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Jelinek's Faitiche

Jan Jelinek's new label releases a first album, "Ursula Bogner: Recordings 1969 - 1988"

Jan Jelinek's new label Faitiche has just released its first album. The release Recordings 1969 - 1988 is a compilation of work by Ursula Bogner (1946 - 1994) until now an unknown German musician and artist. Bogner developed her interest in avant garde music - apparently an avid follower of the Cologne based Studio für elektronische Musik and Musique Concrète - along with an enthusiasm for synthesiser's for which she built a home studio. Bogner (a pharmacist) was also interested in the work of psychoanalyst and sexuality researcher Wilhem Reich: according to the website even building an Orgonakkumulator which she kept in the back garden.