The voice no 99

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The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Issue 99

o on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e

April 14, 2015

Holy Week in Malta The celebrations of Holy Week are primarily of a religious character, taking place in churches where the faithful gather in large numbers to commemorate the passion of the Christ and solemn processions with statues. The mood changes totally on Easter Sunday, when the ringing of church bells announce the Resurrection of Christ. Then a number of towns hold processions with the statue of the Risen Christ. culminating in the statue-bearers taking a run to carry the Risen Christ triumphantly back into the church. This year was no exception but Holy Week also brings out the best when it comes to art as local artists use fine grains of coloured salt to create magnificent artworks. In this composite picture we try to capture a few of the Holy Week traditions in Malta

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 14, 2015

L-istorja tal-Konvenzjonijiet f’Malta g˙all-Maltin li jg˙ixu barra minn Malta L kitba ta’ Lawrence Dimech

-emigranti li telqu minn Malta biex ifittxu ˙ajja a˙jar f’pajjiΩi mferxa mad-dinja kollha dejjem baqg˙u fi ˙sibijiet il-Gvernijiet ta’ Malta. Dan g˙aliex l-eΩodu tant kien kbir li f’pajjiΩi b˙all-Awstralja, il-Kanada u l-Amerika, kibret Malta o˙ra. Kien hemm ra©unijiet o˙ra wkoll aktar importanti. Dawk li siefru u ˙allew lil Malta warajhom dejjem baqg˙u sors importantissmu g˙all-ekonomija ta’ Malta. Dawn l-emigranti kienu, g˙adhom u jibqg˙u jibag˙tu lura lejn Malta miljuni ta’ ewros, li tfisser g˙ajnuna me˙tie©a u bΩonnjuΩa g˙allekonomija ta’ Malta. L-ikbar kontribut kien dak tas-snin bejn l-˙amsinijiet u t-tmeninijiet li allura kien ta’ g˙ajnuna me˙tie©a biex lekonomija ta’ Malta tirpilja. G˙alkemm dejjem isemmulna kemm ˙libna mill-IngliΩi iΩda l-flus ripatrijati lejn Malta minn dawk li siefru fuq baΩi permanenti u tferxu mal-erbat irjie˙at tad-dinja, ftit jissemmew. Il-politiçi Maltin, ming˙ajr distinzjoni, kollha jippruvaw jag˙mlu lpellegrina©© annwali lejn dawk il-postijiet fejn marru jg˙ixu ˙afna mill-kostitwenti tag˙hom jew qraba tal-kostitwenti tag˙hom. IΩ-Ωjarat flAwstralja, il-Kanada eçç tal-politiçi Maltin ji©bdu mag˙hom pubbliçità enormi f’Malta. Anke f’dawn inna˙at tad-dinja waqt iΩ-Ωjarat tag˙hom, il-politiçi jimlewna b’˙afna weg˙di.

Lawrence Dimech fil-Konvenzjoni tas-sena 2000

Il-˙tie©a li l-Maltin li emigraw, almenu dawk imsie˙ba fl-g˙aqdiet Maltin fid-diaspora jkunu jistg˙u jiltaqg˙u f’Malta jiddiskutu l-˙ti©ijiet tag˙hom b˙ala Maltin, li g˙alkemm imsiefra, iΩda li baqg˙u jg˙oΩΩu b’˙erqa l-g˙eruq Maltin kienet ilha tin˙ass. Il-Gvernijiet irrejalizzaw li dawk li emigraw baqg˙u Maltin filveru sens tal-kelma. F’Lulju tal-1969, il-Kummissjoni Emigranti ta˙t id-direzzjoni ta’ Fr Philip Calleja organizzat l-ewwel Konvenzjoni g˙all-emigranti Maltin li bdiet it-triq u fet˙et djalogu aktar effettiv bejn dawk li jg˙ixu barra minn Malta kif ukoll ma’ Malta. IΩda kellhom jg˙addu 30 sena biex tigi organizzata konvenzjoni o˙ra. Din id-darba l-Kummissjoni Emigranti u l-Gvern Malti flimkien, ˙abbru li mal-avveniment tal-millenju il-©did kienu se jorganizzaw it-

tieni Konvenzjoni tal-kapijiet talG˙aqdiet u l-Maltin ta’ barra, u ta’ ori©ini Maltija. Din saret mill-25 ta’ Jannar sal-1 ta’ Frar 2000. Il-Gvern hawn beda j˙ares lejn it-talba g˙aç-çittadinanΩa doppja bis-serjeta`. Gie deçiΩ ukoll li titwaqqaf Federazzjoni g˙all-Maltin ta’ Barra. G˙axar snin wara, jigifieri mill-14 sal-18 ta’ Marzu tal-2010 er©ajna ltqajna f’Malta. Din id-darba l-organizzazzjoni ˙adha f’idejh kompletament il-Gvern ta’ Malta. Il-Konvenzjonijiet donnhom ©ew aççettati mill-Gvern Malti g˙ax giet me˙uda deçiΩjoni li flok kull g˙axar snin ikollna Konvenzjoni kull ˙amsa. Il-˙ames snin g˙addew ukoll; issa ninsabu fuq l-g˙atba tar-Raba’ Konvenzjoni li se ssir fiç-Çentru talMediterran fil-belt kapitali Maltija, Valletta bejn it-Tnejn, 20 u l-Óamis 23 ta’ April li ©ej. Din se tkun lewwel Konvenzjoni mtella’ millMinisteru tal-Affarijiet Barranin ta˙t Gvern Laburista. Ilha ssir ˙afna t˙ejjija biex din irRaba’ Konvenzjoni tissokta fuq l-istess proçeduri tal-o˙rajn ta’ qabel iΩda b’xi varjazzjonijiet. Se jkun hemm is-soltu partiçepazzjoni filbidu, mill-President ta’ Malta, ilPrim Ministru u wkoll il-Kap tal-OppoΩizzjoni. Se ssir ukoll esebizzjoni tal-Arti minn artisti tad-diaspora, simposju letterarju, u anke ji©i m˙abbar irrebbie˙ tal-kompetizzjoni dwar ilMonument li hemm il-˙sieb li jitwaqqaf.

*g˙al pa©na 3

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday April 14, 2015

Il-Konvenzjoni fi Ω mien l-ANZAC *minn pa©na 2 Din il-konvenzjoni se ta˙bat fi Ωmien meta l-Awstraljani jkunu qed jiççellebraw l-anniversarju tal-mitt sena talANZAC u s-sehem tat-truppi Awstraljani u ta’ NZ filkonflitt ta’ Gallipoli fl-ewwel gwerra dinjija. G˙al dan il-g˙an, il-Kummissjoni G˙olja Awstraljana f’Malta ˙abbret g˙add ta’ attivitajiet bejn it-13 u l-25 ta’ April, fosthom il-wasla tal-HMS ANZAC fil-Port il-Kbir. Kien hemm ukoll il-˙sieb li jasal ukoll Malta l-STS Young Endevour imma Ω-Ωjara t˙assret min˙abba li waqt li kien qed isalpa lejn Malta ltaqa’ mal-maltemp u ©arrab xi ˙sara li ma t˙allihx jasal fil-waqt. Sadanittant, l-G˙aqdiet Maltin fl-Awstralja ta’ dawk li servew fis-servizzi ta’ pajjiΩhom ilmentaw g˙all-g˙aΩla tad-dati tal-Konvenzjoni g˙ax irra©unaw li l-membri tag˙hom ma jistg˙ux ikunu Malta meta jridu jie˙du sehemi u jirrappreΩentaw lil Malta fiç-çelebraΩΩjonijiet kbar li se jsiru fl-Awstralja biex ti©i mfakkra l-mitt sena. G˙all-konvenzjoni f’Malta se jattendu madwar 100 parteçipant li ©ejjin mill-Awstralja (madwar 50, fosthom g˙add ta’ Ωg˙aΩag˙), il-Bel©ju, l-E©ittu, l-Emirati G˙arab Mag˙quda, Franza, l-Italja, il-Kanada, il-Lussemburgu,irRenju Unit u l-Istati Uniti tal-Amerka.

HMS ANZAC It-tnedija tal-Konvenzjoni u tal-l-logo uffiçjali se jsir mill-Ministru George W. Vella t-Tlieta l-14 ta’ April. It-tema ewlenija tal-konvenzjoni 2015 se tkun “Prospettivi Ìodda”. Tulha se ji©u pprΩentati wkoll xi studji dwar il-˙ti©ijiet u l-aspirazzjonijiet ta’ dawk li g˙alkemm g˙adhom Maltin f’kull sens tal-kelma, imma ma jg˙ixux fil-GΩejjer Maltin. Il-konvenzjoni ti©i fi tmiemha fit-23 tax-xahar b’Lejla Maltija fil-©onna ta’ Hastings, fil-kapitali Valletta.

Il-mewt ta’ Malcolm Fraser

eta dan l-a˙˙ar t˙abbret il-mewt M ta’ Malcolm Fraser (ritratt fuq illemin), it-22 Prim Ministru tal-Aw-

stralja mill-1975 sal-1983, tqanqlu fija ˙afna tifkiriet u nostal©ija. Ma jistax jonqos li tkun ˙dimt ˙ajtek kollha filqasam tal-immigrazzjoni u ma tiftakarx f’dak li wettaq dan il-politiku tul il-karriera tieg˙u b˙ala kap tal-Partit Liberali fil-qasam tant kontroversarjali li wassal biex dan il-pajjiΩ sar xempju tal-multikulturaliΩmu. Hafna jiftakru lil Albert Jaime (Al) Grassby (1926-2005) b˙ala l-missier talmultikulturaliΩmu fl-Awstralja g˙axxog˙ol inizjali u riformi li nieda fil-qasam tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem u tal-immigrazzjoni. Kien il-Ministru talImmigrazzjoni fi Ωmien il-Gvern ta’ Gough Whitalm. Il-White Australia Policy waslet fla˙˙ar tag˙ha mas-sena 1972. IΩda malwaqg˙a tal-Gvern ta’ Whitlam, li g˙amel biss imexxi bejn l-1972-75, kien il-Gvern ta’ Malcolm Fraser li wettaq dak li kien jitkellem dwaru Al Grassby. Fl-1978. il-PM Fraser ikkummissjona lGalbally Report u wettaq tista’ tg˙id ir-

rakkomandazzjonijiet li ©ew su©©eriti, speçjalment il-ftu˙ tal-Migrant Resource Çentres, illonçja l-iSpeçjal Broadcasting Service (SBS), u ˙alla jid˙lu madwar 56,000 refu©jat millVjetnam, kif ukoll l-ewwel hekk mag˙rufa b˙ala l-“boat people”. Fi ftit kliem, mill-˙afna “spekulazzjonijiet u sensazzjonaliΩmu” tal-era Grassby, da˙˙alna fi Ωmien ta’ azzjoni. Niftakar sewwa g˙ax jien kont gejt ma˙tur b˙ala direttur u ko-ordinatur

tal-ewwel Migrant Resource Centre f’Parramatta. Kien ukoll il-bidu ta’ ˙afna çentri simili li xterdu mal-Awstralja kollha. Ódimt ma’ g˙add ta’ Ministri tal-Immigrazzjoni, fosthom Michael McKellar li f’Novembru 1977 feta˙ uffiçjalment lMRC ta’ Parramatta, Ian Macphee u John Hodges li servew warajh. Hdimt mag˙hom wkoll b˙ala konsulent fejn tid˙ol l-immigrazzjoni u s-servizzi li n˙olqu bis-sa˙˙a tal-Galbally Report. Ma nistax g˙alhekk ma niftkarx l-era ta’ Malcolm Fraser. Malcolm Fraser li miet fl-eta` ta’ 84 sena, studja f’Oxford u la˙aq membru tal-Parlament meta kellu biss 22 sena. Spiçça biex b˙ala Kap tal-OppoΩizzjoni, flimkien mal-Gvernatur Generali Sir John Kerr ©ie nvolut fl-aktar episodu mqanqal fl-istorja politika Awstraljana meta Kerr, ir-rappreΩentant tar-Re©ina, f’Novembru 1975, keçça lil Goug˙ Whitlam mill-kariga ta’ Prim Ministru. Episodju li jibqa’ jigi mfakkar u argumentat f’kull anniversarju. Lawrence Dimech

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4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 14, 2015

ANZAC DAY 2015 in Malta

The GALLIPOLI Connection Commemorating O 100th anniversary n the occasion marking the 100th anniversary of ANZAC, the Australian High Commission in Malta will be organising various activities, including a Commemorative Service on Saturday April 25 remembering the start of the Gallipoli Campaign. The service, which will be held at 10.00am at the Pieta Military Cemetery will be open to members of the public who, if they so wish, on the invitation of the Master of Ceremonies, would be welcome to lay a wreath. Anzac Day has been commemorated in Malta since 1916. Since 1979 the service has been held at the Pietà Military Cemetery as it contains the highest number of ANZAC war graves in Malta. The Cemetery is located in Triq Id-Duluri (entrance at the junction of Triq Id-Duluri and Triq Santa Monika) Pietà. Malta played a significant role in and during the Gallipoli Campaign with many Australians and New Zealand casualties being evacuated to Malta for medical treatment. From the spring of 1915, hospitals and convalescent camps were established on the islands of Malta and Gozo to deal with the many thousands of sick and wounded from the Gallipoli and Salonika campaigns. Despite the courageous efforts of the doctors and medical staff, some of the casualties could not be saved and they were buried on Malta. They included 202 Australian and 72 New Zealanders. The Commonwealth war burials in Malta are unlike those found anywhere else. Many joint and collective burials were made as graves had to be cut into the rock underlying the island's shallow earth crust. These graves are usually marked by flat tablets that could take several inscriptions and, for the sake of uniformity; the same type of marker was used for single graves. Later that evening, also as part of the commemoration, the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra will be performing a concert under the direction of Brian Schembri, at the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta. This concert recalls, commemorates but also celebrates the composers of all nationalities who wrote music while on active service during World War I

The Pietà Military Cemetery

of ANZAC in Malta

Following programme of activities organised by The Australian High Commission in Malta to commemorate the 100th anniversary of ANZAC in Malta: 13-17 April: Visit to Malta of the STS Young Endeavour at the Grand Habour. 15 April: Re-Enactment of the Awarding of The George Cross to Malta ( 17 April 2015: ANZAC Exhibition of Archives at the National Library of Malta at 6.30 p.m. (Exhibition is open to the public) (For more information: tional-Library-of-Malta). 25 April: Official Ceremony Pieta’ Military Cemetery at 1000hrs. (Service is open to the public) ANZAC Concert by the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Mro Brian Schembri which will include in the progamme Peter Sculthrope’s piece Small Town which is a homage to the effect of war on the Australian communities (ANZAC). 28 April: ANZAC Concert by the Malta Philharmonic

Orchestra under the direction of Mro Christopher Muscat – pieces to the Gallipoli dead ( 30 April: ANZAC Concert by the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Mro Christopher Muscat – pieces to the Gallipoli dead ( 11-14 May: HMS ANZAC visits Malta. Second to visit to Malta of the STS Young Endeavour at the Grand Habour. All Days: ANZAC Station Hospital 0930hrs-1600hrs (Admission: Adults €4.50/Seniors 60+ & Sutdents €2.90/Family €10.50/Children Under 12 €2.00). All Days: ANZAC Stained Glass at St Andrew’s Scots Church ( All Days: Australia Botanic Garden at Argotti Gardens will display Australian plants and trees next to Malta ANZAC Memorial (Entrance is free). Mon-Fri: Permanent Display at St Edward’s College on when this college was at the Cottonera Hospital that served as an ANZAC Hospital, (

For the initial part the programme features a close tie with Australia through the work by Australian composer Peter Sculthorpe which is a homage to the effect of war on the Australian communities, and the Australian pianist Stefan Cassomenos, featured soloist in Rachmaninov’s 2nd Piano Concerto. Peter Sculthorpe’s piece “Small Town” will also be performed and the evening concludes with Dvorak’s eternally optimistic Symphony no 9 From the New World. To mark the Anniversary a number of organisations and associations will also be setting up displays, or conducting events leading up to and around 25 April, including The 'ANZAC Experience in Malta' Self Guided Tours, which is a series of four individual selfguided tours to the principal sites associated with ANZAC personnel; mainly during the First World War. The tours detail where wounded ANZACs convalesced, were entertained and hospitalised, and the various final resting places of

those service personnel who lost their lives. Also detailed are various other points of interest; places where both recovering and off duty service personnel may have visited. The cemeteries listed below contain graves from both world wars: The Malta (Capuccini) Naval Cemetery; Imtarfa Military Cemetery; Pembroke Military Cemetery; Pieta Military Cemetery; Addolorata Cemetery; Marsa Turkish Cemetery.

The Voice of the Maltese 5

Tuesday April 14, 2015


NZAC Day celebrated on April 25, is the solemn day of remembrance of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps soldiers who fought and died at Gallipoli in 1915. It is also a day of remembrance for all soldiers who have fought and died for their country. It was on April 25, 1915 that the armies of Australia and New Zealand entered into their premier battle of World War I, at Gallipoli, Turkey. At the time, Australia had only been recognised as a federal commonwealth for thirteen years. Many Australians were sympathetic to the United Kingdom, which they regarded as the motherland. So the volunteer armies of Australian and New Zealand, eager to fight the war, bravely landed on the shore of the Gallipoli Peninsula intent to capture and secure a safe passage for Allied navies. At Gallipoli, the Anzacs faced off with one of the fiercest armies history has ever known. Despite landing under the cover of darkness,

the ANZACS were met with immediate bombardment and gunfire. On the shores of Gallipoli, the Australian and New Zealand armies fought for eight months forcing a stalemate. Eight thousand ANZAC soldiers lost their lives before the Allies called for an evacuation. While the operation itself was not a success, the valour and determination shown by ANZACS, the “Knights of Gallipoli,” were immediately commemorated in Australia, London, and even at the Allies’ camp in Egypt in 1916. Parades and ceremonies were held in their honour, and even those who were wounded in combat were a part of the parade while they were still recovering. By the 1920s, the day had become a way to memorialise the 60,000 Australian soldiers who died in World War 1. By the next decade, all Australian states had a form of celebration for the day, and many of the traditions we still carry out today had already taken shape.

Malta’s HC John Aquilina highlights Malta’s filming opportunities at India Commonwealth Day celebrations


he celebration of Commonwealth Day in New Delhi, India, was a unique opportunity not only to promote Malta as the host country for this year’s Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), but also to highlight filming opportunities in Malta for movies, documentaries and commercials, before a large gathering of Indian media and influential Indian businessmen and women. John Aquilina U.O.M., High Commissioner of Malta to India who was given a leading role, during the function that was organised by the Commonwealth Society of India and hosted at the residence of the New Zealand High Commissioner, told The Voice of the Maltese: “I was delighted to be invited to be a guest speaker, and to talk about filming opportunities through the Commonwealth.” Former Miss India, Ms Shivani Wazir Pasrich, Chairperson, Commonwealth Society of India (CSOI), and Asia Representative of the Royal Commonwealth Society presented the evening’s activities. With several other Commonwealth High Commissioners present at the function, the event and venue provided an ideal opportunity for Malta’s HC to announce that November’s CHOGM is to be officially opened by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, and that Prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh, as well as Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, and Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall would accompany her.

“With the first class material provided by the Malta Film Commission, I was able to offer many surprising insights into the unique filming opportunities which Malta provides,” Mr Aquilna said. He added, that although no one in the audience had actually been to Malta, he managed to create some intrigue by telling the audience that in fact all of them had seen Malta at one stage or another. “The claim of having seen some part of Malta became obvious to the audience when I listed some of the blockbuster Hollywood movies that have been filmed in Malta,” he said. The presentation ended in thunderous applause with the screening of a twominute film clip showing a conglomeration of scenes from some of Hollywood’s best-known movies shot in Malta. There are currently five Indian film companies exploring Malta as a possible venue for the making of Bollywood movies.

HE John Aquilina UOM, High Commissioner of Malta to India addressing the Commonwealth Day celebration in New Delhi

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6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 14, 2015

Passaporti, çittadinanza u pensjonijiet a jistax jonqos li d-dibattitu li nqala’ M min˙abba d-dewmien “esa©erat” biex iç-çittadini Maltin f’Sydney u Melbourne jakkwistaw appuntament biex jew japplikaw inkella j©eddu l-passaporti ˙oloq ˙afna nteress fil-komunita` Maltija. Dan jirriflettih il-˙afna lmenti li rçevejna. Kien ukoll ta’ sodisfazzjoni li l-Ministeru tal-Affarijiet Barranin ta’ Malta mhux biss wie©eb g˙al dawn id-diffikultajiet iΩda wkoll iggarantilna li qed jie˙u l-passi me˙tie©a biex din is-sitwazzjoni ti©i rran©ata ming˙ajr wisq dewmin. The Voice of the Maltese kompliet tist˙arre© issitwazzjoni u rnexxielna niksbu dawn id-dettalji mill-istess Kummissjoni G˙olja f’Canberra – g˙allperijodu minn Jannar 2014 sa Jannar 2015.

il-perijodu n˙ar©u 1,990 passaport F’dan il Malti lil çittadini Malti li jg˙ixu fl-Awstralja. L-applikazzjonijiet kif waslu kienu mqassma hekk: L-uffiççju ta’ - 1,028, Sydney - 877 u Melbourne kienu Canberra 75–il applikazzjoni. Kien hemm ukoll 482 persuna li applikaw g˙aç-çittadinanza Maltija. Minnhom hemm 54 li kien g˙ad ma ©ewx finalizzati. IΩ-Ωmien bejn wie˙ed u ie˙or li persuna trid tistenna g˙aç-çittadinanza Maltija hu ta’ 18-il xahar. G˙andna 4,650 Maltin li jg˙ixu fl-Awstralja li qeghdin jirçievu pensjoni minn Malta. L-g˙add ta’ çittadini Maltin li kellhom jivvja©©aw minn stati o˙ra ˙alli jinqdew mill-uffiççji ta’ Canberra, Melbourne u Sydney kien ta’ 232.

101-year-old Salvina has become a fitness fanatic

outh Wentworthville NSW resiS dent 101-year-old Maltese-born widow Salvina Formosa (pictured)

admits she came to exercise late in life but now she is hooked. A self-confessed late-bloomer on the fitness front, Salvina was a century old before she took up step classes after a fall left her bruised and shaken. Now she does weights and sit-to-stand exercises that have helped put a spring back in her step. She featured prominently in a recent article by Deborah Fitzgerald of The Parramatta Advertiser. Salvina is taking part in a community-based programme called Stepping On, aimed at older people who have had a fall or are fearful of falling. The Voice of the Maltese found out that Salvina was in fact born in Gozo and came to Australia when she was 37 years old. The Gozitan recently tripped on an uneven footpath so she decided to take matters into her own hands and started classes at retirement village Southern Cross Care in Merrylands. Now, she says she feels a lot more confident getting out of a chair, walking on uneven ground and walking to the letterbox. Salvina stills lives independently in the garden of her son’s house and goes on outings several times a week. And there is no sign of Salvina slowing down. She is a trained sewing teacher who has made many wedding dresses, although she jokes that her son has hidden her sewing machine in an attempt to get her to slow down.

The centurion believes in an active mind and an active body although she admits that running races at school were the last formal exercise she had undertaken. She wakes up at 5am and prays every day with a faith that sustains her. “I love everybody,” is her answer to the secret of a long and happy life. Shayda Marek, Western Sydney Local Health District’s Stepping On coordinator, said Salvina was her old-

est client and was a joy to be around. “She says it’s better to laugh than to cry so she wants to make people laugh.” Nearly 1,000 older western Sydney residents have taken part in the programme at various settings across western Sydney. The programme runs for seven weeks, two hours a week in a community setting. One can contact Shayda Marek, Stepping On Co-Ordinator on 0434 323 098.

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Tuesday April 14, 2015

Louis Cremona: The only Kiwi-Maltese ANZAC By Mark Caruana April 25th this year is the Centenary of the ANZACS landing on the Gallipoli Peninsula. A number of Maltese migrants, resident in Australia, joined the Australian Imperial Forces in different enlistment centres in Australia thro-ughout 1914-18. They fought side-by-side with the Australian troops in Gallipoli and on the Western Front. But, one may ask: Were there any Maltese who joined the New Zealand Army? Historically, the number of Maltese in NZ was relatively very much smaller than Maltese in Australia. However, there was one Maltese who did join and he probably is the only Maltese migrant to have joined the NZ Expeditionary Forces. He is Louis Cremona, born in Rabat Gozo, on the July 6th, 1886. His father was Anthony Cremona and his mother Josephine Scicluna. Louis lived in Strada Provicario, Rabat Gozo, today known as Triq LArcipriet Cassar. (I am obliged to Fr Joe Bezzina, archivist at the Gozo National Archives, who obtained for me a baptismal certificate to confirm Louis’s date of birth and other important details.) Louis applied for a Malta passport on the January 19, 1906 (Malta National Archives) and disembarked at Wellington on the March 5, 1906 (Trove website). He was single and travelled on his own. He enlisted in New Zealand on the April 30, 1917 at Wellington where he worked as a cook at the Cress Club, Masterton Hotel. He trained as a rifleman with the 4th Battalion, NZ Rifle Brigade. At the time he was aged 31 years old, though he stated his age to be 28. He is described as being 5 feet 4 inches tall, with brown eyes, black hair and a pale complexion. Louis saw active service for 333 days at Camiers and Etaples in northern France with the rank of a rifleman but served also as a chef, providing meals for the troops in the trenches. Such a task involved personal risks as he could easily have been killed while providing food provisions to the troops. He was discharged on July 21, 1919 on termination of his period of en-

Louis Cremona’s certificate of discharge from the New Zealand Expeditionary Force dated July 21, 1919 gagement with the NZ Rifle Brigade of over two ye-ars. He returned to New Zealand and resided at Kent St, Wellington. Two years later, in 1921, Louis Cremona moved to Australia. In 1958, he applied for a service pension through the Katoomba-Leura Repatriation Local Committee, stating that he was in receipt of two World War I medals. Lest we forget. Louis Cremona will be remembered as the only known KiwiMaltese ANZAC from across the Tasman.

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8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 14, 2015

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The Voice of the Maltese on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:

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Malta an important health centre in Europe

Frank Debono from Norwood, SA writes


felt so proud reading the news items about Malta in the last issue (N. 98) with regard to the large investments in the health sector in Malta by foreigners, particularly the one by the leading medical school in Britain, Barts and the launching of the Medical School by the Queen Mary Medical University of London in Gozo As one of my sons is directing his future in the medical profession, I wanted to know more about this investment and together with him we logged on to the Internet to try and find out more about this school. The information we found makes for very interesting reading and us Maltese should be proud that our island of birth, small as it may be could attract host such an investment and a prestigious school such as this. It also augurs well for the future and that the Maltese islands could keep on excelling in the medical profession. Malta used to be called The Nurse of the Mediterranean. I also remember my father telling me that Malta always had some of the best eye specialists in Europe and that one of these doctors saved his eyesight. Now, when the new investments start bearing fruit, Malta would be able to hold on to that reputation. The island could become a centre for medicine with people from all over Europe especially, flocking to be treated there. Back to the Queen Mary University, we found out that it has a history of 28 years in the sector; it has got 20,260 students in total,

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13,240 undergraduates and 4,600 postgraduates, hailing from 15 nationalities. It has five campuses (Mile End, Whitechapel, Charterhouse Square, West Smithfield, and Lincoln's Inn Fields), and an income of £300m. My son has become very interested in this project and when the time comes, and if he still wants to follow the medical career, he might even try to travel to Malta to become a student there. Well-done Malta. .

Il-Maltin saru organizzaturi ta’ ˙ila kbira J. Sultana minn Fairfield NSW jikteb: ’dawn l-a˙˙ar ©img˙at irnexxieli nattendi Ωew© attivitajiet organizzati mill-Maltin fi NSW. Mieg˙i kelli lil marti, li hija Awstraljana. Morna g˙all-Australia Day f’Merrylands u anke ftit ilu fl-Annunciation Hall, Blacktown, g˙all-Quiet Achievers Night of Recognition g˙ax kelli ˙bieb li rçevew l-unur. Innutajt kemm iΩ-Ωew© attivitajiet kienu organizzati b’mod professjonali tajjeb u ta’ livell g˙oli. Fi ftit kliem, kienu Ωew© attivitajiet li wie˙ed ma jiddejjaqx jie˙u mieg˙u lil xi ˙add li mhux Malti. Jien nahseb li kemm radjijiet, TV shows u okkaΩjonijiet b˙al dawn huma speçi ta’showcase g˙alina l-Maltin flAwstralja u kapaçi jag˙mlilna isem tajjeb. F’okkaΩjonijiet b˙al dawn wiehed induna li m’g˙addx hemm post g˙addilettantiΩmu. Meta mmorru g˙al attivitajiet b˙al dawn g˙andna dejjem nistaqsu: imma jekk nie˙u mieg˙i littfal tag˙na, dawn se jie˙du gost ukoll, jew se jg˙idulna li mela mank a˙na kapaçi norganizzaw?


Le˙en li jinstema’ Peter Vassallo minn St Albans, Victoria Irrid nirringrazzja lill The Voice of the Maltese li rnexxielu j©ib ir-reazzjoni tal-Ministeru tal-Affarijiet Barranin Malti g˙all-ilmenti li dehru dan l-a˙har dwar il-˙ru© tal-passaport Maltin. Intwera biç-çar li dan il-magazine tassew g˙andu le˙en li jinstema’.

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Tuesday April 14, 2015

Wa˙da mill-vari waqt ilpurçissjoni tal-Gimgha lKbira f’Bacchus March

It-tfal fer˙anin imdawrin mal-istatwa ta’ Kristu Rxoxt waqt attivita fiç-Çentru La Vallette ta’ Blacktown NSW

Il-komunita` Maltija fl-Awstralja baqg˙et tg˙oΩΩ it-tradizzjonijiet tal-Ìimg˙a l-Kbira


inbarra l-aspett reli©juz il-festi assoçjati malÌimg˙a Mqaddsa jqanqlu memorji ta’ nostal©ija, fost il-komunita` Maltija f’g˙add ta’ n˙awi fl-Awstralja. G˙all-okkaΩjoni ma jsirux biss il-festi ta’ ©ewwa, imma wkoll Ωew© spettakoli kbar, ji©ifieri l-purçissjonijiet tal-Ìimg˙a l-Kbira, fosthom dik ta’ Bacchus March f’Victoria li ilha ssir mis-sena 1984 u l-o˙ra ta’ Horsley Park fi NSW li ilha g˙addejja mill-1987. Sfortunatament, il-purçissjoni ta’ Horsley Park f’Sydney dis-sena ma saritx min˙abba l-maltemp, iΩda ta’ Baccchus Marsh mhux biss saret imma wkoll kienet suççess kbir. Skont Joe Ghigo, kuntrarju g˙as-sena l-o˙ra, dis-sena ç-çelebrazzjoijiet f’Melbourne saru f’temp mill-isba˙ u Waqt mill-purçissjoni ta’ kienu ta’ suççess bil-folol jattendu bi ˙©arhom. Joe Bacchus March li g˙aliha baghtilna wkoll u˙ud mi-ritratti li ˙a f’Baccchus Marsh. attedniet folla tajba ˙afna Sadanittant, fi NSW ©ie wkoll organizzat programm estensiv g˙all-Ìimg˙a Mqaddsa fic-Centru La Vallette fejn fost organizzata mill-G˙aqda Kulturali. kollox sar il-˙asil tar-ri©lejn, il-via sagra u wkoll l-festa tal-irxoxt Hu çar li dawn il-festi sagri jkomplu jg˙oΩΩu wkoll it-tradizzjonibl-istatwa. jiet reli©juzi Maltin assoçjati mal-Ìimg˙a Mqaddsa ta’ ˙afna minn Fil-knisja tal-OLQP fi Greystanes saret ukoll l-via sagra bil-Malti dawk li jiftakruhom f’Malta.

10 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 14, 2015

Perspettiva X'Futur Politiku wara Passat Kriminali? A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://www.ivancauchi.


l-©img˙a li g˙addiet fi Queensland qam furur, li g˙adu ma battiex, u na˙seb li baqag˙lu sew biex ibatti, jekk qatt. Qed nirreferi g˙all-kaΩ tal-Membru Parlamentari ta' Queensland g˙al Cook, Billy Gordon, li tela' g˙all-ewwel darba f'isem il-Partit Laburista flelezzjoni statali ta' ftit ©img˙at ilu. Ìie Ωvelat li s-Sur Gordon, li hu abori©enu, g˙andu passat kriminali, li jinkludi allegazzjonijiet ta' vjolenza domestika, nuqqas ta' ˙las ta' manteniment u sewqan ming˙ajr liçenzja, fost lo˙rajn. Dawn huma kollha ˙wejje© koroh u serji, u jidher li dawn ma kinux mag˙rufa mill-Partit Laburista qabel l-elezzjoni, jew talinqas hekk qed tg˙id il-Premier ta' Queensland, Annastacia Palaszczuk. Il-Premier keççiet lisSur Gordon mill-Partit Laburista, u tidher li mhix kuntenta bil-proçess tal-g˙aΩla tal-kandidati g˙all-elezzjoni. Però il-Premier Palaszczuk marret iktar lil hinn minn hekk. Hija talbet pubblikament lis-Sur Gordon biex jirriΩenja wkoll mill-Parlament. Issa stenna ftit. G˙aliex dan? Óadd mhu qed jg˙id li huwa llegali g˙as-Sur Gordon li jkun Membru tal-Parlament ta' Queensland1. Il-kaΩijiet kriminali msemmija saru fil-passat, u mhumiex miç˙uda. Is-Sur Gordon mhux qed jiskonta piena jew qieg˙ed ta˙t liberta' proviΩorja. Allura g˙alfejn g˙andu jirriΩenja minn Membru tal-Parlament? Il-Premier qeg˙da awtonomament titlob livell ta' im©ieba og˙la mis-Sur Gordon milli titlob il-li©i. B'liema dritt tag˙mel dan? Qalet ukoll li s-Sur Gordon ma jist˙oqqlux ikun Membru talParlament, u li ma ˙aqqux it-tieni cans2. X'kundanna! Dan x'messa©© qed jag˙ti lill-membri tas-soçjetà? Óa ng˙idilkom kif jista' ji©i nterpretat: li jekk tag˙mel xi ˙a©a ˙aΩina, tag˙mel x'tag˙mel, kemm jekk ˙allastx g˙aliha, kemm jekk tag˙mel xi forma ta' restituzzjoni, kemm jekk tibdel ˙ajtek - ma tin˙afer qatt. Ma jintnesa xejn, u ma jin˙afer xejn. Addio riparazzjoni, azzjonijiet konkreti b˙ala ndiema, konferenzi ta' aggressuri mal-vittmi tag˙hom, centri ta' korrezzjoni, storja stabbilita ta' ˙ajja poΩittiva wara l-fatt negattiv eçç. Ma jg˙odd xejn! Hawnhekk mhux qed nitkellmu dwar persuna li jkollha proçeduri kriminali g˙addejjin preΩentement. Dik hija ˙a©’o˙ra, u hemmhekk il-persuna tkun meqjusa kompromessa. Imma meta l-a©ir ikun sar fil-passat, u jkun ˙allas g˙alih jew ikun ing˙alaq, g˙alfejn titqies li g˙adha kurrenti? Qed ng˙idu li min g˙andu passat kriminali, m'g˙andux x'joffri lill-politika? F'kaΩijiet b˙al dawn, mallewwel ji©ini f'rasi lil Manwel Dimech, Malti li twieled fil-faqar u miet fl-eΩilju, li g˙ex bejn is-sekli dsatax u g˙oxrin. Dan kellu passat kriminali sostanzjali, inkluΩ ta' qtil, u da˙al il-˙abs g˙axar darbiet. Ûgur ma kienx

kitba ta’


jitqies an©lu. IΩda wara din il-faΩi kerha ˙afna, dawwar ˙ajtu kompletament, u apparti li sar edukatur tal-lingwi kellu sehem fil-˙ajja soçjali u politika ta' Malta, fejn i©©ieled g˙all-©ustizzja, g˙all-˙addiema, g˙ad-drittijiet tan-nisa, u kontra l-abbuΩi ta' min hu qawwi fis-soçjeta. DaΩgur li ma kellux x'joffri lill-politika! Forsi fil-Parlament, an©li biss g˙andhom jirrappreΩentawna, kul˙add b'sebg˙u dritt riga! Osservaturi tax-xena politika ta' Queensland qed jg˙idu li dan l-a©ir g˙andu g˙erq politiku. Fil-fatt, lOppoΩizzjoni Liberali ta' Queensland, jidher li qeg˙da tara f'dan l-inçident opportunità li to˙ro© middisfatta straordinarja li kellha fl-elezzjoni li g˙addiet. Mhux biss qed taqbel Billy Gordon mal-poΩizzjoni tal-Premier li s-Sur Gordon jitlaq millParlament, imma qed tag˙mel minn kollox biex t˙amme© lilha wkoll kemm jista' jkun. Dak li g˙amel is-Sur Gordon, g˙amlu, imma Ω-Ωmien jag˙tina parir jekk dak li ©ie Ωvelat u meta, fl-a˙˙ar mill-a˙˙ar jirriΩultax li ©ie mibdi b˙ala vendetta politika3. Il-Premier stqarret li ma tridx taççetta vot fil-Parlament ming˙and is-Sur Gordon, li g˙alkemm m'g˙adux fil-Partit Laburista, ikun mistenni li jΩomm ix-xejriet xellugin tieg˙u fil-Parlament. Wie˙ed jista' jimma©ina lill-OppoΩizzjoni tg˙ajjat x'skandlu dan, jekk ise˙˙, li persuna li g˙amel numru ta' Ωbalji fil-passat f'˙ajtu jivvota kontrihom, u nifhem li din hi r-ra©uni g˙aliex ilPremier ma tridux fil-Parlament akkost ta' kollox. Jien ma jimpurtanix mill-politika parti©©jana, u l-manuvri biex ji©i akkwistat il-poter, iΩda jimpurtani ˙afna mill-politika u lprinçipji li fuqhom huwa bbaΩat. L-a©ir tal-partiti l-kbar hemmhekk juri li fil-kilba tag˙hom g˙all-poter, ma jimpurtahom xejn li jaqtg˙u qalb dawk in-nies li g˙amlu Ωbalji koroh f'˙ajjithom u jixtiequ jinbidlu, li di©à jsibuha diffiçli biex jinqatg˙u minn çikli ta' vjolenza, serq, xorb, abbuΩ eçç, li ˙afna drabi jkunu trawmu fih minn çkunithom. Il-messa©© lilhom hu, inutli tippruvaw. A˙na mhu se na˙frulkom qatt. U l-messa©© lill-poplu hu: dawn in-nies mhumiex ta' min jafdahom, ilhom kemm ilhom li g˙amlu li g˙amlu, u anke jekk illum huma nies mibdula. Ara 'l min qed intellg˙u fil-Parlament biex jitkellmu f'isimna. U m'inix nirreferi g˙as-Sur Gordon. Referenzi 1, retrieved 7/4/2015 2, retrieved 7/4/2015 3, retrieved 7/4/2015

The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 14, 2015


Fejn spiçça dak il-˙ali ta’ fardal? F

tit ilu g˙alliema wriet lill-istudenti tat-Tieni Sena Elementari stampa kbira bil-kulur ta’ Ωew© nisa: wa˙da b’fardal abjad quddiemha u o˙ra b’mowbajl f’idha. Xtaqet li jibdew jg˙idulha xi ˙a©a dwar dik l-istampa. Malajr bdew ©ejjin it-twe©ibiet. Fost l-o˙rajn qam tifel li staqsiha: “Dik il-mara g˙aliex g˙andha dik is-sarvetta quddiem Ωaqqha?” L-g˙alliema ma damitx ma ntenb˙et li dak it-tifel kien qed jirreferi g˙allfardal. Kellu ra©un, miskin. Mela llum tara lil xi mara bil-fardal! Sa ftit tas-snin ilu l-fardal kien is-simbolu tal-mara tad-dar. Ma kont issib lebda mara li ma kienx ikollha l-˙aΩna kbira ta’ fradal. Ming˙ajrhom ma kienet xejn. X’ktarx li kienet tilbsu fuq il-bluΩa ta’ ©ewwa minn x˙in tifta˙ g˙ajnejha sa ma jer©a’ jsir il-˙in biex tag˙laqhom, ukoll jekk kellha tag˙mel mawra mg˙a©©la s’g˙and tal-merça, jew tixref fuq l-g˙atba biex tixtri l-˙alib jew il-˙ut. L-iskop ewlieni tal-fardal kien biex ma tit˙ammi©x il-bluΩa ta’ ta˙tu, g˙ax ˙wejji©ha ma tantx kienet issib tixtrihom lesti, kien jin˙ti©ilha t˙ithom hi. G˙exieren ta’ snin ilu tista’ tg˙id li nnisa kollha kienu jmiddu jdejhom g˙al-pont tal-˙jata. Fl-istess waqt ma kienx juri wisq g˙aqal li t˙amme© u ta˙sel il-libsa kuljum. Fardal malajr tog˙rku u tilbes ie˙or sa ma jinxef. Kont tara fradal ta’ kull kwalità ta’ drapp, ibda minn dak iççangjat jew irrigat u spicca f’kull biçça roqg˙a ta’ drapp li l-mara jibqg˙alha meta qed tfassal xi ˙a©’o˙ra, imqar drapp tassaqqijiet jew tal-purtieri. Drabi me˙jutin sempliçiment dritti u jibdew mill-qadd ‘l isfel; o˙rajn jg˙attu sa˙ansitra s-sider u allura kellhom b˙al çineg jew kurdiçella li ΩΩommhom mal-g˙onq. Tista’ tg˙id li fardal dejjem kien ikollu but, jekk mhux tnejn. O˙rajn ma kinux sempliçiment funzjonali, g˙ax kont issibilhom frilli u tiΩjin ie˙or. Imbag˙ad, m’g˙andniex xi ng˙idu kien hemm dawk bojod illamtati li kont tara fuq sefturi tal-familji g˙onja u li mag˙hom kienu jilbsu b˙al speçi ta’ skufja pari©©. Dak l-imbierek ta’ fardal kien jaqdi lill-mara tad-dar g˙al ˙afna funzjonijiet li t˙abbat wiççha mag˙hom tul il-

drapp klinikament nadifa ta’ ©od-dar g˙alkemm xi nisa kienu jibdluh kuljum. Dan xejn ma kien idejjaqha lill-mara. Min jaf kemm-il darba tfal li jaqg˙u kienu jmorru jibku g˙and ommhom u jsibu lfardal lest biex jixxuttalhom iddmug˙ ... u jekk kien hemm xi qatra demm lanqas ma jimporta g˙ax il-fardal kien jaççettaha wkoll. Seta’ dak binha kien g˙adu ta’ ftit jiem; ara ta˙seb li kienet tinkwieta terfg˙u u ΩΩommu mqandel mag˙ha bil-fardal b’kollox; jew seta’ kien binha li kiber u ΩΩewwe© u ©ie jΩurha, ta˙seb li kienet se tiddejjaq tilqg˙u bil-fardal quddiemha? Bl-irwejja˙ u lfwejja˙ u l-˙mie© li seta’ kien ikollu dak il-fardal kieku Kont tara fradal ta’ kull kwalità ta’ drapp, anke drapp li qatt konna l-mara kien jifdlilha meta qed tfassal xi ˙a©’o˙ra. nisimg˙u li xi tfal jum twil ta’ tindif u tisjir. kienu jbatu minn xi aller©iji jew infezForsi qed ta˙sel il-˙wejje© u bdiet zjonijiet. Tg˙id g˙aliex? Jista’ jkun li ltibki t-tarbija, er˙ilha malajr malajr g˙oΩΩa u l-attenzjoni kompleta tixxotta jdejha fih. Inkella qed tqaxxar tal-omm f’dak iΩ-Ωmien kienet il-patata u l-basal u ndunat li se jfur il- qawwija biΩΩejjed biex teg˙leb kull kafè mill-istanjata, araha bla telf ta’ ˙in mikrobu u kull infezzjoni? taqbad l-istanjata bl-istess djul talG˙adni sal-lum ma nistax nifhem fardal; jew setg˙et kienet qed tog˙rok g˙aliex lit-tfal bniet tal-iskola kienu it-tara© bil-broxk u ˙abbat il-bieb u jriduhom sa˙ansitra jilbsu il-fardal dritt jid˙ol g˙aliha l-fardal biex abjad b˙ala biçça mill-uniformi. U tixxotta jdejha fih. kemm kellu ˙abta jit˙amme© u jitIl-mara lanqas ma kienet tiddejjaq tebba’ bil-linka jew bil-qtar taΩ-Ωejt taljekk tisma’ xi a˙bar ˙aΩina u jaqbΩilha ˙uta li kienu jag˙tuna dak iΩ-Ωmien. d-dmug˙... u kien hemm il-fardal dej- Tg˙id biex idarru lit-tifla tilbes dak iljem lest biex jaqdiha g˙al kull ma fardal li ‘l quddiem isir parti mill-unikienet te˙tie©. formi tal-mara tad-dar? M’g˙andnix xi ng˙idu li dak il-˙ali Ma nafx. Illum ˙afna affarijiet inta’ fardal kien ji©bor mieg˙u kull ri˙a bidlu. Ikollna nimxu maΩ-Ωmien. Ma ta’ tisjir li l-mara qed t˙ejji, ibda minn nistg˙ux inkaxkru u nibqg˙u lura. Ilminestra u spiçça f’imbjank tal-˙ut mara tad-dar tal-lum tidher aktar im˙alltin mar-ri˙a ta’ pitrolju tal- moderna u forsi aktar sabi˙a fil-g˙ajn kuçiniera g˙ax l-irwejja˙ u l-fwejja˙ ... imma taqblu mieg˙i li hemm emozjafu jaqbdu sew mad-drapp u xi drabi zjoni nostalgika u kwaΩi misterjuΩa u bilkemm içedu bil-˙asil. li nixtiequ ner©g˙u nakkwistaw meta Tistenniha wkoll li lanqas ma stajt naraw xi stampa ta’ mara tad-dar biltg˙id li dak il-fardal kien l-aktar biçça fardal quddiemha?

kitba ta’ Lina Brockdorff

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 14, 2015

Roundup of News About Malta Win for ‘YES’ Camp so Spring Hunting to stay


activists, the local LGBT advocacy group and supporters marked celebrating outside Parliament.

Parliament approves ‘cutting-edge’ gender identity bill, sets new benchmark for Europe


altese Parliament (April 1) unanimously approved what LGBT rights advocates are applauding as one of the world’s most comprehensive gender identity bills. It is indeed a historic moment The Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act states that a person “shall not be required to provide proof” of sex-reassignment surgery, or having undergone hormone therapy or “any other psychiatric, psychological or medical treatment to make use of the right to gender identity” in order to legally change their name or gender. The proposal would also extend sweeping legal protections to intersex children. It reads that, “It shall not be lawful for medical practitioners or other professionals to conduct any sex assignment treatment and, or surgical intervention on the sex characteristics of a minor which treatment and, or intervention can be deferred until the person to be treated can provide informed consent.” The measure further states that all Maltese citizens or those who “habitually” live in

Malta have the right to “the recognition of their gender identity” and “the free development of their person according to their gender identity.” After the bill was approved a group of activists, the local LGBT advocacy group and supporters marked the historic moment outside Parliament. In a statement, Jessica Stern, executive director of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Campaign said: “Malta’s new law is really the cutting-edge of human rights legislation in the fight to fully recognise the rights of trans, intersex and gender non-conforming individuals. Crucially, Malta’s new law protects intersex infants from unnecessary surgeries to ‘normalize’ their bodies.” Alecs Recher, co-chair of Transgender Europe, a European trans advocacy group, in a statement said the Maltese law “sets a new benchmark for Europe.” “We are thrilled about the respectful, comprehensive and yet practical aspirations of this new Maltese act,” said Recher.

ith a 50.44% vote in favour, the Yes camp has won spring hunting referendum over the No camp. It gave those in favour of the EU directive a majority of 2,220 over the No camp. The No camp, which had campaigned to abolish spring hunting, conceded defeat early Sunday morning soon after the start of the counting of votes. They said they would respect the decision and would continue to work for the protection of the environment. Official voter turnout was 75%, The hunters’ organisation FKNK president Joe Perici Calascione called for calm and said: “We did not win anything, we just did not lose.” Although supporters of the Yes vote were told that an official activity to celebrate the decision was to be held at a later stage, hunters immediately started celebrating and carcades were seen in several localities. At a press conference later, Prime Minister Dr Jos-eph Muscat called for hunters to respect the law during the hunting season that was scheduled to open on April 14; otherwise they could face harsh penalties. He said the referendum had given a 'final chance' to hunters. He would not tolerate abuse. He said the win also carries responsibilities. The voting for the Referendum was held on Saturday along with the voting for the election of 34 local councils. Turnout for the Council elections was 68%; the biggest turn-outs were registered at Dingli with 87% and Safi with 86%. The lowest was registered in St Julians with 40%. The counting of votes for the Council elections will be held on Saturday April 18.

Malta first to publish friendly National Strategy on Dementia he Maltese Government has published She emphasised that the Government is than 80 countries T the National Strategy on Dementia committed to ensure that this strategy is im- committed themalong with a dementia friendly version that plemented and in fact it is planned that its selves to tackle the

makes it the first country in the world to publish a friendly version for persons with this condition. Announcing the strategy, Parliamentary Secretary Dr Justyne Caruana (on right) emphasised that currently there are around 6,000 persons with dementia on the island, a figure that is expected to increase to around 13,000 in 2050. She explained how with every person affected directly with this condition, there are other individuals who are affected indirectly, and these are generally members of the family or carers.

implementation will span over nine years in order for various holistic measures to be implemented aimed at improving the quality of life of persons with dementia and their carers. Malta is one of the few countries that is adopting a dementia strategy on a National basis. It will be the smallest state to adopt it. Dr Caruana explained that dementia is an international issue. In fact, during the first Ministerial conference organised by the World Health Organisation on the global action against dementia a month ago, more

dementia challenge. Dementia in fact is the most constant social and medical condition that costs around 1% of the GDP. The Parliamentary Secretary said that while she was participating in this conference she had the opportunity to discuss this strategy and with satisfaction she said that this was welcomed and praised by larger countries.

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday April 14, 2015

Roundup of News About Malta Parliament’s next sitting at new building


t was a historic occasion for Maltese Parliament on April 1. It marked the last sitting in the Palace chamber in Valletta. Speaker Anġlu Farrugia adjourned the next sitting to May 4, when the House is due to meet in the Renzo Piano-designed new Par-liament House at City Gate in the Maltese capital. The House of Representatives had been sitting at the Palace since it was established (originally as the Legis-lative Assembly) in 1921.

It originally met in the Tapestry Chamber and then moved to the former Armoury in August 1976. That Chamber, in use till April 1 had been inaugurated by President Anthony Mamo in June 1976 and the first sitting held under then Speaker Emanuel Attard Bezzina. A formal ceremony is scheduled on May 4 in the new building and the first sitting would then be held later that day.

The new Parliament builidng at City Gate

€120m Metropolis project launched on former Empire Stadium site P

Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscat (left) greeting Italian PM Mr Matteo Renzi

Malta-Sicily interconnector inaugurated


rime Minister Joseph Muscat on Thursday inaugurated the MaltaSicily interconnector project in the presence of special guest, Italy’s Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi and also former Maltese Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, who, Dr Muscat said, had the “vision to start and commit” to the project. He gave him credit for his decision. Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi said that the project, that was not simply engineering but collaboration between two countries, marked the beginning of a journey of further collaboration between the two countries, and called on the EU to continue to diversify its energy supply. Joseph Muscat explained that the project was also made possible with the help of Renzi and the former Italian Premier, Enrico Letta, who, he said responded to his requests for helping to reduce bureaucracy in getting the project to be completed. Mr Renzi described the occasion historic. He said that the occasion was an important inauguration for Malta and for its collaboration with Sicily but he added, "I believe the most important thing is the value of cultural and economic relations between the two sides." He reiterated that the event was not a conclusion but a first step “because we have a lot of things to do together”. Joseph Muscat mentioned that the next step in this collaboration would be the setting up of a gas pipeline between Malta and Italy. (See also page 15)

rime Minister Joseph Muscat has laid the foundation stone of a €120 million Metropolis Plaza project in Gzira on the site of the former Empire Stadium, that, according to Libyan entrepreneur Jalal Husni Bey, from HB Group should be completed in three years’ time. The project, that would be covering 85,000sqm includes a helipad and three towers made of steel reaching 13, 27 and 33 floors respectively, that would tower over a public square. About 10,000 sqm of space will be available for commercial use. It would also feature luxury apartments, a supermarket, a range of shops, health, fitness and leisure facilities together with an underlying car park. The PM said that Maltese economy was working well, delivering impressive growth and creating jobs, that investors in IT, healthcare, financial services, tourism, manufacturing and the retail sectors benefit from its growing economy, and the island’s businessfriendly approach and its talented workforce is attracting the right type of investors to its shores, which is all good news. He added that a lot more needs to be done to take Malta to even greater heights; that there should be no liis project, an investment that would see the regeneration and upgrading of the area it would be built on in Gzira. He said that the project would transform the area into a commercial, business and residential hub, with attractive public open spaces that have now been increased. Local constructor Charles Polidano has been entrusted with the initial construction phase; an Italian company will construct the first tower while a Dubai-based company that has built the largest towers in Dubai will develop the tallest tower. No names have been divulged so far. The site has been empty and left to rot 35 years, after Maltese football moved to the Ta’ Qali Stadium in 1980.

Mr Bey, whose older brother, Husni is the chief executive of the Libyan Group said that they had originally wanted to buy some apartments but then saw an opportunity when the original investors of the original project that was supposed to be that of “a lifestyle building with all apartments having their own view and large terraces”, fell through having failed to obtain enough finances for their project. Talking about the project, Mr Husni Bey said that 106 mega yachts enter Malta’s harbours every year and the owners are not even on board so one had to study what Malta could offer these wealthy investors. He said Malta has a fantastic tax regime and a lifestyle that is at par with other countries; it is an hour away from Europe. So what’s stopping investors from owning, living and operating from Malta?” He said Malta was like a second home to him: “We are serious partners and believe in the future of Malta and in what it can deliver.” He had words of praise for Joseph Muscat and those “calling the shots who have been very helpful”. An artist’s impression of the Metropolis

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 14, 2015

Il-Kunsilli Lokali - deçiΩjoni fit-18/19 W

aslet fi tmiema l-kampanja tal-Partiti Politiçi g˙all-elezzjoni tal-Kunsilli Lokali u sSibt li g˙adda kellna wkoll il-votazzjoni biex issa l-voti ©ie deçiΩ li jing˙addu s-Sibt 19 ta’ April, u fl-istss jum, inkella l-g˙ada nkunu nafu r-riΩultat. Sal-a˙˙ar it-tatika taΩ-Ωew© Partiti ewlenin kienet different. Filwaqt li min-na˙a tal-Partit Laburista l-emfasi kienet fuq is-suççessi talGvern matul l-a˙˙ar sentejn u tiratta dwar fuq materji nazzjonali, il-Partit Nazzjonalista l-aktar li ffoka fuq kwestjonijiet lokali, g˙alkemm sintendi ma naqasx li jikkritika l-Gvern fuq materji Nazzjonali. Differenza o˙ra kienet li filwaqt li l-mexxej Laburista, Joseph Muscat ta’ kuljum kien talinqas jag˙mel diskors fil-pubbliku u jilqa’ l-mistoqsijiet tal-©urnalist, il-Mexxej Nazzjonalista, g˙amel dikorsi f’laqg˙at fejn il-pubbliku pjutost kien ristrett, tant li l-Partit Laburista kemm-il darba allega li Simon Busuttil kien qed ‘jin˙eba’. IΩ-Ωew© na˙at taw indikazzjoni dwar xi xtaqu mill-votazzjoni. Filwaqt li l-Mexxej Laburista ©urnata wara l-o˙ra appella lill-eletturi biex jippruvaw jibdlu t-tendenza ta’ dawn l-elezzjonijiet, fejn qabel, kull min kien fil-Gvern kwaΩi dejjem tilef l-elezzzjonijiet tal-Kunsilli. Allura mmira li jkollu ma©©oranza ta’ voti, fi kliem Muscat “anke b’ma©©oranza ta’ vot wie˙ed biss”. Min-na˙a tieg˙u, g˙alkemm g˙all-ewwel ta x’jifhem li kien qed jimmira li jkollu lma©©oranza, il-Partit Nazzjonalista, donnu (li g˙ax il-kelliema Nazzjonalisti, ma kienux daqshekk çari fi kliemhom) qed jikkuntenta li talinqas jirba˙ lura xi Kunsilli Lokali (p.e. San Pawl-il-Ba˙ar) li kien tilef fl-a˙˙ar elezzjoni talKunsilli Lokali, kif ukoll li jnaqqas il-mar©ini tattelfa li kien ©arrab dakinhar (telfa ta’ madwar 35,000 vot).

Malta minn ta’ quddiem


alta hija meqjusa b˙ala pajjiΩ minn ta’ quddiem fejn jid˙lu d-drittijiet tal-persuni transgender. Dan wara li l-Parlament approva b’vot unanimu l-li©i tal-©eneru. Permezz ta’ din il-li©i g˙all-ewwel darba se jitne˙˙a kull obbligu mediku biex wie˙ed ikun jista' jibdel il-©eneru fuq id-dokumenti uffiçjali billi sa˙ansitra se tkun qieg˙da tintroduçi d-dritt g˙all-identità tal-©eneru. Id-dritt g˙all-identità tal-©eneru se jkun miftu˙ g˙all-adulti u g˙all-minuri, billi wara bidla fiç-çertifikat tat-twelid kull çertifikat ie˙or ikun jista’ ji©i emendat biex ikun konformi mal-identita` tal-persuna. Aspett ie˙or importanti hu l-fatt li l-identità tal-persuna tkun protetta kontra kxif ta’ identità preçedenti g˙al finijiet malizzjuΩi. Din il-li©i se tipprote©i lil persuni intersex minn operazzjonijiet normattivi li mhux me˙tie©a g˙al sa˙˙ithom, u tintroduçi miΩuri o˙rajn fosthom il-promozzjoni tal-ugwaljanza u l-kriminalizzazzjoni ta’ atti ta’ mibeg˙da. L-approvazzjoni ta’ din il-li©i spiççat fl-a˙barijiet madwar id-dinja kollha bilwebsite Buzzfeed tg˙id li din hija 'the world's most progressive gender identity law' li tipprote©i kontra d-diskriminazzjoni. Il-website rrimarkat ukoll li huwa tassew impressjonanti li l-li©i hekk liberali kienet ©iet approvata minn ‘a deeply Catholic nation.’ Minkejja li l-li©i nnifisha ma qajjmet

l-ebda polemika poltika bejn il-partiti politiçi, xorta wa˙da qamet polemika fil-mod kif ©iet approvata fil-Parlament billi fl-a˙˙ar qari, meta ssejj˙a il-vot kien hemm biss 20 membru tal-OppoΩizzjoni, u fost l-o˙rajn, il-Kap talOppoΩizjoni stess, Simon Busuttil, kien assenti. Sintendi, parti mill-midja malajr ©ibdet l-attenzjoni tal-pubbliku g˙al dan, u ma naqsux l-interpretazzjonijiet dwar dak li se˙˙. L-OppoΩizzjoni qalet li dejjem sostniet li kienet favur il-li©i u sa˙ansitra kkontribwiet biex tkun a˙jar. Fuq kollox peress li l-li©i kienet fi stadju tat-tielet qari, l-membri ma kellhom l-ebda obbligu li jattendu g˙all-vot. Biss, wara l-kritika li l-istess OppoΩizzjoni kienet qalg˙et, anke mill-istess midja li tappo©©jaha, meta kienet astjeniet dwar il-vot tal-Unjoni Çivili, u wara l-isforz qawwi biex il-Partit Nazzjonalista jag˙ti l-impressjoni li kien favur il-jeddijiet tat-transgender, Ωgur li sar Ωball tattiku min-na˙a taddeputati ta’ tal-PN li m’attendewx biex jivvutaw dwar il-li©i. Fil-fatt ˙afna osserveturi politiçi j˙ossu li bil-mod kif a©ixxiet, l-OppoΩizzjoni tilfet opportunità biex tibni pont veru ma’ persuni LGBTI. Imbaghad saret kritika wkoll g˙ax g˙alkemm ma vvutatx, il-Mexxej Simon Busuttil attenda riçeviment biex ji©i ççelebrat il-vot.

Ir-Referendum dwar il-kaçça fir-Rebbieg˙a:

Jirba˙ il-Kamp tal-‘IVA’

tit li xejn ktibt dwar ir-referendum dwar il-kaçça fir-Rebbieg˙a li r-riΩultat issa F nafuh g˙ax t˙abbar wara l-votazzjoni tas-Sibt li g˙adda, ji©ifieri tal-’IVA’ reb˙u b’2,220 vot, jew b’50.44 kontra d-49.56 tal-”LE’, li tibqa’ d-deroga u l-kaçça fir-Rebbieg˙a. Tajjeb li wie˙ed jag˙mel emfasi fuq l-kelma Rebbieg˙a, g˙ax kien hawn min qed ja˙seb li dan ir-referendum kien dwar jekk kellix tibqa’ l-kaçça jew le. Barra minhekk, fir-realta r-referendum kellu jiddeçiedi biss jekk il-kaççatturi kellomx jit˙allew jisparaw fuq Ωew© speçi ta’ tajr – il-gamiem u s-summien – matul 1-20 nofstanhar f’April. Anke li kieku m’g˙addietx tal-’IVA’, ilkaççatturi xorta jibqg˙u g˙addejjin bil-kaçça g˙al ˙ames xhur matul il-˙arifa u x-Xitwa. Tal-’IVA’ kisbu 126,434 tal-voti mitfug˙a, u tal-’LE’ 124,214. Kellna kampanja tar-referendum missielta, b’tal-‘ LE’, l-aktar li jag˙mlu emfasi li mhux

sew li l-gamiem u s-summien jinqatlu flista©un meta dawn ikunu sejrin ibejtu, kif ukoll li fir-Rebbieg˙a l-kampanja g˙andha tkun miftu˙a g˙all-publiku li skont huma filjiem tal-kaçça wie˙ed ma setax iΩur çerti postijiet min˙abba l-kaççaturi. Min-na˙a tal-’IVA’ sostnew li l-kaççaturi kellhom id-dritt jippratikaw id-delizju tag˙hom. Sa˙qu wkoll li f’pajjiΩi o˙ra fl-Unjoni Ewropeja ssir il-kaçça mhux biss fuq it-tajr imma wkoll fuq l-bhejjem u li mhux sewwa li min˙abba xi ftit rashom s˙una, je˙lu lkaççaturi kollha. Il-mexxejja tal-Partit Laburista u dak Nazzjonalista ikkonfermaw li kienu se jivvutaw ‘IVA’ (favur id-deroga), imma ma taw lebda direttiva kif wie˙ed kellu jivvota. L-Alternattiva Demokratika ˙ar©et favur il-‘LE’. Sintendi Ω-Ωew© na˙at g˙amlu minn kollox biex jiksbu l-appo©© ta’ nies prominenti. Fost dawn spikka l-fatt, li fejn ˙afna drabi l-

membri tal-kleru jippruvaw joqog˙du lura fi kwestjonijiet b˙al dawn, g˙add ta’ patrijiet GiΩwiti taw l-appo©© tag˙hom lill-tal-‘LE’. Il-©urnali taw spazju konsiderevoli liΩΩew© na˙at. Sa mill-ewwel kampjun tal-voti deher li tal’IVA’ reb˙u l-ma©©oranza, bil-kelliema tal‘LE’ mill-ewwel jikkonçedu telfa. Ir-referendum dwar il-kaçça kien wie˙ed abrogattiv li jfisser li kuntrarju g˙al referenda o˙raj r-riΩultat kellu jorbot lill-Gvern. Il-Prim Ministru g˙amilha çara li r-reb˙a g˙all-kaççaturi ©abet ukoll responsabbilta’ u wissihom li mal-ewwel inçident kontra l-li©i jag˙laq l-ista©un. L-ista©un g˙all-kaçça dis-sena kellu jifta˙ tlett ijiem wara r-riΩultat, fl-14 ta’ April.

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday April 14, 2015

Mix-xena tal-˙ajja Maltija 2

Pro©ett li jg˙aqqad lil Malta mal-grid Ewropew tal-ener©ija


har il-Óamis li g˙adda ©ie fis-se˙˙ pro©ett ie˙or li g˙andu jg˙in lil Malta ssa˙˙a˙ is-sors ta’ ener©ija tag˙ha meta ©ie uffiçjalment inawgurat l-hekk mag˙ruf b˙ala interconnector li jg˙aqqad lil Malta mal-grid Ewropew permezz ta’ cable ta’ madwar 100km f’qieg˙ il-ba˙ar bejn Marina di Ragusa (Sqallija) u t-Terminal Station tal-Enemalta fil-Mag˙tab. Permezz tal-interconnector Malta ng˙aqdet mal-grid Ewropew biex tikseb sors ie˙or ta’ ener©ija u tissa˙˙a˙ is-sigurta` tal-provvista tal-elettriku. Se jkun jista’ jipprovdi lil Malta

b’200 megawatt ta’ ener©ija. L-inawgurazzjoni saret millPrim Minstru Joseph Muscat u l-mistieden speçjali, il-Prim Ministru Taljan Matteo Renzi li ©ew milqug˙a mill-Ministru talEner©ija Malti Konrad Mizzi. Ix-xog˙ol infrastrutturali talpro©ett li kien ilu ma˙sub mill2010, kien beda f’Malta fl-ewwel kwart tal-2012, u wara li fl2013 inkisbu l-permessi u sar xi tibdil, f’Diçembru tal-2013 beda jitqieg˙ed il-fibre optic cable. PreΩenti wkoll g˙all-inawgurazzjoni kien hemm ukoll l-eks Prim Ministru Lawrence Gonzi. F’diskors g˙all-okkaΩjoni, Jos-

eph Muscat irringrazzja lil Gonzi li, tas-sehem importanti tieg˙u biex jibda l-pro©ett li sewa spiΩa kapitali kbira. Il-PM Malti ta wkoll ˙ajr lil Renzi u lill-Prim Ministru Taljan ta’ qablu, Enrico Letta, li wara li talab l-g˙ajnuna tag˙hom, ˙admu biex il-pro©ett seta’ jse˙˙. Il-Prim Ministru Renzi ukoll

G˙elqu is-sena tal-Presidenza, Marie Louise Coleiro t˙abbar Festa Palazz b’riΩa il-CCF Il-President ta’ Malta Marie Louise Coleiro Preca li g˙ad kif fakkret is-sena minn meta ng˙atat il-˙atra ˙abbret li bejn id-29 u t-30 ta’ Mejju se ti©I organizzata Festa Palazz li g˙al darb’o˙ra se tkun b’riΩq il-Community Chest Fund. Din se tkun attivita` li tulha lfamilji se jkolhom iç-çans iΩuru l-Palazz ta’ San Anton u anke jiltaqg˙u mal-President f’atmosfera ta’ kultura u tradizzjonijiet Maltin. Attrazzjoni ewlenija waqt Festa Palazz se tkun il-preΩenza ta’ 18-il esebitur ta’ snajja’ u arti©©janat Malti. Fl-istess waqt, il-pubbliku li jattendi se jkollu wkoll iç-çans li kif il-Palazz ta’ San Anton kien jintuża fi żmien l-IngliΩi. Naturalment l-ikel

tipiku Malti mhux se jkun nieqes waqt Festa Palazz. Se jkun hemm ukoll mod kif ji©u mfakkra, l-mitt sena talANZAC u anke l-Ω-Ωmien talewwel gvernatur IngliΩ f’Malta, Sir Alexander Ball. Il-Presidnt ˙a©©et lill-pubbliku biex jattendi g˙al din il-festa li fissritha b˙ala wa˙da ta’ kultura, arti u tradizzjonjiet et b’laqta edukattiva u fuq kollox li se ssir g˙al g˙an nobbli. Sadanittant, biex tfakkar l-ewwel sena ta’ Presidenza, flimkien ma’ Ωew©ha Edgar, Marie-Louise Colerio Ωaret Dar il-Providenza fisSi©©iewi fejn f’April tas-sena l-o˙ra bdiet ix-xoghol tag˙ha li tilu kellha 2441 laqg˙a ma’ kull settur tal-komunita’ Maltija Hiha g˙amlet 20 Ωjara statali

f’20 pajjiΩ, fosthom il-Bel©ju, Franza, il-Polonja, is-Slovenja, is-Slovakkja u l-Vatikan.

Joseph Muscat (lemin) ma’ Lawrence Gonzi (xellug) u Matteo Renzi

tkellem g˙all-okkaΩjoni. Huwa sejja˙ dak il-jum b˙ala wie˙ed storiku, u sa˙aq li dak il-pro©ett hu biss l-ewwel pass g˙al aktar kollaborazzjoni bejn iΩ-Ωew© pajjiΩi fil-qasam tal-ener©ija. Fuq l-istess linja tkellem ilMinistru Konrad Mizzi li wkoll sostna li l-pro©ett tassew juri lkollaborazzjoni bejn Malta u lItalja. Hu semma wkoll li l-Unjoni Ewropeaj g˙andha tissokta tiddiversifika s-sistemi tal-ener©ija, anke permezz ta’ interconnections, mhux biss bejn il-pajjiΩi Ewropej imma anke ma’ o˙rajn.


Unit 6, 4-6 Commercial Crt, Tullamarine, Vic., Australia, 3043



A$ 55.00

A$ 85.00

1 Carton A$120 2 Cartons A$180 3 Cartons A$220

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*Prices quoted are from receival at our depot to arrival port Malta *Destination Port fees will apply. Storage or duties, if any, may also apply.

Il-President Marie Louise Coleir Preca flimkien ma’ Ωew©ha Edgar t˙abbar lattivita’ Festa Palazz




TEL: 21338161 FAX: 21334188

16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 14, 2015

A quick glimpse at Australia

Population growth ydney will be the first S city to reach the 5 million mark, but Mel-

bourne is closing the gap. It has the largest population growth of all the capitals in the last financial year, increasing by 95,700 to reach 4.4 million. Projections have Melbourne overtaking Sydney as Australia’s biggest city in 2056. By then both cities will be home to more than 8 million people. But neither city can lay claim to being the fastest-growing capital of Australia. That title is currently held by Perth, which grew by 2.5 per cent in 2013-14. Capital cities account for almost 80 per cent of Australia’s population growth in 2013-14. Seven of the country’s top 10 growth areas were in the outer

suburbs of Greater Melbourne. The ten largest growth areas last financial year were all in the Sydney metropolitan area, as the city absorbed 77 per cent of NSW’s population increase. Eight of the ten most densely populated neighbourhoods in Australia are in the innerSydney. Pyrmont-Ultimo topped that list with 15,000 people per square kilometre, followed by Potts Point-Woolloomooloo (13,700), Darlinghurst (13,400) and Surry Hills (13,300). The geographic centre of Sydney’s population was the suburb of Emington, near the Parramatta River. The population of NSW grew by 109,100 last financial year to 7.52 million.

Minimum wage


he Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) is urging the Fair Work Commission to increase the national minimum wage by $27 a week, raising it to $667.90 to avoid inequality in Australia. However, AIG chief executive Innes Willox said raising minimum wages beyond a modest amount would damage Australia’s competitiveness. ACTU secretary Dave Oliver said there were signs of “a working poor with financial stress, deprivation and poverty on the rise among low paid workers”. The Australian Industry Group’s submission to Fair Worker Commission’s annual wage review recommends a 1.6 per cent increase, which would raise the weekly minimum wage, now $640.90 by just $10.25.

NSW State Ministers with the Governor of NSW after their appointment

New cabinet sworn in after the NSW State election n his 47th birthday, Premier of ment. The cabinet was sworn in by O NSW Mike Baird announced a the NSW Governor David Hurley in cabinet tailor-made to implement a ceremony held in the grand ball-

his election policy to partially privatise the NSW electricity network and $20 billion infrastructure plan in a major reshuffle after the reelection of the Coalition govern-

room of Government House Sydney (see picture). We now have the first woman Treasurer in Gladys Berejiklian and the first female Attorney General in Gabrielle Upton. The combination of Baird and Berejiklian (Deputy Prehe historical victory mier) at the top is reby Labor’s Annastacia garded as formidable. Palaszczuk in the State Both are strong performQueensland Election is on ers. The new Treasurer shaky ground after eight will be responsible for weeks. Her one seat major- overseeing the electricity ity government vanished transaction; the first after Bill Gordon (left) a tranche of which – the Labor MP for Cook, a seat 99-year lease of Transbased on the Cape York grid – is expected to be admitted to a secret crimi- under way next month. nal history and resigned from the party amid allegations of It took more than 11 domestic violence. (see also Perspective on page 10) days to get a final result Gordon resigned from the party but has now declared for the March 28 State that he will not resign his Parliamentary seat and would election in the Legislative Assemble: The Liberal still support the Queensland Labor Government. The Premier leads a minority government courtesy of Party finished with 37 the support of the independent Speaker Peter Wellington. seats (there was a 3.5 perThe seat of Cook has a large Aborigine and Torres Strait cent swing against them) islander popu- The National Party won lation and 17 seats (with a 2.0 swing apart from against them) for a total being captur- of 54 seats. The Liberal ed by the Con- and the National govern servatives in as a coalition. the 2012 swing The Labor Party won 33 to Campbell seats with a swing in their Newman, it favour of 8.5 per cent. has been Lab- The Greens won 3 seats. or since 1977. The results in the LegislaMr. Gordon, tive Council (Upper Hoan Aborigine use) as we go to press are won it in Feb- still not finalised however ruary with a predictions are that LNP 6.77 per cent will win 9 seats, Labor 7, two-party pre- Greens 2, Shooters/Fishferred margin. ers 1 and the CDF 1.

Trouble in Queensland T

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday April 14, 2015

A quick glimpse at Australia

Richie Benaud, Australia’s ‘Voice of Cricket’ dies at 84


ormer Australia cricket captain and broadcaster, Richie Benaud (right), affectionately known as the 'voice of cricket', has died at the age of 84 after battling skin cancer, prompting a flood of tributes from around the world. Benaud, an Australian cricket legend, died in his sleep in a Sydney hospice late on Thursday. He was widely seen as the most influential figure in post-war cricket. He was so highly regarded that Prime Minister Tony Abbott offered his family a state funeral. He said Benaud's loss was a “sad day for Australia”. Benaud built his reputation as a commentator following an outstanding playing career in which he took 945 wickets in 259 first-class matches and made 11,719 firstclass runs. Last November Benaud said he was fighting a skin cancer on his head and his

public appearances became rare in recent years. Cricket Australia chairman Wally Ed-

wards said in a statement: "Our country has lost a national treasure,” Flags flew at half-mast at the Sydney Cricket Ground, Benaud's home as a first-class cricketer for New South Wales, and flowers were laid at his statue at the venue.

The Sydney Royal Easter Show: Where city meets country


he Sydney Royal Easter Show, also known as the Royal Easter Show is the largest event held in Australia, and the sixth largest in the world. It is an annual show held in Sydney, NSW over two weeks around Easter. It is run by the Royal Agricultural Society of New South Wales and was first held in 1823. Queen Victoria, (1837–1901), awarded the society and its show the right to use the word "Royal" in its name. The Show is historically an event where “city meets country” and the rural industries of Australia can be shown and celebrated once a year. The Show comprises an agricultural show, an amusement park and a fair, and combines the elements of each, showcasing the judging of livestock and produce. This comprehensive fair has many competitions including arts and crafts, photography and cookery, as well as tests of strength and skill such as wood chopping. The Show also has shopping, restaurants, commercial stands and exhibits, a horticultural display, a national accredited conformation dog show and cat show, and stage and arena shows. The Show currently attracts more than one million people per year. The first Easter Show was held in 1823 by the newly formed Agricultural Society of New South Wales with the aim of encouraging the colony's rural industries. The site was at Parramatta, 24 kilometres west of the town of Sydney, and the display included horses, cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry. In 1869, the venue was moved from Parramatta to Prince Alfred Park until 1881 when the Government of New South Wales provided land for the Royal Agricultural Society at Moore Park where the show was held for 116 years. In 1998, the Show moved to a new showground in Sydney Olympic Park at Homebush Bay.The former Sydney Showground at Moore Park has since been converted

into Fox Studios Australia with associated development known as The Entertainment Quarter. The Show has been held every year since 1869 except during the severe outbreak of the Spanish flu in 1919 and between the years of 1942 and 1946 when it was interrupted by the war. Bringing the country to the city each year to celebrate the best Australia has to offer, the Show attracts 800,000 people this year even with some rainy days. From the action-packed international rodeo, woodchop and polo competitions, to carnival rides, nightly fireworks and live entertainment, animal nursery and animals on display, arts and crafts, 400 retail outlets and over 160 food outlets offering Australia's finest as well as a range of international cuisine, the Show has something for everybody.

MICHELLE ROWLAND MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR GREENWAY Proudly serving the areas of: Acacia Gardens, Blacktown*, Girraween, Glenwood, Kellyville Ridge, Kings Langley, Kings Park, Lalor Park, Parklea, Pendle Hill, Prospect*, Quakers Hill*, Riverstone, Rouse Hill*, Schofields, Seven Hills, Stanhope Gardens, The Ponds, Toongabbie*, Vineyard *Parts of

230 Prospect Hwy, Seven Hills 2147 Ph: 9671 4780 Email: Twitter: @mrowlandmp

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 14, 2015

Kantant ta’ nisel Malti jisraq ix-xena fil-Viva Multicultural Festival

˙al darb’o˙ra din is-sena, b˙ala parti miç-çelebrazzjonijiet tal-Cultural Diversity Week, il-Victorian Multicultural Commission organizzat il-Viva Multicultural Festival fil-Federation Square, fil-Belt ta’ Melbourne. Din hi okkaΩjoni li a˙na li ng˙ixu f’din l-art fost armonija kbira - g˙alkemm hawn g˙add kbir ta’ nies minn nazzjonijiet differenti - nie˙du gost biha. KwaΩi kwart talpopolazzjoni ta’ Victoria twieldet barra mill-Awstralja u dan l-istat sar id-dar il-©dida g˙al residenti minn 180 pajjiΩ differenti li jitkellmu b’aktar minn 233 lingwa u djaletti u jipprattikaw 116-il reli©joni differenti. S’issa g˙adna nifta˙u li ng˙ixu fil-paçi. Dan il-festival li nzerta f’jum sabi˙ u s˙un kien organizzat tajjeb ˙afna u ©ibed lejh folla kbira. Kien hemm ˙afna x’wiehed seta’ jara u anke jag˙mel, ibda mit-tfal sal-anzjani. Il-jum ©ie mΩewwaq ukoll bil-muΩika u kull xorta ta’ ikel tradizzjonali minn pajjiΩi differenti, arti, snajja Ωfin, sports clinics, language workshops u affarijiet o˙ra. Il-muΩika ©iet ipprovduta minn Jason Heerah tal-X-Factor u lChosen Ones, Melbourne Bahrangra Regiment u l-kantant Malti, Nicky “Bomba” li jien u sie˙bi Mario Sammut konna ˙abbarna li se jkun preΩenti meta tkelimna dwar il-festival fuq ir-radju, flimkien ma’ Bustamento. Minn dejjem kont ng˙id li ˙asra li f’avvenimenti b˙al dawn fejn naraw ˙afna nazzjonijiet jie˙du sehem, ftit li xejn ikun U˙ud miΩ-Ωeffiena hemm parteçipazzjoni mill-Ko- li ferr˙u lill-folla munita` Maltija. Imma did-darba ˙adna gost naraw lil Nicky “Bomba” jie˙u udjenza li dik kienet g˙anja Maltija, sehem, li fost l-o˙rajn kanta kanznetti bil- imbag˙ad fost applaws kbir, kanta wkoll Malti, fosthom, “Dg˙ajsa ©ejja u o˙ra il-verΩjoni tag˙ha bl-IngliΩ. sejra”. F’nofs il-kanzunetta, g˙arraf lillIl-kantant Malti g˙amilna kburin bis-


Il-kantant ta’ nisel Malti, Nicky “Bomba” li spikka waqt il-festival sehem tieg˙u fil-festival fejn l-atmosfera ssoktat tiΩΩejjen bis-sehem ta’ tant nies ta’ nazzjonijiet differenti li wkoll Ωifnu g˙allmuΩika ta’ Nicky. Óafna minnhom ukoll xtraw CDs tal-kantant, imwieled Nicholas Caruana minn ©enituri Maltin. Missier Nicky, Nikol huwa wkoll kantant u ftit taΩ-Ωmien ilu kien anke ˙are© CD b’kanzunetti Maltin li ˙afna minnhom jindaqqu fil-programmi tal-Malti fuq ir-radju 3ZZZ. Paul Vella

Lura lejn l-img˙oddi Meta konna Ωg˙ar, g˙al dawk li kienu jg˙ixu G˙awdex jew f’u˙ud mill-ir˙ula ta’ Malta, il-mer˙la tal-mog˙oΩΩ kienet xi ˙a©a komuni. G˙adda Ω-Ωmien u mhux biss m’g˙adekx tara l-mer˙liet tal-mog˙oΩ g˙addejjin fittoroq tal-ir˙ula Maltin u G˙awdxin, imma hija rarita’ li tara mqar mog˙Ωa wa˙da. Imma wara li donnu saret gwerra bierda lill-mog˙oΩ, bejn min˙abba çertu mard assoçjat ma’ dawn il-bhejjem, u jew g˙ax il-˙alib tag˙hom ma baqax popolari, issa f’daqqa wa˙da donnu beda jikber l-interess f’dan l-annimal. F’Malta re©a beda jidher fis-suq il-˙alib u l-©obon, impurtat, tal-mog˙oΩ. Tfaççaw ukoll il-©bejniet, fosthom dawk li g˙adha kif bdiet tipproduçi ditta G˙awdxija, u prodotti o˙ra, li llum trid ˙allas g˙alihom prezz tajjeb biex tixtrihom. Donnu li dan l-interess ©did fil-mog˙Ωa Maltija... mog˙Ωa li g˙andha kuluri partikulari – i©ifieri ras sewda

u ©isem abjad, qed i˙ajjar ukoll it-tnissil ta’ aktar gidien. (G˙al min ma jafx il-gidi huwa Ω-Ωg˙ir(il-wild) talmog˙Ωa u r-ra©el tag˙ha l-bodbod). Infatti f’G˙awdex sar tentattiv g˙at-tnissil ta’ din ilbhima u fir-razzet tal-Gvern tax-Xewkija twieled l-ewwel gidi. Dan x’aktarx se jkun l-ewwel minn sensiela ta’ gidien li mistennija jitnisslu f’dan ir-razzett. Il-gidien ta' Malta, kienu tista' tg˙id sparixxew g˙al kollox mill-GΩejjer Maltin li ma kienx g˙al ftit li hemm firrazzett sperimentali tal-gvern fl-G˙ammieri.

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday April 14, 2015

DUN FRANS CAMILLERI (Il-fotografu ta’ Dun Karm) kittieb, poeta (1919-1990)


un Frans Camilleri twieled il-Marsa fid-29 ta’ Jannar 1919 u studja fl-iskola tal-Gvern u fis-St Paul’s School. Huwa ssokta l-istudji tieg˙u fis-Seminarju tal-Furjana u l-Università ta’ Malta fejn g˙amel il-Kors tat-Teolo©ija. Ìie ordnat saçerdot fl1943 u baqa’ jqaddes kuljum fil-Knisja ta’ Santu Nuzzu, il-Óamrun, li tag˙ha kien Rettur g˙al ˙afna snin. Bejn is-snin 1944-1964 g˙allem il-Malti fis-Seminarju u fil-Kulle©© San Alwi©i. Dun Frans kien attiv f’g˙add ta’ g˙aqdiet letterarji, fosthom lG˙aqda ta’ Qari Tajjeb li tag˙ha kien segretarju u editur g˙al ˙afna snin, u fl-Akkademja tal-Malti. Kien l-ewwel editur tar-rivista tal-Azzjoni Kattolika Il-˙u©©ie©a u Lil ˙utna, ir-rivista ma˙suba g˙all-emigranti Maltin. In˙atar Assistent EkkleΩjastiku tas-St Thomas Moore Circle u kien Direttur Spiritwali ta’ bosta g˙aqdiet. Dun Frans kiteb mal-500 innu g˙al parroċċi, skejjel, g˙aqdiet reli©juΩi u lajċi – innijiet ispirati mill-˙ajja Maltija kemm reli©juΩa, soċjali u edukattiva, imqanqla b’mod speċjali mill-im˙abba u lqima li kellu lejn il-Madonna u lIr-ritratt tal-poeta nazzjonali Dun Karm mal- qaddisin. kanarin, li Dun Frans baqa’ msemmi g˙alih Il-poeΩiji tieg˙u

dehru mi©burin f’Mo˙ba ta’ Qalb (1945), Fil-Ìnejna tat-Tfulija (1948) – sensiela ta’ poeΩiji g˙at-tfal – Innijiet (1948) u LG˙anja ta’ ˙ajti (1964). Ippubblika wkoll Lejn id-Dawl (1950), ©abra ta’ esejs b’osservazzjonijiet dwar l-edukazzjoni, il-kultura, ir-reli©jon u l-˙ajja soċjali. Dun Frans kellu wkoll g˙al qalbu l-fotografija u kien mag˙ruf sew g˙ar-ritratti li jaqbdu l-ambjent lokali u lpajsa©© Malti. Óafna mir-ritratti tieg˙u dehru f’kartolini u kalendarji. Imma jibqa’ mag˙ruf laktar b˙ala l-fotografu tal-Poeta Nazzjonali, b’mod partikulari g˙ar-ritratt ta’ Dun Karm malkanarin. Tieg˙u wkoll huwa l-film li m’ilux ©ie rrestawrat g˙al fuq DVD mid-Dipartiment tal-InforDun Franz Camilleri mazzjoni, id-dokumentarju bittitlu Dun Karm – Il-Bniedem wara l-Poeta. B˙ala poeta mexa fuq il-passi ta’ Dun Karm, bis-sentiment reli©juΩ jitwa˙˙ad mal-patrija u fi kliemu stess “il-lingwa hija lqalb u r-ru˙ tan-nazzjon”. Óafna mix-xog˙lijiet tieg˙u dehru firrivisti letterarji Il-Malti u Le˙en il-Malti. Dun Frans miet fis-6 ta' Diċembru tal-1990 fl-eta’ ta’ 71 sena

Biex tikteb Malti tajjeb a) L-ittre ie ma tistax tinkiteb ˙lief darba biss fl-istess kelma. EΩ.: bieb iΩda bibien b) (g˙) fil-bidu tal-kelma ma tinstemax. EΩ.: g˙ar, g˙ajn. (g˙) ©ewwa l-kelma tinstema’ ˙

meta jkollha (h). EΩ.: xog˙ol, nag˙©a, iΩda qatag˙ha, waqqag˙hom. (g˙) f’tarf il-kelma tinstema’ ˙ jekk tinkiteb, u ma tinstemax jekk flokha niktbu (‘).

EΩ.: qlug˙. u©ig˙, iΩda biΩa’ xama’, qata’. ç) (h) fil-bidu tal-kelma ma tin˙assx jew inkella kemm kemm. EΩ.: hemm, hemΩa, hieni. (h) ©ewwa l-kelma tin˙ass ˙ jekk ikollha (g˙) ˙dejha nkella ma tinhassx. EΩ.: xahar, xbieha, iΩda mag˙ha, tag˙om. (h) f’tarf il-kelma tin˙ass ˙. EΩ.: fih, uçuh, qatluh. d) Meta Vokali fil-bidu ta’ kelma tkun aççentata din ma tistax titne˙˙a jew tinbidel. EΩ.: rajt ˙afna i©mla; huwa umli.

Ta f x i j f i s s r u d a w n ? p



Opra tal-ba˙ar ftit iΩg˙ar minn luzzu. Il-poppa u l-pruwa jkunu ©ejjin it-tnejn g˙all-ponta. TintuΩa ˙afna g˙as-sajd mhux bog˙od mill-art, fid-da˙liet u l-portijiet u billi tkun baxxa mill-©nub is-sajjied ikun qrib ˙afna wiçç il-ba˙ar.


Dan kien isinn ix-xfafar tas-skieken, l-imqassijiet u g˙odda o˙ra. Kien jag˙mel dan billi jdawwar mola (rota kbira) b’id wa˙da jew inkella billi jag˙fas b’siequ pedala li kienet tkun fl-art, u b’id l-o˙ra jressaq l-o©©ett lejn ir-rota biex isinnu. Kien idur fl-ir˙ula b’karretta mi©buda minn ˙mar. (Tag˙rif me˙ud minn le˙˙ il-Malti tad-Dipartiment tal-Malti fi ˙dan il-Kulle©© San Injazju, Malta)

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 14, 2015

Community News il-Fiera l-Kbira ta’ San Nikola ost il-˙afna attivitajiet F li jorganizza l-kumitat tal-festa ta' San

Nikola ta' Sydney ta’ kull sena hemm il-Fiera l-Kbira li din id-darba saret fil-Good Shephard Parish Hall fi Plumpton. G˙al darb;o˙ra kienet success kbir kif jidher firritratt, tal-folla li attendiet. Il-president Bill Schembri qal lil The Voice of the Maltese li xtaq jag˙ti ˙ajr lil dawk kollha li attendew kif ukoll lil dawk li bil-g˙ajnuna tag˙hom kien possibli li ssir din l-attivita'. L-attivita' li jmiss hija l-Lejla fil-Buskett ilÓadd 18 ta' Ottubru.

AvviΩ: Trid tirreklama?

Il-komunitajiet Maltin fl-Awstralja li jkollhom il-˙sieb li jorganizzaw xi attivita` u jkunu jixtiequ li jg˙arrfu biha lill-qarrejja ta’ The Voice of the Maltese permezz ta’ reklam, huma m˙e©©a biex jibag˙tu t-tag˙rif dwarha lil: kmieni kemm jista’ jkun u mill-inqas ©img˙a qabel tkun se ssir ˙alli jing˙ataw il-pubbliçita’ li jixtiequ fil˙in u ma jo˙or©ux diΩappuntati

La Valette Social Centre Il-Festa ta’ San Ìor© Preca 175, Walter Road Blacktown NSW il-Óadd 3 ta’ Mejju: Il-festa ta’ San Ìor© Preca se ti©i ççelebrata fiç-Çentru Malti ta’ La Valette. Iç-çerimonja tibda fit-3.00p.m. b’riflessjoni dwar il-˙ajja ta’ San Ìor© Preca. Dan ikun film b’kummentarju bil-Malti. Wara ssir quddiesa bl-akkumpanjament tal-kor ta’ La Valette; imbag˙ad issir il-purçissjoni bil-

Tinteressak il-kitba?

Id-direzzjoni ta’ The Voice t˙e©©e© lillqarrejja li j˙ossu li jew g˙andhom talent g˙all-kitba, l-aktar bl-Ilsien Malti, imma mh-ux biss, inkella li ja˙sbu li bi ftit g˙ajnuna jistg˙u jrabbu l-kunfidenza g˙all-kitba, biex jekk u meta iridu, jew jitolbu l-g˙ajnuna tag˙na, inkella sempliçement jibag˙tu xxog˙ol tag˙hom lil: The Voice of the Maltese biex narawh. Email address: Lesti nippublikaw il-kitbiet tag˙kom f’dan il-magazine.

Fuq Radju Malta ( kull nhar ta’ Ìimg˙a fis-2.30 p.m. TippreΩenta Josephine Zammit Cordina

vara ©dida tal-Qaddis Malti. Takkumpanja l-banda OLQP Maltese band. Il-president u l-kumitat ta’ La Valette qed jistiednu lill-g˙aqdiet kollha Maltin g˙al din il-festa u jie˙du mag˙hom il-bandalori jew standardi tag˙hom. Dawk li jixtiequ jattendu g˙andhom jg˙arrfu lil Francis jew iç-Çentru sal-25 ta’ April. Tel.: 9622 5847

Malta Society of New Zealand

We now have a Facebook page that former members are invited to join. It is: Mainly-Maltese-in-Auckland: /Mainly-Maltese-in-Auckland/ 396193070527203?ref=hl. It is open to all who have an interest in the Maltese culture.

L-a˙barijiet tal-PBS (Malta) G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja m˙e©©a li x’˙in iridu jid˙lu fil-website: u jsegwu la˙barijiet ta’ Malta. Din tkun a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bi stejjer li jkunu qed ise˙˙u. Mhux biss, imma min irid isegwi dak li jkun g˙addej, kull filg˙odu ˙in ta' Malta fuq il-website jittellg˙u wkoll l-a˙barijiet tal-jum ta' qabel.

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday April 14, 2015

Community News Lejla M©arrija


Il-Horsley Park Community Social Group, Horsley Park se jorganizzata din il-leja

Maltese Cultural Centre 6, Jeanes Street Beverley S A 5009 Phone Tuesday’s only: 8243 0868. AH: 8254 6988/0421 791 327

Cordially invites you to celebrate Mother’s Day on Saturday May 9 (Hall Entry at 6 pm for 6.30 pm start) Price: $20 Adults, Children Under 12 Years old $15. Includes: supply of band with Self Singers, dinner dessert, and bottles of champaign on tables for celebration. Tea and coffee with some cakes to be supplied late in the night also included in the price. All drinks can be bought from the Guild Bar for the normal Guild cheap prices. Entertainment provided by 2nd Take Band Book early as that day is very close. This event is being organised on the request of some of the members Book your seats From the president, Joe Briffa (Tel.: 8254 6988 or 0421 791 327), the secretary Rita Bornhoeft (Tel.: 8248 1008 or 0401 860 632), the v/president Mary Craus (Tel.:8281 2329 or 0420 699 617). All are welcome Email: Website:

MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW Maltese language teachers wanted: paid positions

Learn Maltese!

Classes are available for students from 6 years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island. Classes at: HORSLEY PARK - SEVEN HILLS - LUDDENHAM

For more information and enquiries Call Mary on 9601 2189 Or email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

g˙all-iM©arrin u l-Óbieb Nhar is-Sibt 25 ta’ April f’Mandavilla Events Centre Horsley Drive, Horsley Park Divertiment ipprovdut minn Charlie Muscat u Joe Xuereb Mistednin speçjali: Natasha Vella u Martin Vella $65.00 kull persuna li tinkludi Antipasto Malti, ikla ta’ tlett korsi, birra, inbid, soft drinks te` u kafe`. Ikun hemm: “Lucky Door Prize”, “Raffle”, wirja ta’ ritratti u ˙afna iktar.

Biex tibbukkja çempel lil: Theresa Quattromani 0402-178781, jew Josephine Borg 0402-040-954

Il-qlieg˙ kollu jmur g˙all-Cancer Council



The Cittadini....Present: . .

Zwieg Bla Hsieb

Sunday April 19 at 2.00 Wentworth Leagues Club

Special guest, direct from Melbourne:

George Spiteri

For tickets: Monica: 9896 0712 or 0414 859386; Doris: 9636 2295 Donation of $12. Kids: ¢6.00 Iç-Çittadini sponsored by: MALTA TRAVEL

One good turn deserves another


edication we have lots of; when it comes to time, we find it as when dedicatiing oneself to a cause, it’s there. A third ingredient needed to produce an online magazine such as The Voice of the Maltese is financial. To offset that, of late, the production team has been seeking sponsors to help us share that burden with us. Some have responded positively by advertising the services they offer to their clients on our publication. There is need for more, but at least it’s a start. We call upon others to follow them. One good turn deserves another; therefore in return, our readers too have a part to play. They are therefore urged to use the services and buy products of those sponsoring The Voice of the Maltese.


Kull qalb trid o˙ra

iex tipproduçi magazine b˙al dan, li wara kollox hu frott tal-passjoni li g˙andna biex inwasslu t-tag˙rif lill-Maltin barra minn art twelidhom, ma jin˙tie©x biss xog˙ol u ˙in, imma wkoll spejjeΩ. Biex jittaffew u˙ud mill-ispejjeΩ nippruvaw insibu sponsors ˙alli jg˙inuna. G˙ad m’g˙andniex biΩΩejjed minnhom, imma bdejna, u ta’ min jag˙tihom ˙ajr. Kull qalb trid o˙ra, g˙alhekk in˙e©©u lill-qarrejja biex i©ibu dan quddiem g˙ajnejhom u kemm jista’ jkun juΩaw is-servizzi u/jew jixtru l-prodotti ta’ dawk li qed jirreklamaw/jisponsorjaw fil-magazine.

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 14, 2015

Community News Tune In to Radio and Television

Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merhba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programme Sunday at 11am 2GLF FM 89.3, or

on demand:

In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Program on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:

Maltese Programmes on TV and Web

The GDAY MALTAUSSIE SHOW on TVS is broadcast in Sydney Every Saturday at 2pm. Repeats on Mondays 5 pm and Tuesdays 7.30 am Watch direct via HYPERLINK:;


Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Fi programm ta’ sieg˙a nhar ta’ Óadd fil-11.00 ikun fih l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess g˙allMaltin On SBS Radio - Day Time Analogue Digital Tuesday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3 Thursday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3 Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard on digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38 and SBS. Radio 3 is on Channel 39. Analogue is the present FMwavelength. Digital radio can also be accessed by a smart phone and/or by going online at HYPERLINK:, VIVA MALTA VIVA MALTA on Central Coast Radio: on April 23rd - from 6 pm -7 pm on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford NSW. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on:

L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.05 am on SBS2

Follow The Voice of the Maltese online magazine every fortnight and also join us on our facebook page.

Meetings of Day Care Maltese Groups in NSW Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month from10:00am to 12 noon. The group meets in the Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.

Daceyville Maltese Seniors Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Come and join us and make new friends..

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am

Llandillo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of the month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1pm.

Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of the month n the George Preca Centre of

Maltese Community Council NSW Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre, 59b Franklin Street (cr with Young Street) Mays Hill NSW. Phone: 02 98220228 Group Meetings for Maltese living at the Central Coast: are held every second Monday of each month from 10 am to 12 at Wyong RSL, cnr Anzac & Margaret Street Wyong

For more information Tel: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652 Maltese Community Council of NSW would like to announce that the current course for seniors in Computer skills is veing held every Friday from 10am to 12 noon at the Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre (AFMRC). Phone Emanuel Camilleri on 0409744 376 or 98220 228. Places are limited so you must book.

The Maltese Language School of NSW The Maltese Language School of NSW invites applications for Maltese language classes at the Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre located at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young Street) Mays Hill (next to Parramatta West Public School). Both young and adult students may apply. For more information contact Mary Pace-Feraud on 9601 2189 or email: OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Ongoing: We meet every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm Our Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining. Come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298

*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW). Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street Mays Hill NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School)

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Tuesday April 14, 2015


100 Jackson Street, Marsden Park, NSW 2765 Ph: 02 9838 1111 Email: President: George Zahra 0407434651 Secretary: Robin McGarrigle 0407701004

GEORGE CROSS FALCONS CLUB Inc. (25-27 Lake Ave Cringila NSW 2502, (02) 4273 0906

Seniors’ Day Every Monday


IL-klabb se jorganizza Dinner Dance g˙al Jum l-Omm nhar is-Sibt 9 ta’ Mejju fis- 7.00pm fil-klabb stess, f’100 Jackson St. Marsden Park. -------------------------------------------------------Se jkun hemm 3-course meal b˙al ta’ New Year’s Eve bil-©elat b˙ala deserta. Xorb ie˙or inkluΩ alcohol jista’ jinxtara mill-bar. -------------------------------------------------------Id-divertiment se ji©i pprovdut nill-Brandy Rock ‘n Roll Band ---------------------------------------------Prezz: Kbar $45; Tfal ta˙t it-12-il sena $20 G˙al tag˙rif u biljetti: Mary Said: 0421 285 698, jew George Zahra: 0407 424 651

MALTESE PAST PUPILS and FRIENDS OF DON BOSCO NSW Spiritual Retreat - Sunday May 3: a retreat at Somersby in the Central Coast

A bus is to be organised to the beautiful surrounds of St Francis of Assisi Retreat Centre, Lutana Rd, Somersby. The retreat will be in English and past pupils and parishioners of St Marys are very welcome to join us. Bus leaves Wenty Leagues Club at 8.30am. Back by 5.30pm. For bookings, contact Christine Sapienza on 9822 7549.

SAINT NICHOLAS FESTA COMMITTEE Important dates for the remainder of 2015

Sunday July 5: Lejla fil-Buskett ; Sunday October 18: Spring Fiera; Sunday December 6: Feast of St Nicholas For further information call Bill Schembri: 0416 261 415.

Home-made cooked two-course meal, tea and coffee Bingo and dancing lessons Computers available for usage. Cost only $5.00. Sponsored by MCCI Illawarra. Phone 42 746121 and leave a message

The Voice is not just a news portal;

We comment,..... We get your message across... We fight for your rights...... We believe in freedom of expression... and we are read in the right places.

St Helena Maltese/Aust. SC Full Programme for 2015 APRIL 18 (Saturday): Function at Albion MAY 2 (Saturday): Mother’s Day function at Melrose MAY 16 (Saturday): Function at Albio MAY 24: (Sunday): Half yearly meet t Parkville JUNE 20: (Saturday): Function at Albion JULY 18: (Saturday): Function at Albion AUGUST 21: (Friday): Feast Mass at Ardeer AUGUST 22: (Saturday): Feast dinner dance at Melrose AUGUST 23: (Sunday): 35th Anniversary feast at Ardeer SEPTEMBER 19: (Saturday): Functioin at Albion OCTOBER 24: (Saturday): Function at Parkville OCTOBER 25: (Sunday): AGM meet at Parkville NOVEMBER 14: (Saturday): Function at Holy Eucharist DECEMBER 19: (Saturday): Xmas function at Melrose. (For bookings or more information phone Victor: 0412 99 13 25)

UTS Sydney - Free English classes As part of its Teachers Training for 2015, the University of Technology (UTS) Sydney - Insearch is offering free English classes designed to improve one’s speaking and listening skills. Following is the programme for this year:

Up till May 28 (6.00pm-8.00pm Tuesday & Thursday evening) July 6 - July 31 (1.30pm to 3.30 pm Monday to Friday) August 11 - October 15 (6.00p.m8.00pm Tuesday & Thursday evening) October 20 -December 23 (6.00pm8.00pm Tuesday & Thursday evening) If interested call 92188646, fax 92114334 or email: Student Centre, Ground Floor, 187 Thomas Street Sydney NSW 2000 (corner Quay & Thomas Street Chinatown). Students must be at least 16 years old


18 Day Fly – Cruise – Stay – Tour Commencing September 19, 2015 Visiting Perth – Bali – Thailand – Malaysia – Singapore. Fantastic Tour – Great value – All inclusive from $3650 p/p Proceeds to be donated to Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta. For brochure or bookings call Jim Borg on (02) 9636 7767. Note: Donations to Id-Dar tal-Providenza can now be made in Australia at any Commonwealth Bank. A/C Name: Friends of Providence House NSW BSB: 062 416 A/C No. 10199448 This will save you the normal bank fees. Please supply name and address so an acknowledgement can be issued. Proudly supported by: Cnr Main & Campbell Sts, Blacktown. Contact George Vella Tel (02) 9622 7799



24 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 14, 2015


Photo courtesy of FOOTBALL NSW

Unveiling of Valentine Sports Park marks new era for Football NSW S ignalling a new era for football, the Home of Football at Valentine Sports Park has been officially opened. The $22 million dollar redevelopment multi-purpose facility and headquarters of Football NSW, which has played host to some of the biggest names in Australian football for the past 20 years, was officially unveiled during Football NSW’s Skill Acquisition Programme Gala Day. The upgrade, which took an 18-month renovation process, includes two new synthetic surfaces, stadium quality grass pitch, spectator seating, amenities for players, officials and spectators, an administration block and learning centre, renovated accommodation block, futsal court, gymnasium and café, which provides facilities for country NSW, interstate and international teams to play and train. The venue is also designed to service the sport and recreation needs of the local community, with netball, volleyball, handball and basketball already making use of the facilities, in addition to the swimming pool that houses learn to swim classes. Football NSW CEO Eddie Moore acknowledged the original founder of this historic facility, the late

Malta Premier League Football

Hibs regain 9-pt lead as B’kara lose ground ith Birkirkara dropping two W points, Hibernians took advantage of B’kara’s unexpected draw aga-

inst Qormi to increase their lead at the top of the tablewith one point, to nine from Valletta whose win over Floriana helped them leapfrog over Birkirkara to become Hibs’ nearest challengers. Balzan have a chance to strengthen their hold on fourth position if they win against Ûebbu© in their Monday noght late kick off match. STANDING (from 28 matches): Hibs 49 pts; Valletta 40; Birkirkara 39; Balzan 30; Floriana 29; Sliema 22; Mosta 20; Naxxar 18; Qormi 15; Pieta, Ûebbu© 12; Taxien 11.

Charles Valentine and his forward thinking on giving the game such an invaluable investment. “This multi-million dollar Home of Football was all made possible thanks to the vision and generosity of Charles Valentine. “It was really down to the hard work and determination of Charles that we find ourselves here today and able to celebrate the opening of this magnificent venue. “I would also like to thank both the Federal and State Government for their financial contribution towards this exciting project.” FFA CEO David Gallop welcomed the state-ofthe-art facility and reiterated the important role Football NSW and Valentine Sports Park played in the growth and development of the beautiful game. It is estimated that over 200,000 people will pass through the venue every year. Moore envisages this to further grow in years Drago/Cini get beaten to come. Mark Stavroulakis

Results Round 29 Hibernians v Sliema W


Jorge dS Pereira 2, Luis AL Melo, JP Farrugia, Jurgen Degabriele

Birkirkara v Qormi


Nassir Maachi, Nicola Vukanac (B); Alfred Effiong 2 (1 pen)

Valletta v Floriana


Mosta v Pieta H.


Luke Dimech a, Hamza Barry (V); G

Ian Zammit 2 (1 pen), Udo Fortune (M); Orosco Anonam, Claudio Frqances (P)

Balzan v Ûebbu© R Naxxar L. v Tarxien R.


Results Round 28 Hibernians v Mosta

5-0 2-0

Nicola Vukanac, Haruna S. Shodiya

Valletta v Naxxar L.


Balzan v Pieta H.


Abdelkarim Nafti

Gianmarco Piccioni, Lydon Micallef, Bojan Kaljevic

Floriana v Ûebbu© R


Vito Plut, Matteo Piciollo, Manuel Briffa (F): Rashid Yussuff (Z)

Sliema W. v Qormi


ony Drago and Brian Cini (Malta 3) who carried the hopes of Malta in the final of the Europeans Men’s Team Snooker Champion-ships held in Malta found the going much too tough in the end against Ireland 2 (Michael Judge-Robert Murphy). Despite the whole-hearted support of the Maltese snooker enthusiasts, Drago-Cini surrendered the title to the Irish who beat them 5-3.

Australia A-League

Jorge dS Pereira 2, Luis AL Melo, JP Farrugia, Jurgen Degabriele

Birkirkara v Tarxien R.

for Euro Snooker title



Football: PS4 NPL 1 NSW

Parramatta find going very tough

he Eagles of Parramatta T have had a tough initiation to Men's 1 after the high of

their first round win over Marconi, which has been their only victory from four outings for a total of three points to share ninth position two point ahead of the bottom team. Round 5 Sydney U v Parramatta FC 1-0 Blacktown S v v South Coast 1-1 Sutherland v Brownrigg 1-2 Sydney O. v Rockdale CS * Blacktown C v Appia LT 3-1 Marconi S. v Manly U. 0-2


Round 4

Parramatta FC v Sutherland Brownrigg v Blacktown C Manly U. v Blacktown S Rockdale CS v Marconi Appia LT v Sydney O. Sydney U v South Coast W

* * 2-1 0-1 2-2 5-1

PS4 NPL 2 NSW Macarthur R v Mounties W * Mounties W. v Bankstown B 0-2 * washed out

FFA Cup Eagles in next Round thanks to shoot-out *The FFA Cup dream died for some and stayed alive for others. In a goal-spattered fourth preliminary round NSW Parramatta Eagles were pushed to the limit by Southern Bulls but they won 5-4 on penalties at Melita Stadium after the game had finished 3-3 after extra time.

Home defeats for top three

ound 25 was disappointing for the top teams as only Sydney from the top six in the standing were on the winning side. Of the others, Melbourne V, Perth, and

Adelaide all lost at home; Wellington drew away to Melbuourne C. As a result, three teams, Victory Sydney and Perth share first position with 44 points.

Round 25 Melbourne Vic. v Newcastle Jets 0-1 Perth Glory v v Sydney FC 0-3 Adelaide U v Brisbane R. 2-3 Central Coast v Western Syd. 1-0 Melbourne City v Wellington 0-0

Round 24 Brisbane Roar v Central Coast

Western Syd. v Melbourne City Sydney FC v Adelaide U Wellington v Melbourne Vic. Newcastle Jets v Perth Glory

6-1 1-1 0-1 0-3 0-2

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