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Eamon Buckley Facebook

"Someone I could say nothing but nice things about" - Galway village devastated by death of local GAA star in Croatia

Eamon Buckley (19) lost his life tragically yesterday in Split, Croatia.

A STUNNED LOCAL community in Co Galway is today paying tribute to 19-year-old Eamon Buckley, who tragically lost his life yesterday in Split, Croatia.

Eamon had been visiting a music festival in the eastern European country with friends when the accident occurred.

“We’re devastated, there’s no other word for it, the whole place just can’t believe it,” said Martin Cooke, chairman of the local Moycullen GAA club, for whom Eamon had played all his life.

“Eamon and his twin brother (Liam) played football all the way up through underage. He had just started training with the 21s in January and February,” he said.

I was lucky enough to be coaching him.  He was an absolutely lovely lad – a quiet unassuming guy who barely needed to be coached, never needed to be told anything, he would do whatever was asked of him.
He was a real gent, I could say nothing but nice things about Eamon.
He played with my own son, he was just in his first year of college. We just can’t believe it.

Local Fianna Fáil councillor Noel Thomas said Eamon’s death was “an absolute tragedy”.

“Everyone is just devastated by the news. Eamon lived just round the corner from me.

My heartfelt condolences go out to his family.

The accident happened early yesterday morning after Eamon apparently fell from a boat into the city’s harbour.

His body was recovered from the sea by divers just before 10am yesterday after a seven-hour search.

The Department of Foreign Affairs has confirmed it is aware of the incident and is working with the Irish embassy in Zagreb to provide consular assistance to the Eamon’s family.

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