Kilmadock, 

1841,  81 

Moir,  Catherine  Paton,  dau.  of  James, 

1896,  223 

Moir,    Catherine   Yoimghusband,    or    Orr, 

dau.  of  David  M.,  1838,  177 

Moir,  Cecilia  Ann,  dau.  of  David  A., 

1898,  186 
Moir,  Charles  Alexander,  of  Leckie, 

1820,  284 
Moir,  Charles  Bell,  son  David  M.,  1833, 177 

Moir,  Charies,  bookseUer,  1828,  170 

Moir,  Charles,  Captain,  soldier,  1745,  322 

Moir,  Charles  C,  son  of  George,  1909,  213 
Moir,  Charles  George,  of  Denmore,  d. 

1851,  53 

Moir,  Charles  H.,  of  Gautemala,  1904,  186 

Moir,  Charles,  in  StirUng,  1801,  103 
Moir,  Charles  Louis,  son  of  Charles, 

1882,  188 
Moir,  Charles    McGregor,    son    of    James, 

1903,  173 
Moir,  Charles,  M.  D.,  son  of  James, 

1858,  188 

Moir,  Charles,  of  Aberdeen,  1813,  307 

Moir,  Charles,  of  Aberdeen  309 

Moir,  Charles,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1881,  307 

Moir,  Charles,  of  Stirling,  1803,  103 
Moir,  Charles  Raymond,  son  of  Alexander, 

1892,  185 
Moir,  Charles,  Rev.,  d.  1774,  305 
Moir,  Charles  R.,  son  of  Wilham  W., 

1874,  193 
Moir,  Charles  Scott,  son  of  Robert, 

1804,  176 

Moir,  Charles,  soldier,  1745,  322 

Moir,  Charles,  soldier,  1746,  132 

Moir,  Charles,  soldier,  1746,  132,  153,  154 
Moir,  Charles,  son  of  Charles, 

1860,  170 

Moir,  Charles,  son  of  James,  1745,  150 

Moir,  Charles,  son  of  James,  1752,  151 

Moir,  Charles,  son  of  James,  1828,  170 

Moir,  Charles,  son  of  James,  172 

Moir,  Charles,  son  of  William,  1830,  299 

Moir,  Charles,  son  of  William,  d.  1845.  52 
Moir,  Charles  Sutherland,   son  of   David, 

1893,  269 

Moir,  Charles  William,  son  of  Alexander  G., 

1877,  222 

Moir,  Charlotte  Amelia,  or  Simpson,  dau. 

of  Robert,  1852,  245 

Moir,  Charlotte,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1885,  166 

Moir,  Charlotte,  dau.  of  Thomas,  1783,  145 
Moir,  Charlotte,  dau.  of  William,  1862,   166 
Moir,  Chester  Drummond,  son  of  Alexander 
J     1901  239 

Moir,  ( — '—),  child  of  George   d.  1777,  302 

Moir,  ( ),  child  of  John,  d.  1872,        309 

Moir,  Christine,  dau.  of  Robert,  1644,  59 
Moir,  Christian,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1659,  128 

Moir,  Christian,  dau.  of  John,  m.  1691,  137 
Moir,  Christian,  dau.  of  John,  1748,  203 
Moir,  Christian,  dau.  of  John,  1633,  136 
Moir.  Christian,  dau.  of  John,  1671,  143 
Moir,  Christian,  dau.  of  John,  1748,  203 
Moir,  Christian,  dau.  of  Patrick, 

1655,  45 

Moir,  Christian,  dau.  of  Peter,  1632,  42 
Moir,  Christian,  dau.  of  William,  1687,  48 
Moir,  Christian,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1849,  53 
Moir,  Christian,  or  Fraser,  dau.  of  John, 
1691,  217 

Moir,    Christina   Agnes,   dau.    of   George, 
1881,  164 

Moir,  Christina  Beaton,  dau.  of  George, 

1879,  311 

Moir,  Christina,  dau.  of  Alexander,  d. 

1909,  300 

Moir,  Christina,  dau.  of  George,  1639,  43 
Moir,  Christina,  dau.  of  Thomas,  1783,  145 
Moir,  Christina,  dressmaker,  d.  1887,  310 
Moir,  Christina  Isabel,  dau.  of  James, 

1903,  254 

Moir,  Christina  Jane  Smith,  dau.  of  William 

Moir,  Christina,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1909,  309 
Moir,  Christina,  of  Stonehaven,  225 

Moir,  Clara  Luella,  or  Foster,  dau.  of  Mar- 
cus W.,  1873,  187 
Moir,  Clementina,  dau.  of  James,  159 
Moir,  Clifford  James,  son  of  John, 

1894,  261 

Moir,  Colin  Argyle,  son  of  John,  1804,  258 
Moir,  Colonel,  of  Scotstown,  d.  1870,  306 
Moir,  Constance  M.  Louise,  dau.  of  Alex- 
ander W.,  1860,  220 
Moir-Crane,  Patrick,  of  Levenshulme, 

1830,  20.124 

Moir,  Crawford  Boyd,  son  of  David, 

1886,  260 

Moir,  CybeUa  Susan,  or  Noel,  dau.  of  Alex- 
ander A.,  1840,  193 

Moir,  Daniel  Mearns,  d.  1886,  292 

Moir,  Daniel  Mearns,  2.,  d.  1888,  292 

Moir,  Daniel,  son  of  Robert,  1855,  253 

Moir,  ( ),  dau.  of  "Harie",  1687,  61 

Moir,  ( ) ,  dau.  of  James,  268 

Moir,  ( ),  dau.  of  Thomas,  150 

Moir,  David,  287 

Moir,  David,  187 

Moir,  David,  1719,  62 
Moir,  David  Alexander,  son  of  John, 

1896,  258 
Moir,  David  Anderson,  Rev.,   son  of  John 

1853,  260 
Moir,  David  Andrew,  son  of  Alexander, 

1873,  185,  186 

Moir,  David,  brother  of  John,  187 

Moir,  David,  brother  of  John,  203 

Moir,  David,  brother  of  John,  208 

Moir,  David,  brother  of  John  More,  203 

Moir,  David,  father  of  David,  224 

Moir,  David,  father  of  George,  211 
Moir,  David  Gardner,  son  of  WUliam, 

1867,  248 

Moir,  David,  in  Campsie,  1796,  66 

Moir,  David,  in  CornhiU,  188^ 



Moir,  David,  in  Douno,  170.3,  61 

Moir,  David,  in  Doune,  1720,  62 

Moir,  David,  in  Doune,  1733,  62 

Moir,  David,  in  Landrick,  1767,  63,  64 

Moir,  David,  in  Landrick,  1777,  63.  64 

Moir,  David,  in  Low,  101 

Moir,  David,  in  Low,  1724,  101 

Moir,  David,  ironfounder,  222 

Moir,  David,  Jr.,  of  Dundee,  1864,  53 

Moir,  David,  Junior,  son  of  David, 

1887.  269 

Moir,  David.  Junior,  of  Dundee,  m.  1864,  53 
Moir,  David  Macbeth,  (Delta),  1798, 

11,  176,  327,  330,  333,  387,  391,  393 
Moir,  David  Macbeth,  Jr.,  son  of  David  M., 
1836,  177 

Moir,  David  Macbeth,  M.B..  CM.,  M.D., 
Edinburgh  University,  1885,  40 

Moir,  David  Macbeth,  son  of  Robert,  Jr., 
1860,  176 

Moir,  David  Macbeth,  St.  Andrew's  Uni- 
versity, 1877,  41 
Moir,  David,  M.  A.,  Edinburgh  Uuiversity, 
1865,  40 
Moir,  David  Nelson,  son  of  John  S., 

1893,  184 

Moir,  David,  of  Buffalo.  1849,  222 

Moir,  David,  of  Campsie,  1772,  233 

Moir,  David,  of  Campsie,  1796,  65 

Moir,  David,  of  Cornhill,  188 

Moir,  David,  of  Craigarnhall,  1659, 

277,  278 
Moir,  David,  of  Doune,  1733,  62,  230 

Moir,  David,  of  Doune,  1763,  63,  64 

Moir,  David,  of  Gateside,  Balfron  285 

Moir,  David,  of  KUmadock,  m.  1782  80 
Moir,  David,  of  Leckie.  1668,  277,  278,  282 
Moir,  David,  of  Lednabra,  285 

Moir,  David,  of  Liverpool,  204 

Moir,  David,  of  London,  m.  1881,  94 

Moir,  David,  of  Northumberland,  209 

Moir,  David,  of  Perth,  1831,  38 

Moir,  David,  of  Perthshire,  269 

Moir,  David,  of  Roxbury,  1844,  269,  394 
Moir,  David,  of  Roxburj-,  1875,  315 

Moir,  David,  of  Stirling,  1688,  277 

Moir,  David,  of  Stirling.  1698  278 

Moir,   David,   Right  Rev.,   D.   D.,  Bishop 
of  Brechin,  1862,  391 

Moir,,  David  Roberts,  son  of  George  M., 
1906  223 

Moir,  David,  sheriff-clerk,  1686,  277 

Moir,  David,  son  of  Alexander,  1891,  237 
Moir,  David,  son  of  Archibald,  1676,  60 
Moir,  David,  son  of  Archibald,  1676,  231 
Moir,  David,  son  of  David,  1670,  278,  282 
Moir,  David,  son  of  David,  1825,  224,  225 
Moir,  David,  son  of  David,  1867,  209 

Moir,  David,  son  of  David,  1867,  209 

Moir,  David  2d.  son  of  David,  1891,  269 
Moir,  David,  son  of  George,  321 

Moir,  David,  son  of  George,  1842,  321 

Moir,  David,  son  of  George,  d.  1844,  321 
Moir,  David,  son  of  Gregor,  m.  1788,  204 
Moir,  David,  son  of  James,  1772,  64 

Moir,  David,  son  of  James,  1772,  233 

Moir,  David,  son  of  James  W.,  1864,  222 
Moir,  David,  son  of  John,  1670,  60 

Moir,  David,  son  of  John,  1671,  89 

Moir,  David,  son  of  John,  1754,  203 

Moir,  David,  son  of  John,  1769,  75 

Moir,  David,  son  of  John,  1805,  221 

Moir,  David,  son  of  John,  1810,  76 

Moir,  David,  son  of  John,  1885,  86 

Moir,  David,  son  of  Peter,  203 

Moir,  David,  2,  son  of  Peter,  203 

Moir,  David,  son  of  Peter,  204 

Moir,  David,  son  of  Rev.  John,  394 

Moir,  David,  son  of  Robert,  1647,  59 

Moir,  David,  son  of  Robert,  1702,  61 

Moir,  David,  son  of  Robert,  1777,  63 

Moir,  David,  son  of  William,  1844,  269 

Moir,  David  son  of  WilUam,  1844,  269,394 

Moir,  David,  son  of  William,  1844,  269 

Moir,  David,  St.  Andrew's  University, 

18.35,  41 

Moir,  David,  St.  Andrew's  University. 

1865,  41 

Moir,  David  Stewart,  Rev.,  son  of  Richard, 

1877.  207 

Moir,  David  Stirling,  son  of  George  S.,  260 
Moir,  David,  tailor,  1842.  379 

Moir.   David  Wel.sey,  son  of  William  W., 

1885.  183 
Moir,  David,  witness,  1720,  62 
Moir.  David,  witness,  1763.  63 
Moir.  David,  witness,  1767,  64 
Moir,  David,  witness,  1777,  63 
Moir.  David,  writer.  1764.  64 
Moir,  de  la  Thomas,  Virginia.  1624,  28 
Moir,  De  Witt  Clinton,  son  of  James  S.,  197 
Moir,  De  Witt  Clinton,  son  of  Robert.  1826. 

Moir,  Donald,  of  Cromar,  1745, 

155,  156.  157 
Moir.  Donald,  son  of  Donald,  156 

Moir,  Dorothea,  dau.  of  James,  125 

Moir.  Dorothy  Caroline,  dau.  of  Frederick 
L.  M.,  1891.  219 

Moir,  Dorothy  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  William, 

1894,  165 

Moir,  Dougald  Stuart,  son  of  James, 

1884,  220 

Moir,  Douglas,  son  of  Douglas.  M.  D.. 

1883.  125 

Moir.  Douglas,  son  of  George,  1875,  124 
Moir,  Douglas,  M.D.,  son  of  Patrick, 

1844,  125 

Moir,  Douglas  Stewart,  son  of  Robert  H.. 

1902,  263 

Moir,  Dr.,  of  Aberdeen,  1881,  316 

Moir,  Dr.,  of  Mussellburgh.  1844, 

330  3.31  332 
Moir,  Dr.,  of  Pertehead,  d.  1818,  '  121,  .304 
Moir,  Dugald  Alexander,  son  of  Alexander, 

1886,  166 
Moir,  Duncan,  in  Doune,  1689,  61 
Moir,  Duncan  Rae.  son  of  William. 

1909,  250 

Moir,  Duncan,  Robertson,  son  of  Robert, 

1882.  249 

Moir,  Duncan,  school-teacher,  1868,  180 
Moir,    Duncan,    son    of    Alexander, 

1862.  248.  253.  323,  324 

Moir.  Duncan,  son  of  Duncan.  1864.  250 
Moir,   Duncan.  Q.,  son  of  Duncan. 

1897.  250 

Moir.  Duncan,  son  of  James.  1664,  100 

Moir,  Duncan,  son  of  Robert,  1824, 

248,  326,  395 
Moire,  Agnes,  dau.  of  John,  1674,  144 

Moire,  Agnes,  wife  of  John,  1673,  47 

Moire,  Agneta,  dau.  of  Joannis,  1674,  137 
Moire.  Alexander,  witness,  1676,  47 

Moire,  Andrew,  witness,  1672.  128 

Moir.  Earl  Ray.  son  of  John.  1899,  180 

Moire,  Bessie,  m.  1678,  48 

Moire,  Christian,  dau.  of  John,  1679. 

144.  288,  289 
Moire,  Christian,  or  Eraser.  1697,  289 

Moire.  Christina,  dau.  of  John,  1674.  137 
Moir,  Edgar  Percival,  son  of  Alexander  T., 

1859,  ■  193 

Moir,  Edith  Davidson,  of  Peterculter 

1900,  309 

Moir,  Edith  Emma,  1856.  318 

Moir,  Edith  Maud,  or  Green,  dau.  of  Alex- 
ander G.,  1872,  222 
Moir,  Edmund  Head,  son  of  Robert, 

1864,  ^  247 

Moir,  Edward  Alexander,  son  of  James  A., 
1902.  189 

Moir.  Edward  Byres,  son  of  George. 

1878,  124 

Moir,  Edward  James,    son    of    Alexander, 

1840,  210 


MOIR  Ghnbai^ogy 

Moir,  Edward,  of  Virginia.  1634,  28 

Moir,  Edward,  son  of  Alexander,  1844,  189 
Moir,  Edward,  son  of  Douglas,  1878,  125 
Moir,  Edward,  son  of  Edward,  190 

Moir,  Edward,  of  Coalsnaughton,  189 

Moir,  Edwin  L.,  son  of  William  W., 

1860,  193 

Moir,   Eleanor   Francis,   dau.    of   Edward, 
1879,  210 

Moir,  Elin,  dau.  of  James,  1796,  65 

Moir,  Elis,  or  McQueen,  m.  1820,  77 

Moir,  Elizabeth  Ann,  dau,  of  George  M., 
1869,  184 

Moir,  Elizabeth  B.,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1882,  226 

Moir,  Elizabeth  Catherine,  dau.  of  Alex- 
ander W.,  1855,  220 
Moir,  Elizabeth  Catherine,  or  Scott,  dau. 
of  David  M.,  1830,  176 
Moir,  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1678,  46 
Moir,  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1709,  119 
Moir,  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  Dr.  WiEiam, 

1680,  138 

Moir,  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Dr.  WiUiam, 

1688,  216 

Moir,  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  Forbes,  1881,  183 
Moir,  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  George,  1743,  160 
Moir,  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  George,  1796,  76 
Moir,  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  George,  1814,  163 
Moir,  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  George,  1869,  242 
Moir,  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  George,  1885,  182 
Moir,  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  Gilbert,  1675,  128 
Moir,  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  Gilbert,  1749,  117 
Moir,  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  James,  1762,  63 
Moir,  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  James,  1789,  64 
Moir,  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  James,  1777,  103 
Moir,  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  James. 

65,  80,  81,  232,  233,  234,  242,  395 
Moir,  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  John,  1793,  92 
Moir,  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  Rev.  Andrew, 

1739,  120 

Moir,  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  Robert,  1852,  245 
Moir.  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas,  1685,  60 
Moir,  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas,  1783,  145 
Moir,  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  WilUam,  1648,  43 
Moir,  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  WilUam  M.,  181 
Moir,  EUzabeth ,  2,  dau.  of  WiUiam  M.,  181 
Moir,  Elizabeth  Grace  Macfarlane,  dau.  of 

Alexander,  1888,  237 

Moir,  EUzabeth  Hamilton,  dau.  of  Edward, 

1909,  189 

Moir,  EUzabeth,  in  Gartincaber,  1815,  65 
Moir,  EUzabeth,  in  Meadowhead,  1814,  65 
Moir,  Ejizabeth,  Lavinia,  dau.  of  John, 

1885,  228 

Moir,  EUzabeth  MacDonald,  or  Grant,  dau. 

of  Robert,  1876,  243 

Moir,  EUzabeth  Muirhead,  dau.  of  James 

R.,  1894.  180 

Moir,  EUzabeth,  of  Aberdeen,  1877,  308 
Moir,  Elizabeth,  of  Daldorn,  1799,  76 

Moir.  Elizabeth,  of   Kilmadock,    1789, 

65,  80,  81,  232,  233,  234,  242,  395 
Moir,  EUzabeth,  of  London,  m.  1833,  94 
Moir,  EUzabeth,  or  Byres,  m.  1819,  51 

Moir,  EUzabeth,  or  Erskine,  dau.  of  John, 

1867,  307 

Moir,  Elizabeth,  or  Hart,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1860,  253 

Moir,    EUzabeth,    or    MacAdam,    dau.    of 

Andrew,  255 

Moir,   EUzabeth,    or   MacQueen,    dau.    of 

George,  1796,  232,  235 

Moir,  Elizabeth  or  Mair,  dau.   of  George. 

1743,  160 

Moir,  Elizabeth,  or  MuUigan,  dau.  of  Dr. 

WilUam,  1703,  217 

Moir,  Elizabeth,  or  Russell,  dau.  of  James, 

1849,  242 

Moir,  EUzabeth,  or  Smith,  dau.  of  Duncan, 

1858,  250 

Moir,  EUzabeth   Stewart,   dau.    of   James, 

1891,J  223 

Moir,  EUzabeth  Stuart,  dau.  of  George  M., 

1902,  223 

Moir,  Elizabeth,  or  SulUvan,  dau.  of  Robert, 

1823,  195 

Moir,  Ellen,  dau.  of  Peter,  203 

Moir,  Elmer  Edwin,  son  of     Andrew,     C, 

1901,  265 

Moir,  Elsie,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1822,       184 

Moir,  Elsie,  dau.  of  Charles,  170 

Moir,  Elsie,  dau.  of  James,  172 

Moir.  Elsie,  dau.  of  William.  374 

Moir,  Elsie,    or   Morrison,   dau.  of  James, 

1846,  171 

Moir,  Elsie,  or  Porter,  dau.  of  James,     172 

Moir,  Elsie,  or  V/ood,  dau.  of  William, 

1870,  173 

Moir,  Elsie  Sarah,  dau.  of  James, 

1886,  208 

Moir,  Elspet,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1660,  47 

Moir,  Elspet,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1709,  129 
Moir,  Elspet,  dau.  of  Arthor,  1608,  42 

Moir,  Elspet,  dau.  of  John,  157 

Moir,  Elspet,  dau.  of  John,  1690,  46 

Moir,  Elspet,  dau.  of  Patrick,  1652,  148 
Moir,  Elspet,  dau.  of  Peter,  1630,  42 

Moir,  Elspet,  dau.  of  Robert,  1643,  59 

Moir,  Elspet,  dau.  of  Robert,  1694,  129 
Moir,  Elspet,  dau.  of  Thomas,  1638,  43 
Moir,  Elspet,  of  Aberdeen,  48 

Moir,  Elspet,  2,  of  Aberdeen,  49 

Moir,  Elspet,  or  Black,  dau.  of  George,  162 
Moir,  Elspet,  or  Bunch,  of  Forfarshire  157 
Moir,  Elspet  or  Elsie,  dau.  of  George, 

1740,  160 

Moir,  Elspet,  or  Saint,  of  MethUck,  m. 

1775,  55 

Moir,  Elspet,  or  Riddell,  dau.  of  George, 

1740,  160 

Moir,  Elspet,  or  Sangster,  dau.  of  George, 

d.  1891,  168 

Moir,  Elspet,  wife  of  Robert,  1681,  46 

Moire,  Majorie,  1654,  136 

Moir,  Ertuly,  dau.  of  William,  182 

Moir,  Emily   EUzabeth,    or   Leggatt,    dau. 

of  Robert,  1872,  177 

Moir,  Emily  Robertson,  or  Duncan,  dau.  of 

David  M.,  1845,  178 

Moir,  Emma,  dau.  of  WilUam  M.,  181 

Moir,  Emma  LUlian,  dau.     of    Sandy     A., 

1901,  z  195 

Moir,  EmsUe  Douglas,  son  of  W.,  1893, 

Moir,  Ernest  Franklin,  son  of  David, 

1880,  204 

Moir,  Ernest  Raymond,  son  of    Mark    G., 
1888,  246 

Moir,  Esther  Maiden,  dau.  of  James, 

1890,  223 

Moir,  Ethel  Susan,  dau.  of  Mark  G., 

1883,  245 

Moir,  Eva,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1893,        309 
Moir,  Eva  Jane  Dawes,  or  Hamilton,   dau. 
of  Robert,  244 

Moire,  George,  witness,  1679,  48 

Moire,  Isobel,  dau.  of  John,  1674,  144 

Moire,  IsabeU,  dau.  of  John,  1679,  288,  289 
Moire,  IssobeUa,  1674,  137 

Moire,  Jae,  1683,  112,  113 

Moire.  James,  son  of  James,  1667  144 

Moire,  James,  of  Ferryhill,  1667,  144 

Moire,  Janet,  dau.  of  James,  1673,  144 

Moire,  Janet,  dau.  of  James,  1859,  83 

Moire,  Janet,  dau.  of  John,  1674,  288,289 
Moire,  Janet,  dau.  of  John,  1674,  288,  289 
Moire,  Janeta,  dau.  of  Joannis,  1674,  137 
Moire,  Jean,  dau.  of  John,  144 

Moire,  Jean,  dau.  of  John,  1679,  288,  289 
Moire,  Jeane,  of  FerryhiU,  1667,  144 

Moire,  Joanna,  dau.  of  Joannis,  1674,  137 
Moire,  John  ,  bailUe,  1687,  48 

Moire,  John,  Jr.,  witness,  1668,  47 

Moire,  John,  of  Aberdeen,  1673,  47 

MoiR  Genealogy 


Moire,  John,  of  Argrais,  1665,  287 

Moire,  John,  2,  of  Arpjrais,  1665,  287 

Moire,  John,  of  Barnes,  1651,  137 

Moire,  John,  of  Barnes,  1008,  4 

Moire,  John,  of  Ferriohill,  1096,  144 

Moire,  John,  son  of  Johne,  1054,  130 

Moire,  John,  son  of  Wilham,  1615,  130 

Moire,  John,  surgeon,  IGTJt,  48 

Moire,  John,  witness,  1081,  48 

Moire,  Margaret,  dau.  of  John,  1674,  144 
Moire,  Margaret,  dau.  of  John,  1679, 

288,  289 
Moire,  Maria,  dau.  of  Joannia,  1674,  137 
Moire,  Marie,  dau.  of  John,  1074,  144 

Moire,  Marjorie,  dau.  of  James.  144 

Moire,  Marjory,  dau.  of  John,  1074,  144 
Moire,  Mary,  of  Aberdeen,  1080,  48 

Moire,  Margareta,   dau.   of  Joannis, 

1674,  137 

Moire,  Patrick,  bailie,  1676,  47,  48 

Moires,  of  Drohega.  17 

Moire,  Thomas,  of  Canada,  1694,  27 

Moir,  Eugene,  son  of  Gavin,  1901,  204 

Moire,  William,  M.  D.,  witness,  1660,  144 
Moire,  William,  son  of  James,  1666,  144 
Moir,  Fannie  L.,  dau.  of  James,  1889,  208 
Moir,  Finlay,  of  Doune,  1697,  61 

Moir,  Flora  M.,  dau.  of  James.  1884,  208 
Moir,  Florence  Adamson,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1876,  267 
Moir,  Florence  Edna  dau.  of  Forbes, 

1884,  183 

Moir,  Florence  May,  dau.  of  John  S., 

1890,  184 

Moir,  Florence  Oliver,  dau.  of  John, 

1898  180 

Moir,  Floyd  Eugene,    dau.    of    Robert   S., 

1901,  265 

Moir,  Forbes  Byron,  son  of  Forbes, 

1886,  183 

Moir,  Forbes  Edward,  son  of  John  S., 

1895,  184 

Moir,    Forbes     Fraser    Maitland,    son    of 

James,  d.  1891,  54,  310 

Moir,  Forbes,  son  of  Dr.  George,  122 

Moir,  Forbes,  son  of  John,  122 

Moir,  Forbes,  son  of  Forbes,  1851,  183 

Moir,  Forbes,  son  of  William,  183 

Moir,  Forbes,  writer,  37 

Moir,  Frances  Florence  Charlotte,  dau.  of 

William  W.,  1898,  183 

Moir,  Frances  Mary,  or  Patterson,  dau.  of 

Alexander  G.,  1805,  221 

Moir,  Francis,  grocer,  1885,  37 

Moir,  Francis,  in  Mains  of  Cookney,  307 
Moir,  Francis,  merchant,  1808,  38 

Moir,  Francis,  soldier,  1745,  322 

Moir,  Francis,  son  of  Alexander  A.  S., 
d.  1891,  309 

Moir,  Frank  Forbes,  son  of    Goerge, 

1893,  104 

Moir,  Frank  L.,  author,  376 

Moir,  Franklin  Taylor,  son  of  James, 

1877,  .  207 
Moir,  Frank,  son  of  James,  188 
Moir,  Frank,  son  of  John,  322 
Moir,  Frederick  Ernest,  son  of     Alexander, 

1886,  185 

Moir,  Frederick  Lewis    Maitland,    son    of 

John  I.  A..  1878,  11,    219,  339 

Moir,  Frederick  William  Francis,  son  of 

David,  1884,  204 

Moir,  G.,  soldier.  1899,  323 

Moir,  Gavin,  Albert,  son  of  Gavin, 

1898,  264 

Moir,  Gavin,  son  of  Alexander,  1862  264 
Moir,  Gavin,  son  of  George,  266 

Moir,  Gein,  of  Kilmadock,  m.  1625,  79 
Moir,  George,  Aberdeen,  1787,  378 

Moir,  George  Alexander,  son  of  Alexander 

G.,  1867,  221 

Moir,  George  Alexander,  son  of  George  R. , 

1884,  263 

Moir,  George  Allan,  son  of  Robert, 

1904,  255 

Moir,  George,  artiHt,  389 

Moir,  CJeorge,  bagpiper,  18-10.  224 

Moir,  George.  l)la(kMniith.  d.  I7S4,  320 
Moir,  George  Bultt'cl,  Hon  of  George, 

1X70,  124 
Moir,  George  Byron,  son  of  James, 

1828,  240 
Moir,  George,  C.  B.,  1820,  298,  299 
Moir,  George,  C.  B.,  of  Bcotstown, 

1820,  140 

Moir,  George  Charles,  m.  1828,  301 

Moir.  George  Charles,  1771,  139 
Moir,  George  Charles,  of  Dcnmore, 

1771,  53,  139,  298 
Moir,  George,  dyer,  1648.  96 
Moir,  George  Edward, 1861,  son  of  Alex- 
ander C,  167 
Moir,  George  Edward,  son  of  George  M., 

1904,  223 
Moir,  George  Evenly,  son  of  William, 

1870.  248 

Moir.  George,  father  of  George.  224 

Moir,  George,  father  of  Isabella,  1855,  306 

Moir,  George,  fiars  juror,  1751,  97 
Moir,  George  Forest  Barclay,  son  of  James, 

1875,  224 

Moir,  George,  gamekeeper,  180 
Moir,    George   Glendinning,   son   of   John, 

1879,  258 

Moir,  George,  hosier,  1799,  361 

Moir.George,  in  Fraserburgh,  1787,  378 

Moir,  George,  in  Kincardine,  1776,  75 

Moir,  George,  in  Knockhall,  1709,  129 

Moir,  George,  in  Machany,  1743,  102 

Moir,  George,  in  Savoch,  1691,  129 

Moir,  George  J.,  painter,  1861.  188 
Moir,  George  Jr.,  son  of  James   B., 

1850,  122 

Moir,  George,  labourer,  m.  1874,  54 

Moir,  George  Littel,  father  of  Peter  C,  211 
Moir,  George,  LL.  D.,  sheriff, 

295,  337,  374,  398 
Moir,  George  Macintosh,  son  of  George, 

1905,  254 
Moir,  George  McLean,  son  of  Peter, 

1866,  223 

Moir,  George,  M.  A.,  sheriff,  1799,  295 
Moir,  George  Michie,  son  of  George, 

1S39,  183 

Moir,  George,  miller,  1678,  97 
Moir,  George  Milton,  son  of  Robert, 

1846.  262 
Moir.  George,  m.  Jean  Stirling,  1784, 
78,  234,  256,  257,  258,  259,  260,  262,  263,266 

Moir,  George,  moulder,  m.  1885.  54 

Moir,  George,  of  Aberdeen,  m.  1637,  43 

Moir.  George,  of  Aberdeen,  m.  1663,  45 

Moir,  George,  of  Aberdeen,  1670,  48 

Moir,  George,  of  .Aberdeen,  m.  1083,  47 

Moir,  George,  of  Aberdeen,  1764.  359 

Moir,  George,  2,  of  .\berdeen,  1790,  378 

Moir,  George,  of  Aberdeen,  1790.  378 

Moir.  George,  of  .\berdeen,  d.  1792,  294 

Moir,  George,  of  .\berdeen,  d.  1813,  294 

Moir,  George,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1855,  292 

Moir,  George,  of  Aberdeen,  1894,  311 

Moir,  George,  of  Bowhapple,  75 

Moir,  George,  of  Brainjohu,  1735,  55 

Moir,  George,  of  Buchan,  394 

Moir,  George,  of  Buchanan,  m.  1726,  57 

Moir,  George,  of  Campsie  Glen,  1902,  226 

Moir,  George,  of  Coldwells,  180 

Moir,  George,  of  Donmore,  1832,  97 

Moir,  George,  of  Denmore,  1853,  384 

Moir,  George,  of  Denmore,  1882,    306,  317 

Moir,  George,  of  Doune,  390 

Moir,  George,  of  Doune,  m.  1776,  78 

Moir,  George,  of  Dullatur,  226 

Moir.  George,  of  Fedderate,  186 
Moir,  George,  of  Glasgow  University, 

1685,  37 


MoiR  Genealogy 

Moir,  George,  of  Jamaica,  d.  1807,  305 

Moir,  George,  of  KnockhiU,  d.  1842,  321 
Moir,  George,  of  Leckie,  d.  1792, 

279,  280,  281,  282,  283,  296 
Moir,  George,  of  London,  m.  1747,  94 

Moir,  George,  of  Monquhitter,  311 

Moir,  George,  of  New  Grange,  141 

Moir,  George,  of  Scotstown,  1726,  104 

Moir,  George,  of  Scotstown,  1751,  97 

Moir,  George,  of  Scotstown,  1752,  290 

Moir,  George,  of  Scotstown,  1760,  399 

Moir,  George,  of  Scotstown,  d.  1789, 

139,  302,  303 
Moir,  George,  of  Skene,  1764,  169 

Moir,  George,  of  Stoneywood,  298,  300 

Moir,  George,  of  the  "Old  Ship,"  d. 

1792,  294   295 

Moir,  George,  of  Thornhill,  1778,  '    75 

Moir,  George,  of  Thornhill, 

257,  258,  259,  260,  261,  262,  263,  266 
Moir,  George,  of  Thornhill,  1846,  257,  258 
Moir,  George,  Rev.  Dr.,  of  Peterhead,  m. 

1766,  131 

Moir,  George,  Bev.,  in  Towie,  1701,  118 
Moir,  George,  Rev.  M.  A.,  1679,  114,  115 
Moir,  George,  Rev.,  M.  A.,  M.  D., 

1741,  119,  120 

Moir,  George,  Rev.,  of  Foveran,  1709,  119 
Moir,  George,  Rev.,  of  Kintore,  321 

Moir,  George,  Rev.,  of  Newmachar, 

1810,  321 

Moir,  George,  Rev.,  of  Newmachar, 

1840,  321 

Moir,  George,  Rev.,  of  Peterhead,  1790,  378 
Moir,  George,  Rev.,  of  Tonley,  1861,  316 
Moir,  George,  Rev.,  of  Towie,  393 

Moir,  George,  Rev.,  witness,  1767,  120 

Moir,  George  Robert,  son  of  George, 

1879,  164 

Moir,  George  Ross,  son  of  Alexander, 

1855,  263,  266 

Moir,  George  Roy,  son  of  Alexander, 

1895,  166 

Moir,  George  Rnfns,  son    of    Gavin, 

1887,  264 

Moir,  George,   sheriff  of  Stirlingshire, 

1799,  295,  337,  374 

Moir,  George  S.,  Jr.,  of  Knockhall,  186 

Moir,  George  S.,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1885,  292 
Moir,  George  S.,  of  Aberdeen,  1885,  294 
Moir,  George,  soldier,  1675,  32 

Moir,  George,  soldier,  1745,  322 

Moir,  George,  son  of  Alexander,  139 

Moir,  George,  son  of  Alexander,  238 

Moir,  George,  2,  son  of  Alexander.  238 

Moir,  George,  son  of  Alexander,  1810,  236 
Moir,  George,  son  of  Alexander,  1866,  254 
Moir,  George,  son  of  Alexander,  1886,  237 
Moir,  George,  M.  A.,  son  of  Andrew, 

1714,  117 

Moir,  George,  son  of  Andrew,  1819,  77 

Moir,  George,  son  of  Andrew,  1819,  265 
Moir,  George,  son  of  Arthur,  1615,  42 

Moir,  George,  son  of  Benjamin,  d.  1892,  213 
Moir,  George,  son  of  David,  211 

Moir,  George,  son  of  David,  m.  1883,  211 
Moir,  George,  son  of  Da\dd,  278 

Moir,  George,  son  of  Da\'id,  18.55,  224 

Moir,  George,  son  of  George,  1681,  48 

Moir,  George,  son  of  George,  m.  1781, 

160,  161 
Moir,  George,  son  of  George,  1784,  76 

Moir,  George,  son  of  George,  1784,  234 

Moir,  George,  son  of  Henry,  1787,  76 

Moir,  George,  son  of  George,  1790,  162,  163 
Moir,  George,  son  of  George,  1790, 

162,  163,  168 
Mou-,  George,  son  of  George,  160,  161,  320 
Moir,  George,  son  of  George,  1793,  170 

Moir,  George,  son  of  George,  183 

Moir,  George,  son  of  George, 
232.  234,  257,  258,  259,  260,  261,  262,  263, 


Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
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Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George; 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George; 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 

Moir,  George 
Moir,  George, 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Mojr,  Geooge 
Moir,  George 
Moir.  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George. 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 

2,  son  of  George,  183 

son  of  George,  m.  1800,  51 

son  of  George,  1815,  173 

son  of  Geo.-ge,  1815,  256 

son  of  George,  1816,  76 

2,  son  of  George,  1816,  76 

son  of  George,  1817,  234 

son  of  George,  1817,    234,  256 

son  of  George,  183 

son  of  George,  1839,  183 

son  of  George,  224 

2,  son  of  George,  224 

son  of  George,  256 

son  of  George,  1850,  163 

2.,  son  of  George,  1850,  163 

son  of  George,  1872,  182 

son  of  George  M.,  1873,  184 

son  of  George,  1887,  163 

son  of  James,  172 

2,  son  of  James,  172 

son  of  James,  225 

son  of  James,  235 

son  of  James,  235 

son  of  James,  1696.  159 

son  of  James,  1737,  160 
son  of  James,  d.  1784, 

159,  160,  320 

son  of  James,  1840,  171 

son  of  James,  1854,  164 

2,  son  of  James,  1854,  164 

son  of  James,  1859,  261 

son  of  James,  1868,  225 

son  of  James,  1899,  180 

son  of  James  R.,  1899,  180 

son  of  John,  1661,  45 

son  of  John,  1677,  46 

son  of  John,  1775,  121 

son  of  John,  180 

son  of  Patrick,  1644,  148 

son  of  Patrick,  1839,  124 

son  of  Rev.  George,  1724,  115 

son  of  Robert,  1731,  55 

son  of  Robert,  1748,  75 
son  of  Robert,  1748, 

232,  234.  236,  239 

son  of  Robert,  1811,   65,  242 

son  of  Robert,  1875,  243 

son  of  Robert,  1883,  243 

son  of  William,  141 

2,  son  of  William,  141 

son  of  WiUiam,  1688,        142 
son  of  WiUiam,  160 

son  of  William,  321 

son  of  WiUiam,  1848,  182 
,  St.  Andrew's  University, 
son  of  John,  260 
1815,  163 

d.  1813,  51,  312 


Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George, 
Molt,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,  George 
Moir,   George 

Moir.  George  Stirling, 
Moir,   George,   tailor, 
Moir,  George,  vintner 
Moir,  George  V.  of  Scotstown 
Moir,  George    VIII.    of    Scotstown, 

1820,  139,  140 

Moir,  George  W.,  1861,  361,  368 

Moir,  George,  witness,  1693,      '  49 

Moir,  George,  witness,  1770,  75 

Mob-,  George  W.,  soldier,  1839,       361,  368 
Moir,  George  WUUam  Watts,  son  of  Robert, 

1841,  52 

Moir,  Georgians  Ann,  dau.  of  George  R., 

1908,  164 

Moir,  Georgiana,  dau.  of  WiUiam,  163 

Moir,  Georgius,  Aberdeen  University, 

1828,  40 

Moir,  Georgius,  A.  M.,  Aberdeen  Univer- 



sity,  1730, 
Moir,  GUbert,  m.  1697, 
Moir,  Gilbert,  son  of  Andrew,  1675, 
Moir,  GUbert,  burgess,  m.  1695, 
Moir,  Gilbert,  cooper,  1710, 
Moir,  GUbert,  cooper,  father  of  Jean, 
Moir,  GUbert,  son  of  Dr.  WiUiam, 

Moir,  GUbert,  father  of  Hector,  1645, 

MoiR  Gbneai^ogy 


Moir,  Gilbert,  father  of  Jean.  1639  43 
Moir.  Gilbert,  in  Haddo,   1075,  114 

Moir,  Gilbert,  in  Pitmillan,  lf)75,  114,  129 
Moir,  Gilbert,  M.  P.,  of  BiuiiT,  IG4G,  128 
Moir,  Gilbert,  son  of  Andrew,  KUfi,  128,129 
Moir,  Gilbert,  son  of  Andrew.  Itiyr),  114 
Moir,  Gilbert,  son  of  Andrew,  1719,  117 
Moir,  Gilbert,  son  of  Andrew,  I,  m. 

1681,  127 

Moir,  Gilbert,  son  of  Dr.  William,  1063,  138 
Moir,  Gilbert,  son  of  John,  1G03,  47 

Moir,  Gilbert,  son  of  John,  1603,  47,  128 
Moir,  Gilbert,  son  of  William,  1676,  96 

Moir,  Gilbert,  witness,  1686,  116 

Moir,    Gordon   Bruce,     son    of   Alexander, 

1897,  166 
Moir,  Gordon  John  Burnett,  son  of  John, 

1898.  261 
Moir,  Gordon,  son  of  James,  1877,  12.5 
Moir,  Grace  A.,  of  Aberdeen,  186 
Moir,  Grace  Ella,  dau.  of  George  R., 

1885,  263 

Moir,    Grace    Rebecca    E.,    or    Carmichle, 

dau.  of  William,  1865,  248 

Moir,  Grace,  dau.  of  William,  1903,  328 
Moir,  Grace  Whannell,     dau.     of     Robert, 

1894,  255 

Moir.  Graciela,  dau.  of  Charls  H., 

1908,  186 

Moir,  Gregor,  of  Forres,  200 

Moir,  Gregor,  of  Forres,  1788,  200,  203,204 
Moir,  Gregor,  son  of  Da\-ici,  203 

Moir,  Gregor,  son  of  David,  1788,  204 
Moir,  Gregor,  son  of  Peter,  204 

Moir,  Gregor,  upholsterer,  1840,  224 

Moir,  Grisell,  of  Aberdeen,  1640,  43 

Moir,  Gulielmi,  burgess,  1626,  136 

Moir,  Guliemei,  magistrate,  1623,  136 

Moir,  Guliemus,  Aberdeen  University, 

1679,  40 

Moir,    Guliemus,    A.    M.,    Aberdeen    Uni- 
versity, 1679,  39 
Moir,    Guliemus,    A.    M.,    Aberdeen    Uni- 
versity, 1723,                                               40 
Moir,  Guliemus,  A.  M.,  M.  B.,  Aberdeen 

University,         1847,  40 

Moir,  Gulielmus,  Lejden  University, 

1676,  397 

Moir,  Guy,  writer,  37 

Moir,  Hannah,  or  Fee,  dau.  of  Edward  J., 

1865,  210 

Moir,  Hannah,  or  Gardner,  dau.  of  Alex- 
ander. 1833,  209 
Moir,  Harie,  in  Doune,  1679,  60 
Moir,  Harie,  in  Newtown,  1682,  60 
Moir,  Harie,  merchant,  1702,  61 
Moir,  Harie,  son  of  Walter,  1679,  60 
Moir,  Harrie,  witness,  1679,  60,  61 
Moir,  Harold  Duncan,  son  of  John  S., 

1900,  254 

Moir,  Harold  James  E.,  son  of  J.  A., 

1896,  311 

Moir,  Harold  Wilson,  son  of  William,  211 
Moir,  Harrie,  son  of  Walter,  1652,  231 

Moir,  Harrie,  son  of  Walter,  1679,  231 

Moir,  Harriet,  dau.  of  Gregor,  1882,  224 
Moir,    Harriet   Jane,    or    Brooks,    dau.    of 

Marcus  W.,  1878,  187 

Moir,  Hary,  witness,  1702,  61 

Moir,  Hary,  witness,  1740,  102 

Moir,  Harry  Thomas,  son  of  John  S., 

1900.  254 

Moir,   Harry,   witness,    1703,  _    61 

Moir,  Hazel  Muriel,  dau.  of  John,  1895, 


Moir,  Hector,  son>f  Gilbert,  1645,  43 

Moir,    Helen    Beryl,    or    Davies,    dau.    of 

Joseph  D.,  1887,  246 

Moir,  Helen  Bowman,  dau.  of  James, 

1899,  173 

Moir,  Helen  Constable,  d.l817,  305 

Moir,  Helen,  dau.  of  Alexandra,  1822,  52 
Moir,  Helen,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1750,  91 

Moir.  Helen,  diiu.  of  Andrew,  1767,  92 

Moir,  Helen,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1832,  93 

Moir,  Helen,  dau.  of  (ieorRo,  161 

Moir,  Helen,  dau.  of  George,  1800,  22.') 

Moir,  Helen,  dau.  of  GcorKc,  1899,  223 

Moir,  Helen,  dau.  of  Georgi,'.  23.'» 

Moir,  Helen,  dau.  of  Georjje  M.,  262 

Moir,  Helen,  dau.  of  James,  17(KJ,  63 

Moir,  Helen  F.,  dau.  of  James,  IH7(),  207 
Moir,  Helen  Marie,  dau.  of  George, 

1900,  256 
Moir,  Helen  M.,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1884,  226 

Moir,  Helen,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1.840,  312 

Moir,  Helen,  or  Chosser,  m.  1693.  49 

Moir,  Helen,  or  Duncunson,  m.  1862,  S3 

Moir,  Helen,  or  Hewlett,  m.  1829,  94 

Moir,  Helen,  or  Maltman,  1740,  91 
Moir,  Helen,  or  Maxwell,  dau.  of  Jamc.^j,  268 
Moir,  Helen,  or  McCrae,  dau.  of  William, 

1865,  173 

Moir,  Helen,  or  Miller,  1775,  91 

Moir,  Helen,  or  Miller,  in  Grief,  92 
Moir,  Helen,  or  Swainson,  dau.  of  Alexander 

C.,  1848,  166 

Moir,  Helen,  or  Williamson,  d.  1848.  313 
Moir,   Helen  Rowena,  dau.   of  Alexander. 

1884,  185 

Moir,  Henrie,  son  of  Robert,  1644,  59 

Moir,  Henrie,  son  of  William,  1605,  135 
Moir,  Henrie,  son  of  William,  1605,   135,147 

Moir.  Henrietta  Elizabeth,  d.  1897,  317 

Moir,  Henrv,  d.  1862,  294 

Moir,  Henry  A.,  d.  1884,  292 

Moir,  Henr\',  author,  377 
Moir,    Henry    Clay,    son    of    John, 

1844,  198,  199 

Moir,  Henry,  father  of  Ann,  1773,  64 

Moir,  Henry,  father  of  George,  1787,  76 

Moir,  Henry,  father  of  Henry,  1708,  61 

Moir,  Henry,  father  of  John,  1851,  87 

Moir,  Henry,  father  of  Peter,  1852,  87 
Moir,  Henry  Grant,  son  of  John  G., 

1886,  165 
Moir,  Henry,  in  Doune,  1733,  _  62 
Moir,  Henry,  in  Kincardine,  m.  1845,  78 
Moir,  Henry,  of  Kincardine,  m.  1773,  80 
Moir,   Henrv   Liddell,    M.   A.,   Edinburgh 

University,  1887,  40 

Moir,  Henry   Maitland,    son   of   John  W., 

1887,  218 
Moir,  Henry,  merchant,  1724,  101 
Moir,  Henry  M.,  son  of  William  W., 

1861,  193 

Moir,  Henry,  of  Doune,  1680,  232 
Moir,  Henry  or  Harrie,  of  Doune,  1680,  232 
Moir,  Henry  Paterson,  son  of  Robert, 

1864,  ^  ,  176 
Moir,  Henry  Patterson,  St.  Andrew's  Uni- 
versity, 1880,  41 
Moir,  Henry,  piano  manufacturer,  213 
Moir,  Henry,  soldier,  1745,  322 
Moir,  Henry,  soldier,  1745,  322 
Moir,  Henry,  son  of  Andrew,  1821,  77 
Moir,  Henry,  son  of  Harrie,  1708,  231 
Moir,  Henry,  son  of  Henry,  1708,  61 
Moir,  Henry,  son  of  Hetury,  1703,  233 
Moir,  Henry,  son  of  Henry,  1734,  232 
Moir,  Henry,  son  of  James,  1734,  232 
Moir,  Henry,  son  of  James,  1733,  62 
Moir,  Henry,  son  of  James,  1761,  63 
Moir,  Henry,  son  of  John,  _  269 
Moir,  Henry,  son  of  John,  1651,  286 
Moir,  Henry,  son  of  John  A.,  213 
Moir,  Henry,  son  of  Robert,  1768,  64 
Moir,  Henry,  son  of  Thomas,  1676,  145 
Moir,  Henry,  son  of  Walter,  1733,  62 
Moir,  Henry,  son  of  William,  1617,  96 
Moir,  Henry,  son  of  William,  1617,  137 
Moir,  Henry,  witness,  1720,  62 
Moir,  Henry,  witness,  1722,  62 
Moir,  Henry,  witness,  1733,  62 


MOIE.  Genbai,ogy 

Moir,  H.  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1906,  292 
Moir,  Howard  Lowndes,  son  of  John, 

1881,  125 

Moir,  Hiugh  Cameron,  son  of  William,  163 
Moir,  Hugh  Mervin,  son  of  George  R., 

1902,  263 

Moir,  Hugh,  of  New  England,  1632,  28 

Moir,  Hugh  Ross,  son  of  Robert,  1800,  176 
Moir,  Hugh  Walker,  M.  B.,  Ch.  B.,  son  of 

Francis,  1885,  37 

Moir,  Ida  Amelia,  dau.  of  Mark  G., 

1892,  246 
Moir,  Ida,  or  Stephens,  dau.  of  John  W., 

Moir,  Ida,  or  Tracy,  dau.  of  Robert, 

1866,  199 

Moir,  Ihon,  1625,  58 

Moir,  Ihon,  father  of  Agnes,  1625,  58 

Moir,  Ihon,  father  of  Marget,  1632,  58 

Moir,  Ihon,  father  of  Robert,  1630,  58 

Moir,  Ihon,  father  of  Robert,  1630,  58 

Moir,  Ihon,  father  of  Robert,  1632,  58 

Moir,  Ihon,  in  Newton,  1632,  58 

Moir,  Ihon,  of  Stonywood,  316 

Moir,  Ihon,  son  of  Ihon,  1627,  58 

Moir,  Ihon,  son  of  James,  1629,  58 

Moir,  Ihon,  tailor,  1632,  58 

Moir,  Ihon,  "wobster,"  1633,  58 

Moir,  Ina  Pearl,  dau.  of  John,  1892,  180 
Moir,  Isaac  Dick,  son  of  Alexander, 

1898,  237 

Moir,  Isabel,  1741,  290 

Moir,  Isabel,  d.  1882,  310 

Moir,  Isabel,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1802,  51 

Moir,  Isabel,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1686,  116 

Moir,  Isabel,  dau.  of  David,  281 

Moir,  Isabel,  dau.  of  James,  1740,  91 

Moir,  Isabel,  dau.  of  James,  d.  1777,  305 

Moir,  Isabel,  dau.  of  James,  1793,  64 

Moir,  Isabel,  dau.  of  John,  1750,  203 

Moir,  Isabel,  dau.  of  Robert,  1812,  65 
Moir,  Isabel  Henrietta,      dau.    of    Robert, 

1891,  252 
Moir,  Isabel  Morrison,  dau.  of  Alexander 

L.,  1893,  254 
Moir,  Isabel,  or  Bryce,  dau.  of  James, 

1793,  233 
Moir,  Isabel,  or  Graham,          279,  281,  282 

Moir,  Isabel,  or  Meders,  d.  1777,  317 

Moir,  IsabeUa.  d.  1848,  294 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  d.  1848,  313 

Moir,  Isabella,  d.  1879,  292 
Moir,  Isabella  Ann,  dau.  of  William, 

1890,  237 
Moir,  Isabella,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1875,  185 

Moir,  Isabella,  dau.  of  Charles,  170 

Moir,  Isabella,  dau.  of  Charles,  170 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  dau.  of  Donald,  157 

Moir,  Isabella,  dau.  of  George,  1873,  242 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  dau.  of  George,  256 
Moir,  IsabeUa,  dau.  of  George  S.,   d. 

1848,  294 

Moir,  Isabella,  dau.  of  James,  149 

Moir,  Isabella,  dau.  of  James,  1836,  171 

Moir,  Isabella,  dau.  of  James,  172 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  2,  dau.  of  James,  172 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  dau.  of  James,  1865,  261 
Moir,  IsabeUa,  dau.  of  James,  1865,  261,262 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  dau.  of  James,  Jr.,  172 

Moir,  Isabella,  dau.  of  John,  122 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  dau.  of  John,  1810,  221 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  dau.  of  John,  1867,  272 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  dau.  of  Robert,  1812,  242 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  dau.  of  WiUiam,  18.54,  88 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  dau.  of  WiUiam,  139 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  dau.  of  WiUiam,  141 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  dau.  of  WiUiam,  160 
Moir,  IsabeUa  Helen,  dau.  of  George, 

1874,  182 
Moir,  Isabella  J.  H.,  dau.  of  Alexander  W., 

1854,  220 

Moir,  IsabeUa  MacLarty,  of  Lowell, 

1831,  252,  325 

Moir,  IsabeUa  Maude,  dau.  of  WilUam,211 
Moir,  IsabeUa,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1848,  313 
Moir,  IsabeUa,  of  Aberdeen,  m.  1874,  185 
Moir,  IsabeUa,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1879,  292 
Moir,  IsabeUa,  of  Cromar,  157 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  of  Hay,  Ontario,  1865,  262 
Moir,  IsabeUa,  of  KUmadock,  m.  1817,  81 
Moir,  IsabeUa,  of  Scotstown,  1799,  139 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  or  Black,  dau.  of  William, 

Moir.  IsabeUa,  or  Bruce,  1799,  300,  349 
Moir,  IsabeUa,  or  Carey,  dau.  of  William, 


Moir,    IsabeUa,     or    Dalrymple,     dau.     of 

George,  266 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  or  Daniel,  dau.  of  James, 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  or  Harvey,  dau.  of  George, 
1782,  161 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  or  Home,  dau.  of  James,  172 
Moir,  IsabeUa,  or  MaxweU,  d.  1898,  299 
Moir,  IsabeUa,  or  Monteith,  dau.  of  Rob- 
ert, 1812,  242 
Moir,  IsabeUa,  or  Sim,  dau.  of  George, 

m.  1810,  161 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  or  Urquhart,  dau.  of  WU- 
ham,  139 

Moir,    IsabeUa   Paterson,    dau.    of   Robert 
H.,  1884,  226 

Moir,  IsabeUa  Roberts,  dau.  of  George  M., 
1909,  223 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  teacher,  274 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  witness,  1850,  53 

Moir,  IsabeUa,  witness,  1851,  53 

Moir,  IsabeU,  dau.  of  Duncan,  1689,         61 
Moir,   Isabel,   or  Archibald,  dau.   of  John 
A.,  1876,  212 

Moir,  Isabel,  or  Swabrick,  dau.  of  Ben- 
jamin, 213 
Moir,  Isobel,  1741,  290 
Moir,  Isobel,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1683,  128 
Moir,  Isobel,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1707,  119 
Moir,  Isobel,  dau.  of  Andrew,  d.  1777,  119 
Moir,  Isobel,  dau.  of  George,  294 
Moir,  Isobel,  2d,  dau.  of  George,  48 
Moir,  Isobel,  dau.  of  James,  1684,  145 
Moir,  Isobel,  dau.  of  John,  1664,  143 
Mou-,  Isobel,  dau.  of  John,  1782,  76 
Moir,  Isobel,  dau.  of  Robert,  1687.  129 
Moir,  Isobel,  dau.  of  WUham,  43 
Moir,  Isobel,  dau.  of  WiUiam,  1744,  55 
Moir,  IsobeU,  dau.  of  Patrick,  1712,  61 
Moir,  IsobeU,  dau.  of  Robert,  1646,  59 
Moir,  IsobeU,  dau.  of  Walter,  1651,  59 
Moir,  IsobeU,  of  Doune,  1777,  103 
Moir,  IsobeU,  or  Kanser,  of  Kilmadock, 
m.  1717,  79 
Moir,  IssobeU,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1662,  47 
Mloir.  IssobeU,  2d,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1672,  47 

Moir,)IsobeU,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1678,  47 
Moir,  IsobeU,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1695,  49 
Moir,  IssobeU,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1696,  49 
Moir,  Issobel,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1707.  129 
Moir,   IsobeU,  dau.   of  Dr.  William, 

1671,  138 

Moir,  IssobeU,  dau.  of  George,  1654,  45 
Moir,  IssobeU,  dau.  of  George,  1676,  48 
Moir,  IssobeU,  dau.  of  John,  1660,  148 

Moir,  IssobeU,  2,  dau.  of  John,  47 

Moir,  IssobeU,  dau.  of  John,  1688,  46,  47 
Moir,  IssobeU,  dau.  of  John,  1710,  61 

Moir,  IssobeU,  dau.  of  Patrick,  1646,  148 
Moir,  IssobeU,  dau.  of  WiUiam,  1635,  43 
Moir,  IssobeU,  or  Jartray,  m.  1687,  48 

IMoir,  IssobeU,  or  Walker,  of  Aberdeen,    m. 
1675,  48 

Moir,   IssobeU,   or  Weir,   of  Aberdeen, 

m.  1674,  46 

Moir,  IssobeU,  or  Welch,  m.  1684,  48 

Moir,  Jacobino,  or  Clark,  d.  1877,  321 

MOIR  Gbnbalogv 


Moir,  Jacob,  painter,  d.  179,  296 

Moir,  Jacobus,  A.  M.,    Aberdeen    Univer- 
sity, 1715,  40 
Moir,  Jacqueline  Annie,  dau.  of  William, 

Moir,  Jae,  1683,  113 

Moir,  James,  187 

Moir,  James,  1633,  58 

Moir,  James,  1643,  59 

Moir,  James,  d.  1775,  305 

Moir,  James,  m.  1657,  29 

Moir,  James,  1673,  47,  CO,  97,  101 

Moir,  James,  1673,  393 

Moir,  James,  1710,  279 

Moir,  James,  1723,  306 

Moir,  James,  1740,   62,  63,  64,  99,  102,  103 
Moir,  James,  d.  1848,  293 

Moir,  James  Alexander,  manager,  1877,  183 
Moir,   James   Alexander,   son   of   Edward, 
1872,  189 

Moir,  James  Alexander,  son  of  George  M., 
1875,  184 

Moir,  James  Alexander,  son  of  James,  183 
Moir,  James  Alexander,  2,  son  of  James, 

1877,  183 

Moir,  James  Allen,  son  of  Robert  A.,      196 
Moir,  James,  baillie,  1860,  385 

Moir,  James,  baker,  309 

Moir,  James,  barrister,  150,  210 

Moir,  James  Bruce,  son  of  William,       211 
Moir,  James  B.,  son  of  David,  1882,       204 
Moir,   James   Campbell,   M.   A.,   Glasgow 
University,  1882,  37 

Moir,  James,  carpenter,  Maryland,  1774,  27 
Moir,  James  Cogbill,  son  of  Alexander  A., 

Moir,  James  Cogbill,  son  of  John  W., 

1851,  184 

Moir,  James  Douglas,  on  of  James, 

1871,  125 

Moir,  James,  editor,  1889,  375 

Moir,  James,  engineer,  1853,  268 

Moir,     James    Ernest    Peterkin,     son     of 
George,  1878,  224 

Moir,  James,  father  of  Ibon,  1629,  58 

Moir,  James,  father  of  Johne,  1668,  60 

Moir,  James,  father  of  Marget,  1647,  59 
Moir,  James,  father  of  Marie,  1652,  59 

Moir,  James,  father  of  Robert,  1638,  58 
Moir,  James,  father  of  Walter,  1649,  59 
Moir,  James,  farmer,  1833,  93 

Moir,  James  F.  WiUiam,  son  of  Alexander 
W.,  1859,  220 

Moir,  James  Gerry,  son  of  Forbes,  1893,183 
Moir,  James  Gilbert,  son  of  James, 

1822,  235,  239 

Moir,  James,  Glasgow  University,  1675,  37 
Moir,  James  Hilton,  son  of  John,  1882,  258 
Moir,  James,  Hon.,  of  Glasgow,  385 

Moir,  James,  Hon.,  of  Scranton,  17,  207,338 
Moir,  James,  in  Aberargie,  1664,  100 

Moir,  James,  in  Bruch,  1796,  65 

Moir,  James,  in  Cambus,  1734,  62 

Moir,  James,  in  chancery,  393 

Moir,  James,  in  Doune,  1760,  63,  64 

Moir,  James,  in  Dunblane,  1739,  102 

Moir,  James,  in  Gartincaber,  1802,  65 

Moir,  James,  in  Greenburn,  1800,  65 

Moir,  James,  in  Harbor  Springs,  222 

Moir,  James,  in  Kilmadock,  1652,  59 

Moir,  James,  in  Kilmadock,  1668,  60 

Moir,  James,  in  Kilmadock,  1734,  62 

Moir,  James,  in  Landrick,  1677,  60 

Moir,  James,  in  Landrick,  1689.  61 

Moir,  James,  in  Landrick,  1758,  63 

Moir,  James,  in  Landrick,  1770,  64 

Moir,  James,  in  Landrick,  1772,  64 

Moir,  James,  in  Lanrek,  1763,  63 

Moir  James,  in  Ladytown,  1740,  91 

Moir,  James,  in  Mackeanstown,  1798,  65 
Moir,  James,  in  Mains  of  Doune,  1750,  63 
Moir,  James,  in  Mains  of  Doune,  1786,  64 
Moir,  James,  in  Muthill,  1764,  92 

Moir,  Jiiincs,  in  Muthill,  1768,  269 

Moir,  Jiinies,  in  Newlyli-,  170-1,  129 

Moir,  Jiwiics,  in  Over  lyciidrifk,  1701,  63 
Moir,  Jiiriics,  in  Sauchi-nH,  1795,  65 

Moir,  Jaiiie.H,  iiiMuruiicc  iinenl,  1820,  310 
Moir,  JiiiiK!H,  in  West  Atiirive,  1656,  287 
Moir,  James.  Ira.,  hou  of  I'cU-r,  1895,  262 
Moir,  JaiiioH  John,  won  of  Georne,  1878,  182 
Moir,  JanioH,  Jr.,  d.  1882,  270,  335 

Moir,  James,  Jr.,  of  Alloa,  335 

Moir,  James,  Jr.,  son  of  James,  1882,  270 
Moire,  James,  labourer,  1859,  83 

Moir,  James  jycnnox,  son  of  Robert,        284 
Moir,  James,  LL.  D.,  Glasgow  University, 
1841,  37 

Moir,    .James,  M.  A.,  B  S.  C,  1897,        311 
Moir,  James,  M.  A.,  B  S.  C,   son  of  James, 
1897.  311 

Moir,  James,  MacArthur,  of  Clarkmanan- 
shire,  1902,  189 

Moir,  James,  mail-guard,  d.  1829,  319 

Moir,  James,  M.  A.,  LL.  D.,  M.  B.,  C.  M., 
son  of  James,  54 

Moir,  James,  M.  A.,  LL.  D.,  son  of  James. 

Moir.  James,  M.  A.,  of  Ellon,  186 

Moir,  James,  M.  A.,  Schoolmsister,  164 

Moir,  James,  M.  A.,  son  of  James,  164 

Moir,  James,  M.  B.,  C.  M.,  Glasgow  Uni- 
versity, 1852,  37 
Moir,  James  Mcllroy  McGregor,  son  of 
James  R.,  1904,  180 
Moir,  James  McMurchy,  M.  A.,  Glasgow 
University,  1889,  37 
Moir,  James,  M.  D.,  1780,  218,  348 
Moir,  James,  M.  D.,  m.*1802,  131 
Moir,  James,  M.  D.,  1840,  52 
Moir,  James,  M.  D.,  1857,  40 
Moir,  James,  M.  D.,  d.  1861,  316 
Moir,  James,  M.  D.,  d.  1883,  306 
Moir,  James,  M.  D.,  Abderdeen,  1840,  52 
Moir,  James,  M.  D.,  m.  1802,  131 
Moir,  James,  M.  D.,  naval  surgeon, 

1808,  348 

Moir.  James,  M.  D.,   of   Edinburgh, 

1808,  218,  348 

Moir,  James,  M.  D.,  son  of  Rev.  George, 
d.  1861,  316 

Moir.  James,  M.  D.,  son  of  Rev.  George, 
1770,  123 

Moir,  James,  merchant,  1723,  139 

Moir,  James,  merchant,  1853.  310 

Moir,  James,  merchant,  d.  1803,  346 

Moir,  James,  merchant,  d.  1886,  310 

Moir,  James,  M.  P.,  1733,  130 

Moir,  James,  M.  P.,  of  !?toneyw^ood,  16.59, 
19,  49,  50,  106,  107.  110,  370,  371.  395 
Moir,  James,  naval  surgeon,  218,  348 

Moir,  James,  New  Zealand,  211 

Moir,  James,  of  Aberdeen,  185 

Moir,  James,  of  Aberdeen,  183 

Moir,  James,  of  Aberdeen,  185 

Moir,  James,  of  Aberdeen,  m.  1643,  44 

Moir,  James,  of  Aberdeen,  1656,  287 

Moir,  James,  of  Aberdeen,  1787,  378 

Moir,  James,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1824,  306 
Moir,  James,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1847,  312 
Moir,  James,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1848,  312 

Moir,  James,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1848,  213 
Moir,  James,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1853,  313 

Moir,  James,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1855,  292 

Moir,  James,  of  Aberdeen,  1876.  292 

Moir,  James,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1878,  292 
Moir,  James,  of  Aberdeen,  1845,  183,  185 
Moir,  James,  of  Alloa,  ISOl,  270.  271 

Moir,  James,  of  AUoa,  1817.  334.  335 

Moir,  James,  of  Alloa,  d.  1875,  334 

Moir,  Jame-s,  of  Annat,  1793,  170,172,174 
Moir,  James,  of  Auchintroig,  285 

Moir,  James,  of  Balnaan,  204 

Moir.  James,  of  Banffshire,  188 

Moir,  James,  of  Blinkbonny,  1845,  311 

Moir,  James,  of  BUnkbonny,  1890,  310 


MOIR  Genbai^ogy 

Moir,  James,  of  Brechin.d.  1881,  310 

Moir,  James,  of  Ceylon.  1894,  311 

Moir,  James,  of  Doune,  1625,  230,  231 

Moir,  James,  of  Doune,  1643,  59 

Moir.  James,  of  Doune,  m.  1784,  80,  233 
Moir,  James,  of  Dunblane,  1760,  270 

Moir,  James,  of  Dundee,  222 

Moir,  James,  of  Elora,  Ont.,  183 

Moir,  James,  of  Elora,  Ontario,  1872, 

211,  212 
Moir,  James,  of  Faiohley,  98 

Moir,  James,  of  Falmouth,  150,  210 

Moir,  James,  of  Ferriehill,  m.  1673, 

144,  145 
MoLr,  James,  of  FerriehUl,  1681,  289 

Moir,  James,  of  Ferriehill,  1695,  105 

Moir,  James,  of  Ferriehill,  1701,  289 

Moir,  James,  of  FerryhUl,  1670, 

45  105  142 
Moir,  James,,  of  Glasgow,  1902,  '  '  226 
Moir,  James,  of  Grange  Place,  1872,  336 
Moir,  James,  of  Harbor  Springs,  222 

Moir,  James,  of  Invernettie,  1703, 

14,  140,  313 
Moir,  James,  of  Invernettie,  1745,  290 

Moir,  James,  of  Invernettie,  1777,  305 

Moir,  James,  of  Invernettie,  1792,  140 

Moir,  James,  of  Invernettie,  d.  1792,  305 
Moir,  James,  of  Keith,  d.  1890,  310,  311 
Moir,  James,  of  Kensington,  d.  1752,  296 
Moir,  James,  of  Kildrummy,  1845,  311 

Moir,  James,  of  Kildrummy,  1890,  54 

Moir,  James,  of  KUmadock,  m.  1717,  79 
Moir,  James,  of  Kilmadock,  m.  1795,  80 
Moir,  James,  of  Leokie,  1687,  278 

Moir,  James,  of  Leckie,  1710,  279 

Moir,  James,  of  London,  m.  1830,  94 

Mou-,  James,  of  Muthill,  1765,  92 

Moir,  James,  of  MuthiU,  1853  269 

Moir,  James,  of  Newton-of-Doune, 

1668,  277 

Moir,  James,  of  Oquawka,  d.  1863,  346 
Moir,  James,  of  Sherrifmuir,  1801,  270 

Moir,  James,  of  St.  Mary's,  188 

Moir,  James,  II.  of  Stoneywood, 

15,  106,  134,  139,  141,  146,  149,  215,  316, 
370.  371 
Moir,  James  III.  of  Stoneywood, 

19,  97,  107,  134,  146,  290,  305,  316,  371 
Moir,  James,  IV.  of  Stoneywood, 

23,  130,   151.   155,  322,  371,  392,  395 
Moir,  James,  of  Tarves,  1696,  159 

Moir,  James,  of  Tarves,  m.  1761,  55 

Moir,  James  Percival,  son  of  Joseph  D., 

1886,  246 

Moir,  James  Philip,  captain,  D.  S.  O., 

1872,  270,  336 

Moir,  JamesP  hilip,  son  of  James  Jr., 

1872,  270 

Moir,  James,  rector,  1845,  311 

Moir,  James,  regent,  1698,  47 

Moir,  James,  regent,  m.  1693,  49 

Moir,  James,  Rev.,  1735,  319 

Moir,   James,   Rev.   of   Kirkden,   d. 

1753,  319 

Moir,  James,  Rev.  of  Maybole,  m.  1857,  38 
Moir,  James,  Rev.  of  New  Machar,  318 
Moir,  James,  Rev.  of  Tarves,  1659,  287,393 
Moir,  James,  Rev.  writer,  1910,  375 

Moir,  James  Riddoch,  m.  1893,  180 

Moir,  James,  ropemaker,  293 

Moir,  James,  ropemaker,  d.  1908,  292 

Moir.  James  R.,  St.  Andrew's  University, 

1868,  41 

Moir,  James,  servant,  1879,  310 

Moir,  James,  sheriff-clerk.  1687,  278 

Moir,  James  Smith,  son  of  James, 

1866,  207 

Moir,  James,  soldier,  1745,  322 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Alexander,  225 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Alexander,  268 

Molt,  James,  son  of  Alexander,  1662,        47 

M9ir,  James,  son  of  Alexander,  1675,  47 
Moir,  James,  son  of  Alexander,  1805,  51 
Moir,  James,  son  of  Alexander. 

1825,  77,  239 
Moir,  James,  son  of  Alexander,  1870,  254 
Moir,  James,  son  of  Alexander,  1876,  236 
Moir,  James,  son  of  Andrew,  1659,  128 
Moir,  James,  son  of  Andrew, 

1689,  116,  127 

Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  1702,  49 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Andrew,  1721,  56 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Andrew,  1773,  92 

Moir.  James,  son  of  Archibald,  1837,  66 
Moir,  James,  son  of  Benjamin,  1877,  213 
Moir  James,  son  of  Charles,  170 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Charles,  d.  1846,  307 
Moir,  James,  son  of  David,  1665,  278 

Moir,  James,  son  of  David,  d.  1687,  278 
Moir,  James,  son  of  Dr.  Moir, 

1770.  121,  123 

Moir,  James  II.,  son  of  Dr.  William, 

16.58,  138 

Moir,  James,  son  of  George,  160 

Moir,  James,  son  of  George,  224 

Moir,  James,  son  of  George,  266 

Moir.  James,  son  of  George,  294 

Moir,  James,  son  of  George,  1676,  45 

Moir,  James,  son  of  George,  1737,  160,161 
Moir,  James,  son  of  George,  1793,  162,170 
Moir,  James,  son  of  George,  1794,  76 

MoLr,  James,  son  of  George,  1794, 

232,  235,  239 
Moir,  James,  son  of  George,  1817,  163,164 
Moir,  James  2,  son  of  George,  1817,  163 
Moir,  James,  son  of  George,  1825,  234 

Moir,  James,  son  of  George,  1825,  256 

Moir,  James,  son  of  George,  1825,  261 

Moir,  James,  2,  son  of  George,  1841,  256 
Moir,  James,  son  of  George,  18.52,  163 

Moir,  James,  son  of  George,  m. 

1826,  162,  170,  172,  173 
Moir.  James,  son  of  Gilbert.  1682,  129 
Moir,  James,  son  of  Harrie,  1702,  61 
Moir,  James,  son  of  Henry,  1702,  232 
Moir,  James,  son  of  Henry,  1738,  232 
Moir,  James,  son  oi  Henry.  1773,  64 
Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  172 
Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  183 
Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  185 
Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  235 
Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  1631,  58 
Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  1631,  231 
Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  II.,  m.  1683,  149 
Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  1702,  49 
Moir,  James,  son  of  James.  III.,  1710,  150 
Moir,  James,  son  of  James, 

1736,  91,  107,  123 

Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  1738,  62 

Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  1738,  232,  233 
Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  1755,  63 

Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  1760,  270 

Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  1763,  63 

Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  1763,  80,  233 
Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  1763,  233 

Moir,  James,  son  of  James.  1780,  218 

Moir.  James,  son  of  James,  1786,  64 

Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  1786,  233 

Moir,  James,  2,  son  of  James,  1786,  233 
Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  1830,  170,  172 
Moir.  James,  son  of  James,  1830.  171,  172 
Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  1836,  219 

MoLr,  James,  son  of  James,  1857,  261 

MoLr,  James,  son  of  James,  1876,  219 

Moir,  James,  2,  son  of  James,  1886;  172 
Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  m.  1886,  172 
Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  d.  1887,  160 
Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  1900,  243 

Moir,  James,  2,  son  of  James,  1902,  243 

Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  1912,  239 

Moir,  James,  son  of  James  A.,  183 

Moir,  James,  son  of  James,    M.    D., 

1817,  123 

MoiR  Genealogy 


Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  M.  D., 

1826,  316 
Moir,  James,  son  of  James,  M.  D.,  d. 

182fi,  316 

Moir,  James,  son  of  John,                  106,  107 

Moir,  James,  son  of  John,  1659,  148 
Moir.  James,  son  of  John  I.,  1659,    106,148 

Moir,  James,  son  of  John,  1073,  45 

Moir,  James,  son  of  John,  1674,  316 

Moir,  James,  son  of  John,  1698,  47 

Moir,  James,  son  of  John,  1715,  106 

Moir,  James,  son  of  John,  1752,  203 

Moir,  James,  son  of  John,  1767,  316 

Moir,  James,  son  of  John,  1767,  316 

Moir,  James,  son  of  John,  1772,  75 

Moir,  James,  son  of  John,  1781,  316 

Moir,  James,  son  of  John,  1816,  76 

Moir,  James,  son  of  John,  1827,  77 

Moir,  James,  son  of  John,  1828,  316 
Moir,  James,  son  of  John,  1839, 

17,207,208,  339 

Moir,  James,  son  of  John,  1853,      268,  269 

Moir,  James,  son  of  John,  1879,  85 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Johue,  16-15,  59 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Patrick,  1642,  148 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Patrick,  1674,  47 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Patrick,  1709,  134 
Moir,  James,  son  of  Patri.'k,  1842,   124,125 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Robert,  284 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Robert,  1855,  246 
Moir,  James,  son   of  Rev.   Dr.  George,  d. 

1826,  316 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Robert,  1743,  75 
Moir,  James,  son  of  Robert,  1743, 

78,  80,  232 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Robert,  1771,  64 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Robert,  1814,  65 
Moir,  James,  son  of  Robert,  1814,    242,395 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Robert,  18.55,  246 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Robert,  1860,  199 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Robert,  1874,  243 
Moir,  James,  son  of  Thomas,         150,  210 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Wilham,  141 

Moir,  James,  son  of  William,  141 

Moir,  James,  son  of  William,  1639,  43 

Moir,  James,  son  of  William,  1669,  96 

Moir,  James,  son  of  WilUam,  1670,  142 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Wilham,  1686,  48 

Moir,  James,  son  of  William,  1801.  93 

Moir,  James,  son  of  William,  d.  1820,  318 

Moir,  James,  son  of  WiUiam,  1856,  165 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Wilham,  1859,  223 

Moir,  James,  son  of  William,  1868,  173 

Moir,  James,  son  of  Wilham,  1868,  308 
Moir,  James  Stewart,  son  of  Robert, 

1838,  197 
Moir,  James  Sydney,  son  of  WiUiam, 

1877.  248 

Mour,  James  T.,  son  of  John,  1886,  208 
Moir,  James  WTtiyte,  son  of  Alexander  C, 

1868,                                               .  168 
Moir,  James  Wilkie,  son  of  David, 

1891,  222 
Moir,  James  Wilham,  son  of  George, 

1883,               _  164 

Moir,  James,  witness,  1633,  58 

Mcr,  James,  2,  witness,  1633,  58 

Moir,  James,  witness,  1646,  59 

Moir,  James,  witness,  1647,  79 

Moir,  James,  witness,  1651,  69 

Moir,  James,  witness,  1673,  60 

Moir,  James,  witness,  1680,  138 

Moir,  James,  witness,  1721,  139 

Moir,  James,  witness,  1723,  139 

Moir,  James,  witness,  1766,  64 

Moir,  James,  writer,  1724,  101 
Moir,  James,  writer,  1747,              62,  63,  64 

Moir,  James,  writer,  1762,  63 

Moir,  James,  writer,  Doune,  1767,  99 
Moir,  James,  writer,  father  of  Robert, 

1727,  99 

Moir,,  Janat,  dau.  of  Ihon,  1633,  59 

Moir,  Jane  Agnes,  or  Wilson,  dau.  of  John, 

1905,  182 

Moir,  Jane,  of  Usborne.  1851,  263 

Moir,  Jane  or  ArniHtronK,  dau.  of  ficorKC, 

1842,  250,  201 

Moir,  Jane,  or  Donald,  of  PeU^rhead,  122 
Moir,   Jane,   or   Fairfoull,   dau.   of   llarrie, 

1679,  231 

Moir,  Jane  Aloxandrina,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1875,  267 

Moir,  Jane,    dau.  of  Andrew,  d. 

1816,  320 

Moir,  Jane,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1848,  87 

Moir,  Jane,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1745,  119 
Moir,  Jane,  dau.  of  Geort'e,  294 

Moir,  Jane,  2,  dau.  of  George,  1778,  294 
Moir,  Jano,  dau.  of  Geor'.;e,  1851,  263 

Moir,  Jane,  dau.  of  George,  1880,  182 

Moir,  Jane,  dau.  of  John,  182 

Moir,  Jane,  dau.  of  John,  1.806,  89 

Moir,  Jane,  dau.  of  Rev.  Andrew,  d. 

1S16  320 

Moir,  Jane,  dau.  of  Rev.  George,  122 

Moir,  Jane,  dau.  of  William,  d.  1841,  52 
Moir,  Jane  Elizabeth,  of  London,  1781,  94 
Moir,  Jane  Fordyce,  authoress,  1891, 

219,  375 
Moir,  Jane  Helen,  dau.  of  George,  164 

Moir,    Jane    Kay,    or    Sorenson,    dau.    of 

David,  1882,  269 

Moir,  Jane  Morse,  dau.  of  James  P., 

1911  270 

Moir,  Jane  Muir,  dau.  of  James,  1885,  223 
Moir,  .lane,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1807,  312 

Moir,  Jane,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1897,  309 

Moir,  Jane,  of  Drmuhthie,  1838,  310 

Moir.  Jane,  of  DrumUthie,  d.  1889,  310 
Moir,  Jane,  of  London,  1773,  27 

Moir,  Jane,  of  Monquhitter,  311 

Moir,  Jane,  of  Monquhitter,  1894,  311 

Moir,  Jane,  or  Hawkins,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1857,  263 

Moir,  Jane,  or  Milne,  dau.  of  George,  166 
Moir,  Jane,  or  Milne,  dau.  of  George,  166 
Moir,  Jane,  or  Montgomery,  d.  1910,  238 
Moir,  Jane,  or  Murray,  1882,  266 

Moir,  Jane,  or  Reith,  dau.  of  George, 

1846,  257 

Moir,  Jane,   or  Rennie,  dau.  of  William, 

1855,  165 

Moir,  Jane  Orr,  or  Spence,  dau.  of  Robert, 

1841,  178 

Moir,  Janet,  or  Stewart,   dau.  of  George, 

1786,  232 

Moir,  Jane  Smith,  dau.  of  William,  163 
Moir,    Jane    Somera,    or    Knapp,    dau.    of 

William  R.  S.,  1869,  190 

Moir,    Jane    Walker,    or    Smith,    dau.    of 

Charles,  1867,  170 

Moir,  Jane,  or  Skene,  dau.  of  James,  151 
Moir,  Janet,  d.  1738,  302 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  Alexander,  189 

Moir.  Janet,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1658,  47 
Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  Alexander,  d.  1660,  128 
Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1694,  49 
Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1721,  139 
Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  .\ndrew,  1743,  119 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1833,  77 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1839,  93 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  George,  1786,  232 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  George,  1786,  234 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  George,    1787,  76 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  George,  1829,  234 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  Gilbert,  16S7,  128 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  James,  1673,  144 

Moir,  .Janet,  dau.  of-James,  1698,  49 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  James,  1707,  129 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  James,  1733,  130 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  James,  II.,  1733,  149 
Moir,  Janet,  dau,  of  James,  1741,  290 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  James,  1758,  63 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  James,  1758,  233 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  James,  1791,  64 


MoiR  Geneai^ogy 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  James,  1791,  233 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  John,  1665,  143 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  John,  1674,  144 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  Peter,  203 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  Peter,  1628,  42 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  Rev.  George,  122 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  Robert,  1764,  63 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  Robert,  1815,  65 

Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  Robert,  Jr.,  1630,  58 
Moir,  Janet,  dau.  of  Walter,  1732,  62 

Moir,  Janet  Dickie,  dau.  of  David, 

1883,  269 

Moir,  Janet,  in  Blackford,  m.  1767,  92 

Moir,  Janet  Isobel,  dau.  of  James,  1911,  173 
Moir,  Janet,  of  Aberdeen,  1818,  316 

Moir,  Janet,  of  Tonley,  1746,  290 

Moir,  Janet,  or  Anderson,  1576,  50,  363 
Moir,  Janet,  or  Black,  m.  1684,  47 

Moir,  Janet,  or  Brands,  m.  1657,  45 

Moir,   Janet,   or   Davidson,   dau.   of   Rev. 

George,  122 

Moir,  Janet,  or  Duncanson,  dau.  of  James, 

m.  1792,  77,  SO,  233 

Moir,  Janet,  or  Eason,  teacher,  1860,  264 
Moir,  Janet  or  Gibson,  m.  1715,  90 

Moir,  Janet,  or  Jessie,  dau.  of  James, 

1870,  123 

Moir,  Janet,  or  MacLaren,  dau.  of  Robert,. 

1815,  244 

Moir,  Jane,  or  Munroe,   dau.  of  George, 

1857,  266 

Moir,  Janet,   or  Murray,  dau.   of  George, 

1829,  2.34 

Moir,    Janet,    or    Norton,    dau.    of    Rev. 

George,  122 

Moir,  Janet,  or  Reynolds,  dau.  of  Robert, 

1822,  195 

Moir,  Janet,  or  Rob,  m.  1641,  44 

Moir,  Janet,  or  Smellie,  1855,  243 

Moir,  Janet,  or  Stewart,  m.  1668,  45 

Moir,  Janet,   or  Stewart,   dau.   of  George, 

1786,  234 

Moir,  Janet,  or  Traquair,  dau.  of  George, 

1867,  256,  261,  262 

Moir,  Janet,  or  Young,  m.  1676,  48 

Moir,  Jane  Tough,  dau.  of  Charles,  d. 

1893,  309 

Moir,  Janet  Ramsay  Paton,  dau.  of  James, 

1893,  223 

Moir,  Janett,  dau.  of  Patrick,  1706,  134 
Moir,  Janett,  or  Alexander,  m.  1571,  42 
Moir,  Janett,  or  Boyd,  m.  1575,  42 

Molt,  Janett  or  Udny,  m.  1613,  127 

Moir,  Jannet,  f  1746,  290 

Moir,  J.  A.,  or  Aberdeen,  1896,  311 

Moir,  Jean,  d.  1731,  302 

Moir,  Jean,  d.  1731,  302 

Moir,  Jean,  d.  1812,  51 

Moir,  Jean,  d.  1850,  313 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1681,  48 
Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1689,  49 
Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1691,  47 
Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1723,  139 
Moir,  Jean,  ;dau.  of  Alexander,  1726,  129 
Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1726,  129 
Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1818,  76 
Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1818,  238 
Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1710,  90 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1783,  145 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Andrew,  II.,  1701,  118 
Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Archibald,  1669,  60 
Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Archibald,  1669,  231 
Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  David  A.,  1895,  186 
Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Dr.  William,  1657,  138 
Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Dr.  William,  II., 

1657,  138 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Dr.  William,  II., 

1670,  138 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  George,  1782,  76 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  George,  1782,  234 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  George,  1827,  234 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Gilbert,  1639,  43 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Gilbert,  1697,  50 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Harie,  1679,  60 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  James,  1795,  65 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  James,  1795,  234 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  James,  1695,  49 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  John,  316 

Moir,  Jean,  2d,  dau.  of  John,  316 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  John,  1662,  45 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  John,  1673,  148 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  John,  1668,  143 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  John,  1675,  46 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  John,  1686,  46 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  John,  1693,  148 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  John,  1713,  61 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  John,  1736,  56 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  John,  1775.  75 

]Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  John.  1798,  65 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Patrick,  1648,  148 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Rev.  George,  1730,  115 
Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Robert,  1741,  75 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  Thomas,  1643,  43 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  William,  141 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  William,  1632,  43 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  William   1681,  48 

Moir,  Jean,  dau.  of  William,  1778,  55 

Moir,  Jean,  or  Brown,  m.  1663,  45,  47 

Moir,  Jean,  or  CampbeU,  m.  1652,  44 

Moir,  Jean,  or  Campbell,  1680,  46 

Moir,   Jean,    or   Castell,   of  Aberdeen, 

m.  1843,  52 

Moir,  Jean  Duncan,  dau.  of  David, 

1895,  222 

Moir,  Jeane,  dau.  of  William,  1673,  142 
Moir,  Jean  Fife,  d.  1785,  320 

Moir,  Jean,  Galbraith,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1882.  236,  237 

Moir,  Jean,  in  Otterburn,  1783,  145 

Moir,  Jean,  or  Jopp,  m.  1751,  115 

Moir,  Jeannie,  or  King,  dau.  of  Andrew,  255 
Moir,  Jean,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1813,  293 

Moir,  Jean,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  18.50,  53 

Moir.  Jean,  of  Dunblane,  1743,  102,  103 
Moir,  Jean,  of  Doune,  1625,  230 

Moir,  Jean,  of  EUon,  d.  1779,  320 

Moir,  Jean,  or  Abernethy,  dau.  of  James, 

II.,  149 

Moir,  Jean,  or  Duthie,  dau.  of  James, 

1739,  102,  103 

Moir,  Jean,  or  Fairfoull,  m.  1706,  75 

Moir,  Jean,  ot  Fife,  d.  1785,  320 

Moir,  Jean,  or  Graeme,  dau.  of  Robert, 

1741,  80,  232 

Molt,   Jemima  Home,   dau.   of  James,   d. 

1879.  310 

Moir,  Jean,  or  Irvine,  dau.  of  James, 

1838,  171,  17 

Moir,  Jean,  or  King,  dau.  of  George,  161 
Moir,  Jean,  or  King,  dau.  of  George,  161 
Moir,  Jean,  or  MacPherson,  dau.  of  George, 

1782,  232,  234 

Moir,  Jean,  or  McNee,  m.  1777,  80 

Moir,  Jean,  or  Mitchell,  1701,  365 

Moir,  Jean,  or  Mitchell,  m.  1762,  77 

Moir,   Jean,   or   Murray,   dau.   of  George, 

1827,  234,  256,  260 

Moir,  Jean,  or  Reid,  m.  1777,  80 

Moir,  Jean,  or  Sandilands,  d.  1687,  316 

Moir,  Jean,  or  Schand,  m.  1668,  46 

Moir,  Jean,  or  Simson,  m.  1719,  48 

Moir,  Jean,  or  Torrie,  dau.  of  John, 

1739,  203 

Moir,   Jean,   or  Walker,   dau.   of  George, 

1795,  162 

Moir,  Jennie,  dau.  of  Robert  A.,  1890,  196 
Moir,  Jepie,  son  of  William  W.,  1870,  193 
Moir,  Jessie,  d.  1869,  308 

Moir,  Jessie  Ann,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1887,  185 

Moir,  Jessie  Caroline,  or  Hill,  m.  1870,  125 
Moir,  Jessie,  dau.  of  George,  1830,  168 

Moir   Jessie,  dau.  of  George,  1886,  54 

Moir,  Jessie,  dau.  of  William  R.  S., 

1891.  190 

MoiR  Genealogy 


Moir,  Jessie  Irene,  dau.  of  David,  1895,  204 
Moir,  Jessie  Lang,  dau.  of  John,  1892,  258 
Moir,  Jessie  Lila,  dau.  of  Peter,  1898,  2G2 
Moir,  Jessie  Lillie,  dau.  of  Russell  J., 

1896,  2«H 

Moir,  Jessie  Margaret,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1873,  207 

Moir,  Jessie  Morrison,  or  MacNicol,  dau. 

of  Alexander,  m.  1862,  238 

Moir,  Jessie  Olive,  dau.  of  Gavin,  1895,  264 
Moir,  Jessie  Stirling,  dau.  of  William, 

1878,  267 

Moir,  Jessie  T.,    dau.  of  William  S., 

1871,  190 

Moir,  Jessy,  d.  1820,  293 

Moir,  J.,  Gaelic  author,  392 

Moir,  Jhon,  m.  1626,  79 

Moir,  Jhon,  witness,  1624,  89 

Moir,  Joanna,  d.  1805,  293 

Moir,  Joanna  Jarvis,  dau.  of  James, 

1857,  222 

Moir,  Joannes,  A.  M.,  Aberdeen  Univer- 
sity, 1805,  40 
Moir,  Joannis,  of  Barnes,  1651,  137 
Moir,  J.,  of  Elgin,  1902,  204 
Moir,  Johan  Gibb,  dau.  of  Walter, 

1862  83 

Moir,  Johanna,  d.  1803,  312 

Moir,  Johannes,  1470,  147 

Moir,  John,  211 

Moir,  John,  1610  135.  137,  144,  147,  148 
Moir,  John,  1615,  286,  287,  370 

Moir,  John,  1620,  370 

Moir,  John,  1623,  286 

Moir,  John,  1631,  96,  97,  136,  137,  143,148 
Moir,  John,  1645,  59 

Moir,  John,  1655,  286 

Moir,  John,  1683,  47 

Moir,  John,  2,  1683,  47 

Moir,  John,  1689,  61 

Moir,  John,  1696,  137 

Moir,  John,  1713,  61 

Moir,  John.  1816,  76 

Moir,  John,  advocate,  374 

Moir,  John,  advocate,  1689,  97 

Moir,  John  Alexander,  Rev.,  son  of  John, 

Moir,  John  Alexander,  son  of  Alexander, 

1881,  226 

Moir,  John  Alexander,  son  of  Benjamin, 

Moir,  John  Alexander,  son  of  Edward  J., 

1868,  210 

Moir,  John  Alexander,  son  of  John, 

1870,  272 

Moir,  John  Alexander,  son  of  John, 

1904,  274 

Moir,  John,   A.  M.,  Aberdeen  University, 

1844,  44 

Moir,  John,  apothecary,    1683,  143 

Moir,   John   Archibald,  son  of  George  M., 

1879,  184 

Moir,  John,  artjst,  20,   131,  133,  392 

Mojr,  John  A.,  son  of  William,  1884,  248 
Moir,  John,  author,  381 

Moir,  John,  author,   1800,  376 

Moir,  John,  baiUie,   1695,  48,  49 

Moir,  John,  baillie,    1695.  105 

Moir,  John,  brether  of  Charles,  185S,  188 
Moir,  John,  brother  of  John,  1664,  101 
Moir,  John,  burgess,   1614,  96 

Moir,  John,  burgess,  1647,  96 

Moir,  John,  burgess,   1651,  286 

Moir,  John,  burgess,  1655,  96 

Moir,  John,  burgess,  1659,  96 

Moir,  John,  burgess,  1660,  96 

Mojr,  John,  bvrgess,    1663,  96 

Moir,  John,  burgess,   1667,  96 

Moir,   John,  burgess,  1689,  97 

Moir,  John  Charles,  son  of  Forbes, 

1891,  183 

Moir,  John,   d,  1674,  137,  316 

Moir,  John,  d.  1674,  370 

Moir,  John,  d.  1781,  310 

Moir,  John,  d    1817,  313 

Moir,  John,  d.  1892,  237 

Moir,  Jolin  Downea,  son  of  William, 

1911,  250 

Moir,  John  Duncan,  .son  of  William,       211 
Moir,  Johne,  1637,  58 

Moir,  Johne,  1643,  59.  60,  96 

Moir  Johne,  d.  1660,  319,  320 

Moir,  Johne,  burgess.  1626.  136.  288 

Moir.  Johne,  burgess,  1628,  1.36 

Moir,  Jon,  burgess,  1647,  90 

Moir,  Johne,  burgess,  1655.  96 

Moir  John  Edgar,  son  of  John  G.,  1883,  165 
Moir,  Johne,  of  Kilmadock,  1645,  59 

Moir,  Johne.  in  Kilmadock,  16-15,  79 

Moir,  John  Elliott,  son  of  Robert,  1875.  177 
Moir.  John,  of  Barnes,  1631.  136.  137 

Moir.  John,  of  Bolvenie.  d.  1660.    319.  320 
Moir.  Johne.  of  Doune,  1645.  59 

Moir,  Johne,  son  of  James,  1668,  60 

Moir,  Johne,  son  of  Thomas,  1673,  60 

Moir,  Johne,  witness,  1645,  79 

Moir,  John  Fletcher,  son  of  Robert  A.,  196 
Moir,  John  Forbes,  1821,  299,  391 

Moir,  John  Forbes,  of  Park,  1821.  299 

Moir.  John  Frederick,  son  of  John  S., 

1883,  184 
Moir,  John  F.,  son  of  John,  1882,  208 
Moire,  John,  gamekeeper,  m.  1876,  85,  86 
Moir,  John,  Glasgow  University,  1790,  37 
Moir,  John,  Glasgow  University,  1810,  38 
Moir,  John,  Glasgow  University,  1815.  38 
Moir,  John,  Glasgow  University,  1831,  38 
Moir,  John  Grant,  son  of  William,  1852,  165 
Moir,  John  Hay,  of  Kimberly,  d.  1882,  308 
Moir,  John,  in  Aberargie,  1661,  382 
Moir,  John,  in  Aberargie,  1664,  100,  101 
Moir,  John,  in  Aberdeen,  1630,  383 
Moir,  John,  in  Argitgentie,  1670,  60 
Moir,  John,  in  Auchterarder,  1793,  92 
Moir,  John,  in  Cottertown,  1791.  92 
Moir.  John,  in  Daldoran.  1769.  75,  76 
Moir,  John,  in  Daldoran,  1810,  76 
Moir,  John,  in  Daldorn,  1793,  63,  74 
Moir,  Jehn,  in  Daldorn,  m.  1795,  76 
Moir,  John,  in  Daldorn,  1798,  65 
Moir,  John,  in  Doune,  1720,  62 
Moir,  John,  in  Doune,  1722,  62 
Moir,  John,  in  Dunblane.  1713.  101 
Moir.  John,  in  Edinburgh.  1633,  382 
Moir.  John,  in  Forres.  1.578,  382 
Moir,  John,  in  Glenwhilk.  1672,  60 
Moir,  John,  in  Greddon  Burn,  1720,  62,  371 
Moir,  John,  in  Half-Merkland,  1739,  91 
Moir,  John,  in  Kincardine,  1827,  77 
Moir,  John,  in  Kirkaldie,  1630,  382 
Moir,  John,  in  Landrick,  1735,  62 
Moir.  John,  in  Landrick.  1756.  63 
Moir.  John,  in  Mackeanstown,  1794,  65 
Moir,  John,  in  Mackeanstown,  1796,  65 
Moir,   John   Innes   Allan,    M.    D.,   son   of 

James,  M.  D.,  1808,  40,  218,  348 

Moir,  John,  in  Row,  1679,  60 

Moir,  John,  in  Stirling,  1672,  89 

Moir,  John,  in  Thornhill,  1748.  75 

Moir.  John,  in  Tigermuck,  1723,  62 

Moir,  John,  in  Torrie,  1757,  62,  63 

Moir,  John,  in  Torrie,  1767,  64 

Moir,  John,  in  Torrie,  1820,  66 

Moir,  John,  in  Tulliallan,  1879,  85 

Moir,  .John,  in  Wester  Torrie,  1766,  64 

Moir,  John  Alexander,  son  of  James, 

1853,  105 

Moir,  John  James,  son  of  Alexander, 

1884.  185 
Moir,  John  Jr.,  of  Finnylost,  1825,  98 
Moir,  John  Junior,  of  Barnes,  1666,  47 
Moir,  John,  Junior,  of  Finnylost,  98 
Moir,  John,  Junior,  son  of  John,  182 
Moir,  John,  Junior,  son  of  John,  d.  1904,  199 
Moir,  John,  m.  1587,  42 
Moir,  John,  m.  1612,  42 


MoiR  Geneai,ogy 

Moir,  John,  m.  1625, 
Moir,  John,  m.  1633, 
Moir,  John,  m.  1634, 
Moir,  John,  m.  1641, 
Moir,  John,  m.  1643, 
Moir,  John,  m.  1644, 
Moir,  John,  m.  1647, 
Moir,  John,  2,  m.  1647, 
Moir,  John,  m.  1655, 
Moir,  John,  m.  1664, 
Moir,  John,  2,  m.  1664, 
Moir,  John,  m.  1667, 
Moir,  John,  m.  1683, 
Moir,  John,  m.  1720, 
Moir,  John,  m.  1757, 
Moir,  John,  m.  1793, 
Moir,  John,  2,  m.  1793, 
Moir,  John,  m.  1802, 
Moir,  John,  m.  1809, 
Moir,  John,  m.  1829, 


Moir,  John  Harold,  son  of  Peter,  1900,  262 
Moir,  John  Lowndes,  son  of  John,  1882,  125 
Moir,  John,  M.  A.,  B  D.,  Glasgow  Uni- 
versity, 38,  39 
Moir,  John  Macrae,  editor,  377,  392 
Moir,  John  Malcolm,  B.  Sc,  son  of  David, 
1890,  204 
Moir,  John,  manufacturer,  d.  1833,  307 
Moir,  John,  mariner,  1833,  399 
Moir,  John,  mason,  1754,  313 
Moir,  John,  M.  B.,  Glasgow  University, 
1853,  38 
Moir,  John,  Jr.,  merchant,  1657,  287 
Moir,  John,  merchant,  1683,  47 
Moir,  John,  merchant,  m.  1717,  48 
Moir,  John,  merchant,  d.  1868,  308 
Moir,  John,  merchant-burgess,  m.  1681,  46 
Moir,  John,  messenger-at-arms,  317 
Moir,  John,  m.  Margaret  AlcFarlane, 

1758,  63,  75 

Moir,  John,  m.  Margaret  Moir,  1717,       48 
Moir,  John  Munro,  M.  D.,  of  Inverness, 

Moir,  John  Nicol,  of  Stanstead,  1839,  361 
Moir,  John  ISiicol,  son  of  John,  1835,  188 
Moir,  John,  notary,  1713,  99 

Moir,  John,  notary  public,  1727,  99 

Moir,  Johnny,  grocer,  389 

Moir,  John,  of  Aberargie,  1661,  382 

Moir,  John,  of  Aberargie,  1643,  382 

Moir,  John,  of  Aberargj',  1664,        100,  101 
Moir,  John,  of  Aberdeen,  m    1626,  137 

Moir,  John,  of  Aberdeen,  1630,        3S2,  383 
Moir,   John,  of  Aberdeen,  1839,  309 

Moir,  John,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1893,  309 

Moir,  John,  of  Aberfoyle,  269 

Moir,  John,  afterwards  Muir,  269 

Moir,  John,  of  Alva,  1815,  38 

Moir,  John,  of  Arbroath,  m.  1802,  221 

Moir,  John,  of  BaUater,  1858,  184 

Moir,  John,  of  Banff,  1797,  188 

Moir,  John,  of  Barnes,  1655, 
45,  46,  47,  136,  142,  143,  144,  217,  286,  287, 

Moir,  John,  of  Beniche  Mountain,  181 

Moir,  Johne,  of  Bolvenie,  d.  1660,  320 

Moir,  John,  of  Buchan, '  187,  188,  361 

Moir,  John,  of  Buchan,  1828,  316 

Moir,  John,  of  Cairnmucks,  1671,  288 

Moir,  John,  of  Carse  of  MacOrriston,    285 
Moir,  John,  of  Coldwells,  180 

Moir,  John,  of  Craigarnhall,  1707,  61 

Moir,  John,  of  Cromar,  1745,    155,  156,157 
Moir,  John,  of  Daldorn,  1801,  76 

Moir,  John,  of  Doune,  1625,  230 

Moir,  John,  of  Doune,  1629,  231 

Moir,  John,  of  Falkirk,  1790,  37 

Moir,  John,  Jr.,  of  Finnylost,  98 

Moir,  John,  of  Fintray,  1844,  40 

Moir,  John,  of  Forres,  198 

Moir,  John,  of  Glasgow,  1848,  38 

Moir,  John,  of  Glenbucket,  1711,  316 

Moir,  John,  of  Glenbucket,  1767,  316 

Moir,  John,  of  HiUfoot,  1806,  89 

Moir,  John,  of  Keith,  308 

Moir,  John,  c.i  Ksrmuck,  1610,  19,  146,  147 
Moir,  John,  of  Kermuck,  1672,  288 

Moir,  John,  of  Kincardine,  m.  1793,  78 

Moir,  John,  of  Kincardine,  m.  1795,  78 

Moir,  John,  of  Kincardine,  m.  1809,       78 
Moir,  John,  of  Kincardine,  1827  77 

Moir,  John,  of  Kincardine,  m.  1829,  78 

Moir,  John,  of  KinneUor,  1666,  287 

Moir,  John,  of  Kirkaldy,  1630,  382 

Moir,  John,  of  Methlick.  1698,  55 

Moir,  John,  of  Minneapolis,  1853,  269 

Moir,  John,  of  Monquhitter,  d. 

IQl'i,  303,  304 

Moir,  John,  of  Newburgh,  1596,  127 

Moir,  John,  of  Orkney,  207 

Moir,  John,  of  Paisley,  1810,  38 

Moir,  John,  of  Peterculter,  1853.  374 

Moir,  John,  of  Peterhead,  d.  1857,  306 

Moir,  John,  of  PoUokshaws,  1866,  272 

Moir,  John,  of  St.  Catherine,  1802,  131 

Moir,  John,  of  Stirling,  1671,  89 

Moir,  John,  of  StirUng,  1805,  323 

Moir,  John,  of  Stoneywood.  d.  1674. 

106,  140,  144,  145,  146,  313,  316 
Moir,  John,  of  Stoneywood,  d.  1720, 

106,  145,  145,  316 
Moir,  John,  of  Stromneas,  207 

Moir.  John,  of  Watertown,  1672,  46 

Moir,  John,  of  Woodside,  d.  1S74,  311 

Moir,  John,  of  Woodside,  d.  1912,  321 

Moir,  John,  or  Muir,  1790,  268 

Moir,  John,  poet  of  the  Feugh,  11,  341 
Moir,  John,  printer,  1790,  378 

Moir,  John,  progenter  of  the  More  family, 
m.  1735,  200,  203,  204,  205 

Moir,  John,  Rev.,  394 

Moir,  John,  Rev.,  99,  296 

Moir,  John,  Rev.,  1736,  99 

Moir,  John,  Rev.  M.  A.,  Aberdeen  poet,  11 
Moir,  John,  Rev.  M.  A.,  writer, 

1788,  337,  338 

Moir,    John    SandUands,    son    of    George, 
1881,  124 

Moir.  John,  Senior,  of  Finnylost,  98 

Moir,  John  Shand,  son  of  George,  1897,  182 
Moir,   John   Shaw,   son   of  Alexander   L., 
1848,  184 

Moir,  John,shipmaster,  d.  1832,  313 

Moir,  John,  skipper,  1693,  49 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Adam,  1649,  44 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Alexander,  191,  198 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Alexander,  1615,  96 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Alexander,  1666,  47 

Moir,  John,  son  of  jMexander,  1693,  49 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Alexander,  1705,  129 
Moir,  John,  son  of  Alexander,  1822,  77 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Alexander,  1822,  238 
Moir,  John,  son  of  Alexander,  1833,  267 
Moir,  John,  son  of  Alexander,  1874,  311 
Moir,  John,  son  of  Alexander,  1878,  185 
Moir,  John,  son  of  Alexander,  1880,  237 
Moir,  John,  son  of  Alexander  A.,  194 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Andrew.  1744,  91 

Moir,  John,  son  of  David,  1703,  61 

Moir,  John,  2,  son  of  David,  1703,  79,  232 
Moh-,  John,  son  of  David,  1831,  38 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Doctor,  1691,  216 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Donald,  1745,  156 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Dr.  William,  1691,  216 
Moir,  John,  son  of  Finlay,  1697,  61 

Moir,  John,  son  of  George.  168 

Moir,  John,  son  of  George,  1652,  43 

Moir,  John,  son  of  George,  1678,  48 

Moir,  John,  son  of  George,  1735,  57 

Moir,  John,  son  of  George,  1819,  234 

Moir,  John,  son  of  George,  1819,  256 

Moir,  John,  son  of  George,  1850,  257,  258 
Moir,  John,  son  of  Henry,  1851,  87 

Moir,  John  Stewart,  son  of  Henry, 

1853.  269 

Moir,  John,  son  of  George,  1855,  211 

MoiR  Genealogy 


Moir,  John,  son  of  George,  1861,     256,  261 

Moir,  John,  son  of  George,  1867,  180 

Moir,  John,  2,  son  of  George,  1867,  180 

Moir,  John,  son  of  James,  KJl 

Moir,  John,  son  of  James,  172 

Moir,  John,  son  of  James,  1629,  231 

Moir,  John,  son  of  James,  1668,  60 

Moir,  John,  son  of  James,  1668,  144 

Moir,  John,  son  of  James,  1689,  61 

Moir,  John,  son  of  James,  1697,  149 

Moir,  John,  son  of  James,  1756,  63 

Moir,  John,  son  of  James,  1763,  69 

Moir,  John,  son  of  James,  1763,  63 

Moir,  John,  son  of  James,  1805,  65 

Moir,  John,  son  of  James,  1843,  171 

Moir,  John,  son  of  James,  1861,  261 

Moir,  John,  son  of  James,  1890,  220 

Moir,  John,  son  of  James,  1898,  172 

Moir,  John,  son  of  James,  1900,  243 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  181 

Moir,  John,  sen  of  John,  1505,  147 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1610,  148 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1632,  382 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1643,  382 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John.  1651,  286 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1654,  136 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1663,  96 

Moir,  John,  2,  son  of  John,  1663,  96 

Moir,  John,  2d,  son  of  John,  1663,  143 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1666,  45 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1670,  45 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1684,  46 

Moir,  John,  2d,  son  of  John,  1692,  47 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1744,  75 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1757,  62 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1766,  64 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1789,  313 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1790,  37 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1796,  76 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1800,  207 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1803,  221 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1804,  181 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1810,  38 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1815,  38 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1828,  316 
Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1848,             38,  39 

Moir,  Johc,  son  of  John,  1852,  208 

Moir,  John,  2,  son  of  John,  1852,  208 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1853,  38 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1871,  309 

Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  d.  1872  309 
Moir,  John,  son  of  John,  1881,             85,  86 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Patrick,  1660,  96 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Patrick,  1668,  45 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Patrick,  1720,  62 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Patrick,  1848,  125 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Peter,  1637,  42 
Moir,  John,  son  of  Rev.  George,  1775,  121 
Moir,  John,  son  of  Rev   George,  1775,    316 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Richard,  1836,  272 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Robert.  176 

Moir,  Johne,  son  of  Robert,  1648,  59 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Robert,  1682,  60 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Robert,  1693,  129 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Robert,  1730,  176 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Robert,  1766,  64 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Robert,  1823,  248 
Moir,  John,  2d,  son  of  Robert,  1830,       255 

Moir,,John,  son  of  Robert,  1850,  199 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Robert,  1853,  263 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Robert,  1881,  243 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Robert,  1900,  243 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Thomas,  1633,  43 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Thomas,  1640,  43 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Thomas,  1673,  60 

Moir,  John,  son  of  Walter,  1668,  277 

Moir,  John,  son  of  William,  308 
Moir,  John,  son  of  William,  1610, 

135,  136,  147,  148 

Moir,  John,  son  of  William,  1615,  96 

Moir,  John,  son  of  WiUiam,  1615,  106 

Moir,  John,  son  of  William,  1615,  370 

Moir,  John,  son  of  William,  1632,  43 

Moir,  John,  son  of  William,  1658,  286 

Moir,  John,  2,  son  of  William,  1686,  47 

Moir,  John,  son  of  William,  1852,  87 

Moir,  John,  son  of  William,  1853,  374 

Moir,  John,  son  of  William,  d.  1892,       237 
Moir,  John,  son  of  William,  1906,  238 

Moir,  John,  son  of  William  J.,  1906,       238 
Moir,  John,  Sr.,  of  Finnylost,  1825,  98 

Moir,  John    Stewart,     eon     of    Alexander 
1878,  267 

Moir,    John    Stewart,    son    of    Alexander, 


Moir,  John  Stuart,  son  of  Alexander, 

Moir,  John   Wilby,  son   of  William, 

Moir,  John  William,  African  pioneer, 

Moir,  John  William,  eon  of  James. 

Moir.  John  William,  son  of  John  I.  A., 

Moir.  John  William,  son  of  John  W., 

Moir,  John  Wilson,  M.  B 

son  of  Da\nd  M.,  1843, 
Moir,  John,  witness,  1624, 
Moir,  John,  witness,  1643, 
Moir,  John,  weaver,  1663, 
Moir,  John,  witness,  1670, 
Moir,  John,  "theasurer,"  1686, 
Moir,  John,  witness,  1693. 
Moir,  John,  tailor,  1694. 
Moir,  John,  W.  S.,  of  Hillfoot,  1806. 
Moir,  John,  St.  Andrew's  Univeraity, 

Moir,  Jon,  smith,  1647, 
Moir,  Joneta,  1632, 
Moir,  Joseph,  ol  Aberdeen,  d.  1842, 
Moir,  Joseph  Dawes,  eon  of  Robert, 

Moir,  Joseph  McElroy,  engineer, 
Moir,  Joseph  McElroy,  Jr.,  son  of  James. 

1878,  219 

Moir.  Joseph  WiUiam,  son  of  Alexander, 

1880,  185 

Moir,  Joseph  William,  son  of  George  B., 

1861,  240 

Moir,  Josephine,  dau.  of  Charles,  1864,  170 
Moir,  Josie  Ma\,  dau.  of  Joseph  D., 

1889,  246 

Moir,  Julia,  of  Mains  of  Cockney,  d. 

1859,  307 

Moir,  J.  W.,  son  of  Archibald.  1892. 

.271,  335.  336 
Moir,  Kate  Veronica,  dau.  of  Alexander  W., 







C.  M.,  M.  D., 
40,  178.  347 
47,  48 










Moir,  Katherin,  dau.  of  John,  1720, 
Moir,  Katherine,  dau.  of  James. 
Moir,  Katherine,  dau.  of  James.  1795, 
Moir,  Katherine,  dau.  of  James,  1795, 
Moir,  Katherine.  dau.  of  John.  1762. 
Moir,  Katherine,  dau.  of  John,  1814, 
Moir,  Katherine,  dau.  of  Thomas,  1676,  60 
Moir,  Katherine,  dau.  of  William,  16S3,  47 
Moir,  Katherine.  dau.  of  William,  1684,  47 
Moir,  Katherine,  dau.  of  Willian,  d. 

1819.  51 

Moir,  Katherine.  of  Kilmadock,  m. 

1764,  74,  80 

Moir,  Katherine,  or  Angers,  m.  1618,  42 
Moir,  Katherine,  or  Ferguson,  m.  1607,  42 
Moir,  Katherine,  or  McFarlan,  1789.  74 
Moir,  Katherine   W.,    dau.    of   Alexander, 

1891,  226 

Moir,  Katherine  dau.  of  Andrew,  1789,  74 
Moir,  Katherine.  dau.  of  James,  1795,  65 
Moir,  Katherine,  dau.  of  John,  1762.  63 
Moir,  Kathrine,  m.  1764,  80 

Moir,  Kathrin,  m.  1581.  44 

Moir,  Kenneth  Eliot,  son  of  Alexander    L.. 

1908,  254 


MoiR  Genealogy 

Moir,  Kenneth.  Nelly,  dau.     of    John    G., 

1897,  165 

Moir,  Kenneth,  soldier,  1330,  13 

Moir,  "Lang  Johnnie",  390,  391 

Moir,  Laura  May,  dau.  of  James,  183 

Moir,  Laura  Ruth,  dau.  of  John  G., 

1891,  165 

Moir,  Lavina  Robertson,  dau.  of  David  A., 

1897,  186 

Moir,   La\'inia  Jane,    or    Starrak,    dau.    of 

William,  1875,  248 

Moir,  Lena  Tabitha,  dau.  of  Robert  A.,  196 
Moil,  Leo  Hughes,  son  fo  George  E., 

1888,  167 
Moir,  Leroy  Edison,  son  of  George  R., 

1899,  263 

Moir,  Leslie, dau.  of  William,  211 

Moir,  LUian,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1663,  128 
Moir,  Lilla  Aim,  dau.  of  George  B., 

1865,  240 

Moir,  LiUey  M.,  dau.  of  John,  1893,  208 
Moir,  Lillian  Daisy    Marguerite,    dau.    of 

Edmund  H.,  1895,  247 

Moir,  LUlie  Demarius,  dau.  of  De  Witt  C, 

1870,  197 

Moir,  Lilly  Ada,  or  Armour,  dau.  of  George 

B.,  1866,  240 

Moir,  Lily  .lane,  dau.  of  Robert,  1859,  247 
Moir,  Lindsay,  son  of  William,  1881,  248 
Moir,  Lloyd  James,  son  of  Mark  G., 

1890,  246 

Moir,  Louisa,  or  Malcolm,  1841,  308 

Moir,  Louisa,  or  Sedgewick,  d.  1883,  299 
Moir,  Louise  Jane,  dau.  of  William, 

1880,  267 
Moir,  Lueien  Alexander,  son  of  Alexander 

T.,  1861,  192 

Moir,  Lucille  Jeanette,  dau.  of  George, 

1902,  254 

Moir,  Lucy  Ann  E.,    or    Tuggle,    dau.    of 

Alexander  A.,  1826,  191 

Moir,  Lucy  Parthena,   or  Hodgin,   dau.   of 

Robert,  1832,  196 

Moir,  Lucy  Serena,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1897,  195 

Moir,  Lulu  Violet,  dau.  of  John,  1889,  261 
Moir,  LyaU  Tom,  son  of  George,  1891,    164 

Moir,  Mabel  Charlotte,  dau.  of  Marcus  W., 

1881,  188 
Moir,  Mabel,  dau.  of  George,  124 
Moir,  Mabel,  dau.  of  John,  199 
Mcir,  MadeUne  A.,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1886,  181 

Moir,  Maggie,  dau  of  George  S.,  294 

Moir,  Malcolm  Alexander,  son  of  Alexander 

L.,  1892,  254 

Moir,  Malcolm,  son  of  Dimcan,  276 

Moir,  Malcolm,  son  of  Joseph  D.,  1906,  247 
Moir,  Mansfield  Forbes,  m.  1890,  54 

Moir,  Marcus  William,  son  of  William  J., 

1851,  187 

Moir,  Margaret,  1682,  60 

Moir,  Margaret,  1883,  86 

Moir,  Margaret,  d.  1782,  297 

Moir,  Margaret,  d.  1811,  303 

Moir,  Margaret,  d.  1849,  313 

Moir,  Margaret,  d.  1865,  292 

Moir,  Margaret,  d.  1885,  292 

Moir,  Miirgaret,  d.  1886,  292 

Moir,  Margaret,  d.  1903,  299 

Moir,  Margaret  A.  A.,  dau.  of  Alexander  W., 

1854,  220 

Moir,  Margaret  Barr,  M.  A.,  B.  Sc,      dau. 

of  John  1883,  38 

Moir,  Alargaret  Baxter,  d.lS71,  292 

Moir,  Margaret  Boyd,  dau.  of  Da\'id, 

1889,  269 
Moir,  Margaret  Charteris,  dau,  of  Robert, 

1797,  176 

Moir,  Margaret  Craig,  dau.  of  Robert, 
1902,  255 

Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  Adam.  1651,  44 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  Alexander,  238 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1663,  47 

Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1667,  47 
Moir,  Margaret,  2,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1676,  4, 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  ot  Alexander,  1697,  49 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau,  of  Alexander,  d. 

1782,  297 

Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  Andrew,   I., 

1677,  116 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1770,  92 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1827,  93 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.    of   Archibald, 

1738,  232 

MoLr,  Margaret,  dau.  of  Dr.    William, 

1659  138 

Molt,  Margaret,  dau.  of  George,  1856,  163 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  George  M., 

1860,  263 

Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  Harie,  1689,  61 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  Harrie,  1689,  231 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  James,  1647,  231 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  James,  1674,  144 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  James,  1750,  63 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  James,  1770 . ,  64 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  James,  1800,  65 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  .John,  1665,  45 

Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  John,  1669,  143 
Moir,  Margaret,  2,  dau.  of  John,  1671,  45 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  John, 

1668,  45 

Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  John,  1691,  46 

Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  John,  1698,  55 

Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  John,  1722,  62 

Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  John,  1738,  232 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  John,  1740,  62 

Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  John  1743  203 

Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  John,  1764,  63 

Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  John,  1812,  221 
Moir,  Magarret,  dau.  of  John,  1864,  272 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  Johne,  1672,  89 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  Patrick,  1659,  148 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  Peter,  1632,  42 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  Robert,  1860,  247 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  Robert,  1860,  263 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  William,  142 

Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  William,  141 

Moir,  Margaret,   dau.  of  William, 

1762,  55 

Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  William,  1858,  166 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  William,  1901,  238 
Moir,  Margaret,  dau.  of  WiUiam,  1903,  299 
Moir,  Margaret  E.,dau.  of  John,  1889,  208 
Moir,  Margaret  Gifford,  dau.  of  Archibald 

P.,  271 

Moir,  Margaret,  in  Clinton,  Mass.,  189 

Moir,  Margaret  Irene,  dau.  of      John      G., 

1895,  165 

Moir,  Margaret  Isabella,  dau.  of  George  C, 

139,  384 
Moir,     Margaret     Isabella,     or     Dundas, 

m.  1850,  53 

Moir,  Margaret  Jane,  or  H;m.ter,  dau.  of 

Alexander  C,  1864,  168 

Moir,  Margaret  Jean,    dau.    of    Alexander, 

1897  185 

Moir,  Margaret  Louisa  Maitland,  dau.      of 

John  W.,  1891,  218 

Moir,  Margaret  Louise,   dau.   of  Frederick 

L.  M.,  1891,  219 

Moir,,  Margaret,  m.  1697,  50 

Moir,  Margaret,  m.  1717,  48 

Moir,  Margaret,  Malvina,  dau.  of  De  Witt 

C,  1903,  197 

Moir,  Margaret  McDonald,  dau.  of  William, 

1905,  250 

Moir,  Margaret,  of  Aberdeen,  1704,  313 
Moir,  Margaret,  of  Aberdeen,  1800,  292 
Moir,  Margaret,  of  Aberdeen,  1805,  292 
Moir,  Margaret,  of  Aberdeen,  1813,  292 
Moir,  Margaret,  of  Clinton,  189 

MOIR  Genbalogy 


Moir,  Margaret,  of  Daloran,  1799,  70 

Moir,  Margaret,  of  Doune,  1625,  230 

Moir,  Margaret,  of  Kilmadock,  1665,  100 
Moir  .Margaret,  of  Kilmadock  d,  1664,  100 
Moir,  Margaret,  or  Aberdeen,  48 

Moir,  Margaret,  or     Anderson,      dau.      of 

James,  1834,  171 

Moir,  Margaret,  or  Bruce,  dau.  of  George, 
,   1787,  161.  162 

Moir,  Margaret,     or    Buchanan,     dau.    of 

George,     1817,  256,  258,  259 

Moir,  Margaret,  or  Carmyshell,  1579.  42 
Moir.  Margaret,  or  Catto.  dau.    of    James, 

1677,  116 

Moir,  Margaret,    or   Cunningham,   dau   of 

Andrew,  25.5 

Moir,  Margaret,  or  Falconer,  d.  1787,  320 
Moir,  Margaret,  or    Field,    dau.    of    John, 

1831,  198 

Moir,  Margaret,  or  Gordon,  1690,  49 

Moir,  Margaret,  or  Gray,  1620,  43 

Moir,  Margaret,  or  Gray.  2.  1629.  43 

Moir.  Margaret,  or  Groitt.  m.  1578,  42 

Moir,  Margaret,  or  Holdersby,  dau.  of  John 

W.,  1887,  194 

Moir,  Margaret,  or  Junkine,  dau.  of  James 

1770,  233 

Moir,  Margaret,  or  Junkine,  1821,  77 

Moir,  Margaret,  or  Kaye,  m  .1570.  42 

Moir,  Margaret,  or  Kirkton,  m.  1764,  55 
Moir,  Margaret,  or  Knowlly,  1630,  43 

Moir,  Margaret,  ot  Largg,  m.  1679,  48 

Moir,  Margaret,  or  McNabb,  1754,  91,  92 
Moir,     Margaret,    or    Morrison,    dau.    of 

George,  161 

Moir,  Margaret,  or  Nelson,  dau.  of  Alex- 
ander, 238 
Moir,  Margaret,  or  Oliver,  m.  1781,  80 
Moir,  Margaret,  or  Reid,  1878,  85 
Moir,  Margaret,  or  Roberts,  dau.  of  Robert 

1820,  195 

Moir,  Margaret,  or  Robertson,  m.  1629,  43 
Moir,  Margaret,  or  Steinson,  1622,  43 

Moir,  Margaret,  or  Strachan,  1691,  49 

Moir,  Margaret,  or  Symers,  m.  1799.  81 
Moir,  Margaret,  or  Trann,  dau.  of  George, 

1855,  256,    261 

Moir,  Margaret,  or  Turnbiill,  dau.  of  John, 

1864,  274 

Moir,  Margaret,   or   Ward,   dau.   of  John, 

d.  1904  182 

Moir,  Margaret,    or  Weir,  dau.  of  George, 

1848,  257 

Moir,  Margaret,  or  Will,  dau.  of   George, 

1818,  164 

Moir,  Margaret  Ramsay,  dau.  of  James  A., 

1911,  189 

Moir,  Margery,  dau.  of  Robert,  199 

Moir,  Marget,  dau.  of  Ihon,  1626,  58 

Moir,  Marget,  dau.  of  James,  1647,  59 

Moir,  Marget,    dau.    of    Robert,    younger, 

1633,  58 

Moir,  Margrat,  or  Dowgall,  m.  1645,  79 
Moir,  Margret,  dau.  of  John,  1798,  76 

Moir,  Margret,  or  Meneies,  m.  1627,  79 
Moir,  Maria,  dau.  of  James,  1789, 

108,  150,  371 
Moir,  Maria,  dau.  of  Patrick,  125 

Moir,  Maria,  or  Ramsay,  dau.  of  James,  151 
Moir,  Marie,  1679,  60,  61 

Moir,  Marie,  dau.  of  Dr.  WiUiam,  II., 

1676,  138 

Moir,  Marie,  dau.  of  Ihon.  1632.  58 

Moir.  Marie,  dau.  of  James,  1652,  59 

Moir,  Marie,  dau.  of  James,  1652,  231 

Moir,  Marie,  dau.  of  John,  1659,  143 

Moir,  Marie,  dau.  of  Walter,  1649.  59 

Moir,  Marie,  in  Newton,  1679,  60 

Moir,  Mariola,  1630,  383 

Moir,  Marion,  1698,  278 

Moir,  Marion,  dau.  of  Robert,  1649,  59 
Moir,  Marione.  or  Moireson.  m.  1663,  45 
Moir,  Marion,  in  Torrie,  1820,  66 

Moir,  Marion  McCrary,  dau.  of  Virgil  P., 
1890.  *    19.^' 

Moir,  Marion  or  Ruddick,  dau.  of  RicLttrd. 
1840,  273 

Moir.  Marion  Walker,  dau.  of  Jamos, 
,187.5.  219 

Moir,  Mariorie,  1620,  288 

Moir,  Mariorie,  1654,  287 

Moir,  Mariorie,  dau.  of  John,  16.34,  1.36 
Moir,  Marjoria,  dau.  of  John,  1074,  137 
Moir,  Marjorie,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1660, 

Moir,  Marjorie,  dau.  of  Andrew,  IQCtO,  166 
Moir,  Marjorie,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1660,  46 
Moir,  Marjorie,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1670,  47 
Moir,  Marjorie,  dau.  of  Dr.  William  II., 
,   1?61.  138 

Moir,  Marjorie,  dau.  of  Harie,  1684,  61 
Moir,  Marjorie,  dau.  of  Harrie,  1684,  231 
Moir,  Marjorie,  dau.  of  John,  1034.  137 
Moir,  Marjorie,  dau.  of  John,  1657,  147,  148 
Moir,  Marjorie,  dau.  of  Peter,  1628,  42 

Moir,  Marjorie,  or  Mitchell,  1605,  1366 
Moir,  Marjorie,  dau.  of  Peter,  1628,  42 

Moir,  Marjorie,  or  Mitchell,  1005,  136 

Moir.  Marjory,  dau.    of   Andrew,  I., 

1681,  116 

Moir,  Marjory,  dau.  of  James,  II.,  149 

Moir,  Marjory  Douglas,  dau.  of  Douglas, 

Moir,  Mark  George,  son  of  Robert, 

18.53.  245 

Moir,  Marrion,  dau.  of  John,  1820,  66 

Moir,  Martha,  d.  1810,  316 

Moir,  Martha,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1829,  93 
Moir,  Martha,  dau.  of  Duncan,  1893,  2.50 
Moir,  Martha,  dau.  of  Robert,  1852.  199 
Moir,  Martha  Smith,  d.  1911,  243,  323 

Moir,  Mary,  1735,  302 

Moir,  Mary,  d.  1735,  302 

Moir.  Mary,  d.  1781,  316 

Moir,  Mary,  d.  1828,  293 

Moir,  Mar>-,  d.  1852,  313 

Moir,  Mary,  1876,  310 

Moir,  Mary  A.  D.,  d.  1884,  294 

Moir,  Mary  A.,  dau.  of  John,  274 

Moir,  Mary  Alice  Cogbill,  dau.  of  James  C., 

1850,  195 

Moir,  Mary  Alice,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1879,  226 

Moir,  Mary  Alice,  or  Allen,  dau.  of  Alex- 
ander T.,  1857,  192 
Moir,  Mary  Ann,  dau.  of  Charles  George, 

m.  1851,  53 

Moir,  Mary  Ann,  dau.  of  John,  1866,  272 
Moir,  Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  George  C, 

1885.  139 

Moir,  Mary  A.,  or  Erskine,  d.  1896,  301,  317 
Moir,  Mary  Boyd,  dau.  of  Dav-id,  1884,269 
Moir,  Mary  Christie,  dau.  of  William,  163 
Moir,  Mary  Christina,  dau.  of  George, 

1795.  1.39 

Moir,  Mary,  dau.  of  Alexander,  1691,  49 
Moir,  Mary,  dau.  of  Andrew,  1797,  92 

Moir,  Mary.  dau.  of  Andrew,  1829,  77 

Moir.  Mary,  dau.  of  Donald,  157 

Moir,  Mary,  dau.  of  Forbes,  1888,  183 

Moir,  Mary,  dau.  of  George,  161 

Moir,  Mary,  dau.  of  George,  1732,  57 

Moir,  Marj',  dau.  of  James  IV.,  150 

Moir,  Mary,  dau.  of  James,  172 

Moir,  Mary,  dau.  of  James,  235 

Moir,  Mary,  dau.  of  James,  1764,  92 

Moir,  Mary,  dau.  of  James,  1833,  93 

Moir,  Mary,  dau.  of  John,  182 

Moir,  Mary,  dau.  of  John,  1673,  143 

Moir,  Mary,  dau.  of  John,  3l6 

Moir,  Marj-,  dau.  of  John,  1739,  91 

Moir,  Mary,  dau.  of  John,  1812,  76 

Moir,  Mary,  dau.  of  Robert,  1672,  89 

Moir,  Mary,  dau.  of  Robert,  1849,  263 

Moir,  Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas,  1708,  90 

Moir,  Mary,  dau.  of  William,  141 

Moir,  Mary,  dau.  of  William,  160 



Moir,  Mary,  dau.  of  WiUiam  T.,  d. 

1900,  311 

Moir,  Mary  E.,  dau.  of  William  W., 

1866,  193 

Moir,  Mary  Elizabeth,  d.  1868,  139,  140 
Moir,  Mary  Elizabeth,  1878,  166 

Moir,  Mary  Elizabeth,  1885,  184 

Moir,  Mary  Elizabeth,  d,  1896,  196 

Moir,  Mary  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  George     B., 

1863,  240 

Moir,   Mary  Elizabeth,    dau.    of   John   S., 

1885,  184 

Moir,  Mary  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Robert  A., 

m.  1879,  196 

Moir,  Mary    Elizabeth,    dau.    of    William, 

1878,  166 

Moir,  Mary  EUa,  dau.  of  John  N.,  1866,  188 
Moir,  Mary  Emily,  dau.  of  George  M., 

1877,  184 

Moir,  Mary  Felicia,  dau.  of  George  M.,  262 
Moir,  Mary  Frances  Lorimer,  dau.  of  James, 

1907,  173 

Moir,   Mary  Eraser,  or  Burnett,  dau.   of 

George,  1860,  163 

Moir,  Mary  Jean,  dau.  of  James,  Jr., 

1911,  270 

Moir,  Mary  Lucy,  or  McMuUen,  dau.  of 

Alexander,  1870,  265 

Moir,  Mary    Margaret,    dau.    of    Edward, 

1874,  189 

Moir,  Mary  Milne,  d.  1865,  292 

Moir,  Mary  Nimmo,  or  Brebner,  dau.  ot 

of  Robert,  1880,  249 

Moir,  Mary,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1828,  293 

Moir,  Mary,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1852,  313 

Moir,  Mary,  of  Aberdeen,  d.  1895,  292 

Moir,  Mary,  of  Edinburgh,  21 

Moir,  Mary,  of  MiUbrex,  d.  1886,  310 

Moir,  Mary  Olive,  dau.  of      William      W., 

1883,  183 

Moir,  Mary,  or  Burns,  m.  1761,  80 

Moir,  Mary,  or  Campbell,  1822,  77 

Moir,  Mary,  or  Gumming,  m.  1831,  81 

Moir,  Mary,  or  D'Almaine,  m.  1795,  94 
Moir,  Mary,  or  Edward,  1819,  93 

Moir,  Mary,  or  Gauld,  1822,  157,  158 

Moir,  Mary,  or  Gordon,  dau.  of  James,  172 
Moir,  Mary,  or  Jackson,  dau.     of     James, 

1833,  235,  240 

Moir,  Mary,  or  King,  dau.  of  Robert, 

1856,  199 

Moir,  Mary,  or  Matheson,   dau.  of  George, 

Moir,  Mary,  or  Melson,  m.  1720,  79 

Moir,  Mary,  or  McLeish,  1750,  91,  92 

Moir,  Mary,  or  McNabb,  1758,  92 

Moir,  Mary,  or  Ramsay,  d.  1820,  51 

Moir,  Mary  Paton,  dau.  of  James,  1897,  223 
Moir,  Mary  Stewart,  dau.  of  John  S., 

1885,  269 

Moir,  Mary  T.,  d.  1900,  311 

Moir,  Matthew,  son  of  Alexander,  1669,  47 
Moir,  Matthew,  son  of  Alexander,  1692,  49 
Moir,  Matilda  MacKellar,  or    Grant,    dau. 

of  Robert,  1878.  243 

Moir,  Maude  Orlebar,  dau.  of  Robert, 

1906,  270 

Moir,  Maude  Underwood,  d.  1902,  292 

Moir,  May,  d.  1805,  311 

Moir,  McCrary,  son  of  William  W., 

1903,  193 
Moir,  Melvin  Russell,  son  of  John,  1901,  258 
Moir,  Merjorie,  1680,  289 
Moir,  Mildred,  dau.  of  William  H., 

1904,  212 
Moir,   Mildred  Ethel,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

1902,  185 

Moir,  Miss,  of  Kilcraggan,  189 

Moir,  Miss,  of  Old  Aberdeen,  d.  1841,  312 
Moir,  MitcheU  Archibald,  son  of  Alexander, 

1895,  237 

Moir,  Mr.,  baker,  Peterhead,  378 

Moir,  Mr.,  of  Airth  Mains,  1902,  285 

Moir,  Mr.,  of  Peterhead,  d.  1802,  312 

Moir,  Mr.,  painter,  392 

Moir,  Mrs.,  d.  1805  147 

Moir,  Mrs.,  of  Aberdeen,  388 

Moir,  Mrs.,  of  Aberlour,  188 

Moir,  Mrs.,  of  Scotstown,  d.  1800,  303,  305 
Moir,  Mrs.,  of  Scotstown,  d.  1819,  306 

Moir,  Mrs.,  of  Stirling,  1805,  323 

Moir,  Myrtle  A.,  dau.  of  Alexander, 

18S0,  181 

Moir,  Myrtle  Edith,  or  Bower,  dau.  of  Mark 

G.,  1886,  246 

Moir,  Nans,  dau.  of  Richard,  1575,  42 

Moir,  NeUie,  dau.  of  William  M.,  181 

Aloir,  NeUie,  or  Horne,  dau.  of  James,  172 
Moir,  Nettie  Lorene,  dau.  of  John  G., 

1882,  165 

Moir,  Nicol,  son  of  Arthor,  1613,  42 

Moir,  Norman,  of  Hongkong,  308 

Moir,  of  Abergeldie,  20,  145 

Moir,  of  Barnes,  20,  143 

Moir,  of  Braca,  21 

Moir,  ( ),  of  Carmellite  Lane,  d.  1812,  61 

Moir,  of  Culter,  394 

Moir  of  FerrjhiU,  144 

Moir  of  Hilton,  1681,  21,  142,  283,  383 

Moir  of  Invernettie,  19,  23,  140 

Moir  of  Leckie,  11.  14,  111,  283 

Moir,  ( ),  of  Loch  Kinnord,  1745,     165 

Moir  of  Lonmay,  19.,  141 

Moir,  of  Musselburgh,  329 

Moir,  of  Otterburn  20,  145 

Moir  of  Stoneywood,        108,  130,  135,  140. 
146,  147,  370,  371,  386 
Moir  of  Tarty,  393 

Moir  of  Tonley,  20 

Moir,  ( ),  or  Adam,  dau.  of  WiUiam,  237 

Moir,  Oran  Clark,  son  of  Peter,  1902      262 

Moir,  ( ;,  or  Vivian,  dau.  of  Edward  J., 

150,  210 
Moir,  Oswald  Bell,  son  of  David  M., 

1847,  179 

Moir,  Oswald  B.,  of  Laswade,  1902,        190 

Moir,  Patrick,  1637,  43 

Moir,  Patrick,  1657,  46 

Moir,  Patrick,  1657,  286 

Moir,  Patrick,  1713,  134 

Moir,  Patrick,  1741,  290 

Moir,  Patrick,  baiUie,  1651,  46,  138,  286 
Moire,  Patrick,  baiUie,  1676,  48 

Moire,  Patrick,  baillie,  1678,  46 

Moir,  Patrick,  d.  1810,  304 

Moir,  Patrick,  d.  1854,  133 

Moir,  Patrick,  in  Dragonburn,  1712,  61 
Moir,  Patrick,  in  Greddon  Burn,  1720,  62 
Moir,  Patrick,  m.  1588,  42 

Moir,  Patrick,  m.  1665,  46 

Moir,  Patrick,  m.  1674,  47 

Moir,  Patrick,  m.  1720,  62 

Moir,  Patrick,  of  Old  Aberdeen,  m.  1655,  45 
Moir,  Patrick  or  Peter,  m.  1631.  42 

Moir,  Patrick  or  Peter,  1769,  121,  304 

Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  Alexander,  1588,  42 
Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  Alexander,  1680,  45 
Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  Dr.  WiUiam,  1666,  138 
Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  Dr.  WiUiam,  1672,  137 
Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  George,  1869,  124 
Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  James,  123 

Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  James,  1707,  149 

Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  James,  II.,  1707,  149 
Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  James,  1741,  290 

Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  John,  1667,  44 

Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  John,  1671,  148 

Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  John,  1683,  46 

Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  John,  1689,  47 

Moir,  Patrick  2d.,  son  of  John,  1689,  47 
Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  John,  1854,  133 

Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  Patrick,  1641,  147 
Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  Patrick,  1769,  121 
Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  Patrick,  1850,         126 



Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  Thomas,  1635,  4:{ 
Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  Thomas,  1(579,  00 
Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  William,  1615,  147 
Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  William,  1<)28,  Mi 
Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  William,  lf):{l,  i.i 
Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  William,  l(i3S,  43 
Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  William,  1(157,  138 
Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  William,  1(572,  137 
Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  William,  1(572,  287 
Moir,  Patrick,  son  of  Robert,  1683,  46 

Moir,  Patrick,    St.    Andrew's    University, 

1783,  41 

Moir,  Patrick,  witness,  1639,  43 

Moir,  Patrick,  witness,  1746,  75 

Moir,  Patrik,  son  of  William,  1668,  96 

Moir,  Penelope  Gee,    or   Johnson,   dau.    of 

Robert,  1827,  196 

Moir,  Percival  MacPherson,  son  of  William 

W.,  1S70,  193 

Moir,  Percy  Miles,    son  of  Alexander  G., 

18S2  222 

Moir,  Peter,  1609,  96 

Moir,  Peter,  m.  1838,  204 

Moir,  Peter  Alvin,  son  of  Peter.  1896,  262 
Moir,  Peter  Anderson,  son  of  George, 

1854,  163 

Moir,  Peter,  burgess,  1609,  96 

Moir,  Peter,  burgess,  1619,  96 

Moir,  Peter  Campbell,   son  of  George   L., 

1883.  211,  212 

Moir,  Peter,  draper,  1872,  37 

Moir,  Peter,  m.  1613,  42 

Moir,  Peter,  m.  1838,  204 

Moir,  Peter,  M.  B.,  Ch.  B.,  Glasgow  Uni- 
versity, 1900,  38 
Moir,  Peter,  of  Balnaan,  m.  1838, 
Moir,  Peter,  of  East  Linton,  d.  1837, 
Moir,  Peter,  of  Forres, 
Moir,  Peter,  of  Kincreich  Mill, 
Moir,  Peter,  of  Lockerbie,  1852, 
Moir,  Peter,  oi  Tullibody,  1852, 
Moir,  Peter,  son  of  Alexander,  1897, 
Moir,  Peter,  son  of  Edward,  1857, 
Moir,  Peter,  2,  son  of  George, 
Moir,  Peter,  son  of  George,  1831, 
Moir,  Peter,  son  of  George 
Moir,  Peter,  son  of  Henry, 
Moir,  Peter,  son  of  James, 
Moir,  Peter,  son  of  James, 
Moir,  Peter,  son  of  James, 
Moir,  Peter,  son  of  John,  1837, 
Moir,  Peter,  son  of  Peter,  1616, 
Moir,  Peter  William,  son  of  Alexander 

Moir,Phoebe  IsabeUa,  or  Grooms,  dau.  of 

Robert,  1866,  347 

Moir,  P.,  witness,  1836,  52 

Moir,  Rachel,  dau.  of  Jame.s,  1699,  49 

Moir,  Rachel,  dau.  of  Patrick,  1655.,  148 
Moir,  Raymond  Earl,  son  of  Alexander  W., 

1890,  247 

Moir,  R.  Charles,  author,  399 

Moir,  Reuben  Crawford,  son  of  Alexander, 












Rhoderick,  son  of  James,  1689, 
Richard,  1575, 
Richard,  of  Edinburgh, 
Richard,  2,  of  Edinburgh, 
Richard,  of  PoUokshaws,  1808, 

Richard,  of  Streetsville.  Ontario,  272 

Richard,  son  of  Patrick,  1855,  125 

Richard,  son  of  Richard,  272 

Richard,  son  of  Richard,  274 

Richard,  of  New  York,  1830,  273,  274 

r,  Robbina,  dau.  of  James,  1764,  64 

Robert,  187 

Robert,  208 

Robert,  1624.  „79 

Robert.  1630.  382 

r,  Robert,  1643,  59 

r,  Robert,  1647.  59 

r,  Robert,  2,  1649.  59 

Moir,  Itolx^rt.  184  1. 

Moir,  U«lM>rt,  ni    \tMV>. 

Moir,  KotMirt,  rii.  K5KI, 

Moir.  Rolwrt,  ni    I7:«l, 

Moir.  Roltcrt.  rii    17.17, 

Moir.  Robert,  ni    I77H. 


Ki.  2.12.  234 

r,  Robert,  of  Lochfield.  1702. 


Moir.  RoImtI.  AlrxunilLT.  Jr.,  loa  lA  Hnbnrt 

A.,  d.  1HU8.  IM 

Moir,  Robert  Alexander,  boo  ot  Uavio. 

1890,  2M 

Moir,    Robert   Al<;xaiui';r,   non   o(    lloljrrt. 

1834,  104 

Moir,  Robert  Arthur,  son  of  Jame*  U., 

1878,  230 

Moir,  Robert,  hurgcMs,  1403.  95 

Moir.  Robert,  burn'-.'W.  Ih:{3.  3W 

Moir.   Iiul>ert  Uurn.t,  .hod  of  Jskum, 

1872,  207,  3M 
Moir,  Robert,  captain,  ISflfi.  M'i 
Moir,  Robert,  surveyor,  1H;»8,  270 
Moir,  Robert  Cliiin.',  son  of  Aloxander  W., 

1895,  247 

Moir,  Robert  C.  son  of  John.  1884.  208 
Moir.  Robert,  Dr.,  of  UcWn:  283,  284 

Moir,  Robert  Dunklcy,  son  of  AloxscMlar, 

1894.  1»'» 

Moir,  Robert,  dyer,  1836.  Si 

Moir,  Robert  Kinlcy,  son  of  Alexander  L  , 

1890.  243 

Moir.  Robert  Fotayth,  son  of  Alexander  A  . 

1862,  195 

Moir,  Robert  Gifford,  son  of  Archibald  P  . 

Moir,  Robert  Hardie,  son  of  Ri*bert, 

1887,  249 
Moir.  Robert  Horn  son  of  William, 

1865,  226 

Moir,  Robert,  hosier,  1732.  306.  319 

Moir,  Robert  Huntington,  son  of  George  M  , 

1873.  263 
Moir.  Robert,  in  Argattie.  1702,  61 
Moir,  Robert,  in  Cape  Breton.  1745,  29 
Moir,  Robert,  in  Doune,  1(525,  230 
Moir,  Robert,  in  Gartincaber.  1S15,  tt5 
Moir,  Robert,  in  Grtjyshill.  1714.  ;  117 
Moir.  Robert,  in  Kincardine,  1741,  75 
Moir,  Robert.  2.  in  Laurick,  H>45.  SO 
Moir.  Robert,  in  I,anrii-k.  1770,  63,  <M 
Moir,  Robert,  in  Meadowhead.  Ull.  65 
Moir.  Robert,  in  Newton.  16.50.  W 
Moir.  RoI>ert,  in  Newtoun.  1630,  58 
Moir.  Robert,  in  Over  Lanrick.  I7»M.  53.64 
Moir,  Rob!>rt.  in  Parktoune.  lt»8.S.  61 
Moir.  Robert,  in  Tarves.  17(52.  397 
Moir.  Robert,  in  Torrie.  17*50.  63 
Moir.  Robert,  in  TrutThill.  1731.  _  55 
Moir,  Robert,  in  Upper  L;uini-k.  1777.  63 
Moir,  Robert.  Jr..  son  ol  RolxTt.  1H73.  177 
Moir.  Rolxjrt.  Jr.,  son  of  Robert  U  . 

1888,  2*1 
Moir,  Robert,  n\.  17()3,  HO 
Moir,  Robert,  m.  ISll.  6j 
Moir.  Robert,  M.  A..  Edinburgh  Lnivorwljr. 

1 65S  ^ 

Moir.  Robert,  m  Ann  Allardyce.  l^Vl.  292 
Moir,  Robert,  M    O  .  l-*'>.5.  «'> 

Moir.  Robert.  M    D  .  lS5;t.  «'» 

Moir.  Robert.  M  D.  son  of  David  M.. 

1831.  ' 

Moir.  Robert,  merchant.  1720.  97 

Moir,  Rol>ert.  merchant.  1824,  34o.  340 
Moir.  Rolwrt.  of  Alvrdecn.  lUUI,  291 

Moir.  Robert,  of  BoKhall.        l(H4.  » 

Moir.  Robert,  of  Bn-ohin.  d    l.-vK),  2*1 

Moir.  Robert,  of    BurUnjclon.    ^ow^ 

Moir"  Robert,  of  Calland.-r.  m    1*46.  81 

Moir.  Robert,  of  Cow.-,  i''!-"  ol  w  i«hl,  3W 

Moir,  Roliert.  of  D.iuni>.  U>2o,  MB 

Moir,  Rob.'rt.  of  Kent.  IS96.  311 

Moir.  Robert,  of  I-iri-i-k.  3^ 
Moir.  Robert,  oi  i                   1    .iu 
Moir.  Robert,  of  .M                J    •'**• 




Moir,  Robert,  of  Newton,  1665,  100 

Moir,  Robert,  of  North  Carolina,  1796,  195 
Moir,  Robert,  of  Ontario,  1817,  244,  344 
Moir,  Robert,  of  Overhill,  1685,  129 

Moir,  Robert,  of  Stirling,  1673,  89 

Moir,  Robert,  of  Stirling,  1803,  103 

Moir,  Robert,  of  Tartj,  1839,  186,  306 

Moir,  Robert,  of  Tarty,  1890,  393 

Moir,  Robert,  of  Thomhill,  395 

Moir,  Robert  Paton,  son  of  James, 

1888,  223 

Moir,  Robert,  professor  of  botany,  d. 

1845,  284 

Moir,  Robert  Ramsay,  son  of  Edward, 

1876'  189 

Moir,  Robert,  Rev.  M.  A.,  d.  1880,  306 
Moir,  Robert,  Rev.,  son  of  George,  160 

Moir,  Robert  R.,  m.  1909,  189 

Moir,  Robert  Roy,  son  of  Robert  S., 

1899,  265 

Moir,  Robert,  soldier.  1745,  322 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Alexander,  1678,  128 
Moir,  Robert,?  on  of  Alexander, 

1820,  77, 236 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Alexander,  1820,  238 
Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Alexander,  1857,  252 
Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Alexander,  1884,  237 
Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Andrew,  1688,  127 
Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Andrew,  1712,  116 
Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Andrew,  1844,  93 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Andrew,  1854, 

254  255 
Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Dr.  Moir,  1772,  '  121 
Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Duncan,  1849,  249 
Moir,  Robert,  son  of  George,  1680,  48 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  George,  1750, 

294,  295 
Moir,  Robert,  son  of  George,  1778,  75 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  George,  1778, 

232,  234,  242,  395 
Moir,  Robert,  son  of  George,  1778,  76,  234 
Moir,  Robert,  son  of  George,  1801,  51 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  George,  1823, 

256,  262 
Moir,  Robert,  son  of  George,  1823,  234 
Moir,  Robert,  son  of  George,  1823,  256 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  George,  1871,  242 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  George,  1876,  182 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  George,  d.  1900,  168 
Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Harie,  1691,  61 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Harrie,  1691,  231 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Ihon,  1630,  58 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  James,  1638,  58 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  James,  1638,  231 

.  Moir,  Robert,  son  of  James,  1727,  99 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  James,  1794.  235,239 
Moir,  Robert,  son  of  James,  1851,  243,  323 
Moir,  Robert,  son  of  James,  1856,  164 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  James,  1898,  243 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  John,  199 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  John,  1663,  44 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  John,  1723,  62 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  John,  1723,  232 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  John,  1723,  232,  236 
Moir,  Robert,  son  of  John,  1758,  63 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  John,  1794,  65 

Moir,  Robert,  2,  son  of  John,  1794,  65 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Robert,  1647,  59 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Robert,  1650,  59 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Robert,  1688,  61 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Robert,  1761,  176 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Robert,  1817,  65,  244 
Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Robert,  1847,  244 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Robert,  1851,  243 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Robert,  1858,  199 

■  Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Robert,  1875,  243 

Mou-,  Robert,  son  of  Robert,  1888,  243 

Moir,  Robert,  2d,  son  of  Robert,  1888,  243 
Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Walter,  1677,  60 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  Walter,  1677,  231 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  William,  1723,  55 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  William,  1732,  55 

Moir,  Robert,  son  of  William,  1824,        199 

Moir,  Robert  Stewart,  son  of  Robert, 

1896,  255 

Moir,   Robert  Stirling,   son  of  Alexander, 

1872,  265 
Moir,  Robert,  tailor,  1796,  195, 
Moir,    Robertus,    A.    M.,    Aberdeen    Uni- 
versity, 1809,  40 

Moir,  Robert  Walker,  M.  B.,  C.  M.,  Glas- 
gow University,  1868,  38 
Moir,  Robert  William  Hastwell,  son  of 
WiUiam,  1862,  248 
Moir,  Robert,  wine  merchant,  379 
Moir,  Robert,  wine  merchant,  1840,  387 
Moir,  Robert,  2,  wine  merchant,  1841,  52 
Moir,  Robert,  witness,  1632,  58 
Moire,  Robert,  2,  witness.  1637,  58 
Moir,  Robert,  witness.  1644,  59 
Moir,  Robert,  witness,  1646,  59 
Moir,  Robert,  witness,  1647,  59 
Moir,  Robert,  witness,  1647,  79 
Moir,  Robert,  witness,  1669,  60 
Moir,  Robert,  witness,  1671,  60 
Moir.  Robert,  witness,  1688,  127 
Moir,  Robert,  younger,  1630,  58 
Moir,  Robina,  dau.  of  James,  1777,  103 
Moir,  Robina,  dau.  of  Robert,  1840,  197 
Moir,  Robina  or  Cowan,  m.  1793,  80 
Moir,  Roderick,  d.  1713,  371 
Moir,  R.,  soldier,  1899,  322 
Moir,  Russell  John,  son  of  Alexander, 

1868  264 

Moir,  Ruth,  dau.  of  James,  1826,  235,  240 
Moir,  Ruth  Spence,  dau.  of  James, 

1902,  219 

Moir,  Sallie  Dora,  dau.  of  Robert  A.,      196 
Moir,  SaUie  Klonegar,  dau.  of  Edward  J., 

1873,  210 
Moir,  Samuel  Alexander,  son  of  Alexander, 

1898,  195 

Moir,  Samuel,  son  of  Andrew,  1683,        115 
Moir,  Samuel,  son  of  William,  1624,  43 

Moir,  Samuel  Whitfield,  son  of  Robert  A., 

Moir,  Sandy  Alexander,  son  of  Robert  F., 

1862,  195 

Moir,  Sarah,  1783,  _  145 

Moir,  Sarah  Ann,  dau.  of  Richard,        272 
Moir,  Sarah,  dau.  of  Alexander  L., 

1864,  184 

Moir,  Sarah  Elizabeth,  or  Flinn,  dau.  of 

James,  1833,  235,  240 

Moir,   Sarah  Margaret,  or  HalliweU,  dau. 

of  Joseph  D.,  1891,  246 

Moir,  S.  H.,  of  Garelochead,  1902,  189 

Moirs  in  Aberdeen,  383 

Moirs  in  Aberdeenshire,  370 

Moirs  in  Braidhaugh,  382 

Moirs  in  Edinburgh,  382 

Moirs  in  Elginshire,  204 

Moirs  in  Forres,  382 

Moirs  in  Kirkaldy,  Fifeshire,  382 

Moirs  in  Lonach  Society,  98 

Moirs  in  Tarty,  129 

Moirs  of  Aberargie,  Perthshire,  382 

Moirs  of  Aberdeenshire,  19,  180 

Moirs  of  Banffshire,  187 

Moirs  of  Barns,  135 

Moirs  of  Chesterbury,  393 

Moirs  of  Clackmananshire,  189 

Moirs  of  Cromar,  1745,  155,  312 

Moirs  of  Deanstoun,  227 

Moirs  of  Doune,  236,  256,  382 

Moirs  of  Edinburgh,  190 

Moirs  of  Elginshire,  191 

Moirs  of  England,  209 

Moirs  of  Fifeshire,  218 

Moirs  of  Forfarshire,  221 

Moirs  of  Foveran,  127 

Moirs  of  Inverness-shire,  224 

Moirs  of  Invernettie,  1669,       148,  149,  370 
Moirs  of  Kimberley,  340 

Moirs  of  Kincardineshire,  224 

Moirs  of  Lanarkshire,  226 

MOIR  Genbalogy 


Moirs  of  Landrick, 
Moirs  of  Leckie, 
Moirs  of  Leith, 
Moira  of  Lonmay, 
Moira  of  Orkney, 
Moirs  of  Perthshire, 


Moir,  Thomas,  son  of  William,  1806, 
Moir,  Thomas,  witness,  1670, 


Moirs  of  Renfrewshire,  272 

Moirs  of  Scotland,  203,  373 

Moirs  of  Scotstown, 

105,  135,  138,  298,  373,  391 
Moirs  of  Shetland,  207 

Moirs  of  Stoneywood, 

19,  21,  23,  106,  108,  146,  295,  370,  373,  377 
Moirs  of  Thornhill,  236,  256 

Moir,  ( -),  son  of  Benjamin,  212 

Moir,  ( ),  son  of  James,  270 

Moir,  ( ),  son  of  James,  Jr.,  270 

Moir,  ( -),  2,  son  of  John  W.,  218 

Moir  &  Son,  John,  395 

Moir,  Sophia,  393 

Moir,  Sophia,  or  Kenyon,  dau.  of  Alexander, 
m.  1868,  238 

Moir,  Sophia,  or  McDonald,  dau.  of  Alex- 
ander, m.  1860,  238 
Moir,  Sophie,  dau.  of  George,  124 
Moir,  Stuart,  dau.  of  John,  122 
Moir,  Stuart,  or  Junior,  m.  1849,  122 
Moir,  Susan,  d.  1888,  292 
Moir,  Susan  Isabella,  or  MacDonald,  dau. 
of  Alexander  G.,  1874,  222 
Moir,  Susan  or  KeUey,  dau.  of  Robert, 
1822,  248 
Moir,  Susanna,  dau.  of  James,  1709,  129 
Moir,  Susanna,  dau.  of  William,  1637,  43 
Moir,  Symon,  d.  1830,                                293 

Moir,  Tabitha  Ingram,  or  Ogburn,  dau.  of 

Sandy  A.,  1829,  197 

Moir,  T.  H.  of  Aberdeen,  1882,  310 

Moir,  Thomas,  1679,  60 

Moir,  Thomas  Alexander,  of  Omaha, 

1870,  209 

Moir,  Thomas  Alexander,    son  of  William 

W.,  1868,  193 

Moir,  Thomas  Amos,  son  of  David, 

1892,  204 

Moir,    Thomas,    of    Glasgow    University, 

1863,  38 

Moir,  Thomas,  of  PoUokshaws,  1862,  272 
Moir,  Thomas,  d.  1852.  313 

Moir,  Thomas,  in  Row,  1673,  60 

Moir,  Thomas,  of  Otterburne,  14 

Moir,  Thomas,  of  Stirling,  1801,  103 

Moir,  Thomas,  burgess,  1507,  95 

Moir,  Thomas,  burgess,  1658,  96 

Moir,  Thomas,  in  Drummond,  1708,  90 
Moir,  Thomas,  m.  1633,  43 

Moir,  Thomas  John,  son  of  Alexander,  221 
Moir,  Thomas,  of  Falmouth,  150,  210 

Moir,  Thomas,  of  Stonehaven,  397 

M9ir,  Thomas,  son  of  Alexander,  1610,  42 
Moir,  Thomas  2d,  son  of  Alexander, 

1613,  42 

Moir,  Thomas,  son  of  Alexander,  1684,  47 
Moir,  Thomas,  son  of  Andrew,  1765,  145 
Moir,  Thomas,  son  of  Gilbert,  1684,  129 
Moir,  Thomas,  son  of  James,  150 

Moir,  Thomas,  son  of  James,  172 

Moir,  Thomas,  son  of  John,  1678,  46 

Moir,  Thomas,  son  of  John,  1746,  75 

Moir,  Thomas,  son  of  John,  1808,  221 

Moir,  Thomas,  son  of  Patrick,  1640,  147 
Moir,  Thomas  Dawes,  son  of  Robert, 

1849,  245,  246 

Moir,   Thomas,   Rev.,  son  of  Adam, 

1831,  346 

Moir,  Thomas,  Rev.,  of  Morebattle, 

1610.  145 

Moir,  Thomas  Robert,  son  of  De  Witt  C, 

1878,  197 

Moir,  Thomas  Robertson,  son  of  George, 

1835,  234,  256,  266 

Moir,  Thomas,  son  of  Thomas,  150,  210 
Moir,  Thomas,  son  of  Thomas,  1676,      145 

Moir,  Virgil  Pearson,  son  of  William  W., 

18(i-l,  193 

Moir,   Virginia  Brunch,  dau.    of   Virgil   P., 

1892.  193 

Moir,  Wallace,  son  of  James,  1874,  207 
Moir,  Wallace  Andrew,  son  of  Georije, 

1897,  254 

Moir,   Wallace  Lyon,  son  of  William  H., 

1900,  212 
Moir,  Walter,  1631,                                 58,  59 

Moir,  Walter,  1643,  58 

Moir,  Walter,  1647,  59 

Moir,  Walter,  1651,  59 

Moir,  Walter,  engine-keeper,  1862,  83 

Moir,  Walter  Gordon,  son  of  George  M., 

1883  184 

Moir,  Walter,  in  Doune,  1679,  60 

Moir,  Walter,  in  Doune,  1733,  62 

Moir,  Walter,  in  Down,  1732,  62 

Moir,  Walter,  labourer,  1865,  84 

Moir,  Walter,  m.  1.574,  42 

Moir,  Walter,  m.  1721,  79 

Moir,  Walter,  m.  1733,  80 
Moir,    Walter    MacGilvray,    of    Woodside, 


Moir,  Walter,  of  Aberdeen,  1604,  42 

Moir,  Walter,  of  Doune,  1625,         230,  231 

Moir,  Walter,  son  of  James,  1649,  59 

Moir,  Walter,  son  of  James,  1649,  231 
Moir,  Walter,  son  of  John,  1661,  60,  143 
Moir,  Walter  Nathaniel,  son  of  Robert  A., 


Moir,  Walter,  son  of  Thomas,  1633,  43 
Moir,  Walter  Wilfred,  son  of  Andrew  C, 

1903,  265 

Moir,  Walter,  witness,  1630,  58 

Moir,  Walter,  witness,  1633,  43 

Moir,  Walter,  witness,  1644,  59 

Moir,  Walter,  witness,  1648,  79 

Moir,  Walter,  wright,  1740,  102 

Moir,  Walter,  writer,  1668,  277 

Moir,  W  .  C.,  son  of  Benjamin,  d.  1897,  212 

Moir,  ( ),  dau.  of  Thomas,  150 

Moir,  Wilfred  Stanley,  son  of  James, 

1880,  207 

Moir,  William,  187 

Moir,  William,  1560,  95 

Moir,  William,  1567  95 

Moir,  William,  1583,  42 

Moir,  William,  1600,  95 

Moir,  William,  1605,  95 

Moir,  William,  2.  1605,  95 

Moir,  William,  1608,  286 

Moir,  William,  1611,  96 

Moir,  William,  burgess,  1615,  370 

Moir,  William,  1620,  96 

Moir,  Wilham,  1636.  43 

Moir,  William,  1638.  286 

Moir,  William,  1050,  286 

Moir,  William,  1056,  287 

Moir,  William.  1057,  45 

Moir,  William,  16.'>0,  46 

Moir,  William,  1063,  287 

Moir,  William,  KUH,  45 

Moir,  William,  1070,  96 

Moir,  William,  1080,  48 

Moir,  William,  1087,  46 

Moir,  William,  1698,  47 

Moir,  William,  1852,  87 

Moir,  William,  Aberdeen,  1787,  378 

Moir,  William,  advocate,  1744,  374 

Moir,  William,  advocate,  1883,  374 

Moir,  William  Alexander,  son  of  Mark  G., 

18S2,  245 

Moir,  William  A.,  son  of  William,  1873,  248 

Moir,  William,  author,  377 

Moir,  William  B.,  d.  1881,  293 

Moir,  William  B.,  of  New  Deer,  1842,  338 

Moir,  William  Bergen,  son  .of  Robert  H., 

1886,  226 


MOIR  Genbai^ogy 

Moir,  William  Blackwood,  son  of  David 

M.,  1836,  177 

Molt,  William  Bowman,  son  of  John, 

1858,  184 

Moir,    Wmiam    Boyd,    son    of    Alexander, 

1880,  267 

Moir,  WOliam,  Brainjohn,  1735,  55 

Moir,  WiUiam  Brown,  M.  B.,  C.  M.,  M.  D., 

Glasgow  University,  1857,  38 

Moir,  WiUiam,  brother  of  John,  274 

Moir,  WiUiam,  burgess,  1560,  95 

Moir,  WiUiam,  burgess,  1560,  147 

Moir,  WiUiam,  burgess,  1602,  95 

Moir,  WiUiam,  burgess,  1615,  286 

Moir,  WiUiam,  burgess,  1628,  288 

Moir,  WiUiam,  burgess,  1696,  49 

Moir,  WUliam  Bythe,  1787,  64 

Moir,  WiUiam,  chamberlain,  1622,  23 

Moir,  WiUiam  C,  son  of  George,  1863,  266 
Moir,  WUUam,  d.  1755,  297 

Moir,  WUliam,  d.  1775,  313 

Moir,  WUliam,  d.  1780,  299 

Moir,  WiUiam,  d.  1795,  297 

Moir,  WUliam,  d.  1798,  '    308 

Moir,  WiUiam,  d.  1822,  318 

Moir,  WUUam,  d.  1831,  312 

Mou-,  wmiam,  d.  1848,  294 

Moir,  wmiam,  d.  1848,  313 

Moir,  WUliam,  d.  1855,  293 

Moir,  WUUam,  d.  1856,  346 

Moir,  Wimam,  d.  1857,  293 

Moir,  wmiam,  d.  1864,  293 

Moir,  wmiam  D.,  d.  1901,  308 

Moir,  WUUam,  Dr.,  1656,  287 

Moir,  WUUam,  Dr.,  1674, 

46,  49,  135.  143,  148,  216,  287,  289 
Moir,  W'UUam,  Dr.,  1688,  216,  217 

Moir,  wmiam.  Dr.,  burgess,  1690,  97 

Moir,  wmiam.  Dr.,   II.   of  Scotstown,  m. 

1656,  138,  142,  287,  288,  290 

Moir,  WUUam,  Dr.,  III.  of  Scotstown,  1658, 
14,45,  46,  97,  104,  105,  137,  138,  217,  289 
Moir,  William,  Dr.,  of  Scotstown,  1695,  105 
Moir,  WiUiam,  Dr.,  witness,  1666,  144 

Moir,  WUUam,  Dr.,  witness,  1689,  46 

Moir,  William  Duncan,  son  of  Robert, 

1886,  252 

Moir,  wmiam  Fred,  son  of  George, 

1885,  211 

Moir,  WiUiam  Henry,  son  of  James,  183 
Moir,  WUUam  Hem'y,  son  of  James, 

1872  212 

Moir,  wmiam  J.,  son  of  WUUam,  237,  238 
Moir,   Wimam   J.,   son   of  WiUiam, 

1813,  .     237,  285 

Moir,  wmiam,  elder,  merchant,  1698,  48 
Moir,  WUUam,  elder,  of  Scotstown, 

1803,  103 

Moir,  Wimamina,  or  Petrie,  d.  18S8,  293 
Moir,  William,  in  Balgeirscho,  1597,  127 
Moir,  WiUiam,  in  Brainjohn,  1777,  297 

Moir,  WiUiam,  in  Broombrae,  1683,  96,  97 
Moir,  WiUiam,  in  Caberstov^^n,  1655,  97 
Moir,  WUliam,  in  FerriehiU,  1629.  97 

Moir,  WUliam,  in  FerriehiU,  1655,  96,  97 
Moir,  wmiam,  in  FerriehUl,  1669,  96 

Moir,  wmiam,  in  FerryhUl,  1730,  97 

Moir,  wmiam,  in  London,  1824,  299 

Moir,  WiUiam,  in  Mosside,  1705,  61 

Moir,  WUUam,  in  Mosside,  1854,  88 

Moir,  wmiam,  in  MuthiU,  1799,  92 

Moir,  WUUam,  in  MuthUl,  1806,  93 

Moir,  WUUam  J.,  in  Houghton,  Mich.,  222 
Moir,  wmiam,  in  Slipoiehmock,  1690,  97 
Moir,  Wimam  I.  of  HUton,  m.  1666,  142 
Moir,  wmiam  II.  of  Lonmay,  141 

Moir,  wmiam  I.  of  Scotstown,  138,  147  287 
Moir,  wmiam  Iravride,  son  of  James, 

1898,  311 

Moir,    WiUiam,  iron  merchant,  1832, 

171,  173 
Moir,  William  J.,  of  ThomhiU,  1902,      285 

Moir,  wmiam  J.,  of  Eldora,  Iowa, 

1824,  187,  347,  361,  379 

Moir,  WUUam  John,  son  of  Wmiam  J.,  379 
Moir,  WUUam  J.,  son  of  John,  1824,  187 
Moir,  WiUiam  J.  Jr.,  son  of  George  J., 

1884,  188 

Moir,  Wimam  John,  son  of  John,  1874,  211 
Moir,  WUliam  Keith,  son  of  James, 

1901,  173 
Moir,  wmiam  Kennedy,  d.  1862,  293 
Moir,  wmiam  Lawrence,  son  of  Peter  W., 

1902,  265 
Moir,  WUUam,  Leyden  University, 

1753,  397 

Moir,  wmiam  Ueut.,  18th  Hussars,  19 

Moir,  WUUam,  m.  1583,  42 

Moir,  wmiam,  m.  1622,  43 

Moir,  WUUam,  m.  1628,  43 

Moir,  wmiam,  m.  1636,  43 

Moir,  WUUam,  m.  1656,  216 

Moir,  WUUam,  m.  1656,  47 

Moir,  Wimam,  m.  1657,  45 

Moir,  WiUiam,  m.  1680,  46 

Moir,  WUUam,  m.  1683,  47 

Moir,  WUUam.  m.  1885,  48 

Moir,  Wimam,  m.  1705,  48 

Moir,  William,  m.  1719,  55 

Moir,  wmiam,  m.  1799,  92,  93 

Moir,  WUUam,  m.  1838,  394 

Moir,  wmiam,  M.  A.,  son  of  WilUam, 

1602,  135.  147,  148 

Moir,  WiUiam,  M.  B.,  C.  M.,  in  AustraUa, 
1883,  374 

Moir,  WUliam,  M.  D.,  Edinburgh  Uni- 
versity, 1834,  40 
Moir,  WiUiam,  merchant,  1695,  50 
Moir,  WiUiam,  merchant,  1698,  49,  50 
Moir,  WUUam,  merchant,  1798,  30S 
Moir,  WilUam,  messenger,  1698,  49 
Moir,  wmiam  M.,  son  of  WilUam, 

1617,  137 

Moir,  WUliam,  miU  of  Methlick,  55 

Moir,  WUliam  M.,  Jr.,  son  of  Wmiam  M., 

Moir,  WilUam  M.,  of  Chicago, 

180,  181,  371,  395,  396 
Moir,  WiUiam,  M.  P.,  of  HUton,  19 

Moir.  WUUam,  2nd,  son  of  WiUiam, 

1665,  142,  143 

Moir,  WiUiam,  of  Aberdeen,  1623,  286 

Moir,  WUUam,  of  Aberdeen,  1602,  216 

Moir,  WiUiam,  son  of  George,  162 

Moir,  WUliam,  of  Auchloun,  1574,  127 

Moir,  wmiam,  of  Belhelvie,  1659,  127 

Moor,  WUUam,  of  Edinburgh,  190 

Moir,  WUUam,  of  Elgin,  217 

Moir,  Wimam,  of  Garnkirk,  226 

Moir,  WiUiam,  of  Hilton,  14 

Moir,  WUUam,  of  Hilton,  m.  1666,  142 

Moir,  WiUiam,  of  Insch,  183 

Moir,  WUliam,  of  Invernettie,  314 

Moir,  WUUam,  of  Invernettie,  1723,  139 
Moir,  WilUam,  of  Invernettie,  1778, 

305,  314 
Moir,  WUUam,  of  London,  1843.  315 

Moir,  WUliam,  of  Lonmav,  1745, 

51,  107.  131,  322,  371 
MoLr,  WUUam,  of  MetMick,  1744,  55 

Moir,  wmiam,  of  MethUok,  1758,  55 

Moir,  wmiam  J.,  of  Michigan,  222 

Moir,  WUliam,  of  Nether  Hayston,  223 
Moir.  Wimam.  of  New  Grange,  141 

Moir,  wmiam,  of  New  York,  1826,  226,  315 
Moir,  wmiam,  of  New  Zealand.  211 

Moir,  WUUam,  of  Otterburn,  1639,  145 

Moir,  wmiam,  of  Park,  53 

Moir,  wmiam,  of  Park,  1789,  139 

Moir,  WUUam,  of  Park,  1826,  298,  300,  303 
Moir,  WUUam,  of  Perth,  1905,  309 

Moir,  WUUam,  of  Perthshire,  1844,  269 

Moir,  wmiam,  I.  of  Scotstown,  138 

Moir,  WUliam,  of  Scotstown,  214 

Moir,  WUUam,  of  Scotstown,  1658,  104,  149 



Moir,  William,  of  Scotstown,  1885,  140 
Moir,  William,  of  Spittal,  215 

Moir,  William,  of  Stoneywood,  1724,  139 
Moir,  William,  son  of  Richard,  272 

Moir,  William,  of  Whitehill.  1732.  141 

Moir.  William,  school  teacher,  1819, 

248,  395 
Moir,    William    Petrie    Sylvester,    aon    of 

William  W.,    1881,  183 

Moir,  William,  porter,  d.  1898,  311 

Moir,  William,  principal,  m.  1654, 

43,  44,  45,  96,  104,  287 
Moir,    William    Ralston    Somers,    son    of 

William  S.,  1867,  100 

Moir,  William  Reed  Milne,  son  of  Alex- 
ander, 1880,  185 
Moir,   William  Reginald,   son  of   William, 

Moir,  William,  Rev.,  1794,  317 

Moir,  William,  Rev.,  of  Fyvie,  1794,  305 
Moir,  William,  Rev.,  son  of  Rev.  George, 

1726,  317 

Moir,  William  Robertson,   son   of   George, 

1885,  54 

Moir,  William  R.,  poet,  11 

Moir,  William  Rufus,  son  of  George  R., 

1887,  263 

Moir,  William,  soldier,  1745,  322 

Moir,  William  Somers,  of  Edinburgh, 

1867,  190 

Moir,  William,  son  of  .A.dam.  1642,  43 

Moir,  William,  aon  of  Alexander,  191 

Moir,  William,  son  of  Alexander,  214 

Moir,  William,  son  of  Alexander,  1678,  48 
Moir,  William,  son  of  Alexander,  1698,  49 
Moir,  William,  son  of  Alexander,  1724,  139 
Moir,  William,  son  of  Alexander,  17.58.  92 
Moir,  William,  son  of  Alexander,  1798,  51 
Moir,  William,  son  of  Alexander,  1800,  51 
Moir,  William,  son  of  Alexander,  1813,  76 
Moir,  William,  son  of  Alexander,  1813, 

78,  236 
Moir,  William,  son  of  Alexander,  1875,  236 
Moir,  William,  son  of  Archbald,  1673,  60 
Moir,  William,  son  of  Archibald,  231 

Moir,  William,  son  of  Andrew,  1642,  43 
Moir,  William,  son  of  Andrew,  1667,  46 
Moir,  William,  son  of  Andrew,  1698,  48 
Moir,  William,  son  of  Andrew,  17.50,  119 
Moir,  William,  son  of  Andrew,  1768,  92 
Moir,  William,  son  of  Andrew,  1775,  92 
Moir,  William,  son  of  David,  1879,  269 

Moir,  William,  son  of  Dr.  William, 

16.58,  138 

Moir,  William,  son  of  Duncan,  1873,  2.50 
Moir,  William,  son  of  George,  1641,  43 

Moir,   William,   son  of  George,   1693, 

129,  160 
Moir,  William,  son  of  George,  1702,  160 
Moir,  William,  son  of  George,  1737,  160 
Moir,  William,  son  of  George,  1789, 

1.39,  140 
Moir,  William,  son  of  George,  1825,  51 

Moir,  William,  son  of  George,  1826,  165 
Moir,  William,  son  of  George,  1837, 

234,  2,56,  266 
Moir,  William,  son  of  George,  1885,  140 
Moir,  William,  son  of  Gilbert,  1684,  129 
Moir,  William,  son  of  James,  141,  149 

Moir,  William,  son  of  James,  150 

Moir,  William,  son  of  James,  164 

Moir,  William,  son  of  James,  172 

Moir,  William,  2,  son  of  James,  172 

Moir,  William,  son  of  James,  270 

Moir,  William,  son  of  James,  1660,  144 

Moir,  William,  son  of  James,  1764,  92 

Moir,  William,  son  of  James,  1728,  290 

Moir,  William,  son  of  James,  1787,  64 

Moir,  William,  son  of  James,  1787,  233 

Moir,  William,  son  of  James,  1832,  173 

Moir,  William,  son  of  James,  1843,  270 

Moir,  William,  son  of  James,  1846,  211 

Moir,  William,  son  of  John,  316 

Moir,  William,  .son  of  John,  I6.')7,  143 

Moir,  William,  son  of  John,  1666,  14.'{ 

Moir.  William,  son  of  John,  1609,  HM 

Moir,  William,  son  of  John,  Ui7.'J,  45 

Moir.  William,  son  of  John,  1673,  46 

Moir,  William,  .ion  of  John,  16.S7,  40 

Moir,  William,  son  of  John,  1708,  HO 

Moir,  William,  .son  of  John,  1«02,  122 

Moir,  William,  son  of  John.  1826,  182 

Moir,  William,  son  of  John,  18.03,  374 

Moir,  William,  son  of  John,  1878,  309 

Moir,  William,  son  of  Patrick.  163S,  147 
Moir,  William,  son    of    Patrick    or    Pete, 

1641,  42 

Moir,   William,  son  of   Itev.  James, 

16(54.  287 

Moir,  William,  son  of  Rov.  M.  A.,  1726,  115 
Moir,  William,  son  of  Robert,  1705,  61 

Moir,  William,  son  of  Robert,  1SI9,  65 

Moir,  WiUiam,  son  of  Robert,  1819,  248 
Moir,  WiUiam,  son  of  Robert,  IH.54.  190 
Moir,  William,  son  of  Thomas.  1703.  .50 
Moir,  William,  son  of  Thomas,  1802,  272 
Moir,  William,  son  of  William,  138 

Moir,  WiUiam,  son  of  William,  140 

Moir,  William,  son  of  WiUiam,  147 

Moir,  William,  son  of  William,  166 

Moir,  William,  son  of  WiUiam,  237 

Moir,  William,  son  of  WiUiam,  I.,  141 

Moir,  WiUiam,  son  of  William,  II.,  141 

Moir,  William,  son  of  William,  III.,  141 
Moir,  WUliam,  son  of  WUliam,  1.598,  95 
Moir,  William,  son  of  William,  1.598,  137 
Moir,  William,  son  of  William,  1607,  96 
Moir,  William,  son  of  WUham.  1616,  137 
Moir,  William,  son  of  William,  16.56, 

135.  136 
Moir,  WUliam,  son  of  William  II.,  1658,  138 
Moir,  William,  son  of  WUliam,  1804,  93 
Moir,  William,  son  of  WiUiam.  1826.  165 
Moir,  William,  son  of  William,  18.54,  165 
Moir,  William,  son  of  William,  1858,  163 
Moir,  WUliam,  son  of  WiUiam.  1872,  173 
Moir,  William,  son  of  William,  1892,  237 
Moir,  William,  son  of  William  R.  S., 

1895,  190 
Moir,  WilUam  S.,  St.  Andrew's  University, 

1883,  41 

Moir,    WUUam    Stuart,    son    of    WUliam, 
1892,  273 

Moir,  William  T.,  of  Aberdeen,  1898,  311 
Moir,  William,  treasurer,  1615,  96,  106 

Moir,  WiUiam  WaUace,  Jr.,  son  of  William 
W.,  1872.  193 

Moir.    William    WaUace,    public    commis- 
sioner, 1835,  193 
Moir,  WiUiam  WaUace,  son  of  VirgU  P., 
1900,  193 
Moir,  WiUiam  Walter,  son  of  John  S., 

1888,  184 

Moir,  WUliam  W.,  d.  1864,  293 

Moir,  William  Wilderming,  son  of  Jamea, 
1881,  219 

Moir,  WUliam  Wilmerding,  editor,  377 

Moir,  William  WUson,  son  of  George, 

1851,  182 

Moir,  WiUiam,  witness,  1643,  59 

Moir,  William,  witness,  1696,  49 

Moir,  William,  wright.  1735,  99 

Moir,  WiUiam,  writer,  1693.  289 

Moir.  William  Young,  Rev.,  of  Meldrum, 
1862,  391 

Moir,  WiUiam  Young,  St.   Andrew's  Uni- 
versity, 1847,  41 
Moir,  Wilson  Irvin,  son  of  Mark  G., 

1896,  246 
Moir,  Wilson  &  Co.,  of  Aberdeen,  395 
Moir,  W.  K.,  d.  1862.  294 
Moir,  W.,  of  Aberdeen,  1894,  311 
Moir.    Wortley   Cornelia   Anne.      dau.    of 

WUliam,  141 

Moir,  Xtain,  dau.  of  John,  1633, 



Abercromby,  Lord,  270,  334 

Aberdeen,  Alexander,  48,  50 

Aberdeen,  bishop  of,  391 

Aberdeen,  Issobell,  48 

Aberdeen,  John,  48 

Aberdeen  of  Cairnbulg,  48 

Abernethie,  James,  214 

Abernethie,  James,  writer,  214,  215 
Abernethie,  Jean,  or  Moir, 

130,  138,  141,  215,  305 
Abernethy,  Alexander, 

130,  138,  214,  215,  371 

Abernethy,  Anne,  215 

Abernethy,  Christian,  214 

Abernethy,  Ehzabeth,  215 

Abernethy,  George,  214 

Abernethy,  Helen,  215 

Abernethy,  Isobel,  215 

Abernethy,  James,  215 

Abernethy,  James,  III.,  215 

Abernethy,  James,  IV.,  1785,  215 

Abernethy,  Jane,  215 

Abernethy,  Janet,            _  215 
Abernethy,  Jean,  or  Moir, 

130,  138,  141,  215,  305 
Abernethy,  Jean,  or  Moir,       149,  214,  371 

Abernethy,  John  I.,  214 

Abernethy,  John,  II.,  149,  215 

Abernethy  of  Mayen,  214 

Abernethy,  William,  214 

Adam,  George,  237 
Adam,  Janet,  or  Moir, 

75,  232,  234,  236,  239,  266 

Adams,  Amy  Lavina,  or  Moir,  260 

Adams,John  G.,  Dr.,  260 

Addison,  W.  Innes,  registrar,  39 

Aedie,  David,  46 

Aedie  of  Newark,  43 

Afton.  Mabel,  or  Moir,  190 

Agnew,  Mary,  306 
Aird,  Thomas,                             330,  331,  333 

Alexander,  Alexander,  46,  47 

Alexander,  Alexander,  baillie,  46 

Alexander,  Emily  De  Maine,  179 

Alexander,  Eyegane,  42 

Alexander,  Helen,  or  Moir,  182 

Alexander,  Hugh  de  Maine,  179 

Alexander,  Isobel,  or  Moir,  1666,  142 

Alexander,  John,  1666,  142 

Alexander  II.,  king  of  Scotland,      352,  358 

Alexander,  W.,  Sir  354 

Alexander,  WilUam  Black, 

Allan,  Ann,  or  Moir, 

AUan,  Jean,  or  Moir, 

Allan,  Jean,  or  Moir,  2,  1799, 

Allan,  John, 

AUardes,  John, 

AUardyce,  Ann, 

Allardyce,  Ann,  or  Moir,  291, 

AUardyce,  WiUiam, 

AUen,  Abner  W., 

Allen,  Baldwin, 

Allen,  Harriet  Marcia,  or  Moir, 

Allen,  Henry  Clay, 

AUen,  Henry  Moir, 

Allen,  James, 

Allen,  Sarah  Elizabeth,  or  Moir, 

AUoiin,  Jhon,  1631, 

Alonzo  XI.  of  Spain, 

Amer,  WiUiam, 

Ames,  Butler,  Hon., 

Anand,  Christian, 

Anderson,  Agnes,  or  Moir, 

Anderson,  Alexander, 

Anderson,  Alexander  John, 

Anderson,  Alexander  Penrose  Terry,  M 

Anderson,  David, 

Anderson,  Gilbert, 

Anderson,  James  Thorn, 

Anderson,  John, 

Anderson,  John, 

Anderson,  John,  capt., 

Anderson,  John,  Jr., 

Anderson,  Jo.,  Rev., 

Anderson,  Margaret, 

Anderson,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 

Anderson,  Marjory, 

Anderson,  Marjory  Grant,  or  Milne, 






























46,  48 









Anderson,  Mary,  or  Moir,        234,  256,  259 
Anderson  of  Stirling,  394 

Anderson,  Robert,  389 

Anderson's  of  BeUamore,  157 

Anderson,   Thomas      Gordon   Torry,  Rev., 

Anderson,  WiUiam,  307 

Andrew,  Maggie,  or  Moir,  172 

Andrews,  Alice  Catherine,  124 

*See  introductory  note  under  heading  on  page  439. 

MoiR  Genealogy 


Andrews,  Alice  Maud, 
Andrews,  Byres, 
Andrews,  Edward,  M.  D., 
Andrews,  Mary  Helen, 
Anguino,  Concha,  or  Moir, 
Anguine,  Francisco,  general, 
Angus,  George, 
Angus,  John, 

Anton,  Mittermaier  Carl  Joseph, 
Arbuthnot,  Catherine, 
Arbuthnot,  James, 
Arbuthnot,  Thomas,  Dr., 
Arbuthnott,  James,  1753, 
Arbuthnott,   Jean,   or   Gordon, 
Arbuthnott,  John, 
Arbuthnott,  Katherine,  or  Moir, 
Arbuthnott,  viscount, 
Archibald,  Betsey,  *; 
Archibald,  Howard  Moir, 
Archibald,  James, 
Archibald,  James,  author,  1911 
Archibald,  John, 
Archibald,  Louise  Victoria, 
Archibald,  William, 
Argyle,  bishop  of, 
Argyle,  duke  of, 
Argyle,  marquis  of, 
Armand,  WUham, 
Armour,  Alexander, 
Armour,  George  Hugh, 
Armour,  Hugh, 
Armour,  Hugh,  Jr., 
Armour,  John, 
Armour,  Martha, 
Armour,  Robert, 
Armour,  William, 
Armstrong,  Agnes  Leona, 
Armstrong,  George  H., 
Armstrong,  James, 
Armstrong,  John  W., 
Armstrong,  Naomi, 
Armstrong,  Nellie,  or  Moir, 
Ashley,  Susan,  or  Morrison, 
AusoD,  Henrietta  Julia,  Hon., 
Aytoun,  professor, 

Baccop,  Johne, 

Bacon,  Addie, 

Bacon,  Jerome, 

Badencoth,  laird  of. 

Badenoch,  Elspet,  or  Moir, 

Bain,  David, 

Baird,  George, 

Balfour,  Andrew, 

Balfour,  Anton, 

Balfour,  Dorothy, 

Balfour,  Dorothy,  or  Moir, 

Balfour,  Duncan, 

Balfour,  Guthrie  &  Co., 

Balfour,  John, 

Balfour,  Robert, 

Balfour,  Walter, 

Bahol,  Isabel, 

Baloil,  Thomas, 

Ball,  Annie  Evelyn, 

BaUantyne,  Williamina, 

Ball,  F.  James, 

Ball,  Olive  Jane,  or  Moir, 

Baloil,  Edward, 

Balvaird-Bathgate,  James,  Jr., 

Banks,  Robert, 

Bannerman,  Isabella,  or  Moir, 

Bannerman,  Alexander,  Sir, 

Bannerman's  of  Elsick, 

Barclay,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir, 

Barclay,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 

Barclay  of  Mather, 

Barclay,  ( ),  or  Moir, 

Barnes,  John, 
Barrone,  George, 

Barry,  ( ), 

Bartlett,  ( ), 

Bartlett,  James, 



313,  314 

334,  335 

256,  261 















67,  69 












108.  388 











Bates,  Harriet,  .379 

Battersby,  John,  273 

Battcrsby,  Marguerite  Wirinifrtd,  or  Moir, 

Baxter,  Adam,  U9 

Baxter,  Barbara,  or  Moir,  65 

Baxter,  Gilbert,  72 

Baxter,  John,  68 

Baxter,  Margaret,  M 

Baxter,  Mary,  294 

Baxt<>r,  Mr.,  152 

Baxter,  Robert,  85 

Baxter,  Thomas,  54 

Baxter.  William,  60 

Bean,  Col.,  140 

Bean,  Miss  or  Moir,  140 

Beanes,  Archibald,  136.  137,  288 

Beans,  Marjorie,  or  Moir, 

130,  137,  286,  287,  288 















58,  66.  68 







170.  172.  173 



46,  48 

46,48,49,  105 


47,  162 

48,  140 




267,  353 





Beauvais,  Harriet, 

Beggs,  Grizell, 

Beidie,  Janet,  or  Moir, 

Beith,  Gilbert,  M.  P., 

Beith,  Jane  Fordyce,  or  Moir. 

Belches,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir, 

Bell,  Catherine  Elizabeth,  or  Moir, 

Benjamin,  Roxanna,  or  More, 

Bennett,  Francis,  M.  A., 

Bennett,  Hannah, 

Berkley,  Elizabeth,  or  More, 

Berkley,  John, 

Beveridge,  Rev.  J.  G., 

Bevy,  John, 

Bevy,  Robert, 

Bevy,  William, 

Birnie,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 

Bisset,  Rev.  John, 

Bisset,  William,  dean  of  guild. 

Black,  ( ), 

Black,  Adam, 
Black,  Ann,  or  Moir, 
Blackburn,  Peter, 
Black,  Charles, 
Black,  Gilbert, 
Black,  Gilbert,  2, 
Black,  James, 
Black,  John, 
Black,  Margaret, 
Black,  WiUiara, 
Blackwood,  Mr. 

Blaikie,  ( ), 

Blair,  Ann,  or  Mure, 

Blair,  James  Hunter,  Sir, 

Blair,  John, 

Blake,  Helen,  or  Moir, 

Bochmer,  Louis,  Mrs., 

Bodefield,  Robert, 

Boileau,  Anna  Phipps, 

Boileau,  WiUiam, 

Booe,  Alexander, 

Booe,  Elizabeth, 

Booe,  Lucy  Hodgin, 

Booe,  Phillip, 

Booe,  P.  N., 

Booe,  Sarah  Clement, 

Booe,  Sullivan, 

Bower,  William  Oliver, 

Bowie,  Marion, 

Bowman,  Andrew, 

Bowman,  Helen,  or  Moir, 

Boyd,  Archibald, 

Boyd,  Crawford, 

Boyd,  Jane,  or  Moir, 

Boyd,  Marcaret  Craig,  or  Moir, 

Boyd,  Margaret  Crawford, 

Boyd,  Robert, 

Boyd,  Thomas, 

Boyes,  Barbara,  or  More, 

Boyes,  Georse, 

Boyne,  Alexander, 

Brabner,  Andrew, 

Bradford,  governor, 

Brander,  Anna,  or  Moir, 


MOIR  Gbneai^ogy 

Brander,  Jamea, 
Brander,  Janet, 
Brannes,  Agnes, 
Brannes,  John  (Brands) 
Brannes,  John,  Jr., 
Brannes,  Margaret, 
Brannes,  William, 
Breadalbane,  earl  of, 

Brebner,  ( ), 

Brebner,  Arthur  G., 











Brebner,  Elizabeth  H.,  or  Moir,  182,  249 

Brebner,  George,  182 

Brebner,  Jane  C,  249 

Brebner,  Mary,  249 

Brechin,  bishop  of,  391 

Brewster,  elder,  27 

Brodie,  George,  120 

Brodie,  Isabella,  398 

Brodie,  William,  298 

Brooke,  Harry  Vesey,  Capt.,  133 

Brooke,  James  Anson  Otho,  133 

Brookie,  Arthur  Brinaley,  Sir,  133 

Brooks,  George  Harold,  187 

Brooks,  Marcus  William  Moir,  188 

Brooks,  Margery  Frances,  188 

Brooks,  Vivian  Harriett,  188 

Brooks,  William,  187 

Brown,  Alexander  Milne,  163 

Brown,  Ann  MUne,  168 

Brown,  Bessie,  47 

Brown,  Dr.,  author,  23 

Brown,  Dr.,  of  Musselburgh,  328 

Brown,  George,  schoolmaster,  62 

Browning,  William,  Rev.,  52 

Brown,  James,  45,  47 

Brown,  James,  2,  168 

Brown,  Jane  Helen,  168 

Brown,  John,  47 

Brown,  John,  2,  168 
Brown,  John,  Dr.,  108,  132,  370,  377,  395 
Brown,  John,  Rev.,  of  Haddington,         395 

Brown,  Joseph  Alexander,  168 

Brown,  Margaret,  168 

Brown,  Robert  George,  168 

Brown,  William,  168 

Bruce,  Alexander,  162 

Bruce,  Christian,  284 

Bruce,  C.  S.  Gumming,  53 

Bruce,  EUzabeth,  162 

Bruce,  George  C.,  53 

Bruce,  Helenor,  33 

Bruce,  James,  162 

Bruce,  James,  Jr.,  162 

Bruce,  Jean,  162 

Bruce,  John,  162 

Bruce,  Margaret,  162 

Bruce,  Mary  Agnes,  or  Moir,  298 
Bruce,  Mary  Agnew,  or  Moir,  139,  301 
Bruce,  Michael,  Sir, 

52,  139,  140,  300,  306,  349 

Bruce,  Robert,  advocate,  352 

Bruce,  Robert,  son  of  James,  162 

Bruce,  Robert  the,  king,  276 
Bruce,  William,  Sir,                    139,  298,  301 

Bruce,  William,  Rev.,  52 

Bryce,  David,  69,  72 

Bryce,  Helen,  or  Lyle,  234 

Bryce,  Ihon,  67 

Bryce,  Isabel,  90 

Bryce,  Isabella,  or  Work,  234 
Bryce,  James,                                     67,  68,  69 

Bryce,  Jean,  72 

Bryce,  John,  69 
Bryce,  John,                                            80,  233 

Bryce,  Marion,  67 

Bryce,  Nans,  67 

Bryce,  Robert,  72 
Bryce,  William  Moir,                          125,  126 

Brydie,  John,  1711,  90 

Buchanan,  Alexander,  72 
Buchanan,  Alexander,  2,  234,  256,  258,  259 

Buchanan,  Blanche  Oreanna,  259 

Buchanan,  Charles  Garfield,  259 

Buchanan,  Christina,  259 

Buchanan,  Colin,  256 

Buchanan,  Duncan  Moir,    Rev,  ,B.A.,    259 
Buchanan,  EUzabeth,  or  Moir, 

234,  256,  257,  258 
Buchanan,  George  Randolph,  259 

Buchanan,  Janat,  or  Moir,  79 

Buchanan,  Jane,  258 

Buchanan,  Janet,  258 

Buchanan,  Mabel  Amanda,  259 

Buchanan,  Mary  Ann,  84 

Buchanan,  Moses,  279 

Buchanan,  Robert,  68 

Buchanan,  Thomas,  84 

Buchanan,  Victor  Alexander,  259 

Buchanan,  William,  67,  79 

Buchan  Field  Club,  53 

Buchan,  Mary,  or  Moir,  1793,  78 

Bulloch,  John,  359,  361 

Bulteel,  Andrew  Hume,  124 

Bulteel,  Sophia  Matilda,  or  Moir, 

Bunch,  ( ), 

Burne,  Isobell,  or  Moir, 

Burnett,  Adam,  Rev., 

Burnett,  Agnes, 

Burnett,  Alexander, 

Burnett,  Alexander,  2, 

Burnett,  Alexander,  3, 

Burnett,  Alexander,  baillie, 

Burnett,  Alexander,  schoolmaster, 

Burnett,  Andrew, 

Burnett,  David, 

Burnette,  Barbara  Adeline,  or  Moir, 

Burnett,  Edward, 

Burnett,  Geils, 

Burnett,  George, 

Burnett,  James, 

Burnett,  Jean,  or  Moir, 

Burnett,  John,  45,  49,  50 

Burnett,  John,  2d,  45 

Burnett,  John  George,         12,  135,  216,  285 

Burnett,    Joseph,  lieut,  col.  132 

Burnett,  Margaret,  45,  47,  130,  132 

Burnett,  Margaret,  or  Moir,  47 


44,  45,  43,  47 






Burnett,  Marjorie, 


Burnett,  Marjory, 

45,  49, 



Burnett,  Patrick, 


Burnett,  Robert, 




Burnett,  of  Kirkhill, 


Burnett,  Thomas, 


Burnett,  Thomas,  2, 

45,  4e 

i,  49, 


Biirnside,  W., 


Burns,  John, 


Burns,  Robert,  poet,          208,  390, 



Burslem,  Robert, 


Bury,  John, 


Buyers,  Peter, 


Buy,  Robert, 


Bwy,  Robert, 

58,  68 

Byers,  James, 


Byers,  Martha,  or  Moir, 



Byers,  Robert, 


Byres,  Alexander, 


Byres,  captain, 


Byres,  Catherine,  or  Moir, 


Byres,  Edna  Margaret,  or  : 



Byres,  family  of. 


Byres,  general. 


Byres,  George, 



Byres,  Isabella,  1737, 



Byres,  James, 




Byres,  James,  11., 


Byres,  James  Douglas, 


Byres,  James,  lieut., 


Byres,  Jane, 



Byres,  Janet,  or  Moir, 




Byres,  Jean, 


Byres,  John,  1745, 



Byres,  John,  captain,  R.  E 




Byres,  Katherine,  or  Moir, 



Byres,  Marion,  or  Moir, 


Byres,  Martha, 


Byres,  Martha,  or  Moir, 


MoiR  Genealogy 


Byres,  Martha,  or  Moir, 

20,  122,  123,  131,  134,  316 

Byres,  Miss,  126,  320 

Byres,  Mrs.  130 

Byres  of  Coates,  130 

Byres  of  Tonley,  20,  130,  131 
Byres,  Patrick, 

20,  130,  131,  134,  149,  152,  153,  154,  290 

Byres,  Patrick,  I.,  121 

Byres,  Patrick  III.,  132 

Byres,  Peter,  130 

Byres,  Robert,              51,  111,  130,  132,  134 

Byres,  William,  51,  131,  134 

Byron,  Lord,  105 

Bysshe,  Edward,  Sir,  396 

Caddell,  Janet,  or  Moir,  1650,  61,  231 

Caddefl,  Janet,  or  Moir,  1703,  61 

Caddell,  Margaret, 

Caddell,  William, 

Caddell,  William,  of  Kilmadock, 

Caddell,  James,  1627, 

Cadell,  William,  1631, 

Calbeck,  Addie,  or  Moir, 

Calbeck,  James, 

Calder  &  Co., 

Calder,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 

Cameron,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir, 


Cameron,  Jane, 

Cameron,  Janet,  or  Moir, 

Cameron  of  Lochiel, 

Campbell,  ( ), 

Campbell,  Anna, 
Campbell,  Archibald, 
Campbell,  Archibald,  2, 
Campbell,  Archie, 
Campbell,  Colin,  Sir, 
Campbell,  duke  of  Argyle, 
Campbell,  Duncan, 
Campbell,  Elizabeth, 
Campbell,  Flora  Mure, 
Campbell,  George, 
Campbell,  George,  2, 
Campbell,  George  Douglas, 
Campbell,  lasobell, 
Campbell,  James, 
Campbell  James,  2, 
Campbell,  James  Mure, 
Campbell,  James,  Sir, 
Campbell,  Janet, 
Campbell,  Jean,  or  Moir, 
Campbell,  John, 
Campbell,  John,  Jr. 
Campbell,  John,  of  Kincardine, 
Campbell.  John,  of  Moy, 
Campbell,  John,  sheriff, 
Campbell,  John,  witness, 
Campbell,  John,  2,  witness, 
Campbell,  John,  3,  witness, 
Campbell,  Margaret, 
Campbell,  Mary, 
Campbell,  Patrick, 
Campbell,  Robert, 
Campbell,  WOliam, 
Canavan,  Robert  H., 

Cannioch,  ( ), 

Cannon,  Mary  E., 

Carey,  ( ), 

Carey,  Anne,  or  Kerr, 
Carey,  Godfrey  Mohun, 
Garland,  Bessie, 
Garland,  Charles  Sumner, 
Garland,  Michael, 
Carlyle,  Thomas, 
Carmichle,  Duncan  Forrest, 
Carmichle,  Elenaor  Sidgrave, 
Carmichle,  Ethel  Jane, 
Carmichle,  March, 
Carmichle,  Mary  Mildred, 
Carmichle,  Robert  Hastwell, 
Carmichle,  Wuilliam, 
Carmichle,  William  Clifton, 

59,  72 

59,  72 


58,  59,  68 




163,  108 
















































392,  398 









Carmichell,  John,  61 

Curmiclicll,  Robert,  67 

(^urniichi'll,  WalUjr,  70 

('arniyMhell,  Alexiinder,  Jr.,  42 

Carriiy.shcll,  William,  42 

Carnegir',  Jiuiion,  46 

Carnegie,  Mr.,  1745,  162 

Carter,  Louisa  E.,  or  Moir,  104 

Carlor,  Mabel  Gertrude,  or  Moir,  239 

Caru;r,  Samuel  CyruM,  239 

('u.ssie,  John,  185 

Ca.ssie,  ( ),  or  Moir,  180 

CiiMtell,  .Andrew,  62 

Castell,  (Jeorge,  62 

CasU'll,  James.  62 

C'atteiiafh,  Margaret,  118 

Catto,  family  of,  120 

Calto,  George,  116 

Catto,  James,  116 

Catto,  Robert,  116 

Caw.  James,  L.,  301 

Chalmer,  George,  40 

Chalmer,  Patrick,  Dr.,  130 

Chalmers,  Alexander,  260 

Chalmers,  Alice,  or  Moir,  260 

Chalmers,  Betty,  303 

Chalmers,  D.  &  Co.,  300 

Chalmers,  George,  217 

Chalmers,  James,  76 

Chalmers,  Janet,  303 
Chalmers,  Mary,  or  Moir,  138,  139,  290,  303 

Chalmers,  Patrick,  Dr.,  46,  47 

Chalmers,  Robert,  386 

Chalmers,  Thomas,  70 

Chalmer.  William,  68,  71 
Chalmer,  William,  2,        135,  136,  287,  288 

Chambers,  James,  65 

Chapman,  Robert,  322 

Chappel,  Ann  Catherine,  or  Moir,  239 

Charlie,  prmce, 
Charles  I.,  king, 

Charles  II.,  prince, 
Chesser,  James, 
Chesser,  John, 
Chesser,  Margaret, 
Chesser,  William, 
Chesser,  William,  2, 
Cheyne,  Elizabeth,  or  Muir, 
Chinscola,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir, 
Christian,  Bettie, 
Christian,  Robert, 
Christie,  James, 
Christie,  John, 
Christie,  Mary,  or  Moir, 
Christie,  William, 
Chrystie,  Alexander, 
Church,  Isabel,  or  Moir, 
Clan  Farquharson, 
Clan  MacLeod, 
Clark,  (— ), 

107,  152.  155 

146,  364,  366,  390,  393 

108,  282 














66,  67,  68 





272,  273,  274 



76,  78 



Clark,  Agnes,  or  Moir, 
Clark,  Andrew, 
Clark,  Archibald, 
Clark,  Christian, 
Clarke.  Isabel,  or  Moir, 
Clarke,  major  general, 

Clark,  Finlay,  69 

Clark,  Gilbert,  116 

Clark,  James,  71 

Clark,  James,  2,  321 

Clark,  Janet,  or  Moir,  43 

Clark,  Janet,  or  Moir,  2,  262 

Clark,  John,  Rev.,  204 

Clark,  Joseph,  77 

Clark,  Serena  Jane,  196 

Clark,  Stephen,  77 

Clark,  William.  262 

Clark.  William,  61,  69 

Clark,  Wo..  288 

Clements,  James,  261 

Clements,  Martha  Scott,  or  Moir,  261 

Clemmett,  Janet,  or  Moir.  90,  91 


MOIR  Geneai^ogy 

Clemmona,  Katheriae,  or  Gould, 
Clerk,  Christian, 
Clerk,  Jean,  or  Moir, 
Clerk.  William, 
Cleveland,  Peter, 
Clunie,  family  of, 
Cochrane,  Issobell, 
Cochrane,  Mary,  or  Moir, 

136,  137,  143,  144,  217, 
Cochrane,  Walter,  136, 

Cochrane  of  Dumbreck, 
Cochrane,  Walter, 
Cogbill,  Mary  Holt,  or  Moir, 

Colburne,  ( ) , 

Colburn,  Henry, 

Coleman,  Sarah  J.,  or  Moir, 

CoUins,  Kate, 

Conan,  George, 

Conan,  George,  2, 

Congdon,  Harriet  E., 

Condgon,  Henry, 

Connel,  Margaret, 

Connon,  family  of, 

Conon,  George, 

Constable,  Helen,  or  Moir,       115, 

Converse,  Rebecca,  or  More, 

Cook,  Elspet,  or  Moir, 

Cook,  William  B.,  12, 

Cooper,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir, 

Cooper,  James, 

Copland,  Alexander, 

Copland,  Janet,  or  Moir, 

Copland,  Patrick, 

Cospatrick,  earl  of  March, 

Coutts,  AUoe  Benzie, 

Coutts,  George, 

Coutts,  John  Irvine, 

Coutts,  Mary,  or  Moir, 

Cowan,  Andrew,  1793, 

Cowan,  Annie  Jane, 

Cowan,  Christian  Pearl, 

Cowan,  David, 

Cowan,  David  Mervin, 

Cowan,  John, 

Cowan,  Luella  Ehzabeth, 

Cowan,  Margaret  Clarissa, 

Cowan,  William  Arnold, 

Cowper,  Alexander, 

Cowper,  Thomas, 

Craibston,  family  of, 

Craig-CaldweU,  James, 

Craig-Caldwell,  Letitia, 

Craig,  Charles, 

Craigheid,  Christian,  or  Moir, 

Craig,  Helen,  or  Moir, 

Craig,  Jane, 

Craig,  Jean,  or  Moir, 

Cramb,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 

Crane,  ( ), 

Cratur,  Robert, 
Crawford,  Andro, 
Crawford,  Helen,  or  Moir, 
Crawford,  Mr., 
Crombie,  John  William, 
Crowther,  Florence  S.,  or  Moir, 
Crowther,  Thomas, 
Cruden,  Euphemia  Buchan, 
Cruickshank,  James, 
Cruickshank,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 
Cruickshank,  Miss,  or  Moir, 
Cruickshank,  Patrick, 
Cruickshank,  Robert, 
Cruickshank  of  Banchory, 
CuUings,  James, 
CuUins,  James, 
Cimaine,  Adam,  captain, 
Cumine,  George, 
Cumine,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 

51,  139, 
Cumins  of  Rattray, 
Cumine,  Walter,  Sir, 
Cumine,  William,  141, 

Cuming,  Archibald, 


Cuming,  James, 



Cuming,  John, 



Cuming,  Magnus,                                    74,  75 


Cuming,  Robert, 



Cuming,  jWilliam,                                     45,  75 


ClimTnine,  Mrs 



Gumming,  John, 


Cunningham,  Allan, 



,  287 

Cunningham,  F.  L., 



,  287 

Currie,  James,  M.  D., 



Currie,  Janet,  or^Moir, 



Currie,  Lucie, 



,  194 

Curry,  Janet,  or  Moir, 



D'Acres,  baroness. 



Dalmadge,  Jacob  J., 



Dalmadge,  Maud  Almeda,  or  Moir, 



D'Almaine,  George, 



D'Almaine,  Thomas, 



Dalrymple,  Robert, 



Daniel.  James, 



Danielstoun,  Janet, 



Danson,  James  Myers,  Rev., 



Dason,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 



,  321 

David,  first  earl  of  Glasgow, 



David  II.,                                   276,  351 

,  370 


David  II.  of  Scotland,                            16.  2.^ 


,  275 

Davidson,  John,  captain. 



Davidson  David  Charles, 



Davidsone,  James, 



Davidsone,  James,  1626, 



Davidson,  George  Moir, 



Davidson,  George  WilUam, 



Davidson,  Gilbert, 



Davidson,  Isabella, 



Davidson.  James, 



Da\ddson,  James  Andrew, 



,  174 

Davidson,  Jessie  Moir, 



Davidson,  John  Kerr,  Dr., 



Davidson,  Matthew, 



Davidson,  Patrick  Moir,  Dr., 



Davidson.  Robert, 



Davies,  Marion  Hathaway, 



Davies,  Samuel  Herbert, 



Dawes,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 



Dawes,  Thomas, 



Dawson,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 



Day,  Bertha,  or  Moir, 



Day,  Edward, 



Deane,  author  of  "Scituate," 



de  Belisle,  Chev'ir, 



de  Belisle,  MarschaU, 



Debenham,  &  Freebody, 



De  CasteUane,  Boniface, 



De  Castellane,  George, 



De  Castellane,  Jay, 



De  CasteUane,  Paul  Marie  Boniface, 



'  206 


Decies,  lord. 



Decker,  Charles, 



De  la  Mora,  Adam, 



De  la  More  de  Thangerston,  Samuel, 



De  la  More,  family  of. 



De  la  More,  Henry,  Sir, 



De  la  Poer  Beresford,  Eileen  Vivien, 



De  Moore,  David, 



De  Mora,  family  of. 




De  More,  David, 



Denny,  Jessie, 



Denny,  Ueut.  col.. 



De    Sagan,   Charles  Maurice    Jason 


Howard, 'duke. 



De  Sagan,  De  Talleyrand  Perigord,  'prince, 




Dewar,  James, 



Dewgeth,  (Duguid)  George, 




Dewgeth,  John, 


Dick,  Elizabeth  Patterson,  or  Moir, 




Dickinson,  Isabella,  or  Moir, 



Dickinson,  Peter, 



Dick,  James, 




Dick,  John, 



Dicks  LiUie  May,  or  Moir, 


MoiR  Genhalogy 


Dicka,  W.  P.,  Dr., 
Dick,  William, 
Dinnie,  Donald, 
D'Israeli,  Isaac, 
Doeg,  John, 
Doeg,  Paul, 
Dog,  James, 
Dog,  Johne, 
Dolas,  John  de, 
Dominua,  John, 
Donald,  earl  of  Lennox, 
Donaldson,  ( ), 






















Donaldson,  Isabel 
Donaldson,  Isobel, 
Donaldson,  James,  M.  D., 
Donaldson,  Janet,  or  Moir, 
Donaldson,  family  of, 
Donaldson's  of  Auchmull, 
Donaldson's  of  Hilton, 
Donald,  William,  Rev., 
Don,  James, 
Dougall,  Isabella,  or  Moir, 

77,  232,  234,  235,  265,  266 

Dougall,  Margaret,  82,  83 

Douglas,  David,  319 

Douglas,  Francis,  301 

Douglas,  James,  lord,  13 

Dowgall,  Johne,  79 

Dow,  Janet,  or  Moir,  92 

Downie,  George,  62 

Downie,  Jhon,  69 

Downs,  John  Rae,  250 

Downs,  Margaret,  or  Moir,  250 

Drexel,  Anthony,  Jr.,  205 

Drexel,  Edith  Kingdon  Gould,  205 

Drogheda,  countess  of,  296 

Drogheda,  earl  of,  398 

Drogheda,  marquis  of,  296,  398 

Druce,  Miss,  or  Moir,  94 

Drummond,  ( ),  282 

Drummond,  Anges,  84 

Drummond,  Agnes  Anderson,  85 

Drummond,  Agnes,  of  Moir,  1744,  75 
Drummond,  Agnes,  or  Moir,  1763, 

63,  64,  80 

Drummond,  Alexander,      73,  85,  86,  87,  88 

Drummond,  Andrew,          78,  82,  83,  84,  87 

Drummond,  Andrew  Malcolm,  82 

Drummond,  Annie  Hutton  Hunter,  86 

Drummond,  Barbara,  88 

Drummond,  Catharine,  1755,  88 

Drummond,  Catherine,  1869,  239 

Drummond,  Christian  Ann,  83 

Drimimond,  Christina,  85,  86 

Drummond,  David,             81,  82,  84,  87,  88 

Drummond,  David,  Jr.,  82 

Drummond,  Duncan,  87 

Drummond,  Edward,  82 

Drummond,  Elizabeth,  83 

Drummond,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir,  268 

Drummond,  George,  I,  82,  88,  89 

Drummond,  Geroge,  2,  75 

Drummond,  George,  3,  87 

Drummond,  Grissell,  88 

Drummond,  Hugh,  88 

Drummond,  Isabell,  1779,  89 

Drummond,  Isabella,  1862,  82,  88 

Drummond,  Isabel,  or  Moir,  1768,  92 

Drummond,  Isobella,  1843,  87 

Drummond,  James,  1643,  59 

Drummond,  James,  2,  1763,  59,  88,  89 

Drummond,  Jane,  86 

Drummond,  Jane  Hay,  86 

Drummond,  Janet,  88,  89 

Drummond,  Jean,  89 
Dnmimond,  John,   75,  82.  85,  86,  87,  88,89 

Drummond,  John,  Jr.,  82 

Drummond,  Katherine  Reid,  87 

Drummond,  Margaret,  1804,  82 

Drummond,  Margaret,  m.  1753,  88 

Drummond,  Margaret,  m.  1843,  86 

Drummond,  Margaret,  m.  1857,  82,  83,84 

Drummond,  Margaret,  m.  1869,  85 

Druiuiiioiid,  Miiriiarct  ForguAon, 

Drummond,  Mary  Ann, 

Drummond,  Mary  WriKht, 

Drumniond,  Mph.  Jiiniit, 

Drummond,  I'utrick,   1755, 

Drummond,  Patrick,  2,  1769, 

Drummond,  I'olcr, 

Drummond,  Robert, 

Drummond,  •'^u.^unna, 

Drummond,  Thomas,  1645, 

Drunmiond,  Tliomaa,  2, 

Drummond,  Tiny, 

Drummond,  William. 

Dudwick,  Lady, 

DulT,  Alexander, 

Duff,  Alexander,  colonel, 

DutT,  George, 

Duff,  Jane, 

Duff,  William, 

Duff,  William,  captain, 

Duke  of  Argyle, 

Duke  of  Gloucester,  H.  R.  H., 

Duke  William, 

Dunbar,  Archibald, 

Dunbar,  captain, 

Dunbar,  Elizabeth, 

Duncan,  Alexander  Bell, 

Duncan,  Charles, 

Duncan,  Charles  Julian, 

Duncan,  Charles  Mathew.s, 

MM,  MU 

82.  M7 
78,  MM,  M(t 


70,  84.  M7 



83.  87 

21.  .322 
Duncan,  Charlotte  Rose,  or  Paull,  179 

Duncan,  Delta  Muriel  NIathewa,  179 

Duncan,  earl  of  Levenax,  35 

Duncan,  Emily  Robertson,  179 

Duncan,  Isabel,  or  Moir,  1735,  203,  204,  305 
Duncan,  Isobel,  or  Moir,  1840.  56,  20U 

Duncan,  James  Mathewa,  179 

Duncan,  Katherine  Moir,  179 

Duncan,  Lula  Maud,  or  Aloir,  194 

Duncan,  Macbeth  Moir,  178 

Duncanson,  Agnes,  1792.  77 

Duncan,  Agnes,  or  Moir,  1817.         163,  164 
Duncanson,  Alexander,  77,  80,  233 

Duncanson,  Andrew,  231 

Duncanson,  Helen,  or  Moir,  83,  84 

Duncanson,  James,  64 

Duncanson,  Janet,  73 

Duncanson,  Johne,  1673,  89 

Duncanson,  John,  2,  1794,  77 

Duncanson,  Margaret,  or  Moir,     65  76,  80 
Duncanson,  Marj-,  77 

Duncanson,  Robert,  62,  63,  64,  77 

Duncanson,  Thomas,  64 

Duncan,  WiUiam,  178,  194 

Duncan,  William  Moir  Mathewa.  179 

Duncan,  William  Oswald,  178.  340 

Duncisone,  Thomas,  71 

Dun,  Charles,  144 

Dundas,  Alexander,  384 

Dundas,  James,  384 

Dundas,  John,  Sir,  384 

Dundas,  Joseph,  53.  139.  384 

Dundas,  Thomas  George,  384 

Dun,  Patrick,  Dr.,  144 

Dunkley,  Alpha,  or  Moir,  195 

Dunkley,  Samuel,  195 

Dunns  of  Tarty,  144 

Dun  of  Tartv,  393 

Dun,  RacheU,  or  Moir,  144,  145 

Dun,  Patrick,  Sir,  144 

Durno,  James,  Sir,  131 

Durno,  Jane,  131 

Durno,  John,  J.  P.,  131 

Durno,  Mr.,  iak) 

Durrough,  Ann,  252 

Durrough,  Marion,  252 

Duthie,  ( ),  388 

Duthie,  John,  102,  103 

Eason,  Alexander  F.. 
Eason,  Frank  T., 
Eason,  George  Thomas. 
Eason,  James, 



MoiR  Genealogy 

Eauen,  William,  67 

Eberhardt,  Eide  H.,  190 
Eberhardt,  Johaima  Geneva,  or  Moir,    190 

Eddie,  Dr.,  374 

Edmistoim,  Ihon,  58 

Edmond,  James,  374 

Edmondstone,  Jolme,  59 

Edmondston,  Ihon,  66 

Edmondston,  Johne,  71 

Edmondston,  Patrick,  63 

Edmondstoun,  Ihon,  67 

Edmondstoun,  William,  68 

Edouart,  August,  sUhouettist,  380 

Edward  III.,  384 

Edward,  Charles,  prince,  150 

Edward,  Charles  Stuart,  93 

Edward,  Marv  Ann  Jane,  93 
Edward  I.,  of  England,                  16,  22,  275 

Edwards,  D.  H.,  222 

Elder,  Catherine,  or  Moir,  256 

Elder,  John,  258 

Elgin,  earl  of,  284 

Ellis,  Adam  Gibb,  120 

EUiot,  Elizabeth,  or,  Moir,  145 

Elliot,  Gilbert,  145 

EOiot,  John,  162 

Embry,  Edv/ard,  94 

Erskine,  .Alexander,  143 

Erskine,  Ebenezer,  Rev.,  386 

Erskine,  Helen,  144 

Erskine,  Henrj'  Knight,  317 

Erskine,  Henry,  major,  53 

Erksine,  James,  284 

Erskine,  Janet,  284 
Erskine,  Jean,  or  Moir,              150,  305,  371 

Erksuie,  Knisht,  lieut.  col.,  139,  301 

Erskine,  William,  107,  150 

Er^-en,  J.  S.,  394 

Eskdale,  Mrs.  J.  L.,  392 

Ewing,  Helen,  164 

E'ffing,  Jonet,  89 

Ewing,  Thomas,  89 

Faill,  WiUiam,  67,  70 

Fairfoull,  Cohn,  lieut.,  231 

Fairfoull,  Susanna,  75,  231 

Fairlie,  William,  355 

Fais,  Isabel,  or  iSIore,  90 

Falconer,  George,  320 

Falconer,  John,  314 

Falconer,  Margaret,  314 

Falconer,  Silvester,  320 

Farlan,  Archibald,  66 

Farland,  James,  60 

Farland,  Walter,  70 

Farlane,  Dugall,  67 

Farlane,  George,  71 

Farlane,  John,  59,  71 

Farlane,  Walter,  1627,  67 

Farlane,  Walter.  2,  1636,  69,  72 

Farlane  Walter,  3,  1646,  71 

Farlan,  James,  66 

Farlan,  Walter,  66,  69 

Farquarson  of  JMonaltry,  108 

Farquhar,  Alexander,  115 

Farquhar,  Pauline,  A.  M.,  115 

Farqhuar,  Robert,  Sir,  148 

Farquharson,  Charles,  117 

Farqiiharsons  of  Finzean,  158 

Farquharson,  William,  49 

Faxon,  Asaph  H.,  222 

Fee,  ( ),  210 

Fellows,  Susanna,  or  More,  201 

Fergeson,  William,  79 

Fergueson,  Florence,  or  Moir,  61,  62 

Ferguson,  George,  49 

Ferguson,  Helen,  83 

Ferguson,  James,  374 

Ferguson,  Jane  B.,  or  Muir,  307,  374 

Ferguson,  Janet,  49 

Ferguson,  Jhon,  79 

Ferguson,  John,  72,  73 

Fergtison,  John,  2,  88 

Ferguson,  Katharine,  72 

Ferguson,  Margaret,  or  Moir,  43 

Ferguson,  Mary,  or  Moir,  1726,  57 

Ferguson,  Mary,  or  Moir,  2,  1829,  78 

Ferguson,  Patrick,  m.  1607,  42 

Ferguson,  Patrick,  2,  1753,     63,  64,  72,  73 

Ferguson,  Thomas 
Ferguson,  William, 
Ferrier,  captain, 
Fettes,  Anna, 
Fettes,  James, 
Fettes,  Margaret, 
Fettes,  William, 

Field,  ( ), 

Field,  Benton,  Rev., 
Field,  Henrj',  Roe, 
Field,  John  Benton, 
Field,  Mary  Lyle,  or  Moir, 
Fields,  Alleyne, 
Fields,  Thomas  Houghton, 
Field.  Thomas  WUham, 
Fife,  Jean,  or  Moir, 
Findlater,  George, 
Findlay,  colonel, 
Findlay,  WiUiam,  Dr. 
Findlay,  family  of, 
Findlay,  Issobell,  or  More, 
Findlay,  ( ),  or  Moir, 

Findlay,  William, 
Findlay,  WiUiam,  witness. 
Fines,  Margaret, 
Finlason,  James, 
Finlasone,  Archibald, 
Finlasone,  James, 
Finlayson,  Robert, 
Fisher,  Janet,  or  Moir, 
Fitch,  EUzabeth, 
Fletcher,  Alexander,  Rev., 
Flinn,  David, 
Flinn,  Ella, 

Flinn,  Everett  Richardson, 
Fhnn,  George  Moir, 
Fhnn,  Hermon  Alton, 
Fhnn,  Mary, 
Fhnn,  Sarah, 
Fhnn,  William, 
FUnt,  Frances  L.,  or  Moir, 
Flint,  Francis, 
Florence,  Janet,  or  Moir, 
Flower,  Mrs. 
Fogow,  James, 
Fogow,  James,  Jr., 

Forbes,  ( ), 

Forbes,  Alexander, 

Forbes,  Alexander,  notary, 

Forbes,  Alexander,  Sir, 

Forbes,  Andro, 

Forbes  II.,  baronet, 

Forbes,  Christina  Frances, 

Forbes,  Elizabeth, 

Forbes,  Elspet,  or  Moir, 

Forbes,  Emmaline, 

Forbes,  Euphemia, 

Forbes,  Georgina,  M.  A., 

Forbes,  Henry, 

Forbes,  James, 

Forbes,  Janet,  or  Moir,  1638, 

Forbes,  Janet,  or  Moir,  2,  1681, 

Forbes,  Janet  Stephenson,  or  Moir, 
















159,  160,  320 

160,  320 


























161,  162,  163 





215,  382 












108,  371 


127,  129 


Forbes,  Jean,  or  Moir,  20,  119 

Forbes,  Jean,  or  Moir,  2,  115 

Forbes,  J.  Macbeth,  J.  P.,  398 

Forbes,  John,  139,  299,  300 

Forbes,  John,  2,  81 

Forbes,  John,  Sir,  106,  119,  148 

Forbes,  Lady,  52 

Forbes,  Lord,  132,  134 

Forbes,  Maria  Barclay,  399 
Forbes,  Mary  Elizabeth,  or  Moir, 

139,  140,  299,  300 

Forbes,  of  Brux,  106 

Forbes,  of  Waterton,  148 

Forbes,  Patrick,  129 

Mom  Ghnf.alogy 


Forbes,  Ro.,  baillie,  138 

Forbes,  Robert,  164 

Forbes,  Robert,  2,  144 

Forbes,  Samuel,  115 

Forbes,  Thomas,  129 

Forbes,  Thomas,  2,  106 

Forbes,  Walter  Frederick,  52 

Forbes,  Walter,  Hon.,  52 

Forbes,  William,  120 

Forbes,  William,  Rev.,  119 

Forbes,  William,  Sir,  115 

Fordyce,  Alexander  Dingwall,  383 

Fordyce,  James,  378 

Fordyce,  Mary,  365 

Fordyce,  May,  118 

Fordyce,  William,  118 

Forgesoun,  Archibald,  66 

Forrest,  Ann,  or  Moir,  63 

Forrester,  Adam,  34 

Forrester,  David,  81 

Forrest,  John,  63,  64 

Forsyth,  Alexander  George,  252 
Forsyth,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir,             232,  235 

Forsyth,  John  Houston,  252 

Forsyth,  lieut.,  R.  N.,  120 
Forsyth,  Margaret,  or  Moir,             191,  195 

Foster,  Samuel  Sherman,  187 

Foster,  William  Harrison,  187 

Fowler,  Helen,  or  Moir,  178 

Fox-Davies,  Arthur  Charles,  381 

Francis,  earl  of  Moira,  355 

Franklin,  Annie,  or  Moir,  204 

Fraser,  ( ),  109 

Fraser,  Alexander,  289 
Fraser,  Alexander,              137,  139,  217,  289 

Fraser,  Alfred  George,  250 

Fraser,  Andrew.  46 

Fraser,  Annie  Smillie,  250 

Fraser,  Duncan  Moir,  250 

Fraser,  Edith  Elizabeth,  250 

Fraser,  George,  1691,  217 

Fraser,  George,  m.  1881,  249 

Fraser,  George  Patrick,  122 

Fraser,  Helen,  127 

Fraser,  Janet,  or  More,  24 

Fraser,  John,  122 

Fraser,  John,  2,  250 

Fraser,  John  Foster,  122 

Fraser,  Lady,  146 
Fraser,  of  MuchaUs,                  106,  146,  370 

Erasers,  chiefs  of  Grant,  23 

Fraser,  William,  217 

Fraser,  Wm.,  Dr.,  148 

French,  George,  Dr.,  123 

Fresar,  Nans,  or  Moir,  42 

Fuller,  Helen,  or  Moir,  55 

Fullerton,  general,  141 

Fullerton,  John,  303 

Fyfe,  George,  Dr.,  120 

Galbraith,  Agnes,  72 

Galbraith,  Marion,  252 

Galbraith,  Mary,  252 

Galbraith,  Peter,  252 

Galbraith,  William,  145 

Garden,  Andrew,  120 

Garden,  George,  120 

Garden,  Janet,  120 

Garden,  Jean,  120 

Garden,  Mary,  120 

Garden,  Robert,  1739,  120 
Garden,  Robert,  1763,                        120,  121 

Garden,  William,                _  120 

Gardiner-Baird,  James,  Sir,  141 

Gardiner,  Robert,  89 

Gardner,  Alexander,  391 

Gardner,  Charles  Harrison,  209 

Gardner,  Florence  Althia,  209 

Gardner,  Frank  Pomeroy,  209 

Gardner,  George  Hamilton,  209 

Gardner,  Hannah  Elizabeth,  209 

Gardner,  Robert  Kirk,  209 

Gardner,  Thomas,  m.  1859,  209 

ir,r,.  157 

Gardner,  ThoraaB,  of  Kippen, 

Gardner,  Thomas  Moir, 

Garland,  Mrs.,  of  Cairuton, 

Garrow,  Ihon, 

Gauld,  Alexander, 

Gauld,  Ann, 

Gauld,  Hetty, 

Gauld,  George, 

Gauld,  Harry, 

Gauld,  Helen, 

Gauld,  Henry, 

Gauld,  Isobel, 

Gauld,  Jean, 

Gauld,  John, 

Gauld,  Margaret, 

Gauld,  Mary, 

Gauld,  Robert, 

Gaulds  in  Cromar, 

Gaulds  of  Glass, 

Gaulds  of  Mipvie, 

Gaulds  of  Milton, 

Gaulds  of  Tillykerrie, 

Gauld,  William, 

Gault,  John, 

Gault,  Margaret  A.,  or  Moir, 

Gellie,  Alexander, 

Gellie,  Alexander,  2, 

Gellie,  Issobell, 

Gellie,  James, 

Gellie,  Janet  or  Jean,  or  Moir, 

Gellie,  Paull, 

Gellie,  Patrick,  1674, 

Gellie,  Patrick,  2,  1690,   45,  46,  48, 

Gellie,  Robert, 

Gellie,  William,  1648, 

Gellie,  William,  2,  1669, 

Gemmell,  Matthew, 

Gemmill,  baillie, 

Gentill,  Mathew, 

George,  I,, 

George  III., 

George,  earl  of  Aberdeen, 

George,  James  Forbes, 

Gerry,  Agnes,  or  Moir, 

Gerry,  John, 

Gibb.  George, 

Gibb,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 

Gibb,  Robert, 

Gibson,  Marion  or  Moir, 

Gibson,  Patrick, 

Gibson,  Robert, 

Gifford,  Robert, 

Gilchrist,  Harry,  capt., 

Gillanders,  Issobell,  or  Moir, 

Gill,  David, 

Gill,  David,  LL.  D., 

Gillespie,  Johne, 

Gillespie,  John,  2, 

Gillespie,  Jonat,  or  Moir, 

Gilford,  Charles, 

Gilphillan,  Jonat, 

Gilphillan,  Sybilla, 

Gilphillan,  Thomas, 

Gilphillan,  William, 

Glass,  Isobcll,  or  Moir, 

Glegg  &  Thomson,  Ltd., 

Glennie,  Dr., 

Gloag,  James, 

G16ag,  Thomas, 

Glover,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 

Goldie,  William  Moir, 

Golding,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir, 

Goodwin,  Harrj-  Arthiu', 

Goodwin,  Ida  Muriel,  or  Moir, 

Gordcn,  George, 

Gordon,  Adam, 

Gordon,  Agnes,  or  Moir, 

Gordon,  Alexander, 

Gordon,  Alexander,  2,  1702, 

Gordon,  Alexander,  3,  1770, 

Gordon,  Alexander,  4,  d.  1826, 

Gordon,  Alexander,  Rev.,  1714, 

Gordon,  Anna,  or  Moir, 



256,  266 




































MoiR  Genealogy 

Gordon,  Anne,  49 

Gordon,  baiUie,  370 

Gordon,  Christian,  50 

Gordone,  George,  216 

Gordone,  Johne,  216 

Gordon,  Frances  Garden,  120 

Gordon,  general,  1746,  153 

Gordon,  George,  m.  1688,  97 

Gordon,  George,  1691,  217 

Gordon,  George,  1764,  120 

Gordon,  George,  2,  1769,  121,  217 

Gordon,  George,  earl  of  Aberdeen,  216 
Gordon,  George,  II.,  of  Sheelagreen,  143,144 

Gordon,  George,  Sir,  142 

Gordon,  Gilbert,                          105,  135,  138 

Gordon,  Helen,  49 

Gordon,  Henry,  216 

Gordon  highlanders,  392 

Gordon,  Isabel,  303 

Gordon,  Issobell,  50 

Gordon,  James,  m.  1690,  49 

Gordon,  James,  1699,                 139,  289,  303 

Gordon,  James,  capt.,  50,  144 

Gordon,  James  Garden,  120 

Gordon,  James,  of  Insch,  172 

Gordon,  Jean,  1694,  49 

Gordon,  Jean,  or  Forbes,  119 

Gordon,  Jean,  or  Moir,  1652,  137 
Gordon,  Jean,  or  Moir,  of  GordonsmiU, 

105,  135,  138 

Gordon,  John,  290 

Gordon,  Katherine,  131 

Gordon,  lady,  Anna,  142 

Gordon,  Lewis,  lord,     19,  23,  107,  108,  150 

Gordon,  Margaret,  1701.  50 

Gordon,  Margaret,  or  Moir,  1800,  139,  303 

Gordon,  Mary,  49 

Gordon,  Mrs.,  302 

Gordon  of  Cluny,  130 

Gordon  of  Littlemill,  157 

Gordon  of  Newton,  143 

Gordon  of  Rothney,  144 

Gordon,  Patrick,  1672,  137,  286 

Gordon,  Patrick,  merchant,  1701,  50 

Gordon,  Robert,                   49,  120,  121,  214 

Gordon,  Robert,  Sir,  23 

Gordon.  Thomas,  Dr.,  120,  121 

Gordon,  William,  1,                    129,  144,  153 

Gordon,  WiUiam,  2,  1684,  129 

Gordon,  William,  3,  of  Kintore,  50 

Gordon,  William,  4,  of  Old  GoveU,  50 
Gordon,  William,  5,  of  Sheelagreen,         144 

Gordon,  WiUiam,  6,  49 

Gordon,  WiUiam,  Hon.,  1748,  321 

Gordon,  WiUiam,  Hon.,  1846,  393 

Gordoune,  John,  369 

Gordoune.Thomas,  Sir,  369 

Gorrod,  Charles,  52 

Gould,  Anna,  206 

Gould,  Dorothy,  206 

Gould,  Edith  Kingdon,  205 

Gould,  Edwin,  205 

Gould,  Edwin,  Jr.,  205 

Gould,  Eleanor,  205 

Gould,  EUzabeth,  or  More,  202 

Gould,  Frank  Jay,  206 

Gould,  Frank  MiUer,  205 

Gould,  George  Jay,  205 

Gould,  George  Jay,  Jr.,  205 

Gould,  Gloria  Anna,  206 

Gould,  Helen  Margaret,  205 

Gould,  Helen  MUler,  or  Shepard,  206 

Gould,  Helen  Vivien,  or  Decies,  205 

Gould,  Howard.  206 

Gould,  Jay,    1836  202,  205 

Gould,  Jay,  2,  1888,  205 

Gould,  John  B.,  205 

Gould,  Kingdon,  205 
Gould,  Marjorie  Gwyime,  or  Drexel,      205 

Gould,  Mary  More,  202 

Gourlay,  John,  34 

Gourlay,  Walter,  72 

GourUe,  ( ),  62 

Gourly,  Walter, 
Govan,  Catherine, 
Govan,  William, 
Govan,  William,  Jr., 
Gow,  Walter, 
Graeme,  James, 
Graeme,  John, 
Graham,  ( ), 


279,  282 



80,  232 


Graham,  Amiable,  69 

Graham,  Annas,  69 

Graham,  Annie  Douglas,  or  Gould,         205 
Graham,  Ann  Stewart,  284 

Graham,  Catherin,  69 

Graham,  Charles  Alexander,  284 

Graham,  Charles  Alexander,  Dr.,  283 

Grahame,  ( ),  70 

Grahame,  ( — ■ — ),  147 

Grahame,  Alexander,  70 

Grahame,  Andrew,  71 

Grahame,  Elizabeth,  70 

Grahame,  GeiUs,  71 

Grahame,  George,  71 

Grahame,  Johne,  71 

Grahame,  Patrick,  71 

Grahame,  Walter,  1643,  70 

Grahame,  Walter,  2,  1684,  145 

Grahame,  WiUiam,  70 

Grahames,  WiUiam,  68 

Grahames,  Patrick,  68 

Graham,  George,  68,  282 

Graham,  Giles,  282 

Graham,  IsabeUa  MatUda,  284 

Graham,  James,  282 

Graham,  Janet,  268 

Graham,  Janet  Erskine,  284 

Graham,  Jhon,  1631,  68 

Graham,  Jo.,  153 

Graham,  John,  33,  75,  279,  282 

Graham,  Jo.,  Sir,  152 

Graham,  Laurence,  282 

Graham,  Marget,  68 

Graham,  Mary,  253 

Graham,  Matilda,  or  Moir,  222 

Graham-Moir,  ( ),  1905,  284 

Graham-Moir,  Alastair-Erskine,     284,  285 
Graham-Moir,  C.  A.,  284 

Graham-Moir,  Charles  Alexander,  284 

Graham-Moir,  Charles  William,  284 

Graham-Moir,  Evelyn  Annie,  285 

Graham-Moir,  Henrietta  Florence  May, 

Graham-Moir,  Mabel  Christian  Hay,  285 
Graham-Moir,  Marion  Clementina,  285 
Graham-Moir,  Robert,  of  Leckie,  284,  285 
Graham-MoLrs  of  Leckie,  11,  282 

Graham  of  Garvock.  282 

Graham,  ( ),  or  Moir,  268 

Graham,  Robert,  282 

Graham,  Robert,  Dr.,  281,  282,  283 

Grahams  of  Menteith,  282 

Grahams  of  Montrose,  282 

Graham,  Thomas,  68,  69 

Graham,  Walter,  66 

Graham,  WiUiam,  69,  279,  282 

Graham,  William,  capt.,  215 

Grant,  Charles,  243 

Grant,  Charlotte,  or  Moir,  165 

Grant,  Gregor,  204 

Grant,  Helen,  or  Moir,  204 

Grant,  IsabeUa,  122 

Grant,  Isobel,  200 

Grant,  James,  203 

Grant,  James,  2,  243 

Grant,  Jessie  Clark,  243 

Grant,  John,  165 

Grant,  John,  Rev.,  122 

Grant,  Lewis,  Rev.,  57 

Grant,  Martha  May,  243 

Grant,  Mary,  150 

Grants  of  BlackmiU,  157 

Grant,  WiUiam,  203 

Graves,  Frances  Augusta,  or  Moir,  187 

Graves,  Harvey,  187 



Gray,  Agnea,  43 

Gray,  Andrew,  43 

Gray.  Elizabeth,  119 

Gray,  George,  Jr.,  1745,  ll'J 

Gray,  George,  merchaat,  119 

Gray,  George,  of  Haddo,  119 

Gray,  Isobell,  or  Moir,  147 

Gray,  James,  119 

Gray,  Jean,  43 

Gray,  Jo.,  43 

Gray,  Margaret,  or  Moir,  92 

Gray,  Margaret,  1620,  43 

Gray,  Margaret,  1G33,  43 

Gray,  Mary,  374 

Gray,  Robert,  43 

Gray,  Thomas,  253 

Gray,  William,  43 

Greay,  EUzabeth,  or  Moir,  94 

Greenhorn,  James,  81 

Green,  MerriU  David,  222 

Gregory,  James,  Dr.,  123 
Gregory,  James,  prof.,                        119,  363 

Gregory,  Janet,  119 

Gregory,  Margaret,  139 

Gregour,  Archibald,  79 

Greig,  Gavin,  gardener,  53 

Greig,  Gavin,  Jr.,  M.  A.,  53 

Greig,  Mrs.,  120 

Greig,  Robert,  53 

Grey,  Ann,  or  Moir,  91 

Griffin,  Alfred,  258 

Griffin,  Jennie,  258 

Griffin,  Margaret,  258 

Griffin,  Walter  Scott,  258 

Griggs,  George,  199 
Grig,  Thomas,                              116,  128,  129 

Groitt,  John,  42 

Grooms,  Estella,  or  Moir,  247 

Grooms,  John,  247 

Grooms,  Walter  Weddington,  247 

Grover,  ( ),  166 

Gunn,  John,  146 

Guthrie,  Christian,  139 

Guthrie,  Mary,  303 

Guthries  of  King  Edward,  142 

Hacket  &  AUardyce,  388 

Hacket,  Christian,  214 

Hacket,  Elizabeth,  214 
Hacket,  Isobel,                                   214,  215 

Hacket,  Walter,  214 

Haggart,  James  M.,  53 

Halden,  James,  70 

Haldon,  James,  69 

Halldan,  James,  66 
Halley,  Mary  Ann,                                  82,  83 

Halliwell,  Madge,  246 

Halliwell,  Thomas,  246 

Hamilton,  archbishop,  282 

Hamilton,  David,  282 
Hamilton,  duke  of,                            353,  362 

Hamilton,  Giles,  284 

Hamilton,  James,  244 

Hamilton,  James  Blake,  244 

Hamilton,  James  Douglas,  244 

Hamilton  of  Blair,  282 

Hamilton,  Sarah,  83 

Hamilton,  Thomas  Dawea  Miller,  244 

Hanes,  J.  W.,  196 

Hannafield,  Anna  M.,  or  Moir,  226 

Hannafield.  Bernard,  226 

Hardie,  Alexander,  46 

Hardie,  EUzabeth,  or  Moir,  249 

Hardie,  James,  46 

Hardie,  Jean,  46 

Hardie,  John,  46 

Hardie,  Margaret,  or  Moir,  249 

Hardie,  Robert,  249 

Hardinge,  H.,  Sir,  363 

Harkness,  Francis,  208 

Harkness,  Margaret,  or  Moir,  208 

Harley,  Margaret,  or  Moir,  189 
Harley,  Nancy,  or  More,                  201,  205 

Harriman,  Lillie,  or  Moir,  264 

HarriH,  Martha,  or  Moir,  221 

liarri.i,  Thomas,  Sir,  366 

narrower,  John,  293 

Harrower,  Margaret,  189 

Harruer,  Agnes,  or  Moir,  90 

Hurt,  Belle,  253 

Hart,  Elizabeth,  263 

Hart,  Frederick  James,  263 

Hurt,  James,  263 

Hurt,  Robert,  72 

Hart,  William  James,  263 

Harvey,  Alexander,  161 

Harvey,  ELspet.  or  Moir,  321 

Harvey,  George,  161 

Harvey,  Suaan,  161 

H  astings,  marquis  of,  366 

Hawkins,  Albert  Thomas,  264 

Hawkins,  Jessie  Amelia,  263 

Hawkins,  Martha  Jane,  264 

Hawkins,  Richard,  263 

Hawkins,  Richard  Alexander,  264 

Hawkins,  William,  263 

Hawkins,  William  George,  263 

Hay,  Alexander,  214 

Hay.  Anne  Elizabeth,  or  Moir,  284 

Hay,  Barbara,  or  Moir,  316 

Hay,  Elsie,  306 

Hay.  Henrietta,  or  Moir,  284 

Hay,  James  Gordon,  108 

Hay,  James,  lord,  108 

Hay,  Jean,  or  Moir,  314 

Hay.  Lewis,  Col.,  314 

Hay,  Margaret,  282 

Hay,  Mary  Ann,  162 

Hay,  Robert,  284 

Hay,  William,  284 

Heart,  Robert,  71 

Henderson,  Ann,  or  Moir,  185 

Henderson,  Andrew,  61 

Hendersone.  Andrew,  61 

Henderson,  James,  60 

Hendersone,  John,  1720,  62 

Hendersone,  John,  61,  62 

Henderson,  Elizabeth,  181 

Hendersone,  Patrick,  60 

Henderson,  Ihon,  58 

Henderson,  James,  74 

Henderson,  Janet,  or  Moir,  1685,  60 

Henderson,  Janet,  or  Moir,  2,  1720,  62 

Henderson,  Janet,  or  Moir,  3,  1750,  63 

Henderson,  John,  1754,  72 

Henderson,  John  A.,  316 

Henderson,  John  Alexander,  374 

Henderson,  Peter,  74 

Hendersoune,  Patrick,  71 

Henry,  EUzabeth,  or  Moir,  156 

Henry  II.,  king,  22 

Henry  VII.,  king,  349 

Henry,  marquis  of  Drogheda,  296 

Henryson,  Jhon,  68,  69 

Hensleigh,  Henry  Prideaux,  133 

Hensleigh,  Mary,  -133 

Hepburn,  J.,  53 

Herdman,  John,  63 
Hervie,  Andro,                                     135,  288 

Hetherington,  Mary,  or  Moir,  272 

Hewison,  James  King,  389 

HiU,  Ashton,  197 

Hill,  Charles  Gideon,  197 

HiU,  Claude  John  Gomes,  125 

HiU,  CyrU  Patrick,  125 

HiU,  EUzabeth,  197 

HiU,  Eugene,  197 

HiU,  Evelyn  Rebecca,  125 

HiU,  Florence  Maria  White,  125 

Hill,  Francis  Joseph,  125 

HiU,  Harold  James,  125 

Hill,  Henry,  52 

Hill,  John,  125 

Hill,  WUIiam  P.,  Jr.,  197 

Hobart,  John,  182 

Hodgin,  Anna,  or  Hanes,  196 


MoiR  Geneai^ogy 

Hodgin,  George  D., 

Hodgin,  James  Moir, 

Hodgin,  Mary, 

Hodgin,  Moir, 

Hodgin,  S.  H., 

Hodgkins,  Eva, 

Holdersby,  Elise, 

Holdersby,  Richard, 

Holdersby,  Walter, 

Home,  Harie 

Home,  Jane,  or  Moir, 

Home,  John, 

Home,  William, 

Houston,  Alexander, 

Howarth,  Ann  Wood,  or  Moir, 

Howlett,  Robert, 

Hudspeh,  Bessie  Reed, 

Hudspeh,  Charles  H., 

Hughes,  Mary, 

Hughson,  Mary  M.,  or  Moir, 

Hume,  Herie, 

Humes,  Herie, 

Hunter,  Willis  W., 

Huntley,  marquis  of. 

Hurley,  Margaret  S.,  or  Moir, 

Hutoheon,  Jean,  or  More, 

Hutchieson,  J.  C., 

Hutchings,  John, 

Hutchinson,  Allan  Moir, 

Hutchinson,  Caroline  Maria, 

Hutchinson,  James, 

Hutchinson,  Kathleen  GUmour, 

Hutchinson,  Margaret  Constance, 

Hutchinson,  Robert  Leonard, 

Hutchison,  Janet, 

Hutton,  Jean,  or  Moir,  76, 

Hutton,  Robert, 

Hutton,  William, 

Hwine,  Herie, 

Ingersoll,  George  Maitland,  Mrs., 

Ingraham,  Huldah,  or  Moir, 

Ingraham,  Manuel, 

Innes,  Alexander,  I,  1706, 

Innes,  Alexander,  2,  1794, 

Innes,  Cosmo, 

Innes,  Hugh,  Rev., 

Innes,  Jean, 

Innes,  Jean, 

Innes,  Johne, 

Innes,  Lewis, 

Innes,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 

Irvine,  Alexander, 

Irvine,  Ann  Isabella  Black, 

Irvine,  Charles  WiUiam, 

Irvine,  Francis  Knox, 

Irvine,  Frank, 

Irvine,  Hector  McFayden, 

Irvine,  IsabeOa, 

Irvine,  James  Moir,  1, 

Irvine,  James  Moir,  2,  1860, 

Irvine,  James  Moir,  3,  1899, 

Irvine,  Jane  Moir, 

Irvine,  Jeannie  Moir, 

Irvine,  John, 

Irvine,  Margaret  Davidson, 

Irvine,  Mary  Ann, 

Irvine,  Mary  Ann  Reid.^or  Coutts, 

Irvine,  Robert, 

Irvine,  Robert,  burgess, 

Irvine,  William  Moir, 

Jack,  Alexander, 
Jack,  Ann,  or  Moir, 
Jack,  James, 
Jackson,  Robert, 
Jacques,  Clara,  or  Moir, 
Jacques,  Louis,       ^ 
JafFray,  John, 
JaSrey,  Alexander, 
Jaffrey,  Andrew, 
Jaffrey,  David, 
Jaffrey,  Janet,  or  MoLr, 


Jaffrey,  John,  1689, 



Jaffrey,  John,  2d,.  1690, 



Jaffrey,  John,  baillie,  1648, 

44,  45 


Jaffrey,  Marie, 



Jaffrey,  Margaret, 



Jaffrey  of  KingsweUs, 



Jaffrey,  Thomas, 



James  I., 



James  III., 



James  VI., 


82,  83 

Jameson,  Andrew, 



Jamesone.  Thomas, 



Jameson,  George, 

363,  364 


Jameson,  Jacques, 



Jameson,  Mary, 



Jamieson,  Henry, 



Jamieson,  James. 



Jamieson,  John, 



Jamieson,  Robert, 



Jane,  queen  of  Scotland, 



Jardine,  Henry,  Sir, 



Jardine,  M.  R., 



Jeffrey,  James, 



Jervice,  Andrew, 



John,  duke  of  Lancaster, 



John,  earl  of  Cassilis, 



John  I.,  earl  of  Kintore, 



John  IV,  earl  of  Loudoun, 



John,  king  of  England, 



John  VI.,  viscount  Arbuthnot, 



Johns,  Joseph, 



Johnson,  Walter  B., 



Johnston,  ( ), 



Johnston,  Agnes  Rose, 



Johnston,  Alexander, 

128,  129 

,  78,  236 

Johnston,  Alexander  Rose, 


78,  236 

Johnston,  Archibald,  Sir, 



Johnston,  Betsy, 



Johnstone,  Alexander, 


Johnstone,  G.  H., 



Johnstone,  James  Fowler  Kellas, 



Johnstone,  Jean, 



Johnston,  Mr.,  of  Alva, 



Johnstone,  William,  Dr., 


117,  305 

Johnstone,  Winnifred,  or  Moir, 



Johnston,  family  of. 



Johnston,  Jane  Taylor, 



Johnston,  John, 



Johnston,  John,  Rev., 



Johnston,  John  Robert, 



Johnston,  WiUiam, 



Johnstoune,  Janet,  or  More, 



Johnstoun,  William, 



Jones,  Emma, 



Jopp.  James, 



Jopp,  Janet, 



Jopp.  Jean, 



Joy,  Clarence  Moir, 



Joy,  Dorothy, 



Joy,  Ethel  Alsina, 



Joy,  James  Ray, 



Joy,  WiUiam  B., 



Joy,  WiUiam  Reid, 



Jimior,  George  Moir, 



Junk,  Clarence, 



Jnnkine,  Margaret, 



Junkine,  WUUam, 

77,  233 


Junk,  James  Moir, 



Juxon,  bishop, 

108,  146 



Kanser,  James., 


Kay,  James, 



Kay,  Jane,  or  Moir, 


161,  320 

Kay,  Jean, 



Keir,  ( ), 



Keir,  Adam, 



Keir,  Adam, 



Keir,  famUy  of. 



Keir,  James, 



Keith,  Alexander  Boyne, 



Keith,  George,  1684, 



Keith,  George,  2,  1688, 



Keith,  Jean,  lady. 


MoiR  Genealogy 


Keith,  William,  162 

Kelley,  Bridget,  or  Moir,  r->2 

Kelley,  Edith,  206 

Kelly,  Helen  Margaret,  or  Gould,  206 

Kelley,  Joseph,  248 

Kelso,  James,  250 

Kelso,  Jeanie,  or  Moir,  250 

Kemp,  Jessie,  or  Moir,  172 
Kemp,  Mary  MacKerracher,  or  Moir,    243 

Kene,  David,  74 

Kennedy,  ( ),  148 

Kennedy,  Hugh,  376 

Kennedy,  Thomas,  Sir,  376 

Kennie,  Thomas,  59 

Kenyon,  George,  238 

Ker,  Dorothy,  or  Moir,  145 

Ker,  Hellene,  or  Moir,  46 

Ker,  Isabel,  or  Moir,  145 

Ker,  William,  145 

Kildow,  Andro,  68 
Kilgour,  Mary  Ann  Catherine,  or  Moir, 

307,  374 

Kilgour,  Patrick,  374 

Kilpatrick,  captain.,  389 

King,  Alexander,  48 

King,  C.  B.,  199 

Kingdon,  Edith,  or  Gould,  205 

King,  George,  161 

King,  Helen,  199 
King,  Isabella,                                        84,  85 

King,  Marie,  199 

King,  Mr.,  255 

Kinnaird,  Christian,  or  Moir,  43 

Kinnaird,  Isabella,  or  Moir,  382 

Kinnaird,  John,  382 

Kinyon,  IBenjamin,  181 

Kinyon,  Ellen  May,  or  Moir,  181 

Kirk,  Thomai,  69 

Kirkton,  Alexander,  55 

Kirtland,  Edv/ard  Mansfield,  193 

Kirtland,  Maude  H.,  or  Moir,  193 

Kitchen,  F.,  Rev.,  54 

Klonegar,  Eleanor,  or  Moir,  210 

Klonegar,  John  Campbell,  210 

Knapp,  ( ),  or  Moir,  190 

Knowles  of  Logierieve,  43 

Knowlly,  Janet,  43 

KnowUy,  John,  43 

Knox,  Ann,  or  Moir,  172 

Kyninmonde,  Mathew,  bishop,  298 

Labouchere,  Miss,  378 

Ladenberger,  Charles  H.,  265 
Ladenberger,  Florence  D.,  or  Moir,         265 

Laing,  Elizabeth,  127 
Laing,  Patrick,                                     132,  134 

Lamb,  Ihon,  67 

Lamb,  Jean,  or  Moir,  43 

Lamprey,  Laura,  or  Moir,  213 

Lang,  James,  258 

Lang,  Margaret,  or  Moir,  258 

Lapslie,  George,  89 

Laraway,  Eleanor,  or  More,  200 

Largg,  George,  48 

Laurier,  Annie,  or  Noel,  194 

Laurier,  John  E.,  194 

Law,  John,  73 

Lawman,  Agnes,  or  Moir,  61 

Lawrence,  Ann,  or  Moir,  308 

Lawrance,  Elliot,  365 

Lawrance,  James,  365 

Lawrence,  Jessie,  308 

Lawrance,  John,  398 
Lawrance,  Robert  Murdoch, 
12,  39,  51,  55,  95,  98,  99,  105,  112,  113,  291, 
296,  298,  305.  307,  310,  312,  337,  341,  346, 
347,  349,  359,  364,  374,  375,  378,  380,  381, 
398,  399. 

Lawrance,  Robert  Scott,  391 

Lawrence,  Thomas,  Sir,  P.  R.  A.,  398 

Lawrance,  Walter,  365 

Lawrence,  Isabella,  or  Moir,  168 


I.eckie,  John,  of  Lcckio, 
Ledirioch,  John, 
Leach,  Joliu, 
Ix'KKutl,  E.  O.  E., 
Leighton,  A., 
Ixiishman,  Dr., 
Leitch,  Alexander,  Rov., 
Leith,  John, 
Lcilh,  Margaret  Mary, 
Leky,  Murdoch  do, 
Lenfesty,  Judith,  or  Moir, 
Le  Moir,  Charles  A., 
Lennox,  earl  of, 
Lennox,  Joan, 
Lenox,  Helen,  or  Moir, 
Lenox,  Jane,  or  Moir, 
Leonard,  Frances, 
Leonard,  Mary,  or  Moir, 
Leonard,  .Sampson, 
Lermonth,  John,  Sir, 
Leslie,  Alexander, 
Leslie,  George, 
Leslie,  James,  Dr., 
Leslie,  John,  Jr.,  1659, 
Le.slye,  Janet, 
Leven,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 
Leslie,  John, 
Lidderdale,  Miss. 
Lidderdale,  Mrs., 
Ligen,  Laura  S.,  or  Moir, 
Ligen,  Robert  C, 
Ligertwood,  John, 
Lightly,  Charles  James, 
Lillie,  Alexander, 
Linall,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir, 
Li  nail,  Harry, 
Lindsay,  Alexander, 
Lindsay,  David,  Sir, 
Linds.ay,  Patrick, 
Lindsay,  Rudolphus, 

Littel,  ( ),  or  Moir, 

Livingstone,  David,  Dr., 

Livingstoun,  Alexander, 

Loch,  Frances  Erskine,  R.  N., 

Loch,  George, 

Logan,  William, 

London,  lord  mayor  of, 

Long,  Henry, 

Longmans.  Green,  &  Co., 

Lord  de  Tours, 

Lorn,  black  knight  of, 

Lowndes- Yates,  Esther  Anne  Malabar, 

or  Moir,  125 

Lowndes- Yates,  William,  125 

Lumsden,  Amias,  or  Moir,  43 

Lumsden,  Jean,  or  Moir,  312 

Lumsden,  John,  388 

Lyle,  James,  234 

Lyle  Mary,  or  Moir,  191,  198 

Lyon,  Alexander,  127 

Lyon,  Belle,  or  Moir,  212 

Lyon,  Wallace  L.,  212 

MacAdam,  Mr.,  255 

MacAlUster.  Anna,  or  Moir,  167 

MacAllister,  John,  167 

Macandrew,  Donald  M.,  115 
MacArthur,  Grizzall,  or  Moir,          232,  236 

Macbeth,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir,  176 

MacBrayne,  David,  394 

MacDonald,  Andrew,  338 

MacDonald,  Catherine,  253 

MacDonald.  John,  238 

MacDonald.  John  Murdoch,  222 

Macdougals  of  Lorn,  322 

MacEwan,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir,  233 

MacFarlane,  Grace,  or  Moir,  236 

MacFarlane,  John,  236 

MacGregors,  family  of,  280 

Maclnnes,  John  C,  239 

Macintosh,  Andrew,  254 

Macintosh,  Catherine,  or  Moir,  183 

Macintosh,  Ernest  Graham,  170 















62,  232 








48,  152 






























MOIR  Geneai^ogy 

Macintosh,  Frances  Alice, 
Macintosh,  James, 
Macintosh,  James  Archibald, 
Macintosh,  Jennie,  or  Moir, 
Maclntyre,  Mary,  or  Moir, 
Maclntyre,  Peter, 
MacKay,  Adam,  Rev., 
MacKellar,  Matilda,  or  Moir, 
Mackenzie,  ( ), 


MacKenzie,  Isabel,  or  Moir, 
MacKenzie,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 

147,  151,  371 

Mackenzie,  Mrs.  302 
MacKenzie,  Robert,                           112,  113 

Mackde,  Jean,  or  Moir,  46 

MacKinnon,  Isabel,  253 

MacKinnon,  William,  Sir,  339 

Mackisone,  James,  71 

MacLaren,  Archibald,  244 

MacLaren,  Catherine,  244 

MacLaren,  Elizabeth,  or  Garland,  244 

MacLaren,  James,  244 

MacLaren,  Mary,  244 

MacLaren,  Nicol,  232 

MacLaren,  Robert,  244 

MacLarty,  Alexander,  252 

MacLarty,  Annie,  252 

MacLarty,  Duncan,  252 

MacLarty,  Edward,  252 

MacLarty,  Florence,  252 
MacLarty,  Isabella,  or  Moir,           252,  325 

MacLarty,  John,  252 

MacLarty,  John  D.,  252 

MacLarty,  Lionel,  252 

MacLarty,  Margaret,               ""  252 

MacLarty,  Marion,  252 

MacLarty,  Martha,  252 

MacLarty,  Thelma,  252 

MacLarty,  William,  252 

Maclehose  &  Sons,  J.,  375 

MacLeod,  ( ),  108 

MacLeod,  clan,  23 

MacLeod,  Flora,  or  Mure,  355 

MacLeod,  John,  355 

MacLeod,  of  MacLeod,  392 

MacLeod,  Roderick  or  Rorie,  392 
MacLeod,  Walter,  Rev., 

12,  58,  66,  75,  77,  78,  79,  82,  87,  88,    89, 

100, 128 

MacNicol,  Alexander,  238 

MacNicol,  Archibald,  238 

MacNicol,  Archibald,  Jr.,  238 

MacPhail,  Catherine,  253 

MacPherson,  Christian,  or  Moir,  211 
MacPherson,  Duncan,                        232,  234 

MacPherson,  Jane,  or  Moir,  267 

MacPherson,  John,  211 

MacPherson,  Mr.,  243 

MacPherson,  Rebecca,  253 
MacQueen,  Janet,  73,  235 
MacQueen,  John,                               232,  235 

Macraw,  Alexander,  111 

MacRewar,  Ihon,  66 

MacRison,  Ihon,  66 

MacRitchie,  David,  C.  A.,  398 

Magibbon,  Andro,  66 

Maiden,  Esther,  or  Moir,  223 

Maiden,  James,  223 

Main,  David,  271 

Main,  Susan,  or  Moir,  271 

Mair,  Helen,  127 

Mair,  James,  374 
Maitland-Heriot,  Margaret  Louisa,         218 

Maitland,  George,  Mrs.,  274 

Makertoiu-,  Ihon,  67 
Makeinsh,  Ihon,                                       67,  68 

Makeinsh,  William,  67 

Makisoune,  James,  70 

Malcolm,  Alexander,  308 

Malcobn,  Andrew  Moir,  308 

Malcolm,  Constance  Nisbet,  308 
Malcolm,  earl  of  Lennox,                    32,  276 

Malcolm,  king.  181 

Maltman,  Andrew,  91 

Maltman,  Agnes,  or  Moir,  92' 

Maltman,  Margaret,  91 

Maltman,  WUham,  91 

Manderville,  ( ),  188 

ManderviUe,  Mary,  or  Moir,  188 
Mar.  John,  earl  of,                     143,  334,  400' 

Marjoribanks,  Janet,  or  Moir,  78 

Marr,  Mary,  180 

Marshall,  John,  74 

Marshall,  Jtilian,  378 

MarshaU,  William,  392 
Martin,  Carolina  Virginia,  or  Moir,         193 

Martin,  Thomas  S.,  193 

Maroney,  Daisy,  196 
Masson,  professor,                      322,  330,  331 

Masten,  EUa,  197 

Matheson,  IssobeU,  or  Moir,  49 

Matheson,  Mr.,  275 

Mathieson,  James,  161 

Matthews,  Isabella,  178 

Maule,  WUliam,         ,  81 

Maxwell,  ( ),  268 

Maxwell,  EUzabeth,  78,  87,  88 

MaxweU,  Herbert,  Sir,  275,  284 

MaxweU,  WeUwood,  53,  299 

MaxweU,  William,  99,  294 

Maxwell,  William,  Jr.,  53 

Maxwell,  Winnifred  Edith,  284 

McAdame,  Roger,  352 

Mc( ),  Alexander,  62 

McAlpine,  Janet,  78 

McAdrie,  Murdoch,  71 

McArthur,  Ann,  or  Moir,  80 

McArthur,  Archibald,  73 

McArthur,  Grizzall,  or  Moir,  75 
McArthur,  Janet,  or  Dnimmond,        88,  89 

McArthur,  Janet,  or  Moir,  62 

McCaUum,  High,  301 

McCallum,  John,  301 

McConachie,  Jane,  180 

McCarter,  N.,  or  Moir,  262 

McCleUan,  Robert,  61 

McCrae,  EHzabeth  Wilson  Thorn,  173 

McCrae,  Elsie,  173 

McCrae,  Frederic,  173- 

McCrae,  Mary,  174 

McCrae,  William  Moir,  173 

McCrary,  Minnie,  or  Moir,  193 

McCrary,  Thomas  Witt,  193 

McCruer,  Archibald,  72 

McCruer,  Dorothy,  72 

McCuUie,  George,  79' 

McCiulloch,  Helen,  73 

McCuUoch,  James,  73 

McCulloch,  Robert,  62 

McCullough,  Sandy,  394 

McCully,  Jean,  73 

McCurdy,  Jean,  245 

McDonald,  Alexander,  290  - 

McDonald,  Jannett,  or  More,  57 

McDougall,  ( ),  veteran,  306 

McDowaU,  Rev.  P.,  334 

McElroy,  Mary,  or  Moir,  219' 

McElroy,  Joseph,  Rev.,  219 

McEwan,  Janet,                     .  ^o   11 

McEwen,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir,  63,  o4 

McEwen,  Helen,  or  Moir,  64 

McEwne,  Johne,  71 

McEwn,  ( ),  or  Moir,  64 

McEwne,  Robert,  59 

McFarlan,  Alexander,  63,  64 

McFarlan,  Andrew,  o4 

McFarland,  Agnes,  73 

McFarland,  Alexander,  73 

McFarland,  Frace,  o| 

McFarland,  James,  7d 

McFarland,  John,  7d 

McFarlan,  Duncan,  7J 

McFarlane,  Alexander,  64 
McFarlane,  Alexander,  2,                64,  77,  S6 

McFarlane,  Alexander,  3,  64 



McFarlane,  Alexander,  Jr., 


Mfil^ish,  Williann, 

91,  92 

McFarlane,  Ann, 


McLelanc,  William, 


McFarlane,  Andrew, 

73,  74,  80 

McLellan,  iHabell,  or  Moir, 


McFarlane,  Archibald, 


McLellan,  William, 


McFarlane,  Duncan, 


Mcl^!imun,  Alexander, 


McFarlane,  Grace,  or  Moir, 


McLennan,  Mary  Jane,  or  Moir, 


McFarlane,  Helen, 


McLeraii,  Nicol, 


McFarlane,  Isabel, 


McLorin,  Patrick, 


McFarlane,  .lane, 


McMartin,  Catharine,  or  Moir, 


McFarlane,  Janet, 


McMarlin,  Katie,  or  Moir, 

256.  262 

McFarlane,  John, 

73,  83 

McMullen,  Alexander  Edison, 


McFarlane,  John,  writer. 


McMulli'ii,  Calvin, 


McFarlane,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 

McMullen,  Geortje  Dewey, 



75,  76,  80 

McMullen,  Iva  Slae, 


McFarlane,  Marie, 


McMullen,  Jessie  Sarah, 


McFarlane,  Peter, 


McMullen,  Merrit  Cash, 


McFarlane,  Robert, 

72,  73,  77 

McNab,  Andro, 


McFarlane,  Sarah, 


McNabb,  Alexander, 


McFarlane,  Thomas, 


McNabb,  Ann, 


McFarlane,  William, 


McNabb,  James, 


McFarlan,  John, 

64,  74 

McNabb,  Jean, 


McFarlan,  Kathrine, 


McNabb,  Margaret, 


McFarlan,  Katherine,  2, 


McNabb,  William, 

91,  92 

McFarlan,  Margaret, 


McNab,  ( ),  or  Moir, 


McFarlan,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 


McNab,  Peter, 


McFarlan,  Robert, 

61,  64 

McNab,  Robert, 


McFarlan,  Stephen, 


McNaire,  James, 


McFarlan,  Thomas, 


McNee,  John, 


McFarlan,  Walter, 


McNewar,  Ihon, 


McFayden,  Elna, 


McPherson,  Agnes,  or  Moir, 

66,  81 

McGibbon,  Ann, 


McPherson,  Mary,  or  Moir, 


McGibbon,  Isabell, 


McQuean,  James, 


McGowane,  James, 


McQueen,  Donald, 


McGregor,  Christian,  or  Moir, 


McQueen,    Elizabeth    Livingston 


McGregor,  Ehzabeth,  or  Moir, 




McGregor,  Isabella,  or  Moir, 


McQueen,  Janet, 


McGregor,  James,  Sir, 


McQueen,  John, 


McGregor,  John, 


McQueen,  John  Duncan, 


McGregor,  Robert, 


McQueen,  Margaret, 


McGrigor,  Jean,  or  Moir, 


McQuein,  James, 


McGruther,  William, 


McRae,  Kenneth, 


McHutcheon,  ( ), 


McRewar,  ( — — ), 


McHutcheon,  Ihon, 


McUUoch,  Archibald, 


McHutcheon,  Margaret,  or  Moir 


McUUoch,  Jean, 


McHutchson,  Robert, 


McUUoch,  Joseph, 


Mclimes,  Rachel, 


McUUoch,  Robert, 


Mcintosh,  John, 


McWillie,  Thomas, 


Mclsaac,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 


Meassone,  Elspet,  or  Moir, 


Mclson,  WiUiam, 


Meassone,  Issobell,  or  Moir, 


McKaill,  Mathew, 


Meders,  John, 

116,  317 

McKaill,  Mathew,  Jr., 


Meek,  Jane, 


McKelvie,  ( ), 


Meldrum,  Alexander,  Rev., 


McKendrick,  John  Gray, 


Meldrum,  David, 


McKenzie,  Alexander, 


Mennie,  Andrew, 


McKenzie,  Andrew, 


Mennie,  Elizabeth, 


McKenzie,  Betsy, 


Mennie,  Hellen, 


McKenzie,  David, 


Menzies,  Archibald,  1627, 


McKenzie,  George  Mercer, 


Menzies,  Archibald,  2,  1647, 


McKenzie,  Isabel,  or  Moir, 


Menzies,  Mr., 


McKenzie,  Janet  Johnson, 


Mercer,  Agnes, 


McKenzie,  John, 


MeyneU,  Edith  F., 


McKenzie,  Mary, 


Mhoir,  clan. 


McKenzie,  Mary  Ann, 


Mhoir,  Mhic  GUle,  clan, 


McKenzie,  Thomas, 


Michael,  bishop  of  Dunblane, 


McKenzie,  William  Buchanan, 


Michie,  Alexander, 


McKewan,  George, 


Michie,  Charles, 


McKinlay,  John, 


Michie,  IsabeUa,  or  Moir, 


McKoy,  Ihon, 


Michie,  James, 


McKray,  Christian, 


Michie,  Jean, 


McKuinens,  Catharine, 


Middleton,  Agnes,  or  Moir, 


McLaren,  Marion,  or  Moir, 


Middleton,  John, 


McLaren,  Mary, 


Mill,  Adam, 


McLaren,  Matilda, 


Miller,  Andrew, 


McLaren,  Robert, 


Miller,  Helen  Day,  or  Gould, 


McLauchlan,  John, 


Miller,  Isabel,  or  Moir, 


McLean,  Mary,  or  Moir, 


Miller,  James, 


McLeich,  Janet,  or  Moir, 

268,  269 

MiUer,  Jean, 


McLeish,  George, 


Miller,  Patrick, 


McLeish,  Isabel, 


Miller,  Thomas, 


McLeish,  Isabel, 


MilUgan,  Agnes  Charlotte,  or  Carey,      178 

McLeish,  James, 


MiUigan,  Ann  Mary,           12,  176, 

178,  330 

McLeish,  John, 
McLeish,  Mary, 


Milligan,  Ann  Mary,  2, 



MoiR  Genealogy 

Milligan,  Catherine  Elizabeth,  or  Trail, 

177   178 

Milligan,  David  Macbeth  Moir,  '  177 

Milligan,  Emily  Moir,  or  Stewart,  178 

Milligan,  Frederick  Patterson,  178 

Milligan,  George,  Rev.,  D.  D.,  of  Elie,   177 

Milligan,  George,  Rev.,  D.  D.,  of  Glas- 

A/TM?-"^'       T       .  X.  12,  177,  393 

Milhgan,  Janet  Fraser,  its 

Milligan,  Oswald  Bell,  1 7a 

Milligan,  William,  M.  D  17s 

Milligan,  WiUiam,  Rev.,  D.  D  , 

T\T-ii-         w      „  II-  177,  393 

Milligan,  Wyndham  Anstruther.  178 

Milne,  Ada  Valentine,  169 

Milne,  Adeline  AnnabeUe  Gibson,  170 

MUne,  Agnes  Bruce,  169 

Milne,  Alexander,  1  aq 

Milne,  Alice,  Jgg 

MUne,  Andrew,  128    181 

Milne,  Ann  Moir,  or  Macintosh,  '  170 

Milne,  Edward,  X69 

Milne,  Eliza  Jane  Webster,  or  Moir,       185 

Milne,  Emma,  or  Moir,  lai 

MUne  George,  I,  119 

Milne,  George,  2,  -laa 

Milne,  George,  3,  Hq 

Milne,  Helen  Gray,  iro 

MUne,  James,  1,  J19 

MUne,  James,  2,  Igg 

Milne,  James,  3,  Igg 

Milne,  James,  4,  170 

Milne,  James  Brown.  igg 

MUne,  James  Myers  Danaon,  169 

MUne,  Jane  Ann,  1,  169 

Milne,  Jane  Ann,  2,  170 

Milne,  Jane,  or  Moir,  166 

Milne,  Janet,  or  Moir,  199 

MUne,  John,  1,  i^q 

MUne,  John  2,  Iro 

MUne.  John  M.,  250 

MUne,  John,  M.  A.,  LL.  D  ,  27^   ^41 

Milne,  John  William,  170 

MUne,  Joseph,  igg.  170 

Milne,  Josephine,  iko 

Milne,  Joseph  Reid,  ^69 

Milne,  Louisa  Smith,  I69 

MUne,  Maggie  Jane,  i  fiq 

MlUne,  Margaret,  no 

MUne,  Margaret,  2,  168 

MUne,  Margaret,  3,  I69 

MUne,  Margaret  Helen  Birnie,  169 

MUne.  Marjory  Brown,  169 

MUne,  Martha  Valentine,  169 

Milne,  Mary  A.,  or  Moir,  30Q 

MUne,  Mary  Ann,  I69 

MUne,  Mary  Pirie,  1  rq 

Milne,  Patrick,  280 

MUne,  Percy  WUliam,  170 

MUne,  Robert  I,  Tor 

MUne,  Robert  2,  17?, 

MUne,  Robert,  3,  169 

MUne,  Robert  George,  169 

MUne,  WUliam,  Hg    igg 

MUne,  WUUamina  Grant,  '  169 

MUne,  WiUiam  Gray,  169 

MUne,  WUliam  Stuart,  298 

MUngoody,  ( ),  "Muschett,"  75 

Milngoody,  Janet,  74 

Minto,  lord,  121    ^04. 

MitcheU,  (- ),  ^^'^  i'it 

MitcheU,  Alexander,  45 

MitcheU,  Alexander,  2,  ii» 

MitcheU,  Andrew,  45 

MitcheU,  Andrew,  2,  118 

MitcheU,  Andro,  5c 

MitcheU,  David,  64 

^?*<=H!'  Elizabeth,  118,  365 

^■l°^^u-  ^  }2"'  118-  365 

MitcheU,  Gilbert,  118 

MitcheU-GUl,  Andrew  John, 

l?^^V,®',^^A*2,H4,  118,  127,  130,  138, 
140,   141,   142,   143,   144,   145    146    152 
214  300  304,  316,  363,  364:373      '  '^^' 

MitcheU,  Helen,  1 1  o 

MitcheU,  Ihon,  c? 

MitcheU,  James,  rr 

MitcheU,  James,  2.  ?n 

MitcheU,  Jane,  117 

MitcheU,  Janet,  45 

MitcheU,  Jean,  77 

MitcheU,  Jean,  2,  10 

MitcheU,  John,  70 

MitcheU,  John,  2,  aR 

MitcheU,  John,  3,  75 

MitcheU,  John,  4,  77 

MitcheU,  John,  5,  no 

MitcheU,  John,  6,  74 

MitcheU,  Margaret,  118 

MitcheU,  Margaret,  or  Moir,  60  80 

MitcheU,  Margaret,  or  Moir,  2,  64 

MitcheU,  Marjorie,  4.1^ 

Mitchell,  Mary,  113 

MitcheU,  Mary  B.,  or  Moir,  308 

Mitchell,  Mrs.,  ii| 

Mitchell,  Robert,  1,  of  Sauchens,  65 

MitcheU,  Robert,  2,  vintner,  m 

MitcheU,  Robert,  of  Dulate,  65 
MitcheU,  Thomas,  Jr.,  provost, 

1659,  45^  47 

MitcheU,  Thomas,  baiUie,  m.  1665  '  45 

MitcheU,  Thomas,  2,  Uster,  1681,  48 

MitcheU,  Thomas,  3,  in  Doune,  61 

MitcheU,  Thomas,  4,  witness,  75 
^•^°u®n'  Thomas,  5,  burgess,           136,  137 

Mitchell,  Thomas,  6,  witness,  144 

MitcheU,  Thomas,  7,  merchant,  287 

Mitchell,  Walter,  54 

MitcheU,  Walter,  2.  118 

Mitchell,  Walter,  witness,  70 

MitcheU,  William,  1,  1626,  67 

MitcheU,  WiUiam,  2,  1643,  53 

MitcheU,  WUUam,  3,  1664,  45 

MitcheU,  WUUam,  4,  1736,  118 

MitcheU.  WUliam,  5,  m.  1701,  365 
MitcheU,  WUliam,  6,  merchant,  d. 

1816,  364 

MitscheU,  Ihon,  66   67 

MitscheU,  Jhon,  '  68 

Moare,  Johne,  1654,  287 

Moar,  Mr.,  39 

Moers,  Edmund,  Jr.,  26 

Moirsone,  George,  45 

Moirsone,  George,  Utster,  45 

Moirsone,  John,  45 

Moirsone,  Robert,  45 

MoUesone,  Thomas,  288 

Monroe  of  Culcairn,  108 

Monteith,  Robert,  242 
Montgomerie,  Agnes,  or  Moir,         114,  115 

Montgomerie,  Robert,  115 

Montgomery,  Agnes,  or  Moir,  317 
Montgomery,  Anne,                            279,  280 

Montgomery,  Jane,  238 

Montgomery-Moir,  George,  280 

Montgomery,  Robert,  116 

Montgomery,  Walter,  Sir,  279 

Monteath,  Mary,  or  Moir,  81 

Monteith,  Alexander,  70 

Montrose,  earl  of,  282 
Montrose,  marquis  of,                        282,  364 

Moodie,  Helen,  or  Moir,  226 

Moor.  Alexander  A.  M.,  Litr.,  39 

Moor,  Alexander,  1,  56,  96 

Moor,  Alexander,  2,  buikmaker,  96 

Moor,  Alexander,  3,  in  Montrose,  96 

Moor,  Alexander,  Jr.,  96 

Moor,  Andrew,  of  Edinburgh,  56 

Moor,  Benjamin,  55 

Moore,  Blandford  Forum,  381 

Moore,  Charles,  380 

Moore,  Charles,  Hon.,  3S1 



Moore,  Charles,  Hon.,  (lord  Tullamorc.) 

Moore,  Charles,  Sir, 

Moore,  Dr., 

Moore,  John,  Dr.,  of  Stirling, 

Moore,  William,  Dr., 

Moore,  earl  of, 

Moore,  Edward  Loftus, 

Moore,  family  of, 

Moore,  F.,  licut.-gen., 

Moore,  F.,  Mrs., 

Moore,  Fowke,  Rev., 

Moore,  Frances  Moore, 

Moore,  general, 

Moore,  George  James, 

Moore,  Gordon, 

Moore,  Harriett, 

Moore,  Henricus, 

Moore,  Henry, 

Moore,  Henry  William, 

Moore,  J.  C, 

Moore,  Johannes, 

Moore,  John,  1, 

Moore,  John,  2, 

Moore,  John,  3, 

Moore,  John,  Dr.,  of  London, 

Moore,  John,  Sir. 

18,  20,  212,  356,  362,  363, 
Moor,  Elizabeth, 
Moore,  lord, 
Moore,  Elizabeth,  Mrs., 
Moore,  Nathl.  F., 
Moore  of  Corsewall, 
Moore,  of  Langley  Lodge, 
Moore,  Pierce, 
Moore,  Ponsonby, 
Moore,  Ponsonby  William, 
Moore,  Rev., 
Moore,  Rev.  Dr., 
Moore,  Richard, 
Moore,  Richd.,  LL.  B., 
Moore,  Samuel, 
Moore,  Step., 
Moore,  Thomas, 
Moore,  Thomas,  Sir, 
Moore,  Will., 
Moore,  William, 
Moore,  William  Cameron. 
Moore.  William  John, 
Moore,  William,  Rev.- 
Moore,  William,  Sir, 
Moor,  family  of, 
Moor,  George, 
Moor,  Henry  Isaac, 
Moor,  Jacobus, 
Moor,  Margaret, 
Moor,  Nathaniel, 
Moor,  professor. 
Moors  of  Corsewell, 
Mora,  William,  de, 

Moray,  ( ), 

Moray,  earl  of, 

Moray,  William, 

Mor,  Cailean, 

More,  Adeline, 

More,  Abaigil, 

More,  Abigail,  2, 

More,  Abijah,  first  lieut., 

More,  Abner,  captain. 

More,  Abraham, 

More,  Adam,  de  la. 

More,  Adam,  knight, 

More,  Ade, 

More,  Agnes, 

More,  Agnes,  2, 

More,  Alexander,   clothier, 

More,  Alexander,    1, 

More,  Alexander,  2, 

More,  Alexander,  3, 

More,  Alexander,  4, 

More,  Alexander,  5, 

More,  Alexander,  6, 

More,  Alexander,  7, 

32,  33 

44,  47, 


























































More,  .\lozandor,  8, 

Mori',  Alcxiin<li-r,  9, 

More.  .Mi-.X!i[i(|cT,   10, 

Mr<rc,  .McxuikIit,  1 1, 

Atiirc,  .Mcx:iii(lir,  12, 

More,  AIcxiiikIit,  |;(, 

Mori',  Ali^xiiiidiT,  11, 

More,  .MfXiindiT,  I. I. 

More,  Alcxuiidor  Taylor, 

Moro,  Ali'xaiidri, 

More,  Andri'w, 

More,  .\iidrcw,  2, 

More,  Aiidri-w  3, 

More,  .\ndrcw,  4, 

More,  Andrtnv,  5, 

More,  .\ll(;n, 

More,  Angus, 

More,  Ann, 

More,  AppoUw, 

More,  .\rchelaus. 

More,  A.sohel, 

More,  Barbara, 

More,  Batholomew, 

More,  Benjamin, 

More,  Benjamin,  sergt., 

More,  Bessie, 

More,  Cambridge, 

More,  captain. 

More,  Caroline, 

More,  Catherine, 

More,  Catlierine  Louiaa, 

More,  Cathrine, 

More,  Charles, 

More,  Charles,  2, 

More,  Charlotte,  or  Neale, 

More,  Christian,  1, 

More,  Christian,  2, 

More,  Christian,  3, 

More,  Christian,  4, 

More,  Comfort, 

More,  Content, 

More,  Crombie, 

More,  Daniel, 

More,  Daniel,  2, 

More,  David,  1, 

More,  David,  2, 

More,  David,  3, 

More,  David,  4, 

More,  David,  5, 

More,  David  F., 

^lore  de  Belhelvie,  Patrick, 

More,  Duncan, 

More,  Ebenezer,  1, 

More,  Ebenezer,  2, 

More.  Edmnnd, 

More,  Edward,  1, 

More,  Edward,  2, 

More,  Edward,  3, 

More,  Edward,  4, 

RIore,  Edward  Livingstone, 

More,  Elizabeth,  1, 

More,  Elizabeth,  2, 

More,  Elizabeth,  3, 

More,  Elizabeth,  4, 

More,  Elizabeth,  5, 

More,  Elizabeth,  6, 

More,  Elizabeth,  7, 

More,  Elizabeth,  8, 

More,  Elizabeth,  queen. 

More,  Elias, 

More,  Elijah, 

^lore,  Elijah,  2, 

More,  Elijah,  3, 

More,  Elkins, 

More,  Elspet, 

More,, 'Enoch, 

More,  Enoch,  2, 

More,  Enoch,  Jr., 

More,  Erdine, 

More,  Ezra, 

Store,  family  of. 










201.  205 













































21,  23.  33 






More,  Fergus, 

56,  200,  201,  202.  203.  358 


MoiR  Geneai,ogy 

More,  Finley, 


More,  Jean,  2, 


More,  Frances  Watson, 


More,  Jean,  3, 


More,  Francis, 


More,  Jean,  or  dark, 


More,  Francis, '2, 


More,  Jean,  or  Smith, 


More,  Francis,  3, 


More,  Jean,  or  Symmers, 


More,  Frederick, 


More,  John,  1, 


More,  Ga\dn, 


More,  John,  2, 


More,  George,  1, 


More,  John,  3, 


More,  George,  2, 


More,  John,  4, 


More,  George,  3, 


More,  John,  5, 


More,  George,  4, 


More,  John,  6, 


More,  George,  5, 


More,  John,  7, 


More,  George,  6, 


More,  John,  8, 


More,  George,  7, 


More,  John,  9, 


More,  George,  8, 

45,  297 

More,  John,  10, 


More,  George,  9, 


More,  John,  11, 


More,  George,  major. 


More,  John,  12, 


More,  George,  of  Aberdeen, 

306,  312 

More,  John,  13, 


More,  George,  of  Ralden, 


More,  John,  14, 


More,  George,  of  Virginia, 


More,  John,  15, 


More,  Gideon, 


More,  John,  in  Gellen, 


More,  Gilbert,  1, 


More,  John,  Jr., 


More,  Gilbert  2, 


More,  John,  Jr.,  2, 


More,  Gilbert,  3, 


Motk},  John.  m.  1655, 


More,  Gilbert,                            16,  22 

,  34,  358 

More,  John,  m.  1660, 


More,  Gilchrist,  Sir, 


More,  John,  m.  1770, 

More,  Gregor, 


200,  202,  203,  204,  205, 

312,  396 

More,  Grizel, 


More,  John,  m.  1736, 


Jilore,  Hannah,  authoress, 


More,  John,  merchant. 


More,  Hannah,  2, 


More,  John,  2,  merchant. 


More,  Harriet  Louisa, 


More,  John,  1.  of  Barbadoes, 


More,  Harriet  May, 


More,  John,  2,  of  Barbadoes, 


More,  Harriott  Mary, 


More,  John,  of  BiUerica, 


More,  Helen, 


More,  John,  of  Boston, 


More,  Helen,  of  Ralden, 


More,  John,  of  Braintree, 

26,  29 

Moir,  Helen,  or  Gloag, 


More,  John,  of  Cairnhill, 


More,  Henrie, 


Moir,  John,  of  Durham, 


More,  Henry  1, 


More,  John,  of  Forres, 


More,  Henrj',  2, 


More,  John,  of  Glasgow, 


More,  Henry  3, 


More,  John,  of  Keith  Hall, 


More,  Henry,  4, 


More,  John,  of  Kittery, 


More,  Henry,  5, 


More,  John,  of  Mendon, 


More,  Hugh  James, 


More,  John,  1,  of  New  England, 


More  in  Devon, 


More,  John,  2,  of  New  England, 


More  in  Hereford, 


More,  John,  of  Roxbury, 


More  in  Norfolk, 


More,  John,  of  Sudbury, 


More  in  Shropshire, 


More,  John,  of  Virginia, 


More,  in  Strathdee, 


Moir,  John,  of  Virginia, 


More,  in  Worcester, 


More,  John,  Rev.,  of  Cairneyhill, 


More,  Isaac,  1, 


More,  John,  student. 


More,  Isaac,  2, 


More,  John,  1,  soldier. 


More,  Jacob. 


More,  John,  2,  soldier, 


More,  James,  1, 


More,  John,  3,  soldier, 


More,  James,  2, 


More,  John,  4,  soldier. 


More,  James,  3, 


More,  John,  5,  soldier. 


More,  James,  4, 


More,  John,  6,  soldier, 


More,  James,  5, 


More,  John,  7.  soldier, 

.    31 

More,  James,  6, 


More,  John,  8,  soldier. 


More,  James,  7, 


More,  John,  9,  soldier. 


More,  James,  8, 


More,  John,  10,  soldier, 


More,  James,  9. 


More,  John,  11,  soldier, 


More.  James,  10, 


More,  John,  1,  witness. 


More,  James,  11, 


More,  John,  2,  witness. 


More,  James,  12, 


More,  John,  3,  witness. 


More,  James,  13, 


More,  John,  4,  witness. 


More,  James,  14, 


More,  Jonadah, 


More,  James,  15, 


More,  John  Taylor, 


More,  James,  16, 


More,  John,  treasurer. 


More,  James  II.,  of  Stoneywood, 


More,  John  WiUiam,  M.  A., 


More,  James  III.,  of  Stoneywood, 


More,  Jonas, 


More,  James  IV.,  of  Stoneywood, 

More,  Jonathan,  of  Boston, 


111,  227,  305, 

364,  371 

More,  Jonathan,  soldier. 


More,  James  William,  M.  A., 


More,  Jonathan,  2,  soldier, 


More,  Jane, 


More,  Jonathan,  3,  soldier. 


More,  Janet,  1, 


More,  Jonathan,  5,  soldier. 


More,  Janet,  2, 


More,  Joseph,  of  Boston, 


More,  Janet,  3, 


More,  Joseph,  2nd  heut., 


More,  Janet,  4, 


More,  Joseph,  sergt., 


More,  Janet,  5, 


More,  Joseph,  1,  soldier. 


Moir,  Janet,  of  PoLkeUie, 


More,  Joseph,  2,  soldier. 


More,  Jasper  1, 


More,  Joshua,  captain. 


Moir,  Jasper,  2, 


More,  Josiah,  2nd  lieut., 


Moir,  Jean,  1, 


MoiR  Genealogy 


More,  Joshua,  drummer,  31 

More,  Josiah,  1,  soldier,  31 

More,  Josiah,  2,  soldier,  31 

More,  Josiah,  3,  soldier,  31 

More,  Josiah,  3,  soldier,  31 

More,  Josiah,  4,  soldier,  31 

More,  Josiah,  5,   soldier,  31 

More,  King,  soldier,  31 

More,  Kirley,  soldier,  31 

More,  Launcelot  Paxton,  41 

More,  Laura  Octavia,  3G7 

More,  Lawson,  soldier,  31 

More,  lieut.  col.,  soldier,  31 

More,  Loarn,  23 

More,  Lodovic,  56 

More,  Luke,  soldier,  31 

More,  MacCallum,  21,  23 

Moir,  Margaret,  1,  1663,  47 

Moir,  Margaret,  2,  1G90,  24 

Moir,  Margaret,  3,  1695,  110 

More,  Margaret,  4,  1743,  56 

More,  Margaret  Battison,  M.  A.,  39 

More,  Margaret,  or  Gordon,  289 

More,  Mark,  soldier,  31 

More,  Mary  1.,  56 

More,  Mary  2,  29 

More,  Mary,  3,  26 

More,  Mary,  or  Gould,  205 

More,  Miss,  312 

More,  Miss,  of  Edinburgh,  380 

More,  Moses,  soldier,  31 

More,  Mr.,  386 

More,  Mrs.,  of  Aberdeen,  305 

Moir,  Mrs.,  of  New  England,  26 

More,  Nathan,  soldier,  31 

More  Obadiah,  soldier,  31 

More  of  Aberlour,  24 

More  of  Forres,  23 

More  of  Larden,  366 

More,  of  Linley,  366 

More,  ( ),  of  Mansfield,  28 

More  of  Polkellie,  16 

More  of  Strathavon,  23 

More  of  Surrey,  396 

More,  Olivia,  367 

More,  Patrick,  baillie,  44 

More,  Patrick,  burgess,  95 

More,  Paxton  St.  Clair,  41 

More,  Peter,  24 

More,  Peter,  of  St.  George,  28 

More,  Perez,  soldier,  31 

More,  Poynings,  Sir,  396 
More,  Ranald,                                      33,  351 

More,  Rebecca,  of  Charlestown,  26,  29 

More,  Rebecca,  29 

More,  Reginald,  de  la,  22 

More,  Reginald,  32 

More,  Reginald,  Sir,  358 

More,  Reuben,  1,  soldier,  31 

More,  Reuben,  2,  soldier,  31 

More,  Reuben,  3,  soldier,  32 

More,  Richard,  1620,  27 

More,  Richard,  1627,  367 

More,  Richard,  de  la,  366 

More,  Richard,  M.  B.,  C.  M.,  39 

More,  Richard,  of  New  England,  28 

More,  Richard,  soldier,  32 

More,  Robert,  1,  76 
More,  Robert,  2,                                128,  366 

More,  Robert,  3,  1622,  28 

More,  Robert,  4,  1655,  45 

More,  Robert,  5,  1668,  47 

More,  Robert,  6,  1678,  128 

More,  Robert,  7,  1703,  362 

More,  Robert,  8,  1726,  56 

More,  Robert,  9,  1736,  29 
More,  Robert,  10,  1772. 

29,  44,  45,  47,  56,  201 

More,  Robert,  11,  1785,  367 

Moir,  Robert  Bridgeman,  367 

More,  Robert  Henry  Gayer,  367 

More,  Robert,  m.  1647,  44 

More,  Roderick,  or  Rorie,  392 

More,  RoVwsrt  JoHpnr,  387 

More,  Hi.lxTl,  of  Mor«",  307 

More,  l{i)l»Tt,  of  VirKJiua,  IW 

Mor.-,  Holxrt,  .Sir.  128.  .Iflfl.  300 

More,  l{(.l)crtij.M,  .W7 

More,  Uoiiuld,  17.  19.  21 

More,  Kiilh,  'M 

More,  Uulh  .Stanley,  20 

More,  S.,  30fi 

Mor<s  Samuel,  I.  28 

More.  .Siiriuicl.  2.  20 

Mor*!,  Siimui-1,  3.   soldier.  33 

More,  .Siitnucl.  4,  Boldier,  33 

More,  Samuel,  5,  888 

More,  Sara.  38 

More,  Surah,  1,  38 

More,  Sarah,  2,  30 

More,  .Sural,  30 

More,  Sila.s,  soldier,  33 

More,  Simon,  soldier,  32 

More,  Adam,  Sir,  21.  22 

Mores,  John,  07 

Mores,  Marjorie,  or  TbompBon,  4** 

Mores  of  America,  203 

Mores  of  Caldwell,  388 

Mores  of  Ireland.  30 

Mores  of  More, 
Mores  of  Polkelly, 
Mores  of  Rowallan, 
Moreson,  Ihon, 
Moreson,  William, 
Moressoune,  MonRO, 
More,  Thomas,  1068. 
More,  Thomas,  1705, 
More,  Thomas,  1715, 
More,  Thomas,  1864, 
More,  Thomas  de  la. 
More,  Thomas,  emigrant, 
More,  Thomas,  2.  emigrant. 
More,  Thomas,  (ensign,) 
More,  Thomas  Frederick, 
More,  Thomas  Frederick,  Rev., 
More,  Thomas,  of  Bermuda, 
More,  Thomas,  of  Cheltenham, 
More,  Thoma.s,  of  Larden,  366, 

More,  Thomas,  of  Milliehope, 
More,  Thomas,  of  More  and  Larden, 

d.  1731. 
More,  Thomas,  of  Needham, 
More,  Thomaa.  of  Salem. 
More,  Thomas,  of  Virginia, 
More,  Thomas,  Sir.  of  London.  18 

More,  Thomas,  Sir,  2.  of  London, 
More,  Thomas.  1.  soldier, 
More,  Thomas.  2,  soldier. 
More,  Thomas,  3,  soldier. 
More,  Thomas,  4,  soldier. 
More,  Thomas,  5,  soldier. 
More,  Timothy,  corporal. 
More,  Timothy,  soldier. 
More,  T.  J.  of  Dorchester. 
More,  Walter, 
More,  Willard,  major, 
More,  Willard,  .soldier, 
More,  William,  1491, 
More.  William,  1623, 
More.  William,  1688, 
More.  William,  burgess. 
More,  William,  captain. 
More.  William,  corporal, 
More.  William,  Dr., 
More.  William,  Dr.,  2, 
More,  Williiim,  Dr.,  3, 
More,  William,  Jr., 
More,  William.  Jr.,  2, 
More,  William,  juror,  16S6, 
More,  William,  m.  1723, 
More,  William,  m.  172tt. 
More,  William.  Jnd.  lieut., 
More,  William,  of  AU-rcorn,        33.  3-1 
More.  William,  of  Aberlour, 
More,  William,  of  Berwick, 
More,  WilUam,  of  Boston, 






























More,  William,  of  Drymaa, 


More,  William,  of  Exeter, 


More,  WUliam,  of  Glasgow, 


More,  William,  of  Hiltone, 


More,  William,  of  InvermarMe, 


More,  William,  of  Virginia, 


More,  William,  of  York  River, 


More,  William,  Sir, 


More,  William,  Sir,  2, 


Moir,  William,  Sir,  of  Dumfries, 


More,  WUliam,  1,  soldier, 


More,  William,  2,  soldier. 


More,  William,  3,  soldier. 


More,  Wniiam,  4,  soldier. 


More,  William,  4,  soldier, 


More,  WUliam,  5,  soldier, 


More,  William,  son  of  Enoch, 


More,  William,  Sr., 


More,  Willielmus, 


More,  Jebulon, 


Morison,  David, 


Morisoune,  Thomas, 


Morris,  Helen,  or  Moir, 


Morrison,  Alexander, 


Morrison,  Annie, 


Morrison,  Barbara,  or  Moir, 

160,  161 

Morrison,  Charles, 


Morrison,  Christina,  or  Moir, 


Morrison,  Donald  John, 


Morrison,  Duncan, 


Morrison,  Duncan  Archibald, 


Morrison,  Effie, 


Morrison,  Elsie, 


Morrison,  Finley, 


Morrison,  Flora, 


Morrison,  Francis, 


Morrison,  George, 


Morrison,  George  Alexander, 


Morrison,  Isabel  Margaret, 


Morrison,  James,  1672, 


Morrison,  James,  2, 


Morrison,  James,  Jr., 


Morrison,  Jean,  or  Moir, 


Morrison,  Jean,  or  Moir,  2, 


Morrison,  Jessie,  or  Moir, 


Morrison,  Maggie  Charlotte, 


Morrison,  Malcolm, 


Morrison,  Margaret, 


Morrison,  Mary,  or  Moir, 


Morrison,  Nathaniel  Holmes,  LL. 

D.,       13 

Morrisons  of  Preston  Grange, 


Morrison,  WUham  Moir, 


Morris,  J.  T.,  Rev., 


MorveU,  Robert, 


Morisone,  Mongo, 


Moseley,  Mr., 


Moss,  EUzabeth,  or  Moir, 


Mour,  Peeter, 


Mowat,  James, 


Moyhill,  Andro, 


Moyre,  family  of. 


Moyre,  Patrick, 


Muckle,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 


Mueros,  family  of. 


Muir,  Alexander, 


Muir,  Alexander,  of  Loirston, 

97,  306 

,  307,  374 

Muir  and  Allen, 


Muir,  Andrew, 


Muir,  Ann  GUrye, 


Muir,  Daniel, 


Muir,  family  of, 


Muir,  George, 


Muir,  George  Falconer, 


Muir,  George,  of  Slains, 


Muir,  Georgius, 


Muirhead,  Agnes,  or  Moir, 


Muirhead,  Mathew, 


Muir,  James,  1684, 


Muir,  James,  of  Dunblane, 


Muir,  John,  1768, 


Muir,  John,  Dr., 


Muir,  John,  geologist,  etc.. 


Muir,  John,  of  Alexandria,  268,  269 

Muir,  John,  of  Anistoun,  356 

Muir,  John,  of  Auchindrain,  376 

Muir,  John,  of  RowaUan,  392 

Muir,  of  CaldweU,  22,  351,  358 

Muir,  of  Cassencary,  381 

Muir,  of  Deanstown,  385 

Muir  of  Riccarton,  357 

Muir  (or  More),  Adam,  Sir, 

16,  20,  21,  22,  33,  34,  352 
Muir  (or  More),  GUchrist,  Sir, 

16,  351.  352,  356 
Muir,  Patrick, 
Muir,  Patrick  KUgour, 
Muir,  Robert,  A.  M., 
Muir,  Robert,  Mrs., 
Muir,  Robert,  of  Glasgow, 
Muir,  Robert,  of  Kilmarnock, 
Muirs  (or  Mores),  of  Rowallan, 

16,  17,  20,  21,  22,    351,    352,    353,    354, 
355,  356,  357,  358 
Muir,  Suasn,  Liverpool, 
Muir,  Thomas,  of  Cheltenham, 
Muir,  WUlham,  of  Glanderston,  1682, 
MiUligan,  John, 
MuUigan,  John,  Rev., 
Munroe,  Agnes  EUa, 
Munroe,  George  Moir, 
Munroe,  Richard, 
Muru-o,  Ethel  Coutts, 
Munroe,  WiUiam, 
Murdoch,  Alexander, 
Murdoch,  Anna,  or  Moir, 
Murdoch,  Archibald,  1720, 
Murdoch,  Archibald,  1762, 
Murdoche,  Elspet, 
Murdoche,  Ihon, 
Murdoche,  John, 
Murdoch,  Mary  Ann, 
Murdoch,  Robert, 
Murdoch,  Robert,  1720, 
Murdochston,  Andro, 
Murdochston,  Archibald, 
Murdoch,  William, 
Mure,  Alexander, 
Mure,  Andrew, 
Mure,  Archibald, 
Mure,  baron. 
Mure,  colonel. 
Mure,  Elizabeth, 
Mure,  family  of. 
Mure,  Gilchrist, 
Mure,  GuUiehnus, 
Mure,  Isabell, 
Mure,  Jacobus,  A.  M., 
Mure,  James, 
Mure,  James,  2, 
Mure,  James,  earl  of  Loudoun, 
Mure,  Janet, 

Mure,  Jean  Boyle,  or  CampbeU, 
Mure,  Jean,  countess, 
Mure,  John, 
Mure,  John,    1539 
Mure,  Margaret, 
Mure,  Mungo, 
Mure  of  CaldweU, 
Mure  of  RowaUan, 
Mure,  Robert, 
Mures,  famUy  of, 
Mures  of  CaldweU, 
Mures  of  RowaUan, 
Mure,  WUUam,  1616, 
Mure,  William,  captain. 
Mure,  WUliam,  Sir,  1657, 

18,  351,  352,  354,  376 
Mure,  WUUam,  Sir,  of  CaldweU,  1857,  18 
Murison,  Elspeth,  Alexandra,  175 

Murison,  fanaUy  of,  356 

Murison,  Frank  Irvine,  174 

Murison,  George  R.,  Rev.,  174 

Murison,  Isabella  Heriot  Gordon,  175 

Murison,  Jeannie  Moir,  174 

Murison,  Margaret  Irvine,  174 













62,  79,  232 

62,  63,  73 

63,  73 


58,  67,  69,  79 

69,  79 











351,  391 









34,  353,  358 




20,  389 

352,  353 

358,  362,  377 

351,  358,  362 

351,  353,  355 


MoiR  Ghnhalogy 


Murison,  Mary  Irvine,  174 

Murray,  Alexander,  47 

Murray,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir.  176 

Murray,  CJeorge,  260 

Murray,  George  Wilfred,  260 
Murray,  Isabella,  or  Moir, 

234,  256,  201,  202 

Murray,  James,  234,  250,  200 

Murray,  James,  2,  261 

Murray,  James  Ross  Gillespie,  200 

Murray,  Jane,  200,  200 

Murray,  Jean,  47 

Murray,  John,  47 

Murray,  John  Grant,  260 

Murray,  Lawrence  McCheyne,  260 

Murray,  Margaret,  or  Moir,  266 

Murray,  Maurice,  351 

Murray,  Mr.,  65 

Murray,  Robert,  234,  256 

Murray,  Robert,  2,  266 

Murray,  Robert,  3,  382 

Murray,  Robert  McCheyne,  260 

Murray,  Robert  Wellesley,  260 

Murray,  Thomas,  260 

Muschet,  David,  1643,  70 

Muschet,  George,  "MiJngoody"  75 

Muschett,  James,  68 

Muschet,  NicoU,  58 

Musgrave,  William,  Sir,  296 

Mutch,  ( ),  121 

Mytton,  Harriett,  or  More,  367 

Mytton,  Thomas,  367 

Nairne,  Caroline  Oliphant,  authoress,    390 
Napier,  Alexander,  70 

Naper,  Alexander,  69 

Napier,  ( ),  79 

Napier,  John,  34 

Napoleon  I.,  emperor,  218,  348 

Neale,  Arthur,  367 

Nelson,  Alexander,  238 

Nelson,  Alice,  257 

Newman,  ( ),  166 

Nichol,  Andrew,  120 

Nichol  of  Ballogie,  120 

Nicol,  Mary,  or  Moir,  199,  345 

Nicholson,  William  James,  54 

Nicols,  Sophia,  or  Moir, 

Nimmo,  William, 

Noel,  Anna  Wallace, 

Noel,  Charles  Wallace, 

Noel,  Clayson  Beason, 

Noel,  Helen  Moir, 

Noel,  Herbert  Moir, 

Noel,  John  Forsyth, 

Noel,  Julia  Fenwick, 

Noel,  Lotta  Margaret, 

Noel,  Moir,  Alexander, 

Noel,  Moir,  Alexander  Jr., 

Noel,  Robert  Boisseau, 

Noel,  Robert  Walker, 

Noel,  Walker  Timberlake, 

Norie,  James, 

Norie,  Robert, 

Norie,  William, 

Norquoy,  Francis  Irvine, 

Norquoy,  Jeannie  Moir  Irvine, 

Norquoy,  William  Robertson, 

Norrie,  ( -)j  or  Moir, 


Norrington,  Mary, 
Norton,  Christopher, 
Norton,  James  Christopher, 
Norton,  Louise  Latifer, 
Norton,  Martha, 
Norwall,  Robert, 
Norwell,  Robert, 

Oat,  Janet,  or  Moir,  of  Doune, 
O'Brian,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir, 
Ochiltree,  bishop, 
Oddy,  F.  Campbell, 
Officer,  Barbara,  or  Moir, 
Ogburn,  Carl  DeWitt, 


193,  194 

193,  194 

122,  132 





69,  70 


ORburn,  CharlcH  B  , 

ORburn,  Chiirlt-M  DcWitt, 

OKhuni,  font  IJiiutxth,  or  Hill, 

Olthurn,  llciilcy, 

Ogburn,  J.  Fred, 

Ogburn,  Natliunii'l, 

()rl>urri,  Hiili)h  Bi-li). 

Ogburn.  UobiTt  iMlwurd, 

Ogburn,  Uolx-rt  M, 

Ogilvic,  lord, 

C)gHtnn,  A., 

Ogston,  Alexander, 

OgHton,  JiimcM, 

OgHton,  prof.,  of  Aberdeen, 

Oliphant,  Lawrence, 

Oliver.  I{()V)ert. 

Oman,  I.subi-lia  Wood, 

O'Mores  of  Ireland, 

Ore,  James, 

Orcm,  Alexander, 

Orcm,  John, 

Orem,  Margaret. 

Orem,  Thomas,  merchant, 

Orem,  Thomas,  of  Glasgow, 

Orem,  William, 

Orr,  T.,  major-general, 

Osborne,  AHce,  or  Moir, 

Osborne,  David, 

Ote,  Harie, 

Ote,  Janet,  or  Moir,  1049, 

Ote,  Janet,  or  Moir,  1679, 

Ouston,  James, 

Ouston,  John, 

Owen,  Dorcas, 

Paip,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 
Palmer,  Mary, 
Pankhurst,  Mary,  or  Moir, 
Panton,  John, 
Panton,  Williamina, 

Parker,  ( ),  under-sheriff, 

Patershail,  Edmond  P., 

Paterson,  Alison,  or  Moir, 

Paterson,  Chrichton,  or  Moir, 

Paterson,  Isabella,  or  Moir, 

Paterson,  James, 

Paterson,  Janet,  or  Moir, 

Paterson,  Jhon, 

Paterson,  Walter,  1720, 

Paterson,  Walter,  1740. 

Paton,  Henrj', 

Paton,  Jane  Muir,  or  Moir, 

Paton,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 

Paton.  Robert, 

Patrick,  Robert, 

Patrie,  Robert, 

Patterson,  James,  Mrs., 

Patterson,  Mrs.  J., 

Patterson,  John  Alfred, 

Paull,  James  George, 

Paul,  WiUiam, 

"Paunch,"  deacon, 

Payne,  Alice  Catherine,  or  Moir, 

Payne,  Richard  E., 

Payton,  Elizabeth, 

Payton,  John, 

Peacock,  Edward,  Hon., 

Peacock,  Frances, 

Peacock,  George, 

Pecok,  George, 

Pellek,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 

Pennington,  Ann, 

Pennington,  Isaac, 

Perkins,  Amanda  Eliia, 

Perkins,  Charles, 

Person.  Deborah,  or  Moir, 

Peterkin,  Mary,  or  Moir, 

Petric,  ( ), 

Petrie,  Agnes,  or  Moir, 
Petrie,  Agnes,  or  Moir,  2, 
Petrie,  Annie,  or  Moir, 
Petrie,  John, 
Petrie,  Stephen, 

182,  1S3, 


132.  IM 








49,  SO 



























45,  135, 


MoiR  Genealogy 

Phinney,  Adeline,  or  Moir, 


Pirie,  Agnes, 


Pirie,  Alexander,                 108,  109, 

,  111,  384 

Pirie,  Alexander,  1695, 


Pirie,  Alexander,  witness, 

128,  129 

Pirie,  Andrew, 


Pirie,  Barbara, 


Pirie,  George,                               114, 

,  117,  127 

Pirie,  Helen,  or  Moir, 


Pirie,  James, 

127,  128 

Pirie,  James,  Jr., 


Pirie,  Jean, 


Pirie,  Patrick, 


Piries  of  Stoneywood, 


Pirie,  William., 


Pitsligo,  lord, 


Pittendreigh,  Robert,  Jr., 


Pitully,  lady. 


Poindexter,  Elizabeth, 


Poindexter,  Nat.  S., 


Poindexter,  William, 


Poindexter,  W.  N., 


PoUard,  A.  F.. 


Pomeroy,  Elizabeth  Rice,  or  Moir 


209,  210 

Pond,  Agnes,  or  Moir, 


Pond,  Gideon  HoUister,  Rev., 


Porteoiis,  Agnes  Clark  Moir, 


Porter,  Elizabeth  Perray  or  Moir, 


Porter,  George, 


Post,  Alexander, 


Pratt,  James, 


Prennan.  Christine,  or  Moir, 


Pressie  or  Presley,  Margaret, 


Price,  Edgar  Field, 


Price,  James  Bruce, 


Price,  James  Madison, 


Price,  John  Moir, 


Price,  John  Pryor, 


Price,  Margaret  Moir, 


Price,  Martha, 


Price,  Mary  Eleanor, 


Price,  William  Pryor, 


PulUn,  Annie,  or  Moir, 


PuUin,  Samuel, 


Putzel,  Mary  Ann,  or  Tuggle, 


Putzel,  Sigmund, 


Queen,  Victoria, 


Raeburn,  ( ), 


Pi.aeburn,  Henry  Sir, 


Raeburn,  L.  W., 


Rae,  Janet,  or  Moir, 

105,  135,  137,  147, 

148,  370 

Raffan,  Mary  Ann, 


Rainey,  David, 


Rainey,  Frances  Maria,  or  Moir, 


Ralston,  David, 


Ramsay,  Allan,  author. 


Ramsay,  Ann,  or  Moir, 


Ramsay,  col,. 


Ramsay,  James, 


Ramsay,  Jean, 


Ramsay,  John,  major. 


Ramsay,  major. 


Ramsay  of  Kinaldie, 


Randall,  James, 


Randall,  Mr., 


Ratray,  Barbara,  or  Molt, 


Redfern,  Edith, 


Redferm,  John  Wesley, 


Reed,  Elsie  Jane,  or  Jivine, 


Reid,  Alexander,  notary. 

136,  288 

Reid,  Alexander,  witness, 


Reid,  Andrew  Patterson, 


Reid,  Ann,  or  Moir, 


Reid,  Elspet,  or  Moir, 

319,  320 

Reid,  James, 

80,  167 

Reid.  Margaret, 


Reid,  Margaret  Geddes,  or  Milne, 


Reid,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 


Reid,  Thomas, 


Reids  of  Migiie,  157 

Reids  of  Smiddyhill,  157 

Reid,  Walter,  143 

Reiniold,  August  Fred  Skene,  181 

Reinhold,  August  Fred,  Dr.,  181 

Reith,  Eleanor,  257 

Reith,  Elizabeth,  257 

Reith,  George,  257 

Reith,  Harold  James,  257 

Reith,  Isabella,  257 

Reith,  Jane,  257 

Reith,  John,  257 

Reith,  Margaret,  257 

Reith,  William,  257 

Rennie,  Charles,  166 

Rennie,  David  Grant,  165 

Rennie,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir,  166 

Rennie,  James,  165 

Rennie,  James  Charles,  165 

Rennie,  Jean  Ann,  165 

Rennie,  John  Taylor,  165 

Rennie,  Margaret  WilheLmioa,  165 

Rennie,    Marj'  Elizabeth,  165 

Rennie,  WiUiam,  Alexander,  165 

Rentoul,  David,  Rev.  200 

Reoche,  Murdoch,  70 

Rettie,  James,  387 

Reynolds,  George,  195 

Riach,  Christian,  46 

Riach,  Christian,  2d,  46 

Riach,  Donald,  46 

Riach,  Issobell,  46 

Riach,  Janet,  46 

Riach,  Margaret,        -  46 

Riach,  Patrick,  46 

Richard  III.,  349 

Richards,  Bertha  Lee,  or  Moir,  195 

Richards,  William  A.,  195 

Rickart,  Issobell,  or  Moir,  43 

Riddoch,  Margaret,  180 

Riddoch,  William,  61 

Ritchie,  Handasyde,  327 

Robb,  Christian,  or  Moir,  51 

Robert,  "great  stuart,"  352 
Robert  II.,  king,  23,  34,  352,  362,  392 
Robert  III.,  king,                                  22,  353 

Roberts.  Burrell.  195 

Roberts,  Isabella,  or  Moir,  223 

Robertson,  Alexander,  62 

Robertson,  Anne,  or  Moir,  156 

Robertson,  Catherine,  120 

Robertson,  Elizabeth,  120 

Robertson,  Elspet,  or  Moir,  207 

Robertson,  Helen,  or  Moir,  93 

Robertson,  Issobell,  48 

Robertson,  James,  286 

Robertson,  James,  48 

Robertson,  Janet,  48 

Robertson,  Janet,  or  Molt,  204 

Robertson,  Jessie,  120 

Robertson,  John,  43 

Robertson,  major,  120 
Robertson,  Margaret,  or  Moir,    48,  73,  208 

Robertson,  Pat.,  (Patrick  Byers),  153 

Robertson,  Rachel,  120 

Robertson,  Walter,  48 

Robert  the  Bruce,  king,  13 

Roberts,  William,  350 

Robison,  John,  79 

Robisoune,  Jhon,  70 

Rob,  James,  44 

Rob,  James,  Jr.,  44 

Rochford,  EUen,  or  Moir,  269 

Rochford,  John,  269 

Ronald,  George,  295 

Rose,  Agnes,  115 
Rose,  Alexander,  115,  128 
Rose,  Alexander,  Rev.,                      115.  128 

Rose,  Arthur,  128 

Rose,  Jane,  115 

Rose,  Jane  Margaret,  115 

Rose,  John,  128 

Rose,  John,  Dr.,  128 

MoiR  Gbneai.ogy 


Rose,  ( ),  laird,  H5 

Ross,  Agnes,  or  Moir,  265 

Ross,  Alexander,  91 

Ross,  Ann.,  294 

Ross,  Anne,  or  Moir,  12.5 

Ross,  Charles  Smith,  125 

Ross,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir,  311 

Ross,  Elsie,  or  Moir,  310 

Ross,  Euphame,  352 

Ross,  Gavin,  265 

Ross,  G.  M.,  394 

Ross,  Jamesina,  2(30 

Ross,  Janet,  Russell,  or  Moir,  205 
Ross,  Janet,  or  Moir,                 256,  262,  263 

Ross,  Janet,  or  More,  T->7 

Ross,  Jessie  Russell,  or  Moir,  234 

Ross,  John,  48 

Ross,  Margaret,  91 

Ross,  William,  260 

Rous,  ( ),  354 

Ruddick,  Agnes  Moir,  273 

Ruddiek,  James  Harrington,  273 

Ruddick,  John,  273 

Ruddick,  John  Archibald,  273 

Ruddick,  Lawrence,  273 

Ruddick,  Lawrence,  2,  273 

Ruddick,  Margaret  Isabella,  273 

Ruddick,  Marion,  273 

Ruddick,  Mary  Ellen,  273 

Ruddick,  Richard  Albert,  273 

Russell,  Andrew  Moir,  243 

Russell,  Barbara,  or  Moir,  186 

Russell,  Elizabeth,  242 

Russell,  James,  89 

Russell,  James  Moir,  243 

Russell,  Jeaanie,  or  MacPheraoQ,  243 

Russell,  Jenny,  243 

Russell,  Jessie,  or  Payton,  243 

Russell,  John,  242 

Russell,  John,  2,  242 

Russell,  Matoilda  MacKellar,  242 

Russell,  Patrick,  186 

Russell,  Robert  Moir,  243 

Russell,  William,  243 

Ryde,  John  Gabriel,  Rev.,  53 

Saint,  John,  m.  1775,  55 

Sandilands,  ( ),  131 

Sandilands,  family  of,  148 
Sandilands,  James,  drowned  at  sea,  149 
Sandilands,  James,  of  Cotton,  106,  148, 370 

Sandilands,  James,  of  Craibstone,  145 
Sandilands,  Jean,  or  Moir,  1636, 

106,  130,  134,  140,  148,  313,  316,  370 
Sandilands,  John,  49,  287 

Sandilands,  Patrick,  46,  134,  290 

Sandilands,  Robert,  131,  132 

Sandilands,  Robie,  154 

Sanders,  Anne,  84 

Sandis,  James,  89 

Sandis,  Johne,  89 

Sands,  Adam  Laing,  86 

Sands,  Archibald,  78 

Sands,  Helen,  86 
Sands,  Isabella,                                      84,  85 

Sands,  Isabella  Steedman,  84 

Sands,  James,  85 

Sands,  Jane,  or  Moir,  237 

Sands,  Janet  Anne,  84 

Sands,  Janet,  or  Moir,  238 

Sands,  Janet,  searastreas,  84 
Sands,  John,                                     84,  85,  86 

Sands,  John,  Jr.,  85 

Sands,  Mary  Tait,  85 

Sangster  and  Muir,  374 

Sangster,  Charles,  304 

Sangster,  John,  168 

Sangster,  Miss,  or  Moir,  274 

Sangster,  Thomas,  374 

Saters,  Jhon,  68 

Saters,  Thomas,  68 

Scales,  Harriet  Mae,  192 
Scales,  Jessie  Evelyn,                          191,  192 

Scales,  Marguerite  Lucy,  192 

Scale.s,  Nollii!  No«l, 

Scales,  D.  JohnHon,  Rov., 

Scalen,  RobtTt  Enitiiatt, 

Scales,  Thotua-s  lluury, 

Schaw,  Ilion, 

Schaw,  JarnoH, 

Scot.  V.  .S., 

Scot,  JanicH, 

Scot,  John, 

Scot,  ( ), 

Scott,  Elizabeth, 

Scott,  James, 

Scott-MoncrlefT,  David, 

Scott,  Thomas  H.,  M.  D., 

Scott,  WalliT.  Sir,  227. 

ScouKal,  Patrick,  biubop,  146. 

ScouKal.  John.    Sir, 

S  '.ouKal,  family  of, 

H  ;oui?all,  James. 

ScouKall,  Kutherin. 

ScouKull,  ( ),  painter, 

Scou(?all.  Patrick, 

Scroggie.  Mary,  or  Moir, 

15,  112,  113,  146,  149. 

Scroggie,  William,  bishop, 

15,  112.  113. 

Seafield.  countesd-dowagor  of., 

Seaton.  George. 

Sebie.  Christian,  or  Moir, 

Seely.  L.  B., 

Seely.  R.  B.. 

Selbie.  Jean,  or  Moir, 

Seton,  Elizabeth, 

Seton,  James. 

Sexton.  Emily  Hun,  or  Moir, 

Shand,  Alexander,  Rev., 

Sharpe.  Janet,  or  Moir, 

Sharp,  James.  Rev., 
Shaw,  Horatia, 

Shawis.  Ihon. 

Shawis,  James, 

Shaw.  Jane,  or  Moir, 

Shaw,  John. 

Shaw.  Robert. 

Shaw,  William  Maxwell, 

Shearer,  George. 

Sheares.  George. 

Shebby,  Ellen,  or  Moir. 
Shelton.  Carrie  C, 
Shelton.  John  F.. 
Shepard.  Finley  J., 
Shepherd,  George, 
Shepherd,  Helen,  or  Moir, 
Shields.  Anna  Virginia,  or  Noel. 
Shields,  Thomas  Langhorn. 
Shirrofs.  Andrew.  A.  M.. 
Shrady.  Sarah,  or  Gould. 
Shurey.  Elizabeth,  or  Moir, 
Sibbald.  Patrick. 
Sidgreaves.  Margaret, 

Siedschlaw.  ( ), 

Si.  James. 

Sillars.  Anne,  or  Moir, 

Sillars.  Donald. 

Sim.  George, 

Sim.  John. 

Sim.  John.  Jr.. 

Simpson,  Allan, 

Simpson,  Allan  GordoQ, 

Simpson.  Ana. 

Simpson,  .\nnie  Elizabeth, 

Simpson.  Bert  James. 

Simpson.  Donald. 

Simpson,  Elizabeth.  116, 

Simpson,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir, 

Simpson,  George, 

Simpson,  James, 

Simpson,   Mjldred. 

Simpson,  Peter  Gordon, 

Simpson,  Robert, 

Simson,  George, 

Sinclair,  Christina, 

Sinclair,  Donald, 




110.  I2H 


X\:\.  Mi 
U'J  370 


li<>.  14'J 

1112.  113 

112,  113 



215.  370 
14S.  .370 



























272,  274 

115,  119 


116,  119 



139,  300 


MoiR  Genealogy 

Sinclair,  Isabella,  or  Moir, 


Sinclair,  James, 


Singer,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir, 


Siverts,  ( ), 


Skeen,  John, 


Skeen,  John,  merchant. 


Skeen,  William, 


Skein,  Alexander, 


Skeine,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 

216,  287 

Skein,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 

105,  286 

Skeen  of  Tarland, 


Skene,  Alexander, 


Skene,  Alexander,  J.  C, 


Skene,  Catherine, 


Skene,  William  F.,  Dr., 


Skene,  Elizabeth  Henderson, 


Skene,  George, 

107,  151 

Skene,  George,  Sir, 

45,  48 

Skene,  Gilbert, 

138,  216 

Skene,  James, 

108,  151 

Skene,  James,  of  Rubislaw, 


Skene,  Jean, 


Skene,  Helen, 


Skene,  Margaret  or  Moir,         138, 

151,  216 

Skene,  Maria, 


Skene,  ( ),  Miss, 


Skene,  ( )  Mrs., 


Skene,  George,  Sir, 


Skenes  of  Rubislaw, 


Skenes  of  Skene, 


Skene,  William  F., 


Skinner,  William,  bishop. 

52,  53 

Skinner,  William,  advocate. 


Sedgewick,  John  Bell, 


Sloane,  ( ), 


Sloane,  Bessie, 


Sloane,  Lemuel, 


Sloane,  Mildred, 


Smellie,  David, 


Smellie,  Hugh, 

243,  244 

Smellie,  James  Alexander, 


SmelUe,  Margaret,  or  Moir, 


Smellie,  Robert, 


Smellie,  Wilham, 


Smillie,  Alexander  Buchanan, 


SmiUie,  Ann,  or  Moir, 

249,  326 

Smillie,  Benjamin, 


SmiUie,  Benjamin  Stewart, 


Smillie,  Emmahne  Eva, 


Smillie,  James, 


Smillie,  Jane, 


SmiUie,  Margaret  Alice, 


SmiUie,  Mary  Ann, 


SmilUe,  Stewart, 


Smith,  Adam,  or  Moir, 


Smith,  Agnes, 


Smith,  Agnes  Victoria,  or  Cratur, 


Smith,  Agnes  Victoria,  or  Hobart 


Smith,  Alexander, 


Smith,  Andrew, 

60,  61 

Smith,  Annie  Binnie, 


Smith,  Ann,  or  Moir, 


Smith,  Archibald, 


Smith,  Banks, 


Smith,  Catherine  A., 


Smith,  Charles, 


Smith,  Christian, 


Smith,  David, 


Smith,  Duncan  Robertson,  Moir 


Smith,  Elder  &  Co., 


Smith,  EUzabeth  Jane  or  Moir, 


Smith,  EUzabeth  Moir, 


Smith,  Elspet, 


Smith,  Frances  Preston, 


Smith,  George, 

48,  162 

Smith,  Georgina, 


Smith,  George  W., 


Smith,  Jabez  H., 


Smith,  James  Davis, 


Smith,  James, 


Smith,  James,  Rev., 


Smith,  Janet,  1654, 


Smith,  Janet,  1700, 

44,  62,  90 

Smith,  Janet,  or  More,  1700, 
Smith,  Jeanie  D., 
Smith,  John, 
Smith,  John,  1754, 
Smith,  Johne,  1644, 
Smith,  John,  Rev., 

Smith,  ( ), 

Smith,  Margaret, 
Smith,  Martha,  or  Moir, 
Smith,  Mary  Moir, 
Smith,  Mary,  or  Moir, 

Smith,  ( ),  Mrs., 

Smith,  Patrick, 

Smith,  Robert, 

Smith,  Robert,    1647, 

Smith,  Robert  L., 

Smith,  Thomas, 

Smith,  V/Uliam, 

Smith,  WiUiam  Moir, 

Smyth,  Andrew, 

Smythe,  Archibald, 

Smythe,  Ihon, 

Smythe,  James, 

Smythe,  Jhon, 

Smythe,  Robert, 

Smythe,  John, 

Smyth,  Johne, 

Sobiesky,  Clementina, 

Somerled,  house  of, 

Sorenson,  Conrad, 

Sorenson,  Dorothy  Hope, 

Sotheby,  WUkinson  &  Hodge, 

Souper,  John, 

Souper,  William, 

Speedman,  WilUam, 

Spence,  A.  Ogilvie, 

Spence,  Sarah  Charlotte,  or  Moir, 

Spence,  WilUam, 

Spittall,  John, 

Spittell,  Finly, 

Spittel,  Margaret, 

Spittel,  ( ), 








48,  127 

243,  323 


78,  238 







44,  61 





60,  66,  67 



59,  72 






























Spittel,  Robert, 

Sprewl,  ( ),  apothecary, 

Squyar,  Robert, 

Squyre,  Margaret, 

Staff,  Edward, 

Stainforth,  Emily, 

Stanley,  Charity,  or  More, 

Starrak,  Isaac, 

Starrak,  John, 

St.  Clair,  WiUiam,  Sir, 

Steele,  Margaret, 

Steinson,  Alexander, 

Steinson,  Sanders. 

Stenhouse,  Margaret  Laing,  or  Moir, 

218,  348 
Stephen,  David,  52 

Stephen,  James,  172 

Stephens,  Moir  Alexander,  194 

Stephens,  ( ),  194 

Stephenson,  Muriel  Skelton,  or  Dun- 
can, _  179 
Sterling,  Jean,  or  Moir,  76 
Steuart,  Agnes,  70 
Steuart,  Alexander,  73 
Steuart,  Androw,  69 
Steuart,  Archibald,  70 
Steuart,  Donald,  73 
Steuart,  Duncan,  73 
Steuart,  Harie,  70 
Steuart,  Hugh,  73 
Steuart,  James,  70 
Steuart,  John,  70 
Steuart,  Johne,  70 
Steuart,  Katharine,  72 
Steuart,  Kathrin,  73 
Steuart,  Margaret,  70 
Steuart,  Marione,  70 
Steuart,  Robert,  70,  73 
Steuart,  IsobeU,  72 
Steuarts,  Jannet,  72 
Steuart,  Robert,  72 



Steuart,  ( ),  Rpv.,  72 

Steuart,  Walter,  70 

Steuart,  William,  70 

Stevart,  Elspet,  CO 

Stevart,  George,  (10 

Stevart,  Ihon,  (}(i 

Stewart,  ( ),  283 

Stewart,  { ),   1625,  00 

Stewart,  ( ),  1753,  72 

Stewart,  ( ),  1754,  72 

Stewart,  Agnes,  74,  233 

Stewart,  Alaster,  00 

Stewart,  Alexander,  72,  80,  233 

Stewart,  Andrew,  '    59 

Stewart,  Andro,  66,  67,  68,  09 

Stewart,  Andro,  1628,  07 

Stewart,  Andro,  1030,  08 

Stewart,  Andro,  1632,  69 

Stewart,  Andro,  of  Kilmadock,  66 

Stewart,  Andro,  witness,  68 

Stewart,  Andro,  witness,  1625,  66 

Stewart,  Andro,  witness,  1642,  69 

Stewart,  Andrew,  witness,  1632,  69 

Stewart,  Androw,  1645,  70 

Stewart,  Androw.  witness,  1647,  71 

Stewart,  Androw,  witness,  1647,  72 

Stewart,  Androw,  witness,  1651,  59 

Stewart,  Anne,  or  Moir,  284 

Stewart,  Archibald,  1626,  67 

Stewart,  Archibald,  1636,  69 

Stewart,  Archibald,  1647,  71 

Stewart,  Archibald,  witness,  1631,             68 

Stewart,  Barbara,  70 

Stewart,  Catheran,  67 

Stewart,  Cathrin,  69 

Stewart,  Charles,  131,  284,  380 

Stewart,  Christian,  384 

Stewart,  Christian,  or  Moir,  78,  87 

Stewart,  Christine,  or  Moir,  269 

Stewart,  Cristane,  72 

Stewart,  David,  1034,  69 

Stewart,  David,  1753,  72 

Stewart,  David  Hoome,  63 

Stewart,  Don,  68 

Stewart,  Donald,  71,  72 

Stewart,  Dougal,  73 

Stewart,  Dr.,  327 

Stewart,  Duncan,  1629,  68 

Stewart,  Duncan,  Jr.,  68 

Stewart,  Duncan,  m.  1730,  88 

Stewart,  Edward,  68 

Stewart,  Elizabeth,  1786,  233 

Srtewat,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir,  1645,             70 

Stewart,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir,  1755,             73 

Stewart,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir,  1786,             74 
Stewart,  Elizabeth,  or  Moir,  of  Brechin,  223 

Stewart,  Elspet,  1646,  71 

Stewart,  Elspet,  1647,  72 

Stewart,  Elspett,  1646,  71 

Stewart,  Elspet,  1647,  72 

Stewart,  George,  67 

Stewart,  Harie,  son  of  James,  71 

Stewart,  Harie,  witness,  71 

Stewart,  Harie,  1638,  69 

Stewart,  Herie,  1626,  67,  68 

Stewart,  Helen,  or  Moir,  68,211 

Stewart,  Hugh,  72 

Stewart,  Ihon,  66,  67 

Stewart,  Isabel,  74,  233 

Stewartes,  James,  68 

Stewart,  Isobell,  71 

Stewart,  Issobell,  1626,  67,  69 

Stewart,  Isobella,  m.  1843,  87 

Stewartis,  Robert,  67 

Stewartis,  Robert,  67 

Stewartis,  Walter,  67 

Stewart,  James,  1633,  69 

Stewart,  James,  1642,  70 

Stewart,  James,  2,  1642,  70 

Stewart,  James,  1645,  71 

Stewart,  James,  1646,  71 

Stewart,  James,  2,  1646,  71 

Stewart,  James,  1647,  72 

Stewart,  Jannc8,  1054,  TJ 

Stewart,  JiirncH,  i,i  Arnwijrlit,  00 

St<!wurl,  JiiincM.  (if  'I'horiihill,  203 

Ktcwurt,  JuincH,  in.  1024,  0(J.  07 

Stewiirl,  JiinicH,  Sir,  "j^j 

iSU'Wurl,  JaiucH,  witrit-HH,  1629,  (M 

St*;wurl,  Jiirni-.H,  wiliicuM,  l(H7,  71,  72 

SU'Wurl,  JiiiiicM,  wiliie.iH,   |(W2,  '  «K) 

Stewart,  Juiiiil,  diiu.  of  lliun,  67 

Stewart,  Jtiiial,  dau.  of  Jhon,  68 

Ht«'warl,  Jiiniil,  duu.  uf  Jhon.  08 

Stewart,  Juiiul,  dim.  of  .\i)Uw,  72 

,St<'Wiirt,  Jamil,  dau.  of  ICoImtI,  (iO 

Stewart,  Jaiiat,  or  Moir,  I0H2,  00 

Stewart,  Juniit,  or  Moir.  1793,  7«,  hO 

Stewart,  Jmiat,  or  .Moir,  1796,  '  65 

Stewart,  Janet,  17.>l,  7a 

Stewart,  Janet,  dau.  of  George,  07 

Stewart,  Janiiet,  17.'>5,  73 

Stewart,  Jonet,  or  Moir,  1689,  01 

Stewart,  Jonctt.  1645,  70 

Stewart,  Joriett,  17.V1,  72 

Stewart,  Jane  .Miller,  or  Moir,  222 

Stewart,  Jean,  09 

Stewart,  Ja<!ue,  1(>47,  72 

Stewart,  Jhon,  in  Lanrik,  1030,  68 

Stewart,  Jhon,  in  Lanrik,  1634,  09 
Stewart,  John,                                      232.  234 

Stewart,  John,  1329,  33,  352 

Stewart,  John,  1647,  72 

Stewart,  John.  10.54,  72 

iStewart,  John,  1755,  73 

Stewart,  John,  1802,  74,  233 

Stewart,  John,  butler,  222 

Stewart,  John,  calechat,  69 

Stewart,  Johne,  1642,  69,  70 

Stewart,  Johne,  1045,  70 

Stewart,  Johne,  1048,  72 

Stewart,  Johne,  son  of  Johne,  09 

Stewart,  Johne,  son  of  Johne,  1646,  71 

Stewart,  Johne,  witness,  im2,  69 

Stewart,  Johne,  witness,  1045,  70 

Stewart,  John,  in  Lanrick,  1646,  71 
Stewart,  John,  of  Hensall,        256,  201,  262 

Stewart.  John,  witness,  1646,  71 

Stewart,  John,  witness,  1689,  01 

Stewart,  Kathcrin,  1626,  67 

Stewart,  Katherine,  1797,  233 

Stewart,  Kalhrine,  1647,  71,  74 

Stewart,  James,  lieut.-col.,  1.53 

Stewart,  lieut.,  75 

Stewart,  Margaret,  or  Moir,  82 

Stewart,  Margaret,  or  Moir,  2M 

Stewart,  Margaret,  or  Moir,  367 

Stewart,  Margaret,  or  Moir,  2B7 

Stewart,  Marget,  66 

Stewart,  Marget,  68 

Stewart,  Marget,  69 

Stewart,  Marie,  or  Moir,  67 

Stewart,  Marie,  or  Moir,  70 

Stewart,  Marie,  or  Moir,  278 

Stewart,  Marion,  71 

Stewart,  Mariorie,  72 

Stewart,  Mariouu,  08 

Stewart,  Mary,  72 

Stewart,  Mary,  7i 

Stewart,  Mary,  233 

Stewart  of  Ardsbeal.  283 

Stewart,  ( ),  or  Moir,  207,  231 

Stewart,  Patrick,  73 

Stewart,  lialph  Hill,  178 

Stewart,  Hobert,  01 

Stewart,  Hobert,  03 

Stewart,  Robert,  07 

Stewart,  Robert,  00 

Stewart,  Hobert,  71 

Stewart,  Hobert,  72 

Stewart,  Hobert,  74 

Stewart,  Hobert,  79 

Stewart,  HoIhtI,  ^ 

Stewart,  Hobert,  Jr.,  1629,  08 

Stewart,  Robert,  Sr.,  1629,  68 

Stewarts  of  Appin,  284 



Stewart,  Thorn,  61 

Stewart,  Thomas,  65 

Stewart,  Thomas,  66 

Stewart,  Thomas,  67 

Stewart,  Thomas,  72 

Stewart,  Walter,  46 

Stewart,  Walter,  1627,  67 

Stewart,  Walter,  1629,  68 

Stewart,  Walter,  1634,  69 

Stewart,  Walter,  1645,  70 

Stewart,  Walter,  1646,  71 

Stewart,  Walter,  1647,  72 

Stewart,  William,  60 

Stewart,  William,  66 

Stewart,  William,  67 

Stewart,  William,  68 

Stewart,  William,  69 

Stewart,  William,  72 

Stewart,  William,  1682,  60,  66 

Stewart,  William,  labourer,  82 

ewart,  William,  Jr.,  1631,  68 

Stirling,  Jane,  or  Moir,  Doune, 
78,  232,  234,  256,  257,  258,  259,  260,  262, 

263,  266,  390 
Stirling,  James,  277 

Stirling,  John,  279,  390 

Stirling,  John,  of  Garden,  279 

Stirlings  of  Balwill,  278 

Stirlings  of  Keir,  277 

Stirling,  William,  277 

Strachan,  Alexander,  49 

Strachan,  Alexander,  2,  49 

Strachan,  Ann,  49 

Strachan,  Elizabeth,  49 

Strachan,  IssobeU,  49 

Strachan,  James,  49 

Strachan,  John,  49 

Strachan,  William,  49 

Strang,  Janet,  or  Moir,  270 

Strang,  John,  270 

Strathcona,  lord,  263 

Strinach,  Patrick,  47 

Stuart,  Charles  Edward,  prince  "Char- 
lie", 19,  23,  130,  280,  322,  271,  390 
Stuart,  house  of,  155 
Stuart,  James,  141 
Stuart,  Robert,  33 
Stuart,  family  of,  146 
Stuart,  William,  374 
Stuart,  Wortley,  or  Moir,  141 
Summer,  Robert,  71 
Sullivan,  Elizabeth  or  Poindexter,  196 
Sullivan,  N.  D.,  195 
Sullivan,  Sallie,  or  Booe,  195 
Sutherland,  Allen,  N.,  398 
Sutherland,  Andrew,  127,  129 
Sutherland,  James,  116 
Suther,    Thomas   George,    D.    C.    L., 

53,  391 

Swabrick,  (- 


Swainson,  Alexander  Calder, 

Swainson,  Anna, 

Swainson,  Daniel, 

Swainson,  Donald, 

Swainson,  Edward, 

Swainson,  Flora, 

Swainson,  George, 

Swainson,  Helen,  Moir 

Swainson,  Jane  Milne, 

Swainson,  John, 

Swainson,  Margaret, 

Swainson  Mary, 

Swan,  Agnes, 

Sweet.  Elizabeth  Ann.  or  Moir, 

Sweet,  William, 

Symers,  John, 

Symmers,  John, 

Symmers,  .John,  Jr., 

Syper,  James, 

Tailzeour,  Elspet, 
Tailzeour,  Ihon, 
Tailzeour,  Jhon, 


Tailzeour,  Katherine,  or  Moir,  79 
Tailzeour,  Robert,                                    67,  79 

Tailzeour,  Robert,  2,  68 

Tailzer,  Ihon,  58 

Tais,  Isabel,  or  More,  90 

Tait,  Eliza,  or  Moir,  172 

Talyior,  Robert,  71 

Targh,  WUUam,  376 

Tarras,  Earl  Moir,  261 

Tarras,  Sidney,  261 

Tarvea,  Chrissie,  or  Moir,  164 

Tawse,  James,  157 
Taylor,  Betty,  or  More, 

200,  202,  203,  205,  396 

Taylor,  Daniel,  116 

Taylor,  Eliza,  or  More,  367 
Taylor,  James,                                .       62,  367 

Taylor,  Jane,  or  Moir,  248 

Taylor,  Margaret,  180 
Taylor,  Robert,                                  200,  203 

Taylour,  James,  61 

Telfer,  {—),  Rev.,  63 
Temple,  WilUam,  Rev.,                     300,  320 

Temple,  Robert,  129 

Thomas,  Hugh,  254 

Thomas,  Margaret,  254 

Thom,  James,  172 

Thom,  Marianne,  or  Anderson,  171 

Thompson,  Andrew,  89 

Thompson,  John,  captain,  120 

Thompson,  Elizabeth,  52 

Thompson,  George,  388 

Thompson,  Glegg  &,  Ltd.,  173 

Thompson,  Helen,  117 

Thompson,  Isabel,  or  Moir,  232 

Thompson,  James,  52 

Thompson,  James,  117 

Thompson,  John,  48 

Thompson,  Thomas,  48 

Thomson,  Andro,  79 

Thomson,  Christian,  73 

Thomson,  Don,  61 

Thomson,  Edward,  63 

Thomson,  Edward,  2,  73 

Thomson,  George,  128 

Thomson,  Hugh,  61 
Thomson,  Isabel,  or  Moir,                     78,  80 

Thomson,  James,  74 

Thomson,  John,  63 

Thomson  of  Banchory,  family  of,  117 

Thomson,  Robert.,  61 

Thomson,  in  NewhiUs,  133 

Thomson,  William,  65 

Thornton,  laird  of,  20 

Toasch,  Isobel,  363 

Tod,  Helen  Elizabeth,  or  Moir,  218 

Tod,  Henry,  218 

Tod,  James,  80 

Tolton,  Albert,  263 

Tolton,  Annie,  or  Moir,  263 

Tomson,  Frances,  254 

Torrie,  John,  203 

Torry,  Patrick,  133 

Tortree,  Janet,  or  Moir,  47 

Touris,  William.  33 

Tower,  Alexander,  295 
Tower,  Flora,  or  Moir,  295,  374,  398 
Tower,  George,                                   295,  374 

Tower,  John,  398 

Townley,  James  A..  184 

Townley,  Lillian,  or  Moir.  184 

Tracy,  George  Stone,  199 
Trail,  Y.  W.  H.,  177,  178 
Trann,  WiUiam,                                   256,  261 

Traquair,  James  Albert,  262 
Traquair,  John,                           256,  261,  262 

Traquair,  Melvyl  John,  282 

Traquair,  Roy  Moir,  262 

Toup,  Julia,  or  Moir,  308 

Tryon,  Emma,  or  Moir,  188 

Tucker,  Ella,  or  Moir,  264 

Tucker,  Mary  Florence,  or  Moir,  263 

Tucker,  Rufus  K.,  263 

MOIR  Gbnealogv 


Tu!;gle,  Caroline  Margaret,  or  Hudjpeh,  192 

Tuggle,  Henry,  101 

Tuggle,  Henry  Irving,  H)l 

Tuggle,  James  Beverly,  li»2 

Tuggle,  Jamea  Edwin.  11(1 

Tuggle,  John,  191 

Tuggle,  John  Edwarda.  192 

Tuggle,  John  William,  192 

Tuggle,  Lucy  Emma,  li.t2 

Tuggle,  Mary  Elizabeth,  or  Scalca,  191 

Tuggle,  Mary  Lucy,  192 

Tuggle,  Penelope  Noel,  192 

Tuggle,  Robert  Emmett,  192 

Tuggle,  Thomas  Alexander,  101 

Tuggle,  Walter  Lee,  192 

Tuggle,  WiUiam  Henry,  192 

Turing,  John,  128 

Turing,  William,"  286 

TurnbuU,  Alexander,  274 

Turnbull,  Andrew,  274 

Turnbull,  Archibald  Moir,  274 

Turnbull,  H.  May,  or  Moir,  194 

Turnbull,  Jamea,  62 

Turnbull,  John,  274 

Turnbull,  John  Andrew,  274 

Turnbull,  Louis  Edward,  194 

Turnbull.  Margaret  Moir,  274 

Turner,  Elizabeth  Caaaie,  or  Moir,  247 

Turner,  Ida  Adeline,  or  Moir,  240 

Turner,  family  of,  142 

Turton,  Richard,  306 

Turton,  Robert,  367 

Turton,  John,  Sir,  366 

Turton,  Thomas,  366 

Tucker,  R.  K.,  264 

Udney,  Arthur,  127 

Udney,  family  of,  128 

Udney,  John,  129 

Unlrevil,  Constance,  366 

Unfrevil,  Robert  de,  3(50 
Urquhart,  John,                                   139,  306 
Urquhart,  Isabella, 
Urquhart,  Patrick, 
Urquhart,  Alexander,  Rev., 

Valentine,  Martha  Taylor, 
Valentine,  Mary  Pirie,  or  Milne, 

Vandyke,  ( ), 

Van  Hoesen,  Mary  Jane,  or  Moir, 

Van  Hoj',  Abram, 

Van  Hoy,  Melvina,  or  Moir, 

Van  Wechel,  Clarence  Aaron, 

Van  Wechel,  Ethel  Margaret, 

Van  Wechel,  Eunice  Ida, 

Van  Wechel,  Floyd  Lee  Arie, 

Van  Wechel,  Frank  Alexander, 

Vau  Wechel,  Ira, 

Van  Wechel,  Jessie  Lavina, 

Vivian,  Dr., 

Wagstaff,  Charles,  Rev., 

Walcot,  John, 

Walcot,  Sarah, 

Walker,  Alexander, 

Walker,  Alexander,  2, 

Walker,  Elspet. 

Walker,  Florence  M.,  or  Moir, 

Walker,  George, 

Walker,  George, 

Walker,  Jamea, 

Walker,  Jamea,  2, 

Walker,  James,  3, 

Walker,  Janet, 

Walker,  Jean, 

Walker,  John, 

Walker,  John,  2, 

Walker,  Margaret, 

Walker,  Marjorie,  or  Moir, 

Walker,  Mary, 

Walker,  Patrick, 

Walker,  Samuel, 

Walker,  William  Patterson, 


139,  306 

150,  201 








Walnut,  Dnvid, 


Wiiiili'M.  Ktiii  May. 


Wunli'iw.  Henry  Arthur, 


WutllcM,   JltlllCH, 


Wunli-.iM,  Lily  Maud,' 
Wanln.iM,  HoU-rt  Murray, 



Warilciw.  TUiinioA, 


Ward.  ThrimiLi. 


WiiMhiiiKtoii,  (Juorgi<i, 


WuttTM,  .Mr.. 

1S2.  1(13 

Wat-ton.  (ii'oruc. 


WutHDii,  ImklH-Ila  DobfloD,  or  .Moil 

•,  22034* 

WutMori,  Maricun-t,  or  -Moir, 


WulMon,  Juini"*.  lU'V.. 


WnUfori,  Willium, 


Watt.  Jolinit, 


Watt".  Judith  K.  L  ,  or  Moir, 


Web.iter,  f.'imily  of. 


Web.sUT.  (ii-orae. 

no.  !?!» 

Webat<T,  .MHJr»rio,  or  Moir, 


Weir,  Alexander, 


Weir,  Anna, 


Weir,  Archie, 


Weir,  Elizabf-th  Moir, 


Weir,  George, 


Weir,  I.-uolMill, 


Weir,  Janii.'.s, 


Weir,  Jean, 


Weir,  John, 


Weir,  John  Alexander, 


Weir,  Margaret, 


Weir,  Mary, 


Weir,  Patrick, 


Weir,  Richard, 


Weir,  Richard.  Jr., 


Weir,  RoUrrt, 


Weir,  Robert,  2. 


Weir,  Robert,  Jr., 


Weir,  Suaan  Sutton, 


Weir,  \S  alter. 


Weir,  William. 


Weir,  William  2d,. 


Welch.  James, 


Welch,  William, 


Whannell.  Grace  Marie,  or  Moir, 


Whannell.  Robert, 


Whatit.  Robert, 


White,  Charles,  captain. 


Whitehead,  .Margaret,  or  Moir, 


White,  John, 


White,  Maria,  or  Moir, 


Whit*",  Sarah,  or  Moir, 


White,  Sophia. 


White,  Thomaa, 


Whyte,  Janet,  or  Moir, 


Wickham,  Jane  Catherine, 


Widowsou,  James, 


Wild.  Robert, 


Wilkie,  .\nua,  or  Moir, 


Will,  Charles, 


William,  bishop  of  Argyle. 


Williams,  ( ),  or  Moir, 


Williamson,  Peter, 


Wilhamson,  William, 


William  the  conqueror. 

23,  SM 

Will,  Margaret, 


Wilson,  ( ), 


Wilson,  .\gnes,  or  Moir, 


Wilson,  .\nn. 


Wilson,  Henry,  captain. 


Wilson,  David. 


Wilson,  Ellen,  or  More. 


Wilson,  EliialK'th.  or  Moir. 


Wilson.  Fannie,  or  Mou", 


Wildou,  Helen, 


Wilson,  Jane, 


Wilson,  Joan,  or  Moir. 


Wilson,  I, ),  or  Moir, 


Wilson,  profeasor, 
Wilson,  Henry  R.,  Rev.. 



Wilson,  Thomas, 


Winters.  .\«nes,  or  Moir, 

183.  212 

Wingste,  Thom*s, 




Winsister,  Alexander, 


Winsor,  (— — ), 


Winter,  Martin, 


Winter,  Nellie,  or  Moir, 


Winton,  earl  of, 


Wither,  Ihon, 


Wolfe,  Charles, 


Wolfe,  general, 


Wolsey,  cardinal, 


Wood,  Ann, 

88,  89 

Wood,  Douglas  Moir, 


Wood,  Edward, 


Wood,  Edward  James, 


Wood,  Elsie  Ethel  Anderson, 


Wood,  James  M.  A., 

55,  159, 

173,  297 

Wood,  Mary  Florence,  or 



Wood,  ( ),  or  Scales, 


Woodruffe,  captain. 


Woodruffe,  Mary, 


Work,  James, 


Wreight,  Katherine,  or  M 



Wricht,  James, 


Wricht,  Christian,  or  Moir, 


Wright,  Isobell, 


Wrights  and  Coopers, 


Wurr,  Richard,  I'j 


Wurr,  Richard, 


Wurr,  Susan,  or  Moir,  221 

Wyland,  Jessie,  267 

Wyld,  Janet,  79 

Wyld,  Robert,  67 

Wylie,  Napier  MacLeod,  133 

Yool.  Helen,  78 

York,  duke  of,  153 

Young,  Andrew,  4jS 

Young,  Catherine  F.,  or  Moir,  25^ 

Young,  Christian,  48 

Younger,  George,  285 

Young,  Gavin,  115 

Young,  George,  48 

Young,  Jane  Gibson,  or  Milne, ,  170 

Young,  Nathaniell,  48 

Young,  Robert,  389 

Young,  Thomas,  2^^ 

Young,  William.  ^ 

Zulieka,  Sarah,  or  Moir,  22^ 

Zurcher,  Anna  Z.,  252 

Zurcher,  Conrad,  252 

Zurcher,  Flora,  262 

Zurcher,  Helen  Galbraith,  262 

Zurcher,  Marion,  262 


In  a  work'  of  this  kind,  where  there  are  such  an  immense  amount  of 
statistical  knowledge,  one  is  constantly  discovering  fresh  information, 
and  errors  are  almost  unavoidable.  We  are  ready  to  acknowledge 
our  transgressions  in  this  respect,  and  invite  readers  finding  errors, 
to  communicate  with  the  author,  that  they  may  be  corrected  in  a 
subsequent  book,  should  another  edition  be  printed.  A.  Iv.  M. 

Page  23,  line  6,— For  ' 'Mac  Cullum, ' '  read  '  'Mac  Callam. ' ' 

Page  32,  line  22, — Insert  "the"  between  "are"  and  "descendants." 

Page  46,  line  2, — Take  out  the  whole  line. 

Page  49,  linel4,— For  "Collection"  read  "College." 

Page  49,  line  29,— For  "Adam  Gor;"  read  "Adam  Gordon  of." 

Page  70,  line  8,— For  "Waited,"  read  "Walter." 

Page  112,— In  heading,  for  "1863."  read  "1683." 

Page  160,  lines  37  and  38,— For  "Rothie  May."  read  "Rothiemay." 

Page  162,  line  1,— For  "banker,"  read  "baker," 

Page  164,  line  14, — For  "No  issue,"  read  "Issue." 

Page  169,  line  17,— For  "2  August,"  read  "23  August." 

Page  171,  line  24.— For  "Cairnbie,"  read  "Cairnie." 

Page  182,  line  33,— After  "Sept.  26,"  insert  "1876." 

Page  197,  line  1,— For  "VII.,"  read  "VIII." 

Page  201,  line  18,— For  "Jonas  Moir,"  read  "Jonas  More." 

Page  212,  line  4, — William  Henry  Moir  is  a  brother  of  James  A.  Moir, 

noted  on  page  183,  and  should  have  been  inserted  on  the  earlier 


Page  212,  line  16, — Benjamin  Moir  fought  side  by  side  with  Sir  John 
Moore,  but  not  at  the  battle  of  Waterloo,  as  Sir  John  was  dead 
several  years  before  that  decisive  conflict.     [See  page  362. 

Page  288,  line  1,— For  "Joha,"  read  "John." 









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The  Author  has  devoted  about  twelve 
years  of  his  spare  time  to  this  work,  and 
has  spared  no  expense  to  make  this  Gene- 
alogy one  in  which  the  numerous  branches 
will  always  take  much  j^ride. 

It  will  undoubted!}  prove  a  valuable 
Book  of  Reference,  and  will  be  found  in  all 
the  Principal  Libraries  of  the  World. 


A  partial  list  of  the  contents  of  the 
book  are  noted  herewith.  This  will  give 
some  idea  of  the  scope  of  the  researches, 
made  from  many  sources. 

Besides  the  Moir  Family  Records, 
there  are  also  Registers  of  More,  Mure, 
etc.,  where  it  has  been  shown  that  they 
are  connected  with  Moirs.  A  great  many 
other  names  of  allied  families  are  neces- 
sarily given. 

In  addition  to  the  complete  Table  of 
Contents  and  List  of  Illustrations,  there 
are  twenty-four  finely-printed  columns  of 
references  to  Place-N  ames ;  fifty-four 
columns  of  references  to  the  surname  of 
Moir,  and  the  same  quantity  of  Other 

There  is  also  a  list  of  Addresses  of  liv- 
ing Moirs  and  connected  other  names. 


The  work  is  profusely  illnstrated,  and 
eontams  forty-four  full  page  insertions, 
these  consist  of  many  Indmdual  Flwio- 
Engravings  and  Small  and  Large  Family 
Groups.  ■  Copies  of  Old  Pamtmgs  o 
Moirs,  some  of  which  are  several  hundred 

^^^Many  Churches,  and  Ancient  Ancestral 
Homes  and  Homesteads.  , 

Scottish  Scenery,  including  the  1  rin- 
cipal  Colleges  and  Universities. 

Monuments  and  Memorials  m  various 


The  Registered  Coats-of-Arms  of  sev- 
eral branches.  . 

There  are  also  a  great  many  Ongina. 
Line-Cuts,  and  over  sixty  Original  Tail 
Pieces,  some  of  which  are  very  elaborate, 
made  especially  for  this  work. 



Baptismax,    and    Maekiage    Registers    of 
THE    Following    Places  : 

Kilmadock  Parish,  Doune;  Kincardine 
and     Tulliallan,     Tliornhill;     Aberargie; 
Callander ;       Auchterarder ;       Blackford : 
Comrie;  Grief;  Dunning,  Muthill;  Forres; 
Bnchanan;   Rothiemurchus ;    Stirling;   St. 
Andrew's,  Aberdeen;  St.  Nicholas,  Aber- 
deen ;  Society  of  Friends,  for  Scotland ;  St. 
George's,    London,    England;    Dunblane 
Scotstown  and  Barns ;  Methlick ;  Kirkaldy 
Edinburgh;    Braidhauch;    Tonley;   Alloa 
and  many  others. 

Burial     Records     and     Memorials     of 
THE    Following    Places  : 

Aberdeenshire  Epitaphs ;  Aberdeen 
Journal  Obituary,  1748-1889;  Nellfield 
Cemetery,  Aberdeen;  Allenvale  Cemetery, 
Aberdeen;  St.  Clement's,  Aberdeen;  St. 
Nicholas,  Aberdeen;  St.  Andrew's,  Aber- 
deen; St.  Peter's,  Aberdeen;  Scotstown 's 
Mausoleum;  Moir  Memorial  Window,  New 
York  City;  Dunblane  Wills  and  Testa- 
ments; Methlick;  Peterhead  Churchyard; 
Tarland;  Cromar;  Tonley;  and  others. 

Some     Different     RitANTURfs     ]{v.rouuv.\': 

Stoney wood  ;       Scotstown  ;       Loiiinay  : 
Overhill ;  Ottcil  tunic  ;  hivrnirltic  ;  Hilton; 
Foveran;    Ferryliill;    li;ini>;    Tarvos    nnd 
Methlick;    all    in    AlK'nlcenshirr.       I)«)um* 
and  Thornliill ;  Lcckic;  rt'i-tlishirc;  I'antT 
shire;     Edinbiiri;li     ;md      I.citli;     hi-ltn's 
family;     Fifosliii-c:     l-'oifjiisliiir ;     l*)li;in 
shire;       Kincai'dincsliii*' ;       l.aiiark^liin*; 
Glasgow;  C)rkii('y  and  Siictlaiiil ;  Ifrnfrcw 
shire;  Tonley. 

Some    Altji.i*     Kamii.iks    Rec(>hi>ei»: 

Abernethy  «»f  Maycn;  'I'Im'  Miin-s  of 
Ayrshire;  The  Muirs  and  Mnivs  o\'  Cald- 
well and  Rowallan:  Morrs  of  Lindley; 
Early  Anieiiraii  Mores;  Tlie  Maxwidls  of 
Donne;  George  .lain(\><on;  Tin-  (Jrahain- 
Moirs  of  Leckie;  .fay  (iould's  family;  Sir 
Michael  Bnicc;  Sir  'Plioinas  M«»rc;  Ityrrs 
and  Moir-Byrcs  of  'I'.mlt'y;  iIm*  di'scnui- 
ants  of  .lolin  M(.iv.  --A  i^ncit  Nm.-ri.-nn 
familv  ;"  Sii-  .Inlm  Mooi-r. 


History  of  the  Surname,  by  Various 
Authors.  Moirs  and  Mores  Mentioned  in 
Early  Scottish  Cliarters  under  David  II., 
Robert  I.,  Robert  II.,  Robert  III.  and 
Robert,  Duke  of  Albany,  Regent. 

The  Old  Stoneywood  Mansion  House; 
The  Stoneywood  Branch;  The  Moirs  of 
Aberdeenshire;  Powis  Papers  of  Aber- 
deen ;  Aberdeenshire  Sasine  Registers ; 
Records  of  Wrights  and  Coopers  of  Aber- 
deen.    An  interesting  Canadian  Branch. 

Origin  of  the  Surname,  by  Several 
Authors;  Place-Names  of  Doune  and 
Thornhill;  The  Moirs  and  Mores  of  Scot- 
land and  America;  The  Mures  of  Ayr- 
shire; The  Muirs  and  Mures  of  Caldwell 
and  Rowallan;  Mores  of  Lindley;  Moir- 
Byres  of  Tonley;  Soldiers  in  American 
Wars;  Moirs  in  Stirling  Volunteers;  Cen- 
tenary of  David  Macbeth  Moir,  M.  D. 
(Delta),  Scottish  Author;  Origin 
and  Description  of  the  Various 
Coats  -  of  -  Arms;  Personal,  Family 
and  Historical  Notes;  Moir  and 
More  Graduates  of  the  Various  Scottish 
Universities;  Lists  of  Burgesses  of  Guild 
and  Trade  of  Different  Localities ;  Several 
Articles  on  the  History  of  the  Mores; 
Some  Passengers  on  the  Mayflower;  A 
List  of  Articles  in  the  Glasgow  Historical 
Exhibition  (1911)  Referring  to  Moirs; 
Books  written  or  edited  by  Moirs;  Book 
Collectors;  Silhouettes  previous  to  1837. 
