SSVPLB is dedicated to providing equal access to quality education, breaking the cycle of poverty. Through collaboration with communities, educators, and stakeholders, we enhance educational infrastructure, promote teacher training, and advocate for education-focused policies, empowering individuals for a brighter future



SSVPLB is committed to advancing global environmental well-being and fostering sustainable practices worldwide. Through our mission, we address critical environmental challenges using innovative solutions. Dedicated to empowering communities, advocating for environmental rights, and promoting equality and sustainability, we leverage expertise, resources, and networks to create lasting positive change. Our efforts contribute to a greener and more equitable future for all.


SSVPLB  is dedicated to universal human rights and provides essential humanitarian aid, including food assistance. Through advocacy and collaboration, we raise awareness, advocate for justice, and empower marginalized communities. Our mission is to foster inclusivity and compassion, contributing to lasting change in a society where human rights are universally respected.


SSVPLB  Dedicated to enhancing global health and well-being through creative solutions and collaborations, we utilize expertise, resources, and networks to drive enduring positive transformations towards a healthier and more equitable future.




A network of friends, seeking holiness thru the service to the poor & the social justice defense.


Service, Spirituality, Humility, Charity & Empathy


To be recognized as a world organization for the promotion of the integral dignity of the most deprived.